Deep Drying
Deep Drying
Deep Drying
Deep drawing
Super-plastic forming
Explosive forming Equipments for sheet metal forming
Deep drawing is one of the most important and widely used metal forming This process first developed in the 1700s consequently has been studied extensively until has become an important metalworking process.
Deep drawing is the manufacturing
process of forming sheet metal stock called blanks, into geometrical shapes. Common shapes for deep drawn products include cylinders for aluminium cans and cups for baking pans. Irregular items, such as enclosure covers for truck oil filters and fire extinguishers, are also commonly manufactured by the deep drawing method.
A blank diameter D is drawn into die by means of a punch of diameter .The punch and die have radii R. The sides of punch and die separated by clearance. Which is about 10% greater than the sheet thickness. The punch applies a downward force F to deform the material. While the downward holding force is applied by blank holder.
A round blank is first cut from flat stock .The blank is placed in the draw die, when pushes the blank through the die on the return stroke the cup is stripped from the punch by the counterbore in the die .The tope edge of the shell expands slightly in order to make this possible . Note that the amount of spring-back in the drawing has been exaggerated. The punch has an air vent to prevent a vacuum from being formed when the part is stripped from the punch.
Upon further penetration of the punch the metal is bent or wrapped around the punch nose and die radius. As the punch penetrate still further, the metal that was previously bent over the disc radius becomes straightened. Additional metal is pulled over the die radius, which in time straightened as the punch progress downward .In other words, the outside edge of the blank is being drawn towards the punch.
In order to accomplish this successfully the section of the blank must reduce in circumference and the only way to do this is for the metal to compress and become thicker. The force created by the blank holder also increase frictional force. Too much blank-holder pressure may tear the sidewall of the drawn cup. The sidewall transmits the punch force to the area of draw on the die radius. Tearing will generally occur near the punch radius because this area will thin due to tension force.
Punches and dies are typically made of tool steel, however carbon steel is cheaper, but not as hard and is therefore used in less severe applications, it is also common to see cemented carbides used where high wear and abrasive resistance is present. Alloy steels are normally used for the ejector system to kick the part out and in durable and heat resistant blank holders.
1. Wrinkles - caused due to excessive clearance between the punch and die. Also caused due to improper pressure pad pressure and die and punch radii.
2. Ruptures - caused by incorrect draw ratio another reason is improper die and punch radii.
3. Excess thinning- of the cup wall - caused by incorrect die and punch clearance and radii and also excessive pressure by pressure pad.
Tool construction costs are lower in comparison to similar manufacturing processes. The technique is ideal for products that require significant strength and minimal weight. The process is also recommended for product geometries that are unachievable through other manufacturing techniques. Deep drawing is especially beneficial when producing high volumes, since unit cost decreases considerably as unit count increases
Material thickness has a large effect on processing price. Special sleeves required to assist in driving the parts into the dies. This process is costly for low production rate.
SUPERPLASTIC FORMING Super plastic forming is used to Deep drawing is the manufacturing elongate the material beyond process of forming sheet metal stock, 100% of it length.
called blanks, into geometrical shapes. Only used for limited die design. It can be suffer from spring back. No Preheating required, process done at room temp.
It can also be only used for limited die design. It does not suffer from spring back. Preheating required before the super-plastic forming.
Suitable for mass production. Low production cost. Several steps are required for deep drawing. Low labour cost. Also suitable for mass production. High production cost. It is also a one step process.
Super plasticity, first observed some seventy years ago, remained a scientific curiosity until about twenty
years ago.
titanium alloys became a feasible manufacturing technology for military aircraft in USA and also for the Concorde supersonic civil aircraft in Europe.
In the next decade, new super plastic titanium and aluminum alloys were developed for different structural applications for military airframes and engines
Super-plastic forming is a metalworking process for forming sheet metal. It works upon the theory of super-plasticity, which means
The process begins by placing the sheet to be formed in an appropriate SPF die, which can have a simple to complex geometry, representative of the final part to be produced. The sheet and tooling are heated and then a gas pressure is applied, which plastically deforms the sheet into the shape of the die cavity.
