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Journal of Dentistry and Oral Sciences

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Journal of Dentistry and Oral Sciences

ISSN: 2582-3736
Conceicao M, et al., 2020-J Dent Oral Sci
Review Article

Diagnostic Technique for Assessing

Halitus Clinic, Halitosis Treatment
Halitosis Origin Using Oral and Nasal Center, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Organoleptic Tests, Including Safety 2

Universidade Cidade de São Paulo,
Faculdade de Medicina, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Measures Post Covid-19
*Corresponding Author: Mauricio
1 1 1,2 Conceicao, Senior Lecturer, Halitus Clinic,
Mauricio Conceicao , Luciana Marocchio and Fernanda Giudice
Halitosis Treatment Center, Sao Paulo,
Received Date: 08-10-2020
Organoleptic tests are essential in the diagnosis and treatment of Published Date: 08-25-2020
halitosis due to three main functions: (A) measuring halitosis, for which ©
Copyright 2020 by Conceicao M, et al. All
it is considered as the gold standard method; (B) helping patients to rights reserved. This is an open access
recover their self-confidence as they get more confident each time their article distributed under the terms of the
breath is well evaluated; (C) assessing the origin of halitosis through Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use,
oral and nasal organoleptic tests and by comparing mouth and nose
distribution, and reproduction in any
exhaled air, which is possible for diagnosing oral, nasal or extraoral medium, provided the original author and
origins of halitosis with a very small error margin. Nevertheless, source are credited.
literature for organoleptic scales that recommend the use of nasal
organoleptic tests and/or techniques to diagnose halitosis origin is scarce. Two significant aspects that
must be contemplated seriously are the potential risk of cross infections following organoleptic tests as
well as the lack of safety guidelines, especially with regards to the recent contagious potential of SARS-
CoV-2 worldwide. An important safety aspect concerns avoiding performing organoleptic tests
whenever feeling flu-like symptoms, such as fever, dry cough, or difficulty breathing. Also, individuals
at higher risk for severe illness should not be elected examiners. Although a safer oral and nasal
organoleptic technique is being proposed based on literature, organoleptic assessment should be
temporarily suspended until the COVID-19 pandemic situation has normalized and further studies to
evaluate the safety of different organoleptic tests methods are performed. Depending on the results of
the tests a different origin of halitosis can be inferred, thus avoiding diagnostic errors and unnecessary
treatments. The regular use of the present technique on patients and in research can provide more
precise diagnostic results. It also allows patients to check their breath at home and consequently take
some actions to solve or identify the causing issue in case an alteration is detected, as well as reinforces
patients` self-confidence when receiving pleasant breath results after consecutive tests.

Keywords: Halitosis; COVID-19; Organoleptic; Breath diagnosis; Breath malodor.

