8085 Timing Diagram
8085 Timing Diagram
8085 Timing Diagram
OPCODE FETCH machine cycle:
Fig. shows the 8085 instruction fetch timing diagram. The
instruction fetch cycle requires either four or six clock periods (T
states). The other m/c cycles that follow OFMC will need three clock
The purpose of an OF is to read the contents of a memory
location containing the opcode addressed by the program counter
and to place it in the instruction register.
In the beginning of state , the 8085A puts a low on the
IO/ line of the system bus indicating a memory operation the 8085
sets on the system bus, indicating the memory
fetch operation this status information remains constant for the
duration of the m/c cycle. During state, the 16 bit address
of the memory location containing the op code is obtained
from the program counter pc and placed in the address and address
data latches the higher order 8 bits of the address appears on the
address bus remains constants until the end of the state
during state the data on the address bus is unspecified. The low
order 8 bits of the address is placed on the address/data bus,
at the beginning of this data however remains valid
only until the beginning of state at which time the addr/data bus is
floated (3 states) because this is time multiplexed bus and used on
the data bus during state. Therefore addr latch enable
(ALE) signal issued by the during is used to latch this lower
order addr in same external hardware 8212 on its falling edge the 16
bit addr select a particular memory location.
During state , at the beginning. The single goes low
indicating readf operation and the opcode to be fetched is placed on
the data bus, , by the addressed memory location. The
contents of (pc) is incremented be 1 during this state as during
state the pc has sent the addr to addr bus . the access memory
should be fast enough to output its data before goes high slower
memories can gain more time by pulling the READY signal of 8085
LOW this will introduce an integral no. of sate between
as long as READY is low on the ring edge of the
control signal in , the opcode obtaining from memory is
transferred to the micro process instruction register.
During data , the 8085 decodes the instruction and
determines whether to enter state or to enter state of the
next m/c cycle from the operation code the determines what other
m/c cycles if any must be execute to complete the instruction cycle
state when entered, are used for internal operations
necessitated by the instruction.
The micro RTL flow for 4 data OFMC is shown below.
OFMC: status IO/ =0,
(PCL) , (PCH), ALE=
: (PC)+1, M(AB)
: , (IR)
: decodes the opcode and decides whether
states are required or next m/c cycle is executed. During T
Fig below shows the timing diagram for a 6-state OFMC
Note: whenever the addr information is sent from the program
counter to the external world during state, then the pc is
incremented by 1 during the subsequent state so that pc points to
the next subsequent byte. However if the addr information from pc
has not been sent out during the state to the external until then pc
will not be incremented during state.
Memory READ m/c cycle:
It requires 3 states to the purpose of the memory
READ operation is to read the contents of a memory location
addressed by a and place the data in a register by a register pair,
the source of address issued during is not always the program
counter but may be any one of the several other register pairs in
the depending on the particular instruction of which the m/c cycle
is a part.
The 8085 uses m/c cycle MC1 to fetch and decode the instruction.
It then performs the memory read operation in MC2. E.g. in LXIH,
The IO/ signal made low to indicate the external world that a
memory reference is required. Then made
indicating that memory READ operation is to be performed. During
the 8085 places the contents of high byte of the memory address
register, such as that contents of the (PCH) or (H) register on
lines and the contents of the low byte of the memory
address register such as contents of the (PCL) or (L) reg. On
lines . The 8085 sets ALE to HIGH, indicating the
beginning of MC-2 AS soon as ALE goes to low, the 8085 latches the
low byte of the address lines, since the same lines as going to be
used as data lines.
During state, the signal goes LOW indicating a READ
operation. If the addr sent and during state is from pc, then pc is
incremented by 1 otherwise not the external logic gets the data from
the memory location addressed by the memory address register such
as (H,L) pair and places the data on to data bus .
During state, signal goes high, this low to high signal
transfer the data from the data bus to internal register such as the
MRMC: status signals IO/ =0,
(PCL) , (PCH), ALE=
: (PC)+1, M(AB)
: , , (internal reg.)
(PCL) , (PCH), ALE=
: M(AB)
: , , (internal reg.)
It also requires only states the purpose of memory
write is to store the contents of any of the 8085 reg. such as the
accumulator into a memory location addressed by a register pair such
as HL.
The 8085 made IO/ =0 in the beginning of state to
indicate memory reference operation then it puts ,
indicates a memory write operation.
During state 8085 places the memory address register
high byte such as the contents of the H register on lines
and also places the MAR low byte such as the contents of the L-
register on lines . the 8085sets ALE to HIGH, indicating
the beginning of MWRMC. As soon as ALE goes to low, the 8085
latches the low byte of the address lines since the same lines are
going to be used as data lines. During state, goes low
indicating memory write operation It also places the contents of the
internal register say accumulator on data lines .
During state, goes high this low to high transition is
used to transfer the data from the data lines to the memory location
address by MAR such as HL reg. pair.
MWRMC: IO/ =0,
(L), (H), ALE=
: ( internal register)
: , M(AB)
I/O READ and I/O WRITE M/C cycle:
These are identical to MRMC & MWRMC respectively except
that appropriate status signals are issued at the beginning of
state. IO/ signal goes high at the beginning to indicate I/O device
reference is needed in case of I/O mapped input/output device in
these m/c cycles higher & lower address bytes are identical and
equal to the 8 bit address of the I/O port while in case of MRMC or
MWRMC, the address bus output is the true 16bits address.