To begin with, the material must have an ultra-fine grain size. It is then heated up to promote superplasticity. For titanium this is around 900 C (1,650 F) and for aluminium it is between 450520 C. In this state the material is not very strong so processes that are usually used on plastics can be applied, such as: thermoforming, blow forming, and vacuum forming; it may also be deep drawn.
1.lower water cooling plate 2. inner heater 3. die, 4. outer heater 5. aluminum sheet blank 6. upper heater 7. upper water cooling plate
Stainless steel
Aluminum-lithium alloys
1-Cracks can be produced when a material is elongated beyond a safe limit.
Crack Defect
2-As this process takes place at a very high temperature so another defect that can take place is that the material can burn during this process.
The major advantage of this process is that it can form large and complex work pieces in one operation.
The finished product has excellent precision and a fine surface finish. Lower strength required and less tooling costs. Elimination of unnecessary joints and rivets.
The biggest disadvantage is its slow forming rate. Cycle times vary from two minutes to two hours. It is usually used on lower volume products. Also materials must not be super-plastic at service
Super-plastic forming
this process is that it can form large and complex work pieces in one operation. It is slow forming process. Low tooling cost. It has good surface finish.
Roll forming
long parts with constant complex cross-sections are produced. high production rates; high tooling costs. It has also good surface finish.
Super-plastic forming this process can form large and complex work pieces in one operation. Low production rate. Low tooling and equipment costs. Deep drawing deep parts with relatively simple shapes are produced.
1.Honda Atlas cars Limited, SUZUKI, TOYOTA. Automotive Door panels or windows etc.
2.KAMRA Pakistan .
3. Pakistan Aeronautical complex.
Pakistan Railways Lahore.
Complex shape parts: window frames, seat structures, ventilation ducts, underground front face.
Explosive forming was applied in the 1960s in the USA and the USSR for aerospace and space applications. But in the 1980s applications were hard to find due to the development of other metal forming technologies that can be applied in a workshop jointly with other processes without the safety measures that come with applying explosives. Also, the technology of explosive welding was developed in the 1970s. Companies that operated explosive forming focused to explosive welding large plates of e.g. titanium or aluminium to steel.
Several factors contributed to the re-introduction of explosive forming in the 1990s.Products with more complicated shapes were required in smaller quantities. The time-to market decreased and companies became used to subcontract specialized work. TNO started a research program in 1995 that resulted in the spin-off company Exploform B.V. in 1998 in order to make explosive forming commercially available. Exploform has a unique variety of formed products.
Explosive forming is a metalworking technique in which an explosive charge is used instead of a punch or press. (The parts are formed at a rapid rate, and thus these processes are also called high velocity forming processes).
Explosive forming is the technology of forming of a metal sheet or tube by an explosion. A metal sheet is placed in a die. The die cavity is vacuumed.
The explosive charge can be adapted for any product size and sheet thickness. The forming technology makes it possible to successfully form both 0.2 mm aluminium and 13 mm nickel. Products of 10 meters length have been formed at the production site. Any metal can be explosively formed, for example, various nickel, aluminium, titanium and iron alloys. The configuration of the explosive charge can be optimised for any product shape. For example for cylinders, flanges, textured panels, vessel heads, dishes and many other shapes.
Energy released by the explosive is transmitted through medium like air, water, oil, liquid salts. Water is one of the best media for explosive forming since it is available readily, inexpensive and produces excellent results. The transmission medium is important regarding pressure magnitude at the work piece. Water is more desirable medium than air for producing high peak pressures to the work piece.
In this method, the explosive charge is located at some predetermined distance from the workpiece and the energy is transmitted through an intervening medium like air, oil, or water. Peak pressure at the workpiece may range from a few thousand psi (pounds/inch2) to several hundred thousand psi depending on the parameters of the operation.
