Customizable Weapons
Customizable Weapons
Customizable Weapons
New Weapons
Instead of using the normal weapons in the player
handbook, you can create your own weapons using the
rules below. You must get approval from your DM before
using one of these weapons, and be reasonable with what
benefits and flaws work together.
Basic Rules
You start with a 1d10 martial melee weapon. It can do
bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage. Choose
benefits and flaws to create your weapon. Each flaw
increases your weapon die by 1 and each benefit
decreases your weapon die by 1.
Two half benefits count as one benefit, and two half
flaws count as one flaw. If you end up with a lone half
benefit, round the damage die down.
Total Total
Benefits Weapon Die Benefits Weapon Die
4 1 -8 4d6
3 1d4 -9 6d4
2 1d6 -10 3d10
1 1d8 -11 5d6
0 1d10 -12 4d8
-1 1d12 -13 3d12
-2 3d4 -14 6d6
-3 2d8 -15 4d10
-4 4d4 -16 7d6
-5 2d10 -17 4d12
-6 5d4 -18 6d8
-7 3d8 -19 8d6
Saving Throws
Some of the benefits require your target to make a saving
throw to resist the weapons effects. The saving throw DC
is calculated as follows:
Weapon save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Strength or Dexterity modifier (whichever would be used
Weapon Design
While everything should hopefully be
balanced using these rules, there are still
some design details which you should keep in
mind. In general, weapons that are heavy and
two-handed should do the most damage,
simple weapons have no more than 2 or 3
features, and one-handed weapons rarely do
more than 1d8 damage. Try to keep to this
design unless you have good reason not to.
Increased Range
Standard Weapons Ranged Weapons only
If you want to make a weapon that'll work in normal 5e, Increases the range of a ranged weapon to (150/600).
without much extra homebrew, use these benefits. In Choosing this twice makes the range (200/800).
order to make guns or slightly more complex weapons,
alternate damage and ballistic have been included. Light
A light weapon is small and easy to handle, making it ideal
Benefits for use when fighting with two weapons.
When you take the Attack action and attack with a light
Finesse weapon that you're holding in one hand, you can use a
Melee weapons only bonus action to attack with a different light weapon that
When making an attack with a finesse weapon, you use you're holding in the other hand. You don't add your
your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the ability modifier to the damage of the bonus attack, unless
attack and damage rolls. You must use the same modifier that modifier is negative.
for both rolls. If either weapon has the thrown property, you can throw
the weapon, instead of making a melee attack with it.
Counts as two benefits
A weapon that can be used to make a ranged attack has Minor Change for Light
a range shown in parentheses after the ammunition or Light has been changed to allow you to do
thrown property. The range lists two numbers. The first is two weapon fighting with one handed ranged
the weapon's normal range in feet, and the second weapons. You can keep the original ruling if
indicates the weapon's long range. When attacking a you prefer it.
target beyond normal range, you have disadvantage on
the attack roll. You can't attack a target beyond the
weapon's long range. Weapon ranges start at (80/320) Split Dice
1d8 and 1d12 only
Reach Splits the damage into two separate dice. Only works for
Melee weapons only
1d8 and 1d12 weapons, turning into 2d4 and 2d6
This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when you attack
respectively. When a feature mentions your damage die,
with it, as well as when determining your reach for
you can use both of them.
opportunity attacks with it.
Simple Weapon Melee weapons only
The weapon is a simple weapon, instead of martial.
If a weapon has the thrown property, you can throw the
weapon to make a ranged attack. You use the same ability
Half Benefits modifier for that attack roll and damage roll that you
would use for a melee attack with the weapon. The range
Alternate Damage is (20/60).
When you choose this benefit, you can choose an
additional damage type between bludgeoning, piercing, Versatile
and slashing. When dealing damage with the weapon, you When held in two hands, the weapons damage die
can choose which of the damage types it deals. increases by 1.
Because of the time required to load this weapon, you can
fire only one piece of ammunition from it when you use an
action, bonus action, or reaction to fire it, regardless of the
number of attacks you can normally make.
