TG Math Grade2 PDF
TG Math Grade2 PDF
TG Math Grade2 PDF
Teachers Guide
Sinugbuanong Binisaya
Department of Education
Republic of the Philippines
This instructional material was collaboratively
developed and reviewed by educators from public and
private schools, colleges, and/or universities. We
encourage teachers and other education stakeholders
to email their feedback, comments, and
recommendations to the Department of Education at
We value your feedback and recommendations.
Teachers Guide in Sinugbuanong Binisaya
First Edition, 2013
ISBN: ___________
Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work
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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Published by the Department of Education
Secretary: Br. Armin A. Luistro FSC
Undersecretary: Yolanda S. Quijano, Ph.D.
Development Team of the Teachers Guide
Chairperson: Atty. Alberto T. Escobarte
Co-Chairman: Conchita A. Ubay
Consultant: Ponciano Q. Joven
Editor: Amelita P. Givertz
Writers: Larry G. Morandante, Lerma Monroy Sidayen,
Warren A. Norberte, Nena I. Albores
Illustrator: Romar M. Garrido
Layout Artists: Richard A. Obina
Alberto M. Adlawan,Sheila Marie Laurel
Encoder: Roderick R. Mindajao
Printed in the Philippines by ____________
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Republic of the Philippines
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The development of Teachers Guides (TGs) and Learners Materials (LMs) in
Elementary Mathematics Grade 2 was done through a collaborative effort of
teachers, school administrators, education program supervisors and other external
stakeholders with the passion and commitment to support and lead the
implementation of K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.
These learning resource materials have been purposely prepared to help
improve the mathematics instruction in the elementary grades. These provide
integration of values and life-long skills using different teaching strategies. Integration
of games, puzzles, short dialogues, songs, etc. in the teaching-learning processes are
contextualized on childrens experiences, needs and interests ; hence, learning
Mathematics becomes more practical, reliable, meaningful and enjoyable to the lives
of the pupils.
The learned skills are consistent with the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.
The Teachers Guides and Learners Materials should be used by teachers as a guide
in preparing their day-to-day teaching plans.
Table of Contents
Title Page
A. Whole Numbers
Lesson 1: Visualizing and Identifying Numbers
from 101 through 1 000 .2
Lesson 2: Associating Numbers with Sets
having 101 up to 500 Objects/Things .9
Lesson 3: Associating Numbers with Sets having
501 up to 1 000 Objects/Things .13
Lesson 4: Counts and Groups Objects in Ones,
Tens, and Hundreds ....16
Lesson 5: Counting Numbers by 10s, 50s, 100s up to 1 00019
Lesson 6: Reading and Writing Numbers through
1 000 in Symbols and in Words .23
Lesson 7: Giving the Place Value of Each Digit
in a 3 - Digit Number ...28
Lesson 8: Writing 3-Digit Numbers in Expanded Form ....32
Lesson 9: Comparing 3-Digit Numbers Using >, <, and = 36
Lesson 10: Ordering Numbers up to 1000 from
Least to Greatest and vice versa39
Lesson 11: Visualizing and Identifying the 1
the 20
t h
Objects of Given Set from a
Given Point of Reference 43
Lesson 12: Reading and Writing Ordinal Numbers
from 1
through the 20
Lesson 13: Identifying and Using the Pattern
of Naming Ordinal Numbers from 1
to 20
B. Addition
Lesson 14.1: Adding Numbers with Sums up to 1000
Without Regrouping 2 to 3- Digit....52
Lesson 14.2: Adding numbers with Sums up to 1000
With Regrouping 2 to 3-Digit ...55
Lesson 15.1: Adding Numbers with Sums up to 1000
Without Regrouping 3 to 3-Digit .....60
Lesson 15.2: Adding Numbers with sums up to 1000
With Regrouping 3 to 3-Digit ...63
Lesson 16: Using the Zero/Identity Property of Addition
in Computing for Sums of up to 1000 66
Lesson 17: Using the Commutative Property of Addition
in Computing for Sums of up to 1000 69
Lesson 18: Using the Associative Property of Addition ..73
Lesson 19: Adding Mentally One- to Two-Digit
Numbers with Sums up to 50 ...76
Lesson 20: Adding Mentally 3-Digit Numbers
by Ones (up to 9) ..80
Lesson 21: Adding Mentally 3-Digit Numbers
by Tens (multiples of 10 up to 90) .85
Lesson 22: Adding Mentally 3-Digit Numbers
by Hundreds (multiples of 100 up to 900) 89
Lesson 23: Analyzing and Solving Word Problems
Involving Addition of Whole Numbers
Including Money with Sums up to 1 000
Without and With Regrouping93
C. Subtraction
Lesson 24: Subtracting 2 to 3-Digit Numbers with Minuends
up to 999 without Regrouping .98
Lesson 25.1: Subtracting 2 to 3-Digit Numbers with Minuends
up to 999 with Regrouping in the Tens Place.103
Lesson 25.2: Subtracting 2 to 3-Digit Numbers with
Minuends up to 999 with Regrouping
in the Hundreds Place 107
Lesson 25.3: Subtracting 2 to 3-Digit Numbers with Minuends
up to 999 with Regrouping in the Tens
and Hundreds Place 111
Lesson 26: Subtracting Mentally 1-Digit Number
from 1 to 2- Digit Numbers with Minuends
up to 50 .115
Lesson 27: Subtracting Mentally 3-Digit Numbers
by ones without Regrouping ..119
Lesson 28: Subtracting Mentally 3-Digit Numbers
by Tens without Regrouping ..123
Lesson 29: Subtracting Mentally 3-Digit Numbers
by Hundreds without Regrouping .128
Lesson 30.1: Analyzing and Solving 1-Step Word
Problems Involving Subtraction of
Whole Numbers Including Money
with Minuends of up to 1000
Without Regrouping (telling what is
asked, what is/are given, the word clues,
the operation to be used).132
Lesson 30.2: Analyzing and Solving 1-Step Word Problems
Involving Subtraction of Whole Numbers
Including Money with Minuends of up to 1000
Without Regrouping (transforms the word
problem into a number sentence, use the correct
operation, state the complete answer) ...135
Lesson 30.3: Analyzing and Solving 1-Step Word Problems
Involving Subtraction of Whole Numbers
Including Money with Minuends up to 1000
with Regrouping (telling what is asked,
what is/are given, the word clues,
the operation to be used) ..139
Lesson 30.4: Analyzing and Solving 1-Step
Word Problems Involving Subtraction
of Whole Numbers including money
with Minuends up to 1000 With
Regrouping (transform the word problem
into a number sentence) ...142
Lesson 31: Performing Orders of Operations Involving
Addition and Subtractions of Small Numbers..146
Lesson 32.1: Solving Two-Step Word Problems Involving
Addition and Subtraction of 2- to 3- Digit
Numbers Including Money Using Appropriate
Procedures (telling what is asked, what is/are
given, the word clues, the operation
to be used) ..148
Lesson 32.2: Solving Two-Step Word problems
Involving Addition and Subtraction
of 2- to 3- Digit Numbers Including
Money using Appropriate Procedures
(transform the word problem into
a number sentence, use the correct
operation, state the answer) ......152
D. Multiplication
Lesson 33.1: Illustrating Multiplication as Repeated
Addition and Counting by Multiples ....155
Lesson 33.2: Illustrating Multiplication as Repeated
Addition, Arrays and Equal Jumps
on the Number Line ..159
Lesson 34: Writing a Related Equation for
each Type of Multiplication: Repeated
Addition Array and Equal Jumps
on the Number Line and Counting by
Lesson 35: Illustrating the Property of Multiplication
that any Number Multiplied by 1 is the
same number........165
Lesson 36: Illustrating the Property of Multiplication
that Zero Multiplied by Any Number
is Zero.....169
Lesson 37: Illustrating the Commutative Property
of Multiplication in Multiplying Numbers ....172
Lesson 38.1:Constructing and Filling up the
Multiplication Tables of 2,5,& 10 ..175
Lesson 38.2:Constructing and Filling up the Multiplication
Tables of 3 and 4 .180
Lesson 39.1:Multiplying Mentally to fill up Multiplication
Tables of 2, 5, and 10 ........183
Lesson 39.2: Multiplying Mentally to fill up Multiplication
Tables of 3 and 4 ....188
Lesson 40.1: Analyzing and Solving 1- Step
Word Problems Involving Multiplication
of Whole Numbers Including Money
(What is Asked, Given, Word Clues and
Operation to be Used)..195
Lesson 40.2: Analyzing and Solving 1- Step Word Problems
Involving Multiplication of Whole
Numbers Including Money (Transforming
Word Problems Into Number Sentences
and Stating the Complete Answer).201
Lesson 41: Analyzing and Solving 2-3 - Steps Word Problems
Involving Multiplication of Whole Numbers
as well Addition and Subtraction Including
E. Division
Lesson 42: Modeling and Describing Division Situations
in which Sets are Separated into Equal Part...211
Lesson 43.1: Representing Division as Equal Sharing..215
Lesson 43.2: Representing Division as Repeated Subtraction.220
Lesson 43.3: Representing Division as Equal Jumps on the
Number Line..224
Lesson 43.4: Representing Division as Formation
of Equal Groups of Objects.228
Lesson 44.1: Writing a Related Equation for Division
as Equal Sharing and Repeated Subtraction...234
Lesson 44.2: Writing a Related Equation for Division as
Equal Jumps on the Number Line and
Formation of Equal Groups of Objects..242
Lesson 45.1: Dividing Numbers Found in the Multiplication
Tables of 2 and 3..249
Lesson 45.2: Dividing Numbers Found in the Multiplication
Tables of 4, 5, and 10..258
Lesson 46: Dividing Mentally Numbers Found in the
Multiplication Tables of 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10.264
Lesson 47.1: Analyzing and Solving 1-Step Word Problems
Involving Division of Numbers Found
in the Multiplication Tables of 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10
(What is asked, What is/are given,
Word Clues and Operation Used).270
Lesson 47.2: Analyzing and Solving 1-Step Word
Problems Involving Division of Numbers Found
in the Multiplication Tables of 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10
(Transforming Word Problems into
Number Sentences and Stating the
Complete Answer)..274
A. Fractions
Lesson 48: Visualizing and Identifying Unit Fractions
with Denominators 10 and Below....279
Lesson 49: Reading and Writing Unit Fractions 282
Lesson 50: Comparing Unit Fractions Using Relation Symbols .288
Lesson 51: Ordering Unit Fractions .291
Lesson 52: Visualizing and Identifying other Fractions
Less Than One with Denominators
10 and Below 296
Lesson 53: Visualizing and Identifying Similar Fractions
(using group of objects and number line) .....299
Lesson 54.1: Reading and Writing Similar Fractions ..303
Lesson 54.2: Comparing Similar Fractions Using
Relation Symbols .306
Lesson 55: Ordering Similar Fractions ...311
B. Money
Lesson 56: Reading and Writing Money with Value
through 100 .314
Lesson 57.1: Counting and Telling the Value of a
Set of Coins through 100 in Peso ( coins only)..317
Lesson 57.2: Counting and Telling the Value of
a Set of Bills through 100 in Peso ....322
Lesson 57.3: Counting and Telling the Value of a
Set of Coins and Bills through 100 in Peso..325
Lesson 58: Counting and Telling the Value of
a Set of Coins through 100 in Centavo (coins).330
Lesson 59: Counting and Telling the Value of a Set of Bills
or a Set of Coins through 100 in Combinations
of Pesos and Centavos (peso and centavo coins
only, centavo coins, coins and bills) .337
Lesson 60: Reading and Writing Money in Symbols
and in Words through 100 ...341
Lesson 61: Comparing Values of Different Denominations
of Coins and Paper Bills through 100
Using Relation Symbols >, < , and = ..344
Lesson 62: Visualizing , Identifying, Classifying and
Describing half and quarter circles..348
Lesson 63: Constructing Squares, Rectangles, Triangles,
Circles, Half Circles and Quarter Circles
Using Cut Outs and Square Grid .352
Lesson 64: Identifying Shapes/Figures that Show
Symmetry in a Line 356
Lesson 65: Creating Figures that Show Symmetry in a Line ..360
Lesson 66: Recognizing Shapes that can Tessellate ..366
Lesson 67: Tessellating a Surface Using Triangles
and Squares371
Lesson 68: Identifying Straight Lines and Curves, Flat
and Curved Surfaces in a 3-Dimensional
Object .376
Lesson 69: Explaining the Differences Between Straight
Lines and Curved Lines, Flat Surfaces and
Curved Surfaces ...380
Lesson 70: Identifying and Explaining Simple
Repeating Patterns390
Lesson 71.1: Determining the Next Term (figure/number)
in a Given sequence and Giving a Reason ..397
Lesson71.2: Determine the Number in a Given Sequence.404
Lesson 72: Finding and Completing Patterns According
to One or Two of the Following Attributes:
Shape, Size, Color, and Orientation ..409
A. Time
Lesson 73: Telling and Writing the Time in Minutes
Including a.m. and p.m. using Analogue
and Digital Clocks 416
Lesson 74.1: Finding the Duration of Time Elapsed
Using Calendar .....421
Lesson 74.2: Finding the Duration of Time Elapsed
Using Analogue and Digital Clocks ...425
B. Linear Measurement
Lesson 75: Solving Simple Word Problems
Involving Time428
Lesson 76: Showing and Using Appropriate Unit
of Length and their Abbreviations
cm and m to Measure a Particular Object.432
Lesson 77: Comparing Length in Meters
or Centimeters..436
Lesson 78: Measures Objects Using Appropriate
Measuring Tools in m or cm ..........................................440
Lesson 79: Estimating and Measuring Length Using
Meter or Centimeter .443
Lesson 80: Solving Simple Word Problems
Involving Length ...446
B. Mass Measurement
Lesson 81: Showing and Using the Appropriate Unit of
Weight and their Abbreviations
g and kg to Measure a Particular Object
or Situation ...449
Lesson 82: Comparing Weight in Grams or Kilograms..452
Lesson 83: Measuring Objects using Appropriate
Measuring Units in g or kg. 455
Lesson 84: Estimating and Measuring Mass
Using Gram or Kilogram .458
Lesson 85: Solving Simple Word Problems
Involving Mass .461
Lesson 86: Illustrating Area as a Measure of How
Much Surface is Covered or Occupied
by a Plane Figure.465
Lesson 87: Showing the Area of a Given Figure Using
Square-tile Units e.g. Number of
Square tiles Needed 468
Lesson 88: Estimating the Area of a Given Figure
Using any Shape ..472
Lesson 89: Identifying the Area of a Given Figure
Using Square-tile units e.g. Number of
Square-tiles Needed..476
Lesson 90: Showing and Finding Capacity Using
Appropriate Measuring Tools,
e.g. Amount of Liquid Needed 479
Lesson 91: Collecting and Organizing Data Using
Tables and Pictures.485
Lesson 92: Reading and Interpreting Data in
a Given Pictograph .490
Lesson 93 and 94: Forming scale Representation of
Objects from the Data Collected
-Making Pictographs Using
Scale Representation494
Lesson 95: Making a Guess on Whether an Event
is Less Likely, More Likely, Equally Likely
or Unlikely to Happen Based on Facts.499
Visualize and identify numbers from 101 through 1 000
Visualizing and Identifying Numbers from 101 through 1 000
Counters (e.g. rubber bands, popsicle sticks, marbles, seeds, etc.)
Numbers in symbols written on a strip of cartolina or number cards
and pictures/cutouts, activity sheets, models of flats, longs and
Values Integration: Accuracy in ones work
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
I Have Who Has?
a. Distribute number cards from 50 to 100.
b. Let the pupil say the number card s/he is holding.
I have 35 Who has 48?
c. The pupil who holds the number 48 will stay in front and repeat the
words stated by the first pupil with another number combination.
d. This activity continues until all pupils have participated.
2. Review
The teacher shows a chart of different illustrations of objects.
A. Let the pupils count the objects and write the number on the
(Teacher may add more items for this activity.)
( 50)
3. Motivation
Counting Game
a. Divide the class into 5 groups.
b. Provide 3 different counters for each group.
c. Let them count the objects one by one and fill out the
activity card.
Group No. Score:
Name of Objects How many?
1. straws
2. rubber bands
2. 3. marbles
d. The first group with the most number of correct answer
wins the game.
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Distribute models of flats, longs, and cubes to the pupils.
Ask: How many ones are there in a (ones)? (1)
How many ones are there in a (long)? (10)
How many ones are there in a (flat)? (100)
b. Present the illustration below to emphasize the concept of
visualization and identification of numbers by flats, longs, and
Guide the pupils in answering these questions.
How many flats are there? (2)
How many longs are there? (3)
How many ones are there? (5)
How many flats, longs, and ones are there in all? (235)
Emphasize to the pupils that a flat is made of 10 longs or 100 ones.
Then, a long is composed of 10 ones.
Let them find other ways to represent numbers from 101 to 1 000 by
introducing the concept of counting by 10s, 50s or 100s.
Show an illustration of 110 brooms.
Let the pupils count the objects by tens.
Ask: How are the brooms grouped? (They are grouped into 10s.)
How many brooms are there in all? (110)
What counting strategy is used? (Counting by tens).
Ask the pupils to get their 5 bundles of 100 popsicle sticks.
Ask: How many bundles of popsicle sticks do you have? (5 bundles)
How many popsicle sticks are there in each bundle? (100)
How are they grouped? (They are grouped into 100s.)
What concept of counting is used? (Counting by hundreds)
C. Performing an Activity
a. Pair Shared Activity
1. Post some strips of cartolina with drawings of flats, longs, and
2. Provide a worksheet to each pair.
3. Ask them to count the flats, longs and ones.
4. Let the pair explain their answers in the class.
= (135)
= (358)
= (472)
= (903)
b. Group Work Game
1. Divide the class into 5 teams.
2. Provide an activity sheet to each group to be accomplished within
5 minutes.
3. Each group counts and writes the correct number of objects.
4. The group with the most number of correct answers wins.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Were you able to identify the correct number of objects?
How did you identify the number that fits the illustration
What counting strategy is easier? Why?
Is there any other way of counting that you could think of
aside from counting one by one to identify the number of
illustrations? Cite some examples.
How did each one of you work on the activity?
Were you accurate in counting objects and illustrations?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What do we do in counting the objects and things? (We count
them accurately.)
How did we identify numbers from 100 to 1 000? (Counting the
objects by 10s, 50s or 100s to represent the number.)
What are other ways of identifying numbers of objects aside from
counting the objects one by one? (Using flats, longs and ones or
counting objects by 10s, 50s and 100s)
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Show illustration of flats, longs and ones. Pupils write the correct
number on their show-me-boards.
(Teacher may add more items for this activity.)
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
1. Associate numbers with sets having 101 up to 500 objects or
2. Identify numbers with sets having 101 up to 500 objects or things
Associating Numbers with Sets having 101 up to 500 Objects or
Counters (e.g. rubber bands, toothpicks, small boxes, leaves, seeds,
plastic glasses, small paper bags), charts of flats, longs and cubes,
number chart, and a picture of a fisherman holding a fishing tub
Values Integration: Neatness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Show different illustrations of objects in sets. Each set/bundle is
equivalent to 10. Let the pupils match the given pictures to their
corresponding number.
1. A. 58
2. B. 64
3. C. 90
4. D. 73
5. E. 66
2. Review
Do: Prepare a chart of flats, longs, and ones. Show them to the class.
Let the pupils write the correct number of flats, longs and ones on the blank.
(Teacher may add more items for this activity.)
___ (322)
____ (444)
B. Write the correct number.
_____ tens and _____ ones = ________
_____ tens and _____ ones = ________
3. Motivation
Show a picture of a fisherman holding a fishing tub.
Can you guess how many fishes are there in the fishing tub? After
several guesses, tell the class that the fishing tub has 100 fishes.
Say: Class, can you make bundles or sets of 100 with your objects?
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Group the pupils by four. (Make sure that each pupil has objects
bundled or grouped into 100s in a bag, box, tray, etc.)
b. Let the pupils count the objects they have (1 to 100) and tell how
many objects are in each bundle or group.
c. Tell the pupils to add one to 100 and ask: How will you describe
the objects? What is the number? (101)
d. Give another example, say 198. Let the pupils get one bundle of
100s, 9 tens and 8 ones. Ask them to count the number of objects
they have in all. What is the number? (198)
C. Performing an Activity
a. Ask each group to discover the next numbers using popsicle
Group 1 - 101 to 200
Group 2 - 201 to 300
Group 3 - 301 to 400
Group 4 - 401 to 500
b. Each member of the group writes the numbers discovered on a
Manila paper.
c. Check the accuracy of the answers.
How do we keep our things?
What must we remember when putting away our things?
What happen to your things if they are not well-organized?
Lead them in finding other ways to represent from 101 to 500.
Emphasize the point that there are many ways to count and
represent things and still come up with the same answer.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
How many bundles of 100 popsicle sticks are there in number 1? 2?
3? 4?
How many bundles of tens do you need in order to form a hundred?
How many ones are there in each set of popsicle sticks?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What did we do with the objects and things?
How many objects does each bundle/set have?
In what way does each bundle/set help you?
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Pair-Shared Activity
Do: Distribute the activity sheets to each pair. Every pair is given 2
minutes to answer the said activity. As they answer, teacher roams
around to check if all pupils are on - task.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
1. Associate numbers with sets having 501 to 1000 objects or things
2. Identify number with sets having 501 to 1 000 objects or things
Associating Numbers with Sets having 501 to 1 000 Objects or
Counters (e.g. bundles of rubber bands, popsicle sticks, toothpicks,
mongo seeds, straws, and pebbles), illustration cards with sets
having 101 to 500 objects/things, chart, cutouts of objects with
numbers, strips of papers
Values Integration: Carefulness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Show Me Board Activity
Flash these illustration cards and let the pupils write the correct
number of objects on their show me boards.
Say: Class, each bundle/set is equivalent to 10.
2. Review
Do: Prepare a chart for this activity. Let the pupils write the correct
number symbols for each illustration.
(Teacher may add more items for this activity.)
___ 1.
___ 2.
3. Motivation
Do: Ask two (2) pupils to act as characters in the dialogue or
Carla and Miko are taking their snacks in the canteen. While
eating they are having a conversation.
Miko: Carla, can you help me?
Carla: Sure Miko. What can I help you with?
Miko : My teacher taught me to identify numbers with sets
having 101 to 500 objects/things, but I want to learn
more in identifying and counting numbers. Can you
share a simple technique on how to do it?
Carla : Of course, heres how, add 100 more to 500 and
another 100 more until you reach 1 000 if you want.
Miko : Thank you Carla.
Carla: You are welcome Miko.
B. Presenting the Lesson
Do: Explain the concept through visualization method.
Say: Here is Mikos bowl with 500 marbles on it. He followed Carlas
advice to add 100 and another 100 more to increase the numbers.
How many marbles are there in all? (700)
Mikos bowl of marbles
Then, he used small bowl to hold few marbles like this so it becomes
80 and another 6 pieces of marbles in his hands.
Miko counted all his marbles by bowls. He counted 786 all in all.
C. Performing an Activity
(Prepare illustrations as suggested in a,b,c,d and e.)
Show chart with illustrations. Distribute sets of number cards.
Have the pupils match the set of objects with the numeral symbols
appearing in their number cards.
a. illustration of 743 pieces of cookies in trays
b. illustration of 826 popsicle sticks in bundles
c. illustration of 928 bath soaps in boxes
d. illustration of 517 chalks in boxes
e. illustration of 659 guavas in baskets
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
How many hundreds are there in 743? tens? ones?
How many hundreds are there in 826? tens? ones?
How many hundreds are there in 928? tens? ones?
How many hundreds are there in 517? tens? ones?
How many hundreds are there in 659? tens? ones?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
Do you like the activity you have just performed?
Why do we need to take care of our things especially those
that are lent to us? How can we take good care of them?
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we associate numbers with objects or things? (We
can associate numbers with objects or things by identifying
and counting them.)
G. Applying to New and other Situations
a. Group the pupils into 3.
b. Each group prepare
1000 straws
876 popsicle sticks
529 toothpicks
a box
c. Task Card will be given to each group to accomplish.
1. Bundle the counters into hundreds.
2. Tell the number of sets formed.
3. Write how many groups of tens and ones are formed
using the counters.
Ask: How many bundles of 100s did you make using the straws?
popsicle sticks?toothpicks?
Let pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Count and group objects in ones, tens and hundreds
Counting and Grouping Objects in Ones, Tens and Hundreds
Counters (e.g. marbles, rubber bands, straws, popsicle sticks,
bottle caps, place value chart, digit cards and task cards
Values Integration: Cooperation and teamwork
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Let the pupils tell the missing numbers.
Flash the number one at a time.
_______, , ________
_______, , ________
_______, , ________
_______, , ________
_______, , ________
2. Review
a. Write the standard form.
1. 6 hundreds 4 tens 9 ones = ________
2. 8 hundreds 1tens 0 ones = ________
3. 9 hundreds 5 tens 2 ones = ________
4. 7 hundreds 8 tens 3 ones = ________
5. 2 hundreds 6 tens 5 ones = ________
b. Checking the assignment
3. Motivation
a. Group the pupils into 5.
b. Distribute different objects/counters to each group.
E.g. 268 straws
c. Ask them to count the objects accurately.
d. Let each group fills out the table.
Objects Number Hundreds Tens Ones
1. straws
2. marbles
3. popsicle
B. Presenting the Lesson
Say: Class, did you enjoy the group activity? This kind of
activity helps you to count and group objects in ones, tens and
Now, let us continue our lesson with another manipulative activity.
a. Let the pupils manipulate objects like bundles of rubber bands,
stones, marbles, toothpicks and popsicle sticks.
b. For example, let them show groups of 100 popsicle sticks. Then
have them put together ten bundles of 100 popsicle sticks.
c. Ask how many popsicle sticks are there in all.
d. Group the pupils and let them form groups of hundreds, tens, and
ones using counters. Have them write the number of each group
that is formed.
e. Look at the numbers written on the drawing.
5 in the hundreds place tells the number of hundreds, 8 in the tens
place tells the number of tens, and 2 in the ones place tells the
number of ones.
C. Performing an Activity
a. Let pupils go to their respective groups. Ask them to bring
different illustrations of objects.
b. Let them count the group of objects in ones, tens and
c. Call pupils to post digit cards on the place value chart. Ask
them to group them in ones, tens and hundreds.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
How many columns are there in the place value chart?
What is written in each column of the place value chart?
What is written in the first column starting from the right?
second column? third column?
How many digits are there in 780? 354? 618?
In 780, what number will you write in the ones place? Tens
place? Hundreds place?
In 354, what number will you write in the ones place? tens
hundreds place?
In 618, what number will you write in the ones place? tens
place? hundreds place?
From what direction will you start to identify the place value
of each digit?
If you will read the number, where do you start, from the left or
right? Why?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
In counting and grouping objects in ones, tens and hundreds,
how many ones make one ten? (10)
How many tens make a hundred? (10)
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Board work Activity
Counters Number Hundreds Tens Ones
1. popsicle
2. marbles 354
3. straws 618
Prepare illustration of objects in sets and a place value chart for the activity.
Post the place value chart on the board and show illustration one at a time.
The pupils count the objects on the illustrations and fill out the place value
chart indicating the ones, tens and hundreds of each digit.
1. illustration of 103 umbrellas
2. illustration of 114 keys
3. illustration of 258 watches
4. illustration of 380 cookies
5. illustration of 586 notebooks
Number of
Hundreds Tens Ones
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Count numbers by 10s, 50s, 100s up to 1 000
Counting Numbers by 10s, 50s, 100s up to 1000
Pictures, charts, counters (rubber bands, popsicle sticks
stones, marbles or any available materials)
Values Integration: Teamwork
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Let the pupils count orally by 2s up to 50 then by 5s up to 50.
2. Review
Provide 100 popsicle sticks or any available counters on the table.
Let the pupils count and group the counters by ones, tens and
3. Motivation
Manipulative Game
Divide the class in three groups.
Distribute different counters (rubber bands, popsicle sticks, stones,
marbles and straw)
Let them group counters by 10s for group 1, 50s for group 2 and
100s for group 3.
B. Presenting the Lesson
Present the number line one at a time.
Ask the pupils to observe the distance in every jump of the frog.
I. Using Number line counting upward
Ask: How many numbers were skipped to land on the next number?
How is the skip counting done upward or downward?(upward)
In the given example, in what number did we start counting
when we
skip count upward? (least number)
What skip counting is used? (Counting by 10s)
Ask: How many numbers were skipped to land on the next number?
How is the skip counting done upward or downward?(upward)
In the given example, in what number did we start counting
when we skip count upward? (least number)
What skip counting is used? (Counting by 50s)
0 10 20 30 40
0 50 100 150 200
0 100 200 300 400
Ask: How many numbers were skipped to land on the next number?
How is the skip counting done upward or downward?(upward)
In the given example, in what number did we start counting
when we skip count upward? (least number)
What skip counting is used? (Counting by 100s)
II. Using Number line counting downward
Ask: How many numbers were skipped to land on the next
How is the skip counting done upward or downward?
(downward) In the given example,in what number did we start
counting when we skip count downward? (greatest number)
What skip counting is used? (Counting by 10s)
Ask: How many numbers were skipped to land on the next
How is the skip counting done upward or downward?
(downward) In the given example, in what number did we start
counting when we skip count downward? (greatest number)
What skip counting is used? (Counting by 50s)
Ask: How many numbers were skipped to land on the next
How is the skip counting done upward or downward?
(downward) In the given example, in what number did we
start counting when we skip count downward? (greatest
What skip counting is used? (Counting by 100s)
C. Performing an Activity
a. Divide the class into three groups.
Provide 160 pieces of drinking straw to each group
40 30 20 10 0
200 150 100 50 0
400 300 200 100 0
Let the first group count by 10s, second by 50s, third by 100s
using the counters.
b. Let them read the following sets of numbers
1. 121 131 141 3. 732 622 522
2. 305 405 505 4. 526 426 326
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: In activity a, how many objects did you count in all?
How did you count the objects? (by 10s, by 50s or by 100s)
How many numbers were skipped to count the drinking
What skipped counting is used in group 1? group2? group3?
In activity b.1, what skip counting is used?(by 10s) in number
2? (by 100s)
How is the skip counting done? (upward)
In number 3, what skip counting is used?(by 10s)
How is it done?(downward)
In number 4, what skip counting is used?(by 100s)
How is it done?(downward)
What did the members of the winning group do in order to
count quickly?
What shall we do during group activities?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What do we call the sequence or pattern of counting that we
Where do we start counting when we count upward?
(least number)
Where do we start counting when we count downward?
(greatest number)
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
a. Oral
Let each pupil take his/ her turn to count orally by 10s up to
1000, by 50s up to 1000, by 100s up to 1000.
b. Board Work
Let the pupils fill in the missing numbers on the board.
1. 296 306 316 ____ 2. 478 ___ 278 178
3. 125 175 ____ 275 4. 134 124 114 ___
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 to 3 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Read and write numbers through 1 000 in symbols and in words
Reading and Writing Numbers through 1 000 in Symbols and in
Chart, strips of cartolina
Values Integration: Concern for the environment
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Provide drinking straws or any available counters on the object
Let the pupils count and group the counters in ones, tens and
Ask how many hundreds, tens and ones.
2. Review
Checking of assignment
Call pupils to write their answers on the board.
Fill in the blanks with the correct number.
1. 350 360 ___ 380 (370)
2. 400 500 ___ 700 (600)
3. 250 300 ___ 400 (350)
4. 900 800 700 ___ (600)
5. 650 600 550 ___ (500)
236 158 935 375 632
3. Motivation
Post the situation below on the board. Let the pupils read.
Ask: How many boys are there in Rosario Central Elementary
School? How many are girls?
How many seedlings were collected?
Why do you think the school is planting trees around the
Is it important to take care of our environment? Why?
What are other ways of taking care of our environment?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Ask: What are the given numbers in the situation?
Let the pupils read.
Do: Let the pupils get their show -me- board and write the numbers
as dictated.
Say: There is another way of writing numbers.
Do: Post a chart of numbers in symbols and in words on the
Let the pupils read the numbers in symbols and in words.
Let them observe the correct spelling
Numbers in Symbols Numbers in words
100 One hundred
202 Two hundred two
305 Three hundred five
450 Four hundred fifty
514 Five hundred fourteen
618 Six hundred eighteen
1000 One thousand
Ask: How are the numbers written? (In symbols and in words)
In Grade II classes of Rosario Central Elementary
School, there are 263 boys and 169 girls. Each one is
asked to bring seedlings to plant around the campus.
Thus, the school was able to collect 432 seedlings.
263 169
Is there any symbol found in between the numbers in words?(none)
Let the pupils read and observe the correct spelling of numbers in
Numbers in Symbols Numbers in Words
236 Two hundred thirty-six
158 One hundred fifty-eight
935 Nine hundred thirty-five
375 Three hundred seventy-
632 Six hundred thirty-two
Do: Let us look at the numbers written in words closely.
Ask: What symbol is used to separate compound numbers such as
thirty six? Thirty- five? Seventy-five? Thirty-two? (Hyphen)
Do: Call a volunteer to write the symbol, ( - ) on the board.
Explain the meaning of compound numbers.
Say: Compound number means any number that is made up of two
words. We use a hyphen(-) in between compound number e.g.
forty- three, twenty-eight and thirty-six.
Do: Dictate numbers then call pupils to write them on the
board in symbols. Call another pupil to write the numbers in
words observing the correct spelling and use of hyphen.
C. Performing an Activity
Group the pupils into four. Choose a leader to report the
Provide an activity chart to each group.
In Grade II classes of Rosario Central Elementary School,
there are 263 boys and 169 girls. Each one is asked to bring
seedlings to plant around the campus. Thus, the school was able to
collect 432 seedlings.
Group I
Write the following numbers
in words:
a. 147 =(one hundred
b. 126 =(one hundred
c. 503 =(five hundred
d. 265 =(two hundred
e. 246 =(two hundred
Group II
Write the following numbers in symbols:
a. Two hundred thirty-two = ___ (232)
b. Eight hundred twenty-six = ___ (826)
c. Nine hundred sixty-three = ___ (963)
d. One hundred ninety-nine = ___ (199)
e. Seven hundred sixteen = ___ (716)
Group III
Write the following numbers in
a. 681 = (six hundred eighty-
b. 235 = (two hundred
c. 308 = (three hundred
d. 324 = (three hundred
e. 462 = (four hundred sixty-
Group IV
Write the following numbers in symbols:
a. Two hundred fifty-nine = ___(259)
b. Five hundred twenty-five = ___(525)
c. Seven hundred twelve = ___(712)
d. Five hundred thirty-one = ___(531)
e. Three hundred sixteen = ___(316)
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Let the group leaders report their outputs.
Make a follow-up discussion.
Ask: In what ways did you write the numbers?
What symbol is used in writing compound numbers like thirty-
five? sixty-two? (Hyphen -)
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we write numbers?
(Numbers can be written in symbols and in words.)
A hyphen (-) is used in between compound numbers in words.
How do we read numbers?
(Numbers can be read starting from the highest place value.)
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Do: Provide activity chart and other materials needed.
Activity 1: Using chart
1. Pick cutout of . Read the number and write it in
words on the board.
Activity 2: Using digit cards
Form groups of 4. Use the digits 0, 1, 4, 5, 7, 8 only
once, then form and write the numbers following the given
directions such as :
a. the largest three-digit number
b. the smallest three-digit number
c. the smallest three-digit using only even digits
d. the largest three-digit number using only odd digit
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Give the place value of each digit in a 3-digit numbers
Giving the Place Value of each Digit in a 3 - Digit Number
Chart for the board work activity, place value chart,
improvised abacus, activity card, counters (e.g. marbles,
rubber bands and straws), drill cards, number cards with 3-
digit numbers, drill or show cards for each pupil
Values Integration: Enjoyment in doing things
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Show -Me - Board Activity
Dictate the numbers and let the pupils write the tens and ones
correctly on their show-me-boards. Let them raise their boards
after ten counts.
Example: 86 = 8 tens and 6 ones
1. 19 = ___ ten and ___ ones (1 and 9)
2. 25 = ___ tens and ___ ones (2 and 5)
3. 48 = ___ tens and ___ ones (4 and 8)
4. 70 = ___ tens and ___ ones (7 and 0)
5. 96 = ___ tens and ___ ones (9 and 6)
2. Review
Prepare a chart for the board work activity.
Activity 1
Give the missing word number.
1. 125 = One hundred ____________-five (twenty)
2. 389 = _________ hundred eighty-nine (three)
3. 794 = Seven hundred ninety-________ (four)
4. 862 = Eight hundred _________-two (sixty)
5. 930 = _________ hundred thirty (nine)
Activity 2
Write the figures of the following word numbers.
1. Two hundred three = ______ (203)
2. Three hundred nineteen = ______ (319)
3. Four hundred fifty-six = ______ (456)
4. Six hundred seventy-eight = ______ (678)
5. Nine hundred forty-four = ______ (944)
3. Motivation
Display an improvised abacus.
Ask: Class, what is this? (an abacus)
What is the use of an abacus? (It is used for counting.)
Say: Class, this is an improvised abacus. We are going to use this
tool to know the value of ones, tens and hundreds.
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Using improvised abacus, (introduce the correct place value
of digits.)
Say: Class, H stands for hundreds, T for tens and O for ones.
Then, three(3) digit numbers are grouped in hundreds, tens
and ones.
Do: Let the pupils place five little wooden rings on the hundreds,
nine wooden rings on the tens and four wooden rings on the
Ask: Let us tell the place value of each wooden ring
(5 9 4 = five hundred ninety - four)
What is the place value of 5?
What is the place value of 9?
What is the place value of 4?
What is the number? (594)
b. Using place value chart
Say: Here is a place value chart. Let us group 594 in hundreds,
tens and ones.
Ask: What digit is in the hundreds place? tens place? ones place?
Do: Explain at the same time that the value of a digit in a given
number depends on its place.
a. What is the value of 5 in 594? (500)
There are 2 zeros in 500.
Why is there a need to put 2 zeros?
b. What is the value of 9 in 594? (90)
There is 1 zero in 90.
Why is there is need to put 1 zero?
Call on several pupils to show the place value and value of other
3- digit numbers.
C. Performing an Activity
Group - Shared Activity
a. Divide the class into 4 groups.
b. Post the place value chart on the board for each group.
c. Let the group write the number on the place value chart.
Ask the pupils to group the numbers in ones, tens and
Numbers Hundreds Tens Ones
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
How many digits are in 153? 210? 309? (3 digits)
How are 3 digit numbers grouped? (They are grouped in
hundreds, tens and ones)
What is the place value of 3 in 153? (Ones)
What is the value of 3 in 153? (3)
What is the place value of 1 in 210? (Tens)
What is the value of 1 in 210? (10)
What is the place value of 3 in 309? (Hundreds)
What is the value of 3 in 309? (300)
In what direction will you identify the place value? (from right
to left direction)
Number Hundreds Tens Ones
594 5 9 4
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How many digits are there in hundreds?(3) Tens?(2) Ones?(1)
What are the different place values in a 3-digit number? (hundreds,
tens and ones)
What did we use to identify the place value of each digit easily?
(place value chart)
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Pair - Solve - Share Activity
a. Let pupils look for a partner.
b. Provide task card to every pair.
c. Let them do the activity.
Activity Card: Complete the chart below.
Do you like using our materials? Why?
How do you feel using those things?
(I enjoy using them.)
___ hundreds
___ tens
___ ones
____ tens
____ ones
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Write 3-digit numbers in expanded form
Writing 3-digit numbers in expanded form
Pictures, charts, counters
Value Integration: Neatness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Post an activity chart on the board.
Let the pupils write the digit in each place value of the following
a. 597 = _____ hundreds _____ tens _____ ones
b. 621 = _____ hundreds _____ tens _____ ones
c. 543 = _____ hundreds _____ tens _____ ones
d. 945 = _____ hundreds _____ tens _____ ones
e. 804 = _____ hundreds _____ tens _____ ones
2. Review
Board work activity
a. Let the pupils write the following numbers in symbols or in words.
a. six hundred fifty six = _____
b. four hundred thirty-seven = _____
c. nine hundred thirty = _____
d. 304 = _____
e. 256 = _____
3. Motivation
We have learned to read and write 3-digit numbers in symbols
and in words. Is there another way of writing numbers?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Teacher prepared a chart of grade II enrolment in Rosario Central
Elementary School
Do: Using the chart from the Lesson 6, present the enrolment of boys
and girls in Grade II classes of Rosario Central Elementary School
and the numbers of seedlings they brought.
Ask: How many seedlings did the pupils bring?(432)
Do: Present the following illustrations.
Do: Let the pupils count the seedlings in the illustration.
Ask: How many groups of hundreds are there? (4 hundreds)
What is the value of 4 hundreds? (400)
How many groups of tens are there? (3 tens)
What is the value of 3 tens? (30)
How many ones are there? (2 ones)
What is the value of 2 ones? (2)
Say: To find the sum of its digit, we add;
400 + 30 + 2 = 432 sum
Expanded form
Do: Give the meaning of expanded form.(Expanded form is away to write
a number as a sum of the value of its digits)
Point out that numbers may be written in different ways:
in symbols, in words, and in expanded form.
Let the pupils fill in the chart.
Number in words in symbols Expanded form
1. two hundred sixty-three 263 200 + 60 + 3
2. one hundred sixty-nine _____ ___________
3. ___________________ 526 ___________
4. ____________________ ______ 100 + 40 + 2
Ask: How many hundreds are there in 263? (2) What is the value?(200)
How many tens?(6) What is the value ? (60)
How many ones?(3) What is the value? (3)
Say: 263 gives the sum of the 3 numbers ,(200+60+3)
Do: Ask the same questions with the other numbers.
What sign is placed in between the numbers? (+)
Point out that in writing numbers in the expanded form, we are
expressing the numbers as the sum of the values of its digits.
Give another examples:
396 - How many hundreds? 3 hundreds or 300
How many tens? 9 tens or 90
How many ones? 6 ones or 6
Write in expanded form
300 + 90 + 6
451 = 4 hundreds + 5 tens + 1 ones
Expanded form = 400 + 50 + 1
205 = 2 hundreds, 0 tens, 5 ones
Expanded form = 200 + 0 + 5
C. Performing an Activity
Group Activities
Group the pupils into three.
Each group will be given an activity sheet.
Instruct the pupils to follow the direction.
Activity Sheet 3
Fill in the blanks to complete the expanded form of each number.
a. 493 = 400 + ___ + ___
b. 376 = ___ + 70 + ___
c. 764 = ___ + ___ + 4
d. 382 = 300 + ___ + ___
e. 917 = ___ + 80 + ___
Activity Sheet 1
Write the digits in its
correct place value.
a. 452
b. 874
c. 569
d. 762
e. 341
Activity Sheet 2
Write the number for each place value.
a. 614 = ___ hundreds ___tens ___ ones
b. 568 = ___ hundreds ___tens ___ ones
c. 872 = ___ hundreds ___tens ___ ones
d. 645 = ___ hundreds ___tens ___ ones
e. 132 = ___ hundreds ___tens ___ ones
How do you write numbers?
The teacher shows the proper stroke in writing numbers neatly and
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
How do we write numbers in expanded form?
(Separate the digits from each place value using +.)
In what direction will you identify the place value?
(Identify the place value from left to right.)
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we write numbers in expanded form?
(Separate the digits from each place value using +.)
What does writing numbers in expanded form express?
(Writing numbers in expanded form expresses the number as the
sum of the values of its digits. The expanded form gives the value of
each digit in the number.)
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
Group the pupils into four.
Provide different objects of different quantity. Let them count and
write the number of objects in the chart. Then fill out the place value
of each digit and write its expanded form.
No. of
Hundreds Tens Ones Expanded Form
____ +_____+
____ +_____+
____ +_____+
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Compare 3-digit numbers using >, <, and =
Comparing 3-digit numbers using >, <, and =
Counters, (popsicle sticks, marbles, rubber bands, stones)
Flash cards of numbers, jars of coins, number cards and pebbles
Values Integration: Helpfulness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Let the pupils read the following 3-digit numbers written on the
243 207 702 674 501
532 500 103 320 371
2. Review
Group the pupils into four. Distribute sets of cards to each group.
Each set of cards is consisting of three digits.
Tell the pupils to rearrange the digits in each set to form as
many three-digit numbers as they can.
Set A Set B Set C Set D
Let the pupils write then read the numbers on board by
3. Motivation
Ask: What are the things you do on Saturdays?
Do: Let the pupils tell their experiences on Saturdays or weekends.
B. Presenting the Lesson
Post a chart of the selection then let the pupils read.
It was Saturday morning, Dayday and Justine together
with cousins, Kyla and Gelyn helped father in picking
calamansi in the backyard. Each of the children was told
by father to put the calamansi in the cellophane by 100s.
Justine picked 406 pieces of calamansi, Dayday,
325 , Gelyn 325 and Kyla 230.
1 3
Ask: What did the children do one Saturday morning?
Who picked the greatest number of calamansi?
Who has the least number?
What can you say about the number of calamansi picked by
Dayday and Gelyn?
During weekends, what do you do at home?
Do you help your parents at home?
Post the illustration on the board.
Let the pupils observe the number of calamansi each child picked.
Ask a volunter to count the first set of calamansi and write the
number on the board. (Do the same with the second set,third set
then the fourth set.)
Justine Kyla Dayday Gelyn
Let the pupils write the numbers .
answers of the
Let us compare the number of calamansi each child picked.
Which numbers are the same? (325 and 325)
We write this as 325=325. We read as 325 is equal to 325.
Between 406 and 230, which number is greater? (406)
How did you identify the greater number or lesser number?(
Determinethe number of the first and last digit then compare.)
We write this as 406 > 230. We read this as 406 is greater
than 230.
Referring to the same numbers, which number is lesser?
We write this as 230 < 406. We read this as 230 is lesser than 406.
No. of calamansi
Justine 406
Kyla 325
Dayday 325
Gelyn 230
What are the symbols that we use to compare numbers?
Use other examples to give emphasis on the concept.
C. Performing an Activity
Let the pupils group into three.
Activity 1
Compare and write.
Compare the numbers. Write >,<, or = in the blank.
1. 2 hundreds 7 ones 2 hundreds 7 tens
2. 5 hundreds 5 ones 7 hundreds 5 tens
3. 1 hundred 6 tens 1 hundred 6 ones
4. 9 hundreds 3 tens 8 hundreds 3 tens
5. 8 hundreds 4 tens 8 hundreds 4 tens
Activity 2
Pick and use.
Put the correct relation symbol to compare the given set of
1. 300 + 20 + 7 300 + 30 + 7
2. 200 + 60 + 6 200 + 60 + 6
3. 500 + 50 + 5 500 + 50 + 4
4. 200 + 20 + 2 200 + 20 + 0
5. 300 + 30 + 1 300 + 30 + 4
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
What did you do with the 3-digit numbers? (compare)
What did you use to compare the 3-digit numbers?
(relation symbols >,<, =)
When do we use = sign? > sign ? < sign?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
When comparing numbers, what will you do to determine
which number is greater? Lesser? or equal?
(Determine the number of the first and the last digit)
What symbols are used in comparing numbers? (>, <, or =)
When do we use the symbol >, <, or =?
G. Applying to New and other Situations
A. Choose a 3-digit number from column B to make the number
sentence true or correct. Write only the letter.
> ,< or =
Column A Column B
1. 316 >__________ a. 316 b. 136
2. 325 < __________ b. 532 b. 253
3. 220 = __________ c. 220 b. 202
4. 143 < __________ d. 431 b. 143
5. 521 = __________ e. 125 b. 521
B. Do what is ask.
1. Give two numbers greater than 283. Use relation symbols to
compare the numbers.
2. Give two numbers lesser than 864. Use relation symbols to
compare the numbers.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Orders numbers up to 1000 from least to greatest and vice
Ordering Numbers up to 1 000 from Least to Greatest and vice
Cut outs with numbers, chart
Value Integration: Cooperation
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Board work
Let the pupils write the figures of the following word numbers.
1. Three hundred three = ______ (303)
2. Three hundred twenty = ______ (320)
3. Four hundred fifty-two = ______ (452)
4. Five hundred seventy-eight = ______ (578)
5. six hundred forty-four = ______ (644)
2. Review
Using a chart
A. Write the missing numbers.
a. (900)
b. (20)
c. (500)
d. (200)
d. (400)
B. Write the number before, after or between.
1. __, 16, 17 (15)
2. __, 23, 24 (22)
3. 34, 35, __ (36)
4. 56, 57, __ (58)
5. 29, __, 31 (30)
3. Motivation
Group Game
Let the pupils form 2 groupsof 4.
Provide 2 sets of 4 boxes with different numbers ofbottle caps such
750 800 850
10 ___
30 40
400 ___
600 700
50 100
150 ___
600 500
Set A Set B
Each member helps in counting the bottle caps inside the boxes.
Arrange the boxes from the least to the greatest number of bottle
Lastly, the leader writes the numbers on the board which are arrange
in order from least to greatest.
Valuing: Which group did it quickly and correctly? Why?
What must one do when working with a group?
(work cooperatively)
Explain more on the value of cooperation.
B. Presenting the Lesson
A. Divide the class into 2 groups.
Provide 4 sets of popsicle sticks on the object table.
(Note: Popsicle sticks are already bundled by 100s, 10s and by 1s for
quick counting)
Do: Call 2 pupils to count the popsicle sticks in the first set, another
for the second set, third set then lastly for the fourth set.
Tell the pupils to write the numbers on the board.(348, 248, 148, 448)
Let the pupils read the numbers.
Say: Let us put or arrange the numbers in order from least to greatest.
Ask: What is the least number? (148) next number? (248) next
How about the greatest number?(448)
Do: Write the numbers in order from least to greatest -148, 248, 348,
Ask: How are the numbers arranged? (from least to greatest)
In what number does counting start? (least number)
How do you identify the least and the greatest number?
(by comparing the hundreds digits , tens and ones)
B. Rearrange the boxes from greatest to lowest number of bottle caps.
Ask: What is now the number of the first box?(448) second box?(348)
Third box?(248) the last box?(148)
Do: Let the pupils read and observe the order of the numbers.
Ask: How are the numbers arranged? (from greatest to least)
In what number does counting start? (greatest number)
Provide another example
a. Let the pupils read and arrange the numbers from least to
greatest on the board. 1. 202, 204, 208, 206 2. 354, 367, 375,
b. With the same sets of numbers arrange them in order from
greatest to least.
C. Performing an activity
Group game
Let the pupils form groups of 3.
Distribute activity sheets. Let them follow directions.
A. Arrange the numbers from least to greatest. (written in strips)
653, 651, 654, 652, 655
B. Arrange the numbers from greatest to least.(written in strips)
653, 651, 654, 652, 655
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: In the first set of numbers, what did you do to give the
correct order of numbers?( arrange from least to greatest)
In the second set of numbers, what did you do to give the
correct order of numbers? ?( arrange from greatest to least)
In what number did we start counting? (Greatest)
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How will you arrange the numbers from least to greatest? (Start from
least number)
How will you arrange numbers from greatest to least?
