PDS Equipment Modelling
PDS Equipment Modelling
PDS Equipment Modelling
Table of contents
1.0 Introduction ...............................................................................
1.0 Introduction
The PDS Equipment Modeling (PD_EQP) product models equipment and equipment
items for later connection to PDS piping components created through the PDS Piping
When attaching nozzles to pipes, the Equipment Modeling product defines equipment
volumes making it possible to check interferences and position the nozzles in a single
Functions of PDS Equipment Modeling (PD_EQP)
With PDS Equipment Modeling (PD_EQP), you can perform the following tasks:
Place basic three-dimensional building blocks such as cylinders, cones and boxes
called primitives.
Place three-dimensional equipment and components called parametrics, which are
predefined and delivered in a library with the product.
Create complex parametrics using the EDEN language and add them to the Reference
Database for future placement. Refer to the PDS Eden Interface Reference Guide for
About Models and Drawings
It is important to understand the terms model and drawing as they are applied in PDS
A model is a 3-D representation of a physical object much like a physical-scale model
made of sticks, cardboard and plastic. The equipment modeling software creates a
computer model of a piece of equipment, making it possible to visualize the
equipment without assembling a physical-scale model. .
A Drawing is a 2-D graphical depiction of a model. The PD_DRAW module of PDS
is used to generate engineering drawings of models.
About the Reference Database (RDB)
The following libraries comprise the RDB and are used to define the equipment and
make it compatible with existing piping specs:
Graphic Commodity Library
Tutorial Definition Library
Piping Physical Data Library
Piping Design Standard Note Library
Piping Job Specification Table Library.
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Equipment Modeling
Enters the 3D graphics environment.
Graphic Library Manager
Creates and modifies Eden and Tutorial Definition files.
Prints parametric reports, nozzle neutral files, and nozzle reports.
Database Library File Manager
Defines or modifies the filenames and locations for approved and/or unapproved
libraries. You can also copy unapproved files into approved library directories.
Load Design Database
Loads attribute information from the Equipment Modeling design file into the design
Entering the 3D Graphics Environment
The Equipment Modeling option enters the graphics environment where you can modify
a design file.
1. At the Equipment Modeling Options form, select the Equipment Modeling option to
enter the graphics environment.
The system displays the Equipment Modeling form listing the available design area
numbers and their corresponding descriptions.
2. Select Design Area
Select the 3D design area to modify. Then, select Accept. The system displays a list of
models in the selected design areas.
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3. Select Model
Select the Model Number to modify. Then, select Accept. The system enters the graphics
design file.
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You can confirm the direction of the active axis by viewing the status field. The system
displays the directional information using a few simple symbols.
**P-IN S-
P is the primary axis
S is the secondary axis
** indicates the active axis
-IN or -OUT indicates the direction the active axis is pointing depending on the active
view. In a specified view (other than Iso), IN points away from you when looking at a
model. OUT points toward you when looking at a model. For example when looking at a
north view, IN points north (away from you) and OUT points south (toward you).
In the example above, the primary axis is the active axis and points IN toward the
displayed view. The secondary axis is only visible in the displayed view. Since the
primary axis is active, it can be rotated by a Refresh Manipulation command.
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Specifies the east, north and elevation location in absolute coordinate terms.
Delta PDS XYZ :
Specifies the east, north and elevation location in delta coordinate terms.
Move Along Primary :
Moves the refresh tee a specified distance along the primary axis. To displace the
orientation tee any distance along the primary axis, select Move Along Primary option
and enter a distance. The axis will point in the positive direction.
Move Along Secondary :
Moves the refresh tee a specified distance along the secondary axis. To displace the
orientation tee any distance along the secondary axis, select Move Along Primary option
and enter a distance. The axis will point in the positive direction.
Midpoint :
Moves the active point for equipment placement by finding the midpoint between two
designated points.
Distance and Direction :
Moves the active point a specified distance by a specified direction.
Construct Point :
Changes the active point for equipment placement by moving the coordinate axis. To
move the orientation tee to a point defined by previous multiple manipulations of the
coordinate axis, select the CONSTRUCT POINT option, then complete the form with
multiple combinations of distance and direction commands.
Restore Last :
Sets the orientation tee to the previous active point and orientation.
Place Point Snap Lock :
Moves the refresh tee to an item's original place point and displays the orientation when
manipulating that item.