Introduction degradation of organic substances by

anaerobic bacteria present in the oral
Halitosis is defined as offensive breath cavity and otherwise associated with
odor, mainly resulting from the tongue coating and gingivitis/periodontitis
Conceicao M | Volume 2; Issue 4 (2020) | Mapsci-JDOS-2(4)-049 | Review Article
Citation: Conceicao M, Marocchio L, Giudice F. Diagnostic Technique for Assessing Halitosis Origin Using Oral and Nasal
Organoleptic Tests, Including Safety Measures Post Covid-19. J Dent Oral Sci. 2020;2(4):1-19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37191/Mapsci-2582-3736-2(4)-049
[1]. According to Yaegaky & Coil [2], the tuberculosis) [1,8]. On the other hand,
classification of halitosis patients includes extraoral non-bloodborne halitosis could
categories of genuine halitosis, pseudo- have gastrointestinal system origin and has
halitosis and halitophobia, although some been especially correlated with esophageal
authors prefer to classify it into objective or diverticulosis (Zenker diverticulum),
subjective halitosis [3,4]. With regards to although some rare causes such as gastric
halitosis causes, it can be divided into oral trichobezoar, gastrocolic fistula and
halitosis (from 92.7% to 96.2% of cases) megaesophagus have been reported as well
and extraoral halitosis (from 3.8% to 7.3% [9,10]. Finally, extraoral bloodborne
of cases), with varying percentages halitosis can be caused by systemic
depending on the study [5-7]. diseases such as hepatic failure/liver
In 2006, Seemann et al. [6], conducted a cirrhosis, uremia/kidney failure, diabetes
study with 407 patients who complained of mellitus and associated ketoacidosis, other
halitosis; only 72.1% had detectable signs, metabolic disorders such as isolated
being 92.7% of those from the oral origin persistent hypermethioninemia, as well as
and 7.3% from the extraoral origin. In 2009, fish odor syndrome, odorous food
Quirynen et al. [5], in 2009, conducted a ingestion (garlic, onion) and some
study with two thousand patients with medications (disulfiram carbon disulphide,
halitosis from Leuven University. Out of dimethyl sulfoxide dimethyl sulphide,
those patients, 5% were had exclusively cysteamine dimethyl sulphide) [1].
extraoral halitosis causes whereas 94.5% Halitosis measurement is an essential step
presented with oral causes (90% with for halitosis diagnosis and treatment. Many
exclusively oral causes and 4.5% with of body odors carry information that has
combined oral and extraoral causes). been particularly helpful to those health
Within the oral causes, 57.2% were related practitioners who have used the sense of
to tongue coating, 14.78% to gingivitis and smell as an aid to diagnosing diseases since
periodontitis and 24.01% to a mixture of the early beginning of medicine [11].
those. And in 2012, Zürcher et al. [7], in a According to Krespi et al. [12], “different
retrospective study from 2003 to 2010, methods of breath evaluation can have
examined 465 patients from the Halitosis their vantages, but professionals who are
Clinic at Basel University, Switzerland, and interested to diagnose bad breath must
noticed that 96.2% of the patients had oral trust in their noses to distinguish the main
causes, while only 3.8% had extraoral kind of oral odors. With practice and
causes. experience, these odors become different
Extraoral halitosis can be subdivided into and recognizable, even when they are
extraoral non-bloodborne halitosis and found in many combinations”.
extraoral bloodborne halitosis [1]. The Organoleptic tests are essential in the
extraoral non-blood-borne halitosis could diagnosis and treatment of halitosis. They
originate in the airways, caused by throat have three main functions [13-16]: (A)
infections (tonsillitis and associated measuring halitosis, for which it is
tonsilloliths), sinonasal infections considered the gold standard [17]; (B)
(sinusitis, postnasal drip), respiratory tract helping patients to recover their self-
infections (abscess, bronchopneumonia) confidence as they get more confident each
and other lung diseases (lung cancer, time their breath is well evaluated through
Conceicao M | Volume 2; Issue 4 (2020) | Mapsci-JDOS-2(4)-049 | Review Article
Citation: Conceicao M, Marocchio L, Giudice F. Diagnostic Technique for Assessing Halitosis Origin Using Oral and Nasal
Organoleptic Tests, Including Safety Measures Post Covid-19. J Dent Oral Sci. 2020;2(4):1-19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37191/Mapsci-2582-3736-2(4)-049
the organoleptic tests along with a reliable may present genuine halitosis but receive a
confidant [13,18]; (C) assessing the origin of wrong diagnosis of pseudo-halitosis, as
halitosis through oral and nasal they may maintain an efficient tongue
organoleptic tests and by comparing hygiene routine and also a defensive
mouth and nose exhaled air, which is posture when among others [4].
possible for diagnosing oral, nasal or Regarding a diagnostic technique of
extraoral origins of halitosis with a very halitosis origin using oral and nasal
small error margin [15,17,19]. organoleptic tests, there are no papers that
Concerning studies that describe utilize it or describe it in detail; it is indeed
organoleptic tests, five techniques have barely mentioned in four publications,
been published in total, which consist of: limited up to roughly one paragraph each
(A) the open mouth method, (B) the [1,17,23,24]. On the other hand, a method
counting method, (C) the ‘HA-HA-HA’ for this technique was presented briefly at
method, (D) the glass straw method [20] an International Conference on Breath
and (E) the negative pressure technique Odor (ISBOR meeting) in 2011 and
[21]. All these techniques are performed published with more in-depth details,
using the examiner sniffing the oral including possible exceptions and the
exhaled breath of the patient. presence of two causes happening
Seemann et at. [19] summarized the results simultaneously, in a chapter of a halitosis
of a consensus workshop by international treatment book (Portuguese and Spanish
authorities that brought general guidelines editions) [15]. The present technique was
on the assessment and diagnosis of breath used in over 8,000 patients in Halitus
odor concerns and regimens for the Clinic (Sao Paulo, Brazil) and proven to be
treatment of halitosis. These guidelines an important procedure for halitosis causes
recommend an organoleptic test to be diagnosis, also helping patients to recover
always performed on oral and nasal air at their self-confidence in their own treated
the first appointment, as comparing mouth breath, through its evaluation using oral
and nose exhaled air helps distinguishing and nasal organoleptic assessments with
between oral, nasal and extraoral halitosis someone reliable who is called a confidant
[1,22]. Nevertheless, none of the three [13,15,22]. This is a very important step in
organoleptic scales recommended in these halitosis treatment, especially regarding
guidelines advise testing specifically the air patients’ self-assured, spontaneity and self-
exhaled by the nose and the criteria used esteem [13,18,24,25].
do not allow accurate classification of the Hawxhurst [26], in 1873, mentioned by
distance or degree of propagation of Sterer et al. [18], was conscious of the
halitosis. necessity to check his breath with a
A very important guideline of this confidant and had advised his dentist
consensus workshop [19], which is essential colleagues to benefit from “a trustworthy
to distinguish the possible sources of friend” to let them know if they suffered
halitosis when performing an organoleptic from bad breath, demonstrating that this
assessment, involves asking patients to method of using a reliable person
avoid cleaning their tongues for 24 h before (confidant) to check other`s breath has
an initial breath assessment. This measure been used for almost 150 years. Concerning
aims to avoid diagnostic errors, as patients the choice of a confidant, research realized
Conceicao M | Volume 2; Issue 4 (2020) | Mapsci-JDOS-2(4)-049 | Review Article
Citation: Conceicao M, Marocchio L, Giudice F. Diagnostic Technique for Assessing Halitosis Origin Using Oral and Nasal
Organoleptic Tests, Including Safety Measures Post Covid-19. J Dent Oral Sci. 2020;2(4):1-19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37191/Mapsci-2582-3736-2(4)-049
during the First International Conference the degree of propagation of halitosis,
in Breath Odors, in 1993, with 37 dentists, being simple enough to be taught to
33 researchers in the halitosis area and 31 patients and their confidants to render
people (control group), showed that there them self-assured each time their breath is
wasn’t a significant difference among the well evaluated [13]. Finally, the third
three groups ability to evaluate objective is to propose a much safer way to
organoleptically four odoriferous samples perform the organoleptic tests, concerning
[27]. Therefore, at first, the reliable person the potential risks of spreading disease,
chosen by the patient should be able to given the recent contagious potential of
perform organoleptic tests correctly, COVID-19 worldwide.
although some inclusion and exclusion
criteria will be described ahead. Method
One significant aspect that must be Restriction Criteria for when
considered is the potential risk of acquiring Organoleptic Tests Should not be Done
infections while undergoing organoleptic
tests [28]. Despite the importance of Some important guidelines concerning the
organoleptic tests in the treatment of potential risk of spreading diseases through
halitosis, until today there are no safety organoleptic tests are to avoid performing
guidelines that would prevent cross- these tests whenever patients have flu-like
contamination when undergoing and/or symptoms such as fever, dry cough,
performing the tests [29], as most air- difficulty in breathing or shortness of
transmitted diseases occur through breath. It is also important to avoid
droplets, that might be generated amid the electing individuals at higher risk for
expiratory flow during patient’s breath severe illness such as the elderly, diabetic,
evaluation [29-31]. And, given the recent immunocompromised, hypertensive, with
contagious potential of COVID-19 moderate to severe asthma and/or bearing
worldwide, the need for having safety chronic lung disease or known cardiac
guidelines when applying organoleptic diseases, as confidants.
tests has become imperative [31,32].
Scale to Determine the Degree of
Considering all these facts, the present
study aims to describe a clinical diagnostic
technique, named Halitus, to allow the To standardize the classification of the
diagnosis of the origin of breath malodor, degree of spread of halitosis and how to
using an organoleptic test, that has been perform the oral and nasal organoleptic
accomplished with patients in the daily tests, as both are used by the dental
clinical practice and also research. The professional to check the patient's breath
possibilities are to diagnose an oral, nasal before and during treatment, as well as for
or extraoral halitosis origin or even the the patient to check oral and nasal breath
presence of two of the halitosis causes during treatment with their confidant [33].
above mentioned, happening Table 1 shows Halitus oral and nasal
concomitantly. As a second objective, this organoleptic scale [14] with the
study will present an oral and nasal classification of the degree of propagation
organoleptic scale for the classification of of halitosis.

