Viral Hepatitis: Juliana Chan, Pharm.D
Viral Hepatitis: Juliana Chan, Pharm.D
Viral Hepatitis: Juliana Chan, Pharm.D
Learning Objectives
Hepatitis A
Viral hepatitis is inflammation of the liver caused by
viruses. The first signs of hepatitis were first described as
jaundice by Hippocrates in 5th century B.C. It was not until
the 8th century B.C. that hepatitis was thought to be
infectious in nature. Finally, in 1947, F.O. MacCallum
classified viral hepatitis into two types, infectious hepatitis,
now known as hepatitis A, and serum hepatitis known as
hepatitis B. More recently, in 1987, Michael Houghton, QuiLim Choo, and George Kuo cloned and identified hepatitis
C virus as the source of non-A, non-B transfusion-related
hepatitis. Currently, viral hepatitis affects more than
500 million people and remains a significant public health
threat worldwide. In the United States alone, more than
300,000 acute cases occur per year. At present, there are five
types of viral hepatitis, hepatitis A (HAV), hepatitis B
(HBV), hepatitis C (HCV), hepatitis D (HDV) and hepatitis E
Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 5th Edition
Viral Hepatitis
Alanine aminotransferase
Hepatitis A virus antibody
Hepatitis B core antibody
Hepatitis B e antibody
Hepatitis B surface antibody
Chronic hepatitis B
Deoxyribonucleic acid
Hepatitis A virus
Hepatitis A virus antigen
Hepatitis B core antigen
Hepatitis B e antigen
Hepatitis B surface antigen
Hepatitis B virus
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Hepatitis C virus
Hepatitis D virus
Hepatitis E virus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Polymerase chain reaction
Pegylated interferon
Ribonucleic acid
Reverse transcriptase
Sustained virological response
Tyrosine, methionine, aspartate,
Table 1-1. Characteristics of Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, and G
Size (nm)
Incubation (days)
1550 [30]
45180 [80]
15160 [50]
21140 [35]
1560 [42]
Yes, rare
Yes, rare
Yes, rare
Yes, rare
Acute illness
7080% adults
5% children
< 5 years: < 10% > 5 years: < 10%
5 years: 3050% < 5 years: 3050%
7080% adults
Case-fatality rate
(acute infection)
pregnant women
Incidence of
chronic infection
80% superinfect 0%
5% coinfection
Carrier state
Risk of hepatocellular
< 1% coinfect
ALT = alanine aminotransferase; DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid; HAV = hepatitis A virus; HBV = hepatitis B virus; HCV = hepatitis C virus;
HDV = hepatitis D virus; HEV = hepatitis E virus; HGV = hepatitis G virus; RNA = ribonucleic acid.
Immune Globulin
Immune globulin from pooled human plasma is a sterile
preparation of antibodies. Immune globulin given
immunization by transfer of antibodies against hepatitis A.
It may be used for either preexposure or postexposure
prophylaxis; however, it does not provide long-lasting
immunity. A thiomersal-free preparation should be used in
pregnant women or infants. Intramuscular immune globulin
should be administered in the deltoid or gluteal muscle.
Adverse events associated with Ig are rare; however, a few
reports of anaphylaxis have been documented in patients
who have developed IgA deficiency. The response to
inactivated vaccines such as poliovirus or yellow fever
vaccine is not affected by Ig administration. However, the
immunity of live vaccines such as measles, mumps and
rubella vaccine may decrease significantly if Ig is
concomitantly administered. Therefore, after Ig
Managing of Hepatitis A
There is no specific treatment for hepatitis A.
Historically, because it is mainly spread by the fecal-oral
route, the primary method of minimizing the transmission of
Prevention of hepatitis A through active or passive immunization: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).
MMWR Recomm Rep 1999;48(RR-12):137.
Viral Hepatitis
reactivity of the hepatitis A virus antigen (HAVAg). The
dose for Havrix is expressed as enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay unit and the dose for VAQTA is
expressed as units. Vaccine doses according to age are
compared in Table 1-2. People who are at high risk for
acquiring hepatitis A and are allergic to the vaccine (e.g.,
alum or 2-phenoxyethanol in Havrix) should be protected
with hepatitis A immune globulin given intramuscularly.
Repeated dosing of immune globulin given intramuscularly
is required if protection beyond 5 months is necessary. The
vaccine is of no benefit for those who have already been
exposed to hepatitis A.
Both brands of hepatitis A vaccine are highly effective.
Protective antibody levels develop after the first dose in
94100% of adults and 97100% of children and
adolescents. When the second dose is administered, all
recipients older than 2 years of age have 100% antibody
coverage. Protective antibody response is defined with
Havrix as concentrations greater than 20 mIU/ml measured
by modified enzyme immunoassay and with VAQTA as
concentrations greater than 10 mIU/ml measured by
modified radioimmunoassay. Therefore, the brands are
considered interchangeable. Children younger than 2 years
of age are more likely to develop immunity with the
hepatitis A vaccine if they have not passively acquired
maternal antibodies. If maternal anti-HAV are present in
children younger than 2 years of age, their geometric mean
antibody concentration may be reduced after vaccination.
Immune globulin should be recommended for high-risk
infants in this population. The long-term protectiveness of
the vaccines is unknown. At this time, the longest clinical
trial was in adults receiving Havrix, 720 enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay units at months 0, 1, and 6, who had
antibody levels of more than 20 mIU/ml for 8 years. Similar
results were observed with VAQTA for up to about
67 years in adults and children. Based on pharmacokinetic
models, though not confirmed in clinical trials, it is
theorized that immunity with the hepatitis A vaccine may be
greater than 20 years.
Adverse events associated with VAQTA or Havrix are
minimal. The most common complaints from adults include
injection site reaction (56%), headaches (14%), and fatigue
(7%). Children have similar symptoms and also may have
feeding disturbances (8%). Injection site reactions
(e.g., tenderness, pain, and warmth) and headaches may
occur within 5 days of giving the vaccine. The incidence of
serious adverse effects (e.g., brachial plexus neuropathy,
encephalopathy, erythema multiforme, Guillain-Barr
syndrome, multiple sclerosis, and transverse myelitis) is not
Recipients Age
VAQTA (Merck & Co., Inc) 217
> 17
Havrix (GlaxoSmithKline) 218
> 18
25 units
50 units
720 EL.U
360 EL.U
1440 EL.U
Number of Doses
0, 618
0, 6
0, 612
0, 1, 612
0, 612
Viral Hepatitis
higher than the unvaccinated population. However, about
33% of the patients were receiving other vaccines at the
same time hepatitis A vaccine was administered, making
evaluation of adverse effects complex.
The use of the hepatitis A vaccine during pregnancy has
not been evaluated. It can be hypothesized that the risk of
developing complications to the fetus would be low because
Havrix and VAQTA are made from inactivated HAV. Risk
versus benefit must be assessed before administration. No
special considerations are needed for immunocompromised
people; however, they may not mount a similar rate of
immunity as those who have a competent immune system.
An appropriate needle length should be used according to
the persons age and size when administering the vaccine
intramuscularly in the deltoid muscle. Obtaining serum
anti-HAV before hepatitis A vaccination is only indicated if
it is cost-effective. For example, individuals who are at high
risk, such as men who have sex with other men or
international travelers to endemic areas, may already be
immune to HAV; thus, the cost of the screening may be less
than the vaccine series. Postvaccination serological testing
is not required because protective antibody concentrations
occur more than 94% of the time with the first dose and
100% of the time with booster doses. The vaccine should
not be frozen and should be stored at temperatures between
35.6F (2C) and 46.4F (8C) to maintain its efficacy.
There is no specific pharmacological treatment for
hepatitis A because, in most cases, it is a self-limiting
disease requiring supportive care only. Patients with mild to
moderate symptoms do not require hospitalization.
