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Process Based Quality Manual

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Version 00, 04.01.2010
For internal use only. This document contains
confidential and proprietary information of XII.
It may not be copied or reproduced without prior
written permission from XII.
Page 2 of 20
Version 00
RVI!I"# $I!T"R%.......................................................................................................................&
Purpose of this Qu!it" M#u!...........................................................................................................$
XII COMPANY PROFILE.................................................................................5
The M#%e&e#t Te&........................................................................................................................'
Or%#i(tio#! Stru)ture.....................................................................................................................*
CORPORATE VALUES AND COMMITMENT................................................7
Core V!ues............................................................................................................................................+
Teamwor' and Inno(ation in all areas...............................................................................................)
Treat all indi(iduals with dignity and respect....................................................................................)
$onesty and Integrity in all we do.....................................................................................................)
"pen and direct communications.......................................................................................................)
Fiscal responsibility...........................................................................................................................)
Our Visio#..............................................................................................................................................,
Our Missio#...........................................................................................................................................,
Our Po!i)" for Qu!it"..........................................................................................................................,
XII QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM........................................................9
S)ope of the Qu!it" M#%e&e#t S"ste&.........................................................................................-
Interpretation of the I!" *00+ ,lauses in the ,onte-t XII .uality /anagement !ystem................*
/anaging the .uality /anagement !ystem......................................................................................*
Process0based .uality /anagement !ystem...................................................................................+0
M#%e&e#t Pro)esses.......................................................................................................................1.
1usiness Planning............................................................................................................................+2
/anagement Re(iew........................................................................................................................+&
Feedbac' /anagement.....................................................................................................................+2
3ocumentation /anagement...........................................................................................................+4
Internal 5udit...................................................................................................................................+6
Problem Resolution..........................................................................................................................+)
Core Pro)esses.....................................................................................................................................1+
Pro7ect 3esign and 3e(elopment.....................................................................................................+8
1usiness 3e(elopment.....................................................................................................................+8
Pro7ect Planning...............................................................................................................................+8
Pro7ect Implementation....................................................................................................................+8
Pro7ect /onitoring and /easurement..............................................................................................+8
Pro7ect ,onfirmation........................................................................................................................+8
Support Pro)esses...............................................................................................................................1,
9ogistics and Procurement...............................................................................................................+8
$uman Resource 3e(elopment........................................................................................................+8
5dministration and Finance.............................................................................................................+8
For internal use only. This document contains
confidential and proprietary information of XII.
It may not be copied or reproduced without prior
written permission from XII.
Page & of 20
Version 00
For internal use only. This document contains
confidential and proprietary information of XII.
It may not be copied or reproduced without prior
written permission from XII.
Page 2 of 20
Version 00
Version 3ate
#ature of ,hange 5ppro(ing
00 02.0+.20+0 Initial release. !eymour
For internal use only. This document contains
confidential and proprietary information of XII.
It may not be copied or reproduced without prior
written permission from XII.
Page 4 of 20
Version 00
This .uality /anual sets out XII:s policy and directions to ensure that our ser(ices
meet both the specified client re;uirements and our business ob7ecti(es in a
consistent< economical and reliable manner.
/oreo(er< this .uality /anual defines the manner in which XII implements a
;uality management system that satisfies the re;uirements of the internationally
recogni=ed I!" *00+ !tandard >hereafter abbre(iated to I!" *00+? and pro(ides an
important documentary guide to the system as a whole.
/aintenance of this .uality /anual is the responsibility of XII:s .uality
/anagement Representati(e. 5ll ;uestions regarding this document should be
directed to@
Mr. Se"&our C!h#
Program /anagement 3irector A ./R
-;uisite Inno(ations< Inc.
/ain "ffice@ +2&22 5ustein Pla=a< /anila
Purpose of this Quality Manual
The purpose of the .uality /anual along with the (arious ;uality management
system documents mentioned here is@
* To demonstrate the ability of XII to consistently offer ser(ices that conform to
the re;uirements of its clients< including the rele(ant regulatory bodiesB
* To impro(e the le(el of customer satisfaction by the effecti(e implementation of
a ;uality management system< including the process of continuous impro(ement.
