1. The document discusses various types of defects that can occur in asphalt roads including surface defects, cracks, deformation defects, and disintegration defects.
2. Surface defects include fatty surfaces, smooth surfaces, streaking, and hungry/dry surfaces which are caused by excess binder, soft grades of asphalt, and loss of aggregates. Cracks include hairline cracks, alligator cracks, longitudinal cracks, and edge cracks.
3. Deformation defects involve rutting, corrugation, shoving, and settlements due to heavy traffic loads, poor compaction, and weak pavement. Disintegration defects comprise of stripping, loss of aggregates, ravelling, and potholes caused by water
1. The document discusses various types of defects that can occur in asphalt roads including surface defects, cracks, deformation defects, and disintegration defects.
2. Surface defects include fatty surfaces, smooth surfaces, streaking, and hungry/dry surfaces which are caused by excess binder, soft grades of asphalt, and loss of aggregates. Cracks include hairline cracks, alligator cracks, longitudinal cracks, and edge cracks.
3. Deformation defects involve rutting, corrugation, shoving, and settlements due to heavy traffic loads, poor compaction, and weak pavement. Disintegration defects comprise of stripping, loss of aggregates, ravelling, and potholes caused by water
1. The document discusses various types of defects that can occur in asphalt roads including surface defects, cracks, deformation defects, and disintegration defects.
2. Surface defects include fatty surfaces, smooth surfaces, streaking, and hungry/dry surfaces which are caused by excess binder, soft grades of asphalt, and loss of aggregates. Cracks include hairline cracks, alligator cracks, longitudinal cracks, and edge cracks.
3. Deformation defects involve rutting, corrugation, shoving, and settlements due to heavy traffic loads, poor compaction, and weak pavement. Disintegration defects comprise of stripping, loss of aggregates, ravelling, and potholes caused by water
1. The document discusses various types of defects that can occur in asphalt roads including surface defects, cracks, deformation defects, and disintegration defects.
2. Surface defects include fatty surfaces, smooth surfaces, streaking, and hungry/dry surfaces which are caused by excess binder, soft grades of asphalt, and loss of aggregates. Cracks include hairline cracks, alligator cracks, longitudinal cracks, and edge cracks.
3. Deformation defects involve rutting, corrugation, shoving, and settlements due to heavy traffic loads, poor compaction, and weak pavement. Disintegration defects comprise of stripping, loss of aggregates, ravelling, and potholes caused by water
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Bituminous material used for road surfacing may be broadly divided as: 1. Asphalt 2. Tar Asphalt cement is a bituminous material that is produced by distillation of petroleum oil. it may be further divided as petroleum asphalt or bitumen and native asphalt. There are different forms in which native asphalts are available. Native asphalts are those Which occur in a pure or nearly pure state in nature Native asphalts are associated with a !arge proportion of mineral matter" called roc# asphalt. The viscosity of asphalt is reduced sometimes by a volatile dilutent. This material is called cutbac#. when asphalt is suspended in a finely divided condition in an a$ueous medium and stabili%ed with an emulsifier it is called as emulsion. . Nearly all of &ndian surfaced road length which is about half of the total road length" has asphalt surfacing. With the growing re$uirements of new construction and maintenance of e'isting roads our annual consumption of asphalt has increased to about 1.( million tones currently. Asphalt is used in the road bloc# in a variety of ways" ranging from thin surfacing to high $uality surface courses. The common binders used in asphalt road construction are road tar and bitumen. )oad tar was used in &ndia up to about 1*(( for road construction purposes mainly because of its greater availability as compared to 1 +roperties of asphalt are:
1. Asphalt is viscoelastic material that behaves as a li$uid at high temperatures and as an elastic solid at low temperatures. 2. At pavement operating temperatures" asphalt cement has a semisolid consistency. ,. The viscosity of asphalt varies with temperature. &t possesses characteristics of adhesion with road aggregates.