However, those displaying signs of encephalopathy, severe
nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea should seek medical attention
immediately. Alcohol use should be avoided, especially
during the acute incubation period. Alcohol ingestion may
resume once the convalescence phase has been reached.
There is no special dietary modification except for those
with encephalopathy who may require a decrease in protein
intake. Fluid intake should be encouraged for those with
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. If these symptoms are
severe, hospitalization may be required for intravenous fluid
and electrolyte replacement. Liver transplantation may be
the only treatment for some people who develop fulminant
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B, first known as serum hepatitis, affects more
than 300 million people worldwide. It was first discovered
in 1947 by F.O. MacCallum who noticed a trend of
individuals developing hepatitis from blood transfusions. In
1963, Baruch S. Blumberg and Harvey J. Alter discovered
the Australian antigen from an aborigine, now known as
hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), and by 1967, the
association between the antigen and the development of
hepatitis was confirmed. The discovery was significant
because by 1972, laws were passed in the United States
requiring all donated blood to be tested for hepatitis B by
screening HBsAg. With this legislation, the incidence of
Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 5th Edition
Viral Hepatitis
Table 1-3. Interpretation of the Hepatitis B Panel
Anti-HBc IgM
Anti-HBc IgM
Acutely infected
Chronically infected
Natural History
Most individuals who have been infected with HBV
recover and develop anti-HBs, resulting in lifelong
immunity against the disease. However, about 2% may
develop acute infections, leading to fulminant hepatitis,
which is associated with a 6090% mortality rate. About
15% of the patients will develop CHB by not being able to
eliminate HBsAg. Of this population, the chance of
developing chronic disease is less than 20% if patients were
infected during adult age. The risk of chronic infection
increases to more than 40% if the infection occurred
perinatally. As most of these patients are asymptomatic, it
may take up to 2040 years before complications such as
cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) develop. The
estimated mortality rate for this population ranges from 15%
to 25%.
asymptomatic but are more prone to developing chronic
liver disease, whereas adults are more likely to become
symptomatic but their disease resolves completely. The
clinical course may be separated into three different phases.
The preicteric phase is mostly asymptomatic lasting
310 days. Symptoms include flu-like symptoms, fevers,
fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain,
with or without dark urine, and pale stools. Symptomatology
during the icteric phase includes jaundice, liver tenderness,
and pale stools lasting up to 3 weeks. The last phase is
resolution of the disease, known as the convalescent period,
where jaundice dissipates, but fatigue may persist for
There are several clinical scenarios for hepatitis B
(Table 1-3). If all hepatitis B serologies are negative,
patients susceptible to infection and should be immunized if
they are at high risk for viral hepatitis (Table 1-4). However,
if anti-HBs is present and HBsAg and anti-HBc are
undetectable, then patients have already received the
hepatitis B vaccination and are immune. The presence of
HBsAg indicates that patients are infectious but do not
distinguish if they have acute or chronic disease.
Aminotransferases, specifically ALT concentrations, may or
may not be elevated in either condition. Acute hepatitis B is
defined as having anti-HBc to IgM. When this marker
becomes undetectable, the acute phase has resolved. At that
time, anti-HBc to IgG is present indicating either lifelong
immunity against hepatitis B or chronic infection if HBsAg
has not converted to anti-HBs after 6 months from acquiring
the virus. As previously discussed, people with CHB
continue to have detectable HBsAg with anti-HBc to IgG. In
addition, HBeAg will be present, indicating active viral
replication. Hepatitis B virus DNA may be used to quantify
the amount of viral replication. Effective treatment against
CHB may decrease HBV DNA to possibly undetectable
levels and seroconvert HBeAg to anti-HBe and HBsAg to
Though this description of CHB seems simplistic, it is far
more complex as CHB has three major clinical patterns. In
HBeAg-positive CHB, HBsAg and HBeAg are present
along with elevated ALT concentrations and HBV DNA
ranging between 7 and 11 log10 copies/ml. In contrast,
HBeAg-negative CHB does not have HBeAg present, but
anti-HBe, known as a precore mutant, is detectable. It
appears that in this population, virus replication has ceased,
yet HBV DNA concentrations are elevated and usually
range between 4 and 8 log10 copies/ml in conjunction with
a high ALT. In both scenarios, there is necroinflammation in
the hepatic cells on liver biopsy. Finally, there is a carrier
state where HBsAg and anti-HBe are detectable with normal
ALT concentrations and HBV DNA concentrations less than
4 log10 copies/ml. There are minimal changes on the liver
biopsy in those who are hepatitis B carriers.
Hepatitis B Vaccine
Immunizations should be recommended for high-risk
individuals listed in Table 1-4. In the United States, there are
two hepatitis B vaccines currently available, Recombivax
HB (Merck & Co., Inc.) and Engerix-B (GlaxoSmithKline).
The only major difference between the two vaccines is that
Recombivax HB contains no thiomersal where Engerix-B
has trace amounts from the manufacturing process (pediatric
formulation contains less than 0.5 mcg mercury and adult
formulation contains less than 1 mcg mercury). Currently,
overexposure to thiomersal is not a concern. In July 1999,
the Food and Drug Administration and other federal
agencies, including the American Academy of Pediatrics,
United States Public Health Service, American Academy of
Family Physicians, and Advisory Committee on
Immunization Practices, raised concerns regarding mercury
exposure from vaccines with mercury as a preservative. The
Food and Drug Administration, as part of an ongoing review
Table 1-4. High-risk Groups Recommended for
Immunoprophylaxis Against Hepatitis B Infection
Newborn infants
Health care workers
Public safety workers
Clients and staff of institutions for the developmentally disabled
Hemodialysis patients
Recipients of blood products
Household contacts and sex partners of hepatitis B virus carriers
Adoptees from countries where hepatitis B infection is endemic
International travelers going to endemic areas for more than
6 months
Intravenous drug users
Sexually active homosexual and bisexual men
Sexually active heterosexual men and women having one or
more partners in the previous 6 months
Inmates of long-term correctional facilities
Patients with hepatitis C
Managing of Hepatitis B
Managing hepatitis B can be separated into two
categories: prevention and treatment. Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B virus: a comprehensive strategy for eliminating transmission in the United States through universal childhood vaccination. Recommendations of
the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (ACIP). MMWR Recomm Rep 1991;40(RR-13):119.
Viral Hepatitis
of biological agents of the Food and Drug Administration
Modernization Act of 1997, determined that infants
receiving several doses of thiomersal-containing vaccines
within the first 6 months of life may be overexposed to
mercury, causing neurotoxicity. Eventually, by March 2000,
hepatitis B vaccines were essentially free of thiomersal as a
The hepatitis B immunization is a recombinant vaccine
produced by using HBsAg expressed in Saccharomyces
cerevisiae cells that are packaged to contain 1040 mcg of
HBsAg protein/ml after adsorption to aluminum hydroxide.
The vaccines are recommended for intramuscular
administration in the deltoid muscle, yet in some instances,
subcutaneous administration may be used for those at risk
for hemorrhage after intramuscular injections. However,
after subcutaneous injections, the geometric mean antibody
titer may be suboptimal. The results of clinical trials of both
vaccines confer protective antibody levels, which are
defined as concentrations greater than 10 mIU/ml, in more
than 96% of recipients after a three-dose regimen at months
0, 1, and 6. Antibody response may be reduced to about 90%
in patients older than 40 years of age. In addition, certain
patient populations who are immunocompromised (e.g.,
hemodialysis patients, patients who are positive for human
immunodeficiency virus [HIV], or patients taking
immunosuppressive drugs) may not mount an antibody
response as effectively as those who are not
immunocompromised. The long-term protective effect of
the hepatitis B vaccine is unknown, and the need for
additional booster doses beyond the three-dose series is still
in question. At present, results of the longest follow-up trial
of 9 years showed that individuals receiving the hepatitis B
vaccine continue to have detectable anti-HBs concentrations.