Conceicao M | Volume 2; Issue 4 (2020) | Mapsci-JDOS-2(4)-049 | Review Article

Citation: Conceicao M, Marocchio L, Giudice F. Diagnostic Technique for Assessing Halitosis Origin Using Oral and Nasal
Organoleptic Tests, Including Safety Measures Post Covid-19. J Dent Oral Sci. 2020;2(4):1-19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37191/Mapsci-2582-3736-2(4)-049
Table 1: Halitus oral and nasal organoleptic scale.

Degree Description
0 - Absence of odor No odor is perceived by the examiner at a distance of up to 15 centimeters.
(No Halitosis)
1 - Natural Breath It is clear that there is an odor in the breath, but it is not considered to be
(No Halitosis) halitosis, perceived at a distance of up to 15 centimeters.
2 - Slight Halitosis A slight halitosis odor is detected if the examiner approaches the mouth of
(or intimate the patient slowly exhales the air through the nose, perceived at a distance of
halitosis) up to 15 centimeters.
3 - Moderate A halitosis odor is detected if the examiner approaches the mouth of the
halitosis (or patient or when the patient exhales the air through the nose, perceived at a
interlocutor's distance of 30 centimeters.
4 - Strong halitosis There is a halitosis odor if the examiner approaches the patient, perceived at
(or social halitosis) a distance of 1 meter.
5 - Severe halitosis Aside from halitosis being easily perceived throughout the environment, it is
also difficult for the examiner or people close by to tolerate the odor.
Note: degrees 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, or 4.5 are accepted and considered intermediate to the levels
The technique to Determine the Origin At a 15-centimeter distance, the examiner
of Halitosis should sniff the odor and provide its
corresponding degree, according to Halitus
The oral organoleptic test is presented in oral and nasal organoleptic scale. If no bad
Figure 1. The patient must stay for two odor is noticed, the examiner can move
minutes with the mouth closed and then closer, to a 10 to the 5-centimeter distance
stop breathing through the mouth or nose
to check if there is breath alteration.
for at least 15 seconds and open it widely.
Figure 1: How to perform an oral organoleptic test.

Conceicao M | Volume 2; Issue 4 (2020) | Mapsci-JDOS-2(4)-049 | Review Article

Citation: Conceicao M, Marocchio L, Giudice F. Diagnostic Technique for Assessing Halitosis Origin Using Oral and Nasal
Organoleptic Tests, Including Safety Measures Post Covid-19. J Dent Oral Sci. 2020;2(4):1-19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37191/Mapsci-2582-3736-2(4)-049
According to Asadi et al. [30,34], when be preceded by a long inhalation, followed
following a decreasing order of droplet by an exhalation at a very low speed for 10
emission risks and therefore, the potential seconds so that the examiner can smell the
risk for contamination, speaking in a high odor. If no bad odor is noticed, the
tone, speaking in a normal tone, speaking examiner can move closer, to a 10 to the 5-
in a whisper, and finally nose breathing centimeter distance to check if there is
(nearly zero droplet emission) can be cited. breath alteration. And, in rare cases, the
The nasal organoleptic test presented in alteration in nasal air can be perceived at a
Figure 2 is performed with nasal breathing, 30-centimeter distance. In this case, this
but exhaling very slowly to diminish even test should be performed at this distance
more the possible emission of droplets. The only if there is an alteration in the air
act of exhaling air through the nose must exhaled through the nose at a 15-
centimeter distance.

