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3 Halitosis 2.3.1 Definiton: 2.3.2 Etiology

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3 Halitosis
2.3.1 Definiton
Halitosis is breath that is offensive to others, caused by a variety of
reasons including but not limited to periodontal disease, bacterial coating of
tongue, systemic disorders and different types of food (Soder, 2000).
After the decline in the prevalence of oral diseases of major
prevalence, Dentistry has given it a closer attention, which should not be







understanding of halitosis is weak. Several clinical approaches are based

strictly on opinions. The present review will focus on different aspects of
halitosis, trying to demonstrate the most appropriate evidence to support
the approach for its management (Loesche, 2002).
The prevalence of halitosis has been studied in groups of individuals
found in different parts of the world in convenience samples. Different
assessments and cut-off points are presented. Therefore, precise estimates of
the prevalence of halitosis are not possible to obtain. Table 1 describes
descriptive epidemiological studies that document the prevalence of halitosis.
They indicate that moderate chronic halitosis affects approximately one third
of the groups, whereas severe halitosis may involve less than 5% of the
population. It is clear that halitosis is a prevalent problem, and that the dental
profession needs to take its responsibility in managing it (Soder, 2000).
2.3.2 Etiology
The etiology of halitosis has been subject to a historical controversy.
Dentistry claimed oral etiological factors; however, in order not to
undertake the responsibility for treatment, it would sometimes emphasize
non-oral causes of halitosis. Thus, the stomach was, for years, blamed for
the presence of halitosis. Several studies have demonstrated that the mouth
is the origin for the majority of halitosis. Eighty-seven percent of the
incoming patients with severe malodor who attended a specialized clinic for
halitosis in Belgium had their problem related to oral factors. Gingivitis
and periodontitis accounted for approximately 60% of the oral factors and

the tongue accounted for the other 40%. A subsequent report by the same
group found oral factors as responsible for halitosis in 76% of 2000
patients. Therefore, Dentistry is responsible for diagnosing and treating
halitosis (Quirynen, 2009).
1. Periodontal inflammation
The presence of microorganisms and the inflammatory products present
in gingivitis/periodontitis are capable of producing odoriferous substances.
Cross-sectional studies associated halitosis to the presence of


gingivitis or periodontitis. In vitro and in vivo studies demonstrated the

ability of putative periodontal pathogens and products of inflammation to
produce volatile odoriferous compounds. Therefore, the presence of
periodontal inflammation needs to be considered in the management of
halitosis (Bomstein, 2009).
2. Tongue coating
Tongue coating, including bacteria, desquamated cells, and saliva,
among others, is one of the important etiological factors of halitosis. A
study demonstrated that tongue coating was associated with halitosis in
more than 60% of 2000 patients of a breath clinic, whether present
alone, or with periodontal inflammation. Most studies implicate the
coating on the posterior area of the tongue which is consistent with the
presence of billions of bacteria, including anaerobes that live there and
are capable of producing odoriferous substances (Kazor, 2003).
3. Microbiology of halitosis








gingivitis/periodontitis as well as from the tongue produce odoriferous

substances in vitro. Intervention studies which achieve a clinically
significant effect in reducing halitosis exhibit a reduction in these
bacteria. Therefore, the clinical management




microbiological targets, with antimicrobial approaches mechanical

and chemical being part of the strategy.
4. Non-oral causes of halitosis

Ear-nose-throat problems such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, the presence of

out-of-body material and rhinitis were frequently associated with nonoral halitosis in breath clinics. These studies were unable to in
clinically relevant associations of halitosis with gastroenterological
problems. However, two studies demonstrated a possible association

