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Gunslinger Deeds

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A buccaneer swaps four of the normal gunslinger deeds for the following deeds.
Seadog's Gait (Ex): At 1st level, the buccaneer gains Sea Legs as a bonus feat.
If she spends 1 grit point, she can ignore difficult terrain until the end of her
turn. This replaces the quick clear deed.
Deadeye (Ex): At 1st level, the gunslinger can resolve an attack against touch
AC instead of normal AC when firing beyond her firearms first range increment.
Performing this deed costs 1 grit point per range increment beyond the first.
The gunslinger still takes the 2 penalty on attack rolls for each range
increment beyond the first when she performs this deed.
Gunslingers Dodge (Ex): At 1st level, the gunslinger gains an uncanny knack
for getting out of the way of ranged attacks. When a ranged attack is made
against the gunslinger, she can spend 1 grit point to move 5 feet as
an immediate action; doing so grants the gunslinger a +2 bonus to AC against
the triggering attack. This movement is not a 5-foot step, and provokes attacks
of opportunity. Alternatively, the gunslinger can drop proneto gain a +4 bonus
to AC against the triggering attack. The gunslinger can only perform this deed
while wearing medium or light armor, and while carrying no more than a light
Gunslinger Initiative (Ex): At 3rd level, as long as the gunslinger has at least 1
grit point, she gains the following benefits. First, she gains a +2 bonus
on initiative checks. Furthermore, if she has the Quick Draw feat, her hands are
free and unrestrained, and the firearm is not hidden, she can draw a single
firearm as part of the initiative check.
Pirate's Jargon (Ex): At 3rd level, the buccaneer's baffling palaver of nautical
jargon and piratical cant provides a +2 bonus on Bluf and Intimidate checks.
Furthermore, she can spend a swift action and 1 grit point to cause a single
living creature within 30 feet to make a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 her
buccaneer level + her Charisma modifier) or become confused for 1 round. This
is a mind-afecting language-dependent efect. This replaces the pistol whip
Utility Shot (Ex): At 3rd level, if the gunslinger has at least 1 grit point, she can
perform all of the following utility shots. Each utility shot can be applied to any
single attack with a firearm, but the gunslinger must declare the utility shot she
is using before firing the shot.
Blast Lock: The gunslinger makes an attack roll against a lock within
the first range increment of her firearm. A Diminutive lock usually has AC
7, and larger locks have a lower AC. The lock gains a bonus to its AC
against this attack based on its quality. A simple lock has a +10 bonus to
AC, an average lock has a +15 bonus to AC, a good lock has a +20 bonus
to AC, and a superior lock has a +30 bonus to AC. Arcane lock grants a
+10 bonus to the AC of a lock against this attack. On a hit, the lock is
destroyed, and the object can be opened as if it were unlocked. On a
miss, the lock is destroyed, but the object is jammed and still considered
locked. It can still be unlocked by successfully performing this deed, by
using the Disable Device skill, or with the break DC, though the DC for
either break or Disable Deviceor the AC increases by 10. A key,
combination, or similar mechanical method of unlocking the lock no
longer works, though knock can still be employed to bypass the lock, and
the creator of an arcane lock can still bypass the wards of that spell.
Scoot Unattended Object: The gunslinger makes an attack roll against
a Tiny or smaller unattended object within the first range increment of
her firearm. A Tiny unattended object has an AC of 5, a Diminutive
unattended object has an AC of 7, and a Fine unattended object has an
AC of 11. On a hit, the gunslinger does not damage the object with the
shot, but can move it up to 15 feet farther away from the shots origin.
On a miss, she damages the object normally.
Stop Bleeding: The gunslinger makes a firearm attack and then presses
the hot barrel against herself or an adjacent creature to staunch a
bleeding wound. Instead of dealing damage, the shot ends a
single bleed condition afecting the creature. The gunslinger does not
have to make an attack roll when performing the deed in this way; she
can instead shoot the firearm into the air, but that shot still uses up
ammunition normally.

