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Received: 8 June 2017 | Accepted: 11 June 2017

DOI: 10.1111/odi.12699


Detection of halitosis in breath: Between the past, present, and


MK Nakhleh1,2,3 | M Quatredeniers1,2,3 | H Haick4

Univ Paris-Sud, Faculté de Médecine,
Université Paris-Saclay, Le Kremlin Bicêtre, To develop a new generation of diagnostics for halitosis, replacing the subjective or-
France ganoleptic assessment, a series of exhaled breath analyzers has been developed and
AP-HP, DHU TORINO, Service de assessed. All three devices rely on the assessment of exhaled volatile sulfuric com-
Pneumologie, Hôpital Bicêtre, Le Kremlin
Bicêtre, France pounds (VSCs), which are mainly generated in and emitted from the oral cavity, con-
Inserm UMR_S 999, LabExLERMIT, Hôpital tributing to the malodor. Portable, on-­site and easy to use, these devices have potential
Marie Lannelongue, Le Plessis Robinson,
for non-­invasive diagnosis of halitosis. However, global assessment of exhaled VSCs
Department of Chemical Engineering
alone has two main drawbacks: (i) the absence of VSCs does not rule out halitosis; (ii)
and Russell Berrie Nanotechnology non-­sulfuric volatile compounds that could be biomarkers of systemic diseases, found
Institute, Technion–Israel Institute of
Technology, Haifa, Israel
in up to 15% of halitosis cases, are neglected. In this article, we review and discuss
progress to date in the field of oral/exhaled volatile compounds as potential non-­
Hossam Haick, Department of Chemical
invasive diagnostics for halitosis. We will briefly describe the generation of these com-
Engineering and Russell Berrie pounds both from local (oral) and distal (extra-­oral) sources. In addition, we debate the
Nanotechnology Institute, Technion–Israel
Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.
different analytical approaches in use and discuss the potential value of bio-­inspired
Email: hhossam@technion.ac.il artificially intelligent olfaction in diagnosing and classifying oral and systemic diseases
by analyzing exhaled breath.

artificial intelligence, halitosis, sensor array, volatile compounds, volatolome

in the remaining 15% of cases, the source is non-­oral and the malodor
can indicate a distal systemic disease, so it is termed extra-­oral patho-
logical halitosis. The cause could be, for example, an acute or chronic
1.1 | Halitosis
kidney, liver, gastrointestinal (GIT) or respiratory disease, diabetes,
Halitosis, also known as “bad breath” or “oral malodor,” is identified in or even cancer (Bollen & Beikler, 2012; van den Broek et al., 2007;
up to 50% of the adult population. The term denotes the unpleasant Kapoor et al., 2016; Madhushankari et al., 2015; Ongole & Shenoy,
exhaled breath (halitus) of an individual, which can significantly affect 2010).
him/her socially as well as the individuals with whom he/she inter- Oral halitosis is usually treated by mechanical/chemical reduction
acts (Bollen & Beikler, 2012; Kapoor, Sharma, Juneja, & Nagpal, 2016; in intra-­oral microorganisms, precipitates (plaque and calculus), and
Madhushankari, Yamunadevi, Selvamani, Mohan Kumar, & Basandi, nutrients, and by masking the malodor. However, this management is
2015). Besides the social effect, pathological halitosis is considered ineffective in extra-­oral cases and could delay the diagnosis and treat-
one of the most common symptoms/indications of oral pathologies. ment of a systemic disease. In these cases, the intervention should tar-
In up to 85% of cases, the malodor originates from oral cavity itself get the original (distal) source, which should be treated by a designated
and/or an otorhinolaryngological source; thus, it is termed oral patho- specialist (pulmonologist/gastroenterologist, etc.).
logical halitosis (Bollen & Beikler, 2012; van den Broek, Feenstra, & de The gold standard diagnosis of halitosis remains organoleptic as-
Baat, 2007; Kapoor et al., 2016; Ongole & Shenoy, 2010). However, sessment, based on smelling the air exhaled from the mouth and nose

© 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved

Oral Diseases. 2018;24:685–695. 

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686 | NAKHLEH et al.

