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Aion Gladiator Guide

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The Unofficial Aion Gladiator Guide

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The Unofficial Aion Gladiator Guide

Table of Contents

The short version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

The long version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2


Role as a Gladiator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Choosing a Race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Positives and Negatives

The Good . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
The Bad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Differences Between Elyos and Asmodian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Combat Strategy


Gladiator characteristic


Basic Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Available Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Available Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Enchantment Stones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Class Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12


Elyos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Levels 1-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Levels 10-20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Levels 20-30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Levels 30-40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Levels 40-50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Asmodian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Levels 1-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Levels 10-20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Levels 20-30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Levels 30-40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Brusthonin Supplement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

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The Unofficial Aion Gladiator Guide

Levels 40-50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

A Word About DP


Gladiator Skill List






PvP Strategies


PvP as a Gladiator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

Recommended PvP Stigmas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
PvP Gearing Enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
The Gladiator vs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168


Kinah making strategy


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The Unofficial Aion Gladiator Guide

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The Unofficial Aion Gladiator Guide


No need to worry about Mana, just wait

for your Special Moves to recharge!

You want to FIGHT, not cast buffs or

heals, worry about Line-Of-Sight, Mana,
position, or any of those other
"weakling" considerations? Be a
Gladiator! All you have to do is fight,
and kill before you get killed.
the most part, the only bar you have to
worry about!

Choosing a Race
Do you want to be an honorable warrior
(Elyos) or a chaotic carnage combatant
(Asmodian)? Sadly, there is no real
GAMEPLAY difference between the two,
unless you like to roleplay.

Role as a Gladiator
Gladiator is the simplest Class in the
game. You do damage and ONLY
damage. Gladiators are arguably the best
Class at soloing, with high DPS and high
You are the melee damage-dealer. Run
up and cut things. This is arguably the
most straightforward Class to play, no
worries about "aggro management" or
subtleties of any kind. Because your
base-Class is Warrior, you CAN take
more damage than anyone else except a
Templar, so you're a great off-Tank, just
make sure not to bite off more than you
can chew!

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Positives and

more "realistic"...If you care about realism

in a game about flying warriors?
You can do FANTASTIC damage to
ONE enemy, or impressive damage to
multiple smaller enemies. You are
amazing in PVE against NORMAL
monsters! Since the game ONLY rewards
KILLS, not TAKING damage, you'll
ALWAYS be needed on a team!

- The Good
- The Bad
- Differences Between Elyos and

You have the second highest HP pool in

the game, second only to Templars, your
Defense-oriented brethren!

The Good

The Bad

The GOOD news is, you're Rough,

Tuff, and Buff. You can do very good
damage, and do it consistently! More
importantly, you can TAKE the return
fire for a little while! You have a choice
between Sword&Shield, Dual Swords,
and Polearm. You start "Dual Wielding"
as early as Level 3, but your offhand
"weapon" is your FIST, and does damage
that could be politely described as
"cute"! HOWEVER, the higher Level
you get, the more often you'll USE that

Your simplicity is matched by a lack of

versatility: You are a MELEE fighter, and
ONLY a MELEE fighter. Enemies with
Spells or range capabilities at all, can pick
you off before you can hit them at ALL, or
at least do you some severe damage!
As I said earlier, you'll slog through
normal monsters, BUT you cannot handle
Bosses as well as a Templar or Assassin
can. Still, DPS=kills, so you'll always be
needed for parties!

Your character is even smart enough to

close the distance before trying to attack
when you just press the button! No more,
"You are out of range"! In a related note,
Polearms have a longer range than other
weapons in this game, which makes it

You are offense, not defense, and

Pack lots of Bandages and/or "Life

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You have no real crowd-control,
except that SOME of your Special
Moves have a CHANCE for knockdown,
which is unreliable at best. More
importantly, the only way you can
disrupt enemy Special Moves is by either
HOPING your hits interrupt them, or else
save your OWN Special Moves just to
interrupt theirs, which will REALLY
interfere with YOUR DPS! And DPS is
all a Gladiator IS, really!

I have noticed a lot more people play as

Asmodians than Elyos. When asked the
reasons, they were almost uniformly:
-Black Wings are "cooler" than white
wings -The comic and Collector's Edition
creates a ton of bias against Elyos; never
understood why they didn't make it both
sides. Reminds me of World of Warcraft
where a majority of players believed the
Horde was the "Evil" faction, due to canon
from the RTS's (when in fact, the Alliance
are a bit more elitist than the Horde, and in
WOW, the Horde are downright Noble
Savages!) -Claws are "cool" -Red eyes
GLOW when in combat -Dark skin is


ATTACKS! You cannot pull! If you see
a group of multiple AGGRO monsters,
make sure you can take'em all before
attacking--or find a teammate with range

Angel/Underdog mythos they're going for.
I preferred Pandemonium to Sanctum,
the Broker and crafting guilds being right
next to each other, and I can't fall off
Pandemonium like I did 20 times in

Differences Between
Elyos and Asmodian

I preferred Altgard over Verteron,

because Kralls are super gay. Only
advantage Verteron has is that its a lot
easier to skill up gathering since
everything is tightly-packed and in order,
while many things are spread out in
around/backtrack. The solo Quests are
easier in Verteron, making it easier to
Level up until you need to fight Bosses,
but the group quests are by far easier for

Elyos starts in a verdant forest and kill

animals. Their armor is bright and shiny.
Asmodian starts in a desert wasteland.
Their armor is dark and foreboding.
It's all cosmetic differences, really.
Whichever side you choose to work for,
you will kick ass, and eventually, kick
the asses of the other side's warriors as

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Altgard. Since this is an MMO, though,
expect this to reverse anytime in the
name of "Balance"!

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Combat Strategy
Just charge into battle! If there is a
Templar, let HIM charge first, but still,
use your forward momentum to boost
your first attack or 2. Remember AION'S
Positional System: Charging ahead
increases attack and lowers Defense
temporarily, pulling back does exactly
the opposite. The running your char does
AUTOMATICALLY when you target an
enemy and hit an attack button DOES
count for that Positional System! Use
your Special Moves, ESPECIALLY
Chain Moves! If you use a successful
Chain, you can turn a losing battle
around, or turn a close battle into an easy
win--Plus, Chain moves look cool!
Remember to Rest (Default button
comma) between battles to regain your
CANNOT SELF-HEAL! Bandages and
Life Potions are a lifesaver--literally!

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The Unofficial Aion Gladiator Guide


Available Weapons

Gladiators are just that: Fighting for

power and glory. No subtlety, you don't
have to care about getting behind the
enemy, or scanning for weaknesses, no
casting Spells or heals, just run in and

Currently the most popular weapon for

Gladiators is the Polearm, due to highest
damage and longer reach! Reach out and
crush someone that THINKS they're out of
melee range!

Available Armor
Basic Attributes
Warrior Base Stats
Strength: 110

Warriors equip Chainmail Armor before

Specialization, after which they switch to
plate Armor. Shields in Aion do not add to
Defense STATS, but are used instead for
Shield blocks (% based) and Shield Skills.

Constitution: 110
Agility: 100

Enchantment Stones

Accuracy: 100
Intelligence: 90
Spirit: 90

With special tools from the General

Stores, you can break down MOST
weapons and Armors into Enchantment
Stones. Sometimes, you get one in the
wild, or from a Quest. No matter what, the
operation of them is the same: Use one,
then click on the Armor or weapon to be
- If successful, it ADDS one to the
Enchantment Level of the item.

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- If it fails, it SUBTRACTS one from
the Enchantment Level of the item.
- Enchantment Level can never go
below zero (Luckily!)

cliff chasing an enemy, and conversely,

you can't jump most cliffs, so you'll have
to find a way up to your enemy if they're
sniping you from On High!)

- If the Level of the Enchantment

Stone is less than the Level of the item to
be Enchanted, it will ALWAYS fail!

Class Features
The Gladiator Class, in case I was too
subtle about it before, brings raw muscle,
and plenty of it. Noone beats a Gladiator
for SUSTAINED DPS. Assassins may
have higher BURST damage, but a lot of
their Skills require you to be behind the
enemy, while only a few Gladiator Skills
care about the enemy position, and even
then, it's whether the enemy is knocked
down or not. I repeat, it cares about the
ENEMY'S position, not your position in
relation to the enemy! Much simpler that
way. Since you are going toe-to-toe, you
don't have to worry about distance or
Line-Of-Sight to your enemy, as your
character will make a beeline for your
target upon tapping an attack button!
You don't have to worry about whether
your enemy is above or below you,
unless a cliff makes them functionally
inaccessible to you. (DO NOT jump off a

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Levels 1-10


SIDES: I put this in the actual
walkthrough below, but I think I was
too subtle about it. If you are Level 9
already, do the Ascension ASAP. You
can't rise above Level 9, no matter
how much you kill, or how many
Quests you do, the game will keep you
one point below Levelling to 10. so it'll
all be wasted!


- Levels 1-10
- Levels 10-20
- Levels 20-30
- Levels 30-40
- Levels 40-50

You start out Dazed&Confused after the
intro. This is the first game I've played
where the intro is PART OF THE GAME,
rather than just showing off the graphics.
Apparently, the battle you just witnessed
was an hallucination on your character's
part. Your buddy is nearby, worried about
you, and covering for your apparent
fainting spell and hallucination. Talking to
him IS the Prologue Quest, and arguably
the easiest Quest in any game: Watching
the intro completed it!
You can just run around and kill
monsters, or you can start on the Quests.
Oddly, there are two different sets of
Quests, "Campaign Quests" and normal
Quests. There is no difference from the
PLAYER perspective, but Campaign
Quests have better rewards, and GOLD
icons over the NPCs' heads, rather than the
azure one ones of the normal Quests!
Sleeping on the Job
Your buddy sends you to Captain Elpas.
Apparently, you're part of a mercenary
unit, sent to this backwater to regain
control and maintain the peace.
Kerubar Hunt
You start out with a fairly standard "Kill
the Rampaging Striped Kerubs" Quest, but

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Something Must've Stirred Them
Up(TM) No points for originality, but a
great intro to fighting, and a REASON to
fight, if you haven't started already.
Kerubs are this game's Goblins, the
easiest enemies, that look like an
unfortunate crossbreed between cavemen
and hamsters. Kill them and report back
to your Captain.
Grain Thieves
Not surprisingly, the townsfolk have
come up with a reason NOT to pay: They
want back the grain the Kerubs stole! For
hamster-cavemen, they're surprisingly
intelligent, stealing the whole sacks of
grain, rather then chewing them open and
eating them on the spot! To the
northwest, there are 3 mud igloos with an
NPC soldier in between them. There are
some tougher versions of Kerubs "Kerub
Fighters" popping out of the igloos at
random intervals, but your goal is to pick
up the burlap sacks. The NPC will
"handle" the Kerub Fighters, BUT if you
want to, you can help. The good news is,
the Kerub Fighters will attack the NPC
instead of you, AND you'll get
essentially "free" EXP based on the
proportions of damage YOU do vs. the
damage HE causes! BUT, since you are
counted as "killstealing" FROM AN
NPC, you will get no loot nor money
from the kills, just EXP!

Captain Elpas is pleased, and sends you

to report to the woman who hired your
band of mercenaries. Polinas is in Akarios
Village, the town to the north. Just follow
the dirt path. While you're in the Village,
pick up the other Quests. Look for the big
V's over the NPCs' heads, whether azure
or gold.
Since you should only be Level 2 yet,
the only other Quests you can pick up in
town is "Snuffler Headache" and
"Collecting Aria"
Snuffler Headache
Snufflers--Pigs--have been tearing up
the farm, so they want you to snuff the
Snufflers. Good thing you're such an
amazing Gladiator, huh? Kill'em fast!
Collecting Aria
If you haven't been collecting them all
along, this will introduce you to the
Gathering system in this game. Look for
wheat-like weeds with a psychidelic pink
color and bulbous roots, and double-click
them. Wait for it to finish...And wait for it
to respawn, since you'll be competing with
other players, ALSO farming Aria,
whether for the Quest or for EXP/money.
Run back and turn THOSE Quests in to
hit Level 3, and get MORE Quests
A New Skill

Report to Polina

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The GAME ITSELF assigns you this
Quest upon hitting Level 3. Find a
Trainer, and talk to him to complete the
Quest. He tells you to buy Skill Books
when you Level up, so you can USE cool
new moves and attacks! Take him up on
it, and buy Robust Blow. Robust Blow is
your first Chain Attack, when your
Ferocious Blow lands, you have 3
seconds to play Robust Blow in rapid
succession. Robust Blow--and all Chain
Attacks--will NOT show up on your
Power Bar, UNTIL you use the one
directly previous in the Chain, at which
point, it will replace its predecessor. Hit
the same button repeatedly to run the full
Helping Kales
A farmer named Kales wants you to
take a sack of grain to turn into edible
food via Uno, the Village Cook. A
simple FedEx Quest.
Uno's Ingredients
While you're there, Uno has something
HE wants you to do too! Kill some
mutated storks called Airon, and bring
back their meat--for a cooking-contest, of
course! Hey, you're a Gladiator, killing's
just what you do! While killing the
Airon--or the Brax (Big, buffalo-like
monsters), you may come across an Axe
Handle. Take it, and right-click it to start
a "secret" Quest!

The Lost Axe

Take the Axe Handle back to Namus,
who is in the mountain-pass to the
northeast. He'll thank you and give you a
bit of money and EXP!
The Kerub Threat
A lone Mercenary named Muranes at the
crossroads between Ciona Lake and
Akarios Village says they're under attack
by Kerubs again. These Kerubs are called
Small Horn Kerubs, and they're not much
harder than the Kerubs you beat in
"Kerubar Hunt" (See above) Kerubs are
Humanoid Monsters, and therefore, very
profitable to kill, even if you didn't have a
Quest to kill them! (That's a hint: They
carry raw MONEY, not junk you have to
sell, although you should do both!) When
you report back, she tells you that the
Kerubs are stepping up their game, and
now you must kill 5 Big Foot Kerubs, and
bring back their fangs as proof (Due to
lower than 100% droprate, you may have
to kill MORE than just 5, but again, it's
Killing for Fun And Profit!(TM)) Big Foot
Kerubs only have more HP than the Small
Horn version, so they should still be Easy
Slice--literally! Oddly, for all your (and
the other players') massacring of these
things, they're STILL not aggro, you can
kill them one at a time at your leisure.
Report back to her, and she'll be pleased,
telling you to visit Captain Kalion back in
Akarios Village for your reward.

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In addition to the "normal" EXP and
money, this time, you get new shoes!
Choose the Chainmail ones, and accept.
Abandoned Goods
The Merchants here look like weasels
for good reason: This one wants you to
"salvage" some wine--secretly--from the
farm that's still being ravaged by Kerubs.
The wine is in bottles, which are hidden
in barrels. Just like the earlier burlap
sacks in the "Grain Thieves" Quest,
You'll now be Level 4, and MORE
Quests will open up!
To Fish In Peace
While on the lake, you'll meet an NPC
named Feira. She is upset that the
monsters are scaring away the fish. Five
Brax (The buffalo monsters), and five
Slinks (Two-tailed lizards). Gladiators
are literally MADE for killing, so go to
A Book for Namus
Namus is more than a mere
lumberjack, he fancies himself quite the
scholar. He wants a new book. This is a
simple FedEx Quest, and easy enough to
do for him.
Request of the Elim
Halfway between Ciona Lake and
Daminu Forest, you'll find Ampeis. He
has a "request" for you. He wants you

to...Go talk to Forest Protector Noah.

Forest Protector Noah is the humanoid tree
(Treant or Ent, whichever you want to call
them) next to Namus. He gives you a
Magic Flute, and tells you to wake up two
OTHER walking trees! The first sleeping
ugly is due south of the Daminu Forest,
along the southern wall. Just doubleclick
on the sleeping brute to play the flute and
wake it with a toot! The second one is a
short distance northwest. Luckily, nothing
around here is aggro yet! Then you go
back to Forest Protector Noah, and give
him back the Magic Flute. After a short
cutscene, showing you "The Forest's
Pain", he'll ask you to kill some Dukakis,
and bring back their Kobold axes as proof.
(Were Dukakis called Kobolds in an
earlier Build of this game? The name
difference is jarring/confusing...)
This is a dangerous Kill Quest, since
Dukakis ARE Aggro. They'll attack you
on sight, assuming (correctly) that you're
there to stop their logging operation! Make
sure you fully heal between fights! Still,
Dukakis are Humanoid Monsters, and
even MORE profitable than Kerubs, so it's
sort of a Risk-Reward calculation, which
ones you want to kill to farm up
money/EXP. Once you have their Kobold
Axes (No, you can't wield them), bring
them back to Forest Protector Noah, who
will send you to Daminu. Daminu is a
large and ancient Treant, who will show
you a little of your past in a cutscene, and

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once you're done with that, he'll send you
back to Captain Kallion in Akarios
In addition to your usual money and
EXP reward, you get to choose a
WEAPON! Choose the Sword, and hit
Accept. You'll also get a new Title, "Tree
Insomnia Medicine
Namus is suffering insomnia, with all
the monsters, and impending doom and
so on. He needs you to cut down some
Sylphen (Mutant dragonflies, with an
EXTRA quartet of wings on the tail), so
he can make a cure for himself. The
killing part is easy as always, but once he
makes the cure, he doesn't like the taste,
so he asks you to take it to Uno instead,
to disguise the taste. Have Uno mix it
with the Fruit Juice when he asks, so that
the taste can be better disguised, rather
than the soup. Then take the spiked
"juice" to Namus, so he can get some
Mushroom Thief
While traversing the mountain pass,
you'll come across an ambitious
mercenary called Ampeis, who of course,
has HIS own side-business! He's been
collecting and selling mushrooms, but
needs you to eliminate the competition.
Luckily, the "competition" he speaks of
are pigs--literally! BellePigs, to be

precise. You're a killing machine, so go

butcher the pigs, and report back. He'll
give you some...ROASTED PIG as a
reward. It's more than it sounds, as eating
it boosts your Physical Attack!
No Entry
This is a big, long Quest that you won't
be able to FINISH until Level 9 or even
solid 10, due to the difficult monsters, but
you GET it now. How's that for
unreasonable expectations? Talk to
Mercenary Captain Kalion to receive this
Quest. Visit Malponeh's Campsite and talk
to Oz. Talk to Pernos near the Agaric
Spore Road. Up to about here, you can do
now, but the later parts, you should wait
Discuss the "situation" with Poa near the
Timolia Mine.
Find and talk to Ino within the Timolia
Mine. He's been jailed by the enemies.
You don't even get to spring him
(Primarily because if you did, other
players couldn't get this Quest...Another
example of NPCs glued to their spot!)
This is where the "Hard enemies" part
comes in, the Dukakis in THIS area are
Level 9 and up, AND Aggro to boot!
Destroy the 3 Power Generators (Green,
Blue, Purple) and then the Abyss Gate
itself. The Generators are guarded by more
Dukaki than I've ever seen in one place,
make sure to have teammates, or go when

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there are other players there. Letting
them killsteal you will save your life!
Even then, pack PLENTY of Potions and
Bandages! By Level 9 or 10, you can get
better Potions off enemy corpses than the
stores here will sell you.
Report your success to Mercenary
Captain Kalion. You'll get your choice
between three Chest Armors, pick the
Chainmail one! You'll get a short
cutscene where you are praised as the
Protector of Poeta--AND you get a Title
for it to boot!
After doing those first 3 Quests, and
getting as far as you can on the fourth,
you'll hit Level 5, which entitles you to
"The Elim's Message" Level 5 opens up
2 new Skills, Weakening Severe Blow,
and Boost HP. Weakening Severe Blow
should be your new opener, as it lowers
enemy Physical Resistance for 5 seconds,
so you can hit with your Ferocious Blow
and Robust Blow. More importantly, it
Resistance, so that your whole PARTY
gets bonus damage--at least the
PHYSICAL attackers...Mages will just
have to lump it! Boost HP is a Passive
boost not only to MaxHP, but more
importantly, to HP Regeneration! You'll
have MORE Health, and Regen quicker
between fights. Since it is PASSIVE and
always on, get it, it's a must-have for
survival as a Warrior, and later as a

The Elim's Message
Forest Protector Noah will ask you to
pass on a message, but the message is
incomprehensible--and for these people,
that's saying something! So the game will
"gently suggest" you go to Feira, a
Priestess at Cliona Lake (Where you were
hunting the Airon earlier) She, in turn, will
tell you to talk to the Priest in Akarios
Village. He will take the message to his
superiors, and you get your reward!
Now you have to wait until Level 6 to
get any more Quests...You should be
nearly there just from the long FedEx
Quest from before. Once you hit Level 6, a
LOT of new Quests open up!
Light Up The Night
Pranoa wants a night-light--and wants
YOU to get it for him! Kill Adult Sparkies
(The mutant fireflies) in the mountain
pass, and collect Luciferin, the substance
that makes them glow. As far as damage
they inflict on you, Sparkies are arguably
the EASIEST enemies, so this should be
even easier than your previous kill-Quests!
After collecting your reward, go back to
Akarion Village. The Priest in the big
building in the center of town, wants your
help for...
Polinia's Ointment
Melponeh is a poor Historian in a distant
Campsite. He's been bitten by Worgs, the

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wound got infected, and he may die
without this ointment! You are the
chosen...chosen messenger-boy, at least.
But it's a fairly easy Quest, IF you can
avoid the monsters along the way. This
area is the first place you'll encounter
AGGRO monsters--not just Social, these
provocation! Luckily, they're highlighted
as red dots on your minimap/radar in the
corner. (I didn't know they had radar in
medieval times, let alone IFF systems!)
You have to look out for Worgs and
Dukakis. Worgs are a nasty crossbreed of
sharks&wolves, while Dukakis LOOK
like Kerubs, but they carry actual
weapons! Afterward, head back toward
the pass, and Lonian will have a new job
for you!
A Taste of Namus's Medicine
Namus had agreed to make medicine
for Lonian, but hasn't gotten around to it.
So Lonian needs you to go to Namus and
remind him. Once you reach Namus,
he'll be upset about the ungrateful
Lonian, but he'll make SOMETHING for
him--not the promised medicine, but
something nasty-tasting enough to BE
medicine! Take it back to Lonian. Lonian
will take one swig, and decide he doesn't
NEED the medicine after all! But he'll
still pay YOU, and that's the important
part, after all, isn't it?
Thinning out the Worgs

Sometimes this Quest is available

BEFORE Namus's Medicine, but whether
it is or not, it's better to have more
experience, more money, and thus more
Life Potions and Bandages in your belt,
before trying this one. Tula, the de facto
leader of Melponeh's campsite, says
they're being raided by Worgs, and they
want you to kill a few off. This is probably
going to be your hardest kill-Quest yet,
since you have to try to kill only ONE at a
time, and the others, if they see you, WILL
attack...Also, try to AVOID Dukakis!
Pernos's Robe
Mune--the Armor Dealer in Akarios
Village--has a job for you! She wants you
to get her some wool, from Apexes.
Apexes are the goat-like monsters in the
mountain pass you've been up and down
several times now. The catch is, Apexes
are your first Social Monsters. If you
attack one, any nearby will join the fight.
Be VERY careful not to bite off more than
you can chew here! You still don't have
your AOE attacks! When you return, she
gives you a partial reward, but the second
part of the Quest is MUCH harder. You
don't get it until Level 7
Ancient Cube
Sounds like the Horadric Cube, doesn't
it? Baevrunerk, the other weasel
shopkeeper in Akarios Village, has a job
for you to find the Cube he lost. This Cube
is embedded in a pile of junk in the

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Kabarah Strip Mine, in the "alcove"
above the h in "Kabarah" on your map. I
would wait on this Quest too, as Dukakis
are aggro, and there are a lot of them
milling about, and some even on "patrol"
for annoying players--like you!
Once you get it, bring him the Cube for
some money, some EXP, and
SUPPOSEDLY a discount on expanding
YOUR Cube (Gives you another row of
inventory slots. Worth it in the
long-term.) I cannot confirm the latter,
since I had already bought the expansion
at full price.

until you're Level 9 if solo, but if you have

reliable teammates, you can take him on
earlier... An Apex Horn should be a fairly
easy kill for you, since you already killed a
number of them just to MAKE the Robe in
the first place...BUT the reward will be
commesurately less! You'll get 2 "Secret
Elixir of Life". Wow...More healing
potions! A Brax Hoof is the easiest task,
but also the worst reward, because by now,
Braxes should be target-practice for you!
HOWEVER, because it is so low quality,
Perno will be "offended" AGAIN, and
give you crap rewards as a retaliation.
Illegal Logging

Delivering Perno's Robe

Mune, of all people, needs your help
again (See Pernos's Robe Quest, above.)
She offended Pernos, and now she needs
you to get an Ornament to mollify him!
You have your choice of 3 Ornaments.
Scar's Fang, an Apex Horn, or Brax Hoof
(The buffalo monsters, remember?). Like
Final Fantasy 7, the better ingredient you
fetch, the better reward you get! I chose
to get Scar's Fang, the hardest of them.
Scar is a Boss Worg. Worgs themselves
are nasty beasts, aggressive, PLUS they
look and act like the most dangerous
parts of a wolf and shark put together,
but Scar is bigger, tougher, meaner, and
has a DOT Special to use on you. Rage is
a MUST-HAVE, to shield yourself from
his direct attacks, so you can SURVIVE
his DOT! I recommend not tackling him

Oz needs a strong killing arm to stop the

Dukaki Kobolds from ruining the forest.
So he sends you first to...The Kabarah
Strip Mine! Kill any 12 Dukakis, then
report your success back to Oz
Find and kill 3 Tursin Outlaws. (The
bigger, more musclebound enemies!)
Report back to Oz, get paid, and your
choice of Boots! Since you're a Warrior,
pick the Chain Boots!
Nymph's Gown
If you kill enough in this area, you'll find
a Diary. Read it. It's Namus's! He talks
about this Nymph he sees bathing in the
pool. Take the Diary to Namus. He'll
nervously ask if you read it. Answer
truthfully (I.e., "Yes, I read it.") He'll say
that the only way to get that nymph's

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attention is to steal her gown, and
prevent her return to heaven. (This is
Mythology) The pool in question is
straight north of Damina Forest. Hide
behind the big tree and wait for full
nightfall. The Nymph will suddenly
materialize, and her clothes will
materialize on the rock in front of the
pool. Grab the gown and RUN AWAY!
She can oneshot you, and will, if you
don't get out of range...
Sadly, she's NOT naked in the pool!
Apparently, people bathe with their
clothes on?
Bring the gown to Namus, and he'll
pay you for it--literally! "Easy" money, if
you discount the chance of an instant
Tula wants to find out just WHAT the
Kobolds are refining in their Cauldron.
So she sends YOU to collect a sample!
The Cauldron in question is at the r in
"Strip" of Kabarah Strip Mine. Once you
got a sample, bring it to Pernos, the
haughty wizard from Pernos's Robe.
He'll send you to collect 3 Spores from
Spore Shade Fungus (The big, aggro
mushrooms that seem to be wearing a
fishing net as a cape!) Since this is a
LOOT task, not a KILL task, you'll
probably need to kill more than 3. Bring
the Spores back to Pernos. BE

CAREFUL! The Spore Shade Fungi can

turn YOU into a mushroom temporarily!
Pernos will mix you up a vial to sabotage
their refining process. Run back to the
Cauldron and dump it in. (Personally, I
wondered why you couldn't just knock
over the Cauldron, but that's NOT how
this game works!) Run back to Tula and
tell her what happened. You'll get paid,
plus Leg Armor of your choice. Choose
the Chain Greaves, because you're a
Oz's Prayer Beads
Oz lost his marbles--or at least his
Prayer Beads, which LOOK like marbles!
Sparkies carried them away! So you have
to kill the Sparkies up and down the road
between Melponeh's Campsite and Agaric
Spore Road, until you collect 3 Prayer
Beads. Marvel how much they look like
marbles, and then hand them back to Oz.
He'll pay you for your trouble--and
besides, you got to kill things!
[Collection] Tula's Music Box
Tula needs Iron to fix her Music Box.
What does that have to do with you? She
wants YOU to get the Iron Ore for her!
Iron Ore is up in the Kabarah Strip Mine.
You need to harvest 7 Iron Ores, and bring
them back to Tula. Tula can't afford to pay
you, but she gives you a good EXP bonus,
AND your choice of weapons, Sword or
Mace. Doesn't matter which one you
choose, they're both One-Handed, so

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unless you're using the Tanking Build,
you'll just get one of those and sell it.
Mushroom Research
Melponeh needs some Mushrooms
too--To RESEARCH, rather than to mix
a potion. Kill as many Fearless Fungys
(Non-aggro little baby Mushrooms that
bounce around and look like escapees
from Fantasia or Super Mario) as
necessary to collect 5 Mushroom Hearts.
It'll be more than 5. Bring the Hearts
back to Melponeh to get paid.
Where's Tutty?
Pernos lost his prize pet pig. He
suspects it ran into the Kabarah Strip
Mine. He wants YOU to get it. Tutty,
sadly, is turning slowly on a spit. The
spit is north of the K in Kabarah on your
map. Kill all the guards, then doubleclick
the spit to watch a short cutscene,
admiring the cooking process, I guess?
Return to Pernos with the bad news. He
STILL pays you, and gives you 2 Mana
Potions to boot! I recommend trading the
Mana Potions to another player to get
some more Life Potions!
Avenging Tutty
(Requires Where's Tutty?)
Pernos is mad, and you'd think a mad
wizard would be one of the most
dangerous entities in the gameworld. He
IS, but wants YOU to be the instrument
of his vengeance, rather than simply

casting some magical unpleasantness on

them! Head to the middle of Kabarah Strip
Mine, and kill Dukaki Brawlers and
Dukaki Vigilantes until you collect 5 of
their spoons as "proof" (Again, more than
5 total) Bring'em back to Pernos, and
you'll get paid, PLUS 2 Life Potions,
PLUS the Title Animal Lover!
Suspicious Ore
This is more dangerous, as it takes place
in the Timolia Mines, and the start of the
Krall--which will be your most hated
enemy for the next 12 Levels--have their
enforcers there. Poa is a mercenary near
the entry of Timolia Mine, and wants you
to investigate some strange Ore around
here. Grab 6 crates of Suspicious Ore and
bring it back to Poa to get paid. (You
should be getting close to 10 now, so you
might not want to turn it in until you finish
Scouting Timolia Mine
Poa wants you to get in gear--or at least,
Loudmouths, Dukaki Patrols, and Dukaki
Thugs. SOME of them will carry Engine
Parts (Gears) for you. Collect 5 and give
them to Poa. He'll give you the Sentinel
Hat, and a burst of EXP. (You should be
getting close to 10 now, so you might not
want to turn it in until you finish

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This is a long one, but it's worth it!
Once you finish this one, you can hit
Level 10, rather than staying Level 9 and
one point shy of 10!
First converse with Pernos. He'll need
some water from Cliona Lake. YOU get
to go get it. Stand in the island in the
center, then doubleclick the vial in your
inventory to fill it with Cliona Lake
Water (The first Bottled Water?) Bring
the water to Daminu and he'll drink it
and drop a Magic Fruit. Bring the Fruit
to Pernos. He'll send you to the Abyss in
your mind. Walk up, talk to the
Lieutenant, then jump off the half-bridge.
After a wild, swooping, sweeping,
tumbling flight, you'll land on a different
floating island and get attacked by 4
enemies at once. Oddly, you don't get
any new powers, despite being a
legendary version of yourself. Trash your
assailants, then you'll get attacked by a
snake-creature called Orissa. Just as you
start getting the upper hand, the game
switched to a cutscene of Orissa
bouncing you off every flat surface in the
gameworld, and finally breaking you
THROUGH the ground, where you wake
up back in the "real" world. talk to
Pernos about your wild experiences, and
you get to choose your Class. Hopefully,
you'll choose Gladiator, since this is the
Gladiator Class Guide!

Turn in all your Quests, finish all your

unfinished business, then talk to Pernos
again. He'll teleport you to Sanctum, the
Elyos City-In-The-Sky! Talk to Leah, then
Jucleas, and watch your graduation
ceremony cutscene. Meet with the Class
Preceptor to pick a "Graduation Present"
Choose either Spear of Prophecy or
Greatsword of Oracle. You are now a
full-fledged Daeva!

Levels 10-20
Even aboard Sanctum, there are Quests
for a sharp-eyed person.
Ring Imbued With Aether
Perikles offers you a ring, or a Ring
imbued with the power of Aether! Choose
the Ring imbued with Aether. (If you
choose the normal ring, it's not only
useless, but doesn't even sell for much.
Take THAT, greedy!) You have to talk to
a laundry-list of people to get the ring
fully imbued. "Let Our Powers Combine!"
- Talk to Mikero.
- Then Bellasia.
- Meet up with Alcmene next.
- Have a few words with Demodocos.
- Finally Vatonia to finish the quest.

Daeva Ceremony

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You get the Ring of Aether, a fairly
heft Magic Resist for a Level 10 item!
Language Potion
If you explore the stairs down just
south of the Hall of Prospectors (The
WEST stairs, at least), you'll discover it
leads to a loading/unloading dock!
There's a stereotypical scientist in front
of a cage with an angry Krall inside. Be
warned, hers is a long Quest, but worth it
for story and an extra Title! Oddly, the
quest begins with Fuschia, in the
Library! She'll mention there's a Potion
that can teach you Krall Language
instantly! Kunberunerk "may know
something about it". If you can catch
Kunberunerk on the docks (He's a
slippery little weasel--almost literally, as
Shugo are the Weasel-people "race" in
Aion!), he'll offer you a choice:
- Pay 10K Gold (Quest ends, "easy"
way out, if you don't think how much
grinding that much money represents,
and what ELSE you could do with that
mony, especially buying expansions to
your Cube!)
- Argue that you don't have that much
Once you choose either one, you can't
go back and choose the other, so be
careful! If you choose to haggle, he'll
give it to you in exchange for a "simple"
favor. He tells you to go ask Mapikerk

how the engines are coming. (You

half-expect a Star Trek joke here, but the
writers surprisingly stayed in-character!)
Mapikerk says he needs Odium for the
power generator, and sent ANOTHER
Shugo, Gaphyrk, to go get it from
Maniparas. Gaphyrk has disappeared!
Maniparas says the last he saw, Gaphyrk
was going into the mines to get Odium,
and he never came back. If you can, sneak
or cut a swath into the Mines, until you
find him--he's literally a prisoner for love!
He's fallen in love with a Dukaki--Oh, the
shame! More relevantly, though, he no
longer cares about the Odium, and gives it
up, as well as telling off you and
Mapikerk! Mapikerk doesn't appreciate the
rudeness of the little ingrate, but at least
sends you back to Kunberunerk and tells
him to give you the Potion. Kunberunerk
acts as if he's doing you a big favor by just
GIVING you the Potion (A long
messenger-boy Quest, not exactly
GIVING, but at least less than 10K!) Talk
to the Scientist, Marmeia, who will be
VOLUNTEERING to try the Potion.
(There's an ironic twist for you!) She'll
give you the Potion. Drink it to begin the
second Quest in the same place!
Ulaguru Speaks
Once you finished Language Potion
(Directly above), talk to Marmeia (the
scientist) again, then talk to the Krall in

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the cage. The Potion will "tune in" and
you'll be able to understand! Talk to
Marmeia and she'll pay you, overjoyed
that her invention WORKS!
Material Necessary for a New Book
Marmeia wants to write a new book
about the cult of the Dukaki Kobolds.
She needs you to take two of the Dukaki
Amulets. They have an INCREDIBLY
low droprate, so you'll have to slaughter
Veteron)--repeatedly--to get them! Still,
it's not all bad, as Dukakis are GREAT to
farm for EXP and money. (And later, just
money!) Bring back the 2 Amulets to her
to get paid.
Seed of Evil
Xenophon is concerned about the
increased activity of the Lopharist
Revolutionaries in Verteron. Go down
there and get a Crest from them--By Any
Means Necessary! Bring the Crest back
for your rewards.

An Axe For Namus
If you were honest, Seirenia will have
thought it was so romantic that someone
would steal her clothes for love, and
obligingly fall in love with him.
(Apparently, BEFORE Sexual Harassment
was invented, stalking is a form of love?)
She commissioned an Axe for him from
Anteros, but a family emergency prevents
her from taking delivery personally, so she
has YOU do it instead! Anteros is
surprised that such a fine weapon is meant
for a HUMAN! Bring Seirenia the Axe to
get paid.
Undelivered Armor
Hyacinte ordered new Armor, but never
got it. So she tasks YOU to find out what
the hold-up is! (Typo Alert: The man you
need to talk to is called Gaurinerk in one
place, and Garunyerk in another.
Gaurinerk is correct.) Talk to Gaurinerk,
who will pass the buck to Nadaelo.

A Lingering Mystery

Honest Merchant

Seirenia complains that the last time

she went to Poeta, someone stole her
clothes! (Turns out that Nymph from A
Nymph's Feathered Gown wasn't so
supernatural after all! She sends you to
go to Poeta and discover the identity of
the thief. Talk to Namus and try to get
him to fess up. Then go back to Seirenia,
and either fess up to YOUR part in it or

Nadaelo reveals they've been sending

him substandard parts and expecting him
to make good Armor out of it--The horror!
In order to PROVE the accusation, though,
she wants YOU to bring in healthy
versions of the materials. Hunt Sharp Horn
StarCrabs and Swamp StarTurtles to
obtain the materials for making armor,
namely 6 StarCrab Carapaces and 5

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StarTurtle Shells, and bring them to
Hyacinte. StarTurtles are slightly
tougher, but only by dint of BEING
better Armor. You will probably have to
kill more than just 6/5 respectively, since
this is a LOOT Quest, not a straight hunt.
When you succeed, bring the "evidence"
to Hyacinte, who will realize Nadaelo
was telling the truth. In gratitude for
Nadaelo's honesty, she agrees to contract
straight through him from now on. You
get your normal rewards, PLUS 3 Lesser
Shock Alleviation Scrolls (Temporary
shields that will take damage instead of
Lobnite Hunt
Kinesos says that Lobnites are
disrupting the local scallop trade. He
wants you to kill 10 of them to get him
some breathing room to fish. You get the
normal rewards, PLUS 3 Mana Potions
when you win! Spiral Lobnites are fairly
easy enemies, as far as THEIR damage
output against you, but the shell makes
them hard to kill.
Polluted Fountainhead
Adelia says that an abundance of
animals are polluting the waters around
Verteron Citadel. She wants you to kill
10 Brown Beak Airons (Stork-monsters;
Tougher versions of your old "friends" in
Ciona Lake.) and 10 Swamp Slinks
amped-up versions of the ones in Ciona

Lake.) to "restore balance" Primitive

eco-activism, with a violent twist! When
you win, she gives you 100 Lesser Power
Shards in addition to your normal rewards.
Power Shards are slotted just below your
Helmet, and when activated with the B
key, they add an extra zap to your
consumes one Power Shard, so 100 isn't as
generous as it sounds!
Guardian Tog
If you walk around in the "safe" (As in
nothing is aggro) zone just outside
Verteron Citadel, you'll see a TOG! Before
you rush heroically to kill it, talk to it! Its
name is Gaione, and it was formerly one
of the Citadel's guards. HOWEVER, he
fell asleep at his post, and he was turned
into a Tog. The only way he can get
reprieve is if he catches 9,000 Mud
PotCrabs. (That's right, the PotCrabs are
over 9,000!) Being a Gladiator, you can
easily "catch" them with extreme
prejudice. Mud PotCrabs are the weakest
monsters in this area, although they DO
have a nasty "Special" that can really hurt
you if you don't Block, Parry, or Interrupt
it. Interruption is preferable, but requires a
superhuman/supernatural sense of timing!
If you beat these things as part of a party,
they will get few to no shots off! When
you win, you get 2 Life Potions in addition
to the standard rewards.
[Repeat] Gaiones Request

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Gaione (From Guardian Tog above)
"hates" to ask your help again--but he
does anyways. He wants you to catch
MORE Mud Potcrabs! He only needs 9
this time. Easy kills, easy rewards, PLUS
everytime you finish, he gives you 1
extra Life Potion! This Quest is
repeatable up to 100 times!
Decorative Weapons
Ivis needs you to grab Crystals out of
the icy water for him to make into
weapons. This is an easy grab Quest, and
you don't even HAVE to kill
anything--but you should anyways, for
EXP! Get this at the same time you get
the other Quests in this area.
Ancient Lobnite Fossil
Spiros wants a Lobnite FOSSIL to
study. This is a grab Quest, and only
ONE thing to grab, rather than a number
of'em, but it's still one of the harder ones
to find. As you run around Verteron,
you'll see what looks like "shelves" in the
rock cliff. The Fossil is stuck to the
WALL, not the shelves, and you're going
to have to fly to get up there. Then stand
on one of the shelves to recharge your
wings, and grab the Fossil!
Danger Overhead

combat, but remember, flight-time IS

limited! You can usually kill 2 Spores per
flight, then land on any horizontal surface
to recharge your wings. After finishing,
Kairon gives you some times that
ironically, would've REALLY helped on
this Quest! 4 Wind Potions keep you aloft
longer once you get that message that
you're almost out of flight-time, and Book
of Flight: Boost Physical Attack lets you
hit harder while FLYING, not while
Killing Lepharist Revolutionaries
Abolos says there are some thugs who
are up to no good, started causing trouble
in the neighborhood...Oh, wait...He wants
you to kill some thugs that are stirring up
trouble against the Government. In
wartime, dissidents are the LAST thing
you need, especially violent dissidents in
an interdimensional war! Kill 4 Lepharist
Revolutionaries and report back. You get
your normal rewards, PLUS 3 Life Potions
and 4 Mana Potions. I recommend trading
the Mana Potions to a fellow player and
getting more Life Potions.
[Manastone] New Manastones for Old
Pobina, the Manastone Remover, seeks
three specific Manastones:
- Manastone: HP +30

Kairon is worried that spores coming

through the Portal will kill everyone. So
he tasks YOU to slash them out of the
sky. This is an excellent tutorial on aerial

- Manastone: Accuracy +14

- Manastone: Shield Defense +14

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Bring them to her, she'll give you 300
EXP and 1 "better" Manastone. This is
INFINITELY repeatable, but why? HP is
good for Melee fighters. This is mostly
for "free" EXP, since Manastones go for
virtually nothing at the Vendors--but can
be sold for SUBSTANTIAL money at
the Broker (AION's version of Auction
[Manastone] New Manastones for
Old (II)
Pobina, the Manastone Remover, seeks
a DIFFERENT trio of Manastones:
- Manastone: MP +30
- Manastone: Evasion +6
- Manastone: Parry +14
Bring them to her, she'll give you 300
EXP and 1 "better" Manastone. This is
INFINITELY repeatable--and it's "OK",
since these are "Magic Class"
Manastones--but mostly for "free" EXP,
since Manastones go for virtually
nothing at the Vendors--but can be sold
for SUBSTANTIAL money at the
Broker (AION's version of Auction
Odium In The Dukaki Settlement
Leto of Tolbas Village is beside
himself with crisis: The Dukaki are
refining Odium to manipulate Aether!
Oh no! Sounds like another excuse for
you to kick ass and forget names. Kill 9

Dukaki Miners, then kill one of their pit

bosses (They have varying names, but
they're all cartoonishly overmuscled), and
take his Striking Rod. Find the bell near
the wooden palisade, and use it. The
Overseer will appear. She's the biggest
Dukaki in the game, but you still have to
kill her. Once you kill her, she'll drop a jar
of Odium Solvent. Look up the hill, and
you'll see 3 "Cauldrons" chained down at a
dangerous angle. Get in the center of all
three, open your Inventory, and
double-click the Solvent. Watch the
cutscene of the results of your sabotage!
Go back and talk to Leto, tell him crisis
averted. He'll be so grateful, he'll give you
a choice of Gloves as well as the normal
rewards. Choose Plate Gloves. You are a
WARRIOR, and Plate is the hallmark of a
true Warrior, a walking tank!
Frillneck Hunt
Leto has another job for you. The Rake
Claw Frillnecks are out of control and
endangering the locals. Just in case you
haven't seen them before, there's a
Frillnecks--the same acid-spitting lizards
from Jurassic Park! You have to kill 7 of
them. One thing: Dinosaurs HURT! That
is all... Once you killed those, Leto says
they have a bigger problem, both
figuratively and literally. Leto assigns you
to kill GIANT Rake Claw Frillnecks--and
you have to kill TWELVE this time! In

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addition to being bigger, AND hitting
harder, AND having more HP, the Giant
versions are a Level above their normal
brethren! Once you kill THOSE, come
back to Leto for your rewards. Leto
throws in your choice of shoulderpads!
Choose Plate Pauldrons.

