Deep Drawing
Deep Drawing
Deep Drawing
Deep-drawing Process
FIGURE 7.50 (a) Schematic illustration of the deep-drawing process. This procedure is the
first step in the basic process by which aluminum beverage cans are produced today. The
stripper ring facilitates the removal of the formed cup from the punch. (b) Variables in deep
drawing of a cylindrical cup. Only the punch force in this illustration is a dependent variable;
all others are independent variables, including the blankholder force.
Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials, 4th ed.
Kalpakjian Schmid
Prentice Hall, 2003
FIGURE 7.51 Deformation of elements in (a) the flange and (b) the cup wall in deep
drawing of a cylindrical cup.
Deep Drawing
FIGURE 7.60 Schematic illustration of the
variation of punch force with stroke in deep
drawing. Note that ironing does not begin until
after the punch has traveled a certain distance and
the cup is formed partially. Arrows indicate the
beginning or ironing.
FIGURE 7.61 Effect of die and punch
corner radii in deep drawing on
fracture of a cylindrical cup. (a) Die
corner radius too small. The die corner
radius should generally be 5 to 10
times the sheet thickness. (b) Punch
corner radius too small. Because
friction between the cup and the punch
aids in the drawing operation,
excessive lubrication of the punch is
detrimental to drawability.
Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials, 4th ed.
Kalpakjian Schmid
Prentice Hall, 2003
Ironing Process
Normal Anisotropy
Drawing Operations
FIGURE 7.52 Examples of drawing operations: (a) pure drawing and (b) pure stretching.
The bead prevents the sheet metal from flowing freely into the die cavity. (c) Possibility of
wrinkling in the unsupported region of a sheet in drawing. Source: After W. F. Hosford and
R. M. Caddell.
Draw Bead
FIGURE 7.53 (a) Schematic illustration of a draw bead. (b) Metal flow during drawing of a
box-shaped part, using beads to control the movement of the material. (c) Deformation of
circular grids in drawing. (See Section 7.13.) Source: After S. Keeler.
FIGURE 7.63 Deep drawing without a blankholder, using a tractrix die profile. The
tractrix is a special curve, the construction for which can be found in texts on analytical
geometry or in handbooks.
Ironing Process
Normal Anisotropy
Deep Drawing
W.F. Hosford and R.M. Caddell, Metal Forming, 2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall, Inc., Edgewood Cliffs, NJ, 1993.
Deep Drawing
W.F. Hosford and R.M. Caddell, Metal Forming, 2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall, Inc., Edgewood Cliffs, NJ, 1993.