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Adaptive Filter Application in Echo Cancellation System and Implementation Using FPGA

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Khalil : Adaptive Filter Application in Echo Cancellation System and Implementation using

Adaptive Filter Application in Echo Cancellation System
and Implementation using FPGA
Rafid Ahmed Khalil
Electrical Engineering Department, Engineering College, University of Mosul
E-mail: rafidamori@yahoo.com
In telephony system, the received signal by the loudspeaker, is reverberated through
the environment and picked up by the microphone. It is called an echo signal. Which is in
the form of time delayed and attenuated image of original speech signal, and causes a
reduction in the quality of the communication. Adaptive filters are a class of filters that
iteratively alter their parameters in order to minimize a difference between a desired output
and their output. In the case of acoustic echo, the optimal output is an echoed signal that
accurately emulates the unwanted echo signal. This is then used to negate the echo in the
return signal. The better the adaptive filter simulates this echo, the more successful the
cancellation will be. This paper examines LMS algorithm of adaptive filtering and the
application in acoustic echo cancellation system. Employing a discrete signal processing in
Matlab for simulation with real acoustic signals. Also a hardware implementation of an
adaptive filter have been developed using XC3S500E Xilinx FPGA chip, and VHDL
language on RTL abstraction level.
Keywords: Acoustic echo cancellation, Adaptive Filter, FPGA, VHDL.
Matlab .
FPGA XC3S500E Xilinx
Received 31 Oct. 2007 Accepted 16 Dec. 2007
Al-Rafidain Engineering Vol.16 No.5 Dec. 2008
1. Introduction
Digital Signal Processor (DSP) and Application Specic Integrated Circuits (ASICs) have
traditionally been the common means for building and implementing Adaptive Filters.
However such computing paradigms suffer from the constant need of establishing a trade-off
between flexibility and performance. Due to the technological advance in the development of
programmable logic devices, Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) have become attractive
for realizing adaptive filters. FPGAs exhibit excellent flexibility in terms of reprogramming
the same hardware and at the same time achieving good performance by enabling parallel
computation at short processing time.
Acoustic echo occurs when an audio signal is reverberated in a real environment, resulting
in the original intended signal plus attenuated, time delayed images of this signal. The echo
cancellation scheme is depicted in Figure (1). Here the echo path is the plant or channel to
be identified. The goal is to subtract a synthesized version of the echo from another signal (for
example, picked up by a microphone) so that the resulting signal is free of echo and really
contains only the signal of interest. A simple example is given in Figure (2) to clarify things
[1, 2].
Figure (1) Echo cancellation scheme. Figure (2) Acoustic echo cancellation
This scheme applies to hands-free telephony inside a car, or teleconferencing in a conference
room. The far end signal is fed into a loudspeaker (mounted on the dashboard, say, in the
hands-free telephony application). The microphone picks up the near-end talker signal as well
as an echoed version of the loudspeaker output, filtered by the room acoustics. The desired
signal (see Figure (1) again) thus consists of the echo (plant output) as well as the near-end
talker signal. It is assumed that the near-end signal is statistically independent of the far-end
signal, which results in the adaptive filter trying to model the echo path as if there were no
near-end signal. The filter weights are adjusted principally in those periods, hen only the far
end party is talking. In these periods, the error signal is truly a residual echo signal, and hence
may indeed be fed back to adjust the filter. Recall that the adaptive filter has an adaptation
and a filtering process. The filtering process is run continuously, even in the presence of the
near-end talker, to remove the echo. It only the adaptation of the filter weights that gets
switched off. Such a scheme clearly requires an extra circuit that can detect when the near-end
talker is speaking [1-3].