(start from the greatest number)
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
Teacher provides an illustration in a Manila paper.
A. Situation: Pupils are given number cards during recess time.
They fall in line according to their number.
Ask: 1. What number card is Warren holding?
2. Who holds number card 105?
3. Who holds number card 103?
4. Who is holding number card 104?
5. Who is holding card number 102?
B. Instruct the pupils to form group of 6. Let them role play
situation A. Provide number cards for each group.
C. Make four 3-digit numbers using 1,2,4,8.
1. Arrange the numbers created from least to greatest.
2. Arrange the numbers created from greatest to least.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Visualize and identify the 1st through 20
objects of given sets from a
given point of reference
Visualizing and Identifying the 1st through 20
Objects of Given Sets
from a Given Point of Reference
102 104 105 103 101
Objects in a row, different cutouts of objects, charts, pictures
Values Integration: Orderliness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Show 10 objects. Let the pupils count and identify their
position from 1
2. Review
Answer the following.
In the word, MATHEMATICS, visualize what is the fifth
letter? What is the 2
letter? 4
What letter is the first? 10
? 6
? 2
3. Motivation
Show cutouts of different objects and give one each to 20
Example: pencil paper
books paste etc.
Each object is numbered in ordinals 1
Let them count the objects orally.
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Explain the position of each object the pupils are holding.
Say: Starting from the apple downward. What is the position
of the last fruit?
Ask: What is the 10
object if the okra is in the 6
What is the position of the flower if the quava is in the
What is the squash position if the apple is in the 1st
Do: Let the pupils read the ordinals of each object from 1
b. Show another objects.
Do: Let them identify each position from 1
Ask: What object is in the 1st position? etc.
Say: Let them tell the position of the cutouts starting from the
right as the point of reference.
What are the materials that we used for our lesson today?
After using the materials, where do we put them? Why is it
important to put the things in order?
C. Performing the Activity
Group Activities
a. Divide the class into 3 groups. Give each group a different
objects cutouts. Ask the pupils to arrange the objects from
to 20th
(objects have ordinal numbers already) Teacher
plays music while pupils are working on the activity. If music
stops, they must be finished arranging themselves.
b. Divide the class into another group of 4. Use number cards 1
up to 20
. Give each group a number cards to be placed in the
corresponding pictures on the chart arranged from 1st to 20
Example: - 1
Do: Ask each group to explain their work giving emphasis on
the order of objects from 1
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: How do you order the object of a set from 1
up to 20
How do we know the position of each object?
Which do we begin to count as the 1st object?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we identify and visualize the 1
object of a set from a
given point of reference? What do you think is the importance of
using ordinal numbers?
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
Supply the missing ordinal numbers.
, _____,3
, 4
, _____, _____,7
, 8
, 9
, _____
, _____, 13
, _____, _____, _____, 17
, 18
, _____, 20
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Read and write the ordinal numbers from 1
through the 20
Reading and Writing Ordinal Numbers from 1
through 20
Flip chart, printed words/symbols of ordinal numbers,
number cards
Values Integration: Cooperation
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
a. Oral- Pupils say the ordinal numbers from 1
through 10
b. Written- Show the correct answer. (Teacher says an ordinal
numbers from 11
- 20
Then, pupils will write in their mini
2. Review
Read the letters of the alphabet.
Tell what letters is in the following position
___________ 14
_____________ 16
___________ 15
_____________ 19
__________ 12
_____________ 20
3. Motivation
Let the pupils observe the picture.
is an ordinal number.
Ask: How many grandchildren of Lolo Jose in all?
Do: Let them count the grandchildren of Lolo Jose.
Ask: Who is the 14
grandchild of Lolo Jose? (John)
How do we read and write 14
Do: We read: 14
We write: fourteenth
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Show the flip-chart (or printed words arranged in the pocket chart)
First __1
___ Eleventh ___11
Second __2
_ Twelveth ___12
Third _ 3
__ Thirteenth ___13
Fourth __4
__ Fourteenth ___14
Fifth __5
__ Fifteenth ___15
Sixth __6
__ Sixteenth ___16
Seventh __7
__ Seventeenth ___ 17
Eighth __8
__ Eighteenth ___ 18
Ninth __9
__ Nineteenth ___ 19
Tenth _ 10
_ Twentieth ___ 20
I am John. I am the
grand child of Lolo
Say: Look at the first three ordinals. What have you observed?
Ask: What are the letters added in 1? In 2? In 3? In 4 up to 20?
b. Present another example
Do: Let the pupils study these sets of objects.
balloon basket jar glass cup grape tree ladder star fish
ball umbrella orange triangle leaves chairs half-moon pencil book bag
Ask: What is the position of an umbrella? Triangle? Leaves? Tree? Etc.
C. Performing an Activity
Group Activities
Activity sheets are given to the children to be done cooperatively.
Activity 1
Write the ordinal in symbols.
1. twelveth __________
2. fourth __________
3. thirteenth __________
4. twentieth __________
5. sixth __________
Activity 2
Write the ordinal in words.
1. 20
th _____________
2. 1
st _____________
3. 16
th _____________
4. 9
th _____________
5. 18
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: How do we write the first ordinal? (1
What letters do you see after 1
, 2
and 3
? ( st, nd, rd)
What letters do you see after all the other numbers? (th)
How did you find the activity?
Did every member of the group do his part?
What made your group win?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: How do we read and write ordinal numbers from 1
Say: We read and write ordinal numbers in words and in symbols.
Add st for first (1
Add nd for second (2
Add rd for third (3
) place or position
Add th at the end of the other number words or numbers.
G. Applying to New and Other Situation.
Match the ordinals in figures and in words.
Column A Column B
1. Eleventh a. 15
2. Third b. 13
3. Sixth c. 12
4. Twentieth d. 16
5. Ninth e. 4
6. Fourth f. 9
7. Sixteenth g. 20
8. Twelfth h. 6
9. Fifteenth i. 3
10. Thirteenth j. 11
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Identify and use the pattern of ordinal numbers from 1
to 20
Identifying and Using the Pattern of Ordinal Numbers from 1
to 20
Number cards, chart (pictures and ordinal), pieces of rolled
papers printed with 1
numbers, activity sheet (1 whole
Manila paper), different cutouts of objects
Values Integration: Cooperation/Orderliness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Tell the position from 1
of the following objects starting a
paper as the point of reference. (Teacher provide available
2. Review
Checking of assignment
3. Motivation
Children, lets try to find out who are present today. Let us
begin counting by using ordinal numbers from first up to the
last pupil at the back.
B. Presenting the Lesson
Present cutouts of different objects.
Do: Ask the pupils to complete the 20 objects in the pocket chart
and put numbers 1-20 on the objects. Guide the pupils in
naming the positions of the objects.
Ask the pupils to give the ordinal numbers from 1
see how the pattern works.
C. Performing an Activity
Group Activities
Activity 1
Give the word from the following sentence with The as the point of
reference corresponding to the given position.
The school requires all children to get their individual weight
Activity 2
Draw ten objects that you can see inside the classroom. Write their
ordinal positions from 11
to 20
with the leftmost drawing as the point
of reference.
How will you work with your group?
*Work cooperatively with the group.
*Work orderly and neatly.
*Keep things in proper place after using them.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: How do you use the pattern of naming ordinal numbers up to
Say: Tell the pupils that we used the pattern of naming ordinal
numbers by identifying the point of reference.
E. Reinforcing the Concepts
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we identify and use the pattern of ordinal numbers up to the
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
1. Ask the pupils to answer the questions below.
a. It is an ordinal number that comes before 14
What ordinal number
is it?
b. It is an ordinal number that comes after 16
. What ordinal number is
c. It is an ordinal number that comes before the 20
. What ordinal
number is it?
d. What are the ordinal numbers between 14
and 16
e. What are the ordinal numbers between 2
and 4
2. Guessing Game
Divide the class into two groups.
Give each group an aquarium (made of box) with cutouts of fish.
The pupils will catch each fish using a rod with string. Tie a small
magnet at the end of the string. The fishes inside the aquarium have
clips and in every fish is a riddle for the pupils to guess.
a. I am a two-digit ordinal number having 1 in the tens digit and 7 in
the ones place. What am I?
b. I am an ordinal number between 18
and 20
What am I?
c. I am an ordinal number that comes before 14
d. I am an ordinal number that comes after 18
e. I am the least ordinal number. What am I?
The first group who guessed all the riddles correctly wins.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in the Learners Material.
Adds 2- to 3-digit numbers with sums up to 1 000 without regrouping
in short form.
Adding 2- to 3-Digit Numbers Without Regrouping
Domino cards, show-me-boards, a poster of save the earth
Values Integration: Concern for the environment
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Basic addition facts
Do this through a contest using domino cards.
3 + 2 = ___ + ___ =
2. Review
Adding numbers using show me boards.
24 46 45 64 36
+ 4 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 3
3. Motivation
Present a poster about Save the Earth Movement
Ask: What can you do to help save the earth?
Let us read the dialogue on the chart.
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Present a word story on the poster presented.
Alfred brought 232 seedlings. Shekinah brought 43 seedlings.
How many seedlings did they bring in all?
Do: Let the pupils analyze the problem.
Say: Each big paper bag is presented by 100 seeds and the
small paper is represented by 10 seeds.
Let us observe the illustration.
200 + 30 + 2 =
40 + 3 =
Ask: How many seeds did Alfred bring? (232 seedlings)
How many seeds did Shekinah bring? (43 seedlings)
(Write the numbers in the place value chart)
I will bring some
seeds of plants.
Let us plant
more tress.
Save the
Show the expanded form.
232 = 200 + 30 + 2
43 = 40 + 3
275 = 200 + 70 + 5
Ask: How many digit numbers do we have in the first addend? In
the second addend?
What are the digits in the ones place? tens place? Hundreds
How is 232 renamed? How is 43 renamed?
Which digit will be added first? second? last?
Did we regroup the ones or tens? Why?
What is the answer?
How many seeds did the children bring?
Did the children help in saving the earth? How?
Can you help save the earth too? How?
Why should we have to save the earth?
b. Show another example and explain it to the class.
C. Performing an Activity
Group Activities
Have the pupils work on the following activities.
Activity 1
Work in groups of five. Use the counters like straws, popsicle sticks,
kernels and the like to find the sum.
a. 432 b. 457 c. 143 d. 635 e. 326
+ 47 + 21 + 56 + 44 + 72
Activity 2
Pair-shared Activity
a. Pass a ball while the pupils are singing.
b. As the music stops, the partner holding the ball will go fishing.
2 3 2
4 3
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Add the ones Add the tens Add the hundreds
5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4
5 2 5 2 5 2
6 8 6 5 8 6
+ 52
c. Fish for a card with addition combinations of 2- to 3-digit numbers
without regrouping.
d. Give the sum mentally.
D. Processing the Result of the Activity
Ask: How many digit numbers do we have in the first addend? (3
digit) In the second addend?( 3 digit)
What are the digits in the ones place ? tens place? hundreds
Say: To find the sum of 2 to 3 digit numbers, start at the right. Add
ones, add the tens, add the hundreds.
E. Reinforcing the Concept
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we add 2- to 3-digit numbers with sums up to 1000 in short
G. Applying to the New and Other Situation
Alexa sells newspapers to earn a living. On the first day, she sold
445 copies of newspaper. On the second day, she sold 53 copies.
How many copies of newspaper did she sell for 2 days?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in the Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Adds 2- to 3-digit numbers with sums up to 1 000 with regrouping.
Addition of 2- to 3-digit numbers with sums up to 999 with
2-dice, cutouts of a fruits or any available objects, 2- to 3-digit
number cards, drill boards, show-me-board
Values Integration: Concern for others
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Renaming Numbers
Think of other names for a number I am going to say.
Write the combinations on your show-me-boards.
Example: 14 = 7 + 7
8 + 6
9 + 5
10 + 4
11 + 3
2. Review
Checking of Assignment.
3. Motivation
Show real toys or a picture of toys.
Ask: What toys do you have at home?
How many toys do you have?
Are you still playing with them?
What do you do with your old toys?
What good value have you shown?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Posing the Problem Opener
Show the stick puppets of 2 girls.
Say: These are Barbie and Beverly. They bought toys for the
street children. Barbie bought 226 toys while Beverly
bought 25. How many toys did they buy in all?
Ask: What did Barbie and Beverly buys? (Toys)
Why did they buy toys? (to give the toys for the street
How many toys did Barbie buy? (226 toys)
How many toys did Beverly buy? (25 toys)
Valuing: What trait did the two girls show?
C. Performing an Activity
Say: Let us solve the word problem to find out the number of toys
the two girls bought for the street children by using your
Make a set of 26 straws.
Tie the straws by 10s.
Ask: How many bundles of 10 do you have? How many loose
Write the expanded form of 26 on the board)
Get another set of 25 straws
(Do the same with the first set of straws) Then write the
expanded form of 25 on the board.
How many bundles of 10 do we have now? (2 tens)
How many loose ones? (5 ones)
Can you still get another 10 from the 11 straws? (yes)
How many tens are there now? (1)
How many ones do we have now? (1 ones)
What did we do with the 11 straws? (regrouped)
How many toys did the girls buy? (51 toys)
Let us solve using the expanded form and the short form.
Regrouping ones place.
1.Expanded Form
= 40 + 11 step 1
= 40 + (10 + 1) step 2
= (40+ 10) + 1 step 3
= 50 + 1 step 4
= 51 step 5
How is 26 renamed? 25?
What is the sum of the ones group? tens group?
What did we do with the sum of the ones group in step 2?
How is step 3 reached? Step 4? Step 5?
What is the sum?
2. Short Form
Add the ones.
Add the tens
1 1
2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6
+ 2 5 + 2 5 + 2 5 + 2 5
11 1 1 11 5 1
1) What is the sum of the ones group?
2) How many tens and ones are there in 11?
3) Where did we regroup 10? Why?
4) When do we regroup?
5) What is the next step?
6) What is the sum?
(Do the same with 3-digit numbers.)
Regrouping in the tens place.
a. Expanded Form
483 = 400 + 80 + 3
+ 42 = __ + 40 + 2
= 400 + 120 + 5 step 1
= 400 + (100 + 20) + 5 step 2
= (400 + 100) + 20 + 5 step 3
= 500 + 20 + 5 step 4
= 525 step 5
Ask: How many hundreds, tens and ones are there in 483?
Which place value is added first? Next? Lastly?
What is the sum of ones? (5)
Is there a need to regroup the ones? Why?
What is the sum of tens? (120)
Is there a need to regroup the tens? Why?
How many hundreds and tens are there in 120? How is
120 renamed?
Where is the tens regrouped?
After regrouping the tens to hundreds, what is the next
What is the sum?
D. Processing the Result of the Activity
Say: If the sum of the digits is 10 or more, rename the sum
and regroup to the next higher place order. Then add.
a. Long Method
483 = 400 + 80 + 3
+ 42 = + 40 + 2
400 +120 +5 Add the ones.
Add the tens
Add the hundreds
= (400 +120) + 5
= 500 +20 + 5 Rename 10 tens and regroup
= 525 with the hundreds.
b. Short Method
4 8 3
+ 4 2
5 12 5
Add the ones.
Add the tens
Rename 10 tens as 1 hundred
Regroup 1 hundred to the hundred place
Write 2 under the tens place
Add the hundreds
E. Reinforcing the Concepts
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we add 2- to 3-digit numbers whose addends in a given
place value give a sum of more than 9?
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
1. Answer the following.
a. There are 255 female teachers and 26 male teachers. How
many teachers are there in all?
b. I have 225 blue marbles and 47 green marbles. How many
marbles do I have?
c. There are 492 girls and 36 boys in this school. How many
children are enrolled in this school?
2. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. 574
+ 35
A. 609 B. 87 C. 97 D. 817
+ 28
A. 102 B. 584 C. 773 D. 191
3. 537
+ 47
A. 646 B. 584 C. 6 146 D. 756
4. 648
+ 38
A. 419 B. 686 C. 4 119 D. 529
+ 42
5. 542
+ 49
A. 987 B. 977 C. 891 D. 591
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Add 3 to 3- digit numbers with sums up to 1000 without
Adding of 3 to 3-Digit Numbers with Sums up to 1000
without Regrouping
Flipchart, flashcards in addition, mini board
Value Integration: Kindness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
a. Oral- Give the answer orally.
3 8 2 5 2
+5 +1 +2 +4 +6
b. Written- Show the correct answer. (use the mini-board)
16 18 41 15 24
+23 +31 +36 +32 +31
2. Review
Find the sum.
354 632 126 616 352
+ 32 + 47 + 21 + 42 + 37
3. Motivation
Present a story problem
Aling Cora prepares a delicious salad for her family. Do you know
what kind of salad it is?
Say: First, you must solve the equations below.
Next, write the corresponding letters on the line before each number.
Finally, write the word that tells what kind of salad Aling Cora
prepared for her family.
__________ 1. 4 + 6
__________ 2. 13 + 12
__________3. 25 + 10
__________ 4. 325 + 223
__________ 5. 400 + 28
Answer: It is ____________ salad.
B. Presenting the Lesson
Present a Story Problem:
Cora washed 123 plates, 224 small and big glasses .
How many plates and glasses did she wash?
Ask : Who washes the dishes?
How many plates did she wash?
How many small and big glasses?
Today, we are going to add the 3 and 3 digit
numbers without regrouping.
Lets find out.
C. Performing an Activity
Self- Managed Activities
a. Find the sums.
1. 263 2. 562 3. 305 4. 372 5. 634
+ 323 + 214 + 330 + 214 + 223
6. 125 7. 128 8. 332 9. 405 10. 300
+ 232 + 300 + 222 + 340 + 242
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: What are the addends?
How many digit numbers do we have in the first
addends? In the second addends?
Say: To find the sum of adding 3 to 3 digits numbers.
Remember to start at the right.
Step 1- add the ones
Step 2- add the tens
Step 3- add the hundreds
E. Reinforcing the Concepts
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the lesson
Ask: How do we add 3 to 3-digits numbers without regrouping?
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
Find the sums. Write the corresponding letters on the lines to find the
hidden message.
_____ 1. 232 + 422 N. 335
_____ 2. 143 + 213 B. 654
_____ 3. 620 + 143 I. 544
_____ 4. 321 + 223 K. 763
_____ 5. 105 + 230 E. 356
_____ 6. 204 + 332 D. 536
The message is ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Valuing: -How do you show your kindness to others?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Add 3- to 3- digit numbers with sums up to 1000
with regrouping.
Adding with Regrouping 3- to 3 Digit Numbers
Flip Chart, Flashcards in addition, mini-board
Value Integration: Work accurately
A. Conducting Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
a. Oral- Give the answer orally.
a. 15 b. 28 c. 35 d. 46 e. 16
+ 15 + 12 + 5 + 4 + 4
b. Written- Show the correct answer.
(use the mini-board)
252 273 824 436 543
a. + 43 b. + 14 c. +24 d. + 32 e. +25
2. Review
Add (on the board)
a. 154 b. 642 c. 261 d. 462 e. 361
+ 131 + 153 + 242 + 134 + 233
3. Motivation
Story Problem
Leos mother sells hotdogs
On Monday she sold 239 pieces.
On Tuesday she sold 226 pieces.
How many pieces did she sell?
Say: To find the answer, we will add 239 and 226.
B. Presenting the Lesson
Study the chart
Hundreds Tens ones
2 3 9
2 2 6
Say: Let us study the steps
Step 1 Adding the Ones
9+6 = 15
Regroup 1 ten.
Step 2 Adding the tens
1+3+2 = 6
Step 3 Adding the hundreds
2+2 = 4
Let us solve it together.
a. Using the long way: Steps:
1. Rename:
2 3 9 = 200 + 30 + 9 239 as 200 + 30 + 9
+ 2 2 6 = 200 + 20 + 6 226 as 200 + 20 + 6
= 400 + 50 +15
2. Add:
= (400 + 50 + 5) + 10 9 + 6 = 15
= 455 + 10 30 + 20 = 50
= 465 200 + 200 = 400
3. Rename:
15 as 10 + 5
4. Add
(400 + 50 + 10) + 5
460 + 5 = 465
b. Using the short way:
Step 1: Step 2 Step 3
+ 226
Step 1-
Add the ones 9 + 6
Rename 15 as 10 +5
Bring down 5 and carry 1 ten to the tens column.
Step 2
Add the tens. 1 + 3 + 2
Step 3 answer: 465
C. Performing an Activity
Self- Managed Activities
Activity 1
A. Find the sums
y 2
Now add these using the short way.
1. 354 2. 684 3. 294 4. 474 5. 273
+ 263 + 193 + 135 + 384 + 242
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: How do you add 3- to 3-digit numbers with regrouping?
What do you mean by regrouping?
How do you add numbers by regrouping?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: How do we add 3 to 3 digit numbers with regrouping?
Say: In adding 3 to 3- digit numbers with regrouping.
Add the ones; regroup if the sum is 10 or more.
Add the tens; regroup again if the sum is 100 or more.
Then add the hundreds
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
Mang Pastor and his two sons went fishing on a nearby lake.
Mang Pastor caught 158 fishes while his two sons.
Ted and Roger got 234.
How many fishes did they catch altogether?
Hundreds Tens Ones
+ 2
+ 4
Hundreds Tens Ones
+ 2
+ 2
+ 3
Hundreds Tens Ones
+ 3
+ 2
+ 3
Hundreds Tens Ones
+ 1
+ 2
+ 5
Hundreds Tens Ones
+ 2
+ 1
+ 5
Hundreds Tens Ones
+ 2
+ 3
+ 5
Ask: What does the problem ask?
What does the problem tell?
What equation is needed to solve the problem?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Show the zero/identity property of addition in adding numbers.
Showing the Zero Identity Property of Addition in Adding Numbers
flash cards in addition, mini-board, window card.
Values Integration: Patience
A. Conducting Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
1. Oral - Tell the sum orally (flashing cards in addition of 1-2
digits numbers.
2. Written Answering the window cards
2. Review
Find the sum
1. 5 + 2 =
2. 15 + 3 =
3. 10 + 5 =
4. 9 + 10 =
5. 6 + 3 =
3. Motivation
Story problem
Mang Doro sold 137 balloons in February and 0 balloons in March.
How many balloons did he sell in all?
B. Presenting the lesson
Study the illustration.
Say: If you add zero to a number,
What sum do you get?
Do: Let the pupils use the counters to solve the number
Say: Tell the pupils that this illustrates the property of addition which
is called zero/identity property of addition.
C. Performing an activity
Guided activity
Now, try these. Write your answer in the
1. 8 + 0 =
2. 16 + = 6
3. 0 + 0 =
4. 0 + = 17
5. 14 + 0 =
6. 13 + = =
7. + 0 = 3
8. + 9 = 9
9. 0 + 11=
10. 7 + =
Activity 2
a. 100 b. 502 c. 753 d. 935 e. 643
+ 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0
f. 49 g. 659 h. 700 i. 900 j. 270
+ 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0
Activity 3
Find the sums. Select the correct answer on the box.
1. 790
+ 0
2. 604
+ 0
3. 980
+ 0
4. 600
+ 0
5. 31
+ 0
6. 70
+ 0
7. 456
+ 0
8. 18
+ 0
9. 355
+ 0
10. 599
+ 0
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: What happens when zero is added to a number?
What happens when a number is added to zero?
Valuing Were you noisy or quiet?
What does it mean by being patient?
That could be the reason why your outputs are well done.
E. Reinforcing the Concepts
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the lesson
709 790 907
604 406
980 908
606 660
81 18 180
31 310
553 535
599 959 995
Ask: How do we show zero identity property of addition?
Say: Zero /identity property of addition states that any number
added to zero gets the same number as the sum.
G. Applying to New and other Situation
How fast can you add? Time yourself.
4 6 0 8 15 10 30
+ 0 + 0 + 9 + 0 + 0 + + 0
13 11 19 0 7 3 0
+ 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 8
2 25 20 40 35 16 50
+ 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0
14 42 80 18 100 500 900
+ 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Show the commutative property of addition in adding
Showing the Commutative Property of Addition in Adding
cutouts of a big tree with cutouts of fruits, picture cards,
Values Integration: Helpfulness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Guessing Game
a. What is the sum of 9 and 5?
b. What number are 3 more than 9?
c. Combine 7 and 8.
d. Think of two numbers in which the sum is 14.
e. Think of 2 addends in which the sum is 18.
2. Review
Pair-Shared Activity
a. Look at the cutouts of birds in the big tree posted on the
b. Listen to the teachers directions as stated below:
1) Find the sum of the numbers that have 5 ones.
2) Find the sum of the numbers that have 3 hundreds.
3) Find the sum of the numbers that have 6 tens.
4) Find the sum of the numbers that have 7 hundreds.
5) Find the sum of the numbers that have 4 tens.
3. Motivation
Game: Lets Change Places (5 pairs only)
a. Pupils get a partner.
b. Each pair stands on tip toe on a rectangle, the size of a
yellow pad.
c. Partners change position when they hear the teacher
say: Exchange places.
d. Pairs of partners who step out of the rectangle are out
of the game.
e. The pair who survives wins.
B. Presenting the Lesson
Look at the picture of the children.
Ask: How many girls are picking up shells? (2 girls)
How many boys are playing with sand? (1 boy)
How many children are there in all? (3 children)
Do: Let the pupils use the counters to illustrate the number
2 + 1 = 3
Lets re-arrange the addends:
1 + 2 = 3
Lets analyze:
2 + 1 = 3
1 + 2 = 3
Ask: Do the equations have the same answer?
Say: Tell the pupils that this illustrates the property of addition
which is called commutative property of addition.
C. Performing an Activity
Pair-Shared Activity
Activity 1
a. Distribute picture cards as shown below (at least 5 pictures
b. Write an addition sentence. Then change the order of the
c. Write the answer on your Show-Me-Board.
Activity 2
Change the order of the addends. Then find the sum.
Example: 342 + 253 = 595
253 + 342 = 595
1. 502 + 30
2. 425 + 48
3. 310 + 156
4. 693 + 102
5. 236 + 234
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
What do you noticed about the position of the addends? Did the
addends change?
Do the equations have the same answers?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we show the commutative property of addition?
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
Solve the word problem.
Jamaica and Jaya are good friends. One day they helped Jayas
mother gather mangoes and oranges. Jamaica gathered 110
mangoes and 105 oranges. Jaya gathered 105 mangoes and 110
oranges. Who gathered more mangoes and oranges?
Guide the pupils to solve the problem.
How did Jamaica and Jaya help Jayas mother?
What trait did they show?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Show the associate property of addition in adding numbers.
Showing the Associative Property of Addition
drill cards with basic addition facts, numbered cards (1-9)
Values Integration: Cooperation
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill - A contest - flash cards with addition facts
4 + 3 2 + 5 6 + 2
3 + 1 3 + 2 4 + 5
2. Review
Game: "Matching Game"
a) Distribute two sets of cards to the pupils. One set with
complete addition sentence, e.g. 4+3 = 12, and the other
set with sums missing, e.g. 3+4= N.
b) At a given signal, the pupils roam around and look for
his/her partner.
c) The first partner with matching addition sentences wins the
3. Motivation
Lets play a game
a) Show a box filled with numbered card from 1 to 9.
b) Have three children draw 1 card each from the box.
c) The rest of the class will sing any song.
d) The three children roam around the room holding their
number cards.
e) When the song stops, they stand in front of the class in a
row and get a partner.
Ask: Who has a partner?
What numbers are they holding?
Who has no partner?
What number is he/she holding?
Say: Lets find the sum of the three numbers.
B. Presenting the Lesson
Study these illustrations
Ask: How many balls are there? (5 balls)
How many toy trucks are there? (4 toy trucks)
How many toy guitars are there? (3 toy guitar)
How many toys are there in all?
5 + 4 + 3 = 12
Say: To easily get the sum, lets regroup the addends.
(5 + 4) + 3 = 12 5 + (4+3) =12
9 + 3 = 12 or 5 + 7 =12
This shows associative or grouping property.
C. Performing an Activity
Present another illustration and let the pupils observe.
5 3 8
Do: Let the pupils count the guavas in each set.
Say: Call a pupil to write the number equation or addition sentence
on the board.
5 + 3 + 8
Ask: Can you add easily the three addends at the same time?
Which addends will be added first?
Say: Group the addends to be added first by using parenthesis.
We arrive at two possibilities.
(5 + 3) + 8 5 + (3 + 8)
D. Processing the Result of the Activity
Ask: What did we do with the two addends to be added first?
(Group the addends)
Is it important to group the addends? (Yes)
Why? (To easily get the sum)
Say: Now, let's find the sum. There are two ways in finding the sum.
5 + 3+ 8 5 + 3 + 8
(5 + 3) + 8 5 + (3+8)
8 + 8 5 + 11
16 16
Ask: What do you notice about the sum? (Do not change)
Are they equal? (Yes)
Does the grouping of addends change the sum? (No)
Do: Give more examples. Let the pupils find the sum in two ways for
the following;
1. 5 + 2 + 4
2. 3 + 6 + 5
3. 2 + 4 + 7
4. 3 + 6 + 2
5. 8 + 6 + 4
Did the members of the group cooperate with one another?
How? Why do we have to cooperate with our classmates?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: What happens to the sum when we change the grouping of the
Say: The grouping of addends does not change the sum.
G.Applying to the New and Other Situation
Write the number sentence. Group the addends into two ways to find
the sum.
a) Aling Rosa has 7 ducks, 3 hens and 5 roosters in her
backyards. How many ducks, hens and roosters does she
have in all?
b) Lorna puts 8 red roses, 4 white roses and 6 yellow roses in a
flower vase. How many roses were in the vase?
c) Ted picked 14 guavas, 4 atis and 6 star apples. How many
fruits did he pick in all?
d) Mang Pedro harvested 7 tomatoes, 5 eggplants and 8 okra
from his garden. How many vegetables did he harvest in all?
e) Danica read 6 pages of her book on Monday, 8 pages on
Tuesday and 9 pages on Wednesday. How many pages of
books did she read in all?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Add mentally 1- to 2- digit numbers with sums up to 50
Adding Mentally 1- to 2- Digit Numbers With Sums up to 50
Flash cards with 1-digit numbers up to 9, drill board/papers,
counters, bingo cards and guessing game cards
Values Integration: Honesty is the best policy.
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
a. Divide the class into teams of three.
b. Povide a show-me-board to each team.
c. Flash the card with a basic addition combination one at a time.
Let the pupils answer the given number on the show-me-board.
(7) (6) (8) (9) (4)
d. Continue the game until all the cards are flashed.
e. The team who gets the most number of correct responses wins.
2. Review
a. Provide a board work.
4+3 = N 4+2 = N 5+3 = N 6+3 = N 3+1= N
b. Let the pupils group the addends into two ways to find the sum.
1. 4 + 9 + 8 = ?
Answer: a. (4+9) + 8 = 21
b. 4+ (9 + 8) = 21
2. 6 + 7 + 2 = ?
Answer: a. ( 6 + 9 ) + 2 = 17
b. 6 + ( 9 + 2 ) = 17
3. Motivation
Say: Let us sing an action song. As we sing it, think of the
operation used in the song.
Do: Let the pupils use their fingers as counters while singing.
Mathematics Song: (Tune: Oh! My Darling Clementine)
One and one two
Two and two four
Three and three are six for me
Four and four eight
Five and five ten
Little fingers are in my hands.
Ask: What basic operation is used? (Addition)
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Posing a problem opener.
b. Noting details of the word problem read.
Ask: Who has collected 15 pieces of popsicle sticks? (John Dick)
Who gave John Dick 3 popsicle sticks? (Dinalyn)
What is asked in the problem? (The number of popsicles he
What are given? (15 and 3 popsicles)
What operation is needed? (Addition)
If you add the numbers mentally, what would be your answer?
C. Performing an Activity
Do: Present the activity below based on the problem.
Say: Class, use 15 pieces of popsicle sticks and 3 pieces of
popsicle sticks as your counters. Then, count the 15 sticks and group
them by tens.
Ask: How many tens have you grouped in 15 popsicles? (1 ten))
How many popsicles were left? (5 ones)
John Dick has collected 15 pieces of popsicle sticks for his
project. Dinalyn gave him 3 popsicle sticks more. How many
popsicles did he collect in all?
Do: Let the pupils add 5 popsicles and 3 popsicles is 8 popsicles.
Then, let them add the value of the remainin digits (10), such as 10 plus 8 is
Say: So, 15 + 3 = 18.
Do: Provide another strategy using longs and ones.
Example: Find the total of 15 and 8 mentally.
Do: Let the pupils add mentally 15 and 8 using the longs and ones.
Let them show the solution using tens and ones blocks (popsicles) as
shown below:
Do: Provide another 2 or more examples to practice this kind of
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: What is the sum of 15 and 8? (23)
How did you get the answer mentally?
What did you do to the sum of the ones if it is more than 10?
(Regroup the number)
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: How do you add mentally 1 to 2-digit numbers?
Tens Ones
I have 1 ten and
5 ones. I want
to add 8 ones
I know that 5 and
8 is 13, so I can
make a ten
Tens Ones Tens Ones
Do I need to regroup the ones?
Do I need to regroup the ones?
2 tens and 3 ones
is equal to 23.
Do: Elicit from the pupils to have their own generalization. Guide
the pupils summarize the lesson. (Add the digit in the ones place
then add the value of the remaining digits.
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Game: Mind-Reading Numbers
Mechanics: (Paired Activity)
a. Let the player (1) choose any number ranges from 1 to 31
If possible, player (1) may choose a birth date (number) of any
family members or friends.
b. Player (2) flashes the cards at a time. He/She asks player (1)
if the chosen number is in the card. If it is in the card, player
(2) may add mentally the number found at the left upper
top most of the card.
If not, leave it.
1 3 5 7 2 3 6 7
9 11 13 15 10 11 14 15
17 19 21 23 18 19 22 23
25 27 29 31 26 27 30 31
4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 12 13 14 15
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31 28 29 30 31
16 17 18 19
Left upper
top most
20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
c. Continue the process until all cards are all flashed.
d. Player (2) states or pronounces the chosen number.
Ask: Can you add mentally the numbers?
What trait does player (1) and player (2) show? (Honesty)
If you would play, would you do the same?
How do you show honesty to each of you?
Do: Explain briefly the adage, Honesty is the best policy.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Materials.
Add mentally 3- digit numbers by ones (up to 9)
Adding Mentally 3-Digit Numbers by Ones ( up to 9)
Flash cards 1-digit numbers up to 9, drill board/ paper,
counters (Pebbles or stones)
Values Integration: Accuracy
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
a. Divide the class into team of five. Provide each team a show-me-
b. Show a basic addition combination one at a time such as:
c. Let the group write the answer on the show-me-board.
d. Continue the game until all the cards are flashed.
e. The team who has the most number of correct responses wins.
2. Review
Window Shop Game
Working in groups of five
a. Give each group a Show-Me-Board.
b. Post the pictures on theboard with prices such as:
4+3 = N 4+2 = N 5+3 = N 6+3 = N 3+1= N
1. hairpin P 2.00
2. hair bond P 7.00
3. comb P 5.00
4. nail cutter P 25.00
5. socks P 40.00
6. mirror P 22.00
7. sunglass P 45.00
8. hat P 47.00
9. face towel P 34.00
10. handkerchief P
c. The teacher flashes the card one at a time. (2 items will do)
c. The team will solve the problem mentally.
d. The team will write their answer on the show-me-board.
e. The team with the most number of correct responses wins.
3. Motivation
Say: Now, let us sing a song. As we sing a song, let us all
think of the operation reflected in the song.
` Song: (Tune: Magtanim ay Di-Biro)
One plus one will give us two
Two plus two will give us four
Three plus three will give us six
Four plus four will give us eight
Let us look all around
If you buy a hat and a comb, how much do you pay?
If you buy a handkerchief and a hair bond, how much do
you pay?
If you buy a mirror and a nail cutter, how much do you
If you buy a face towel and a hair bond, how much
do you pay?
If you buy a pair of socks and a comb, how much do you
Things that we can all add up
One, two, three, four, five, six
Seven and eight, nine and ten
Ask: What basic operation is used?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Posing a problem opener
Noting details of the word problem read
Ask: Who gathered 152 white pebbles?
Who gave Ana 7 black pebbles?
What is asked in the problem?
What are given?
What operation is needed?
If you add the numbers mentally, what would be your answer?
C. Performing an Activity
Perform the activity below based on the problem.
Say: Class, use 152 white pebbles as your counters. Group them
by hundreds, tens and ones.
Ask: How many hundreds have you grouped in 152 white pebbles?
How many tens have you grouped in 52 white pebbles? (50)
How many white pebbles left? (2)
Say: Then, use the 7 black pebbles as counters. Add 7 black
pebbles and 2 white pebbles.
Do: Let the the pupils add 7 pebbles plus 2 pebbles is 9 then, let
them add the value of the remaining pebbles. Example: 9
pebbles plus 50 pebble is 59 pebbles,then, 59 pebbles plus
100 pebbles is 159 pebbles. So, 152 + 7 = 159.
Do: Provide another strategy using the imaginary chart. Post the
number on the board. Example: 345 + 4 =N. Let them add the
number mentally. Let them show their solution on the boad.
The grade 2 class has collected pebbles for counters. Ana gathered
152 white pebbles and her friend gave her 7 black pebbles. How
many pebbles did she gather in all?
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: How did you get the answer?
Do: Let the pupils expain the strategy used. Show the solution on
the board to guide the discussion.
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Do: Let the pupils answer Buluhaton in Learners Material.
G. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: How do you add mentally 3-digit numbers by ones?
(Add the digit in the ones place then add the value of the
remaining digits or bring down the numbers of the remaining
H. Applying to New and Other Situations
Name of the activity: Dialogue in a Store
1. Choose 2 pupils as a buyer and a vendor respectively. A buyer
and a vendor will position themselves for a short dialogue.
2. A buyer chooses 2 items (1 item having a 3-digit number, found
in column 2 and 1 item having a 1-digit number, found in column
Column 1 item for sale Column 2 item for sale
P 6.00
P 271.00
P 5.00
P 291.00
P 6.00
P 111.00
P 4.00
P 121.00
P 5.00
P 140.00
Add the
3 4 9
Bring down
Bring down
3. A vendor will add mentally the prices of 2 items which he/she
A buyer and a vendor will say a short dialogue below:
Did you enjoy the activity? Why?
Were your answers correct?
Explain the value of being accurate in solving numbers
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton in Learners Materials.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Materials.
Hi! Please come
in. What would
you like to buy?
I would like to buy a _______
worth of P _______ and a ____
worth of P _______. How much
would I pay for the two items?
You would pay
P_______ for the
two items.
Okay! Thank you.
Youre welcome and
come again.
Add mentally 3- digit numbers by tens (multiples of 10 up to 90)
Adding Mentally Three-Digit Numbers by Tens up to 90
Flash cards 1-digit numbers up to 9, drill board/ paper, bingo
cards and cubes with number combination
Values Integration: Helpfulness/ Accuracy
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Do: Divide the class into team of five. Provide a show-me-board to
each group. Post a basic addition combination one at a time
on the board. (2 or 3 items will do) Example:
(18) (21) (18) (19) (20)
Let the team the answer on the show-me-board.
2. Review
Do: Provide each group a Show-Me-Board. Let them answer the
following as you flash the card one at a time.
What number is 140 more than 9?
How much is 725 added to 8?
What is 560 increased by 5?
What number is 136 more than 6?
How much is 356 plus 6?
15+3 = N
19+2 =N 15+3 = N 16+3 = N 13+7= N
3. Motivation
Say: Now, let us sing a Mathematics song. While singing, let us all
think of the operation and the numbers used in the song.
Mathematics Song
(Tune: Magtanim ay Di-Biro)
Ten plus one equals eleven
Ten plus two will give us twelve
Ten plus three equals thirteen
Ten plus four gives us fourteen
Let us add, tens and tens
Tens that we can all add up
Tens and tens, tens and tens
Tens that we can all add up.
Ask: What basic operation is used?
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Posing a short dialogue as a problem opener
One morning, while Lolo Moting together with Mang Pobling
harvested fruits in the farm, his grandson came to
help him.
Hi! Lolo Moting.
What are you
doing here?
Hello! Shanot.I and
Mang Pobling are
harvesting the
b. Noting details of a short dialogue.
Ask: Who harvested the fruits?
Who helped gather the mangoes?
What kind of a boy is Shanot?
If you are Shanot, would you like to help? Why?
What is asked in the problem?
What are given?
What operation is needed?
If you add the numbers mentally, what would be your answer?
Wow, thats nice!
How many ripe
mangoes did you
We gathered 115 ripe
Alright! I also gathered 10
ripe mangoes.
Oh, thats so nice of you
grandson, you are helpful.
Thank you! Shanot.
C. Performing an Activity
Do: Let the pupils add mentally 115 and 10.
Say: Since, 10 has no hundreds and ones, we just add the tens.
Example: 115 + 10, add 15 and 10 is 25, then, 25 plus 100 is
125. So, 115 + 10 = 125
Do: Provide other examples.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Say: Let us know the process in getting the answer mentally.
Do: Call a volunteer to discuss their work if possible. Let the pupils
show the solution on the board to guide discussion.
Example: 115 + 10 =N. 15 + 10 =25, then, 25 + 100 = 125. So,
115 + 10 = 125
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: How do you add mentally 3-digit numbers by tens?
Do: Guide the pupils summarize the lesson. (Add the value of the
digit in the tens place then add the value of the remaining
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Game: Dice the Cube Game
Do:Divide the class into team of five.
Provide 2 cubes (6 square inches sized) with a set of number
pasted on its face. (Use the pattern below to make 2 cubes by
fixing both ends and sides and number the faces from 0 to 5, and
10 to 60)
1 2 3
30 40
Do: Provide a show-me-board to each team. Dice a cube (1-6) one
at a time for 3 times to get the 3-digit numbers. Let the pupils
write the numbers on the show-me-board. The first dice would
be hundreds, then, tens for the 2
dice and ones for 3
Example: 123
Do: Dice another cube (multiples of 10) only once as your addend
to complete the first round number combinations. Let the
pupils write on the show-me-board.
Example: 10
Each member collaboratively adds mentally the numbers such
as (123 + 10 = N)
The team who has the most number of correct responses
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Add mentally 3- digit numbers by hundreds (multiples of 100 up to
Adding mentally three-digit numbers by tens (multiple of 10 up to 90)
Flash cards 1-digit numbers up to 9, drill board/ paper and
cubes with number
Values Integration: Thriftiness /Accuracy
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Do: Divide the class into team of five. Provide a show-me-board to
each team. Post a basic addition combination one at a time on
the board.
Do: Let the team write their answer on the show-me-board. Let the
pupils continue the game. (2 or 3 items will do)
2. Review
Dash-Get-Flag Game (Working in groups of five)
Note: Teacher will prepare at least 3 dashing stations.
a. Give each group a Show-Me-Board.
b. The pupils work collaboratively at the starting point or area as the
teacher flashes a problem.
c. Members of the group will add mentally the given problem. (2 or 3
items will do)
115 +3 = N
119+2 =N 115+3 = N 216+3 = N
214+7 = N 211+9 = N 313+8 = N 410+ 9= N
What number is 345 more than 10?
How much is 725 added to 20?
What is 560 increased by 50?
What number is 136 more than 80?
How much is 356 plus 90?
d. The group should write their answer on the show-me-board.
e. If the group gave the correct answer, the group should dash
forward to the next point or area. If wrong, the group should dash
f. The group who dashes more and gets the flag first wins.
3. Motivation
Let the pupils recite the verse below. If possible do some action.
Lets walk!
Its a long, long walk.
Stop! Theres a shop.
Its a big, big shop.
We can buy over here.
We can buy down here.
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Posing situation as a problem opener.
b. Noting details of the problems
Ask: What is asked in the problem?
What are given?
What operation is needed?
How much did he/she spend?
Say: If you add the numbers mentally, what would be your answer?
Try to make a guess. List their answers on the board.
C. Performing an Activity
Say: Class, let us find out how much did he/she spend for a T-shirts
and a pair of socks.
Ask: How much is the T-shirts? (P149)
Do: Let the pupils write the number and add the numbers mentally.
Let them show the solution on the board.
Example: 149 + 100 = N. Add 100 and 100 is 200, then, 200
plus 49 is 249. So, 149 + 100 = 249.
Do: Provide other examples and let the pupils explain their
strategies used.
Rolls Roy bought a T-shirts worth of P149 in Aling Mercy Mini-
Mart and a pair of socks worth of P100 in Aling Vicky Mini-
Mart. How much did he/she spend in all?
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Do: Post the numbers to be added mentally. Let the pupils show
their solution on the board to guide explanation. Let them
explain how they added the numbers mentally.
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Do: Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Materials
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: How do you add mentally 3-digit numbers by hundreds?
Do: Guide the pupils summarize the lesson. ( Add the value of the
digit in the hundreds place then add the value of the remaining
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Game: Dice the Cube Game
Do: Divide the class into team of five.
Provide 2 cubes (6 square inches sized) with a set of number
pasted on its face.(Use the pattern below to make 2 cubes by
fixing both ends and sides and number the faces from 0 to 5,
and 10 to 60.)
Do: Provide a show-me-board to each team. Dice a cube
(1-6) one at a time for 3 times to get the 3-digit number. Let
the pupils write the numbers on the show-me-board.The first
dice would be hundreds, then, tens for the 2
dice and ones
for 3
Example: 345
Number Hundreds (Dice
Tens (Dice
Ones (Dice
345 3 4 5
Do: Dice another cube (multiples of 100) only once as your
addend to complete the first round number combinations. Let
the pupils write the number on a show-me-board.
Example: 200
Number Hundred Tens Ones
200 2 0 0
Do: Let the team work collaboratively. Let them add 345 + 200
mentally. Let them write their answer on the show-me-board.
Continue the game until 2 or 3 rounds.
Do: Let the pupils answer the Buluhaton in Learners Materials
Do: Let the pupils answer the Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners
Analyze and solve word problems involving addition of whole
numbers including money with sums up to1 000 without
and with regrouping
Analyzing and Solving Word Problems Involving Addition of Whole
Numbers Including Money with Sums up to 1 000 Without and With
Flash cards 1-digit numbers up to 9, drill board/ paper
Values Integration: Honesty
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Do: Divide the class into team of five. Provide each team a show-
me-board. Post addition combination one at a time on the board.
(2 or 3 items will do)
200 300 400
100 500
Do: Let the team write their answer on the show-me-board.
Continue the game. (2 or 3 items will do)
2. Review
Do: Flash the card one at a time. Let the group add the numbers
mentally. Let them write the answer on the show-me-board.
3. Motivation
Do: Let the pupils sing a song. (Si Felimon)
Do: Post the picture on the board.
Ask: What can you see in the picture?
What do you call the person who catches fishes?
Is your father a fisherman?
How much is your father earned from fishing?
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Posing a problem opener
The fisherman returned home from fishing. He sold 6 kilos of
fish for P 720 in the fish vendor. Aling Mercy gave him P180
for 2 kilos of fish. How much money did the fisherman have in
b. Noting details of the problem
35 + 10 = N
41 +20 = N 15+10 = N 16+40 = N
14 + 30 = N 21 + 70 = N 13+90 = N 10+ 80= N
355 + 600 = N
410 +200 = N 615+300 = N
690 + 200 = N 865 + 100 = N 145+800 = N
Ask: Who returned home from fishing?
How much is 6 kilos of fish? (P270)
How much is 2 kilos of fish? (180)
How many kilos of fish did the fisherman sell? (8 kilos)
If you were Aling Mercy, would you pay the total amount
Do: Let the pupils explain value of honesty.
Ask: What is asked in the problem?
What are given?
What clues and operation to be used?
What is the number sentence?
What is the complete answer?
C. Performing an Activity
Say: Class, let us find out how much money did the fisherman have
in all. Let us first identify what is asked and what are given
in the problem.
Ask: How much is six kilos of fish? (P720)
Say: Now, let us identify the clues and operation to be used.
Ask: What is the clues and operation to be used? (Addition)
What is the number sentence? (P143 + P225 + P120 = N)
Do: Call volunteers to solve on the board. The rest of the pupils
will solve on their show-me-board.
What is the complete answer? (P 900 the earning of the
How did you get the answer?
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Do: Use pupils work to guide discussion.
Bring the attention of the pupils to the number chart
Ask: Who will discuss the solution?
Note: Guide the pupils discuss the solution.
Ask: How did you add P 720 , and P 180
What did you do to ones?
Items Price Hundreds Tens Ones
6 kilos of fish P 720 7 2 0
2 kilos of fish P 180 1 8 0
Total P 900 9 0 0
Items Price Hundreds Tens Ones
6 kilos of fish P 720 7 2 0
2 kilos of fish P 180 1 8 0
Total P 900 9 0 0
What did you do to tens?
What did you do to hundreds?
Do: Elicit pupils attention to check their work.
Ask: Is the answer correct?
What is your complete answer?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Do: Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Materials.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: How did we analyze and solve word problems?
What did we look for a word problem?
What did we do with the given facts?
How did we know the operation to be used for a word problem?
Do: Guide the pupils summarize the lesson.
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Game: Winner Jackpot Round Game
Say: Now, let us have the winner jackpot round. Let us try to dice
the cube for the winning amount.
Ask: How much will they suppose to receive for the jackpot round?
Lets watch and solve for it.
Do: Call the winning team in Activity 1
Give praise.
Do: Provide 1 cube (6 square inches sized) with a set of number
pasted on its face. (Use the pattern below to make 2 cubes by
fixing both ends and sides and write P110, P223, P225,
P255, P450, and P645) to winning team.
Pupils clap: 1-2-3-4-5
Pupils stamp foot: 1-2-3
Pupils shout: Excellent!
P225 P255 P450
Do: Provide a show-me-board to the other challengers for their
Let the winning pupil dice a cube one at a time for 4 times to
complete the 2 rounds (2 dice for every round) . The first 2-dice
would complete the first round. Let the pupils record the prize on
the number chart for every dice and get the total.
Beat Prizes Hundreds Tens Ones
Dice 1
Dice 2
Ask: How much is the total prize for the first round?
Do: Let the challengers show their show-me-board for their answer.
Continue the game for 2nd round.
Beat Prizes Hundreds Tens Ones
Dice 3
Dice 4
Ask: How much is the total for the first round? 2
How much is the total prizes for the jackpot round?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Materials
Subtract 2 to 3-Digit with Minuends up to 999 without
Subtracting 2 to 3-Digit with Minuends up to 999 without
Charts, flats, longs and ones, domino cards
Values Integration: Frugality
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Do: Let the pupils identify which operation is used to make the
sentence true. Let the pupils raise their right hand if the
answer is plus (+) and their left hand if the answer is
minus (-). Flash the cards one at a time.
a. b. c. d. e.
2. Review
A. Game: Relay
Do: Let the pupils (individual or pair) climb up the stairs to get the
flag one at a time. Write the answer (1-5 items) on each step by
adding the numbers correctly.
B. Review the terms in subtraction. Let the pupils identify and define
each term in subtraction.
3. Motivation
How much is your daily allowance? Do you spend all your money?
Why or why not? About how much do you save each day?
What do you do with your daily savings? Why is it good to
save money?
