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(3.P) Ardwright Final

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In spellfire-lit forges and great libraries one might find an ardwright, honing his craft. Utilizing ancient methods and iconic schema, the ardwright instills his own energy into weapons, armor, and devices of legend. Away from his workshop, the ardwright lends his power to the weapons of his allies, dispels ancient and deadly glyphs, and bends magical instruments to his will. When his allies come upon a ward surging with deadly necrotic energy, it is the ardwright they turn to safely harness the accursed device and unravel the threads of its magic into the void. Returning to his workshop, the ardwright puts down his bounty and takes up his quill. With a loyal homunculus by his side, he records his observations and devises new schema. For him, each answered question only sharpens his curiosity about the primal forces at work in the world. Role: Ardwrights are a great utility and support class. Intinctions can provide extra offensive capability to the party's front line, or protect the party's more vulnerable members. Ardwrights make the most of recovered treasure, turning inappropriate but valuable weapons and armor into tailored equipment for party members. Their proficiency with Use Magic Device ensures that no scroll or wand is beyond use. The ardwright's skills and powers make them second to none at disarming traps and unlocking vaults, especially when magic is involved. Few ardwrights become front-line combatants, but when prepared they can be extremely deadly due to their extensive arsenal of items and situational enhancements. Alignment: any Hit Die: d8

Class Skills:
Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Dex), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha) Skill Ranks Per Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Level 1st 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th +0 +2 +3 +3 +4 +5


Fort Ref Will +0 +0 +2

Special Abilities Peerless Craftsman, Cantrips, Spellcasting, Trapfinding, Lesser Armor Intinction, Personal Armor Intinction

2nd +1

+0 +0 +3 Guidance Intinction, Spell Storing Intinction +1 +1 +3 Distill Radical, Unravel Dweomer, Lesser Weapon Intinction +1 +1 +4 Trade Secret, Ability Intinction +1 +1 +4 Plural Intinction 1/day +2 +2 +5 Augmented Use (spell trigger) +2 +2 +5 Armor Intinction +2 +2 +6 Trade Secret +3 +3 +6 Skill Mastery +3 +3 +7 Weapon Intinction, Plural Intinction 2/day +3 +3 +7 Augmented Use (spell completion) +4 +4 +8 Trade Secret +4 +4 +8 +4 +4 +9 Greater Armor Intinction

+6/+1 +6/+1

10th +7/+2 11th +8/+3 12th +9/+4 13th +9/+4 14th +10/+5

15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +5 +9 Plural Intinction 3/day 16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 Trade Secret 17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 Greater Weapon Intinction 18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +6 +11 Extra Charge Intinction 19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +6 +11 20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Mass Intinction, Trade Secret

Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Ardwrights are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the light hammer, warhammer, short sword, hand crossbow, and light repeating crossbow. Ardwrights are also proficient with light armor and with shields (but not tower shields). An ardwright can cast spells while wearing light armor and shield without suffering spell failure. If he wears medium or heavy armor and attempts to cast arcane spells, he suffers arcane spell failure as normal. Intinctions (Su): An ardwright has the ability to craft temporary item enchantments called Intinctions, which are fueled by the ardwright's life energy and shaped by his skill in spellcraft. Intinctions take 1 round to apply and require a spellcraft check, DC 15 + the level at which the Intinction becomes available to the ardwright (eg. +1 for Lesser Armor Intinction, +3 for Lesser Weapon Intinction, etc.). An ardwright that is not stressed or threatened can take 10 on the spellcraft check to imbue an item, but in doing so causes the action to take 1 minute to perform

