Oct 06 Di Poop Report
Oct 06 Di Poop Report
Oct 06 Di Poop Report
Diploma in IT
October 2006
Question 1
Describe the features that differentiate object-oriented programming languages from structured
programming languages which do not support objects.
(10 marks)
Answer Pointers
a) Answers were expected to include (but were not limited to) the following features:
Object the combination of data and the operations that apply to that data.
Class the pattern for all objects which have identical data and behaviour.
Inheritance the facility to derive new classes from existing classes.
Methods the way in which behaviour is defined.
Messages the mechanism for invoking behaviour.
Two marks for the name of each concept and a short description. 10 marks
You have been asked to advise the manager of an IT department on the choice of programming language.
The manager wishes to know whether the use of an object-oriented programming language would increase
programmer productivity. Write a report that sets out the potential benefits and disadvantages of deploying
an object-oriented language.
(15 marks)
Answer Pointers
b) There are three main ways in which object-oriented programming might improve
programmer productivity:
In general the fewer lines of code a programmer has to write the more productive they will be.
This can be facilitated by providing powerful features in a language (such as a matrix
multiplication operator). The disadvantage of such features is that almost certainly in a
bespoke environment they will not do exactly what a programmer needs. Consequently
programmers will write their own code to do this. A classic example is a date checking routine.
Often such routines are textually copied from one program to the next. This creates a
maintenance nightmare. Object-oriented programming facilitates and encourages the use of
re-usable classes which allow programmers to reuse the same code over and over again
without physically copying it.
Just as programmers may reuse their own classes, they may also easily reuse classes
provided by third parties. This is particularly useful where programmers have to produce
complex interfaces to their programs. The inheritance mechanism allows programmers to
enhance third party classes to meet their individual requirements without the need to alter the
original code and therefore tailored software can be developed. The majority of code in any
application will often be incorporated in this way and therefore productivity is greatly
The disadvantages of object-oriented programming include the learning curve necessary to
become proficient in it and the fact that code produced by an object-oriented language
compiler is unlikely to be as efficient as code produced by the best machine code
15 marks
Examiners Comments
(This question examines part 1 of the syllabus: Foundations)
Most candidates who attempted this question were able to answer part a) successfully with the
answers given matching those above. Some candidates were unable to distinguish those features
of a programming language that relate to object-oriented languages from those which are not. For
example, a number of candidates cited sequence, selection and iteration as being present in
object-oriented languages but not in structured programming languages. (Candidates should note
that non-OO languages are likely to be examined in other papers.)
Part b) of the question was not answered as well as part a). Candidates tended to repeat the list of
features they had provided as the answer to part a) without additional comment. Marks were
awarded for this part if the candidate demonstrated why a particular feature was likely to aid
programmer productivity and not just for saying what it was.
Question 2
What is the difference between an object in an object-oriented language and a variable in a structured
programming language?
(4 marks)
Answer Pointers
a) A variable is simply a name given to an area of memory which the program will use. In a
typed language the compiler is able to constrain what type of data is place into this
memory location. An object also identifies an area of storage for data, additionally
however, it also determines what operations may be applied to that data.
4 marks
Using an example of code written in a language with which you are familiar, explain what is meant by object
creation and initialisation. Your answer should explain the role of constructors in object initialisation.
(9 marks)
Answer Pointers
class MyClass{
protected int count;
MyClass(int x){
An object can be created by either of the following two statements:
MyClass o1 = new MyClass();
MyClass o2 = new MyClass(1);
During the creation of object o1 the first constructor is invoked to set the value of count to 0. In the
creation of object o2 the second constructor is invoked to set count to 1.
9 marks
Expand your answer to part b) to show the order in which constructors are invoked when the object to be
initialised belongs to a class X which is the subclass of class Y where class Y also defines constructors.
(6 marks)
Answer Pointers
Some object-oriented languages allow the programmer to write methods known as destructors. Explain the
term destructor, the purpose of these methods, and at what point they are invoked.
(6 marks)
Answer Pointers
When a complex object (an object where the constituent parts are also objects) is created
more than one object may come into existence. Typically the main object will contain
object references to the subsidiary objects. When the object is no longer required it is
desirable that the memory it occupies is returned to the available memory pool.
Destructor functions define what happens to the subsidiary objects when the main
objects memory is released. They are invoked just before the objects memory is
deallocated. Destructors are generally only found in languages which do not support
automatic garbage collection.
6 marks
Examiners Comments
(This question examines part 2 of the syllabus: Concepts)
Part a) of the question required the candidates to explain why the concept of object is not simply
another word for a variable. The majority of candidates answered this successfully. Part b) of the
question asked candidates to write code. This year, a number of answers were written using
VB.NET. The quality of these answers was equivalent to those written in Java and C++. This part
of the question sought to ascertain whether the candidates understood how objects were created
and initialised. The majority of answers were correct. Part c) which linked object creation and
initialisation to inheritance was less well answered. Only a few answers showed an understanding
of the way constructors are invoked when an object belonging to a subclass is created. Part d)
was very poorly answered and in the few instances where candidates knew what a destructor is;
only a small number could explain its purpose.