and comparing the two. However, this method relies on the skills of analytical tools, scientists and physicians adapted the organoleptic
the performer, so the results are subjective and can be controver- approach for assessing halitosis both in vivo and in vitro. Using differ-
sial. Therefore, there is interest in a modern standardized and objec- ent scoring models based on organoleptic assessment, it was shown
tive diagnostic method (Bollen & Beikler, 2012; Kapoor et al., 2016; that halitosis could be identified and correlated with different oral dis-
Madhushankari et al., 2015; Ongole & Shenoy, 2010). eases, and that mouth-­hosted microorganisms contribute to breath
malodor (Berg, Burrill, & Fosdick, 1946, 1947; Morris & Read, 1949).
Interestingly, Morris and Read also reported that in at least 7% of the
1.2 | Exhaled volatile compounds as biomarkers of
subjects, halitosis was resistant to mouth hygiene and standard oral
management techniques, so they alleged that in these cases halitosis
As halitosis is defined as a “bad smell,” it could easily be concluded was not due to an oral disease/state but could arise from a distal origin
that one or more volatile compounds are produced and present in (Morris & Read, 1949). Later, Tonzetich et al. explored the chemicals’
the oral cavity and/or exhaled breath leading to the unpleasant odor composition emitted by pooled saliva from halitosis patients by quan-
(Bollen & Beikler, 2012; van den Broek et al., 2007; Kapoor et al., tifying the volatile reducing substances (VRSs). Using an industrial
2016; Madhushankari et al., 2015; Ongole & Shenoy, 2010). Such vol- procedure to measure odor intensity (Lang, Farber, Beck, & Yerman,
atile organic compounds (VOCs) are physiological products that are 1944), they found that VRSs are indeed produced in the oral cavity in
continuously produced in the body. Owing to their volatility, VOCs halitosis, and they identified mainly VSCs, in particular methyl mercap-
diffuse readily and are excreted via different body fluids, including tan (CH3SH) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) (Tonzetich & Richter, 1964).
the exhaled air. However, during disease states, pathophysiological Since then, dozens of scientific reports using state-­of-­the-­art tech-
mechanisms can alter VOC production, leading eventually to shifts in nologies (chromatography, spectrometry, and different chemical gas
the exhaled VOC profile (referred to as the volatolome) (Haick, Broza, sensors) have confirmed the presence of measurable exhaled VSCs
Mochalski, Ruzsanyi, & Amann, 2014; Hakim et al., 2012; Nakhleh, and their potential as non-­invasive biomarkers for the diagnosis and
Haick, Humbert, & Cohen-­Kaminsky, 2017). Inflammation, oxidative monitoring of halitosis (Avincsal et al., 2016; Coli & Tonzetich, 1992;
stress, anaerobic conditions, enzymatic activity, bacteria and micro- Koshimune et al., 2003; Rosenberg, Kulkarni, Bosy, & McCulloch,
biome populations, and other patho-­mechanisms are known causes 1991; Van den Velde, Quirynen, van Hee, & van Steenberghe, 2007a;
of volatolomic alterations (Amann, Miekisch, Pleil, Risby, & Schubert, Waler, 1997; Yaegaki & Sanada, 1992b).
2010; Broza, Mochalski, Ruzsanyi, Amann, & Haick, 2015; Miekisch, Moreover, accumulating evidence suggests that increased levels
Schubert, & Noeldge-­Schomburg, 2004). Non-­invasive and easy to of VSCs in the oral cavity could lead directly to the acceleration for
perform, the analysis of exhaled breath revealed the presence of periodontal diseases via mitochondria-­mediated apoptosis, DNA dam-
dozens of VOCs, detectable in low concentrations, so analysis of age in fibroblasts, and increasing the levels of reactive oxygen species.
the exhaled volatolome has the potential for both disease diagnosis Therefore, aside from their diagnostic potential, it is very important to
and classification (Amann, Corradi, Mazzone, & Mutti, 2011; Barash, monitor VSCs levels in order to prevent/diminish further damage to
Peled, Hirsch, & Haick, 2009; Baumbach et al., 2011; Hakim et al., the oral cavity (Fujimura et al., 2010; Imai et al., 2009).
2011; Karban et al., 2016; Nakhleh, Amal et al., 2014; Nakhleh et al. In the following sections, we will discuss the sources of volatile
2015; Sinues, Zenobi, & Kohler, 2013; Tisch et al., 2012). Indeed, compounds from both oral and systemic sources and their potential as
studies have shown increased levels of volatile sulfuric compounds biomarkers for detecting and monitoring halitosis. We will also review
(VSCs), which have been measured in the oral cavity and exhaled the development and feasibility of designated commercially available
breath of patients with halitosis. Linked to bacterial activity and pro- devices for assessing VSCs in halitosis. Then, we will explore the po-
duced by local microbial-­enzymatic breakdown of amino acids and tential of artificially intelligent sensors to fill the gap in both oral and
other mechanisms, exhaled VSCs have been proposed as biomarkers extra-­oral halitosis.
for diagnosis and monitoring of halitosis (Avincsal et al., 2016; Aydin,
Bollen, & Ozen, 2016; Kapoor et al., 2016; Laleman, Dadamio, De
2.1 | Physiological halitosis: VSCs production in the
Geest, Dekeyser, & Quirynen, 2014).
healthy mouth
Increase in production and/or accumulation of VSCs in the mouth
2 | VOLATILE SULFURIC COMPOUNDS: cavity could be due to various processes in both health and disease
FROM BAD SMELL TO POTENTIAL states (Bollen & Beikler, 2012; Kapoor et al., 2016; Madhushankari
BIOMARKERS et al., 2015; Ongole & Shenoy, 2010). For instance, morning halitosis,
or halitosis due to mouth breathing—widespread among children—
The first evidence linking oral pathophysiology to halitosis was pub- is caused by decreased salivary flow and a dry tongue (Koshimune
lished during the 1940s, when the malodor was correlated with pu- et al., 2003; Tonzetich & Johnson, 1977). On the other hand, halitosis
trefaction of saliva due to various conditions such as retained saliva, could be due to the deposition of food debris after food intake. Each
desquamated epithelial cells, and decaying teeth (Law, Berg, & Fosdick, of these cases results in increased anaerobic activity, or augmenta-
1943; Sulser, Brening, & Fosdick, 1939). Lacking the appropriate tion of Gram-­negative bacterial species, which in turn metabolize
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NAKHLEH et al. | 687