Nola's Request
Nola, the Scarecrow, is tired of these
thugs infesting "The Master"'s farm. Kill a
few for him. In fact, kill 15. He'll pay you,
AND give you a new Title: Straw for
Pumpkin Season

Head Frillneck
Now that you've proven yourself
against the Frillnecks, Leto wants you to
go after the Big Boss of the Frillnecks. I
advise you to bring friends, as the Boss
won't go down easy! When you win, he
gives you Harfuia's Earrings.

Nola wants you to harvest Pumpkins so

they don't spoil. Harvest 7 Pumpkins and
take them to Eradis in Tolbas Village.
After some musing of why Belbua didn't
deliver them in person, you'll get 2 Broiled
Qooqoo in addition to your usual payment.
Belbuas Treasure

Spiros thinks there are some strangers
to the northwest of Verteron. Just find
them and report back. Those are the
Lepharist Revolutionaries, obviously.
Your report is worth 4 Life Potions.

Nola says you have earned Belbua's

Treasure. Seek out the shed along the
seashore to the west, and there's a barrel
behind it. Inside the barrel is Belbua's
"Treasure": 2 Belbua Pumpkin Wine
The Writing On The Wall

Abandoned Scarecrow
Gano has heard of some strange
goings-on at the old Belbua Farm. Find
out the truth of the rumors of the
Haunted Scarecrow. It turns out...it's
true, the scarecrow CAN talk, and has a
stereotypical old man voice! Wait on
turning in this Quest, because the talking
scarecrow identifies itself as Nola, and
HE has some jobs for you too! Might as
well do those first, rather than running
back to Gano, and THEN coming back
and doing Nola's bidding...

A dagger pinned a Letter to the wall of

the house at Belbua's Farm. Take the
Lepharist Revolutionaries' Letter to
Spatalos at Verteron Citadel.
[Collection] Collecting Kukuru
Ondanius needs some Kukuru for a
project. He only needs 4...Guess who gets
to collect it for him? If you didn't Harvest
Kukuru during the Nola Quests, you have
to go back there, the Kukuru grows
plentiful in Belbua's Pumpkin Fields!
Old Mans Letter

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Manos wants you to deliver a letter to
his son, Qydro. Another FedEx Quest.
Easy money by now.
Belbuas Whereabouts AKA Belbua
Is Missing
Qydro, upon getting that letter from
Old Man's Letter (Directly above),
wants you to get a clue--literally. Find
some clue as to where Belbua went. In
order to accomplish this, you have to kill
Lepharist Thieves until one of them
drops the Diary. You have to READ the
Diary to get the clue, then bring the
Diary back to Qydro to get paid.
A Mothers Worry
Perinens needs you to go to Gano and
ask him to babysit her kids, as she's
going to be busier than she thought. This
is a messenger Quest, nothing physical to
deliver. Easy money.

Kinesos wants you to take supplies to

Abolos. A standard FedEx Quest. In
addition to the normal rewards, you get 30
Lesser Odella Powder for your Herb
Odella Recipe
Nemia wants you to bring some Odella
to Eradis, the town cook, for him to make
into soup for her. When you bring him the
Odella, he says he needs some Verteron
Pepper. Go to Verteron Citadel again, and
buy Verteron Pepper from Drasia, the
Verteron Cook, then bring it to Eradis.
(Note: You can buy the Verteron Pepper
ahead of time, to save travel-time.)
Feeding Hianu
Eradis needs you to deliver some Odella
Soup to Hianu. Once you do, return to
Eradis and get not only your payment, but
2 Odella Soup for yourself!

The Forest Outlaw

Source Of The Pollution

Ondanius is tired of the local Worgs

threatening (and eating) travelers. Kill 9
Starving Worgs and 5 Violent Worgs
(The latter name is quite redundant!).
They have to be near the road, though, or
they won't "count" for the Quest! The
closer to Tolbas Village, the better,
although there, the spawns get awfully




This Quest is activated when you reach

Level 13. It's going to be another long
chain one. Talk with Geolus, as the game
"subtly" prompts you to in big yellow
letters in the center of your screen. Find
Lepios, and talk to him. He'll give you
some Contaminated Water to bring to
Geolus. Geolus will analyze it, but ask for
a Rare Book, "Illustrated Guide to Rare
Poisons". You'll have to go all the way
back to the Library in Sanctum for that!
Talk to Dimos in the Library, and he'll

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give you the book, after remarking how
outdated it is. Bring the Book and the
Contaminated Water Sample to Jumentis.
He'll send you to his superior, Quintus.
Turns out, this was caused by Elyos
chem-weapon research gone horribly
perspective.(The plot by this time, is
starting to sound like a bad episode of
BLEACH!) Go to Hygea, the Priest
Trainer, and get Yustiel's Tear. Yustiel
will also buy any items you want to sell,
AND you can buy Skill Books from the
Warrior Trainer in the same room, if you
haven't been doing so all along! Go back
down to Verteron and talk to Geolus.
He'll give you 2 special Antidotes, then
send you off to fight BubbleGut (A
mutated SUPER-Slime Boss, used to be
called Deadly Poison Stacy--I am NOT
making this up!) BubbleGut is in the
Contaminated Swamp beyond the top of
the falls. You must walk all the way
around, or fly to Pilgrim's Respite, then
go north into the swamp to find him.
BubbleGut is a Boss mob (5 lights). He
is slow and quite kite-able (Oh, wait,
you're a Warrior, you can't kite!) but has
a ton of Hit Points. Keep him in his
element, the poison pool, to prevent him
from casting an obnoxious number of
Shields on himself and making himself
pretty much invincible. USE THE
ANTIDOTES when he stacks too much
Poison on you. Bring some friends to

make this battle something like "fair"--or

better yet, make it unfair in 'YOUR' favor!
When BubbleGut "pops", there will be the
Spirit of a Daeva hovering over the
carcass. Speak to the Spirit, and get their
Development Log. Go back to Verteron
and talk to Spatalos. He'll offer you a
choice of weapons, in addition to your
normal fee. Choose the Sword, Gladiator!
The Consequences Of Greed AKA
Unwanted Dagger
costume-jewelry weapons (Which you
helped make earlier, see Decorative
Weapons above), and now wants to return
it. Take it to Ivis in Verteron Citadel, then
bring the good news back to Beris! You
get no EXP, but a good amount of money
for this Good Deed.
The Secret Of The Special Omelet
Hianu wants one of Eradis's Special
Omelets. Go to Eradis and ask for one.
Turns out they're made from Frillneck
Eggs, and Eradis is fresh out of that. Go
into the forest where you fought Frillnecks
before, and look for their nests in the
hollowed-out bases of large trees. Gather 6
Eggs, and return to Eradis. In addition to
your usual payment, YOU get 2 of Eradis
Special Omelets!
Retrieving Supplies
Abolos and/or his men were sleeping on
the job, and Dukakis stole their weapons

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right out from under their noses! To save
face, he wants you to dive into the
Dukaki mines, and steal back their Crates
of supplies. To minimize fighting,
though, you can clear out the area around
ONE Crate, and keep taking it everytime
it respawns! You need 7 Crates, or the
same Crate 7 times, or any combination.
Dukakis make good farming for money
and EXP at this Level.
Collecting Poison Sacs
Illos is studying the Contamination
too. He needs Arachna Poison
Sacs.These drop only from BABY
Arachnas, but the parents won't be too
pleased about your infanticide, so expect
to fight both at once. Be careful!
Merchants Credit
Maniparas needs you to tell Geolus
something. After you've relayed the
message, he gives you 2 Antidepressant.
Secret Trade
Saminel has a little business on the
side. He needs Silver Ore from the
Dukakis Mines. If you Harvested some
already, when you were looking for the
Crates, just give it to him, and let that be
that. Otherwise, you have to get 5 Silver
Ores. Silver Ores look like shining
crystals in this weird world...If you
Harvest more than he needs, sell the
excess in the Broker, or use it for

Held Sacred
Lunax needs your help! You have to kill
Kralls and get back the Sacred Icons of
Kasinel. This is one of the hardest Quests
in the game. I recommend waiting until
you have all the Krall Quests (Or as many
as they "let" you have), and doing them all
at once with as big a group as you can
muster. When you succeed this one, Linax
gives you your choice of Boots. Choose
Plate Boots, as befits a Warrior Class.
Mark Of Revenge AKA Mark of
Spatalos orders you to kill Kraals and
take 50 of their Marks as proof. They
killed his wife and child, but it's not
affecting his judgement at all! Right.
AGain, wait until you get a number of
Kraal Quests, then do them all at once.
You will NEED a big group to kill Kraals
at all, much less enough Kraals to get 50
MARKS! At the end, Spatalos gives you a
choice of Chest Armor, choose the
Breastplate. You also get Title: Krall
Missing Poppy
Ramor's prize Porgus (As close to a
straight pig as this universe gets) has been
stolen. Go into Dukakis Mine, and just a
little east of entry, you'll see a "corral"
with 3 Porgus in it. Two of them are
"normal", and one is Poppy. Once you find
Poppy, talk to it, and move SLOWLY

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back to Ramor, because Porgus is slow,
both mentally, and physically, and can't
follow you except in a straight line, and
even then, not very fast. You will have to
kill anything that gets in the way,
BEFORE they can butcher Poppy!
Missing Village Seal AKA Stolen
Village Seal
Santenius says that the Official Seal of
the Village has been stolen. Without it,
they can't requisition any more supplies
or troops, since the people in Verteron
wisely won't accept just ANY requisition
form! You'll find it in a pile of junk they
stole from the Village. However,
something's wrong with it...You need to
seek advice from Gaphyrk...(Yes, the
Gaphyrk from Language Potion--Small

(Which have, by now, almost tripled, since

you've done 3 Quests for the price of 1),
he offers you your choice of Manastone:
HP +55 or Manastone: Physical Critical
Hit +9. You can only choose ONE of
Stolen Jewelry
Naia's jewelry was stolen by Kobolds!
It's those darn Dukakis again! Go into the
Dukaki Mine area, and kill every Dukaki
you see, giving priority to the ones
wearing a skirt instead of pants (That's the
only way a HUMAN can tell their genders
apart!) There are 3 pieces of Jewelry to
find, but the Jewelry is a rare drop, so it'll
take a lot of farming/killing to get'em all.
Bring them back to a grateful Naia, who
will probably lose them again, given
security in Tolbas Village...

Gaphyrks Love

To A Respected Pilgrim

Gaphyrk won't just GIVE his help

away, you need to do something for HIM
first! He's fallen in love with a Dukaki!
Of course, Love Is Unrequited! You have
to hit her once to get her to chase you,
then lead her to him. I recommend killing
all the other Dukakis in the area to make
a clear path for "love"! Talk to Gaphyrk
Village Seal Found
Gaphyrk freely gives up! Search the
pile AGAIN, bring it back to Santenius.
In addition to your regular rewards

Hanontus has a message for a friend of

his who has gone on a Sacred
Pilgrimage--and YOU are the designated
Messenger Boy! Fly or fight your way to
Pilgrim's Refuge, and give it to Anasia.
Elemental Stone of Resurrection
Pilgrim In Trouble
Lepios is starving, and needs you to kill
things for the pilgrims to eat. YOu need to
fetch 3 Abex Hock Meats from the Abex
(Goat-like monsters, not aggro, but they
ARE social, so if you attack one that is too
close to the other, then BOTH will attack

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you!), and 5 Gryphu Breast Meat
(Gryphu are the large raven-like birds
circling...everywhere around here!) You
WILL need to kill more than just 8, due
to the meats not having 100% droprate.
Soporific Mushroom
Santenius, the pilgrim, is being
badgered by Kondors. She has a plan to
put them to sleep. You have to pick
Soporific Mushrooms, and bring them
back to her. They grow wild on the cliff
where the pilgrim is, but Arachnas guard
them. Fight off just enough Arachnas to
grab the Mushrooms in peace. Once you
get your quota, bring them back to her.

near the Corrupted Swamp. Go back to

Mairon to collect your pay--and 4 Life
Krall Book
If you search enough, you'll find a Book
about refining Odium, written in Krall.
Bring it to Leto in Tolbas Village, and he'll
pay you!


This is another Krall Quest, so you

should do it with a big group, and do it
with Mark of Vengeance and Held
Sacred Be warned, this is long and

Lightningfoot Tuka (Quest)

- Talk with Estino.
Abolos is complaining that a particular
Dukaki called "Lightningfoot Tuka" is
launching Hit&Run (Literally!) raids on
the Village, and wants you to stop that
particular pest. Lightningfoot Tuka isn't
any harder than other Dukakis, but he
keeps running. I advise you bring a
friend with range powers, and/or
preferably a slowdown/stop power!
When you win the fight, report back to
Abolos, and get 1 Lesser Running Scroll
AND the Title: Bottled Lightning!
Congenial Colleague
Antidote for Roseino



Mairon is worried about Roseino, and

gives you an antidote to take to her. She's
in a very dangerous part of the world,

- Use the Potion at the entrance of the

Tursin Outpost and scout the base.
- Scouting




- Talk with Meteina.

- Lure the Tursin Loudmouth Boss to
Meteina. This is the tricky one. You need
to weaken the Boss. There are two outside
the gate. The smaller mob (Shaman,
usually) is Social, so Root him. The
Captain will NOT aggro when you do this.
Now pull the Captain and beat him up to
less than 20%. If he is too high you will
get a movie of him smacking the guards
around before he resets and goes back to
his post. If he is low enough, you should

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get a movie of him yelling, and then the
guards subduing him.
Beware of the Dukaki Flagbearer. If
you run into him while doing this, he will
yell for help and ALL the Kobolds in the
area will come to assist! You and your
whole team WILL get raped!
- If you fail: Lure out the Tursin
Loudmouth Boss again. (See above)
- Talk with Meteina.
- Destroy the flags of the Tursin
Outpost (0/3) As with other Quests like
this, the SAME FLAG can be hit again
and again when they respawn--IT STILL
- Use Flint (PW/AA) and set fire to the
Tursin Totem Pole in the Tursin
Garrison. Oddly, this does NOT aggro
the nearby enemies...Maybe they LIKE
seeing things burn, even their own
- Defeat Ziloota the Seer...This isn't
tricky, it's just plain HARD! Turns out,
defeating an enemy is harder than getting
them down to 20%--Who knew?!
- Talk with Spatalos.
If you win all the above, you get your
payment, PLUS your choice of Leg
Armor. Choose Plate Greaves.
Krall Desecration
Lunax is afraid of further desecration
of the Holy Sites by Krall marauders. He

tasks you to kill 5 SmackStoppers. This

quest is most assuredly NOT soloable.
The mobs you must hunt are all Elite and
there are no Normal versions. There is also
no terrain to get the enemies stuck on in
SmackStoppers are in the Tursin Garrison,
not the Tursin Outpost. You can fight your
way through the Tursin Outpost to get
there, go in the "back door" from Miraju's
Holy Ground, or from the middle via
Cantas Coast. Sadly, this Quest is assigned
AFTER the main group of Krall Quests,
but you'll still need a good group. If you
succeed, you'll get Morai's Belt in addition
to your normal payment.
Wedding Ring
Enia lost her wedding ring, and wants
you to get it back. Ironically, for this
Quest, you don't HAVE to kill anything!
Run west, above the i in "Ellun River
Mouth" avoid the aggros in the area, then
glide off the cliff and come back in. Right
at the corner of the cliffs and the shoreline
is a tiny purple Jewel Box. Open it and
grab the ring! Bring it to Enia for more
money and 2 Enia's Lunch Box, or to her
husband for more EXP, but no food.
Choice is up to you.
Healing Potion
Kinesos, safe in Verteron, is worried
about Illos. He gives you a "Special"
Potion for Illos. Illos is in Southern Tolbas
Forest, where the wild (and AGGRO)

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things are When you give him the Potion,
he says there's too much for just him, so
he dilutes it, and gives you the other part
of the dilution, telling you to bring it to
Roseino in the Contaminated Swamp.
When you give Roseino her package, in
addition to your normal pay, you get 4
Healing Potions. These are NOT the
same as Life Potions. Rather than healing
your HEALTH, they free you of Stun or
Headless Stone Statue
A Headless Stone Statue gives you this
Quest. Find its head and bring it back!
Enintes Request
Eninte has a request: Give a necklace
to her ex. Sounds harmless enough,
right? And certainly no different than
any other FedEx Quest you've had to do
lately, right? Just take the necklace to
Sanctum, and give it to Thersites. That
was too easy for this area...
Eninte The Banshee
Turns out, she took a "love potion" that
turned her into a Banshee, so you have to
go back and put her to rest.
[Collection] Lagoss Request AKA
Hungry Abex
Considerate Lagos (A TALKING
ABEX!) needs Targena (Another Herb,
harder to Harvest) Harvest 12 Targena,
and bring it back to him for immediate

payment and EXP!

[Collection] Give and Take
Considerate Lagos, the magic talking
Abex, needs you to Harvest 12 Liguri and
give it to him. He pays well, once you get
over the fact that you're literally being
goat-ed into this...
Sealed Secrets
Spatalos offers this as soon as you hit
Level 15. HOWEVER, a quick glance at
your Journal (Hit J) shows that it's a Level
20 Quest, so it will NOT be easy! The
Tursin are starting a Portal of their own.
You need to destroy it. Bring lots of
friends! Return back to Spatalos
afterwards for your rewards: Choose
Protector's Silver Ring or Protector's Rose
Quartz Ring AND the Title Verteron's
Stopping the Conspiracy of Lepharist
The Lepharists are stepping up their
activities, so you are ordered to stop them.
Meet up with Khidia for a magic disguise.
(You WILL have to fight through--or run
through--Tursin territory!) When you
become the Plumis, fly down and out, then
west around the point to the shipwreck.
Now go up the ramp to the main deck,
through the cabin door and down into the
hold to listen in on a meeting. A cutscene
will run, and when you come back the

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shapechange will vanish. If unlucky, you
may be attacked at this point. Report
what you saw and heard to Khidia. Now
you have to do a FRONTAL attack on
the ship, and kill the Captain and his
bodyguards. I repeat, he WILL bring
bodyguards. I recommend you bring at
least 2 friends of your own! Loot his
body for "Kinsgreen Orders" Bring the
Orders to Khidia, then return to Spatalos
for your reward, which includes your
choice of Helmets! Since you're a
Warrior, choose Spatalos Plate Helmet!
One more step to looking like the
walking tank you're supposed to be!
A Foolish Gamble
Perinens bet a fellow Guard that she is
as brave as any man. To prove it, she has
to steal Krall weapons from crates in the
Tursin territories. She wants YOU to do
that for her. She even says YOU can
keep the money she wins in the wager!
Once you steal 8 Krall Crates, bring them
to Estino, the guard between Verteron
and Tursin territory. He'll be suitably
impressed and give you the money!
Mopping Up Slimes AKA Slaying
Roseino wants to guarantee the safety
of the pilgrims that will come this way.
So she tasks you to kill 12 of the
Poisonous Slimes in the area. Slimes are
ugly, but surprisingly easy to kill,
HOWEVER, they Poison you...Bring

extra Life Potions to counteract the

effects! A simple Kill Quest, with normal
rewards, PLUS 2 Verteron Citadel Return
Scrolls! (They send you to Verteron from
ANYWHERE in the game!)
Immortal Plant AKA Swamp Plant
Roseino needs 20 Samples of the local
Swamp Plant (They look like either big
red eggs, or the largest raspberries I've
ever seen). UNLIKE most NPCs, she's not
completely useless, and has managed to
gather 13 by herself, leaving only 7 more
for you to get. There's nothing
EXPLICITLY to fight here, since the
Swamp Plants are separate entities, like
the bags you had to steal from Kerubs
and/or MuMus, but you may still be
attacked while collecting samples. This
and Slaying Slimes (See above) should be
done together.
Ribbit Blood
Roseino is starting to hallucinate about
the trees around here! She needs glands
from Mud Ribbits to counteract the
hallucinogenic poison in the air! (I
wouldn't be surprised if a LOT of
hallucinogens were involved in making
this game!) Bring her 5 Mud Ribbit Blood
(Isn't it amazing how the blood is
packaged already in vials?). Since this is a
LOOT Quest, rather than a KILL Quest,
you'll need to kill more than 5, but Ribbits
are easier than Slimes--and no Poison!

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Meliodas, Roseino's colleague, ALSO

has jobs for you. First, he wants you to
kill 9 of the Contaminated Plumas, who
drank the tainted water and some have
turned aggro. Otherwise, they're the same
flying pests you fought back in Tolbas
Mysterious Stones
Meliodas wants you to loot fragments
from the Mysterious Stones that hover
over the road in random places. You
don't HAVE to fight anything on this
Quest, but the enemies WILL try to
interrupt your scavenging. Bring the
fragments to Vascus, not Melodias, and
he'll give you your normal Quest
Rewards, PLUS 100 Lesser Power
[Coin] Killing the Violent Spirit
Meet Anontrite in the Ardus Shrine...A
"Combat Administration Officer"--in
other words, a battle ACCOUNTANT!
She'll give you an Iron Coin IF you can
- Atmosphere Spirit (0/14)
- Frost Wind Spirit (0/8)
Unlike the other Spirits in the area,
these are not only AGGRO, but SOCIAL
to boot! They'll call their friends in, you
should bring some friends along too! Iron

Coins are NOT like normal money, they

are special tokens you can save up for
extra-special rewards, from weapons, to
Armor, to consumables well beyond the
norm in power! This Quest is Repeatable,
up to 100 times.
[Collection] Feed A Cold
Vascus wants to make a "healthy" stew
of Ruko and Rubus. Rubus is a "Zesty
Fruit", which might be good, but Ruko is a
TEXTILE FIBER! Still, just find and
harvest 10 Ruko and 5 Rubus and bring
them back, so he can make his strange
soup--and pay up!
Kalgolems Essence
Ibion says that some golem parts make
good tourist souvenirs, so you have to kill
them and take their Essences for sale and
analysis. Remember, this is a LOOT
Quest, not a KILL Quest: You need 8
Essences, but that does NOT mean just 8
kills, as some don't drop their Essences
upon death! Kalgolems, despite their
rocky toughness, are good to farm for
Rest In Peace, My Brother! AKA
Dispelling Ancient Spirits
Ibion wants you to kill the Ancient
Elyos Spirits that keep scaring off his
fearsomely-named attack "Death Strike",
all it does is push you away and Stun you,
then THEY have to chase you to beat on

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you--by which time, you can recover and
beat on THEM! Kill your limit, then
return to Ibion, and he'll give you your
normal rewards, PLUS an Elemental
Stone of Revival. This is a GREAT prize
because it allows you to resurrect
yourself ONCE when you die!

- Veteran Tursin Loudmouth (0/10)

Once you finish, she pays you, PLUS
giving you 10 Regular Shock Alleviation
Scrolls, which are basically thicker Shields
than the "Lesser" versions thereof.
[Group,Repeat] Krall Who Never
Give up AKA Persistent Krall

Tribute To The Temple

Vascus needs you to bring a Tribute to
a shrine, because otherwise, his pet
Golem will get dangerously violent...At
least THIS one has justification for not
leaving his spot. If you can do it, then
Lunax at the Temple will give you 2
Lesser Raging Wind Scrolls! That lets
you drastically increase flight SPEED,
but not flight TIME! Lunax, and the
Temple for that matter, are at the top of a
big tree, surrounded by a moat. Stand
OUTSIDE the moat, and hit Pageup, then
fly up to him. Land on the broken bridge
WITHOUT waking up the Gargoyles.
The Gargoyles are Elite Bosses, and will
shred you without warning, and without
[Group] Reducing the Number of
Meteina's job for you even says
"GROUP" in the name, so you will
DEFINITELY need one! She wants you
to cut back the number of Krall around
there by killing:
- Veteran Tursin Cracker (0/10)

Meteina wants you to cut back MORE

- Veteran Tursin Cracker (0/10)
- Veteran Tursin Loudmouth (0/10)
You get paid, plus a Mana Potion! Not
as good as the first time you did it, but it's
free bonus money and EXP. You're gonna
need a group anyways. Think of this as the
Repeatable version of Reducing the
Number of Krall
Ancient Stone Fragment
The Ancient Stone Fragment is a rare
drop from any mob in Tursin Garrison.
Bring it to Selene in the Verteron Citadel
if you find one.
Spirit Of Nature
Elote gives you this Mission. She needs
you to get the Earth Spirit. Elote is in the
middle of "Miraju's Holy Ground". In fact,
LITERALLY between the three words on
the map! First, find Mileno, the talking
tree to the west of the Ardus Shrine, near
the path. He gives you the Water Spirit.
Now, find Alrunta, the talking tree on the
EAST of the Ardus Shrine, also near the

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path. He changes the Water Spirit into an
Earth Spirit for you. Bring the newborn
Earth Spirit to Elote. She'll pay you,
AND give you 3 Wind Potions, to keep
aloft longer.
Cerioss Investigation Report
Cerios has a report for you to bring to
Hyacinte in the Verteron Citadel. Get
paid for FedEx!
Unquiet Spirits
Lunax has ANOTHER threat for you
to quell. Kill 6 Aqueous Spirits that
threaten the Holy Grounds.
Sap Suckers
Elote gives you this one too. Kill
Violent Rippleworms and take their Villi
(The digestive parts of the intestine--Do I
WANT to know what she'll do with
that?). Once you have 5 Villi, bring it
back to Elote. In addition to your usual
payment, she'll give you 2 Elim Essence.
Elim Essence is a LITERALLY
all-natural performance booster that
boosts Physical Damage by 2 and Magic
Damage by 10!
[Repeat] Elim Still under Threat
Elote wants 5 MORE Violent
Rippleworm Villi. BUT she'll only give 1
Elim Essence this time. You can repeat
this Quest up to 100 times, if you need
more Elim Essences.
Secretive Scorpion

Morai tells you to meet with Notos on

the Contas Coast. Another quick FedEx,
but this one takes you through Tursin
Territory! RUN FAST, or bring a posse!
Potcrab, the Headache
Zephyros has a job for you. SAND
PotCrabs are threatening us! Oh, no! Kill
them and collect their Sharp Pincers. Once
you have 7 Sharp Pincers, bring them back
to Zephyros.
[Repeat] Continued Threat of Potcrab
Zephyros thinks you did such a great job
in Potcrab, the Headache, you should do
it again! Now, though, you only need 5
Pincers! Let's see, fast kills, good
pay...This is a good Quest! You can repeat
this 100 times, for some pretty impressive
money/EXP bonuses!
Revolutionaries on the Shipwreck
Khidia wants to find out what those
Revolutionaries are up to now. (Wait,
didn't we find out in "Nest of Lepharists"?)
All you have to do is kill Lepharist
Crewmen until one of them coughs up
Lepharists Orders. Bring those Orders
back to Khidia and get paid!
An Urgent Letter
Selene has an urgent message for you to
take to Khidia. No time to waste(TM)!
[Collection] Cant Please Everyone
Une has a nice, easy Quest for you.
Harvest 15 Oysters, and bring them back

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to her!

next Quest faster!

To Save Snapper

[Group] Reducing Tursin Strength

Gen has another Deja Vu job for you:

Kill 12 SAND StarTurtles, and come
back, tell your experiences--and get more
Experience and MONEY for it!
Phorcys isn't sure what the Lepharists
brought with them, but wants it
destroyed. Destroy 12 of the Crates
floating in the water around the
Shipwreck, and report back!

(Requires Krall's Conspiracy) Spatalos

wants you to scout out the "danger" of the
krall. Go up to the Portal you destroyed in
Sealed Secrets (Unless you didn't do that
one yet, in which case, this is the
PERFECT time to do it!) Kill 9 Tursin
Elite Searchers. Go back to Spatalos and
tell him the job's done. He'll pay you and
offer you your choice of Rose Quartz
Necklace or Amethyst Necklace!
Numonerks Demand Note




Spatalos needs reinforcements. So he

sends YOU to Sanctum to requisition
them! Meet with Lavirintos in Sanctum.
Lavrintos is on the top floor of the
Protector's Hall. Take the elevator up
from the Hall of Artisans, then take
either staircase up to the top floor. He is
by the Governor's throne. He passes you
off to Xenophon. Then go back to
Spatalos and tell HIM the news.
[Group] Kralls Conspiracy
Verteron Citadel) Spatalos needs some
evidence of a Krall plot. So he sends
YOU to get it! Kill a Tursin Loudmouth
Chief and bring back his Odium
Necklace to Spatalos. He'll give you 3
Lesser Running Scrolls to make your

Taiotus says there's some problem, and

wants you to resolve it. Go talk to Worker
Supervisor Numonerk. He gives you a
letter with his demands in it. Give the
Demand Note to Une.
Lepharist Treasure Box
(Requires Numonerk's Demand Note
Une has an idea on how to afford these
demands: Steal it from the enemy! That
means YOU have to steal 3 Lepharist
Treasure Boxes from the Shipwreck, and
bring them back to Une. As with most
Quests of this type, you CAN just stay
near a lightly defended one, and keep
re-grabbing it, everytime it respawns.
A Secret Delivery
(Requires Lepharist Treasure Box)
Une puts all the treasure you stole in
Lepharist Treasure Box into ONE box.

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You are tasked to bring the box to
Shurerinerk in Eltnen. (Eltnen is the next
Zone after Vertron. You need to use the
Teleporter to get there!) You get paid,
and you get a Level 20 Enchantment
Stone. This allows you to pump up ONE
weapon or ONE piece of Armor. See
Enchantment Stones above.

Levels 20-30
This is where it gets good. During this
time, you'll get some REAL AOE
attacks, BUT during this time, the
enemies WILL be harder, and grouping
will become more and more necessary,
rather than just "handy". At the very
least, make friends with a Cleric or
Chanter, to keep you healed on long
battles, in exchange for the Mana Potions
you are sure to pick up!
Nature's Balance
Gaia continues the odd "ecological"
bent of Elyos Quests, by saying that
Armored SPARKIES have begun to
overbreed in the forest, usurping and
using up their food supply. You have to
kill 10 Armored Sparkies--and at this
Level, they actually put up something of
a fight! You get money, EXP, and 2
Lesser Mana Potions for your trouble.
Violent Pluma

Gaia had you trim the population of

Sparkies back in Nature's Balance, now
she wants you to prune the Plumas back
too--literally! You have to take 9 of their
tail-feathers! When you succeed, you get 2
Life Potions.
A Teleportation Experiment
BE WARNED! This Quest is a trap, it
will teleport you to Asmodae, where
your death is just about assured!
Onesimus is excited because Sonirim has
figured out a new way to teleport people,
with just Aether alone! He wants you to
test this power. You'll be given the usual
choice of teleport destinations, Poeta,
Sanctum, or Verteron. Regardless of
which you choose, you'll be sent to
TERRITORY! Run and hide, or get
slaughtered, your choice...Either way, get
back to friendly territory ASAP! Make
your way back to Sonirim, and get paid,
PLUS 2 Eltnen Fortress Return Scrolls, in
case you ever get too far away from
Eltnen, whether by "accident", or by your
choice, ever again!
An Elim Out Of Water
Zelaka is getting lonely. He hasn't heard
from his fellow tree-people. He wants you
to check in on his friends, Virdi and
Alrunta. Virdi is happy to hear from him,
while Alrunta waxes eloquent on the
whole "Being an Elim" experience--then
gives you 2 Elim Essence!

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Orders from Telemachus
Telemachus wants to talk to you as
soon as you hit the right Level. Just find
him, talk to him, and get LOTS of
EXP...No money, though.

credit for killing him! Lead Melginie to

Seora. (A guard with a miniskirt is
safe-haven?) Report back to Aurelius, who
offers you not only your payment, but also
your choice of Boots! Choose Plate Boots
A Ruler's Duty

The Manduri's Secret

This is a long one, so get ready.
Aurelius has noticed Manduri are
stepping up their activities in the region,
so he's sending YOU to find out what's
causing this escalation! First, kill 6
Manduri in the Manduri village. Go back
and tell Aurelius the deed (Vengeance?)
has been complete. Then talk to
Archaeolus, who needs you to find one
of their paper airplanes--er--"paper
gliders" and get a clue from it. That's
right, find it ON THE GROUND--not
beat it out of a monster--and "use" it in
your Inventory. OMG, they have a
hostage! You better rescue her! Her
name's Melginie. Melginie spawns in the
rear-left corner of the building to the
back-right of the Stores, at 828.4, 2611.1,
240.1. You must escort her to Celestine,
who is at the Spring, just to the west of
the Stores. Only one person can get
credit for rescuing her at a time, 5 min
respawn (roughly), and there is always a
line. Please wait your turn! There is also
one Manduri Fighter who spawns in the
alcove on the right, on about the same
timer. This is a group update, so if many
are waiting, group up so ALL of you get

Phomonall has a long FedEx Chain for

- Talk with Demro.
- Talk with Lodas.
- Find a Kerubian Bucket and fill it with
- Bring the water to Lodas.
- Talk with Demro.
- Talk with Phomona for your
rewards--and he'll throw in the Gloves of
your choice! Choose Plate Gloves.
[Manastone] New Manastones for Old
Protesias has a Quest to trade in old
Manastone--and in a Crowning Moment of
Writer's Block, it's named as a sequel to
the Verteron version--which is essentially
what it is! The Manastones demanded for
this Quest are:
- Manastone: Manastone: HP +40
- Manastone: Manastone: Accuracy +16
- Manastone:
Defense +16

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Although these sound like good things
for a melee fighter to have, a Gladiator
should be focusing more on Crits&Parry
for PVE...Accuracy is necessary for
PVP, but you don't really have to worry
about that until Level 25+...
Nyornyerk's Business Opportunity
Manastone trade-in plan, with a totally
DIFFERENT name! I don't know why
Nyornyerk is even mentioned in this
one... The Manastones demanded for this
Quest are: Manastone: MP +40
Manastone: Evasion +8 Manastone:
Parry +16 MP is for Mages/Clerics.
least not until MUCH later, and even
then, not much!). Evasion is for Scouts
(Assassin/Ranger). You might wanna
hang onto the Parry ones...Or you might
get the better ones, that look like broken
chunks of wood or serrated Scrabble
Paste Bait
Lano needs animal parts to make glue.
Of course, since horses don't exist in this
weird world, you'll have to make do with
the local fauna. Hunt Hook Leg Sylphen
(This area's Palette-Shifted Upgrade to
the mutant Dragonflies you fought back
in Poeta), until you get 3 Sylphen Tails.
Kill Web Phaini until you collect 5
Phaini Flippers. Bring the animal parts
back to Lano and get paid.

[Collection] Extracting Aether Energy

Machaon needs Aether. He wants YOU
to fly up and get it! When you collect
enough Aether, go back down and hand it
over to him. He gives you your payment,
PLUS 5 Wind Potions, to keep you aloft
longer! (Gee, those would've been useful
DURING this Quest!)
Forest's Unstable Aether AKA The
Manduri Problem
Clior wants you to talk to her, then talk
to her friend Phomonall...And that's it!
Research For The Restoration
(Requires Forest's Unstable Aether)
Phomonall needs some research done.
You're not a researcher, you're the
message to Iandeus. No money this time,
but MUCH more EXP than usual!
Prorite's Money
Prorite has ANOTHER FedEx Chain for
you to complete. This one is more like a
Chain Of Deals that you see in 80's
cartoons or sitcoms. Get ready, it's a long
- Meet Krato and receive the Kinah that
Prorite lent.
- Go to Hebestis and collect the bill.
- Collect the bill from Benos.
- Receive the wager from Diokles.
- Meet Tuskeos and borrow some Kinah.

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Frillneck Threat

- Receive the change from Girrinerk.

- Tell Shaoranranerk what Girrinerk
said and ask for the Kinah.
- Meet Arnesonerk to recieve the
payment for the sale.
- Hand over the Kinah Pouch to Prorite
and get paid.
[Collection] The River Predators
Lano wants you to collect 6 Snappers
and bring them back to him. Should be
easy for a Warrior like you!
[Collection] Saving Mullet
(Requires The River Predators) Lano
wants you to hunt down 9 Mullets. Do it!

Androkles wants you to hunt 11 Fan

Mane Frillneck. These are amped-up
versions of the dinosaurs you fought
before. When you succeed, in addition to
your normal Quest rewards, he gives you a
Cooking Lesson (1 point of Cooking Skill!
"We're battling for our very lives, and you
offer us FOOD?!")




(Requires Frillneck Threat) Androkles

is impressed by your killing skill, and asks
you to kill MORE Frillneck. In return, he
gives you the Quest Rewards and
ANOTHER point of Cooking Skill!

Proving Your Worth

Ferenna wants to see what you're made
of--by having you find out what monsters
are made of! Kill the various monsters
around Eltnen, and collect 10 of the
Lipinium Crystals from inside them.
Since this is a LOOT Quest, rather than a
KILL Quest, you'll have to kill more than
just 10!





Androkles wants you to get a group

together and kill 7 Grove Vespine (Waspy
things) and 7 Humus Spirits. When you
succeed, he'll give you a random Potion!
(For me he seemed to only give Mana
Potions, but you might get something

[Coin] Fortress Beasts

Sataloca's Heart
(Requires Proving Your Worth)
Ferenna is impressed, and has a harder
job for you. Hunt 10 Crimson Tail
Pluma, 15 Manduri Hunter and 15
Manduri Gatherer Once you do all that,
she'll give you a Bronze Coin in addition
to your normal Quest rewards!

Diomedes has a Mission for you. Go to

Kimeia and learn about Drakes. Go off
and kill one Acheron Drake and bring
back its Fang. Talk to Kimeia to suitably
impress her with your skill. Return to
Diomedes for your choice of Shoulder
Armor! Choose Plate Pauldrons, to

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continue the "walking tank" motif.

once you collect your quota, come back to

him to get paid!

Stolen Goods
Archelaos had a Clothing Package and
a Ring stolen from him by the Manduri.
Kill Manduri Gatherers until one of them
coughs up the Ring, then kill Manduri
Hunters until one drops the Clothing
Package. Return the items to Archelaos,
and get paid!
Wily Kundu (Quest)
(Requires Stolen Goods) Archelaos
wants you to kill Wily Kundu. Kill your
quota and return. In addition to getting
paid, he'll give you his Necklace!
True Friend
Tran hasn't talked to his friend Crios in
a long time. So he wants you to relay a
message to Crios. Simple messenger
Quest, with NOTHING physical to carry!



Archelaos needs you to Harvest 15

Rhubarb. No fighting is NECESSARY
[Collection] Rising Prices
Hibrion wants 20 Titanium Ore. YOU
"get" to Harvest it! Harvest, turn it in,
and get paid!

A Germ Of Hope
Iandeus gives you a seed to plant in a
nearby Fertile Soil. (Are they so lazy they
can't do ANYTHING themselves?) Do it
and come back, and you'll get paid, PLUS
3 Eltnen Fortress Return Scrolls!
Hopeful Delivery
(Requires A Germ of Hope) Iandeus
wants you to spread the good news to
Phomona. When you do, you get paid, and
4 Mana Potions! I recommend trading
those off to a Mage or Priest, and getting
Life Potions in return.
Culprits Of The Pollution
Iandeus wants you to thin the Manduri
population so they don't pollute so much.
Kill 6 Manduri Looters, then kill 6
Manduri Fighters, then return to him to get
Violent Frillneck(Quest)
Iandeus wants you to hunt 7 Sawtooth
Frillnecks. These are bigger, more vicious
versions of the previous, but still using the
same model. Kill them and come back to
get paid!
Threat To The Forest

[Collection] Potion Ingredients

Girrinerk needs you to Harvest 20
Horseradish for him. You'll need to go to
the Manduri Forest area to get that, and

Seora wants you to eliminate the latest

threat to the "ecosystem". Kill 5
StoneSkull Monitors, and 12 Piercing
Vespines. Return to Seora when you're

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[Collection] Worth Your Weight In

done to get paid.

[Spy] A Teleportation Adventure
BE WARNED! This Quest is a trap,
it will teleport you to Asmodae, where
your death is just about assured!
Onesimus has another job for you. Go
back to Sonirim, she will task you to kill
Humus Spirits until you get 3 Essence of
Earth. Since the droprate is less than
100%, you'll most likely have to kill
more than 3. Sonirim will take these
from you and present you a teleport
menu, assuring you that THIS time, she
fixed it! She screws it up after all,
though, and you are warped to Morheim
in the Asmodean side! Get back to
friendly territory (Or kill some Asmos, if
you're feeling brave/lucky/stupid), and
talk to Sonirim again. She'll offer you
your choice of weapons as apology for
Sonirim's Polearm
Lodas's Gift
Lodas has a simple FedEx Quest for
you. Talk to Daminu, then run back to
Lodas. You'll not only get paid, but also
get a Level 23 Enchantment Stone!
[Collection] Fiber Fan
Krato wants 15 Linen Threads. You
can buy them in the Broker, or if your
Tailor Skill is high enough, you can
make it yourself! Whichever way you
choose, bring it to Krato to get paid.

Hibrion wants you to Harvest 10 Gold

Ore. Bring it back and get paid!
[Collection] The Strongest Spear
Mabangtah wants you to Harvest 15 Oak
Logs. Bring them back and get paid!
[Repeat] Manduri's Fruit
Krato wants you to fetch some Red
Thorn Fruit from the Manduri. The GOOD
news is, it's stored in pots, rather than on
TECHNICALLY, you don't have to kill
them. The BAD news is, the Manduri
aren't too keen on your invasion, and will
try to kill you--Kill them first! As with all
Quests of this type, if you find an
unguarded or lightly-guarded pot, you can
just stay there and keep looting the same
one everytime it respawns--It'll still count!
Bring the fruit back to Krato and get paid.
This Quest is Repeatable up to 100 times!
Dirty Chindu (Quest)
(Requires Wily Kundu (Quest)) Seora
wants you to hunt down a Dirty Chindu
which is wrecking the forest. It's a tough
fight, but you only have to kill ONE! Then
go back to Seora to get paid!
[Repeat] Kerubian Horn (Quest)
Demro wants you to kill Kerubian
Gatherers, and bring back their horns, 15
at a time. Everytime you do, he will pay

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you and give you a random Potion! This
Quest is Repeatable up to 100 times!
Scourge Of The Elim
Virdi wants you to kill 10 Swamp
Slimes. When you succeed, she'll pay
you and give you a whopping 6 Mana
Potions! Trade them for Life Potions at
your earliest convenience.
Plague Of The Elim
(Requires Scourge of the Elim) Virdi
wants you to head to the Putrid Mire and
hunt down 10 Marshland MudThorns.
When you succeed, she pays you and
gives you 6 Life Potions!
Revenge Of The Elim
Demro needs you to get 10 Horns from
Kerubian Gatherers and bring them back.
Since this is a LOOT Quest, rather than a
KILL Quest, you'll probably have to kill
more than 10. When you succeed, you'll
get paid AND get 3 Lesser Running
Scrolls, which let you run faster for brief
periods. Best reserved for outrunning
enemies that you are losing to.
Kures Hunt
Lodas wants you to kill 12 Wasteland
Kures. No money, but a HUGE bump of
EXP! (Plus the EXP you get for the kills

found this Jewel Box, and needs you to

send the jewelry back to its owner,
Justachys. Turn it in and get paid!
Plant Poison Antidote
Seora wants you to kill the Queen
Vespine--and take its stinger--and kill
enough Mud Ribbits to get 3 Purple
Membranes. Queen Vespine actually has
several spawn locations throughout
Manduri Forest. Look for the large stumps
with the glowing yellow-green honeycomb
inside. For the Mud Ribbits, you'll need to
go to the Contaminated Swamp in
Verteron. Once you kill enough to collect
all the ingredients, return to Seora to
collect your pay.
[Spy] Celestine's Antidote
Seora has a difficult Mission for you:
Get the Poison Sac of a Shade Arachna!
The mob you need to kill for this is in
Morheim, in Asmodae, at a place called
Patamor Ridge Path. IF you have not yet
finished Sonirim's Quests, you can kill two
Quests with one turn-in, as Sonirim is still
gonna send you to Morheim, again.
Otherwise, you will need to wait for a Rift
to open to get you to Morheim. Once you
are successful, come back "home" and
deliver it to Seora. In addition to your
normal rewards, you get to choose: Seora's
Leather Belt OR Seora's Belt.