B. Presenting the Lesson
1. Posing a problem opener
Ryniel saved a part of his daily allowance. After a
month, he has saved P188. He spent P55 for a birthday gift
for his mother and saved the rest. How much did he save?
141 + 342
153 + 72
118 + 36
16 + 10
12 + 9
9 2 = 7 difference
minuend subtrahend
2. Noting details of the word problem
Ask: Who saved money?
How much did he save?
What kind of a boy is Ryniel? Explain the values of frugality
What is asked in the problem?
What are the given facts?
How are you going to solve it?
What is the correct number sentence?
Can you guess what the answer is?
Let the pupils give their guesses.
C. Performing an Activity
Say: Now, let us check if your guesses are true.Let us use the flats,
long and ones as representation of money such as a flat is
one hundred pesos; long is 10 pesos while ones is one peso.
Do: Let the pupils check their answers using flats, longs and ones.
1 flat = 100 1 long = 10 1 ones = 1
a. Based on the problem opener, identify the minuend and the
subtrahend Identify the place value of each digit.
b. Express the minuend (ex. 188) using flats, longs and ones.
1 flat = 100
188 55 = difference
minuend subtrahend
8 longs = 80
8 ones = 8
c. Let the pupils hold the 1 flat, 8 longs and 8 ones.
Do: Bring the attention of the pupils to the given fact which is a
subtrahend, P55
Ask: How many will you give away? (P55)
d. Let them start giving the ones
1. ones
Do: Let the pupils count the ones.
Ask: How many ones are there? (8)
What if 8 ones is subtracted from 5 ones, how many ones
were left? (3)
Do: Show this illustration and let the pupils observe and ask them
to write the symbols or number sentence.
8 ones 5 ones = 3 ones
2. Longs.
Do: Let the pupils count the longs.
Ask: How many longs are there? (8)
What if 8 longs are subtracted from 5 longs, how many long
were left? (3)
Do: Show this illustration and let the pupils observe and ask them
to write the symbols or number sentence.
8 longs 5 longs = 3 longs
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: How many flat, longs and ones were left in 188 and 55?
( 1 flat, 3 longs and 3 ones)
So, 188 55 =
In subtracting 55 from 188, in what place value did we start
Do: Use number chart to guide the discussion
Say: So, Let us start giving the ones, longs and then the flat.
8 ones 5 ones = 3 ones
8 longs - 5 longs = 3 longs
1 flat = 1 flat
Ask: How much did Ryniel save? (P133.00)
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer the Buluhaton in Learners Materials
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: How do you subtract 2- to 3-digit numbers from 2- to 3-digit
numbers without regrouping?
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Do: Let the pupils answer the following problems.
Numbers Hundred
1 8 8
5 5
1 3 3
1. Irelyn saved money from her daily allowance. She has
already saved 34. The pocket book she wants to buy
costs 148. How much does she still need to save?
2. There are 256 pupils in Grade Two. If 124 pupils are girls,
how many are boys?
Let the pupils answer the Buluhaton in Learners Materials.
Let the pupils answer the Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Materials.
Subtract 2- to 3- digit numbers with minuends up to 999 with
regrouping in the tens place
Subtracting 2 to 3-Digit with Minuends up to 999 with Regrouping in
the Tens Place
Flash cards basic subtraction facts whose minuends are up to 18,
subtraction sentences, dialogue, games
Values Integration: Courtesy
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill:
Basic subtraction facts with minuends up to 18
Ex.: 10 9 11 12 18
- 5 - 6 - 4 - 6 - 9
2. Review
Checking of homework in subtraction without regrouping
1. What is the difference between 892 and 441?
2. What is N if 184 is subtracted from 695?
3. What is N in 897 minus 333?
4. What is N if 965 decreased to 552?
5. What is the difference between 456 and 132?
3. Motivation
Do: Post the picture on the board.
Ask: What can you say about the picture? What do you
think the boy is doing?
Say: Jefferson asked for Mathematics books from his
teacher. The teacher did not give him Mathematics
books because there are no books left in the shelves.
If you were Jefferson, what will you do?
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Posing a problem opener (Short dialogue)
Narrator: Mrs. Gier had just arranged 145 Mathematics books
in the school library. After a while, Jefferson came to
borrow 17 Mathematics books.
Jefferson: Good morning, Mrs. Gier.
Mrs. Gier: Good morning too, Jefferson. Anything I can do for
Jefferson: May I borrow 17 Mathematics books?
Mrs. Gier: Yes, you may. I will give you 17 Mathematics books.
Jefferson: Thank you, Maam.
Mrs. Gier:
Mrs. Gier:
Youre welcome! So, how many Mathematics books
Im sorry Maam. I cannot give you my answer right
away. I want to know the total number of
Mathematics books in the shelves.
All right! Can you give me your answer later?
Yes, I do. Goodbye Maam.
b. Noting the details of the short dialogue
What did Jefferson say to Mrs. Gier when he went to her to
borrow books?
What can you say about Jefferson?
Is he a courteous boy? Why do you say so?
How should we behave at all times?
How many Math books in the shelves? (145)
How many Math books did Jefferson borrow from Mrs. Gier?
How many Math books left in the shelves?
C. Performing an Activity
Do: Let us help Jefferson find how many Mathematics books are
left in the shelves. Show this illustration on the board.
Say: Look at the ones. The ones are 5 and 7.
Ask: Can you subtract 7 from 5 exactly? (No)
Why not? (7 is bigger than 5)
Say: Just like Jefferson who borrowed books from Mrs. Gier, 5 has
to borrow from 4. It can borrow one ten or regroup 5 ones to 1
ten and 5 ones.
Ask: One ten plus 5 ones is what number? (15)
Do: Show where to place one ten:
Ask: What happens to the 4 tens?
Say: Since a ten is taken from 4 tens, 4 tens will become 3 tens.
Do: Subtract the numbers.
Hundreds Tens Ones
1 4 5
1 7
3 tens 1 ten
4 15
1 7
` 1
Ask: How many Mathematics books left in the shelves?
Do: Provide another example (2 or 3 for mastery of computational
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Do: Use the number chart to guide your discussion.
Ask: How do we regroup the tens place?
Do: Let the pupils explain the process.
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Materials
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: How do we subtract numbers when the ones digit of the
subtrahend is greater than the ones digit of the minuend?
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Do: Let the pupils answer some exercises in their papers/drill
Find the difference.
1. 345 2. 567 3. 786 4. 356 5. 453
29 38 127 237 234
Hundreds Ten
Ones Regrouping
Hundreds Tens Ones
145 1 4 5 1 3 15
17 1 7 1 7
Difference 1 2 8
3 tens 1 ten
4 15
1 7
2 8
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Materials.
Subtract 2- to 3-digit numbers with minuends up to 999 with
regrouping in the hundreds place
Subtracting 2 to 3-Digit with Minuends up to 999 with Regrouping
in the Hundreds Place
Flash cards: subtraction facts, subtraction sentences with missing
parts, drill boards, place value chart, puzzle, activity cards
Values Integration: Cooperation
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Do: Flash the flashcard at a time. Let the pupils write their
answer on the show-me-board.
2. Review
Game: Wheres My Missing Buddy?
a. Distribute the flash cards with missing answers.
b. Let the pupils look for the cards and match their missing
3. Motivation
Do: Present a picture of a boy riding on front of a jeepney
Ask: What can you say about the picture?
What do you think the boy is doing?
Have you ridden a jeepney?
How do you feel?
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Posing a problem opener (Short story)
Noel lives far from the school. He takes a jeep in going to and
from school. To keep himself busy, he writes down the plate numbers
of vehicles then he finds their difference.
Once, he saw 2 nice cars. He wrote down their plate numbers:
709 and 36. He tried to subtract one from the other. But he could
not do it. He said to himself, Our teacher has not taught us
this yet.
b. Noting the details of the short story read.
Ask: What was Noels way of making himself busy while riding in a
jeep? (writing the plate numbers)
What were the plate-numbers which he failed to subtract?
(709 and 36)
C. Performing an Activity
Say: Let us help Noel finds the difference of 709 and 136.
Do: Let the pupils write the numbers in the place value chart.
Hundreds Tens Ones
7 0 9
- 3 6
Let the pupils subtract the ones digit first.
Say: Since there are enough ones in the minuend, subtract. Then
go to the tens. Since there are not enough tens in the minuend,
rename the tens digit. But there is 0 in tens digit, so we go to the
hundreds digit. Rename 7 hundreds as 6 hundreds and 10 tens
Do: Let the pupils write the numbers in the place value chart.
Hundreds Tens Ones
0 9
3 6
Say: We now have a tens digit in the minuend. Subtract the tens
and the hundreds digits.
Do: Let the pupils write the numbers in the place value chart.
Ask: What is the difference of 709 and 136?
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Do: Use the number chart to guide pupils discussion
Call a volunteer to discuss the number chart below.
Ask: How did you regroup the hundreds place?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Materials.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we subtract numbers when the tens digit of the
subtrahend is greater than the tens digit of the minuend?
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
a. Work in groups of five.
b. Distribute the activity sheets to the groups.
Hundreds Tens Ones
6 7 10 9
1 - 3 6
5 7 3
Hundreds Tens Ones Regrouping
Hundreds Tens Ones
709 7 0 9 6 10 9
36 1 3 6 1 3 6
Difference 5 7 3
Directions: Use your answers to fill in the puzzle. Subtract.
a. 309 c. 506 e. 513 f. 966
- 81 - 55 - 90 - 92
g. 654 h. 627
- 92 - 95
a. 109 b. 619 d. 607 e. 907 i. 918
- 96 - 31 - 55 - 63 - 63
Did you enjoy doing your group work?
Did you cooperate with one another?
Why is cooperation important in group work?
What should you remember when doing your group activities?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton in Learners Materials.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Materials.
h i
Subtract 2- to 3- digit numbers with minuends up to 999 with
Regrouping in the tens and hundreds place
Subtracting 2 to 3-Digit with Minuends up to 999 with Regrouping in
the Tens and Hundreds Place
Flash cards on subtraction, place value chart, activity cards, Tic-Tac
Toe game board, strips of Manila paper
Values Integration: Obedience
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
a. b. c. d. e.
2. Review
Do: Bring the attention of the pupils to the place value chart a and b.
Ask: Which number has to be regrouped in a?
Where should it be regrouped? Why?
What is the answer in a?
Which number has to be regrouped in b?
Where should it be regrouped? Why?
What is the difference in b?
3 9 2 5 0 8
- 4 6 - 4 3
3. Motivation
Do: Call on a pupil to pick a piece of paper in the red box.
Let a pupil read and then write the number in the place value
chart. (204)
Do: Call on another pupil to pick a piece of paper in the blue box.
Let a pupil read and then write the number in the place value
chart. (79)
B. Presenting the Lesson
Do: Posing a place value chart
Place value chart
Ask: What is the difference 204 and 79?
C. Performing an Activity
Say: Let us find the difference of 204 and 79.
Do: Let the pupils subtract the number.
Do: Guide the pupils to subtract the ones digits first.
Say: Since there are not enough ones in the minuend, let us
rename the tens digit. But there is no tens digit, so we borrow
from the hundreds digit. Rename 2 hundreds as 1 hundred
and 10 tens.
Do: Let the pupils write the numbers in the place value chart.
7 9
7 9
0 4
7 9
Say: We now have a tens digit in the minuend. Rename the tens
digit as 9 tens and 10 ones. Then regroup 10 ones to make
14 ones.
Do: Let the pupils write the numbers in the place value chart
0 10
7 9
Do: Guide the pupils to subtract the ones, the tens and then the
hundreds digits. Let the pupils write the number in the place
value chart
Ask: What is the difference of 204 and 79?
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Do: Use the number chart to guide pupils discussion.
Call a volunteer to discuss the number chart below.
Guide the pupils in the discussion.
1 9 14
7 9
1 2 5
Ask: How did you regroup the tens place?
How about the hundreds place?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Do: Let the pupils answer Buluhaton in Learners Materials
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we subtract numbers when the tens and ones digits of
the subtrahend are greater than the tens and ones digits of the
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Game: Palosebo
a. Divide the class into at least 5 groups. Let the pupils fall in
a line to each group.
b. Teacher draws or makes the palosebo on strips of manila
paper or cartolina for each group as shown below.
c. Teacher flashes a number sentence at a time.
d. The groups solve the given subtraction problems for 2
e. The groups write their answers on the palosebo to reach
the flag.
f. Continue the game until one group reaches the flag.
g. The group with the most number of correct answers wins
Tens Ones
204 2 0 4 1 9 14
79 7 9 7 9
Difference 1 2 5
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5
Ask: Did you enjoy the game?
Did you stop when the time was up?
Did you obey the rules?
What kind of players are you?
As players, what should we do with the rules of the games?
Do: Explain briefly the value of being obedient pupils.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Materials.
Subtract mentally 1-digit number from 1- and 2-digit numbers with
minuends up to 50 without regrouping
Subtracting Mentally 1-Digit Numbers from 1 to 2-Digit Numbers
with Minuends up to 50 without Regrouping
Drill cards with basic subtraction facts, hand puppet of a magician,
bingo cards, and drill cards
Values Integration: Love for parents
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
a. Form group of 5 members. Let the group make a line.
b. The group answers the cards as the teacher flashes the
card one at a time.
c. The group with the most number of correct answers wins.
Example of cards with basic subtraction facts
2. Review
Fill in the blanks with numbers.
a. Use 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 to make the number sentence true.
b. Use 5, 6, 7, and 8 to make the number sentence true.
3. Motivation
Do: Show the picture of a magician. If possible, do some tricks.
7 8
7 8 4
Ask: Have you seen a magician? What does a magician do?
Would you like to see how a magician performs some tricks?
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Posing a problem opener.
A magician placed 24 rabbits in a hat and subtracted
them by a mystery number. Only 3 of the rabbits came out.
What is the mystery number?
b. Noting the details of the word problem read.
Ask: How many rabbits did the magician have?
How many rabbits came out of the hat?
What is asked in the problem? What are given? What
operation to be used? What is the number sentence? What
is your final answer
C. Performing an Activity
Say: Let us find the mystery number.
Ask: What is the mystery number?
What do you do to get the mystery number?
Do: Guide the pupils to find the mystery number.
Let the pupils subtract 3 from 24.
24-3= N, Let them subtract the ones, 4 minus 3 is 1, then let
them add 1 to the value of the remaining digit, 1 plus 20 is
21. So, 24 3 = 21.
Do: Provide another strategy: Subtracting in Two Parts
Say: Another method is subtract in two parts
24 - 3 =?
Do: Let the pupils break the minuend, 24 into tens and ones.
24 3 = N
20 + 4 3 = N
Let the pupils subtract 3 from 4 is 1, and add 1 to 20 is 21.
20 + (4 -3) = N
20 + 1 = 21
So, 24 3 = 21
Do: Provide another strategy: Counting backward
Let the pupils subtract 3 from 24. Let the pupils start counting
backward from 24 (24, 23, 22, 21). Present the illustration on
the board.
1 2 3
Let the pupils count 3 steps backward from 24. (24, 23, 22, 21)
So, 24-3 = 21
24 23 22 21
Do: Provide another example to practice the strategies.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: How did you get the mystery number?
How did you subtract mentally the mystery number?
Do: Call a volunteer to discuss the process.
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Materials.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do you subtract numbers mentally?
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Do: Dictate the word problem below.
Tabern earned 48 in selling banana cues. She spent 9 for
her school project and gave the rest for her mother. How
much did her mother receive?
Say: Let us answer the question orally.
Ask: How much did Tabern earn in selling banana cues? ( 48)
How much did he spend for her school project? ( 9)
How much did he give for her mother? ( 39)
Ask: What trait does Tabern show?
If you would earn money, would you do the same?
How do you show love for your parents?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Materials.
Subtract mentally 3-digit numbers by ones without regrouping
Subtracting Mentally 3-Digit Numbers by Ones without Regrouping
Drill cards with basic subtraction facts, hand puppet of a magician,
bingo cards, and drill cards
Values Integration: Accuracy
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill : Relay
Do: Form group of 5 members. Let the group make a line.
Let them answer the cards as you flash the card one at
a time. The group with the most number of correct answers
Example of cards with basic subtraction facts
2. Review
Do: Form group of 5 members. Provide a show-me-board to each
group. Let them subtract mentally and fill in the blanks with
Example: (2 or 3 items will do)
1. What is the difference between 6 and 48?
2. What is 37 decreased by 5?
3. What is 24 less 4?
4. What is 43 minus 3?
5. What is 2 subtracted from 35?
3. Motivation
Do: Show a picture of children who participated in the field
demonstration during Fiesta Celebration.
Ask: What can you say about the picture?
What are the children doing?
If you were asked to dance, would you do the same?
How do you show gracefulness in dancing?
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Posing a problem opener.
Among the 148 Grade 2 pupils, only 3 pupils who did not
participate in the field demonstration during Fiesta
Celebration. How many pupils joined?
b. Noting the details of the word problem read.
Ask: How many Grade 2 pupils?
What are the Grade 2 pupils doing?
What is the celebration all about?
What is asked in the problem?
What are given?
What operation to be used?
What is the number sentence?
What is your final answer?
C. Performing an Activity
Say: Let us find the number of pupils who joined the field
Do: Guide the pupils to find the number of pupils.
Do: Let the pupils subtract 4 from 148.
148 3 = N, Let them subtract the ones, 8 minus 3 is 5, then
let them add 5 to the value of the remaining digit, 5 plus 140
is 145. So, 148 3 = 145
Do: Provide another strategy: Subtracting in Two Parts
Say: Another method is subtract in two parts
148 - 3 = N
Do: Let the pupils break the minuend, 148 into hundreds, tens and
148 3 = N
100 + 40 + 8 3 = N
Let the pupils subtract 3 from 8 is 5, then add the value of the
remaining digits, 140 plus 5 is 145.
100 + 40 + (8 -3) = N
140 + 5 = 145
So, 148 3 = 145
Do: Provide another strategy: Counting backward
Let the pupils subtract 3 from 148. Let the pupils start counting
backward from 148 (147, 146, 145). Present the illustration on
the board.
1 2 3
Let the pupils count 3 steps backward from 148. (147, 146, 145 )
So, 148 - 3 = 145.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: How did you get the number?
How did you subtract mentally the number?
Do: Call a volunteer to discuss the process.
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Materials.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: How do we subtract numbers mentally?
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Do: Provide an activity card. Let the pupils do the activity by pair.
Name of the activity: Buy ME Shop
a. Choose a partner.
b. Buy an item in the Buy ME Shop.
c. Subtract mentally the discount of P2.00 from the price of
each item.
148 147 146 145
Buy ME Shop
d. Play a short dialogue:
Pupil 1: We decided to buy a ______________worth
_________ with a discount of P2.00.
Pupil 2: We will spend ____________ for it.
Why did you win in the contest? Why were you given praises?
Were your answers accurate? How should our answers be at
all times? If you buy a thing, would you pay it exactly?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Materials.
Subtract mentally 3-digit numbers by tens without regrouping
Subtracting Mentally 3-Digit Numbers by Tens without Regrouping
Drill cards with basic subtraction facts, hand puppet of a magician,
bingo cards, and drill cards
Values Integration: Proper segregation of recycled materials
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill: Relay
Do: Form group of 5 members. Let the group make a line. Let them
(one at a time) subtract mentally the number as you flash the card
one at a time.
Do: Give praise to the group with the most number of correct
2. Review
Do: Let the pupils subtract the number mentally. Fill in the blanks with
numbers. (2 or 3 items will do)
1. What is the difference between 6 and 148?
2. What is 379 decreased by 5?
3. What is 248 less 4?
3. Motivation
Do: Show a picture of children who segregated the recycled
materials in the school ground.
Ask: What can you say about the picture?
What are the children doing?
Ask: If you were asked to segregate, would you do the same?
What will you do with the things that are still usable?
Do: If possible, do some demonstration on segregation of
materials in front of the class. Invite the pupils to participate.
Explain the concept of proper segregation of materials.
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Posing a real situation as problem opener.
Do: Divide the pupils into five. Provide each group a set of drinking
straws. (If possible, use 5 sets of 145 pieces of drinking
Say: I have 5 sets of recycled drinking straws. We will use these as
Do: Let the 5 pupils count the drinking straws.
Ask: How many drinking straws are there? (145)
Do: Let the pupils remove 10 pieces of drinking straws from 145
pieces of drinking straws.
Ask: How many were left?
Do: Do not let the pupils count the remaining drinking straws. Let
them give their guesses. Write their answer on the board.
Ask: What do you think is your answer?
Can you subtract mentally the number?
C. Performing an Activity
Do: Let the pupils subtract 10 from 145. Let the pupils write the
number sentence.
Let the pupils change or drop the minuend multiple of tens.
So, 145 becomes 140. Then, 140 minus 10 is 130, then 130
plus 5 is 135. So, 145 10 = 135
Do: Provide another strategy using counting backward.
Let them subtract 10 from 145 mentally using another
Let the pupils start counting from (144, 143, 142, 141, 140,
139, 138, 137, 136, 135) Present the illustration on the board.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Let the pupils count 10 steps backward from 145. (144,
143,142, 141 140, 139, 138, 137, 136, 135) So, 145 -10 = 13.
Do: Provide another strategy using number bonds.
Let them subtract 10 from 145 mentally. Let them regroup the
minuend using the concepts of number bonds and compatible
numbers to subtract.
So, 145 10 = 135
Ask: How many straws left? (124)
Do: Let the pupils count the remaining straws.
Ask: Is your guess matched the correct answer?
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: Can you subtract the number mentally?
Do: Call a volunteer to discuss a process. Guide the pupils in the
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer the Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
145 10 = 140 10 + 5
= 130 + 5
= 135
140 and 5
140 5
Example: 145 10 = N
141 140 139 138 137 136 135 145 144 143 142
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we subtract numbers mentally?
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Do: Provide an activity card. Let the pupils do the activity by pair.
Name of the activity: Buy ME Shop
a. Choose a partner.
b. Buy an item in the Buy ME Shop.
c. Subtract mentally the discount of P25.00 from the price of each
Buy ME Shop
d. Play a short dialogue:
Pupil 1: We decided to buy a __________________ worth of
______________ with a discount of P25.00
Pupil 2: We will spend ____________ for it.
e. The pair with the most number of correct answers wins.
f. Valuing
Why did you win in the contest? Why were you given
praises?Were your answers accurate? How should your
answers be at all times? If you buy a thing, would you
pay it exactly?
Let the pupils answer the Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer the Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Subtract mentally 3-digit numbers by hundreds without regrouping
Subtracting Mentally 3-Digit Numbers by Hundreds without
Drill cards with basic subtraction facts, hand puppet of a magician,
bingo cards, and drill cards
Values Integration: Proper caring of plants
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill: Relay
Do: Let the pupils form group of 5 members. Let the group make a
Let them subtract mentally the number as the card is flashed
one at a time. The group with the most number of correct
answers wins.
Example of cards with basic subtraction facts
2. Review
Checking of assignment
Do: Let the pupils answer the following: (2 or 3 items will do)
1. What is the difference between 16 and 148?
2. What is 379 decreased by 25?
3. What is 248 less 14?
3. Motivation
Do: Show picture of a child who cares the plants in the school
ground. Example:
Ask: What can you say about the picture?
What is the child doing?
Ask: If you were asked to take good care of the plants, what do you
do? What will you do with the plants in our school ground?
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Posing a problem opener.
There were 286 Grade 2 pupils in Pananay-an Elementary
School, 100 pupils watered the plants. The rest of the pupils
cultivated the plants. How many pupils cultivated the plants?
b. Noting details of the word problem read.
Ask: What were the Grade 2 pupils doing?
Who watered the plants?
Who cultivated the plants?
How many Grade 2 pupils are there?
How many Grade 2 pupils watered the plants?
c. Guide the pupils in analyzing the word problem.
Ask: What is asked in the problem? What is given?
What will you do to find the number of pupils who cultivated
the plants? Can you subtract mentally? What is your answer?
Can you give your guess (answer)?
Do: Write their guesses (answers) on the board.
C. Performing an Activity
Say: Let us find the number of pupils who cultivated the plants.
Ask: What do you do to get the number?
Do: Guide the pupils to find the number mentally.
Ask: How many Grade 2 pupils are there? (286)
Do: Let the pupils write the number sentence.
Example: 286 100 = N
Do: Let the pupils subtract 100 from 286.
286 -100 = N, Let them drop 286 to 200. Then, 200 minus 100
is 100. Then, 100 plus 86 is 186. So, 286 100 = 186.
Do: Provide another strategy
Let them do the incated operation, 286 - 100 = N
Do: Let the pupils break 286 into hundreds and tens.
286 100 = N
200 and 86 100 = N
Let the pupils subtract 100 from 200 so,
200 minus 100 is 100, then add the value of the remaining
digits, 86.
So, 100 plus 86 is 186. Therefore: 286 100 = 186
Ask: How many pupils cultivated the plants? (186)
Do: Let the pupils state the complete answer.
Ask: Is your guess matched the correct answer?
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: Can you subtract the number mentally?
Do: Call a volunteer to discuss a process. Guide the pupils in the
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Materials.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Do: How do you subtract numbers mentally?
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Do: Provide an activity card. Let the pupils do the activity by pair.
Name of the activity: Buy ME Shop
a. Choose a partner.
b. Buy an item in the Buy ME Shop.
c. Subtract mentally the discount of P155.00 from the price of each
d. Play a short dialogue:
Pupil 1: I decided to buy a __________________ worth of
_________ with a discount of P100.00. How much
do I pay?
Pupil 2: You should pay ____________ for it.
e. The pair with the most number of correct answers wins.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Materials.
Analyze and solve 1-step word problems involving subtraction of
whole numbers including money with minuends of up to 1000 without
Telling What is Asked, What is/are Given, the Word Clue, and the
Operation to be Used in the Problem.
word problems written on manila paper, chart, activity cards, drill
boards or show cards, flashcards and pocket chart
Values Integration: Enjoyment in reading
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
a. Oral- Give the correct answer orally. Use flashcards of
subtraction facts.
58 46 39 58 55
-32 -34 -23 -43 -33
b. Written- Write the correct answer.
452 874 958 673 648
-231 -432 -435 -332 -543
2. Review
Solving subtraction problems and comprehension check-up
a. Mr. Ramos gathered 499 eggplants. He sold all except 145.
How many eggplants did he sell?
Ask: Who gathered the eggplants? (Mr. Ramos)
How many eggplants were gathered? (499 eggplants)
How many eggplants were sold? (354 eggplants)
b. Nikki has P150.00. She buys dress for P130.00. How much
money does Nikki have left?
Ask: Who bought a dress? (Nikki)
How much is the cost of a dress? (P130.00)
How much is her money? (P150.00)
How much change did she get? (P20.00)
3. Motivation
Talk about going to a field trip.
Ask: Have you joined a field trip?
Where did you go?
What did you bring along?
Did you have fun?
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Posing a situation
In a field trip, the children bought 165 packs of loaf bread. If 53
packs were consumed, how many packs were left?
Say: Let us analyze the problem. First, we need to know
what is asked in the problem.
Ask: What is asked? (How many packs were left?)
What are the given facts? (165 packs of loaf bread and
another 53)
What is the word clue? (Left)
What is the operation to be used? (Subtraction)
C. Performing an Activity
a. Have the pupils solve the problems in groups.
b. Form 5 groups and distribute one activity card for each
c. Tell the pupils to solve the problem following the steps
Activity Card 1
Mother bought pork for P95.00 and chicken for P75.00. How much
more did she pay for the pork than the chicken?
Activity Card 2
Marissa has P20.00. She spends P10.00 for a sandwich. How much
of her money was left?
Activity Card 3
Mrs. Santos went to the market. She spent P265.00 for meat and
vegetables. If she had P595.00. How much money was left for her?
Activity Card 4
Charlyn collected 452 bottle caps. He gave 232 bottle caps to
his friends. How many bottle caps were left?
Activity Card 5
There are 795 chicos in the basket. Of these, 352 are ripe.
How many chicos are not ripe?
Ask the leader of the group to read the problem and a member
to write the answer on the blackboard or on a sheet of Manila
Did you enjoy reading the activity sheet assigned to your
group? Why?
Is it good to have reading? Why? (Because we will know many
things by reading.)
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: How do we solve and analyze the word problem?
Say: In solving word problem, First; analyze the problem,
Second; understand the problem and plan.
E. Reinforcing the Concepts
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in the Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we analyze and solve the word problem involving
subtraction? (In analyzing and solving the word problem involving
subtraction, we should follow the basic steps in problem solving;
understand, plan, solve and give the correct answer.)
G. Applying New and Other Situation
Read and analyze the problems below following the given steps.
a. What is asked?
b. What are the given facts?
c. What is the word clue?
d. What is the operation to be used?
1. Mother asked Alexia to buy a dozen of eggs worth P20.00 in
the nearby store. How much was left of her P50.00?
2. Jamel had P95.00. Charlyn had P85.00.
How much less does Charlyn have than Jamel?
3. Mario earned P25.00 selling newspapers. He bought a pad
of paper for P15.00. How much money did he have left?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in the Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in the Learners Material.
Analyze and solve 1-step word problems involving subtraction of
whole numbers including money with minuends up to 1 000 without
Transforming Word Problems Involving Subtraction into Number
Sentences, Using the Correct Operation and Stating the Complete
Chart with word problems, flashcards of subtraction facts
Values Integration: Thrifty
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Subtraction facts
48 98 75 69 795
- 32 -63 -52 -56 -464
P456 P764 P895 P54 P974
- P243 -P523 -P452 -P20 -P852
2. Review
a. Match the step with the things to do in a particular 4-step
method of solving problem. Divide the class into two groups.
The fastest group that can match correctly wins the game.
b. Give the correct answer to the problem
(Pupils may use show-me-boards.)
1. There were 20 birds on a tree. Five flew away.
How many were left?
2. Roy drew 35 circles. He colored 15 circles red and the
other green. How many circles were green?
3. Father brought home 25 durian candies. His son ate 5
durian candies. How many were left?
3. Motivation
Ask the pupils if they have some savings.
Ask them why they save money.
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Presenting the word problem below.
Do: Explain and show how to transform a step word problem
into a number sentence.
Let the pupils solve the problem.
Guide the pupils in writing and solving the problem in two
ways, horizontal and vertical solutions.
Let them also label their answer correctly.
Review and answer with
Give the given facts
Identify the equation
Write the equation and
answer the problem.
Rogelio has a coconut shell bank. Everyday he receives P75 from his
mother. He only buys a sandwich for recess at P23 and the rest of
the money is saved. How much money does he put in his coconut
shell bank?
P 75 P 23 = N
P 75 P 23= P52
P 52 amount of money Rogelio puts and saves in his
coconut shell bank or P 75 P 23 P52 amount of
Rogelio puts and saves in his coconut shell bank
b. Providing another problem to solve.
Do: Guide the pupils in analyzing the word problem.
Ask: What is asked in the word problem?(How many left in the
What will you do to find the number of Lornas classmates that
were left in the party? (Subtract)
Why will you subtract? (to know how many were left)
What is the word clue for subtraction? (Left)
What is the correct number sentence? (55 24 = N)
Do: Call some pupils to show their solutions on the problem and
stating the answer with the correct label on the board.
Let them explain their solutions and answers.
Guide the pupils to identify/choose the correct solution and
answer in case some of the pupils gave wrong answers.
Guide them also in explaining why their solutions are wrong.
55 classmates
- 24 classmates went home
31 classmates were left
C. Performing an Activity
Do: Divide the pupils into 5 groups.
Let each group discuss two word problems given below.
Let them analyze the problems using the steps already
learned to come up with the appropriate number sentences.
Let them solve the problem and label the answer correctly.
Let them share the groups ideas/answers to the class.
Word Problems:
a. You and your brother opened your piggy bank to buy a gift
for your mother. You were able to save P265 and your
brother saved P142
How much more is your brothers savings than yours?
b. The fisherman caught 975 fishes. He sold 543 of them.
Lorna invited her classmates to her birthday party. Fifty -
five of her classmates came. When evening came, 24 of
her classmates went home. How many were left in the
How many were left for his family?
c. Patricio is 55 years old. Jetty is 34 years old. How many
years older is Patricio than Jetty?
d. Marilyn had P800. She bought a pair of shoes for P400.
How much money had she left?
e. There were 958 Cub Scouts, 434 joined the parade. How
many Cub Scouts did not join the parade?
Do: Let the leader of the group read the problem and a writer of
the group write the answer on the blackboard. Check the
accuracy of the answer.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: Did you find difficult in doing your group work? (Varied
How do we analyze and solve the word problem involving
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: How did we transform/change the word problems into number
Why do we need to transform word problems into number
What are the steps in solving word problems involving
G. Applying the New and Other Situation
Do: Provide an activity card.
Activity Card
Change the following word problems into number sentences.
Solve then label the answer correctly.
1. Josephs money is P35. He bought chocolate cookies for
P15 and saved the rest. How much did he save?
2. Amy had 56 roses. She gave 34 of them to her teacher
and friends. How many roses were left?
3. Leonie spent half of her money in a store. She spent half of
the money that remained in a second store. She had P50
left in her wallet. How much money had she at first?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in the Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in the Learners Material.
Analyze and solve 1 step word problems involving subtraction of
whole number including money with minuends up to 1000 with
Telling what is asked, Given, Word Clues and Operation Used in
Word Problem
Word problems written on Manila paper, chart, activity cards, drill
Boards or show cards, flashcards, pocket chart
Values Integration: Enjoyment in Reading
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Use flashcards of subtraction facts.
a. 87 b. 97 c. 479 d. 567 e. 25
- 5 - 2 - 53 - 22 - 7
2. Review
Word Problem Analyze and solve.
In a barrio fiesta 276 school pupils joined the parade. 34 of
them are boys. How many are girls?
Ask: How many school pupils joined the parade? (276 pupils)
How many are boys joined the parade? (34 pupils)
How many are girls joined the parade? (242 pupils)
Mother spent P 200.00 for 2 kilos of chicken. She gave the
seller P 300. How much did she get?
Ask: Who bought for 2 kilos of chicken? (Mother)
How much is the cost of 2 kilos of chicken? (P200.00)
How much was her money? (P300.00)
How much change did she get? (P100.00)
3. Motivation
Do: Talk about going on a beach resort.
Ask: What did you do if youre in the beach with your brothers and
sisters? (swimming, playing, picking up shells )
B. Presenting the Lesson
Do: Present a situation.
In a beach resort Jana collected 375 sea shells. She gave 248
to her sister. How many sea shells were left? (137 sea shells)
Say: Let us analyze the problem.
Ask: What is asked in the problem? (Number of sea shells left)
What are the given facts? (375 sea shells Jana collected and
248 sea shells gave to her sister)
What is the word clue? (Left)
What are the operations to be used? (Subtraction)
C. Performing an Activity
Group Activities
Do: Have the pupils solve the problems in groups.
Form 5 groups and distribute one activity card for each group.
Tell the pupils to solve the problem following the steps
Activity Card 1
Grandma is 64 years old.
Mom is 38 years old.
How many years older is grandma than Mom?
Activity Card 2
Sister baked 275 cookies.
She gave 118 cookies to her friend.
How many cookies were left?
Activity Card 3
Dressmaker has 439 buttons.
She used 185 buttons.
How many buttons were left?
Activity Card 4
Mario paid P149.00 for a hat.
He gave the store keeper a P587.00 bills
How much change did he receive?
Activity Card 5
Mr. Santos earned P394.00 by selling young coconuts. She
spent P77.00 for a 3 kilogram for rice. How much money was
left to her?
Do: Let the leader of the group read the problem and a writer of
the group write the answer on a sheet of Manila paper.
Check for the accuracy of the answer.
Did you enjoy reading the activity sheet assigned to your
group? Why? Is it good to have reading? Why?
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Say: To solve a word problem, one should read, analyze and
Identify the following;
a. Given or the important information
b. What is asked or what is needed to find
c. Process or the operation to use
E. Reinforcing the Concepts
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we analyze and solve the word problems?
To solve the problem, let us:
Find out what is asked, what are given and operation to be
used. Put what are given into number sentences
Then follow the operation to be used
G. Applying the New and Other Situation
Do: Provide an activity card.
Solve the following:
1. In a farm, there are 425 mango trees. Of these trees, 293
are Indian Mangoes. How many are not Indian mangoes?
a. What is asked? ____________________________
b. What are the given facts? ____________________
c. What is the word clue? ______________________
d. What is the operation to be used? _____________
2. Mother picked 295 guavas. She sold 68. How many were
a. What is asked? ____________________________
b. What are the given facts? ___________________
c. What is the word clue? ______________________
d. What is the operation to be used? _____________
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Analyze and solve 1-step word problems involving subtraction of
whole numbers, including money with minuends up to 1 000 with
Transforming Word Problems Involving Subtraction Into Number
Sentences, Using the Correct Operation and Stating the Complete
Chart with word problems, flashcards of subtraction facts
Values Integration: Thrift
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
a. Oral Give the correct answer orally.
12 15 24 16 13
- 7 - 6 - 6 - 8 - 7
b. Written Answering the window card in subtraction.
2. Review
Do: Flash the problem at a time. Let the pupils write the
correct answer in their show-me-board.
1. Twelve balls were there in all.
Seven balls rolled away.
How many balls were left?
2. There are 18 green and red apples.
Nine are green.
How many are red apples?
3. Leah had P15.
Riza had P8.
How much less does Riza have than Leah?
3. Motivation
Ask: Do you have some trees planted in your backyard.
Have you gone in the farm?
Have you seen many trees in the farm?
Why do we need to plant more trees?
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Presenting a problem opener
In a farm, there are 432 mango trees. Of these trees, 229 are
Indian mangoes. How many are not Indian mangoes?
b. Analyzing the problem
Do: Explain and show how to transform word problem into a
number sentence. Let the pupils solve the problem.
Guide the pupils in writing and solving the problem in two
ways, horizontally and vertically. Let them also label their
answers correctly.
432 229 = N
432 229 = 203 are not indian mangoes
4 3 2
2 2 9
2 0 3 are not Indian mangoes
Do: Provide another problem to solve.
Jessa had P 358.00. She spent P 159.00
How much money was left
Do: Let the pupils analyze the word problem.
Ask: What is asked in the word problem?
(How much money was left?)
What will you do to find the number of how much
money was left? (Subtract)
Why will you subtract?
What is the word clue for subtraction? (Left)
What is the correct number sentence?
(P 358.00 P 199 = N)
Do: Let the pupils show their solutions on the
problem and stating the answer with the correct
Number Sentence: P 358.00 P 199.00 = N
Complete Answer : P 159.00
3 5 8 . 0 0 Jessas money
2 12
- 1 9 9 . 0 0 money spent
P 1 5 9 . 0 0 money left
C. Performing an Activity
Group Activities
Do: Divide the pupils into 5 groups. Let them solve and analyze
the problems using the steps already learned to come up with
the appropriate number sentences.
Activity Card 1
Rita had a deposit of P 345.00. She withdrew P 229 to buy a
gift for her mothers birthday. How much savings was left?
Number Sentence: ______________
Solve: ________________________
Complete Answer: ______________
Activity Card 2
Joselito has a deposit of P 385 while Rita has only P 156.00.
How much more savings has Joselito than Rita?
Number Sentence: _____________
Solve: _______________________
Complete Answer: _____________
Activity Card 3
Tessie has P 557.00. She spends P 285.00 for a pencil case
and papers.
How much of her money is left?
Number Sentence: _______________
Solve: _________________________
Complete Answer: _______________
Activity Card 4
Mother bought fruits for P 295.00 and vegetables for P 158.00
How much more did she pay for the fruits than for the
Number Sentence: _______________
Solve: _________________________
Complete Answer:________________
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Say: Remember, the basic steps in solving the word problem are
the following:
Give the complete answer
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: What are the steps in solving word problems involving
How did we transform/change the word problems into number
Why do we need to transform word problems into number
G. Applying the New and Other Situations
Do: Provide activity cards.
Activity Cards
Solve. Write your answer on the blank.
1. They had 395 tetra packs of juice. Only 156 were not sold.
How many tetra packs were sold?
Number sentence: __________________
Complete Answer: __________________
2. When the food sale was over, the children had a total
sales of P836. The spent 495 for the different items they
sold. How much did they earn in the food sale?
Number Sentence: ___________________
Solve: ______________________________
Complete Answer: ___________________
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Perform orders of operations involving addition and subtractions of
small numbers.
Performing Order of Operations Involving Addition and Subtractions
of Small Numbers
Flashcards with subtractions facts
Values Integration: Practice sharing with others.
A. Preparation Activities
1. Drill
Find the difference with speed and accuracy.
10 13 12 15 17
- 4 - 3 - 6 - 7 - 8
2. Review
Solve as fast as you can.
24 15 41 35 55
+ 3 + 4 + 8 + 14 +23
3. Motivation
Do: Show shells with addition/subtraction sentences written
on them.
Say: Pick up a shell and answer the addition and subtraction
8 + 2 = 10 2 =
5 + 3 = 8 - 3 =
B. Presenting the Lesson
Do: Provide marbles as counters.
Say: I have marbles on the table. Let us count the marbles.
Ask: How many marbles are there? (15 marbles)
Do: Bring the attention of the pupils to 15 marbles.
Ask: If we add 5 marbles, how many in all? (20 marbles)
Do: If we subtract 4 from 20, how many marbles left?
(16 marbles) Let them count the marbles. Let the
pupils write the subtraction sentence for the
problem presented
15 + 5 - 4 = 16
C. Performing an Activity
Do: Divide the class into 4 groups. Post activity cards on
the board for each group. Let the group answer the
exercise at a time. Continue the activity until all the
pupils are able to participate
Activity Card
Game: Relay
Answer the exercises with Speed and Accuracy. The
group with the most number of correct answers wins.
1. 11 + 4 2 = 4. 13 + 2 2 =
2. 15 + 4 - 1 = 5. 10 + 3 - 5 =
3. 12 + 3 3 =
D. Processing the Results of the Activity.
Do: Let the group leader discuss their work focusing on the
order of operation. Make a follow up discussion.
Ask: What do you call the process if we put numbers
together? (Addition)
What do you mean the symbol, plus (+) sign? (add)
How about the symbol, minus (-)? (Subtract)
What do you do if you encounter these signs or
Say: All we have to do is to identify the symbols of basic
operation like addition and subtraction. In the number
sentence, let us do the operation as soon as they
E. Reinforcing the Concepts
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: How do we perform orders of operations involving
addition and subtractions of small numbers? (Add or
subtract the numbers as soon as they appear in the
number sentence.
G. Applying New and Other Situation.
Do: Provide activity card
Activity Card
Add or subtract the following:
1. 16 + 4 5 = 4. 16 + 4 2 =
2. 20 + 4 - 3 = 5. 15 + 5 - 3 =
3. 18 + 4 - 3 =
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Solve 2-step word problems involving addition and subtraction of 2 to
3 digit numbers including money using appropriate procedures.
Telling what is Asked, What are Given, The Word Clues, Hidden
Question and the Operation to be Used in Word Problems Involving
Addition and Subtraction
problems in chart, textbook, flashcards with addition and subtraction
Values Integration: Love for pets at home
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Do: Let the pupils subtract, then add the difference and the
minuend to check the answer.
2. Review
Do: Let the pupils subtract, then add to check the answer.
a. 9
- 3
b. 7
- 2
a. 53 b. 65
- 28 - 47
3. Motivation
Do: Post pictures on the board.
Ask: What can you say about the picture?
Ask: What can you say about the pictures?
Have you seen these animals for sale?
Do: Bring the attention of the pupils to the words, for sale.
Ask: Have you bought dogs and kittens?
Do you have pets at home?
What are your pets at home?
Say: Some children like to love dogs and kittens.
Ask: Why is it important to take care of domestic
animals in our home/community.
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Presenting the problem opener.
There are 57 white kittens and 28 gray kittens for sale. There
are 104 brown dogs. How many more dogs than kittens are
b. Analyzing the word problem.
Do: Let the pupils analyze the problem.
Ask: What is asked in the problem?(The number of dogs than the
What are given? (57 white kittens, 28 gray kittens and 104
brown dogs)
What is the hidden question? (What is the number of dogs and
the total number of kittens)
How many operations will you use in solving the problem?
(two) What are they? (addition and subtraction)
What word clues helps you identify the operations to be used
in solving the problem?(and-for addition; left-for subtraction)
C. Performing an Activity
Do: Group the pupils into four. Give each group a problem to
analyze following the steps given.
a. What is asked in the problem?
b. What are given?
c. What is the hidden question?
d. What are the word clues to help you identify the operations
to be used in solving the problem?
e. What are the operations to be used?
Group I
Nena had P80.00. She spent P30.00, gave her mother
P40.00, and saved the rest of the money? How much did she
Group II
Mr. Reyes caught 180 fish. 40 were milkfish, 80 were mudfish,
and the rest were catfish. How many were catfish?
Group III
Shekinah had P100.00. She bought a handkerchief for P25.00
and a pair of socks for P15.00. How much of her money was
Group IV
Lito bought onions that cost P85.00 and garlic that cost
How much change did she get from her P200.00?
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Do: Let the group discuss their output. Make a follow up
` discussion.
Ask: In your activity, how did you come up with your answer?
Did you follow the steps in analyzing a 2-step word
problem? (Pupils will explain their answers)
Say: In solving a word problem; first understand, plan and
analyze what is needed to find, the important
information or the given of the problem and the
operation to use for the process.
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: What are the steps in analyzing a 2-step word problem
involving addition and subtraction including money?
a. What are we asked to look for?
b. What numbers are given?
c. What is/are the word clues?
d. What is the hidden question?
e. What are the operations to be used?
G. Applying the New and Other Situation
Do: Divide the class into two groups. Provide activity card to
each group.
Activity Card 1
Read the word problems carefully. Then answer the
questions below.
Rose earns money by selling sampaguita. In a day, she
earns P180 pesos. Everyday she spends P25.00 for a
kilo of rise and P40.00 for a half-kilo of bangus. How
much left of her daily earnings?
a. What is asked? ___________________
b. What are given numbers? _________________
c. What is/are the word clues? _______________
d. What is the hidden question? _________________
e. What are the operations to be used? ___________
Activity Card 2
Read the word problems carefully. Then answer the
questions below.
A fisherman earned P220.00 for one night fishing. He
spent P60.00 for petroleum and P70.00 for food. How
much money was left for him?
a. What is asked? ___________________________
b. What are given numbers? __________________
c. What is/are the word clues? _________________
d. What is the hidden question? _________________
e. What are the operations to be used? ___________
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Solve two-step word problems involving addition and subtraction of
2-to 3- digit numbers including money using appropriate procedures.
Transforming Word Problems Involving Addition and Subtraction and
Stating the Complete Answer.
Flashcards, problems in chart
Values Integration: Thrifty
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Do: Let the pupils add and subtract the following. Flash
these cards.
44 33 652 281 395
+35 +25 +323 +304 +204
96 275 43 389 875
-54 -123 -20 -245 -263
2. Review-
Do: Let the pupils read the word problems and answer the
questions that follow.
Kara gave me P200.00. I spent P132.00 for my school
supplies. How much do I have now?
1. What is asked? (The amount of money I have)
2. What are given? (P200.00 and P132.00)
3. What will you do to get the answer? (subtract and
4. What is the number sentence? (P200.00-P132.00 =N)
5. What is the correct answer? (P78.00 money left)
3. Motivation
Ask: Do you have money today? How much money do
you have? Will you spend all? What will you do?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Reading a word story
a. Rey had P150.00. He bought a pad of paper for P15.00 and a
crayons for P32.00. How much of his money was left?
Do: Guide the pupils in analyzing the word problem.
a. What is asked in the problem? (How much of his money was
b. What are given? (P150 money of Rey, P15 bought for paper
and P32 for crayons)
c. What is the word clue? (left)
d. What is the hidden question? (left)
e. What are the operations to be used in answering the word
problem? (Addition and subtraction)
Ask: Can you now write a number sentence to the problem?
Guide the pupils to identify the appropriate number sentence.
(P200.00) (P15.00 +P32.00) = N
P200.00 - P47.00 = N
Ask: How can you solve the problem using the number sentence?
What is the correct label to the answer?
P200.00 - P47.00 = P153.00 money left
Valuing: What can you say about the character of Rey in the story
problem? Is it good to save money?
b. Show another problem.
Mother had a big flower garden. She gathered 85 roses on Monday
and 143 roses on Tuesday. If she sold 195 roses. How many roses
were left?
Call some pupils to give the number sentence for the problem. Guide
the pupils to identify the appropriate number sentence. Let them also
identify the word clues for each operation used.
(85 + 143) (195) = N
Guide also the pupils in solving for the correct answer. Let them
label their answers correctly.
228 195 = 33 roses left
C. Performing an Activity
Divide the class into 5 groups. Let them answer the following steps
Group I
Mother bought a blouse for P225.00 and a skirt for P135.00.
If she gave P500.00 to the cashier, how much was her change?
Group II
Neil had P300.00. He spent P45.00, gave to his mother P120.00 and
saved the rest of the money. How much did he save?
Group III
Father caught 435 fish. Eighty were milkfish, 100 were mudfish and
the rest were catfish. How many were catfish?
Group IV
Eddie had 235 tomatoes seedlings. He planted 122 seedlings, gave
50 seedlings to his brother, and gave the rest to his friend. How many
tomatoes seedlings did Eddie give to his friend?
Group V
Biboy bought fruits that cost P75.00 and vegetables that cost P48.00.
How much change did he get from his P200.00?
- After the groups solve the problems. Let them present their
solutions to the class.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Say: Always remember the basic steps in solving a word problem
on how to transform word problems involving addition and
subtraction into a number sentence.
E. Reinforcing the Concepts
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: How do we transform word problems involving addition
and subtraction into a number sentence?
- What are the steps in solving word problems involving addition
and subtraction?
Say: Solving word problems is made easy with some help or hint
in analyzing them.
G. Applying the New and Other Situation
Solve the following. Show your solution on a piece of paper.
1. Father had P345.00. He bought a wallet that costs P135.00 and a
belt that costs P84.00. How much money was left with father?
2. A bakery baked 600 cupcakes. In the morning, 235 cupcakes
were sold. And, in the afternoon, 219 cupcakes were sold. How
many cupcakes were no sold?
3. There are 749 books in the library. The intermediate pupils
borrowed 215 books and the primary pupils borrowed 133 books.
How many books were left in the library?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Illustrate multiplication as repeated addition, count by multiples
Illustrating Multiplication as Repeated Addition, Counting by Muliples
Flash cards
Counters, charts
Values Integration: Being industrious
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill: Addition facts in flash cards.
(16) (11) (15) (13) (12) (12) (14)
2. Review
+ 8
+ 6
+ 8
+ 9
+ 9
+ 6
+ 6
Ashley cut 227 stars for her project. Aldo
cut 168 stars. How many stars are there in all?
How many more stars did Ben cut than Aldo?
What is asked? (How many stars are there in all?)
What are given? (227,168)
What is the word clue? (in all)
What is the number sentence? (227+168 = N)
What is the complete answer? (395 stars)
3. Motivation
Do you have gardens at home? What are the plants in your garden?
In what way gardening helps us?
What can we get from our gardens?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Posing the problem
Say: Let us illustrate our problem.
