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Essay 1: Abhishek Nagaraja CSU ID: 830467534 ACT 600 Chapters 1, 2 & 3

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CSU ID: 830467534

ACT 600
Chapters 1, 2 & 3
What are the key points in the chapter?
The three chapters mostly emphasises on how to voice your values. We must start with
the premise that most of us would like to behave in accordance with our values and less emphasis
on other voices. Assumptions that others do not behave ethically is a wrong notion. Most of the
people voice only on occasions which lead to a conclusion that no one is ethical.
Practicing to make a choice is more often than not a good habit. As in the self-defence
example stated in chapter 2, just the teachings arent effective, real life scenarios and
experimenting with those matters a lot. Getting feedback and improvising on the drawbacks is an
effective way to take a stance. Both the cognitive and the experimental aspects must be met.
When placed in a position to voice our values we may be anxious about its chances. So to avoid
unintended reinforcement of our intention it is best to practice in a collaborative context. Also an
organisation can enhance or limit the option available to value conflict. Thus collaborating with
colleagues and tackling the issue head on is a good practice. We must familiarize ourselves by
self-motivating and come up with the response in advance so that we can address them fluently.
This is explained with an example where the client ill-humoured one colleague of the author and
how she kept calm and explained her point with proof later on to the client and got the job done.
So being pre-prepared with the course was helpful for her to voice effectively. Actual real life
scenarios help to understand certain aspects better. Demonstrating credible responses for voicing
concerns can encourage others to join us. Set an example yourself and never back out in any
situation. Others can be influenced without you even knowing about the impact that it created.
With better self-knowledge we are more likely to able to anticipate and manage our response
with values and protect our own weakness. To get along with individuals who have voiced their
values and try to discern their driving force or external support. Engaging in strategic use of
managerial hierarchy and also keeping the engaged individuals in mind. Giving voice to values is
about practicing our approach such that we feel greater confidence and behave skilfully instead of
backing out. We must analyse the cost of not voicing and increase the likelihood of success. The
common objection that we may be wrong makes us silent. Therefore we are more likely to voice

only if we believe we could do so and identify all ways in which we are discouraged and pay
attention to them and reinforce them.
Ethics suggest rules that one must comply. In case of conflicting decisions, make a right
decision and try to resolve the tensions. We got to recognize and question our own biases. Ethics
are a set of externally imposed rules. But values are internal framework. Morality is a standard of
what is right or wrong. It is more emphasised on decision and judgement rather than the desired
goals. Value refers to inherent worth or a quality of a thing or idea. We learnt about the 5 shared
values i.e. honesty, responsibility, fairness, respect and compassion. In the example provided
where a girl is cheated with a defective computer, there is violation of business integrity. The girl,
instead of raising her voice focussed on other work. She chose not to fight. Thus positive thinking
and self-justifying the biases rationalize future failures. Reframing ones self-image by recognition
of values. Value is culturally specific. Metaphorically speaking, even though we can voice our
values there are varied situations that can arise. Giving voice must be well framed and well timed.
Providing opportunity, comparing our behaviour with values and brainstorming about how to
reframe the situation is what Giving voice to values all about.

How has my thinking and behaviour been transformed as a result of these chapters?
Based on the exercise I can judge myself. I have learnt to recall any situation and try to
resolve the conflict. I must identify why I did not voice and try to resolve it. I definitely will make
allies and talk to them about and share our values with each other. It is very important not only to
think about to whom we raise our voice, but also about whom we speak first to. I have learnt to
gather any information beforehand and gather data in order to voice my values better. We must
be more effective to open a discussion with questions instead of giving impassioned speech. I
have learnt to understand the audiences personal as well as professional rationale. I have learnt
to handle complex situations with single decisions than of reviewing and revising an entire
network of practice. And finally the more we voice the more it becomes a default choice.

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