Figure 2: How to perform nasal organoleptic test.

Although these tests intend to be safer For a safer test, patients must be taught
than the existing ones, as their droplet how to perform the tests. In this sense,
emissions have not yet been tested there is patients must be trained by the dental
still a potential cross-infection risk that professional before the tests, to hold their
must be evaluated. Hence, all organoleptic breath for 15 seconds, and also to exhale
tests should be suspended until the the air through their nose at a very slow
COVID-19 pandemic situation has speed. A flame of a candle or lighter can be
normalized and the risk of the different used as a parameter for it, as shown in
organoleptic methods is assessed. Figure 3, that should not be disturbed
while performing the tests, to offer the
Safety Guidelines to Perform the minimum risk of spreading virus or
Organoleptic Oral and Nasal Tests bacteria.
Conceicao M | Volume 2; Issue 4 (2020) | Mapsci-JDOS-2(4)-049 | Review Article
Citation: Conceicao M, Marocchio L, Giudice F. Diagnostic Technique for Assessing Halitosis Origin Using Oral and Nasal
Organoleptic Tests, Including Safety Measures Post Covid-19. J Dent Oral Sci. 2020;2(4):1-19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37191/Mapsci-2582-3736-2(4)-049
Figure 3: How to open the mouth widely while holding the breath and slowly exhale the air through the
nose, without disturbing the flame of a candle or lighter, to offer the minimum risk of spreading virus or

If correctly performed, the oral the examiner's nose, so that he/she can
organoleptic test will yield no exhalation of smell the odor of the breath and give the
air, theoretically offering no risk of score, according to Halitus oral and nasal
spreading droplets and the nasal organoleptic scale. If no bad odor is
organoleptic test exhaling air through the noticed, the examiner can move closer, to a
nose, with very slow speed, will also have a 10 to the 5-centimeter distance to check if
virtually zero droplet emission, according there is breath alteration. And, if a halitosis
to Asadi et al. [30,34]. odor is already noticed, the examiner can
Another option for doing the oral move away up to a distance of 30
organoleptic test, that can be performed by centimeters while the patient is blowing, to
patients with their family confidants, is to check if halitosis degree is 2 or 3. According
ask the patient to stay for two minutes with to Figure 4, it is also important to train the
the mouth closed, at a distance of 15 expiration speed of the oral organoleptic
centimeters, and then blow a jet of air test, using a flame as a parameter, without
through the mouth, very slowly, towards disturbing the flame.

Figure 4: Optional Oral Organoleptic Test.

Conceicao M | Volume 2; Issue 4 (2020) | Mapsci-JDOS-2(4)-049 | Review Article

Citation: Conceicao M, Marocchio L, Giudice F. Diagnostic Technique for Assessing Halitosis Origin Using Oral and Nasal
Organoleptic Tests, Including Safety Measures Post Covid-19. J Dent Oral Sci. 2020;2(4):1-19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37191/Mapsci-2582-3736-2(4)-049
Results diagnostic technique using oral and nasal
organoleptic tests, it is possible to assess
Possible Causes of Halitosis using the origin of halitosis by using the
Halitus Technique diagnostic classification of halitosis origin
with the oral and nasal organoleptic tests
According to the results of the Halitus [22]; different possible results are shown in
Table 2.
Table 2: Possible origins of halitosis detected by Halitus diagnostic technique using oral and nasal
organoleptic tests.
Orgin of the breath Alteration Detected by organoleptic test
Oral Breath Nasal Breath Origin of the breath alteration
Test Test
Normal Normal Natural breath - there is no alteration in breath
Altered Normal Oral halitosis: originated from within the oral cavity (very common:
from 92.7 to 96.2% of the cases*)
Altered Altered Extra-oral halitosis: originated from within the body, with the same
odor and eliminated through the air expired by the lungs
(less comon = 3.8 to 7.3% of the cases*)
Normal Altered Nasal halitosis: originated from within the nasal cavity and
surrounding areas (very rare - less than 0.075% of the cases**)
Two Causes occurring simultaneously
Altered Altered with a Oral and Extraoral halitosis occurring simultaneously
lighter odor (rare - 3% of the cases**)
Altered Altered Oral and Nasal halitosis occurring simultaneously
(very rare - 0.025% of the cases**)
Altered Altered Nasal and Extraoral halitosis occurring simultaneously (Irrelevant
*Seemann et al., 2006; Quirynen et al., 2009; Zurcher et al.,2012 - **Conceicao MD, 2013

Figure 5: Natural breath; there is no halitosis.

Conceicao M | Volume 2; Issue 4 (2020) | Mapsci-JDOS-2(4)-049 | Review Article

Citation: Conceicao M, Marocchio L, Giudice F. Diagnostic Technique for Assessing Halitosis Origin Using Oral and Nasal
Organoleptic Tests, Including Safety Measures Post Covid-19. J Dent Oral Sci. 2020;2(4):1-19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37191/Mapsci-2582-3736-2(4)-049
Natural or Normal Breath nasal organoleptic tests is the oral halitosis
(Figure 6), which means halitosis is being
The first possibility of results in oral and originated in the oral cavity. This
nasal organoleptic tests is the natural corresponds to 92.7% to 96.2% of the cases
breath, which means no halitosis (Figure [5-7]. Figure 7 shows the most common
5). causes of halitosis exhaled through the oral
Oral Halitosis

The second possibility of results in oral and

Figure 6: Oral halitosis; halitosis originated into the oral cavity, which corresponds from 92.7% to
96.2% of cases.