This command controls the refresh tee when you snap to an item. When the lock is ON
(default), the refresh tee moves to the items original place point regardless of where you
place your tentative snap and displays its orientation. This action applies only when you
an item to move, copy, rotate or mirror but not when it is selected for placement, adding
to or
With the Place Point Snap Lock set to OFF and the MicroStation Data Point Snap Lock
to Project Snap Lock, the tee appears at the point where you placed your tentative point.
With the Place Point Snap Lock set to OFF and the MicroStation Data Point Snap Lock
to Keypoint (default), the refresh tee will appear at the closest keypoint (*) location.
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Creates a new piece of equipment using user defined primitives or parametrics. This
command creates a new piece of equipment using primitives
or user defined
parametricselected. It provides access to equipment primitives, user projected shapes and
parametric help.
A form displaying the equipment primitives appears in the tutorial window. With this
form you can select parametrics and user projected shapes. This form also contains an
input field for parametric numbers (Eden code).To extend or add to an equipment item,
use the Add command under Component Manipulation Commands. This command is
activated after Start has been used to place a piece of equipment.
Copies an equipment item once or several times from the active design file or from an
equipment model reference file.
Relocates a piece of equipment to another active point.
Removes a piece of equipment from the design file.
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Places an equipment item or component on an existing piece of equipment. A form
displaying the equipment primitives appears in the tutorial window. This form also
displays options allowing you to select parametrics and user projected shapes. The form
contains an input field allowing you to key in a parametric number (Eden code) if known.
Makes changes or modifications to and already existing equipment item or component.
Modify & Copy
Copies an existing equipment item or component to a specified location and modifies the
copied component.
Relocates an equipment component to a specified location.
Places a copy of an equipment component in a specified location.
Removes an equipment component from the specified piece of equipment.
Repositions an equipment component about a designated axis.
Mirror Copy
Creates a mirrored display of an equipment component on a piece of equipment.
Mirrors the display of the selected equipment component.
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Nozzle Manipulation
Places, modifies, copies, revises, and deletes nozzles.
These commands adjust the orientation of the refresh tee so that it points in the desired
Defines the orientation of the active axis.
Swap Orientation
Interchanges the orientation of the primary axis with the secondary axis.
Change Rotation Axis
Interchanges the active axis of rotation between the primary and secondary axes.
Invert Axis
Inverts the active axis.
Deflect Axis
Deflects the active axis counter-clockwise by a specified angle.
Restore Last
Sets the orientation tee to the previous active point and orientation.
Orient Primary by 2 Points
Orients the placement tee by using two points selected from an existing equipment item.
item and select another equipment item. Once the form is displayed, select the attribute to
be changed and key in a new value. Once the appropriate attributes have been revised,
select Accept confirm the changes. Note that some attributes are for review only and can
not be revised.
Review Clash
The Review PDS Clash command edits and reviews existing clashes and approves
existing clashes.
Project Name
Displays the active project name.
Design Area
Displays the active design area name.
Clash Type
Displays the clash type.
Displays the date and time the clashes were detected.
Unapprove Clash
Changes the status of the clash from approved to unapproved.
Approve Real Clash Approves the clash as a real clash in the Project Database.
Approve False Clash Approves the clash as a false clash in the Project Database.
Review Unapproved/ Specifies if you want to review app/unapproved clashes.
Approved Clash
Clash Marker
Displays the number of the current clash. Select a marker
number with the left and right arrows; or, select the field and key in a marker number.
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Item A
Displays the model name and the corresponding design area
that has the one item of the clash. The descriptions of the clashing component display
below the model name and design area.
Item B
Displays the model name and the corresponding design area
that has the one item of the clash. The descriptions of the clashing component display
below the model name and design area.
Window to Named Item
The Window to Named PDS Item command zooms in on an items whose attribute you
identify. You can search for items in the active model or in attached PDS reference files.
Active Model / Reference Files Specifies whether to look for the item in the active
model or in the attached reference files.
Specifies the discipline of the item you are looking for. You can select: Piping,
Equipment, PE HVAC, or Raceway.
Piping Attributes
Line Number Label, Line ID, Inspection Iso ID, Piping,
Component Number, Pipe Tag, Instrument Component Number,or Pipe Support Number
Equipment Attributes Equipment Number or Equipment and Nozzle Number
PE HVAC Attributes
System ID or Item ID
Raceway Attributes
RCP Tag, One Line Tag, Drop Point Tag, or Equipment ID
Item Name
Specify the attribute value to search for.
