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35A ESC Manual

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User Manual


Constant Current: 30A

Input Voltage: 6V - 12V

Cont. Current: 35A

Burst Current: 40A

Dimension: 57mm 26!mm "mm

#eig$t: 25g% &et #eig$t '

- (ulti-la)er *CB an+ separate (C, po-er suppl). -$i/$ impro0es t$e motor sta1ilit)
an+ relia1ilit) an+ signi2i/antl) re+u/es t$e -eig$t.
- 3o- Voltage Cut-o22 *rote/tion
- 40er-$eat prote/tion5 a0oi+ t$e 1rea6ing +o-n o2 t$e 78C.
- 9$rottle signal loss prote/tion
- 8a2e ele/tri2ies 2un/tion.
- 8moot$ an+ a//urate spee+ /ontrol. e/ellent t$rottle linearit).
- 8upporte+ $ig$est motor spee+: 300000 :*( %2 poles o2 internal rotation'. 50000 :*(
%12 poles o2 eternal rotation'. 42000 :*( %14 poles o2 eternal rotation'.
- *ositi0e an+ negati0e s$i2t automati/ /ontrol. 9$ere is no nee+ to alternate t$e /onne/tion
1et-een t$e motor an+ t$e 78C.
Normal Startup Procedure:
1. (o0e t$e t$rottle sti/6 to 1ottom. 8-it/$ on 9ransmitter
2. Conne/t t$e 1atter) pa/6 to 78C. spe/ial tome li6e ; +ee +a < +ee +a ; means po-er
suppl) is 4=
3. #$en 8el2 test is 2inis$e+. a long 1eeeeep tone s$oul1 1e emitte+.
An+ a -arning tone s$oul+ 1e emitte i2 t$e position is not proper a+>uste+.
4. 78C 1egins to pla) musi/. rea+l) to 2l).
5. 8e0eral;1eep-; s$oul1e 1e emitte+. presenting t$e 0alue o2 ea/$ programe item.
6. (o0e t$rottle sto/6 up-ar+s to go 2l)ing.
Throttle range setting:
% &ote: 9$rottle range s$oul+ 1e reset -$en e0er a ne- transmitter 1eing use+'
1. 8-it/$ on transmitter. mo0e t$rottle sti/6 to top
2. Conne/t 1atter) pa/6 to 78C. an+ -ait 2or a1out 2 se/on+s.
3. ;Beep-1eep; tone s$oul+ 1e emitte+. means t$rottle range $ig$est point $as 1een
/orre/tl) /on2irme+.
4. (o0e t$rottle sti/6 to t$e 1ottom. an+ -ait 2or a1out 1 se/on+
5. ?Beep@ tone s$oul+ 1e emitte+. means lo-est point $as 1een /on2irme+.
6. 78C 1egins to pla) musi/. rea+) to 2l).
Brushless ESC for 450 size Heli
Timing Function Setting:
A2ter t$e -arning tone. mo0e t$e t$rottle sti/6 to ?1ottom@ an+ -ait 2or ?+ee +a @ tone to
/on2irm.5 i2 )ou -ant to /$ange to ot$er 2un/tion. mo0e t$e t$rottle sti/6 to@ 2ull t$rottle@
again5 on/e a 2un/tion is /$osen an+ t$e t$rottle sta)s in t$e lo-est position. t$e s)stem -ill
eit t$e setting state an+ return to t$e +ri0ing motor state.
Aeature 1. lo- 0oltage prote/tion
( only one low voltage protection function can be chosen
3it$ium 1atter) prote/tion:
9one ?1eep@. prote/ting 2 lit$ium 1atteries
9one ?1eep 1eep@. prote/ting 3 lit$ium 1atteries
Aeature 2. positi0e an+ negati0e s$i2t automati/ setting
8pe/ial tone: 3 1eep tone %1eep.1eep..'
,sers +o not nee+ to alternate t$e /onne/t 1et-een 78C an+ motor .
Aeature 3. 8tart-up
8pe/ial tone: 4 1eep tone %1eep.1eep..'
&ormal start-up: %2ie+--ing mo+e'
8o2t start-up mo+e % $eli/opter mo+e'
Aeature 4. 3ea+ angle seletion
8pe/ial tone: 5 1eep tone %1eep.1eep..'
3o- lea+ angle 10 +egree setting %appli/a1le to $eli/opter multi-stage $ig$ spee+ motor'
8pe/ial tone: 6 1eep tone %1eep.1eep..'
(e+ium lea+ angle 20 +egree setting %appli/a1le to most motor t)pes'
8pe/ial tone: 7 1eep tone %1eep.1eep..'
Big$ lea+ angle 30 +egree setting %appli/a1le to 3o- spee+ $ig$ torCue motor'
Aeature 5. 3it$ium 1atter) monomer 0oltage sele/tion
8pe/ial tone: " 1eep tone %1eep.1eep..'
monomer lit$ium 1atter) prote/tion 0oltage 3V
8pe/ial tone: ! 1eep tone %1eep.1eep..'
monomer lit$ium 1atter) prote/tion 0oltage 2.!V
8pe/ial tone: 10 1eep tone %1eep.1eep..'
monomer lit$ium 1atter) prote/tion 0oltage 2."V
Aeature 6. lo- 0oltage prote/tion
Brushless ESC for 450 size Heli
% only one low voltage protection function can be chosen
8pe/ial tone: 11 1eep tone %1eep.1eep..'. prote/ting 4 lit$ium 1atteries
8pe/ial tone: 12 1eep tone %1eep.1eep..'. prote/ting 5 lit$ium 1atteries
8pe/ial tone: 13 1eep tone %1eep.1eep..'. prote/ting 6 lit$ium 1atteries
8pe/ial tone: 14 1eep tone %1eep.1eep..'. automati/all) eam t$e 1atter) an+ set a
prote/ting 0oltage % appli/a1le to &i/6el-(etal 1atter) or ni/6el-$)+rogen 1atter)'
Aeature 7. Bra6e /$oi/e
( only one function can be chosen
8pe/ial tone: 15 1eep tone %1eep.1eep..'
(otor 1ra6e %Aol+ing Bla+es 2ie+ -ing mo+e'5 &o-1ra6e s-it/$ing
Aa/tor) +e2ault motor 1atter) prote/tion 2un/tion: 3 3it$ium 1atteries
Aa/tor) +e2ault motor start-up mo+e: Aie+--ing mo+e
Aa/tor) +e2ault lea+ angle setting: (e+ium lea+ angle setting
Aa/tor) +e2ault 3it$ium 1atter) monomer 0oltage sele/tion: monomer lit$ium 1atter)
prote/tion 0oltage 2.!V
Aa/tor) +e2ault 1ra6e /$oi/e: &o-1ra6e
9$e s)stem -ill repeat t$e 2un/tion mo+e until users /$oose a /ertain 2un/tion. An+ t$e
s)stem -ill eit t$e 2un/tion mo+e a2ter enter t$e motor +ri0ing state.
Brushless ESC for 450 size Heli

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