Lost Jewel Box

The Elim Tragedy
Examine the Jewel Box on the ground
near Lodas to start this Quest. Lodas

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Lodas wants you to kill 12 Dried
Gnarls, who are apparently corrupted
Elims! When you succeed your grim
task, you not only get paid, you get 3
Lesser Courage Scrolls, which is a
temporary combat buff!

Basilisk Fins, and enough Reckless Kures

to get 4 Kure Feet. Since this is a LOOT
Quest, not a KILL Quest, you'll have to
kill more than 4/4! When you succeed,
you get paid, PLUS 6 Earth Defense
Increase Scrolls!

A Weapon Researcher's Request

AKA Helping Memnes
Demro wants you to help Memnes with
a project. Memnes sends you back to
Sanctum to talk to Coeus. Then go back
to Memnes, and get paid.
Kerubian Weapon(Quest)
(Requires Weapon Researcher's
Request) Memnes wants a Kerubian
Weapon to study. YOU get to go get it!
Kill Kerubian Fighters until you get the
Weapon you're after, then bring it back
to Memnes to get paid!

Harumonerk's Request
Harumonerk wants YOU...to collect
packages and take them to Chiyorinrinerk
on his behalf. Visit Herodes first, and then
Chiyorinrinerk's Request
(Requires Harumonerk's Request)
Chiyorinrinerk wants to send some things
to Harumonerk. Meet with the clients and
pick up the items.
- Talk with Taera
- Talk with Telamone
- Talk with Sandinas

A Treasure Buried in the Desert

- Talk with Harumonerk to get paid!

Harumonerk wants you to get him

some Dragon Bones.
- Get 1 Dragon Skull

Kaidan Prison
This is another long one; be ready.
Malonimus needs you to rescue someone.

- Get 2 Dragon Leg Bone

- Talk with Taera.

- Get 3 Dragon Rib

(Almost sounds like that old song,
doesn't it?) Once you finish, go back to
Harumonerk and get paid.

- Find Hierni.
- Find the Sentry's Key (PW/AA) and
rescue Hierni.

Lodas's Reward

- Talk with Gardugu.

Lodas needs some monster-parts! Kill

enough Mottled Basilisks to get 4

- Talk with Mabangtah.

- Talk with Telemachus.

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Get paid and choose Telemachus's
Leather Belt OR Telemachus's Belt.
AND you get the Title: Mabangtah's
Confidential Orders
Malonimus has secret orders that he
wants YOU to deliver safely to Novan.
Novan says you should share them with
Heropres. Go back to Malonimus to get

to Root and Slow, and just keeps running.

He spawns where you see the red "X",
then runs counter-clockwise around the
area and back to his spawn location where
he promptly despawns. Therefore, you
have to kill him fast, or else he'll despawn,
and you get robbed of the credit for the
When you finish, come back to Lodas to
get paid, and the Title: Savior of Eiron

Three Kures Brothers AKA Three

Kurin Brothers
Lodas wants you to kill 3 brothers who
are destroying the last of the thicket. This
Quest could be best described as Captain
Planet vs. the Three Musketeers! Defeat
the three Brothers.
- Fat Athos
Fat Athos is the only one of the three
brothers that is stationary. He is always
on the rise at the north "wall" of the
Zone, surrounded by Reckless Kurin.

[Collection] First Aid

Makarion wants you to Harvest 18
Umblia and bring it back, so she can heal
the sick and wounded!
[Collection] A Gift of Love
Medea wants you to gather 15 Theonia
for a token of love. Aww! Bring them
back to Medea, she'll make them into a
nice package. Go to Sanctum, and take the
package to Jinus. Choose Jinus's Topaz
Ring OR Jinus's Aquamarine Ring
The Goods Stolen by Lehparists

- Runty Porthos
Runty Porthos runs from Lodas's hill
and up into the plain below the rise
Athos is on and back again. We are not
sure where he spawns or if he despawns
if not killed.
- Nimble Aramis
Nimble Aramis is the hardest of the
three. He is non-aggro (Sometimes he
won't even stop to fight back!), resistant

Harumonerk needs you to find a Box Of

Goods, stolen by Lepharists. (So THAT'S
where they got the name of the Quest!)
The Box is in a doorway in the ruins above
the road that runs between the Ruberain
Wasteland and the Eiron Desert, at or near
903.8, 1886.6, 202.0. The ruins are full of
Lepharist Research Group Raiders and
Lepharist Research Group Fighters. Bring
the box to Alexis to get paid!

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Fire Sword(Quest)

- Meet with Gromoros.

This Quest lets you upgrade the Fire

Sword to the Flame Sword. This is a
great ONE-HANDED sword for
Gladiators. (Good for your Off-Tank
First, you will need to get the Sword to
drop--OR buy it from the broker, but that
can be expensive! The sword drops from
Dried Gnarls, north of the "bag" icon of
Eiron Desert on your map. Garperos
gives you this Quest, IF you have the
Fire Sword equipped! He'll send you to
kill some Flame Spirits up near
Sataloca's Grove, and collect three Flame
Essences. This is a LOOT Quest, not a
KILL Quest, so you'll have to kill more
than 3. When you're done with that, go
back to Garperos and get the Fire Sword
upgraded to Flame Sword!

- Talk to Nestor.
- Visit with Xenophon.
- Converse with Vatonia to collect your
reward, including 250 Abyss Points (PVP
points, collectable for extra rewards).
Deliver On Your Promises
(Requires The Abyss Quiz) Go back to
Sanctum, Vatonia wants to see you!
- Talk to Telemachus
- Hunt 3 Roaring Monitors
- Hunt 3 Foraging Kures
- Hunt 3 Big Horn Baku
- Go back to Telemachus and get your
rewards, including 250 Abyss Points (PVP
points, collectable for extra rewards), and
a Manastone: +4 Flight Time!
The Last Test

Test Your Mettle

Go back to Sanctum and meet Jucleas
to begin this quest.

(Requires Deliver On Your Promises)

Telemachus says you're ready for your last

- Now talk to Rinos.

- Meet NPC Daedalus and communicate
- Report back to Jucleas and get
rewards, including 250 Abyss Points
(PVP Points, collectable for extra
The Abyss Quiz
(Requires Test Your Mettle) Go back
to Sanctum and meet Jucleas to begin
this Quest.

- Pass the flying test

- Report success to Telemachus and get
reward, including Flight: Blessing of
Killer God
Secrets Of The Temple
Go to the Golden Bough Legion
Garrison and talk with Castor. Talk with

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Axelion. Collect Wall Fragments and
bring them to Axelion.
- Lightning Wall Fragment

Shaoranyerk wants you to Harvest 4

Topaz Ore. Harvest it, bring it back and
get paid!
[Collection] High Quality Jewel'

- Wave Wall Fragment

- Wind Wall Fragment
- Fire Wall Fragment
In addition to your normal rewards,
you get your choice of Shoulder Armor!
Choose Castor's Plate Pauldrons.
Machaon wants you to bring a
beverage he made to Radamanthys. Do
so and get paid, PLUS 3 Apple Juices!
(Somehow, this reminds me of a WOW
[Coin] Sataloca's Heartbeat
Ando wants you to Eliminate fierce
animals wandering around the gate of
Sataloca's Tomb.
- 14 Hulking Kurin

Shaoranranerk Shaoranyerk wants 5
Aquamarine Ore. Harvest them, bring
them back, and get paid.
Bearer Of Bad News
Demokritos wants you to throw his
wife's ring into the fountain of Sky
Garden. Go to Sanctum, and talk to Kreon,
then go into the Sky Garden and throw it
in! Tell Demokritos it's done. You'll get a
LOT of EXP, and a Reviving Elemental
Refreshing The Springs
Gaia needs your help refreshing some
dried up springs&rivers.
- Talk with Ophelos. He'll tell you to
retrieve a Life Bead (by hunting
Wasteland Drakes and Fierce Drakes)

- 13 Maned Basilisk
When you succeed, go back to Ando,
collect your reward--A HUGE burst of
EXP and 1 Bronze Coin!

- Put it into the Laquepin Life Stone.

- Talk with Ophelos.

[Collection] The Vital Ingredient

- Talk with Castor.

Aron wants 12 Ruta for a dish he's

making. You have to Harvest them, bring
them back, and get paid.
[Collection] Business



- Talk with Corybantes.

- Talk with Heratos. Go to the Desert
Life Stone (located to the south of the
Golden Bough Legion garrison) and insert
the Life Bead within three minutes!

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- Talk with Heratos.
- Talk with Sirink.
- Restore the Mystic Spring by putting
the Life Bead into the Temple Life Stone
in the Kyola Temple Entrance..
- Talk with Sirink.
- Talk with Gaia. You get
EXP! AND your choice of weapons:
Gaia's Sword Gaia's Warhammer
Gaia's Shield. Choose any, none of them
are that spectacular.
Acheron Drake Research
Radamanthys wants 3 Drake Horns for
his research. Kill enough Acheron
Drakes to get them. This is a LOOT
Quest, not a KILL Quest, so you'll have
to kill more than 3. Bring Radamanthys
the Horns to get paid.
Support For The Desert Scouts
Ando wants you to talk to Demokritos
in the Erikos Desert. That's it!
[Spy] That Old Elyos Spirit
Valerius wants to introduce you to the
Deputy. Just meet him, and that's it! You
get a big burst of EXP and Lamipedon's
[Spy] Respect For Deltras

Namely, between two pillars at the

Execution Ground of Deltras. Report back
to Valerias with your findings. You'll get
100 Abyss Points (PVP points, collectible
for extra rewards), AND your choice of
Helmets. Choose Valerius's Plate Helmet
You'll also get the Title Eulogist.
Material for Accessories
Makarion needs you to do some
harvesting. The materials are random, so
harvest them, and bring it back.
Scouting for Demokritos
Demokritos wants you to do some
scouting for him. Scout the desert.
- Look for Morphinos's Trace in the
northern region of the Eracus desert.
- Investigate Dartas Village.
- Find the Razorwing Grphus in the
Gryphu Nest.
Scout Leader's Request
Demokritos has a message for you to
carry to Kalikrates. Simple FedEx Quest
with no money at the end, but a big burst
of EXP.
The Scolopen Sting
Kalitrates wants you to exterminate 10
Scolopens. Kill'em fast, come back and get
your rewards.

(Requires That Old Elyos Spirit)

Lamipedon needs you to detonate a
Firecracker at a specific location.

Basilisk Purge

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Kalitrates wants you to kill 7
Wasteland Basilisks. Wasteland Basilisks
are to the north, at the southern tip of the
ridge on the west side of Sataloca's
Tomb. Kill'em and come back to get
paid--with MONEY this time!
Restorative Meal AKA Eating Better
Acaste wants 7 Stoneshell Kselliki
Meat. Note there are two types of
Stoneshell: The smaller Kselliki and the
larger Ksellid--subtle difference in name.
The quest drops are from the smaller
Kselliki. Bring back the meat and get
Gimme Shelter
Esaias wants you to bring a message to
Turiel at the Refugee Camp. Do it and
you get paid, PLUS 2 Life Potions!
Armor For Pilgrims
Leone needs some Tipolid Skins to
make Armor. Kill Tipolids, collect 7
Tipolid Skins, then bring them back to
Leone to get paid.
Mother's Keepsake (Elyos)
Ernia had some valuables stolen by the
Lepharists. Kill some Lepharist Watch
Patrol and Watch Guards, until they
cough up the Pink Pearl Necklace and
Black Pearl Earrings, then bring them
back to Ernia. She'll pay you for it!
Like Mother Used To Make

Teos wants you to gather some

ingredients for an old family recipe.
Harvest 12 Omblic and 10 Bacora, bring it
back, and get paid!
Violent Ksellid
Alexis wants you to hunt Ksellids to
collect Shells. Kill as many as you need to
get 15 Shells. Since this is a LOOT Quest,
not a KILL Quest, you'll DEFINITELY
need more than 15 kills! Bring the Shells
back to Alexis and get paid!
Endymion The Slow(Quest)
Alexis wants you to kill a Boss Monster
called Endymion the Slow. Slow he is, but
immensely powerful and tough. Endymion
is at the southwest end of the canyon to the
west of the Scout Camp. When you
succeed, come back to Alexis to get paid,
AND collect 4 Lesser Courage Scrolls.
(short-term combat buff)
Spring Water Essence (Quest)
Brirunyerk has another Quest for you:
Kill Spring Water Spirits, and collect 5
Spring Water Essences (Looks like
beautiful silver balls, like from the old
game Magic Carpet!) Because this is
(another) LOOT Quest, not a KILL Quest,
you'll need to kill more than 5. Bring'em
back and get paid!
Brirunyerk's Request
(Requires Spring Water Essence
(Quest) Brirunyerk wants you to carry a

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message to Neornyerk. Do so and get
Brirunyerk's Favor AKA A Favor
for Brirunyerk
Brirunyerk wants you to deliver a
message to Ernia. Do so and get paid!
Finding Drinking Water
Turiel and the Refugees are running
low on water. Fill up the Bucket in the
Mystic Spring of Anathe. The local fauna
isn't exactly going to stand down and let
you, so you might have to kick some ass,
but it's not NECESSARY for the Quest!
Fill the Water Tank of the Refugee Camp
with your Bucket. Go back to Turiel and
get paid, PLUS an extra point of
Drake Hunt
Esaias wants you to clear out a few
Drakes in the area. This is FINALLY a
KILL Quest. You have a predetermined
number of enemies to kill: 8 Wasteland
Drakes and 4 Fierce Drakes. No loots to
collect, unless you want to, just kill! Go
back to Esaias and report your success!

report back to Esaias to get paid.

Journey To Agairon
Ernia wants you to go on a delivery
Quest, but with a twist: Someone ELSE is
bringing the delivery, but YOU have to
bring THEM! In other words, you're
delivering a PERSON, not an object! After
you get the Quest, talk to Teos. He will
follow you. Go directly to Agairon Village
by whatever path you desire, there is no
timer. Teos is young and fast, and he will
keep up with you (unlike Poppy). Dellome
is standing at the outer barricade by the
guards, almost as if she was expecting a
delivery today... 2 Recovery Potions
Building Trust
Mabangtah just needs someone to talk
to, and you get a HUGE amount of
experience just for listening!
[Group] The Four Leaders
Taera has an Assassination Quest for
you, BUT it's a "Choose Your Own
Adventure" assassination, you get four
targets, and are allowed to pick ONE to
kill, she'll assign others to kill the other 3.

Drakie Hunt

"I'll take on Kamtak the Destroyer."

(Requires Drake Hunt) Esaias thinks

you did such a great job against Drakes,
you're ready for Drakies! Despite the
cute name, Wasteland Drakies are
MUCH tougher than Drakes--and you
have to kill 8 of them! Once you're done,

This target is for Templars or

"I'll assassinate Greatmage Teotem."
This target

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"I'll kill Greathealer Quvak."
This target is for Clerics or Chanters.

Asclepius's Necklace!



Letter To Ophelos

"I'll hunt down Kantu."

This target is for Assassins or
Kill your chosen target, and you get
your pick of Chest Armors! Choose
Taera's Breastplate, to further emphasize:
The Shadow's Command
Search the Eracus Temple Cavern for
the Underground Temple Artifact. Bring
it to Hippolytus for your choice of Boots.
Choose Dionera's Plate Boots.
Something In The Water
Asclepius wants you to take a sample
of Brook Water for analysis. Go to the
Brook and collect your sample, then take
it to Jumentis up in Sanctum. Note: You
MUST be in the Mystic Spring to get
your sample. Any further downstream
will not work! Jumentis finds out that it's
none other than Mestamteda's Blood, the
same Poison you dealt with back in
Verteron, in Source of the Pollution!
NATURALLY got across half a
continent! Take this news back to
Asclepius, and he'll tell you to kill some
Lepharists. Namely, 3 Scout Vaegeirs
and 3 Scout Fighters. Once you do all
that, Asclepius will give you several

Hagne in Agairon Village wants you to

take a letter to Ophelos. Another FedEx
Quest, literally this time!
[Collection] Ore For Hagne
Ophelos reads the letter and it turns out
to be a request for Ore. Naturally, YOU
are tasked to get the Ore. Harvest 20
Adamantine Ores, then bring them back to
Ophelos to get paid!
Delivery For Hagne
Ophelos uses that ore to make whatever
Hagne ordered, then asks YOU for yet
another favor: Carry the bag back to
[Group] Earning Marana's Respect
Castor thinks you can earn Marana's
Respect by defeating Gargoyles and
bringing back proof. Kill Eracus
Gargoyles, and bring 10 Black Stones to
Marana to get "Respect" and more
importantly, get paid! Again, since this is a
LOOT Quest, not a straight KILL Quest,
you'll have to kill more than 10!

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Levels 30-40
Expert Advice



Ramorunerk wants Aether. Fly up and

Harvest some for him. Hopefully, you've
been Harvesting Aether all along, for the
EXP, if not to practice flight! He'll pay
you well for 10 Aether, either way.
Griffon's Threat

Marana wants to teach you something.

Listen to what she has to say, and get 5
Greater Wind Potions for your time!

Kobold's Special Food
Kobold Cook 4 Life Potions

Practical Aerobatics
Secret Recipe
(Requires Expert Advice)
Marana wants you to practice fancy
flying. You get 100,000 EXP AND Title:
Aerialist for your troubles!

Kobold Cook Recipe: Hot Crestlich

Dumpling Title Kobold Chef
Magical Key
Klaw Raid AKA Raiding Klaw

[Group] Siren Song

Castor wants you to exterminate the
Temptresses that are plaguing the area.
Kill 5 Alluring Temptresses, and 3
Enticing Temptresses, then come back
and get paid. This IS a KILL Quest, so
those are ALL you have to kill! Go back
to Castor and get paid!
[Collection] Best Ornament
Krato wants you to Harvest for him.
Get what he asks for, get it back to him,
and get paid!
[Collection] Magical Shugo Grass
Igorerk wants you to get him some
weed--literally! Harvest 15 Nepeta, and
bring it back to him to get paid!
Untouchable Aether Crystals

Castor needs you to butcher the Klaws

attacking the Garrison! What a pathetic
excuse for a soldier! Kill 15 Klaw
Workers, and 7 Klaw Gatherers, then
report back and get paid!
Seeking The Seekers
(Requires Klaw Raid)
Trillian thinks you did such a good job
with the Klaws, you should kill 5 of the
Klaw Seekers who CONTROL the Klaw
Workers! No money this time, but HUGE
Klaw's Secret
(Requires Klaw's Secret)
Trillian now tasks you to destroy 4 of
the Klaw Spawners. They're guarded by all

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the lesser Klaws! If you succeed, you get
2 Level 31 Enchantment Stones to beef
up your Armor and weapons, PLUS
EXP&Money, PLUS the Title Klaw
[Coin] Desert Dangers
Sandinas wants to make you EARN
your next Coin. Since this is the Silver
Coin Quest, you could kind of expect it
to be harder? Your hitlist is now:

[Collection] Combat Preparation

Tanis needs you to collect 12 Platinum
Ore, and bring it back so they can make
weapons and Armor. (Who puts
PLATINUM in ARMOR?!) Bring it back
and get piad!
To Make Armor
Tanis needs more various Ores. Bring
them back and get paid!
Rescuing Griffo

- 10 Red-tipped Sheluk
Griffonix of Fire Griffonix's Earrings
- 9 Desert Caltrops
Scouting The Scouts
- 9 Hookhorn Keraton
Go back and get your Silver Coin and a
burst of EXP!
Mabangtah's Message

Aeolus wants you to get rid of the

Kaidan Scouts to the southeast of the
Observatory. Kill 3 and report back. No
money, but you get Aeolus's Earrings.
Fire Feather(Quest)

Mabangtah wants you to run a message

to Aerope in Agairon Village. "Easy"

Finding Food AKA Food for Agairon


[Collection] Decorative Jewel

Krato needs you to Harvest some
gems...Do it, bring'em back, and get
Aron's Request
Aron has a simple, but dangerous,
FedEx Quest. Take a message to Actaeon
and get paid!
[Collection] Warning Sign AKA
[Collection]Arkel's Signposts

Griffonix of Fire Fire Feather

Beramones needs food for the village.

Collect 5 Tipolid Hip Meat from Mottled
Tipolids and take it to Beramones. Since
this is a LOOT Quest, rather than a KILL
Quest, you'll need to kill more than just 5.
A Tender Concern
(Requires Finding Food)
Beramones wants you to Harvest Pleuro.
Harvest 12 Pleuro, and bring it back to get

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NOTE: For these Quests, the game
keeps switching back and forth between
calling this one NPC "Hagne" or
"Hannet". I'll go with Hagne, 'cause it
fits better with the Norse theme AION
seems to bring. Asians are oddly
obsessed with Norse mythology--and
Americans are oddly obsessed with
ASIAN mythology, so it sort of balances
out... Son's Whereabouts
Hagne has a long FedEx Quest Chain
for you.

Hagne wants you to exact her vengeance

for her. Go back to the Fire Temple under
the Kyola Temple, then find and kill
Kromede the Corrupt. Go back to Hagne
and tell her the job is done. You'll get
718,000 EXP for that, AND your choice of
weapons! Choose Hagne's Greatsword.
You also earn the Title Love Cynic.
Amphiptere's Interference
Actaeon has a simple Kill Quest for you.
Kill 7 Speartail Skyrays, then come back
to get paid!

- Talk to Phorcys

Leone's Request

- Talk to Alexis
- Talk to Aron
Go back to Hagne to get huge EXP,
but no money this time!
[Group] Finding Denlavis
(Requires Son's Whereabouts) Hagne
thinks she knows where her son is now,
but she needs you to confirm it for her.
Enter the Fire Temple through the
entrance under the Kyola Temple. Talk
to Chalice Guard Denlavis. Return to
Hagne and give her the bad news. Even
MORE EXP, but again, no money, BUT
she offers you your choice of Boots!
Choose Hagne's Plate Boots--Plate is a
Warrior's best friend!
[Group] Hannet's Vengeance
(Requires [Group] Finding Denlavis)

Leone wants you to kill 12 Virago

Scavengers. You might want a group for
this one, Viragos are no pushovers! When
you're done, come back and get paid, plus
5 Greater Shock Alleviation Scroll.
(Heavy force-field WITHOUT using your
Rage Skill!)
Betrayal of Isson
Aerope sends you to kill Isson, a
one-star Elite Boss. (And yes, I see the
contradiction too.) He hits hard, but
doesn't have the HP to back it up. You
should be able to butcher him fairly easily.
Floral Tribute To Isson
(Requires Betrayal of Isson) Aerope
sends you to harvest Ruko Fibers. Yes,
Isson was an enemy, but they want to
decorate his grave? When you collect 5
Ruko Fibers, come back to Aerope. No

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money in it for you, but 222,400 EXP,
and your choice of Gloves. Choose
Aerope's Plate Gloves. AND you get the
Title Respects the Fallen!
Trade with Shumerunerk
Shumerurk needs Virago Feathers. So
he sent YOU to get them! Kill enough
Virago Robbers to collect 5 Virago
Feathers. Since this is a LOOT Quest,
not a KILL Quest, you'll have to kill
more than just 5. Bring back the Feathers
to get paid!
Mace Making Material
Sirink wants you to kill Shadow
Bloodwings and Chaotic Temptresses
until you collect 6 Red Magic Crystals
and 8 Stones of Clarivoyance. It is
soloable, but would save you a lot of
time and hassle if you did it with a small
group of 2 or 3. Since it's a LOOT Quest,
rather than a KILL Quest, you'll have to
kill more than 14 monsters. Bring them
back to Sirink to get paid!

Go to Eltnen and kill Thorntail Skyrays

until you get 1 Shining Scale. Since this is
a LOOT Quest, not a KILL Quest, you
will probably need to kill more than just 1.
Bring that to Sirink to get paid! In addition
to money and EXP, you'll get 8 Greater
Recovery Serums! (Restores HP and Mana
at the same time! Trade this for a pure Life
Potion at your earliest opportunity.)
Suspicious Pretors
Esaias wants Pretor Skin. Kill Pretor
Looters until you collect 10 Pretor Skins.
Since this is a LOOT Quest, not a KILL
Quest, you will need to kill more than just
Delivery to the Lyceum
(Requires Suspicious Pretors) Esaias
needs you to carry a message to Sanctum.
Head to Sanctum, and talk to Hygea to get
Warning To Laquepin
Asclepius wants you to deliver a
message to Ophelos. Do so and get paid!

Doubtful Characters
Crystal from the Mystic Spring
(Requires Mace Making Material)
Sirink has a FedEx Quest for you. Go to
Nestor, then head to Sanctum, and talk to
Boreas to get paid.
Strange Turn of Phrase
(Requires Doubtful Characters) Head
to Sanctum (If you aren't still there from
the previous Quest), and talk to Boreas.

Ophelos needs you to take a Crystal to

Deurone. No money in it, but lots of EXP,
and 5 Recovery Potions (Restores HP and
Mana at the same time! Trade this for a
pure Life Potion at your earliest
opportunity.) as your reward.
New Flight Path

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Elram wants you to scout out the
Lepharist Citadel in flight mode. Do so,
come back and get 50,000 EXP.
- Note, this does NOT add any new
Flight Paths to the Flight Master!
Reporting The New Flight Path
(Requires New Flight Path) Elram
sends you to talk to Lemia. Lemia sends
you to talk to Asclepius. Asclepius sends
you to Paion, to get paid, PLUS 2
Regular Raging Wind Scroll. (Faster
Flight Speed for 5 minutes)
Disappearing Aether AKA Missing
Valerius gives you ANOTHER long
- Talk to Lakaias
- Check out the Artifact's condition
(Right-click on it!)
- Talk to Lakaias AGAIN!
- Hunt Ancient Maidengolem, and get
5 Symbol of a Revolutionary (As with all
LOOT Quests, you'll have to kill more
than the number of loot you're after,
because droprate is not 100%
- Talk to Lakaias AGAIN!
- Go back to Valerius and say Mission
Choose Valerius's Mithril Earrings OR
Valerius's Zircon Earrings

A Dangerous Artifact
Telemachus sends you to rescue a Civil
Engineer. Like all Rescue Quests in this
game, he follows you. You have to lead
him to one of the two exits. Talk to
Telemachus again. He tells you to talk to
Xenophon, who sends you to the Abyss
Gate. Once inside the Abyss, you have to
find Yudito on the Teminon Landing,
UNDER Abyss Gate! With skilled gliding,
you can get there solo, otherwise, gather a
group to protect yourself from ganking
and monsters. Use the Eltnen Teleport
Tower to get back to Telemachus.
Telemachus sends you to talk to Laigas.
Use the Aether Explosive to destroy the
Stolen Artifact. Talk to Laigas again. Head
back to Telemachus and get paid. You'll
also get a choice of Leg Armor. Choose
Telemachus's Plate Greaves. PLUS, you
get the Title Demolitions Expert!
Ominous Tigric AKA Tigrics of Ill
Kibelle wants you to kill Tigrics. Do so
and get paid!
Encountering Akeras



(Requires Ominous Tigric) Kibelle

thinks you did such a great job on the
LITTLE Tigrics, she wants you to kill a
BIG one! Namely, a Boss "Akeras
Stripeback", and its 2 "bodyguards". The

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"bodyguards" are just normal Tigrics, but
they can still hurt you. Bring a group to
keep the lesser monsters busy (All of you
will get credit for killing it)
- He patrols just southwest of the
Outpost with his 2 guards. He has a very
fast respawn rate, probably just a few
[Repeat] Trespassers
Observatory (Elyos)



Dionera wants you to kill Fierce

Rynoces and Poisonous Drynacs until
you get 10 Rynoce Claws and 10 Drynac
Tails. This is a LOOT Quest, not a KILL
Quest, so you'll probably have to kill
more than 20. Go back to Dionera to get
- Obtain the Paper Slip off a Pretor
Looter (west of Kuriullu Mountain in
Eltnen). The Paper Slip requires Level 34
to use, and begins this Quest.

Paion to get paid!

A Lie Begets A Lie
(Requires Paion's Worry) Paion wants
you to do it one more time. She'll assign
you a random number of Troll Fighters
and Speedy Trollkins to kill. Once you've
done that, come back, and get your
reward, INCLUDING shoulderpads of
your choice! Choose Paion's Plate
Barghest's Interference AKA Head
Start on Hylas
Volcanic Ash Crystal(Quest) AKA
Crystals for Hylas
(Requires Barghest's Interference)
Hylas needs Volcanic Ash Crystals, which
you get by killing Crater Spirits and
Magma Spirits. Once you've collected the
Crystals he needs, bring them back for a
good burst of EXP, and Hylas's Ring.
Specialty Hides

Use the Paper Slip in your Inventory.

Teleport to Heiron. Talk To Perento. You
get MILLION EXP, and 6,000 Kinah,
just for this one form!

Makis wants Gorgon Hides. Kill enough

Granite Gorgons to get 3 Gorgon Hides,
then bring them back to Makis and get
paid, PLUS 3 Greater Fireproof Scrolls.

Paion's Worry
Mamut Heart(Quest)
Paion is worried about Trolls getting
too numerous and therefore, too bold.
Kill 7 Troll Outlaws and 3
Knuckledragger Trollkins. Once you've
pruned back their numbers, return to

(Requires Specialty Hides) Makis wants

a Mamut Heart, so get him one. Kill a
Mamut, in the center of the caldera of the
volcano, and literally rip its heart out.
Bring it back to Makis and get paid!

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Arming The Vigilantes
Beramones needs Keraton Thorns to
arm the town watch. (In a dangerous area
like this, town watchmen are MUCH
more necessary!) Kill Needlethorn
Keratons until you have 5 Keraton
Thorns, then bring them back to
Beramones to get paid!
A Mountain Of Trouble
Beramones needs you to kill the
Kerubian Hunters who block the
Kuriullu Pass. Kill your limit and talk to
Agrips to get paid! They're a LOT nastier
than back in the newbie Zone, but you
can do it.
[Coin] Kerubs in Kuriullu
(Requires A Mountain Of Trouble")
Agrips will give you a Silver Coin if you
clean up some of the Kerub population
here. They're a LOT nastier than back in
the newbie Zone, but you can do it.

Kibelle wants you to kill Mamakis. A

random quota of each, Mamaki Butcher,
Mamaki Bruiser, and Mamaki Patrol will
be assigned, kill that amount, then go back
to Kibelle to get your reward. No money,
but LOTS of EXP! You WILL need a
group for this!
Aeolus's Call
(Requires [Group] Mamaki Patrol)
Kibelle has a message for you to bring to
Aeolus. Paltry amount of EXP, but it
unlocks the next Quest in this Chain.
[Group] The Kaidan Surge
(Requires Aeolus's Call) Aeolus says
the Kaidan (Local tribe of KRALL--Oh,
no!) have suddenly gotten stronger. Your
job is to invade the Kaidan Headquarters,
and loot the Suspicious Boxes to find 5
Suspicious Potion Bottles. You'll need a
group for this because Kralls are WAY
overpowered! Bring the bottles back to
Aeolus to get the EXP reward!

Water Therapy
Aerope has a TIMED FedEx Quest for
you. Go to the Geyser in Geroch Caldera,
and draw Hot Spring Water from the
- The timer starts from the moment you
draw the water from the Geyser.
Bring the water back to Aerope before
the timer runs out. (In story terms, before
it cools off)

Aether Potion
Dangerous Potion



(Requires [Group] The Kaidan Surge)

Aeolus figured out the steroid effect of the
Aether Potion the Kaidan are using. Bring
it to Aurelius, the Centurion at Eltnen
Fortress. Upon completion, you'll get
285,900 EXP, and Aurelius's Belt!
Keeper Of The Kaidan Key

[Group] Mamaki Patrol

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Aeolus starts a surprisingly long Quest.
This quest has two parts: First, find
orders on Kaidans, and THEN kill
Chaoslord Kalabar for the Abyss Gate
Key. You cannot skip to simply killing
Kalabar, and the Orders seem to have a
very low drop rate. Talk to Telemachus
to get 2,108,600 EXP and Telemachus's

Sending Supplies AKA Supplies for


- This Quest is incorrectly marked in

the Journal as being part of the Four
Leaders Quest Chain--this is a known
bug, the TRUE sequel Quest is Balaur

Dionera Wants you to find Chicorinerk.

This is by far the dumbest quest I have
ever seen! The NPC you need will only
appear in 2nd, 19th and 28th of the month
from 1am - 4am and 6th, 10th, 14th and
23rd of the month from 12pm - 4pm.
(Game time, obviously)

Balaur Conspiracy
(Requires Keeper of the Kaidan Key)
Telemachus sends you into the
Abyss--literally! This Quest is NOT
marked as a group Quest, but you WILL
need a full group just to survive! Only
people who are currently on this Quest
can get in the Abyss gate. If you die, you
fail, then that player cannot win, and
essentially has to join a different group to
win. You have to fend off waves of
increasingly difficult enemies, a mix of
Elites and non-Elites. I recommend at
least ONE SpiritMaster, for the AOE
Fear Spell! When you win, return to
Telemachus for your reward, 2,467,700
EXP and your choice of Chest Armors.
Choose Telemachus's Breastplate. You
also get Title: Eltnen's Hero!

Arkel wants YOU as messenger boy!

Bring the supplies to Hylas and get paid!
Telemachus's Order
Telemachus has Orders for you to bring
to Aeolus. Deliver them and get paid!
Fake Stigma Stone

[Group] Reducing Kaidan Strength

Aeolus sends you to kill Kaidan Combat
Force. To prove it, you have to bring back
20 of their Warrior Marks. (Feels like
Mark of Vengeance, doesn't it?) Since
this is a LOOT Quest, not a KILL Quest,
you'll have to kill more than 20. You
WILL need a group, as Krall are
super-cheap and overpowered! When you
succeed, bring the Marks back to Aeolus
and get 1,265,200 EXP, AND a free Skill
Book: Wrathful Wave I!
[Group] Killing Kaidan Guards
Malonimus has another Quest for you,
very similar to the above. You must kill
Krall Guards and get 10 Guard's Marks.
Since this is a LOOT Quest, not a KILL

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Quest, you have to kill more than 10.
When you succeed, return to Malonimus
and collect 1,265,200 EXP, and get
Malonimus's Earrings!
[Group] Raiding The Raiders
Valerius wants you to kill Krall
Seekers and get 10 Seekers' Marks. Since
this is a LOOT Quest, not a KILL Quest,
you have to kill more than 10. When
you're done, go back to Valerius and
collect 1,265,200 EXP and your choice
of Leg Armors. Choose Valerius's Plate
[Group] Odium Mark(Quest)
Aurelius now wants you to hit the
Kaidan mages. Shamans, Bonemenders,
Witchdoctors, Soothsayers, Lamas and
Healers are your prey this time, and you
have to collect 15 Odium Marks. Since
this is a LOOT Quest, not a KILL Quest,
you'll have to kill more than 15. When
you finish, you'll get 1,265,200 EXP
AND Aurelius's Necklace!

Pressing The Advantage

(Requires A Wrench In The Works)
Laigas wants you to kill MORE
Lepharists: 7 Sorcerors, 9 Healers, 12
Assassins, and 3 Defense Commanders.
With such a large hit-list, a group will help
the killing go faster, but is not
REQUIRED! When you finish, report
back to Laigas. No money, but you get
1,052,800 EXP AND your choice of
Helmets. Choose Laigas's Plate Helmet.
[Group] Blood Feud
(Requires Pressing the Advantage Also
requires Level 38, but it IS part of the
same Quest Chain, that's why it's included
here.) Nomiki sends you to the Lepharist
Construction Base, to hunt down 2 Bosses:
Lekion and SpiritMaster Shapiel. They are
Lepharists, but too tough to solo,
especially the SpiritMaster! When you
succeed, come back to Nomiki and get
your reward: EXP and your choice of
weapons. Choose Nomiki's Spear.
The Kaidan Report

A Wrench In The Works

Laigas wants you to thin the numbers
of the local Lepharist cell: 7 Assaulters, 9
Laborers, and 11 Peons. With such a
large hit-list, a group will help the killing
go faster, but is not REQUIRED! When
you finish, report back to Laigas and get
- As before, Lepharists are good targets
to farm Kinah!

Aeolus wants you to bring a report of

the Kaidan to Telemachus. A simple
FedEx Quest, with a heap of EXP and
Telemachus's Belt as the reward.
[Group] Korumonerk in Danger
Korumonerk (Shugo right outside the
Krall area, some people have trouble
finding him) wants you to collect 100
Kaidan Molars as proof you've cleared the

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way for him, AND Shugo Craftsman
Shoes. Pathrunners have the best
CHANCE of dropping the Shoes, but
you can also find some shoeboxes that
hold them instead. Just kill Kralls for the
molars. Bring it all back to Korumonerk
when you're done, and get a HEAP of
EXP and your choice of Boots! Choose
Guardian Commando's Plate Boots.
[Group] The Lost Glove Box
(Requires [Group] Korumonerk in
Danger) Korumonerk thinks you did so
well getting his Shoes, he wants you to
get his Gloves now too--and 100 MORE
Molars! The Gloves are a guaranteed
drop from a box that you have to fight
near the Kaidan HQ. Molars you have to
beat out of whatever Krall get in your
group's way. When you bring them back,
Korumonerk gives you ANOTHER
heaping helping of EXP and your choice
Commando's Plate Gloves.
[Group] Korumonerk's Pauldrons
(Requires [Group] The Lost Glove
Box) Korumonerk needs you to get his
ANOTHER 100 Molars! The Pauldrons
can be gotten either from a Krall
(RARE), or a rare spawn Box near the
Krall HQ. Kill more Krall to get more
Molars. When you bring them back,
Korumonerk gives you ANOTHER heap
of EXP, and your choice of Shoulder

Armor. Choose Guardian Commando's

Plate Pauldrons.
Construction Base AKA [Group]
Lepharists Amok
Elram will give you a Silver Coin, IF
you cleanse 10 Lepharist Fighters, and 10
Lepharist Outriders. As long as you don't
let them mob you, this will be the easiest
Lepharists can be soloed one-on-one, but
in swarms they're dangerous. Bring a
group to make the killing quicker, and/or
so that more of you can get Coins at once!
[Spy] Ganimerk's Espionage
Valerius has a double-agent in
Morheim--on the Asmodian side! You'll
have to wait for a Rift that leads there, and
preferably bring a group, just to prevent
getting killed by enemy PLAYERS on that
side. Use a Kisk once you're on the other
side, just in case you DO get killed! Talk
to Ganimerk in the southwest corner, then
teleport back. Bring the intelligence to
Valerius to get over 1 MILLION EXP,
and Valerius's Ring!
[Spy, Group] Tayga, Bane of the
Chaomirk is afraid that the Asmodians
in Eltnen are putting Armor on Taygas!
You'll have to wait for a Rift that leads to
Eltnen, and preferably bring a group, just
to prevent getting killed by enemy

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PLAYERS on that side. Use a Kisk once
you're on the other side, just in case you
DO get killed! Kill Searcher Tayga,
Armed Tayga, or Armored Tayga.
Collect the Armor they drop until you
have enough to satisfy Chaomirk, then
head back and talk to Chaomirk to get
PAID--EXP, yes, but MONEY this time
too! You also get a Level 45
Enchantment Stone, to beef up your
weapon or one of your Armor items.
[Group] Korumonerk's Backpack
Korumonerk has ANOTHER lost item
and more Molars for you to retrieve! Go
to the Kaidan Headquarters to dispose of
Chieftain Shaku and some other Krall for
Korumonerk, and bring back his
Backpack and 150 Krall Molars this
time! Once you get them all, bring them
back to Korumonerk to get 843,450 EXP,
and your choice of Leg Armors. Choose
Guardian Commando's Plate Greaves.

Levels 40-50
Trouble at Changarnerk's Campsite
Tegis wants you to kill 7 WindWisps
blocking Chagarnerk's Campsite. Do so,
come back, and get paid!
Blue's Crews Blues
Senir wants you to kill Finned Basilisks
and Fluttering Mudthorns to collect
Basilisk Ribs and Mudthorn Saps. Once
you have all he needs, bring them back to
get a HUGE burst of EXP and the Recipe:
Charcoal-roasted Basilisk 1
Researching Lepharists
Riley wants you to invade the Lepharist
Lap Complex, and kill enough Synthesis
Researchers to find the Experimental Plan,
and bring it back to Riley for a burst of
Give Me Some Skin

[Group] Korumonerk's Worry


Korumonerk's last Mission for you is

to collect Korumonerk's Cube and 200
Krall Molars! Once you get them all,
bring them back to Korumonerk to get
843,450 EXP, and your choice of Chest
Armors! Choose Guardian Commando's
Breastplate. You'll also get the Title:
Krall Slaughterer!

[Group] Destroy the Seed of Evil

Kalione needs you to get Mud
Waterworms' skins. You'll have to kill
Mud Waterworms for that, obviously. Do
it, collect your quota, bring them back, and
get paid, PLUS 5 Greater Recovery
Serums! (Restores both HP and Mana,
trade for straight Life Potions as soon as
you can, or sell them on the Broker.)
Kalione's Choice

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(Requires Researching Lepharists)
Kalione wants you to kill the Lepharists'
Test Subjects.
- 2 Test Subject Slimes

LOOT Quest, not a KILL Quest, you'll

need to kill a lot more than 20!
[Collection] Energizing Food
Kleio needs you to Harvest 20 Esosa.
Bring it to Kleio and get paid!

- 1 Test Subject Agrint

A Disturbing Report

- 1 Test Subject Zombie

- 1 Test Subject Kirrin
- 1 Test Subject Moonflower
Report success to Kalione and get

Xenophon sends you to kill Lepharist

Lab Researchers, Bladesmen, and Medics
to find all 3 pages of the Research Report.
Once you have all 3, bring them to
Xenophon for over a MILLION EXP!

Mutant Pretors

[Group] RM-87c

Kuobe wants you to kill 30 Pretor

Sentinels and 25 Ferocious Kirrin, so he
can go scouting. Kill them, come back
and get paid, PLUS 10 Major Life
Fangs for the Kinah
Dokurunerk wants you to kill Drynacs
and collect their fangs. Bring them back
to get paid!
Whip It Profitably
(Requires Fangs for the Kinah)
Dokurunerk needs you to kill Whiptail
Drynacs and bring back THEIR fangs to
get paid!