The method used to cancel the echo signal is known as adaptive filtering. Adaptive
filters are dynamic filters which iteratively alter their characteristics in order to achieve an
optimal desired output. An adaptive filter algorithmically alters its parameters in order to
minimize a function of the difference between the desired output ( ) d n and its actual output
Khalil : Adaptive Filter Application in Echo Cancellation System and Implementation using
( ) y n . This function is known as the objective function of the adaptive algorithm. Figure (3)
shows a block diagram of the adaptive echo cancellation model. Where the ( ) x n is input
signal, the filter ( ) H n represents the impulse response of the acoustic environment, ( ) W n
represents the adaptive filter used to cancel the echo signal. The adaptive filter aims to equate
its output ( ) y n to the desired output ( ) d n (the signal reverberated within the acoustic
environment). The external noise input ( ) no n is neglected here. At each iteration the error
signal, ( ) ( ) ( ) e n d n y n , is fed back into the filter, where the filter characteristics are
altered accordingly [1-4].
Figure (3) Echo cancellation set-up
As literatures review: C. Choo, et. al. [5], discussed hardware implementation of NLSM
adaptive filtering system on FPGA for imbedded systems. R. Dony and his colleague [6],
presented FPGA Implementation of the LMS Adaptive Filter for Audio Processing. The
research in [7], presented A comparison study between the costs (silicon area) with regards to
the, speed and required computational resources for different adaptive algorithms. The goals
of this work is to examine adaptive filtering LMS technique as it apply to acoustic echo
cancellation. Simulate this adaptive filtering algorithm and acoustic echo cancellation
system using Matlab with real acoustic signal. Finally, performing hardware implementation
of adaptive filter using the Spartan-3E XC3S500E Xilinx FPGA chip, and VHDL hardware
description language with Xilinx ISE 8.2i Software.
The rest of this paper is divided into the following sections. Section 2 deals with acoustic
signal processing theory in adaptive filters. Section 3 presents the basis of adaptive filtering
technique as well as the development and derivation. Section 4 details the simulations of
adaptive filtering technique and acoustic echo cancellation system as developed in Matlab.
This section shows the results of these simulations as well as discussing the advantages and
disadvantages of this technique. Section 5 outlines the hardware implementation of an
adaptive filter using the XC3S500E Xilinx FPGA chip on Spartan-3E starter development kit,
the details of which are also examined in this section. Section 6 gives the conclusions.
2. Acoustic Signal processing
2.1 Random Signals
The input vector of the acoustic echo cancellation system are unknown before they
arrive. Also it is difficult to predict these values, they appear to behave randomly. A random
signal, expressed by random variable function, ( ) x t , does not have a precise description of
its waveform. It may, however, be possible to express these random processes by statistical
models. A single occurrence of a random variable appears to behave unpredictably. But if we
Al-Rafidain Engineering Vol.16 No.5 Dec. 2008
take several occurrences of the variable, each denoted by n , then the random signal is
expressed by two variables, ( , ) x t n .
The main characteristic of a random signal treated, is known as the expectation of a
random signal. It is defined as the mean value across all n occurrences of that random
variable, denoted by [ ( )] E x t , where ( ) x t is the input random variable. It should be noted
that the number of input occurrences into the acoustic echo cancellation system is always 1.
Throughout this work the expectation of an input signal is equal to the actual value of that
signal. However, the [ ( )] E x n notation shall still be used in order to derive the algorithm used
in adaptive filter [2,9].
2.2 Stationary Signals
A signal can be considered stationary, if the two following criteria are met [2,8]:
1. The mean values, or expectations, of the signal are constant for any shift in time.
( ) ( )
x x
m n m n K
2. The autocorrelation function is also constant over an arbitrary time shift.
( , ) ( , )
xx xx
n m n k m k
The above implies that the statistical properties of a stationary signal are constant over time.
In the derivation of adaptive filtering algorithm it is often assumed that the signals input to the
algorithm are stationary. Speech signals are not stationary in the wide sense, however it
exhibit some temporary stationary behavior, as it will be seen in the next section.
