Spur Gear - 2
Spur Gear - 2
Spur Gear - 2
frequently allow rotations in three dimensions, allowing viewing of a designed object from
any desired angle, even from the inside looking out. Some CAD software is capable of
dynamic mathematic modeling; in which case, it may be marketed as CADD ComputerAided Design & Drafting.
CAD is used in the design of tools and machinery and in the drafting and design of all
types of buildings, from small residential types (houses) to the largest commercial and
industrial structures (hospitals and factories).
CAD is mainly used for detailed engineering of 3D models and/or 2D drawings of
physical components, but it is also used throughout the engineering process from conceptual
design and layout of products, through strength and dynamic analysis of assemblies to
definition of manufacturing methods of components. It can also be used to design objects.
CAD has become an especially important technology within the scope of computeraided technologies, with benefits such as lower product development costs and a greatly
shortened design cycle. CAD enables designers to lay out and develop work on screen, print
it out and save it for future editing, saving time on their drawings.
Gear Terminology
When you start CATIA, go to TOOLS > OPTIONS - infrastructure - part infrastructure and in
Display select Parameters and Relations.
Open Part Design through Start Menu - We get the following window,
Now it is time to enter some basic parameters that define gear. This is done by clicking at f(x)
icon: And then when you see dialog box: Formulas: Part1fist select Parameter type (real,
length or angle) click new parameter of type and then edit value. You can do this until all
parameters are entered.
After typing all formulas and expanding specification tree you we will see the following
specifications tree as below.
Create two circles on the top plane and add the dimensions and double click the dimension to
edit and put the radius in Dimension tab, right click on the Radius tab select Edit formula
pitch circle for one and for other circle base circle from the relations we get the circles as
shown in second fig.
Draw three axis lines as shown below. One is left side of vertical line and one is right side
and the other is on the vertical plane. Now add the angle dimension between the axes lines
one is between two end axes lines and the other is between vertical and left axis line.
Between end axes line add 200 it is a pressure angle and other is 90/N*1deg as shown below.
We get the angles as shown below.
After applying all the relations we draw a circle by taking centre as a inter section of right
side inside circle and point on the above circle and left axis line intersection, we get the circle
as shown below.
Now convert the circles into reference and hide them to continue the profile creation.
After hiding the previous circles, create two circles, namely addendum and dedendum circles
for these circles also add the relations same as above, we get the circles with required
after creating the circles Trim the unnecessary portion to get the involute profile as shown
below and mirror the same other side to get the total teeth.
Adding of material to the tooth use PAD tool we get the following tooth with involute profile:
It is selected from the sketch based feature. This feature is used to add the material normal to
sketch or through a reference. In the part design use pad tool from the sketch based features
and select the sketch then give the required height (length).
To create the remaining teeth, select pattern tool: This feature is used to create the copy of
number of instances of the existing part body in specified direction as shown below.
Adding of the material for supporting all teeth. Create a circle as shown below with the
reference and create a shaft circle with key hole and pad it to add the material.
Pad: It is selected from the sketch based feature. This feature is used to add the material
normal to sketch or through a reference. In the part design use pad tool from the sketch based
features and select the sketch then give the required height (Length).
Fillets at roots: This is to provide strength to the gear tooth. We use that value in between
0.3m to 0.4m (m is module). For this also use formula and select all the roots as shown below
and apply we get the fillets for all the teeth.
To display only gear hide the unnecessary features from the window and we get the final
model as shown below with material property.
First computer
It can be seen from figure that process starts with 3D modelling of the product and then STL
file is exported by tessellating the geometric 3D model. In tessellation, various surfaces of a
CAD model are piecewise approximated by a series of triangles and co-ordinate of vertices of
triangles and their surface normals are listed. The number and size of triangles are decided
by facet deviation or chordal error as shown in figure. These STL files are checked for
defects like flip triangles, missing facets, overlapping facets, dangling edges or faces etc. and
are repaired if found faulty. Defect free STL files are used as an input to various slicing
At this stage choice of part deposition orientation is the most important factor as part building
time, surface quality, amount of support structures, cost etc. are influenced. Once part
deposition orientation is decided and slice thickness is selected, tessellated model is sliced
and the generated data in standard data formats like SLC (stereo lithography contour) or CLI
(common layer interface) is stored. This information is used to move to next step, i.e.,
generation of physical model.