The policies and procedures contained or referenced in this .uality /anual are
intended to establish and communicate the re;uirements that all operating offices of
XII must meet. These re;uirements are based on the re;uirements of our clients as
well as applicable international and national standards. 5s such< these re;uirements
will be updated as the needs of our clients and the respecti(e standards are changed
as well as for continual impro(ement of the ;uality system.
For internal use only. This document contains
confidential and proprietary information of XII.
It may not be copied or reproduced without prior
written permission from XII.
Page 6 of 20
Version 00
-;uisite Inno(ations< Inc.< abridged as XII< was founded in February 2002 with the
intention of pro(iding e-pert management systems assistance to small< medium< and
multinational organi=ations. "perating o(er four offices all o(er the Philippines< XII
offers a broad range of programs co(ering the competency needs of learners ranging
from apprentices through to ad(ance industry champions. In all program areas< close
lin's with industry< business and the wider community ha(e been established.
In addition to its mainstream program pro(ision< XII has gained a prominent and
respected name in systems de(elopment in the Philippines and o(erseas through@
* go(ernment0funded programs and research
* industry and business funded research
* consultancy and training
* fee0for0ser(ice acti(ityB and
* o(erseas pro7ects
These disciplines co(er the fields of applied sciences< business and industrial
management< information technology< corporate social responsibility< engineering<
en(ironmental sciences< occupational health and safety< statistical ;uality control<
social accountability< product safety< ris' management and many others. "ffices are
at /anila >main office?< ,ebu< 3a(ao< and 1aguio< and staff may be re;uired to
underta'e their duties at any of the XII:s offices.
XII:s programs< with their strong management orientation< contribute to the
de(elopment of a wor'force able to meet the changing s'ill re;uirements of an
economy undergoing significant structural and technological change. mphasis is
placed on inno(ati(e approaches to training deli(ery< and on the access and
participation of disad(antaged groups to s'ill creation programs in areas of
employment growth and need.
The Management Team
"ur management team are all founder membersAowners of the company and are all
highly e-perienced< ;ualified indi(iduals from (arious industry sectors such as
manufacturing< construction and public wor's< ban'ing and finance< medical and
education< which pro(ide a dynamic team for rapid response and problem resolution.
The /anagement Team is responsible for 800 staff and an annual budget C*40/. It
coordinates< pro(ides support to< and monitors the performance of all management
units. It de(elops policy< planning and budget strategies to ensure the efficient and
effecti(e use of the company:s resources and to ma-imi=e the pro(ision of
de(elopment programs and training ser(ices to industry< go(ernment and the
For internal use only. This document contains
confidential and proprietary information of XII.
It may not be copied or reproduced without prior
written permission from XII.
Page ) of 20
Version 00
Organizational Structure
XII has established presence in strategic locations in #orth and !outh of 9u=on<
Visayas and /indanao regions. ,omprehensi(e resources and access to training
facilities< materials and e;uipment in these locations enables a fully responsi(e
ser(ice to be pro(ided to clients all o(er the Philippines and its neighboring
3etails of the organi=ational structure and the current organi=ational chart of the
company are located on the web at http@AAwww.thetwel(e.com.ph.
Responsible for the
designAde(elopment of
programs and policies<
internal audit management
and resolution of ;uality
issues as well as
maintenance of the ;uality
management system.
Opertio#s /ire)tor
Responsible for pro7ect
planning< implementation<
monitoring and
measurement up to pro7ect
turn0o(er as well as
establishment of methods
for documentation
M#%i#% /ire)tor
Responsible for business
strategic planning<
mar'eting< business
de(elopment< contract
negotiations as well as
communication of product
de(elopment re;uirements
including client:s feedbac'
Responsible for
maintaining wor'force
competence and
de(elopment< employee
benefits and compensation
management as well as
accounting and financial
Responsible for sourcing<
e(aluation and
management of resource
persons< materials<
e;uipment< facility needs
as well as pro(ision of
transportation support for
field wor's including
management of
information system.
The /anagement
Team is responsible
for creating policies
and ob7ecti(es and
identifying the need
for< and monitoring
the achie(ement of
-;uisite Inno(ations<
Inc. VI!I"# and
For internal use only. This document contains
confidential and proprietary information of XII.
It may not be copied or reproduced without prior
written permission from XII.