This weapon requires two hands when you attack with it.
This property is relevant only when you attack with the
weapon, not when you simply hold it.
Half Flaws
Ranged Weapons only
The weapon's damage becomes ballistic. It acts just like
piercing damage, but is also resisted by people with
ballistic jackets.
Decreased Range
Ranged Weapons only
Decreases the range of a ranged weapon to (30/120).
Choosing this twice makes the range (20/60).
Creatures that are Small or Tiny have disadvantage on
attack rolls with heavy weapons. A heavy weapon's size
and bulk make it too large for a Small or Tiny creature to
use effectively.
Total List of Benefits
Benefit Cost Restrictions Summary
Accurate 1 - +1 to hit
2.5+ - Deals an extra 1d4 or more of damage
Alternate The weapon can deal two types of damages, chosen between bludgeoning,
0.5 -
Damage piercing, and slashing
Area 1+ - The weapon deals damage in an area with a saving throw
Gives advantage against creatures wearing medium or heavy armor or with
Armor Piercing 2 -
natural armor
Brutal 0.5 - Add an additional damage die on a crit
Cleave 2+ - Deals damage to two adjacent creatures
Concealable 0.5 - Gives advantage on checks to hide the weapon from others
Condition 1 to 16 - Inflicts a condition on hit
-0.5 to 1.5
Damage Type - Changes the damage type of the weapon
Disarming 0.5 - After hitting, can use a bonus action to attempt to disarm
Finesse 1 Melee Use Str or Dex for attack and damage
Free Hand 0.5 - Doesn't use a hand to hold the weapon
1 - Increases the crit range of the weapon by 1
Increased 0.5 or 1
Ranged Range increases to (150/600) or (200/800)
Indirect 2 Ranged Doesn't require line of sight
Integrated 0.5 - Cannot be disarmed
Increases the damage die by two before adding the additional dice on a critical
Killer 0.5 -
Light 0.5 - Can attack as a bonus action if you attacked with a different light weapon
Modular 0.5 - Can use a free action to switch forms into a simple weapon
Nonlethal 0 - Cannot kill with the weapon
Parrying 1 - Can use a reaction to gain a +2 bonus to AC against a melee attack
Pointblank 1 Ranged Being withing 5 ft of a creature doesn't give disadvantage on attacks
Powerful 1 - Pushes a creature 5 ft on a hit
Precision 4+ - Attacks with the weapon have advantage
Thrown or
Pull 0.5 Pulls a target 5 ft closer to you
Rampant 0 Ranged Use Str or Dex for attack and damage
Ranged 2 - Can be used at range, starting at (80/320)
Rapid 2+ - Can attack with the weapon as a bonus action
Reach 1 Melee Can attack a creature 10 ft away
Reliable 3+ - Attacks deal half damage on a miss
Responsive 0.5 - Gives advantage on opportunity attacks
Saving Throw 0 - Requires a saving throw from the target instead of an attack roll
Siege 0.5 - Deals double damage to objects
Silent 1 Ranged Missed attacks don't reveal your position while hiding
Simple 1 - The weapon becomes simple
Split Dice 0.5 - Turns 1d8 into 2d4 or 1d12 into 2d6
Stable 1 - Deals +1 damage
Thrown 0.5 Melee You can throw the weapon with a range of (20/60)
Versatile 0.5 - Damage die increases by 1 when held in two hands
Total List of Flaws
Benefit Cost Restrictions Summary
Activated -0.5 - Must use a bonus action to turn on the weapon, which lasts for 1 minute
Ballistic -0.5 Ranged Creatures with ballistic jackets have resistance against the damage
Blunt -3 - Doesn't add your ability modifier to damage
Bulky -1 or -2 Ranged Requires a 13 or 15 strength to use
Clumsy -0.5 to -3 - Deals the weapon's damage to use on a critical fail
Critless -0.5 - The weapon does not add additional dice on a critical hit
Decreased Range -0.5 or -1 Ranged Decreases the range to 30/120 or 20/60
Dueling -1 - Gives disadvantage if wielding a shield
Feedback -1+ - Takes 1d4+ damage whenever you hit or whenever you attack
Heavy -0.5 - Small and tiny creatures have disadvantage on attacks
Inaccurate -0.5 - -1 to hit
Limited -2 to -6 - Can only be used one to four times
Loading -1 - Can only attack with it once per action
Off Guard -4 Melee Attacking with the weapon gives enemies advantage to hit you
Recharge -0.5 or -1 - Can only use the weapon for 5 or 10 rounds before needing to be recharged