The software that operates RP systems generates laser-scanning paths (in processes like
Stereo lithography, Selective Laser Sintering etc.) or material deposition paths (in processes
like Fused Deposition Modelling). This step is different for different processes and depends
on the basic deposition principle used in RP machine. Information computed here is used to
deposit the part layer-by-layer on RP system platform. The generalized data flow in RP is
given in figure
The final step in the process chain is the post-processing task. At this stage, generally some
manual operations are necessary therefore skilled operator is required. In cleaning, excess
elements adhered with the part or support structures are removed. Sometimes the surface of
the model is finished by sanding, polishing or painting for better surface finish or aesthetic
appearance. Prototype is then tested or verified and suggested engineering changes are once
again incorporated during the solid modelling stage.
Classification of RP processes
Stereo Lithography
In this process, photosensitive liquid resin which forms a solid polymer when exposed to
ultraviolet light is used as a fundamental concept. Due to the absorption and scattering of
beam, the reaction only takes place near the surface and voxels of solid polymeric resin are
formed. A SL machine consists of a build platform (substrate), which is mounted in a vat of
resin and a UV Helium-Cadmium or Argon ion laser. The laser scans the first layer and
platform is then lowered equal to one slice thickness and left for short time (dip-delay) so
that liquid polymer settles to a flat and even surface and inhibit bubble formation. The new
Generative Manufacturing Processes slice is then scanned. Schematic diagram of a typical
Stereo lithography apparatus is shown in figure
In new SL systems, a blade spreads resin on the part as the blade traverses the catia. This
ensures smoother surface and reduced recoating time. It also reduces trapped volumes which
are sometimes formed due to excessive polymerization at the ends of the slices and an island
of liquid resin having thickness more than slice thickness is formed (Pham and Demo, 2001).
Once the complete part is deposited, it is removed from the vat and then excess resin is
drained. It may take long time due to high viscosity of liquid resin. The green part is then
post-cured in an UV oven after removing support structures.
Stereo Lithography
Overhangs or cantilever walls need support structures as a green layer has relatively low
stability and strength. These overhangs etc. are supported if they exceed a certain size or
angle, i.e., build orientation. The main functions of these structures are to support projecting
parts and also to pull other parts down which due to shrinkage tends to curl up (Gebhardt,
2003). These support structures are generated during data processing and due to these data
grows heavily specially with STL files, as cuboid shaped support element need information
about at least twelve triangles. A solid support is very difficult to remove later and may
damage the model. Therefore, a new support structure called fine point was developed by 3D
Systems (fig. 6) and is company s trademark. Build strategies have been developed to
increase build speed and to decrease amount of resin by depositing the parts with a higher
proportion of hollow volume. These strategies are devised as these models are used for
making cavities for precision castings. Here walls are designed hollow connected by rod-type
bridging elements and skin is introduced that close the model at the top and the bottom. These
models require openings to drain out Uncured resin.
In Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) process, fine polymeric powder like polystyrene,
polycarbonate or polyamide etc. (20 to 100 micrometer diameter) is spread on the substrate
using a roller. Before starting CO2 laser scanning for sintering of a slice the temperature of
the entire bed is raised just below its melting point by infrared heating in order to minimize
thermal distortion (curling) and facilitate fusion to the previous layer. The laser is modulated
in such away that only those grains, which are in direct contact with the beam, are affected
(Pham and Demov, 2001). Once laser scanning cures a slice, bed is lowered and powder feed
chamber is raised so that a covering of powder can be spread evenly over the build area by
counter rotating roller. In this process support structures are not required as the un-sintered
powder remains at the places of support structure. It is cleaned away and can be recycled
once the model is complete. The schematic diagram of a typical SLS apparatus is given in
Typical system of Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM) has been shown in figure 9. It
can be seen form the figure that the slices are cut in required contour from roll of material by
using a 25-50 watt CO2 laser beam. A new slice is bonded to previously deposited slice by
using a hot roller, which activates a heat sensitive adhesive. Apart from the slice unwanted
material is also hatched in rectangles to facilitate its later removal but remains in place during
the build to act as supports. Once one slice is completed platform can be lowered and roll of
material can be advanced by winding this excess onto a second roller until a fresh area of the
sheet lies over the part. After completion of the part they are sealed with a urethane lacquer,
silicone fluid or epoxy resin to prevent later distortion of the paper prototype through water
RP technology has potential to reduce time required from conception to market up to 10-50
percent (Chua and Leong, 2000) as shown in figure 10. It has abilities of enhancing and
improving product development while at the same time reducing costs due to major
breakthrough in manufacturing (Chua and Leong, 2000). Although poor surface finish,
limited strength and accuracy are the limitations of RP models, it can deposit a part of any
degree of complexity theoretically. Therefore, RP technologies are successfully used by
various industries like aerospace, automotive, jewellery, coin making, tableware, saddletrees,
And Biomedical etc. It is used to fabricate concept models, functional models, patterns for
investment and vacuum casting, medical models and models for engineering analysis (Pham
and Demov, 2001). Various typical applications of RP are summarized in figure 11.
Part finishing:
Poor surface quality of RP parts is a major limitation and is primarily due to staircase effect.
Surface roughness can be controlled below a predefined threshold value by using an adaptive
slicing (Pandey et al., 2003b). Further, the situation can be improved by finding out a part
deposition orientation that gives minimum overall average part surface roughness (Singhal et
al., 2005). However, some RP applications like exhibition models, tooling or master pattern
for indirect tool production etc. require additional finishing to improve the surface
appearance of the part. This is generally carried by sanding and polishing RP models which
leads to change in the mathematical definitions of the various features of the model. The
model accuracy is mainly influenced by two factors namely the varying amount of material
removed by the finishing process and the finishing technique adopted. A skilled operator is
required as the amount of material to be removed from different surfaces may be different
and inaccuracies caused due to deposition can be brought down. A finishing technique
selection is important because different processes have different degrees of dimensional
control. For example models finished by employing milling will have less influence on
accuracy than those using manual wet sanding or sand blasting.
(a) Thicker bottom layer
(b) Deformed hole boundary
This is one of the crucial decisions taken before slicing the part and initiating the process of
deposition for a particular RP process. This decision is important because it has potential to
reduce part building time, amount of supports required, part quality in terms of surface finish
or accuracy and cost as well. Selection of part deposition orientation is process specific where
in designer and RP machine operators should consider number of different process specific
constraints. This may be a difficult and time consuming task as designer has to trade-off
among various conflicting objectives or process outcomes. For example better part surface
quality can be obtained but it will lead to increase in the building time. Pandey et al. (2004b)
handled conflicting situation of the abovementioned two objectives and proposed use of
multi-objective genetic algorithm for finding out optimum part deposition orientations (pareto
optimal solutions) for FDM process. In their work, amount of support structures was also
minimized implicitly. Thrimurthulu et al. (2004) converted multi-objective problem into
single objective problem and then solved by using real coded genetic algorithm. Singhal et al.
(2005) made an attempt to find out optimum part deposition orientation for SL process by
using optimization tool box of MATLAB 6.5 for minimizing overall part surface roughness.
Except these, researchers suggested to find out a suitable part deposition orientation for
objectives like maximum accuracy, minimum building time, support structure or cost. A
thorough review of the various part deposition orientation studies has been done by Pandey et
al. (2004a). Pham and Demov (2001) discussed guidelines for selection of part deposition
orientation for SL and SLS processes.
Here we are getting 3d object by using (FUSED DEPOSITION MODELING PROCESS)
STEP 1- To develop the cad model
We will design the 3d model with the help of 3d modelling software like Catia, Creo, Solid
Works, Uni Graphics, by using modelling tools.
STEP 2- Converting the cad model into. STL file format
In this step, we will save the cad model in. STL format. go to the file--save as--give the name
and choose the file format as. STL.
STEP4- generating the G-CODES to the CAD model by using CURA SOFTWERE
Open the STL in CURA and import the model, and
Choose the required machine settings
Step 5 - We will give coding to machine throw pen drive or memory card. Then machine
will print the object.