2.3 Speech Signals
A speech signal consists of three classes of sounds. They are voiced, fricative and
plosive sounds. Voiced sounds are caused by excitation of the vocal tract with quasi-periodic
pulses of airflow. Fricative sounds are formed by constricting the vocal tract and passing air
through it, causing turbulence that results in a noise-like sound. Plosive sounds are created by
closing up the vocal tract, building up air behind it then suddenly releasing it, this is heard in
the sound made by the letter p [2]. Fig. (4), shows a time representation of a speech signal.
That is, its mean values vary with time and cannot be predicted using the above mathematical
models for random processes. However, a speech signal can be considered as a linear
composite of the above three classes of sound, each of these sounds are stationary and remain
fairly constant over intervals of the order of 40 ms [2,10].
Figure (4 ) Speech signal representation.
Khalil : Adaptive Filter Application in Echo Cancellation System and Implementation using
The theory behind the derivations of many adaptive filtering algorithms usually requires the
input signal to be stationary. Although speech is non-stationary for all time, it is an
assumption of this research that the short term stationary behavior outlined above will prove
adequate for the adaptive filters to function as desired [12,13] .
3. Adaptive Filters
3.1 Structure of Adaptive Filter
Figure 5 shows the block diagram for the adaptive filter method utilized in this work.
Figure (5 ) Adaptive filter block diagram .
Here w represents the coefficients of the adaptive filter tap weight vector, ( ) x n is the input
vector samples, the tapped delay line D, is needed to make full use of the filter. The input
signal enters from the left and passes through N-1 delays. The output of the tapped delay line
(TDL) is an N-dimensional vector, made up of the input signal at the current time, the
previous input signal, etc. the ( ) y n is the adaptive filter output, ( ) d n is the desired echoed
signal and ( ) e n is the estimation error signal at time n.
The aim of an adaptive filter is to calculate the difference between the desired signal and the
adaptive filter output, ( ) e n . This error signal is fed back into the adaptive filter and its
coefficients are changed algorithmically in order to minimize a function of this difference,
known as the mean square error function. In the case of acoustic echo cancellation, the
optimal output of the adaptive filter is equal in value to the unwanted echoed signal. When the
adaptive filter output is equal to desired signal the error signal goes to zero. In this situation
the echoed signal would be completely cancelled and the far user would not hear any of their
original speech returned to them, where the noise no(n) signal is assumed zero [2,8,11].
3.2 LMS Adaptive Algorithm
The least mean square error (LMS) algorithm is an example of supervised training, in
which the learning rule is provided with a set of examples of desired network behavior. Here
{ (0), (0)}{ (1), (1)} ..........{ ( ), ( )} x d x d x N d N is an input to the network, and is the
corresponding target output. As each input is applied to the network, the network output is
compared to the target. The LMS algorithm adjusts the weights of the filter so as to minimize
this mean square error as shown equation(3.1).
1 1
2 2
0 0
1 1
( ) ( ( ) ( ))
n n
mse e n d n y n

Al-Rafidain Engineering Vol.16 No.5 Dec. 2008
Fortunately, the mean square error performance index for the linear network is a quadratic
function called error surface. Thus, the performance index will either have one global
minimum, a weak minimum, or no minimum, depending on the characteristics of the input
vectors ( see Fig. 6). Global minimum means convergence to optimum unique solution;
where as weak or local minimums indicate the existence of many not optimum solutions. If
there is no minimum, the performance diverge from optimum solution [11].
Figure (6 ) Error surface and error contour.
Adaptive networks will use the LMS algorithm or Widrow-Hoff learning algorithm
based on an approximate steepest descent procedure. Here again, adaptive linear networks are
trained on examples of correct behavior. The LMS algorithm, shown below, is discussed in
detail [2,12]. The LMS algorithm is a gradient decent algorithms as it utilizes the gradient
vector of the filter tap weights to converge on the optimal wiener solution. With each iteration
of the LMS algorithm, the filter tap weights are updated according to the following formula
( 1) ( ) 2 ( ) ( ) w n w n e n x n ................. (3.2)
Where ( ) x n is the input vector of time delayed input values,
( ) [ ( ) ( 1) ( 2)................ ( 1)]
x n x n x n x n x n N .