(this is an exception to the standard rules regarding taking 10). An ardwright has a pool of points that are spent to power Intinctions called Anima. Once the Anima are spent, the ardwright must rest for 8 hours before his Anima are renewed regaining a number of Anima equal to 1/2 their level (min 1) + their Intelligence bonus. Spells, Intinctions, or other effects that only temporarily increase Intelligence do not grant additional Anima unless the duration of such effects is greater than 24 hours and the ardwright concludes his rest prior to the end of the effect (in such cases, the additional Anima are lost at the conclusion of the effect). Intinctions can "stack" with other item enchantments but not with the bonuses of the same type. Thus a +1 flaming longsword cannot be imbued with a flaming property to cause twice the fire damage, but could be granted the icy property to cause additional cold damage. If the Intinction and the item's enchantment are the same, then only the more powerful one manifests (such as a +1 longsword being imbued with a +3 enhancement bonus for the duration of the Intinction, the weapon would behave as a +3 weapon, and would revert to a +1 weapon once the Intinction wore off). In most cases, an item can only take 1 Intinction at a time, however, armors and weapons can hold an enhancement bonus Intinction as well as an enhancement equivalent property Intinction. All calculations of level-dependent durations refer to the creators ardwright class level. (Note that, as all Intinctions are Supernatural abilities, the effects cannot be dispelled or disjoined, but are subject to Anti-magic effects.) Lesser Armor Intinction: The ardwright can imbue an item to replicate any armor property costing 5000gp or a +1 market price for 10 minutes per level. Alternatively the ardwright can imbue an item to grant an Armor Enhancement bonus equal to the maximum bonus that he could craft with the Craft Arms and Armor feat (starting at +1, +1 at 6th level and every 3 additional levels beyond 6th) for 1 hour per level. This costs 1 Anima. Personal Weapon Intinction: The ardwright can imbue his own weapon to replicate any +1 property other than Bane or any property of fixed value of at most 5000, for 10 minutes per level. Alternatively the ardwright can imbue his own weapon to grant a +1 enhancement bonus to his weapon for 1 hour per level. The Intinction can used to enchant up to 50 items of ammunition. If the weapon leaves the ardwrights possession, the Intinction remains active but will not function until the weapon is wielded by the ardwright again. This costs 1 Anima. Guidance Intinction: At 2nd level the ardwright can imbue any item to grant either a circumstantial bonus to a particular skill or a resistance bonus to particular saving throw lasting 10 minutes per level. Skill bonuses granted start at a +2, +1 at 4th level and every 2 levels after. Resistance bonuses granted start at a +1, +1 at 4th level and every 4 levels after. This Intinction costs 1 Anima. Spell Storing Intinction: At 2nd level the ardwright can imbue an item to act as a one-time use spell completion item with a spell from his schema record (see below). The ardwright must use an amount of silver ink costing 12.5gp x spell level x caster level. The spell still requires the appropriate Use Magic Device roll to infuse, and is activated similarly to a scroll, though the Ardwright need not make any additional checks for activation. This Intinction takes 1 minute to craft, and lasts for 1 hour per level. It costs 1 Anima per spell level of the spell stored.

Lesser Weapon Intinction: At 3rd level The ardwright can imbue a weapon similarly to that resulting from his Personal Weapon Intinction. This Intinction grants either a weapon property costing at most 5000gp or a +1 market price or an enhancement bonus of an amount that the ardwright could craft with the Craft Arms and Armor feat (starting at +1, +1 at 6th level and every 3 additional levels beyond 6th). Alternatively, the Intinction can used to enchant up to 50 items of ammunition. This Intinction costs 1 Anima. Ability Intinction: At 4th level the ardwright can imbue an item to grant an enhancement bonus to an attribute for 10 minutes per level. The enhancement bonus granted is +2, +2 per 4 levels above 4th. This Intinction costs 2 Anima. Armor Intinction: At 7th level the ardwright can imbue an item to replicate any armor property costing 35000gp or less, or at most a +3 market price, for 10 minutes per level. Alternatively the ardwright can imbue an item to grant a Deflection bonus equal to the maximum Armor Enhancement bonus he can craft for 1 hour per level (see Lesser Armor Intinction). This Intinction costs 2 Anima. Extra Charge Intinction: At 18th level the ardwright can imbue a spell trigger item that uses charges with additional charges, essentially re-charging the item. At the beginning of the Intinction, the ardwright must first make a Use Magic Device roll, DC 20 + the item's caster level, to properly access the spell trigger item and allow the Intinction to take the form of its charges. Spell trigger items whose spells have a costly material component, such as stoneskin, must have an appropriate amount of that material component to fuel the charges to be imbued. This Intinction costs a number of Anima equal to the charges imbued into the item. Weapon Intinction: At 10th level the ardwright can imbue an item to replicate up to any +3 market price or 70,000 gp property on a weapon, for 10 minutes per level. This Intinction costs 2 Anima. Greater Armor Intinction: At 14th level the ardwright can imbue an item to replicate any armor property costing 100,000gp or a +5 market price for 10 minutes per level. This Intinction costs 3 Anima. Greater Weapon Intinction: At 17th level the ardwright can imbue an item to replicate up to any +5 market price or 200,000 gp property on a weapon, for 10 minutes per level. This Intinction costs 3 Anima. Trapfinding: An ardwright's study of devices, both magic and mundane, aids him in dealing with traps. He adds 1/2 his level to any perception checks to locate traps and Disable Device checks made on traps (minimum +1). An ardwright can interact with magical traps just as a rogue can. Schema Record: An ardwright keeps a special spellbook called a schema record, in which he records magical notations and spells he has had the chance to study. Using his schema record, an ardwright can emulate the prerequisite spells that other spellcasters use in crafting, including for the crafting of spell completion and spell trigger items. However, an ardwright can