Table 1-5 indicates the dosing regimens for the available
hepatitis B vaccines. The two brands are interchangeable for
nondialysis formulations; however, it is recommended that
the same brand should be used for the entire three-dose
series. The vaccine dose is age-specific, and for newborns,
dictated by the HBsAg status of the mother.
Postvaccination serological testing is not routinely
recommended except in certain populations, including
infants born to mothers who are HBsAg-positive, patients
who are receiving dialysis or who have HIV, and
occupational accidental needle sticks. If testing is required,
it should be performed 16 months after the vaccination
series has been completed.
Table 1-5. Recommended Dosing Regimens for the Available Hepatitis B Vaccinesa
Recombivax HB
> 19
> 19
Viral Hepatitis
(in mcg)
of Doses
0, 1, 6
1, 46
0, 1, 6
0, 1, 6a
0, 1, 6
0, 1, 6
0, 1, 6
0, 1, 2, 6
for nondialysis patients; however, it is recommended that the same brand be used for the entire three-dose series.
Table 1-6. Recommendations for Postexposure Immunoprophylaxis for Exposure to Hepatitis B Virus
Source is
Previously vaccinated
Known responder
Known nonresponder
Antibody response
Source is
Source is
Unknown or not Available for Testing
No treatment
No treatment
One dose of HBIG and initiate
No treatment
revaccination or two doses of HBIG
Test exposed person
No treatment
for anti-HBs
1) if adequate, no treatment
2) if inadequate, one dose of HBIG
and vaccine booster
No treatment
If known high-risk source, treat as if
source was HBsAg positive
Test exposed person
for anti-HBs
1) if adequate, no treatment
2) if inadequate, vaccine booster
and recheck titer in 12 months
Anti-HBs = hepatitis B surface antibody; HB = hepatitis B; HBIG = hepatitis B immunoglobulin; HBsAg = hepatitis B surface antigen.
Chronic Hepatitis B
Chronic hepatitis B is defined as the presence of HBsAg
that has not cleared after 6 months of exposure in addition
to active viral replication (HBeAg-positive or detectable
HBV DNA). Patients who are carriers of the HBV (HBsAgpositive, normal ALT concentrations, or HBeAg-negative)
do not need therapy, but should be followed on a yearly
The goals of hepatitis B treatment are several-fold: 1)
suppress viral replication by loss of HBV DNA and
seroconversion of HBeAg; 2) normalize aminotransferases;
3) prevent and treat symptoms; 4) improve histology on
liver biopsy; 5) decrease morbidity and mortality by
preventing cirrhosis, HCC, and end-stage liver disease; and
6) eliminate the chronic carrier status through loss of
HBsAg. Treatments available for CHB in the United States
include IFN, lamivudine, and adefovir dipivoxil (Table 1-7).
Interferon is a cytokine having antiviral,
antiproliferative, and immunomodulatory effects. Several
types of IFN drugs are available; however, only IFN-2b
(Intron A by Schering-Plough) is indicated for treating
Lamivudine is a synthetic nucleoside analogue with an
enantiomer of 3'-thiacytidine that has potent inhibitory
antiviral effects against HBV and HIV. It is indicated for
treating CHB infections. In HBV, it inhibits the reverse
Keeffe EB, Dieterich DT, Han SH, et al. A treatment algorithm for the management of chronic hepatitis B virus infection in the United States.
Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2004;2:87106.
Wong DK, Cheung AM, ORourke K, Naylor CD, Detsky AS, Heathcote J. Effect of alpha-interferon treatment in patients with hepatitis B e antigen-positive
chronic hepatitis B. A meta-analysis. Ann Intern Med 1993;119:31223.
Viral Hepatitis
Treatment with lamivudine for HBeAg-negative CHB is
not as favorable. About 70% of the patients who are treated
for 12 months with lamivudine will have undetectable HBV
DNA and close to 100% will have normalization of ALT
concentrations. However, this response is not sustained once
treatment is discontinued. Continuing lamivudine for more
than 12 months may be reasonable to maintain these results,
but biochemical and virological breakthrough commonly
occurs because of the development of YMDD (tyrosine,
methionine, aspartate, aspartate) mutant HBV. About 50%
of patients continue to have undetectable viral loads and
normal ALT concentrations when treated for 2 years. The
response decreases to 40% after 3 years of treatment. There
is a 10% SVR rate at the end of 1 year of therapy, but this is
yet to be determined in HBeAg-negative patients treated for
longer durations. Lamivudine may be the best treatment for
patients with HBV who cannot tolerate or have
contraindications to IFN.
The lamivudine dose for treating hepatitis B infections is
100 mg/day. The dose must be reduced in patients with renal
insufficiency, usually when creatinine clearance is less than
50 ml/minute. Lamivudine is well tolerated in patients
treated for hepatitis B infections. In clinical trials, the
adverse effect profile for lamivudine was comparable to the
placebo group. The most common side effects include
fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and headaches. No
major laboratory abnormalities are observed as seen with
IFN. Although rare, serious adverse effects, including lactic
acidosis, pancreatitis, and hepatomegaly have been
reported. Lamivudine should be discontinued immediately
if signs and symptoms associated with lactic acidosis
develop as this can be fatal. In some cases, a flare in disease
activity observed by elevated ALT concentrations can occur
after ceasing treatment and can be associated with the
development of YMDD mutants. These patients should be
monitored carefully as the liver disease may progress to
hepatic decompensation.
Lamivudine Adefovir
Not indicated Not indicated
1 year
1 year
> 1 year
> 1 year
Side Effects
Drug Resistance
Adefovir Dipivoxil
Adefovir dipivoxil is an acyclic nucleotide analogue
prodrug of adefovir that is effective against HIV and HBV.
Adefovir dipivoxil inhibits DNA polymerase through RT
acting as a DNA chain terminator. Adefovir dipivoxil has
excellent biochemical and virological effects against HBV
and is superior to lamivudine in that it has activity against
the YMDD mutant in HBeAg-positive CHB. Results after
1224 weeks of treatment are comparable to lamivudine,
with greater efficacy rates if treatment continues for 72
weeks. Undetectable HBV DNA and loss of HBeAg is
observed in about 45% of the patients treated with adefovir
dipivoxil for 72 weeks in contrast to 20% with 48 weeks of
treatment. In addition, more than 75% of the patients had a
biochemical response with adefovir treatment and about
50% had histological improvement by week 72. At present,
Lai CL, Chien RN, Leung NW, et al. A one-year trial of lamivudine for chronic hepatitis B. Asia Hepatitis Lamivudine Study Group. N Engl J Med
Dienstag JL, Goldin RD, Heathcote EJ, et al. Histological outcome during long-term lamivudine therapy. Gastroenterology 2003;124:10517.
Marcellin P, Chang TT, Lim SG, et al; Adefovir Dipivoxil 437 Study Group. Adefovir dipivoxil for the treatment of hepatitis B e antigen-positive chronic
hepatitis B. N Engl J Med 2003;348:80816.
Viral Hepatitis
the drug resistance rate is less than 4% when patients
received adefovir dipivoxil 10 mg/day for 3 years.
For HBeAg-negative CHB, the results for treatment
beyond 1 year are still being investigated. At present, a
significant decrease in the HBV DNA concentration to 3.91
log10 copies/ml was observed in the treatment arm in
contrast to a 1.35 log10 copies/ml drop in the placebo group
after 52 weeks of therapy. Also, undetectable viral loads and
ALT normalization were achieved in 50% and 72% of the
treated patients compared to 0% and 29% in the placebo
arm, respectively. Currently, clinical trials with adefovir
dipivoxil for more than 1 year of therapy are under
evaluation for this patient population.