sulfur-­containing amino acids and peptides such as methionine, (Zhou, McCombs, Darby, & Marinak, 2004), periodontitis (Tsai et al.,
cysteine, glutathione, or peptones, leading eventually to local accu- 2008), xerostomia (Bollen & Beikler, 2012), mucosal ulcerations, and
mulation of byproducts including VSCs such as methyl mercaptan and deep dental lesions (van den Broek et al., 2007; Cortelli, Barbosa, &
hydrogen sulfide (Krespi, Shrime, & Kacker, 2006; Waler, 1997). The Westphal, 2008). These findings strongly suggest that identifying ex-
oral flora includes a wide range of VSCs-­producing bacteria. Strains haled VSCs and monitoring their levels could serve as a simple non-­
such as Fusobacterium nucleatum, Veillonella parvula, Treponema den- invasive diagnostic tool for oral halitosis. Examples of different sources
ticola, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Eubacterium limosum, Selenomona of VSCs originating in the oral cavity are presented in Figure 1.
artemidis, Actinomyces odontolyticus, and Prevotella veroralis continu-
ally produce low concentrations of VSCs under normal health condi-
2.3 | Assessment of VSCs: from observation
tions (Awano, Gohara, Kurihara, Ansai, & Takehara, 2002; Kleinberg
to method
& Codipilly, 1995; Krespi et al., 2006; Persson, Claesson, & Carlsson,
1989; Tanaka et al., 2004; Washio, Sato, Koseki, & Takahashi, 2005; As previously mentioned, the diagnosis of halitosis relies heav-
Yasukawa, Ohmori, & Sato, 2010). ily on organoleptic assessment, in which the exhaled breath smell is
ranked from 0 (undetectable) to 5 (heavy foul odor) according to the
Rosenberg scale (Rosenberg et al., 1991). Considered the gold standard
2.2 | VSCs in pathological oral halitosis
method nowadays, inexpensive and easy to perform, it remains sub-
Pathologies in the oral cavity often lead to a new-­onset halitosis or jective and lacks reliability and reproducibility (Hatt, 2004). Therefore,
worsening of an existing one (Yaegaki & Sanada, 1992b). This is partly several analytical methods and devices have been suggested and
because the injured/infected intra-­oral areas open new locations in tested as alternatives. These can be categorized into two main ap-
which bacteria can colonize, proliferate, and metabolize proteins. proaches: (i) in vitro assays and (ii) exhaled breath analysis. Among
Also, the increased blood supply to inflamed areas or in hemorrhagic the in vitro methods, the benzoyl-­DL-­arginine-­naphthylamide (BANA)
conditions accompanying these periodontal diseases provides the test, for example, is based on assessing the enzymatic activity of
bacteria with supplemental substrates (e.g., iron), creating favorable Gram-­negative bacteria. In the saliva incubation test, the samples are
conditions for perio-­pathogenic Gram-­negative anaerobic bacteria assessed by organoleptic measurement. Polymerase chain reaction
to thrive, thus leading to excessive production of VSCs in the oral (PCR) is also used, in some case, allowing the bacterial strains present
cavity (Loesche & Kazor, 2000). For example, a quantitative exhaled in the oral cavity to be identified. On the other hand, chromatography
breath analysis using gas chromatography-­linked mass spectrometry is used to assess β-­galactosidase activity. Polyamine concentrations
(GC/MS), comparing 17 patients with periodontal diseases with 14 are also measured in saliva samples using the ninhydrin test (van den
cases of physiological morning halitosis, revealed increased VSC pro- Broek et al., 2007). However, these methods remain not suitable for
duction associated with gum bleeding and periodontal pocket depth all cases of halitosis, and many of them have low sensitivity (Aydin
in periodontal cases (Yaegaki & Sanada, 1992b). Furthermore, it has et al., 2016; Petrini, Trentini, Ferrante, D’Alessandro, & Spoto, 2012;
been reported that patients suffering from periodontal diseases rou- Sterer, Greenstein, & Rosenberg, 2002).
tinely present a worse tongue-­coating smell (Bollen & Beikler, 2012; The second approach is based on assessment of exhaled volatile
Yaegaki, 1995). compounds, namely VSCs produced in the oral cavity. Although GC-­
Dental hygiene and health issues can also lead to halitosis (Bollen & MS analysis is highly accurate and can measure very low concentra-
Beikler, 2012; Kapoor et al., 2016; Madhushankari et al., 2015; Ongole tions of VSCs, it is expensive and requires highly skilled operators,
& Shenoy, 2010; Rosenberg, 1990). For example, microbial plaques making it less appropriate for routine diagnosis (Hakim et al., 2012;
create new dental pockets in which bacteria develop, then putrefaction Nakhleh, Broza, & Haick, 2014). Therefore, several portable and
occurs, eventually increasing the overall foul odor (Rosenberg, 1990). easier-­to-­use devices for selective and specific assessment of VSCs
In a study exploring incubated dental plaque scrapings from patients in the breath have been introduced during the past three decades
with periodontitis, for example, a wide range of bacterial strains was (Laleman et al., 2014).
identified, including P. gingivalis (Loesche, Syed, Schmidt, & Morrison, First, in 1991, Rosenberg and colleagues developed the Halimeter®
1985) and T. denticola (Moore et al., 1985; Simonson, Goodman, Bial, (Interscan, Chatsworth, CA). It is based on a volumetric non-­selective
& Morton, 1988), which are major contributors to VSCs production gas sensor for measuring the total sulfur-­containing compounds in a
(Persson, Edlund, Claesson, & Carlsson, 1990). In another study, 101 given sample (Rosenberg et al., 1991). Easy to use and with satisfying
subjects were classified into three groups: halitosis with probing depth reproducibility, the system has been in use ever since. However, differ-
≥4 mm, halitosis without probing depth, and controls. The analysis in- ent studies assessing the feasibility of the Halimeter® resulted in dis-
dicated that the exhaled VSCs concentrations in periodontitis patients agreements about the diagnostic threshold to be used (ranging from
were greater and correlated with the presence of Bacteroides forsythus, 75 to 150 ppb), and the correlation with organoleptic scoring was also
P. gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia (Awano et al., 2002). Similarly, inconsistent (Vandekerckhove et al., 2009; Yaegaki & Sanada, 1992a).
increased production of VSCs contributing to the presence or exac- However, the main drawback of the system is its inability to discrimi-
erbation of halitosis has been widely described in oral cavity diseases nate between the different VSCs, and the fact is that it is insensitive to
(van den Broek et al., 2007), including but not limited to gingivitis non-­sulfuric volatile compounds (Laleman et al., 2014).
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688 | NAKHLEH et al.

