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Boring Methods

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Module 1 : Site Exploration and Geotechnical Investigation

Lecture 2 : Boring Methods of Exploration [ Section 2.1 : Different Types of of Boring Methods ]

In this section you will learn the following
Displacement borings
Wash boring
Auger boring
Rotary drilling
Percussion drilling
Continuous sampling

Module 1 : Site Exploration and Geotechnical Investigation

Lecture 2 : Boring Methods of Exploration [ Section 2.1 : Different Types of of Boring Methods ]

Boring methods of exploration

The boring methods are used for exploration at greater depths where direct methods fail. These provide both
disturbed as well as undisturbed samples depending upon the method of boring. In selecting the boring
method for a particular job, consideration should be made for the following:
The materials to be encountered and the relative efficiency of the various boring methods in such materials.
The available facility and accuracy with which changes in the soil and ground water conditions can be
Possible disturbance of the material to be sampled.
The different types of boring methods are :
1. Displacement boring.
2. Wash boring.
3. Auger boring.
4. Rotary drilling.
5. Percussion drilling.
6. Continuous sampling.

Module 1 : Site Exploration and Geotechnical Investigation

Lecture 2 : Boring Methods of Exploration [ Section 2.1 : Different Types of of Boring Methods ]


Displacement borings
It is combined method of sampling & boring operation. Closed bottom sampler, slit cup, or piston type is
forced in to the ground up to the desired depth. Then the sampler is detached from soil below it, by rotating
the piston, & finally the piston is released or withdrawn. The sampler is then again forced further down &
sample is taken. After withdrawal of sampler & removal of sample from sampler, the sampler is kept in closed
condition & again used for another depth.
Features :
Simple and economic method if excessive caving does not occur. Therefore not suitable for loose sand.
Major changes of soil character can be detected by means of penetration resistance.
These are 25mm to 75mm holes.
It requires fairly continuous sampling in stiff and dense soil, either to protect the sampler from damage or to
avoid objectionably heavy construction pit.


Wash boring:
It is a popular method due to the use of limited equipments. The advantage of this is the use of inexpensive
and easily portable handling and drilling equipments. Here first an open hole is formed on the ground so that
the soil sampling or rock drilling operation can be done below the hole. The hole is advanced by chopping and
twisting action of the light bit. Cutting is done by forced water and water jet under pressure through the rods
operated inside the hole.
In India the Dheki operation is used, i.e., a pipe of 5cm diameter is held vertically and filled with water
using horizontal lever arrangement and by the process of suction and application of pressure, soil slurry
comes out of the tube and pipe goes down. This can be done upto a depth of 8m 10m (excluding the depth
of hole already formed beforehand)
Just by noting the change of colour of soil coming out with the change of soil character can be identified by
any experienced person. It gives completely disturbed sample and is not suitable for very soft soil, fine to
medium grained cohesionless soil and in cemented soil.

Module 1 : Site Exploration and Geotechnical Investigation

Lecture 2 : Boring Methods of Exploration [ Section 2.1 : Different Types of of Boring Methods ]

Fig.1.1 Wash Boring

Module 1 : Site Exploration and Geotechnical Investigation

Lecture 2 : Boring Methods of Exploration [ Section 2.1 : Different Types of of Boring Methods ]
3. Auger boring
This method is fast and economical, using simple, light, flexible and inexpensive instruments for large to small
holes. It is very suitable for soft to stiff cohesive soils and also can be used to determine ground water table.
Soil removed by this is disturbed but it is better than wash boring, percussion or rotary drilling. It is not
suitable for very hard or cemented soils, very soft soils, as then the flow into the hole can occur and also for
fully saturated cohesionless soil.