(Requires A Disturbing Report)

Xenophon sends you to infiltrate the
Lepharist base and kill a test-subject called
RM-87c, and bring back Body Tissue as
"proof". You'll need a group to kill the
Boss, and to help kill lesser Lepharists.
Once you bring back the Body Tissue, you
get over a MILLION EXP!
Tissue? I Don't Even Know You!
(Requires [Group] RM-87c) Xenophon
sends you to get the Research Report from
Gerania and deliver it and the body tissue
to Hygea. Return to Xenophon afterward
for EXP reward!
What Nerison Saw

Dead Porgus Walking

Dokurunerk needs you to kill Black
Snout Porguses to collect 20 Stinking
Hip Meats. Bring the meat back to
Dokurunerk to get paid! Since this is a

(Requires Tissue? I Don't Even Know

You!) Xenophon thinks the Suspicious
Box Nerison saw might be related to the
Lepharist experiments. Go talk to Nerison
for a big burst of EXP!

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[Spy, Group] A Suspicious Box
(Requires What Nerison Saw)
Nerison wants a box in the Lepharist
Research Campus--in Beluslan! Wait for
a Rift to take you there. Bring a group to
keep you alive--and help kill--and a Kisk
to respawn at in case YOU die! The Box
is on the ground, but all the Lepharists
are aggro. Once you find it, bring it back
for a small sum of EXP, PLUS your
choice of Shoes. Choose Lethe's Plate
Shoes. PLUS you get 200 Abyss Points
(Collectible PVP Points that you save up
for big rewards!)
[Spy, Group] Suspicious Scientists
(Requires [Spy, Group] A Suspicious
Box) Lethe wants you to collect
Lepharist Entrance Permits--in Beluslan!
Wait for a Rift to take you there. Bring a
group to keep you alive--and help
kill--and a Kisk to respawn at in case
YOU die! Kill Lepharist Scholars to get
the Permits. Once you have 5, come back
to Lethe, and turn them in to get over 2
MILLION EXP, PLUS 200 Abyss Points
(Collectible PVP Points that you save up
for big rewards!)
[Spy, Group] The Key is the Key
(Requires [Spy, Group] Suspicious
Scientists) Lethe wants the Lepharist
Research Center Key--from Beluslan! It's
carried by Supervisor Wyrmirren. Wait
for a Rift to take you there. Bring a group

to keep you alive--and help kill--and a

Kisk to respawn at in case YOU die! Bring
the Key back to get 462,800 EXP and 200
Abyss Points (Collectible PVP Points that
you save up for big rewards!)
[Spy, Group] The Research Journal
(Requires [Spy, Group] The Key is the
Key) Lethe sends you to collect a
Research Journal--in Beluslan! Wait for a
Rift to take you there. Bring a group, bring
a Kisk, you'll need the group to help you
avoid dying from monsters or enemy
players, and the Kisk will give you a place
to respawn if you DO die!
- The book is INSIDE the instance. You
clear the left side (or as much as you want
to) and kill the Named for the door in the
middle. Past the door it's the second door
to the right, a book sticking out of the
bookshelf. Beware, LOTS of Stealth
Once you bring the book back to Lethe,
you'll get over 2 MILLION EXP, and 200
Abyss Points (Collectible PVP Points that
you save up for big rewards!)
[Spy, Group] RM-114c
(Requires [Spy, Group] The Research
Journal) Nerison sends you after the
RM-114C. Bad news is, it's in
Beluslan--Asmodian territory. Wait for a
Rift to take you there. Bring a group to
keep you alive--and help kill--and a Kisk

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to respawn at in case YOU die!
- Top of the abyss in the center of the
island called Lake Astreia, fly down the
inner walls while looking for caves that
are at the beginnings of waterfalls. Inside
these caves are the subjects that are
lonely Elite Bosses. Easy for a group.
Trick is there's only 8 of them, they have
a 30-minute respawn, and you need 10 to
Kill the Bosses, and take 10 Cells as
proof. Bring it back for a BIG burst of
EXP plus your choice of weapon.
Choose Xenophon's Spear.
The Undutiful Daughter
Cheerinrinerk needs you to run a letter
to Amporonerk in Sanctum. Do so, and
get paid!

- Kill Guardian Drafala and take his Seal

Ring of Indratu. (Since he's a Boss, you
may need a group to kill him)
- Bring the Ring to Perento for over 4
MILLION EXP, plus your choice of Chest
Armor. Choose Perento's Breastplate.
Brigade General Indratu(Quest) AKA
Indratu Brigadier
Perento sends you to the Indratu Fortress
through the Heiron Abyss Gate to kill the
Indratu Brigadier. (You MAY need a
group, he IS a Boss, after all!) Once you
kill it, come back out and report to
Perento, who sends you to talk to his
superior, Fasimedes. As your reward,
Fasimedes gives you over 5 MILLION
EXP, and your choice of weapon! Choose
Fasimedes' Greatsword. Also, you receive
Title: Defeater of the Indratu Legion!

Medicinal Clodworms
[Collection] A Kind Husband
Shoranarerk needs you to kill Thorn
Clodworms to retrieve a random number
of Clodworm Teeth. Since this is a
LOOT Quest rather than a KILL Quest,
you'll have to kill more than you think.
Bring the Teeth back to Shoranarerk to
get paid!
Indratu Legion
- Talk to Perento
- Talk to Piros
- Talk to Lamidros

Zetus needs you to Harvest 15 Litrea for

him. (Shellfish, best place is Stenon Bay;
second best place is Patema Ruins) Bring
them to him and get paid!
Know Your Anubites
Liske wants you to (re-)kill Anubite
Fighters and collect their Hazy Disks.
Since this is a LOOT Quest, not a KILL
Quest, you'll need to kill more than your
quota. Once you have your quota of Hazy
Disks, bring them to Liske to get paid!
The Star of Heiron

- Destroy 10 Balaur Guardian Stones

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(Requires Know your Anubites)
- Liske sends you to talk to Erato to
find out if he knows anything about the
Hazy Disks.
- Participate



[Group] The Greater of Two Evils


- Talk with the Vengeful Spirit of

- Talk to Erato again.
- Report the results to Liske to get
Warning about Bollvig's Movement
AKA Undead War Alert
(Requires The Star of Heiron) Liske
has a message for you to run to Rance,
Perento, and Gorgos, in that order. You
get a big burst of EXP for relaying the
Stenon Bay Shipwreck
(Requires Undead War Alert) Gorgos
is worried about a shipwreck in Stenon
Bay. Talk to Antione. You get a small
amount of EXP for this Quest.
The Missing Fianc
(Requires Stenon Bay Shipwreck)
Aifemis sends you to kill a Boss called
Captain Berus. You will probably need a
group for this one. Bring Berus's Ring as
proof of the kill to Aifemis to get paid,
PLUS 4 Greater Healing Potions!
A Message to Trajanus

(Requires The Missing Fiance) Rance

sends you to carry a request to the Elim to
join the war on the Undead. Simple Quest,
small EXP reward.

(Requires A Message to Trajanus)

Trajanus needs Specter Horns. Kill Cruel
Specters and Merciless Specters and
collect their Horns. Once you have
enough, bring them back to Trajanus for
over a MILLION EXP and 1 Level 44
Enchantment Stone to amp up your
weapon or Armor!
[Group] Weakening Bollvig's Forces
(Requires The Missing Fiance) Rance
sends you to kill some undead enemies
BEFORE the war. Kill 30 Graveknight
Fighters and a Lich Priest. Since the Lich
Priest is a Boss, you'll need a group for
him, and it'll make killing the others faster.
Report your successes to Rance, and
collect over a MILLION EXP and Rance's
Namarinerk's Dream
Namarinerk wants you to go to Nolantis
Ruins and get an Ancient Pot for him.
Bring it back to him and get paid!
Elemental Water Flowers
Miobera needs you to kill Divine Sea
Spirits, collect their Water Flowers. Since
this is a LOOT Quest, not a KILL Quest,
you'll need to kill more than your quota.

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Bring them to Miobera to get paid.
Archon of Storms
Sulates has a really LONG Quest for
- Talk to Anto.

Piros needs you to kill a LOT of the

Indratu army. Kill 60 Indratu Legionaries
and 30 Indratu Fighters. Report success
back to Piros to get over 2 MILLION
EXP, and your choice of Belts. Choose
Piros's Leather Belt.
Eternal Rest

- Destroy Cursed Obelisk.

- Talk to Anto AGAIN.

Kacias has you talk to ghosts to

convince them to move on. (That's right, a
Ghost Whisperer Ripoff)

- Talk to Maximus.
- Burn Incense at Patema Geyser for
- Report the results to Sulates to get
over 2 MILLION EXP and Sulates' Belt.

- Talk to Kalka, Mempion, Spina, and

Ladon, and get Bones from each of them.
- Kalka is at a crossroads, west of the

Dressing Up For Bollvig

- Mempion is west of the Manor.
(Requires Archon of Storms) Zetus
has you buy a Stenton Blouse and
Stenton Skirt from Sanctum, then go
back to Heiron and doubleclick the
Statue near Patema Geyser. Return to
Zetus with your findings to get almost 2
MILLION EXP, plus 2 Manastone:
Maximum Flight Time +5 AND Title:
Poor Camouflage Master!

- Spina is inside the Manor.

- Ladon still farms the fields.
- Take the Bones to Kacias. He'll give
you an Urn of the Deceased.
- Bring the Urn to the Empty Stone
Coffin and double-click the Coffin to bury
the Urn
- Report the results to Kacias

[Group] Monitoring
Lamidros says that Asan, a Boss
Monitor is close to figuring out he's not a
lizard. Kill Asan before he can warn
anyone, and report back to Lamidros to
get paid!
[Group] Kishar Balaur

- Report the results to Tessia.

As your reward, you get 1 MILLION
EXP, and your choice of Boots! Choose
Tessia's Plate Boots.
Art Appreciation
(Requires Eternal Rest) Kacias needs a
Bronze Mirror. Kill Graveknight Warriors

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until one of them coughs up the Bronze
Mirror, then bring it to Kacias to get
almost 2 MILLION EXP, and your
choice of Chest Armors. Choose Kacias's
[Group] Taking it to the Indratu
Brosia sends you to "take the fight to
the Balaur". Kill 15 Indratu Lookouts
and 15 Indratu Patroller, then report the
success to Brosia. As reward, you get
almost two MILLION EXP and your
choice of Shield or Earrings! Choose
either Brosia's Shield OR Brosia's Mithril
Earrings. The other 2 are for spellcasters.
The Shield is great for Tank Build, but if
you are going for damage, choose the
Earrings, as it leaves your hands free to

group to prevent getting ganked when you

cross over, then wait for a Rift. Use a Kisk
as soon as you emerge on the other side,
so you have someplace to return to if/when
you DO get killed.
- Kill Reinforced Kalgolems for Blue
- Kill Melantis Gargoyles for Rock
- Kill Divine Sea Spirits for Glossy
Once you have all the materials you
need, go to Sanctum, and bring the
materials to Diana to collect your
rewards--over a MILLION EXP, and 100
Abyss Points (Collectible PVP Points you
can save up for extra rewards!)
[Spy] Mirror, Mirror

[Coin] Reducing Balaur Numbers

Brosia will give you 3 Gold Coins if
you can kill a certain number of Balaur.
Meteria's Regret
Meteria needs to send you to Asmodae
to get a cure for her mother. Talk to
Gorgos, then talk to Erato. Your reward
will be a tiny bit of EXP and 100 Abyss
Points. (Collectible PVP Points you can
save up for extra rewards!)
[Spy] Alukina's Palace
(Requires Meteria's Regret) Erato
needs you to get materials that will break
the Ward on Alukina's Palace. Find a

(Requires Alkunia's Palace) Find a

group to prevent getting ganked when you
cross over, then wait for a Rift. Use a Kisk
as soon as you emerge on the other side,
so you have someplace to return to if/when
you DO get killed. Find the Talking
Mirror at the Fire Temple. Convince it to
break the Mirage at Alkunia's Palace.
Return to Elyos territory and talk to
Perento, then Piera. Your rewards are over
a MILLION EXP, and 200 Abyss Points
(Collectible PVP Points you can save up
for extra rewards!)
[Spy] Seiren's Fin

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(Requires [Spy] Mirror, Mirror)
Piera will send you BACK to Asmodia,
to finally collect the Seiren's Fins. Find a
group to prevent getting ganked when
you cross over, then wait for a Rift. Use
a Kisk as soon as you emerge on the
other side, so you have someplace to
return to if/when you DO get killed. Kill
Seiren Wavedancers and collect their
fins. Once you've bagged your limit,
head back to Elyos territory, and give the
Fins to Meteria. You get your choice of
Earrings. Choose Meteria's Mithril
Earrings. You also receive the Title:
Experienced Fisher, PLUS 150 Abyss
Points! (Collectible PVP Points you can
save up for extra rewards!)
[Repeat] Teleporter Repairs (Quest)
Find the Destroyed Teleport Statue and
double-click it to start this Quest.
- HINT: Type /pathfinding Destroyed
Teleport Statue
Collect "Stone Statue Parts" from the
Graveknight Crusaders, then return to it
and it will kick you upstairs--literally!
After a cutscene, a Level 47 Legendary
Boss will spawn. Kill it (You'll
DEFINITELY need a group!) or avoid it,
return to the Statue again to get paid!

that to start this Quest. Go to Sanctum and

talk to Utsida. Utsida needs you to kill
Shifting WindWisps until one of them
drops a WindWisp Wing Membrane. Then
buy Thin Leather Cord, Koa Board, and
Sandpaper from the Crafting Shops. Bring
the materials to Utsida. Wait for Utsida to
fix the flute.
This Quest is not marked as a Group
Quest, but most the monsters at the Drake
Temple are elite and/or Social. Talk to the
Broken Teleport Statue. Kill or avoid
enemies, but play the flute to the Drake
Stone Statue. Report everything you saw
to Maximus for over 2 MILLION EXP,
and your choice of Leg Armors! Choose
Maximus's Plate Greaves.
The Wreck of the Argos
Antione wants to know if the shipwreck
is the Argos. Kill Shipwrecked Deck
Hand's Spirits and Shipwrecked Mate's
Spirits until you've gathered enough
Sailor's Necklaces for Antione to analyze,
then bring them back to Antione. Bring the
Necklaces to Lantis, then to Heraloene,
then finally to Camana to get your EXP

A Flute For the Fixing

Stealing Stigma

(Quest)) If you keep killing Anubites,
you'll find a Broken Flute. Double-click

Gorgos sends you to kill Gladiator

Spirits and collect 5 Stigma of Curse.
Since this is a LOOT Quest, not a KILL

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Quest, you'll have to kill more than 5.
Bring them back to Gorgos to get paid!
[Spy] A Friend's Whereabouts
The game itself gives you this Quest!
Find a group to prevent getting ganked
when you cross over, then wait for a Rift.
Use a Kisk as soon as you emerge on the
other side, so you have someplace to
return to if/when you DO get killed.
Beluslan--Asmodian Territory--wants to
know what happened to Bollvig, and
sends you to talk to Epona, a notorious
gossip! Talk to Epona, then warp back
and talk to Nesteto. You get a moderate
amount of EXP when you complete this
[Spy] Medicine for Nesteto
Whereabouts) Nesteto claims he'll
reveal Bollvig's whereabouts if you bring
him what he needs. Kill Contaminated
Water Spirits and collect the Muddy
Elemental Water, but for Bloodwing
Fluid, you need Dark Bloodwings, which
only grow in Asmodian territory. Find a
group to prevent getting ganked when
you cross over, then wait for a Rift. Use
a Kisk as soon as you emerge on the
other side, so you have someplace to
return to if/when you DO get killed. Kill
Dark Bloodwings and collect the
Bloodwing Fluid you need, then bring it
back to Nesteto. He gives you over 2

[Spy] Finding Bollvig
(Requires [Spy] Medicine for Nesteto)
Nesteto tells where Bollvig is. He's MADE
his own flying island--In Asmodia! Find a
group to prevent getting ganked when you
cross over, then wait for a Rift. Use a Kisk
as soon as you emerge on the other side,
so you have someplace to return to if/when
you DO get killed. Fly up to his flying
island and talk to him. Then talk to Betoni.
You get a moderate amount of EXP for
finishing this Quest.
[Spy] Last Persuasion
(Requies [Spy] Finding Bollvig)
Hopefully, you're still on the Asmodian
side, from the last one. Betoni needs to
talk to you. He wants you to persuade
Bollvig to give up his revenge. Just talk to
Bollvig. You get a moderate amount of
EXP, and 100 Abyss Points! (Collectible
PVP Points you can save up for big
[Spy] Removing the Reaper Squad
Find a group to prevent getting ganked
when you cross over, then wait for a Rift.
Use a Kisk as soon as you emerge on the
other side, so you have someplace to
return to if/when you DO get killed.
Bollvig sends you to kill 7 Reaper Squads.
These are ELITES, so you'll NEED your
group! To make matters worse, they're
near the enemy village, so you might get

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ganked. Report back to Bollvig when
you're done. You get a moderate amount
of EXP, PLUS your choice of
Manastones. I recommend you choose
the HP+85, it'll be the most useful to a
Gladiator. If you want to go heavy PVP,
the Accuracy one might help instead, but
more HP keeps you alive longer in PVP
AND PVE, and you almost can't miss in
[Spy] Letter to a Friend
Bollvig says he has no intention of
returning. Deliver his letter to Betoni.
Betoni will give you a moderate amount
of EXP, AND your choice of weapons.
Choose Betoni's Spear.
[Spy, Group] Meeting the Mau Spy
Atalante sends you to meet up with the
Mau informant in Asmodae to get more
information on Balaur bioweapons.
Collect Balaur Transformation Potions
off Indratu Outriders, then bring them to
Mukaditan. HOWEVER, Mukaditan is in
Beluslan--Asmodian territoy! Find a
group to prevent getting ganked when
you cross over, then wait for a Rift. Use
a Kisk as soon as you emerge on the
other side, so you have someplace to
return to if/when you DO get killed.
You'll get a good amount of EXP as your
reward. PLUS, you get 200 Abyss Points
(Collectible PVP Points that you save up
for big rewards!)

[Spy, Group] Key to the Cave

(Requires [Spy, Group] Meeting the
Mau Spy) Hopefully, you're still on the
Asmodian Side from the last Quest.
Mukaditan needs you to kill Bakarma
Curslocks and Bakarma Worldbenders
until you get the Key Head and Key Tail,
then bring them back to Mukaditan.
Mukaditan will give you over 2 MILLION
EXP for the Key parts, PLUS 200 Abyss
Points (Collectible PVP Points that you
save up for big rewards!)!
[Spy, Group] The Draupnir Weapons
(Requires [Spy, Group] Key to the
Cave) Hopefully, you're still on the
Asmodian Side from the last Quest.
Mukaditan sends you to the Draupnir
Caves to collect Balaur BioWeapons.
Once you collect them all, take them to
Heiron and present them to Perento.
Perento will give you over a MILLION
EXP, PLUS 200 Abyss Points (Collectible
PVP Points that you save up for big



Brosia needs a lot of ingredients that can

only be found in the Asmodian side. Find
a group to prevent getting ganked when
you cross over, then wait for a Rift. Use a
Kisk as soon as you emerge on the other
side, so you have someplace to return to
if/when you DO get killed. Kill Balaur

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monsters and collect Balaur Black Magic
Crystals, Balaur Blue Blood, and Balaur
Five Colored Scales. Once you have your
quota of ingredients, warp back to the
Elyos side and give the materials to
Brosia. You get a moderate amount of
EXP, PLUS your choice of Chest Armor.
Expedition. PLUS 200 Abyss Points
(Collectible PVP Points that you save up
for big rewards!)

Cheerinrinerk's Mithril Ring since you're a

PHYSICAL fighter!



Atalante wants you to kill Indratu Scouts

and collect 60 of their Translucent
Membranes. Since this is a LOOT Quest,
not a KILL Quest, you'll need to kill more
than 60. You'll get over 2 MILLION EXP,
PLUS your choice of Gloves! Choose
Atalante's Gauntlets.

A Cube for Michalis

Perento sends you to deliver the
BioWeapons you stole to Governor
Michalis. You get a paltry amount of
EXP, but more importantly, you get the
Necklace of your choice! Choose
Michalis's Mithril Necklace. AND you
get Title: Excellent Spy PLUS 200
Abyss Points (Collectible PVP Points
that you save up for big rewards!)!
[Group, Repeat] Insufficient Funds
(Requires Indratu Legion and The
Undutiful Daughter) Cheerinrinerk
needs you to kill enough Indratu
Breeders to collect 20 Draconute
Helmets. Since this is a LOOT Quest, not
a KILL Quest, you'll need to kill more
than 20. Give them to Cheerinrinerk to
get paid! This Quest is Repeatable up to
20 times.
- If you complete it all 20 times, you
get your choice of rings. Choose




Important Mucus and [Spy,Group] The
Draconic Assignment) Brosia needs
MORE ingredients that can only be found
in the Asmodian side. Find a group to
prevent getting ganked when you cross
over, then wait for a Rift. Use a Kisk as
soon as you emerge on the other side, so
you have someplace to return to if/when
you DO get killed. Kill Balaur monsters
and collect Balaur Blue Blood and Balaur
Five Colored Scales. Once you have your
quota of ingredients, warp back to the
Elyos side and give the materials to
Brosia. You'll get a choice of ONE piece
of Gloves, Shoulder Armor, or Boots.
Choose the Plate Armor version of
whichever item you need. PLUS 200
Abyss Points (Collectible PVP Points that
you save up for big rewards!)!

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(Requires [Spy,Group,Repeat] The

Tigraki Agreement) Brosia needs
EVEN MORE ingredients that can only
be found in the Asmodian side. Find a
group to prevent getting ganked when
you cross over, then wait for a Rift. Use
a Kisk as soon as you emerge on the
other side, so you have someplace to
return to if/when you DO get killed. Kill
monsters and collect Balaur Black Magic
Crystals, Balaur Blue Blood, and Balaur
Five Colored Scales. Once you have your
quota of ingredients, warp back to the
Elyos side and give the materials to
Brosia. Choose Plate Greaves of
Bakarma Expedition. PLUS 200 Abyss
Points (Collectible PVP Points that you
save up for big rewards!)!

ingredients, warp back to the Elyos side

and give the materials to Brosia. She'll
give you the Spear of Bakarma
Expedition. PLUS 200 Abyss Points
(Collectible PVP Points that you save up
for big rewards!)!
[Group] Hanuman's Elite
Piros will task you to kill "Hanuman's
Elite Guard"--Indratu Protectors and
Indratu Deathbringers and collect 10
Hanuman's Insignia. Since this is a LOOT
Quest, not a KILL Quest, you will need to
kill more than 10. Once you finish, bring
the Insignias back to Piros to get over 2
Enchantment Stones to beef up your
Armor or weapons!


[Spy, Group] Return to Draupnir

(Requires The Tigraki Assignment
Brosia needs YET ANOTHER load of
ingredients that can only be found in the
Asmodian side. Find a group to prevent
getting ganked when you cross over, then
wait for a Rift. Use a Kisk as soon as you
emerge on the other side, so you have
someplace to return to if/when you DO
get killed. Kill monsters and collect
Balaur Black Magic Crystals, Balaur
Blue Blood, and Balaur Five Colored
Scales. Once you have your quota of

Playing an Asmodian, feels like you're

part of the Mob. Make "collections", kill
submission, etc. Also, the "desert
wasteland" is broken up by trees...That,
and knowing that Asmodia is on the
UPSIDE DOWN INSIDE of the top half
of the planet, provides PLENTY of
cognitive dissonance, as you wander
around, doing your "jobs"!

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A few names are changed: Aria
becomes Azpha, and Mela becomes
Raydam (It GROWS yellow, and
LOOKS like lemons, but when you pick

Levels 1-10
You already beat this, by watching the
On Your Feet!
Your first task is to wake up and talk to
your buddy, who doesn't want you to
look weak, 'cause it reflects badly on him
and the rest of the Raiders. See? You can
already tell that Asmodians are Darker
And Edgier!
Loyalty Of The Raiders

After beating the Spriggs, he writes up a

report on your performance, and you have
to give it to Guheitun. Guheitun is just up
the road, standing in front of his tent.
Order of the Captain
Once you finish, you get a set of
"Orders" to take to Ulgorn. Ulgorn is the
main leader of the Asmodians in this area,
and as such, will be a hub of your
adventures. Uldor is in a "camp" called
Aldelle Village. It "feels" like Akarios
Village, except not as busy...
Meeting the Fruit Quota
Your next Quest is to...Steal fruit
baskets from the Spriggs! Um, ok...This is
easy, because the Spriggs are completely
passive while you rob them blind! You can
kill a few anyways, just for practice. The
Spriggs are not even Social, so you can
kill them one at a time, quickly and
efficiently exterminating them for fun and

Get up and talk to your immediate

Boss, Vandar.
A Bloody Task
Vandar wants you to kill 4 Sprigg
Workers. Funny, the Spriggs look JUST
like the Kerubs on the "Light" side! And
they die just as easily too! Now you're
Level 2! Congratulations!
The Sprigg Report

Sparkle and Shine

There are consequences to living on the
dark INSIDE of a planet, namely, it's too
dark for Vanar to write reports! (Possibly
about YOU!) He asks you to kill some
Sparkies and bring back their light. Easy
After this, you
Thinking Ahead

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A brooding Raider is afraid the Raiders
won't have enough food to last the
winter. So he wants you to steal sacks of
grain from the Spriggs! Once you
succeed, you get a choice of ONE of
three pairs of shoes. Choose the Chain
Boots, since you're a Warrior. You
NEED the extra protection!

Bacorerk, the local Cube Artisan, has a

job for you. He wants you to kill Web
Slinks (The local 2-tailed snake-things)
and bring back their oil to keep everything
shiny. This should be fairly easy for a
Mighty Warrior, like yourself, so do it,
and he'll give you a Life Potion as a
reward when you bring him all the oil!

Vanars Flattery

Return To Sender

Vanar wants you to deliver the fruit

baskets (Which you just stole) to Tobu,
Ulgor's second-in-command. Yes, it's a
quick FedEx Quest, and no, Tobu is
NOT impressed with fruit, and such an
obvious attempt to curry favor!
Azpha For Health And Wellbeing
Where do they get these titles? A
Raider along the road needs some Azpha
to make Healing Potions! So he sends
you to collect it. This is important,
because it introduces the Asmodian side
of Harvesting, which acts JUST like the
light-side version, but with different
names. If you haven't already been
scooping up all the herbs you can find,
this is a great time to start! Risk free
EXP, and money if you sell it, or you can
use it for Crafting later! Anyways, once
you have enough Azpha, turn it in, and
he gives you 2 Life Potions to show his
goodwill and thanks!
The Shinier The Better

If you kill a lot of the monsters around

Lake Tunapre (Where the Slinks are), you
might or might not randomly find a
love-letter. Read it, and it's for...ULGOR?!
Give it to Ulgor, and he'll politely turn it
down. Then he gives YOU the task of
letting her down gently. Apparently,
Linevir, the Soul healer, is the one with
the crush on Ulgor. There will be more
affairs of the heart for you to intervene in
Love In Bloom
A lovesick Raider called Bolir wants
you to pick Ampreh Blossoms for him to
give to his crush. Ampreh is the wide
blossoms that grow IN Lake Tunapre. Go
ahead, nothing will bother you in that lake,
although you should be able to beat
anything down that attempts to! Once you
have enough, give them to him.
A Heartfelt Confession
Now Bolir can't muster the courage to
give the flowers to his girl. You can either
do it for him, or push him into it. Either

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way, she'll reject him, and it's YOUR
fault somehow. What a downer!
A New Skill
The GAME ITSELF gives you this
Quest upon hitting Level 3. Time to buy
new Skills at Aldelle Village, from the
Warrior Trainer! Take'em up on it, and
buy Robust Blow. Robust Blow is your
first Chain Attack, when your Ferocious
Blow lands, you have 3 seconds to play
Robust Blow in rapid succession. Robust
Blow--and all Chain Attacks--will NOT
show up on your Power Bar, UNTIL you
use the one directly previous in the
Chain, at which point, it will replace its
predecessor. Hit the same button
repeatedly to run the full Chain! And yes,
this one is EXACTLY identical to the
Elyos version!
Now you should




that later). For now, to finish her latest

project, you need to get 6 Airon Breast
Feathers. Airon are the mutated stork
monsters in Lake Tunapre, which means
you'll have to kill them to take the
feathers. A brutal Warrior like you was
MADE for this kind of work! Do it and
bring her back the feathers, for fun and
Token Of A Lost Love
Dabi is at the Sap Farm, halfway down
the road leading west from Aldelle
Village. Apparently, his girlfriend went
and became a Daeva, leaving him far
behind, and he threw away their
wedding-ring in a fit of pique...Now he
wants it back, and a Snuffler (Pig) has
eaten it! Kill as many Snufflers as it takes
to find the ring, then bring it back to him.
He gives you 2 Mana Potions along with
the normal payment.
The Search for Rae

Idle Hands
Kaindal wants you to find out what the
hold-up is with Motgar's sap-collection.
Motgar gives you a Boiled Brax (Food)
for NOT beating him up. This leads into
The Insect Problem when you hit Level
Urds Request
Urd is a "simple tailor" in Aldelle
Village. The name is the Norse Goddess
of the Past, which should clue you that
she's more than she appears (More on

Nobekk says Ulgorn's headstrong

daughter has run off! YOU are tasked with
searching for her. This is going to be a
LONG Quest, so get ready. First, you have
to "interrogate" Dabi at the Sap Farm,
allegedly the last to have seen her. After
some "reminding", Dabi will tell you that
Rae went off to bother the local
Witch...ALWAYS a bad idea in fantasy
settings! So you have to go talk to
Verdandi, the local witch (Again, note the

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specifically the Goddess of the Present!)
After some "negotiation", she names
her price, killing 7 White Foot Daru.
Daru are an annoying combination of
kangaroo and goat, and will butt you
with their heads. While alone, they're
easy prey, they are SOCIAL monsters,
which means that one of them WILL call
for help. Try to fight the stragglers, as
videogames! Once you kill 7, Verdandi
will have a NEW condition. She "needs"
the spores from a Sticky Mushroom.
Find the Mushrooms and retrieve a Spore
Pouch. (The Mushrooms grow out of the
roots of some of the local trees. Change
Channels if the other players have
stripped them bare before YOU could!)
Upon grabbing it, there's a CHANCE
that you might turn into an animal. This
is normal, and you'll turn back after a
few annoying seconds.
Bring Verdandi the Spore Pouch, and
she'll admit that was just a trick to try to
get rid of you WITHOUT holding up her
end of the deal! Since you survived, she
gives you ONE chance to save the girl.
There are lots of Ribbits (Crossbreed of a
frog and a rabbit, grown to the size of a
standard dog) around, you have to pick
the correct one. Look for the one that
says "Cute Ribbit" (If you have trouble
telling them apart, the Cute Ribbit is a
slightly richer shade of blue than the

others.), and click that one ONLY, no

others! She'll turn back into a girl, and
claim credit for rescuing HERSELF! Run
back to Ulgorn, and he'll note that Rae
specifically mentioned NOT meeting you,
which means that YOU are responsible for
her safe return! As a reward, he offers you
a choice of weapons. Pick the Sword,
since you're a Warrior!
The Insect Problem
Remember Motgar from Idle Hands?
The poor sap (Pun intended) you didn't
beat up because he had problems
GETTING enough sap to make Armor for
the Asmodian Forces now wants YOU to
help him get enough. There are two
species giving him trouble, Grove
Sparkies, and Gooey Sylphens. Choose
which species you think is the bigger
problem, and kill 10 of them. Whether you
made a dent in the insect population is
irrelevant, you kept them out of his
operation long enough to get his quota of
sap, and thus spared him MORE beatings
at the hands of characters less merciful
than yourself. In gratitude, he gives you 3
Sap For Leather
Dabi is proud that he met his quota. So
proud, in fact, that he wants YOU to
deliver the sap personally! Bring it back to
Aldelle Village.
A Delivery Of Leather

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Dalor is glad to have the sap, so he can
finish treating the leather. (Well, in
overworked) He wants YOU to bring it
to Denma. Denma is stationed at
Anturoon Sentry Post. (The guard tower
so big, it actually shows up on your
map!) Denma is a bit...underwhelmed
that you only brought ONE square, but
decides to reward you anyways, rather
than taking it out on you.
The Lost Axe
If you do a lot of killing along the road
between Aldelle and Anturoon, one of
them will drop you an Old Scroll. Read
it. It tells of an old legend where an
Honest Thief (It's fantasy, remember?)
threw an Iron Axe into the lake, and a
Daeva IN the lake tempted him with
Gold and Silver Axe, but he only wanted
the Iron Axe, and as a reward for
honesty, got all 3! You need to do the
same thing. There's a big tree on your
map as a hint. On the east side of it is a
lake in the "corner" of the mountain
range that acts as a natural wall in this
game. There'll be a big tree with an even
bigger axe stuck in it. When you grab the
axe, the Daeva will come back and ask if
you threw an axe in. Cop to it, but reject
the Gold and Silver Axes, until he brings
out the Iron Axe, and admit that THAT is
the one you threw in. (I think this whole
sequence was "lifted" from the old SNES

Zelda game). The Gold Axe is a great

weapon for this stage of the game, and you
can sell the Iron and Silver Axes for fast
Treasure of the Deceased
Derot is an ambitious mercenary, who
wants YOU--to do a little grave-robbing,
RPG-style. Apparently, there's an old
prison directly north of Anturoon, and they
died rich. Don't ask me, I just kill here.
Kill enough of the Vengeful Ghosts to get
4 "Dead Folks Stuff" (Again, who comes
up with the names?) Vengeful Ghosts are
annoying, but not necessarily deadly. Be
careful, they ARE Aggro, and they DO
have the ability to turn invisible, but not
completely. Look for distortions around
the edges of something shaped like a
Zombie in chains. (Think of the old movie
Predator, the invisibility field wasn't
perfect, it had distortions around the
edges.) Once you bring back the loot,
Derot will reward you with 3 Secret
Remedies of Life (Souped-up Life
Potions), and a "Brooch of Ghost"--your
cut of the treasure--which is useless to
wear, so just sell it.
Up To No Good
Derot has another job for you. To the
south of Anturoon, a pirate ship has
docked, and pirates are invading your
territory. Your Quest is to kill enough of
them to get some proof of what they're
planning. There's only ONE Pirate Journal

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to "collect" to beat this Quest, but the
drop rate is a LOT less than 100%. Read
the Journal once you get it BEFORE
turning it back in to Derot. In addition to
"normal" Quest Rewards, you get 4
Hard-boiled Junia (Broccoli), trade these
to another player for something that
helps your HP. Warriors have NO use for
a Mana boost, and even Gladiators don't
use much Mana! "You Warrior, not
A Cursed Opal
Derot wants to give that Pirate Journal
you found to his rival, Lidun. Or more
appropriately, wants YOU to give the
Journal to his rival. She's 10 feet away,
so this is a very EASY FedEx Quest!
Treasure Map
Lidun is disgusted with Derot's
transparent ploy, but greedy enough to
interested in the Treasure, so she sends
YOU to get aboard the pirate ship, and
steal their Treasure Map! This is actually
fairly hard, even with teammates,
because the pirates respawn fairly
fast--and the Map doesn't! You have to
cut a swath through their ranks, get
aboard the ship, and keep killing enough
to keep the deck clear so you can steal
the Treasure Map. It takes a LONG time
to pick up that map, for some reason. If
you have teammates, you'll have to spend
even LONGER, so it can re-respawn for
each of your team members.

Black Opal
(JUST this side of infringing on the
copyrights of Pirates of the Caribbean!)
Lidun reads the map, and is very excited
that the legendary Black Opal is on this
very land! (What are the odds?!) It's
guarded by a mythical beast called Carak
(Boss Monster), but that should be no
problem for you IF YOU HAVE
TEAMMATES!. Again, you have to keep
killing Carak and the lesser monsters in
the cave until everyone can scavenge the
garish PURPLE treasure-chest in the back
of the room. After all that work--it turns
out to be FAKE! Lidun gives it to YOU in
disgust. It might be fake, but it's the
ONLY Neck item you'll get for quite
awhile, so wear it anyways! Moreover,
you get the Title Treasure Hunter!
Food Thieves
Mijou has a problem...And all NPCs'
problems will quickly become YOUR
problem, so listen up! Fanged Karnifs are
decimating the local Brax population,
which means no meat for the Raiders, and
they're afraid they'll have to resort to
eating bugs&fruit! Kill 9 Fanged Karnifs
to reestablish the Raiders at the top of the
Food Chain! Karnifs are essentially the
Asmodian version of Worgs, but they look
more like panthers with spikes sticking out
at random places. They ARE aggro, and
they hit fairly hard, for their Level! When
you win, you get 4 Roasted Brax (Food).

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Brax Skin Rug
Denma has the opposite problem. She's
old and freezing, so she wants to make
rugs&blankets of Brax Skin. YOU are
her chosen Agent of Death. Kill enough
Brax (Buffalo monsters) to collect 8 Brax
Skins, so she can bundle up and stay
Charmed Cube
Derot, the scheming subaltern, has
another Get Rich Quick scheme for you.
There's supposedly a Charmed Cube with
amazing riches inside! And of course, it
falls to YOU to go get it! This is another
LONG one, so be ready. Firs, head back
north to the Prison again, and knock on
the Graves to get the Ghosts to fight you.
not to have any "normal" monsters
attacking you when you do...You're still
"just" a Warrior, you can't handle large
incoming enemy squads! Also beware of
the worm-creatures that pop up and spit
poison at you! Eventually, you'll get
lucky and get the Charmed Cube! Bring
it back to Derot. Derot will try to open it,
but THEN he'll read the instructions--I
mean INSCRIPTIONS--on the Cube. It
says only a Daeva can open it. The only
Daeva he knows is Munin, who was
imprisoned in the very Prison you just
So you have to head back up to the
Prison again! Don't worry, he's not one

of those (un)dead...things. Just continue

straight north of the entry of the Prison,
and you'll come across some people frozen
in purple crystals. Munin is in the
LARGEST of these crystals, conveniently
at the very place where your path
dead-ends! Talk to him. He says he CAN
open it, but warns of a terrible curse on the
treasure within. (Hmm, cursed gold...More
Pirates of the Caribbean references?) As
his "Price of Services Rendered", he wants
you to kill 3 Grave Sparkies (The mutant
fireflies). The ones here at the Prison grow
absolutely HUGE, but they still die like
the rest AS LONG AS you're not under
attack by any of the REAL monsters in
this area.
Once you killed 3 Grave Sparkies, go
back to him. Somehow, he gets the Cube
open, even though he's STILL INSIDE
have played WarHammer 40K too much
will note that the purple crystal bears a
striking resemblance to Dark Eldar
lawyer-friendly cameo?) Bring the opened
Cube back to Derot. He'll reward you with
your cut of the loot, the Ring of Ancient
Ghosts. Unlike the Ghost Brooch, this one
is actually USEFUL to WEAR, rather than
Ashes To Ashes
If you do enough killing in the Prison,
taking in the chaotic atmosphere, and

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taking OUT everything else, you'll
eventually happen upon a Silver
Necklace. Right click on it, and it will
tell you it belongs to the Ghost Jailer
who patrols north and south in the prison,
even to this day. Take it to him, and he'll
tell you HIS tale of woe, and you can
help unburden him by collecting 3 Bone
Piles and putting them in the Incinerator.
Yes, it's another Collection Quest, BUT
it's in a fairly dangerous place, with
TONS of Aggro monsters. It's worth
doing, though, because fighting is your
primary method of gaining EXP, the
monsters in the Prison don't respawn
TOO often, and more importantly, part of
the reward is 2 "Minor Secret Remedy of
Life"--again, a souped-up Life Potion.
Checking On A Friend
Mijou is worried about a friend not
getting a Whetstone in time. So she has
everyone's favorite delivery-boy (That's
YOU!) bring it to her. The friend's name
is Delle, and she's waiting at Anturoon.
A simple FedEx Quest.
A Demanding Request AKA The
Imprisoned Gourmet
Munin--the guy sealed in the purple
crystal at the far north end of the
Prison--gives you this Quest for no
apparent reason. He wants you to harvest
some "delicacies" in the outside world
for him. You can only smuggle ONE into
his crystal. The reward varies depending

on which "delicacy" you bring him.

- Ginger Root--Hat (HP +32, MagRes
+30, Evasion +21)--from Gray Mane Mau
in the Odella Plantation.
- Methu Egg--Belt (MagRes +18, HP
+8, MP +8)--in UNGUARDED coops in
the Odella Plantation.
- Sparkie Eggs--nothing. The eggs were
rancid. From Grave Sparkies in Ishalgen
Prison Camp, but also found all over the
I recommend the Ginger Root, and
therefore the Hat, because you can get
Belts anywhere as random drops or other
Quest rewards, and the Belt is about half
as good as the Hat. Besides, even a
cursory glance at the stats shows that the
Belt was meant for Mages or Priests!
Beware, though, the Odella Plantation is
thick with monsters that are both Aggro
AND Social--They'll attack you on sight,
and call for help when you start winning!
Bring friends, because the enemies always
will. Also, in the Plantation, killstealing is
NOT a bad idea, and if you can hack it
(pun intended), take a swing at a monster
that's chasing a fellow player. You never
know when YOU will be running from
superior odds, and YOU will need
If you're lazy and give Munin Sparkie
Eggs, you get nothing, because you don't
even have to leave the Prison for that!

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He'll chew you out for it, and you know
you deserve it!
Captains Secret
Jephani, one of a pair of guards along
the road from Anturoon to the Prison, has
a terrible secret: Ulgorn is sick! She
needs 5 Sparkie Legs, and 3 Amphis
Thorns to make a cure. That means you
need to invade the Prison again, kick ass
and forget names until the monsters in
question cough up the necessary items.
Remember, the droprate is NOT 100%,
so you may have to kill more than 5
Grave Sparkies and 3 Amphis (The
worm-monsters that "hide" as a flat
triangle on the ground--but can still be
targeted, even in this state!) to satisfy the
Quest. Also, for whatever reason, ONLY
Grave Sparkies--the ones in the
Prison--drop Sparkie Legs for this Quest!
Teaching A Lesson
Mijou tells you that the Raiders made a
move without you--and failed miserably!
The Mau in the Odella Plantation kicked
their asses, and they need YOU to steal
some Odella from the Plantation, so they
don't look weak. This is a KILLING
Quest, as the Gray Mane Stalkers carry
the Odella on their bodies, rather than
leaving it in crates or bags for you to
loot. And you STILL have to deal with
Plantation--Which are ALL Aggro and
Social to boot! Bring friends or even let

annoying killstealers tag along to deal with

the extra monsters in the area. The more
targets you bring, the fewer monsters will
concentrate on YOU. You are still "just" a
Warrior, and all your attacks are
single-target! When you bring back the
Odella, Mijou will offer you your choice
of Leg Armor (Glorified pants). I
recommend the Chain Greaves, since you
ARE a Warrior!
Hit Them Where It Hurts
Mijou isn't satisfied with just Teaching
A Lesson. Now, she wants you to steal the
enemy's grain, because it's infused with
Aether. Luckily, this grain IS in
convenient bags for you to loot, but NOT
at your leisure, as patrolling and
respawning monsters will interrupt your
theft, and you'll have to get rid of them the
way only a Warrior can! When you come
back with the grain, you get your choice of
BOOTS to go with the Leg Armor! Again,
I recommend the Chain Boots, since you
are a Warrior!
As Much As You Can Carry
Devious Devalin has an offer for you.
Apparently, Odella isn't the ONLY
product on the Plantation. They also
produce Odella JUICE, which although
treated as a waste-product, it ferments and
becomes a "highly profitable beverage" (In
other words, you're stealing and
bootlegging booze!) They store the juice
in urns, so you can steal without killing--in

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THEORY--but as with the grain in Hit
Them Where It Hurts, the enemies will
keep interrupting your thefts, and you'll
have to kill them anyways!
Alfrighs Request
Alfrigh--a Raider between Anturoon
and the Odella Plantation--has a
"request" for you. He needs 5 Iron Ores
to complete a weapons project he's
working on. The problem is, Iron Ores
are only found in Odella Plantation (or in
Dubaro Vine Canyon, but you REALLY
don't want to go there yet!) When you
bring back the Ores, he'll have enough to
make YOU a weapon too! Choose the
Sword, although it's debatable whether
that can compete with your Golden Axe.