Page 8 of 20
Version 00
Core Values
XII:s /anagement Team has de(eloped this list with the idea of 1pursui#% 2or3
#0 !ife 2ith e#thusis&, )reti4it" #0 pssio# for e5)e!!e#)e6 embodied in
fi(e ,ore Values.
Team!"# a$% I$$!&a'(!$ ($ a)) a"ea*
Dey pointsB
* ,ommon purposeB we all need to row in the same direction
* ,reate an en(ironment that facilitates freedom to inno(ate E achie(e
e-traordinary results
* ,hallenge the status ;uo< ta'e measured ris's< and resist con(entional thin'ing
* 9earn to win and lose as a team
T"ea' a)) ($%(&(%+a)* (', %(-$('. a$% "e*/e0'
Dey pointsB
* Treat people the way you want to be treated
* 5ttac' the problem not the person
* Respect and (alue di(ersity of e-perience< culture and opinions
* 9earn from e(eryone F peers< subordinates< bosses< competitors and customers
H!$e*'. a$% I$'e-"('. ($ a)) e %!
Dey pointsB
* #e(er compromise your integrity
* $old e(eryone accountable and recogni=e each other:s contributions
* -plicitly communicate goals and standards of beha(ior
* 3o the right thing e(en when no one is loo'ing or will e(er find out
O/e$ a$% %("e0' 0!mm+$(0a'(!$*
Dey pointsB
* ,ommunicate clearly and candidly
* ,hallenge people< but learn to listen
* Focus on what is right not who is right
* 5c'nowledge that debate contributes to producti(e meetings
F(*0a) "e*/!$*(1()('.
Dey pointsB
* Focus on efficiencies of time< wor' effort< decision ma'ing and cost of ;uality
* 1uild a plan and wor' to meet or e-ceed that plan
* Treat e(ery C of the company:s money respectfully
* If in doubt< as' your boss
For internal use only. This document contains
confidential and proprietary information of XII.
It may not be copied or reproduced without prior
written permission from XII.
Page * of 20
Version 00
Our Vision
It is our 4isio# tht 2he#e4er #" or%#i(tio# see3s out for the 7est
s"ste&, &#%e&e#t or te)h#i)! so!utio#s 8 there 2i!! !2"s 7e
o#!" o#e thi#% tht )o&es to their &i#0 8 EXQUISITE
Our Mission
9e re 2or!0 )!ss 0e4e!op&e#t, :u!it" #0 pro0u)ti4it"
or%#i(tio#. 9e e5ist to;
* 7ui!0 )p)ities #0 prt#erships &o#% the 3e" se)tors of
Phi!ippi#e so)iet"<
* pro4i0e i##o4ti4e, 4!ue=00i#%, )ost effe)ti4e, #0 s"#er%isti)
so!utio#s to :u!it", e#4iro#&e#t! #0 so)io=e)o#o&i) )o#)er#s<
* >oi# h#0s 2ith the i#ter#tio#! )o&&u#it" i# pro&oti#%
susti#7!e hu&# 0e4e!op&e#t #0 %!o7! )o&petiti4e#ess.
Our Policy for Quality
E5:uisite I##o4tio#s, I#). p!e0%es to pro4i0e e4er=i&pro4i#% 4!ue
#0 stisf)tio# to our )!ie#ts 7";
* Pro4i0i#% i##o4ti4e #0 te)h#i)!!" superior pro0u)ts #0
ser4i)es tht &eet or e5)ee0 their e5pe)ttio#s<
* Co#ti#uous!" i&pro4i#% our or%#i(tio#! perfor&#)e #0
* Perfor&i#% our 2or3 to the hi%hest !e4e! of :u!it"
* E#suri#% tht our su7)o#tr)tors #0 supp!iers &eet #0 e5)ee0
our :u!it" st#0r0s<
* Est7!ishi#% #0 re4ie2i#% 3e" perfor&#)e &esures ?
o7>e)ti4es, t3i#% )tio# s #ee0e0< #0,
* 9or3i#% to )hie4e the !o2est )ost of o2#ership for our )!ie#ts
#0 supp!iers.
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confidential and proprietary information of XII.
It may not be copied or reproduced without prior
written permission from XII.