The adefovir dipivoxil dose for treating CHB infections
is 10 mg/day. In clinical trials, adefovir is well tolerated with
a similar adverse effect profile as lamivudine and
comparable to placebo. These side effects include asthenia,
abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia, headaches, nausea, and
flatulence. A rare but serious dose-related adverse effect is
nephrotoxicity. The adverse effect was mostly observed in
patients treated for HIV and HBV who received daily doses
greater than 60 mg and 30 mg, respectively. Nephrotoxicity
was defined as a gradual decrease in serum phosphorus and
elevated concentrations of serum creatinine. However,
patients with baseline renal insufficiency are at a greater risk
for nephrotoxicity than those with normal kidney function.
Therefore, caution is required when prescribing adefovir
dipivoxil for patients with creatinine clearances less than
50 ml/minute and/or who are receiving other nephrotoxic
therapies such as aminoglycosides. Other unlikely but
potentially fatal adverse effects that have been reported with
adefovir include lactic acidosis, pancreatitis, and
hepatomegaly. Similar to lamivudine, therapy should be
discontinued immediately if signs and symptoms of lactic
acidosis develop. However, therapy can be restarted if an
acute exacerbation of hepatitis occurs with treatment
No treatment
monitor every 612 months
Hadziyannis SJ, Tassopoulos NC, Heathcote EJ, et al; Adefovir Dipivoxil 438 Study Group. Adefovir dipivoxil for the treatment of hepatitis B e
antigen-negative chronic hepatitis B. N Engl J Med 2003;348:8007.
Viral Hepatitis
first-line therapy because of it low viral resistance with
long-term treatment.
Investigational Drugs for CHB
Even though the pharmacotherapy of CHB has advanced,
it is far from perfect. At present, three drugs are available.
Lamivudine and adefovir are oral drugs with low virological
and seroconversion rates. In addition, lamivudine is
associated with high drug resistance, limiting its use.
Interferon is an injectable drug that is expensive with
several significant adverse effects requiring, in many cases,
discontinuation of therapy. There are many drugs
undergoing extensive review for treating hepatitis B,
including entecavir, clevudine, emtricitabine, telbivudine,
and pegylated interferon (PEG-IFN).
Entecavir is a cyclopentyl guanosine analogue that
inhibits HBV DNA polymerase and eventually prevents
DNA replication. It is unique compared to other nucleoside
analogues in that it does not have any activity against HIV
but is effective against lamivudine-resistant mutants such as
YMDD. Entecavir is 30 times more potent than lamivudine
in ceasing HBV replication. So far, entecavir has undergone
Phase I and II clinical trials. In a dose-ranging study, 25% of
the patients had undetectable HBV DNA concentrations by
day 28 of therapy; however, this response was not
maintained when treatment was discontinued. In another
Clevudine is a pyrimidine analogue effective in
inhibiting hepatitis B DNA polymerase. Phase I and II
open-label, clinical studies have been completed. In a doseranging trial, 25 patients received 10 mg, 50 mg, or 100 mg
of clevudine. All three treatment arms had a median
reduction in HBV DNA concentration of 2.48 log10,
2.74 log10, and 2.95 log10, respectively, at the end of a 28day treatment period. At the end of the 20-week
post-treatment period, HBV DNA concentrations were still
suppressed at 1.84 log10 and 2.38 log10 for doses at 10 mg
and 50 mg, respectively. Similar results were observed in
Treatment Strategy
2 x ULN
> 2 x ULN
> 2 x ULN
2 x ULN
Viral Hepatitis
received either 400 or 600 mg of telbivudine combined with
or without lamivudine 100 mg. Another treatment group of
lamivudine monotherapy was added in this study for adults
with HBeAg-positive HBV. At the end of the treatment,
patients had a median reduction in HBV DNA
concentrations of 4.66 log10, 6.43 log10, 6.09 log10,
6.4 log10, and 6.05 log10 in the lamivudine, telbivudine
400 mg/day, telbivudine 600 mg/day, telbivudine
400 mg/day plus lamivudine, and telbivudine 600 mg/day
plus lamivudine groups, respectively. In all treatment arms,
no major adverse effects were experienced. Overall,
undetectable HBV DNA concentrations were observed in
61% of the telbivudine groups compared to 32% in the
lamivudine arm. In addition, only 49% of patients receiving
combination therapy with telbivudine and lamivudine
cleared the virus. Telbivudine was superior in normalization
of ALT concentrations compared to lamivudine and
combination therapy, 86%, 63%, and 78%, respectively.
Hepatitis B envelope antigen loss was observed in about
33% of the patients treated with telbivudine, which was not
statistically different compared to 28% in the lamivudine
group. At present, a multicenter, international, Phase III,
clinical trial is ongoing to determine telbivudines role in
treating CHB.
No treatment
monitor every 612 months
Pegylated Interferons
Pegylated interferons currently are only available for
treating chronic hepatitis C. Clinical trials currently are
evaluating PEG-IFN for patients infected with hepatitis B. A
dose-ranging, clinical study compared PEG-IFN-2a at
90 mcg, 180 mcg, and 270 mcg to IFN 4.5 mIU. In this
study, 291 patients were screened and 194 HBeAg-positive
patients met inclusion criteria. The main end points were
HBV DNA concentrations less than 4.69 log10 copies/ml,
loss of HBeAg, and normalization of ALT concentrations.
When each factor was individually evaluated, no statistical
differences were observed. However, there was a significant
difference when the end points were combined, IFN of 12%
versus all doses of PEG-IFN of 24% (p=0.036). In a
48-week, Phase III clinical trial of HBeAg-negative
patients, PEG-IFN-2a 180 mcg/week plus placebo was
evaluated against PEG-IFN-2a 180 mcg/week plus
lamivudine 100 mg/day, and lamivudine 100 mg/day.
Normalization of ALT concentrations was observed in 59%,
60%, and 44% of patients, respectively. Virological
response, defined as HBV DNA concentrations less than
4.3 log10 copies/ml, was similar between the two groups
receiving PEG-IFN (4344%) compare to 29% of the
patients receiving lamivudine. Hepatitis B surface antigen
loss was observed in 12 patients in both PEG-IFN-2a
groups but in no patients in the lamivudine arm. Further
investigations are ongoing for PEG-IFN-2a for treating
Emtricitabine is a cytosine nucleoside analogue that has
potent antiviral activity against HBV and HIV. In a 48-week
dose-ranging, double-blind, clinical trial of 98 patients with
CHB, emtricitabine produced undetectable HBV DNA
concentrations in 38%, 42%, and 61% in the 25 mg, 100 mg,
and 200 mg treatment arms, respectively. At the end of
48 weeks in 77 HBeAg-positive patients, 40% had HBeAg
loss. Hepatitis B virus drug resistance had developed in 12%
of the patients receiving 100 mg and 6% in patients
receiving 200 mg. The similar resistance rate may be
because of emtricitabines structural similarity to
lamivudine. Currently, emtricitabine is indicated for treating
HIV. At present, Phase III clinical studies of this drug are in
development to evaluate the safety and efficacy of
long-term therapy for HBV.
Telbivudine is an L-nucleoside analogue that inhibits
HBV replication. Unlike lamivudine, which inhibits the
negative strand of the HBV, telbivudine inhibits the positive
strand, which possibly can translate into a slower onset of
viral resistance development. In a randomized, multicenter
trial, the safety and efficacy of telbivudine were compared
with or without lamivudine for a 1-year period. Patients
Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 5th Edition
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C, first known as non-A, non-B hepatitis, was
first identified in 1974 by Albert Prince. Much was involved
in studying this unknown infectious agent. Finally, in 1988,
scientists at the Chiron Corporation cloned and discovered
Viral Hepatitis
the cause of non-A, non-B hepatitis as a virus and labeled
the disease as hepatitis C. Extensive research led to the first
blood antibody screening test for HCV in 1990. Since then,
hepatitis C infections have decreased significantly as all
donated blood is now screened for the virus. Despite the
decrease, more than 170 million people are infected, making
hepatitis C the most common cause of liver disease
Natural History
Morbidity associated with hepatitis C infections is a
significant burden on the health care cost where, in 1998,
more than $1 billion in hospital charges alone were incurred.
