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One Source Multicast Model Using RTP in NS2: Milan Simek, Dan Komosny, Radim Burget

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IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.7 No.11, November 2007

One Source Multicast Model Using RTP in NS2

Milan Simek, Dan Komosny, Radim Burget
Brno University of Technology, Department of Telecommunications, Czech Republic

The simulation models in general are irreplaceable tools for
testing and validating of the present or the proposed algorithms.
This paper deals with the design of the multicast model with the
one source using the RTP (Real Time Protocol) transport
protocol for data delivering to the great number of receivers. The
simulation results show the present situation in the sharing of
control bandwidth for RTCP feedback reports among all
multicast receivers. The main object is to propose the efficient
multicast model in the ns2 for the new feedback algorithm
implementation. Input here the part of summary.

Key words:
Multicast, RTP, ns2, feedback, simulation

1. Introduction
The issue of the control RTCP (Real Time Control
Protocol) bandwidth sharing by the all multicast receivers
is very popular subject at the present time, because with
the increasing popularity of the Internet and the bandwidth
capacity growth, the Internet comes to be the most
appropriate solutions for the multimedia service
appointment such as IPTV (Internet Protocol Television)
or VoD (Video on Demand) and it is expected that more
and more users is going to use these multimedia services.
These services have to offer the QoS management to be
interesting for the present and new clients expecting the
100% service availability and reliability. In the RTP
multicast session, the receivers joined in multicast group
are sending in the accurate intervals (to divide the control
bandwidth among all participants) the feedback reports
that contains the packet-loss and quality of the data
delivery information. The service provider is taking
advantage of these reports for the flexible end effective
responding at the data delivery problems. By all means,
with the growth of the participants count receiving data
from the multicast group, the value of the report interval is
increasing, thus the delay when the service provider is able
to react at the data delivery problem is increasing also and
if the customers request is not handled in the expected
time, the service becomes unreliable and uninteresting for
the customer. At the present time, the number of IPTV
customers is on the level that making this service still
reliable, but with the growth of the Internet popularity it is
expected more IPTV customers, whereon the present
algorithm for the RTCP protocol is not ready for. The
Manuscript received November 5, 2007
Manuscript revised November 20, 2007

proposed multicast model represents the issue of the

feedback report interval for the great number of receivers
and in the future will serve for the implementation of the
new algorithms that will be used for the feedback report
interval reduction. The IPTV service takes advantage of
the multicast model called SSM (Source Specific
Multicast), but the cooperation of the RTP and SSM
models in ns2 will be proposed in the future, thus we have
used the classical internet multicast model using PIM-SM
(Protocol Independent Multicast Sparse Mode) [4].
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 and 3 deal
with the RTP/RTCP and multicast overview and their
implementation in the ns2. In the fourth section, the basic
simulation model together with the extended model and
their results are presented. And the Section 5 describes the
simulation model features and proposes the future work
for the new algorithm implementation.

The RTP (Real Time Protocol) is used by the application
theirs data have the real-time character and the lower UDP
protocol is applied for the transport, [1]. The RTP is in the
most cases used in the IP multicast environment. This
protocol is composed of the two parts, the RTP part, that
cares about data delivery and the RTCP (Real Time
Control Protocol) part for the transport and management of
the feedback report from all participant of the RTP session.
In accordance with [1], the main task of the RTCP is
sending in periodic interval feedback reports that are
important for the monitoring and maintaining of the
quality RTP packets delivering. The format of the RTCP
protocol is depending whether the participant is active
sender or not. The SR (Sender Report) serves for sending
and receiving statistics from the active sending participant
and RR (Receiver Report) for the participants that stands
as only the receivers. The each RTCP protocol contains
the transport-level identifier of the RTP source referred to
CNAME (Canonical Name) for the maintaining of the
transport path from receivers toward the source. For
calculating of the feedback report interval, lets call a rint
(we are using it in the next sections), the applications
needs to know the number of participants in the time of the
report transport, thus this information is included in the
each RTCP packet. According to [1], the 5 % of the RTP
session bandwidth is reserved for the RTCP transmission,

IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.7 No.11, November 2007

lets call it control traffic, and the of this control traffic

is used for the RTCP/RR packets and of control traffic
for the RTCP/SR. These fractions are valid if the number
of sources is less than of all receivers and this condition
is valid for our situation, because we have proposed the
multicast model with only one source. The [1] introduces
the constant referred to C equals to size of the average
RTCP packet divided the participant control traffic and
constant referred to n equals numbers of participants. For
the interval calculation rint = C * n, we are using the
receiver control traffic (0,75*0,05*session bandwidth) and
the n = number of receivers. It is in evidence, that with the
increasing number of the receivers, the report interval will
reach the undesirable values. The dependency of the report
interval values at the number of receivers for the 1Mb/s
and 100kbit/s session bandwidths is shown in the Figure 1.
The achievement of the same results is the object of our
proposed models.

rint [s]






PIM-Dense Mode.
This model of multicast applies so called push model of
data delivering. The active source multicast data to the
whole network and the particular receivers have to
announce their interest by means of the Graft message or
in case the lack of interest with the Prune messages [6].
This multicast model is supported in ns2 with the: $ns
mrtproto DM command [4].

RTP sess_bw = 100 kb/s


PIM-DM (Protocol Independent Multicast-Dense Mode),

PIM-SM (Sparse Mode) [4] and the simulation with the
PIM-SSM (Source Specific Mode) after installation of the
required patches is possible also [7]. In the next sections,
the basic of the ns2 multicast simulations are described.
For the computation of the delivery tree and the
specification of the routing protocol, the mrtproto {}
process should be used [4].

PIM - Sparse Mode

Feedback Report Interval Progress

RTP sess_bw = 1 Mb/s







number of receivers [-]

Fig. 1 The dependency of the feedback report interval at the number of


3. Network Simulator v2
For the model design, we have used the ns2 simulator. The
ns2 is popular simulation tool for the network behaviour
modelling proposed by UC Berkeley for the educational
and the research needs [3]. It is the object simulator
written in C++ with the Otcl language for the object
definition. Users define required protocols in C++ and
Otcl that are represented by object inherited from the
Agent class. The ns2 use NAM (Network Animator) utility
for the animation of the correct protocol design and the
XGRAPH tool for the representation of the achievement
results. The ns2 simulator supports the great scale of the
protocols (TCP, UDP, RTP, i.e.) and the technologies
(LAN, MAN, sensor networks, sessions, multicasting i.e.)
in the wired and also in the wireless networks.

3.1. Multicast in Ns2

The ns2 support the basic multicast protocols such as the

In the Sparse mode, the multicast data are delivered only

toward the participants, that are requesting for this traffic
and this model is referred to pull model. The PIM-SM
takes advantage of the RP (Rendezvous Point), the specific
router in the network where all participants of the
multicast session register to it. The data from the source
towards the RP are delivered by the unicast way and
subsequently, the RP forwards data via the Shared Path
Tree referred to (*,G). After the first packet is received,
the switch-over process is performed for the data
delivering via the Shortest Path Tree [5]. For the
application of this multicast model should be used the
following command: $ns mrtproto CtrMcast. The
mrthandle set_c_rp $node command configures the
particular RP in the network.
The Ns2 also implements simplified model of the sparse
mode with the $ns mrtproto ST command and the model
of the Bi-directional Shared Tree Mode with the $ns
mrtproto BST command. The main multicast core files
are included in the ns2/tcl/mcast folder.
PIM-Source Specific Mode
The current version of the ns2 simulator ns-2.31 (March,
2007) does not include the classes for the SSM (Source
Specific Multicast) support. However, the interest users
may use the SSM implementation proposed by the
research group at the Coimbra University [7]. The
function of the SSM model is derived from the CtrMcast
class with the particular modifications. In the SSM model,
no RP is needed any more and the participants invoke joingroup method with the two arguments (S-source address,
G- multicast group address) in the contrast to CtrMcast
class that defines join-group method with the one

IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.7 No.11, November 2007


argument (G-multicast group). The simulation with the

PIM-SSM protocol is configured by the $ns mrtproto
SSMMcast command.