only emulate spells in this way if he is familiar with them. An ardwright can copy any spell, arcane or divine, into his Schema Record, as long as it has a spell level no greater than 1/2 the character's ardwright level, rounding up. The ardwright starts with all of the 0-level cantrips from the ardwright list, as well as three 1st level spells from any of the ardwright, bard, cleric, druid, or sorcerer/wizard spell lists in his schema record, plus a number of additional spells equal to his intelligence modifier. As the ardwright gains experience, he researches spells to add them to his record. Any time the ardwright gains a level after 1st, he can select 2 spells from the ardwright spell list, of a level that he can cast, and add them to his schema record for free. The ardwright may also add other spells from any source at the same cost that a Wizard adds spells to his spellbook (see the Core Rules); such copying must be done from a scroll or other magical writing (such as from a Wizards Spellbook). When crafting a magic item, the ardwright must employ his Use Magic Device skill to emulate the spells he wants to include in the crafting. The ardwright need only emulate the spell once in order to count it towards satisfying the creation prerequisites for the item. The DC to emulate a spell for crafting is 20+the desired caster level of the spell. If the check fails, the ardwright can still craft the item, but that spell requirement is not met, which increases the spellcraft DC for crafting the item by 5. In the special case of Spell Trigger and Spell Completion items, the ardwright cannot craft the item unless the Use Magic Device roll succeeds. For these items, if the Use Magic Device roll fails by 4 or less, none of the material components are ruined, and the ardwright can try again having lost only the initial 8 hours of work. If the roll fails by 5 or more, then 1/2 the materials are ruined in the failed attempt. If the roll fumbles a scroll mishap occurs. Spells: While making a study of spell effects and magic, there are some spells that the ardwright has a keen insight for, and can learn to cast. These spells often have item targets or modify items or ongoing dweomers. The ardwright can prepare these spells as a wizard does, but can also choose to spontaneously cast any ardwright spell directly from his Schema Record with an empty spell slot of the appropriate level by advancing the casting time of the spell one category (anything less than a full-round casting time moves to a full-round, full-round casts move to 1 minute castings, 1 minute castings move to 10 minutes, 10 minute castings take an hour). To cast spells the ardwright must have an Intelligence score at least 10+the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against an ardwright's spell is 10+the spell level+the ardwright's Intelligence modifier. Like other spellcasters, the ardwright can only cast a limited number of spells per day, as listed on the ardwright spells per day table. He receives bonus spells per day based on his intelligence score. Ardwrights are as reliant on their schema records as wizards are on their spellbooks. An ardwright who loses his schema record cannot prepare any spells except for read magic. All ardwright spells (listed below) are arcane spells. Any spell not on the ardwright list is recorded as a spell of the level indicated by its source (ex: Break Enchantment is available as a Bard, Cleric, Paladin, and Sorcerer/Wizard spell at varying spell level: bard 4, cleric 5, paladin 4, sorcerer/wizard 5 if the ardwright copied the bard or paladin version of the spell into his schema record, he would denote it as a 4th level spell instead of a 5th level spell if it were copied from a clerical, sorcerous or wizardly source). Thus,