Restore View of Model Restores the view setting.
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Any, Copy, Revise option or any of the numbered nozzle type options on the Nozzle
Directory form.
A reference datum point or previously placed nozzle must exist for the piece of
Place Nozzle Places the nozzle of the selected type.
Copies an existing nozzle and places the copy in another location.
Modifies certain parameters on the specified nozzle. The Revise
command remains active until another command is selected.
Removes a nozzle from a specified piece of equipment.
Other Equip. Selects another piece of equipment if you have previously selected a
piece of equipment for modification.
Create Any Gives access to predefined nozzles for parametric equipment and
accepts data for an unspecified nozzle type.
Recalls a generic quick reference help form for the Nozzle Directory
Cancels the Nozzle Manip command.
Field Descriptions
Nozzle Tag - a unique identifier for the nozzle (10 characters) which becomes
the Part Number.
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7.1 File
File Design
Allows you to save the active parameters defined in the current design session. The File
Design command allows you to save the active parameters defined in the current design
session. This command saves MicroStation parameters such as active views and active
display volumes.The PDS parameters are defined in a set of Type 63 elements for the
Reference Model
Attaches a reference file and allows modification to the attached reference file. When
you select the Reference Model option, the system displays the Reference Model
Attachments form listing the attached models for the active model. The form displays the
Discipline/Model Number, Description and the Display, Snap and Locate settings for the
attached reference models.
Project Files
Displays the library files for the current project which provides reference data for the
This command reviews the library files for the current project. The library files provide
the reference data for the model.
The following library files must exist for each project:
Graphics Commodity Library
Contains Eden definitions for equipment primitives and parametrics. If this library is not
attached, you cannot place symbols.
Tutorial Definition Library
Contains tables that define input fields. If it is not attached, you cannot place symbols.
Equipment Physical Data Library
This optional library contains dimension tables specific to Equipment Modeling.
Piping Physical Data Library
This optional library contains dimension tables for Piping Commodity data, such as
flange thickness and diameter. If it is not attached, you cannot place nozzles.
Piping Design Standard Note Library
Contains tables referenced by piping specification software. In Equipment Modeling,
only the allowable pipe diameter table is referenced. If it is not attached, you cannot
place nozzles.
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Undo Mark
Negates MicroStation drawing operations or Equipment or Component manipulations
performed after a mark was set.
Places a mark before MicroStation drawing operations so that you can perform undos if
you are not satisfied with the next drawing operation.
Undo All
Negates all operations performed since the first mark was set in the design session.
Defines the actual equipment including components such as nozzles, supports, etc.
Maintenance (hard/soft)
Defines the space required to access equipment for repairs and maintenance.
Access (hard/soft)
Defines the areas of space for personnel access including thru-ladders, catwalks, etc.
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Safety (hard/soft)
Defines the safety clearances around equipment and/or creates envelopes on safety
Construction (hard/soft)
Defines an area around a component in a specified discipline.
Light Steel
Defines envelopes around equipment defined as light steel, such as ladders, platforms,
Attached Graphics
Defines envelopes generated on semi-intelligent graphics such as an MCE graphic
attached to a tank.
Defines an area occupying insulation space around a piece of equipment.
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Modifies the colors used in the graphics environment.
Fonts Opens the Fonts setting box. To see a type sample for a font, select in the list box.
Rendering Opens the Rendering Settings box, which is used to adjust rendering
settings. It controls distance cuing, which determine how atmospheric fading is set in the
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View Next
Moves to the next display of a selected view after the View Previous command has been
Review Categories
This command allows you to review or modify the displayed category data (segregation
parameters) associated with a screen view. You can use the display categories to
selectively segregate the data for display, manipulation, and plotting purposes. All the
graphics in the model or drawing (both intelligent and MicroStation) are placed on a
controlled set of levels. You can display or not display various categories of graphic data
by turning the category level(s) on or off.
Each category is associated with a system level, symbology and color code as defined in
the RDB.
View Equipment
This command modifies a screen view so that a window volume around a selected
equipment item is displayed. Other equipment items inside that volume will also be
Saved Model View
The Saved Model View command allows you to create saved views, review and display
existing saved views or delete existing saved view definitions. A saved view can be used
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Lists, extracts, adds, replaces, modifies, deletes, revises or reports on Tutorial Definition
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