Page +0 of 20
Version 00
Scope of the Quality Management System
XII utili=es a .uality /anagement !ystem that embodies all processes< materials<
s'ills and professional e-pertise re;uired to design< de(elop and deli(er training and
consultancy programs and ser(ices that meet the needs of our clients. 5s such< it
co(ers all actions associated with and ha(ing an effect on the outcomes of these
XII:s .uality /anagement !ystem satisfies the full range of re;uirements specified
by I!" *00+ !tandard with some clarifications on the applicability of the clauses
identified below.
I$'e"/"e'a'(!$ !2 ',e ISO 9334 C)a+*e* ($ ',e C!$'e5' XII Q+a)('.
Ma$a-eme$' S.*'em
ISO-001 C!use +.$ 8 Pur)hsi#%
The Procurement 3irector of XII is responsible for formulating the purchasing
policies of the organi=ation. The pertinent purchasing arrangement that the
Procurement 3irector has control o(er is the recruitment and management of
contracted specialists< consultants< industry e-perts and other resource persons.
ISO-001 C!use +.* 8 Co#tro! of &o#itori#% #0 &esuri#% 0e4i)es
In the conte-t of a company that offers technical and managerial training and
consultancy ser(ices to its clients< robust accuracy and precision of physical
measuring e;uipment ha(e minimal impact on training and learning. 5ccordingly<
control of monitoring and measuring de(ices< will be interpreted as meaning
moderation >(alidity and reliability? of assessment.
Ma$a-($- ',e Q+a)('. Ma$a-eme$' S.*'em
For internal use only. This document contains
confidential and proprietary information of XII.
It may not be copied or reproduced without prior
written permission from XII.
Page ++ of 20
Version 00
XII /anagement Team bears ultimate responsibility for the management of the
;uality management system within the organi=ation. The team is chaired by the
/anaging 3irector. The /anagement Team is responsible for ensuring that the
company:s ;uality teams ha(e sufficient resources to manage the ;uality
management system effecti(ely.
ach XII office site has a .uality Team. The .uality Team< which is headed by a
3eputy .uality /anagement Representati(e< is responsible for managing the ;uality
management system within each site. The ;uality teams are pi(otal to the XII:s
approach of a de(ol(ed ;uality management system< where e(eryone assumes
responsibility for ;uality.
The Program /anagement 3irector< as the appointed corporate .uality /anagement
Representati(e< supports the .uality Teams and the /anagement Team in
maintaining and impro(ing XII:s .uality /anagement !ystem.
The roles< responsibilities and authorities of the .uality /anagement Representati(e
and the .uality Teams for establishing< implementing< maintaining< documenting
and continually impro(ing XII:s ./! are documented in a !pecial "rder >i.e. !"
)66? ratified by the /anagement Team.
P"!0e**61a*e% Q+a)('. Ma$a-eme$' S.*'em
"ur management belie(es that the 'ey to managing a business is managing its
processes. !ince< XII< li'e any other organi=ation< is a collection of interacting
processes which needs systematic management thus the adoption of the process0
based ;uality management system model as shown below.
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confidential and proprietary information of XII.
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written permission from XII.
Page +2 of 20
Version 00
5ll processes are aligned with the ob7ecti(es of XII and are designed to add (alue<
relati(e to the scope of XII:s ;uality management system. Process effecti(eness and
efficiency can are assessed through internal andAor e-ternal re(iew processes.
"ur processes are classified into three groups as follows@
/anagement Processes. These include processes relating to strategic planning<
establishing policies< setting ob7ecti(es< pro(iding internal and e-ternal
communication mechanisms including feedbac' management< managing
documentations< internal auditing< and gathering data for performance analysis and
impro(ement of the effecti(eness and efficiency of XII ./! during management
,ore Processes. These include all processes that has direct connection with the
information< materials< and client representati(es employed to pro(ide the intended
outputs of XII ser(ices ranging from pro7ect design and de(elopment< mar'eting and
business de(elopment< pro7ect planning< pro7ect monitoring and measurement<
pro7ect implementation< pro7ect confirmation up to pro7ect sign0off.