the ardwright should be careful to denote the source of his spells, especially in cases where he has records of a spell from multiple sources. While the ardwright cannot memorize and cast spells that are not listed on his class spell list, he may elect to copy them into his schema record anyway, for the purposes of easier crafting; indeed it is only in this way that he can create Scrolls and Wands of most spells. Ardwright Spell List Spells Per Day Arcane Mark 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Dancing Lights 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 2 3 4 5
0-level Cantrips Detect Magic Flare Light Mage Hand Mending Open/Close Prestidigitation Read Magic Sift* Spark* 1st Level Spells Alarm Animate Rope Ant Haul* Break* Crafters Curse* Crafters Fortune* Detect Secret Doors Dancing Lantern* Erase Expeditious Excavation* Floating Disk Grease Hold Portal Identify Magic Aura Magic Mouth Magic Stone Obscure Object Stumble Gap* Unseen Servant 2nd Level Spells Align Weapon Arcane Lock Create Pit* Create Treasure Map* Find Traps Instant Armor* Knock Locate Object Make Whole Misdirection Phantom Trap Pyrotechnics Rope Trick Silence Shatter Warp Wood Wood Shape 3rd Level Spells Arcane Concordance* Arcane Sight Campfire Wall* Continual Flame Dispel Magic Enter Image* Explosive Runes Glyph of Warding Illusory Script Meld into Stone Secret Page Sepia Snake Sigil Shrink Item Spiked Pit* Stone Shape 4th Level Spells Acid Pit* Arcane Eye Fire Trap Minor Creation Rusting Grasp Scrying Secure Shelter Spike Stones Stone Shape Treasure Stitching* Wall of Fire Wall of Ice 5th Level Spells Greater Dispel Magic Fabricate Hungry Pit* Major Creation Passwall Permanency Prying Eyes Secret Chest Symbol of Pain Symbol of Sleep Wall of Stone 6th Level Spells Analyze Dweomer Animate Objects Move Earth Repel Wood Symbol of Fear Symbol of Persuasion Wall of Iron

Lvl C 1st 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2nd 5

10th 6 11th 6 12th 6 13th 6 14th 6 15th 6 16th 6 17th 6 18th 6 19th 6 20th 6

Peerless Craftsman (Ex): As the ardwright advances, he can (and does) research the knowledge needed to craft different magic items. An ardwright automatically gains access to the item creation feats for which he meets the prerequisites as follows. These include Scribe Scroll at 1st level, Brew Potion and Craft Wondrous Item at 3rd level, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wand, and Craft Construct at 5th level, Forge Ring at 7th level, Craft Rod at 9th level, Etch Schema

at 10th level, and Craft Staff at 11th level. All other item crafting feats are not gained automatically and the ardwright must learn them by spending a feat as normal. Distill Radical (Su): At 3rd level the ardwright learns how to distill the dweomer of a magic item into a small component called a radical. Radicals often take the form of gems, or sometimes a piece of the original item involved. The ardwright must spend an hour with item to be distilled, and make a spellcraft check of the same DC as if he were crafting the item in question, including modifiers for whether the ardwright has the spell prerequisites in his schema record (although he need not make the Use magic Device checks to emulate spell requirements). He must also have the prerequisite crafting feat for the item in question, and access to a work space suitable for creating such an item (Radical Distillation on the road takes 2 hours). If the spellcraft check is successful, the item is destroyed and the ardwright is left with a radical. The magic energy of the dweomer is stored in the radical and can be used in the crafting of a new item to reduce the cost in materials. The gp value of a radical is 1/2 the market price of the item it came from. Items with multiple enchantments provide 1 radical for each separate enchantment, with a value for the specific enchantment it carries only. If creating an item with an identical enchantment, the radical's total gp value can be applied to the item's materials cost. If the new item is being crafted with a different enchantment, then a portion of the gp value may be applied as allowed by the GM. Unravel Dweomer (Su): This same process can be used to destroy a magic item, including cursed items. The ardwright follows the same procedure but instead of distilling the dweomer into a radical, the ardwright lets the magic energies unravel into the void. A fumble in this case can have disastrous effects as the magic either unravels too fast, or explosively snaps back into place. If the ardwright is attempting unravel a cursed item and fails, he is treated as having used the item. Trade Secret (Ex): At 4th level the ardwright learns a trade secret from his research or work with items. This discovery comes in the form of a special bonus feat. The ardwright makes another discovery at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th level. The feats an ardwright can take as a Trade Secret include Skill Focus, Magical Aptitude, any metamagic feat, or any crafting feat not included in the ardwright's Peerless Crafting list. Plural Intinction (Su): At 5th level an ardwright learns to split an Intinction as swift action, once per day, allowing it to be imbued in 2 items. Both items need to be within 5 feet of the ardwright. The ardwright crafts the Intinction as normal, using the normal investment of time and Anima for the Intinction (the Anima cost is *not* doubled). Both resultant Intinctions have standard durations, as indicated by their descriptions. The number of times per day an ardwright can craft a plural Intinction increases to twice per day at 10th level, and 3 times per day at 15th level.