F I G U R E 1 The exhaled volatolome is a mixture of oral volatile sulfuric compounds (VSCs) and distal volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
The exhaled breath contains up to several hundreds of volatile compounds. VSCs (blue) are mainly produced in the oral cavity under normal
physiological conditions and accumulate in the oral diseases leading to halitosis. Alterations in exhaled VOCs (green), on the other hand, are due
to distal pathophysiologies, including but not limited to diabetes or to respiratory, gastrointestinal (GIT), liver and kidney diseases, eventually
leading to extra-­oral halitosis

Also designed for global measurement of sulfur compounds, the but also to better subclassification of halitosis. However, it is expen-
Breathtron® was introduced in 1996 by Shimura et al. It is based on a sive, and the use of room air as a carrier gas might lead to impurities
zinc oxide membrane semiconductor sensor that is highly sensitive to and contamination of the sample (Laleman et al., 2014).
VSCs (Shimura et al., 1996). The measurement is considered more spe- All in all, the available devices take account only of exhaled VSCs
cific than the Halimeter because exhaled non-­sulfuric compounds are that could contribute to the diagnosis and monitoring of oral halitosis.
first trapped and eliminated from the sample, reducing the likelihood Nevertheless, correlation with organoleptic scoring indicates moder-
of confounding effects (Laleman et al., 2014). Like the Halimeter, the ate accuracy. Moreover, the absence of exhaled sulfuric compounds
diagnostic threshold has been debated and different studies have used does not rule out halitosis (Laleman et al., 2014; Van den Velde et al.,
a wide range of cutoffs, ranging between 250 and 400 ppb (Tanda 2007a). Finally, all three devices entirely neglect the dozens of VOCs
et al., 2007). However, the correlation between the results achieved in exhaled breath that are potential informative biomarkers in hali-
by the Breathtron® and the organoleptic scoring were higher and more tosis, mainly in extra-­oral cases, as will be discussed in the following
consistent than with the Halimeter. The Breathtron retains several of sections.
the Halimeter’s advantages, being portable, easy to use, reproducible,
and providing immediate results. However, once again, it lacks the ca-
pacity to discriminate among different sulfuric compounds and takes 3 | NON-­S ULFURIC VOCS CONTRIBUTING
no account of potentially informative non-­sulfuric volatile compounds TO HALITOSIS
(Laleman et al., 2014; Shimura et al., 1996).
Last, and most recent, is the OralChroma™, which, in fact, a porta- In up to 15% of pathological halitosis cases, the source of the malodor
ble and compact gas chromatography device coupled with an indium is not the mouth cavity and there is no relationship to oral disease.
oxide semiconductor gas sensor (Hanada et al., 2003). In contrast to In these cases, the unpleasant odor is a symptom of a distal systemic
the previous devices, the OralChroma™ measures the absolute con- disease (Bollen & Beikler, 2012; Kapoor et al., 2016; Madhushankari
centrations of each of hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, and di- et al., 2015; Ongole & Shenoy, 2010). Very old medical practice and
methyl sulfide within 10 min (Hanada et al., 2003). The device has recent scientific corroboration suggest that VOCs emitted by the pe-
proved highly accurate even for very low concentrations of the mea- ripheral microenvironment of a given disease circulate in the local
sured compounds, and it discriminates among the main three VSCs and/or peripheral blood system and are excreted via exhaled breath.
associated with halitosis, which could contribute not only to diagnosis Some remarkable shifts in the exhaled volatolome could impose
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NAKHLEH et al. | 689