!upport Processes. These include all those processes for the pro(ision and
maintenance of the resources that are needed for the effecti(e operation of the
management and core processes. !uch processes include supplies and material
procurement< outsourcing< e(aluation and management resource persons< pro(ision
and maintenance infrastructure and support ser(ices >i.e. transportation< information
technology and communication?< human resource management and de(elopment< as
well as administrati(e and financial operations.
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confidential and proprietary information of XII.
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written permission from XII.
Page +& of 20
Version 00
Management Processes
B+*($e** P)a$$($-
XII has institutionali=ed a layered strategic business planning process. Its conduct of
business planning acti(ities are guided by the idea that the /anagement Team must
be able to formulate strategic plans as well as ha(e the tools to monitor these< to
ensure that XII continues to progress in all aspects of its operations toward the
attainment of its (ision and mission. 5t present< XII strategic business planning
process is conducted with the following methods@
%ear0nd Performance Re(iew. 5t the start of the year< XII:s past year performance
is re(iewed. Performance is measured against targets and against comparati(e past
actual. Factors that contributed to the attainment of targets as well as factors that led
to the underperformance are highlighted in the performance reports. The attendance
of heads responsible for the core< management and support process allows
interaction that leads to identification of policy and operational gaps as well as
actions that must be prioriti=ed to address the identified gaps. In the course of the
performance re(iew< the /anaging 3irector as well as the other members of the
/anagement Team are able to issue specific instructions to (arious units to address
critical issues raised in the performance reports.
Fi(e0%ear Planning Gor'shop. XII has a rolling Fi(e0%ear Plan that undergoes
re(iew and ad7ustment e(ery two years. The Fi(e0%ear Planning process co(ers >a?
re(iew of accomplishments (is0H0(is the e-isting Fi(e0%ear Plan< >b? assessment of
factors that led to the achie(ement or non0achie(ement of the targets set in the
e-isting Fi(e0%ear Plan< >c? assessment of internal and e-ternal de(elopments that
would impact on XII operations for the ne-t fi(e years< >d? identification of limiting
and facilitating factors that would impact on what XII can do o(er the ne-t fi(e
years< >e? crafting and prioriti=ation of strategies and plans< as well as resources
necessary for their implementation< and >f? setting of targets< other performance
measures< and monitoring system for the updated Fi(e0%ear Plan.
5nnual 1usiness Planning Gor'shop. The 5nnual 1usiness Plan ta'es off both from
the year0end performance re(iew and the 40year plan. In drafting the 5nnual
1usiness Plan< internal information such as status of pro7ects (is0H0(is the current
5nnual 1usiness Plan< and status of compliance to instructions issued by the
/anagement Team during its regular ;uarterly meetings are re(iewed.
Prior and during the wor'shop< participants identify and assess the strengths<
wea'nesses< threats and opportunities in their respecti(e areas of operations as well
as for the organi=ation as a whole. Internal barriers and facilitating factors that can
affect attainment of targets and ob7ecti(es for the coming year are li'ewise
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confidential and proprietary information of XII.
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written permission from XII.
Page +2 of 20
Version 00
considered. 3uring the wor'shop< participants< then formulate targets and strategies
for the coming year.
Thereafter< the 5nnual 1usiness Plan is cascaded to all offices to ensure that
e(eryone has a common understanding of what needs to be achie(ed.
"fficeAdepartmentalAunit plans are then prepared< with the participation of middle
management and staff< detailing acti(ities at the departmental le(el to support the
5nnual 1usiness Plan. $ere< the lin'age between the corporate targets and
indi(idual performance measures is created.
.uarterly /anagement Team /eetings. /anagement Team meetings are held to
pro(ide XII officials the proper (enue to update themsel(es of the progress of
specific plans or pro7ects< new pro7ect proposals< enhancements on e-isting policies
or procedures< impending problems together with the proposed solutions< and any
other corporate or site specific concerns that will re;uire /anagement Team support
and decision. Ghere significant policies and decisions are made< e(aluation and
assessment are done through prior consultations and coordination with different
offices and departments< from the highest le(els of management down to specific
units. 3uring these meetings< the /anagement Team may issue instructions that add
to or modify specific strategies or plans contained in the 5nnual 1usiness Plan as
necessitated by more recent de(elopments.