Figure 7: Oral halitosis most common causes in their respective niches, where bacterial plaques sources
of VSC are formed, and also an important indirect halitosis cause, postnasal drip, that can accumulate
on vallecula.

Conceicao M | Volume 2; Issue 4 (2020) | Mapsci-JDOS-2(4)-049 | Review Article

Citation: Conceicao M, Marocchio L, Giudice F. Diagnostic Technique for Assessing Halitosis Origin Using Oral and Nasal
Organoleptic Tests, Including Safety Measures Post Covid-19. J Dent Oral Sci. 2020;2(4):1-19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37191/Mapsci-2582-3736-2(4)-049
It is possible to see these causes in their coating and tonsilloliths formation by
respective niches, that are VSC sources - anaerobic proteolytic bacteria.
tongue: tongue coating; teeth and gum:
Extraoral Halitosis
gingivitis and periodontitis; tonsils:
tonsilloliths. One exception to oral The third possibility of results in oral and
halitosis is that the VSC originated from nasal organoleptic tests is the extraoral
tonsils. Although tonsils are a cause of halitosis (Figure 8), which corresponds to
halitosis located in the oropharynx, and extraoral bloodborne halitosis, when there
therefore considered extraoral halitosis, as is odor alteration in the exhaled air
there is proximity with the oral cavity, the through the mouth as well as through
manifestation of altered odor that VSC nose, both with the same odor. In this case,
cause is through the oral cavity and not the altered breath comes through the
nostrils. And the mucus coming from exhaled air by lungs, derived from
postnasal drip deposited at the vallecula, odoriferous particles that are in the blood
an area situated between the posterior circulation and are eliminated by the
dorsal tongue and the epiglottis, is also an respiratory tract in the gas exchange
important indirect cause of oral halitosis process. It is less common than oral
because it is a protein source to tongue halitosis but is relatively frequent.
Figure 8: Systemic halitosis corresponds to extra-oral bloodborne halitosis; there is odor alteration in
the exhaled air through the mouth as well as through nose, both with the same odor, corresponding to
3.8 to 7.3% of the cases, considering the inclusion of some exceptions.

The first exception to extraoral halitosis digestive tract (located at oropharynx,

(Figure 9), which consists of very rare hypopharynx, esophagus, and stomach). In
cases, correspond to extraoral non- this case, although the altered breath is
bloodborne halitosis (except nasal causes) eliminated by exhaled air through the
derived from problems originating in the mouth as well as through nose, with the
Conceicao M | Volume 2; Issue 4 (2020) | Mapsci-JDOS-2(4)-049 | Review Article
Citation: Conceicao M, Marocchio L, Giudice F. Diagnostic Technique for Assessing Halitosis Origin Using Oral and Nasal
Organoleptic Tests, Including Safety Measures Post Covid-19. J Dent Oral Sci. 2020;2(4):1-19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37191/Mapsci-2582-3736-2(4)-049
same odor, there are no odoriferous and eliminated by the respiratory tract.
particles derived from blood circulation

Figure 9: Extraoral halitosis – first exception; corresponds to extraoral non-bloodborne halitosis (except
nasal causes); derives from problems originating in the digestive system (oropharynx, hypopharynx,
esophagus and stomach). Although the altered breath is eliminated by exhaled air through the mouth
as well as through nose, with the same odor, there are no odoriferous particles from blood circulation
eliminated by pulmonary via [15].

Figure 10: Extraoral halitosis – second exception; corresponds to extraoral non-bloodborne halitosis
(except nasal causes); derives from problems originating from low respiratory tract diseases. Although
the altered breath is eliminated by exhaled air through mouth as well as through nose, with the same
odor, there are no odoriferous particles from blood circulation eliminated by the respiratory tract [15].

Conceicao M | Volume 2; Issue 4 (2020) | Mapsci-JDOS-2(4)-049 | Review Article

Citation: Conceicao M, Marocchio L, Giudice F. Diagnostic Technique for Assessing Halitosis Origin Using Oral and Nasal
Organoleptic Tests, Including Safety Measures Post Covid-19. J Dent Oral Sci. 2020;2(4):1-19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37191/Mapsci-2582-3736-2(4)-049
The second exception to extraoral halitosis Nasal Halitosis
(Figure 10) are also rare cases and
correspond to extraoral non-bloodborne The fourth possibility of results in oral and
halitosis (except the nasal causes) derived nasal organoleptic tests is the nasal
from diseases of the lower respiratory tract. halitosis (Figure 11), which is extra-oral
In this case, although the altered breath is non-bloodborne halitosis with causes in
eliminated by exhaled air through mouth the nasopharynx, nasal cavity, sinuses and
as well as through nose, with the same bordering areas. Nasal halitosis manifests
only by exhaled air through the nose and is
odor, there are no odoriferous particles
derived from blood circulation and very rare according to Halitus Clinic
eliminated by the respiratory tract. statistics, corresponding to 0.075% of the
cases (three out of more than 4,000
patients) [15].

Figure 11: Nasal halitosis – corresponds to extraoral non-bloodborne halitosis with causes in the
nasopharynx, nasal cavity, sinuses and surrounding areas. Nasal halitosis manifests only by exhaled air
through the nose.