specific smells in the exhaled breath that in certain cases are recog- 2011; Barash et al., 2009; Hakim et al., 2012; Mazzone et al., 2007;
nizable even by the unaided nose (Buszewski, Kesy, Ligor, & Amann, Peled et al., 2012; Phillips et al., 1999), and other acute and chronic
2007; Haick et al., 2014; Miekisch et al., 2004; Sinues et al., 2013). respiratory diseases. Together, these observations indicate that ir-
In diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), for example, the decarboxylation of regular or unpleasant breath odor could be present and taken as
excess acetyl-­CoA under starvation-­like circumstances produces an halitosis.
excess of ketone bodies such as acetone, and the sweet flavor of
the exhaled breath is well recognized by physicians (Amann et al.,
3.2 | Gastrointestinal and liver pathology-­
2010; Buszewski et al., 2007; Miekisch et al., 2004). Similarly, dis-
related VOCs
tinctive and decipherable smells in kidney and liver diseases have
been repeatedly reported by physicians (Ongole & Shenoy, 2010). Gastrointestinal (GIT) diseases could induce exhaled volatolome
Therefore, it is highly important to recognize VOCs that are impli- alterations via two main pathways: (i) esophageal release of VOCs
cated in extra-­oral halitosis and related to systemic diseases, and to through the upper gastric sphincter to the oral cavity, and/or (ii)
refer the patient to a designated specialist for treatment (Bollen & adsorption of VOCs from the GIT tract into the blood stream and
Beikler, 2012; Madhushankari et al., 2015; Ongole & Shenoy, 2010). subsequent diffusion via the lungs into the exhaled breath (Carlini &
However, although shifts in the exhaled volatolome can occur in a Ligabue-­Braun, 2016; Di Lena, Porcelli, & Altomare, 2016). Searches
wide spectrum of systemic diseases, the volatolomic alterations are for non-­invasive biomarkers in GIT diseases have repeatedly iden-
very delicate in the vast majority of cases; thus, the human sense of tified distinctive volatolomic profiles in exhaled breath. Isobutane,
smell cannot distinguish them (Nakhleh, Amal et al., 2017). Figure 1 is 2-­butanone and ethyl acetate, for example, are increased in the
a schematic representation of the different sources of exhaled non-­ breath of individuals with gastric H. pylori and in the gaseous mix-
sulfuric VOCs. ture released by the bacterial strain (Ulanowska, Kowalkowski,
Hrynkiewicz, Jackowski, & Buszewski, 2011). VOCs associated with
elevated oxidative stress and inflammation have been reported in
3.1 | Respiratory disease-­induced VOCs contributing
inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), including Crohn’s disease and
to halitosis
ulcerative colitis. For example, we have previously reported that
Owing to the proximity of the oral cavity to the airways, there is an ethanol, 2-­butanone, tetrachloroethylene, 2,4-­dimethyl-­1-­heptene,
acutely increased concentration of VOCs in the exhaled breath dur- 5-­ethyl-­2-­methyl-­octane, and dodecane are significantly elevated
ing airway and/or respiratory pathophysiology (Nakhleh, Haick et al., in patients with IBD (Karban et al., 2016). Exhaled 2-­propenenitrile,
2017). For example, a distinctive smell is well recognized in cases of furfural, 2-­butoxy-­ethanol, hexadecane, 4-methyl-octane,
increased bacterial activity such as sinus-­related illness and tonsillitis 1,2,3-­tri-­methylbenzene, α-­methyl-­styrene, and others are associ-
(Ferguson, Aydin, & Mickel, 2014). In adults, both acute and chronic ated with malignant and benign gastric and colon cancer (Amal et al.,
respiratory diseases result in significant shifts in the exhaled vola- 2015, 2016; ). Alcoholic liver states, cirrhosis, and hepatic cancer
tolome (Haick & Cohen-­Kaminsky, 2015). Respiratory diseases can are also associated with alterations in different spectra of exhaled
induce an unpleasant odor described as “acidic” or “cheesy” in the VOCs, including but not limited to propanoic acid, isopropyl alcohol,
exhaled breath (Bollen & Beikler, 2012). Indeed, dozens of exhaled 1-­hexadecanol, and octane (Pijls et al., 2016).
VOCs have been reported in increased concentrations in respira-
tory and airway diseases. In active tuberculosis, for instance, tride-
3.3 | The uremic smell of kidney diseases
cane, 2-­butyl-­1-­octanol, and 4-­methyl-­dodecane accumulate in the
exhaled breath of patients and in sputum cultures (Nakhleh, Jeries It has been long recognized that kidney diseases are associated
et al., 2014; Phillips et al., 2010), while in patients diagnosed with with an ammoniacal breath odor, usually termed “uremic fetor”
pneumonia, levels of butane, 2-­methyl, ethanol, dodecane, heptane, (Madhushankari et al., 2015; Ongole & Shenoy, 2010). While previ-
1-­undecene, nonanal, decanal, and 2,6,10-­trimethyl-­dodecane are ously this was often interpreted as an oral hygiene problem, quan-
augmented (Gao et al., 2016; Schnabel et al., 2015). Exhaled acetic titative analysis of exhaled VOCs in chronic kidney diseases (CKD)
acid has been suggested as a volatile biomarker of cystic fibrosis in patients eventually revealed otherwise. Several studies have explored
view of its significantly greater level in patients than in healthy con- the volatile metabolites in exhaled breath in kidney diseases, and the
trols (Smith et al., 2016). Clinical investigations in pulmonary hyper- vast majority of these studies have reported similar results. Levels of
tension (PH) revealed that diverse VOCs are increased in patients exhaled ammonia, urea (the end product of detoxification of ammo-
and are often correlated with severity of the disease. Compounds nia), isoprene, and several hydrocarbons were significantly elevated in
such as 2-­nonene, 2-­propanol, acetaldehyde, ammonia, ethanol, most cases with acute and chronic kidney failure (Assady et al., 2014;
pentane (Cikach et al., 2014), and 1-­methyl-­4-­(1-­methylethnyl)-­ben Marom et al., 2012; Nakhleh, Amal et al., 2014). Some of these com-
zene (Mansoor et al., 2014) have been reported in PH. Likewise, over pounds were also correlated with different stages of the diseases and/
50 different VOCs were correlated with asthma and COPD (Allers or to dialysis management. In one study, it was shown that the exhaled
et al., 2016; Christiansen, Davidsen, Titlestad, Vestbo, & Baumbach, ammonia concentrations decreased more than 10-­fold after circa 3 h
2016; Tomasiak-­Lozowska et al., 2012), lung cancer (Amann et al., of dialysis (Davies, Spanel, & Smith, 1997).
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690 | NAKHLEH et al.