"ne input to the /anagement Team /eetings are the results of re(iew of XII:s
;uality management system< often presented by the .uality /anagement
Representati(e or by the designated 3eputy ./Rs of the .uality Team per XII
Reference@ !trategy 3e(elopment Process
Ma$a-eme$' Re&(e
Periodic /anagement Re(iew is an essential part of our approach to continual
impro(ement of the effecti(eness and efficiency of the ;uality management system
with the ob7ecti(e of enhancing our achie(ement of client:s total satisfaction.
Re(iews on the ./!: suitability< ade;uacy and effecti(eness are carried out using
two approaches@ .uarterly /anagement Team /eetings and !ite ./! Re(iews. In
combination< these methods e(aluate the need for changes to our ./! including the
.uality Policy< Targets as well as the assessment of impro(ement opportunities
based on the re(iew and analysis of performance trends.
ffecti(e re(iews re;uire the assembly of meaningful performance data F
performance of programs< ser(ices< processes and personnel F to allow factual based
decision0ma'ing. The re(iews include information on@
* results of internal and e-ternal auditsB
* customer feedbac'B
* process performanceB
* status of DR5:s< Targets and 5ction PlansB
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confidential and proprietary information of XII.
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written permission from XII.
Page +4 of 20
Version 00
* status of correcti(e and pre(enti(e actionsB
* follow0up actions on pre(ious management re(iewsB
* changes that could affect the ;uality management systemB
* recommendations for impro(ementsB
The re(iews are fully recorded and< as a minimum< produce formal conclusions and
recommendations for impro(ements within all le(els of the organi=ation as
appropriate to the e(idence re(iewed.
ach .uality Team< with their designated 3eputy .uality /anagement
Representati(e con(enes a ;uarter0annual meeting among 'ey persons within XII
office site for the purpose of the re(iew. Results of the re(iew are communicated to
the corporate .uality /anagement Representati(e who is responsible for reporting
the performance of the XII offices: ;uality management system to the /anagement
Team during the .uarterly /anagement Team /eetings.
Reference@ /anagement Re(iew /inutes
Fee%1a0# Ma$a-eme$'
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confidential and proprietary information of XII.
It may not be copied or reproduced without prior
written permission from XII.
Page +6 of 20
Version 00
D!0+me$'a'(!$ Ma$a-eme$'
XII:s documented .uality /anagement !ystem pro(ides the framewor' for
consistent approach to the issues of our organi=ation and our client relationships and
is an e(er changing and e(ol(ing approach to ensure its suitability with the
./! 3ocumentation !tructure.
The documented .uality /anagement !ystem is structured as follows@
The document defining our ,ompany< core
(alues< ;uality policy and the processes of our
./!. The .uality /anual aims to achie(e
client:s satisfaction by establishing a concise
reference of procedures and other documents
needed to meet the re;uirements of our clients
and the established ./!.
Formal< documented< methods for consistent
management and control of critical issues
relating to the system and impro(ement<
,ontrol of 3ocuments Procedure
,ontrol of Records Procedure
Internal 5udit Procedure
#onconformance< ,orrecti(e and
Pre(enti(e 5ction Procedure
Formal< documented< methods for rele(ant
indi(idual acti(ities including@
./! 3ocument ,ontrol and Records /anagement.
To ensure that people are wor'ing with the right (ersions of the correct documents<
the /anagement Team has assigned a 3ocument ,ontroller to ensure that our
company:s personnel@
* 'now where to find them
* ma'e sure they are still (alid
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confidential and proprietary information of XII.
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written permission from XII.
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Version 00
* ma'e sure the right people ha(e access to them< and
* ma'e sure people don:t use the wrong documents by mista'e
The 3ocument ,ontroller maintains an electronic document register that identifies
all controlled documents and their re(ision status. 5ny controlled document can be
compared with the document list within the register to (erify if the latest (ersion is
in use.
To be able to demonstrate that we are actually implementing the .uality
/anagement !ystem as designed< our company has established a documented
procedure for records management. ach department maintains a record matri- for
easy retrie(al and disposition< which indicates the controlled records: location<
method of filing and retention period
Reference@ ,ontrol of 3ocument Procedure
,ontrol of Records Procedure
/aster 3ocument Register
I$'e"$a) A+%('
XII ensures that the established .uality /anagement !ystem continues to meet XII
business and ;uality ob7ecti(es< planned actions and results. 5de;uacy<
conformance< effecti(eness as well as efficiency of the processes of the ./! are
(erified by systematic internal audits conducted by internal auditors. These audits
pro(ide feedbac' to the /anagement Team for them to dri(e continuous
impro(ement of XII ./! processes.