The increased cost is because of hepatitis C developing into
a chronic disease in more than 85% of the cases. The
remaining 1015% mostly develop acute hepatitis C which,
fortunately, resolves without any further sequelae. Of those
developing chronic infections, about 70% progress to mild,
moderate, or severe hepatitis. Although the natural history
of the progression to cirrhosis is not clear and is estimated
to occur in 1020% of cases, it may take up to 2040 years
from the time of exposure to advance from fibrosis to
cirrhosis. Factors contributing to the development of
cirrhosis include alcohol use, gender, infection at an older
age, and coinfection with HIV or HBV. The rate of
developing HCC increases 14% per year when cirrhosis is
confirmed. The estimated death rate is 1.8 deaths per
100,000 people per year. Cirrhosis caused by HCV is one of
the primary reasons for liver transplantation in the United
Positivesa defined by s/co ratios
All positivesa
Figure 1-3. Laboratory algorithm for antibody to hepatitis C virus testing and result reporting.
aInterpretation of screening immunoassay test results based on criteria provided by the manufacturer.
bScreening-test-positive results are classified as having high s/co ratios if their ratios are at or above a predetermined value that predicts a supplemental-testpositive result of 95% or more of the time among all populations tested; screening-test-positive results are classified as having low s/co ratios if their ratios
are below this value.
Anti-HCV = hepatitis C virus antibody; HCV = hepatitis C virus; RIBA = recombinant immunoblot assay; RNA = ribonucleic acid; s/co = signal to cutoff.
Recommendations for prevention and control of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and HCV-related chronic disease. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. MMWR Recomm Rep 1998;47(RR-19):139.
Managing Hepatitis C
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has
recommended primary and secondary methods for reducing
the risk of contracting HCV infection and minimizing the
development of chronic liver disease and its complications.
Primary prevention strategies include screening and testing
blood, plasma, organ, tissue, and semen donors; virus
inactivation of plasma-derived products; risk-reduction
counseling and services; and implementation and
maintenance of infection-control practices. No vaccines are
Viral Hepatitis
less likely to respond. Although it is unknown to what extent
ethanol abuse alters the treatment response, it increases the
risk for developing cirrhosis and HCC. More recently,
obesity, defined as a body mass index of greater than 30
kg/m2, is associated with decreased SVR and possible
progression of chronic hepatitis. Iron overload also may
decrease response, and it has been suggested that
phlebotomy may be an adjunctive therapy in increasing
SVR. Regardless, the most important factor in determining
a positive SVR is the viral genotype. Patients with nongenotype 1 and 4 have a more favorable response and
require a shorter therapy duration. Unfortunately, in the
United States, about 7075% of the patients are infected
with genotype 1.
In 1986, IFN-2b, the same drug used to treat CHB, was
reported to be effective against hepatitis C. Since then,
IFN-2b (Intron-A) in 1991 and IFN-2a (Roferon) in 1996
were available for treating chronic hepatitis C. Finally, by
1997, IFN alfacon 1 (Infergen), also known as consensus
IFN, became available for use. The first National Institutes
of Health Consensus Development Conference met in 1997
and recommended IFN 3 mU 3 times/week for 48 weeks to
treat chronic hepatitis C. Although this was the preferred
treatment, the SVR rate was only 1216%. The SVR rates
increased when ribavirin, a synthetic guanosine analogue,
was added to IFN. Ribavirin is effective in reducing and
normalizing serum ALT concentrations with no effect on
HCV RNA levels. The mechanism of action of ribavirin is
still under investigation, but it is thought to inhibit viral
polymerase by depleting intracellular phosphate reserves.
The combination approach of using both IFN and ribavirin
for treating HCV was not applied until 1998 when ribavirin
was finally available. Response rates improved
significantly, ranging from 35% to 45%, when ribavirin was
added to IFN therapy and it was considered the standard
treatment for hepatitis C from 1998 to 2001. In 2002, the
National Institutes of Health Consensus Development
Conference again discussed the recommendations for
treating hepatitis C. Much has changed since the last
meeting, and more efficacious therapies, such as PEG-IFN,
are available.
Pegylated interferon is IFN that is covalently attached to
the inert molecule polyethylene glycol, which prolongs the
IFN half-life. Interferon has a half-life of a few hours, but
the half-life with the new formulation is several days,
allowing for dosing once a week. At present, there are two
PEG-IFNs: PEG-IFN-2b (PegIntron) and PEG-IFN-2a
(Pegasys). A comparison between the two drugs is provided
in Table 1-9; a randomized, clinical trial is under way to
assess head-to-head comparative efficacy.
With either formulation of PEG-IFN, monotherapy
achieves an SVR rate (2540% for 48 weeks of treatment)
similar to combination therapy with IFN and ribavirin. As
expected, ribavirin with PEG-IFN significantly increased
genotype nonspecific SVR to about 55%. Pretreatment
factors for a favorable SVR include low HCV RNA levels,
younger age, lower body weight, and minimal fibrosis
scores. However, genotype is the most important factor.
Patients with genotype 2 or 3 have an SVR of 7585%
compared to an SVR of 4050% with genotype 1. Therapy
duration and dosing of ribavirin also is dictated by genotype.
Patients with genotype 1 will require 48 weeks of treatment
+ +
Normal ALT
Normal ALT
Be apy
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Be apy
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
+ + +
+ + +
Normal ALT
Normal ALT
Be apy
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Be apy
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 1-4. Serum alanine aminotransferase concentrations and viral markers in patients with chronic hepatitis C during and after 6-month courses of
Panel A shows the course of disease in a patient with chronic hepatitis C who had a sustained response to therapy. Panel B shows the course in a patient who
had a transient response to therapy but relapsed after therapy was discontinued. Panel C shows the course in a patient who had a transient partial response to
therapy. Panel D shows the course in a patient who had no response to therapy. Plus signs indicate the presence of detectable HCV RNA and minus signs
indicate its absence. HCV RNA was measured by the polymerase chain reaction.
ALT = alanine aminotransferase; HCV = hepatitis C virus; RNA = ribonucleic acid.
Reprinted with permission from the Massachusetts Medical Society. Hoofnagle JH, Di Bisceglie AM. The treatment of chronic viral hepatitis. N Engl J Med
Viral Hepatitis
be initiated before the development of advanced disease
because the virological response rates and tolerability to
treatment will decrease disease after complications of liver
disease develop. Studies devoted to evaluating patients with
cirrhosis or bridging fibrosis treated with PEG-IFN and
ribavirin are not available; however, there are data derived
from post hoc subgroup analyses. Patients with advanced
disease treated with PEG-IFN and ribavirin have an SVR of
4143% compared to 5758% of the patients with no
fibrosis or portal fibrosis. Of interest, histological response,
defined as a decrease of two or more points in the
histological activity index score, was not statistically
different when either IFN or PEG-IFN was used, even
though the response was high. Also for either treatment
group where about 20% of patients had histological
improvement in their fibrosis scores.
October 16, 2002
5080 hours
180 mcg fixed dose
January 22, 2001
3050 hours
0.351.5 mcg/kg
based on body weight
HIV/HCV Coinfection
Patients coinfected with HIV should be considered for
hepatitis C therapy as end-stage liver disease can develop
much faster compared to those without HIV. The
development of cirrhosis may be associated with highly
active antiretroviral therapy; however, this is still being
debated. Even though highly active antiretroviral therapy
significantly decreased hospital admissions for
opportunistic infections, hospitalizations associated with
liver complications have increased. In addition, immune
deficiency may support fibrosis progression; however, this
is controversial. Conflicting studies have shown fibrosis
scores increased and decreased when CD4 cell counts were
less than 250 cells/mm3; further studies are being conducted
to determine who is more likely to develop fibrosis. The
severity of liver disease also may depend on patient age at
onset of the infection, as those older than 40 years of age are
more likely to have significant scaring of the liver.
