Tool Engineering and Design Design of Si
Tool Engineering and Design Design of Si
Tool Engineering and Design Design of Si
Module 01
Chapter 02: Basic requirement of cutting tools, Single point tools, Tools nomenclature,
geometry of single point cutting tool, design of shank dimension using strength and rigidity
consideration and selection of geometry for the cutting tool point, Boring tools, types of
boring tools, Boring-bar and cutting adjustment, Design features of shaper, Planner and
slotter tools, Selection of carbide cutting tools, Determining shank size for single point
carbide tools, Determining the insert thickness for carbide tools.
Fig 2.1: Variation of rake angles from positive to negative: (a) positive rake (b) zero rake (c) negative
Positive rake angles (side and back) increase the cutting performance of the tool by
decreasing cutting forces, workpiece deflection and power consumption.
The smaller point angle resulting from positive rake angles penetrates the metal more
readily and reduces cutting pressures.
High positive rake angles result in a fragile (weak) cutting edge.
They are limited to machining softer materials because of the keenness of the cutting
Tools made of tough materials like HSS are given positive rake angles.
Negative rake angles increase cutting forces but make the tool stronger or less liable
to fracture or crumbling.
Tools made of brittle materials like oxides are given negative rake angle.
Flank: The surface or surfaces below and adjacent to the cutting edge.
Heel: The intersection of the flank and the base of the tool.
Face: The surface on which the chip impinges.
Cutting edge: The portion of the face edge that separates the chip from the work-piece.
The total cutting edge consists of the side cutting edge, the nose, and the end cutting edge.
Nose: The intersection of the side cutting edge and end cutting edge.
Side cutting-edge angle: The angle between the side cutting edge and the side of the tool
shank. It is often referred to as the lead angle.
End cutting-edge angle: The angle between the end cutting edge and a line perpendicular
to the shank of the tool.
Side relief angle: The angle between the portion of the side flank immediately below the
side cutting edge and a line perpendicular to the base of the tool, measured at right angles
to the side flank. It is the angle that prevents interference as the tool enters the work
End relief angle: The angle between the portion of the end flank immediately below the
end cutting edge and a line perpendicular to the base of the tool, measured at right angles
to the end flank. It is the angle that allows the tool to cut without rubbing on the
Side clearance angle: A secondary angle directly below the side relief angle, measured
with the same reference.
End clearance angle: A secondary angle directly below the end relief angle, measured
with the same reference.
Back-rake angle: The angle between the face of the tool and a line parallel with the base
of the tool, measured in a perpendicular plane through the side cutting edge. It is the angle
which measures the slope of the face of the tool from the nose toward the rear. If the
slope is downward toward the nose, it is negative back rake; and if the slope is downward
from the nose, it is positive back rake. The back-rake angle is zero if there is no slope.
Side-rake angle: The angle between the face of the tool and a line parallel with the base of
the tool, measured in a plane perpendicular to the base and the side cutting edge. It is the
angle that measures the slope of the tool face from the cutting edge. If the slope is toward
the cutting edge, it is negative side rake; and if the slope is away from the cutting edge, it
is positive side rake. If there is no slope the side-rake angle is zero.
The tool angles are taken with reference to the cutting edge and are therefore normal to
the cutting edge. They are of particular importance to the tool designer and machinist as
they are the ones specified when designing or grinding a single-point tool. A convenient
way to specify tool angles is by use of a standardized abbreviated system called tool
signature (sometimes referred to as tool character).
A typical tool signature will always appear in a definite order. The order used is back rate,
side rake, end relief, end clearance, end cutting edge, side cutting edge, and nose radius.
End clearance and side clearance are omitted unless clearance is used below the relief
angles. Parentheses are placed around these values when they are included in the tool
Tool signature = 0-7-7-7-15-15-0.8
Back rake 0°
Side rake 7°
End relief 7°
Side relief 7°
End cutting-edge angle 15°
Side cutting-edge angle 15°
Nose radius 0.8 mm
Brazed-tip tools:
They have the cutting insert held in the tool shank by silver brazing (soldering).
Inserts are available in triangular, square, round, diamond, parallelogram, and button shapes.
All edges of the square and triangular inserts can be used, and with negative rake inserts, both
top and bottom edges are to be used. Thus, with a negative triangular insert, there are six
cutting edges per insert. Positive rake tools are indexable on one side only (see Fig. 2.4)
The shank of a cutting tool is generally analyzed for strength and rigidity. The tool is
assumed to be loaded as a cantilever by tool forces at the cutting edge as shown in fig. 2.5.
The main design criterion for shank size is rigidity. The deflection at the cutting edge is
limited to a certain value depending on the size of the machine, cutting conditions and tool
overhung. The tool overhung (Le) is related also to the shank size as well as to end fixity
conditions. Fig 2.6 shows the amplitude and frequency of chatter for several overhung values.
Fig 2.6 Amplitude and frequency of chatter for several overhung values
It is seen that only below (Le/H) of 2, the amplitude is practically zero. The recommended
value of (Le/H) is between 1.2 and 2. The shank size of the cutting tool considering rigidity as
design criterion,
Usually, the shank size is also checked for strength. Considering strength as a design
K p Le
Z BH 2 , mm, for rectangular sections,
K p A factor for other components of force = 1.4 to 2,
Boring tool-holders can be classified into two categories, namely fixed and rotating ones.
