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HDL Adaptative

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International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES)

ISSN: 23199598, Volume-1, Issue-7, June 2013

Design and Implementation of Modified Adaptive

Filtering Algorithm for Noise Cancellation in Speech
Signal on FPGA for Minimum Resource Usage
Kartheek.B.V, Manojkumar.S.B, M.B.Anandaraju
Abstract In recent years FPGA systems are replacing
dedicated Programmable Digital Signal Processor (PDSP)
systems due to their greater flexibility and higher bandwidth,
resulting from their parallel architecture. This paper presents the
applicability of a FPGA system for speech processing. Here
adaptive filtering technique is used for noise cancellation in
speech signal. Least Mean Squares (LMS), one of the widely used
algorithms in many signals processing environment, is
implemented for adaption of the filter coefficients. The
cancellation system is implemented in VHDL and tested for noise
cancellation in speech signal. The simulation of VHDL design of
adaptive filter is performed and analysed on the basis of Signal to
Noise ratio (SNR) and Mean Square Error (MSE).When
compared with previous methodology this paper achieves nearly
93% of accuracy.
Index Terms Adaptive Filter, LMS Algorithm, Active Noise
cancellation, VHDL Design, SNR, MSE

Fig. 1 Basic concept of ANC

ANC systems are distinguished by their different goals that
lead to different architectures. If all ambient sound shall be
reduced, a feedback system with its simpler architecture may
be used. If, as in our case, single sources of unwanted sound
shall be compensated, a feed forward system is required. A
feed forward system as shown in fig. 1 is characterized by two
audio inputs per channel: one reference signal input for the
sound to be removed, and second error input for the sound
after the compensation.

The digital signal processing applications impose
considerable constrains on area, power dissipation, speed and
cost. Thus the design tool should be carefully chosen. The
most common tools for the design of such application are
ASIC, DSP and FPGA. The DSP used for extremely complex
math-intensive tasks but can't process high sampling rate
applications due to its serial architecture. Whereas ASIC
faces lack of flexibility and require long design cycle. The
FPGA (Field programmable Gate Array) can make up
disadvantages of ASIC and DSP. Hence FPGA has become
the best choice for the design of signal processing system due
to their greater flexibility and higher bandwidth, resulting
from their parallel architecture.
This paper investigates the applicability of a FPGA system for
real time audio processing systems. In recent years, acoustic
noises become more evident due to wide spread use of
industrial equipments. An Active (also called as Adaptive)
noise cancellation (ANC) is a technique that effectively
attenuates low frequencies unwanted noise where as passive
methods are either ineffective or tends to be very expensive or
bulky. An ANC system is based on a destructive interference
of an anti-noise, which have equal amplitude and opposite
phase replica of primary unwanted noise. Following the
superposition principle, the result is noise free original sound
[1, 6].

Fig. 2 Adaptive Noise Canceller

An adaptive FIR feed forward system is shown in simple way
in fig 2. For the selective cancellation of disturbing noise
without affecting other sounds. [2] It is dual input system. The
first inputs is primary signal d(n) which is wanted signal (say
s(n) ) corrupted by noise (say n(n) ). The second input is
reference signal x(n) can be interfacing noise supposed to be
uncorre1ated with the wanted signal but correlated with noise
affecting original signal in an unknown way. The filter output
signal y(n) is an estimate of the noise signal with inverted sign.
This signal and the primary signal are superposed, so that the
noise signal is cancelled and error signal e(n) is the result of
this superposition which constitutes the overall system output.
The adaptive filtering operation achieved the best results
when system output is noise free. This goal is achieved by
minimizing the mean square of the error signal [3]. The
widely preferred LMS algorithm is used for the adaption of
the filter coefficients.

Manuscript received June, 2013.

Kartheek.B.V, PG Student, VLSI Design and Embedded System, B.G.S.
Institute of technology, B.G.Nagar, Mandya-571448, Karnataka, India.
Manojkumar.S.B, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, B.G.S. Institute of technology, B.G.Nagar,
Mandya-571448, Karnataka, India.
Prof. M.B.Anandaraju, Professor & HOD, Department of Electronics
and Communication Engineering, B.G.S. Institute of technology,
B.G.Nagar, Mandya-571448, Karnataka, India.

