Managing Change Toolkit
Managing Change Toolkit
Managing Change Toolkit
A word of caution
Change is usually messy, non-linear and has unintended as well as planned consequences. Be
prepared to revisit any of these stages and learn from experience or new information, to modify
and adapt your approach and plans.
Change is also constant, and a necessary part of a continually improving organisation. It is
therefore a bit false always to think of change as an event, or even a project, but the concerns
and processes set out in these guidelines will still need to be taken into account.
Successful change management involves these stages:
1 Determining the need for change, triggered by on-going business analysis, changes to external
conditions, identification of new opportunities etc.
2 Developing a case for change, including options, risks and resource implications.
3 Communicating the vision for change, presenting a compelling narrative that sets out how the
new situation will be better.
4 Developing a strategy and plan for change, having clear project management procedures, clear
accountability, objectives and timelines.
5 Managing the change process, seeking tangible benefits and embedding new systems, processes
and cultures into every day activity.
Why Change?
Key factors
n There is no point in bringing in change for changes sake; however it is also critical that we take
action when there is a clear need for change.
n Many factors may signal a need for change; changes to the funding environment, the Universitys
strategic priorities, enhancement or obsolescence of technology, and so on.
n Some changes will be small scale and just part of the everyday business of continual improvement.
n This is not the time to produce the final, perfected solution, in fact it is damaging and highly risky to
do so without the involvement of the people who will be most affected (colleagues, staff, students,
other stakeholders).
n Involve people; change will be easier to implement and better solutions will be found.
So you think you need change, ask:
n Why are you thinking of change what are the reasons for it?
n What would you like to achieve by changing?
n What will happen if we dont change?
n If this change is imposed from above, do I understand and accept the reasoning behind it?
Seek to understand:
The impacts on staff, risks, costs, opportunities and benefits.
If there is any possibility of the changes you are considering affecting the employment, contracts
and/or terms and conditions of staff, you must speak directly and immediately with your HR Manager
who will advise you on the process to be followed right from the very beginning. This will allow these
essential requirements to be built into your overall change management approach. Formal consultation
(between employer and staff) is a legal requirement in these cases but will typically happen later.
Dont seek to have all the data at this stage but enough to start going to people to gain more
intelligence, test commitment and build a powerful guiding coalition of influential people (change
agents) who will be key to your success.
But I dont want to start lots of rumours, and its too early to tell
people if we dont have a firm plan of action.
There is a balance to be struck between telling everybody everything straight away, and planning
change behind a veil of secrecy because you are afraid to set unrealistic expectations or cause panic.
But people appreciate honesty, and having their voice heard. It is possible to have conversations with
a wide spectrum of people which, if handled carefully, give you and them a chance to understand the
implications and feasibility of what you think needs doing. Consulting with people, and helping them to
see things from both sides generally throws up some very good ideas for doing things better than you
could have thought of by yourself. It may also give you a better chance of locating change agents that
you can recruit to the planning, communication and management of the change.
Change agents
Change agents are people who encourage and promote change in an organisation, by their
impact on processes and people. They may have formal change management roles, or may be
part of project teams or the wider workforce. Ideally good change agents:
n Believe change is possible and live in the future, not the past, with a focus on goals and
n Are motivated and resilient when things go badly or slowly, and prepared to take calculated
n Communicate well with a wide variety of people
n Are empathetic, and able to see things from others perspectives
n Are flexible and creative, prepared to try new things and think of different options
Among your stakeholders, who displays these some of these characteristics, and how can you
get them involved?
In many change programmes you will need the help of specialists, for example human resources
(HR), health, safety & environment, information technologists, communications, finance etc. Get them
involved early in the process, to avoid planning something that proves problematic for legal or technical
reasons later, and to have the benefit of their expertise and experience.
Influence/power of stakeholder
Key player
Least important
Show consideration
Interest of stakeholder
Generally you should seek to move stakeholders into the right hand boxes as shown. Which
stakeholders are your priorities, and how will you approach them?
Use your analysis to select stakeholders for involvement in the planning process, including
scenario planning for various possible futures.
Considerable judgement is involved in deciding how to involve particular individuals. For some,
a quiet word or a meeting over coffee will be enough to start the process, for others making a
presentation to a department meeting or calling together a group will be better.
Template for rationale/business case
Your aim in this stage is to collaboratively construct a case for change that is understood and accepted
by key stakeholders.
Use this template to focus your discussions around the key factors of:
Reasons Options Benefits expected Risks Costs Timescale Outcome/goal
If people affected by the change have been involved in constructing this business case, they are more
likely to understand the reasoning and to act as champions or at least not act as obstacles to the
change process.