Regardless, early treatment may achieve SVR, minimize the
risk of developing active necroinflammation or fibrosis, and
prevent end-stage liver disease. Coinfected patients treated
with PEG-IFN and ribavirin have an overall end of
treatment response of 4147% and a more variable SVR
between 27% and 40%. Similar to monoinfected patients,
genotype is a significant factor in determining SVR. Only
1429% of individuals infected with genotype 1 sustain
response compared to 6273% in patients infected with
genotype 2 or 3. In addition, patients are more likely to
achieve SVR (3751%) if HCV RNA levels become
undetectable by week 12 of therapy compared to those who
did not achieve SVR. Therefore, week 12 of treatment is the
significant time point in determining the likelihood of
responding to therapy.
Treating Recurrent HCV after Liver Transplantation
Treatment for the recurrence of hepatitis C after liver
transplantation should be decided on a case-by-case basis. It
is known that as early as 24 days after the transplantation,
HCV RNA levels may become detectable. About 25%
develop moderate hepatitis confirmed by liver biopsy at
1 year after liver transplantation. It is estimated that by
5 years after transplantation, about 20% will develop
cirrhosis and increase their risk of allograft rejection.
Bacon BR. Treatment of patients with hepatitis C and normal serum aminotransferase levels. Hepatology 2002;36(5 suppl 1):S17984.
Viral Hepatitis
Factors associated with the progression of fibrosis can
include immunosuppressants such as corticosteroids and
monoclonal antibody treatments. These drugs have been
documented to increase serum HCV RNA levels. Prior IFN
use is hypothesized but not validated to produce a more
virulent and aggressive HCV, and cause more hepatic
damage. Other causes that can influence posttransplantation fibrosis include the use of organs from
marginal and older donors, the time the transplantation took
place (i.e., before the 1990s), and the pretransplantation
HCV RNA level. Thus, it may be warranted to treat these
orthotopic liver transplantation patients before the
progression to cirrhosis. In liver transplant recipients
infected with HCV, treatment with IFN with or without
ribavirin resulted in a poor SVR (2025%). Side effects were
the major limitation preventing the use of maximal doses.
Treatment with PEG-IFN and ribavirin produced an end of
treatment response of about 55% and an SVR of 30%.
Studies using preemptive therapy, meaning treating HCV
immediately after the transplant in the presence of active
disease, are disappointing, with SVR only achieved in less
than 25% of patients. Most patients are too sick to tolerate
the side effects associated with treatment, and about 33% of
the patients require therapy to be discontinued. Thus,
according to the First International Liver Transplantation
Society Expert Panel Consensus Conference on Liver
Transplantation and Hepatitis C, the time to recommend
treatment for HCV after liver transplant would be with the
diagnosis of progressive grade II fibrosis or greater.
Eligible patient
Anti-HCV positive
No fibrosis or
portal fibrosis only
Consider no treatment
Figure 1-5. Sequential steps for managing and treating patients with chronic
HCV infection, genotype 1.
Anti-HCV = hepatitis C virus antibody; HCV = hepatitis C virus;
RNA = ribonucleic acid; SVR = sustained virological response.
Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Strader DB,
Wright T, Thomas DL, Seeff LB; American Association for the Study of
Liver Diseases. Diagnosis, management, and treatment of hepatitis C.
Hepatology 2004;39(4):114771.
Treating Nonresponders
Currently, the Hepatitis C Antiviral Long-term Treatment
against Cirrhosis trial is ongoing to determine if
maintenance therapy would be beneficial in delaying
fibrosis progression and reducing the risk for hepatic
decompensation and HCC in patients who did not respond
to retreatment with PEG-IFN and ribavirin. Patients
enrolled in the study have detectable HCV RNA levels, a
liver biopsy performed 12 months before participating in the
study with documented bridging fibrosis or cirrhosis, and
did not respond to 12 weeks of IFN treatment with or
without ribavirin. All patients were treated with
PEG-IFN-2a 180 mcg/week with weight-based dosing of
ribavirin (1000 mg for 75 kg or less or 1200 mg for more
than 75 kg). Therapy continued to week 48 in patients with
undetectable virus at week 20, whereas those who did not
have undetectable viral levels received a reduced
PEG-IFN-2a dose of 90 mcg/week (known as
maintenance therapy) for 3.5 years. At present,
604 patients have been enrolled in the Hepatitis C Antiviral
Long-term Treatment against Cirrhosis trial. Study results
indicated that 35% of the patients who did not respond to
IFN monotherapy had undetectable HCV RNA levels at
week 20 and 18% had SVR. Results of the maintenance
phase of the therapy will not be known until the study is
Eligible patient
Anti-HCV positive
Figure 1-6. Sequential steps for managing and treating patients with chronic
HCV infection, genotype 2 or 3.
Anti-HCV = hepatitis C virus antibody; ETR = end of treatment response;
HCV = hepatitis C virus; RNA = ribonucleic acid; SVR = sustained
virological response.
Reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Strader DB,
Wright T, Thomas DL, Seeff LB; American Association for the Study of
Liver Diseases. Diagnosis, management, and treatment of hepatitis C.
Hepatology 2004;39(4):114771.
Wiesner RH, Sorrell M, Villamil F; International Liver Transplantation Society Expert Panel. Report of the first International Liver Transplantation Society
expert panel consensus conference on liver transplantation and hepatitis C. Liver Transpl 2003;9:S19.
Shiffman ML, Di Bisceglie AM, Lindsay KL, et al; Hepatitis C Antiviral Long-Term Treatment Against Cirrhosis Trial Group. Peginterferon alfa-2a and
ribavirin in patients with chronic hepatitis C who have failed prior treatment. Gastroenterology 2004;126:101523.
Viral Hepatitis
to fourth IFN dose. Administering antipyretic drugs
(acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
before the IFN injection is effective in minimizing flu-like
symptoms. It is important to ensure adequate hydration,
drink at least 64 ounces/day of fluid, and to avoid
caffeinated beverages. If symptoms persist, administering
either a PEG-IFN or IFN injection before bedtime may be
beneficial to decrease the patients awareness of the fevers
and chills.
Psychological Symptoms. Cases of psychiatric adverse
effects have been reported with IFN treatment. The most
common adverse effects include depression and irritability
and rarely suicidal ideations have occurred. An estimated
3060% of patients may have pretreatment depression.
Interferon-induced depression occurs in about 2035% of
patients who have no psychiatric history before starting
HCV therapy. Patients complaining of depression describe it
as slow thinking, fatigue, decreased attention or increased
restlessness, and in some cases hopelessness, sadness, and
anger. Less than 2% of patients have suicidal ideation. The
risk versus benefit for hepatitis C treatment must be
weighed, especially in patients with a history of or
uncontrolled neuropsychiatric disorders, as treatment may
exacerbate or worsen their psychiatric illness. The
mechanism by which IFN induces depression and irritability
is still in question, but it is thought to be associated with the
depletion of serotonin stores. For this reason, it would not be
unreasonable to initiate an antidepressant drug, such as a
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Mood stabilizers and
anxiolytic drugs often are useful adjuncts to address
irritability and insomnia. In several open-label trials,
8085% of patients with HCV who were treated with IFN
developed depression and were treated with a selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitor, allowing them to complete
therapy. Patients with preexisting neuropsychiatric disorders
can be considered for prophylactic therapy with an
antidepressant drug before initiating IFN. Pretreatment with
antidepressant drugs has proven effective in patients treated
with high doses of IFN for malignant melanoma.
