The document discusses new annual reporting requirements under the Affordable Care Act for employers and health insurance companies. Code Section 6055 requires reporting of health coverage information to the IRS and covered individuals. Code Section 6056 requires large employers to report information to the IRS on health coverage offered to full-time employees. Forms 1094-C and 1095-C are used to report the required information under Sections 6055 and 6056. The deadlines for filing the forms for the 2015 coverage year are February 28, 2016 for paper filings and March 31, 2016 for electronic filings. The document also discusses new mid-year election change options for cafeteria plans related to reductions in hours or changing to exchange coverage.
The document discusses new annual reporting requirements under the Affordable Care Act for employers and health insurance companies. Code Section 6055 requires reporting of health coverage information to the IRS and covered individuals. Code Section 6056 requires large employers to report information to the IRS on health coverage offered to full-time employees. Forms 1094-C and 1095-C are used to report the required information under Sections 6055 and 6056. The deadlines for filing the forms for the 2015 coverage year are February 28, 2016 for paper filings and March 31, 2016 for electronic filings. The document also discusses new mid-year election change options for cafeteria plans related to reductions in hours or changing to exchange coverage.
The document discusses new annual reporting requirements under the Affordable Care Act for employers and health insurance companies. Code Section 6055 requires reporting of health coverage information to the IRS and covered individuals. Code Section 6056 requires large employers to report information to the IRS on health coverage offered to full-time employees. Forms 1094-C and 1095-C are used to report the required information under Sections 6055 and 6056. The deadlines for filing the forms for the 2015 coverage year are February 28, 2016 for paper filings and March 31, 2016 for electronic filings. The document also discusses new mid-year election change options for cafeteria plans related to reductions in hours or changing to exchange coverage.
The document discusses new annual reporting requirements under the Affordable Care Act for employers and health insurance companies. Code Section 6055 requires reporting of health coverage information to the IRS and covered individuals. Code Section 6056 requires large employers to report information to the IRS on health coverage offered to full-time employees. Forms 1094-C and 1095-C are used to report the required information under Sections 6055 and 6056. The deadlines for filing the forms for the 2015 coverage year are February 28, 2016 for paper filings and March 31, 2016 for electronic filings. The document also discusses new mid-year election change options for cafeteria plans related to reductions in hours or changing to exchange coverage.
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The Internal Revenue Code Sections 6055 and 6056 New
Filing Requirements Under Health Care Reorm
Introduction: New Annual Reporting Requirements The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) crafted employer shared responsibility rules, also known as the pay or play penalties, that impose one of two types of penalties on large employers (employers with oer !" full#time employees or full#time e$uialents) if they fail to offer coerage to their full#time employees or offer coerage that is not affordable (employee cost shares e%ceed &'!( of an employees) *#+ self#only income) and,or does not proide minimum re$uired coerage as described by PPACA' PPACA also imposes a penalty on certain indiiduals who fail to obtain minimum re$uired coerage' -eginning in +"./, a ta%payer (or an indiidual for whom the ta%payer is liable) that does not purchase minimum re$uired coerage for one or more months during the year, unless an e%emption applies, will be liable for the indiidual shared responsibility payment on his or her indiidual ta% return' The new Code 0ections 1"!! and 1"!1 filing re$uirements are intended to proide the 2nternal 3eenue 0erice (230) with the information it needs to determine whether an employer or an indiidual should be assessed a penalty under PPACA for failing to offer or purchase the re$uired coerage' Code Section 6055 Code 0ection 1"!! re$uires health insurance companies and employers that sponsor self#insured health plans to report information concerning the type and period of coerage to the 230 and to the coered indiiduals' 0ection 1"!! reporting is intended to sere as erification that the indiidual has purchased coerage under his or her employer sponsored plan for purposes of enforcing the indiidual responsibility re$uirements' Code 0ection 1"!1 re$uires large employers to proide information to the 230 about whether coerage is offered to their full#time employees and their dependents' This information will allow the 230 to determine whether an employer owes a penalty under the pay or play rules and whether an employee is eligible for a premium ta% credit on a marketplace e%change' How to Report 4mployers with !" or more 5T4s use 5orms ."&/#C and ."&!#C to report the information re$uired under Code 0ections 1"!! and 1"!1' 5orm ."&/#C is used to report to the 230 summary information for the employer and to transmit the 5orms ."&!#C to the 230' 5orm ."&!#C is used to report information about each applicable employee' A large employer sub6ect to the pay or play rules must file one or more 5orm(s) ."&/#C and must file a 5orm ."&!#C (or substitute) for each employee who was a full#time employee of the employer (and for any other employee who has coerage under the employer)s plan, een if the employee is not a full#time employee) for any calendar month during the year' 2f an employer proides coerage through an insured plan, the insurance company is obligated to complete that portion of the ."&!#C form that re$uires specific coerage information for indiidual employees' The 230 has released draft forms and instructions to be used for 0ection 1"!! and 1"!1 reporting, including, draft 5orm ."&!#C, draft 5orm ."&/#C and draft instructions for draft 5orms ."&/#C,."&!#C' The forms and instructions are e%pected to be finali7ed later in this year and can found on the following websites http8,,www'irs'go,pub,irs# dft,f."&/c##dft'pdf9 http8,,www'irs'go,pub,irs#dft,f."&!c##dft'pdf' When to ile There is no filing re$uirement for +"./9 employers may oluntarily file for coerage proided in +"./' 5orms ."&/#C and ."&!#C for the +".! year (with +".! data) must be filed by 5ebruary +&, +".1 (if paper filing) and by :arch ;., +".1 (if filing electronically)' 5or calendar year +".!, 5orm ."&!#C must be furnished to employees by 5ebruary ., +".1' 4mployers filing +!" or more 5orms ."&!#C must file electronically' New Caeteria !lan Change in Status "#tions The 230 recently announced two new $ualifying eents that will allow employees to change their midyear elections under their employer)s cafeteria plan' -oth are optional choices that an employer may elect if the plan or 0P< is amended to permit the new $ualifying eents' irst !ption: Reduction in Hours 2f it later turns out that an employee who was initially e%pected to work on aerage at least ;" hours per week does not, the amended rules allow the employee to drop his or her employer#proided group health plan coerage, een if the employee is still eligible to participate in the his or her employer)s group health plan' The change in election, howeer, is only permitted if the employee intends to enroll in some other group health plan, i'e', a spouse)s, or intends to purchase coerage through an e%change' The administrator of the employer)s cafeteria plan may rely on an employee)s reasonable representation about the intended enrollment' Second !ption: "#change Co$erage An employee who is eligible to enroll in coerage through an e%change (during an e%change)s open enrollment or special enrollment period) may drop his or her employer#proided group health plan coerage midyear' The change in election is only permitted if the employee intends to enroll in coerage through an e%change' The administrator of the employer)s cafeteria plan may rely on an employee)s reasonable representation about the intended enrollment' %lan Amendment 2f an employer chooses to adopt one or more of these midyear election changes for its cafeteria plan, a plan amendment is necessary' The amendment generally must be adopted on or before the last day of the plan year in which the additional changes are allowed and can be effectie retroactiely to the first day of that plan year, proided that the plan operates in accordance with the guidance, including notification to participants of the amendment' Special Rule &or the '0() %lan *ear =nder a special rule, an employer that adopts these new midyear election changes for its +"./ cafeteria plan year has until the last day of the +".! plan year to adopt the amendment' Although plan amendments may be adopted retroactiely, election changes to reoke coerage retroactiely are not permitted'