4. Experimantal Scenario
4.1. Basic Model Configuration

3.2. RTP Support in Ns2

The specific protocols are in the ns2 implemented as the
Agents that are predefined in the particular classes. The
RTP and RTCP protocols are implemented as the
RTPAgent class (/ns2/common/rtp.cc) and the RTCP
Agent class (/ns2/apps/rtcp.cc), both classes are
implemented in C++. These agents stand for the transport
agents serving for the generating, the sending and the
receiving of the packets. For the management of the
(/ns2/tcl/rtp/session-rtp.tcl) class standing for the
managing of whole RTP session is required. RTPSession
class defines the procedures for the report interval
calculation, it maintains the participants tables etc. The
steps of the creating of the new RTP source by means of
the RTPSession class are described in the Figure 2. With
the new session, the four objects are created. They are
RTPSource. Then, the session is joined to the multicast
group, the RTP agent and RTCP agent are joined to the
separate multicast groups. It is the adequate solution for
usage of the same multicast group with the different ports.
The start procedure initializes the RTCP agent whilst, the
transmit procedure launches the RTP agent. The
RTPSession class is implemented in accordance with the
obsolete RTP standard from the 1996 [2]. The present
standard [1] differs from [2] in the algorithm for report
interval calculation, above all in the assessment of the
RTCP average packet size, it introduces the timer
reconsideration and the reverse reconsideration, the rules
for the participants tables maintaining etc. In our
multicast model, we have used this class that implements
the draft from 1996 [2], but in the future we will work at
the implementation of the new RTP standard [1] into the
ns2 environment.

Fig. 2 The

steps of the RTP source design and initialization

Our object is to propose the IPTV multicast model with

the great number of customers and demonstrate the
undesirable effect of the RTCP feedback reporting with
this number of interesting receivers using the common
unicast way for the feedback report announcement. At the
begin of our work, we have proposed the basic multicast
model (see Figure 3.) with the one source (attached to
node0) and with the 8 participants (6 interest receivers)
that are joining to the multicast group in the 12 second
interval if the first receiver (node 8) is joining in the time
of 18 sec, the second one in the 30 sec and so on.


The basic model topology

The first receiver serves above all as the monitor unit, it

means that all results in the charts are values that
calculates this receiver. How was mentioned above in the
section 1, the ns2 does not implement the SSM model,
thats why the RTPSession class has no procedures for this
multicast model. Hence, we have used the classical
internet multicast model with the PIM-SM and the
Rendezvou Point, that was configured on the node 0. The
proposed testbed uses the link with the 100Mb/s banwidth
and 10ms link-delay. The session bandwidth was set up at
the 1Mb/s (51 kb/s for control traffic). The [1] defines the
lowest interval boundary for the feedback reports to avoid
having a burst of packets. It means, if the calculated
interval is lower than this boundary, the report interval is
set at the value corresponding with the boundary and we
refer to this function as the ReducedLimit. Reduced limit
equals the 360sec divided the session bandwidth, which
means that this value equals 5 second for the session
bandwidth of the 72 kbit/s. This value (5 seconds) is also
recommended value for the minimum report interval [1],
whereas the new participants after join to group can use
the half interval for the faster determination of the
parameters necessary for the report interval calculation.
The default parameter in the RTPSession class is 1s and

IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.7 No.11, November 2007


we have used this value also by reason of the small

topology. The simulation time was set up at 100s. In
addition, the [1] defines the final report interval value as
the product of the rint value and the random value with the
boundaries of [0.5, 1.5], but we have not implemented this
function because of the possibility of the assessment of the
precise value from the result charts.