Hematological Adverse Effects. About 1020% of the
patients treated with IFN with or without ribavirin will
neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and/or anemia. In most
cases, dosage reduction and discontinuation of therapy are
required, but when this occurs, the response to viral
clearance decreases. Adherence to treatment is significant in
increasing SVR. Thus, with the advent of adjunctive
therapy, achieving an SVR may be a possibility.
Anemia. The primary toxicity associated with ribavirin is
a dose-dependent hemolytic anemia that usually resolves
within 78 weeks after drug discontinuation. The
mechanism by which this side effect occurs is red blood cell
uptake of ribavirin and transformation into ribavirin
triphosphate. This formation in the red blood cells depletes
intracellular adenosine triphosphate that normally acts as an
antioxidant. Thus, with the depletion of adenosine
triphosphate, the antioxidant defense mechanism is
impaired, causing oxidative membrane damage to the red
blood cells and leading to premature extravascular red blood
cell destruction by the reticular endothelial system. In
Cardiovascular disorders:
arrhythmia, angina
Endocrine disorders:
diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism,
Musculoskeletal disorders:
Reproductive system disorders:
amenorrhea, impotence
vision disturbances
Musselman DL, Lawson DH, Gumnick JF, et al. Paroxetine for the prevention of depression induced by high-dose interferon alfa. N Engl J Med
Viral Hepatitis
Neutropenia. Neutropenia is another common
hematologic abnormality associated with IFN with an even
more pronounced effect with PEG-IFN. The decrease in
white blood cell count is a reversible phenomenon with
treatment discontinuation. White blood cell counts rapidly
decrease within the first 2 weeks of therapy and usually
stabilize by week 4. Neutropenia is defined as an absolute
neutrophil count of less than 1000 cells/mm3. The decrease
in neutrophil counts is thought to be associated with
IFN-stimulating cytokines which promote the migration of
the white blood cells into the peripheral vascular space.
Roughly 50% of patients will experience either a grade
3 or 4 neutropenia (more than 0.5 to less than 1.0 x 109/L
neutrophils and 0.5 or less x 109/L neutrophils, respectively)
with PEG-IFN compared to 25% with IFN. In extreme
cases, an absolute neutrophil count of less than
500 cells/mm3 has been observed in 5% and 1% of the
patients treated with PEG-IFN and IFN, respectively.
White blood cell counts should be monitored with a
differential before initiating therapy and at weeks 2 and 4.
Specifically, the absolute neutrophil counts (multiplying the
white blood cell count by the percentage of bands and
segmented neutrophils) should be monitored. According to
the manufacturers package labeling, the IFN dose should be
decreased by 50% if the absolute neutrophil count is less
than 750 cells/mm3 and therapy discontinued if the absolute
neutrophil count is less than 500 cells/mm3. However,
similar to dosage reduction associated with anemia induced
by HCV therapy, treatment response can be altered when the
IFN dose is decreased. Thus, managing this adverse effect
can include the initiation of granulocyte colony-stimulating
factor. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor given at 300
mcg 13 times/week can be effective in increasing absolute
neutrophil count concentrations when levels decrease below
750 cells/mm3. The most common side effects associated
with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor are bone pain,
myalgias, and skin rashes. At present, small clinical trials
have shown that granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
increases white blood cell counts; however, larger trials are
needed to confirm these results. If this is confirmed, then
adjunctive therapy using this growth factor can promote
adherence and possibly increase the SVR.
Thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia is an adverse
effect related to IFN associated with bone marrow
suppression. In addition, patients with an underlying liver
disease such as cirrhosis may already have a low platelet
count before therapy. Individuals treated with IFN may have
a 2530% decrease in platelet count, which usually occurs
within the first 8 weeks of treatment and slowly stabilizes
thereafter. Dosage reductions because of thrombocytopenia
are rare, occurring in less than 3% of patients. Bleeding
occurs infrequently in patients with platelet counts less than
50,000 cells/mm3. Similar to the monitoring guidelines for
hemoglobin and white blood cells, platelet counts should be
evaluated before starting therapy, at weeks 2 and 4, and then
every 4 weeks thereafter if the platelet count is stable.
According to the manufacturing package label for either
Dieterich DT, Wasserman R, Brau N, et al. Once-weekly epoetin alfa improves anemia and facilitates maintenance of ribavirin dosing in hepatitis C virusinfected patients receiving ribavirin plus interferon alfa. Am J Gastroenterol 2003;98:24919.
Fried MW. Side effects of therapy of hepatitis C and their management. Hepatology 2002;36(5 suppl 1):S23744.
Viral Hepatitis
treatment so they are fully aware of the possible
complications that can arise during therapy. One topic of
importance for both men and women is preventing
pregnancies during treatment and 6 months after treatment
with ribavirin as it is pregnancy category X. More
important, pharmacists may have a significant impact in
encouraging adherence as trials have shown noncompliance
decreases the SVR.
geographically specific. Genotype 1 can be classified into
1a, which primarily affects patients in the United States, or
1b, which affects the Asian population. Both 1a and 1b are
equally represented in the Mediterranean Basin. Genotype 2
is found mostly in individuals residing in Japan and Taiwan.
Patients in South America, specifically Columbia,
Venezuela, and Peru, are mostly infected with genotype 3.
The HDV causes hepatic damage; however, the mechanism
of action of the toxicity is still under investigation. The
replication of HDV cannot occur without HBV DNA being
present causing either coinfections (HBV and HDV occur
simultaneously) or superinfections (HDV superimposes
Thymosin Alpha 1
Thymosin alpha 1 (Thymosin) is a synthetic,
nonglycosylated, 28 amino acid peptide that acts as an
immunomodulator by stimulating type 1 helper T-cell and
natural killer cell production. In addition, it stimulates the
activity of IFN-, interleukin-2, and interleukin-3. In a
recent trial, patients nave to treatment were randomized to
receive either thymosin alpha 1 900 mcg/m2 subcutaneously
2 times/week with IFN- 3 mU 3 times/week or IFN alone.
Patients were treated for 6 months with a 6-month follow-up
period. There was a significant end of treatment response
difference in the thymosin alpha 1 group (41%) compared to
the monotherapy (10.5%). However, for the primary end
point, SVR, there was no difference, 9% versus 16%,
respectively. Thymosin is well tolerated with minimal side
effects, with the primary complaint being injection site
reactions. Phase III clinical trials with thymosin alpha 1 and
PEG-IFN currently are being conducted.
The primary transmission mode for HDV is identical to
hepatitis B, as the only way an individual can be infected
with hepatitis D is if they are already infected with HBV.
Therefore, percutaneous exposure routes are the most likely
mode of transmitting the virus. Sexual transmission and
perinatal transmission are rare for HDV. About 5% of
hepatitis B carriers are coinfected with HDV. Thus,
15 million individuals are infected with HDV. Of interest,
HDV infection is uncommon in Southeast Asia and China
where HBV has the highest prevalence. Areas with the
highest prevalence are in southern Italy and parts of Russia
and Romania. Northern Italy, Spain, Turkey, and Egypt have
a moderate prevalence of HDV, 3050%, among those with
CHB. In rare incidences, hepatitis D epidemics have
occurred in CHB carriers, especially in some South
American countries, causing fulminant hepatitis and death.