-. )oad tar has better adhesion but is more susceptible to temperature than asphalt. They get o'idi%ed and become brittle much $uic#er than asphalt thus yielding reduced life of surfacing. .ue to these properties asphalt is preferred over tar roads. /owever periodically many defects may arise which can be repaired by following methods. The types of defects on asphalt surface are grouped under four categories. a. 0urface defects which include fatty surfaces" smooth surfaces" strea#ing and hungry1dry surface. b. 2rac#s which covers hairline crac#s" alligator crac#s" longitudinal crac#s" edge crac#s" shrin#age crac#s and )eflection crac#s. c. .eformation defects which comprise of slippage" rutting" corrugation" shoving" shallow depression and settlements. d. .isintegration defects which consist of stripping" loss of aggregates" reveling" pot holes and edge brea#ing. The general caused and remedies for these defects are given in following paragraphs. 2 A. SURFACE DEFECTS Correction of surface defect due DEFECTS CAUSES REPAIRS Fatty surfaces: 1. 3'cess binder. 2. 0oft grade of asphalt ,. Non uniform spraying and loss of aggregates as in surface dressing. -. /eavy a'le loads. Apply hot dry cover aggregates or
sand and roll gently for removal of
e'cess binder. Burn it if necessary or relay area affected. Soot! Surfaces: 1. +olishing of aggregates by traffic. 2. 3'cess binder. )esurface with premi' carpet using hard aggregates or with slurry seal. , Strea"in# $a%ternate %ean and ric! %ines of as&!a%t in surface dressin#' in %on#itudina% ( trans)erse direction. 1. Non uniform application of binder 2. !ow temperature of binder. ,. 4anual spraying. -. 4echanical faults during spraying. Apply new surface dressing with proper care in spraying of asphalt. Hun#ry( dry surfaces: 1. 5se of insufficient binder. 2. 5se of absorptive aggregates. ,. !oss of aggregates from surface Apply slurry seal" or for emergency repair applies fog seal. *. CRAC+S - Hair%ine crac"s $fine crac"s at c%ose inter)a%' 1. &nsufficient asphalt. 2. 3'cess filler. ,. 2ompacting when too hot. -. 6ver compaction.
Apply fog seal with binder. 2ut7bac# binder or asphalt solution. A%%i#ator Crac"s $inter,connect, ted crac"s forin# -%oc"s' 1. 3'cessive movement of base or sub7base layer. 2. base saturation" e'cessive loads over weathered surfacing" inade$uate pavement thic#ness. 8ill crac#s with asphalt emulsion or
cut7bac# binder apply slurry7seal
or sand7asphalt mi'" apply drainage. Lon#itudina% Crac"$at t!e .oint -et/een &a)eent and s!ou%der or at t!e .oint -et/een t/o &a)in# %anes' 1. 2ontraction or movement of
0ub grade beneath shoulder. 2. !ane 9oint crac# due to wea# 9oint or differential frost heave along centre7line. 8ill and seal bac# with cut7bac# binder or asphalt emulsion. Apply sand asphalt mi' if crac#s are wider than three mm. Ed#e crac"s
$&ara%%e% to outer ed#e of &a)eent 0.1 to 0.2 inside' 1. !ac# of lateral support from shoulder. 2. +oor surface drainage. ,. Base saturation shrin#age. -. 8rost heave (. &nade$uate pavement width. 1.)ectify drainage system" 2.provide hard and paved shoulders"
,. fill crac#s and lay premi' carpet
with seal coat -. if edge of the pavement has settled
bring it up to the desired grade with
plant mi' patching material. ( S!rin"a#e
Crac"s $trans)erse direction or interconnected crac"s in %ar#e -%oc"s' 1.0hrin#age of asphalt layer caused by :olume change of asphalt mi' with high 2ontent of hard asphalt. 2. !ac# of traffic. Apply slurry seal or sand asphalt mi' for filling such crac#s. Ref%ection Crac"s $usua%%y o)er,%ays o)er ceent, concrete or -ad%y crac"ed as&!a%t a%t -ase.' 1..ue to 9oints and crac#s in the pavement layer underneath. 1.8ill crac#s and seal suitably depending on the si%e of crac#. 2.Apply a crac# relief layer for prevention of such crac#s. C. DEFOR3ATIO4 DEFECTS ; S%i&&a#e$-et/een to& %ayer and %ayer -e%o/ acco&anied -y crescent s!a&ed crac"s in direction of T!rust of /!ee%s' 1. !ac# of bond between layers due to omission or inade$uacy of tac#7coat or
prime coat" dust or moisture in between