Change imposed from above or outside
How can you ask people to support a change you dont believe in yourself? As a leader, it is
important that you remain positive and act as an advocate for the change, while acknowledging
and recognizing the concerns of the people affected. You should not convey your personal
negativity, but take your concerns to more senior managers privately. This may be difficult but is
an important organizational learning loop.
Degree of support for change
Dear colleague
Involvement in
visioning, setting
Private meetings
with resistors
Away days to
develop 12 month
One-to-ones with
Workshops on
specific issues
Training and
learning activities
Open door
Participation in
planning sessions
Focus groups
Team briefings
Cascades delivered
by managers
Emails from
Intranet news,
displays, posters
You may not have the resources or need to do all of these, but note that Dear colleague emails dont
get you anywhere near engagement with most people, and that true internalisation only comes with
involvement in the change process.
The Plan
Key factors
n Forced, imposed or inflexible change plans are less likely to succeed
n Have clear ultimate goals, accountabilities and responsibility, but build in opportunities to review,
reflect and modify your aims and plans
Change leaders are faced with a choice of approaches, often determined by the complexity and
scale of the change being proposed. These range from the directive (do as I say) to the emergent
(the destination is over there, lets work out the route as we go.) There is substantial evidence that
in most circumstances, emergent strategies are more successful long-term than any other. However,
people need certainty and goals, and organisations need to control costs and evaluate results, so it
is necessary to have a structure in which to manage a change initiative, most often as a project or
programme of projects.
There will always be a judgement to be made about appropriate timescales; seek to balance the need
for speed against the need to recruit and convince change agents and stakeholders, and to work with
them to plan and execute the change. Consider the risks and benefits of different approaches.
Having a clear vision of the desired end state is crucial to all change; be prepared to communicate
around this vision at all times, and to revisit, review and modify the overall goal of the change
process in the light of new information.
As a change leader, you are responsible for assembling the team that co-ordinates and drives the
change. A complex organisation-wide change involving many parts of the system might require
a number of projects drawn together as a programme. In this case it is likely to need specialist
expertise and extra resources (for example a professional project manager and a team seconded
from other duties). How can the necessary resources be pulled together? Consider the need for
back-filling when team members are removed from all or part of their regular job.
Establish key accountabilities and working arrangements according to the context. Some suggested
roles are:
1 Sponsor: Who is the most senior person or group responsible for approving actions and providing
support and resources.
2 Project manager: Who is responsible for checking progress and keeping an overview of resources
and activities?
3 Key user/stakeholder representative(s): Who is responsible for certifying that the changes have
been successful?
4 Communications lead: Who is responsible for ensuring that communications with all relevant
stakeholders are maintained, for example by organising focus groups and linking together the
various work groups within a project or programme.
5 Specialist(s): e.g. HR Manager: Responsible for advising on legal and other requirements created
by the change and that need to covered within the plan for the change. Ensures that these
requirements are met.
Project team
Start here
Establish rationale:
Why is this project necessary?
What are its impacts and what will
be the benefit?
(Template 1)
but purpose
still valid
purpose no
longer valid
(Template 2)
Still progressing?
Anything need to change?
What did we learn?
(with new way)
As a leader of change, your role is to identify where people are on their journey through change, and
help them move on. Bear in mind that they will be at different stages from you, and from each other.
Even when a change has been planned, and the processes, systems and infrastructure have moved
into the new state, people need to make a transition to a new psychological orientation.
William Bridges identified three necessary stages of transition (below):
n Endings: saying goodbye and letting go of the old way.
n Exploration: the neutral zone of uncertainty, where people experiment with and find ways of
working in the new situation
n Moving forward (new beginnings): accepting the new ways and values and being comfortable with
Bridges points out that people move through this transition at different rates, and in particular the more
senior the leader, the clearer the sight to the end purpose, the quicker a person is likely to make the
transition. Of course, people are all different and this doesnt always work!
Level of management
The Bridges model can be mapped onto the change curve to give leaders insights into how they can
most effectively engage and support people experiencing change and therefore making a transition:
Ending, losing,
letting go
Minimise danger
of bad reactions,
resistance and fear
often, applaud
the past but gain
closure, focus on
rationale for new
beginning, be
clear about what
is ending and
what is not
Watch and
listen: everyone
will be reacting
differently, provide
relevant support,
next steps
commitment to
the new way
The new
Allow people to
test new ideas,
provide training
and facilitation to
develop new ways
of working, set
short-term goals,
allow others to take
responsibility and
be accountable
widely and
individually about
what has gone
well, how the new
world is working,
embed into
everyday work