Therapeutic Vaccine
The most effective therapy for treating hepatitis C
includes PEG-IFN and ribavirin. However, not all patients
respond to treatment. It has been theorized that therapeutic
vaccines can enhance the immune response and possibly
treat the disease rather than prevent it. The first hepatitis C
therapeutic vaccine developed is a 135 amino acid
recombinant HCV E1 protein derived from the HCV
genotype 1b strain. In a Phase II trial, 35 patients infected
with HCV genotype 1 who were either treatment nave or
had been treated with 6 months of IFN received either the
HCV E1 vaccine 20 mcg at weeks 0, 4, 8, 12, and 24 or
placebo. They were followed for up to 48 weeks and later all
were enrolled in an open-label trial where the vaccine was
given every 3 weeks from weeks 5065 with follow-up
visits at weeks 69 and 73. Results indicate that those treated
with the vaccine had a 23% decrease in ALT concentrations
with no change observed in the placebo group, and neither
group showed an effect on HCV RNA concentrations. Of
the patients who received the vaccine, 88% had a T-cell
proliferation response. Liver biopsy scores obtained before
and after vaccinations had improved in 38% of treated
patients. There was no change or the histological score
worsened in 41% and 21%, respectively. The most common
side effects associated with the vaccine were flu-like
symptoms and headaches. Currently, a Phase IIb European,
multicenter, placebo-controlled study of 150 patients with
HCV genotype 1 is under way to confirm results that were
earlier reported.
Hepatitis D
Virology and Pathogenesis
Hepatitis D, also known as delta hepatitis, is a defective
single-stranded RNA virus that depends on the presence of
HBV to replicate. This 3537 nm spherical particle is a
member of the genus Deltavirus of the Deltaviridae family
that was first described in 1977 and cloned and sequenced
by 1986. The HDV virion is made up of a circular RNA and
HDV Ag that is coated by HBsAg of HBV. There are three
major genotypes associated with HDV that are
Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 5th Edition
Viral Hepatitis
ranges from 2% to 20%, which is much higher than when
infected with HBV alone. The development of a chronic
HBV infection occurs less often in patients infected with
both HBV and HDV concurrently.
A superinfection is defined as acquiring HDV after
having long-standing disease with HBV. Unlike
coinfections, which do not lead to chronic disease, more
than 90% of superinfections progress to chronic hepatic
disease with 7080% of patients developing cirrhosis.
Serologically, HBsAg titers decline when HDVAg appears.
In addition, HDVAg and HDV RNA levels remain
detectable and finally, IgM and IgG anti-HDV become
detectable, and persist indefinitely. In contrast to
coinfections, superinfections rarely progress to fulminant
hepatitis. These patients have a similar clinical picture as
those infected with acute hepatitis B.
Hepatitis E
Virology and Pathogenesis
Hepatitis E is a nonenveloped virus that was first
discovered in 1983 in a healthy volunteer study requiring
volunteers to ingest feces from a patient who was infected
with non-A and non-B hepatitis. It was then that hepatitis E
was identified as a 2730 nm in diameter particle and the
genome of the virus was cloned in 1990. Hepatitis E virus is
a single-stranded messenger RNA virus that is about
7.2 kilobase in length. Hepatitis E virus was initially
classified under the family of Caliciviridae, but was
removed from the class as sequence analyses suggested the
virus to be more related to the Togaviridae family. At this
time, HEV is unclassified.
Similar to hepatitis A, hepatitis E is an infection
transmitted by the fecal-oral route. Elevated viral
concentrations in the bile eventually lead to viremia due to
viral shedding in the feces. Hepatitis E virus causes liver
damage with the severity dependent on the virus strain.
Three strains have been studied in animal models; the Mex
14 strain is the most virulent strain followed by the Sar 55
strain and then the US 2 strain. It still needs to be
determined if the severity of the disease is due to genotype
or strain characteristics. The disease only produces acute
infections and does not progress to a chronic condition.
Managing Hepatitis D
Because hepatitis D replication primarily depends on the
presence of HBV in the host, the most effective method of
preventing hepatitis D is immunizing individuals against
hepatitis B (see the Hepatitis B Vaccine section). There is no
specific vaccine available for HDV.
Treating Hepatitis D
The only effective therapy for hepatitis D infection is
IFN. Antiviral therapies, including acyclovir, famciclovir,
and lamivudine, have little benefit in treating HDV. A metaanalysis of five randomized, controlled trials reviewed the
effectiveness of IFN for treating hepatitis D. Patients
received either IFN-2a, 2b, 2c, or lymphoblastoid
IFN- with a dose ranging from 3 mU/m2 to 9 mU/m2
administered 3 times/week with a treatment duration
spanning 312 months. Results indicate that 18.4% of
patients had a complete response defined as improvement of
quality of life, normal ALT concentrations, loss of HDV, and
a decrease in hepatic progression to cirrhosis for at least
12 months after therapy was ceased. In another trial using
induction doses of 5 mU/m2 3 times/week for 4 months
followed by 3 mU/m2 for an additional 8 months, 25%
(eight of 31 patients) had normalized ALT at the end of
treatment; however, only one patient was able to sustain a
biochemical response. The most effective treatment used is
IFN 9 mU 3 times/week. Normalization of ALT
concentrations occurred in 71% of patients who were treated
for 48 weeks. In a recently published trial, patients were
treated with IFN 9 mU, IFN 3 mU, or placebo 3 times/week
for 48 weeks and were followed for up to 14 years after
therapy. Results indicated that 58.3% of the patients treated
with 9 mU (seven of 12) were still alive and continued to
have normal ALT concentrations compared to 50% (two of
four) who received 3 mU. Yet, when the therapy was
discontinued, only 36% sustained biochemical response.
Therefore, it is recommended to treat patients with IFN 59
Because hepatitis E primarily is transmitted by the
fecal-oral route, this virus is more prominent in
underdeveloped countries where sanitation is poor and
inadequate. Hepatitis E causes more than 50% of the acute
hepatitis cases in endemic areas, such as Afghanistan,
Bangladesh, Burma, China, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Mexico, the Middle
East, Northern Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa. These
outbreaks occur mostly in young adults and rarely in
children. Mortality can be as high as 25% in pregnant
women who develop acute infections. Rarely does HEV
cause endemics in industrialized countries where the
seroprevalence is 15%. Sporadic cases have been
documented in the United States, Europe, Australia, and
South America. In these cases, HEV usually occurs in
people who have traveled to or lived in an endemic area. To
Malaguarnera M, Restuccia S, Pistone G, Ruello P, Giugno I, Trovato BA. A meta-analysis of interferon-alpha treatment of hepatitis D virus infection.
Pharmacotherapy 1996;16:60914.
Farci P, Roskams T, Chessa L, et al. Long-term benefit of interferon alpha therapy of chronic hepatitis D: regression of advanced hepatic fibrosis.
Gastroenterology 2004;126:17409.
Emerson SU, Purcell RH. Hepatitis E virus. Rev Med Virol 2003;13:14554.
Viral Hepatitis
determine the prevalence of hepatitis E in developed
countries, researchers collected sewage samples from Spain,
France, Greece, Sweden, and the United States. Hepatitis E
virus strains were found in Barcelona, Spain; Nancy,
France; and Washington, D.C.
Annotated Bibliography
Viral hepatitis, specifically HBV and HCV, is a major
cause of end-stage liver disease and HCC. In most cases,
liver transplantation is needed to treat and sustain life.
Because blood products have been actively screened for
these diseases, the incidence of chronic hepatitis has
decreased significantly. However, many individuals are still
at risk for viral hepatitis. Thus, it is important to educate the
public on the importance of preventing infection by
encouraging vaccinations against HAV and HBV. In
addition, newer and more effective treatment options are
available for patients infected with chronic HBV and HCV.
Pharmacists can play a significant role in identifying,
educating, and preventing infections. In addition,
pharmacists can participate in the care of patients infected
with chronic hepatitis by providing initial and ongoing
support regarding therapy. Pharmacists can educate patients
about the potential adverse effects associated with treatment
and encourage them to remain adherent to their regimen.
Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 5th Edition
Viral Hepatitis
compliance with hepatitis C drugs, thereby increasing SVR
Viral Hepatitis