layers" heavy thrust by traffic 1. )emove affected area 2. Apply tact coat and patch with premi' Ruttin# $%on#itudina% De&ressions or 5roo)es in /!ee% Trac"s' 1. /eavy channeli%ed traffic 2.!ow stability of mi' due to inade$uate 2ompaction ,. Wea# pavement -./igh intensity of load stress as from bulloc# carts. (. +lastic deformation 1.8ill ruts with premi' carpet and
compact. 2.)elay affected portion with asphalt mi' of good stability if necessary. Corru#ations$ Re#u%ar Undu%ations Causin# s!a%%o/ 6a)y surface' 1. !ac# of stability in mi' 2. 3'cess binder1fines. ,. 0oft asphalt -. +oor aggregate interloc# (. oscillations set up by vehicles ;. 8re$uent brea#ing of vehicles <. 8aulty laying of mi' 1. 0carify and relay the surface. 2. 2ut high spots and fill low spots ,. 5se heater planer to rectify defects < S!o)in# $&%astic o)eent 6it!in surface resu%tin# in %oca%i7ed -u%#in# of surface8 occurrin# coon%y at -us sto&s8 intersections 1. !ac# of stability of mi' 2. 3'cess binder or fines ,. 0ofter grade of asphalt -. !ac# of bond between layers (. /eavy traffic with fre$uent bra#ing ;. 0harp negotiation of curves and gradients 1.)emove affected portion and relay with premi' carpet and
compact. = * S!a%%o/ De&ressions $%oca%i7ed and %iited in si7e di&&in# a-out 22 or ore -e%o/ desired &rofi%e' 1. /eavier traffic 2. 0ettlement of lower pavement layers ,. +oor construction methods 1.8ill with premi' carpet and compact to desired grade and profile Sett%eent $%ar#e %oca%i7ed Deforation /!ic! 3ay or ay not -e #enera%%y fo%%o/ed -y e9tend, si)e crac"s' 1. +oor compaction to fill 2. +oor drainage in lower layers ,. &nade$uate pavement thic#ness -.8rost heave or swelling effect of moisture on e'pansive soil. 3'cavate defective fill" reconstruct under controlled conditions to re$uired thic#ness" provide ade$uate drainage" strengthen the pavement if re$uired. D. DISI4TE5RATIO4 DEFECTS Stri&&in# $%oss of ad!esion -et/een -inder a##re#ates in &resence of /ater' 1. 0ofter grade of asphalt. 2. 0iliceous type of aggregates. ,. .ust and moisture on aggregates. -. )ain soon after laying of surface. 5se anti7stripping agent in suitable doses in case of siliceous aggregates" use of proper grade of asphalt for coating" provide ade$uate surface drainage. 1> Pot,!o%es $-o/% s!a&ed !o%es of )aryin# si7es on surface and e9tendin# to -ase course resu%tin# fro %oca%i7ed disinte#ration' 1. +oor surface drainage. 2. !ocali%ed defects in asphalt mi'. ,. &nsufficient binder. -. &nsufficient layer thic#ness. 1. 8ill pot holes with premi' carpet. After cutting these to regular si%e and applying tac# coat 2. 8ill deep pot holes wit asphalt penetration macadam or storable mi'. Ed#e -rea"in# $frayed ed#es' 1. &nfiltration of water. 2. 0oftening of foundation. ,. Worn out shoulders with insufficient side supports. -. &nade$uate thic#ness at edge. )elay shoulders with good materials
and compact" provide ade$uate drainage. 11 Loss of a##re#ates $as in surface dressin#' 1. Non7uniform spraying of binder. 2. .elayed spreading of aggregates. ,. Traffic soon after laying. -. &nsufficient binder. (. Ageing of binder. Apply li$uid seal" fog seal or slurry seal. )elay" if necessary with li$uid seal with proper $uality of control. *. SPECIAL *ITU3IOUS 3I:ES
The specification for special asphalt mi'es used for repairing purposes is given below. A. LI;UID SEAL: !i$uid seal consists of an application of li$uid asphalt ?paving asphalt" cut bac# asphalt or asphalt emulsion@ and covering the same with aggregates. This is applicable for rectifications of defects li#e stripping" loss of cover aggregates" ravelling etc.
+aving asphalt =>11>> or is to be used at the specified spraying temperature. 8or cold application" cut bac# asphalt of )27, or 427, grade and asphalt emulsion of )0 or 40 grade are suitable. The $uantities of materials are ta#en & proper proportions. *. FO5 SEAL: 8og seal is a light application asphalt emulsion usually without cover aggregates. &t is used to increase binder content of asphalt surface" to re9uvenate o'idi%ed and old surfaces" to fill crac#s and to prevent ravelling. &t can also be used as an emergency treatment for hungry surfaces.
