Making Wooden Spoons
Making Wooden Spoons
Making Wooden Spoons
What a nice thing to do! Spoon makers are not exactly in the
spotlight of American woodworking so to pay tribute to the many
fine craftsmen who devote their energies to spoon making is like a
breath of fresh air to me.
beauty of nature stored in the wood and that this be set off by
some refinement of the design.
One thing I looked for in the design was a sturdy handle. The
flimsy ones from the box stores are too easy to break. I wanted
ones that would hold up to the hardest tasks. I got an e-mail from
one of my customers this year. She said the spoon I made for her
was the only one that was up to stirring her fruit cake batter and it
was her favorite spoon. That appealed to the pragmatism in my
Another thing I learned is that cooks like spoons that are not
completely symmetrical and they like odd shapes. It may help
them locate their favorite from their collection and the odd shape
or curved handle may be just what is needed for a particular job.
So now I vary my design to suit the wood grain and my whim and
just draw the design freehand on the plank. This way it is easy to
follow the grain in the handle. I then go back to the band saw and
cut the outline drawn on the plank.
Now unless you are a whole lot stronger than I, you will not be
able to push this gouge through the wood for very long using just
the muscles of your hands and arms. This is especially true of
hard woods such as fruit woods like cherry and apple.
By angling the cutting edge of the gouge one way or the other you
can begin to shape the walls of the spoon bowl. The straight cuts
work best for roughing out and for the bottom of the spoon. Below
I am cocking the gouge to one side to make the near wall of the
spoon bowl.
Here you need to exercise care not to take such big cuts as will
cause splitting because you are now working on a thin rim of the
spoon with less margin for error. You will find that some species
of wood will split far more easily than others.
You can only get so much control of the cutting edge of the gouge
when you are pounding on it with a heavy carvers mallet. So for
finer cuts I just use muscle power without the mallet striking the
gouge as seen in the picture below. Notice I use a glove on the
hand that guides the cutting edge.
Considerable force is needed to make even these lighter cuts and if
the hand slips it may hit sharp corners of the band sawn edge of
the blank and cause cuts. Using a glove in the hand that does not
grip the gouge handle cuts down on the need for band aids and
loud exclamations.
For the finest cuts I remove the blank from the clamp on the
bench, sit comfortably and use the gouge free-hand as you see me
doing below. This gives maximum control and allows clean up of
any rough areas left from previous steps.