A. Mathematical treatment
Consider the transversal filter with input x(n) i.e. vector of the
M (filter length) most recent input samples at sampling
point n.
x(n) =[x(n),x(n -1), .... x(n - M +1)]


Design and Implementation of Modified Adaptive Filtering Algorithm for Noise Cancellation in Speech Signal on
FPGA for Minimum Resource Usage
and w(n) i.e. vector of filter coefficients as
w(n) = [w0 (n), w1(n), .... wM -1 (n)] (2)
At some discrete time n, the filter produces an output y(n)
which is linear convolution sum given by
Also can be represent in vector form as
y (n)= wT (n) u (n)
The error signal is difference of this output with the
primary signal den) given by ,
e(n)=d(n) y(n)
And by squaring error we get
To optimize the filter design, we choose to minimize the
mean-square value of e(n). Thus the cost function is defined
as the MSE denoted by J
J=E[e(n)e* (n)]
Where E denotes the statistical expectation operator.
Applying the operator
to the cost function J, a gradient
vector J obtain as
J(n)=-2P + 2Rw(n)
=-2x(n)d(n)+ 2x(n) xT(n)w(n)
R is the autocorrelation matrix of x(n), and P is the cross
correlation matrix of den) and x(n).
The LMS algorithm is based on steepest-descent method. To
formulate steepest-descent method, consider a cost function
J(w) i.e. a continuously differentiable function of some
unknown weight vector w.
To find an optimal solution Wo (initial guess) that satisfies the
J(w0) J(w) for all w
Which is a mathematical statement of unconstrained
Starting with w(O), generate a sequence of weight vector
w(1), w(2), . . . . ,such that the cost function J(w) is reduced at
each iteration of the algorithm. therefore
J(w(n + 1)) < J(w(n))
Where w(n) is the old value of the weight vector and w(n+ 1)
is its updated value
Substituting the estimate of equation 7 for the gradient vector
J (n) in the steepest-descent algorithm, a new recursive
relation obtain for updating the weight vector as.
w(n + 1)=w(n) + x(n)e(n)
A scaling factor 1.1 introduced here is step size parameter
used to control the step width of the iteration and thus the
stability and convergence speed of the algorithm [4,5].
The LMS algorithm is convergent in mean square if and only
if satisfies the condition.

Fig. 3 VLSI Design of the adaptive filter

The design splits into seven blocks as follows:
1. Data Memory block: The single port RAM is designed for
storage of the audio samples. Maximum data path length short,
the filter is implemented as a sequential MAC unit which
performs M accumulations of products during every sample
period so that a resource sharing can be utilized. Since the
audio sample period fs provides a large amount of available
clock cycles per audio sample, no parallel structure with M
multipliers and M-1 adders is necessary.

Fig. 4 FIR Filter Block

This block is designed as three-stage pipeline for the filtering
cycle The input samples read from the data RAM block are
multiplied with their corresponding filter coefficient taken
from the dual-ported Coefficient RAM block and stored in the
2. MAC Filter Block: The FIR filter design is based on the
transposed direct form in order to keep the sequence which is
started with each new input sample pair Err (error signal) and
XN (reference signal). Total seven states are specified.

Fig. 5 Coefficient Adaptation Unit

3. Saturation Block: The filter output signal is fed to the
saturation block, which prevents the filter output from
overflow and inverts the sign of the output signal to provide
the phase shift for the compensation step.
4. System output block: The Adder unit is used to implement
equation of error signal e(n) from Saturation block output
yen) and primary signal d(n). This output is the required
system output.
5. Adaption Block algorithm: A four-stage pipeline structure
designed for the adaptation of the coefficients. The coefficient
is calculated by a product of the input sample (Re_Fir), the
error signal (Err) and Step size parameter (SS). A register is

where, P is the average power of tap inputs and M is Filter

The VHDL design of the system is as shown in Fig. 3.
Arithmetic is modeled with Q format number representation
which provides for each pipeline stage an appropriate number
of guard bits for representing the integer part and avoiding
overflow effects.


International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES)