F I G U R E 2 Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and volatile sulfuric compounds (VSCs) in systemic and oral diseases. (a) Heat map of
quantitative GC-­MS analysis of breath samples obtained from 731 patients, diagnosed with one of 16 different systemic diseases. The
abundance of each VOC is given on the color scale. While at the individual VOC level, it is almost impossible to distinguish between different
diseases (each row in the heat map), the overall VOC pattern (each column in the color map) is quite distinctive. The VOCs are VOC-­01,
2-­ethylhexanol, VOC-­02, 3-­methylhexane, VOC-­03, 5-­ethyl-­3-­methyl-octane, VOC-­04, acetone, VOC-­05, ethanol, VOC-­06, ethyl acetate,
VOC-­07, ethylbenzene, VOC-­08, isononane, VOC-­09, isoprene, VOC-­10, nonanal, VOC-­11, styrene, VOC-­12, toluene, and VOC-­13, undecane.
(b) Comparison between simulated halitosis breath and healthy human breath by a pattern recognition algorithm applied to the responses of
array of sensors based on functionalized nanofibers. (a) Reprinted with permission from: Nakhleh et al. (2017) https://doi.org/pubs.acs.org/doi/
full/10.1021/acsnano.6b04930. (b) Reprinted with permission from: Kim et al. (2017) https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.accounts.7b00047. Copyright
(2017) American Chemical Society