Augmented Use (Su): At 6th level the ardwright learns how to augment the spells cast from a spell trigger item (such as a wand or staff). Once per day, he may apply any metamagic feat he knows to a spell trigger item he is using, as a swift action. He must have the appropriate Item creation feat for the item to be augmented, and the effective level of the spell cast from the device cannot exceed 1/2 the ardwright's class level. Shaping the spell costs a number of extra charges equal to the metamagic feat's spell level modifier. An ardwright can use this ability one additional time per day for every two levels gained after 6th. At 11th level, in addition to being able to augment the spells cast from spell trigger items, the ardwright learns to augment the spells cast from spell completion items (such as scrolls). This application of the ability requires the expenditure of a number of daily uses equal to the metamagic feats spell level modifier. Skill Mastery: At 9th level an ardwright is so familiar with the skills of his trade that he can take 10 when making an Appraise, Disable Device, Spellcraft, or Use Magic Device check even if stressed or threatened. This ability allows an ardwright to take 10 on Use Magic Device checks, even though that is not normally allowed. Mass Intinction (Su): At 20th level an ardwright learns to craft a plural Intinction that effects items on allies within 30 feet. Crafting a mass Intinction requires a swift action, in addition to the normal Intinction time, and is usable once per day. If there is no item on a particular ally that can accept the Mass Intinction (such as if there is an unarmed combatant among a mass Intinction of weapons) then that person does not benefit from the Intinction.
Crafting a Homunculus: Ardwrights often craft homunculi to aid them them in their pursuits. At 5th level the ardwright gains the craft construct feat and may craft himself a homunculus as long as he has the tools and materials. If he does not have access to the proper spells in his schema book, including Arcane Eye, Mending, and Mirror image, he suffers a +5 modifier to DC, per missing spell, as normal for making a magic item. He must have access to an alchemy lab worth 500g and pay the usual cost for materials. He can also upgrade the homunculus, granting it +1 hit die, by making a new spellcraft check and using ritual materials worth 2000g. If spellcraft check would result in a cursed item, the ardwright suffers a mishap, most commonly resulting in suffering 2d10 damage as the homunculus gains true sentience. Such a creature still has its mental link to the creator, but cannot be compelled to do the ardwright's bidding. It may hate the ardwright and can seek to do its creator harm, but not necessarily at that moment. A homunculus that gains 7 or more hit dice advances in size to a small creature. No matter how many more hit dice it gains it never advances any larger. A homunculus can never have more hit dice than its master minus 2. Using Radicals: A radical's value when used towards crafting different magic items was left intentionally vague in order to give more leeway to the GM in determining the proliferation of magic items in their game. As a baseline, however, an item with the same spell requirements generally gets the radical's full value, an item with a spell requirement of the same school and subschool or descriptor should get around 50% value, and one with a spell that has merely the same school, subschool, or descriptor should get around 25% or lower. Weapon/armor enhancement bonus radicals generally provide their full value towards higher enhancement bonuses. Ardwright Spells and Crafting: While Ardwrights can memorize and cast spells, they cannot use these spells to satisfy spell prerequisites for the purposes of creating or activating magic items. They do, however, gain a +2 bonus to any check relating to use or creation of an item that has at least one Ardwright spell as a prerequisite.

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