Teacher illustrates 2 rows of 10 pechay plants on the board.
Ask: How many rows of pechay did Kent plant? (2)
How many pechay plants are there in each row? (10)
Is there the same number of pechay plant in each row? (yes)
How many pechay plants are there in all? (20)
Let the pupils count by sets or multiples of 10
Let somebody to show the repeated addition on the board.
10 + 10 = 20
Tell the pupils that repeated addition can be express in shorter
Way through multiplication.
Multiplication sentence: 2 x 10 = 20
Other examples:
Provide pupils with rubber bands. Let them make 4 sets of 5
rubber bands.
Let them give the repeated addition and multiplication
Repeated addition: 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 40
Multiplication sentence: 4 x 5 = 40
C. Performing an Activity
Group Activities
Kent planted pechay in his garden. If there are two
rows of pechay plant with 10 plants in it, how many
pechay planst are there in all?
Group the pupils into 4.
A. Let them write the repeated addition and the multiplication
Let the leader report their answer.
Addition sentence: ____________
I. (2+2+2+2+2+2+2)
Multiplication sentence: ________
Addition sentence: ____________
Multiplication sentence: _______
B. Match the letter of the sets that shows the correct illustration of
the given addition and multiplication sentence.
A B.
Let the leaders explain their answers.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity.
Ask: In each set of objects, is there the same number of elements? (yes)
1. 3x5 (c)
2. 6x5 (b)
3. 9x5 (a)
How do we get the total number of objects? (through repeated
How do we express repeated addition in shorter way? (through
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What did we do with the sets having the same number of elements?
How do we get the total number of objects?
How do we express repeated addition in shorter way?
G. Applying to New and other Situations
Group work
Provide pupils the opportunity to come in front and group objects by
Then give the repeated addition and multiplication sentence.
I. Make 4 sets of 2 circles
Repeated addition: _________________________
Multiplication sentence: ____________________
II. Make 1 set of 5 circles
Repeated addition: _________________________
Multiplication sentence: ____________________
III. Make 2 sets of 3 hearts
Repeated addition: _________________________
Multiplication sentence: _____________________
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Illustrate multiplication as repeated addition arrays and equal
jumps on the number line
Illustrating Multiplication as Repeated Addition Arrays and
Equal Jumps on the Number Line
Sets of numerical cards from 0 to 9, multiplication
cards,concrete objects like leaves ,available counters
Values Integration: Being enthusiastic
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Using show me board
Write the answers on your show me board, as I flash the addition
a. 1+ 1 + 1 + 1= (4)
b. 2 + 2 + 2= (6)
c. 4 + 4= (8)
d. 3 + 3 + 3 = (9)
e. 2 + 2 + 2 + 2+ 2 = (10)
f. 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = (20)
g. 6 + 6 + 6 =(18)
2. Review
Checking of assignment
3. Motivation
What are the ball games that you play?
Do you know how to play Dodge Ball ?
What does a ball do when it falls on the ground? (bounces)
Do you feel alert and active when you are playing? Why?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Now, lets find out how a ball bounces from beginning to end?
What can you see on the illustration?
How many bounces were made by the ball?
How many spaces are there in each bounce?
If the ball makes 4 bounces and there are 3 spaces in each bounce,
how many there in all?
What spaces are is the addition sentence for this? 3 + 3 +3 + 3 = 12
What number is added repeatedly? 3
How many times did you add 3? 4 times
So, 3 + 3 +3 + 3 = 12
Can be written as 4 x 3 = 12
Other example:
How many jumps are there in the number line?
How many spaces in each jump?
If there are 4 jumps and there are 2 spaces in each jump, how many
spaces are there in all?
C. Performing an Activity
Group Activities
Group the class into 2 choose a leader
Write the repeated addition and multiplication sentence.
Group I
Addition sentence:________________________
Multiplication sentence: ___________________
Group II
Addition sentence:________________________
Multiplication sentence: ___________________
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
How many jumps are there in the number line in group 1? In
group 2?
How many spaces in each jump in group 1? in group 2?
How is multiplication related to addition? (Multiplication is a
short way of adding same number.)
How do we show multiplication of whole number as repeated
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How is multiplication related to addition?
(Multiplication is a short way of adding same number.)
How do we show multiplication of whole number as repeated
G. Applying to New and other Situations.
Activity 2
Divide the class by columns.
Flash a multiplication card.
The first representative from each column will solve the multiplication
exercises using sets of objects; the second using repeated addition
and the third using a number line.
Repeat the process with another multiplication exercises until the
time is up. The column of pupils with the most number of correct
answers wins.
Example: 4 x 2 = _____
pupil = 8
pupil 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8
pupil = 8
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material
Write a related equation for each type of multiplication: repeated
addition array and equal jumps on the number line and counting
by multiples
Writing a related equation for each type of multiplication: repeated
addition array and equal jumps on the number line and counting by
cutouts, popsicle sticks, small boxes with candies
Values Integration: Teamwork
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill: addition facts on flash cards
11 28 22 40 42 63 13
+ 12 + 50 +17 + 7 + 17 + 14 + 44
(23) (78) (39) (47) (59) ( 77) (57)
2. Review
Write the multiplication sentence shown on the number line.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 1 2 3 4 5
3. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
3. Motivation
A ball bounces as it falls to the ground. Let us see how far it reaches.
Can you guess how far it reaches on its last bounce?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Let us find out how far the ball reaches on its last bounce.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
How many jumps are made? (4)
How many spaces does each jump have? (3)
Write the addition sentence: 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12
Write the multiplication sentence: 4 x 3 = 12
There are 5 small boxes and each box has 6 candies.
How many candies are there in all?
Let us write or transform our word problem into a number sentence.
addition sentence: 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 30
multiplication sentence: 5 x 6 = 30
Teacher explains how to write or transform addition sentence into
multiplication sentence.
Let pupils bring out their popsicle sticks.
Make 2 groups of 6 and let them give the addition sentence then
transform it to a multiplication sentence
More exercises:
4 groups of 3 7 groups of 5
6 groups of 8 2 groups of 9
5 groups of 7 3 groups of 6
C. Performing an Activity
Group Activities
Let the pupils group into 4.
Give each group a strip of paper with an addition sentence on it.
Then they will make a number line and illustrate how many jumps are
made then give the multiplication sentence.
The fastest group will be given a prize.
6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 =
7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 =
3 + 3 + 3 =
2 + 2+ 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 =
Reporting by the group leader
What did you do in order to finish your work quickly? If each team
works willingly and cooperatively, what character trait do they show?
What is the importance of showing willingness to work with the
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
What did you do with the addition sentence?
How do you write or transform the addition sentence to multiplication
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What do we do with the addition sentence? How do we write or
transform the addition sentence to multiplication sentence?
Why do we write or transform an addition sentence into a multiplication
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Teacher gives other exercises on writing or transforming addition
sentence into multiplication sentence.
A. Write the addition sentence then give the answer.
1) 3 x 3
(3 + 3 + 3 = 12)
2) 5 x 2
(2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10)
3) 3 x 4
(4 + 4 + 4 = 12)
B. Write the multiplication sentence then give the answer.
4) 2 + 2 + 2 + 2
(4 x 2 = 8)
5) 6 + 6 + 6 + 6
(4 x 6 = 24)
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Illustrate the Property of Multiplication that any number multiplied by
1 is the same number
Illustrating the Property of Multiplication that any Number Multiplied
by 1 is the same number
Real objects and counters
Values Integration: Teamwork
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Flash cards like 2 x 2 = -__, 3 x 2 = ___, 4 x 2 = ___, etc.
Let the pupils answer.
2. Review
Write a pair of factors for the following products.
a. 28 = ___ x ___ (7, 4)
b. 18 = ___ x ___ (3, 6)
c. 30 = ___ x ___ (6, 5)
d. 27 = ___ x ___ (9, 3)
e. 15 = ___ x ___ (3, 5)
3. Motivation
Show 3 glasses on the table.
Ask: What can you see on the table?
Ask: How many glasses are there? (3)
How many groups of glasses are there? (3)
In each group, how many glasses? (1)
B. Presenting the Lesson
Draw 3 sets of glasses on the board.
Lets find out how many glasses are there through multiplication
How many groups of glasses? (3)
How many glasses in each group? (1)
So, there are 3 groups of 1 glass
We write it as: 3 x 1 = 3 This is the multiplication sentence.
Present another drawing/ illustration.
Ask: How many groups/sets of eggs are there?
How many eggs are there in each set/group?
What is the correct multiplication sentence? 1 x 3 = 3
C. Performing an Activity
Group Activities
Group the class into 5. Choose a leader to report the answer.
Give each group an activity. Let them show multiplication of a
number by one.
1. (1x5=5)
2. (1x4=4)
4. (1x8=8)
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Let each group explain the answer.
Ask: How many groups of balls are there in the first number? 1
How many balls are there in each group? 5
What shall we write first? number of groups/ sets
What symbol will follow? X
What follows next? Number of object in each set
Number sentence 1 x 5 = 5
So, what is the product if one (1) is multiplied to a given number?
(The same number)
Ask the same questions with the next numbers.
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What is the product if one (1) is multiplied to a given number? The
same number
G. Applying to New and other Situations
Divide the class into 4 groups. Distribute an activity sheet to each
group. Let them write the missing number.
Group I Group II Group III Group IV
Which group finished first? How did you finish your work quickly?
Why is it important to have teamwork?
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
6 x ___ = 6 (1)
2 x ___= 2 (1)
1 x 5 = __(5)
3 x 1 = __(3)
1 x 7 = __(7)
9 x __ = 9 (1)
1 x __= 10 (10)
__ x 8 = 8 (1)
15 x 1 = _(15)
__ x 20 = 20(1)
8 x 1 = ___(8)
__x 7 = 7 (1)
6 x __ = 6 (1)
10 x 1 = ___(10)
11 x 1 = ___(11)
1 x 12 = __ (12)
4 x ___= 4 (1)
25 x ___= 25 (1)
__ x 3 = 3 (1)
___x 1 = 13 (13)
Illustrate the property of multiplication that zero multiplied by any
number is zero
Illustrating the Property of Multiplication that Zero Multiplied by
Any Number is Zero
Objects like box, counters
Values Integration: Discipline
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Write the missing factor.
a. 12 = ___ x 12 (1)
b. 18 = 6 x ___(3)
c. 20 = 5 x ___(4)
d. 24 = ___ x 12 (2)
e. 15 = ___ x 5 (3)
2. Review
Multiply the following:
a. 16 x 1 = (16)
b. 1 x 20 = (20)
c. 10 x 1 = (10)
d. 1 x 15 = (15)
e. 20 x 1 = (20)
3. Motivation
Show an empty glass.
Ask: "Do you see anything in it? Why?"
B. Presenting the Lesson
Teacher shows 3 empty boxes.
Ask: Do you see anything in each box? How many boxes are
there? (3)
Why? Write a multiplication sentence for this. (0 x 3)
What number do we multiply by 3? (zero)
When we multiply 0 by a number, what is the product? (0)
What if we change the order of the factors (3 x 0), what is the
Give another example.
Ask: What is the product of 0 x 5? 5 x 0?
Do they have the same product? Why?
What do you notice of the product if one of the factors is
zero? (The product is 0.)
C. Performing an Activity
Divide the class into 4 groups.
Distribute activity sheets to each group.
Write a multiplication sentence for each set using 0 as a multiplicand
or multiplier then give the answer.
1. empty sets
2. empty sets
(5 x 0 = 0)
3. empty cans
(4 x 0 = 0)
B. Illustrate the following then write the multiplication sentence.
1. 6 sets of empty boxes
2. 5 sets of empty cans
3. 3 sets of empty baskets
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Is there anything inside each object? (No)
What symbol shall we write for it? 0 (zero)
Can you multiply a number of objects by 0? Or 0 by a number of
How will you write the number sentence for it?(possible answer)
What is the product if 0 is multiplied by a number or a number is
multiplied by zero? 0
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What is the product if zero is multiplied by a given number and vice
G. Applying to New and other Situations
Work in group of 5s. Illustrate the following then write the
multiplication sentence.
a. 4 sets of empty glasses
b. 5 sets of empty baskets
c. 2 sets of empty basins
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Illustrate the Commutative Property of Multiplication in
Multiplying numbers
Illustrating the Commutative Property of Multiplication in
Multiplying Numbers
piece of paper in a rectangular shape, pictures and cut outs
Values Integration: Helping works at home during free time
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Guessing Game
a. What is the product of 4 and 6? (24)
b. What number is twice the sum of 3 and 4? (14)
c. Multiply 5 and 9. (45)
d. Think of two numbers in which the product is 12. (2, 6)
e. Think of 2 factors in which the product is 8(2, 4)
2. Review
Board work
Write the missing number in the blanks.
1. 5 x ___ = 0 (0)
2. 16 x 0 = ___ (0)
3. 0 x 9 = ___ (0)
4. 27 x ___ = 0 (0)
5. 8 x ___ = 0 (0)
3. Motivation
Game: Lets Change Places (5 pairs only)
a. Pupils get a partner.
b. Each pair stands on tip toe on a rectangle, the size of a yellow
c. Partners change position when they hear the teacher say:
Exchange places.
d. Pairs of partners who step out of the rectangle are out of the
e. The pair who survives wins.
B. Presenting the Lesson
Show an illustration of objects.
What are the objects that you see?
How many groups of triangles are there? 2
Can you give the number sentence for the first group? (4 x 2)
How about the second group? (2 x 4)
Teacher illustrates on the board.
4x 2 = 2 x 4
What are the factors of the first group? in second group?
What do you notice about the orders of the factors of the two
sets/groups of numbers? (change)
What is the product of the first set? second set?
What can you say about the product, are they equal? Why?
C. Performing an Activity
Group Activity
Activity 1
Pair-Shared Activity
b. Write a multiplication sentence. Then change the order of the
c. Write the answer on your show me board.
1. 2. 3.
Activity 2
Using show me board
a. Flash cards with multiplication sentences.
Example: 8 x 6 = ___ x 8
c. Give the missing number and find the product.
Activity 3
Change the order of the factors. Then find the product.
a. 8 x 9 (9x8=72)
b. 12 x 3 (3x12=36)
c. 6 x 5 (5x6=30)
d. 7 x 8 (8x7=56)
e. 10 x 7 (7x10=70)
D. Processing the results of the Activity
In activity 1, what did you do with the factors?
What have you found out in your answers? The same
Why do you think the answers are the same?
So, what happen to the two products when we change the order of
the factors? (the product does not change)
What property of multiplication are we using?
Teacher guides the pupils to come up with the answer,
(Commutative Property of Multiplication)
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we show the Commutative Property of Multiplication?
G. Applying to New and other Situations
Group the pupils into 3.
Distribute the problem having different question for the group to
Group I. How many mangoes did Justine gather in all?
Group II. How many mangoes did Dayday gather in all?
Group III. Illustrate the multiplication sentence in Commutative
property and write the answer.
What did the two children do last summer vacation?
If there are no classes, what do you do at home?
It was summer vacation. Justine and Dayday helped mother
in harvesting mangoes in their yard. Dayday put her gathered
mango in small boxes. She has 5 boxes with 8 mangoes in it.
While Justine has 8 boxes with only 5 mangoes in it.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Construct and fill up the multiplication tables of 2, 5, and 10
Constructing and Filling up the Multiplication Tables of 2,5 and 10
Real objects, counters, cut outs and charts
Values Integration: Obeys elders errands
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
a. Pupils will skip count by 2s, 5s, and 10s.
b. Fill in the missing numbers.
a. 2, 4, ___, ___, ___, 12 (6, 8, 10)
b. __, 10, 15, 20, ___, ___(5,25,30)
c. 20, 30, ___, ___, ___, ___(40,50,60,70)
d. 5, 10, ___, __, ___, ___ (15, 20, 25, 30)
e. 70, 80, ___, ___, ___, __ (90,100,110,120)
2. Review
Complete the number sentences by changing the order of the factors
and writing the product.
1) 7 x 4 = x =
2) 5 x 7 = x =
3) 4 x 6 = x =
4) 6 x 10 = x = (10x6=60)
5) 5 x 9 = x = (9x5=45)
3. Motivation
What did Peter do one Saturday morning?
What did he do with the eggs?
How did he arrange the eggs?
Can you do what Peter was doing?
What will you do if your parents will ask you to do some errands?
What kind of child is Peter?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Let us find out how Peter arranged the eggs. Show real eggs.
Arrange as illustrated.
How many rows of eggs are there? 6 rows
How many eggs in a row? 2 eggs
To find the total, we add.
2+2+2+2+2+2= 12
How many times 2 is added?
We say: 6 times
So: 6 times 2 equals 12
We write 6x2 = 12
Factors product
One Saturday morning, Peter was asked by his
mother to buy eggs in the store. When he returned home,
he arranged the eggs in the egg compartment of the
Note: We can write 6 x 12 in two ways such as;
6 x 2 = 12
6 - multiplicand
X 2- multiplier
12- product
(Teacher explains the parts of multiplication)
Other examples:
1. 5+5+5+5 = 20
4x5 = 20
2. 10+10+10 = 30
3 x 10 = 30
Study the Multiplication Table of 2
Say: Multiplying by two is similar to skip counting by 2s.
Study the Multiplication Table of 5
Say: Multiplying by five is similar to skip counting by 5s.
0 x 2 = 0 6 x 2 = 12
1 x 2 = 2 7 x 2 = 14
2 x 2 = 4 8 x 2 = 16
3 x 2 = 6 9 x 2 = 18
4 x 2 = 8 10 x 2 = 20
5 x 2 = 10
0 x 5 = 0 6 x 5 = 30
1 x 5 = 5 7 x 5 = 35
2 x 5 = 10 8 x 5= 40
3 x 5 = 15 9 x 5 = 45
4 x 5 = 20 10 x 5 = 50
5 x 5 = 25
Study the Multiplication Table of 10
Say: Multiplying by ten is similar to skip counting by 10s.
Say: To multiply a number by 10, simply copy the number and affix zero.
C. Performing an Activity
Group activity
Activity 1 - Make your own multiplication table of 2.
0 x 2 = ___
1 x ______
2 x ______
3 x ______
4 x ______
5 x ______
6 x ______
7 x ______
9 x ______
10 x ______
Activity 2 - Make your own multiplication table of 5
1 x ____ = 5
2 x 5 =____
3 x ____= 15
4 x ____ =____
5 x ____= ____
6 x 5 = ____
7 x 5 = ____
8 x 5 = ____
9 x 5 = ____
10 x 5 = ____
0 x 10 = 0 6 x 10 = 60
1 x 10 = 10 7 x 10 = 70
2 x 10 = 20 8 x 10= 80
3 x 10 = 30 9 x 10 = 90
4 x 10 = 40 10 x 10 = 100
5 x 10 = 50
Activity 3 - Make your own multiplication table of 10
1 x ____ = 10
2 x 10 = ______
3 x 10 = ______
4 x 10 = ______
5 x 10 = ______
6 x 10 = ______
7 x 10 = ______
8 x 10 = ______
9 x 10 = ______
10 x 10 = ______
D. Processing the Results of the Activity.
For group 1, what multiplication table are you constructing?
What skip counting is similar to multiplying by 2s? (skip counting by
For group 2, what multiplication table are you constructing?
What skip counting is similar to multiplying by 5? (skip counting by 5)
For group 3, what multiplication table are you constructing?
What skip counting is similar to multiplying by 10? (skip counting by
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
In constructing or filling up multiplication table of 2, what skip
counting shall we based?
In constructing or filling up multiplication table of 5,
What skip counting shall we based?
In constructing or filling up multiplication table of 10, what skip
counting shall we based? What is the easiest way of multiplying a
number by 10?
G. Applying to New and other Situations
Fill in the blanks with the correct number.
1.) 2 x ____ = 10 (5) 6.) 5 x 6 =______ (30)
2.) 2 x 8 = __(16) 7.) 6 x 10 = ______ (60)
3.) 5 x ___= 15 (3) 8.) 8 x 10 =_______(80)
4.) 4 x ___= 20 (5) 9.) 10 x 4 = ______ (40)
5.) 5 x 10 = ___(50) 10.) 5 x 9 = ______ (45)
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do the Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Construct and fill up the multiplication tables of 3 and 4
Constructing and Filling up the Multiplication Tables of 3 and 4
Real objects, counters, cut outs and chart
Values Integration: Love and concern for parents
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
A. Pupils will skip count by 3 and 4
2. Review
A. Complete the numbers in series.
a. 3, ____, 9, ______, ______, 18 , 21 (6,12,15)
b. 10, _____, ______, ______, 50, 60,70 (20,30,40)
c. 4, 8, 12 , _______, _______, ________ (16,20,24)
3. Motivation
What was mothers hobby?
How did the children show their love and concern to their
What kind of children are they?
Mothers hobby is collecting flowers. On her birthday,
she received 4 flower pots from her children as their birthday
present to her. If each pot has 3 flowers, how many flowers are
there in all?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Let us illustrate.
How many groups of 3 are there? (4)
To find out the total number of flowers, what shall we do?
(Add repeatedly)
How do we change the repeated addition to multiplication
(We multiply)
4 threes =12
3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12
4 x 3 = 12
Another example:
4 fours = 16
4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 16
4 x 4 = 16
How many groups of 4s are there?
How shall we find the total?(add 4 four times)
How will we change to multiplication sentence?
Study the multiplication table of 3
Say: Multiplying a number by 3s is similar to skip counting by 3s.
Study the multiplication table of 4.
0 x 3= 0 6 x 3 = 18
1 x 3 = 3 7 x 3 = 21
2 x 3 = 6 8 x 3 = 24
3 x 3 = 9 9 x 3 = 27
4 x 3 = 12 10 x 3 = 30
5 x 3 = 15
Say: Multiplying a number by 4s is similar to skip counting by 4s.
C. Performing an Activity
Group activity
Activity 1 - Make your own multiplication table of 3.
0 x 3 = _______
1 x __________
2 x __________
3 x __________
4 x __________
5 x __________
6 x __________
7 x __________
9 x __________
10 x _________
Activity 2 - Make your own multiplication table of 4
1 x ____ = 4
2 x 4 =____
3 x ____= 12
4 x ____ =____
5 x ____= ____
6 x 5 = ____
7 x 5 = ____
8 x 5 = ____
9 x 5 = ____
10 x 5 = ____
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
What skip counting is similar to multiplying by 3s?
What skip counting is similar to multiplying by 4s?
0 x 4= 0 6 x 4 = 24
1 x 4 = 4 7 x 4 = 28
2 x 4 = 8 8 x 4 = 32
3 x 4 = 12 9 x 4 = 36
4 x 4 = 16 10 x 4 = 40
5 x 4 = 20
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
In constructing or filling up multiplication table of 3, what skip
counting shall we based?
In constructing or filling up multiplication table of 4, what skip
counting shall we based?
G. Applying to New and other Situations.
Write the missing number.
1.) x 4 = 12 (3)
2.) x 3 = 18(6 )
3.) 6 x = 24(4)
4.) 9 x = 36 (4)
5.) 7 x 3 = (21)
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Multiply mentally to fill up multiplication tables 2, 5, and 10
Multiplying Mentally to fill up Multiplication Tables of 2, 5 and 10
Number cards from 0 9, drill cards with basic multiplication facts, task
card, show-me-board, 2 flower vases, real roses, cartolina strips,
multiplication table chart and illustrations of spider web
Values Integration: Accuracy in ones work
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Teacher asks the pupils to do skip counting.
Skip count by 2.
Skip count by 5.
Skip count by 10.
B. Number Raising
1. Teacher prepares number cards from 0 9.
2. As a teacher flashes cards with a missing factor, the pupils will
raise the correct number card.
Example: 10 x = 90 (9)
x 9 = 45 (5)
2. Review
Write the product in your show-me-board as the teacher flashes
cards with 1-digit number by 1-digit number with products up to 81.
Example: 5 8
x 4 x 2
(20) (16)
3. Motivation
Show 2 flower vases with 7 red roses in each vase.
Ask:How many vases do you see? (2 vases)
How many flowers do you see in the first vase? (7 flowers)
in the second vase? (7 flowers)
What kind of flowers are they? (roses)
If we have 2 vases with 7 roses in each vase, how many roses
are there in all? (14 roses)
How many sevens are there? (2)
What is the multiplication sentence for these? (2 x 7 = 14)
B. Presenting the Lesson
Say: Let us study the story problem.
How many groups were there? (10)
How many bananas were there in each basket? (5 bananas)
How many bananas were there in all? (50 bananas)
What is the multiplication sentence for these? 10 x 5 = 50
We say: 5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5 = 50
or 10 groups of 5 is 50
or 10 times 5 is 50
10 fivess are 50
or in multiplication sentence,10 x 5 = 50
Post the chart of multiplication facts of 2, 5, and 10 on the
Aling Rosing bought 10 small baskets of bananas. Each
basket contains 5 bananas. How many bananas are
there in all?
Multiplication Table
by 2
Multiplication Table
by 5
Multiplication table
by 10s
0 x 2 = 0 0 x 5 = 0 0 x 10 = 0
1 x 2 = 2 1 x 5 = 5 1 x 10 = 10
2 x 2 = 4 2 x 5= 10 2 x 10 = 20
3 x 2 = 6 3 x 5 = 15 3 x 10 = 30
4 x 2= 8 4 x 5 = 20 4 x 10 = 40
5x 2 = 10 5 x 5 = 25 5 x 10 = 50
6 x 2 = 12 6 x 5 = 30 6 x 10 = 60
7 x 2 = 14 7 x 5 = 35 7 x 10 = 70
8 x 2 = 16 8 x 5 = 40 8 x 10 = 80
9 x 2 = 18 9 x 5 = 45 9 x 10 = 90
10 x 2 = 20 10 x 5 = 50 10 x 10 = 100
Have them read the chart and memorize the said multiplication facts. Then,
remove the parts and ask the pupils to recite them. Let them understand
that it is just similar to skip counting by 2s, 5s and 10s.
C. Performing an Activity
1. Divide the class into 3 groups.
2. Give the Task Card to every group to accomplish.
Teacher prepares illustrations of spider webs of multiplication to
each group for this activity.
1. On the board, an illustration of a spider web of multiplication is
2. Each member of the group multiplies mentally and completes the
Spider web to build up the assigned multiplication facts.
Group 1 - Multiplication by 2
Group 2 - Multiplication by 5
Group 3 - Multiplication by 10
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
In multiplying mentally on multiplication by 2, how did you get
the product?
(It is the same with skip counting by 2s.)
In multiplying mentally on multiplication by 5, how did you get
the product?
(It is the same with skip counting by 5s.)
In multiplying mentally on multiplication by 10, how did you get
the product?
(It is the same with skip counting by 10s.)
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Refer to Learner Material
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Is skip counting helpful to get the products of multiplication by 2, 5
and 10? (Yes)
What skip counting is used in multiplication by 2? 5? 10?
(Skip counting by 2s, 5s and 10s)
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
My Perfect Match Activity
1. The teacher prepares two sets of cards one with multiplication
sentence and one with products.
5 x 6 = 30
2. S/he distributes equal number of cards from each set to the whole
class, one card per pupil only.
3. At a given signal, pupils go around and look for their partner.
4. S/he calls each pair to post their matched cards.
Refer to Learner s Material
Refer to Learner s Material
Multiply mentally to fill up multiplication tables 3 and 4
Multiplying Mentally to fill up Multiplication Tables 3 and 4
Number cards from 0 9, drill cards with basic multiplication facts, task
card, show-me-board, 2 flower vases, real roses, cartolina strips,
multiplication table chart and illustrations of spider web
Values Integration: Accuracy in ones work
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
The teacher asks the pupils to do skip counting activity.
A. Skip count by 3.
Skip count by 4.
B. Show - Me - Board Activity
Write the product in your show-me-board as the teacher flashes
cards with 1-digit number by 1-digit number with products up to 81.
10 5
x 9 x 7
(90) (35)
1. Review
Say: Lets play a game: True or False(The teacher flashes cards of
mathematical sentences.)
Directions: Think and tell whether the sentence is true or false.
1. 2 x 2 4 x 1 6. 2 x 8 4 x 4
2. 3 + 3 + 3 3 x 2 7. 5 x 7 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5
3. 2 x 5 5 x 2 8. 10 + 10 + 10 +10 5 x 10
4. 9 + 9 + 9 6 x 6 9. 7 x 2 2 + 2 + 2 + 2
5. 10 + 10 + 10 10 x 2 10. 10 x 9 9 x 10
3. Motivation
a. Distribute 40 popsicle sticks to all pupils.
b. Show a cartolina strip with mathematical instructions.
> <
8 groups of 3 popsicle sticks each
7 groups of 4 popsicle sticks each
c. As the teacher flashes the cartolina strip, the pupils
read it and groups the popsicle sticks correctly.
Did you enjoy the activity?
What have you learned from manipulating popsicle
(We learned to group the popsicle sticks.)
B. Presenting the Lesson
Say: Let us study the story problem.
What did Lito prepare for the game? (empty cans)
How many marbles are there in each empty can? (3
How many empty cans are used as containers of
marbles? (7 empty cans)
How many groups were there? (7 groups)
How many marbles were there in each group?
(3 marbles)
What object represents the group? (the empty can)
How many marbles were there in all? (21 marbles)
How will you write it in addition sentence? (3 + 3 + 3 + 3
+ 3 + 3 + 3=21) multiplication sentence? (7 x 3 = 21)
Lito prepared 7 empty cans for the game. He placed
3 marbles in each can. How many marbles were there in
3 empty cans?
What multiplication fact is shown? (Multiplication by 3)
Say: Study the Multiplication table by 3.
Multiplication Table by
0 x 3 = 0
1 x 3 = 3
2 x 3 = 6
3 x 3 = 9
4 x 3 = 12
5 x 3 = 15
6 x 3 = 18
7 x 3 = 21
8 x 3 = 24
9 x 3 = 27
10 x 3 = 30
Have them read the chart and memorize the said
multiplication facts. Then, remove the parts and ask the pupils
to recite them. Let them understand that it is just similar to skip
counting by 3s
Show a picture of a dog.
Ask: What do you see in the picture? (a picture of a dog)
What can you say about the dog? Describe it.
How many legs does a dog have? (4 legs)
If we have 2 dogs, how many legs do they have? (8 legs)
Take a look with these illustrations:
Addition Sentence: 4 + 4 = 8
Multiplication Sentence: 2 x 4 = 8 or 2 fours is 8
Addition Sentence: 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 28
Multiplication Sentence: 7 x 4 = 28 or 7 fours is 28.
What multiplication fact is shown on the above
examples? (Multiplication by 4)
Say: Study the Multiplication table by 4.
Let us count: 1 four is 4 6 fours is 24
2 fours is 8 7 fours is 28
3 fours is 12 8 fours is 32
4 fours is 16 9 fours is 36
5 fours is 20 10 fours is 40
What have you noticed with the counting?
(It is the same as skip counting by 4.)
C. Performing an Activity
A. Game: Memory Game
Directions: Match the product with multiplication sentence.
Product Multiplication Sentence
27 3 x 3 = n
3 6 x 3 = n
30 2 x 3 = n
15 1 x 3 = n
0 10 x 3 = n
18 8 x 3 = n
6 7 x 3 = n
12 4 x 3 = n
9 5 x 3 = n
21 9 x 3 = n
B. Independent Work
Solve Mentally. Write the correct product.
A carabao has 4 feet. How many feet are there in the given
number of carabaos?
1 3 7 5 9 4 6 2 8
of feet
D. Processing the Results
In Memory Game, what multiplication fact is emphasized?
(Multiplication by 3)
What skip counting is used in multiplication by 3?
(Skip counting by 3)
In our second activity, what multiplication table is used?
(Multiplication by 4)
What skip counting is used when multiplying numbers by 4?
(Skip counting by 4)
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Refer to Learner s Material
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Is skip counting helpful to get the products of multiplication by 3 and
4? (Yes)
What skip counting is used in multiplication by 3? 4?
(Skip Counting by 3s and 4s)
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Solve the word problem mentally.
Every Sunday Lina sells sampaguita garlands. She helps her
mother earn a living. She gains 4 for every bundle. How
much can she earn for 9 bundles?
- What does Lina do every Sunday?
- Why does she sell sampaguita garlands?
- What trait does she show?
- Do you also help your mother earn a living? How?
Refer to Learner s Material
Refer to Learner s Material
1. Analyze and solve 1 - step word problems involving
multiplication of whole numbers including money
2. State what is asked, what is/are given, word clues and
operation to be used in the word problems involving
multiplication of whole numbers including money
Analyzing and Solving 1 - Step Word Problems involving
Multiplication of Whole Numbers Including Money
(What is Asked, Given, Word Clue/s, and Operation to be used)
Mathematics for Everyday Use textbook, pages 98 - 99
Power in Numbers textbook, pages 105 - 110
Flash cards on basic multiplication facts, word strips, number
sentence strips, different illustrations of objects, activity cards
Values Integration: Cooperation
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill - Multiplication Facts
Teacher flashes the multiplication drill cards.
a. 6 b. 4 c. 8 d. 6 e. 3
x 3 x 9 x 5 x 7 x 4
2. Review
A. Mental Computation - Multiplying numbers
1. What number is multiplied by 4 to get 12? (3)
2. What number is multiplied by 9 to get 72? (8)
3. What number is multiplied by 7 to get 42? (6)
4. What number is multiplied by 10 to get 100? (10)
5. What number is multiplied by 4 to get 16? (4)
B. Searching Game
a. The teacher divides the class into 2 groups.
b. The first group is given illustrations and the second group is
given multiplication sentences.
c. The pupils look for their partners to match the illustration that
fits their multiplication sentence.
Recall the clues that will help the pupils decide which operation to
use in solving word problems.
In multiplication - the word clues are product, altogether, factors,
in all
3. Motivation
Show a picture of a flower garden. Encourage the pupils to
answer these questions.
4 x 3 = 12
2 x 5 = 10
What do you see in the picture? (a garden)
What kind of garden is shown in the picture? (a flower garden)
Do you have a flower garden at home? (answers may vary)
What kinds of flowers are found in your garden? (answers may vary)
Does your flower garden beautify your home? (Yes)
B. Presenting the Lesson
Posing a problem opener:
Noting details of the problem
What did Aling Bebe have? ( a flower garden)
What kinds of flowers are found in her garden? (orchids and roses)
How many pots of roses does she have? (10)
How many roses are there in each pot? (6)
How many roses does she have in all? (60 roses)
What is asked in the problem? (The number of roses does Aling
Bebe have.)
How many roses are there in each flower pot? (There are 6 roses in
each pot.)
What are given? (10 flower pots and 6 roses)
What are you going to do to find the total number of roses? (Multiply)
What is the word clue? (in all)
Aling Bebe has a flower garden. Aside from her beautiful
orchids she has also 10 flower pots of 6 roses each. How many
roses does she have in all?
What operation will you use to find the answer? (Multiplication)
2. Performing an Activity
Group Activities
Divide the class into 3 groups and each member should work
cooperatively with the leader. Then, let the leader of each group
present their work.
Activity Card 1
Read the problem and answer the following questions.
Write your answer on a manila paper.
What is asked?
What is/are given?
What is the word clue?
What is the operation to be used?
Activity Card 2
Read and analyze the problem.
What is asked?
What is/are given?
What is the word clue?
What is the operation to be used?
Activity Card 3
Read and analyze the problem. Copy the number of the correct
In a department store, Rico saw 10 shelves of big
books. If each shelf contains 9 big books, how many big books
are there in all?
A vegetable vendor sells 6 baskets of carrots a day.
How many baskets of carrots are sold in a week?
Delia bought 4 ball pens. Each ball pen costs P 10.00. How
much did she pay altogether?
a. What is asked?
1) the total amount of ball pens
2) the total amount of pencils
3) the total amount of balls
b. What are given?
1) 4 ball pens
2) 10 ball pens at P 4.00
3) 4 ball pens at P 10.00
c. What are the word clues?
1) how many
2) each and altogether
3) how many were bought
d. What operation is to be used?
1) addition
2) subtraction
3) multiplication
- During the group activity, did each member cooperate?
- What character trait did he/she show?
- What is the importance of working cooperatively with the
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
How did you analyze the problem?
What steps did you follow?
In formulating the answer of what is asked, how to transform the
question into a statement?
Change How many with The number of followed by the
remaining words in the question like this:
Question: How many big books are there in all?
Statement: The number of big books in all.
Then, change the question mark (?) into a period (.)
If a word problem involves money, how are we going to
formulate what is asked?
Change How much with The total cost/amount of followed by
the remaining words in the question.
Do not forget to change the question mark into a period.
How did you arrive at the correct answer?
During the group activity, did each member work cooperatively?
What character trait did you show?
What is the importance of working cooperatively with the group?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Refer to Learners Material
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we analyze word problems?
What are the steps to be used in analyzing the word problem?
In what is asked, how to transform the question into a
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Independent Work
Read and analyze the problem. Write the number of the correct
answer on a piece of paper.
1. Mang Ben bought 5 hats. Each hat costs P 35.00. How much did
he pay in all?
a. What is asked?
1) the total amount of shirts
2) the total amount of hats
3) the total amount of knives
b. What are given?
1) 5 knives
2) 10 hats at P 35.00
3) 5 hats at P 35.00
c. What are the word clues?
1) how many
2) each and in all
3) altogether
d. What operation is to be used?
1) addition
2) subtraction
3) multiplication
Refer to Learner s Material
Refer to Learner s Material
1. Transform the word problem into a number sentence involving
2. State the complete answer
Analyzing and Solving 1 - Step Word Problems Involving Multiplication
of Whole Numbers Including Money (Transforming Word Problems into
Number Sentences and Stating the Complete Answer)
Mathematics for Everyday Use textbook, pages 98 - 99
Power in Numbers textbook, pages 105 - 110
Pictures, concrete or semi-concrete materials, word strips with number
sentence and four fundamental operations, charts with word problems,
flash cards
Values Integration: Love for reading
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
As the teacher flashes the drill card, pupils multiply it as fast as they
9 fours is _____.
10 eights is _____.
7 nines is _____.
3 tens is _____.
8 sevens is _____.
2. Review
The teacher prepares a word problem chart.
Read the story problem. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Miss Arboleda needs 12 place mats to be placed on a long table.
She will use 7 tables for the Christmas party. How many place mats
would she use in all?
a. What is asked?
1) the number of parties
2) the number of long tables
3) the number of place mats
b. What are given?
1) 12 long tables and 7 place mats
2) 12 place mats
3) 7 long tables and 12 place mats
c. What are the word clues?
1) how many and in all
2) each
3) altogether
d. What operation is to be used?
1) addition
2) subtraction
3) multiplication
3. Motivation
Describe the picture drawn in a cartolina/manila paper.
Ask: What do you see in the drawing? (a boy reading a book)
B. Presenting the Lesson
Posing a problem opener
Ask: Who is the book lover? (Marvin)
How many story books can he read in a day? (5 story
How many novels can he read in 4 days? (20 story books)
Let us analyze the word problem.
Marvin is a book lover. He loves reading story books. In a day,
he can read 5 story books. How many story books can he read
in 4 days?
a. What is asked in the word problem? (The number of story books
Marvin can read in 4 days)
b. What will you do to find the number of story books can he read in
4 days? (multiply)
c. What is the word clue? (How many)
d. What is the correct number sentence? (5 x 4 = n)
e. What is the correct answer? (Marvin can read 20 story books in 4
Guide and let the pupils show their solutions. Let them label their
answers correctly.
x 4
story books
story books in all
- What can you say about Marvin?
- Is it good to be a wide reader/book lover? Who among you
here has the same interest with Marvin?
- What can we gain from reading books and other reading
- Does it help us in building our vocabularies? How?
C. Performing an Activity
Group Activities
Teacher prepares and provides materials for the pupils
mathematical activities.
Divide the class into 3 groups. Each group is given an activity card.
Activity 1 Group I
Match the correct number sentence written on the strips of cards.
Then solve the correct answer and label the answer correctly.
a. During recess time, Betty sold 3 ice buckets of ice candies. If
there are 25 ice candies in each ice bucket, how many ice
candies will there be in all?
b. There are also 5 small trays of avocados slices. If each tray
contains 11 slices, how many slices will there be altogether?
Activity 2 Group II
Read and analyze the word problems. Write your answers on a
manila paper.
1. What is the number sentence?
2. What is the operation to be used?
3. What is the correct answer?
1. What is the operation to be used?
2. Write the number sentence?
3. What is the correct answer?
1. What is the correct number sentence?
2. What is the operation to be used?
3. What is the correct answer?
Activity 3 Group III
By the use of small boxes, pupils will fill in objects in the box. Read
the problem and do what it says. Then answer the questions.
Put 9 popsicle sticks in each of the 7 boxes.
How many popsicle sticks are there in all?
What is the number sentence?
What is the correct answer?
Put 10 marbles in each of the 5 boxes.
How many marbles are there in all?
What is the number sentence?
What is the correct answer?
Put 11 straws in each of the 4 small boxes.
How many straws are there in all?
What is the number sentence?
What is the correct answer?
To earn money, Aling Wilma sold boiled bananas at P 6.00
each. If she was able to sell 10 boiled bananas how much
did she receive?
Nicole is helping A-jay to make bundles of pechay plants.
There are 8 pieces of pechay plants in each bundle. How
many pieces are there in 9 bundles?
Aling Seling likes to bake cookies. If each cookie needs 3
eggs, How many eggs will she need to bake 10 cookies?
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Do: Use pupils output to guide discussion.
Bring the attention of the pupils in using the correct operation and
stating the complete answer for 1 - step word problems involving
multiplication of whole numbers including money.
For Groups 1 - 3, what are the number sentences and complete
answers in the given problems?
(Guide the pupils to discuss their answers.)
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Refer to Learner s Material
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we transform word problems involving multiplication into a
number sentence?
How do we solve 1 - step word problems involving multiplication of
whole numbers including money?
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Show - Me - Board Activity
The teacher posts a word problem on the board one at a time. Each pupil
transforms the word problem into a number sentence and solves for the correct
answer. Pupils are given 2 minutes to write their answers on a drill board.
1. Father bought 5 baskets of apples. Each basket contains 6 delicious
apples. How many apples are there in all? (30)
2. Mr. Santos sold 8 baskets of santol. If each basket contains 11
santols, how many pieces of santol will there be in all? (88)
3. Mother cooks 10 hot cakes to be sold in her canteen every day.
How many hot cakes does she bake in 7 days? (70)
Refer to Learner s Material
Refer to Learner s Material
Analyze and solve 2 - 3 Steps Word Problems involving
Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication of Whole Numbers
Including Money
Analyzing and Solving 2 - 3 Steps Word Problems Involving
Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication of Whole Numbers
Including Money
Math Beyond Excellence textbook, pages 176 - 178
Cartolina strips with printed number sentences, Manila paper
printed with answers of number sentences, number cards,
activity cards, straws and show-me-board
Values Integration: Social Awareness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
a. Prepare some number cards. Let one pupil get a number card
and says: I am 6. What are my factors? Let him/her call
his/her classmate to give the answer. Repeat this activity
with other pupil using other number cards.
b. Use the digits 0 - 9 only once in all 10 boxes to make the
number sentence correct.
1. + = 9 4. + - 4 = 9
2. - = 9 5. x = 9
3. - = 9
2. Review
A. Relay Game
1. Have a group of 7.
2. Each group forms a straight line.
3. Every member answers the item one at a time.
4. Post the given problem on the board. (Taken from Home
as checking of the assignment.)
a. What is asked? ________________________________
b. What are given? _______________________________
c. Word Clue: ___________________________________
d. Operation to be used: __________________________
e. Number Sentence: _____________________________
f. Solution: _____________________________________
g. Complete Answer: _____________________________
5. The group who has the most number of correct responses wins.
B. Mix-N- Match
The teacher writes each mathematical sentence (Set A) on a strip of
cartolina and the answer (Set B) on another strip.
Let the pupils find the answers to these mathematical sentences by
matching Set A with Set B.
Set A Set B
a. (8+3) 9 =N a. 52
b. (9+2) x 9 = N b. 15
c. (4x6) 5 = N c. 2
d. (7x4) (9+4) = N d. 19
e. (9-5) x (8+5) = N e. 99
- How many operations are used to get the right answer?
Solve the problem mentally.
Jocelyn earns P50 a day by selling bell peppers. How much
will she earn in 7 days?
How many girls are there in our class today? How many
boys? How many are there in all?
If 10 pupils will attend the Pupils Government meeting this afternoon,
how many will be left?
Do you join or attend activities or projects in your school? Name
some of the activities that you had attended or joined.
- What can you learn in joining or attending school activities?
Why is it important to attend or join school activities?
3. Motivation
Get straws. Make 6 bundles of 9 straws each. How many
straws do you have? Give 20 to your seatmate. How
many were left?
Let the pupils show how they get their answers.
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Present the number sentence of the word problem in the
motivational activity.
(6x9) 20 = 34
1) What does the numerical 6 represent in the problem? 9? 20?
2) Why did we multiply 6 and 9 first?
3) What is the word clue that tells us to multiply first?
4) How did you get 34?
5) What is the complete answer?
6) Does the answer make sense? Why?
b. Present another word problem.
Darlyn picked 9 santols in the morning. Lino picked 8 santols
in the afternoon. How many santols could the two friends picked in 7
Let the pupils analyze the problem using the following steps.
What is asked?
What are given?
What is the word clue?
What is the hidden question?
What are the operations to be used?
How will you transform the word problem into a number
What is the correct answer?
Following the number sentence let all the pupils answer the
problem and state the answer in a complete sentence.
C. Performing an Activity
Group Activity
Divide the class into 5 groups. Give each group a word
problem to solve.
Use the steps learned.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Fernando bought 7 glasses of mango juice at P15
each and 9 slices of cake at P12 each. How much did
Jose spend?
A dozen of eggs cost P78. If I buy 5 dozens of eggs
and give the seller P500, how much will be my change?
Dino has 10 twenty peso bills and 8 ten peso
coins. He gave P90 to Richard. How much was left to Dino?
There are 7 boxes of pizza. Each box has 8 slices. If
23 slices were eaten, how many slices were not eaten?
Twenty boys go on a camping trip. They brought 3
tents with them. Six of them sleep in each tent. How many
did not sleep in the tent?
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Do: Use groups work to guide discussion.
Ask: How did you analyze the word problem?
What steps did you follow in analyzing and solving 2 3 steps
word problems involving multiplication of whole numbers
including money?
How did you arrive at the correct answer?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Refer to Learner s Material
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What are the steps in solving word problems involving addition,
subtraction and multiplication?
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Divide the class into 5 groups. Distribute one word problem to
each group. The members from each group will act out the word
problem. After the act, they present their computation.
1. Mrs. Animo gave 3 word problems as a short quiz. Each
correct answer is given 2 points. If Rudiard got 3 mistakes,
what was his score?
2. Aling Myrna bought 5 dozens of eggs. She used 24 eggs to
bake cakes. How many eggs were not used?
3. Mrs. Dejarme picked roses in her garden. She put 9 roses in
each of her 5 vases and 4 roses were sent to Janinas teacher. How
many roses did Mrs. Dejarme pick?
4. Eleven baskets are on the table. In each basket are 6 papayas.
near the baskets are 7 pieces of papayas. How many papayas are
there in all?
5. Beberlie, Maidy and Cherry brought 4 blouses each. Amy
brought only 1 blouse. How many blouses were brought by the four
Refer to Learner s Material
Refer to Learner s Material
Model and describe division situations in which sets are
separated into equal parts
Modeling and Describing Division Situations in which Sets are
separated into Equal Parts
Drill cards (multiplication facts), counters (e.g. popsicle sticks,
straws, marbles, toothpicks, bottle caps and boxes), word
problem written on manila paper, illustrations of 2 boxes with
5 marbles in each box, division concept printed on a cartolina or
manila paper,
Values Integration: Collaboration
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Flash the multiplication drill card one at a time. Let pupils answer it as
fast as they can.
Ex. 1. 3 x 4 = (12) 6. 8 x 6 = (48
2. 4 x 6 = (24) 7. 9 x 3 = (27)
3. 5 x 8 = (40) 8. 10 x 5 = (50)
4. 6 x 7 = (42) 9. 2 x 4 = (8)
5. 7 x 2 = (14) 10. 3 x 6 = (18)
2. Review
Read the word problem carefully. Then solve for the answer.
1. What is asked? _________________________________________
2. What are given? ________________________________________
3. What is/are the word clue/s? ______________________________
4. What operations are to be used? ___________________________
5. What is the hidden question? ______________________________
6. What is the number sentence? _____________________________
7. What is the complete answer? _____________________________
A storekeeper has 6 boxes of pencils. Each box contains 12
pencils. If 10 pencils were given to his children, how many
pencils were left for sale?
3. Motivation
Say: Here are 50 popsicle sticks. I will divide these
among 10 pupils. (The teacher requests 10 pupils
to stand.)
How many popsicle sticks did each pupil receive?
(5 popsicle sticks each)
How are the popsicle sticks divided among 10 pupils?
(The teacher gave the popsicle sticks one at a time to 10
pupils until there are no more popsicle sticks are left in
his/her hands.)
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Present 8 straws (other counters can be utilized). Tell the
pupils that you are going to put these straws equally among
4 empty bottles.
Are the straws placed equally in each bottle? (Yes)
How many straws are there in each empty bottle? (2 straws)
b. Distribute 10 bottle caps and 2 small boxes to each pupil. Let
them use these objects to discover division situations in
which sets are separated into equal parts. Let them put the
bottle caps one at a time in 2 boxes until nothing is left in
their hands.
How many bottle caps did each box have? (5)
Did each box have an equal number of bottle caps? (Yes)
What do you call the number of bottle caps? (dividend)
What do you call the number of boxes? (divisor)
What do you call the number of bottle caps in each box?
c. For better understanding of the concept of division, post this
illustration on the board.
d. Direct the pupils attention to the illustration. Elicit ideas
coming from them to facilitate the learning process.
What number sentence can you formulate from the illustration?
(10 2 = 5)
e. Present this division concept to make the pupils understand the
process thoroughly.
10 2 = 5
C. Performing an Activity
Manipulative Game - Using Counters
To help the pupils internalize the concept of division, let them
perform this manipulative game using counters.
a. The class is divided into 4 teams.
b. Each team is given 3 different counters to manipulate.
c. As the teacher flashes the division sentence card, the team
members divide the given sets of counters into equal parts.
d. Each team will show the correct division situation in which
sets are separated into equal parts.
e. The team with the most number of correct outputs wins the
Example: Division Sentence
1. (using popsicle sticks) 15 5 = 3
2. (using marbles) 20 4 = 5
3. (using straws) 36 4 = 9
Did you enjoy our manipulative game?
What character trait/s is/are developed in the said activity?
Why is it important to work collaboratively with the team
The number we
divide is called
divide sign
The number which
divides is called
The answer in
division is
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Direct the pupils attention to their outputs on the manipulative
game using counters. Discuss with them the process through
visual presentations of division situations in which sets are
separated into equal parts
1. 15 5 = 3
This shows that a set of 15 popsicle sticks is divided into 5
equal parts and the quotient is
3. 20 4 = 5
This shows that a set of 20 marbles is divided equally into 4
equal parts and the quotient is 5.