Fixed holders are used in work-rotating machines such as lathes, and rotating holders are
used in tool-rotating machines, such as boring machines.
The simplest form of a boring tool-holder is the boring bar with the boring bit held in a cross
hole as shown in Fig 2.4. The boring tool bit can be of high speed steel, solid or brazed
Adjustable Boring Bars: Fig 2.5 to 2.7 show some designs of adjustable boring bars. These
boring bars can also be preset away from the machine on a presetting device. Boring bars are
also built with cartridges which hold throwaway type inserts (Fig 2.8 & 2.9). These cartridges
are adjustable in both axial and radial direction by means of set-screws. Boring bars built
with more number of cartridges are used for multi-point cutting (Fig 2.10).
Damped Boring Bars: The normal recommendation is that the bar diameter should be
approximately 0.7 times the bore diameter. Boring bars made of steel can be advantageously
used for boring holes of length five times the diameter. But quite often the ratio of bore
length to diameter is more. In such cases, the use of conventional boring bars of steel may
result in poor surface finish and lower accuracy of the bore. There are number of methods of
overcoming this problem. One of the most successful ways is to use a solid carbide boring
bar. The modulus of elasticity of carbide is about 2.5 times that of steel, and it can be used for
bores of length-to-diameter ratios of up to 8. Other methods involve brazing a carbide shank
to the steel boring bar (Fig 2.11.a), or providing a carbide core inside the steel quill (Fig
2.11.b), or fitting separate carbide inserts on to the steel shank (Fig 2.11.c).
A better method of reducing vibrations is to damp them by the use of dampers provided at the
free end of the bar. Principles of some of the damped bars in use are diagrammatically shown
in Fig 2.12
Line Boring bars: these are used for long bores (Fig 2.13) and they are supported at the free
end in suitable bearings provided in the boring fixture or in the machine upright. They can be
made to accommodate fly cutters, tool blocks, cartridges, etc. Some line boring bars are also
provided with presetting arrangements.
Boring Head: A boring head (Fig 2.14) is a more rigid boring tool-holder than a boring bar
and is used for roughing and finishing of large bores in the range of 100 to 500 mm. It has the
means for precisely adjusting the boring tool. Also, there is a provision to place the boring
tool in several radial positions to suit various bore sizes. Boring heads are available with
either integral shanks or interchangeable shanks. These are also available with two cutting
edges at 1800 to give a balanced cutting action.
Boring and Facing Heads: The boring and facing head enables boring of large-diameter bores
and also facing of seating surfaces at right angles to the bore in the same setting. Apart from
the radial adjustment, these tools incorporate a radial feed mechanism to feed the tool for the
facing operation. Other applications of the boring and facing head are machining of taper
bores and internal recesses.
In a recent development, a small built-in stepper motor provides the drive for the tool slide in
the boring and facing head. Fig 2.15 shows a sectional view of this type of tool. The
advantage of such a tool is that it is possible to bore and face a number of steps and also to
machine tapers or contours by suitably programming the sequence of operation.
A large number of designs for holding and adjusting cutters for boring operations have been
developed over the years. The object of all cutters of this type is to secure rigidity and
accuracy of cutter setting in the simplest manner possible.
A similar type is used on jig-boring machines, vertical milling machines, and radial drill
presses. It is often referred to as a boring head or wobble head. The adjustment for the bore
diameter is made by turning the lead screw (see Fig. 2.16), which moves the slide in the V
block and changes the eccentricity of the stub boring bar.
Figure 2.17 shows common methods of holding and adjusting standard rectangular tool
blanks in stub and line boring bars. A single screw is used if adjustment of the tool within the
bar is not necessary, and two screws are used when such an adjustment is desirable. One
screw is to adjust and back up the cutter, and the second is to lock the cutter into position.
The locking screw can be placed on the side of the bar or at the end, whichever is most
Fig 2.17 Methods of holing and adjusting standard rectangular tool blanks in stub and line
boring bars
As shown in Fig 2.18, the square hole containing the cutter can be broached through the bar
and counter bored and threaded for a large adjusting screw. However, if the cuts are heavy, it
may be better to broach the square hole to a blind stop and drill a round hole much smaller in
diameter than the cutter cross section. This avoids weakening the bar in the outside fibres that
resist the bending action.
Fig 2.18 Use of a standard broached sleeve to hold a boring cutter in a line boring bar
Figure 2.19 shows a simple method of fastening a cutter to a boring bar that can be used
where a variation in hole diameter is unnecessary. The cutter is located by means of shoulders
and is held firmly in place by wedge. This cutter has the advantage of having two cutting
edges. Its disadvantage of having no adjustment is largely offset by the fact that this type of
cutter blade can be inexpensively made from flat stock.