(See Alfrigh's Request, above) Alfrigh

will be glad you warned him, and will
delay his plan, but will give you 2 Life
Potions to show you he's "serious about
getting filthy rich". Quite delusional, for
an NPC!
Pearls Before Swine
Devalin wants the Ornaments of 8 Gray
Mane Scratchers. Kill them and bring him
the Ornaments. Again, though, since this is
a LOOT Quest, not a KILL Quest, you
may have to kill more than just 8. Gray
Manes are no pushover, and worse, they
summon help when you're winning. Bring
teammates, or try to time your invasion
along with a horde of other players, for

The Robbery Plot

A Good Tonic

Mijou has another problem--for you, of

course. Some friends of hers wanted to
mount a robbery on the Odella
Plantation, and had ordered some
explosives for the purpose of distraction.
She wants YOU to check if the
explosives are ready yet. (If you didn't
feel like you were working for the Mob
before, this should about drive it home,
splinter factions, plans within plans, etc.)
You'll have to go back to Aldelle and
talk to Hephe, the Smith (And apparently
demolition expert on the side?) there.
Once you get the word that they're not
ready yet, you have to notify their
co-conspirators, headed up by Alfrigh

Alfrigh has ANOTHER great idea--for

you to carry out, of course! He wants you
to steal 8 Dried Ginseng Roots (NOT to be
confused with the Ginseng Root you got
for Munin back in The Imprisoned
Gourmet) from the DunDun, the bear-like
Humanoid Monsters that run the Odella
Plantation. This time, you'll almost have to
AVOID the Gray Manes, since they'll take
up time and HP that could otherwise be
spent killing DunDuns! (As a side-note,
the Odella Plantation is a GREAT place to
grind money or Levels, IF you can handle
the volume of monsters respawning,
and/or if you bring a ton of friends!)
Apparently the Dried Ginseng Roots really

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DO make good Tonic, as the reward
includes 4 Mana Potions--I recommend
trading these to a fellow player for more
Life Potions. Warriors don't USE Mana!
Wheres Rae This Time?
Once you've beaten all the other
Quests in Ishalgen, Ulgorn will have
terrible news. His daughter, Rae, has
escaped AGAIN! This is a LONG Quest,
so be ready. If you have already gotten to
Level 9, I advise you to skip to
Ascension, and come BACK to this one!
Being Level 10 and a full-fledged
Gladiator will be a real help for this one!
First, talk with Nobekk. He'll tell you
to... Talk with Derot. Derot (Whom you
know to be devious already) will tell you
to speak to his "trusted subordniate"
Nalto. Nalto, for his part, got lost in the
Dubaro Vine Canyon. Dubaro Vine
Canyon is a nasty place with TONS of
Gray Manes stalking its narrow, uneven
halls--and because they ARE narrow, it's
harder to avoid a fight if you don't have
the HP to handle it! Stock up on Potions
and Bandages! Go into the Canyon, and
keep taking the LEFT fork, whenever the
path forks. Talk to Nalto. That will start
Suspicious Activity (See below) as well
as the next link in this Quest. Rae is
further down the tunnels, hiding behind
some barrels. (Minor side-point: If YOU
can see her, why can't THEY? Part cat
should make them the ULTIMATE

hunters, right?) Talk with Rae. She'll warn

you that the Gray Manes are about to open
a Portal to the Demon Dimension! As with
the Elyos side, kill enough enemies to
clear a path, and destroy the three power
generators. Go back and talk to Rae, and
she'll take credit again, but Ulgorn sees
some details missing, so YOU are given
the credit, as well as a cutscene-flashback
of your character in action! More
importantly, you have a choice of Chest
Armors. Again, pick the Chainmail! AND
you get the Title Raider Hero!
Suspicious Activity AKA What Are
They Up To?
Nalto gives you this Quest while you're
looking for Rae the second time Where's
Rae This Time? They want you to
sabotage the Grey Mane's whole
organization by taking out their leader,
Hatata the Torturer--who is a Boss--and at
least ONE of his "Strong Fur" Elite
Guards! The Strong Furs will be no
DEFINITELY need a group to kill Hatata!
If/When you win, you get a choice of
Gloves. Choose the Chainmail, as always!
This opens automatically as soon as you
reach Level 9. Manin--The Imprisoned
Gourmet--wants to see you urgently. He
thinks he can restore you! He has three
allies for you to find.

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First is Urd (Remember the "simple
tailor" from Urd's Request?) She gives
you her Card, once you mention Manin's
Second is Verdandi, the old witch, who
is a little more reluctant, but gives you
her Card.
Third is Skuld, who seems almost
regretful to give you HER Card... This
ends the Three Cards part of your
Ascension Quest. Your Past is a
Blackbird, your Present is a Departing
Ship, and your Future is Storm. This
allows the Imprisoned Gourmet to "tell
your future", and unlock your Daeva
Powers! You fly around the Abyss, as
before, fight off 4 Elyos Assassins, then
fight their General. BUT once you are
getting the upper hand, the game takes
over with a cutscne that shows you and
he going at it like Final Fantasy 8, then
he finally gets the upper hand, giving you
a blast that bounces you THROUGH the
floor, where you explode and devolve
into a human! WOW!
Daevas Ceremony
You're not an official Daeva yet! You
need to goto Aldelle Village and teleport
to Pandemonium. The guy in charge of
teleporting will be suitably snarky about
your Ascension, but he'll take your
money and send you where you need to
go anyways. You're given a warm
welcome--at swordpoint--by the guards,

but a local Daeva quickly straightens it all

out. You're not a full-fledged Daeva until
you hit the Graduation Ceremony they've
held for you. Don't keep them--or
yourself--waiting! After graduation, you're
not only able to reach level 10, but more
importantly, you're given a WEAPON as a
graduation-present! Choose either the
Greatsword or the Spear, as two-handed
weapons will be your "mode" for the rest
of your career as a Gladiator! Now go
back to Ishalgen and finish up whatever
Quests you were holding back on because
you didn't want to waste EXP. Then
teleport to Altgard. You've got work to do!

Levels 10-20
Altgard Duties
You need to talk to Suthran, who will
welcome you to the fort. He's happy to
have more expendable labor! All you get
is EXP and he hopes you'll be a valuable
addition to Altgard! Gee, I feel better
Lakutu's Exchange
The first Quest you'll probably find is
Manastone Remover, seeks three specific
- Manastone: HP +30
- Manastone: Accuracy +14

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- Manastone: Shield Defense +14
Bring them to her, she'll give you 300
EXP and 1 "better" Manastone. This is
INFINITELY repeatable, but why? HP is
good for Melee fighters. This is mostly
for "free" EXP, since Manastones go for
virtually nothing at the Vendors--but can
be sold for SUBSTANTIAL money at
the Broker (AION's version of Auction

fodder. HOWEVER, he has a necklace, a

GORGEOUS piece of work, to track her
down with. You'll have to go back to
Pandemonium to solve this one! Take the
necklace to Chauminerk, who will say that
he did it, for a noblewoman named Lanse.
Confront Lanse with the evidence, and
she'll have the gall to claim it was
STOLEN--then she'll turn around and say
that "The Thief" might as well have the
Jewelry BOX to go with it!

Lakutu's Trade
Lakutu, the Manastone Remover, seeks
a DIFFERENT trio of Manastones:

Open your inventory and use the

Jewelry Box to begin...
Deep Maternal Love

- Manastone: MP +30
- Manastone: Evasion +6
- Manastone: Parry +14
Bring them to her, she'll give you 300
EXP and 1 "better" Manastone. This is
INFINITELY repeatable--and it's "OK",
since these are "Magic Class"
Manastones--but mostly for "free" EXP,
since Manastones go for virtually
nothing at the Vendors--but can be sold
for SUBSTANTIAL money at the
Broker (AION's version of Auction
Arekedil's Heritage AKA Secret of
One's Birth
Arekedil is having a crisis of
EXISTENCE. He's unsure who his
mother is/was, and why he was
abandoned. Yes, normal TV drama

A 14-page letter "hidden" in the Jewelry

Box tells that she was an unhappy spoiled
noblewoman, and kind of glosses over her
affair, because after all, she was taken for
granted. Okay... Turns out Arekedil really
IS her son, but she'll deny it under oath.
Tell Arekedil the "news" for even MORE
Mau Emissarys Request
In the southwest corner of this little
iceberg you find yourself on, you'll
find--MAU?! But wait, this one's
FRIENDLY! It says something about Itu,
who is nearby. Talk to Itu. Itu will send
you to talk to Suthran, the patriarch of this
snow fort. Once you talk with Suthran, go
back to Itu and give him the answer.
The Phaini Threat

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Heidunn wants you to kill some
beasties. Ice Phainis, to be more precise.
Phainis look like Loch Ness Monsters,
but flatter...They're on the west side of
your iceberg island. Kill 10 and come
back for your reward.
The Lobnite Problem
Morn has a problem for you to solve.
Lobnites are becoming a real nuisance.
They're some kind of meta-mollusk with
the worst parts of lobster, nautilus and
not sure what else...Gladiators are
natural-born exterminators! Kill 10 and
in addition to your normal rewards, you'll
get 4 Mana Potions.
Learning The Mau Language AKA
Mau in 10 Minutes A Day
(Another near-miss with copyrights)
Now that you've cleaned up the
homefront a little, Itu--the Mau you met
earlier--has a job for you to make peace
with THEIR tribe and protect them from
tribes that have sold out to the Demons,
but Suthran doesn't trust that! Find
Mumu Bon, somewhere in the middle of
the ice fortress--more precisely, in the
dungeon UNDER the fortress! Drink the
Special Potion, and that will teach you
Mau immediately, so you can test it by
talking to Mumu Bon, then come back
out and talk to Itu! You earn the Title
Fluent in Mau

Nemnef, the Soul Healer, needs Crystals

to help purify and focus thoughts and
souls. Crystals grow IN the ice. Gather 6
and bring them back. No fighting
necessary, but you can if you want--or
combine this with the other Quests, so you
have something to do while waiting for the
Crystals to regrow! Bring'em back and get
A Clean House Is A Happy House
Nirmirn needs some house-cleaning
chemicals. Chemistry and supermarkets
haven't been invented yet (Except...the
General Store, curiously!) Luckily, she has
you. Harvest 5 Ice Sparky Saps. Because
this is a LOOT Quest, not a KILL Quest,
you may have to kill more than 5. (Isn't it a
surprise that these mutant fireflies can
even SURVIVE in this ice wasteland?)
Bring the Saps back so she can make
everything sparkle. To heal you from that
pun, she gives you 4 Life Potions!
The Way To His Heart
Venoa wants to get her Man to notice
her. A full millenium before womens'
magazines, she realizes that The Way To
His Heart is through his stomach! She
wants some steaks. Kill enough Ice Airons
(Mutant storks--HERE?) to make 5 fillets!
Easy Slice, Easy Money! Again, since it's
a LOOT Quest, rather than a KILL Quest,
you may have to kill more than just 5.

Crystals Of The Ice Lake

Slinking About

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(Where DO they come up with these
titles?) Tulberg wants you to kill 5 Frost
things--how do THEY survive the cold?)
This IS a Kill Quest, so 5 is ALL you
have to kill. Feel free to kill more if you
want the practice or whatever. Because
he expects you to fight something more
dangerous, he gives you 5 Lesser Shock
Alleviation Scrolls (Summons up a
shield that takes a hit or two so your HP
doen't have to! Think of the Final
Fantasy 7 Shell Spell)
The Scribbler
At random in one of your kills out
there, you'll find a book. Use it, and it
will say it belonged to Thrud. Thrud is in
one of the buildings. He loaned THAT
book out to 3 friends--and one of them
scribbled all over it! Talk to Tulberg
(from Slinking About) He wasn't the
culprit. Talk to Borender next (Go up--as
in hit PageUp and FLY!) HE wasn't the
culprit either! Finally, go down into the
Dungeon and talk to Noroia. Wow, you
found the culprit--already in the
Dungeon! Tell Thrud the "good" news!
Fungus Among Us
Valurion says Altgard is under attack
from above. What's he talking about? He
sends you to Borender for details. You
WILL have to fly up to meet Borender
(The Quest Text says BLENDER, but
blenders haven't been invented yet!). He

is standing on the giant "Snowflake" that

hovers over the town, and harbors an
Abyss Portal! (Abyss is the PVP area--that
comes later!) Apparently, battles in the
Abyss are so fierce, they send deadly
spores into Altgard! Allergy pills haven't
been invented yet, so you'll have to fight
these spores the old-fashioned way: Full
Plate and Packing Steel! (Discrepancy:
These spores are deady to the touch, but
you can melee them to death?!) Blow up 5
Spores and you win! Be warned, your
flight time is quite limited, so you can
usually kill 2 Spores per trip. Report back
to Borender when you're done clearing the
air. He'll give you a Skill Book that once
learned, will boost your Physical Attack
while airborne. Equally important, he'll
give your 4 Wind Potions, which allow
you to stay airborne longer.
Meet Meiyer, second-in-command, and
essentially Head of Security at the Fort.
Recently, some cultists have made him
nervous...Lephardist Revolutionaries--The
very cultists you fought on the pirate ship
back in Ishalgen! (See Up To No Good,
above) Kill 4 of them to "help them
understand this fort is loyal and their kind
isn't wanted here" (Paraphrase) When you
finish, you'll get not only your normal
rewards, but 3 Life Potions! Nothing better
between fights (Assuming you can't just sit
and rest, that is)

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A Dangerous Crop

Retrieving The Report

Talk to Loriniah. She's got a problem

and expects YOU to fix it--as always!
The MuMu tribe of Mau are
growing/refining Odella. You are sent to
scout it out. Get just close enough that
the game recognizes you "scouted" the
area, then run back to Loriniah, and tell
her what you saw. You might have to
fight this time: Your assignment is to
destroy their crop-carts. (Important note:
You can go down the road leading south
from Loriniah, turning west at the fork in
the road. This is the easiest path to a
wagon, next to a small lean-to. You can
stay there and do minimal fighting to
keep the area clear enough to burn the
cart AGAIN when it respawns! IT WILL
COUNT AGAIN! This Quest isn't EASY
by any means, but this makes it more
bearable. Patience can keep you alive
longer in this game...) The enemies,
however, won't just stand by and LET
you! Once you've burned 3 carts (Or the
same one three times!), talk to Loriniah
again. NOW you will HAVE to fight:
Your Quest is to kill Skurvs and Mau and
bring back their Hairpins and Belts. You
need only 5 Hairpins and 3 Belts, but
again, 8 ITEMS may mean MORE than 8
KILLS! After all that, come back to
Loriniah to get paid. She'll throw in 3
Mana Potions. I recommend trading
those with a fellow player and getting
Life Potions instead.

This is a FedEx Quest that DOESN'T

clog up your inventory! Rion hasn't heard
from the Moslen Crossing. Tell that to
Loriniah, and he'll get "Right On
That"(TM)! That's it! Nothing to carry
there or back...That was too easy!
Karnif Threat
Oh, that's why the other Quest was so
easy. Olenja wants you to kill 10 Karnifs
for her. FINDING them is easy; they're all
over the place, but KILLING them isn't so
easy. When you win, you get 30 Lesser
Odella Powder, in addition to normal
rewards. (Keep it, it's used as reagent for
the Herbal Treatment Skills. Same Powder
is used to heal and to recharge Mana--but
A Better Trap
Olenja realizes that to stop the Karnifs
for good, you'll have to "Fight Smarter Not
Harder"(TM), so she is building a trap.
YOUR part is to kill Togs and bring back
6 of their ribs. (Togs are a strange
bulldog-pig monster, so you're literally
making spare ribs!) This is a LOOT Quest,
so you will probably have to kill more
than 6 Togs, but Togs are slightly easier
than Karnifs, despite being "deeper in"
enemy territory, and Togs have a Stun
attack, rather than the Karnifs' DOT.
Strange Fruit

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Tigg wants you to gather ONE Okaru
Fruit. Sounds simple, EXCEPT that area
is infested with aggro Karnifs! While you
have the Fruit, you will be limited to half
speed, AND you can't glide, AND you'll
take 20 damage every so often...Plan
your trip carefully, or bring friends to
"block" for you...Otherwise, it's a
"Simple Task"(TM)! The tree is
northeast from the camp. Oddly, it's
NOT the big, obvious tree with
low-hanging fruit, it's even further
northeast than THAT! Luckily, the
Okaru Tree is the ONLY one that will
have a lit outline and turn the cursor into
a gear when you point at the correct tree.

you can brave the Karnifs and Togs along

the way, go for it. Humnir will remember
seeing a suspicious wagon, and ask you to
search the wagon. If you have a competent
party around you, go ahead and do so now,
the wagon is along the trail leading
southwest out of the village. If you're solo,
wait until 18-19, as Grave Robbers are
Revolutionaries. They use every dirty trick
in the book: Poison, Stun, Knockback,
AND calling for help. If one can't kill you,
many can! Once you loot the wagon,
report your success to Nokir. He'll offer
you a choice of Boots, pick the Plate

Scout It Out

A Long, Lost Friend

This is a long one, so get ready. First,

talk to Olenja to GET the Quest in the
first place. She'll tell you to "Search
Manir's Ferry Dock and find out what the
Lepharist Revolutionaries are looking
for." This wording is EXTREMELY
vague. What you actually need is on the
OTHER SIDE of that river, inside the
cabin, on a table, you'll find a Document
pinned to the table by a dagger.
Double-click it, and you'll take the
Document, but the dagger will disappear.
Read the Document to find out they're
after Tiamat's Sword, long thought to be
just a legend, etc. Report the result to
Olenja. She'll tell you to talk to Hunmir,
in Basfelt Village, far to the southwest. If

Olenja THOUGHT she saw Manir. So

she wants YOU to say hi to him for her.
Nothing physical to bring, so YOU are the
message. An easy Quest, except for the
Karnif along the way.
Frightcorn Seeds
Tigg thinks you did such a great job on
the Okaru Fruit (Strange Fruit Quest, see
above), that he wants you to bring back 5
Frightcorn Seeds. MuMu Farmers and
MuMu Gatherers carry it. The Farmers are
an easier fight, PLUS they are closer to the
exit of the farm. I advise approaching from
the EAST, less guarded that way for some
reason...This is a LOOT Quest, not a KILL
Quest, so you might have to kill more than

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Ripened Frightcorn

Manir's Uncle

Tigg says the Frightcorns you got were

the wrong color, and thinks it's because
Aether-manipulation, so he wants you to
steal 3 RIPE Frightcorn cobs. 3
Frightcorn's Memory
Make Their Job Easier AKA Picking
Off Frightcorn
Tigg wants more Frightcorn, so he
sends a team to steal more...Your job is
to kill the MuMu Patrol and Veteran
MuMu Patrol that are guarding the
Frightcorn Fields. This is a KILL Quest,
but it's not EASY: Veteran MuMu
Patrols can Summon Black Paw Mau out
of thin air--literally! The Summoned
monsters have NO LOOT, but are still
worth EXP. Once you succeed, Tigg will
give you his Necklace!

Manir hasn't seen his uncle in a long

time, so you have to find and hopefully
reunite them. Manir's Uncle is across the
river and down the cliff, hiding behind the
waterfall. Once you find him, Manir's
Uncle introduces himself as Groken, and
wants you to get his chest. It's behind the
cabin, it's a BRIGHT PURPLE CHEST!
The Revolutionaries around there must be
blind from too much combat, to have not
stolen it yet?
Grokens Escape
Once you take Groken his chest, he
needs you to escort him to his sailboat.
Two Revolutionaries will attack you, and
if you're not careful, attack HIM! The
sailboat is to your left as you exit the cave
behind the waterfall. Double-click it and
watch him sail into a pink sunset.

Knot Your Average Message

Manirs Message

One of the MuMu you kill will have a

special unwearable Quest Item ring
called, "MuMu Grass Knot". Take it to

Manir will want to hear of his Uncle

Groken's survival and safe escape. Tell
him the news for a healthy helping of

Gleaning The Meaning

Report To Garuntat

Olenja can't figure out the Knot from

Knot Your Average Message, so she
says for you to take it to Geifon--in an
envelope this time. Not too complex a
mission, but more dangerous than it
seems, as everything along the road is

Gor in Basfelt Village wants you to talk

to his Boss, Garuntat. Takes a long time to
GET to Basfelt Village, but once you're
there, it's a short trip between Gor and
Garuntat. FREE EXP!
Lamirs New Clothes

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Lamir wants you to get him some
leather to make new clothes out of.
HOWEVER, he wants it from Mosbear
Cubs...This is not just a LOOT Quest, it's
a DANGEROUS Loot Quest, in that
when you attack the Cubs, Mama Bear
will come running, and two Mosbears
attacking you at once will shred you
quickly. A party is almost a MUST for
this one. Hint: Always kill the Cub
'FIRST', as the Cub will not run if the
parent is still standing, and Mama Bears
will not run away from the Cub. That
way, you don't chase your fleeing enemy
right into MORE enemies! You need 5
Mosbear Cub Leathers to win. And when
you succeed, Lamir gives you 2 Minor
Armor Refining Stones for your trouble.
Great if you're an Armorsmith/Tailor.
Otherwise, sell them at the Broker.
A Cure For Crazy
Garuntat wants you to bring a Memory
Quartz to a crazy old man to help him
return to lucidity...at least for a time?
Yep, another FedEx Quest.
A Crazy Request
Gor thinks Lake Crystals could be
useful for his magic research. He wants
YOU to kill Lake Spirits and bring him
back 3 Lake Crystals. Again, this is a
LOOT Quest, not a KILL Quest, so 3
Crystals will probably mean more than 3
crushed Spirits! He gives you 4 Healing
Potions when you bring back all 3

Take The Initiative
Nokir has a great idea to get rid of the
Lepharist Revolutionaries: Kill their
leader, Comrade Sumarhon. HOWEVER,
NPCs only COME UP with these great
ideas, it falls to YOU to actually perform
them! You have to kill Comrade
Sumarhon, 5 Grave Robber Sentries, and 5
Grave Robber Swordsmen. These are very
challenging monsters, ESPECIALLY
Comrade Sumarhon (The Boss)! Once
you're done with all of those, Nokir offers
you a choice of Gloves. Choose the Plate
Fear Is A Great Motivator AKA Fear
Talk with Nokir. Go to the MuMu
Village and get rid of 5 of the Black Claw
Tribe. I know, I make it sound so easy, but
they're ferocious cat-men fighters. Go
back to Nokir and report your success.
Talk with Shania. Kill the Arachnas--ANY
could drop the Poison Glands! Gather 3
Arachna Poison Glands and take them to
Shania. (Important note: You don't HAVE
to fight the Feral Black Claw Sharp Eyes
on the Poison Glands leg of the journey.
Stay out of sight, and they'll wander
around, DELIBERATELY leaving you an
opening! You CAN just buzzsaw through,
but the Sharp Eyes are Elite Monsters, so
bring friends, 'cause they sure will!) You
WILL have to kill a lot more than 3, as the

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droprate is horrible for these Glands!
Bring the Glands to Shania. Go back to
Nokir, and in addition to your normal
rewards, he'll throw in a choice of
weapons! Choose the Sword!
Monster Myth
Gefion will tell you about some
legendary monster, then send you to
Lamir to get some Incense to summon it.
Go where they tell you to, and burn the
Incense. If the burner doesn't work,
change Channel, someone else just did
the Quest. Due to a bug or lazy
programming, the Incense Burner is on a
per-player. Kill Infernus, then return to
Gefion to get paid and 3 Life Potions!
No-Good Slime
Hunmir is complaining that the local
altar is coated in slime. Well, actually,
he's not complaining so much about
THAT, since the slime has medicinal
properties (I think this is the beginnings
of penicillin?), but SOME of the slime
has come alive and is attacking the
would-be pharmacists! Kill 5 of the
Rainbow Slimes to put them in their
place. This is a simple Hunt Quest, kill or
be killed. Yes, I KNOW that slime is the
starting monster of DragonQuest and
several other Japanese RPGs, but THESE
slimes are painfully powerful, and some
even pack a Poison punch! Don't lower
your guard!

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth

Shania has a little gambling for you: Can
you kill 3 Mosbears AND return to Shania
alive in 10 minutes? This is your first
timed Quest on the Asmodian side.
Mosbears are a difficult opponent even
WITHOUT a timer pushing you forward.
You better be at the top of your game for
this, and TAKE time to rest or Bandage
(Or Herb Treatment) between fights, so
you don't die and waste even MORE time.
(Oddly, this Quest doesn't fail if you die,
but again, it DOES waste time!) The
rewards for this Quest are higher than
normal, probably BECAUSE of the timer!
A Thorn In Its Side
A Random Mosbear Corpse will have a
HUNTING KNIFE stuck in its side (That's
a mighty big "thorn"!) Bring the knife
back to Nornes, the Leather Tanner!
A Friendly Wager
Shania STILL doesn't believe you're the
better hunter! This time, you have to kill
TEN Mosbears, AND take a Tusk from
each of them, AND return, WITH the
Tusks, within 30 minutes...Killing 10
Mosbears alone, but since it's a Loot
Quest, rather than a Kill Quest, so it'll be
no easy tusk--er--TASK! If you win, you'll
get Shania's Leather Hat AND the Title
Mosbear Slayer!
Sibling Rivalry

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Lamir wants you to reunite three
warring siblings. Aww...It's "just" a
FedEx chain, but it leads through some
VERY dangerous territory! Talk with
Karl. Karl's Camp is back down the road
toward Manir's Ferry Dock, on the left
fork of the path (Going straight leads to
Gunmarson. Gunmarson's Camp is on
the south bank of the southernmost water
area in Mosbear Habitat. Talk with
Kaibech. Kaibech's Camp is at the very
northwest corner of Mosbear Habitat.

KILL Quest! There's 5 Recovery Potions

in it for you when you win!

Then again, if you can kill Mosbears

on a timer, taking them at your leisure
should be easy for you, right? Moving

Gefion wants to teach the MuMus a

lesson--or at least, he wants YOU to teach
them a lesson! AND he wants you to bring
back 5 MuMu Belts! So it's back to the
MuMu Village to kick MuMu ass, forget
names and steal Belts. MuMu LookLooks
are the EASIEST to kill for this Quest, but
they can drop from ANY MuMus you can
kill. As with all Kill Quests, you may need
to kill more than 5 to get all 5 Belts. Bring
the Belts back to Gefion and get paid.

Mantigars Request
At Kaibech's Campsite, Mantigar has a
"request" for you. He wants you to kill 3
Crested Pluma. It's an "easy" hunt,
except for those darn Mosbears! Flip the
birds and come back for your rewards!

A Fertile Field
Daike wants to know what kind of
Fertilizer the MuMu are using. So he does
the natural thing and...Hires YOU to steal
3 Fertilizer Sacks from the MuMu
VILLAGE, not the Farms! Grab the sacks,
fight or avoid the MuMu themselves as
you see fit, and bring back your "prizes" to
get paid.
A Matter Of Pride

Rarified Tastes

Rampaging Mosbears

Bogurt back in Basfelt Village wants

you to get him the fancy Hairpins the
MuMu Herb Gatherers wear. This should
NOT be confused with the Hairpins from
Scouting It Out (See above) The MuMu
in the VILLAGE are harder than the ones
in the MuMu Farms from before...AND
you will probably have to kill more than
3, since this is a LOOT Quest, not a

Gefion is upset that the Mosbears are

getting uppity, and he wants you to put
them back in their place. The first part is
straightforward, kill 5 Starved Mosbears
and 5 Fierce Mosbears. Go back to Gefion
after you win. NOW he wants you to kill
the Boss Mosbear, "Komu SilverClaw".
Before you leave, look for the captive
Mosbear near where you originally entered

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Basfelt Village. She'll give you "Hunter
Secret Remedy", a consumable ONE
USE ONLY buff Potion. You can get
more of it, if you use it up WITHOUT
killing Komu. Bring friends, because
Komu brings at least ONE friend. When
you win, go back to Gefion for your
usual rewards, PLUS the Title Legendary

An Irritating Problem
Mantigar has a problem...And being an
NPC Quest-giver, HIS problem becomes
YOUR problem! There are too many
Nimble Arachnas for his comfort. Kill 5 of
them for him. This is a straightforward
hunt, BUT Nimble Arachna'lings don't

The Broken Honey Pot

Clearing The Path
Gilungk broke his honeypot! That
wouldn't matter, except he wants YOU to
procure a replacement! Ask Tatural
where to harvest honey. Raid Beehives
and bring the honey to Gilungk. You
need NINE BEEHIVES! Warning: each
Beehive you break has a CHANCE to
summon an Angry Mosbear. Don't break
too many at once, else you'll kill yourself
with the Law of Averages. Even the ones
that DO summon a Mosbear have a few
seconds' grace, so you can dine&dash.
Either way, once you collect your quota,
bring Gilungk the honey, and he'll pay
you, PLUS throw in 3 Lesser Physical
Critical Hit Increase Scroll--Temporarily
increases your chance of getting a
Critical Hit in physical combat--which is,
oddly enough, EXACTLY what a
Gladiator does! They're VERY brief, so
use one at the start of a tough battle.
Critical Hits not only do more damage,
they often knock an enemy flat on its ass,
giving you a few free hits, OR time to get

Kaibech wants you to kill Bigfoot

Mosbears. Just 3 of them...But remember,
these will be tougher than the Mosbears
you fought before! Go back to Kaibech
and get paid for your troubles.
Stinkflower Antidote
Gilungk needs you to collect a random
number of Malodor Thorns. Kill
Malodors. Since this is a LOOT Quest, not
a KILL Quest, you'll have to kill more
than the specified number of Malodors.
Get the Thorns, go back, get paid, AND 2
Lesser Healing Potions!
Glowing Mushroom
Mushrooms. YOU get to get them! Kill
Sprigg Outlaws for Glowing Mushrooms
they stole. Bring back 5 Glowing
Mushrooms and get paid! Since this is a
LOOT Quest, not a KILL Quest, you'll
have to kill more than just 5.
A Crystal Hand Mirror

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Chagarinerk wants a Crystal Hand
Mirror to give to his fiancee, Mahirinerk,
for her birthday. Meet with Kagorinerk
and check whether he has a mirror. Bring
it back to Chagarinerk, and get paid.
[Collection] Gathering Calendula
Viel needs some Calendula. Harvest 15
of them and bring them back to Viel to
get paid!

- Kill Sentinel Leader Gattban. Sentinel

Leader Gattban paths back and forth inside
the Lepharist Encampment. If you kill the
guard to the left of the entrance, go North
and to the left behind the tree and wait,
Gattban will eventually path to a spot he
can be safely pulled away and eliminated.
- Take Tiamat's Sword from Sentinel
Leader Gattban and bring it to Autri.
- Report the result to Valurion.

Failure To Report
Meiyer has a message for you to
deliver. Deliver it, then come back and
get paid!
A Sneaky Delivery
Japayerk wants you to bring a Secret
Package to Mabrunerk at Altgard East
Gate. Do it and get paid!

You'll get paid, PLUS a choice of

Shoulder Armor. Choose Valurion's Plate
Pauldrons, to continue being the walking
wall of Armor that only Warrior
subclasses can become
Know Your Enemy
This is another LONG one. This is
getting to be a habit!

The Sting Of Poison

- Talk with Taora.
Eggther needs some exterminating
done. Kill 3 Poison Arachnas, then report
back to get paid.


This is another LONG one.

- Talk with Aurtri.
- Go to the Lepharist Encampment and
get rid of 5 of the Watch Bodyguards.
The Lepharist Encampment is straight
down the hill, east from the Observatory.
- Go back to Aurtri.

- Having transformed into a Mau, the

timer starts. Run! Do not walk! Don't get
stuck on obstacles! Up the path as fast as
you can run. Across the bridge, up the rise
on your right and keep going up to that big
Totem on the hill. You will get the credit
just before the steps. When you reach the
bridge on your way back, no matter how
much time you have left, the illusion will
disappear and you WILL be attacked.
Keep running and gliding, right past Taora
and all the way to the guards before every
mob in the area manages to kill you.

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- Espionage complete! Go back to
- Now you have to go back, without
the disguise, and destroy 3 of the
Totems. Needless to say, this is a group
task. The good news is, the first Totem is
past the bridge and just up the main path,
at a split, on your right, and you can just
hold that location and destroy the Totem
every time it respawns until everyone has
credit for the Quest.
- Return to Taora.
- Talk with Suthran. You get paid and
your choice of Chest Armors. Choose
Suthran's Breastplate.
Magnanimity of Kagorinerk AKA
Kagorinerk's Gift

Dellalont needs you to get his Sword

back. It was stolen by Feral Black Claw
Warriors, so you have to keep killing Feral
Black Claw Warriors until one of them
coughs up the Sword!
- Easy Method: Step just inside the
swamp and turn left, down the outside of
the outer fortress wall. In the corner under
the tree you should find 1-2 Feral Black
Claw Warriors. Pull them back to the
Guards and let them kill for you (Get a
few hits in for free EXP), then wait for
respawn and kill them as they spawn until
you find the Sword!
When you find the Sword, bring it back
to Dellalont, and get paid, PLUS 3
Roasted Slink (food)!
The Secret Letter

Kagorinerk wanted to give a wedding

present to Chagarinerk. Deliver the
Crystal Hand Mirror to Chagarinerk.
A Nice Gesture

Germyu has a secret letter for you to

deliver to Neparinyerk. Easy money,
compared to some of the other Quests

Vovetirn found a little Charm. You

have to take it back to Germyu at the
entry of Gerger Village.


Threat Of Starvation AKA Ksellid


Germyu lost "something"--his insignia.

Get it for him at the base of the waterfall
in a garish purple box, and bring it back to
him to get paid!

Germyu needs you to kill 5 of the Star

Metal Ksellids, who have been stealing
food from the village. This IS a KILL
Quest, so 5 are ALL you have to kill! Go
back and get paid for it!




Clothes of a Shugo AKA Gerger's

(Requires Gerger's Request) Talk to
Gogaerunerk, and bring the clothes to

A Lost Sword

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Germyu to get paid. This was too easy?


Escaping Asmodae

Neifenmers Reasoning

(Requires Clothes of a Shugo)

Germyu is hiding in a small cave behind
a waterfall. Talk to him, he'll ask you to
escort him home. cross the lake headed
towards Trader's Berth and he will meet
you, at night, just on the other side of the
bridge. Now, just walk (don't run) down
the road to Trader's Berth while avoiding
all the mobs along the way. Take your
time and don't lose him! When you get to
Trader's Berth, talk to Babarunerk and
you're done! No money in it, but a
goodly burst of EXP, and the Guardian's
Ring. PLUS the Title Kind!
The Blue Crystals
Neparinerk needs Angolem Crystals.
Harvest 5 Angolem Crystals and bring
them back. Not only will you get paid,
but he'll give you 5 Broiled Brax (Food)!
A Trustworthy Messenger
Valurion has some Orders for you to
carry to Neifenmer. He doesn't trust
anyone else to carry them! Still, good
money for a fairly mundane task!
Urnirs Reasoning
Urnir wants Pecku Feathers. Kill
enough Peckus to get 5 Pecku Feathers,
then take them back to Urnir to get paid!
Since this is a LOOT Quest, not a KILL
Quest, you'll need to kill more than just

Neifenmer thinks the Lepharists in the

Lepharist Encampment are "up to
Encampment for the Lepharist Operation
Order,and bring it back. No money in it,
but a little EXP, and it starts a Quest
Creating A Delay
Neifenmer needs you to thin out
Lepharists, so the REAL soldiers can
attack! Kill Lepharist Watch Bodyguards
and Lepharist Watch Shamans, and collect
3 of the Lepharist Insignias they carry.
Bring them back to Neifenmer as "proof",
and get paid, PLUS 50 Lesser Power
Aurtris Letter
Neifenmer wants you to tell Aurtri about
your successes here. Aurtri gives you a
letter. Bring it to Suthran.
Elementary, My Dear Daeva
(Requires Urnir's Reasoning and
Neifenmer's Reasoning) Go back to
Pandemonium. Talk to Deyla. This is a
simple Quest where you have to solve a
mystery put to you by Deyla. It does not
really matter which culprit you pin it on,
the Quest will move forward, with some
changes in the dialogue, and in the end
Deyla will confirm whatever you decided;

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Either way, her logic will, of course, be
impeccable. The title--and indeed, this
whole Quest--are a reference to Sherlock
Holmes' catchphrase.
The Lost Cube
Taora says that Black Claw Sleekpaws
stole her Cube. Kill them until one
coughs up her Cube, then bring it back to
her to get paid!
- Easy way: Just north of Taora, there's
a Y in the road, and a lone Sleekpaw
spawns in the middle of that Y. Keep
killing him everytime he respawns, until
he coughs up the Cube!
Emergency Rations
Taora says that the MuMu stole
Rations. Kill Veteran MuMu Lookouts,
until you collect 3 Emergency Rations,
then bring them back to Taora to get
paid! This is a LOOT Quest, not a KILL
Quest, so you'll need to kill more than 3.
An Important Announcement
Grak has a message for you to deliver
to Lindhelm, the Information Officer.
Good money for a mundane task!
[Collection] Disgruntled Workers
Luimerk needs Blicora for his workers.
Harvest 18 Blicora, and bring it back to
get paid.
Reconstructing Impetusium

The game gives you this as SOON as

you hit Level 13. It announces "Go talk to
Gulkalla", big yellow letters, center of the
screen, just in case it was somehow not
obvious when you click on the Quest. This
is a VERY long, but rewarding one:
- Talk to Gulkalla.
- Kill 3 Hero Spirits.
- Talk to Gulkalla. You need to collect 3
Umkata parts:
- Umkata's Bone Piece from a Black
Claw Elite Bodyguards
- Umkata's Accessory inside Umkata's
Jewel Box
- Umkata's Weapon from Bladestorm
Spirits or Cyclone Spirits
- Go back to Gulkalla, and he'll pay you,
PLUS give you Scout's Earrings!
Securing The Supply Route
Neparinerk needs you to clear out the
tunnel to Impetusium. Kill any 3 of the
Crimsontail Amphas (The worm-things
that pop up when you get close), then go
back to Neparinerk--only to discover
there's another twist to this: He wants you
to bring some Tools to Banatisai. Banatisai
will give you Banatisai's Belt and a goodly
burst of EXP, but no money!
[Coin] Mutation of Spirit AKA [Coin]
Mutated Spirits

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Lateni will give you an Iron Coin if
you can kill
- 6 Bladestorm Spirits
- 16 Cyclone Spirits
When you have acquired 2 or 4 Iron
Coins you may exchange them with
Lateni (since you are a melee Class).
Unfortunately, the reward is not geared
to your Level or your Class and there is
no guarantee that you will even be able
to use it! For this reason, this Quest is
perhaps best for getting Enchantment
Stones, especially considering the
rewards are Level 16 and this is a Level
18 quest. The reward for 4 Coins will be
better than the reward for 2, but other
than that it is totally random.

Gulkalla wants you to teach the local

Taigas some respect. Kill Taigas until one
of them coughs up a Wild Taiga Fang.
Bring it back to Gulkalla and get paid,
PLUS 2 Life Potions!
Securing The Trade Route
Babarunerk thinks that Pecku Feathers
will keep the Peckus from attacking his
caravan. He offers you good money and 2
Life Potions for 5 Pecku Feathers. They're
the big red Aggro birds, hard to miss! Kill
enough of them to collect 5 Pecku
Feathers, take them back to Urnir, and get
paid! Great way to cash in on local
superstition! Peckus are good to farm
anyways for good EXP, although the
Golems around here are easier...
Chasing The Legend

[Collection] Branching Out Further

Irlein needs Horto for a recipe. Collect
9 Horto and bring it back to her to get
Turbulent Mist Spirits
Grak needs you to kill 3 Mist Spirits.
Since you're a Gladiator, killing's just
what you do, so this will be easy money!
Turbulent Splash Spirits
(Requires Turbulent Mist Spirits)
Grak needs you to kill 3 Splash Spirits.
Since you're a Gladiator, killing's just
what you do, so this will be easy money!

Dunck wants you to complete Minusha's

skeleton, then kill it! On the Seggurheim
side of Impetusium, in a field full of
Peckus and old bones, find the one nearly
whole Drakkan skeleton and, standing on
the inside of its curve, examine it. This
will summon Minusha's Spirit for you to
kill. Although the bones are of a Drakkan,
the spirit that comes looks like a very large
cobra. If you cannot click on the bone,
change channels or wait. It means
someone else just did it, or the object in
that Channel is bugged. (See Monster
Myth, which has a similar bug)

Taiga Threat AJA Tayga Threat

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NOTE: If you fail and die, you must
talk to Sinood again to get a new Bone of
Go back to Dunck and get paid, plus 2
Drake's Memory!
Soul Essence
Andgar wants you to kill the lost souls
around here, and collect 5 Soul Essences.
Only Hero Spirits (Melee) and Sorceror
Spirits (Mages) carry Soul Essence.
Since this is a LOOT Quest, rather than a
KILL Quest, you'll have to kill more than
5. Bring them back to Andgar, and get
paid, plus 1 Elemental Stone of
Resurrection. (Lets you resurrect a
teammate--NOT yourself--ONCE!)

Solid Proof
(Requires A Secret Proposal) Suthran
wants Solid Proof that the "friendly" Mau
have valuable info. Talk with Emgata, the
Mau Ambassador, again. He'll tell you to
talk to Zeumurru's Spirit. Zemurru's Spirit
stands atop a rise on the north side of
Mahindel Swamp. He will give you
Zemurru's Secret Remedy, which you need
to use just before the fight with
Kumbarrun. Once you kill Kumbarrun,
come back to Suthran to get paid.
Order to Valurion
(Requires Solid Proof) Suthran gives
you some new orders to bring to Valurion,
based on the Mau intelligence.

Rebuilding The Pillar

[Group] Brigade Generals Order

Banatisai needs you to scavenge the

piles of rubble you see scattered around
the area for Building Materials. Bring
back 15 Building Materials to get paid.
A Secret Proposal
(Requires Mau in 10 Minutes A Day)
Emgata is a MAU near the Altgard Ice
wait--he's...Friendly? Bring his letter to
Suthran. Suthran doesn't believe Mau
want peace, so he gives you a letter to
take to Cavalorn in Pandemonium.
Cavalorn says his info is out of date, so
you have to talk to Balder. Balder says it
seems legit, so bring the news back to
Suthran in Altgard.

Suthran has some orders. Bring them to

Morn, deep in Mau country. You WILL
need a group, for bodyguard purposes!
[Group] Killing a Shaman
(Requires [Group] Brigade General's
Order) Morn needs you to kill 4 of the
Brutal Black Claw Spellshifters, to
weaken Mau's offensive punch. They ARE
spellcasters, but they are no pushover, so
again, you WILL need a group! When
you're finished come back to get paid and
get 5 Hard-boiled Apples!
[Group] Reducing
Military Strength

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(Requires Solid Proof AND Killing a
Shaman) Valurion wants you to kill the
physical fighters of the Mau force now.
- 3 Black Claw Elite Seekers
- 5 Black Claw Elite Fighters
Once you've killed enough of them,
come back to Valurion and get paid,
PLUS 5 Recovery Potions! (Restores
both HP AND Mana, but less of each
than a dedicated Potion)
[Group] Killing the Follower of
Kumbaron AKA [Group] Killing
Kumbaron's Followers
Suthran has another job for you. Get
rid of the bodyguards of the Kumbaron
Chieftain. Namely, kill 3 Brutal Black
Claw Warlocks! You'll get the Altgard
Medal of Honor!
A Bill found in a box
In a Big Cargo Box in a lake near
Calderon Hill, there's a bill that starts a
- Use Provoke on one box at a time,
since some of the boxes have monsters
inside instead. The monster boxes will
transform and attack, while actual
BOXES will remain unaffected! I
REALLY recommend only Provoking
ONE Box at a time! The monster ones
are fairly nasty!
Bring the bill back to get paid!