3. 36 4 = 9
This shows that a set of 36 straws is divided into 4 equal parts
and the quotient is 9.
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How did we model division situations?
What are parts of the division sentence?
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Group Activity
1. Divide the class into 5 groups.
2. Prepare 5 sheets of paper each having the same number of
items as the number of members in each group.
3. Distribute the sheets of paper to the 5 groups.
4. At a given signal, the pupils in each group take turns in
illustrating the given division situations on the sheet of paper.
a. divide 10 eggplants into 5 equal parts
b. divide 24 eggs into 4 equal parts
c. divide 30 sweet potatoes into 6 equal parts
d. divide 35 pechays into 5 equal parts
e. divide 40 carrots into 10 equal parts
5. The first group to finish with the highest score wins the game.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Represent division as equal sharing
Representing Division as Equal Sharing
Pictures, task cards, flash cards, and counters (e.g. 40 color pencils)
Values Integration: Sharing
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill on basic division facts
Show - Me - Board Activity
Flash these multiplication cards and let them give the product.
Write the correct answer on your show-me-board.
2. Review
The teacher prepares a chart for this activity.
A. Choose from the box the correct answer for the following item.
divisor, dividend, quotient
2 x 3 3 x 4 4 x 6 7 x 8 8 x 2 5 x 7 9 x10
1. In 16 2 = 8, what is 8? ___________________
2. In 20 4 = 5, what is 20? __________________
3. In 36 9 = 4, 9 is called? _________________
4. In 40 4 = _________, what part is missing?
5. In 45 5 = 9, which is the quotient? _________________
B. Study the picture below. What is the division sentence for it?
Identify the dividend, divisor, and quotient.
1. Division Sentence
____ ____ = _____
Dividend ______
Divisor ______
Quotient ______
2. Division Sentence
____ ____ = _____
Dividend ______
Divisor ______
Quotient ______
Division Sentence
____ ____ = ____
Dividend ______
Divisor ______
Quotient ______
3. Motivation
Here are 40 colored pencils. I will divide these among 10 girls.
(The teacher requests 10 girls to stand)
Ask: How many color pencils did each girl receive? (4 color
B. Presenting the Lesson
Let the pupils act out this problem.
1. Who has banana cakes? (Roy)
2. How many banana cakes did he have? (15)
3. To whom did he give the banana cakes? (to his friends)
4. How many friends has he? (3)
5. Are the banana cakes equally shared among his friends?
6. How many banana cakes did each of his friend receive? (5)
7. What do you call the number of banana cakes that are to be
divided? (dividend)
8. What do you call the number of persons that shares the total
number of banana cakes? (divisor)
9. What do you call the number of banana cakes in each person
or the answer when you divide a number? (quotient)
What is the division sentence?
15 3 = 5
What kind of a boy is he?
Roy has 15 banana cakes. He divides them equally among
his 3 friends. How many banana cakes did each of his
friend get?
tells the total
number of
tells the number of
objects in each set
tells the number of
sets formed
What character trait does he possess?
Do you want to be like him? Why?
C. Performing an Activity
Divide the class into 3 groups. Each group will be given a task
card. Do what the instruction ask you to do. The group reporters
will present the answer to the class.
Group 1 Task Card
1. Count the number of popsicle sticks inside the box. (20
popsicle sticks and a box will be given to the group)
2. How many popsicles are there? Answer: _____________
3. It is called the ______________.
4. Divide the popsicle sticks into 4
5. The number 4 is the _________.
6. How many popsicle sticks are in each group? _________
7. It is named as the ____________.
8. What is the division sentence for it? ____________________
Group 2 Task Card
25 5 = 5
16 2 = 8
12 4 = 3
Group 3 Task Card
Draw division as equal sharing using these division sentences.
1. 12 6 = ________
2. 24 4 = ________
3. 25 5 = ________
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Did you make equal groupings of objects?
How many objects are there in each group?
What is another way of illustrating division?
Can you identify the dividend, divisor and quotient in each
division sentence?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What is one way of representing and illustrating division?
(By equal sharing or partition)
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Show - Me - Board Activity
Flash a card with a division fact. Ask the pupils to solve it by
drawing the number of objects to be divided first. Then have
them box or group the objects equally.
18 9 = 2
1. 12 4 = 3 3. 18 3 = 6 5. 20 5 = 4
2. 6 3 = 2 4. 15 3 = 5
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Represent division as repeated subtraction
Representing Division as Repeated Subtraction
Pictures, activity cards, flash cards: subtraction facts, and counters
Values Integration: Patience
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Flash the subtraction cards. Let pupils give the correct difference.
a. 14 b. 17 c. 18 d. 16 e. 19 f. 20
- 5 - 7 - 9 - 3 - 7 - 8
2. Review
Identify the underlined part of the division sentence namely; dividend,
divisor and quotient.
1. 25 5 = 5 __________________ 4. 14 2 = 7 ______________
2. 12 4 = 3 __________________ 5. 10 10 = 1 ______________
3. 16 8 = 2 __________________
3. Motivation
Show a picture of a hungry rabbit eating carrots.
What do you see in the picture?
(The hungry rabbit saw 6 carrots on a garden plot. It ate 2 whole
carrots. It ate 2 more carrots. Then it ate 2 more.)
B. Presenting the Lesson
Ask: a. How many carrots are there? (6)
b. How many times did the rabbit eat the carrot by twos?
(3 times)
c. What division sentence can you write? (6 2 = n)
d. Find its quotient through repeated subtraction.
` 6
- 2 1
- 2 2
- 2 3
e. What number is subtracted repeatedly? (2)
f. How many times did we subtract 2? (3 times)
That is the quotient of the division sentence.
C. Performing an Activity
Have the pupils do the following activity.
a. Divide the class into 4 groups.
b. Distribute the task cards to each group.
6 2 = 3
Box the objects to show division as repeated subtraction. Then
write the subtraction sentence. Write also the division sentence.
Subtraction Sentence:
Division Sentence:
Box the objects to show division as repeated subtraction. Then
write the subtraction sentence. Write also the division sentence.
Subtraction Sentence:
Division Sentence:
Box the objects to show division as repeated subtraction. Then
write the subtraction sentence. Write also the division sentence.
Subtraction Sentence:
Division Sentence:
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
In what way you can represent or express division? (as
repeated subtraction)
What do you call the number to be divided? (dividend)
What do you call the number by which the dividend is
divided? (divisor)
What do you call the answer in division? (quotient)
How did you work on your assigned activity?
Did you give up working on them?
Were you patient in doing them?
What did you show while doing your activity?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What is the other way of representing division?
(by repeated subtraction)
What operation is shown by repeated subtraction? (Subtraction)
Box the objects to show division as repeated subtraction. Then
write the subtraction sentence. Write also the division sentence.
Subtraction Sentence:
Division Sentence:
Subtract the same number until you get 0. The number
of times you subtracted until you get 0 is the quotient.
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Draw cookies to show division as repeated subtraction. Group them
according to the number of people in your family. Then write the
subtraction sentence and the division sentence.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Represent division as equal jumps on the number line
Representing Division as Equal Jumps on the Number Line
Drill cards: Subtraction facts, illustrations, number lines, printed
on the cartolina strips, cutouts of cupcakes and saucers or
paper plates, activity sheets and show me cards
Values Integration: Cooperation
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Mental Computation
Give the difference orally (Flash cards)
2. Review
Checking of Assignment
- 12
- 14
- 27
- 19
- 15
- 20
- 26
- 54
3. Motivation
Posing a problem opener.
(Pupils act out the problem to internalize the situation.)
B. Presenting the Lesson
Ask: How many cupcakes will be placed in saucers?
How many saucers are there?
What is the division sentence?
Present this illustration.
10 5 =
You can find the quotient using these ways.
1. Distribute the cupcakes one by one to the saucers until nothing is
left on you. This shows division by equal distribution of objects to
each group or set.
We write: 10 5 = 2
We read: 10 divided by 5 equals 2.
10 5 = 2
number of
the number
of saucers
the number of
cupcakes in
each saucer
Ten cupcakes to be placed in 5 saucers. How many
cupcakes in each saucer?
2. After the distribution of objects, let us find out how to get the
quotient through using of equal jumps on the number line .
Post this number line on the chalkboard.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ask: How many backward jumps are shown? (2 backward jumps)
It is named as the quotient.
How many spaces are in each jump? (5 spaces)
It is named as the divisor.
Say: We subtract 5 two times.
So, we divided 10 5 = 2
10 5
- 5 - 5
5 0
C. Performing an Activity
Work in Groups - Game
a. Divided the class into Learning Friends
b. Distribute activity sheet to different groups.
c. Let the group work cooperatively to get accurate answers.
d. The first group to come up with the most number of correct
answers wins the game.
Create a number line using these division sentences. Give the
correct quotient.
1. 16 4 =
2. 20 5 =
3. 21 3 =
4. 18 6 =
What should you do as a member of your group?
Why is it good to cooperate with your group?
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
1. What is the other way to represent division?
(by using equal jumps on the number line)
2. What kind of jumps is shown on the number line to represent
division (backward jumps)
3. What do you call the number of the backward jumps on the
number line? (It is called/named as the quotient.)
4. What spaces in each jumps represent?
(It represents as the divisor.)
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What is another way to represent division?
(Division using number line which can be expressed in repeated
G. Applying to Now and Other Situations
Game- Using number lines printed on cartolina strips and show-
me- cards
1. Distribute number lines printed on cartolina strips
2. Tell them to write the correct division sentence on their show me
3. The first pupil to come up with the correct answer wins the game.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners
Represent division as formation of equal groups of objects
Representing Division as Formation of Equal Groups of Objects
Pictures, activity cards, flash cards (division facts), and
counters, chart of number lines
Values Integration: Cheerfulness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Flash these cards and let them complete the division sentence.
Let the pupils write the correct answer on your show-me-board.
1. 9 3 = ___ 4. 36 4 = __
2. 12 __ = 3 5. 28 7 = __
3. __ 5 = 25
2. Review
Let the pupils write the division sentence shown on
number line.
____ ____ = ____
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
____ ____ = ____
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
____ ____ = ____
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
____ ____ = ____
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
____ ____ = ____
3. Motivation
Ask the pupils to use a manila paper for an activity.
Donna has 8 bananas. She divides them equally
among her 4 cousins. How many bananas did each of his
cousin get?
B. Presenting the Lesson
1. Who has bananas? ( Donna)
2. How many bananas did she have? (8 bananas)
3. To whom did she give the bananas? (cousins)
4. How many cousins does she have? (4)
5. Are the bananas equally divided among her cousins? (yes)
6. How many bananas did each of his cousin receive? (2 bananas)
7. What is the correct number sentence? (8 4 = 2)
Here is another activity.
Do: Distribute 14 straws and 2 boxes.
(All pupils should be given the said counters.)
Problem: 14 straws are equally shared into 2. There are 7 in each
We write: 14 2 = 7
We read 14 divided by 2 equals 7.
Number Sentence: 14 2 = 7
number of
number in each
C. Performing an Activity
Let the pupils do the activity.
Activity 1
Divide the class into 4 groups. Each group will play the Sharing
The leaders of each group will distribute the counters equally among
his members. Then they will choose a reporter who will present their
work by completing the table below.
Counters No. of Members No. of Counters
Received by each
1. 20 straws
2. 30 popsicle sticks
3. 40 marbles
4. 50 disposable
5. 60 rubber bands
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
1. How did you find out the number of objects should be in each
member (by distributing the objects equally among the
2. What part of the division sentence refers to the number of
counters shared? (Dividend)
3. What part of the division sentence refers to the number of
members found in the table? (Divisor)
4. What part of the division sentence refers to the number of
counters received by each member? (Quotient)
5. What operation is used during the Sharing Game? (Division)
6. What is division? (Division is splitting into equal parts or
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What do you call the process of finding how many times a number is
contained in a given number?
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
The teacher prepares several activity cards for the pair - shared
Do: Ask the pupils to find their partner. Each pair is given an
activity card to accomplish. The pair who can give the card
with correct answers in a fastest time wins the game.
Illustrate division as formation of equal groups of objects.
1. Make 2 sets of books.
There are _____ books in each set.
2. Make 3 sets of bags.
There are _____ bags in each set.
3. Make 4 sets of sharpeners.
There are _____ sharpeners in each set.
4. Make 5 sets of bottle.
There are _____ rulers in each set
5. Make 6 sets of umbrellas.
There are ____ umbrellas in each set.
How did you feel while doing the activity?
Did you and your partner show interest in doing it?
Did you enjoy working with your partner?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners
Write a related equation for equal sharing and repeated
Writing a Related Equation for Equal Sharing and Repeated
Drill cards, cut-outs, subtraction and division sentences written
on cartolina strips illustrations and activity sheets
Values Integration: Following simple directions correctly
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Mix and Match
The teacher prepares several pairs of subtraction sentences.
2. The pupils will get one card each.
3. The teacher announces, mix and then the pupils mix around
with their classmates.
4. S/he says, pair and the pupils will find a partner to match.
27 - 4 23
35 - 6 29
49 - 9 40
68 - 4 64
77 - 11 66
2. Review
Group Activity
Divide the class into four groups. Each group will be given cutouts
with division sentence at the back. The first group to finish the drawing
division by partition will clap their hands. Then, discuss the group output.
Group I Possible answers
1. 4 2 =
2. 10 5 =
Group II
1. 6 2 =
2. 12 4 =
Group III
1. 10 2 =
2. 14 2 =
Group IV
1. 15 5 =
2. 20 4 =
C. Motivation
Posing a problem opener.
(The pupils act out the problem.)
Gina has 18 dolls to share. She decides to give them equally to
her 6 playmates. How many dolls will each playmate receive?
00 00
00 00 00 00 00
000 000
000 000 000 000
00000 00000
0000000 0000000
000 000 000 000 000
00000 00000 00000 00000
B. Presentation of the Lesson
How many dolls does Gina have?(18 dolls)
How many playmates will be given? (6 playmates)
Show an illustration which tells about the problem.
What does the illustration show?
(It shows the equal sharing of dolls to Ginas 6 playmates.)
What is the division sentence?
18 6 = 3
How many dolls will each playmate get?
(Each playmate will get 3 dolls.)
Say: Another way of solving for the quotient is using repeated
The number
of dolls
Number of
Number of dolls
which will be shared
to each playmate
Using the same word problem, let us find out the answer by
repeated subtraction.
18 6 =?
- 6__ 1
- 6__ 2
- 6__ 3
How many times did we subtract 6 from 18? (3 times)
How many dolls will be given to each of Ginas playmate? (3 dolls)
How many 6s are there in 18? (3 sixes)
We write: 3
18 6 = 3 or 6 18
C. Performing an Activity
Guided Practice
a. Work in Pairs
Each pair will be given some exercises to work on. After
answering them, the pupils will draw/write their answers on a
manila paper. The pair with the most number of correct answers
will be given a boom clap.
1. Write a division sentence about the sets.
Division Sentence
B. Show the division is repeated subtraction
1. 15 5 =
2. 21 3 =
b. Working in Teams
Group the pupils into 4 teams. Have them do the activities
inside the envelope which the teacher will give them.
Group 1
Match column A with column B.
Column A Column B
1. 20 5 = 4
2. 10 2 = 5
3. 8 2 = 4
9 3 = 3
Group 2
Complete each statement and write the division sentence.
1. Divide 6 equally among 3 children. Each child gets _____
Division Sentence
_______ ________ = _______
2. Divide 20 equally among the 5 boys. Each boys gets _____.
Division Sentence
_______ ________ = _______
Group 3
Subtract, write the number of times subtract is done then
write the division sentence.
How many 5s are there in 30?
How many 7s are there in 21?
Subtraction No. of Time Division Sentence
Group 4
Write a division sentence for each repeated
Show that division repeated subtraction.
1. =
- =
- =
- =
How many 3s? _______
2. =
- =
- = How many 9s? _______
18 9
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Direct the pupils attention to their answers on the given
activities. Discuss with the pupils the operationalization of the
process through visual presentations of division by equal
How did you get the correct division equation on division as
equal sharing?
(by sharing objects equally in each set or group.)
6 2 = 3
Is division a repeated subtraction?(Yes)0
Division is a quick way of subtracting the same number several
times from a given number.
Study this example:
6 2 =
Subtract 2 from 6.
6 - 2 = 4
Step 1
The number
of objects
The number
of objects in
each group
The number
of group of
Subtract 4 from 2
Subtract 2 from 2
So: 6 2 = 3
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How to write a related equation in division as equal sharing?
What operation is shown by repeated subtraction?
What are the ways to find the quotient?
(Division as equal sharing and repeated subtraction)
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Game Finding Trio
1. Divide the class into 3. Give sets of cards with illustrations of
division as equal sharing, cards with division sentence and cards
with repeated subtraction.
2. The first trio who matched the illustrations with the division
sentence and with the correct repeated subtraction wins.
Step 2
Step 3
Number of
times 2 is
Did you find your partners easily?
How did you do it?
Did you follow the rules of the game?
Did you get the correct answer?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Write a related equation for division as equal jumps on the
number line and formation of equal jumps of objects
Writing a Related Equation for Division as Equal Jumps on the
Number Line and Formation of Equal Groups of Objects
Multiplication flashcards, 2 kinds of roulettes, illustrations, activity
cards, ball and pictures
Values Integration: Being Healthy
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Give a drill on multiplication using flashcard. Present the
Give-Me-The-Card game to the class.
Arrange the cards on the chalk ledge. The teacher will give
the product and the pupils from each team will find the card of
its factors. The first one to get the correct card wins.
2. Review
A. Let the pupils spin the roulette then give the repeated
subtraction of the division sentence.
Repeated Subtraction
B. Let the pupils spin roulette then illustrate division as
equal sharing on the chalkboard.
Example = 4
3. Motivation
Present a problem opener
Voltair bought 20 papayas in the market. He placed the
papayas equally in 4 baskets. How many papayas were placed
in each basket?
B. Presenting the Lesson
1. Ask:
Who bought papayas?
How many papayas did he buy?
Where did he place the papayas?
Why do you think Voltair bought papayas?
Is it good to eat papayas? Why?
How many papayas are there in all?
How many baskets are used?
As shown in the illustration, how many papayas are in
each box?
What is the division sentence?
Let us apply the number line to solve the given example
of a division sentence.
(Post this number line on the chalkboard)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Say :
Starting from 20 we shall count the numbers backward
in spaces of 4 at a time until we reach zero(0).
Ask : How many backward counting did we make to go back to
zero? (5)
Present : 20
-4 1
-4 2
- 4 3
-4 4
- 4 5
2. Using the same problem, apply division as formation of equal
groups of object to get the correct quotient.
Show this illustration which tells about the problem.
Ask :
What does the illustration represent?
(It represents the equal distribution of papayas in each
What is the division sentence?
The number of papaya
in each basket.
The number of
The total number of papayas
Hence, if four equal parts are made of twenty objects there will be five
objects in each part.
C. Performing an Activity
Guided Practice
Work in Dyads
Write a division sentence for the following number lines.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
_____ _____ = _______
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
_____ _____ = _______
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
_____ _____ = _______
Group Work
Divide the class into five groups. Each group will choose a leader to
pick a fruit from the tree and illustrate the division sentence written
on the fruit in division by distribution on the chalkboard.
The number sentence is written on each fruit.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Do: Use pupils work to guide interactive discussion.
Ask :
1. Were you able to write the related equation or number sentence in
division as equal jumps on the number line? How? (Yes. Jumps
backwards by counting in stages of any given number at a time
until reaching zero.)
2. Is repeated subtraction needed in formulating a division sentence
about equal jumps on the number line? (Yes. Repeated
subtraction explains the concept of equal jumps on the number
line which can be expressed as division).
3. What is the other way to represent division?
(By division as formation of equal groups of objects)
4. What are the parts of division sentence presented by division
as formation of equal groups of objects?
The total number The number of groups/ The number of objects
of objects sets in each group/set
Dividend Divisor Quotient
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What are the other ways to represent division?
(Division as equal jumps on the number line and formation of
equal groups of object.)
How can you write a related equation for division as equal
jumps on the number line? (Formation of equal groups of object.)
For division as equal jumps on the number line, this can be
represented through repeated subtraction
To write a related equation in division as formation of equal groups
of object, just follow this formula:
Total number of objects the number of groups/set = the
number of object in each group/se
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Game Pass it on
Ask the children to form a circle. A ball will be passed from
one child to another while the music plays. When the music stops,
the child who holds the ball will answer the exercises below.
A. Write a division sentence for every number line.
1. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
2. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
B. Distribute the elements of the given set equally in the boxes.
_____ 2 =
_____ 3 =
_____ 4 =
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners
Divide numbers found in the multiplication tables of 2 and 3
Dividing Numbers Found in the Multiplication Tables 2 and 3
Flash cards: multiplication, cutouts, illustrations, 10 plastic
glasses, division chart and activity cards
Values Integration: Sportsmanship
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Basic Multiplication Facts
9 10 4 6 8 7 5
X 2 X 3 X 2 X 3 X 2 X 3 X 9
2. Review
The teacher prepares a chart for this activity.
A. Box ( ) the objects to show the following division
sentences. Write the quotient on the blank.
1. 12 4 = _____
2. 20 5 = _____
3. 16 8 = _____
4. 25 5 = _____
5. 14 2= _____
B. Write the missing numbers.
1. 10
- 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2_
2. 48
- 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8
3. 63
- 9 - 9 - 9 - 9 - 9 9 - - 9
3. Motivation
Let the pupils act out this problem.
How many pencils were on the table?
What did you do with the pencils?
How many pencil holders were there?
How many pencils will there in each pencil holder?
What division sentence can we form?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Do: Group the pupils into 2.
-Present 10 plastic glasses (Cutouts of plastic glasses
can be utilized also). Tell the pupils that you are going to
divide these equally among 2 of them.
There are 18 pencils on the table.
Divide these pencils equally in 2 pencil holders.
How many pencils will be there in each pencil
48 8 =
10 2 =
63 9 =
How many plastic glasses will each receive?
(5 plastic glasses)
Call on 2 pupils. Distribute 10 plastic glasses one at a
time to each pupil until there are no more plastic glasses
How many plastic glasses did each pupil get?
(5 plastic glasses)
Did each get an equal number of plastic glasses?
Write the division sentence on the chalkboard.
10 2 = 5
Post the chart of division facts on the chalkboard
Ask a pupil to box the division sentence reflected on the
Total number of
plastic glasses
Divide Sign
Number of pupils
No. of plastic
glasses each
pupil will get
Dividing by 2
20 2 = 10
18 2 = 9
16 2 = 8
14 2 = 7
12 2 = 6
10 2 = 5
8 2 = 4
6 2 = 3
4 2 = 2
2 2 = 1
Present a number line on the board and ask:
What is the multiplication sentence for this? (4 x 3 = 12)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
4 x 3 = 12
12 3 = 4
Have the pupils retrace the jumps going back to zero and ask:
What is the division sentence for it? (12 3 = 4)
Let the pupils box the correct division sentence from the division
chart shown.
Discuss to the pupils the other way of writing a division
4 quotient
3 12
Dividing by 3
30 3 = 10
27 3 = 9
24 3 = 8
21 3 = 7
18 3 = 6
15 3 = 5
12 3 = 4
9 3 = 3
6 3 = 2
3 3 = 1
12 3 = 4
C. Performing an Activity
1. Divide the class into 3 groups.
2. Give the task card to every group to accomplish.
Group 1 Task Card
Study the pictures. Complete the number sentence.
1. 2 x ______ = 12
_____ _______ = _________
2. 2 x 9 = ________
_____ _______ = _________
3. _____ x 8 = 24
_____ _______ = _________
4. _____ x ______ = 21
_____ _______ = ________
Group 2 Task Card
Find the quotient. Color the balloons correctly.
12 3 30 2 18 3 12 2
10 2
8 4
18 2 16 2 20 4
27 3
Legend: Color Quotient
Group 3 Task Card
Complete the number sentence in each umbrella.
___ 2 = 10 27 ___ = 9 ___ 3 = 5
18 ___ = 9 14 2 = ___ 12 ___ = 6
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Do: Use pupils work to guide discussions.
Bring the attention of the pupils to the division sentences.
Refer to the Group 1s answer
1. Multiplication sentence: 2 X 6 = 12
Division sentence: 12 2 = 6
How do we get 12?
(We multiply 6 by 2)
What number multiplied by 2 equals 12? (6)
Therefore, if 2 x 6 = 12;
then, 12 2 = 6
So, we can say:
Multiplication and division are related to each other.
Mastery on multiplication facts of 2 and 3 can greatly help
in getting correct quotients in dividing numbers by 2 and
3 as divisors.
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
In dividing numbers by 2 or 3 what facts help you to arrive with the
correct quotient?(Division facts) How is division related to
multiplication? (Division is the inverse of multiplication) Is repeated
subtraction needed in dividing numbers by 2 and 3? (Yes. To divide,
we subtract a number several times until we end up with 0.)
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Game- Giant Steps
a. The teacher calls on 5 pupils at a time.
b. She flashes the number cards and the pupils outdo each
other by giving the correct answers.
c. The first pupil to give the correct answer will take one
step forward.
d. The first pupil to reach the finish line wins the game.
In games, we either win or lose. What attitude should you
If you win, would you boast? Why?
If you lose would you be angry? Why?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners
9 2 =
3 = 5 10 = 5 30 = 15
20 2 = 18 2 = 16 2 =
27 3 =
Divide numbers found in the multiplication tables of 4, 5 and 10
Dividing Numbers Found in the Multiplication Tables of 4, 5 and
Drill cards, spin a wheel cut outs, cut-outs of 20 balls,
mathematical concepts written in a cartolina, division chart,
activity cards and counters (e.g. rubber bands and popsicle
Values Integration: Independence
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
A. Supply the missing number in series.
4 , 8 , ____, 16, ____, 24 , ____ , 30
5,10 , ____, ____, 25 , ____, 35,___
10, ____, ____, 40, 50, ____, ____, 80
B. Spin a wheel then multiply.
6 5 5 9 7 10 1
2 8 10 4 4
3 9 3 8 3 9
7 10 6 7 6 8
2. Review
Form 3 Groups
Its Trivia Time
Divide the equations inside each box. Then use the letter codes
below to answer the question.
Answer: Sinarapan
3. Motivation
Present this array on the chalkboard.
What cut-outs are presented on the board?
How many are they?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Ask the following questions:
How many rows of balls are there? (4 rows)
How many balls in a row? (5 balls)
7 8 9 5 10 1
2 2 15 3 18 2 30 3 24 3 10 1 14
20 2 9 1
What is the worlds smallest commercial fish?
How many balls are there in all? (20 balls)
Write the multiplication sentence.
Tell the pupils to study the cutouts again.
How many balls are there in all? (20 balls)
How many rows of balls are there? (4 rows)
How many balls in a row? (5 balls)
Write in a sentence.
Therefore, if 4 x 5 = 20 then, 20 4= 5
Here is another example.
Present 15 popsicle sticks and 5 rubber bands.
Ask the pupils to bundle popsicle sticks equally using the
rubber bands.
Ask: What is the division sentence?
Have the pupils give the multiplication sentence.
Post the division facts of 10 on the chalkboard.
Let the pupils study the chart.
4 x 5 = 20
20 4 = 5
15 5 = 3
5 x 3 = 15
100 10 = 10
90 10 =9
80 10 =8
70 10 =7
60 10 =6
50 10 =5
40 10 =4
30 10 =3
20 10 =2
10 10 =1
How do you divide whole numbers by 10?
(Dividing whole numbers by 10 is like counting by 10. To
divide whole numbers by 10, cancel the same number of
zeros in both the dividend and the divisor. Then, divide.)
100 10 = 10
90 10 = 9
C. Performing an Activity
Guided Practice
a. Work in Pairs- Contest
Group the pupils by 2 each pair will be given a task card.
100 10 24 4 355 8010 164 20 4
36 4 1010 155
b. Work in group of 4.
1. Form groups with 4 members.
2. Give each group an activity card to work on.
3. The group who will get the most number of correct answers
will win.
Group 1 Activity Card
Follow the number paths.
1. Start End
2. Start End
9 5 4
8 1 7 3 6 2
Group 2 Activity Card
Follow the number paths.
1. Start End
2. Start
Group 3 Activity Card
Follow the number paths.
1. Start End
2. Start End
Group 4 Activity Card
Directions: Follow the number paths.
1. Start
2. Start End
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
To help pupils acquire the mastery of division facts, let them
master the multiplication facts.
For their activities ask these questions.
1. What are needed divisors to answer the given pair and group
(4, 5 and 10)
2. How do you divide whole numbers by 5?
(Dividing whole numbers by 5 is like counting by 5.)
3. How do you divide whole numbers by 10?
(To divide whole numbers by 10, cancel the same number of
zeros in both dividend and the divisor. Then, divide.)
4. What multiplication facts are related to division facts of 4?
(Multiplication facts of 4)
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we divide numbers by 4, 5 and 10?
Do multiplication facts help you to get the quotient in dividing
numbers by 4, 5 and 10? How?
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Choose one divisor and one dividend to make a division
sentence. You may use each number more than once
24 80
Construct a division sentence whose quotient is.
1. 9
2. 7
3. 8
4. 4
5. 6
How did you answer the activity?
Did you copy from your seatmate? Why?
Stress the value of doing ones work independently.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners
Divide mentally numbers found in the multiplication tables of
2, 3, 4, 5, and 10
Dividing Mentally 1- to 2- Digit Numbers by a 1- Digit Number
found in the Multiplication tables of 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10
Drill cards, counters (e.g. straws, popsicle sticks, etc.),
word problems written on cartolina, illustrations, activity cards
and division flash cards
Values Integration: Accuracy
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Let the pupils count by 2s, by 3s, by 4s, by 5s and by 10s
using a number line.
2. Review
Find the multiplication sentence that will match the
division sentence. Write the letter of the correct answer
on the blank before each number.
______1. 10 2 a. 4 5
______2. 27 3 b. 1 10
______3. 16 4 c. 9 3
______4. 20 5 d. 8 3
______5. 70 10 e. 2 4
______6. 12 2 f. 5 2
______7. 24 3 g. 9 5
______8. 8 4 h. 4 4
______9. 45 5 i. 8 10
______10. 80 10 j. 6 2
k. 9 3
3. Motivation
Work in triads
1. Distribute popsicle sticks or straws to the pupils.
( Use counters )
How many ways can you group equally 20 popsicle sticks or straws?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Posing a problem opener
1. What did Mrs. Bajador do?
2. How many rows were there in her class?
3. How many Math books were distributed?
4. How will you solve this problem?
You can divide 45 by 5 mentally.
45 as 40 + 5
40 5 = 8 divide the tens
5 5 = 1 divide the ones
8 + 1 = 9 add the answer
Answer: Nine (9) Math books were given to each row.
Solve it by using division by formation of equal groups of objects.
Show this illustration to the pupils.
Dividend Divisor Quotient
32 4 = 8 number of
pineapples in each
number of number of boxes
Mrs. Bajador distributed 45 Math books equally among the 5 rows in her
class. How many books were given to each row?
A farmer picked 32 pineapples. He has 4 boxes. If he will put equal
numbers in each box, how many pineapples will each box have?
- What is the number to be divided? (32)
- What is the number which divides? (4)
- What is the answer? (8)
c. Present 12 flowers or any available objects. Let the pupils count the
objects by 3s. Then ask how many 3s are there. Relate the counting
by 3s into repeated subtraction. Show the number sentence 12 3 =
Present: 12
-3 1
-3 2
-3 3
-3 4
Ask: How many times did you subtract 3 and end up with 0? (4 times)
d. The teacher will give more examples.
Divide mentally. (written or card)
a. 100 10 = n
b. 45 5 = n
c. 28 4 = n
d. 18 3 = n
e. 6 2 = n
C. Performing an Activity
Guided Practice
Divide by 2
Input Output
10 5
14 _
6 _
_ 8
_ 1
20 _
a. Find the missing input or output.
b. Philippine National Symbols
They consist of symbols that represent Philippine traditions,
ideals and national identity.
What are the national symbols of the Philippines?
Your job is to find out.
Instruction for the activity
1. Divide mentally and then match the quotient.
2. The quotient will tell you the national symbol.
Divide mentally Quotient and National Symbol
1. National Fruit 6 Philippine Eagle
20 2 = __
2. National Flower 6 Dr. Jose P. Rizal
15 3 = __
3. National Hero 10 Mango
24 4 = __
4. National Bird 1 Lupang Hinirang
30 5 = __
5. National Anthem 3 Sipa
10 10 = __ 4 Sampaguita
How did you answer the given activities?
Were your answers accurate?
What should be done to get the correct answers at all times?
Divide by 10
Input Output
30 _
_ 5
70 _
_ 10
_ 8
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Instill in the minds of the pupils that mastery on multiplication
facts of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 will help them divide mentally 1- to 2-
digit numbers by 1- digit number correctly. Let them remember
that multiplication is the inverse of division.
How do we divide mentally 1- to 2- digit numbers by 1- digit
number correctly?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we divide mentally 2- digit numbers by 1- digit found in the
multiplication tables of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10? How did you do it?
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Kinesthetic Math
The teacher will show flashcards (clouds design) of basic division facts
and the pupils will act out the answer through body number coding.
Digit Movement
1 Forefinger and thumb forming zero
2 Hand Salute
3 Hands on shoulders
4 Right hand on the head
5 Stand straight
6 Hands on knees
7 Arms forward
8 Hands on waist
9 Do peace sign
10 Stamp your feet twice
a. 12 2 = g. 24 3 =
b. 18 3 = h. 36 4 =
c. 4 4 = i. 25 5 =
d. 15 5 = j. 4 2 =
e. 100 10 = k. 12 4 =
f. 20 2 = l. 35 5 =
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Tell and write what is asked, what are given, the word clue and
the operation to be used in the word problems involving division
Analyzing and Solving One-Step Word problems Involving
Division of Numbers Found in the Multiplication Tables of 2, 3,
4, 5, and 10 (What is Asked, What is/are Given, Word clues
and Operation to be used)
Division flash card, illustrations, problems on chart, activity
cards and spinning wheel cut outs
Values Integration: Cooperation
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Division facts on flash cards
a. 63 = f. 153 =
b. 82 = g. 183 =
c. 99 = n. 244 =
d.105 = i. 306 =
e. 123 = j. 284 =
2. Review
Spin each wheel. Give the quotient.
3. Motivation
Show an illustration.
Read and study.
B. Presenting the lesson
The teacher and pupils analyze the word problem.
1. How many balloons does Linda have? (10 balloons)
2. How many friends will be given balloons equally? (5 friends)
Let us analyze and solve.
1. What is asked for in the problem?
(The number of balloons each friend will get.)
2. What are given?
(10 - number of balloons and 5 friends who will be given
3. What are word clues? (give equally , each one get)
4. What operation is to be used? (Division)
C. Performing an Activity
1. Group the pupils into 5.
2. Give each group a word problem written on a Manila
3. Let the group act out the problem to arrive at the correct answer.
4. Ask the group reporter to present their analysis of the word
problem after it has been acted out.
Linda has 10 balloons. She will give these equally to 5 of
her friends. How many balloons will each one get?
(Guide the pupils in solving the word problem. Let them go through
the given steps to acquire the necessary skill in solving problems.)
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Motivate the pupils to internalize the basic steps in problem
solving involving division through visualizing the situation.
Elicit from the pupils the steps problem solving.
1. What is asked?
2. What are given?
3. What are the word clues?
4. What is the operation to be used?
Delfin has 21 marbles. If he will give them equally to
his 7 cousins, how many marbles will each one get?
Mang Carlos harvested 48 pieces of tomatoes. If he
wants to give them equally to his 7 of his neighbors, how
many will each receive?
Vergie picked 50 pieces of rambutan. She shared
them equally to her 5 sisters. How many pieces of rambutan
did each receive?
Mother prepared 63 slices of cake for her 9 visitors.
How many slices of cake will each one have?
Mrs. Santos has 49 Mathematics workbooks to carry. She
asked 7 pupils to help her. How many Mathematics
workbooks will each pupil carry?
Possible Answer of Word Problems No. 1
What is
What are
What are the
What is the
operation to
be used?
The number
of marbles
each cousin
will get
21-number of
marbles and
7-number of
cousins who
will be given
give equally
and each one
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the lesson
What are the first four steps in analyzing 1- step word problem
involving division?
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
Activity: Pair - Solve Share
Provide another problem to be analyzed by each pair. Let them
complete the concept map to solve the word problem.
Adol bundled 72 okras. He
had 8 okras in each bundle. How
many bundles did he have?
What is
What are
What are the
word clues?
What is the
operation to be
How did you work with your partner?
Did each member share? How?
Do you practice this also at home also? How?
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
1. Transform the word problem into a number sentence
involving division
2. Use the correct operation and state the complete answer
Analyzing and Solving One Step Word Problems Involving
Division of Numbers Found in the Multiplication Tables of 2 ,3,
4, 5 and 10 (Transforming Word Problems into Number
Sentences and Stating the Complete Answer)
Division flash cards, charts, activity sheets, illustrations, cartolina
strips and pentel pens
Values Integration: Cheerfulness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
a. Game: The Ship is sinking
Choose 35 pupils. Teacher tells a story.
One day 35 passengers rode on a ship. At the middle of the sea, the
captain of the ship shouts, the ships sinking, the life boats can carry only 10
passengers each. Groups yourselves into 10.(Out of 35 pupils, only 3
groups of 10 will be formed. The remaining 5 will not be included anymore)
Teacher shouts again, the ship is sinking. The life boats can carry only 8
passengers each. Group yourselves into 8.etc.
2. Review
The teacher prepares a chart for this activity.
Say: Here are the word problems. Let us read and analyze
Problem 1
Darwin has 22 guava fruits. He wants to put 2 guavas in each
basket. How many baskets does he need?
a. How many guava fruits does Darwin have?
b. Where will he put the guava fruits?
c. What is asked in the problem?
d. What are the given facts?
e. What key words tell you to divide?
f. What operation will you use?
a. What did father buy at the bakeshop?
b. How many children will be given kutsinta?
c. What is asked in the problem?
d. What are the given facts?
e. What process must be used to solve the problem?
f. What word clue /clues tell/ tells what process we are going to
3. Motivation
Father bought 24 pieces of kutsinta at the bakeshop. He
gave them to his 6 children equally. How many kutsinta did
each child get?
What do you see in the picture?
What is he planting?
Do you have vegetable garden at home?
Say: Let us read and analyze the word problem.
B. Presenting the Lesson
Let us analyze the word problem.
1. How many plots are used for planting pechays? (9 plots)
2. How many pechays does Mang Caloy have? (72 pechays)
3. What is asked in the problem?
(The number of pechays which will be planted in each plot.)
4. What are given information/facts?
9- number of plots
72- number of pechays
5. What is the key word tell you to divide? (in each plot)
6. What operation must be used to solve the problem? (division)
7. What is the number sentence?
729= or 9 72
8. What is the complete answer? (Each plot will be planted with 8
C. Performing an Activity
Group Activity - Climbing ladder to reach the castle
a. Group a team of four.
b. Each team is given an activity card where the word problem
is written.
c. An illustration of stairs is posted on the wall to be answered
by each team.
d. Each team writes their answers on cartolina strips. These
Mang Caloy is a gardener. He plants pechays in 9 plots.
If he has 72 pechays, how many will be planted in each plot?
strips will be posted in each step of the stairs.
e. The team with the most number of correct answers wins
Complete Answer
Number sentence
Word Clue
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Dennis gathered 18 eggs from his poultry. He will put 6 eggs in
each small box. How many boxes will be needed?
There are 45 pupils who will occupy 5 rows of seats in the multi-media
room. How many pupils will occupy a row?
Mr. Espiritu had 100 books in the library. He placed them in 10 shelves.
How many books were in each shelf?
Aling Deling had 60 roses. She arranged the same number of
roses in 6 vases. How many roses were in each vase?
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
To help pupils acquire the desired skills, let them master the
steps in problem solving through eliciting ideas about it.
1. What is asked?
2. What are given?
3. What is the world clue?
4. What operation will be used?
5. What is the number sentence?
6. What is the complete answer? Show your solution.
E. Reinforcing the concepts and skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the lesson
How do we change a word problem into a number sentence?
What are the complete steps in solving word problems involving
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
Pair-shared Activity
Transform the following problems into number sentences. Then,
write your complete answer on a piece of paper.
Number sentence:_______________________
Complete answer:_______________________
Number sentence:_______________________
Complete answer:_______________________
John has 40 marbles. He plans to give 8 marbles to
each of his playmates. How many playmates will be
Daisy has 49 lollipops. If she will give them equally to
her 7 classmates, how many lollipops will each one
How do you find answering the activity sheet?
How were you able to get the answer so quick?
How did you work with your partner?
What character trait is being developed?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners
Visualize and identify unit fractions with denominators 10 and
Visualizing and Identifying Unit Fractions
cutouts of different shapes, cards with fractions, cards with
shapes, illustration boards.
Values Integration: Generosity
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill- Draw some lines on the shapes.
2. Review Into how many equal parts are each of the following
shapes divided?
3. Motivation
Say: Look at the shaded part of each rectangle.
1 1 1
4 7 8
(Let the pupils read the fraction)
Ask: How many equal part is the region divided?
What part of the region is shaded?
One of the equal parts is called;
We Write: 1, 1, 1
4 7 8
We say: One-fourth; one-seventh; one-eight
B. Presenting the Lesson
Present a word problem.
Eddie cut a piece of sugarcane into 4 equal parts. He
gave a one piece to his friend and ate the rest. What part
of his friend get? (1 part)
-Guide the pupils in analyzing the problem.
-Help them visualize and identify the unit of fraction.
What kind of a boy is Eddie?
What value does he possess?
Do you want to be like him? Why?
C. Performing an Activity
Guided Activity
Activity Sheet I
Draw or visualize each unit of fraction.
1. 1/3
2. 1/8
3. 1/5
4. 1/6
Activity sheet 2
Give the unit fractions for the region illustrations
a. d.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity.
Let the pupils observe the figures.
Ask: How many equivalent parts does each figure have?
Have the pupils write the numerals representing the number
of equal parts each has.
Ask: What fraction represents the whole number?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we visualize and identify the unit of fraction?
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
Read the word problems. Answer the questions.
Circle your answers.
1. Eliza and her 8 friends shared 1 cake equally.
Which fraction tells what each will get?
a. 1/5 b. 1/8 c. 1/6
2. A group of 9 friends is sharing a buko pie.
Each group gets 1 pie.
This is 1/9
of the pie. Draw lines on the buko pie.
Show how they cut the buko pie.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Read unit fractions in symbols and in words.
Reading and Writing Unit Fractions in Symbols and in Words.
cutouts of different shapes, cards with fractions, cards with
shapes, illustration, boards, pre-cut fruits, cartolina strips.
Values Integration: Sharing
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill: Name the shaded part of the following.
a. b. c.
d. e. f.
2. Review
a. Divide the figure into 2. Shade of it.
b. Divide the figure into 4. Shade of it
c. Divide the figure into 5. Shade 1/5 of it.
d. Divide the figure into 8. Shade 1/8 of it.
3. Motivation
Conduct a game.
a. Make a several pairs of cards like the one shown below.
c. Shuffle the cards and place them on the chalk ledge facing
d. Divide the class into 2 groups. At the teachers signal, a
player from each group chooses 2 cards and inverts them.
Of the cards match, the keeps the cards. Otherwise, the
player returns the cards to their original position. The team
with the most number of cards wins.
B. Presenting the Lesson
After the game, let the pupils display the pairs of cards in the
pocket chart. Let the pupils choose the number name of the unit
fractions written on cartolina strips.
Let the pupils read the unit fractions with their number names.
Example: 1
6 one sixth
-What do you call the number above the bar line? (Numerator)
-What do you call the number below the bar line? (Denominator)
C. Performing an Activity
-Let the pupils do the following activities.
Activity I
Group the pupils into 3.
On the top of the table are pre-cut fruits. The leader of each
group will get fruits and distribute them to every member of his/
her group.
Group I
Divide the fruit into 4 equal parts and get one part.
Group II
Divide the fruit into 6 equal parts and get one part.
Group III
Divide the fruit into 8 equal parts and get one part.
Ask the pupils:
What part of the fruit will write on the cartolina strips and put
them in the pocket chart. Let the pupils read their answers.
Activity 2
Read the problem. Let the pupils act it out then answer the
questions that follow.
Three children had a sugar cane.
They cut it into 3 equal parts.
What part did each child gets? (1 part)
Into how many parts is the sugarcane divided? (3)
How many cuts did each child share? (1)
Therefore, every child shared 1 of the 3 cuts.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity.
What do you call the number above the bar line? (Numerator)
What do you call the number below the bar line? (Denominator)
How do you write the unit of fractions in symbol?
How do you write the unit of fractions in words?
In words, we say one-eight
In symbol, we write 1/8.
Therefore, 1/8 is a fraction
1 --- is called numerator
8 ----is called denominator
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer in Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we read and write unit fractions in symbols and in
G. Applying the New and Other Situation
a. Write the fractions for the shaded part in words and in symbol.
Words Symbol
1. _____________ _______________
2. _____________ ________________
3. ____________ ________________
4. _____________ _______________
5. _____________ ________________
b. Ring the correct fraction for the shaded parts.
1 1 1
1. 4 5 3
1 1 1
2. 3 2 4
1 1 1
3. 7 8 6
1 1 1
4. 6 8 5
1 1 1
5. 8 3 4
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Compare unit fractions using relation symbols
Comparing Unit Fractions Using Relation Symbols
Cut-outs of shapes, activity sheets
Values Integration: Fairness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Using cutouts let the pupils identify the shaded part of the shapes.
1. 4.
2. 5.
2. Review
Present illustrations showing and
3. Motivation
Let them compare with their classmates.
Focus on how they compare people.
Ask: Do they look at the negative side more than the
positive aspects of the person
(Introduce the lesson on comparing)
It is important to be fair in everything we do. It is also
important that we judge fairly.
B. Presenting the Lesson
Reading a Word Story
a. One afternoon, Ruby was so hungry. She went to the
canteen to take a snack. She looked at the slice of
Ask: Which slice do you think she chose? Why?
b. Show this illustration:
is greater than 1/3
> 1/3
1/8 is less than
1/8 <
1/3 is equal to 1/3
1/3 = 1/3
Ask: Which shaded part is greater? (1/2)
Which shaded part is least? (1/8)
Which shaded part is equal? (1/3)
C. Performing an Activity.
Group Activity
Group I Compare the fractions. Ring the correct
1 1
4 4
1 1
3 6
1 1
2 4
1 1
6 8
Group II
Write the correct symbol to compare the fractions.
After the groups answers their activity. Let them present their
answers to the class.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity.
Say: In comparing fractions with numerator, the greater the
denominator the smaller the fraction. The symbols used in
comparing fractions are:
> means is greater than
< means is less than
= means is equal to or Equals
Ask: If we put symbol to represent the relation of the shaded part.
What relation symbol are we going to use?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: How do we compare unit fractions using relation symbol?
(When comparing unit fractions a smaller denominator is greater
than fraction with a bigger denominator.)
G. Applying the New and Other Situation.
Answer the question with Yes or No.
1. Is greater than 1/3?
2. Is greater than ?
3. Is 1/5 less than ?
4. Is 1/8 greater than 1/10?
5. Is less than ?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Order unit fractions from least to greatest and vice versa.
Ordering Unit Fractions from Least to Greatest and Vice
flashcards, charts, activity sheets
Value Integration: Sharing
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill: Write (greater than) > or (less than) < to compare
the numbers below.
25 28 45 30 100 90
30 50 80 50
2. Review
a. Which is the greater?
1 1 1
2 3 4
b. Which is the least?
1 1 1
4 2 3
3. Motivation
Which would you rather have, of a cake or 1/3 of a cake?
Why (1/2 is larger than 1/3)
Suppose you were given a bigger part and your younger sister
still wants more?
Ask: - What would you do?
-Are you willing to share some of the things you have with
other people? Why?
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Read the problem
Ruby wants 1/5 of a cake. Dante wants 1/8 of a cake.
Who will eat more? (Ruby)
-Give out the fraction pieces and let the pupils model 1/5 and
-Discuss which fraction is bigger.
b. Let us study the drawings below.
1/2 1/3 1/4
Ask: - Which is the least? (1/4)
- Which is the greatest? (1/2)
- Can you arrange the fractions above in two different ways?
From least to greatest: 1/4, 1/3, 1/2
From greatest to least: 1/2, 1/3, 1/4
c. Comparing parts of whole region (use cut out of shapes)
Present the figures below
1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10
Greatest to least: 1/6, 1/7, 1/8, 1/9, 1/10
Least to Greatest: 1/10, 1/9, 1/8, 1/7, 1/6
Let the pupils observe the figures and let them compare the
fraction by using the symbols > or <.
C. Performing an Activity
Guided Activities
a. Identify the fractions corresponding to the shaded parts.
Order them from least to greatest, then from greatest to
________ _________ _________
________ ________ ________
________ ________ ________
Set of Fractions Least to Greatest Greatest to Least
b. Arrange each set of fractions from least to greatest, then
from greatest to least.
1. 1/5, 1/3, 1/2, 1/4
Greatest to Least: ___________
Least to Greatest: ___________
2. 1/4, 1/6, 1/5, 1/3
Greatest to Least: ___________
Least to Greatest: ___________
3. 1/9, 1/9, 1/8, 1/10,
Greatest to Least: ___________
Least to Greatest: ___________
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Say: To order fraction with unit fraction, First we compare the
denominators. The greatest the value of the fraction.
It is helpful to write a number in a circle next to each
fraction to compare them more easily.
Lets look at another example of ordering fractions with
unit fractions
1/5, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2
Fraction Order
E. Reinforcing the Concepts
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we order unit fractions?
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
Read the problem then answer the questions that follow.
Carol use of a piece of yellow paper.
Amy uses of a piece of yellow paper.
Emma uses
of a piece of yellow paper.
Who uses more yellow paper? (Carol)
Who uses less yellow paper? (Emma)
Order the fractions from greatest to least. (1/5, , )
Order the fractions from least to greatest. (1/2, , 1/5)
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Visualize and identify other fraction less than one with
denominators 10 and below.
Visualizing and Identifying Fractions Less than One.
cut-outs of different objects, chart and flashcard
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill: Name the shaded part.
1/3 1/2 1/4
2. Review- Parts of fractions
Ask: In
What do numbers 1 and 3 means?
What do we call them?
How about the 4s?
What do we call them?
3. Motivation
Show a cake model.
The baker divided the cake into 8 equal parts to
be share among his friends.
Ask: What do you call one of the equivalent parts?
Who can write the fraction in figure?
Write it in words?
Valuing: What is the thing that you share to your friends?
Your family?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Show an illustration of the cake on the board.
Do: Let the pupil share two of the eight equivalent parts
Ask: How many parts are shaded?
(The shaded parts of were given to Roy and Rey)
What parts of the whole cake was given to Roy and Rey?
Who can represent the shaded parts in figures?
Do: Read the fractions.
Ask: How do we write it in words? (two-eighths)
Now, what part of the whole cake was left?
Ask the pupil to write the fraction in figures and in words.
