This document provides instructions for setting up and running the MOD-WET hydrological model on the SEASNet computers. It describes how to:
1. Create a file directory structure on the Z: drive to store project files, with subfolders for data, scripts, and model outputs.
2. Download and extract the MOD-WET files and sample data files, placing them in the appropriate subfolders.
3. Edit the MOD-WET input file to specify file paths for the model toolbox, output files, DEM, and meteorological data based on the new directory structure.
4. Run watershed delineation and MOD-WET model driver scripts to process the sample basin and generate output
This document provides instructions for setting up and running the MOD-WET hydrological model on the SEASNet computers. It describes how to:
1. Create a file directory structure on the Z: drive to store project files, with subfolders for data, scripts, and model outputs.
2. Download and extract the MOD-WET files and sample data files, placing them in the appropriate subfolders.
3. Edit the MOD-WET input file to specify file paths for the model toolbox, output files, DEM, and meteorological data based on the new directory structure.
4. Run watershed delineation and MOD-WET model driver scripts to process the sample basin and generate output
This document provides instructions for setting up and running the MOD-WET hydrological model on the SEASNet computers. It describes how to:
1. Create a file directory structure on the Z: drive to store project files, with subfolders for data, scripts, and model outputs.
2. Download and extract the MOD-WET files and sample data files, placing them in the appropriate subfolders.
3. Edit the MOD-WET input file to specify file paths for the model toolbox, output files, DEM, and meteorological data based on the new directory structure.
4. Run watershed delineation and MOD-WET model driver scripts to process the sample basin and generate output
This document provides instructions for setting up and running the MOD-WET hydrological model on the SEASNet computers. It describes how to:
1. Create a file directory structure on the Z: drive to store project files, with subfolders for data, scripts, and model outputs.
2. Download and extract the MOD-WET files and sample data files, placing them in the appropriate subfolders.
3. Edit the MOD-WET input file to specify file paths for the model toolbox, output files, DEM, and meteorological data based on the new directory structure.
4. Run watershed delineation and MOD-WET model driver scripts to process the sample basin and generate output
This tutorial summarizes the steps required to run MOD-WET on the SEASNet computers. You are free to run the code on your local machine or another set of computers; however, this overview will summarize how to set up your file structure, paths, etc. on the SEASNet computers. Note: The file structure and saving of files shown below can be done outside of the Matlab environment; here it is done in the Matlab environment to ensure it is done properly.
When you open Matlab on a SEASNet computer, you can determine your default directory by typing the following in the Matlab command window: % Print current working directory pwd
Suppose you type this and find that your default directory is: Z:\Documents\MATLAB. This tutorial will demonstrate how to create a directory structure in your home directory (Z:\). It is possible that when you typed pwd into the command window, you found a different path/directory structure. In this case, you can use the following steps as a guide for your setup; however you will have to make additional modifications to follow your particular file structure. Note: If you are working on a SEASNet computer via Remote Desktop or in the computer lab, you should have access to the Z:\ drive and should be able to save your files there.
I. Setting up a file structure in Matlab and placing the data files in their appropriate directories 1. From the command line in Matlab, execute the following lines of code to generate a directory structure for use in this class:
% Change directory to your home directory cd Z:\ % Create a new directory called CEE150 to store all files for this course mkdir CEE150 % Change directories to the CEE150 folder you just created cd CEE150 % Create a directory called Homework that contains a subdirectory called PS1. % Store the Problem Set #1 scripts that you write for this homework % assignment in PS1. mkdir('Homework','PS1') % Create a new directory to store data files mkdir Data % Change directory to your home directory cd Z:\
You should see that the CEE150 directory is now located in Z:\. If you expand the directories in the Current Folder window on the left-hand-side of the Matlab window, you should have the same directory structure as shown in the red box.
2. Download from and save it to your Desktop.
3. Unzip the file and place it in the CEE150 directory. To perform these actions from the Matlab command line, execute the following line of code:
!unzip Z:\Desktop\ -d Z:\CEE150\
This may take a few minutes to complete. As shown in the figure below, you should see that the MOD_WET directory is now located in Z:\CEE150 along with its subdirectories chapter1 chapter11.