Reload -0.5 or -1 - Can only be used 2 or 6 times before needing to be reloaded as a bonus action
Set Up -2 - Requires an action and a bonus action to attack with the weapon
Slow -8 - Can only attack once per turn. Must have Extra Attack to use
Spray -6 - Gives disadvantage on all attacks
Strength Based -0.5 Ranged Use Str instead of Dex for attacks and damage
Two-handed -1 - Takes two hands to attack
Unresponsive -0.5 or 1 Melee Gives disadvantage to opportunity attacks, or can't make opporunity attacks
Wild -0.5 - Turns 2d10 into 1d20
More Options When hit, the target gains a condition. At the end of the
Here are some more options, if you want your weapons to target's turns, or as an action, they can attempt a Strength,
be very diverse. Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw to end the
condition. The condition and saving throw ability are
Benefits chosen when this benefit is added.
Each condition has a different amount of benefits it
Accurate provides, as shown in the table below.
Attacks with this weapon have a +1 on the attack roll. You
Benefits Conditions
can take this benefit up to three times.
1 Deafened, Grappled
Added Damage 3 Poisoned
Counts as two and a half benefits 4 Prone
The weapon deals 1d4 additional damage. You can
5 Blinded
increase the damage die by one for an additional benefit.
You can change the additional damage's type, follow the 7 Restrained
Changed Damage Type benefit. 8 Unconscious
12 Stunned
16 Paralyzed
This weapon deals damage in an area, requiring a
Dexterity or Constitution saving throw instead of an attack.
A prone creature does not need to attempt a saving
On a failed save, the target takes the weapon's damage.
throw at the end of their turn, and an unconscious
You do not add your Strength or Dexterity to the damage
creature wakes up after taking damage.
If you can't attack with the weapon while someone is
Unless the weapon is ranged, the area originates from
affected by the condition, the benefit is worth one less
you. The areas are: 20 ft cone, 30 ft line, 5 ft radius sphere,
(minimum half benefit).
or 15ft cube. For an additional benefit, you can increase
This benefit is worth double if you have area or cleave.
the size to a 30 ft cone, 60 ft line, 10 ft radius, or a 25 ft
Damage Type
If the target is in the long range of the ranged weapon,
The weapon's damage type becomes a different type. It is
the area originates on a random adjacent space.
a half flaw to change the damage to poison, a free benefit
This benefit costs an additional half benefit for each die
for fire or cold, a half benefit for acid or lightning, a full
above 1d10 (turning a 3d4 into an area would be two
benefit for necrotic, psychic, or thunder, and one and a
benefits). Apply this benefit last while calculating the total
half benefits for force or radiant.
Increased Critical
Armor Piercing Attacks with this weapon critically hit on a 19 or 20. You
Counts as two benefits can choose this benefit again to critically hit on an 18, 19,
Attacks with this weapon have advantage against or 20. If you have a feature which increases your critical
creatures wearing heavy or medium armor. Attacks also range, they bonus stacks with this benefit.
have advantage against creatures with a natural armor of
15 or more. Indirect
Ranged Only. Counts as two benefits
Cleave You do not need to have line of sight to attack a creature
Counts as two benefits with this weapon. You have disadvantage on attacks
When you target a creature with an attack, you can also against creatures you can't see. There still must be a path
attack an additional creature in the weapons range within for the attack to travel to reach the creature.
5 feet of the target. You use the same attack roll for both
of them. Parrying
This benefit costs an additional half benefit for each die When you are hit by a melee weapon attack while holding
above 1d10 (turning a 3d4 into an area would be three a parrying weapon, you can use your reaction to give
benefits). Apply this benefit last while calculating the total yourself a +2 AC against the attack, potentially causing it to
benefits. miss.