Boring-tool designs of the preceding types have been used successfully in the past but under
present manufacturing conditions they have one disadvantage: they require time and skilled
toolmakers to manufacture. When commercial boring tools were not available, there was no
other solution, but now commercial tools are easily purchased. Standard bars and cutters will
do a variety of boring operations, and boring-bar components are standard items for the
constructions of special bars. The tool designer should investigate and seriously consider the
use of commercial items before designing a special bar which will require several hours of a
skilled toolmakers time to manufacture. A few of the standard commercial boring-bar
components are mentioned in the following discussion. Their utilization is limited only by the
tool designer’s imagination.
2.8 Planing:
Planing is a machining process in which the metal is removed by the relative linear
movement of the tool over the surface of the work. The planing machine consists of a
reciprocating table on which the work is held. The cutting tool, which is a single-point tool, is
held in a tool post carried on a vertical tool slide, the saddle of which can be traversed on a
cross rail. The cutting takes place during the forward stroke of the table and the tool is lifted
by mechanical, electrical or hydraulic means to avoid rubbing during the return stroke. The
tool slide and the saddle on the cross slide provide feed in the vertical and horizontal
High speed steel and tungsten carbide are the most commonly used materials in planing.
Planing tools have relatively large cross-section, because they are designed for maximum
rigidity. The shank of the tool made of high strength heat treated alloy steel. The inserts are
brazed or mechanically secured. Under conditions of maximum rigidity of the machine and
workpiece set-up, carbide tools are more efficient than high-speed steel tools. Planing time is
often reduced by 50% or more by using carbides instead of high speed steel.
Workpieces that limit the tool over-travel to only a few centimeters (higher over
travel is required because of high speeds).
Workpiece that require the use of s longitudinal extension on the tool holder for
reaching into blind areas.
Especially in carbide tools, to take care of shock loading and interrupted cuts, negative rakes
are generally preferred. Table 2.1 gives the values of tool angles and nose radii for planing
tools. Recommended design details for the cutting portion: of high-speed steel planer are
shown in figure 2.20
These tools can he designed for a variety of operations such as undercutting, slotting, and
straight planing of either horizontal or vertical surfaces. Tools having relatively small nose
radius are preferred in roughing cuts. Broad, flat nosed tools often as wide as 30 mm are used
for finish machining of most metals. Carbide roughing tools are provided with a back rake
angle of 0 to -15°. As a general rule, the tougher the metal, the higher is the negative back
rake. Zero degree back rake angle is used for soft metals and -3 to -50 for cast iron, mild steel
and medium carbon steels. Difficult-to-machine materials require a back rake angle of - 5 to -
15°. Side rake angles range from +3 to -150 depending upon the machinability of the metals.
A side rake of 0 to + 3° is usually suitable for free cutting metals and 0 to -150 for difficult-
to-machine materials. Excessive negative side rake angle should he avoided as it is likely to
cause chatter. Side rake or the land of the tool is the largest single factor in controlling chip
flow. The use of an optimum side rake eliminates the need for chip breakers which is an
advantage because mechanical chip breakers are readily knocked off by heavy chips and
ground-in chip breakers weaken the cutting edges.
The approach angle controls the chip thickness in relation to feed. A 450 approach angle
produces thinner chips than an 800 approach angle, and a 90° approach angle produces chips
of thickness equal to the value of feed. An approach angle of 65 to 700 is commonly
employed for most metals.
Clearance angles vary with the type of materials being planed. Side and end clearance angles
of 5° are usually suitable for east iron. For machining steels clearance angles should be
reduced to make the tool edge stronger.
In brazed tools, the carbide tip is generally brazed sideways to the tool shank so as to provide
a greater depth of carbide in the direction of loading. Disposable carbide inserts are also
finding application in the planing operation. Tougher grades, throwaway type carbides like
P40, P50, and K40 are now used in planing. Some of the typical planing tools are described
ii. V-Guideway tool: Machine guideways are generally planed and scrapped or ground.
It is possible to avoid grinding by using a suitable carbide guide way finishing tool
with which the required geometry and surface finish of upto 0.8 m can be achieved.
In the tool shown in and (Fig 2.22) the functional surfaces are ground and lapped so
as to give a good surface finish on the work and a longer life.
clamped on to the shank by a screw through the centre hole. The main advantage of
the tool is that when one portion of the cutting edge wears out the insert can be rotated
to bring the unused portion of the edge into position. In the case of high-speed tools,
when the insert is worn out all around, it can be reground and used again.
2.9 Shaping:
The shaping process is similar to planing, and it can be described as a process for removing
metal from surfaces in horizontal, vertical and angular planes by the use of a single-point tool
held in a ram that reciprocates the tool in a linear direction across the workpiece. Shaping is
also employed to produce contoured surfaces with the use of copying attachments.
High-speed steel is commonly used in shaping because speeds are low. Since shaping is an
interrupted cutting operation in which the cutting tool is subjected to impact forces at the
beginning of each stroke, the carbide tools, when used, are prone to chip. The tool geometry
and design of shaping tools are similar to planing tools. Figure 2.26 shows a variety of high-
speed steel tools used in shaping.
Fig 2.26 (a) Recommended designs of high-speed steel tools for shaping steel
Fig 2.26 (b) Recommended designs of high-speed steel tools for shaping cast iron