Question 3
Answer Pointers
a) i) Inheritance is a way to form new classes using classes that have already been defined. The
former, known as derived classes, take over (or inherit) attributes and behaviour of the latter,
which are referred to as base classes. It is intended to help reuse of existing code with little or no
class MyClass{
protected int x=0;
public void increment(){
class MySubclass extends MyClass{
Objects of MySubclass implement increment and have access to x.
ii) A class that contains one or more abstract methods (methods without a concrete
implementation), and therefore can never be instantiated. Abstract classes are defined so that
other classes can extend them and make them concrete by implementing the abstract methods
class MyClass{
public abstract void sort ();{
class MySubclass1 extends MyClass{
public void sort(){
class MySubclass2 extends MyClass{
public void sort(){
Since MySubclass1 and MySubclass2 inherit from MyClass they must implement sort(). The
semantics of sort() can, however, vary between the two subclasses.
iii) Delegation occurs when a complex object implements some of its functionality by referring a
message to one of its constituent objects. Programmers use this where a class which does part of
what they require is available.
class MyClass{
private Delegate d = new Delegate();
public method(){
Class contains an object to which it delegates a operation.
15 marks
Discuss the contribution of inheritance, abstract classes and delegation to promoting software reuse.
Illustrate your answer by explaining how these features can be used to implement collection classes.
(10 marks)
Answer Pointers
b) Inheritance and delegation can be used to create new classes from classes already in
existence. Use inheritance when you wish to introduce an object which is a special type of an
existing object and delegation where the new object is not a type of the existing object but
needs to make use of its functionality. Abstract classes can be used when a number of
objects should present the same interface but vary the way in which they carry out their tasks.
In the Java collections framework, for example, a TreeSet is a special type of Set which is
defined by its implementation. HashSet is another type of Set which has a different
implementation. Therefore both TreeSet and HashSet inherit from Set so that both have the
same interface. Set contains a number of abstract methods (in Java inherited from
AbstractCollection) so that TreeSet and HashSet may specify their own implementations. Set
will also contain some concrete methods where the code is independent of the
A Stack in Java inherits from Vector. This means that Stack supports many methods that are
not normally associated with a stack in traditional computer science. To produce a stack
which behaves in the way expected, embed a Stack object in a class which only supports
push, pop and empty methods.
10 marks
Examiners Comments
(This question examines part 2 of the syllabus: Concepts)
Part a) of the question was fairly well answered. The majority of candidates understood
inheritance; many could describe an abstract class, whilst slightly fewer understood delegation. A
few candidates who could explain in general terms what an abstract class was; were unable to
describe where it might be used.
Part b) required the application of the theoretical knowledge of part a) to a practical problem. To
offer a good answer, candidates needed to understand the programming language concepts and
also know something about collection classes. Only a few candidates achieved this. There
appeared to be little knowledge of the basics of collection classes and a lack of understanding as
to when the techniques available for constructing classes with new functionality using existing
classes might be employed.
Question 4
StartRite Kiddies is a nursery school for young children under 4 years of age. The company wishes to keep
information on the children and the staff who work there. Two types of staff are employed: Administrators and
Child Minders. Personal details, such as name and address, are recorded by the Administrator for all staff and if
they are a Child Minder they must also pass a police check. The system must record when this has been passed
and when it must be renewed, because a Child Minder cannot work with the children until this condition is met.
When a child starts at the nursery, an Administrator records the childs personal details such as name, address,
date of birth and at least one emergency contact number, up to a maximum of three. As part of the registration
process, the Administrator also records the details of who is allowed to collect the child, such as their name,
address and photo. The Child Minder will print these details, so that they can check that the person collecting the
child at the end of a session is authorised to do so.
Some children have special needs requiring medication, such as asthma, and the Administrator will record what
the condition is, what medicine can be used and what to do in an emergency.
There are three different classes, after an initial assessment the Child Minder is responsible for allocating each
child to a class appropriate to his/her age and ability.
Each week the children take part in a number of activities and for these they may need to bring in additional items
from home, for example, boots if they are going to the park. The Child Minder will generate a weekly letter for
the parents to advise them of what they need to bring in.
At the end of each month an Administrator will generate an invoice for the parents to pay.
(15 marks)
Answer Pointers
StartRite Kiddies
1 mark per
use case
Generate Invoice
Record Special
1 for correct
Register Child
1 mark per
Emergency Contacts
Record Personal
1 mark uses
Police Check
Check Contact
Child Minder
Assess Child
Weekly Activities
Discuss the role of Use Cases (diagrams and descriptions) in the development of an object-oriented system.