Rope Swing (Ex): At 7th level, as long as the buccaneer has at least 1 grit point,
she gains a bonus onAcrobatics and Climb checks equal to her gunslinger level
when climbing or swinging on a rope. If she spends 1 grit point, her move while
climbing or swinging on a rope does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
This replaces the dead shot deed.
Startling Shot (Ex): At 7th level, a gunslinger with least 1 grit point can spend
a standard action to purposely miss a creature that she could normally hit with
a firearm attack. When she does, that creature becomes flat-footed until the
start of its next turn.
Targeting (Ex): At 7th level, as a full-round action, the gunslinger can make a
single firearm attack and choose part of the body to target. She gains the
following efects depending on the part of the body targeted. If a creature does
not have one of the listed body locations, that part cannot be targeted. This
deed costs 1 grit point to perform no matter which part of the creature she
targets. Creatures that are immune to sneak attacks are immune to these
Arms: On a hit, the target takes no damage from the hit but drops one
carried item of the gunslingers choice, even if the item is wielded with
two hands. Items held in a locked gauntlet are not dropped on a hit.
Head: On a hit, the target is damaged normally, and is also confused for
1 round. This is a mind-afecting efect.
Legs: On a hit, the target is damaged normally and knocked prone.
Creatures that have four or more legs or that are immune to trip attacks
are immune to this efect.
Torso: Targeting the torso threatens a critical on a 1920.
Wings: On a hit, the target is damaged normally, and must make a DC
20 Fly check or fall 20 ft.
Captain's Curse (Sp): At 11th level, a buccaneer can spend 2 grit points to use
old salt's curse as aspell-like ability. At 15th level, she may use black mark
instead. The caster level for these spell-like abilities is equal to the buccaneer's
class level, and the save DC is equal to 10 + her buccaneer level +
her Charisma modifier. This replaces the lightning reload deed.
Bleeding Wound (Ex): At 11th level, when the gunslinger hits a living creature
with a firearm attack, she can spend 1 grit point as a free action to have that
attack deal extra bleed damage. The amount of bleed damage is equal to the
gunslingers Dexterity modifier. Alternatively, the gunslinger can spend 2 grit
points to deal 1 point ofStrength, Dexterity, or Constitution bleed damage
(gunslingers choice) instead. Creatures that are immune to sneak attacks are
also immune to these types of bleeddamage.
Expert Loading (Ex): At 11th level, whenever the gunslinger rolls a misfire with
a gun that has the broken condition, she can spend 1 grit point to keep the gun
from exploding, though it retains the broken condition.
Lightning Reload (Ex): At 11th level, as long as the gunslinger has at least 1
grit point, she can reload a single barrel of a one-handed or two-handed firearm
as a swift action once per round. If she has the Rapid Reloadfeat or is using an
alchemical cartridge (or both), she can reload a single barrel of the weapon as
a free action each round instead. Furthermore, using this deed does not
provoke attacks of opportunity.
Evasive (Ex): At 15th level, when the gunslinger has at least 1 grit point, she
gains the benefit of the evasion, uncanny dodge, and improved uncanny
dodge rogue class features. She uses her gunslinger level as herrogue level
for improved uncanny dodge.
Menacing Shot (Ex): At 15th level, the gunslinger can spend 1 grit point, shoot
a firearm into the air, and afect all living creatures within a 30-foot-radius burst
as if they were subject to the fear spell. The DC of this efect is equal to 10 +
1/2 the gunslingers level + the gunslingers Wisdom modifier.
Slingers Luck (Ex): At 15th level, the gunslinger can spend grit to reroll a
saving throw or a skill check. It costs 2 grit points to reroll a saving throw, and
1 grit point to reroll a skill check. The gunslinger must take the result of the
second roll, even if it is lower. The deeds cost cannot be reduced by the true
grit class ability, the Signature Deed feat, or any other efect that reduces the
amount of grit a deed costs.
Cheat Death (Ex): At 19th level, whenever the gunslinger is reduced to 0 or
fewer hit points, she can spend all of her remaining grit points (minimum 1) to
instead be reduced to 1 hit point.
Deaths Shot (Ex): At 19th level, when the gunslinger scores a critical hit, she
can spend 1 grit point to deal normal damage, and the target must succeed at
a Fortitude saving throw with a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the gunslingers level +
the gunslingers Dexterity modifier. On a failed saving throw, the target dies.
This is a death attack. Performing this deed does not allow the gunslinger to
regain grit from confirming a critical hit or making a killing blow.
Stunning Shot (Ex): At 19th level, when a gunslinger hits a creature, she can
spend 2 grit points to stun the creature for 1 round. The creature must make
a Fortitude saving throw (the DC = 10 + 1/2 the gunslingers level + the
gunslingers Wisdom modifier). If the creature fails, it is stunned for 1 round.
Creatures that are immune to critical hits are also immune to this efect.

