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Basic Measurements: Experiment 1

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Experiment 1

Basic Measurements

To introduce basic lab equipments such as the multimeter and power supplies
To learn how to measure electrical quantities such as voltage, current, and power using lab

Digital Multimeter
Digital multimeter (DMM) is used to measure electrical quantities such as voltage, current, resistance,
and power as well as to show these quantities digitally. The DMM is easy to use and necessary for all
electrical and electronics laboratories.
Voltage Measurement (The Voltmeter)
To measure a dc voltage in electrical circuits, do the following steps:
1. Turn on the DMM
2. Using the rotary selector switch, select the voltage function "VDC".
3. Select the "AUTO" range mode by making a long press on the" Range" button.
4. Insert the positive (+) lead (normally red) in the voltage socket and the negative (-) lead (normally
black) in the common socket.
5. Place the red probe on the higher voltage point and the black probe on the lower voltage point.
6. Finally, the DMM will display the voltage drop between the probe tips digitally.
Voltage measurement is made by connecting the voltmeter in parallel with the electrical / electronic
component(s) as shown in Figure 1.1. If the probes are reversed the reading will be the same as the
original but negative when compared with the original one. The voltmeter has a very large internal
resistance, which is considered as an open circuit during calculations.

Figure 1.1: A circuit showing how to use two multimeters to measure the voltage and current
0405344: Electrical Machines for Mechatronics Laboratory


Experiment 1: Basic Measurements

Current measurement (The Ammeter)
To measure a dc current in some electrical circuits, do the following steps:
1. Turn on the DMM
2. Using the rotary selector switch select the current function "ADC".
3. Place the positive (+) probe in the current socket and the negative (-) one in the common socket.
4. Select the "AUTO" range mode and connect the tips of the probes in series with the circuit
component to measure its current. A positive reading indicates that the current direction is from the
positive (+) to the negative (-) probes.
Current measurement is made by connecting the ammeter in series with a circuit component as shown in
Figure 1.1. The ammeter has very small internal resistance and considered as a short circuit element in
CAUTION: Always disconnect the probes of the meter from the circuit before changing the selector
switch from current to voltage or vise versa. Failing to do so may damage the meter. Switching off the
meter without disconnecting the probes is insufficient for protecting the meter. Connecting the
multimeter in an incorrect way, or choosing the wrong selection of switches, may result in personal
injury, damage to the multimeter and/or the lab equipment. Follow safety instructions at all times.
Resistance Measurement (The Ohmmeter)
The ohmmeter, that is part of a multimeter, is basically both a voltmeter and ammeter. A built-in voltage
source is connected across the resistor to supply the measurement circuit with current. The resistance
value is the ratio of voltage drop to current flow. Resistance should never be measured while it is
connected in a circuit. To measure the resistance of a component, do the following steps:
1. Switch off the power from the circuit.
2. Disconnect the component from the circuit.
3. Switch the multimeter to measure resistance, and select the "AUTO" range mode.
4. Connect the probe tips to the component terminals, and read the value displayed.
Power Measurement (The Wattmeter)
Electric power may be measured by means of a wattmeter. This instrument is of the electrodynamic
type. It consists of a pair of fixed coils, known as a current coil, and a movable coil known as the
potential coil, (refer to Figure 1.2). The fixed coils are made up of few turns of a comparatively large
conductance. The potential coil consists of many turns of fine wires. It is mounted on a shaft, carried in
jeweled bearings, so that it may turn inside the stationary coils. The movable coil carries a needle which
moves over a suitably marked scale. Spiral coil springs hold the needle to a zero position.
The current (stationary) coil of the wattmeter is connected in series with the circuit (load), and the
potential (movable) coil is connected across the line. When line current flows through the current coil of
a wattmeter, a field is set up around the coil. The strength of this field is proportional to the line current
and in phase with it. The potential coil of the wattmeter generally has a high resistance. This is for the
purpose of making the potential coil circuit of the meter as purely resistive as possible. As a result,
current in the potential circuit is practically in phase with line voltage. Therefore, when voltage is
applied to the potential circuit, current is proportional to and in phase with the line voltage. The
actuating force of a wattmeter comes from the magnetic fields of its current and potential coils. The
force acting on the movable coil at any instant (tending to turn it) is proportional to the instantaneous
values of line current and voltage.
0405344: Electrical Machines for Mechatronics Laboratory