Figure 1 schematically summarizes the composition of exhaled odor is not clear, known or recognizable by physicians. This is partly
breath and the different sources of sulfuric and non-­sulfuric volatile because the same volatile biomarkers are associated with different
compounds that could lead to halitosis. diseases, and a given disease affects a spectrum of VOCs (Nakhleh,
Amal et al., 2017).
We have recently explored volatolomic alterations in 731 pa-
4 | VOC PATTERNS IN SYSTEMIC DISEASES tients diagnosed with one of 16 different systemic diseases. We
found that the most powerful and distinctive VOCs for diagnosis
The arguments described above, supported by hundreds of other and/or classification of diseases were 13 compounds that were
scientific reports, present a clear consensus: different local or sys- common to all of them. It is notable that none of these 13 volatile
temic pathophysiological processes or diseases cause substantial biomarkers were sulfur-­containing. Moreover, none of these com-
alterations in the exhaled volatolome (Amal et al., 2015; Amann pounds was dominant enough to discriminate among the diseases
et al., 2011; Haick et al., 2014; Hakim et al., 2012; Miekisch et al., explored; nevertheless, these 13 compounds, considered jointly,
2004; Nakhleh, Broza et al., 2014; Peled et al., 2012; Phillips et al., differed markedly among the healthy/disease states (Figure 2a)
2010). However, it is noticeable in the scientific literature that in (Nakhleh, Amal et al., 2017). In most cases, the variations in the
systemic diseases, in contrast to oral halitosis, the dominant volatile concentrations of these VOCs were in the range several to hun-
compounds in exhaled breath are non-­sulfur-­containing. Therefore, dreds of parts per billion by volume (PPBV), so it is highly doubt-
while the assessment of VSCs alone can be informative and use- ful that such alterations could be identified and recognized by
ful in oral halitosis, it is insufficient for exploring extra-­oral halito- the unaided nose, as in organoleptic assessment (Nakhleh, Amal
sis. Consequently, it is very important in halitosis cases to assess et al., 2017). This suggests that (i) VSCs are not indicative in cases
non-­sulfuric VOCs in the exhaled breath (Ongole & Shenoy, 2010). of extra-­oral halitosis and (ii) assessment of VOC patterns is more
Although in some cases the acquired smell of the exhaled breath is informative for medical application than individual VOCs measure-
sharp and well known to medical staff (the sweet acetone-­like odor ments (Broza et al., 2015; Hakim et al., 2012; Nakhleh, Amal et al.,
of DKA, the uremic smell in kidney failure), in most other cases the 2017) (Figure 2a).
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NAKHLEH et al. | 691

F I G U R E 3 The concept of artificially intelligent olfaction in halitosis. In contrast to selective sensing, an array of sensors performs semi-­
selective and/or collective assessment of the exhaled breath composition. The array includes a subset of programmed sensors with higher
affinity to VSCs (bottom sensor panel) and another subset of sensors with acquired higher affinity to non-­sulfuric volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) (top sensor panel). All sensors are exposed and react to the sample simultaneously, and their responses are recorded and processed
toward pattern recognition application. Software will then compare the patterns calculated from the different sets of sensors and compare them
to the database of patterns obtained previously in the preclinical training phases. A tree-­of-­decision-­based classifier will then determine whether
a subject suffers from oral or extra-­oral halitosis; in the second case, it will also classify the volatolomic pattern according to the different
systemic diseases

5 | ARTIFICIALLY INTELLIGENT high selectivity for pattern changes associated with variety of diseases
OLFACTION: FROM VISION TO PRACTICE to be achieved; on the other, it can adjust for minor alterations pos-
IN HALITOSIS sibly caused by confounding factors and/or intra-­individual variations
(Broza et al., 2015; Haick et al., 2014; Kahn, Lavie, Paz, Segev, & Haick,
Exhaled breath samples are complex and contain up to several hun- 2015; Konvalina & Haick, 2014; Vishinkin & Haick, 2015).
dreds of different volatile compounds from various sources. On the With the great advances in field of sensors for gases, mainly based
one hand, VOCs are delivered to the lungs from the peripheral blood on nanomaterials, highly efficient and tailor-­made systems could be
system, while others such as VSCs originate mainly from the oral and designed for the diagnosis, classification, and monitoring of diseases
nasal cavities. In addition, exhaled breath usually contains volatile (Tisch et al., 2012; Vishinkin & Haick, 2015). We have previously pre-
compounds from exogenous sources such as volatile pollutants that sented an artificially intelligent sensor array composed of 20 func-
are absorbed to the body by inhalation, food intake, or even via the tionalized nanomaterials based sensors that we were able to develop
skin (Van den Velde et al., 2007b). and train to discriminate successfully among 17 different systemic
However, in the field of halitosis, techniques that have been de- diseases, with an overall accuracy of 86%, by the analysis of exhaled
veloped so far only assess VSCs levels, so they have limited capacity breath (Nakhleh, Amal et al., 2017). Unlike a single sensing mechanism
to discriminate among diseases completely neglect extra-­oral cases (single detector/sensor), the array includes an assembly of nanosen-
(Laleman et al., 2014). Unlike the selective measurement of individ- sors, each subset of which is tailored and designated for a specific
ual volatile compounds, artificial olfaction, which is based on a non-­ mission. This can be achieved by manipulating the shape and size of
selective sensor array, assesses the overall spectrum of exhaled volatile the nanoparticles, and/or by functionalizing the nanoparticle films
compounds (Barash et al., 2009; Haick et al., 2014; Nakhleh, Broza with various organic sensing layers (Kahn et al., 2015; Karban et al.,
et al., 2014; Vishinkin & Haick, 2015). Bio-­inspired by the mammalian 2016; Peng et al., 2009). In addition, as a training phase, preclinical
sense of smell (so it is also known as “electronic nose”) and combined experimental assessments could be made using artificial gas mixtures
with artificial intelligence, that is, machine-­learning techniques, it can composed of target VOCs/VSCs, which would allow the training the
recognize specific patterns (“smells”) and use as reference for future sensors for increased sensitivity (Karban et al., 2016; Nakhleh et al.,
objective and independent recognition. On the one hand, the collec- 2016). For example, Kim et al. have recently reported an array of sen-
tive sensing of the exhaled volatolome by an array of sensors allows sors, based on functionalized nanofibers, that were sensitive to breath
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692 | NAKHLEH et al.