List of Dares
Desperate Evasion (Ex)
While this dare is active, you gain theevasion class feature. If you already have this class
feature, while this dare is active you roll twice when making a Reflexsaving throw and take
the higher result. You regain 1 grit or panache point when you succeed at
two Reflex saving throws while using this dare.
Frantically Nimble (Ex)
While this dare is active, you gain a +2dodge bonus to AC. You regain 1 grit or panache
point when any enemy making a ranged or melee attack against you misses you three
consecutive times. The attacks need not come from the same enemy.
Out for Blood (Ex)
While this dare is active, your critical threat range with firearms (for gunslingers) or light or
one-handed piercing melee weapons (forswashbucklers) increases by 1 (20/x4 becomes
1920/x4, 1920/x2 becomes 1820/x2, and so on). This efect does not stack with similar
efects that modify a weapon's critical threat range.
Run Like Hell (Ex)
While this dare is active, your speed increases by 10 feet, and you retain
yourDexterity bonus to your AC while running. You regain 1 grit or panache point the first
time you are more than 100 feet away from your closest enemy.

Creating a Fortune-Blessed Creature

Type: If the base creature is an outsider it gains the chaotic subtype.
Armor Class: A fortune-blessed creature gains a +2 luck bonus to Armor
Special Attacks: A fortune-blessed creature retains all the base creature's
special attacks and gains those described here.

Augmented Criticals (Su)

The critical threat range of each of a fortune-blessed creature's attacks
doubles. The doubling follows the standard rules for doubling critical ranges
and does not stack with other doubling efects, such as keen edge or
the Improved Critical feat.

Lucky Strike (Su)

As a swift action, once per minute, a fortune-blessed creature can apply a true
strike efect to a single attack.
Skills: A fortune-blessed creature gains a +2 luck bonus on all skills. This
bonus stacks with the luck bonus it gains on opposed checks (see favored).
Special Qualities: A fortune-blessed creature retains all the base creature's
special qualities and gains those described here.

Favored (Ex)
A fortune-blessed creature gains a +2 luck bonus on all saves and opposed
checks, and a +1 luck bonus on all attack rolls.

Turn of Fate (Su)

Once per day, a fortune-blessed creature can reroll any failed roll it has just
made. It must accept the results of the second roll.
Creating a Fortune-Spurned Creature
Fortune-Spurned is an acquired or inherited template that can be added to
any creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A fortune-spurned
creature uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as
noted here.
Type: The base creature gains the chaotic subtype.
Aura: A fortune-spurned creature gains the following:

Aura of Misfortune (Su)

Every creature within 10 feet of the fortune-spurned creature gains the
diminished criticals and unlucky strike special qualities of the fortune-spurned
template as long as they remain within range of each other. Furthermore, the
afected creature takes a 4 penalty on all checks and saving throws.

Special Attacks: A fortune-spurned creature retains all the base creature's

special attacks and gains the following:

Calamitous Mishap (Su)

As a swift action, once per minute, the fortune-spurned creature can cause
some calamity to befall itself and another creature within 5 feet of it. The
mishap selected must be a possible result of normal circumstances,but it can
be the worst possible result. For instance, lightning could strike both the
fortune-spurned creature and its foe on a cloudy day, or it could strike a tree,
causing a heavy limb to fall on both targets, but lightning could not strike out of
a clear sky. In some cases, the fortune-spurned creature might be unable to
cause any calamity given its surroundings. A calamity cannot afect more than
the fortune-spurned creature and a single adjacent creature of its choice.
Nearly any natural misfortune may be chosen, but it must be one that is as
dangerous to the fortune-spurned creature as it is to the other creature. Both
targets must be afected equally; that is, both must make the same saving
throw and sufer the same result. If the fortune-spurned creature is wearing
a ring of feather falling, it can't choose to have the floor of the ruined keep it's
fighting in give way unless its opponent is equally immune to falling damage.
Skills: A fortune-spurned creature takes a 2 penalty on all skill checks. This
penalty stacks with the one it takes on opposed checks.
Special Qualities: The fortune-spurned creature retains all the base creature's
special abilities and gains those described here.

Cursed (Ex)
A fortune-spurned creature takes a 2 luck penalty on all opposed checks and
saves, and a 1 luck penalty on all attack rolls.
Diminished Criticals (Su)
A fortune-spurned creature must roll twice to confirm a critical hit.

Twist of Fate (Su)

The first time in any given day that a fortune-spurned creature rolls a natural
20 on a saving throw, it fails the save.

Unlucky Strike (Su)

When a fortune-spurned creature attacks with a weapon and rolls a natural 1, it
provokes an attack of opportunity for its target, even if that creature would not
otherwise be entitled to make one. If the fortune-spurned creature is wielding a
manufactured weapon, it drops it and needs to take a standard action to pick
the weapon back up. This provokes another free attack of opportunity from its

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