gastrointestinal problems and halitosis their treatment

improves halitosis measurements. Stressful situations also might

contribute to increase halitosis. In some individuals, the complaint of
halitosis cannot be associated with either the ability of the clinician
to detect odors or with the demonstration of VSC in the exhaled air.
This paradoxical situation has been classiied as halitophobia, an
important psychological problem that needs to be addressed with
non-oral clinical strategies (Takeshita, 2010).
2.3.3 Treatment
1. Periodontal therapy
Periodontal treatment decreases halitosis. How- ever, studies concerning
response to periodontal therapy as the only therapeutic approach for halitosis are
scarce and sometimes the effects are limited, especially because other sources of
halitosis are not considered. A demonstrated that a strict supragingival plaque
control is able to reduce VSC and organoleptic scores in periodontitis patients. The
studies performed in breath clinics have also demonstrated the ability of
periodontal treatment measurements to reduce halitosis (Van der Sleen, 2010).
2. Approaches directed to tongue coating
Several studies have demonstrated that reducing bacteria on the dorsum of
the tongue will diminish halitosis. A study concluded that tongue cleaning was one
of the most important approaches for halitosis. A systematic review demonstrated
the potential of tongue cleaning, however the evidence was not convincing. Also, a
Cochrane systematic review demonstrated that there is a little superiority of tongue
scrapers as compared to brushing in reducing halitosis. Therefore, tongue cleansing
is one of the components and should never be a sole treatment for halitosis.

3. Antimicrobials
Since the presence of microorganisms from oral is responsible for producing
malodor, any type of treatment approach that has impact in the oral microbiota
has the potential of reducing halitosis. Mouthrinses, especially chlorhexidine and
cetilpyridinium chloride have been effective in reducing halitosis. In addition, the
use of dentifrices has also been studied. Triclosan containing dentifrices, for
example, have demonstrated an interesting potential in reducing VSC.
4. Medical approaches
If oral approaches are not successful in reducing/ eliminating halitosis,
patients should be referred to a physician. If the medical causes cannot be
suspected, the first professional to be referred is the otorhinolaryngologist,
followed by the gastroenterologist. If halitophobia is considered, a psychologist
or phsychiatrist should be included.
5. Masking agents
When it is not possible to direct the treatment approach to the cause, masking
agents have been developed to decrease the odor. The use of chewing gum may
decrease halitosis, especially through increasing salivary secretion. Mouthrinses
containing chlorine dioxide and zinc salts have a substantial effect in masking
halitosis, not allowing the volatilization of the unpleasant odor.


approaches should be only used temporarily in order to improve satisfacation of

the patient (Faveri, 2006).

1. Loesche WJ, Kazor C. Microbiology and treatment of halitosis. Periodontal.

2002 Apr;28:256-79.
2. Sder B, Johansson B, Sder PO. The relation between foetor ex ore, oral
hygiene and periodontal disease. Swed Dent J. 2000 Mar;24(3):73-82.
3. Quirynen M, Dadamio J, Van den Velde S, De Smit M, De- keyser C, Van
Tornout M, et al. Characteristics of 2000 patients who visited a halitosis clinic.
J Clin Periodontol. 2009 Nov;36(11):970-5.

4. Bornstein MM, Kislig K, Hoti BB, Seemann R, Lussi A. Prevalence of

halitosis in the population of the city of Bern, Switzerland: a study comparing
self-reported and clinical data. Eur J Oral Sci. 2009 Jun;117(3):261-7.
5. Kazor CE, Mitchell PM, Lee AM, Stokes LN, Loesche WJ, Dewhirst FE, et
al. Diversity of bacterial populations on the tongue dorsa of patients with
halitosis and healthy patients.J Clin Microbiol. 2003 Feb;41(2):558-63.
6. Takeshita T, Suzuki N, Nakano Y, Shimazaki Y, Yoneda M, Hirofuji T, et al.
Relationship between oral malodor and the global composition of indigenous








7. Faveri M, Hayacibara MF, Pupio GC, Cury JA, Tsuzuki CO, Hayacibara RM.
A cross-over study on the effect of various therapeutic approaches to morning
breath odour. J Clin Peri- odontol. 2006 Aug;33(8):555-60.
8. Van der Sleen MI, Slot DE, Van Trijffel E, Winkel EG, Van der Weijden GA.
Effectiveness of mechanical tongue cleaning on breath odour and tongue
coating: a systematic review. Int J Dent Hyg. 2010 Nov;8(4):258-68.

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