Ranged weapons only
Attacks with this weapon do not have disadvantage
while being within 5 feet of a hostile creature.
Powerful Disarming
When you hit with an attack with a powerful weapon, you When you hit with this weapon, you can use your bonus
can choose to push the target 5 ft away from you. The action to attempt to disarm your opponent. Make an
target must be Large or smaller. opposed attack roll versus the target's Athletics or
You can take this benefit multiple times, pushing the Acrobatics (their choice). If you win, the target's held object
target an additional 5 ft each time. falls to the ground. Objects held in two hands grant the
defender advantage on the check.
Counts as four benefits Free Hand
Attacks using a precision weapon have advantage. Wielding this weapon does not take any hands to hold it.
You can't have clumsy or improved critical on a precision
weapon. Integrated
This benefit costs an additional benefit if the damage You cannot be disarmed of the weapon.
dice is 4d4 to 3d8, two additional benefits if the dice is 4d6
to 5d6, three additional benefits if the dice is 4d8 to 7d8, Killer
and four additional benefits if the dice is 4d12 or more. When you get a critical hit using a killer weapon, you can
Apply this benefit last, except for cleave or rapid. increase the damage die by two before adding the
additional damage die to the total (1d4 would become a
Rapid 2d8 on a crit).
Counts as two benefits
When you take the attack action, you can attack an
Choose a simple weapon. You can switch between the
additional time with the weapon as a bonus action. You
weapons as an object interaction.
don't add your ability modifier to the damage of the bonus
attack, unless that modifier is negative.
This benefit costs an additional half benefit for each die
Thrown or ranged weapons only
above 1d10 (turning a 3d4 into rapid would be three
When you hit with an attack with a pull weapon, you can
benefits). This benefit also costs two more if you have area
choose to pull the target 5 ft closer to you. The target must
or cleave.
be Large or smaller.
Apply this benefit last while calculating the total benefits,
You can take this benefit multiple times, pulling the
after area or cleave (if you have them).
target an additional 5 ft each time.
Counts as three benefits
Melee weapons only
When you miss an attack with a reliable weapon, or the
You have advantage on opportunity attacks made with
target succeeds on the weapon's saving throw, the target
responsive weapons.
takes half of the attacks damage.
This benefit costs an additional benefit if the damage
dice is 3d8 to 3d12, and two additional benefits if the dice
This weapon deals double damage to objects.
is 6d6 or more. Apply this benefit last, except for area,
cleave or rapid.
Silent Blunt
Ranged weapons only
Counts as three flaws
When you are hidden from a creature and miss it with a
You don't add your ability modifier to damage rolls with
silent weapon, making the attack doesn't reveal your
this weapon. You cannot use a blunt weapon as an off
hand attack unless you would normally add your ability
Stable modifier to the damage.
Attacks with this weapon deal an additional 1 damage. You
can take this benefit multiple times.
Ranged Weapons only
Half Benefits Weapons with the bulky property require 13 strength to
be able to use properly. Creatures with less strength have
Brutal disadvantage on attack rolls using the weapon. You can
take this flaw again to require 15 strength.
When you get a critical hit using a brutal weapon, you can
add an additional damage die to the total. You can take
this benefit twice.
You have advantage on checks to hide the weapon from
Clumsy Set up
When you attack with this weapon and roll a 1 on the Counts as two flaws
attack roll, you hit yourself with the weapon, affecting You need to use a bonus action and an action to use the
yourself as normal. This is a half flaw if the final damage Attack action with this weapon.
die is 1d4 to 1d8, a full flaw at 1d10 to 2d8, two flaws for This counts as one flaw if the weapon has limited.
5d4 to 5d6, and three flaws beyond that. Apply this benefit
last while calculating the total benefits, except for except Slow
for area, cleave or rapid. Counts as eight flaws
When a creature attacks with a slow weapon, they
Dueling cannot may any other weapon attacks during their turn.