4. Download the following files from CCLE and save them to your Desktop: emerald_lake_basin_90m_dem.mat emerald_lake_forcings_wy1997_15min_res.mat
5. Place these files in their appropriate directories: % Move the DEM file to your Data directory movefile('Z:\Desktop\emerald_lake_basin_90m_dem.mat','Z:\CEE150\Data\.')
% Move the meteorological data file to the directory % Z:\CEE150\MOD_WET\chapter11\test_basin_data\met_data movefile('Z:\Desktop\emerald_lake_forcings_wy1997_15min_res.mat', 'Z:\CEE150\MOD_WET\chapter11\test_basin_files\met_data\.')
These files are highlighted in the figure below with red arrows.
II. Watershed delineation to generate the basin data file containing the DEM and delineation data Create a new script to execute commands for this homework and save it in your PS1 directory. You should add the path to the MOD_WET directory at this time to be able to access all of the functions contained in the MOD_WET directory and its subdirectories: addpath(genpath('Z:\CEE150\MOD_WET\')) % Add additional paths to your Homework and Data directories addpath(genpath('Z:\CEE150\Homework\')) addpath(genpath('Z:\CEE150\Data\'))
% Load DEM data load Z:\CEE150\Data\emerald_lake_basin_90m_dem.mat
% Specify the outlet_coordinate, percent_basin_area, dx, and dy variables % as appropriate . . . 4
% Run the watershed_area_and_stream_delineation.m function . . .
% Save the watershed delineation output to the directory % Z:\CEE150\MOD_WET\chapter11\test_basin_files\basin_data\ save Z:\CEE150\MOD_WET\chapter11\test_basin_files\basin_data\emerald_lake_basin_90 m_dem_and_delineation_data.mat easting northing elev dx dy flowacc flowdir mask outlet_coordinate watershed_outline_coords x_stream y_stream
As shown in the figure below, verify that this file (emerald_lake_basin_90m_dem_and_delineation_data.mat) is saved in the directory: Z:\CEE150\MOD_WET\chapter11\test_basin_files\basin_data\.
III. Modify the MOD-WET input file 1. Open/edit the MOD_WET_model_static_and_control_parameters.m function contained in Z:\CEE150\MOD_WET\chapter11\. The figure below indicates the file you should open and the window that will display the function once you have opened it.
You should modify the following lines of code in the MOD_WET_model_static_and_control_parameters.m function as follows:
Line #38: Specify path to root directory for Hydrology Toolbox functions (i.e. MOD-WET) Original line of code: control_params.toolbox_path='~/Dropbox/CEE150/MOD_WET'; Change this to: control_params.toolbox_path='Z:\CEE150\MOD_WET';
Line #74: Specify the output file name Original line of code: control_params.output_filename='/Users/margulis/Dropbox/CEE150/MOD_WET/chapte r11/test_basin_files/output/nominal_toy_basin_full_year_outputs.mat'; Change this to: control_params.output_filename='Z:\CEE150\MOD_WET\chapter11\test_basin_files\ output\emerald_lake_90m_full_year_outputs_wy1997.mat';
Line #79: Specify location of DEM data Original line of code: control_params.dem_filename='/Users/margulis/Dropbox/CEE150/MOD_WET/chapter11 /test_basin_files/basin_data/nominal_toy_basin_dem_and_delineation_data.mat'; Change this to: control_params.dem_filename='Z:\CEE150\MOD_WET\chapter11\test_basin_files\bas in_data\emerald_lake_basin_90m_dem_and_delineation_data.mat';
Line #92: Specify the location of the meteorological data Original line of code: control_params.met_data_filename='/Users/margulis/Dropbox/CEE150/MOD_WET/chap ter11/test_basin_files/met_data/full_year_15min_resolution.mat'; Change this to: control_params.met_data_filename='Z:\CEE150\MOD_WET\chapter11\test_basin_file s\met_data\emerald_lake_forcings_wy1997_15min_res.mat';
After making these edits to the MOD_WET_model_static_and_control_parameters.m function, save your changes. You are now ready to run the MOD-WET watershed model.
IV. Run the MOD-WET code % Change directory cd Z:\CEE150\MOD_WET\chapter11
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