samples from healthy subjects but deliberately injected with hydrogen

Artificially intelligent olfaction

sulfide (Kim, Choi, Jang, Cho, & Kim, 2017) (Figure 2b). This shows

Pattern recognition/”sulfuric
Array of nanomaterial-­based

conjugated with artificial

that a single qualitative analysis of exhaled breath could be informa-

sensors for gas sensing

Multiqualitative analysis
tive about several aspects of the content and the clues hidden therein.
This is highly important and relevant for halitosis patients, for whom,
as discussed previously, it is necessary to simultaneously identify and

assess the spectra of the sulfur-­containing and non-­sulfur containing
volatile compounds for optimal detection and classification.

When the array is combined with analytical software and a da-
Main characteristics of the Halimeter®, Breathtron®, and OralChroma™, compared with the features of sensor array-­based artificially intelligent olfaction

tabase of breath patterns, the signals obtained from each subset of

Gas chromatography linked with a indium oxide

sensors as a response to newly introduced breath sample could be

Absolute concentrations of hydrogen sulfide,

analyzed and the recognition procedure made as a tree-­of-­decision
methyl mercaptan, and dimethyl sulfide algorithm (Cohen-­Kaminsky et al., 2013; Nakhleh, Amal et al., 2017).
Thus, while one subset of sensors could be informative regarding the
VSCs in a given sample, indicating the possibility of oral halitosis,
other subsets would assess the patterns of VOCs linked to differ-
semiconductor gas sensor

ent systemic diseases. Figure 3 schematically describes the different

stages of artificially intelligent olfaction analysis. Table 1 summarizes
the main features of the currently available devices for analyzing ex-


haled breath in halitosis and the potential use of artificially intelligent

As described so far, cross-­reactive (semi-­selective) sensors are used


in such systems in order to analyze patterns qualitatively. This means

Semiconductor sensor-­based zinc

that the system is not capable of quantitative analysis or identifying

the exact VOCs/VSCs in a given sample. Therefore, prior to the clinical
phase, it is critical to study the identity of the targeted compounds in
vitro and in vivo, by chromatography and spectrometry, for example,
oxide membrane

in order to accomplish a training phase (Nakhleh, Haick et al., 2017). To

do so, in vitro VOCs/VSCs should be studied from a variety of gaseous

and liquid phases, including the exhaled breath, the oral cavity, saliva
samples, and cell/bacterial cultures. Preclinical artificial samples (e.g.,



gas mixtures resembling the statistically validated VOCs) could then

be obtained and used to determine the characteristics of sensors to
be included in the array (Karban et al., 2016). In addition to this phase,
Volumetric non-­selective gas

a wide database of breath samples from oral and extra-­oral halitosis

patients should be used for clinical validation of the sensors, and for
use as a database of pattern references that the software would use
to match the pattern and classification of each newly obtained breath
sample (Nakhleh, Amal et al., 2017).





Potential classification of oral halitosis
Global sulfuric-­containing compounds

Discrimination between specific VSCs

Pathological halitosis is much more than a social nuisance. Usually, it

Assessment of non-­sulfuric VOCs

is a symptom of oral cavity disorder, or it could be due to a systemic

Indication of extra-­oral halitosis/

and potentially serious disease, so it is highly important to detect and

classify each case correctly. Commercially available systems for VSCs

assessment are very useful, but they are still controversial and are
Sensing mechanism

systemic diseases

useless for extra-­oral halitosis. Artificially intelligent olfaction has

the potential to serve as a non-­invasive, inexpensive technique for

detecting oral and extra-­oral halitosis. Designed with high sensitiv-

ity to both VSCs and VOCs patterns, once trained, the system could
detect and classify halitosis, and moreover indicate the distal systemic
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NAKHLEH et al. | 693

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