Do: Let the pupils shade the whole region.
Ask: What fraction represents the whole region?
equal to the whole region?
= 1
less than
less than
Comparing the parts of whole region (Use cutout shapes)
Present the figures below.
Do: Let the pupils observe the figures.
Ask: How many equivalent parts does each figure have?
Do: Have the pupils write the numerals representing the number
of equal parts each figure has .
Let the pupils write the numerals representing the shaded
parts in their show- me cards.
Ask the pupils to compare the fraction by using the symbols >, <.
C. Performing an Activity
Guided Activities
1. Drawing regions for the given numerals
a. Let the pupils draw regions to represent the following
1/3 , 2/3 , 2/3 , 3/4 , 1/6
b. Comparing parts of fractions (Numerator and Denominator)
Ask: What do we call?
1 in 1/4? 2 in 2/3? 3 in 3/4? etc.
c. What does the numerator represents? ____________
d. What does the denominator tell us? ______________
2. Using a number line, ask pupils to divide it into 5 equivalent
Ask: Into how many equivalent parts is the line segment
What do you call 2 of the equivalent parts?_________
Write the fraction in figure and on words. __________
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: What can you say about the numerators of fractions in
relation to their denominators?
Say: The numerators are less than the denominators. We
call these, fractions less than one.
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in the Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: How do we know if a fraction is less than one?
Say: A fraction is less than one when the numerator is less than
the denominator.
G. Applying the New and Other Situation
Write if the fractions is less than one and X if its not less than
______ 1. 1/3 _______ 6. 12/10
______ 2. 2/5 _______ 7. 8/5
______ 3. 3/6 _______ 8. 6/5
______ 4. 4/8 _______ 9. 9/7
______ 5. 5/9 _______ 10. 15/12
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Visualize and identify similar fractions (using group of objects
and number line.)
Visualizing and Identifying Similar Fractions (using group of
objects and number line.)
flashcards, activity sheets, scissors, paper, crayon, ruler and
Values Integration: Alertness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
a. Can you identify the following shapes?
b. Into how many equal parts are each of the following shapes
a. b. c. d.
2. Review
3. Motivation
Present a situation to the class.
Larry sliced a banana cake into 8 equal parts. He ate 3/8 of
the cake and shared 5/8 with his cousin Richard.
How did you feel while doing your work?
Did you enjoy it?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Ask: Into how many equal parts did Larry slice the banana
cake? (8 equal parts)
What part of banana cake did Larry eat?
(3/8 of the banana cake)
How many equal parts of banana cake did Larry share to
his cousin Richard? (5/8)
Ask: What are the fractions presented in the situation? (3/8 and 5/8)
What have you noticed to their denominators?
(Both fractions have the same denominators.)
Say: The fractions 3/8 and 5/8 are examples of similar fractions because
both fractions have the same denominators.
Do: Present the number line to visualize the concept of similar fractions.
Number line
0 1/8 2/8 3/8 4/8 5/8 6/8 7/8 8/8
Ask: Into how many equal parts is the whole number line divided?
What do you call each of the equal parts?
We say: one-eighth, two-eighths, three-eighths, four-eighths, five-
eighths, six-eighths, seven-eighths and eight-eighths
We write: 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, and 8/8
Ask: What do you call these fractions? (similar fractions)
Do: Present similar fractions using group of objects.
Ask: What are the fractional parts of the shaded hearts? (1/3, 2/3 and 3/3)
What have you noticed to their denominators?
(They have the same denominators which is 3.)
What do you call these fractions? (similar fractions)
C. Performing an Activity
Do: Divide the class into 3 groups. Each group will be given an
activity card. They will do what the instructions ask them to do.
Group 1
Activity Card
Visualize similar fractions using the number line.
Number line: ___________________________________________
Group 2
Activity Card
Directions: Identify similar fractions using group of objects.
Group 3
Activity Card
Draw a number line to show similar fractions of group of objects.
Number line: ______________________________________
D. Processing the Result of the Activity
Ask the pupils what they have observed about the denominators.
What do these fractions have in common?
E. Reinforcing the Concept and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in the Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: How do we visualize and identify the similar fractions?
(Similar fractions can be visualized and identified through
the denominators that have in common.)
Ask: How do we represent a fraction?
(A fraction is a part of a whole. It represents a part of a set,
a part of a line and can be used to name every part of a
G. Applying the New and Other Situation
Let the pupils answer the following.
1. Mother bought ten pieces of loaf bread. Her children ate five
pieces.What fraction of the ten loaf bread was eaten?
Answer: (Show the illustration and give the fractional part.)
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in the Learners Material.
Read and write similar fractions.
Reading and Writing Similar Fractions.
cut-outs on different shapes, cards with fractions, cards with
shapes, illustration boards, mini-board
Values Integration: Sharing
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
a. Oral What is the shaded part?
b. Written Show the correct answer.
(Use the mini-board)
1/3, 2/3, 3/3
2. 1/5, 2/5, 5/5
3. 3/6, 2/6, 6/6
2. Review Show the correct answer. (Use the mini-
a. two- fifth - 2/5, 1/6, 1/3
b. one-third - 2/3, 1/3, 3/3
c. one-six - 1/5, 1/6, 6/6
d. one-half - 1/2, 1/3, 2/2
3. Motivation
Have you ever experienced being given a slice of cake
and still have to share that slice to someone?
How does it feel sharing the things given to you with
B. Presenting the Lesson
Say: Into how many parts is the cake divided?
(Only two parts is shaded)
Ask: What do you call this part? (2/5)
We say: Two of the five equal parts or two-fifth.
We write: 2/5
C. Performing an Activity
Arrange the whole class into five columns.
Let the pupils do the given directions.
a. Give out an illustration board, a piece of chalk and an
eraser to each column.
b. The first member of each column will write on the black
side of the illustration board the fraction and the fraction
name of the shaded part of the objects that the teacher
c. After writing the answer, the pupils will raise their boards,
show and read their answers to the whole class. The pupil who
answers correctly gets a point for the team.
d. The game continues in that manner until all the members
of each team have taken their turns. The team that earned the
most number of points wins.
How does it feel sharing the things given to you with
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: What did we do to the similar fractions?
What is the part which we consider?
What indicates the total number of parts when a whole is
divided equally
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we read and write similar fractions?
G. Applying to New and Other Situation.
Choose and encircle the correct answer.
1. 2/3 is shaded. Is it written as (one-fifth, one-
third, two- third)
2. 3/6 is shaded. Is it written as (one-sixth, three-
sixth, two-sixth)
2/6 is shaded. Is it written as (two-sixth, three-
3. sixth)
2/4 is shaded. Is it written as (one-fourth, two-
4. fourth, four-fourth)
5. 3/4 is shaded. Is it written as (three-fourth,
two-fourth, one-fourth)
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Compare similar fractions using relation symbols.
Comparing Fractions Using Relation Symbols
Cut-outs on different shapes, activity sheets
Values Integration: Fairness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Conduct a drill on reading and writing fractions.
a. Have them read the following
3 ,
b. Write the following: one third, two-thirds, three-thirds
2. Review
Name the shaded part
a. c. e.
b. d.
3. Motivation
Call the two pupils. Let them compare two of their
Ask: What words / phrases do we use in comparing?
Say: Today we are going to compare similar fractions.
Lets find out.
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Present a word story.
Mother bought 2 rice cakes. She divided one rice cakes to her
3 daughters.
She divided the other rice to her 2 sons.
a. What part of the rice cake did each son get? (1 part)
b. What part of the rice cake did each daughter get? (1 part)
c. Who got the greater share? (2 sons)
d. Who get the lesser share? (3 daughters)
e. If we put symbol to represent the relation to their shares, we
use the symbol > for greater than and < for less than.
f. How do we express the relation between the sons shares to
the daughters share?(The sons shares is greater than to the
daughters share)
g. How about the daughters share to the sons share? (The
daughters share is less than compare to the sons share.)
b. Show this illustration.
Ask: What do you see in the picture?
Into how many parts is the first rectangle divides? (4parts)
What do you call the shaded part? (2/4)
Into how many parts is the second rectangle divided? (4
What do you call the shaded part? (3/4)
Which shaded part is greater?
If we put symbol to represent the relation of the shaded part
of the 2 rectangles, what symbol are we going to use?
You father bought a cake. He asked you to divide it so that each
member of the family will have a share. How will you divide it?
c. Show another example:
Set 1 Set 2
Ask: What do you see in the picture?
How many balls are there in set 1? (10 balls)
How many balls are there in set 2? (10 balls)
What part is encircled in set 1? (2 parts)
What part is encircled in set 1? (3 parts)
Which encircled part is greater, set 1 or set 2? (set 2)
Which encircled part is, set 1 or set 2? (set1)
Say: If we put symbol to represent the relation of the 2 sets,
what relation symbol are we going to use?
C. Performing on Activity
Activity 1:
The pupils will recite a poem on comparing fractions like;
I have learned that, 6/8 is greater than 4/8. 8/10 is greater than 5/10.
And 4/8 is lesser than 6/8. Ill never understand these.
If not for my teacher dear Who teaches us so clear?
Activity 2:
Compare the following using relation symbols >, < or =.
Act out the symbols using their arms.
3 5
8 8
2 4
5 5
3 2
4 4
d. 2 2
5 5
e. 6 5
10 10
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Say: In comparing fractions with the same denominator, we
remember that a fraction consists of the two numbers
separated by a line. The top number (or numerator) tells how
many fractional pieces there are.
In the fraction 3/8, we have three pieces. The denominator of
a fraction tells how many pieces an object was divided into.
The fraction
3/8 tells us that the whole object was divided into 8 pieces.
Say: If the denominators of two fractions are the same, the
fraction with the largest numerator is the larger fraction. For
example 5/8 is larger than 3/8 because all of the pieces are
the same and five pieces are more than three pieces.
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material F.
Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: How do we compare similar fractions using relation symbols?
Say: When comparing fractions with the same denominator, the
fraction with the largest numerator is the larger fraction.
Ask: What symbols do we use in comparing fractions?
Say: We use the symbols < (less than) and > (more than). We can
use the symbol = (equal) if the fractions being compared are
the same.
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
Indicate whether each fraction is greater than, less than or equal
to the others.
1. 1 2
3 3
2. 3 2
5 5
3. 2 1
4 4
4. 2 2
5 5
5. 1 1
3 3
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Order similar fractions.
Ordering Similar Fractions from Least to Greatest and Vice-Versa.
flash cards, fraction bars, charts, activity sheets
Values Integration: Sharing
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Write > or < to compare the numbers below.
29 31 37 35 43 40
48 52 36 28 56
2. Review
Tell whether the fraction is similar, dissimilar, mixed or improper
a. 1/4 and 2/4 c. 3/5 and 2/3
b. 6/4 d. 1 2/
3. Motivation
Ask: Which would you rather have 2/5 of a cake or 3/5 of a cake?
Why? (3/5 is larger than 2/5) Suppose you were given a
bigger part and your younger sister still wants more?
What would you do? Are you willing to share some of the
things you have with other people? Why?
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Read the problem
In the art class, leaders were asked to share their
cartolinas with their members. Francis used 3/8 of the
cartolina, John used 1/8 and Luis used 4/8
Ask: Who used the least materials?
Who used the most materials?
Can you order the fraction from least to greatest?
Method 1
Representing fractions through regions
1. Study the fraction base
2. Compare the shaded part of the regions.
3. What will be the order of fractions from least to
(1/8, 3/8, 4/8)
Method 2
Presenting fractions through a number line.
Study the number line
0 1/8 2/8 3/8 4/8 5/8 6/8 7/8 8/8
Method 3 Using symbols > and <.
1/8 < 3/8 < 6/8
b. Study this other example: 2 2/4, 3 2/4, 1 3/4
Do: Arrange the fractions in order from greatest to least
Compare the whole numbers 2, 3, 1
Ask: Which number is greatest?
Which number is least?
What will be the order of fraction from greatest to least?
(The order is 3 2/4, 2 2/4 and 1 2/4)
C. Performing an Activity
Guided Activity
Activity 1
a. Identify the fractions of the shaded parts, and then order
them from least to greatest, then greatest to least.
1. ____________
2. ____________ ___________ __________
Activity 2
a. Order these fractions from greatest to least.
1. 3/6, 1/6, 4/6
2. 6/15, 5/15, 3/15
3. 6/12, 2/12, 5/12
4. 4/5, 1/5, 3/5
5. 4/9, 8/9, 2/9
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Say: Please note that with fraction s having 1 as numerator,
the smaller the denominator, the greater the fraction.
With fractions having the same denominator, the larger
the numerator, the greater the fraction. Any fraction
whose numerator is the same as its denominator
is equal to 1.
E. Reinforcing the Concepts
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: How do we order similar fractions?
Say: In ordering similar fractions, compare the numerator, the
greater the numerator, the greater the value of the fractions.
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
Read the problem answer the questions that follow.
Neil sold 8/15 kilogram of calamansi, Richard sold 5/15 kilogram, Ricky
9/15 kilogram and Rico 12/15 kilogram.
Ask: Who sold the most number of calamansi?
Who sold the least number of calamansi?
Do: Order the fractions from greatest to least?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Read and write money with value through 100
Reading and Writing Money with Value through 100
Real Philippine bills and coins, play money, flash cards
Values Integration: Nationalism
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Counting numbers orally through 100.
2. Review
(Using flash cards)
Let the pupils read the flash cards.
3. Motivation
Lina is fond of collecting coins and bills of Philippine money.
She has complete denomination from one centavo to 100
peso bills.
Ask: What is the hobby of Lina?
Who of you has the same hobby with Lina?
Can you tell what are your collected coins and bills?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Say: Like Lina , I have also a collection of Philippine money.
I have here different coins and paper bills.
Let us identify each one of them and describe the sizes
of each coin and the color of each bill .
one peso
five centavos
thirty pesos
ten pesos
Twenty-five centavos
or or or
0.05 P 0.10 P 0.25
or or
100 500
Let the pupils read then write in words.
Let them read a combination of peso and centavo.
1. 50
Ask: How are the amounts of money written ?
What is the sign for peso?centavo? How is a centavo
written after an amount? What other centavo sign is
used if it is accompanied by a peso. (Point)
How is a point read in an amount? (and)
Read 25.50 then write in words.
Twenty five pesos and fifty centavos.
20 50 100
25 10 5
P1 P5
Whos faces are printed in the Pilippine bills and coins.
Can you name and give the value they are representing?
Why do you think our National heroes faces are printed on the
Philippine money? (possible answers)
C. Performing an Activity
Group Activity
Group the pupils into 4. Provide 1/2 sheet of manila paper.
Let each group writes their money on hand or baon for the day using
symbols for peso and centavo.
Name of Pupil Amount in symbols Amount in words
Let the pupils read the amount they have written.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity.
How do you write the amount of money?
What sign do you use if the amount is a combination of
peso and centavo?
Where did you write the point? How is a point read?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Materials.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we read money in symbols through P100?
(We read money like reading whole numbers and adding
centavos and pesos afterwards.)
How do we write money through P100 in symbols?
(We write money in symbols by writing the peso or
centavo sign with the money value. We write a point to
separate the peso value from the centavo value.)
G. Applying to New and other Situations.
A. Write the following in symbols.
1. twenty- five centavos ( 0.25 or 25c)
2. sixty pesos ( 60.00)
3. twenty-five pesos ( 25.00)
4. five pesos and three centavos ( 5.03)
5. seven pesos ( 7.00)
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners
Count and tell the value of a set of coins through 100 in peso
Counting and Telling the Value of a set of Coins through
100 in Peso (coins only)
Real Philippine bills and coins, play money, flash cards
Values Integration: Thriftiness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Teacher shows coins. Then let the pupils identify each coin.
2. Review
Let the pupils answer the activity.
Read and write in symbols.
1. eighteen pesos
2. fifty pesos
3. nine pesos and thirty-five centavos
4. seventy pesos and ninety centavos
5. twenty-four pesos and five centavos
3. Motivation
Show a piggy bank.
Ask: What can you see on the table? Can you guess whats inside
the piggy bank?
Do you have piggy bank at home?
Whats the use of piggy bank?
What character trait is developed when you save money?
B. Presenting the Lesson
This is Ednas piggy bank. Let us find out how much she has saved
in a month.
How many P10 peso coins are there? (2)Then what is the
value? (P20)
How many P5 peso coins are there?( 8) Then what is the value?
How many P1 peso coins are there?(7)How much is seven I
peso coin? How much is Ednas savings in a month in all?
C. Performing an Activity
Guessing Game
Divide the class into 3 groups. Provide show me board.
Give set of coins then let the group write the amount as fast
as they could.
The group who gives the correct answer shall earn a point.
The group with the highest point will be the winner.
1. I have 2 five-peso coins and a 1 one peso coin. How much
money do I have?
2. There are 2 one peso coin. Give the value.
3. There are 3 five pesos. What is the value?
4. I have 4 ten-peso coins and two one-peso coin. What is the
value of my money?
5. There are 5 five-peso coins. What is the total amount of
D. Processing the Results of the Activity.
What did you do with the set of coins to find its value? How do you
count set of coins? What denomination shall we start counting?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Materials
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we count set of coins?
What denomination shall we start counting?
G. Applying to New and other Situations
Group Game
Divide the class into 2 groups. Choose a leader in each
Distribute activity sheets in each group. Each leader will
report the answers. The group with the highest point will
Activity sheet
15.00 37.00 6.00
32.00 50.00 each
Look at the items and its price. Copy and select the letter of the items that
match the amount below.
(P100) 1.
P32) 2. ___________
(P6) 3. ___________
(P25) 4. ____________
(37) 5.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners
Count and tell the value of a set of bills through 100 in peso
Counting and Telling the Value of a Set of Bills through
100 in Peso
Real Philippine bills and coins play money, flash cards,
Values Integration: Punctuality
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Write in symbols.
1. twenty-five centavos
2. fifty pesos
3. seven one peso coins
4. seventy five centavos
5. eleven pesos
2. Review
Checking of assignment
3. Motivation
Jason wanted to buy materials for his Mathematics project
because he would like to submit his project before the
Father gave him one 50 peso bill and two 20 peso- bills. How
much money does he have in all?
Ask: Why did Jason want to buy materials for Mathematics
If you are Jason, would you submit your project ahead
of time? Or on the deadline? Why?
Jason likes to submit project before the deadline. What
character trait does he possess? (Being punctual in submitting
B. Presenting the Lesson
Now, let us find out how much money Jason has in all?
Let us count his bills.
Ask: How many 50-peso bills does Jason have? 1
Then, what is its value? P50.00
How many 20-peso bills are there? 2
How much is the value for the two twenty peso bills?
P 40.00
Lets get the total value of all the bills
P50.00 and P40.00 = P90.00
C. Performing an Activity
Using show- me- board
Let the pupils get their show me board. Let them write the value
of the given sets of bills shown on the flash cards then write the
value on the show me board.
1. 4.
2. 5.
P20 P20
P 50 P 50
P20 P20 P20
P50 P20 P20
P50 P 20
D. Processing the Results of the Activity.
How did you count the sets of bills?
What did you do with the set of bills to find its value? ( Add the
amount like adding whole numbers.)
What denomination shall we start counting? (Greatest
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Materials.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do you count sets of bills? (count the bills starting from the
greatest denomination)
G. Applying to New and other Situations
Group game: Little Bank Depositors
Group the class into three. Give them 5 minutes to work.
The first group to fill in the form correctly shall be the winner.
Let the pupils fill up the deposit slip. Write the correct
denomination of the bills.
(Note: Teacher will demonstrate first by giving example on
the board.)
Activity Sheet
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners
Count and tell the value of a set of coins and bills through
100 in peso
Counting and Telling the Value of a Set of Coins and Bills
through 100 in Peso.
Coins and Bills of different denominator
Play money, real coins
Flash card
Value integration: Sharing and giving
A.Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Let the pupils identify the value of the coins.
2. Review
Checking of assignment
Teacher posts the chart on the board.
Let the pupils match the amount in words in column A with the amount
in figures in column B. Write the letter on a piece of paper.
(c) 1. two 25 pesos a. P20
(b) 2. Three 30 pesos b. P90
(d) 3. Four 10 pesos c. P50
(e) 4. One 30 pesos and one 20 pesos d. P40
(a) 5. One twenty pesos e. P50
3. Motivation
Kyla wants to buy a Christmas gift for her best friend.
The gift costs P78. In her pocket, she has two P50, three
P20, one P5.00 and five P1 peso coins.
What does Kyla want to buy?
How can she use her money to pay the exact amount?
Was her money enough to buy the gift or more than enough?
Do you give gifts on Christmas? Why?
Explain the value of sharing.
C. Presenting the Lesson
Let us find it out.
Here are the bills and coins Kyla has on her pocket.
Teacher explains what are the bills and coins are to
be used.
No. of pieces
Bills & coins
to be used
P 100
P 60
P 5
P 5
P 170
P 50 1
P 20 1
P 5 1
P 3 (P 1 * 3)
P 78
What are the bills and coins used to buy the gift?
bills P50 , P20 = P70
coins P5 , P1*3 = P 8
How much in all is used for the gift?
How do you count the bills and coins?
D. Performing an Activity
Activity 1
Let the pupils form groups of 3.
Can you buy the item at the right with the given amount
at the left?
Write Yes or No on your paper.
(no) 1. P55
(yes) 2. P51
(no) 3. P23
Activity 2
How much in all?
4. + = _______
5. + = ______
E. Processing the Results of the Activity
What did you do with the set of coins and bills to find its value?
Start counting from the highest value and add the amount like
adding whole numbers and decimals.
F. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Materials
G. Applying to New and other Situation
Group Activity
Group the pupils into 3. Let the group solve for the total value of bills
and coins.
The group with the highest score wins.
1. [one P5.00, two P1.00] = (P7)
2. [one P20.00, and two P5.00] = (P30)
3. [one P50 and two P20.00] = (P90)
4. [one P100.00 and 1.00] = (P101)
5. [two P20.00 and three P1.00]= (P23)
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Materials
Count and tell the value of a set of coins through 100 in
Counting and Telling the Value of a Set of Coins through 100
in Centavo (coins)
Real Philippine bills and coins, play money, flash cards
Values Integration: Thriftiness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Group Game
Group the class into 3. Each group is represented by 5
The teacher has prepared centavo coins to be identified
by each contestant.
Each contestant shall step forward as I call his/her
number. Then he/she will identify the coin on the table.
The first to identify the coin shall be a point to the group.
The group with the highest point wins.
1. 4.
2 5.
2. Review
Break large paper bills to smaller amount. Write the
answer on the blank.
P 100
P 50
(P 20)
(P 20)
(P 20)
3. Motivation
Show a picture of an 8-year old girl holding a box.
Say: Children, this is Rose . Do you want to know what is inside the
box she is holding?
Let us find it out. (Telling the story by the teacher)
What did Rose see on the street?
What did she do with the coins?
Were the coins she collected enough to buy a pencil?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Let us help Rose in counting the coins.
Show an illustration of the coins.
25c+25c+25c+25c 25c+25c+25c+25c 25c+25c+25c+25c
P 1.00 P1.00 P 1.00
25c+25c+25c+25c 10c +10c
P 1.00 P 1.00
Rose is an eight year old girl. Her parents are farmers. Everyday
she goes to school without any centavo in her pocket. One day, she asked money
from her mother to buy a pencil but mother had nothing to give so she just come to
school with her short pencil .On her way to school she saw four 25- centavo
coins. She was very happy reporting to her mother when she returned
home. Her mother told her to keep the coins.
The following day, she saw another 5 centavo coin.
Seldom a day that she returned home without bringing any centavo.
After two weeks, she tried to count the coins because
she almost couldnt hold her pencil. She wanted to buy a new one.
10c +10c +10c+10c+10c+10c+10c+10c+10c+10c
P 1.00
P 1.00 + P1.00+ P1.00 + P 1.00 + P1.00+ P1.00 = P6.00
P 6.00
How many twenty-five centavo coins are there? (20)
How are the twenty-five centavo coins grouped?
(by 4s or by P1.00)
How many group of P1.00 are there? What shall we do to
get the total amount of the twenty 25 cntavo coins?
(Add how many groups of P1.00)
How many ten centavo coins are there? How are they
What shall we do to get the total amount of the twenty
10- centavo coins? (Add how many groups of P1.00)
Now, how many groups of P1.00 are there in all?6
Then, how much is the value of all the coins?
How much is the cost of a pencil? (Possible answer)
Could Rose buy a pencil?
How did Rose able to buy a pencil?
What character traits does she demonstrate? Why?
C. Performing an Activity
Match the centavo coins on the left with the correct
money value on the right.
1. (P0.25) P 0.10
2. (P0.35) P 0.35
3. (P0.75) P 0.75
4. (P0.10) P 0.20
5. (P0.20) P 0.25
D. Processing the Results of the Activity.
How did you count the centavo coins?
(Group the coins then get the total amount.
Add the total amounts by sets or by groups)
What did you do with the set of coins to find its value?
(Add the coins with the same denomination then the next coin)
What denomination shall we start counting? (highest denomination)
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Materials
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do you count sets of centavo coins?
(Group the centavo coins by P1.00, get the total then, write the
remaining centavo by putting a point to separate peso and
G. Applying to New and other Situations.
Group activity
Group the pupils into 3. Distribute activity sheets.
Let the pupils list down the value of coins equal to the price of the things
in the picture when added. Write the answer on the space.
Number and kind of centavo
25 c 40 twenty-five centavos P10.00
10 c 1 ten centavos P0.10
5 c --------- ----------
Total P10.10
Group I
Number and kind of
centavo coins
25 c
10 c
5 c
Group II
Number and kind of centavo
25 c
10 c
5 c ---------
Group III
Number and kind of centavo
25 c
10 c
5 c
Reporting by group.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners
Count and tell the value of a set of bills or a set of coins
through 100 in combinations of pesos and centavos.
Counting and Telling the Value of a Set of Bills or a Set of
Coins through 100 in Combinations of Pesos and Centavos
(peso and centavo coins only, bills and centavo coins,
coins and bills )
Real Philippine bills and coins, play money, flash cards, show-
me- board
Values Integration: Carefulness and Accuracy
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Using show me- board
Writing the amount of money in symbols
Write the amount of money in symbols in your show me
board as fast as you can.
1. Five pesos
2. Ten pesos
3. Twenty pesos
4. Twenty pesos and 25 centavos
5. Fifty pesos and ten centavos.
2. Motivation
Ask: What does the woman do in the picture ?
What is she doing before paying the fish vendor?
Why is it important to count the money before paying the things you buy?
Are you careful or accurate as Mrs. Serobla when you pay?
Like Mrs. Serobla what should we do to the money before paying
What kind of person is she? (Being accurate in counting money)
B. Presenting the Lesson
Say: Let us see how Mrs. Serobla count her money.
Do: Show real paper bills and coins followed by
illustration on the board.)
Ask: What is the highest amount? (P50)
How many P50 bill? (1)
How much is the value for two P20 bills? (P40)
How many P5? What is the value?
What is the next lower value? (P1)
How about the lowest value or centavo?
How do we write it?
What is the total amount?
Show to the class how to find the total amount.
P 50.00
P 40.00
P 5.00
+ P 1.00
P 0.25
P 96.25
C. Performing an Activity
Write the total amount of each group of peso bills and centavo coins.
1. ___________(P60.25)
2. ____________(P40.10)
3. __________(P25.05)
4. __________(P55.50)
5. _________(P50.75)
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: What did you do with the bills and coins to get the total
amount or value? (group the bills or coins start counting
from the highest . Denominations add the bills and coins
like adding numbers)
What shall we do with the amounts that are combinations of
pesos and centavos?
Write the amounts from the highest to lowest denomination
Keep the points in line
Add the amounts like adding whole numbers and Decimals
E. Reinforcing the concepts and skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Materials.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we count set of bills and coins in combinations of pesos and
( First, we write the amount from highest to lowest denomination
Keep the points in line then add the amounts like adding
G. Applying to New and other Situations.
Look at the illustration. Answer the questions below.
See the choices for your answers
P 10. 00 P2.00 P20.00 P 0.50 P 3. 00 P 2.00
P 75. 25 P 0.25 P 15. 00 P 2.0
1. Which one do you use during rainy days? _________
How much is it? _________
2. Which one do you think will be a healthful snack for you? ________
How much is it?__________
3. Which is good to drink before going to bed? _________
Write the amount: ___________
4. Which fruit would you buy if you have only P 10 in your pocket? ____________
How much is the value of the fruit?_____________
5. Which fruit is advised by the doctor to be eaten daily? _____________
How much is it? _______________
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners
Read and write money in symbols and in words through
Reading and Writing Money in Symbols and in Words
through 100
Real Philippine bills and coins, play money, flash cards
Values Integration: Honesty
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Let the pupils read the following:
0.05, 0.55 , 18.00, 10.05 , 50.00 , 0.10 , 35.75
2. Review
Write each amount in symbols.
1. ten pesos and twenty-five centavos
2. six pesos and thirty - five centavos
3. seven pesos and forty-five centavos
4. eighty one pesos and five centavos
Twenty two pesos and five centavos
3. Motivation
Ask: Who found a wallet while on his way to school?
Justine was on his way to school when he found a wallet.
When he arrived in school, he immediately gave the wallet to
his teacher.
Youre an honest boy, Justine. Thank you very much for
returning my wallet. I have prepared bills and coins inside the
wallet for our Math lesson today. Im very much thankful its
you who found it, Mrs. Serobla said.
What did he do with the wallet?
What kind of boy was Justine?
If you were Justine, would you do the same? Why?
B. Presenting the Lesson
The teacher presented the coins and bills to the class.
Here are the coins and bills.
Say: This is a one peso coin.
One peso is written as 1.00.
00 after the decimal point indicates that there are no
This is a five peso coin.
Five pesos is written as 5.00.
This is a fifty - peso bill.
Fifty pesos is written as 50.00.
This is a ten peso coin and a twenty-five centavo coin.
Ten pesos and twenty-five centavos is written as 10.25.
Let the pupils read the amount in words and in symbols
written on the board.
C. Performing an Activity
Activity 1
Read the amount.
a. 20 c
b. 15 c
c. 10
d. 20
e. 50.10
Activity 2
Read each money and write in symbols.
a. four pesos and ten centavos
b. eight pesos and twenty five
c. eleven pesos and twenty centavos
d. forty pesos and thirty centavos
e. twenty-five pesos and seventy-five centavos
D. Processing the Results of the Activity.
How do we read money in symbols through P100?
We read money like reading whole numbers and adding
centavos or pesos afterwards.
How do we write money in symbols through P100?
We write money in symbols by writing the peso or centavo
sign with the money value. We write a point to separate the
peso value from the centavo value.
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we read money in symbols through P100?
We read money like reading whole numbers and adding
centavos and pesos afterwards.
How do we write money through P100 in symbols?
We write money in symbols by writing the peso or
centavo sign with the money value. We write a point to
separate the peso value from the centavo value.
G. Applying to New and other Situations.
Group work
Group the class into three. Distribute the questions for each group.
The group with the highest points wins.
1. Julio has one 5-peso coin and two 1 peso coins in his
How much money does he have in all?
Write in symbols._______________(P7)
2. Liza has two 2-peso bills and three 25- centavo coins.
Write in symbols the money she has in all.
3. Lito has a daily allowance of two 20-peso coins and
two 1-peso coin.
How much is his daily allowance in all? Write in
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Materials.
Compare values of the different denominations of coins and
paper bills through P 100 using the relation symbols
Comparing Values of Different Denominations of Coins and
Paper Bills through 100 using Relation Symbols >,< and =
Real coins, play money (Bills)
Values Integration: Respect and care for money
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Let the pupils use the relation symbols > , < or = in
comparing numbers.
Write > , < or = to make each sentence correct.
a.) 3 ____ 7
b.) 28 ____ 17
c.) 99 ____ 100
d.) 11 ____ 9
e.) 150 ____ 200
2. Review
Write the amount with the peso sign
a. 100 pesos ______
b. Ten pesos ______
c. Two pesos and 50 centavos _________
d. Six pesos and 25 centavos __________
e. Twenty pesos ___________
3. Motivation
Let the pupils talk about the gifts they prepared for their
classmates during Christmas.
Ask one representative from each group to tell the amount of
B. Presenting the Lesson
Teacher writes the amounts on the board .
Ellen ----P 50.00
Nelita -----P 100.00
Edna -----P 75.00
Jezzi -----P 50.00
Ask: Who has the greater amount of money between Nelita
and Edna.
Compare the two amounts.
How will you say it? One hundred pesos is greater than
seventy- five pesos.
Show how to write the greater than symbol. P100 > P 75
Who can compare the amounts of gift between Ellen and Edna.
Fifty pesos is lesser than seventy five pesos
Who can show how to write? :P 50 < P 75
How about Ellen and Jezzis amounts of gifts. Fifty pesos is
__fifty pesos.
Write in symbol: P50 =P50
Do you take care of your money?
How do you take care of your money?
How do you show respect to your money?
C. Performing an Activity
Activity I
Using the chalkboard, show denominations to the class
and have them write the correct symbol.
Activity 2
Game: Bring Me
Example: 50 pesos bill and 5 peso coin.
Divide the class into four groups.
Distribute play money and different coins to each group.
Ask the pupils to bring bills and coins with same value as the amount
called for.
The first group to give the correct set of bills and coins gets
correct set of bills and coins gets a point. The group with the
most points wins.
1. Bring me an amount equal to P50
2. Bring me an amount greater than P20 but not less than P22.
3. Bring me an amount less than P58 and greater than P56
D. Processing the Results of the Activity.
What did you do with the different amounts of money?
What relation symbols are used to compare amounts of
When do we use > (greater than) symbol?
When do we use < (Lesser than) symbol?
When do we use = (Equal to) symbol?
E. Reinforcing the concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Materials.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we compare values of corresponding coins and bills?
(We compare values of Coins and bills by using the relation
symbols >, <, = (Greater than, lesser than, equal )
G. Applying to New and other Situations
Read and answer.
1. Mother gave Lea forty pesos. She gave Jenny fifty pesos. Who
received more?_____________
Compare the two amounts _______________________
2. Which is more, one P10 coin or two P5 coins ______________
Compare the two amounts ___________________
3. Which is cheaper, 3 pieces of apples worth P36, or 3 pieces of
apples worth P50._______________
Compare the two amounts._______________________
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material
Visualize, identify, classify and describe half and quarter circles.
Visualizing, Identifying, Classifying and Describing Half and
Quarter Circles.
Charts,cutouts of circle, half circle, quarter circle
Values Integration: Sharing and giving
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Present drawings of the following:
Identify the shapes you see in the drawing.
1. Clock
2. Eggs
3. Picture
4. Table
5. Tent
2. Review
Checking of Assignment
3. Motivation
Let the pupils sing the action song.
//:Kalo nako lingin
Lingin akong kalo
Kanang kalo dili lingin
Dili akong kalo://
Ask: Whats the object found in our song?
Whats the shape of the object?
B. Presenting the lesson
It was recess time. Roy called his classmate Rene. He
wanted to share his buko pie with Rene. They sliced the
buko pie into two equal halves.
Ask: Who has a buko pie?
What did he want to do with the pie?
How did they share the buko pie?
If you were Roy would you share your pie with your
classmate? Why? Explain the value of sharing and giving.
Do: The teacher shows a real buko pie.
Say: Let as see how the two boys share the buko pie equally.
Do: Teacher divides the pie into halves.
Ask: What is the shape of the buko pie?
How many half-circles are formed?
What can you say about a half-circle?
Describe a half circle? semi-circle
Say: Show an illustration of a circle.
Look at the circle.
Lets divide it into four equal parts.
One piece is called quarter circle.
Ask: How many quarter circles are there in a circle? (four
quarter circles.)
Describe a quarter circle. (one quarter of a circle)
C. Performing an Activity
Group Game
Group the class into two.
Provide each group with a box of different shapes having
a half-circle and quarter circles. Each group will do its
task in two minutes. The group with the highest number
of half-circles or quarter circles wins.
Group I
Task: Pick out the half-circles inside the box. When time
is up, count your half circles and write the number on
the board.
Group II
Task: Pick out the quarter circles inside the box
When time is up count the quarters circles and
write the number on the board.
Ask: Whose group has the highest number? Let us give
them a Yes Clap.
D. Processing the Results
Say: Leaders of the two groups will present and
describe the form of objects they picked up and
Ask: What can you say about half- circle? quarter-
How many half circles does a circle have?
How many half circles does a circle have?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in the Learners
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What is a half-circle?
How is it form?
What is a quarter circle?
How is it form?
G. Applying to New and other Situations
Identify the correct position of quarter circles or half-
circles that match the illustration. Write the letter only.
1. (a) a. b. c.
2. ( c) a. b. c.
3. (c) a. b. c.
4. (a) a. b. c.
5. (a) a. b. c.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Materials.
Construct squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, half circles and
quarter circles using cut outs and square grids
Constructing Squares, Rectangles, Triangles, Circles, Half Circles
and Quarter Circles using Cut outs and Square Grid
Graphing papers, pieces of thin wire
Cut- outs of plane figures, scissors
Values Integration: Cooperation and Self-confidence
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Distribute cut-outs of shapes and objects.
Post the label of shapes on the board.
Let the pupils read the labels.
Let the pupils paste the different shapes and objects in the column
where they belong.
Checking of the answers by the teacher.
2. Review
Complete the circle in Column A by matching the missing
part in Column B.
triangle circle
Half circle Quarter circle
Column A Column B
1. A.
2. B.
3. C.
4. D.
5. E.
3. Motivation
Call 3 pupils in front.
Give each of them a thin piece of wire.
Tell them to make a plane figure, like square, rectangle,
triangle, circle, half circle, & quarter circles.
At the signal go they will start making their figure.
Afterwards, let them describe what they have made.
E. Presenting the Lesson
A. Prepare cut-outs of plane figures using materials such as
cardboard or used folders. Put the cut-outs in a box. Blind fold a
pupil and ask him/her to pick a figure from the box. Let him/her
guess what the figure is. Let him/her describe the figure
according to sides, corners, and shapes ( e.g. it has four equal
sides and four corners )
A. Show the pupils the cut-outs prepared for the days lesson.
Let them describe the shapes / sides.
Square 4 sides
Rectangle 2 pairs of parallel sides with square corners
Triangle 3 sides
Circle round, no flat sides.
Quarter Circle a quarter of a circle
Half Circle semi-circle
Ask the pupils to draw the shapes on the board and
encourage them to give some more examples.
B. Using the grids
Use a graphing paper to illustrate how to construct plane
figures using the square grids.
What are the figures/ shapes formed on the square grids?
How are the figures formed? (By tracing the grids)
Is it easy to construct shapes/figures using square grids?
Provide charts with square grids. Let the pupils draw the
shapes on the square grids.
C. Performing an Activity
Activity 1
Connect the dots to complete the figures in column B.
Then identify which figure/shape matches the shape in column A by
writing the letter of the correct answer before the number.
___________ 1.rectangle a.
___________ 2. Half-circle b.
___________3. Triangle c.
___________4. Circle d.
___________5. Quarter circle e.
___________6. Square f.
Activity 2
Let the pupils get their scissors and graphing papers. Let
them form different plane figures. Each one of them
should construct at least 3 figures.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: What are the shapes/figures that you formed?
Describe each figure.
How do you form or construct figure or shapes? (Using
cut-outs and square grids)
E. Reinforcing the Concepts or Skills.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Materials.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How will you describe each figure according to its shape?
sides? and corners?
How do you construct figure or shapes?
G. Applying to New and other Situations
Group Activity
Form 4 groups
Distribute activity sheets and a sheet of Manila paper for each
Trace then cut out the shapes using scissors. Paste the shapes
on the manila paper. Label and describe them.
How did you work with the group?
Do we need self confidence in doing things?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Materials.
Identify shapes/figures that show symmetry in a line
Identifying Shapes/Figures that Show Symmetry in a
Cut-outs of shapes and objects, pictures of objects
Values Integration: Enthusiasm
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Present a chart with drawing of shapes
Show cut-outs of shapes.
Let the pupils match the cut-outs to the shape drawn on the
2. Review
Show different objects. Let the pupils identify the
shapes then ask how many sides.
Ask which shape has more sides and corners.
3. Motivation
Prepare cut-outs of figures that are cut into halves.
Give each pupil half of the figure.
Tell the pupils to stand and look for the other half of
the cut-outs while singing a round song to the tune of
Hello, How do You do
Let the pupils sit beside their partner.
Hello, hello, hello
Hello, how do you do
Im glad to be with you.
My partner where are you.
( Let us meet and match the
shape.) Repeat
B. Presenting the lesson
Examine your cut-outs closely.
Ask: Which pair is divided equally?
Say: Those pupils with cut-outs equally divided will
stand and show their cut-outs to the class then
place them in the pocket chart.
Ask: Into how many parts are these figures divided?
What can you say about the two parts?
Say: These parts are symmetrical.
Why do you think they are symmetrical?
Do: Let the pupils who are holding not equally divided
cut-outs rise. Then, show their cut outs to the class.
Ask: Are these shapes not symmetrical? Why?
Do: Show a piece of paper. Fold the paper at the center.
Draw a half circle. Then, open the paper.
Ask: What figure /shape is formed?
Into how many parts of the shape is divided?
Are the two parts have the same in shape? in size?
Are the two parts symmetrical? Why?
Do: Show a cut-out of a piggy bank. Fold it at the center.
Ask: Are the two parts have the same in shape and in size?
They are not symmetrical. Why?
C. Performing an Activity
Group Activities
Group the pupils into four. Let them do the following activities.
Activity 1
Observe these pictures. Do what is ask and answer the
questions below.
a. d.
b. e.
1. Trace the broken lines.
2. Which pictures show symmetry? ________________
Why? ________________________
3. Which pictures do not show symmetry?_________________
Why? _____________________
Activity 2
Distribute cut-outs of letters of the alphabet. [A, D F, G, L]
Fold the letters at the center.
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the letters that show symmetry?________________
2. Why do you say that they are symmetrical?________________
3. What are the letters that do not show symmetry?___________
How do you find doing the activities? Did you find it
How would you make things enjoyable?
Teacher explains the value of enthusiasm.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: What did you do with the cut-outs of pictures in activity 1?
What have you found out about the two parts?
What do call the line that divides the cut outs?
How about in activity 2? What are the letters when folded, the
two parts match?
What do the letters show?
What are those letters that do not match? What do we call these
Can we make as many possible lines in these shapes?
What do we call these lines?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Materials.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What can you say about shapes?
Some shapes have symmetry, some have no symmetry.
When can you say that a figure shows symmetry?
A figure or shape shows symmetry when they are exactly
the same in size or shape when cut or divided into two
equal parts.
G. Applying to New and Other Situations.
Group Activity
Divide the class into five groups. Let them choose a
leaders for each group.
Look around and list down 10 symmetrical objects.
The leader will present the answers in front.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Materials.
Create figures that show symmetry in a line
Creating figures that show symmetry in a line
Materials: Cutouts of different figures, and picture of
Values Integration: Neatness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Do: Present this figure.
Do: Let the pupils count the different shapes of this figure.
Ask: How many circles are in the figure?
How many squares? Triangles? Rectangles?
Do: Let the pupils color the circle black, color the square red, color
the rectangle yellow, and color the triangle blue respectively.
Ask: How many sides does a triangle have? Corners?
Which has more sides and corners, a triangle, square or
Ask: What does the figure hold?
What does it say?
What value does the figure show? How can you show it?
2. Review
Do: Flash the card one at a time.
Let the pupils write YES on the show me board if the object
shows symmetry and NO if it is not.
1. 3.
2. 4.
3. Motivation
Ask: Do you like to play kites?
Say: During summer time, the boys like to play kites. Here is a
sample of a kite (square in shape) and see how it looks like.
Ask: What shape represents the kite? (Square)
Say: Sometimes kites have different shapes. We can also see
adult people playing with their kids. They even join kite contest and
make kites out of recyclable materials.
B. Presenting the Lesson
Do: Show a cut-out square. Fold the square at the center
Draw a broken line on a folded mark. Unfold the paper.
Ask: Are these two parts equal? (Yes)
Are these of the same shape? (Yes)
Say: These are symmetrical. Why? Do:Provide a piece of
bond paper. Make sure everyone has a bond paper. Let
the pupils fold the paper into half. Let them draw half of
any object on the folded side and cut/tear along the lines
on it. Let them unfold the paper. Let them describe
what kind of objects they formed.
Ask: What object did you make?
1. Cut-out
3. Unfolded
square with
broken line at
the center
into one- half
1 2 3 4
Do: Post this illustration on the board. Let the pupils trace
each picture and draw the other side.
Unfolded paper.
Its shape is a
Half drawn
object, cut
along the
Half drawn
object, cut
along the
Do: Check the works of the pupil and make correction on
Ask: Are these two parts equal? (Yes)
Are these of the same shape? (Yes)
Say: These are symmetrical. Why?
C. Performing an Activity
Game: Find a Partner
Do: Divide the class into five groups. Provide cut-outs picture
of a half of a butterfly to each member of a group.
Do: Show a sample cutout picture of a half of a butterfly. Let
the group find its pair or missing part.
a. b. c.
Do: Let the pupils to put together the two parts to look like the
below. Pupils who found his or her partner will give a signal. The
first one to form will be the winner.
D. Processing the Result of an Activity
Do: Let the pupils report the group output. Let them post their
output on the board.
Do: Make a follow-up discussion.
Ask: Is one part matches the missing part? (Yes)
Are the two parts equal? (Yes)
Are these of the same shape? (Yes)
What object did you form? (Butterfly)
Is a butterfly has a symmetrical shape? Why?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: What do you call the line that we draw when we match
the halves of the shapes or figures? (Line of Symmetry)
When are shapes or figures symmetrical?
(Shapes or figures are symmetrical when they match
exactly when folded together in halves.)
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Do: Post this activity on the board. Let the pupils study these
a. b. c. d.
Answer the following:
a. If each figure is folded along the dotted or broken line, will the two
parts match?
b. Do these figures show symmetry? Why?
c. Which figure shows symmetry? Why?
d. Which figure does not show symmetry? Why?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton in Learners Material.
Recognize shapes that can tessellate
Recognizing Shapes That Can Tessellate
Materials: illustration board, cut-outs of shapes, bond papers or
graphing papers
Values Integration: Creativity
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Do: Present this figure.
Do: Let the pupils name the different shapes of this figure.
Ask: How many circles are in the figure?
How many squares? Triangles? Rectangles?
Do: Let the pupils color the circle blue, color the square
yellow, color the rectangle orange, and color the triangle
green respectively.
Ask: What does the figure show? It shows a house with different
Does a color add designs to a house? How?
What value is being developed in this activity? Creativity
How can you show it?
2. Review
Do: Post this activity on the board.
Say: Match the figures in column A with column B to form a
symmetrical figure. Encircle the shape that matches.
Number 1 has been done for you.
3. Motivation
Say: Shapes like squares, rectangles, triangles represent some
objects or things around us.
Do: Bring the attention of the pupils to the things around the
Ask: What objects or things that represent different shapes?
What shape represents the board? (Rectangle)
What shape represents the wall? (Rectangle)
What shape represents the door? (Rectangle)
What shape represents the clock? (Circle)
What shape represents the frame? (Square)
What are other things outside the classroom that represent
B. Presenting the Lesson
Say: There are also things outside the classroom that have
different shapes.
Do: Show this picture on the board.
Ask: Is this look like a bus?
What shapes are seen in the picture? (Squares, circles,
triangles, and rectangles)
Which of these shapes that can tessellate? (Squares,
How about the circle? (No)
Do: Provide cut-outs of different shapes and help pupils
tessellate the shapes without gaps and overlapping
between them.
Say: Let us find out which of these shapes that can tessellate.
C. Performing an Activity
Do: Post this activity on the board.
Say: Look at these pictures. Color the pictures if they can be
tessellated with triangles, squares or rectangles.
D. Processing the Result of an Activity
Do: Let the pupils discuss their work. Make a follow up
Get their attention to their output.
Ask: Which objects or things can tessellate? (triangles,
squares or rectangles)
Do: Bring the attention of the pupils to the things around them
that represent shapes. Let them recognize which of
these can tessellate.
Say: Polygons like triangle, square, and rectangle can
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: What shapes can tessellate?
Triangle, square or rectangle with identical sizes.
How can we recognize shapes that can tessellate?
We recognize shapes that can tessellate if they are in
identical sizes and no gaps and overlapping between them.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Tessellate a surface using triangles and squares
Tessellating a Surface Using Triangles and Squares
Materials: box, cutouts of small squares, rectangles and triangles
Values Integration: Creativity
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Do: Let the pupils name the different shapes that represent things
inside the classroom.
Ask: What are the different shapes?
2. Review
Do: Let the pupils draw a triangle, square, and rectangle on the
Ask: How many sides are there in a triangle?
How about a square? a rectangle?
How many corners are there in a triangle?
How about a square? a rectangle?
Compare the triangle, rectangle and square according to
the number of sides and corner.
a. square and rectangle
b. square and triangle
c. triangle and rectangle
3. Motivation
Do: Let the pupils prepare a piece of paper. Let the pupils
draw the following:
a 1 big rectangle and 3 triangles inside it
b. 2 circles below the big rectangle you have drawn
c. 2 narrow rectangles at the top side
Do: Let them present their output. Tell what your work looks
Present a picture below.
Ask: Where do we see figures like this? (In school or at home)
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Posing a situation.
Bebot made a Geo-board project with a measurement of 16
inches length and 16 inches width. He covered his geo-board
project with 2 inches cut-outs of blue and yellow squares and
triangles which are half of a given square with blue and yellow colors.
b. Noting details of the problem read.
Ask: Who made a Geo-board? (Bebot)
What materials he used to cover his project?
(Cut-outs of squares and triangles)
Do: Let the pupils prepare cut-outs of square and triangle.
F. Performing an Activity
Do: Divide the class into two. Let them create a tessellation
using cut-outs of square and triangles on his Geo-Board
of 16 x 16 inches.
Ask: What do you think is the total number of squares and
triangles? How many cut-out squares and triangles do we
Do: Post two pieces of illustration board with 16 by 16 inches
grid on the board for each group. Provide cut-outs of 2 x
2 inches squares and triangles of different colors.
Let the group (1) arrange the cut-outs of squares on its
cover without gaps and no overlapping of shapes.
Let the group (2) arrange the cut-outs of triangles on its
Sample : (Group 1)
A. Using a cut-out 2x2 square
Geo-board with 16 x 16 inches measurement
This tessellation is made up of blue and yellow squares.
There are no gaps between squares and no overlapping of the
Cut-out 2x2 inches square with
blue and yellow colors
Sample: (Group 2)
B. Using a cut-out triangle
Geo-board with 16 x 16 inches measurements
This tessellation is made up of blue and yellow triangles.
There are no gaps between triangles and no overlapping of
the triangles.
Cut-out triangle
(half of the square 2x2 )
with blue and yellow colors
D. Processing the Result of an Activity
Do: Let the groups discuss their output.
Let the pupils count the number of squares.
Ask: How many squares did you use?
Do: Let the pupils count the number of triangles.
Ask: How many triangles did you use?