Attacks with dueling weapons have disadvantage if you are Creatures without the Extra Attack feature cannot use slow
holding a shield in your other hand. You can't have light or weapons. You can take this flaw again so that only
two-handed on a dueling weapon. creatures that can make three attacks with an Attack
action can use the weapon.
When you hit with this weapon, you take 1d4 damage of Spray
any type. For an additional flaw, you take the damage Counts as six flaws
every time you attack. Attacks using a spray weapon have disadvantage. If you
You can take this flaw multiple times. Each time you take have disadvantage from any other source, the attacks
it, it increases the damage die by one. automatically miss.
If a creature has resistance to the damage
that the feedback weapon deals, count
feedback as a half flaw. Because you round
down on resistances, it will still be beneficial
overall. If you are concerned about balance,
you could also add an additional half flaw on
top of the total.
This weapon can be used a limited amount of time before
needing to be recharged during a short rest. It's two flaws
to be limited to four uses, four flaws to be limited to two
uses, and six flaws to be limited to one use.
Limited Arsenals
The limited benefit is for larger weapons with
cool effects that don't get to be used often.
Because they are more powerful than other
types of weapon, a character shouldn't have
more than two of them. If all of your weapons
are limited, than the only penalty of limited is
the object interaction it takes to put it away.
Off Guard
Melee weapons only. Counts as four flaws
When you attack with this weapon, creatures have
advantage on attack rolls against you until the start of your
next turn. You cannot use Reckless Attack with an off
guard weapon.
Half Flaws
You must use a bonus action to turn on the weapon
before using it. The weapon stays on for 1 minute. You can
take this flaw again for it to take an action, instead of a
bonus action.
Attacks with this weapon do not add an additional damage
die when you score a critical hit.
Attacks with this weapon have a -1 on the attack roll. You
can take this benefit up to three times.
You can use the weapon for 10 rounds before needing to
be recharged during a short rest. You can take this flaw
twice to reduce the amount of rounds to 5.
You can't have limited on a recharge weapon.
This weapon can only be used six times before needing to
be reloaded with a bonus action. You can take this flaw
twice to need to reload after being shot twice.
Ranged weapons only
When making an attack with a strength-based weapon,
you use your Strength modifier for the attack and damage
rolls instead of Dexterity. You cannot have this flaw and
bulky (15).
Melee weapons only
You have disadvantage on opportunity attacks made
with unresponsive weapons. You can take this flaw an
additional time to be unable to make opportunity attacks
with the weapon. This trait is obvious to creatures with at
least 10 Intelligence.
2d10 only
The damage dice becomes 1d20.
Free Benefits
The weapon cannot kill creatures when they reach 0 hit
Ranged weapons only
When making an attack with a rampant weapon, you use
your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the
attack and damage rolls. You must use the same modifier
for both rolls.
Saving Throw
Instead of making an attack roll, you can have the target
make a Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity saving throw.
You can still make opportunity attacks with the weapon.
Examples of Custom Weapons
Simple Melee Weapons
Weapon Damage Properties
Brass Knuckles 1d6 + 1 bludgeoning Light, unresponsive 2, free hand
Boulder 1d10 bludgeoning Heavy, thrown (range 20/60), two-handed
Carpenter Axe 1d8 bludgeoning Brutal 2, dueling
Club 1d8 bludgeoning -
Dagger 1d4 piercing or slashing Light, finesse
Dart 2d4 piercing Dueling, thrown (20/60)
Greatclub 1d10 bludgeoning Two-handed
Handaxe 1d4 slashing Brutal, killer, light, thrown (range 20/60)
Javelin 1d6 piercing Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8)
Mace 1d6 bludgeoning Armor piercing
Pickaxe 1d10 piercing Dueling, inaccurate 1, versatile (1d12)
Quarterstaff 1d6 bludgeoning Responsive 1, versatile (1d8)
Sickle 1d4 piercing or slashing Improved critical 19-20, light
Spear 1d6 piercing Reach
Stun Baton 1d6 lightning Light