Experiment 1: Basic Measurements

Figure 1.2: A simplified electrodynamics wattmeter circuit

Three-Phase Power System and Power Factor (PF)
An ac generator designed to develop a signal sinusoidal voltage for each rotation of the shaft (rotor) is
referred to as a single-phase generator. If the number of coils on the rotor is increased in specified
manner, the result is polyphase generator, which develops more than one ac phase voltage per rotation of
the rotor.
The three-phase system is used by almost all commercial electric generators. This does not mean that
single-phase and two-phase generating systems are obsolete (out dated). Most small emergency
generators, such as the gasoline type, are one phase generating systems. The two-phase system is
commonly used in servomechanisms. In many cases, however, where single phase and two phase inputs
are required, they are supplied by one and two phase of a three phase generating system rather than
generated independently.
In general, three-phase system is preferred over single-phase systems for the transmission of power for
many reasons, including the following:
1. Thinner conductors can be used to transmit the same kVA at the same voltage because the current is
divided among the three phases instead of between just one. This reduces the amount of copper
required (typically about 25% less) and in turn reduces construction and maintenance costs.
2. The lighter lines are easer to install, and the supporting structures can be less massive and farther
3. In general, most large motors are three-phase because they are essentially self-starting and do not
require a special design or additional starting circuitry.
4. Easier motor wiring; Three-phase induction motors does not require brushes, start capacitors, or any
of the complexities of single-phase motors, and are easy to reverse as needed.
5. Constant power delivery. Single-phase delivers zero power each time the voltage crosses zero (120
times per second in the US), while with three-phase each time a phase crosses zero there is still
power being delivered. This leads to three-phase motors in machinery running more smoothly.
The frequency generated is determined by the number of poles in the motor (the rotating part of the
generator) and the speed with which the shaft is turned. Throughout the United States, the line frequency
is 60Hz, whereas in Europe and Jordan, the chosen standard is 50Hz. Both frequencies were chosen
primarily because they can be generated by a relatively efficient and stable mechanical design that is
0405344: Electrical Machines for Mechatronics Laboratory


Experiment 1: Basic Measurements

sensitive to the size of the generating systems and the demand that must be met during peak periods. On
aircraft and ships the demand levels permit the use of a 400Hz line frequency.
The three-phase generator of Figure 1.3 has three induction coils placed 120 apart on the rotor
(armature), as shown symbolically by Figure 1.4. Since the three coils rotate with the same angular
velocity, the voltage induced across each coil will have the same peak value, shape, and frequency. As
the shaft of the generator is turned by some external means, the induced voltage eAN, eBN, and eCN will
be generated simultaneously as shown in Figure 1.5. Note that there is 120 degrees phase shift between
waveforms. In particular, at any instant of time, the algebraic sum of the three phase voltages of a threephase generator is zero. This is shown at t = 0 in Figure 1.5, where it is also evident that when one
induced voltage is zero, the other two are 86.6% of their positive or negative maximums. In additions,
when any two are equal in magnitude and sign (at 0.5Em where E m is the maximum peak), the
remaining induced voltage has the opposite polarity and a peak value.

Figure 1.3: Three-phase generator

Figure 1.4: Induced voltages of a three-phase


Figure 1.5: Phase voltage of a three phase generator

0405344: Electrical Machines for Mechatronics Laboratory


Experiment 1: Basic Measurements

The sinusoidal expression for each of the induced voltages of Figure 1.5 is:
e AN = E m ( AN ) sin t
e BN = E m ( BN ) sin(t 120D )


eCN = E m (CN ) sin(t 240D ) = E m (CN ) sin(t + 120D )

The phasor diagram of the induced voltages is shown in Figure 1.6 where the effective value of each one
is determined by
e AN = 0.707 E m ( AN ) = E AN 0
e BN = 0.707 E m ( BN ) = E BN 120D


eCN = 0.707 E m (CN ) = E CN 240D

Figure 1.6: Phasor diagram for phase voltages of a three phase generator
By rearranging the phasors as shown in Figure 1.7 and applying a law of vectors which states that the
vector sum of any number of vectors drawn such that the head of one is connected to the tail of the next,
and that the head of the last vector is connected to the tail of the first is zero, we can conclude that the
phasor sum of the phase voltages in a three phase system is zero. That is (E AN + EBN + ECN ) = 0

Figure 1.7: Vector sum of the phase voltages in a three phase system
0405344: Electrical Machines for Mechatronics Laboratory


Experiment 1: Basic Measurements

Figure 1.8 shows the line voltage V L and the phase voltage V P where V L = E AB or E BC or E CA ,
V P = E AN
cos() =






VL= 3 Vp.




(PF )




Real Power
= [ W/VA ] , where 0 PF 1 and phase angle ( ) is the angle between
Apperent Power S

current and voltage.

Figure 1.8: Three phase system power

Using the lab equipments shown in Figure 1.9, make the appropriate wiring and answer the following:
(a) The Resistance range of the 5 ampere-rheostat is: __________ (min) to __________ (max).
(b) For the 0-225V (rated 1 Ampere) dc voltage supply, do the following measurements:
With no load

With 500 load

Voltage Regulation

20% of Vin
40% of Vin
60% of Vin
80% of Vin
100% of Vin

You may calculate the voltage regulation using the following relationship:

VR actual =

V2 (no-load) - V2 (with-load)
V2 (with-load)

0405344: Electrical Machines for Mechatronics Laboratory




Experiment 1: Basic Measurements

Figure 1.9: Real photo of equipments needed for the experiment

(c) For the fixed three phase voltage terminals power supply, do the following measurements:






(d) Connect one of the circuits shown in Figure 1.10 and do the measurements in Table 1.1.

0405344: Electrical Machines for Mechatronics Laboratory


Experiment 1: Basic Measurements

Figure 1.10.a: Three phase star-connected load

Figure 1.10.b: Three phase delta-connected load

C [F]

VL-L [V]




VP [V]

IL [A]

IP [A]

PP [w]

Ptotal [w]

Power Factor (PF)







Table 1.1: Measurements required in Figure 1.10

0405344: Electrical Machines for Mechatronics Laboratory


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