The vector
0 1 2 1
( ) [ ( ) ( ) ( )........... ( )]
w n w n w n w n w n

represents the coefficients of the

adaptive FIR filter tap weight vector at time n . The parameter is known as the step size
parameter and is a small positive constant. This step size parameter controls the influence of
the updating factor. Selection of a suitable value for is imperative to the performance of
the LMS algorithm, if the value is too small the time the adaptive filter takes to converge on
the optimal solution will be too long; if is too large the adaptive filter becomes unstable
and its output diverges.
The derivation of the LMS algorithm builds upon the theory of the wiener solution for the
optimal filter tap weights,
w , as outlined in section above. It also depends on the steepest
descent algorithm as stated in equation 3.4, this is a formula which updates the filter
coefficients using the current tap weight vector and the current gradient of the desired
function with respect to the filter tap weight coefficient vector, ( ) n .
Khalil : Adaptive Filter Application in Echo Cancellation System and Implementation using
( 1) ( ) ( ) w n w n n .....................(3.3)
( ) [ ( )] n E e n .................................(3.4)
As the negative gradient vector points in the direction of steepest descent for the N
dimensional quadratic desired function, each recursion shifts the value of the filter
coefficients closer toward their optimum value, which corresponds to the minimum
achievable value of the desired function, ( ) n . The LMS algorithm is a random process
implementation of the steepest descent algorithm, from equation 3.4. Here the expectation for
the error signal is not known so the instantaneous value is used as an estimate.
( ) ( ) n e n .....................................(3.5)
The gradient of the desired function, ( ) n , can alternatively be expressed in the following
( ) ( ( )) 2 ( ) ( ) n e n e n x n ..................(3.6)
for the Implementation of the LMS algorithm. Each iteration of the LMS algorithm requires 3
distinct steps as shown in Table (1) below [2,4,11]:
Table (1) Implementation of adaptive LMS algorithm:
Step 1: The output of the FIR filter, ( ) y n ) is
calculated using equation 3.9.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
y n w n x n i w n x n

step 2: The value of the error estimation is
calculated using equation 3.10.
( ) ( ) ( ) e n d n y n (3.8)
step 3: The tap weights of the FIR vector are
updated in preparation for the next iteration, by
equation 3.11.
( 1) ( ) 2 ( ) ( ) w n w n e n x n (3.9)
Note that for each iteration the LMS algorithm
requires 2N additions and 2N+1 multiplications (N
for calculating the output, ( ) y n , one for 2 ( ) e n
and an additional N for the scalar by vector
4. Matlab Simulations
The adaptive filtering algorithm outlined in Section 3 was implemented using Matlab.
The simulation of the echoed signal was generated by defining an appropriate impulse
response then convolving this with a vocal input wav file. Figure 7 shows the desired signal,
adaptive output signal, and estimation error signal for the LMS algorithm with vocal input,
FIR filter order of 500 and step size of 0.01. The error signal shows that as the algorithm
progresses the value of this signal decreases, this corresponds to the LMS filters impulse
response converging to the actual impulse response. More accurately emulating the desired,
signal more effectively canceling the echoed signal [2,12,13].
Al-Rafidain Engineering Vol.16 No.5 Dec. 2008
Figure (7 ) LMS algorithm outputs for vocal input.