Fig.1.2 Augers

Module 1 : Site Exploration and Geotechnical Investigation

Lecture 2 : Boring Methods of Exploration [ Section 2.1 : Different Types of of Boring Methods ]

Rotary drilling
Rotary drilling method of boring is
useful in case of highly resistant
strata. It is related to finding out
the rock strata and also to access
the quality of rocks from cracks,
conveniently be used in sands and
silts also. Here, the bore holes are
advanced in depth by rotary
percussion method which is similar
to wash boring technique. A heavy
string of the drill rod is used for
choking action. The broken rock or
soil fragments are removed by
circulating water or drilling mud
pumped through the drill rods and
bit up through the bore hole from
which it is collected in a settling
tank for recirculation. If the depth
is small and the soil stable, water
alone can be used. However,
drilling fluids are useful as they
serve to stabilize the bore hole.
Drilling mud is slurry of bentonite
in water. The drilling fluid causes
stabilizing effect to the bore hole
partly due to higher specific gravity
as compared with water and partly
due to formation of mud cake on
the sides of the hole. As the
stabilizing effect is imparted by
these drilling fluids no casing is
required if drilling fluid is used. This
method is suitable for boring holes
or more
preferably 15 to20cm in most of
the rocks. It is uneconomical for
holes less than 10cm diameter.
The depth of various strata can be
detected by inspection of cuttings.
Fig.1.3 Rotary Drilling System

Module 1 : Site Exploration and Geotechnical Investigation

Lecture 2 : Boring Methods of Exploration [ Section 2.1 : Different Types of of Boring Methods ]

5. Percussion drilling
In case of hard soils or soft rock, auger boring or wash boring cannot be employed. For such strata, percussion
drilling is usually adopted. Here advancement of hole is done by alternatively lifting and dropping a heavy
drilling bit which is attached to the lower end of the drilling bit which is attached to the cable. Addition of sand
increases the cutting action of the drilling bit in clays. Whereas, when coarse cohesionless soil is encountered,
clay might have to be added to increase the carrying capacity of slurry. After the carrying capacity of the soil is
reached, churn bit is removed and the slurry is removed using bailers and sand pumps. Change in soil
character is identified by the composition of the outgoing slurry. The stroke of bit varies according to the
ground condition. Generally, it is 45-100cm in depth with rate of 35-60 drops/min. It is not economical for hole
of diameter less than 10cm. It can be used in most of the soils and rocks and can drill any material. One main
disadvantage of this process is that the material at the bottom of the hole is disturbed by heavy blows of the
chisel and hence it is not possible to get good quality undisturbed samples. It cannot detect thin strata as well.
6. Continuous sampling
The sampling operation advances the borehole and the boring is accomplished entirely by taking samples
continuously. The casing is used to prevent the caving in soils. It provides more reliable and detail information
on soil condition than the other methods. Therefore it is used extensively in detailed and special foundation
exploration for important structures. It is slower method and more expensive than intermittent sampling. When
modern rotary drilling rigs or power driven augers are not available, continuous sampling may be used to
advantage for advancing larger diameter borings in stiff and tough strata of clay and mixed soil. In the Boston
district, corps of Engineers has made faster progress and reduced cost by use of continuous sampling in
advancing 3-inch diameter borings through compact gravelly glacial till, which is difficult to penetrate by any
boring method.

Module 1 : Site Exploration and Geotechnical Investigation

Lecture 2 : Boring Methods of Exploration [ Section 2.1 : Different Types of of Boring Methods ]

Fig.1.4 Percussion Drilling

Module 1 : Site Exploration and Geotechnical Investigation

Lecture 2 : Boring Methods of Exploration [ Section 2.1 : Different Types of of Boring Methods ]
In this section you have learnt the following
Displacement borings
Wash boring
Auger boring
Rotary drilling
Percussion drilling
Continuous sampling
Congratulations, you have finished Lecture 2. To view the next lecture select it from the left hand
side menu of the page

Module 1 : Site Exploration and Geotechnical Investigation

Lecture 2 : Geophysical Exploration [ Section 2.1 : Methods of Geophysical Exploration ]
These waves are classified as direct, reflected and refracted waves. The direct wave travel in approximately
straight line from the source of impulse. The reflected and refracted wave undergoes a change in direction
when they encounter a boundary separating media of different seismic velocities (Refer fig. 1.7). This method
is more suited to the shallow explorations for civil engineering purpose. The time required for the impulse to
travel from the shot point to various points on the ground surface is determined by means of geophones which
transform the vibrations into electrical currents and transmit them to a recording unit or oscillograph,
equipped with a timing mechanism.
The various assumptions involved are:
All soil layers are horizontal.
The layer is sufficiently thick to produce a response.
Each layer is homogeneous and isotropic.
Velocity should increase with depth, following the Snell's law as given in fig. 1.6.

is the angle of incidence,

is the angle of refraction,

are the velocity in two different mediums.