A die assembly
The workpiece.
Above figure shows an arrangement of standoff explosive forming operation. The die assembly is put together on the bottom of the tank . Work piece is placed on the die and blank holder placed above. A vacuum is then created in the die cavity. The explosive charge is placed in position over the centre of the work piece . The explosive charge is suspended over the blank at a predetermined distance. The complete assembly is immersed in a tank of water
After the detonation of explosive, a pressure pulse of high intensity is produced. A gas bubble is also produced which expands spherically and then collapses until it vents at the surface of the water. When the pressure pulse impinges against the work piece, the metal is displaced into the die cavity.
Contact Method
The explosive charge in the form of cartridge is held in direct contact with the work piece while the detonation is initiated. The detonation builds up extremely high pressures (up to 30,000MPa) on the surface of the work piece resulting in metal deformation, and possible fracture. The process is used often for bulging tubes, as shown in Fig.
Maintains precise tolerances.
The explosive charge can be adapted for any product size and sheet thickness.
Any product size, shape and sheet thickness is possible. Die costs are relatively low since only a lower die part is needed. Low-cost die concepts reduce initial costs further, for example concrete dies cast on machined polystyrene.
Required long setup time producing one product at a time. It is unavoidably a batch process. Suitable for low-quantity production. The limitation of these processes is the need for skilled personnel.
Explosive forming In Explosive forming an explosive charge is used instead of a punch or press. It can be use for large size of metal sheets. Super plastic forming In super plastic forming punch or press is used to form metal sheet forming. It can be only used for limited die design.
Suitable for low-quantity production. Less production cost. Any product size, shape and sheet thickness is possible. It is a one step process. High labour cost.
Suitable for mass production. High production cost. It can be used for definite shape, size and sheet thickness . It is also a one step process.
SOURIAU Pa&E COMPANY Washington-98801, USA Pa&E company is hole sale dealer and produce different products such as.
Boiler Products
Finished Parts
An artistic method to duplicate natural material
Detonation of the explosive for high energy rate forming of the bow section
Explosively formed bow section of the ocean viewer vessel at RFI in Cairns
Wheeling Machine
Forming Dies
The Wheeling Machine, also called an English Wheel, is a popular type of metal forming tool that is used to create double curves in metal. The user puts a flat metal sheet (usually aluminium or mild steel) through this C-shaped machine to get even curves. These machines are usually used for the curving elements of cars, boats, and other complicated machinery. The Wheeling Machine stretches and thins the metal before forming it into the desired shape.
Another metal forming tool is the Shrinker Stretcher tool. These machines are built to stretch or shrink various types of metal, usually mild steel. A special adapter, called a "jaw" is required for this type of machine. The Shrinker Stretcher is air-powered and easily switched from a shrinking setting to a stretching setting with a simple change of the jaw.
Assembly Dies
It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between a bending and forming dies . a forming operation is generally along curved axes rather than a straight axes. Forming operations may strengthened the work piece and add rigidity.
A curling die rolls a raw edge of sheet metal into a roll or curl .The purpose is to strengthen the raw edge provide a protective edge and improve the appearance of the product .The sheet metal to be curled must be soften enough to roll properly .A lubricant should be used during curling operation.
Embossing is a shallow forming operation in which the work piece material is stretched over a male die and caused to conform to the male die surface by a mating female die surface . the finished product will have a depressed details on it and raised detail on others.
Bulging is an internal forming operation used to expand portion of a drawn shell or tube. The forming force is applied from inside the work piece and is transmitted through a medium that will flow and not compress. The more common media are rubber urethane heavy grease oil or water. Rubber and urethane are preferred as a pressure dispersing medium because they are clean and easy to use.
In this type of dies are used for assembling two or more parts held in position and then locked in position by riveting staking crimping or press fitting. The operator may be physically place the parts in position in die. A large quantity of parts may justify a more complicated die that would automatically assemble the parts in the die while being from a hoper.