Finally, if the test is positive to the exhaled extraoral halitosis occurring simulta-
air through mouth and nose, with two neously, which is rare when compared to
different odors, two concomitant causes oral and extraoral halitosis alone; it has
might be happening. been verified to account for only
approximately 3% of Halitus Clinic patients
Oral and Extraoral Halitosis Occurring [15] (Figure 12). With this kind of halitosis,
Simultaneously the odor of the exhaled air through the
The fifth possibility of results in oral and mouth is stronger than that exhaled
nasal organoleptic tests is the oral and through the nose.

Conceicao M | Volume 2; Issue 4 (2020) | Mapsci-JDOS-2(4)-049 | Review Article

Citation: Conceicao M, Marocchio L, Giudice F. Diagnostic Technique for Assessing Halitosis Origin Using Oral and Nasal
Organoleptic Tests, Including Safety Measures Post Covid-19. J Dent Oral Sci. 2020;2(4):1-19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37191/Mapsci-2582-3736-2(4)-049
Figure 12: Oral and extraoral bloodborne halitosis occurring simultaneously, the odor of exhaled air
through mouth is stronger than exhaled air through the nose.

Oral and Nasal Halitosis Occurring In case the oral exhaled air is stronger, this
Simultaneously could suggest oral and systemic halitosis
occurring simultaneously; the differential
The sixth possibility of results in oral and diagnosis is only possible after controlling
nasal organoleptic tests is oral and nasal the oral component of halitosis. If a light
halitosis occurring simultaneously (Figure
oral odor remains and is very similar to the
13). It is very rare and it was verified with
nasal expired air, this rather indicates that
only one case among more than 4,000
oral and systemic halitosis are happening
Halitus Clinic patients (less than 0.025%) simultaneously. However, if only a nasal
[15]. With this kind of halitosis, either the odor remains, that means an oral and nasal
air exhaled through the mouth or the nose malodor is occurring concomitantly.
may be responsible for the strongest odor.
Figure 13: Oral and nasal halitosis occurring simultaneously. In this case, either the exhaled air through
the mouth or nose may be stronger. The differential diagnosis is only possible after controlling oral
halitosis. If a light oral odor remains, equal to nasal odor, it indicates oral and systemic halitosis
happening simultaneously. However, if only a nasal odor remains, it points to oral and nasal halitosis
occurring concomitantly.