The assumption made is

Fig. 1.6 Snell's law


Module 1 : Site Exploration and Geotechnical Investigation

Lecture 2 : Geophysical Exploration [ Section 2.1 : Methods of Geophysical Exploration ]

The detectors are generally placed at varying distance from the shot point but along the straight line. The
arrival time of the first impulse at each geophone is utilized. If the successfully deeper strata transmit the
waves with increasingly greater velocities, the path traveled by the first impulse will be similar to those shown
in fig. 1.7. Those recorded by the nearest recorders pass entirely through the overburden, whereas those first
reaching the farther detectors travel downward through the lower- velocity material, horizontally within the
higher velocity stratum, and return to the surface as shown in the fig. 1.7. By plotting the travel times


) as a function of the distances between the geophones and the shot points (


) as

shown in fig. 1.8, a curve is obtained which indicates the wave velocity in each stratum and which may be
used to determine the depths to the boundaries between the strata.


are the depths of the strata,



(Refer figs. 1.7 and 1.8)

Module 1 : Site Exploration and Geotechnical Investigation

Lecture 2 : Geophysical Exploration [ Section 2.1 : Methods of Geophysical Exploration ]

Fig. 1.7 Seismic refraction method

Fig. 1.8 Graph of Time vs Distance

Module 1 : Site Exploration and Geotechnical Investigation

Lecture 2 : Geophysical Exploration [ Section 2.1 : Methods of Geophysical Exploration ]

The various applications are:
Depth and characterization of the bed rock surfaces,
Buried channel location,
Depth of the water table,
Depth and continuity of the stratigraphy interfaces,
Mapping of faults and other structural features.
Disadvantages :
Complete picture of stratification of layer upto 10m depth.
Refraction observations generally employ fewer source and receiver locations and are thus relatively cheap to
Little processing is done on refraction observations with the exception of trace scaling or filtering to help in
the process of picking the arrival times of the initial ground motion.
Because such a small portion of the recorded ground motion is used, developing models and interpretations is
no more difficult than our previous efforts with other geophysical surveys.
Provides seismic velocity information for estimating material properties.
Provides greater vertical resolution than electrical, magnetic, or gravity methods.
Data acquistion requires very limited intrusive activity is non-destructive.

Module 1 : Site Exploration and Geotechnical Investigation

Lecture 2 : Geophysical Exploration [ Section 2.1 : Methods of Geophysical Exploration ]

Disadvantages :
Blind zone effect: If


, then wave refracts more towards normal then the thickness of the strata is

Error also introduced due to some dissipation of the velocity as longer the path of travel, geophone receives
the errorous readings.
Error lies in all the assumptions.
2.1.3 Role of geophysical methods in solving geotechnical problems
Gravitational and magnetic methods are used in mining and petroleum engineering. In geotechnical
engineering, the gravitational method has very limited use for survey of unconsolidated sediments over the
dense bedrock.
Magnetic method is applied to locate dikes, faults and buried pipes and other concealed magnetic metal
For dam and bridge sites, to locate depth of the solid rock, seismic and resistivity methods are used.
For design of the underwater foundation resistivity method is used.
For building sites to locate hard rock strata/ soft strata seismic method is used.
Slope design and the landslide investigation can be done using seismic and the resistivity methods.
To locate the shallow deposits, seismic and the resistivity methods can be used as in excavation work in sand,
gravel deposits etc.
Ground water investigation can be done using seismic and resistivity method.
In the evaluation of insitu concrete, geophysical methods are used to determine uniformity of concrete.
detection of cracking, assessment of rate of corrosion etc.

Module 1 : Site Exploration and Geotechnical Investigation

Lecture 2 : Geophysical Exploration [ Section 2.1 : Methods of Geophysical Exploration ]

In this course you have learnt the following
General Overview
Different methods of geophysical explorations
Electrical resistivity method

Congratulations, you have finished Lecture 2. To view the next lecture select it from the left hand
side menu of the page

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