Did you use identical shapes? (Yes)
Say: Have you noticed a gap between cut-out shapes? (No)
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
- What character traits are being developed in this activitiy?
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: What is tessellation?
Tessellation is a pattern made with identical shapes with no
gaps between the shapes and no overlap of the shapes.
How can we tessellate a given surface?
We can tessellate shapes with the same sizes and no overlapping
and gaps between them.
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
Working by pair
Do: Let the pupils look for his/her partner. Provide an Activity
Card to them. Challenge the pupils to make creative
Activity Card 1
Create a tessellation using the cut-out squares. Use a colored paper
with two different colors.
Task Card 2
Tesselate a surface below using cut-out triangles. Use a colored
paper with two different colors.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Identify straight lines and curves, flat and curved surfaces in a 3-
dimensional object
Identifying Straight Lines and Curves, Flat and Curved Surfaces in a
3-Dimensional Object.
Concrete objects, models of 3 dimensional objects and pictures
Values Integration: Appreciation of various spatial figures in the
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill/Review
Do: Divide the class into 3 groups. Post the activity on the board
for each group. Let them match the things on the left with the
shapes on the right by connecting a line.
Rectangular Prism
Column A Column B
1. Chocolate bar a. circle
2. dice b. rectangle
3. pyramid c. triangle
4. clock d. oval
5. egg e. square
3. Motivation
Do: Present a picture below.
Do: Let the pupils name the things in the picture.
What are the shapes they represent?
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Present the pictures one at a time.
b. Posing a situation.
Do: Let the pupils read the situation.
Tabern and his brother were in the Sari-Sari Store. He
asked his brother to give him the things that have shapes
like circle, square, and rectangle. His brother gave him
sardine, chocolate, and bath soap. What shapes are
shown in a sardine, chocolate and bath soap?
c. Presenting the concrete objects.
Do: Present the concrete objects like chocolate, bath soap,
and sardine. Let the pupils observe the shape of a
chocolate (box), bath soap (carton) and sardine.
Do: Introduce the chocolate box to the class.
Ask: What is the shape of the chocolate box? (Cube)
Do: Let the pupils locate the straight lines (edges) and flat
surfaces (faces) of a chocolate box.
Ask: Is a chocolate box has flat and curved surfaces? (No)
Do: Present the bath soap (carton) to the class.
Ask: What is the shape of the carton? (Rectangular prism)
Do: Let the pupils identify straight lines (edges) in bath soap
Let them identify the flat surfaces (faces) of bath soap
Is the bath soap (carton) has flat and curved surfaces?
Do: Introduce the sardine to the class.
Ask: What is the shape of a sardine? (Cylinder)
Do: Let the pupils discover the flat surfaces of a sardine.
Let them determine the curved surfaces.
Is the sardine has straight lines (edges)? (No)
Is the sardine has curved lines? (Yes)
C. Performing an Activity
Do: Divide the class into 3 groups. Provide a group with an
activity card and models of a cube, rectangular prism and
Activity Card
Observe the cube, rectangular prism, and cylinder
Record your observation on the chart. Number 1 has
been done for you.
D. Processing the Result of an Activity
Do: Let the pupils post their answer on the board. Let them
discuss their answer. Make a follow up discussion.
Ask: How many straight lines are there in a cube? (12)
How many flat surfaces are there in a cube? (6)
How many curved lines and surfaces are there in a cube? (0)
How many straight lines are there in a rectangular prism? (12)
Picture 3
No. of
No. of
No. of
No. of
12 0 6 0
Picture 3
No. of
No. of
No. of
No. of
1.Chocolate (cube) 12 0 6 0
2. Bath
12 0 6 0
3. Sardines (cylinder) 0 2 1 2
How many flat surfaces are there in a rectangular prism? (6)
How many curved lines and surfaces are there in a
rectangular prism? (0)
How many straight lines are there in a cylinder? (0)
How many curved lines are there in a cylinder? (2)
How many flat surfaces are there in a cylinder (1)
How many curved surfaces are there in a cylinder? (1)
Do: Bring the attention of the pupils to the things in the
environment. Let them observe the things that represent
the 3-Dimensional objects.
Say: Let us appreciate the beauty of the things around us that
shows representation of the spatial objects.
Ask: Can you name some of them?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Explain the differences between straight lines and curved lines, flat
surfaces and curved surfaces in a 3 dimensional object
Explaining the Differences between Straight lines and Curved lines,
Flat surfaces and Curved Surfaces in a 3-Dimensional Object
Concrete objects, models of spatial objects
Values Integration: Appreciation of using the various spatial
figures in the in the day-to-day activities.
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill/Review
Checking of assignment
Answer the following questions.
1. How many straight lines does the have? __________
What is the shape of the figure? A. Cube B. Rectangular Prism C. Cylinder
2. How many flat surfaces does the have? __________
What is the shape of the figure? A. Cube B. Rectangular Prism C. Cylinder
3. How many straight lines does the have? ___________
What is the shape of the figure? A. Cube B. Rectangular Prism C. Cylinder
4. How many curved surfacess does the have? _________
What is the shape of the figure? A. Cube B. Rectangular Prism C. Cylinder
5. How mnay straight lines does the have? ___________
What is the shape of the figure? A. Cube B. Rectangular Prism C. Cylinder
Water filter
3. Motivation
Do: Present a picture below.
Do: Let the pupils name the things in the picture.
Ask: What are the shapes they represent?
Do: Bring again the attention of the pupils to the things found in the
aquarium that represents the different spatial objects.
Ask: Do the shapes of the aquarium, water filter and the sinking dice add
beauty to the aquarium? (Yes)
Say: We use spatial or 3 dimensional objects to design our
aquarium to make it more beautiful.
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Present the pictures one at a time.
Posing a situation
Do: Let the pupils read the situation.
Tabern and his brother cleaned their aquarium. They put a colorful
sinking dice for the fishes to play and a water filter or aerator to
keep the water fresh and natural. They love fishes and fed them
once a day.
c. Presenting the concrete objects or models.
Do: Present the concrete objects like a dice, water filter (model of
it), and aquarium (model of it). Let the pupils observe the
shape of a dice, water filter and aquarium.
Do: Introduce the dice to the class.
Ask: What is the shape of the dice? (Cube)
Do: Let the pupils locate the straight lines (edges) and flat surfaces
(faces) of it.
Ask: Is a dice has flat and curved surfaces? (No)
Do: Present the aquarium to the class.
Ask: What is the shape of the aquarium? (Rectangular prism)
Do: Let the pupils identify straight lines (edges) of the aquarium.
Let them identify the flat surfaces (faces) of it.
Is the aquarium has curved surfaces? (No)
Do: Introduce the water filter to the class.
Ask: What is the shape of the water filter? (Cylinder)
Do: Let the pupils discover the flat surfaces of it.
Let them determine the curved surfaces of it.
Is the water filter has straight lines (edges)? (No)
Is the water filter has curved lines? (Yes)
Do: Present 4 straight lines.
1 2 3 4
Say: Here are 4 straight lines of the same size. Let us form a
Say: We call the shape a square.
Do: Post the illustration on the board.
Say: This is a dice. The shape of the dice is cube.
Do: Let the pupils bring their attention to the illustration and
Do: Let the pupils identify the straight lines and flat surfaces.
Do: Present a curved line.
Say: This is a curved line. Let us form a shape.
Say: We call the shape a circle. It has no side. It is
Do: Post the illustration on the board and discuss.
This is the edge. The
edge is the straight line. It
forms a square. A cube
has 12 straight lines.
This is a face. A
face is a flat surface.
It is a square. A
cube has 6 squares.
Say: A cylinder has 2 curved lines, 2 curved surfaces and 1
flat surface. It has no straight lines.
Do: Let the pupils identify the curved lines, curved surfaces
and flat surface.
B. Performing an Activity
Do: Divide the pupils into 3 groups. Provide an activity card
to each group.
This is a closed curved line. The ends
meet. It forms a circle. A cylinder has
2 curved flat surfaces.
This is a closed curved line. The
ends meet. It forms a circle. A
cylinder has 2 curved lines.
This is a face. A face is a
flat surface of a cylinder
when you unwrap the
middle section and lay it
Activity Card 1
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
This is a gift box. It represents a cube.
It has ________. A. straight lines B. curved lines
C. curved surfaces
It has ________. A. curved lines B. flat surfaces
C. curved surfaces
It has no ______. A. straight lines B. flat surfaces
C. curved surfaces
It forms using a _______. A. Straight lines B. Curved lines
C. Both A and B
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
This is a gift box. It represents a rectangular prism.
It has ________. A. straight lines B. curved lines
C. curved surfaces
It has ________. A. curved lines B. flat surfaces
C. curved surfaces
It has no ______. A. straight lines B. flat surfaces
C. curved surfaces
It forms using ______. A. Straight lines B. Curved lines
C. Both A and B
C. Processing the Result of an Activity
Do: Let the pupils post their output.
Let them explain. Make a follow up discussion.
Ask: What kind of lines we used to form a square? (Straight lines)
Can we use curved lines to form a square? (No)
Why? (A square forms using 4 straight lines)
What kind of lines we used to form a circle? (Curved lines)
Can we use straight lines to form a circle? (No)
Why? (A circle has no side or straight lines)
What kind of surfaces we formed using straight lines? (Flat
What kinds of 3- dimensional object we formed using flat surfaces?
(Cube/rectangular Prism)
What kind of surfaces we formed using curved lines? (Curved
What kinds of 3-dimensional object we formed using the curved
and flat surfaces? (Cylinder)
D. Reinforcing the Concept and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material
E. Summarizing the Lesson
Chose the letter of the correct answer.
This is a gift box. It represents a cylinder.
It has ________. A. flat surfaces B. straight lines
C. curved surfaces
It has ________. A. curved lines B. straight lines
C. curved surfaces
It has no ______. A. straight lines B. flat surfaces
C. curved surfaces
It forms using ______. A. Straight lines B. Curved lines
C. Both A and B
Ask: What are straight lines?
Straight lines are edges of the solid object. They form flat
What are curved lines?
Curved lines are edges of the solid object. They form
curved surfaces.
What is the difference between flat surfaces and curved
Flat surfaces are faces made up of straight lines while
curved surfaces are faces made up of curved lines. In
some cases, a face is a flat surface of a cylinder when you
unwrap themiddle section and lay it flat.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners
Identify and explain simple repeating patterns
Identifying and explaining simple repeating patterns
Picture of umbrella and stripe T-shirts
Picture or real umbrella or T-shirts with stripe prints and
Values Integration: Neatness and creativity
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill (Relay)
Do: Divide the class into 5 groups. Flash the picture one at a
time. Let them write the letter of the correct answer on
the show me- board.
Ask: What shape or object that is different from the group?
2. Review
Do: Post the picture on the board. With the same group of
pupils, let them work cooperatively to come up with the
correct answer.
Say: Look at these pictures and answer the following. Write
your answer on the show-me-board.
1. Which of these pictures have straight lines on its
2. Which of these pictures have curved lines on its edge?
3. Which of these pictures have flat and curved
4. Which of these pictures have flat surfaces?
Ask: How did you work with the group?
Did you cooperate with one another?
What happens to our work when there is cooperation
among us?
What should we practice when working in groups?
3. Motivation
Do: Group the class into 3. Let each group fall in a line.
Provide a group with coloring pen/crayola. Post the
drawing of the stripe T-shirts on the board for each
group. Let the pupils color the stripe of the T-shirts one at
a time using the primary colors (red, yellow and blue).
Continue the activity until all the pupils have participated.
Group I Group 2 Group 3
Red yellow Violet
Do: Let the pupils describe their output.
Ask: Have you noticed the colors? What can you say about
the colors?
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Posing and performing the tasks
Ask: Have you been to a town fiesta? What are the things that
you see in a town fiesta? Have you seen a flag lets or
Do: Present a picture. Let the pupils look at this picture.
Ask: What colors do you see? (I see yellow, blue, red, green,
and orange.)
What shapes do you see? (I see triangles, squares,
rectangles, oblongs and circles.)
What shapes repeats? (The triangles, squares,
rectangles, oblongs and circles repeat.)
What colors repeats? (All of them repeat.)
Say: Look at these pictures.
Ask: 1. What objects do you see? (I see umbrellas.)
2. What colors do you see? (I see red color.)
3. Do you see repeating patterns in these objects?
(Yes, lines and colors repeat.)
Do: Show the following patterns on the board.
Say: Observe the following patterns from left to right.
Ask: What is changing? What remains the same?
The shapes are the same.
The colors are the same.
The size changes alternately from big to small.
Ask: What follows next? (The next is small circle)
The shape changes alternately from star to moon.
The color does not change. It is always yellow.
Ask: What follows next? (The next is a quarter moon.)
The color changes alternately from yellow to red.
The shape does not change but the position changes.
They are triangles of the same size and shape but
alternating position.
Say: What follows next? (The next is blue triangle.)
4. 3 6 9 12 15 18
Ask: What follows next? (The next number is 21.)
The numbers increased by 2.
Ask: What follows next? (The next shape is a U-shaped figure
facing up.)
The U-shaped figure changes its orientation from up
then down.
C. Performing an Activity
Say: Let us do this together. Do each of the following actions
until the pupils are able to follow them.
Do: 1. Let the pupils clap once and stomp your feet twice.
Ask: What is the pattern? (The pattern is clap, stomp,
Do: 2. Let the clap thrice and stomp your right foot thrice,
then shout YES!.
Ask: What is the pattern? (The pattern is clap, clap, clap,
stomp, stomp, stomp, YES.)
Do: 3. Clap twice, stomp left foot twice, clap twice, and
stomp right foot twice.
Ask: What is the pattern? (The pattern is clap, clap, stomp, stomp
(left), clap, clap, then stomp, stomp (right).
D. Processing the Result of an Activity:
Ask: When you clap your hand and stomp your foot, do you notice
a pattern?
Say: In number one, the pattern is A, B, and B pattern.
In number two, the pattern is AAA, BBB and C.
While in number three, the pattern is AA, BB, AA, BB.
Say: What do we need to do to identify a pattern?
(To identify a pattern, notice what changes and remains
the same.)
When does a pattern occur? (Pattern occurs when
something repeats regularly. It can be shape, color,
orientation or number).
E. Reinforcing the Concept and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material
F. Summarizing the lesson
Ask: Where can we find patterns?
Patterns are everywhere. We can see them on gift wrappers,
carpets, floor tiles, blankets, ribbons, flowers, and clothing
among others.
How can we identify patterns?
Patterns may show changes in shape, size, orientation,
number, or color.
How can we define patterns?
A pattern is something that repeats in a regular manner. It
may be a repeating shape, color, orientation or number.
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Do: Divide the pupils into 5. Let the pupils do this activity.
Ask:Can you make your own flag lets or banderitas?
Say: You may use these banderitas during celebrations like
fiesta, birthday, etc.
Make banderitas patterns using these cut-outs.
Do: Post the picture below on the board.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material
Determine the Next Figure in a Given Sequence
Determining the Next Figure in a Given Sequence
Cut-out figures, pictures, flashcards
Values Integration: Caring of environment
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
a. Have a game.
b. Divide the class into five.
c. Provide a show me board to each group.
d. Have the group write the letter of the correct answer in the
show me- board.
e. Start the game by flashing the cards one at a time.
Sample of Flashcards:
1. Look at this pattern
____, _____, _____
What comes next?
a. c.
b. d.
2. Look at this pattern
What comes next?
a. c.
b. d.
3. Look at this pattern
What comes next?
a. c.
b. d.
2. Review
a. Post the card on the board.
3. Motivation
Ask: What will you do at home during weekend?
Who are helping your mother in washing the
In washing your clothes, what will you do with the
colored shirts/clothes and white clothes
Have them recite the verse below while doing the
action in washing the clothes.
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3,
Lets wash!
Its a long, long wash!
Look! Theres a stain.
Its a stain, stain, stain!
We can wash over there.
We can wash over here.
Lets wash!
B. Presenting the Lesson
1. Present a picture to the class.
Do: Let them observe the picture.
Find and complete the pattern:
with the
with the
Ask: What do you see in the picture?
Ask: What repeating patterns do you see in the picture?
(Answers: T-shirts, Letters and Colors)
Say: As you can see in the picture, T-shirts, letters,
and colors are repeating several times.
Ask: What do you think comes next?
(Answer: The same figures repeated several
Say: You can also observe in the picture that there are yellow,
red and blue colors of the T-shirts. The yellow, red, and
blue T-shirts are also repeating.
Ask: What do you think are the next figures in the sequence?
(Answer: yellow, red and blue T-shirts)
C. Performing an Activity
Activity 1
Do: Have a simple demonstration using concrete
Provide the group with the following materials:
a. crown of soft drinks and wrappers of candy
b. cut-out of shapes
Do: Flash the picture one at a time.
Let the pupils solve.
1. What comes next after the last group of the crowns?
Let the pupils count the exact number of crowns which
comes next.
2. What comes next after the first group of wrappers?
Let the pupils count the exact number of wrappers
Activity 2
a. Let the pupils do the following:
b. Bring the attention of the pupils to this pattern:
Which comes next
What helped you identify the answer?
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Do: After the demonstration, let the pupils report their
Make a follow up discussion.
Ask: In activity 1, what do you think is the increased
between the crowns?
What do you think is the pattern rule to observe?
(Answer: adding 4 to each number)
What do you think is the increased between the
What do you think is the pattern rule to observe?
(Answer: Adding 7 to each number)
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What did you do to determine the next figure(s) in a given
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
Do the following:
1. Look at this pattern:
Which pattern matches?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners
Determine the next number in a given sequence
Determining the Next Number in a Given Sequence
Cut-out figures, pictures, flashcards
Values Integration: Proper caring of plants
A. Preparatory Activities
1 . Drill
a. Have a game. (Number in Series)
b. Divide the class into five groups.
c. Provide a show me board to each group.
d. Have the group write the letter of the correct answer in the
show me board.
e. Start the game by flashing the cards one at a time.
Sample of Flashcards
Look at the number in series: 1,2, 3, 4, 5, _____, _____,
What comes next?
Look at the number in series: 11, 12, 13, _____, _____,
What comes next?
Look at the number in series: 45, 46, 47, _____, _____,
What comes next?
Look at the number in series: 24, 25, 26, _____, _____,
What comes next?
Look at the number in series: 31, 32, 33, _____, _____,
What comes next?
2. Review
a. Post the card on the board.
Answer: D.
3. Motivation
Ask: Do you wash your clothes during weekends?
Do you help your mother wash the clothes?
What will you do with the colored shirts/clothes and white
Do: Let the pupils recite the verse below while doing
the action of washing clothes.
Say: 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3,
Lets wash!
Its a long, long wash!
Look! Theres a stain.
Its a stain, stain, stain!
We can wash over there.
with the
Look at this pattern:
What comes next?
A. C.
B. D.
We can wash down here.
Lets wash!
B. Presenting the Lesson
1. Present a picture to the class.
Do: Let them observe the picture.
Ask: What do you see in the picture?
Ask: What repeating patterns do you see in the picture?
(Answers: T-shirts, fence and trees)
Say: As you can see in the picture, white strips of the
fences keep on repeating several times.
Ask: What do you think comes next?
(Answer: The same figure repeated several times)
Say: You can also observe in the picture that there are
orange, red and violet colors of the T-shirts. The
orange, red, and violet T-shirts are repeating.
Ask: What do you think are the next figures in the
(Answer: orange, red and violet T-shirts)
Say: How about the number? What can you observe?
with the
3 5
7 9 1
C. Performing an Activity
Do: Have a simple demonstration using the counters
by group.
Provide materials like group of the following:
a. 3 marbles d. 9 marbles
b. 5 marbles e. 11 marbles
c. 7 marbles f. 13 marbles
Do: Let the pupils count the marbles in each group.
Add marbles by threes in each group.
Ask: What number comes next after the last group of
marbles? (16)
Do: Vary the group of marbles to create number patterns.
Repeat the process until all pupils have demonstrated.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Do: After the demonstration, present a visual
representation of a given number pattern.
Show this pattern on the board.
Ask: What do you think is the increased between 3 and 5, 5
and 7,7 and 9, 9 and 11, 11 and 13 if you add by twos?
by threes? fives? and tens?
Ask: What do you think is the pattern rule to observe?
(Answer: adding 2 to each number)
Say: The pattern rule to observe is adding 2 to each
group of marbles. When 2 marbles were added
to each group is added by 2, the number of
marbles in each group increased so the picture
would look like this.
Do: Bring the attention of the pupils to the illustration below.
Do: Call a volunteer to write the symbol or number
Answer: 3 + 2 = 5 then, 5 + 2 = 7 then, 7 + 2 = 9
9 + 2 = 11 then, 11 + 2 = 13 then , 13 + 2 = 15
15 + 2 = 17 then, 17 + 2 = 19
Say: Thus, the missing numbers are 15, 17 and 19.
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Materia
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What did you do to determine the next number(s) in a given
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
Do: Take number 1 as an example.
Notice that the numbers are increasing by 10.
Ask: What do you think is the operation to be used? (Answer is addition
(+)) What do you think is the number to be added to each number?
(Answer is 10).
Do what is asked in the following
Would you able to complete the hidden message?
Help Mr.Larry read the complete message by solving the number patterns
PATTERN IS A ______ _______ _______ ______
1 2 3 4 2
OF ______ _______ ______ _______ A _____
1 3 2 5 2 6
______ D UNI _____
2 6
Say: So, your final answer would be +10. Try to locate it in the clues; +10
represent the letter [S]. Write S in the blank above (1). Solve for the rest of the
numbers to complete the message.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material
Find and complete patterns according to one or two of the
following attributes: shapes, size, color, and orientation
Finding and completing patterns according to one or two of the
following attributes: shapes, size, color, and orientation
Pictures of clowns and printed socks
Picture or real umbrella with stripe prints
Values Integration: Creativity and alertness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill (Relay Game)
1. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. What is the number to be added to each number?
2. 35, 30, 25, 20,15. What is the number to be subtracted from each
3. 5, 8, 10, 12, 14. What is the number to be added to each number?
4. 15, 12, 9, 6, 3. What is the number to be subtracted from each
5. 4, 8, 12 16, 20. What is the number to be added to each number?
Do:Divide the class into 3.
Provide coloring materials (crayola, etc), preferably primary
colors (red, yellow and blue) and pictures to each group.
Post the pictures on the board for each group.
Ask: What do you see about the picture? (Fences)
Do you see colors on them? (No)
Say: Today, let us color the fence using red, yellow and blue.
Do: Let the group fall in a line. Let each member of the group
color the fence, one post at a time using primary colors.
Then, the next pupil will color another post. Let the group
continues the game until all the pupils have been
Ask: Can you see a pattern?
2. Review
Do: Post the activity on the board. Let the pupils color the
shape that comes next in the line. Number 1 has done
for you.
1. or
2. ? or
` 3. ? or
4. ? or
5. or
3. Motivation
Ask: Have you been to a birthday party? What are the
things that you see in a birthday party? Have you
seen a clown? How can you describe a clown?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Do: Post the picture of the clowns on the board.
Let the pupils look at these clowns.
Ask: What colors do you see?
(I see red, yellow, blue, green, and orange.)
What shapes do you see?
(I see circles, squares and rectangles.)
What shapes repeats?
(The circles, squares and rectangles repeat)
What colors repeats? (All of them repeat.)
Let the pupils locate the colors that are repeating on
the pictures.
Do: Post these pictures on the board. Let the pupils look
at these pictures.
Ask: What objects do you see? (I see pair of socks.)
What colors do you see? (I see red, yellow, blue, and
Do you see repeating patterns in these objects?
(Yes, lines and colors repeat.) Let the pupils find the
repeating patterns on the picture.
Do: Post this orientation on the board.
Say: The L-shaped figure changes its orientation from left then
Ask: What follows next? (The next shape is an L-shaped
figure facing right).
C. Performing an Activity
Say: Let us do this together.
Do: Let the pupils do each of the following actions until
they are able to follow them.
Say: Clap twice and stomp your feet.
Ask: What is the pattern? (The pattern is clap, clap, stomp.)
Say: Clap thrice and stomp both your feet, left foot, then right
Ask: What is the pattern? (The pattern is clap, clap, clap,
stomp (left), stomp (right).)
Say: Clap and stomp left foot, clap, and stomp right foot.
Ask: What is the pattern? (The pattern is clap, stomp (left), clap,
stomp (right).)
D. Processing the Result of an Activity:
Valuing on the activities.
Ask: How do you find the activities?
When you clap your hand, and stomp your foot,
do you notice a pattern?
Are you alert enough to find a pattern?
What do you need to do to identify a pattern?
(To identify a pattern, notice what changes and remains the
When does a pattern occur? (Pattern occurs when
something repeats regularly. It can be shape, color, orientation or
E. Reinforcing the Concept and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material
F. Summarizing the lesson
How do you find and complete patterns according to shape, size,
color, and orientation?
Patterns are everywhere. You can see them on gift wrappers,
carpets, floor tiles, blankets, ribbons, flowers, and clothing among
Patterns may show changes in shape, size, orientation, or color.
A pattern is something that repeats in a regular manner. It may
be a repeating shape, color, orientation or number.
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Do: Let the pupils look at the patterns on each line below and
then fill in the two empty spots with the correct shape to
complete the patterns. Trace the shapes to complete the
first pattern and the rest on your own.
2 ______ _________
3. ________
4. _________
_________ _________
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa balay in Learners
Tell and write the time in minutes including a.m. and p.m. using analog and
digital clocks
Telling and Writing the Time in Minutes Including A.M. and P.M. Using
Analog and Digital Clocks
Drill cards, models of a standard and a digital clock, cutouts of a digital clock
and analog clock, cards with printed time in words, chart for time-related
Values Integration: Active participation and Cheerfulness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
a. Skip counting by 5s and 10s
b. Using toy clocks
As the teacher flashes the time in words, pupils move the hands
of their toy clocks.
1. one oclock
2. ten oclock
3. twelve oclock
4. six oclock
5. three oclock
2. Review
Present chart with printed faces of the clock.
Ask the pupils to look at the faces of the clock and the time shown
below each face. Let them draw the hands to show the exact
1. 3.
2. 4.
3. Motivation
Present this riddle to the class.
B. Presenting the Lesson
Present a toy clock/clock model with movable hour and minute hands.
Ask: What do I have here? (toy clock/clock model)
What does a toy clock have? (Numbers 1-12 and 2 clock hands)
Say: Now, look at our clock. How do the hands of the clock move? (The
hour hand moves forward one clock number every hour. While the
minute hand moves forward one tick every minute it moves
forward one clock every 5 minutes)
Do: Explain that the long hand of the clock tells the number of minute;
What time Is It?
11: 00
11: 00
11: 00
: 00
11: 00
11: 00
: 00
11: 00
11: 00
: 00
Its face is round but it has no eyes, nose and ears.
It has two hands that move on and on. What is it?
the short hand tells the hour.
Present the model of a digital clock. Have them look at this
kind of clock.
Do: Show this illustration to the class and explain the concept of
a digital clock.
c. Interactive Discussion
Show a clock with the long hand pointing to 12
and the short hand pointing to 5.
Ask: Where does the long hand in our clock
point to? (12)
How about the short hand? (5)
What time is it? (5:00 or 5 oclock)
Do: Ask the pupils to manipulate their clock models/toy clocks.
Let them tell or read the time as they move the hands of the clock.
Say: Now, set your time at 7 oclock. (The teacher moves around to check
whether all pupils are able to set the time correctly.) Then, move the
long hand until it points to number three.
Ask: What time is it? (7:15 or 15 minutes after 7 oclock or fifteen past
Do: Let a pupil write the time on the chalkboard as shown on the clock.
seven fifteen
15 minutes after 7
fifteen past seven
colon separates the hour from the
7: 15
Analog Digital
After several guided practice activities about digital and analogue clocks,
emphasize to them that telling time includes identifying a.m. and p.m.
The teacher discusses these concepts:
1. Use A.M. for times beginning at 12 midnight and before 12:00
noon or 11:59 in the morning.
2. Use P.M. for times beginning at 12:00 noon and before 12:00
midnight `or 11:59 in the evening.
C. Performing an Activity
A. Matching Game
1. Divide the class into 3 groups.
2. The first group will be given cut-outs of digital clock.
3. The second group will be holding the toy clocks.
4. The third group will be given the printed time in words.
5. The pupils raise the cards they are holding when the teacher
gives the go signal.
6. Pupils should try to find their
partners by matching the cut-out
digital clock, toy clock with the
correct time in words.
7. The first trio to match correctly
wins this game.
B. Game Using Time Dice
a. Throw an improvised time dice.
b. Let the pupils set the time in their toy clocks corresponding to the
time shown on the dice.
Valuing: How did you find the activity?How did your classmates
show their interest in the activity?
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Do: Bring the attention of the pupils to each of their
responses during the time-related activities.
Ask: What tells the time? (a clock)
What kinds of clock did we use for our activities? (digital
and analog clocks)
In analog clock, what is a short hand? (It is also called
the hour hand)
What serves as the long hand? (It is also called the
minute hand.)
In using digital clock, what is the function of the colon
(:)? (It separates the hour from the minute)
What necessary skill is needed for you to tell and write
the time? (The mastery of reciting multiples of 5 up to
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What kinds of clock did we use to tell the time?
When do we use a.m. and p.m. in indicating time?
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Pair Shared Activity
1. The teacher distributes an activity sheet for each pair.
2. Each pair is given 2 minutes to answer it.
3. Pairs will be called to share their answers.
Clock Work
Read questions 1 and 2 carefully. Write your answers on the spaces
provided and, draw the hands on each clock.
What time do you get out of bed on Monday morning?
__________ A.M.
What time do you go to bed at night? __________
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa balay in Learners Material.
Find the duration of time elapsed using calendar
Finding the Duration of Time Elapsed Using Calendar
A big calendar, show-me-board, a small calendar for each pupil
(assign this a day before the lesson) and task card
Values Integration: Thoughtfulness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Flash card drill on reading the days of the week and months of the
2. Review
a. Recite the rhyme Thirty Days Has September
Thirty days has September
April, June and November
All the rest have thirty one
Except February which alone has twenty eight
Leap year comes one year in four
And adds February one day more.
b. The teacher prepares a chart for this activity. S/he lets the pupils
write the time stated at the right.
30 minutes after 7:00
15 minutes after 10:00
12 quarter
quarter to 3
4 quarter
3. Motivation
Show a big calendar.
What does the calendar tell us?
B. Presenting the Lesson
1. Present the activity below using the Activity Worksheet.
a. Display a large calendar showing the month of January.
b. Group the pupils into four. Let each group choose a leader.
c. Give the direction. Study the calendar. Then, answer the
d. questions in your Activity Worksheet.
Activity Worksheet
Use the calendar to answer the questions below.
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31
1. What is the date two weeks after January 4?
2. What is the date one week before January 17?
3. What is the date four days before January 31?
4. What is the date six days before January 25?
5. What is the date three weeks after January 4?
2. Discussion
Elicit ideas from the pupils about the concept learned from the
activity. Discuss to them that the activity visualizes the concept of
finding the duration of elapsed time using the calendar.
Post the definition/meaning of elapsed time on the board.
Elapsed time - the amount of time between starting time and
ending time
Give several related activities to internalize what they have learned.
Let the pupils use their small calendar for interactive teaching-
learning process.
C. Performing an Activity
Have the class do the activity.
Activity: (Play a Guessing Game)
Strategy: Numbered Heads Together
1. Form four groups.
2. Each member of the group is numbered.
3. Listen to the questions and think of the correct answer by joining
heads together.
4. Listen as the teacher calls out a number from each group to give
the answer.
5. The group with the most number of correct answers wins.
The teacher posts this calendar on the board.
December 2012
Mon Tue
Fri Sat
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
Possible questions to be asked by the teacher:
1. What is the date one week after December 2?
2. What is the date two weeks after December 9?
3. What is the date three days after December 18?
4. How many days is it from December 20 to the last day of
5. Ricas family leaves for vacation on December 16. They will go
home 8 days later. What day does her family return?
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
During the activity, what did you use to find the elapsed time? (a
How do you identify the duration of time elapsed using calendar?
E. Reinforcing the Concept and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in the Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we find the duration of time elapsed using calendar?
G. Applying to the New and Other Situations
Working in Triads
Do: Give each triad a task card to work on for 3 minutes. Let them write
their answers on a Manila paper.
Elapsed Time on a Calendar
November 2012
Sun Mo
Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30
1. On how many Saturdays will the Harvest Festival be held? ________
2. Lino bought a mango on the first Saturday of the festival. How many
weeks will it be from then until November 24? ________
3. Valeros farm began harvesting mangoes 6 days before the
beginning of the festival. On what date did the farm begin harvesting
mangoes? ________
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa balay in Learners Material.
Find the duration of time elapsed using analog and digital
Finding the Duration of Time Elapsed Using an Analog and
Digital Clocks
Drill cards, models of analogue and digital clocks, chart for time
related activities/exercises and activity sheets
Values Integration: Accuracy
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
What time does each clock show? Write the time on your show-me-
boards. (The teacher sets the time of the toy clock and shows it to the
class) change these clocks to the one illustrated.
1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
2. Review
Checking of assignment
3. Motivation
Present a problem opener.
Who is watching television? (Dennis)
What time did he start watching television? (10:00 a.m.)
What time did he sleep? (10:45 a.m.)
How many minutes did he spend watching television? (45
B. Presenting the lesson
a. Present the lesson through further discussions of the problem
Ask: How long did Dennis spend watching television? (45
Calculate the elapsed time.
Start time End time
10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m.
We can find how much time has passed if you know the start time
and the end time of an event.
Ask: How much time has passed? (45 minutes)
b. Present this situation to the class.
Suppose you went to a movie at 3:00 pm.
The movie ended at 5:00 pm. How long was the movie?
What is the first event? (went to a movie)
What is the start time of a movie? (3:00 pm)
What is the end time of a movie? (5:00 pm)
Dennis started watching television at 10:00 in the morning. He
slept at 10:45 in the morning. How long did she spend watching
Do: Calculate elapsed time using visualization method.
rd py)
3:00 p.m
4:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
End Time - Start Time = Elapsed Time
5:00 p.m.
- 3:00 p.m.
2 hours
Ask: How long is the movie? (The movie was 2 hours long.)
Therefore, 2 hours is the elapsed time.
C. Performing an Activity
Group Shared Activity
a. Group the pupils into 4 groups.
b. Distribute the activity sheet to each group.
c. Let them complete the table by filling in the elapsed times for 5
Start Time End Time Elapsed Time
1. 3:00 A.M. 6:00 A.M.
2. 4:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M.
3. 8:15 P.M. 9:30 P.M.
4. 1:00 P.M. 2:15 P.M.
5. 5:45 A.M. 6:55 A.M.
D. Processing the Results
How did you find the elapsed time using analogue and digital clocks? (by
knowing the start time and end time of an event)
E. Reinforcing of Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in the Learners Material.
F. Applying to New and Other Situation
Give the Elapsed Time!
The teacher flashes the cards with printed digital clocks. The pupils give
the correct elapsed time.
1 hour have
1 hour have
Start Time End Time
12:05 P.M. 1:05 P.M.
Valuing: Were your answers correct?
What is needed for you to get the correct answers?
What is the importance of being accurate at all times?
G. Summarizing the Lesson
How can we find the duration of time elapsed using an analogue and
digital clocks?
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Solve simple word problems involving time
Solving Simple Word Problems Involving Time
Wall clock or toy clock, flashcard of time, charts, illustration of children doing
household chores and a girl attending a church service, activity sheets and
a hat
Values Integration: Frugality
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
A. Show the time using a toy clock. (Pupils are asked to bring out their
toy clocks for the activity)
1. quarter to two
2. half past eleven
3. two quarter
4. five minutes after six
5. ten minutes before twelve
B. Choose the most sensible answers.
1. It takes 4 (minutes, seconds, hours) to travel from Butuan City to
Cagayan de Oro City
2. Joey can solve a mathematical problem in 1 (second, minute,
3. Remy slept for 2 (days, seconds, hours)
4. Cecile takes 15 (seconds, minutes, hours) to take a bath.
5. Richard can wink his eye in 1 (minute, hour, second).
2. Review
Study the clocks below. Answer the following questions.
A. Elapsed Time Using Two Clocks
Clock A
Clock B
What time is on clock A?
What time is on clock B?
How much time has elapsed
between clock A and B?
Clock A
Clock B
What time is on clock A?
What time is on clock B?
How much time has elapsed
between clock A and B?
Clock A
Clock B
What time is on clock A?
What time is on clock B?
How much time has elapsed
between clock A and B?
B. Complete the table of elapsed time.
Start Time End Time Elapsed Time
1:00 P.M. 1:30 P.M.
8:30 A.M.
1 hour
12:45 P.M. 2:45 P.M.
3:00 A.M.
3 hours
10:00 P.M. 11:15 P.M.
3. Motivation
Show a picture of children doing household chores.
Ask: What can you see in the picture?
What are they doing?
Who among you help at home during Saturday?
How much time do you spend for doing household chores?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Show a picture story and present the word problem.
At what time is the church service started?
At what time did it finish?
How many hours is the church service?
How do you solve the problem?
Discuss to the class how to solve word problems involving time.
a. What is asked in the problem? (The number of hours Beberlie spent
for church service.)
b. What are given? (5:30 A.M. and 7:30 A.M.)
c. What operation is used to solve the problem? (Subtraction)
What equation used to solve the problem?
7:30 A.M.
- 5:30 A.M.
Tell the pupils to subtract the minutes from minutes and hour from
7:30 A.M.
- 5:30 A.M.
2:00 hours
Look Back
What is the correct answer? (2 hours)
b. We can also solve the problem by making a pattern.
1 hour
5:30 A.M. 6:30 A.M. 7:30 A.M.
1 hour
5:30 to 6:30 is equal to how many hours? (1 hour)
6:30 to 7:30? (1 hour)
How many hours are there in all? (2 hours)
C. Performing an Activity
Guided Practice
Divide the class into 5 teams. Give each team a word problem to solve
for 3 minutes.
Team 1 Maidy started her assignment at 7:15 in the evening.
She finished her assignment at 7:55 in the evening.
How many minutes did she spend?
Team 2 Aling Belen left her house at 7:30 in the morning. She
reached the office at 7:45 A.M. How many minutes did
she spend?
Team 3 After going to the playground, the children visit their
cousins. They stay there from 3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.
For how long do they stay with their cousins?
Team 4 Carlo played sipa at 4:00 P.M. He stopped playing at
4:45 P.M. For how many minutes did he play?
Team 5 A dance contest in the television program begins at
8:30 in the evening and ends at 9:45 P.M. How long is
the show?
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Do: Bring the attention of the pupils to the word problems assigned to
each team.
Ask: How to transform the question into a statement? (Elicit from the
pupils the ideas of transforming the question into a statement)
Do: Let us change How many with The number of followed by the
Q: How many minutes did she spend?
S: The number of minutes she spent.
Ask: In what part of the problem do we get the given facts?
Do: Bring the attention of the pupils to the given facts in each word
Ask: What are the given facts in the problem?
1? 2? 3? 4? 5?
What operation is needed to solve the problem?
What equation will solve the problem 1? 2? 3? 4? 5?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we solve simple word problems involving time?
G. Applying the New and other Situations
Game: Genius Hat
Pass the hat while playing the music. As the music stops, the pupil
wearing the hat will go to the board to answer the word problem.
1. The plane left Butuan City at 7:00 A.M. It reaches Manila after an hour,
what time did the airplane reach Manila?
2. The first van came at 9:30 P.M. The second van came at 11:30 P.M.
How many hours earlier is the first van?
3. The Grade 2 pupils joined the Field Trip. They travelled for 3 hours by
land and another 1 hour and 30 minutes by sea to reach Camiguin
Island. How long did they travel?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa balay in Learners Material.
Show and use appropriate unit of length and their abbreviations
cm and m to measure a particular object
Showing and Using Appropriate Unit of Length and Their
Abbreviations cm and m to Measure a Particular Object
Improvised clock, word problem printed on a cartolina, hairpins,
paper clips, popsicle sticks, string, pencil, ruler, meter stick,
tape measure, objects to be measured, activity chart and
Values Integration: Accuracy
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Game: Bring Me
Bring me some objects that are long.
Bring me some objects that are short.
2. Review
a. Oral-Tell what time is it?
(The teacher sets time using his/her improvised clock, pupils tell what
time is it.)
1. 5:40 6. 2:10
2. 6:25 7. 3:55
3. 1:05 8. 12:20
4. 5:25 9. 8:50
5. 11:45 10. 9:40
b. Let the pupils analyze and solve the problem.
What is asked?
What are given?
What operation is to be used?
What is the word clue?
What is the number sentence?
What is the correct answer?
3. Motivation
Show the following: hairpins, paper clips, popsicle sticks, string, pencil,
ruler, tape measure and meter stick.
Have the pupils identify the objects.
Say: These hairpins, paperclips, popsicle sticks, string and pencil
can be utilized in measuring things.
Ask: Are these objects measure accurately other things? (No)
Say: They are called non-standard units of measure because they
do not give the accurate measurement of objects.
Ask: What do you call ruler, tape measure and meter stick? (They are
standard linear measuring tools. They measure objects accurately.
B. Presenting the Lesson
Do: Show a centimeter ruler and a meter stick or a tape
Ask: Which of these units is better to use in measuring the
chalk ledge? meter or centimeter? (meter)
Mr. Gonzales goes to school at 7:30 A.M. He teaches
from 6 hours. What time does he finish teaching?
Can we use a centimeter ruler in measuring the chalk
ledge? Why? (No, because centimeter ruler is used to
measure not too long or short objects)
Do: Show a ruler with centimeters. Identify a centimeter.
Write the word centimeter on the board and explain it to
the pupils that centimeter is used to measure short lengths.
Ask: Give me some objects which can be measured with
Say: Take a look with those curtains on our windows. Those
are long.
Ask: What standard measuring tool is needed to measure the
length of curtain? (meter stick or tape measure)
Do: Discuss the concept of using meter which is another unit
used to measure longer lengths.
Ask: Which objects can be measured by meter stick or tape
measure? (wall, door, cabinet etc.)
Say: A meter is a standard unit of length which is 100 times
longer than a centimeter. Therefore when measuring
longer objects and short distances, meter stick or tape
measure is used to get the accurate linear
measurement. On the other hand, the object which has
a shorter length utilizes a ruler centimeters to get the
accurate centimeter length.
Ask: How do we abbreviate centimeter? (cm)
How do we abbreviate meter? (m)
C. Performing an Activity
The teacher prepares a chart for this activity. S/he lets his/her pupils fill
in the blank with either m or cm to the following objects.
1. Ben is 118 _____ tall.
2. The flagpole is 6 ____ taller than the motorcycle.
3. The comb measures 5 _____.
4. The paperclip is 2.5 ______ long.
5. Maripaz uses 4 _____ of cloth to make a skirt for her 2 daughters
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
When to use meter? (A meter is used to measure short distances and
lengths of long objects.)
When to use centimeter? (We use centimeter to measure shorter
What is the abbreviation of meter? centimeter? (m, cm)
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Materials.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What are the standard units for measuring the length of an
object? (meter and centimeter)
What is the abbreviation of meter? centimeter? (m, cm)
G. Applying to the New and Other Situation
Activity 1
Measurement Hunt
a. Group the pupils by 5s
b. Go on a measure hunt with a ruler or meter stick.
c. Look for the following:
1. a piece of string that is about 3 meter long
2. a pencil that is about 18-20 centimeter long
3. a picture that is longer than 20 centimeter long
4. a pupil whose hair is between 22-26 centimeter long
5. a slipper that is about 24 centimeter long
What is the importance of using the standard unit of linear measure?
Why do we need to practice accuracy at all times?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa balay in Learners Material.
Compare length in meters or centimeters
Comparing Length in Meters or Centimeters
Chart with illustrations of objects which can be measured by using cm or m,
show-me-boards, activity cards and real objects
Values Integration: Helpfulness
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Drill
Game: Touch the Object
Touch the object which can be measured by a centimetre ruler.
Touch the object which can be measured by a metre stick or a tape
2. Review
a. Do: Prepare a chart with illustrations of objects or real
objects which can be measured by using a centimeter ruler. Let the
pupils measure each object with the ruler and write the correct
measurement on the board.
b. Measuring in Meters Activity
Do: Ask the pupils to measure the following objects using meter stick
or tape measure.
1. length of a curtain
2. length of the chalk ledge
3. height of his/her classmate
2. Motivation
Show this illustration.
What are the objects found in the illustration? (notebook and
What is the length of the notebook? (19 cm long)
What is the length of the hairbrush? (16 cm long)
Do they have the same length? (No)
Which of them is shorter? longer? (notebook, hairbrush)
What standard unit of measure is used? (centimeter or cm)
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Posing a problem opener.
Ansal needs to measure some objects but his ruler is broken. Help
him find the correct measurements.
What is the length of the stapler?
What is the length of the pencil case?
What is the length of the crayon?
Which of these objects is the longest?
Why? (pencil case, It has a length of )
What standard unit of measure is used? (centimeter)
b. Discuss the concept that a meter is 100 times longer than a
1 m = 100 cm
2 m = 200 cm
3 m = 300 cm
4.5m = 450 cm
To visualize how long is 1 meter or more, use a meter stick or tape
measure to measure long objects. Then, compare the length of two
objects in meters.
C. Performing an Activity
Let the pupils do this exercise by writing on their show-me- boards
the correct answer.
A. Which is longer?
1. 50 cm or 5 m? (20 cm)
2. 1 m or 10 cm? (1 m)
3. 18 m or 19 cm? (18 m)
4. 50 cm or 6 m? (6 m)
5. 18 cm or 10 cm? (18 cm )
B. Which is shorter?
1. 2 m or 20 cm? (20 cm)
2. 19 cm or 10 m? (19 cm)
3. 5 m or 3 m (3 m)
4. 200 cm or 1 m? (1 m)
5. 600 cm or 5 m (5 m)
D. Processing the Results
How do you compare objects? (Objects can be compared by their
lengths in m or cm.) What standard unit of measure is used to
measure short or not too long objects? (centimeter)
What standard unit of measure is used when measuring longer
lengths? (meter)
E. Reinforcing the Concept and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What are the standard units of linear measure used in taking
and comparing measurements?
G. Applying to the New and Other Situations
Group-Shared Activity
Each group will be given an activity card to work on. The group who will
get the most number of correct answers wins.
Activity Card:
Read and understand the problem. Write your answers on a
Manila paper.
Delia had a string of pearls 400 cm long. She used 78 cm of the
pearls to make a bracelet and 176 cm to make a necklace.
1. What was the length of pearls Delia left?
2. Which was longer, the bracelet or the necklace?
3. Compare the length of the bracelet and the
necklace by putting ,, or =.
bracelet (78 cm) ____ necklace (176 cm)
Valuing: Did you take your part as a member of the group?
What is the importance of helping each other in doing the group
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa balay in Learners Material.
Measure object using appropriate measuring tools in m or cm
Measuring Objects Using Appropriate Measuring Tools in m or
Real objects / pictures which can be measured by using cm or
m, activity sheets, chart, ruler, tape measure and meter stick
Values Integration: Teamwork
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Play a game
a. When I show an object like hairpin, paper clip, eraser, popsicle
stick and key, say: Non standard
b. When I show a ruler, meter stick, a tape measure, say: Standard
2. Review
Lets play a game
a. If your answer is centimeter, raise your ruler.
b. If your answer is in meter, stand and raise your hand sideward.
c. Flash the card with printed phrases written below. What unit of
measure will you use centimeter or meter?
1. length of the chalk ledge
2. length of the comfort room
3. length of the dictionary
4. length of the crayon
5. height of the lamppost
3. Motivation
Today, we are going to measure things using a ruler for short
objects and a meter stick for longer objects.
B. Presenting the Lesson.
a. Present the following activity sheets and discuss them.
Activity Sheets
In teams, measure the length of the following objects using meter
stick, a tape measure or a centimeter ruler. Then record the results.
Answer the following questions.
1. How long is the teachers?
2. How long is the cabinet?
3. How many meter long is the door?
4. How many centimeter long is the Math book?
5. What unit of measurement did you use for short objects?
6. What unit of measurement did you use for long objects?
Each leader of the group will report their group work written on a
manila paper to be posted on the board.
b. Explain further these mathematical concepts of taking measurements
using standard units of linear measure.
1. The centimeter is used to measure short lengths.
2. The meter is used to measure the length of big objects and short
3. Standard units of measure produce more accurate and consistent
results than non standard units of measure.
C. Performing an Activity
Activity 1
Cutting Strips of Paper
a. Work in groups of 5
b. Cut strips of paper following the given length.
1. 7 centimeters long
2. 8 centimeters long
3. 15 centimeters long
4. 35 centimeters long
5. 1 meter long
Activity 2
Objects Centimeter(cm) Meter(m)
1. notebook
2. door
3. Math book
4. curtain
5. cabinet
Pair Measure Share Activity
a. Work in Pairs
b. Distribute activity sheets as shown below.
c. Each pair is given 2 minutes to carry on the activity.
Directions: Use your ruler to draw these lines in the boxes.
1. Line AB which is 6 cm long.
2. Line CD which is 5 cm longer than line AB.
Valuing: Were you able to finish your work on time?
Did you help one another?
What is the importance of helping one another?
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: What did you use to measure small objects and short lengths? (a
What did you use to measure big objects and longer lengths? (tape
measure or meter stick)
Elicit from the pupils the concepts they have learned from taking
measurement activities.
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing of the Lesson
How do we measure the length, width, height of an object?
G. Apply to New and Other Situations
Show me board Activity
What unit of measure will you use in each object? Write your answer on
the show me board whether it is m for meter or cm for centimeter.
1. blanket 6. curtain
2. nail 7. lunch box
3. table cloth 8. long table
4. stapler 9. cabinet
5. bond paper 10. eraser
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Estimate and measure length using meter or centimeter.
Estimating and Measuring Length Using Meter or Centimeter.
Meter stick, tape measure, ruler with centimeter, objects to be
Values Integration: Practice accuracy in measuring
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Let the pupils show the different objects on the table.
2. Review
Do: Let the pupils do the following
Find some objects that are long.
Find some objects that are short.
Have the pupils identify the objects.
3. Motivation
Introduce to the pupils a centimeter ruler and a meter stick or a tape
measure .
Ask: Which of these units is better to use in measuring the
blackboard? meter or centimeter?
Can we use a centimeter ruler in measuring the blackboard?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Present the following objects and discuss to them.
Objects Centimeter Meter
1. Desk
2. Teachers
3. Chair
4. Blackboard
5. Notebook
Do: Let the pupils measure the length of the following objects
using a meter stick a tape measure or a centimeter ruler.
Let them record the results.
Answer the following questions:
a. How long is the desktop?
b. How long is the teachers table?
c. How long is the chair?
d. How many meters long is the blackboard?
e. How many centimeters long is the notebook?
f. What unit of measurement did you use for short objects?
g. What unit of measurement did you use for long objects?
Ask: Did you get the same measurement? Are they accurate?
What are the standard units of linear measure?
What is the importance of using the standard unit of linear
Why do we need to practice accuracy at all times?