XII:s internal audit program applies to the ./! processes deployed corporate wide.
For any audit performed at any corporate office this should fulfill the annual audit
re;uirement as specified herein. The designated 3eputy .uality /anagement
Representati(e of each named XII office site@
* Plans an audit program for those areas and processes uni;ue to their site
* Implements and maintains an internal audit 9otus #ote database addressing
those uni;ue areas and processesB
* 3efines the audit scope< fre;uency and audit methodologies for those local site
* nsure personnel other than those who perform the acti(ity being audited
conduct audits.
Internal 5udit Planning.
Internal audits co(er the entire .uality /anagement !ystem and its processes<
including all shifts of these processes< and are scheduled according to a yearly
auditing plan ta'ing into consideration the status and importance of the acti(ities to
For internal use only. This document contains
confidential and proprietary information of XII.
It may not be copied or reproduced without prior
written permission from XII.
Page +8 of 20
Version 00
be audited as well as the results of the pre(ious audits. 3ue to special circumstances<
such as unusual increase of ;uality related problems and customer complaints< the
auditing fre;uency is increased as appropriate.
Internal 5udit Preparation.
The assigned internal auditors create and maintain audit criteria in a series of
process audit chec'lists in the appropriate site internal audit files. XII:s ./!
process audits do not maintain a standardi=ed audit chec'list in the sense of the
word. The so0called chec'lists identify the intended outputs of each process<
resources and information needed for effecti(e operation< including the applicable
I!" *00+ clauses associated with the particular process.
Prior to the actual audit acti(ity< the concerned departments are notified on who<
what< when and where the audit process will co(er using the 5udit Itinerary.
5uditors .ualification.
5uditors are assigned to ensure ob7ecti(ity and impartiality of the audit process.
5uditors do not audit their own wor'.
It is the responsibility of the .uality /anagement Representati(e to ensure that
internal auditors of the .uality /anagement !ystem ha(e the necessary e-perience
and ;ualification for performing internal ;uality audits. Training needs are identified
and training is pro(ided as re;uired.
Internal 5udit Records.
The summary of the results of the internal audit is re(iewed as part of the
/anagement Re(iew of the ./!. Following each audit< the results are recorded and
brought to the attention of the personnel ha(ing responsibility for the acti(ity under
Ghere correcti(e action is needed< it will be emphasi=ed to the head of the area or
function and re0audited as appropriate. This re0audit will also be recorded.
Reference@ Internal 5udit Procedure
5nnual 5udit Plan
5udit !ummary Report
P"!1)em Re*!)+'(!$
Core Processes
For internal use only. This document contains
confidential and proprietary information of XII.
It may not be copied or reproduced without prior
written permission from XII.
Page +* of 20
Version 00
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Support Processes
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H+ma$ Re*!+"0e Ma$a-eme$'
Personnel .ualification and Recruitment
It is the responsibility of the 3epartment $eads to identify ;ualification
re;uirements of functions or personnel assigned to defined acti(ities that affect
;uality of product. .ualification re;uirements include education< training< s'ills and
e-perience as appropriate. In the department:s budget are pro(isions for the
employment and assignment of ;ualified and trained personnelJplease pro(ide
more details.
Training and ,ompetency
The competencies re;uired for each position are detailed in the rele(ant Position
3escriptions. From these competencies< and initial and regular assessments of
performance< training re;uirements for indi(idual staff are identifiedJplease
pro(ide more details
Performance 5ssessments
5nnual employee performance appraisals are completed for all staff. Performance
re(iews include@
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confidential and proprietary information of XII.
It may not be copied or reproduced without prior
written permission from XII.
Page 20 of 20
Version 00
a. re(iew of the staff members performance against ob7ecti(es for the
re(iew periodB and
b. identification and agreement of any training re;uired.
3etails of Performance 5ppraisals are held on indi(idual staff member:s filesJ
please edit or pro(ide more details
A%m($(*'"a'(!$ a$% F($a$0e

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