Irlein wants some Krimer for a new

- The only places Krimer can be found
is in the tilled garden patches in the MuMu
Village, and a few spots on the hills above
Idun's Lake. Watch yourself when
Harvesting there, the monsters don't
appreciate your intrusion!
Once you Harvest 9 Krimer, bring it
back to Irlein to get paid!
Black Claw Baton
Any Black Claw Corpse MIGHT
contain the Black Claw Baton. Bring it to
Jolk, who will tell you to bring it to Morn.
You'll get paid, AND 2 Level 18
Enchantment Stones, to beef up your
Armor and weapons!
Keeping the Black Claw Tribe in
This is another long one, so be ready!
- This Quest doesn't explicitly NEED a
group, as it IS technically soloable, but it'll
be much easier WITH friends than
without, especially High Shaman Abija
Dellalont has a plan to put the Black
Claws back in their place. Talk to Jolk for
more details. Jolk will tell you to kill
Brutal Black Claw Stalkers. Bag your
limit, then go back to Jolk for the next
step. Now you have to kill High Shaman
Abija and get the Shaman Staff as proof.

[Collection] A Change Of Diet

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Bring the Shaman Staff back to Jolk as
"proof", and get paid, PLUS your choice
of Leg Armor. Choose Plate Greaves,
since you are a Warrior Class!
Crushing The Conspiracy
(Requires ALL OTHER Campaign
Quests in Altgard to be completed!)
Suthran has another job for you. Go to
Zemurru's Grave and find the Abyss
Gate. You'll need a group just to ENTER
the instance, but once inside, it CAN be
soloed! This is one of the very few
Asmodian quests that is actually easier
than its Elyos equivalent!
- Group members can enter with you
only if they also currently have the quest.
- Kill the left and right Crusaders (1
each side), then begin single-pulling the
Draconutes, both Crusaders (warrior) and
Draconute Vaegirs (scout), massed in
front of you. They do not add so as long
as you pull them back to avoid AE aggro
you should be fine. Take all the time you
need to heal between fights.
- Once you have them dead, click the
Power Generator to spawn a Boss Naga
named Kuninasha.
- Kill him and loot the body to get his
necklace. Now, click on the gate at the
top of the hill to destroy it. Do not click
on the generator again, or you will get
another Naga. If you click on it 10 times,
even before the last one is dead, you will

get 10 Nagas! This can lead to quite a

- Exit by clicking on the Gate you
entered from, then call home.
Report your success to Suthran, and get
your choice of Helmet (Choose the Plate
Helmet--You're a Warrior, you deserve it!)
and the Title Protector of Altgard!
Report to Pandemonium
Suthran is exulted with your success,
now he wants you to go to Pandemonium
and report your successes to Governor
Vidar. Good pay for traipsing through a
non-Aggro Zone (Asmodean Capital!),
and it opens up the next leg of your

Levels 20-30
[Collection] Titanium Tribute
Thurnberg needs you to Harvest 15
Titanium. Bring'em back and get paid!
[Spy] Liquor that Makes You Vanish
This quest will transport you to Eltnen.
You will want to save this Quest until you
are Level 23 or so, so that you can survive
there, AND use it to get to Eltnen for the
other Spy quests (There and Back Again
and Secret Information), otherwise you
will have to wait for a Rift to get there! Be
sure that you have bound to an Obelisk in

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Morheim or you will have a long walk

Nabaru's Plate Boots

Hapenill will send you to Otis, who

claims to have Invisibility Liqour. It
doesn't make you invisible, though it
DOES make you disappear all right! It
sends you to Eltnen--Elyos territory! Get
back to Morheim, and tell Hapenill what
happened. He'll pay you, and give you a
Morheim Fortress Scroll, so you can get
back if you need to.

Favyr needs firewood. Harvest 10 Wrud

Logs, and bring them back to her to get

[Manastone] A Decent Offer

Mael wants 3 Manastones, in exchange
for a random "better" Manastone. You've
done this before...
[Manastone] A Bothersome Task
Mael wants 3 Manastones, in exchange
for a random "better" Manastone. You've
done this before...
Petrifying Elim
Aegir says Vili has a job for you! Vili
says the Spriggans are dying--or turning
to stone?--because Spriggans are stealing
their Essence! Talk with Nabaru, who
wants you to kill Spriggan Hunters and
Spriggle Gatherers until one of them
coughs up an Elim Essence. Take it back
to Nabaru and listen to his story. Go to
the Hill of Belemu and use the Essence.
The Hill of Belemu is a low hill located
between the Sprigg Habitat and the
Salintus Desert. Go back and get paid,
AND your choice of Boots! Choose

[Collection] Firewood for Cooking

Morheim Commanders Call

Aegir is your new commander here.
Meet him and get an EXP bonus! Wow,
THAT was easy!
Keindors Message
Keindor has a message for you to send
to Luimerk. This is surprisingly lucrative
for such a SIMPLE--if tedious--task!
Frenais Lost Jewelry
Frenai's jewelry got swallowed by the
local wildlife! One item was swallowed by
a Frost Crasaur, another by an Ice Slink,
and the the last two by two different Ice
Lake Plumas. Which mobs drop which
items seems to be random. You have to
kill as many as it takes to get them to
RIDICULOUSLY low, but hey, killing
things is fun, right? Bring back all 3 pieces
of jewelry when you got'em, and get paid!
As a bonus, she gives you 3 Lesser
Running Scrolls!
[Collection] Teleporter Troubles
Orhe needs 15 Aether Crystals.
Hopefully you have Harvested them
already; if not, fly up and Harvest some.
Bring them to Orhe and get paid!

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Bringing up Tayga
Ipoderr lost the pet Tayga, Purra. Purra
is on top of one of the buildings in town,
it's random which one. Go up and get
Purra following you, then lead it back to
Ipoderr to get paid, AND get Title Fast
Exact and Reliable!

Randet wants you to plant some

Improved Seeds in Earth Mounds. I'm not
making this up, you're getting paid for
Clearing the Fields
Randet wants you to clear out some of
the Undeads plaguing the Havenjark Farm.

[Coin] Foes of the Fortress

- 11 Undead Farm Residents

Nott will give you a Bronze Coin if

you kill 10 each of:

- 11 Undead Farm Workers

Once you've bagged your limit of
Undeads, go back and get paid for it!

- Ruthless Worg
- Savvy Daru

[Group] The Lingering Ghost]

- Ettin
[Repeat] Fragments of Aion's Tower
Bolverk wants you to bring pieces of
"Suspicious Crystal" to him. Do so and
Orders for Randet
Bolverk wants you to head to
Brusthonin and talk to Randet. LONG
distance, low payoff...It's up to you if
you want to do this Quest!
Check on the Settlers
Randet has a long, talk-to Quest Chain.
- Talk with Dehen.
- Talk with Snill.
- Talk with Jarnsaxa.
- Talk with Randet.

Randet needs you to destroy the Boss at

the Havenjark Farm. You'll NEED a group
for this guy--the Quest even says so! The
Boss is Supervisor Squiller. Kill him and
come back to Bolverk to get a good boost
of EXP and your choice of Gloves.
Choose Randet's Gauntlets--Plate is the
Warrior's friend!
Secret Information
Talk to the sleazy Sveinn and get
proportional to what you're willing to put
INTO him!
- If you give him 500 Kinah, you get
1,000 Kinah back, and 15,000 EXP
- If you give him 5,000 Kinah, you have
to talk to Hugorunerk and Bicorunerk, and
earn 10,000 Kinah and 50,000 EXP

Seeds of Hope

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- If you give him 50,000 Kinah, you
have to kill Savvy Darus until one of
them coughs up the Holy Pendant, but
you receive 30,000 Kinah and a
whopping 112,300 EXP! This option
also opens a "Secret" Quest, whose
completion yields an additional 10,000
Kinah and 12,300 EXP.
Bigger secrets cost more, but have the
potential to be worth much more! Or to
be cliche, you get what you pay for!
A Guardian's Spirit
Bragi sends you to talk to Tola, who
wants you to gather 10 Ancient Archon
Armor and 1 Ancient Archon Weapon
for him. Kill the local Spirits to collect
them. Remember that this is a LOOT
Quest, not a KILL Quest, so you'll have
to kill more than 11. Once you succeed,
you get paid, AND your choice of Leg
Armor. Choose Tofa's Plate Greaves.
Daeva, Wheres My Herb?
Bicorunerk says that Herbs are getting
rarer, and you have to choose which
monster you think is to blame.
- If you say "I'll try hunting the Daru",
you have to kill 10 Savvy Daru.

Either way, you get the

once you finish and return
to get paid. (This Quest is
the farce movie "Dude,

same rewards
to Bicorunerk
a reference to
Where's My

Active Discouragement
Bragi needs you to "discourage" Taigas
from coming around the populace. Kill 15
Taigas (And since this is a KILL Quest,
you ONLY have to kill 15, no loot to
collect!), then report back to Bragi to get
paid. In addition to money and EXP, he'll
give you 5 Lesser Recovery Potions!
The Claw of the Tayga
Bragi wants you to kill MORE Taigas.
When you succeed, come back, and he'll
pay you and give you Bragi's Belt!
Orders From the Fortress
Nina has some orders for you to take to
Favyr. This Quest may or may not exist
just to help you find Favyr at the
waterfall...Bring the orders and get paid!
Irresistible Soup
Favyr needs an ingredient for a soup that
will make it "irresistible" Your choices
- Daru Brisket

- If you say "The Ettins are probably to

blame", you have to kill Troublesome
Ettins. Because they're harder, you only
have to kill 5 of them. THAT'S how
much harder they are than Darus!

- Tender Hock Meat

- Cresaur Fin
- Worg Thigh Meat

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The Daru Brisket and Tender Hock
Meat both come from Savvy Daru.
Obviously, the Cresaur Fin is from a
Snowy Crasaur, and the Worg Thigh
Meat comes from a Ruthless Worg. But
once again, which one you get
determines your reward. The Brisket is
the best choice--but rarer drop--and the
others give lesser rewards. Once you get
your ingredient, put it in the Aromatic
Soup. Take the Soup to Spedor, then
report back to Favyr with the results and
get paid!
Outfighting Arachnas


Medea needs you to kill 12 Shade

Gladiator=Exterminator, so get killing
and get paid!
[Collection] Kellan's Request
Kellan wants some Twisp Fibers.
Harvest 15 Twisp Fibers, and bring them
back to get paid!

the Elyos equivalent of this quest, the mob

you need, Armored Sparkle, only spawns
inside of the boundaries of the vale where
Eltnen Fortress sits. So, unless you can
find a time and Channel devoid of all
Elyos, the mob you need is smack in the
middle of Elyos country and you are going
to need a very large raid force to charge in
and hold the area long enough to get the
drop you need. Then, you are all going to
*A word of advice: get yourself a
IMMEDIATELY upon entering Eltnen
so you do not have to find another Rift to
When you succeed, return to Hapenill
for your pay,and 4 Lesser Raging Wind
*This Quest is named after the start of
the Hobbit series...Tolkien, the man who
started it all!

[Spy] There And Back Again

Reaching Out
(Warning: This is one of the hardest
Quests in the game, you will need a big
group--or even an "Alliance"--to get this
done safely, and even then, you will
probably die!) Hapenill has a job for you.
Get Sparkle Sap from Armored Sparkies
in Eltnen. The bad news, you'll have to
wait for a Rift to open and take you
there. Here is the very bad news. Unlike

Lorando wants you to talk to Nabaru.

Simple Quest, not necessarily easy.
Keeping Warm
Favyr is cold and needs you to get some
thick skins to keep her warm too! 3 Brax
Skins from Gray Brax and 1 Crasaur
Leather from Snowy Crasaurs (Monsters
normally drop Rawhide, rather than

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Leather, but whatever...) Since this is a
LOOT Quest, rather than a KILL Quest,
you'll have to kill more than 4 total
monsters. Bring the skins back to get
Disease Carriers

- 15 Tecoma Log from the logpiles

scattered around various Zones.
Bring back the components to Kinot and
you not only get paid, you get 5 Dye
Removers! You also get 5 canisters of
your choice of dye colors:

Anoramas wants you to kill Sunset

Sylphs--but bring back PROOF this
time! Bring back 10 Red Wings to get
paid! PLUS, he gives you 75 Regular
Power Shards!

- Blue

- The Sunset Sylphen also drop a quest

item needed for Just Dye, Already.

Samples for Investigation

Ingredients For Dye

Go back to Pandemonium, and talk to
Lusena. She'll give you a package of Dye
Materials to take to Kinot. Kinot is in the
second shop west of Triniel Coliseum on
Prosperity Road. Since it's all in
Pandemonium, nothing will attack you!

- Purple
- Turqoise
- Brown

Go to Brusthonin and talk to Vitda in the

Settlers Camp. She wants 13 Frightcorn
Legs from Rotten Frightcorn, and 13
Poison Vespine Powders from Poison
Wing Vespine. Since this is a LOOT
Quest, not a KILL Quest, you'll have to
kill more than just 26. Bring back the parts
to Vitda to get paid!
[Repeat] Sylphen Pollution

Just Dye, Already

- 10 Sylphen Blue Iris from Sunset

Sylphs on Patamor Ridge Path in

(Requires Disease Carriers) Anoramas

thinks you did such a great job on the
Sylphs last time, he wants you to do
more--again with proof! Kill Grove
Sylphens and bring 20 Sylphen Legs back
to Anoramas to get paid! This Quest is
Repeatable up to 100 times!

- 10 Green Vespine Saps from Poison

Wing Vespine in the Polluted Waste in
Brusthonin. (Samples for Investigation
also needs pieces of Vespines, so get that
Quest too, and DOUBLE your rewards!)

- Grove Sylphens can be found all over

the lower part of Patamor Ridge Path, and
in Patamor Thicket, but are usually
interspersed with Arachnas and other
nasties. However, the Road to Altgard is

(Requires Ingredients for Dye) Kinot

wants you to collect ingredients to make
Dye Remover.

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thick with them, with no other monsters.
[Collection] Lif's Agony
Favyr wants you to catch Gadill (fish)
and bring them to her. Harvest 5 Gadill
and bring them to her. You don't get any
money--Consider it a Favyr! Horrible
pun intended, but you still get EXP!
A Sorrowful Message
(Requires Petrifying Elim) Nabaru has
a letter for you to deliver to Lorando.
Run the mail and get paid! This Quest
serves mostly to move you to the next
quest hub, Kellan's Cabin.
[Collection] Sora's Energy Booster
Sora needs Vinnias. YOU have to
harvest 15 of them and bring them to her.
Deliver the herbs and get paid!
[Spy] Elim of Elysea
Nabaru wants you to talk to Virdi, the
Elim in Eltnen, the Elyos side. You'll
have to wait for a Rift, then leg it to
Virdi, and warp back. Other than enemy
dangerous...Right. You won't get any
money, but you'll get a LOT of EXP, and
your choice of Chest Armor. Choose
Nabaru's Breastplate.
Destroying the Curse
This Quest is given to you by the game
itself when you hit Level 22.

- Talk with Kellan.

- Gather 3 Spiner Tails from Black Tail
Spiners and take them to Kellan. Black
Tail Spiners can be found in Mt. Musphel
Entrance and Mt. Musphel.
For your troubles, you get a HUGE
amount of EXP, and your choice of
Gloves. Choose Kellan's Gauntlets.
Strange Mushrooms
Keindor wants you to kill some of the
fungal parasites corrupting the land.
- 25 Tumbling Fungie
- 15 Bluenet Fungen (These guys can
cast a polymorph on you and turn you into
a little mushroom that can't fight back for
a little while!)
After you bag your limit, go back to
Keindor, for a HUGE amount of EXP, and
choose a Manastone, either +55HP or
Greeting to an Alchemist
Keindor wants you to convey his regards
to Kistig. No money, but a fair amount of
EXP. Nothing to carry, to clutter up your
Inventory, though.
Roast Cod for a Friend
Lif has cooked some fish, and she needs
you to bring it to Vivi. When you reach
Vivi, there's a note to bring back to Lif.
Deliver the note and get paid!

- Talk with Urakon.

[Collection] Hungry Philosopher

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Vivi wants a random amount of
Rabano. Harvest some and bring it back
to get paid!
Sprigg Nightlights
Garurunerk--I think that crazy Shugo is
making the first traffic lights! He needs
you to steal--I mean "Harvest":
- 5 Red Luciferin Pouches
- 5 Yellow Luciferin Pouches

(WARNING, This quest is a

gods-awful time-sink. The Sheluks drop
the foreleg nearly 100% of the time, but
the Thorns drop, maybe, 1 in 10, and
the Clodworm Leather drop rate must
be close to 1 in 30! This Quest WILL
take hours. The only reason not to
abandon it is the size of the reward
EXP, which may be why they thought
this time-sink was worth leaving in the

- 5 Green Luciferin Pouches

Be warned, these ARE in the Sprigg
Villages. If you go around the edges of
the Villages, avoiding the Hunters and
Wardens, you can do this Quest MUCH
more easily.
[Collection] Vivi's Secret Request
Lif wants you to do some more fishing.
Catch the specified number of Dorado,
and bring them back to get paid. A bad
day fishing really IS better than working!
[Collection] Ravenous Philosopher
Vivi needs some Harvesting done.
Collect Kirkas and Chikras and bring
them back to get paid!
[Collection] Urgent Care
Gelundorf needs Hasia. Harvest 20
Hasia and bring it back to Gelundorf to
get paid!

Aprily needs some some Clodworm

Leather, Stone Grave Thorns and Sheluk
- Kill enough Wriggling Clodworms to
get 4 Clodworm Leather.
- Kill enough Suspicious Stones to get 5
Stone Grave Thorns.
- Kill enough Sheluks to get 3 Sheluk
Afterward, though, you get 145,300
EXP! AND your choice of Shoulder
Armors! Choose Aprily's Plate Pauldrons.
Meaty Treats
Orashunerk needs the meat of the nearby
animals. Hunt Bulky Buffalids, Desert
Snufflers and Guzzling Kurins and kill
enough animals to get:
- 1 Buffalid Neck Meat
- 5 Snuffler Sirloin

Creepy Crawlies

- 2 Kurin Thigh Meat

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Take their meat to Orashunerk to get
A Ribbit out of Water
(Requires Meaty Treats) Orashunerk
needs a bucket of water for his Ribbit.
While this SOUNDS like the setup for
that old song, "Hole In The Bucket", you
actually have to kill Lepharist Watch
Inspectors until one coughs up the Big
Bucket, then take it to the lake in
Salintus Desert, fill it with water, and
bring the bucket full of water back to
Orashunerk to get your reward: A burst
of EXP, PLUS Orashunerk's Necklace!
A New Recipe
Orashunerk has a long Harvest/Loot
Quest for you.
- Collect 2 Raw Ksellid Meat (Kill
Ksellids for it
- Collect 2 Dorado (Harvest--it's a fish)
- Buy 2 Briga Powder (Buy in
- Buy 5 Hot




Once you have all the ingredients,

bring them to Orashunerk to get paid. In
addition to money and EXP, you get
Recipe:Ksellid Dumpling, Orashunerk's
Dipper (Nice hammer), AND Title
Shugo Chef
[Collection] Kimssi's Dream

Kimssi needs Gold. Don't we all? Before

dismissing her outright, though, she wants
some Gold ORE, and is willing to pay for
it! Harvest 15 Gold Ore, and bring it to her
to get paid--more than the market rate, I
might add!
Spirit's Notebook
If you kill enough Gryphu, one of them
drops this Notebook. Use the Notebook in
your Inventory to get a Quest to meet a
Ghost at the Ship at night (9PM-7AM
GAME TIME, not REAL time!)
Unfinished Mystery
(Requires Spirit's Notebook) The Ghost
wants you to kill Mushy One-Eyes (Very
tough monsters) until one of them coughs
up the book "Bone Speaks". Bring it back
to him to get paid.
Restarting the Research
Kistig wants to start new research in
Poison. Kill Grove Arachnas until you get
5 Arachna Poisons, then bring them back
to Kistig to get paid! This is a LOOT
Quest, not a KILL Quest, so you'll have to
kill more than just 5!
The Hand Behind the Ice Claw
Nina wants you to light up an enemy
camp. Or more precisely, an Extinguished
Bonfire IN the enemy camp--a camp of
Aggro Mau called the "Ice Claws". You
know, because your Quests haven't been
hard enough lately. If you succeed, you get

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291,400 EXP, PLUS your choice of
Helmets (Go with the Plate Armor one),
PLUS the Title "Taiga Slayer" (You
WILL meet a LOT of Taigas here, and
their handlers!)
[Spy] Curious Behavior
Hakon wants you to collect 6 Caryatid
Pieces, dropped by Ancient Caryatids--in
Eltnen! Eltnen is in Elyos Country, so
you have to gather a group and wait for a
Rift heading there. Since this is a LOOT
Quest, not a KILL Quest, you'll have to
kill more than 6! (That said, these had
the highest droprate of any Loot Quest
I've seen, almost one per kill!) The
MONSTERS are easy, the enemy
players, less so. Can be quickly done if
you manage to get to the Outpost Mines
area undetected. Bring a Kisk, so you can
respawn IN enemy territory, rather than
having to wait for another Rift! Once you
gather enough Caryatid Pieces, head
back and get paid. In addition to EXP,
you get 100 Abyss Points (Collectible
points for super loot later), PLUS your
choice of Boots. Again, go with Plate
Armor ones, since you're a Warrior, and
need that extra toughness!
Caryatid of Abyss
(Requires [Spy] Curious Behavior)
Hakon thinks you did such a great job, he
wants you to go to the Abyss, and do it
again. The Abyss versions are harder,
Rifts are rarer, and the enemy players are

deadlier, but otherwise, it's a reprise of the

above Quest.
[Collection] A New Hairpin
Sora wants to make herself a pretty new
hairpin. Harvest 4 Topaz Ore and give it to
her to get paid!
[Collection] The Best Hairpin
(Requires [Collection] A New Hairpin
Sora wants to make an even BETTER new
hairpin. Harvest 5 Aquamarine Ore and
give it to her to get paid!
Reclaiming History
Tofa wants some of the Ancient
Artifacts carried by the monsters around
here, to "preserve history"
- Spectral Mages drop Ancient Armor.
You need 3 Ancient Armors.
- Spectral Warriors drop Ancient
Weapon. You need 5 Ancient Weapons.
- Spectral Soldiers drop Ancient Money.
You need 7 Ancient Money.
Play "Ghostbusters Theme"
fighting here, it really helps!


- At least one player has reported a

sudden drop to 0% of droprate when just
one item remains to be fetched. This is a
known bug, you have to Abandon Quest,
and re-get it. Because of said bug, all the
Quest Items remain in your Inventory!
When you collect them all, return to
Tofa to get paid, PLUS he'll give you an

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Elemental Stone of Revival. (You can
resurrect yourself ONCE!)
Big Bug BustingAKA Millennium
Gelundorf sends you to Octano's Lair,
which is a maze if ever there was one.

Gelundorf sends you back to Octanu's

Lair (See Big Bug Busting, above) to kill
random monsters. When you succeed, go
back to Gelundorf to get paid, AND a L28
Enchantment Stone to beef up your Armor
or weapon.
Arachna Eggs

- Go left at the first fork you bump in

to inside the cave
- You should be in a big room, run to
the other side of it
- Turn left at the exit of the big room,
you should see a room with two Octaside
eggs in it
- Run straight forward in the direction
of the eggs, you should see Laupedes
- Keep heading down the tunnel and
you'll come across a big room with many
Laupedes and also the Millennium Eka
Once you kill the Millennium Eka,
collect its Tentacle, and bring it back to
Gelundorf to get a HUGE burst of EXP
and Gelundorf's Earrings!
[Coin] Clearing The Way
Fulla will give you a Bronze Coin if
you kill a random number of SOCIAL
monsters. Social means they call for help
when you fight one, you end up fighting
an angry mob, so bring help!
Octanu's Lair

Jorund wants you to collect 7 Arachna

Eggs. They're laying on the ground, just
Harvest them like you do anything else,
but the Arachnas will take it badly, so you
might have to fight a few of them off.
Once you collect all 7, bring them back to
Jorund to get paid!
[Group] Legendary Amethysts
Kellan wants you to collect 3
Amethysts. This Quest is best done in
combination with Seeking the Spotlight
since both quests require you to go into the
same deep part of the caverns. Even the
NAME says it's for a group, and they're
not kidding, enemies here are thick and
merciless, so I recommend at least one
Cleric. The Amethysts are party-lootable,
so everybody gets one! You get paid
money and EXP, PLUS 2 Life Serum.
[Group] Seeking the Spotlight
Kimssi sends you into the same cave as
[Group] Legendary Amethysts (Above)
to defeat Servile Kalbak and his 3
bodyguards. (The bodyguards are NOT
part of the Quest, but they ARE aggro, and
will likely kill you before you can kill

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Kalbak!) My group had more trouble
killing the pack of 3 than the actual
target! After you kill it, come back to
Kimssi to get paid, plus Kimssi's Shield!
Great for a Tank Build, or just to sell!
The Three Keys
Anund wants you to collect
- Wind Key
- Fire Key
- Abyss Key
*First wing is easily soloed with high
dps or duoed with Cleric/Chanter. Not
much to say about that, just hug the
right wall and work your way towards
the Guardian on platform. Jump-Glide
down and to the left to skip MOST the
Earth Spirits on your way out!
*In second wing kill first two patrols
on the left, glide from the window and
cancel the glide above safespot in
platform below (you got to turn right in
the air to land there). Clear the path
from middle, there's no reason to pull
harder packs right or left. Boss is at the
end of the hall on the right side. He
isn't friendly with other mobs so just
pull him separately. Exit is in the same
place but left side. This second wing is
the hardest if you have a stupid group.
*Third wing seems complicated but
it's actually more linear than second
one. Work your way around the circle

where you arrive and glide down. Then

you have two options: take the few pulls
and clear your way to the window OR
play metal gear solid and time your
movement so that you can pass all the
trash here. In second option be quick
near the window since there's mobs there
that can't be avoided, or kill them. Glide
down and now it should be easy enough,
just pull carefully and work your way up.
Boss is really lame and dies fast. Exit and
never return.
Return to Anund to get paid and the
Ring of Silence!
[Group] An Ancient Weapon
Bulagand wants you to kill enemies until
one coughs up an Ancient Weapon, then
bring it back to him to get paid!
A Distasteful Duty
Jorund wants you to kill the leader of the
Kentari. But to do so, you have to fight
through all the other Kentari, who are
arguably the worst enemies in the game,
They call for help and any Kentari in an
area of 40 meters Aggros you. They chase
you for twice as long as any other mob,
and range attack you the whole way. If
you get 3+ on you at level 29, you WILL
die! Bring a LOT of friends for this Quest!
[Repeat] The Munmun's Ginseng
Aprily needs you to harvest Fresh
Ginseng. Once you have 15 Fresh

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Ginseng, bring it back to Aprily to get
paid, AND a point of Cooking Skill!
This is Repeatable up to 100 times!

you'll have to kill more than just 10!

A Foul Stench
Gangleri needs you to kill the monsters
that are stinking up the place!

Destroying the Mau Flag

Tofa will send you to burn 5 Mau
Flags. Doing THAT is easy, but I
recommend bringing a group to clear the
Mau away while you light the fire! Once
your objective is complete, go back to
Tofa to get paid, and get 100 Greater
Power Shards as a bonus!
Spiner Stones
Kellan needs you to kill enough
Obsidian Spiners to get 10 Spiner Stones.
Bring them back and get paid!

*10 Crawling Clodworms *20 Sulfur

Once you've killed enough, report the
good news to Gangleri!
[Repeat] A Quota of Creatures
Utgar assigns you to kill a random
number of a random monster. Once you've
bagged your quota, come back to Utgar to
get paid. This Quest is Repeatable, up to
100 times, and you get the Title Sweeper
of Mount Mushpel for finishing it!

Nosy Barghests
Orashunerk's Special Order
Utgar wants you to kill the Barghests
who are getting too close. Once you kill
15 of them to scare them off, go back to
Utgar and get paid, PLUS 3 Broiled
Obscured Vision
Embla needs you to kill 9 Blazing
Obscura. Kill them, then come back to
get paid!
Oculazen Irises
Embla needs you to kill Observing
Oculazen for their Irises. (That's right,
killing eyeball-monsters for their eyes!)
Once you collect 10 Irises, bring them
back to Embla to get paid! This is a
LOOT Quest, not a KILL Quest, so

Orashunerk needs you to Harvest 3

Dried Ginseng from the center of the
MunMun Plantation. Depending on your
senses of stealth and timing, you CAN do
this without fighting. Bring them back
when you're done to get 3 Ginseng Snacks
and a Ginseng Tea, plus your usual
A Prized Possession
Embla gives you a choice of whom to go
after. Choosing Sararinirerk gives you
[Group] The Bottom of the Temple,
while choosing Padinerk gives you
Immortal Love
[Group] The Bottom of the Temple

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(Note that this is mutually exclusive
with Immortal Love) Sararinirerk sends
you on a simple Kill Quest. Kill 13
Wriggling Wriggot, and 5 Blackscale
Basilisks, then report your success to
Sararinirerk to get paid, PLUS
Sararinirerk's Necklace!
Immortal Love
(Note that this is mutually exclusive
with [Group] The Bottom of the
Temple) Padinerk has you talk to
Sararinirerk, then to Myorunerk.
Myorunerk needs you to kill enough
Poison Arachnas to get 5 Arachna Legs,
then kill enough Sulfur Worms to get 5
Hearts of Flame. Talk to Myorunerk,
who will send you to Bulagan, then go
back to Padinerk and get paid! You get
Paepaeronerk's Plate Boots.
[Collection] Balom's Wages
Karina needs Platinum Ore to pay her
workers. Harvest 15 Platinum Ore, and
bring them back to get paid!
[Collection] Thirteen Pieces of Ore


[Group] An Ice Claw Raid

Hakon wants you to "Raid" (Kill) Ice
Claws. Kill 5 Brutal Ice Claw Summoners
and 5 Brutal Ice Claw Healers, then report
back to get paid! PLUS you get 10 Greater
Anti-Shock Scrolls. (Fairly heavy-duty,
but short-lived, force-field to protect
yourself from combat-damage)
[Group] Weakening the Iceclaws
(Requires [Group] An Ice Claw Raid)
Hakon needs you to kill MORE Ice Claws.
Kill 7 Brutal Ice Claw Tamers and 19
Brutal Ice Claw Warriors, then go back
and get paid!
[Group, Repeat] Odella Rope (Quest)
Jorund has a very hard, Repeatable,
Quest for you.
*Kill Brutal Ice Claw Guards and
Brutal Ice Claw Raiders, and get 15
Odella String--You WILL need a group
for those guys! *Get 7 Odella Ropes
Everytime you beat it, you'll get a good
burst of EXP, and 9800 Kinah, PLUS, a
Wind Serum, for extra time aloft.
Captive Flame


Karina now needs Adamantium.

Harvest 12 Adamantium Ore and 1 High
Purity Adamantium Ore (A luck/skill roll
when you harvest Adamantium). Bring
them back to get paid!

(Requires The Three Keys) Gelkugin

sends you to talk to Bulagan, who hires
you to kill Chalice Guard Denlavis. After
you kill Denlavis, loot the pile of treasure
behind him, and get Agnita's Silver
Chalice. Bring that back to Gelkugin, who
will refer you to Anund, and you'll

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GINALLY get paid!

[Spy] Ingredients For Kselopen Sausage

29 33 Balom

Agrint's Wish
Magni wants you to kill enough of the
local monsters to get 7 Basilisk Scales
and 5 Flame Fins. This is a LOOT Quest,
not a KILL Quest, so you'll need to kill
more than 12 monsters. When finished,
go back to Magni to get paid! No money,
but HUGE EXP reward!





Ritual Incense 29 29 Ginseng-shaped

Belt of Stamina Title Energized after
eating Millennium Ginseng

Peace at the Last

Levels 30-40

(Requires Agrint's Wish) Magni sends

you to kill MORE monsters for money!

[Collection] A Fragrant Tree

Agrint's Message
(Requires Agrint's Wish AND Peace
at the Last) Agrint sends you on a
FedEx Quest that morphs into a Hunt.
When you win, you get 5 Lesser Courage
Scroll (Combat buff--would've been
handy to have DURING the fights!).
[Group] All Nyerk and No Play

Virashak needs Salix. Harvest 7 Salix

and bring them to him to get paid!
[Collection] Cabon's Request
Cabon needs Hemp. Harvest 12 Hemp
Fibers and bring them back to him to get
paid! (Back then, nylon wasn't invented,
so they had to use Hemp to make rope,
and even CLOTH!)
[Collection] An Odorous Herb

Greater Healing Potion 3

[Group] Sarinerk's




[Group] A Curse-Breaking Clue 29 31


Request) Cabon now wants Calamus.
Harvest 5 Calamus and bring them back to
get paid!
Combat Preparation

Mana Potion 5 Title Honorary Kidorun

A Picky Eater 29 30 Balom
A Dish For Dukar 29 31 Balom

Letum needs you to lead him to a certain

point, then back to his starting location,
then meet Sararinirerk for your reward.

Balom's Hat 1

A Missing Bandage

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Sararinirerk needs Bandages for the

Worgs, and return to Raukus to get paid,

PLUS 3 Regular Life Serum!

*Hunt Fire-eating Barghest, and get

3 Gauze Bandage *Hunt Oblivion
Temptress, and get 3 Cotton Bandage
*Hunt Ruins Caryatid, and get 3

(Requires Worgs at the Door) Raukus

wants you to kill Spriggan Fighters, and
collect Spriggan Back Skin. Once you
have 10 Spriggan Back Skin (Squick),
report back to Raukus to get paid, plus 3
Mahi-mahi Soup.

Since this is a long LOOT Quest, not a

KILL Quest, you'll need to kill more than
9 monsters. Bring the bandages back to
Leturn to get paid!

Skinning Spriggs

The Protector of Nepra

(Requires Morheim Commander's
Call) Tyr sends you on a LONG Quest

Asgeirr's Request
- Talk to Hreidmar
Asgeirr sends you to talk to Keruthis,
then run back to Asegirr with Keruthis's
reply to get paid!

- Talk to Ahin
- Talk to Hreidmar

Harvesting Tripeed

- Scout Altar of the Black Dragon

Tekor needs Tripeed Fruit. Harvest 10

Tripeed Fruit. THIS version is not edible.
Go back to Tekor, and give him the
inedible version, and he'll give you 20
EDIBLE Tripeed Fruit, in addition to
your normal rewards!
The Beast in the Tripeeds
(Requires Harvesting Tripeed) Tekor
needs you to kill 10 Tripeed Monsters.
This is a KILL Quest, so 10 is all you
have to kill! Go back to Tekor when the
deed is done to get paid!
Worgs at the Door
Raukus needs you to stave off the wolf
at the door--literally! Kill 10 Heartless

- Talk to Hreidmar
- Kill High Priestess Parunru (You'll
probably need a group for her--she brings
frieneds, so should you!)
- Talk to NPC Hreidmar
- Report back to Tyr and complete
Quest. You get your choice of Shoulder
Armor. Choose Tyr's Plate Pauldrons.
[Group] Kalgolem Crystals
Padinerk needs Power Crystals from the
Kalgolems in the Fire Temple.
- Kill Power Kalgolems until you get 3
Power Crystals.

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- Kill Aetheric Kalgolems until you get
1 Magic Power Crystal. (Aetheric
Kalgolems are THAT much more
powerful than Power Kalgolems!)

choice of Magic or Physical Attack Boost

Manastones, PLUS 100 Abyss Points
(Collectible points for bigger rewards
Allies Among Enemies

Go back to Padinerk and get paid!

[Group] An Ancient Weapon
Bulagan needs you to take an Ancient
Weapon from the Ancient Treasure Box
in the Fire Temple. You will need a
group to keep the monsters off you!
A Little Extra Cash
Kamer needs Gorgon Horns. Kill
Obsidian Gorgons until you gather 3
Gorgon Horns from them. Bring them
back to Kamer and get paid!

Rikesh sends you to the Crude Prisons to

talk to a friend who has been captured by
the enemy.
*Sometimes the Crude Prisons are
bugged, and you need to wait for Server
[Group] Re-sanctifying the Temple
Bulagan will send you to kill a random
number of:
- Lurker Gargoyle

Superior Horns

- Aetheric Mugolem

(Requires A Little Extra Cash)

Kamer needs a Rynoce Horn. Kill
Winged Ear Lynos until one of them
coughs up the Horn. Bring it back to
Kamer and get paid!
[Spy] Homecoming of the Soul
Adhis needs you to kill Steelback
Ksellids--in Eracus Desert! That's Elyos
Territory, so you have to wait for a Rift,
and I'd recommend bringing friends to
fend off enemy players on the other side!
Also bring a Kisk, so you can bind to it
on the other side! Kill Steelback Ksellids
until one of them coughs up a Soul of
Daeva, as "proof" of your valor! Bring it
back to Adhis, and get paid, PLUS your

- Kalgolem of Magic
Once you've bagged your quota of each,
head back to Bulagan and get paid! PLUS,
he gives you 3 Morheim Fortress Scrolls!
(Warp back to Morheim anytime you
[Coin] Protecting Tripeed
Roya offers you a Silver Coin if you can
kill 5 Flame Fungi and 9 Angry
Feathers for Fun and Profit
Muorinerk will send you after one of
three different monsters. after you kill the
target, return for a BIG boost of EXP, plus
5 Potions.

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The Tripeed Thief
Mirka wants you to kill 5 Virago
Looters who keep stealing the Tripeed
Fruits! Be warned, Virago are nasty, but
once you kill them, come back and get
Crop Stompers
Tekor's crops are under attack by
Crestlich. Kill Crestlich, but you have to
bring back 7 Crestlich Beaks as proof to
get paid. Since this is a LOOT Quest,
rather than a KILL Quest, you'll have to
kill more than 7.
A Lost Daeva
Mirka has a long Quest for you.
- Click Pagimkin's Corpse and teleport
into Stigma Stone automatically
- Destroy Stigma Stone
- Kill Chairman Wonshikutz

Baroshunerk wants you to kill the

nearby monsters to steal 11 Red Crystals,
and 3 Blue Crystals. The enemies die in a
few hits, but they dish out AMAZING
damage. Bring lots of Life Potions with
you, and/or a Cleric to heal you
between/during fights! Bring the Crystals
back to Baroshunerk to get paid!
Repaying the Debt
Business) Baroshunerk wants you to kill
more for him. Kill Enraged Golems until
you get 2 Warm Fragments. Bring them to
Huarinirinerk to get paid! AND you get a
L35 Enchantment Stone to beef up a
weapon or piece of Armor!
A Poison Container
Honir wants you to run a Potion Bottle
to Gigrite. Do so and get paid, PLUS
Design: Regular Running Scroll, if you're
into Crafting!

- Report success to Mirka

Poisoned Weapons
- Talk to Kvasir to complete Quest.
Choose Pennil's Belt when asked about
the reward, the other one increases
Magic Damage--except as a Gladiator,
you don't DEAL (in) Magic Damage!
Report to the Observatory
Rikesh has a message for you to run to
Tyr. Simple Quest, other than the
monsters that get in the way!
Baroshunerk's New Business

Neior needs poison for his weapons.

You are tasked to kill enough Chaintail
Scolopens to get 5 Chaintail Scolopen
Poisons. Since this is a LOOT Quest,
rather than a KILL Quest, you'll have to
kill more than just 5. Bring the Poisons to
Neior to get paid!
Scolopen Poison (Quest)
(Requires Poisoned Weapons) Modgud
heard how you helped Neior, but HE

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needs better poison. You are tasked to
kill Goldtail Scolopens and get TEN
Goldtail Scolopen Poisons. Since this is a
LOOT Quest, rather than a KILL Quest,
you'll have to kill more than just 10.
Bring the Poisons to Modgud to get paid!
AND he gives you a Scolopen Poison to
put on YOUR weapon as well!
Earth Spirit? Water Spirit?

afterward to get a HUGE bounty of EXP,

plus 6 Greater Earthproof Scrolls
Hreidmar the Furious
(Requires Elemental Stone of Earth)
Elemental Stone of Water
Gullveig wants you to kill the local
Water Monsters to get:
- 3 Elemental Stone of Water

Tyr offers you a choice: Kill Earth

Spirits, or kill Water Spirits, to maintain
"balance". Your choice changes the
reward, as follows:
- 192,300 Exp and 6 Greater
Waterproof Scrolls if you pick the Water
- 198,300 Exp and 6 Greater
Earthproof Scrolls if you pick the Earth
Pick a target and kill your quota of
them, then come back to claim your
Elemental Stone of Earth
Angreboda wants you to kill the local
Earth Monsters to get:

- 2 Elemental Stone Of Lake

- 1 Elemental Stone Of Mist
Since this is a LOOT Quest, rather than
a KILL Quest, you will have to kill more
than just 6. Come back to Gullveig
afterward to get a HUGE bounty of EXP,
plus 6 Greater Waterproof Scrolls
[Collection] A Special Friendship
Bubu Kong wants some Neunan for his
Special Friend. (I do NOT want to know
what that's a euphemism for!) You are
tasked to Harvest 5 Neunan and 1 Fresh
Neunan (A Luck/Skill roll when you
harvest Neunan) Bring it back to Bubu
Kong and get paid!
Kikananta's Loyalty

- 3 Soil Spirit Stones

- 2 Elemental Stone of Earth
- 1 Elemental Stone of Terra
Since this is a LOOT Quest, rather than
a KILL Quest, you will have to kill more
than just 6. Come back to Angreboda

Vili will send you to kill a monster to

get the Aether Key it's carrying. I
recommend a group for this, as anytime
you're sent to kill "only" one monster, it's
the toughest, meanest, baddest thing out
there, and this time is no exception. Once

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you bring the key back, Vili will offer
you your choice of Leg Armor. As
always, since you're a Warrior type, go
with Plate Armor!
Stubborn by Nature
Securis wants you to kill 9 Virago
Warriors. This is a KILL Quest, so you'll
only have to kill 9. Once you've killed
your quota, return to Securis and get
paid! He'll also give you 2 Spicy Cod
with Wine
Trolls on the Path
Angreboda wants you to clear the path
by killing 11 Troll Bandits and 7 Trollkin
Thieves. This is a KILL Quest, so that's
all you HAVE to kill, but more will
probably engage you, so go ahead and
kill them too! Once you're done, go back
to Angreboda, to get paid, PLUS 2
Kirche Cocktail!

kill, along with about 400 Kinah per mob.

Even after you're done with this Quest,
this is a GREAT place to farm!
When you have all 40, return to
Baroshunerk, and turn them in, for
592,200 EXP, PLUS your choice of Leg
Armor. As always, go with Plate Armor.
Even if you have better, it sells for more at
the NPC Vendors!
Angreboda Returns a Favor
Angreboda needs some monster parts.
- 11 Sparkie Samples from Burnished
- 7 Kalgolem Samples from JEWELED
Kalgolems! (They are mostly towards the
part of the road coming in from Alsig
Crossroad, not deeper in where you get the
Quest at.)
The Love of a Father

[Group] Barosunerk's Grand Plan

(This is the easiest Group Quest in the
game! You can actually SOLO the
Lepharists, if you take it slowly enough!)
Baroshunerk wants you to collect 40
Lepharist Leave Passes, from Lepharist
soldiers on furlough.
HINT: The Bodyguards are the best
to pull single, as the Mages have a 2k
damage Magic Missile cast. It is best to
save/have a snare/root ready at about
25% health as they run and try and get
help. The Passes drop on almost every

Kamer wants you to fill an Empty Flask

that she gives you with water from the Hot
Springs. Go there, use the Empty Flask to
fill it up, then bring it back and get paid!
A Dying Wish
(Requires The Love of a Father)
Kamer needs you to escort her to the Hot
Springs. Beware, she moves very, very
- You don't need to stay on the path, just
don't get too far from her. Walk to the
dock, and follow it to the left. Hop off

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(she'll hop off as well) near the one guy
bathing by himself. (Again, they bathe
clothed! How odd!) Use Aerial
Lockdown when he attempts to run and
get friends. Then walk her to the tree and
Quest Complete.
For beating this Quest, you get paid,
Elderly--Good for Spellcasters, and for
completeness, but the bonuses it gives
you are worthless to a Gladiator!