ISSN: 23199598, Volume-1, Issue-7, June 2013
inserted to this path that splits the arithmetic chain for
achieving a shorter signal delay so that a clock frequency of
fclk = 50MHz can be met.
6. Coefficients Memory block: This block designed for
storage of the current filter coefficients. The dual port RAM is
chosen to support a parallel processing of the coefficient
update block and the FIR Filter block. With two address
inputs the reading address of the coefficients and the address
for writing back the updated coefficients can be incremented
within two interleaved clock periods.
7. Control Block: The Control path functionality is
implemented as the Finite state machine (FSM). The FSM
controls the processing of the two parallel pipelined data
paths. The state diagram of the FSM shown in fig. 6.
The FSM will go through the following sequence:
1. START: This is default state in which all registers clears
results from the previous calculation cycle. Through an input
RD, a new sample XN is stored in RAM by the signal WE_S.
2. ERRXSS: performs calculation of the product of error
signal Err and step size factor SS and stored in the register
Reg_ErrxSS by the signal En_ErrxSS.
3/4. FILTER / ADAPT: There is alternating sequence of two
pipeline operations runs in parallel. The filter block performs
operations of updating address for reading input sample and
coefficient, outputting memory and accumulating product of
sample and Coefficient and saving in Register Reg_Y by the
signal En_ Y. The pipeline for the adaptation of the
coefficients performs operations of updating address for
reading input sample and coefficient, outputting memory,
updating address for writing, Accumulation of a product from
Re_Fir and ErrxSS on the current coefficient and storage of
the adapted coefficients. The status Cnt_st indicates the
highest reading at the address is coefficient present at dual
port RAM.
5. STOP: It is the last multiplication of sample and coefficient
and accumulation of the result by the signal En_ Y. Then read
address of coefficient from memory for the transition to a next
6. UPDATE: The accumulation result (filter output) stored in
the output register by the signal En_sat and fed to the
saturation block, which holds this value for one sample period
and performs the adjustment of the RAM address counters for
the next sequence.

7. RESET: When system is Reset, state becomes Reset to

reset all registers and content of RAMs.
Xilinx ISE 13.2i development environment was used for
implementation of above VLSI design. The design has been
transferred to VHDL code and its the hardware simulation
done with the Xilinx ISE simulator and also implemented on
Spartan-3 FPGA XC3s400pq208-5 board.
The sound is taken as wave file for testing of system. A linear
combination of the generated noise and the original signal is
used as the primary input for the filter. The ref. signal is noise
which is correlated version of noise added with original
signal. Filter output is compensation signal denoted by y(t)
which is noise approximation. The system output is error
signal denoted by e(t) which is recovered signal. The Q17
format is used for arithmetic computations.
The fig 7 and 8 shows synthesis report and RTL
(Register-transfer level) schematic of designed system
respectively. The FPGA utilization reported is 70 % for all
resource categories for filter order of 256. The longest data
path in the system is given by the multiply-add operations of
the coefficient adaption and limits the clock frequency got up
to 80MHz..
The system tested for different sound signals. Original and
Recovered Signal obtains are same. The output Signal to
noise ratio (SNR) and Mean square error (MSE) of the same
signal was measured at fixed step size of 0.001 for analysis
and is shown in table 1 given below. SNR of denoised signal
is enhanced with minimum MSE.
Sr. No.

SNR (dB) of

SNR (dB) of


Since filtering and adaption are implemented as parallel

processes, the number of cycles N required by the FSM is
N=2M+5 (12)
The maximum realizable filter order depends on the available
clock cycles within a sample period and the number of clock
cycles, which are necessary to process one FSM cycle.

Fig. 7 Synthesis Report of VLSI design of the adaptive filter

Fig. 6 State diagram ofthe FSM ofthe adaptive filter


Design and Implementation of Modified Adaptive Filtering Algorithm for Noise Cancellation in Speech Signal on
FPGA for Minimum Resource Usage

Fig. 12 Difference between Original and Recovered Signal

Fig. 8 RTL Schematic in detail of design

Fig. 13
The FPGA platform is well suited for the complex real time
audio processing. An adaptive noise cancellation process has
successfully been implemented for filter order up to 256 using
Spartan -3 FPGA XC3s400pq208-5 board. When tested with
different signals, the resources can be minimized this is shown
in the Fig 13. For future work, we planned to implement this
system with AF A (Adaptive Filtering with Averaging)
algorithm which converge rapidly with lower complexity.

Fig. 9 Simulation results





Fig. 10 Simulation Results in Binary Form

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2004 pp. 2594-2597
Dimitris G. Manolakis, Vinay K. Ingle, and Stephen M. Kogon,
"Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing", McGraw- Hill, 2000.
Simon Haykin. "Adaptive Filters Theory" Pearson Education, x 10'
2008. 3.5 4
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Kartheek.B.V pursuing 4th semester M.Tech VLSI Design and Embedded

System in B.G.S. Institute of Technology, B.G.Nagar, Mandya, Karnataka,
India. He completed his B.E. from, Karnataka in 2011. His area of interest
includes VLSI Design,Embedded And DSP

Fig. 11 Original and Recovered Signal


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