(10 marks)
Answer Pointers
b) Student should discuss where Use Cases should be used in developing a system.
For each Use Case on the Use Case Diagram the user should develop a set of
scenarios. Scenarios are natural language descriptions of an instantiation of the Use
These can be used in two main areas:
Initial investigation
For identifying what functionality is required from the system
The descriptions give the fuller detail
Testing purposes
The Use Case descriptions can be used by the testers to develop test plans, checking that the
system meets the requirements of the system.
Use Cases also act as the focus for other UML diagrams and to aid the documentation of the
10 marks
Examiners Comments
(This question examines part 3 of the syllabus Design)
The candidates made a good attempt at this question on the whole and was a popular question.
In part A, in most cases the actors and the main use cases were correctly identified. One of the
main errors was in mixing up the registration of new members of staff and the children. Other
marks were lost if the actors were not named, or an actor was linked to the wrong use case. Often
candidates did not see the scope to extend some of the use cases.
Some candidates misread part b and provided use case descriptions for the system, which was
not required, unless they were given as examples to the show the purpose of use case diagrams.
Question 5
(7 marks)
Answer Pointers
a) Iterative development allows a software system to be developed incrementally, allowing
the developer to learn from the earlier, incremental, deliverable versions of the system
Iterative and incremental development basically means the system is developed in little
steps, with the developer compiling and running the program after making each small step.
Advantage in that the developers do not have to write the program in one go and can
introduce the system gradually to the users.
7 marks
Using examples from an object-oriented programming language with which you are familiar, discuss the
suitability of object technology for iterative programming development.
(10 marks)
Answer Pointers
b) By using classes, object-oriented technology naturally splits an application into
manageable units. These are the classes that go together to make the final product. Object
technology results in software with clean interfaces that can be tested in isolation. In addition
once an interface has been constructed it is not necessary to produce all the code for a class
at once.
The candidate should include some examples from a programming language they are familiar
with (e.g., an outline class definition).
10 marks
When developing any system it needs to be tested. Describe TWO different approaches that could be used
when using object-oriented technology.
(8 marks)
Answer Pointers
c) An open-ended question. The Candidate may look at different approaches, for example:
Fault based testing
Scenario based testing
Or may discuss black-box and white-box testing with respect to OO programming.
4 marks per approach
Examiners Comments
(This question examines part 4 of the syllabus: Practice)
This question was less popular with the candidates. In part a), some answers confused iteration
with iterative programming and gave examples of code showing iteration. Most candidates were
able to say what incremental development is.
Candidates lost most marks in part b) by not providing examples of code. Exact syntax was not
required; outline class definitions would have been acceptable.
On the whole most candidates could answer part c) adequately. A lot of candidates described
white and black box testing, better marks were given however to those who tailored their answer
to object-oriented programming and did not just say what white and black box testing was.
Question 6
The class diagram below represents a student system that records what course they are doing and the modules
they take.
-personId : int
-name : string
-address : string
-dateOfBirth : date
-year : int
-grade : int
-job : string
-dateHired : date
-enrols On
-taken By
-courseName : string
-moduleNo : int
-moduleName : string
-noOfStudents : int
-departmentNo : int
-departmentName : string
-noOfEmployees : int
Describe what the diagram above represents. Include all structural constraints.
Answer Pointers
The diagram has the following classes:
Class with the instance variables personID, name, address
and DOB
Person has two subclasses:
(15 marks)
15 marks
1 per class
2 for
1 per class
2 per
2 for assoc.
class desc
There are a number of associations in the classes:
WorksFor between Staff and Department. Each
member of staff can work for 1 department and 1
department only. A department must have at least 1
member of staff working in it and can be many.
Between Student and Module, this has an
Association class called StudentModule, which has the
instance variables year and grade.
A student can enrol on between 1-4 modules, whilst a module
may be taken by no students, up to a maximum of 40 students.
Given the object diagrams below (i-vi), state which are legitimate instances. If an object diagram is not legitimate
explain why not.
(10 marks)
Answer Pointers
Staff1 : Staff
Staff20 : Staff
Module50 : Module
Dept10 : Department
Staff2 : Staff
Person10 : Person
Staff30 : Staff
Module1 : Module
Student200 : Student
Module60 : Module
Module2 : Module
Student201 : Student
Student202 : Student
Module3 : Module
Student100 : Student
Module4 : Module
Module5 : Module
Student300 : Student
Student10 : Student
Module100 : Module
Dept20 : Department
Student301 : Student
Student20 : Student
Module401 : Module
Student30 : Student
Answer Pointers
Only iv) is correct.
i) Person does not work for department (also accepted that
Person can not be instantiated if candidate identified
Person as an abstract class in part a)
ii) No link between staff and module
iii) No of module instances exceeds what a student can take
iv) Ok
v) Student must be registered on at least one module
vi) No link between student and department
10 marks
2 per
reason for