Mothir wants you to clean out the

riffraff plaguing the Hot Springs. Kill 3
Halabana Mages, 3 Halabana Healers,
and 7 Halabana Ambushers. This is a
KILL Quest, so those 13 are all you
HAVE to kill, although killing more
won't hurt! Bring friends, they always
do! Once you've killed your quota, return
to Mothir and get paid!
Impressing Letum
Mirmak wants to see what you've got
(No, not THAT way, it's not THAT kind
of game!) Kill 12 Scoop Tail Tipolids for
her, then come back to get paid, PLUS 4
Greater Anti-Shock Scroll (Heavy-duty
forcefield to absorb damage in combat.
Doesn't last long, but any damage you
don't take allows you to live longer and
dish out more damage, without using
your Rage Skill, right?)

Abex on a Stick
Gullveig wants to live off the fat of the
land. That is, he wants YOU to kill some
animals that are good eating!
- Kill enough Obstinate Abex to get 2
Abex Sirloin
- Kill enough Sawteeth Jaw Sparkie to
get 5 Sparkie Wings
Since this is a LOOT Quest, not a KILL
Quest, you'll probably have to kill more
than 7. Return to Gullveig to get paid for
essentially Meals-on-Wheels service!
Abex Kebabs For The Soul
(Requires Abex on a Stick) Gullveig
thinks you did such a great job with the
previous Quest, you should do some more
work for him! This time, though, it's a
simple FedEx Quest, take some Abex
Kebabs to Bubu Kong and get paid!
A Gentle Reminder
Tyr needs you to send a message to
Tekor. A simple Quest with all killing
OPTIONAL! Complete it and get paid!
Beneficial Poison
Ananta needs some Sheluk Poison. Kill
Ruthless Sheluks and/or Starved Sheluks
until you collect 3 Sheluk Poisons. Bring
them back to Ananta and get paid!
Shoot That Poison Arrow
(Requires Beneficial Poison) Ananta

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body-fluids! Kill enough Wailing
Mosbears to collect 10 Mosbear Body
Fluids! Bring them back and get paid!
Chase of the Mist Mane Mau
(Requires Shoot That Poison Arrow)
Ananta now wants you to do just some
straight KILLING! Kill 3 Mist Mane
SpellShifters. You might need a group
for the latter, they have some pretty nasty
burst damage! Once you've killed your
quota, go back to Ananta and collect
your pay!
[Collection] Hungry Bubu Kong
Bubu Kong wants Pressa. Harvest 15
Pressa and bring them back to Bubu
Kong to get paid!
Quieting the Karnifs
Kuriuta is annoyed at all the Karnifs
around here--bigger, stronger versions of
the monsters you haven't seen since your
human days! Kill 7 Hungry Karnifs and
9 Heartless Karnifs. This is a KILL
Quest, so all you need is these 16 kills!
However, Karnifs are Aggro, so you'll
need to defend yourself, and might rack
up more kills anyways!
[Group] Never to Rise Again
(Requires Quieting the Karnifs)
Kuriuta will assign you to kill a random
number of Monster of Mist Mane
SpellShifters. YOU WILL NEED A

GROUP, they're nasty, Aggro, and Social!

Kill them and come back. You'll get paid,
PLUS a FREE Skill Book: Wrathful Wave
The Blue Vine Necklace
If you kill enough monsters, you'll
eventually find a Blue Vine Necklace.
Double-click it to start this Quest. Go back
to Ananta, who will send you to Bubu
Kong. Talk to Bubu Kong to complete this
Quest. No money, but a HUGE burst of
Looking for Bubu Pat
(Requires The Blue Vine Necklace)
Bubu Kong wants you to bring Bubu Pat
home. Go up to Bubu Pat, talk to him, and
lead him back to Bubu Kong. Careful, he
moves slowly! Bubu Kong will pay you
handsomely, AND give you 4 Major
Anti-Shock Scrolls (Forcefield for those
heavy-duty fights, it takes a hit or 2 so you
don't have to!)
A Father's Revenge
Bubu Kong is mad at the Mosbears for
endangering his son. So he sends YOU to
kill 7 Mean Mosbears and 7 Mean
Mosbear Cubs. This is a straight KILL
Quest, and those are all you have to kill.
As before, I recommend going after the
Cubs first, the parent won't flee while the
Cub's in danger. When you finish, return
to Bubu Kong, who not only pays you, but
bestows you the Title: Friend of Kong and

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of Silver Mane Tribe.

[Group] Ananta's Plan

[Group] Legendary Armor

This is a LONG one, mostly because of

the Mau farming in the middle. You will
NEED a group to get this done in ANY
kind of reasonable time!
- Meet Ananta and hear her Plan (get
- Get Breath of Spirit Shoes from Red
Wooden Box.
- Kill Mist Mane Mau and collect 100
Mist Mane Mau Hair. That's NOT a
misprint, you need 100 Hairs!
- Meet Ananta and Quest Complete! In
addition to your normal payment, you get
your choice of Boots! Choose Plate
Boots of Silver Mane Tribe.
[Group] A Step to Revenge
(Requires [Group] Ananta's Plan)
Ananta wants you to do it again, this
time, with GLOVES!
- Meet Ananta and hear her Plan (get
- Get Breath of Spirit Gloves from Red
Wooden Box.
- Kill Mist Mane Mau and collect 100
Mist Mane Mau Hair. That's NOT a
misprint, you need 100 MORE Hairs!
- Meet Ananta and Quest Complete! In
addition to your normal payment, you get
your choice of Gloves! Choose Gauntlets

(Requires [Group] A Step To Revenge)

Ananta wants another encore, this time
with Shoulder Armors!
- Meet Ananta and hear her Plan (get
- Get Breath of Spirit Pauldrons from
Red Wooden Box.
- Kill Mist Mane Mau and collect 100
Mist Mane Mau Hair. That's NOT a
misprint, you need 100 MORE Hairs!
- Meet Ananta and Quest Complete! In
addition to your normal payment, you get
your choice of Shoulder Armor! Choose
Plate Pauldrons of Silver Mane Tribe.
This is not a misprint, these three Quests
in this Chain are EXACTLY identical,
except for which piece of Armor it gives!
The Secret Ingredient
Bubu Kong needs Odella. Kill NuNu
farmers until you collect 7 Odella. This is
a LOOT Quest, not a KILL Quest, so
you'll have to kill more than just 7. Bring
them back to Bubu Kong to get paid!
[Group] Striking the Elite
Mirka is sending you to kill the Elites of
the enemies. 10 Sergeants, 10 Sentries,
and 10 Infiltrators. You WILL need a
group to kill these, with at least ONE
Cleric or Chanter to heal/buff you. Once

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you complete, go back to Mirka and
collect your rewards. This Quest gives
1052800 EXP--That's right, over a
MILLION EXP! PLUS you get 2 L40
Enchantment Stones to really amp up
your Armor or weapon!
[Spy] Our Man in Elysea
Eltnen--Elyos side--to activate a spy they
have there. You never MEET the spy
yourself, you have to light up a "Secret
Beacon Mound" once you find a Rift into
enemy territory. I RECOMMEND you
bring a group to prevent ganking, and a
Kisk to bind to on the other side, just in
case you die, whether from monsters or
enemy players. When you light the
mound, go back to the Asmodian side,
and tell Gelkugin your Quest is complete
to get paid. As a bonus, you get 2
Regular Running Scrolls! (Run faster for
a brief time)
[Spy, Group] Killing Mabangtah
(Requires [Spy] Our Man in Elysea)
Hippolytus sends you to kill a key man
in Eltnen--That's right, you have to go
back to Elyos side again. Bring a group,
as this enemy is a QUEST NPC, and not
only is he tough, but the Elyos players
will probably resent one of their
Quest-givers being unavailable (dead) for
any length of time! Bring a Kisk, in case
he or one of the enemy players kills you.
Once the deed is done, return to

Hippolytus on the Asmodian side, and get

paid, PLUS your choice of Chest Armor.
Choose Gelkugin's Breastplate because
you're a Warrior! PLUS, you get Title:
Slayer of Mabangtah. As an additional
reward, you get 200 Abyss Points
(Collectible PVP points for extra rewards)!
[Group] Blueprints for Assassination
Rikesh wants you to kill the Commander
of the Lepharists, deep in their Citadel.
You will NEED a group to keep the ones
off you that you're NOT actively fighting,
let alone kill the Boss! Get the Base
Blueprints while you're there, then head
back to Rikesh for your rewards. As a
bonus, he'll give you Rikesh's Ring.
Assassination for Blueprints?)
[Spy] Researching the Pretor
Mirka has heard the Lepharists in Eltnen
are researching a new creature, the
"Pretor". Needless to say, your side wants
a sample of this new threat, to know what
you're up against. But wait--Eltnen is on
the Elyos side! That's right, you have to
wait for a Rift again! Bring a Kisk to bind
to, and a group to keep from being easy
prey for enemy players, if not help sweep
through the Lepharists.
- The Quest is kind of vague, so you
need to use the game's Pathfinding feature:
- /pathfinding Research Diary

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- It IS case-sensitive, but it will lead
you right to the monster and the Diary
you need to kill and steal for your side.
Once you get a Pretor Cell Tissue
AND the Pretor Research Diary, head
back to Mirka and get paid, PLUS
Kvasir's Earrings AND as additional
reward, 100 Abyss Points (Collectible
PVP points for extra rewards!)
The Klaw Headache
Modgud needs you to kill some Klaws.
Namely 17 Klaw Peon (Insert WarCraft
joke here), and 7 Klaw Sentinels.
Nothing to loot, so those 24 are ALL you
need to kill! Go back to Modgud to get
Emissary to Altgard
Chieftain Chaikata sends you on a
diplomatic mission back to Altgard--your
old stomping grounds. Deliver the
message to Kaganta, then feel free to
stomp around Altgard, or do some
Harvesting, if you want. By now, you
should be able to jolly-stomp anything
Altgard can throw at you! When you're
ready, go back to Morheim, and report
back to Chieftain Chaikata to get paid!
[Group] Revenge is Sweet
(Requires Emissary to Altgard)
Chieftain Chaikata wants you to kill a
random number of Brutal Mist Mane
Monsters. They are Elites, so you WILL
need a group! Once you bag your limit,

head back to Chieftain Chaikata to get

paid, PLUS your choice of Boots! Choose
Chaikata's Plate Boots. You'll also get the
Title Silver Mane Benefactor
Extricating Chaominerk
Sararinirerk needs you to "free"
Chaominerk. Just run to Chaominerk, talk
to him, and run back to Sararinirerk to get
paid. You get your choice of Gloves, too!
Choose Sararinirerk's Gauntlets.
Death to the Shadow Warrior
Temoji wants you to kill a
STEALTHED Boss! Once you kill it,
come back to Temoji to get paid, PLUS a
L40 Enchantment Stone, to amp up one of
your Armor pieces, or your weapon.
Although the Quest doesn't SAY it,
you'll need a group, namely, someone
who can see invisible...Unless you
REALLY feel like using your AOE
constantly until you get lucky? There IS a
slight distortion when the Stealthed Boss
moves around, but it's extremely slight
(Depending on the power of your
video-card--One time when it actually
PAYS to have a crappy system!)
The Good, the Bad and the Elim
(Requires Death to the Shadow
Warrior) Temoji thinks you did such a
great job, he sends you on a HARDER
Kill Quest. Perform your contract, admire
the "clever" Spaghetti-Western reference,
then come back to Temoji to get paid! As

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a bonus, you get 2 Regular Raging Wind
Scrolls! (Faster Flight Speed 20%)
[Group] Taisan's Request
Taisan sends you out to kill random
enemies to collect 10 Odella Pills. (What
IS Odella, that everyone wants it?) Since
this is a LOOT Quest, not a KILL Quest,
you'll have to kill more than just 10.
When you've got'em all, bring them back
to Taisan to get paid, AND 2 Pure Aether
Gems! (Used in Crafting Heroic-Level
Taisan's Message
(Requires [Group]Taisan's Request)
Taisan has a message for you to deliver.
Do it, come back, and get paid. PLUS,
you get Manastone: Maximum Flight
Time +4!
[Coin] Thinning the Ranks
Modgud will give you one Silver Coin
if you kill her quota of monsters. You
might need a group, she picks
sadistically hard ones. The Quest is
[Group] Lepharist Ointment
Malak nneds you to collect some new
Ointment the Lepharists are using. Head
to Wonshikutz's Laboratory, and kill
every Lepharist you see until you collect
10 Smelly Ointments. Return to Malak to
get paid. You get 1,025,200 EXP and
10,000 Kinah for this Quest ALONE!

Although it says to bring a group, you

surprisingly easy to kill. SIDENOTE: As
long as you can get one or two at a time,
and/or bring a group for faster killing,
Lepharists make for good farming for
[Group] Incredulous Nuaka
Chieftain Chaikata has a fairly long
Quest for you. Kill Mist Mane Mau until
you get 150 Mist Mane Mau Hairs! Then
find Chieftain Nuaka to get Nuaka's
Weapon. You WILL need a group for the
Chieftain! Once you have all that, return to
Chieftain Chaikata to get paid. He'll offer
you your choice of Leg Armors. Choose
Plate Greaves of Silver Mane Tribe.
[Group] Ungrateful Muhamurru
(Requires [Group] Incredulous Nuaka)
Chieftain Chaikata thinks you did so well
on the first Quest, he's got an even
HARDER one for you! Kill Mist Mane
Mau until you get 200 Mist Mane Mau
Hairs! That's right, TWO HUNDRED!
Then find and kill Chieftain Muhamurru,
and take Muhamurru's Armor. Bring it
back to Chieftain Chaikata and get paid.
He'll offer you your choice of Chest
Armor. Choose Breastplate of Silver Mane
Tribe. You also get Title: True Friend of
Silver Mane

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One of the enemies you kill will drop a
piece of parchment. Double-click it to
read it and start this Quest. Just do what
the parchment tells you!
[Group] Anund's Worry
Anund has another difficult job for
you. You have to kill enough Mist Mane
Raiders to collect 50 Mau Horn Flutes.
Since this is a LOOT Quest, not a KILL
Quest, you'll have to kill more than 50!
Bring them back to Anund when you're
done to get paid! The reward for this
Quest is 1,265,200 EXP(!)--That's right,
over 1 MILLION EXP--and 25,000



(Requires [Group] Anund's Worry)

Anund thinks you did such a great job,
he has a harder Quest for you. Kill
enough Mist Mane Elite Bodyguard and
Mist Mane Elite Head Bodyguard, to
collect 60 Bodyguard's Knot. Bring them
back to Anund to get 122,000 EXP. You
get your choice of weapons as a bonus
(Haven't tried more than once, don't
know if the weapon reward is repeatable,
but I doubt it...) Choose Anund's

- This is essentially a much harder

version of Crushing the Conspiracy. You
have to survive for 4 minutes while
protecting the NPC while level 40 Balaurs
attack in waves. While the first wave is
non-Elite, there's one Elite in 2nd wave,
two in 3rd and three Elites in the last one.
Waves spawn according to the timer, so
unless you take them out REAL fast you'll
be facing a Balaur swarm.
- Now the bad news: The Quest counts
completed only for those group members
who actually survive until the end. After
the Quest is completed, the player can no
longer enter the instance, and thus if
someone in your group dies, and the rest
survive, the ones who died will effectively
need to find another group--and hope
they'll survive till the end THIS time.
At the end, Aegir pays you well, AND
you can choose one of Aegir's weapons. I
recommend the Spear!

Hold The Front Line

(Requires ALL other Campaign
Quests) Aegir wants you to protect a
certain spot from Balaur aggression.

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(Requires Seeds of Hope) Randet wants

you to clear out some of the Undeads
plaguing the Havenjark Farm.
- 11 Undead Farm Residents

Brusthonin is an alternate place to

Level 20-25. I have heard of clipping
bugs that will let you fall through the
ground and die deep underground, so
Asmodians' 40-50 Quests, and there's a
sudden "line of demarcation" between
Level 25 monsters, and Level 43+
Check on the Settlers
Randet has a very LONG FedEx Chain
for you.
- Talk to Dehen

- 11 Undead Farm Workers

Once you've bagged your limit of
Undeads, go back and get paid for it!
[Group] The Lingering Ghost]
(Requires Clearing the Fields) Randet
needs you to destroy the Boss at the
Havenjark Farm. You'll NEED a group for
this guy--the Quest even says so! The Boss
is Supervisor Squiller. Kill him and come
back to Bolverk to get a good boost of
EXP and your choice of Gloves. Choose
Randet's Gauntlets--Plate is the Warrior's
friend! You'll also get the Title:
Unyielding Pioneer!

- Talk to Snill

[Repeat] Samples for Investigation

- Talk to Jarnsaxa
- Go back to Randet to complete the
Quest, and get a little EXP for your
troubles. Very EASY, but fairly tedious
Quest, but more importantly, it unlocks
the Quest Chain.
Seeds of Hope
(Requires Check on the Settlers)
Randet wants you to plant some
Improved Seeds in Earth Mounds. I'm
not making this up, you're getting paid
Clearing the Fields

Vitda needs some samples of the local

enemies. Kill Rotten Frightcorns to collect
13 Frightcorn Leaves, and kill Poison
Wing Vespines to collect 13 Poison
Vespine Powders. Since this is a LOOT
Quest, not a KILL Quest, you'll need to
kill more than just 26. Bring the "samples"
in to get paid. And this Quest is
Repeatable up to 100 times!
The Fields are Infested
Dehen needs you to kill some animals
that are preventing him from farming. Kill
5 Sap Laupedes and 5 Infected Kurins.

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This is a KILL Quest, so those 10 are all
you need to kill! Report your success to
Dehen and get paid!
Scarecrow's Request
Lugo, the local talking scarecrow,
needs you to kill 10 Laggardly Snufflers.
Once you've bagged your limit, come
back and get paid! (Which is weirder, the
scarecrow TALKING, or having money
to reward you with?)
If I Only Had a Master
Virhu wants you to bring a message to
Vidonir. Do so, and get a burst of EXP.
Troublesome Promise
(Requires If I Only Had a Master)
Vidohunir needs you to find a Stone
Coffin in Havenjark Cemetary, then find
the Corpse inside, take its Skull to Virhu,
and get paid!
Jarnsaxa wants you to Harvest 10
Frightcorn. Collect them, bring them
back, and get paid!

[Repeat] Pollution Solution

Dunkel wants you to Harvest 10
Fine-Haired Larva. Fine-Haired Larva
grow on Horto and Rabano in Brusthonin.
Just start gathering from Horto and
Rabano, you'll randomly gather the Larva
from them. Horto is close to the town and
Rabano is near the Undead Farm
Workers/Residents. Bring the Larva back
to Dunkel and get paid! This Quest is
Repeatable up to 100 times, and you can
gather the Larva by yourself WITHOUT
this Quest, then just keep getting it and
turning it in rapid-fire for an easy 740,000
EXP and 400,000 Kinah. Moreover,
ingredients in high-end Crafting, so they
fetch a good price at the Broker!
An Old Settler's Letter
Quest is obtained by clicking on a scroll
on the wall of a ruined building at 2292,
2188 in Brusthonin. Obey the writing on
the wall, get paid, AND 4 Broiled
[Repeat] Obstacle to Cultivation

[Repeat] Plague-spreading Kulus

Dehen wants you to kill some Porgus
who are spreading Plague across the
land. Bag your quota, then come back to
Dehen and get paid! This Quest is
Repeatable up to 100 times! Fairly easy
money, since Porgus aren't Social...

Vehova sends you to do some

ghostbusting. Kill Healer Spirit, Witch
Spirit, Vigilante Spirit, and Hunter Spirit
in Havenjark Farm. Come back to Vehova
afterward to get paid, plus 50 Regular
Power Shard!
The Missing Laborers

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Vinduer sends you to look for missing
laborers. The evidence you're looking for
are the corpses to the east of the tent-logo
of Vigrid Plains. Examine one of the
corpses and bring the evidence back to
Vinduer to get paid!
The Elyos of Brusthonin
(Requires The Missing Laborers)
Vinduer wants you to kill some Elyos.
Don't panic, these are NPC Elyos, not to
be confused with Elyos players. Still, you
might want a group for this. Kill enough
Guardian Outriders and/or Guardian
Fighters to collect 10 Elyos's Mark. This
is a LOOT Quest, not a KILL Quest, so
you will need to kill more than 10. Come
back to Vinduer to get a big burst of
EXP, PLUS 50 Regular Power Shards!

Levels 40-50
You have to go back to Brusthonin for
your last few Levels. Again, watch your
step so you don't fall though the ground
and die--repeatedly!
[Manastone] Manastone Research
Birgia wants 3 Manastones, in exchange
for one "Better" one. Basically, the
continuation of the similar Quests from
[Manastone] Manastone Recycling
Birgia wants 3 Manastones, in exchange
for one "Better" one. Basically, the
continuation of the similar Quests from
Meet the Reapers

[Group] The Ikelus Manhunt

Vinduer sends you to kill "ONLY" one
enemy--ONLY one Boss! You WILL
need a group for him, whether to help
kill him, or at least to keep his buddies
off your back. Come back to Vinduer
when the deed is done, for a burst of
EXP and your choice of weapons.
Choose Vinduer's Greatsword. PLUS,
you get the Title: Protector of

The game itself sends you to talk to Surt.

Talk to him and get 3,693,300 EXP! No
money, but LOTS of EXP!
Mission of the Reaper Squad
Sridi sends you to kill a quota of Undead
Cultivators and Undead Slaves. Bag your
limit and go back to Sridi to get paid!
Graves of the Red Sky Legion
(Requires Mission of the Reaper
Squad) Surt has a LONG (and kind of
depressing) Quest for you.
- Check out Dug-up Grave in the Shelter
of Heroes

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- Talk to Theia
- Talk to Seznec
- Hunt Colorful Arachna, and get
Golden Poison and Major Elemental

Bielia sends you to kill a random

number of Spotted Kurin and Pale Karnifs.
Bag your limit, then head back to Bielia to
get paid!



- Harvest Brasse
- Talk to Seznec
- Double Click on Tombstone in the
Shelter of Heroes
- Talk to the Red Sky Legion Spirit
- Kill requested amount of Undead
- Go back to Surt and complete Quest,
for over 4 MILLION EXP, AND the
Gloves of your choice! Choose Surt's
Gauntlets. Plate Armor packs a punch!
[Collection] A Bloom in Brusthonin
Heintz wants you to put some flowers
on a grave. Harvest the required number
of Narcissus, then double-click on
Portland's Tomb, then come back to
Heintz to get paid!
[Repeat] Baltasar's Wish
Ervin sends you to Magaro Primeval
Forest to slay the Agrints and Rotrons.
Take their branches to Ervin to get paid.
The first time through, you get your
choice of Chest Armor. Choose Ervin's
Plate Armor. This Quest is Repeatable up
to 100 times!

Bielia wants you to Harvest 10

Contaminant Samples from Clotted
Contaminants. Bring them back to Bielia
to get paid. This Quest is Repeatable up to
100 times!
[Coin] Purification of Soul
(Requires Mission of the Reaper
Squad) Nagel has a Platinum Coin and a
Demon Eye for you if you kill enough of
ANY of the Elder Spirits to collect 54
Ghostly Spirit Stones as "proof" and bring
that "proof" back to Nagel. Since this is a
LOOT Quest, not a KILL Quest, you
might have to kill more than 54.
Southern Region Status Report
(This Quest requires you to have
completed the Orders for Randet Quest
Chain from earlier) Randet has finally
finished her report, and needs you to take
it to Bielia. No money in it, but 250,000
Water Plant for Filling
Holekk wants...soggy wood? Harvest
Floating Water Plants and Soggy Water
Plants, and bring them back to Holekk to
get paid!

Carnivores Run Amok

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For Virhu
(Requires Water Plant for Filling)
Holekk wants you to bring a message to
Virhu. Upon completion, you get no
money, but 126,900 EXP, AND an
Elemental Stone of Revival (Allows you
to Resurrect a teammate--ONCE!)!

- Bring the bones to Groznak's Skull,

then kill Groznak's Servant
- Go back to Surt and get paid!
The Secret Passage
(Requires Graves of the Red Sky
- Talk to Surt to start. This is another
long one.

Heirnir Wants to Rest

Heirnir needs to come to terms with

- Talk to Neligor.

- Talk to Serene

- Talk to BuBu Khaaan

- Talk to Seznec

- Talk to BuBu Chan

- Hunt Sea Chimaera and collect
requested amount of Chimaera Sirloin

No money, but LOTS of EXP!

Something For Heirnir
(Requires Heirnir Wants to Rest)
Seznec needs Lich Orbs. Kill enough
Lich Shamans to get Lich Orbs. Bring
the Orbs back to Seznec for almost
700,000 EXP AND 7 Aether of High

- Buy requested amount of Brandy in

- Harvest requested amount of Aether
- Collect Fresh Amalilis (Lucky drop
when you harvest "normal" Amalilis)

Alas, Poor Groznak

- Talk to BuBu Chan again

Surt has another long Quest for you.

- Talk to Cayron

- Talk to Groznak's Skull.

- Get Book Made of Leaves in Brohunir

- Check out Weathered Skeleton, and

get Old Rib
- Check out Intact Skeleton, and get
Intact Leg Bone
- Check out Muddy Skeleton, and get
Soiled Arm Bone

- Talk to Cayron
- Check out Worn-out Wooden Box in
the Old Nahor Castle
- Go back to Surt for over 5 MILLION
EXP, and your choice of Surt's Mithril
Earrings or Surt's Ruby Earrings!
[Repeat] Elim's Goodwill

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Fadinar asks you to kill 30 Nose-Horn
Cordilnus, and 18 Spiked Cordilnus. Bag
your limit, then come back to get
paid--AND this Quest is repeatable up to
10 times!
The Alpha Cordilnus
(Requires Elim's Goodwill) Fadinar
wants you to kill Hobosku the One Eyed,
the Alpha Cordilnus, in hopes that
without its "leadership", the others will
kill each other. You might want a group
to keep the lesser Cordilnus off you. Kill
the Boss monster, and come back to get a
big burst of EXP, PLUS choose between
Fadinar's Leather Belt OR Fadinar's Belt!
Retrieving the Contaminated Seeds
(Requires Fadinar needs you to kill
Rotten Root Agrints and Rotten Branch
Rotrons, and bring back their
Contaminated Seeds. Once you have
enough seeds, bring them to Fadinar.
Again, no money, just EXP AND an
Elemental Stone of Revival (Lets you
Resurrect yourself ONCE!)!

(Requires Message in a Bottle) Sahnu is

mightily mad, and needs you to kill the
Vampires in Nahor Castle. Kill 20
Vengeful Vampires and 23 Guard
Vampires, then return to Sahnu to get paid.
Feels good to be the Instrument of
Vengeance, doesn't it?
Porgus Roundup
Holekk wants you to find the escaped
Porguses and bring them to the cages. This
is an Escort Quest, but you need to escort
TWO Porguses, one at a time, back
"home". Then go back to Holekk and get
A Light Through the Trees
Helmut wants you to "knockout" (Kill)
Grove Moskys, and bring them to him.
Due to the oddity of the loot system in this
game, even after you kill one, looting it
might not yield an unconscious one! Once
you've bagged your limit--literally this
time--go back to Helmut. Then he'll tell
you to light three streetlights. Once you do
THAT, come back to Helmut and get paid!

Message in a Bottle

[Repeat] Unusual Ingredients

You'll find a Bottle floating along the

south moat of Old Nahor Castle. It's a
letter to Sahnu! Bring the letter to him,
but he can't read it, because the water has
smeared the ink. Take it to Gunter in
Pandemonium, to restore it, THEN bring
it to Sahnu to read!

Seznec wants you to kill Anubite

Sentinels and Grave Bloodwings to collect
17 Anubite Thigh Bones and 19 Pierced
Wings. Once you collected enough, bring
them back to Seznec and get paid!
Gathering the Herb Pouches

Wrath of Sahnu

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Ingredients) Seznec wants you to find
the pouches herb powder hidden in the
Baltasar Cemetery and bring them back
to Seznec. You get a good sum of EXP
and 2 bottles of Seznec's Secret Remedy!
[Spy] A True Rest
(Requires Something for Heirnir
AND Gathering the Herb Pouches)
Seznec says Heirnir is suffering again,
due to other ghosts. Go to Medeus Manor
and kill Graveknight Warriors and
Anubite Warriors and collect their
Essences. Sounds easy? Wait, Medeus
Manor is in Heiron--Elyos territory!
You'll have to wait for a Rift, preferably
with a group--Not to kill these enemies,
but to keep enemy PLAYERS off you!
Bring a Kisk in case you DO get killed,
by monsters or players. Then once you
got all the Essences you need, warp back,
and hand them over to Seznec. You get
over 2.8 MILLION EXP, and your
choice of Heirnir's Ruby Necklace OR
Heirnir's Sapphire Necklace!

investigating the contamination. Gather

ten Feathers for him. This is a LOOT
Quest, not a KILL Quest, so you'll have to
kill more than 10. Bring the feathers to
Asustri to get paid!
Return to Aether's Flow
(Requires Contamination Sample)
Hristi wants you to kill Undead Villagers
and Undead Refugees until you collect 15
Villager Souls and 11 Refugee Souls.
Bring the Souls back to Hristi to get paid!
[Coin] For the Future Settlers
(Requires 'Return to Aether's Flow Hristi
offers you a Platinum Coin and Demon's
Eye if you kill enough Ksellids to collect
51 Black Crystals. Bring them back and
collect your rewards!
[Repeat] Jackspaner's Request AKA
[Repeat] Jackdaw's Request
Jackdaw needs you to clear out some of
the other pirates. Kill 10 Kranuum Pirates,
and 20 Krahumus Pirates, then head back
to Jackdaw to get paid! This Quest can be
Repeated up to 10 times!

Petrahulk: Smash!

Captain's Hat

Asustri needs you to clear away the

Petrahulk Workers that are in the way of
his work. Kill 30 of them, then come
back to get paid!
Contamination Sample
(Requires Petrahulk: Smash!) Asustri
needs Pecku Feathers as samples for

Request) Jackdaw wants you to kill
Boatswain Barousan--Boss Monster. I
recommend bringing a group to keep the
lesser pirates off him. Once you kill the
Boatswain, bring back the Captain's Hat as
"proof". You'll get EXP, but more

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importantly, your choice of Jackspaner's
Mithril Ring OR Jackspaner's Ruby
Ring, AND the Title: Pirate of the
Carobian (Gratuitous Pop Culture

[Repeat] Ginseng Gone Wild
BuBu Don needs you to Harvest 12
Wild Ginsengs. Bring them to him and get
BuBu Mep's Wedding Preparation

Lost Compass
(Requires Captain's Hat) Jackdaw
needs your help again. One of the pesky
monsters stole his Compass. Kill Sea
Chimaeras, Plant Lobnites, and Sea
Skyrays, until one of them coughs up the
Compass. Bring it back to Jackdaw to get
Jackdaw's Liquor
(Requires Lost Compass) Micorunerk
wants you to bring a Box of Rum to
Jackdaw. Do so for a big burst of EXP.
Lobnites on the Half-Shell
Jackdaw wants you to kill Plant Lobnites
and collect their Pincers. Once you have
your quota of Pincers, bring them back to
Jackdaw for over a MILLION EXP and 5
Jackspaner's Rums!
Lost Gift
BuBu Chap needs you to find his
Treasure Box. Bring it back to him to get
- The box is actually in the Saplands
Swamp, near the waterfall of the river
that goes through Iollu Forest to the

BuBu Mep wants you to collect things

for his wedding:
- Buy or Craft 3 Xilix Fiber Threads
- Buy or Craft 1 Xilix Textile
- Buy 1 Fine Dye
- Kill Brohum and collect 7 Brohum Fur
Once you have all that, bring it back to
Bubu Mep, get paid, and 5 Major
Recovery Serum (HP and Mana at the
same time, trade with another player or the
Broker to get a straight Life Potion
[Repeat] Unforgivable Balaur
(Requires Graves of the Red Sky
Legion) Ervin wants to drive all the
Balaur from Brusthonin, including the
Undead ones. Go kill 20 Weathered
Dracoliches and 30 Undead Grunts in the
Wailing Cliffs. Once that's done, come
back to Ervin and get paid!
Wandering Undead
(Requires Unforgivable Balaur) Ervin
needs you to kill enough Graveknight
Soldiers and Lich Necromancers to collect
10 Unfest Swords and 5 Liches' Robes.

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Once you collected them all, bring them
back to Ervin to get over a MILLION
EXP, and your choice of Shoulder
Armor. Choose Ervin's Plate Pauldrons.
Since this is a LOOT Quest, not a KILL
Quest, you'll need to kill more than 15.
Elim's Natural Enemy, the Mosky
Duryodana wants you to kill 23 Bog
Moskys that are poisoning the Elims.
When you succeed, you get EXP and 10
Healing Roots!
A Bribe for the Chieftain
BuBu Jo needs you to kill Meek
Grankers, collect their Chest Furs, and
bring it to BuBu Khaaan as a "gesture of
goodwill" (AKA Bribe), When you got it
all, bring it to BuBu Khaaan. He will
give it BACK! You'll get 17 Soft Chest
Fur that is somehow different from the
ones YOU collected. Since this is a
LOOT Quest, not a KILL Quest, you will
need to kill more than 17.
I Wanna Pecku
(Requires A Bribe for the Chieftain)
BuBu Jo has a different idea of how to
bribe the Chieftain. Kill enough Fierce
Peckus to get 22 Pecku Sirloins. Take the
steaks to BuBu Khaaan for a BIG burst
of EXP.
The Bribed Chieftain
(Requires I Wanna Pecku) BuBu
Khaaan accepts the bribe, and wants you

to run some Well-Dried Ginseng to BuBu

Jo. Do it, and get paid!
I Hate Brohum
BuBu Jin HATES Brohum, so he's
sending YOU to kill 20 Brohum Sentinels
and 30 Brohum Rangers. When you're
done, come back to BuBu Jin and get paid,
PLUS 5 Wild Ginseng Pickles!
[Coin] Mopping up the Brohum
(Requires I Hate Brohum) Pogel will
give you a Platinum Coin and a Demon's
Eye if you kill Brohum and collect 50
Brohum Horns. Bring them back to Pogel
for your rewards!
[Repeat] For the BuBu Tribe
(Requires I Hate Brohum) BuBu Jin
wants you to prune back 25 Brohum
Hunters and 35 Brohum Warriors so the
BuBu Tribe can dig for Ginseng. Kill
them, come back, and get paid!
Brohum's Ornamental Bow
(Requires For the BuBu Tribe) BuBu
Jin sends you after the Boss, Forestlord
Mahua. You may need a group to keep the
lesser Brohums off you. Once you kill the
Boss, pick up the Ornamental Bow as
"proof". Since he's the Boss, it's a
guaranteed drop! Bring it back to BuBu
Jin and get a HUGE amount of EXP, plus
your choice of Leg Armors. Choose BuBu
Plate Greaves.
Bukmir's Worry

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(Requires Brohum's Ornamental
Bow) Heavy Bukmir sends you into Iollu
Forest to find BuBu Chi. Escort him to
Cayron Hill. Be careful, he's slow and
helpless. Run back to Heavy Bukmir and
collect a big EXP reward.

One of the Zombies you kill carries a

Diary. Double-click the Diary to start this
- Talk with Ervin to find out who it
belongs to.
- Go to Pandemonium and talk to Aur.

Bukmir's Old Friend

(Requires Bukmir's Worry) Heavy
Bukmir wants to send a message to
BuBu Chan, but doesn't know where he
is! Talk to BuBu Jin to get Chan's
location, then talk to BuBu Chan. When
done, return to Heavy Bukmir for more
Glittering Hoe AKA Glossy Hoe
As you kill monsters, one of them will
drop an Ornate Hoe. Double-clicking it
starts a Quest. Ask BuBu Don if it
belongs to him. Ask BuBu Taan if it
belongs to him. Talk to Hilebard, who
turns out to be the owner, and get paid!
Horn of Purification
Lidimtas needs Tricos Horns to purify
the suffering Elim. Kill Young Divine
Tricos and Divine Tricos to collect Small
and Large Purifying Horns, respectively.
When you succeed, you'll get over 2
MILLION EXP, and 5 Baltasar Hill Orbs
of Return, which will teleport you back
to Baltasar Hill from anywhere in the
The Zombies Descendant

- Go to Beluslan and talk with

- Go back to Brusthonin and talk to
Asustri to get paid!
No Ordinary Branch
One of the monsters you find will drop
this branch. Double-click it to start a
Quest. You just have to bring it to Krodos
to get a big burst of EXP.
Cleansing the Forest
Krodos needs you to kill 10 Fierce
Water Spirits. When done, return to
Krodos for a burst of EXP and 3 Zeller
Aether Jellies (Food, looks like Jello more
than Jelly!)
[Repeat] Imowens Request
Imowen lost an eye, and one of the
Vampiric Fangwings swallowed it. Kill
them until one of them drops it, then bring
it back to get paid! This Quest is
Repeatable up to 255 times!
[Group] A Family's Memento
Ervin needs you to find a Copper Ring
and Beaded Necklace, ancient heirlooms
Ervin's Grandmother gave to her sister and

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brother, both of whom worked in Adma
Castle. Kill Undead Laborers, Banshee
Maids, and Banshee Sweepers, until they
cough up the two heirlooms. Bring the
heirlooms back to Ervin for over 3

[Repeat, Group] Treasures of the Adma

Guenon needs you to loot the Adma
Stronghold and find:
- Spirit Seed
- Ornate Necklace

The Secret of Adma Stronghold




- Golden Goblet


- Old Gold Coin

- Surt sends you to talk to Sahnu

- Sahnu sends you to kill Seafoam
Spirits, and get requested amount of
Waterdrop of Spirit
- Talk to Sahnu Sahnu again, and get
Essence of Ribbit
- Enter Adma Stronghold Secret
- Kill Suspicious Boy in Adma Sewers
- Talk to Heintz
- Check out Virkel's Tombstone, and
Report to Virkel

Bring them all back to Guenon to get

[Group] The Unforgivable One
(Requires The Secret of Adma
Stronghold, Lukmann's Justice, and
Graves of the Red Sky Legion) Lukmann
sends you to kill Lord Lannok, former
King of Adma Stronghold. You'll need a
group to kill him, he's a bigger Boss than
the Princess was! Once you kill him, talk
to Lukmann--no evidence needed--and
he'll give you a big burst of EXP and your
choice of Helmets. Choose Lukmann's

- Meet NPC Sigyn and complete

Quest. As your reward, you get over 7
MILLION EXP, 1 Sigyn's Wing Feather,
and Title: Expert Vengeful Spirit
[Group] Lukmann's Justice
Lukmann wants you to kill Princess
Karemiwen. She's a Boss, so you'll need
a group. Once you kill her, take her
crown back to Lukmann and get paid!

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A Word About DP
"What is DP" is THE most frequently
asked question in all of Aion. You have
THREE bars. HP is Hit Points,
self-explanatory, and helpfully in a
blood-red hue. MP is Mana Points, which
a true Warrior can ignore until the very
high Levels. Then there's...DP? What the
hell is DP?

into crafting materials only takes a trickle

of DP. (To confound you more, some
Crafting Recipes actually NEED Raw
You can accumulate up to three full bars
of DP. Once you have a full bar, the same
bar will be filled in with a DIFFERENT
color for the next Level of DP. (The same
way Street Fighter/Streets of Rage did in
the old days!)

DP is Divine Points. You start

accumulating these as soon as you
become a Daeva instead of a "normal"
Human. You get a handful of DP for
EVERY enemy you kill.
Important Distinction: It HAS to be
an ENEMY, not just some of those
squirrel-looking critters, or the QooQoo
chicken-monsters. It has to be something
that will fight back, however one-sided
the fight might be!
You USE DP to:
- Turn Aether into raw materials
- Perform your most powerful attacks
You LOSE DP when:
- You logout
- You disconnect
- You die
Performing a DP attack will drain a
whole BAR of DP, while turning Aether

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Gladiator Skill List

For Levels 1-10, you are "just" a
Warrior, so let's start with the Warrior
You start with 11 Skills already:

squatting to do this, so you'll be

extra-vulnerable, and it takes about 5
seconds to do. Make sure you're not
interrupted in the middle of the process! If
you are interrupted, you have a CHANCE
of losing one of your Bandages. They're
cheap, but that doesn't mean you should
WASTE them!

Basic Sword Training

Basic Clothing Proficiency

Guess what this is!

Basic Mace Training
Clubs, Hammers, and AXES(!) are
also considered Maces)


Sadly, even if you take off ALL the Armor
from your character, you won't be
naked...Moving on...
Basic Cloth Armor Proficiency

Ferocious Strike I
This will be your go-to Skill for pretty
much the life of your character, since it
recharges faster than the others, AND
perhaps more importantly, it's the start of
your main damage Chain. Ferocious
Strike is an extra-hard swing of your
weapon, so hard that it glows red!
Every 30 minutes, you can teleport to
wherever you Bind to. You CANNOT
Return during combat. Think of this as
your Town Portal Spell, or Hearthstone
in WOW.

Cloth Armors look the "prettiest", but

you're a WARRIOR, you get by on grit
and toughness, not your looks--and Cloth
Armor barely protects! Leave that to the
Mages and Priests, if you can help it. Of
course, this low, you MIGHT fight some
Cloth Armor that's better than your
starting Armor, so don't be shy about
trading up...But try for better Armors
Basic Leather Armor Proficiency
Leather Armor is light and flexible, but
you're a Warrior, not a Scout, you need

Bandage Heal

Basic Chain Armor Proficiency

If you have Bandages, you can use

them on yourself to heal. You'll be

Warriors are limited to "only"

Chainmail. Excellent protection, but Plate

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will ALWAYS be better!

(Assuming you use the numbers to

activate your Skills) Don't worry, it
switches back afterward.

Basic Shield Training

As in so many other RPGS, online and
off, you can hold a Shield if you're not
wielding a Two-Handed weapon. It'll
keep you alive longer at the cost of some
of your damage.
Boost Physical Attack Power I
This is a PASSIVE Skill that is always
on, boosting your physical attacks by a
percentage. For all intents and purposes,
this is what defines you as a WARRIOR.
Ignore it, as nothing you nor any enemy
can do will turn it off, you'll just do more
damage than you "should", based on raw
weapon stats!
Now for the Skills you have to buy
At Level 3, Robust Blow I and Shield
Defense I open up.

Shield Defense I
This is a Defensive Toggle. While
active, it gives you AMAZING bonuses to
your Shield Defense, Stun Resistance, and
even reduces incoming damage slightly
(10% Physical Defense Bonus, 10
Physical Defense points=1 less point of
damage per incoming hit), BUT it
presvents you from using your other
Skills. Not surprisingly, you have to be
wearing a shield for this to work. If you
were a Templar, this would be your go-to
Skill, but remember, a GLADIATOR is
meant to KILL, not PROTECT! Unless
you Gotta Catch'Em All, you can save
money by NOT buying this Book. Repeat
after me: A Gladiator's best Defense is a
quick, deadly OFFENSE!
At Level 5, Weakening Severe Blow
and Boost HP I open up.