A slow setting asphalt emulsion is diluted with an e$ual amount of water and spread at the rate of 12 >.( to 1.> liter1s$. m. depending upon te'ture and dryness of the e'isting asphalt surface. The fog seal sets in about ,> minutes. Traffic can be allowed in the road after the fog seal has set to a firm condition and is not pic#ed up by traffic. C. SLURR< SEAL :
0lurry seal is a mi'ture of fine aggregates" mineral filler and asphalt emulsion with water in order to achieve a slurry constituency. The ingredient are mi'ed and spread evenly on asphalt surface to fill crac#s" to repair raveled smooth or hungry surface" to rectify loss of aggregates" to re9uvenate o'idi%ed and open te'tured old asphalt surface and to provide a s#id resistant surface. D. SA4D *ITU3I4 3I: FOR PATCHI45 0and7asphalt mi' for patching consists of a mi'ture of fine aggregates and asphalt binder used for rectifying defects li#e crac#s" slippage" corrugation" shoving shallow depressions and raveling. The fine aggregates consists of a medium to course sand to fineness modulus of more than 2.( or fine grit passing 1.< mm sieve and retained on 1=> micron sieve. The binder is paving asphalt =>11>> or cut7bac# asphalt of 427, grade. The affected area is thoroughly cleaned and a trac# coat with paving asphalt is applied at the rate of <.(#g or 1> #g per 1> s$.m respectively. The sand asphalt mi' is prepared with >.>>;cu.m of fie aggregates and ;.= #g of paving asphalt or =.2 #g of cut bac# asphalt and is laid in 1> s$.m and the area is rolled to fine finish. E.CRAC+ RELIEF LA<ER 1, 0&3:3 0&A3 +3)23NT +A00&NB & && &&& <(mm ;,mm (>mm ->mm 2>mm 1>mm -.<(mm 2.,;mm 1(>micron <(micron 1>> *(71>> 7 ,>7<> ,72> >7, 7 7 7 7 7 1>> 7 ,(7<> (72> 7 7 >7( 7 >7, 7 7 1>> <(7*> (>7<7 7 =72> 7 >7( 7 The crac# relief layer is a part of a asphalt overlay over cement concrete surfacing or over badly crac#ed asphalt surfacing meant for reducing reflection crac#ing. &t is a <.( cm thic# layer of open7graded" hot7mi'ed asphalt macadam containing 2( to ,( percent interconnecting voids. 6nly crushed aggregates are to be used in the asphalt mi'. Because of large amount of interconnecting voids" this layer provides a medium" through which differential movements of the underlying cement concrete slabs are not readily transmitted to the upper asphalt layer The grading of aggregates recommended is as follows. The selection
of a particular grading depends upon availability of aggregates of appropriate si%es. +aving asphalt ;>1<> or =>11>> is used at the rate of 1.( to ,.> percent by weight of mi'. A tac# coat of hot asphalt is applied at the rate of < to 1> #g1s$.m. The hot asphalt mi' is laid by a paver to proper grade and profile. This layer should be covered with a surface course s soon as practicable. F. STORA*LE ASPHALT 3I: 1- 0&3:3 0&A3 +3)23NT +A00&NB & && 2>mm 12.(mm 1>mm -.<(mm 2.,;mm ;>>micron ,>>micron 1(>micron <(micron 7 1>> =>71>> ((7<> ,(7(> 1=72* 1(72, =71; -71> 1>> =>71>> <>7*> (>7<> ,(7(> 1=72* 1(72, =71; -71> 0torable asphalt mi' consists of cut7bac# asphalt or asphalt emulsion" aggregates and filler. 2ut7bac# asphalt or asphalt of 427, grade and medium setting asphalt emulsion are found
to be more suitable. These mi'es can be prepared in advance and used whenever necessary. This type of patching mi'er can be used for repair of slippage" rutting" shoving" shallow depressions and pot7holes. Traffic can be allowed when binder has sufficiently cured. The grading of aggregates to be used as follows: Brading & is to be used for filling up of shallow depressions1pot7holes" while grading 2 can be used for filling deep depressions pot7holes. The binder content will be - to ( per cent weight of the mi'. Width cut7bac# asphalt of 427, grade" the mi' can be stored for < to 1> days" but with cationic bitumen emulsion" the mi' has to be laid within ; to = hours. &n addition" cut7bac# asphalt needs to be treated with anti7stripping agent" while no such treatment is needed with cationic asphalt emulsion. 1( 1;