A microphone is used to input a voice signal from the user, this is then fed in to the PC sound
card, which is designed to acquire (through a microphone) and produce (through a speaker)
acoustic signals , comes standard in almost every PC [9,10]. Here it is sampled by sound card
at a fixed rate of 8 kHz. The first operation performed by the PC-based data acquisition
system is a simulation of an echo response of a real acoustic environment. This is achieved
Khalil : Adaptive Filter Application in Echo Cancellation System and Implementation using
by storing each value of the sampled input in a file whose index is incremented with each new
sample. The echoed signal is generated by adding the sample values and the stored values in
the file (as a time delay image of original sample). This signal is then fed back into the file
resulting in multiple echoes. The amount of time delay the echoed signal contains is
determined by the number of sample stored in the file as given by following equation:
The file length (index) of the echo cancellation system can be adjusted 500, giving a time
delay in the range of 50 ms. A round trip time delay simulates the effect of sound reflecting
off an object approximately 10 meters away. This echoed signal is what the adaptive filter
attempts to simulate. The better it does this, the more effective the cancellation will be. The
new input is sampled and input to an array which represented by the input vector ( ) x n . The
step size value for this iteration of the LMS algorithm is then calculated. The output of the
adaptive filter is then calculated by the dot product of the input vector and the current filter
tap weight vector. This output is then subtracted from the desired signal to determine the
estimation error value, ( ) e n . This error value, the step size value and the current FIR tap
weight vector are then input to the LMS algorithm to calculate the filters tap weight to be
used in the next iteration [2,4].
5. Hardware Implementation
Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) can be reprogrammed as many times in order
to achieve the desired result. The major design benefit in this lies in the ability to test designs
that might work. Prior to the development of the FPGA, the fabrication process can be quite
expensive and very time consuming. The use of FPGAs in the design process allows the more
design flexibility, and reducing a cost and developing time. If the design fails after being
tested on a FPGA, the designer can simply rework the design and download it again to the
FPGA. Use of an FPGA would thus eliminate the loss in development time caused by a faulty
initial design, as well as giving the designer knowledge of whether or not the design works
5.1 Description of Spartan-3E Platform [14-15]
Figure 8 shows the Spartan-3E Starter Kit board, which includes the Xilinx Spartan-3E
(XC3S500FT256) FPGA and other supported component. This Starter Kit , which is
developed by Xilinx Inc., has been used as the hardware design platform for this paper.
The kit has many components that allows to develop and evaluate a design such as:
1- The Xilinx XC3S500E Spartan-3E FPGA has up to 232 user I/O pins, 320- pin FPGA
package, and over 10,000 logic cells.
2- 4Mbit Flash Configuration PROM, 64 Mbyte DDR SDRAM
3- 50MHz on Board Clock source , Auxiliary Clock Oscillator Socket, and clock input/output
4- Four output ,SPI-based Digital-to-Analog Converter(DAC).
5- Two inputs based Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)with programmable gain pre
6- 16 Mbits of SPI serial flash (STMicro).
7- 16 Mbyte (128Mbits)of parallel NOR Flash(Intel Stata Flash).
8- On- board USB-based FPGA/CPLD download/debug interface.
index length index length
sample rate

Al-Rafidain Engineering Vol.16 No.5 Dec. 2008
9-Programming of FPGA: the Spartan-3E Kit includes embedded USB-based programming
logic and an USB endpoint with a Type B connector. Via a USB cable connection with the
host PC, the iMPACT programming software directly programs the FPGA figure (8).
Figure (8 )The equipments needed for hardware implementation.
5.2 VHDL Implementation of Adaptive Filter
The Register Transfer Level (RTL) of adaptive filter is shown in figure 9. The values of
( ) x n are stored in a shift register, whose outputs are connected to multipliers and then to
adders. Also register are required for each weight coefficient. The structure is divided into N
equal modules, called TAP0 TAPN-1. Each module (TAP) contains a slice of the shift
registers, plus a multiplier and an adder. It also contains an output register, but this is optional
(could be used at the last TAP only). This would increase the ripple propagation between the
Figure (9) RTL representation of a adaptive filter.