Robust Blow I
This is your first "Chain Skill". It only
becomes available when you hit with a
Ferocious Strike. Robust Blow ALSO
makes your weapon glow red, but this
time, moving the OPPOSITE direction of
Ferocious Strike! Even better, it
automatically "replaces" Ferocious
Strike when you hit an enemy with
Ferocious Strike, so to pull off the
Chain, just hit the same number twice!

Weakening Severe Blow

Either this game is showing its Korean
roots, or a previous Build of the game had
a Skill called Weakening Love Tap.
Either way, THIS should be your opening
move in any combat. It's a direct vertical
bottom-to-top swing of your weapon, it
lowers the enemy's Physical Defense by
100 for 6 seconds, so the PHYSICAL
attacks of you and your allies on that

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monster will be more likely to hit, AND
will hit for an extra 10 points each! If
you're in a party, this leads to monsters
being shredded FAST! Sadly, this Skill
doesn't help Mages in your party, whose
Damage--Imagine that! As a BONUS, if
you're using a Two-Handed weapon,
whether Sword or Polearm, you have a
CHANCE of flipping the enemy onto its
back, helpless for a few seconds! Don't
just use it as an opener, but use it
between Chains to KEEP an enemy
vulnerable, whether on their back or just
with lowered Defenses. Immature
players macro this to "Groin Hit!",
because against humanoid enemies, it
DOES hit them in the groin! Moving
Boost HP I
This is another PASSIVE Skill, like
Boost Physical Attack Power I. It
increases your MaxHP by 3%, and just as
important, your HP Recovery Rate
increases by 4. So you have more HP,
AND you heal faster. A must-buy...Buy
it, learn it, forget about it as it helps keep
you alive in the background.
At Level 7, Rage I opens up.
Rage I
This is almost the OPPOSITE of what
it sounds like. It SOUNDS like it'd be a
bonus to your Attack, and a penalty to

your Defense. Instead, though, it

establishes a force-field around you that
absorbs the first 98 points of damage,
whether from one attack, or a barrage of
smaller ones. When hit, it makes a
beautiful "honeycomb" pyrotechnic, so it's
aesthetically pleasing as well as the
visceral smugness of knowing that enemy
can't hurt you...YET! BUT it requires you
to hit an enemy with Ferocious Strike to
become available. You can either click the
icon for Rage on your screen, or put it into
one of your PowerBar slots. If you choose
the latter, just make sure NOT to click it
until it's available, as that can waste time,
and combat IS time-sensitive! The
force-field dissipates in 10 seconds
anyways, so go ahead and take it on the
chin. 'IMPORTANT NOTE': If you
choose Rage, you'll have to wait for your
next Ferocious Strike before you can use
Robust Blow and the rest of that OTHER
branch of the Chain! Decisions,
At Level 9, Shield Counter I and Boost
Parry I open up.
Shield Counter I
If you successfully Block an enemy's
incoming hit with your shield, you can
smack them in the face with that same
shield and Stun them for 3-5 seconds. This
Skill ONLY works if you're wearing a
shield! If you chose for the first 10 Levels
to use a Shield to increase survivability,

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you'll want this. Otherwise, skip it, and
save money.

recommend you save those for Priests.

This is automatically part of you when you
choose Gladiator for your Ascension!

Boost Parry I
This is another Passive. And like all
Passives, it's a must-have. This one
boosts your Parry rate: The chance that
you'll block an incoming attack with
your own weapon. Yes, you're a
Gladiator, but Parrying is an important
part of swashbuckling, whether with
One-Handed or Two-Handed weapons!
Now for the part we've all been waiting
for, Skills for the Gladiator stage of your
life! (After your Ascension)
Advanced Sword Training I
The "Finer Points" (Painful pun
intended) of chopping up an enemy...You
can now do more damage with
automatically part of you when you
choose Gladiator for your Ascension!
Advanced Dagger Training I
You can now do more damage with
Daggers--though I don't recommend it.
Gladiators don't get any bonuses to
Daggers like Scouts/Assassins do. This is
automatically part of you when you
choose Gladiator for your Ascension!

Advanced Greatsword Training I

HASSAN CHOP! Seriously, if you want
to hurt an enemy, wield a sword that takes
BOTH hands. Enemies will really FEEL it
when you hit them with a sword the size of
a surfboard! This is automatically part of
you when you choose Gladiator for your
Advanced Polearm Training I
Reach out and poke someone! Polearm
is arguably the best weapon for a
Gladiator. Longer range, but slower, but
higher damage and Crit rate than a
Greatsword. This is automatically part of
you when you choose Gladiator for your
Advanced Archery Training I
Snipe an enemy from afar. Wait,
ARCHERY? You're not a Ranger. You
CAN equip a Bow now, but it'll take time
to switch weapons back and forth, plus
arrows take money and take up valuable
inventory space...You decide which is a
bigger drawback. This is automatically
part of you when you choose Gladiator for
your Ascension!

Advanced Mace Training I

Advanced Leather Armor Proficiency
SMASH! Now with precision, as well
as authority. Maces may look cool, but I

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Leather is OK, but try for better when
you can. This is automatically part of you
when you choose Gladiator for your
Proficiency I



Chainmail is the old starndard for

Armor. Plate's better in most cases. This
is automatically part of you when you
choose Gladiator for your Ascension!
Advanced Shield Training I
Cower behind your shield! To
maximize survivability, you can use a
One-Handed weapon and a Shield.
However, this also minimizes your
damage. Good if you're trying to be an
off-tank for a damage-heavy party. This
is automatically part of you when you
choose Gladiator for your Ascension!

Herb Treatment I
Uses 1 Lesser Odella Powder to heal
yourself. Heals about half your HP bar, but
uses the same recharge timer as Bandage
Heal Buy it for a "cheaper" way to heal
yourself, since several Quests give Powder
as a reward instead of Bandages.
Mana Treatment I
Uses 2 Lesser Odella Powders to
recharge your Mana. Skip this Skill until
you get Skills that actually USE your
Mana! Again, prevents you from using
Bandage Heal or Herb Treatment
Provoke I
COME GET SOME! Taunts one target
to attack YOU instead of its current
victim. Warriors can take the heat, others
can't. Take one for the team, or bring
SOME fleeing enemies back for second
helping of pain!

Advanced Plate Armor Proficiency I

THIS is what separates Warrior
Classes from the others: The ability to
damage-prevention. Wearing Plate, you
can survive blows that would cripple or
kill even a Chainmail wearer! Getting
your first Plate Armor is probably going
to feel like a Crowning Moment Of
Awesome for you--and it is! This is
automatically part of you when you
choose Gladiator for your Ascension!
Now for the buyable Skills at Level 10:

Ferocious Strike II
The icon is PURPLE instead of red, to
help tell them apart. Replace Ferocious
Strike I on your PowerBar with this
version instead. Same Skill, same
animation, but higher damage=faster kills!
Seismic Wave
Whirling DEATH! You need either a
Two-Handed Sword, or a Polearm to pull
this off, but it's a GREAT animation: You
spin around and around, striking each

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enemy in range up to 4 times--That's
right, EACH enemy--this is your first
AOE attack! Seismic Wave has a Chain
of its own, to be filled out later, but for
now, use it as a "filler" when Ferocious
Strike and Weakening Severe Blow are
still recharging. Be careful when using it
in a crowded area, as you might hit
monsters you're not ready to fight yet!
Winged Strength I
Death comes on wings...This is a Quest
reward for both sides at different times,
but fairly early in your Gladiator career.
Your damage output is boosted by 10%
while flying--NOT GLIDING! Again,
this is Passive, so learn it and forget
about it. Let it help you invisibly.
Explosion of Rage I
This is your first DP attack. (See
Above) The animation for this is truly
AWESOME: You stab your enemy, lift
them into the air, shake a little bit, then
SLAM them on the ground! The enemy
is on the ground for 5 seconds, PLUS
Stunned. This attack NEVER misses, but
it doesn't do an Instant Kill, which is
what I'd expect from its animation. You
get this as a "Graduation Present" on
both sides.
Boost Physical Attack II
This is another Passive, and given what
a Gladiator IS, I'd call it a Must-Buy. A

PERMANENT increase in damage output

is just what a Gladiator needs!
When you reach Level 13, Aggravation
I, Robust Blow II, Aion's Strength I, and
Wrathful Strike I open up.
Apply this, and whenever you hit an
enemy, it will cause EXTRA aggro, above
and beyond that caused by raw damage.
This is a very SITUATIONAL power. If
you solo, no need to use this at all. If you
are in a good group, enemies should die
before you need this, and grouping with a
Templar means HE should take the aggro,
not you! If, on the other hand, YOU are
the toughest member of a party, you'll
want this, again, to take the heat off your
frailer brethren!
Aion's Strength I
Pump up! This is a MUST-BUY toggle.
While active, you do 15% more damage,
and an additional bonus if attacking
another PLAYER, rather than monsters!
Buy it, learn it, keep it on at all times!
(Makes me wonder why they didn't make
it a Passive? It's easy to forget to turn it
back on after you die.)
Wrathful Strike I
This is your next link in the Ferocious
Strike->Robust Blow Chain. Your
character jumps up, does a somersault in
the air, and SLAMS your weapon down

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into the head of your enemy. It LOOKS
like the blow should split the enemy in
half vertically, but this is an RPG, not an
80s cartoon!
When you reach Level 16, Weakening
Severe Blow II, Rage II, Charge I, and
Rupture I open up.
Weakening Severe Blow II
The color of the icon is subtly
different, and this time, the Physical
Defense of the enemy is decreased by
200! PLUS, 20 extra damage per hit will
happen to the unfortunate enemy, making
the shredding even faster! Buy it, learn it,
replace Weakening Severe Blow I with
this "New&Improved" version!
Rage II
This is a much thicker shield, again,
for 10 seconds. The icon is YELLOW
instead of GREEN!
Charge I
CHAAARGE! This is a much-needed
movement-speed buff. It boosts your
running and flight speeds by 60 for 10
seconds. It takes FOUR MINUTES to
recharge, which prevents you from using
it for overland travel, but it WILL help
you get into--and out of--trouble quickly!
Rupture I
In&Out. This is a quick&dirty strike
that you can do as the third link in the

Ferocious Strike->Robust Blow Chain.

You do only the damage you would
with Wrathful Strike, but it doesn't tie up
your character in animations as long,
and/or gives you an alternative when
Wrathful Strike is still recharging.
When you reach Level 19, Shield
Counter II, Cleave, and Boost Physical
Attack III open up.
Shield Counter II IF you use a shield,
this does more damage than Shield
Counter I. For MOST Gladiators, I
recommend skipping it. Again, a shield
trades damage for survivability (And if
you look above, some Skills can ONLY be
used with Two-Handed weapons!) The
icon is a little "shinier" than Shield
Counter I
Cleave I
HASSAN CHOP! This is a single
mighty SWING of your sword, "With
Authority"(TM)! This is the start of yet
ANOTHER Chain. Since it's a damage
Skill, it's a great filler, when your main
Blow->Wrathful Strike or Ferocious
Strike->Robust Blow->Rupture) are
Boost Physical Damage III
WOW! MORE damage for every swing!
This is a MUST-HAVE, since Gladiators
are essentially walking DPS.

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When you finally hit 20, Advanced
Dual-Wielding I and Improved
Stamina I open up.

Still uses only 1 Odella Powder to heal,

and heals a lot more than Herb
Treatment I The icon is a darker green.

Advanced Dual-Wielding I

Mana Treatment II

"I am not left-handed!" Dual-Wielding

LOOKS cool, but is underpowered for
Warriors in this game. Assassins get fair
use out of it, but this is a GLADIATOR

Still uses 2 Odella Powder to recharge

your Mana somewhat, recharges more
than Mana Treatment I The icon is a
darker blue. Again, you can skip this, as
you really don't USE Mana!

Improved Stamina I

Provoke II

Is it worth all the pain? This is your

first Stigma Skill--It belongs to another
Class, but you're able to use it IF you
beat a fairly tedious Quest for the
privilege! It's a TEMPORARY buff to
increase your MaxHP and HP by 20%
(Like the City of Heroes Power "Dull
Pain"), PLUS it increases your Shield
Defense by 150, and your Weapon
Defense by 100. The buff lasts 2
minutes, and has a 3 minute recharge
time, so it's up to you if it's worth it or
At 22, you get a MESS of new Skills!
Explosion of Rage II
This is the upgrade to Explosion of
Rage II. Does MUCH better damage,
with the same animation. The icon is a
nice, rich maroon. It's your DP Skill, and
FINALLY worth using a bar of DP on!
Herb Treatment II

Taunts harder than Provoke I. The icon

is yellow for this version, and so it's a lot
easier to tell it's a finger!
Ferocious Strike III
Hits harder than the first two. The icon
is orange now. Still opens the same chain.
Replace the earlier Ferocious Strikes with
this one!
Crippling Cut I
FINALLY, you can take advantage of
enemies you knock over! IF an enemy is
on its back, you can do some SERIOUS
damage with this--almost TRIPLE your
other attacks! But it's a STIGMA Skill, so
you have to EARN it!
Aerial Lockdown I
This one is very odd: If you knock a
GROUND enemy into the AIR, you can
pin--immobilize--it up there! Oh, and it
does a little damage.

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Seismic Wave II
Does better damage, but you still spin
your weapon around 360, hitting
everyone around you 1-4 times each!
Still requires a Polearm or Two-Handed
Sword! The icon is orange this time.
Body Smash I
This one lets you totally CRUNCH an
enemy with your full bodyweight, and
has a satisfying sound and animation.
Does pretty good damage too!
At Level 25, you get more Skills!
Boost Shield Defense I
This is a PASSIVE Skill that boosts
your abilities to use a Shield. Only useful
if you're trying to be an off-tank.

HUGE damage to them and bring them

smashing down!
Wrathful Strike II
This is the upgraded version of
Wrathful Strike I. More damage, same
animation, knocks the enemy over.
Requires Robust Blow and Ferocious
Strike to hit first, because it's part of that
Chain. The icon is maroon.
Winged Rage
While flying, your Power and Strength
are increased by 10 EACH, and Flight
Speed boosted by 33%. This is a
PASSIVE Skill, so buy it and reap the
benefits without thinking any more about
Advanced Sword Training II

Robust Blow III

As with the others, this is just a
stronger version of its predecessor,
replace the predecessors with this one.
Better damage, and an orange icon.
Defense Preparation I
This is an ACTIVE toggle Skill,
boosting your Defense AND Shield by
250 each, and increases aggro of every
attack. You get an EXTRA bonus when
defending against other players' attacks!

If you're using Sword and Shield Build,

get this, otherwise skip it.
Advanced Dagger Training II
I don't see WHY anyone but a Scout
Class would use a Dagger, but I
recommend skipping this one for a
Gladiator too!
Advanced Mace Training II
If you're using a MACE with a Shield,
otherwise skip it.

Crashing Blow I
Advanced Greatsword Training II
If you pinned an enemy in the sky with
Aerial Lockdown I, use this to deal

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If you use a Greatsword instead of a
Polearm, get this. Otherwise, skip it.
Advanced Polearm Training II
If you use a Polearm--which
Gladiator should--GET THIS!

Rage III
This is a better, tougher shield than the
earlier Rages The icon is blue-gray.
Crippling Cut II

Advanced Archery Training

Um, no, just NO. You're not a Ranger,
you don't need this, and you don't need
arrows cluttering up your inventory.
At Level 28, you get more and better
Skills yet!

A better version of Crippling Cut I, the

icon is darker, the damage is heavier. Still
requires the enemy to be knocked on its
back. And it's a Stigma Skill!
Rupture II
The icon is purple, the damage is

Vengeful Strike I

Ankle Snare I

If you get a successful Parry against an

enemy attack, this move becomes
available, for a good hit of bonus
Boost Physical Attack IV
This is a PASSIVE Skill, and since it
boosts your attack powers, it's a
DEFINITE must-have! Buy it, forget
about it, reap the rewards!
Weakening Severe Blow III
This is the next generation of
Weakening Severe Blow. Lowers enemy
Physical Defense by 300 for 6 seconds,
and for the duration, every physical hit
on that enemy will inflict 30 extra
damage! The icon is "orange" closer to

Immobilize ONE target for 10 seconds

and drop its Evasion by 1,000! It's a
Stigma Skill, but it's amazing. In PVE, it
renders one enemy COMPLETELY
immobilized enemy can still hit YOU too.
Shock Wave I
This is the second move in Seismic
Wave's Chain. Another spin-attack, hits
everyone in range. Requires a successful
Seismic Wave to activate.
Seismic Billow I
FINALLY, you get the third move in
Seismic Wave's Chain. Billow is basically
a higher, faster, nastier Seismic Wave, and
requires a successful Seismic Wave AND
Shock Wave to be pulled off FIRST.

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Level 31 is almost a letdown, you only
get 3 Skills: Shield Counter III,
Lockdown I, and Reckless Strike I

Provoke III
Causes even MORE aggro than before,
and the icon is yellow.

Shield Counter III

Ferocious Strike IV
You bash the enemy with your Shield,
but you NEED a Shield to use this...Only
viable in your off-tank Build. The icon is
shining brighter, the damage is higher.

Your go-to Skill's latest incarnation,

higher damage than ever! The icon is
yellow this time.
Crippling Cut III

Lockdown I
This inflicts minor damage on an
enemy, but more importantly, stops them
from doing ANYTHING for 3 seconds!
The bad news is, it's a Stigma Skill...
Reckless Strike I
This is the FOURTH Skill in
Ferocious Strike's Chain. Needs
Ferocious Strike, and Rupture to land
on the enemy before you can use this.
Basically, this Chain will be your
premiere damager!
At Level 34, you gain lots more!
Herb Treatment III
Heals more than before, but requires a
Greater Odella Powder to work. The icon
is slightly blue-tinted, making it

Stab the enemy while he's down--now

stabbing harder than ever! It's still a
Stigma Skill. The icon is orange.
Seismic Wave III
The latest and greatest incarnation of
your first AOE attack, now with an orange
Stamina Recovery I
This is a Self-Heal Over Time. Restores
your HP every 6 seconds for a full minute.
You will use a little Mana, regain almost
1200 HP total--WITHOUT using a Life
Aerial Lockdown II
Does more damage before pinning your
enemy in midair. The icon is red this time.
Body Smash II

Mana Treatment III

This requires Greater Odella Powder to
work, but since Warriors don't need
Mana, you can skip this one.

This is a GREAT attack, no Chain

abilities, but even better damage now! The
icon is red this time.

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Boost HP II

Unwavering Devotion I

This is a MUST-HAVE Passive! More

HP allows you to take more punishment
before you die, and lets you take--or
give--a few more hits before needing a
Potion. Especially useful if you don't
want to break up a Chain! This one
increases your MaxHP by 6%, and your
Health Recovery by 10!

Increases Stun, Spin, Midair Bind

Resistances by 1000 for 1.5 minutes. It's a
Stigma Skill, but status protection is worth
it, both in PVE and PVP!
Lockdown II
Inflicts slightly more damage than
Lockdown I, but the target is still only
Bound for 3 seconds. The icon is yellow.

At Level 37, it gets better!

Crashing Blow II

Boost Knockdown I
This is a Passive that makes your
Knockdowns harder, so you can knock
over bigger, more stalwart monsters (Or
players). An enemy flat on its back is not
only vulnerable to certain Skills, but just
as importantly, can't hit you back! Buy
and forget, like all other Passives.
Robust Blow IV
The latest and greatest version of
Robust Blow. Requires Ferocious
Strike to hit before you can use it, as it's
part of that Chain. The icon is darker,
making the lines show up better.

A better version of Crashing Blow I, it

does more damage when knocking down
an enemy you have previously hit with
Aerial Lockdown The icon is slightly
lighter than Crashing Blow I
Pressure Wave I
Another roundhouse attack, requires
Seismic Wave to hit to activate, as it's an
alternate second in the Chain. Use this one
when Shock Wave is still recharging.
When you get to 40, you get a truly
AMAZING attack--plus some other

Wrathful Strike III

Wrathful Wave I

The latest of the Wrathful Strike line.

More damage, knocks the enemy down.
Requires Robust Blow and Ferocious
Strike to hit first, because it's part of that
Chain. The icon is darker, making the
lines show up better.

The icon for this one is a tsunami, and it

lives up to that. This is a WIDE AOE, that
does nearly TWICE the damage of any
other attack, BUT because it IS almost 3X
as wide, you need to be careful where you
use it, lest you bring down the wrath of too

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many enemies on your own head. Again,
SPECTACULAR damage, but its width
needs to be watched!

does 4,000 damage to Castle Gates! (As

part of the Siege PVP mechanic) You'll
want this Skill if you do any serious

Vengeful Strike III

More damage as an optional bonus
attack when you Parry an enemy's attack!
The icon is orange this time.
Determination I
If your HP falls below 10%, you have
a CHANCE of Stunning the enemy with
every hit. Think of this as a Passive
version of a Limit Break. The only
question is, are you willing to risk your
life, staying at 10% Health? Do you feel
lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

Rupture III
The same alternate Chain Skill, now in a
more powerful incarnation. Requires
Ferocious Strike and Robust Blow to
land before it becomes available. The icon
is purple this time.
Seismic Billow II
The next step up for the third part of the
AOE Chain. Requires Seismic Wave and
Shock Wave before it becomes available.
The icon is a coppery brown.

Rage IV

Crippling Cut IV

A thicker Shield than its previous

iterations. The icon is a rich Lincoln
Green this time.

The latest and greatest way to kick your

enemy while it's down. It's a Sigma Skill.
The icon is gold(?) this time.

Weakening Severe Blow IV

Advanced Sword Training III

As always, it does minor damage, but

the true power is that it lowers enemy
Physical Defense by 400 for 6 seconds,
and all PHYSICAL attacks on that
enemy will do 40 extra points of
damage! The icon is a darker yellow.

Take this ONLY if you're using a

One-Handed Sword and Shield. (Tanking
Advanced Dagger Training III
Skip this. Silly Gladiator, Daggers are
for Assassins!

SiegeBreaker I
This is a Stigma Skill, and arguably the
most situational Skill in the game. It does
utterly pathetic damage normally, but it

Advanced Mace Training III

Take this ONLY if you're using a
MACE with a Shield. (Tanking Build)

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Advanced Greatsword Training III
Take this if you use Greatswords
instead of a Polearm.
Advanced Polearm Training III
Polearms are the "ideal" Gladiator

careful not to pull more than you can

Shield Counter IV
IF you're using a Shield, this mashes
your enemy's face with it even harder!
Good to actually do damage in your
off-tank Build. The icon is green.

Advanced Archery Training III

Skip this, leave bows to the Rangers!

At Level 42, you ONLY get Force

Cleave I

Shock Wave II

Force Cleave I

The next generation of the second step

in the Seismic Wave Chain. The icon is
Great Cleave I
YAY! You finally have the second step
in Cleave Chain! Requires Cleave to hit
to become available.
Righteous Cleave I

This is an alternative to Great Cleave. It

takes the second spot in Cleave Chain too,
but you can't use Righteous Cleave
afterward. HOWEVER, Force Cleave, in
addition to doing damage, has a good
chance to decrease the enemy's Move
Speed for 8 seconds! Good if you're
fighting something that likes to run
away--like another player, perhaps? Great
to have options!

The third step in the Cleave Chain.

At Level 43, you get Lockdown III and
Reckless Strike II

Advanced Dual Wielding II

Take this only if you want to Dual
Wield. LOOKS cool, but suffers on
At Level 41, you get Aggravation II
and Shield Counter IV

Lockdown III
Even MORE damage than Lockdown
II, but still only Binds the enemy for 3
seconds. Still, that's 3 seconds when it
can't fight back! The icon is

Aggravation II
Reckless Strike II
Passive Skill, raises your aggro with
any successful hit or Provoke. Just be

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The next generation of the fourth hit in
the Ferocious Strike Chain. Requires
Ferocious Strike, Robust Blow, and
Rupture to land before it becomes
available. The icon is pink this time.
At Level 44, you get Earthquake
Wave I and Ferocious Strike V

enemy down so you can use Crippling

Cut! The icon is a rich aquamarine.
Provoke IV
Your best taunt. Other than being
stronger in effect, nothing really different
from the other Provokes
Seismic Wave IV

Earthquake Wave I
The Earth itself trembles with your
power! Does great damage to all enemies
in a short range (About equal to the
Seismic series), AND slows their
movement for 8 seconds. Consumes
Mana, though, and has a LONG
Ferocious Strike V
The best--and final--version of your
go-to Skill. The icon is chartreuse this
At Level 45, you get Boost Physical
Attack V, Explosion of Rage IV,
Provoke IV, and Seismic Wave IV
Boost Physical Attack V
Your ultimate version of arguably your
best Passive Skill. Get it, forget it, love
Explosion of Rage IV
Your final version of THIS DP Attack.
It does the most damage of the
Explosion of Rage series, and knocks an

The ultimate version of your AOE

Chain-starter. The icon is fuschia.
At Level 49, you can get Boost HP III
Boost HP III
Your final HP Boosting Passive, this one
increases MaxHP by 9%, and Health
Recovery by a whopping 20! Get it for
those long fights when you need more
staying-power--which will be ALL of
them at this high Level!
FINALLY, you reach Level 50, and
unlock the ULTIMATE POWER, Force
Blast I
Force Blast I
This is another Divine Points Attack,
AND it uses Mana, but it's truly
SPECTACULAR to fire one off! Inflicts
HUGE damage on your target and 5 other
enemies that are standing too close to your
target! On top of that, it decreases their
Physical Defense by 500 for 30 seconds,
and ALL Physical attacks on those
enemies will do a whopping 50 POINTS

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extra! It's DEFINITELY worth blowing a
bar of DP for!

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1. Damage Dealing
Polearm/2H Sword



on Crits, but because Crits are unreliable,

your damage output will be unsustainable
as well. And again, the idea of the
Gladiator is good, SUSTAINED DPS, not
burst damage. If you want to be a Crit
Monster, make an Assassin!

Enhancements: +Dmg, +Crit Rate For

PVE killing, use either a Polearm (For
reach), or a 2-Handed Sword (Only
advised if there's something TRULY
special about your sword, since Polearms
have more damage and longer range, and
aren't THAT much slower than a
2-Handed Sword!)



Enhancements: +HP, +Shield Rate

You are NOT a Templar, but if your
party needs a Tank, and no Templars are
available, you can use a ONE-HANDED
Sword and a Shield to make a fairly
formidable Tank. Again, Shields don't
help you DEFEND, they have a Block
Rate and a Block PERCENTAGE, that
you either Block the given percentage or
miss the Block and take the full hit of
damage. And if a Templar suddenly
becomes available, switch back to your
Damage Build (Above)
3. Dual Weapon Build Gear: 2x1H
Enhancements: +Dmg, +Physical Crit
Rate Stigma Skill: Dual Weapon Mastery
This is a very stylish Build that focuses

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Ironically, the best way to farm in
Aion, for both EXP AND money
players start with Harvesting Skill, which
is about the same as its WOW
counterpart. Picking herbs gives you 50
The Harvesting mechanic here is strange
enough to deserve special mention.
When you Harvest, the Failure bar is
based on time, and every so often, your
Success bar will increment. If your
Harvest Skill is higher than necessary,
your Success Bar will LEAP forward
faster than normal--Sometimes you'll
even jump from 0-100% INSTANTLY!

noting that some of the Ore deposits and

Herb patches are "booby trapped", namely,
they spawn enemies as soon as you finish
harvesting to discourage THAT kind of
farming and force the "normal" RPG
farming! Sadly, they fixed the clipping
errors that spawned land enemies in
midair...That was funny!
Lepharists are the best to farm, and
Viragos are simply NOT worth killing, too
much trouble for too little rewards!

The easiest herb is Aria, which looks

like psychidelic pink wheat. Minimum
Harvest Skill is 1! Next easiest is Mela,
essentially magic crabapples. Minimum
Harvest Skill is 10. You cannot eat them,
but they're crafting ingredients. When
you're in the Worg area or beyond, look
for dark blue/black outcroppings to
harvest. These are Iron Ore, which
requires a Harvest Skill of 15. There are
others, basically anything that your
cursor turns into a blue hand instead of
Kill humanoid enemies, Harvest Herbs
and Ores whenever possible. It's worth

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PvP Strategies
Remember AION'S Positional System:
Charging ahead increases attack and
lowers Defense temporarily, pulling back
does exactly the opposite. Don't let
yourself get kited, because their Defense
will be raised, yours lowered!
Remember to circle-strafe your victims
when possible, this will make your
Dodging/Parrying, WITHOUT any real
penalties to Offense or Defense stats.

PvP as a Gladiator
Gladiators kind of pay a price in PVP
for their simplicity. To put it bluntly,
you're a brick of SUSTAINED DPS, in a
world where Burst Damage is king (I.e.,
you want to KILL an enemy, before he
or his teammates can heal him!) You also
have NO Crowd Control, other than the
CHANCE to knock an enemy down with
your Skills and/or Crits. Three of your
Skills have a better chance of knockdown
than most: Shock Wave, Seismic
Billow, and Wrathful Strike. Naturally,
these three will be your best friend, but
they also have fairly long recharge time.

Shock Wave and Seismic Billow are the

second and third part of the Seismic Wave
Chain, and Wrathful Strike is the third
part of the Ferocious Strike->Robust
Blow Chain.
You can't keep your distance, because
you are a melee artist. Still, your damage,
although not as flashy as the other Classes,
can make the difference between an
enemy living or dying. More importantly,
if you can close the distance with
Stealth-able enemy players and/or
Spellcasters, you can prevent them from
casting or recloaking!
Hopefully, you have a group that
realizes concentration of firepower on
ONE victim is everything! Since this
game's only "penalty" for taking too much
damage is that you can't run or fly
anymore, an enemy with 1 HP left is as
dangerous as an enemy with full health.
Alternately, you could phrase it that
killing ONE enemy is better than just
wounding any number of enemies!

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Recommended PvP
Just hit Control-F, so far the only
Stigmas implemented are the ones
through the Quests. You can hit
Control-F and look up the Stigma
Quests. Again, Dual Wield Stigma is
NOT RECOMMENDED for a Gladiator.
If you want to Dual Wield, make an

surreal square-dance), and of course,

+Physical Crit. Crits not only boost
damage, they are a guaranteed Interrupt of
enemy Skills/Spells, and knock the enemy
For Polearm DROPS, the best one, bar
none, is Tahabata's spear. This comes from
the Dark Poeta instance, the enemy named
Tahabata Pyrelord, who is in any metric,
the hardest Boss in the game!

PvP Gearing &


If you can't get your hands on that, get

the Anuhart Elite Spear (Also from Dark
Poeta, but from lesser enemies), or Archon
Tribunus/BlackHeart Spear. The latter two
are Abyss Items, bought with Abyss

Get the BEST Armor you can,

preferably Crafted ones and/or ones
bought with Abyss Points, but if you
can't afford that, just kill the biggest
armor/weapons that way. Again, a
Gladiator is for all-out offense, so get the
biggest, best Polearm you can find.
Amping them up with Enchantment
Stones is a MUST. Obviously,
luck-based, and the chances of getting it
up to +10 are 1 in 1,024! For
Manastones, pack in +HP, +Accuracy for
those annoying players who packed
+Evasion (And because you'll probably
be circle-strafing each other like some

For Armor, a lot of players like the

Fenril's Set (Yes, that's right, Set Items,
like Diablo II, if you get the complete set,
you get bonuses above and beyond the
sum of their parts), because it can make
you pretty tough. However, since a
Gladiator is meant to ATTACK, not
DEFEND--and because Fenril's Set is
Asmodian ONLY--the best is the Anuhart
Gladiator Set, which boosts Physical
Attack, but more importantly, boosts
Physical Crit! The Anuhart Set ALSO
drops from various enemies in Dark Poeta,
and is Class-specific! If you don't have a
good Raid Alliance, then you won't find
anything but death in Dark Poeta. In that
case, buy the Archon Tribunus Armor with
your Abyss Points. Remember, Armor is

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not just Breastplate, it also includes
Gauntlets, Plate Pauldrons, Plate
Greaves, and Plate Boots. There's a
reason I keep saying Plate, Plate, Plate:
Plate has the highest Damage Resistance
in the game, and it's EXCLUSIVE to
Templar). If you got it, flaunt it, and
Plate will keep you alive longer than
Chain, Leather, or especially Cloth!
For Belt, get Archon Tribunus's
Leather Belt. I know the stats aren't as
good as Anuhart Brigade General's
Leather Waist Band, but it adds 2%
EXTRA damage in PVP. Because I've
been too subtle about it in the rest of this
Guide, Gladiators are more about
damage than survivability! However,
Archon Tribunus's Leather Belt is an
Abyss Points item, and VERY
expensive, for a Belt, so it might actually
be cheaper to get the Anuhart Brigade
General version, if you have a good
For Earrings, get
Diamond Earrings.



For a Necklace, try for the Dragon

Flame Diamond Necklace from Tahabata
PyreLord, or slightly less, the Ancient
Spirit's Diamond Necklace, dropped by
Unstable Triroans in Theobomos Lab.
Although not as hard as the Tahabata
monsters, good luck killing them, even
WITH a group!
If you can't kill those, spend more Abyss
Points for Archon Tribunus's Ruby
For Rings, try for the Ancient Spirit
Diamond Ring from Wistful Syripne.
Hint: To find the monster that carries
it, use /pathfinding Wistful Syripne
Again, although not as hard as the
Tahabata monsters, good luck killing
them, even WITH a group!
If you can't kill those, spend more Abyss
Points for Archon Tribunus's Ruby Rings.
Don't forget Wing Armors! For Elyos,
the best is Nestor's Wing Feather. To get
that, you need to finish a special Quest,
called Project DrakanHammer
- Go to Sanctum and talk with Nestor.

Hint: To find the monster that carries

it, use /pathfinding Test Water Spirit
Undine A lot of people forget that
If you can't get your hands on those,
then Archon Tribunus's Ruby Earrings
make a distant second.

- Go to Theobomos and talk with

- Find Research Diary at Port Anangke
to get a possible lead about the Secret
- Kill 4 Weapons of Theobomos to get
the keys to the laboratory, and enter

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Theobomos Secret Laboratory Entrance
to find the Assistant's Research Diary.
- After reading Assistant's Journal, go
to Sanctum and report to Nestor.
For Asmodians, the best is Sigyn's
Wing Feather, from Secret of Adma

Enchantment Level, if it's the same exact

gear. Also important are how well each of
you circle-strafes the other, and your lag!
Luck also plays a part, in that every Crit
either of you scores knocks the other on
the ground for awhile--and you have a few
Skills that are DESIGNED to knock
enemies on their ass!

The Gladiator vs.

PVP in AION is balanced by TEAMS.
Individuals of one Class can and WILL
curbstomp another. That forces people to
focus on strategy, trying to get an
opening to attack the one who is weak
against your character. Think of it as an
8-way Rock-Paper-Scissors game.
More or less, forget it, they're tougher
than you are, they're DESIGNED to take
hits, so all you can really do against a
Templar is "keep him busy" in hopes that
an Assassin can score a few good hits
from behind him.
Remember, the Templar might be
doing the same thing to YOU! Templar
is the designated Tank Class, and that's
pretty much what a Tank does!

If you can close the distance, they're all

but dead. If you're too far away, YOU are
dead instead. Rangers have Snare and
Root Skills, as well as SHOCKINGLY
high DPS from range, but their melee
skills are laughable at best. Your worst
nightmare is someone sniping you from an
unseen position. HIS worst nightmare is a
melee juggernaut sticking to him like glue
and not letting him get a shot off--literally!
Still, because of that range thing, better to
leave Rangers for Assassins to kill, or wait
for him to be distracted.
Rangers' Stealth is finally fixed, so until
they attack, you won't be able to see them.
Nothing more obnoxious than a sniper you
can't see!
Beware if the Ranger seems to be
leading you in a particular direction. Most
likely, he has laid some Traps. While
they're not 100% reliable in PVP, they can
be QUITE damaging if you trigger one!

Evenly matched, the difference in the

fight will be your gear, and its

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These guy are tricky. Don't let one get
behind you, and worse, they can go
Stealth at a moment's notice, but are
brought out of Stealth by ANY combat
action, INCLUDING getting hit by AOE
(I.e., your Seismic series Skills, which
can be fired off even WITHOUT a
target!). That's the best way to deal with
one, if you don't have an Assassin or
Ranger of your own to make them visible
again. If the Assassin is an amateur, you
can get him in front of you, where his
damage is greatly reduced. Assassins
have higher damage output than you, but
ONLY from behind, and they don't have
the HP to back it up!
Assassins' main strength is their ability
to become Invisible at will. But as long
as you can keep up the damage, he can't
Sorcerors are HUGE damage, no HP,
and heavily dependent on Potions to
replace their Mana. You are moderate
damage, moderate HP, and can randomly
interrupt enemy Spells with a hit from
your weapon.
Caution: Not EVERY hit interrupts!
Again, if you can get close, you can
really rip them up, BUT they're more
likely to pull an Ice Spell on you, and
make you the designated pinata for every
enemy in the area for a few seconds.

Spirit Master
These ones are confusing, because
they're THREE enemies in one! They can
summon Elemental pets, and THOSE are
much more durable than the SpiritMaster
himself. SpiritMasters' magic is centered
on debuffing and messing with your
movement, plus, they have an annoying
Fear Spell, that will MAKE your
character--and your teammates--run away!
The main confusion, of course, is whether
to attack the pets, which can be infinitely
SpiritMaster himself, who is weaker, but
the pets can wail on you from behind! I
recommend killing the SpiritMaster first,
to prevent him from buffing the pets, his
teammates, or DEBUFFING you or your
teammates. As a bonus, when you kill the
SpiritMaster, all the Elementals die too!
They can't dish out as much direct
damage, which, if the other player is
anything less than an expert, is his fatal
flaw: You can just outdamage him!
REMEMBER, your Provoke Skill will
force him to fight YOU, instead of any of
your teammates, AND will prevent him
buffing any enemies. The downside is, of
course, he is free to wail on YOU with all
his Spells!
As with all Spellcasters, each of your
attacks have a CHANCE of interrupting
his Spells.
Caution: Not EVERY hit interrupts!

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This is the Class Gladiators were
BORN to take out. Not as frail as a
Sorceror, but low-damage, because
they're geared toward HEALING--and
that's the fatal flaw: Provoke him, and he
can't target anyone but you, thus
preventing him from healing himself or
an enemy! Shrug off his Spells, charge
in, wail on him!

Caution: Not EVERY hit interrupts!

Double Caution: AURAS ARE NOT
harder to interrupt! While they CAN be
interrupted, they are ONLY RELIABLY

As with all Spellcasters, each of your

attacks have a CHANCE of interrupting
his Spells.
Caution: Not EVERY hit interrupts!
In PVE, these guys are annoyingly
close to a One-Man Party. Their buffs are
Aura-based, so any of the Chanters'
teammates have but to stand close to get
the benefits. It's VERY HARD to
interrupt an Aura, and once activated,
they're always on until "interrupted".
Their Heals are weaker than a Cleric, but
the Chanter himself is tougher! Use
Provoke to prevent him from healing
himself, then trade blows, and hope that
his teammates don't interfere. As a
bonus, DEATH "interrupts" ALL the
Chanter's Auras, making his teammates
As with all Spellcasters, each of your
attacks have a CHANCE of interrupting
his Spells.

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The Unofficial Aion Gladiator Guide


Follow Group Leader ( or current target

if not in Group)

Running a Macro Click to open the

Edit Macro Window. Run a macro by
selecting one from the Macro List and
registering its icon on the Quickbar, or
by entering the Macro Command directly
in the Chat Window. ( You can also
Press 'U' to Open the Macro Window You can also Right Click on the Macro
from the Macro tab of the Macro

/Select [%Group1]
Attack Chain Macro
/Quickbar 1 1 2 (Ferocious Strike)
/Delay 2
/Quickbar 1 1 2 (Robust Blow)
/Delay 2
/Quickbar 1 1 2 (Wrathful Strike)

Manage Macro Add Macro Click the

'New Macro' button in the macro window
to open the Edit Macro window.
Delete Macro Select the macro icon to
edit and click the 'Delete' button. Modify
Macro Select the macro icon to edit and
click the 'Modify' button to display the
Edit Macro window. In that window, edit
the macro and click the 'Save' button.
Registering a Macro You can register a
new macro by pressing the 'New Macro'
button on the Macro Tab of the Macro
Window. You can create up to 12
Basic GP Macros
Assist Select the Group leader's target
/Select [%Group1] /Skill Assist Target

/Delay 4
/Quickbar 1 1 2 (Ferocious Strike)
/Delay 2
/Quickbar 1 1 2 (Robust Blow)
/Delay 2
/Quickbar 1 1 3 (Rupture)
NOTE: Macroing your Attack Chains
is NOT recommended, as they are
EXTREMELY lag-sensitive! Also, it's
better to do your own, so that you can
watch the timing of your "automatic"
attacks (The "normal" swings your char
does with no input from you), and hit a
Skill right after an automatic attack.
Using Skills resets the "timer" on your
automatic attacks, and putting a Skill
right AFTER an auto-attack allows you
to get the full benefit of your normal
attack, AND your Skill, with no extra

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The Unofficial Aion Gladiator Guide

wait-time! Remember, all a Gladiator IS
is a walking brick of DPS, therefore
anything that RAISES your DPS is
good, and anything that LOWERS it is
bad, but it's up to you how automated
you want your gaming experience to be,
and/or how much you want to pay
attention to every detail for maximum
gains. As with most RPGS, you'll get
out of it proportional to what you put
INTO it!
In addition to using Macros, remember
if you're in a Party, to use the Brand
system and mark which enemies to attack
in which order, and more importantly, if
you have anyone with Sleep or Freeze,
mark which enemy is to be Slept/Frozen
and "saved for last". Teamwork is much
more powerful than automation, at least
in this game!

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The Unofficial Aion Gladiator Guide

Kinah making
Kill humanoid enemies, harvest Herbs
and Ores whenever possible. It's worth
noting that some of the Ore deposits and
Herb patches are "booby trapped",
namely, they spawn enemies as soon as
you finish harvesting to discourage
THAT kind of farming and force the
"normal" RPG farming! Sadly, they fixed
the clipping errors that spawned land
enemies in midair...That was funny!
Lepharists are the best to farm, and
Viragos are simply NOT worth killing,
too much trouble for too little rewards!
Sell whatever you don't need--Aion
actually has a button called "Sell Misc.
Items" which will AUTOMATICALLY
mark all useless items to sell! Click the
Sell button to finalize the deal. Note that
this will NOT sell crafting items, nor
items you've outgrown, nor even
"Useless" items that are part of a Quest,
so go ahead and use it without
Gray Quality items are "Useless"
(Torn/Ripped/Broken, or just bodyparts
of monsters) White Quality items are
"Normal" (No special qualities, but
Crafted or Named ones can be worth
something...) Green Quality items are

"Rare" (Extra stats or some mild

enchantment.) Azure Quality items are
"Legendary" (Amazing stats, higher than
Rare!) Orange Quality items are "Unique"
(Phenomenal relics that will change the
course of a character's life, let alone
With that in mind, why would anyone
collect Gray items? Because they STACK!
You can have up to 100 of a given item in
ONE inventory-slot--that would be some
SERIOUS grinding! Approximately 10
Gray items make the value of a White
name item. (The stack-limit will soon be
increased to 1,000!)
Also, take advantage of the Brokers
(Aion's version of Auction House): Selling
Herbs and Ores to other players can
sometimes be many times more profitable
than to the NPC Vendors, and for
Manastones, they don't even pay enough to
justify dragging the item to the sell area,
but other PLAYERS might offer more!
(Not counting the Manastone Quests for
each side, see above) Other players will
pay a MINT for Green Quality or better
items--and even some of the better White
Quality items! (I.e., ones you make
yourself, Mana Potions, etc.)

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