Conceicao M | Volume 2; Issue 4 (2020) | Mapsci-JDOS-2(4)-049 | Review Article

Citation: Conceicao M, Marocchio L, Giudice F. Diagnostic Technique for Assessing Halitosis Origin Using Oral and Nasal
Organoleptic Tests, Including Safety Measures Post Covid-19. J Dent Oral Sci. 2020;2(4):1-19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37191/Mapsci-2582-3736-2(4)-049
Observation means they must neither have a deficient
olfactory perception nor be extremely
Theoretically, nasal and extraoral halitosis keen. The reliable person should be
could happen concomitantly. However, it is someone that the patient trusts and with
a rather extremely remote possibility. whom they have a stable relationship. For
Nevertheless, if it does happen, the exhaled example, partners undergoing matrimonial
air through nose as well as through mouth difficulties and adolescents who usually
would be altered, with different odors, and present many mood variations should be
the odor of the exhaled air through the
discarded. Children younger than 9 years
nose would be stronger than that exhaled old should be avoided due to possible
through mouth [15]. difficulties in objectively interpreting the
Discussion different degrees of halitosis propagation
scale [13].
Concerning the three organoleptic scales It is also essential to check treated breath
recommended by Seemann et al. through at the return appointments through oral
guidelines for the general dental and nasal organoleptic tests to identify if
practitioner, besides they do not advocate any alteration is present. If there is any
for the nasal organoleptic test, a given alteration, depending on its origin – oral,
difficulty in evaluating intermediate extraoral or nasal – the reason must be
distances or lack of establishment of the identified and corrected, or the patient
distance halitosis is perceived catches our must be oriented. However, if there is no
attention [19]. Also, one of the major alteration, the organoleptic test will
advantages of the present technique is that reinforce the patient’s security [13].
it might be taught to patients to evaluate One important aspect of the oral and nasal
their treated breath with a confidant, as organoleptic tests is to complement and
they get more confident each time their make the diagnosis of halitosis more
breath is well evaluated in the tests; they accurate, given the fact that the portable
would then follow an established protocol sulphide monitors, e.g. Halimeter or
if the result becomes unsatisfactory at a Oralchroma, are not able to analyze the
given point [13]. As an example, patients nasal breath and also other breath
may realize that they have a breath components, such as ammonia,
alteration due to an oral cause, thus dimethylamine, trimethylamine or acetone
implying that redoing their oral hygiene [1,15]. Thus, the regular use of oral and
routine very carefully would possibly solve nasal organoleptic tests in daily clinical
the problem; another possibility is that practice and also research will improve the
they may present with extraoral identification of halitosis origin, providing
bloodborne halitosis, which cause could be more precise results.
found out to be provoked by the ingestion According to Grapp [23], in 1933: “In tests
of odorous food. This procedure is made as to source (halitosis), whether from
regularly used with Halitus Clinic patients nasal or oral exhalations, the results were
[13]. conclusive that this fetor was postoral, not
Importantly, the characteristic of an ideal postnasal. The act of speech gives such an
confidant is to have a normal olfactory impetus to exhalations as they pass over
perception, within the average, which the surface of the tongue that the gaseous
Conceicao M | Volume 2; Issue 4 (2020) | Mapsci-JDOS-2(4)-049 | Review Article
Citation: Conceicao M, Marocchio L, Giudice F. Diagnostic Technique for Assessing Halitosis Origin Using Oral and Nasal
Organoleptic Tests, Including Safety Measures Post Covid-19. J Dent Oral Sci. 2020;2(4):1-19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37191/Mapsci-2582-3736-2(4)-049
odor is often carried to the extent of three nasal or systemic halitosis (extra-oral
or four feet.” blood-borne halitosis or extra-oral non-
Rosenberg [24], in 1996 affirmed: “The blood-borne halitosis, with sources
simplest way to distinguish oral from non- originating from the lower airway system).
oral etiologies is to compare the smell An individual may have mixed causes for
coming from the patient's mouth with that bad breath including a portion from
exiting the nose. If the odor is primarily chronic oral (microbial) malodor and a
from the mouth, an oral origin may be portion from blood-borne halitosis as
inferred.” simultaneous conditions.”
Tangerman et al. [1], in 2010, also reported In a study performed by Seeman et al. with
this fact: “Differentiation between intraoral 407 patients [6], some received an
and extraoral halitosis can be easily done overtreatment due to incorrect diagnoses;
by examining mouth as well as nose breath. 36% underwent at least one endoscopy,
Patients with intraoral halitosis only have 14% were submitted to ENT surgeries and
bad breath from the mouth but not from only 2.5% had their breath checked by
the nose. One might argue that the professionals. If these professionals had
unobstructed nasopharynx allows air used oral and nasal organoleptic tests as
exchange between the mouth and nasal diagnostic tools for halitosis origin
cavity, thereby allowing small volatile according to the diagnostic technique
molecules formed on the back of the described in this study, the percentage of
tongue to be carried up and out during a over-treated patients could have been
nasal exhalation. However, this was not significantly smaller [16].
observed. The VSC hydrogen sulphide and Campisi et al. [37] emphasize that several
methyl mercaptan, typical for intraoral systemic diseases have been found to
halitosis, were not found in nasal provoke malodor or to act as a cofactor to
exhalations of patients with intraoral it; halitosis was also mentioned to be a
halitosis [35]. All patients with extraoral possible early sign of a serious local or
bloodborne halitosis have bad breath from systemic condition, highlighting that it is
both the mouth and the nose [35,36] important to determine quickly whether
because of the presence of the odorous the odor comes from an oral cause or not:
volatiles in alveolar air. Nearly all patients if an oral cause is identified it would
with extra-oral non-bloodborne halitosis require further referral to a dentist; if not
also have bad breath from both the mouth (extraoral origin alone or combined),
and the nose, except those patients by management would require treatment of
whom the origin of bad breath is situated the underlying causes. Thus, it is important
in the upper respiratory tract above the to assess the origin of halitosis through this
throat, e.g. in the nose. The latter patients diagnostic technique, using oral and nasal
have only bad breath from the nose and organoleptic tests.
not from the mouth.” Safety guidelines in organoleptic tests were
Finally, Greenman et al. [17] stated in 2014 not considered to be very important until
that “from the oral and nasal test it is the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the tests
possible to deduce, with a very small preconized did not offer a step by step
mistake margin, the origin of the breath teaching/training method for the patient
‘ailment’ or alteration from normal: oral, [17,19,21]. As an exception, Conceição MD
Conceicao M | Volume 2; Issue 4 (2020) | Mapsci-JDOS-2(4)-049 | Review Article
Citation: Conceicao M, Marocchio L, Giudice F. Diagnostic Technique for Assessing Halitosis Origin Using Oral and Nasal
Organoleptic Tests, Including Safety Measures Post Covid-19. J Dent Oral Sci. 2020;2(4):1-19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37191/Mapsci-2582-3736-2(4)-049
[14] recommends that patients should events such as coughs and sneezes play a
slowly blow dry air through the mouth and key role in transferring respiratory diseases
the nose, always asking to practice between infectious and susceptible
beforehand by blowing a long and dry air individuals. The turbulent multiphase
jet using examiner’s (dental professional or cloud plays a critical role in extending the
confidant) finger to train at a 15-centimeter range of the majority of pathogen-bearing
distance, to make it safer. But, when these drops that accompany human coughs and
tests are verified using the flame of a sneezes. Smaller droplets (less than 50 mm
candle or lighter as a safety parameter, it is diameter) can remain suspended in the
possible to notice that they offer a bigger cloud long enough for the cough to reach
risk of spreading saliva droplets than the heights where ventilation systems can be
method presented in this study. This is contaminated (4–6 m). A droplet of very
demonstrated in Figure 14, with the flames small diameter could remain suspended in
getting disturbed while the tests are a cough or sneeze cloud, meters away from
performed. the cougher [38,39]. And given various
When comparing to an example of extreme combinations of an individual patient’s
risk, the organoleptic test would be much physiology and environmental conditions,
safer than being less than two meters away such as humidity and temperature, the gas
from someone coughing or sneezing [16]. cloud and its payload of pathogen bearing
To highlight this fact, according to droplets of various sizes can travel 23 to 27
Bourouiba et al. [38] violent respiratory feet (7-8 m) [32].

Figure 14: Safety of other organoleptic tests prescribed by Conceição MD (2013) when verified with a
flame, offering a bigger risk of spreading droplets.