The adaptive filter has coded in VHDL, simulated , synthesized with Xilinx ISE 8.2i tools,
and has implemented in a Xilinx Spartan-3E Starter Kit board. The VHDL code for the
adaptive filter in Figure 9 uses B bits to represent the input, weight coefficients, and reg.
while 2B bits be used for all other signals ( from the outputs of the multipliers all the way to
y). notice that the lower section of the filter contains a MAC (multiply-accumulate) pipeline.
Khalil : Adaptive Filter Application in Echo Cancellation System and Implementation using
Here overflow can happen, so an add/truncate procedure must be included in the design. The
time diagram results of adaptive filter as a case study is shown in figure 10. The values of
weights were assumed as
0 1 2 3
4, 3, 2, 1. w w w w . With 4 bits to represent the inputs
and weights, and 8 bits to represent the output, the synthesized circuit required 64 flip-flops
( four + four + eight) for each stage of the shift registers.. Recall that the weights values are
SIGNED (therefore, with 4 bit values, the range is from -8 to +7). The sequence applied to the
input was (0) 0, (1) 5, (2) 6, x x x (16 6 = 10 in the graph). (3) 1 x ( 16 1 = 15
in the graph), (4) 4, (5) 7 x x (16 -7= 9 in the graph), and (6) 2 x (16 -2= 14 in the
graph). Therefore, with all flip-flops previously reset, at the first positive edge of clk the
expected output (0) y is zero, which coincides with the first results for y in Fig. 10. At the
next upward transition of clk, the expected value is
0 1
(1) * (1) * (0) 20 y w x w x . And one
clock cycle later,
0 1 2
(1) * (2) * (1) * (0) 9 y w x w x w x (256 -9 = 247 in the graph),
and so on.
Figure (10) The time diagram of implementing an 8-bit /16-bit input/output 4 weight
adaptive filter.
For an 8-bit input signal, 16-bit 0utput signal, and 8 weight coefficients with 8-bit for each
weight. Figures 11 and 12, show the time diagram, and the RTL (register transfer level)
hardware circuits for implementing adaptive filter.
Figure (11) Time diagram of implementing an 8-bit /16-bit input/output adaptive filter.
The synthesized results is as shown in Table (2), which gives performance and resource use
summary for implementing the above adaptive filter. As it can be seen, the adaptive filter
require very few hardware resources in comparison with the chip resources. The operation
speed gives a good results and shows the advantages of using FPGAs in adaptive filter
realization in comparison with software simulation. However, using a pure hardware
implementation results in a much higher performance with some what lower flexibility. It
shows a speed up close to 3.6x over the software implementation using Matlab performing on
PC, with resources ( Windows XP on 2GHz intel Centrino Duo processor, 2 MB cache, and
Al-Rafidain Engineering Vol.16 No.5 Dec. 2008
Figure (12) RTL hardware schematic circuit for implementing -bit /16-bit input/output
adaptive filter.
Table (2) The synthesized results for implemented 8-bit/16-bit input/output adaptive filter
6. Conclusions
A conclusion of the performance of the LMS adaptive filtering algorithm is expressed by
it's simplicity to implement, and it's stability when the step size parameter is selected
appropriately. This made the LMS algorithm the acceptable choice for implementing acoustic
echo cancellation system. Additionally, it does only require 2 1 N multiplication
operations. The acoustic echo cancellation system was successfully developed with the LMS
algorithm. The system is capable of canceling echo with time delays of up to 50 ms,
corresponding to reverberation off an object a maximum of 10 meters away. This proves quite
satisfactory in simulating a medium to large size room.
There are many possibilities for further development in this work, This paper dealt
with transversal FIR adaptive filters, this is only one of many methods of digital filtering.
Other techniques such as infinite impulse response (IIR) or lattice filtering may prove to be
more effective in an echo cancellation application, but with more hardware complications and
need more than one FPGA chip to implement. The FPGAs constitute a very powerful option
for implementing adaptive filter since we can really exploit their parallel processing
Khalil : Adaptive Filter Application in Echo Cancellation System and Implementation using
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The work was carried out at the college of Engg. University of Mosul

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