C. Performing an Activity
Group Activities
Activity 1 (Measurement Hunt)
Group the pupils by 5s. Go on a measure hunt with a ruler or meter
stick. Look for the following:
1. A pupil whose hair is between 15 to 20 centimeter long.
2. A pencil that is about 10 to 15 centimeter long.
3. A shoe or slipper that is about 20 centimeter long.
4. A height of a window that is about 1 meter long.
5. A pencil case that is about 10 to 12 centimeter long.
Activity 2 (cutting strips of paper)
Work in groups of 4. Cut strips of paper following the given
1. 5 centimeters long
2. 10 centimeters long
3. 25 centimeters long
4. 45 centimeters long
5. 1 meter long
Each leader of the group will report their group work written on a
manila paper to be posted on the board.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: What can you say about the result?
Why made the longest measurement?
Why made the shortest measurement?
Is the result accurate?
E. Reinforcing Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What do we use in measuring length of objects?
G. Applying to New and other Situation
Measure the following:
Example: Chair _____ cm
1. Desk=_______cm
2. Teachers table=________cm
3. Mathematics textbook=_________cm
4. Pencil case=__________cm
5. Blackboard =__________cm
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in the Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Solve the simple word problems involving length.
Solving Simple Word Problems Solving Involving Length
Activity sheets, real objects/pictures
Values Integration: Neatness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Play: Bring Me
Bring me some objects that are long.
Bring me some objects that are short.
2. Review
Lets play a game.
a. If your answer is in centimeter, raise your ruler.
b. If your answer is meter, you will stand up.
c. Flash the card with printed phrases written below. What unit of
measure will you use, centimeter or meter?
1. Length of the door
2. Length of the chair
3. Length of the teachers table
4. Length of the pencil
5. Length of the flower vase
3. Motivation
Today, we will try to solve the problems involving length.
B. Presenting the Lesson
Present the word story.
Ritas rectangle is 15 centimeters long. Lanes rectangle is 12 centimeters
long. What is the difference in length between the two rectangles?
Answer the following questions.
1. How long is Ritas rectangle? (15 cm)
2. How long is Lanes rectangle? (12 cm)
3. What are you asked to look for? (The difference in length)
4. Post the illustrations below to tell about the problem?
Use the illustration to check the answer.
Lanes Rectangle
5. What are you asked to do? (What is the difference between the two
6. Write the number sentence? (15
= N)
7. What is the complete answer? (3cm)
C. Performing an Activity
Present the activity below and then discuss to the class how to analyze
and solve the problem involving length.
Activity Sheet 1
Read the word problem carefully. Then answer the questions that
Mother needs 14 meters of cloth for pillow cases. She already has 5
meters. How many meters more will she buy?
Answer the following questions.
1. Who needs of 14 meters of cloth for pillow cases? (Mother)
2. How many meters did mother already have? _____cm
3. What are you asked to look for? (How many meters)
4. What are you asked to do? (Subtraction)
5. Write the number sentence.
6. Write the complete answer.
Activity Sheet 2
Read the problem. Answer the questions that follow.
Ted cut a string 10 meters long. Roy cut a string 5 meters long.
How long are the strings when put together end to end?
Answer the following questions.
1. How many meters of string did Ted cut?
2. How many meters did Roy cut?
3. What are you asked to look for?
4. What are you asked to do?
5. Write the number sentence.
6. Write the complete answer.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ritas Rectangle
Say: In solving word problems involving length, first; analyze the problem
and follow the steps of the problem.
What are given?
What is asked?
What word gives the clue about the operation we will use?
_________ Its __________.
Write the number sentence.
How will you do the operation?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we solve word problem involving length?
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Read and solve.
1. Brendas toothbrush is 18 centimeters long. Ermas toothbrush is 2
centimeters longer than Brenda. How many centimeters long is Ermas
toothbrush? centimeters.
2. Amy cuts 5 lengths of pipe. Each length is 20 centimeters. What is the
total length of the 5 pieces?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa alay in Learners Material.
Show and use the appropriate unit of weight and their abbreviations g
and kg to measure a particular object or situation.
Showing and Using the Appropriate Unit of Weight and their
Abbreviations g and kg to Measure a Particular Object or Situation
Different products with labels, show-me boards, weighing
scale, picture of a grocery store, strip of paper, coins
Values Integration: Accuracy
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill- Using Show-me-Boards
Ask: What do we use in measuring objects? (weighing scale)
What unit of measure do we use in measuring the mass
of light objects? (grams)
How many grams are there in a kilogram? (1000 grams)
How many grams are there in 3 kilograms? (3000 grams)
Say: Our principal bought 2 kilograms of mangoes, how many
grams are there? (2000 grams)
2. Review
Game: Guess Wiz
a. Group the pupils by 5
b. Show a pack of tetra juice. Can you guess the mass of
this? (No)
c. Present more things to guess the nearest mass of the
food shown.
d. The group with the most correct answers wins.
3. Motivation
Show a weighing scale provided in the classroom.
(The pupils are asked to bring a fruit to school) .Let the pupils put the
fruits on the weighing scale showing its actual weight.
This weighs
800 g
Say: From 10 to 1, there are 10 lines.
Each line means 100 grams.
There are 1 000 grams in 1 kilogram.
B. Presenting the Lesson
Present the word problem to the class.
Mother bought a dressed chicken. How will she know the amount she
has to pay?
Ask: What do you think is the mass of the chickens? (3 kilograms)
(Show the picture below to show how the actual mass was taken.)
Say: Now, lets have a group activity.
You are going to appropriate the net contents or mass of the
food items.
Then weigh with the use of a weighing scale to see if the
measurement is accurate.
Record your findings on the table given
Grocery Items
Weight Written on
the Wrapper
Actual Mass
A pack of salt
Bottle of vinegar
A bag of rice
Baby powder
A bar of chocolates
The first group to finish will clap their hands.
The group leader will report the result.
C. Performing an Activity
Have the pupils form groups of 4. Let them do the following activity.
Activity 1
a. Put all the things that can be bought by kilograms or grams in your
b. The group who can fill their basket first will be the winner.
c. Record the weight of each item on a sheet of paper.
(Note: If real objects are not available, use cutouts as replacement.)
Activity 2
a. Work in groups of 5.
b. The leader of the group will get a strip of paper from a box to work
c. Toss the coin to determine the first group to investigate the mass of
the object written on a strip of rolled paper.
d. Here are things to be listed on a strip of rolled paper.
1. A pack of vinegar
2. Bottle of soy sauce
3. Baby cologne
4. A big pack of milk powder
5. A pack of noodles
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: Did you find something difficult measuring of weight of the
things you have examined or investigated? (Yes)
What can you say about the weight of the things stated in
the label?
Say: The weight of objects cannot be compared when different
units are used.
What does it show?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: What do we do to find out the accurate mass of objects?
Say: We ask to weigh again to find out if the weigh is accurate with
grams or kilograms.
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
Father bought 5 kilograms of big mangoes from the fruit vendor. He
weighed again to find out if the weight is accurate.
Ask: Why did father weigh again the mangoes
What trait does father show?
If you were father, would you do the same? Why?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners
Compare weight in grams or kilograms.
Comparing Weight in Grams or Kilograms
Weighing scale, cutouts/real objects of food items, activity sheets
Values Integration: Hospitality
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Say: Show real objects or cutouts of food items.
Do: When I show an object, measured by gram, clap your
hands once, If an object measured by kilogram, clap your
hands twice.
2. Review
Show picture cards as shown below.
500 grams onion 1 kilogram cabbage
Say: Let us compare the objects being weight.
Ask: Which vegetables are heavier? Which vegetables are less?
3. Motivation
Play a Game: I Spy
a. Let the pupils predict which object youve chosen using
estimation and check the prediction with a scale.
b. For example, you might say, I spy with my eye an object that is
greater than a kilogram.
c. Have the pupils write down the objects and their measurements.
Then, switch roles.
B. Presenting the Lesson
Present the word story.
Ana and Rosa went to the supermarket to buy fruits. Ana bought guavas
while Rosa bought avocados.
Say: The guavas weigh 500 grams while the avocados weight 2
Ask: Which are heavier, guavas o avocados? Why?
C. Performing an Activity
Self- Managed Activities
Activity 1
Compare the objects in each set. Check the one that is heavy, cross out
the one that is light.
Drawing of;
Drum Stick
Hammer Nail
50 kilos rice 1 kilo white Sugar
Activity 2
Compare. Write the symbols >, < or =.
1. 200 grams 100 grams
2. 1000 grams 2 kilograms
3. 5 kilograms 6 kilograms
4. 1 kilogram 3 kilograms
5. 50 kilograms 2000 grams
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Remind the children that the abbreviation for gram is g and the
abbreviation for kilogram is kg. In measuring and comparing different
masses of objects, we use the key terms such as greater than or less
than as we compare.
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: How do we compare the weight in grams and kilograms?
Say: Grams is for lighter objects while kilograms are for heavier
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Independent Work
Let the pupils answer the activity below.
Which is heavier? Encircle the correct answer.
1. 1000 grams of salt or 500 grams of rice
2. 2000 grams of pork or 2 kilograms of meat
3. 6 kilograms of apples or 600 grams of grapes
4. 10 kilograms of eggplant or 1000 grams of radish
5. 1 kilogram of sausage or 500 grams of hotdogs
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Measure objects using appropriate measuring units in g or kg.
Measuring Objects Using Appropriate Measuring Units in g or
Weighing scale showing grams and kilograms, objects of
different sizes and weights, a small ball, illustrations of things
on a weighing scale.
Values Integration: Accuracy
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
a. Have a pair of objects with one object heavier than the other on
the demonstration table.
b. Call some pupils and let them weight a pair of objects in each of
their hands.
Ask: Which object is heavier?
Which object is lighter?
2. Review
a. Have a relay.
b. Flash cards with pictures showing different objects. (example:
pencil, notebook, bag, chair )
c. Tell the approximate measure for the height or length of the object.
3. Motivation
Show a weighing scale or an improvised weighing scale.
Ask: Where do you usually see a weighing scale?
(In a market, in a store)
What things are measured using the weighing scale?
(rice, salt,sugar, etc.)
How do you buy rice? salt? sugar? etc.
B. Presenting the Lesson
Present the activity below and explain how to measure the mass of an
a. Divide the class into 5 groups.
b. Provide each group with a weighing scale.
c. Each group will weight 25 bananas or any fruit assigned to them.
d. Each group will record the mass of the objects they weight
e. Record the results on the grid
Object Mass
1. 25 bananas
2. 20 bananas
3. 15 bananas
4. 10 bananas
5. 5 bananas
Answer the following questions:
Ask: What is the mass of 25 bananas? 20 bananas? 15
bananas? 10 bananas? 5 bananas?
They have the same mass?
Have same discussions after the reporting of group leaders.
Ask: Did you get the same results?
What is measured using a weighing scale?
What unit of measure did you use to get the mass of
What is the difference between grams and kilograms?
C. Performing an Activity
Let the pupils group themselves into four and perform the following
Activity 1
a. Bring out your Show Me Board .
b. Flash cards with illustration as shown below.
c. Write the mass of each object on the weighing scale in grams or
Activity 2
Pass the ball while the music is being played. As the music stops, the
pupil holdings the ball will weight an object and tell its mass using
standard units.
D. Processing the Result of the Activity.
Ask: What is being measured using a weighing scale?
Say: A weighing scale is used to know the weight of objects.
What unit of measure did you use to get the mass of objects?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we measure objects using appropriate measuring units in g
or kg?
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
Solve the problem. Then answer the questions.
Mrs. Cruz bought 300 grams of garlic, 400 grams of onion and 200 grams
of ginger.
1. Which of the spices weighs the heaviest? ________________
2. Which is lighter, ginger or garlic? ________________
3. What is the total weight of the 3 spices? ________________
4. If you change the grams into kilograms (kg), how many kilogram
are there? ________________
5. If there are 1,000 grams in 1 kilogram, how many grams are there
in 3 kg? ________________
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa balay in Learners Material.
Estimate and measure mass using gram or kilogram.
Estimating and Measuring Mass Using Gram or Kilogram
Weighing scale showing grams and kilograms, objects of
different sizes and weights, a small ball, a cassette recorder,
illustrations of things on a weighing scale
Values Integration: Accuracy
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
a. Have a pair of objects with one object heavier than the other on
the demonstration table.
b. Call on some pupils to go in front and weight a pair of objects in
each of their hands.
c. Describe the mass or weight of the objects.
Ask: Which object is heavier?
Which object is lighter?
2. Review
a. Have a relay.
b. Flash cards with pictures showing different objects (e.g. cabinet,
table, mango tree, school building)
c. Tell the approximate measure for the height or length of the
3. Motivation
Show the picture of a weighing scale or a an improvised
weighing scale.
Ask: Where do you usually see a weighing scale? (In the
market) What things are measured using the weighing
scale? (rice, fish, vegetables, fruits etc.)
How do you buy rice? fish? vegetables? fruits? etc.
Why do we need to practice accuracy at all times?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Present the activity below and explain how to measure the mass of an
a. Divide the class into 5 groups.
b. Provide each group with a weighing scale.
c. Each group will weight 10 guavas or any fruits
assigned to them.
d. Each group will record the mass of the objects they
e. Record the results on the grid.
Object Actual Mass
1. 10 guavas
2. 5 guavas
Ask: What is the mass of 10 guavas?
What is the mass of 5 guavas?
Do they have the same mass? Why?
Say: Have some discussions after the reporting of
group leaders.
Ask: Did you get the same results?
What is measured using a weighing scale?
What unit of measure did you use to get the mass
of objects?
How do you estimates and measures the mass of
C. Performing an Activity
Guided Activity
Activity 1
A. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.
1. The weight of Rico is ________kilograms.
2. The weight of Leah is ______kilograms.
3. The weight of ______is ______kilograms more than ______.
Activity 2
Draw a line to match the items on the weighing scale with their
correct kilogram as shown on the baskets.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Say: The weight of solid objects we buy is measured in mass
called kilograms (kg).
A unit smaller than a kilogram, is called the grams (g) is also used;
1 kilo = 1 000 grams
1/2 kilo = 500 grams
55 45
3 kg 2 kg 500 kg 5 kg
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we estimates and measures the mass of objects?
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
Circle the most reasonable weight for each object.
1. Sewing needle 4 g 40 g 4 kg
2. Paper clip 6 g 60 g 6 kg
3. Puppy 20 g 2 kg 200 g
4. Television set 200 g 20 kg 2 g
5. Sausage 10 g 3 kg 20 g
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils do Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Material.
Solve simple word problems involving mass
Solving Simple Word Problems Involving Mass
Drill boards/Show me Board, real objects, pictures
Values Integration: Industry and Patience
Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Show real objects, pictures, empty wrappers or box of grocery items.
Let the pupils raise their right hand and say light if the object shown
weighed by gram and raise their left hand and say heavy if it is
weighed by kilogram.
Candy wrappers
A gallon of water
A picture of a sack of rice
Sheets of papers
2. Review
Tell the pupils to write their answers on their show me board.
1. 2000 g = _____ kg.
2. ____ g = ____ 5 kg.
3. ____ g = _____45kg.
4. ____ g = _____ 9kg.
5. 1000 g = _____ kg.
3. Motivation
Show a weighing scale
Ask: What do you call the object on the table?
What is the use of this object?
Say: I have different things on the table.
All you have to do is to guess or approximate the mass of the
object I am going to show by telling grams or kilograms.
Say : Look for the mass of the object using the weighing
Did you guess it right?
Ask : What is the unit of measure are we using?(grams)
Can we change grams to kilograms?
How many grams are there in 1 kilogram? (1000
B. Presenting the Lesson
Posing the problem
Nene and Nita sold two chickens for their weeks allowance. One chicken
weighs 3 kilograms and the other weighs 2 kilograms. How many
kilograms of chicken did they sell in all?
Ask : What did Nene and Nita sell? (two chickens)
Why did they sell chicken?(for their needs allowance)
What do you think their family source of income? (vendor)
Can you do what Nene and Nita are doing?(Yes)
What did the two children do to earn money for their
If you belong to a family with a low income, what shall you do to
pursue your studies? How did the two children show their industry
and patience towards their studies?
Say: Let us draw/illustrate the word problem to know the answer of the
Ask: What is asked in the problem? How many kilograms of chicken did
they sell in all?
What are given? (3kg, 2kg.)
What clues and operation to be used? (addition)
What is the number sentence? (3kg + 2kg = N)
What is the complete answer? (They sold 5 kilograms of chicken.)
Another Example:
Mother bought 300 grams of kangkong. She used 200 grams for the
sinigang. How many grams were left?
1. What is asked? (How many grams were left?)
2. What are given? (300 grams, 200 grams)
3. What clues and operation to be used? (were left , subtraction)
4. What is the number sentence? (300 grams 200 grams = N)
5. Write the complete answer. (100 grams of vegetables are left)
Ask: What operation is used in our first problem? (Addition)
How about the second problem? (Subtraction)
C. Performing an Activity
a. Working in 5S
Read and solve the problem you may draw or illustrate to arrive the
1. Aling Nita bought 2 kilograms of mangoes and 3 kilograms of
lanzones for her family. How many kilograms of fruits did she buy in
2kg. 3kg.
2. Mrs. Manalo needs 500 grams of onions. She has already 300
grams in the refrigerator. How many grams of onions does she
need to buy?
3. Mother bought 700 grams of pork. She cooked 400 grams. How
many grams of pork were left?
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
Call the leaders to report and explain their answers.
Ask: How do you solve simple problems involving mass?
What steps are we using? Give the steps.
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
F. Applying to New and Other Situations
Divide the class into groups of five.
Choose a leader for each group.
Each leader gets a strip rolled paper from the box.
The first group to answer correctly the question based on the word
problem will run to the front of the class and give the answer.
I. Mother bought 500 grams of carrots and 500 grams of
potato. How many grams of vegetable are there in all?
What is asked? ________________________________
II. Mother bought 500 grams of carrots and 500 grams of
potato. How many grams of vegetable are there in all?
What are given? ________________________________
III. Mother bought 500 grams of carrots and 500 grams of
potato. How many grams of vegetable are there in all?
What clues and operation to be used?
IV. Mother bought 500 grams of carrots and 500 grams of
potato. How many grams of vegetable are there in all?
What is the number sentence?
Mother bought 500 grams of carrots and 500 grams of
potato. How many grams of vegetable are there in all?
What is the complete answer?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in the Learners Material.g4e
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in the Learners Materials
Illustrate area as a measure of how much surface is covered or
occupied by a plane figure.
Illustrating Area as a Measure of How much Surface is
Covered or Occupied by a Plane Figure.
Picture of a popsicle sticks, graphing paper charts
Values Integration: Creativeness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Using a popsicle sticks, let the pupils form the figure being described.
a. It has 3 sides and 3 corners
b. It has 4 equal sides and 4 corners
c. It has 2 pairs of equal sides and 4 corners
2. Review
Checking the pupils home activity
Let them read and solve the word problems on the board.
1. Mother bought 2 kilograms of cooking oil. She used 1kg of it for
the fried chicken. How many grams of cooking oil are left?
2. Father harvested 500 grams of ampalaya. He gives 100 grams to
the neighbor. How many kilograms of ampalaya were left?
3. Tony helped father sell fish in the market. They sold 6 kilograms
of fish in the morning and 4 kilograms in the afternoon. How many
kilograms of fish did they sell in all?
3. Motivation
Show a picture of a bedroom and a bathroom with floor covered with
Ask: What is the shape of the bedroom and the bathroom floor. What
covers the bedroom and bathroom floor? What is the shape of each
tile? Which part of the house is bigger, the bedroom floor or the
bathroom floor? Which part of the house would you like to clean?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Show a square tile or a square cardboard.
Ask: What is the shape of this piece of tile or cardboard? (It is a square.)
Present 2 rectangular flat surface objects, such as teachers table and
desk of pupil and a cut-out t of square unit.
Call a pupil to lay flat the square unit on top of the table, then on the
Let the pupil count how many square units cover the entire rectangular
region of the table? desk? Which has a bigger area? smaller area?
C. Performing an Activity
Board Work
Activity 1 (Chart of a Floor Plan of a Resident building)
Call volunteer pupils to do the task.
a. Trace the dots of the porch.
Write how many square units ________________
b. Trace the dots of the living room
Write how many square units.________________
c. Trace the dots of the biggest room
Write how many square units._______________
Activity 2
Individual Task
Bring out your graphing paper.
Draw different shapes of figures by following the directions below.
a. Draw a rectangle with 12 square units. Color it red.
b. Draw a square with 9 square units. Color it green.
c. Draw a square with 16 square units. Color it yellow.
d. Draw a rectangle with 10 square units. Color it orange.
What are the things that you draw?
How do you show your creativity in doing things?
Teacher explains the value of creativity.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
What unit do you use in finding the area of the surface?(square units)
How did you find the area of a surface? (Count the square units)
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1A and 1B in the Learners Materials
Bedroom 3
Bedroom 2 Bedroom 1
Porch Living Room
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How did you find the area of a surface?
How would you illustrate area as a measure of how much surface is
covered or occupied by a plane figure?
G. Applying to New and other Situations
Individual Tasking
sheet of graphing paper
Draw the following shapes/figures by shading the square units given.
1. Square with 9 square units.
2. Rectangle with 8 square units.
3. Square with 25 square units.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in the Learners Materials
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in the Learners Materials
Show the area of a given figure using square-tile units e.g.
number of square tiles needed
Showing the Area of a Given Figure using Square-tile Units
e.g. number of square tiles needed
Pictures, cut-outs (square shape)
Values Integration: Concern for others
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Guessing Game
Divide the class into two groups. Let them guess the number. The
group with the highest point wins.
1. If you multiply this number by 2, you get 6. What is that number?
2. If you multiply this number by 3, you get 9. What is that number?
3. If you multiply this number by 10, you get 30. What is that
4. If you multiply this number by 4, you get 12. What is that
5. If you multiply this number by 7, you get 21. What is that
2. Review
Count and give the number of square units.
a. ___square units b. ___square units
c. ___ square units d. ___square units
e. ___square units
3. Motivation
Present to the class the pre-cut squares of equal sizes from a
cardboard (100 pieces)
Say: I have some pieces of cardboards on top of the table. Who can
guess the number of pieces of square cardboards?
I want to cover the top surface of the table. Who will come to the front
and try it out on the table?
B. Presenting the Lesson
Here is the top of the table. Each square cardboard is a square unit.
Ask: What is the shape of the top of the table?
What do you call the longer side?
How about the shorter side?
How many square cardboards are needed for the length of the top
surface of the table?
How many square cardboards are needed for the width of the top
surface of the table?
What do you call the total number of square units covering the total
surface of the table?
How do you find the total number of square units?
Can you give the total number of square units covering a surface in
a short way?
How? (by multiplying Length x width)
Teacher explains that multiplying length and width is a short cut method
to find the total number of square units.
C. Performing an activity
Group Activities
Activity 1
Group the pupils into three. Assign a leader for each group.
Let them supply the missing number then find the area of the following
shapes in square units.
1. 4 x __ = _______ square units
2. __ x 2 = _______ square units
3. 5 x __ = _______ square units
4. 2 x __ = _______ square units
5. 4 x ___ = _______ square units
Let the leader in each group explain their work by showing the number of
square units needed to cover a given area.
How did each one of you work with each other?
Did you behave while working?
Did you show concern for your group mates? How?
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
What do you call the longer side of each shape? How about the shorter
How did you find the area of the given surface?
What is the short method in finding the area of a surface?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts or Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1A and 1B in the Learners Materials.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
What do you call the two sides of a shape / figure?
How did you find the total area of a surface?
G. Applying to New and Other Situations
Group the pupils into three. Provide manila paper and square-tile
/square cardboard for each group. Assign objects for the group to
work on.
Group 1. Teachers table
Find the area of the teachers table using the square-tile/square
Group 2. Object table
Find the area of the object table using the square-tile/square
Group 3. Pupils Desk
Find the area of the your desk using the square-tile/ square
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in the Learners Materials
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in the Learners Materials
Estimate the area of a given figure using any shape.
Estimating the Area of a Given Figure Using any Shape
Charts, diagrams
Values Integration: Cooperation
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Using show me board.
Let the pupils illustrate the figure on their show me board showing the
area on the flash card.
Example: a square with an area of 4 square units
1. A rectangle with an area of 12 square
2. A square with an area of 9 square
3. A rectangle with an area of 6 square
4. A rectangle with an area of 8 square
5. A square with an area of 16 square
2. Review
(Teacher prepared the chart ahead of time.)
Count the square units then write the area on the blank.
1. Area = square units
2. Area = square units
3. Area = square units
4. Area = square units
5. Area = square units
3. Motivation
Show an illustration of two squares.
Ask: Which square has a bigger area?
Why? (Square A has a bigger area because it can cover up
square B.)
B. Presenting the Lesson
Posing the problem
Mrs. Reyes plans to have the flooring of her classroom covered
with tiles. She estimated the area of the flooring to find out the
number of tiles needed to cover the flooring.
How did Mrs. Reyes estimate the area of the figure?
Say: Let us help Mrs. Reyes in estimating the area of the flooring
using square , triangle and rectangle.
Ask: Who will come and pick out the square on the table?
The teacher shows the diagram of the flooring on a
manila paper.
A. Using square
Let the pupil holding the square fit in the diagram.
Ask: How many squares cover the flooring?
Therefore, what is the estimated area?
B. Using triangle
Let another pupil and pick the triangle .
Explain to the pupils that 1 square is equivalent to 2 triangles.
Let the pupil fit the into the diagram.
Ask him/her to give the estimated area based on the number of
If 2 triangles is equal to 1 square unit , then what is the
estimated area of the flooring?
C. Using rectangle
Call another pupil to pick the rectangle.
Ask: What have you observed about the size of the square
and the rectangle? How many squares cover the
rectangle? ( 2 squares )
Let the pupil fit the rectangle in the diagram posted on
the chart and estimate the area.
Ask: How many rectangles cover the area? (possible answer)
If 1 triangle is equal to 2 squares , then what is the
estimated area of the flooring?
How did you find the area using rectangle?
C. Performing an Activity
Contest (by pairs)
The teacher calls two pupils for every number. Post two the
same figures on the board. Let the pupils follow the direction.
The first one to give the correct answer gets a point.
Give each pupil a square with the same size.
1. Give the estimated area of the figure using the square.
Let the leader explain how they got the answer.
2. Give the estimated area of the figure using the triangle.
Let the leader explain how they got the answer.
3. Give the estimated area of the figure using the rectangle.
Let the leader explain how they got the answer.
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
What are the shapes that you use in estimating the area of the
How do you estimate the area using the square? (by counting
how many squares cover the figure) How do you estimate the
area using the triangle? (by counting how many triangles cover
the figure then divide by 2 ) How do you estimate the area using
the rectangle? (by counting how many rectangles cover
the figure then multiply by 2 )
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skill
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material.
F . Summarizing the Lesson
How do you estimate the area of the figure using square units?
(We can estimate the area of a given figure by counting the
square units of both sides then multiply the two numbers.)
How do you estimate the area of the figure using triangles?
(by counting how many triangles cover the figure then divide
by 2 ) How do you estimate the area of the figure using
triangle units? (by counting how many rectangles cover the
figure then multiply by 2 )
G. Applying to New and other Situation
Group Activity
Group the pupils into three.
Let them follow the direction cooperatively.
The group who is the first to finish and gives the correct answer wins.
Estimate the area of the figure using the given shape.
Group 1. Using the triangle, estimate the area of the top of your desk.
Group 2. Using the square, estimate the area of the top of the object
Group 3. Using the rectangle, estimate the area of the 2 chalkboards
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Materials
Identify the area of a given figure using square-tile units e.g.
number of square-tiles needed
Identifying the Area of Given Figure Using Square-tile units e.g.
number of square-tiles needed
Show me board, flash cards, charts, shapes
Values Integration: Accuracy in numbers
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Using show me board
Group the class into two. Call representative from each group to
answer and to record the scores on the board.
The group representative will answer the questions correctly.
Immediately, after each answer, the teacher will give the correct
answer. The scorer will record the number of correct answers. The
group with the highest points wins.
Teacher flashes illustrations then asks questions.
1. What is the shape of the figure (square)
2. How many sides are there? (4)
3. What can you say about the four sides (equal or the same in
Teacher flashes another figure.
4. What is the shape of the figure? (rectangle)
5. How many sides are there? (4)
6. Are the four sides equal or the same? (No)
7. How many sides are equal?
2. Review
Teacher prepared a chart/illustration.
Let the pupils count and write the number of square units shaded in
each region. Then write the area on your show me board.
1. A= ____ square units (8 square units)
2. A= ____square units (4 square units)
3. A= ____square units (10 square units)
4. A= ____square units (12 square units)
5. A= ____square units (5 square units)
3. Motivation
Father is holding a square tile. He wants to know how many square
tiles he will use to cover the entire kitchen floor.
Ask: Who is holding a square tile?
What does father wants to know?
What do you think will father do in order to know the number of
square tiles needed to cover the kitchen floor?
(Find the area of the kitchen floor.)
A. Presenting the Lesson
Present the diagram/illustration of a kitchen floor.
Say: Using a square tile let us find out how many square units will cover
the entire kitchen floor?
Ask: How many square units are there? (40 square units). Therefore,
what is the area of the kitchen floor? (40 square units)
Say: The area of the entire region is 40 square units. Thus, father needs
40 square tile to cover the entire kitchen floor.
Another example:
A square table needs to be covered with square tiles. Find out the area
of the square table in order to know how many square tiles are needed.
Say: Who can count the number of square units that cover the entire
region of the table?
Ask: How many square units are there? (16 square units)
What is the area of the table? (16 square units)
How many square tiles are needed to cover the top of the table? (16
square tiles)
B. Performing an Activity
Working in dyads
On a piece of bond paper, copy the illustration and find the area of the
shaded figure. Write your answers on the blank.
Give the area of the following figure:
1. Figure B= Area=_____square units
2. Figure A= Area=_____square units
3. Figure D= Area=_____square units
4. Figure C= Area=_____square units
5. Figure E= Area=_____square units
Checking the answers
What shall we do so that counting would be accurate?
(We should be careful in counting objects to be
accurate in dealing with numbers.)
C. Processing the Results of the Activity
Ask: What did you do to identify the area of a figure?
(count the square units that cover the figure)
D. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material
E. Summarizing the Lesson
How will you identify the area of a given figure? (by counting the
square units that cover the figure)
F. Applying to New and Other Situation
Group Activity
Form the class in groups of four.
Provide a square tile/cardboard to each group and a 1/8 sheet of manila
paper with an illustration. Let the group work on the directions given.
Reporting of the answers by the leader.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Materials
Show and find capacity using appropriate measuring tools, e.g.
amount of liquid needed
Showing and Finding Capacity Using Appropriate Measuring
Tools, e.g. amount of liquid needed
Bottles of soft drinks/medicines, can of milk, gallons, cups,
Values Integration: Practice Ways of Conserving Water
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Let them recall the non-standard units of measure they have learned
in previous grade. Show an illustration of non-standard unit of
Using the square tile/cardboard, find the area of the figure
Area= ________
Based on the illustration:
Ask: How many glasses of water are there in a pitcher?
How many glasses of water are there in the teapot?
How many glasses of water are there in the dipper?
2. Review
Which can be used as a liquid container?
Say Yes, if it is. No, if it is not. (Answer orally.)
a. basket f. plate
b. glass g. cup
c. kettle h. flower pot
d. bottle i. flower base
e. can j. pitcher
3. Motivation
Using a beaker and two glasses (empty glass and with water)
Ask: What are the things found on the table?( beaker and 2 glasess)
Unlocking of the word beaker
Beaker is a cylindrical glass vessel for laboratory use. It has
measuring unit.
Say: Look at the two glasses. Which glass holds more water? Why?
Explain to the pupils:
The amount of water hold by a container is called capacity.
Capacity can be measured in liters and milliliters.
There are 1, 000 ml in 1L.
Liter can be written as L.
Millimeter can be written in ml
Do: Show to the pupils how to find the liters and milliliters in the
Ask: Do you know the exact capacity of glass A? B?
What measuring tools can be used to find the capacity of a liquid
Many places nowadays suffer from water shortage. What can
you do to conserve water?
Do we need to campaign for water conservation?
How would you do it?
B. Presenting the lesson
Say: Here is a beaker. We can use this measuring tool to
measure the capacity of water in glass A and glass B.
Do: Pour the water from glass A to the beaker.
Ask: How much liquid is held in glass A?
Do: Pour the water from glass B to the beaker.
Ask: How many liquid is held in glass A? in glass B?
Do: Show another container or measuring tool.
Say: This bottle holds 1 liter of fruit juice.
This medicine dropper holds about 1 milliliter of liquid.
Pupils Activity
Say: Get a medicine dropper, glass of water and a small medicine bottle.
Show how many milliliters of water can be put in the bottle.
(Pour only some amount then let the pupils guess.)
Get a pail and I liter bottle. Find out how many liters can be put in
the pail.
Which container can hold milliliters of liquids? liters of liquids?
C. Performing an Activity
A. Using Show Me Board
What unit of measure will you use in each container?
Write your answers on the show me board.
(Show the bottles or containers pictures or real objects)
1. pitcher 6. Glass
2. gallon of water 7. Pail
3. 1.5 liter soft5drink bottle 8. Tablespoon
4. medicine bottle 9. a sachet of shampoo
5. a cup of coffee 10. a basin of water
B. Working in Dyads
Call two pupils from each group. Give placards L and ML to each
pupil. Pupil holding ML will show the placard so with the one holding
ML. The first one to raise the placard gets a point. The group with
the highest points wins.
What unit of measure is used for each container?
1. water in the aquarium
2. a pail of water
3. a drop of rain
4. water in a glass
5. cologne in a small bottle
C. Use Show Me Board in answering the next activity. Which estimate
is better for the capacity of each?
1. a large container of milk - 4L or 9ml
2. a glass of juice - 200ml or 2L
3. a dropper of medicine - 1ml or 50ml
4. a pot of soup - 50ml or 5L
5. large can of juice - 1L or 150ml
D. Processing the Results of the Activity
What unit of measure will you use in finding the capacity of liquid?
When do we use litre (L)? When do we use milliliter (ml)?
E. Reinforcing the concepts and skills
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Materials
F. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we find the capacity of a certain container of liquid? (by using
appropriate measuring tools)
When do we use milliliter? liter?
G. Applying to New and other Situations.
Group Activity
Group the class into four.
The milliliter (ml) is used to measure the capacity of small container.
The liter (L) is used to measure the capacity of large containers.
Let the group do what is asked.
(Choose a leader to report your answers.)
1. List down 5 containers that hold more than 1 litre.
2. List down 5 containers that hold less than 1 litre.
3. List down 5 containers that hold more than 1 ml.
Note: While each leader is reporting their answers, the class will check if
the answers are correctly done.
Say: Let us clap our hands for the group having the highest points.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Materials
Collect and organize data using tables and pictures
Collecting and Organizing Data Using Tables and Pictures
Activity Cards, show-me-boards, chart, pictograph
Values Integration: Cooperation
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill/ Review
Naming the parts of a graph
Do: Post a graph on the board. Let the pupils match the parts of
the graph (written on the strips) with the numbered part.
Pupils Favorite Colors
Legend: = 3 children
Sample of strips:
Do: Bring the pupils attention to the numbered part of the
graph to check if there are labeled correctly.
Ask: What are the parts of a graph?
Label - Pupils Label - Color
Legend Title of the Graph
2. Motivation
Say: All parts of a graph tell us some information. The graph
shows that most of the pupils like red as their favorite
Ask: How about you? What is your favorite color?
Say: We see the different colors around us. We even see
books with colorful presentations.
Ask: Do you like books with colorful pictures and
illustrations? Do you read books during vacant time?
Have you gone to our library
B. Presentation of the Lesson
a. Posing a situation.
Do: Let the pupils read the situation.
Mrs. Gier, the school librarian was asked by her
principal to submit a report on books borrowed and
read by the pupils from June to March for a current
school year. What did the principal ask from Mrs. Gier?
b. Presenting the data made by Mrs. Cruz.
Do: Post the data on the board. Bring the attention of the
pupils to the data. Focus on how the data are
presented by Mrs. Gier.
Report on Books Borrowed and Read
Month Number of Books
Legend: = 100 Books
Ask: What are the given data? (The number of books
borrowed and read by the pupils per month.)
C. Organizing the data
Say: Lets now organize the data presented by Mrs. Gier
using the tables and pictures.
Ask: What do you think is the title of the graph? (Books
Borrowed and Read in the Library)
Do: Let the pupils use the pictures of a book to represent its
equivalent. Let them understand that 1 book equals to
50 books.
Ask: How many books are borrowed and read by the pupils
in the month of June? (100 books) How many books
should reflect in the table using a picture? (2 books)
Do: Present the chart. Bring the attention of the pupils to
how data are being organized and presented.
Books Borrowed and Read in the
Month Number of Books
Legend: = 50 Books
D. Performing an Activity
Do: Divide the class into 3 groups. Provide an activity card
and materials to each group.
Activity 1
Organize the data written on the activity card into tables and pictures.
Activity 2
Organize the data written on the activity card into tables and pictures.
Title: Yield of Tomatoes in Five Years
Legend: = 20 boxes of tomatoes
2009 150 boxes of tomatoes
2010 200 boxes of tomatoes
2011 250 boxes of tomatoes
2012 200 boxes of tomatoes
2013 150 boxes of tomatoes
Title: Rice Harvested in Five Years
Legend: = 50 sacks
2009 100 sacks
2010 200 sacks
2011 150 sacks
2012 250 sacks
2013 250 sacks
Activity 3
Organize the data written on the activity card into tables and pictures.
E. Processing the Result of an Activity
Do: Let the pupils present their output. Let them discuss by
group. Make a follow up discussion focusing on how
the data are organized.
Ask: What is the title of the graph in Activity 1, 2, and 3?
What are given data in Activity 1, 2, and 3?
How did you organize the data collected into table and
F. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
G. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: How do you organize data using tables and
What are the things needed to organize it?
What does the legend tell?
H. Applying to New and Other Situation
Do: Divide the class into 3 groups.
Provide an activity card and cut-outs picture of
watermelon and chart to each group. Let them do the
Title: Eggs Collected by Five Pupils
Legend: = 5 trays of eggs
Organize the data using the tables and pictures. Use cut-outs picture of
watermelon to represent the data and legend.
Title: Watermelon Gathered in One Week
Legend: = 10 watermelons
Monday 6 Tuesday 8
Wednesday 10 Thursday 12
Friday 11 Saturday 10
Sunday 9
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Materials
Read and interpret data in a given pictograph
Reading and Interpreting Data in a Given Pictograph
Colored strips of paper, manila paper, example of graph on a chart,
activity sheets
Values Integration: Gratitude
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill/ Review
Checking of assignment
Do: Let the pupils present their pictographs and discuss
them focusing on the parts.
2. Motivation
Ask: Who among you have participated in tree planting in
your barangay? In the school? Why is it important to
plant more trees?
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Telling a situation about tree planting.
Do: Let the pupils read and retell the situation.
Japheth and his classmates joined the tree planting
project of their school. After planting, he made a record
of the number of trees the group planted.
b. Analyzing the situation.
Do: Post the graph on the board. Let them analyze the
situation/data given. Bring the attention of the pupils to
the graph.
Groups Number of Trees Planted
Legend: = 5 trees
Say: This is a graph using pictures. It is called picture graph
or pictograph.
Ask: What is the title of the pictograph?
How many trees does each picture represent?
What part of the pictograph gives us this information?
How many trees did each group plant?
Which group planted the most number of trees?
Which group planted the least number of trees?
Which group planted the same number of trees?
C. Performing an Activity
Do: Divide the class into 3 groups. Provide an activity card
to each group.
Activity Card
One of the projects of the Local Government Unit for the people is
Medical Mission for the Barangay. The pictograph below shows data
on the project.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the title of this pictograph?
2. How many districts are shown on the left side?
3. What does each mean?
4. How many recipients are served in District I and 2?
5. How many recipients are served in District 3 and 4?
6. How many recipients are served in District 5?
7. Which district has the most number of recipients served?
8. Which district has the least number of recipients served?
9. Which district has the same number of recipients served?
D. Processing the Result of an Activity
Do: Let the pupils present their output. Let them discuss
by group. Make a follow up discussion focusing on the
pictograph made by the pupils.
Ask: Based on your pictograph presented, what does the title
tell us?
How many districts are served for the Medical Mission?
Ask: Should the Local Government Unit continue this kind of
project? Why?
If your family is one of the recipients of this Medical
Mission, what will you do? (Support the project and
express our gratitude to them)
Do: Explain briefly the values of gratitude.
Ask: Why do we express gratitude to everyone who is
helping or extending a favor to us?
E. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Let the pupils do Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: What does the title tell us?
The title tells what the graph is all about.
What does the legend tell us?
The legend tells the number of person or things each picture
stands for.
How do we interpret legend in a pictograph?
Determine the value of each picture and the number of
persons or things.
What process will you use to come up with the correct data
when using the legend? Multiplication or addition
G. Applying to New and Other Situation
Do: Provide an activity card and let them answer the questions
Number of Books per Subject Area in the Library
Legend: = 10 books
1. What are the different kinds of books in the library?
2. How many Filipino books are there? Science? HEKASI? English?
3. What book has the biggest number?
4. What book has the smallest number?
5. How many books are there in all?
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Materials
LESSON 93 and 94 (2 Days)
Form scale representation of objects from data collected
Makes pictograph using scale representation
Forming scale representation of objects from data collected
Making Pictograph Using Scale Representation
Colored strips of paper, manila paper, example of graph on a chart, activity
Values Integration: Helping one another with a cause.
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill/ Review
Checking of assignment (Group checking)
Do: Divide the class into 3 groups. Let the group check
their assignment cooperatively. Post a chart on the
board. Provide cut-out pictures of a sack of palay. Let
the groups fill up the chart with the needed information
to complete the pictograph using the cut-out picture of a
palay. Post the situation given on the board.
Say: Let us fill up the chart using the cut-outs picture of a
sack. Do not forget that one picture of a sack is equal
to five sacks.
Complete the pictograph to show the number of sacks of palay
harvested by the following farmers:
Mang Totong 50 sacks Mang Jerry 30 sacks
Mang Loloy 40 sacks Mang Jojo 35 sacks
Farmers Palay Harvested
Mang Jerry
Mang Loloy
Mang Bebot
Mang Jojo
Legend: Each stands for 5 sacks of
2. Motivation
Ask: Who among you have actively participated in the activity? How
do you feel? Do you feel the spirit of helping one another in
analyzing the situation given? Is your group has done the
activity the sooner possible time than the other group? Why is
it important to help one another?
Do: Explain briefly the importance of helping one another.
B. Presenting the Lesson
a. Telling a situation about harvesting fruits in the farm.
Say: Let us help one another to form a scale representation
of objects from the data collected using cut-outs of
Do: Let the pupils read and retell the situation.
Japheth and his brothers helped Mang Lope and Mang
Roque harvesting the fruits in the farm during summer
time. After harvesting, Mang Lope asked Japheth to
record the number of fruits harvested in one week.
b. Analyzing the situation.
Do: Post the graph on the board. Let them analyze the
situation/data given. Bring the attention of the
pupils to the graph. Let the pupils read the pictograph
and answer the questions below.
Say: Look at the data below. This is the record made by
Japheth after harvesting the fruits in one week.
Fruits Harvested in One Week
Day Mango Avocado Mangosteen Guava Marang
Monday 70 80 50 60 60
Tuesday 60 70 50 50 50
Wednesday 50 60 40 40 50
Thursday 40 50 40 30 40
Friday 30 40 30 30 40
Saturday 20 40 30 20 30
Sunday 20 40 20 20 30
Ask: What kind of fruits has the most number of harvests?
What kind of fruits has the least number of harvests?
What kind of fruits has the same number of harvests?
C. Performing an Activity
Do: Divide the class into three groups.
Let the group forms a scale representation of fruits from the
data gathered by Japheth using cut-out pictures. Provide cut-
outs picture of different kinds of fruits like mango, avocado,
guava, mangosteen, and marang. Post a chart on the board
for each group. Let them do the activity.
A. Form a scale representation of the data using the cut-outs of
picture. Use the table below.
Fruits Harvested in One Week
Fruits Harvested in One Week
Day Mango Avocado Mangosteen Guava Marang
Legend: Each = 10 fruits
B. Answer the following:
1. Name all the parts of the pictograph.
2. What does a title tell us?
3. How many fruit does each picture represent?
4. What does days of the week tell us?
5. What does the label at the left tell us?
6. Which fruits has the least number of pictures represented?
7. Which fruits has the most number of pictures represented?
8. Which fruits has the same number of pictures represented?
9. How many fruits were represented by pictures in all?
D. Processing the Result of an Activity
Do: Let the group present their outputs. Let them discuss on their
outputs. Make a follow up discussion focusing on the
representation of objects.
Fruits Harvested in One Week
Day Mango Avocado Mangosteen
Legend: Each = 10 fruits
Ask: What does a title tell us?
How many fruit does each picture represent
Which fruits has the least number of pictures represented?
Which fruits has the most number of pictures represented?
Which fruits has the same number of pictures represented?
How many fruits were represented by pictures in all?
Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills
Do: Let the pupils answer Buluhaton 1 in Learners Material
E. Summarizing the Lesson
Ask: What does the title tell us? (The title tells what the graph is all
What does the legend tell us? (The legend tells the number of
person or things each picture stands for.)
How do we interpret the legend in a pictograph? (Determine
the value of each picture and the number of persons or
How do we form scale representation of objects from the data
We form through a representation of one object to each
equivalent or value. (e.g. 1 object = 10 pictures)
F. Applying to New and Other Situation
Do: Provide an activity card and let them answer the questions
Books in the Library
Number of Books per Subject Area in
Grade 2
English 30
Filipino 40
Math 40
Science 35
Legend: = 5 books
1. What are the different kinds of books in the library?
2. How many Filipino books are represented by a picture? Science?
HEKASI? English?
3. What book has the most number of representations of pictures?
4. What book has the smallest number of representations of
5. How many books are there in all?
Let the pupils answer the Buluhaton 2 in Learners Material.
Let the pupils answer Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners Materials
Make a guess on whether an event is less likely, more likely,
equally or unlikely to happen based on facts
Making a Guess on whether an Event is Less Likely, More
Likely, Equally or Unlikely to Happen Based on Facts
1-peso coins, marbles, picture cards, improvised spinner wheel
Values Integration:
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review/ Drill
Checking of assignment
Do: Post a pictograph on the board. Provide cut-outs picture
of a marble and rubber bond for representation of them.
Let them answer on the board and do the group
checking of their assignment. Form a representation of
objects in the pictograph and answer the following questions:
Marbles and Rubberbands Collected in One Week
Legend: Each and stands for 5 marbles and 5 rubberbands
1. What does a picture of 1 marble stands for?
2. What does a picture of 1 rubber bond stands for?
3. Who has the most number of marble and rubber bonds
represented through pictures?
4. Who has the least number of marble and rubber bonds
represented through pictures?
5. Who have the same number of marble and rubber bonds
represented through pictures?
2. Motivation
Ask: Have you seen a dart? Have you experienced playing a
What do you observe when playing a dart? Would you
like to play?
Say: Let us play a dart game. Observe the number of
times the arrow will point to each of the color
when we spin it.
B. Presenting the Lesson
Posing the situation.
Do: Ask pupils to play a dart. Let them find out the number of
times the arrow pointing to each color when they spin it 20
Ask: What do you think is the number of times the arrow pointing to
blue, green or red colors when you spin the arrow 20 times?
C. Performing an Activity
Analyzing/Solving the problem in different ways.
Do: Divide the class into three groups. Provide activity cards and
improvised spinner wheel and a tally sheet to each group
a. Which of the arrow will point most often and why?
b. Spin the arrow 20 times and record the number of times it
will point to the color in the tally sheet.
Tally Sheet
Blue Red Yellow Green Total
Prediction: a. The arrow will point most likely to green because this
color has the biggest part on the wheel.
b. The arrow will not point to orange because this color
has not found on the wheel.
Do: Go around and observe how the groups perform the activity.
Assist those who cannot follow the instruction.
D. Processing the Results of an Activity
Do: Let the group post their output, tally sheet on the board. Let
them discuss their work. Make a follow up discussion
focusing on the result.
Possible Result:
Tally Sheet
Red Blue Yellow Green TOTAL
|||| ||||
(Results may be different from this. If your class can handle big
numbers, it is best to combine the results of all groups.)
Ask: How many times did the arrow point to red?
(The arrow pointed to red 2 times.)
How many times did it point to green?
(The arrow pointed to green 10 times.)
How many times did it point to blue?
(The arrow pointed to blue 4 times.)
How many times did it point to yellow?
(The arrow pointed to yellow 4 times)
Was your prediction correct?
If I spin the arrow again, which color it will point to?
(The arrow will point to green.) (Green has the biggest part of
the color on the wheel).
Do: Introduce the term most likely.
Say: The arrow is most likely to point to green because it has the
biggest part on the wheel. The result of the activity confirms
this. It has the highest number of tally marks.
Do: Introduce the term equally likely.
Say: The arrow is equally likely to point to blue and yellow because
they have same part on the wheel. The result of activity
confirms this because they have same number of tally marks.
Say: The arrow is least likely to point to red because it has the
smallest part on the wheel. The result of the activity confirms
this. It has the least number of tally marks.
Do: Introduce the term more likely
Say: The arrow is more likely to point to blue and yellow because
they the smaller part on the wheel.
Giving another example to follow up discussion.
Do: Show the blue wheel.
Say: Look at the wheel.
Ask: Is there a chance that when we spin the arrow, it will point to
Why? (Yes, because blue is the only color on the wheel.)
Say: It is certain that the arrow will always point to blue every time
they spin it. The term certain describes a result that will always
Ask: How about the chance that the arrow will point to yellow?
Why? (There is no chance that the arrow will point to yellow. It
is because there is no yellow portion on the wheel.)
Say: It is impossible for the arrow to point to yellow every time they
spin it. The term impossible describes a result that has no
chance of happening.
E. Reinforcing the Concept/Skill
Do: Ask the pupils to do the Activity on picking marbles. Then,
discuss the answers.(It is alright if the pupils predictions are
not the expected answer at this point. Just remember to go
back to it after doing the activity and relate the result by
comparing it to the number of marbles in the bag. In the bag,
the number of blue marbles is greater than the number of red
marbles which is also greater than the number of yellow
marbles. The result of the activity should show the same
Please refer to LM for the Activity
Answers to #1 and #2
1. A blue marble is still most likely to be drawn because it still has
the highest number.
2. It is impossible to get a black marble from the bag because
there are no black marbles inside it.
F. Summarizing the Lesson
Do: Explain to the class that results of activities may not have the
same chance of happening. There are words they can use to
describe the chance of happening:
The word certain is used to describe that a result will always
The word impossible or unlikely to happen is used if there is
no chance that a result will happen.
The phrase most likely to happen is used if a result has the
greatest chance to happen.
The phrase least likely to happen is used if a result has the
least chance to happen.
Let the pupils do the Buluhaton 2 in Learners Materials.
Let the pupils do the Buluhaton sa Balay in Learners