Xu et al. [40] highlight that the positive saliva. According to van Doremalen et al.
rate of COVID-19 in patients’ saliva can [41] SARS-CoV-2 transmission by aerosols
reach 91.7%, and that saliva samples can is plausible as it can remain suspended in
also cultivate the virus, suggesting that the air throughout at least 3 hours. In that
COVID-19 transmitted by an asymptomatic way, challenges for Dentistry now emerge
infection may originate from infected with COVID-19 and future
Conceicao M | Volume 2; Issue 4 (2020) | Mapsci-JDOS-2(4)-049 | Review Article
Citation: Conceicao M, Marocchio L, Giudice F. Diagnostic Technique for Assessing Halitosis Origin Using Oral and Nasal
Organoleptic Tests, Including Safety Measures Post Covid-19. J Dent Oral Sci. 2020;2(4):1-19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37191/Mapsci-2582-3736-2(4)-049
recommendations and safety protocols exhaling air through the nose at a very slow
need to consider the reduction of droplets speed, as recommended in the nasal
and aerosols production, such as by using organoleptic test, could theoretically offer
high-volume saliva ejectors, as well as by a lower risk of airborne disease
avoiding aerosol-generating procedures transmission.
(use of a 3-way syringe, for instance) or Even though a safer way of doing
even by averting procedures that might organoleptic tests is proposed in the
trigger coughing, such as intraoral x-ray present technique, organoleptic tests
examination [42]. should be temporarily suspended until the
Asadi et al. [30] indicated that speech is COVID-19 pandemic situation has
potential of much greater concern than normalized and for as long as the current
breathing for two reasons: released risks of contamination are not well
particles are larger on average and thus understood and health authorities
could potentially carry a larger number of maintain the ongoing restrictions.
pathogens; and much greater quantities of Moreover, it is very important to avoid
particles are emitted when compared to doing the organoleptic tests with people
breathing. They also showed that the rate that belong to risk groups, especially
of particle emission during normal human during flu seasons or epidemics, and also
speech is positively correlated with when patients have flu-like symptoms.
loudness (amplitude) of vocalization, as it These guidelines aim to diminish the risk
happens with classic oral organoleptic of spreading diseases, but also to offer a
measurement, which recommends safe method for patients to recover self-
counting out loud from zero to ten [21]. confidence in their treated breath, through
Morawska et al. [31] reported that counting successively positive results when
aloud for 10 seconds followed by 10 seconds performing oral and nasal organoleptic
of breathing, repeated over two minutes, tests with a confidant. This method uses a
releases half as many particles as 30 technique derived from behaviorist
seconds of continual coughing. But, psychology, adapted to halitosis treatment,
concerning the importance of counting called exposure in vivo [13]. The results of
from 1 to 10 whispering in oral organoleptic research with a clinical protocol to help
test Morawska et al. reported that more patients to recover their self-confidence,
particles are released when speech is spontaneity and self-esteem will be the aim
voiced, which involves vocal folds of a future publication.
vibration, rather than whispered, which Future halitosis studies using organoleptic
does not [30]. Morawska et al. also tests should use the present technique to
reported that the average particle number deduce the possible causes with higher
concentration for continuous vocalization precision, in addition to the
is higher than breathing (1.1 cm-3 for recommendation for the patients to stop
speaking and 0.1 cm-3 for breathing), a cleaning their tongues for 24 h before an
finding they interpreted to be an additional initial breath assessment [19], so that many
contribution of laryngeal particle of these patients will receive a true genuine
generation that does not occur during halitosis diagnosis, instead of pseudo-
normal breathing [31]. In this sense, halitosis. These procedures could guide
considering this information all together, future halitosis research to lead to more
Conceicao M | Volume 2; Issue 4 (2020) | Mapsci-JDOS-2(4)-049 | Review Article
Citation: Conceicao M, Marocchio L, Giudice F. Diagnostic Technique for Assessing Halitosis Origin Using Oral and Nasal
Organoleptic Tests, Including Safety Measures Post Covid-19. J Dent Oral Sci. 2020;2(4):1-19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37191/Mapsci-2582-3736-2(4)-049
accurate results regarding these two droplets and airborne transmission while
aspects. performing the tests.

Conclusion Conflict of interest

The present technique fills a gap in the The authors declare that there is no
literature and offers a possibility to make a conflict of interest.
precise diagnosis of the origin of halitosis –
oral, extraoral or nasal – making it possible Permission to Reproduce Published
to avoid diagnostic errors and unnecessary Material
treatments. It also can help patients to
I hereby assign, consent the use of all
check their breath at home and to take
figures and tables in the present paper, as
some actions to solve or identify the
they were reproduced, adapted, and redraw
problem in case an alteration is detected,
from my book "Conceição MD. Box hálito e
as well as reinforces patients` self-
segurança! Metas essenciais no tratamento
confidence when receiving pleasant breath
da halitose [Good Breath and Self-
results after consecutive tests. Further
Confidence! Essential Goals in Halitosis
studies should evaluate the safety of
Treatment]. 1 ed: Arte em Livros: Campinas
different organoleptic test methods and
[Art in Books: Campinas]; 2013; Portuguese
refine the safety guidelines to prevent the
spreading of diseases through saliva


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Conceicao M | Volume 2; Issue 4 (2020) | Mapsci-JDOS-2(4)-049 | Review Article

Citation: Conceicao M, Marocchio L, Giudice F. Diagnostic Technique for Assessing Halitosis Origin Using Oral and Nasal
Organoleptic Tests, Including Safety Measures Post Covid-19. J Dent Oral Sci. 2020;2(4):1-19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37191/Mapsci-2582-3736-2(4)-049

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