4.2. Basic Model Results

In the Figure 4a), there are the results from the simulation
model. We have focused on the receiver 8 (attached on the
node 8) and displayed its calculated report interval during
the whole simulation. The results indicates, that receivers
used the half minimum interval of 0,5 sec after his joining.
How the other participants were joining to the given group,
the receiver in the periodic interval recalculates the time
for the next report. The value was set up at the minimum
interval of 1s because the ReducedLimit function was
turned on. For the verification of the calculated report
interval values that the model performs, we have
reconfigured the simulation model without the
ReducedLimit function. The results from this simulation
are shown in the Figure 4b. In the time of 18 second
(receiver 8 is alone in the network), the report interval is
equal to 24 ms and subsequently the report interval is
linearly increasing during the simulation process when the
other receivers are joining. After the last receiver has
joined to the group, the final value for the report interval
was settled to the value around 140ms.
For the verification of the multicast model results we have
compared them with the formula for the calculating of the
report interval (1) that is defined in [1]. We have used the
avgsize value from the simulation model also.
r int = C n =

8 avgsize
8 108,19
n =
6 = 0,132 s
0,75 0,05 sessbw
0,75 0,05 1Mbps


The report interval progress without the ReducedLimit function

4.3. Extended Multicast Scenario

How was mentioned above, our object was to design the
multicast model with the great number of receivers, thus
we have proposed the new topology where the number of
receivers is not statical, but the receivers are added to the
topology dynamically. The new topology is shown in the
Figure 5. The receivers being joined to the multicast group
in the periodic interval of 1 second and the total number of
them was set up at the 150. The ReducedLimit function
was turned on and the minimal interval was changed at the
5 seconds in accordance with the recommendation in the
[1]. The parameters used for the simulation are shown in
the Table 1.


The results from the formula (1) shows, that the proposed
multicast model gives the correct values of the calculated
report interval. The little difference is given by the
inaccuracy of value assessment from the chart.

The extended model topology with the dynamical number of


4.4. Extended Model Results

Fig.4a) The report interval progress with the ReducedLimit function

Progress of the report interval calculation is shown in the

Figure 6. Because of the ReducedLimit function, the
lowest value of the report interval was 5 seconds (except
the half minimum interval at the start of the simulation)
and after the last receiver has joined to the multicast group,
the value of the report interval was determined at the 18,5
seconds, but in accordance with the formula (4-1) and the

IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.7 No.11, November 2007


simulation conditions, the value around 16 seconds was

expected. This difference is probably caused by the short
interval of joining to the given group or the simulation
strenuosity, but the real reasons will be object of the future
Table 1: The

simulation parameters



Link bandwidth


Link delay

10 ms

Session bandwidth


Join interval

1 sec (first receiver at 4 sec)

Number of receivers


Simulation time

200 s

Reduced Limit

on (5 sec)

We have considered the design issue of the multicast

model with one source in ns2 environment. In this paper,
we have presented a brief overview of the RTP/RTCP
protocol and the multicast delivery models and presented
the main issue with the using the common RTCP feddback
reporting in the multicast environment. For the multicast
model design we have used the RTPSession class of the
ns2 and in the paper we have presented its main features.
By reason of the demonstration of the strange impact of
the increasing number of receivers on the calculated report
interval, the basic and the extended multicast model were
proposed. The proposed ns2 models offer the acceptable
results, but into the future the RTP implementation in the
ns2 environment has to be rebuilded for our purposes. At
the end of our paper, we have summarized the future work
for our research.
This work was supported by Grant Agency of the Czech
Republic - project No. 102/07/1012.


Fig.6 The progress of the report interval calculation for the model with
the 150 receivers

5. Future Work and Conclusion

How was mentioned above, the next work at the ns2
multicast model will include:
(i) The clarification of the results in the chapter 4.4 and
give the ns2 model precision for computation of the
report intervals,
(ii) The implementation of the RTP standard accordance
to [1] into the ns2 environment,
(iii) The implementation of the new RTPSession class
(inherited from the RTPSession class) for the
application with the SSM multicast model ,
(iv) The designing of the multicast model with the new
disposed TTP protocol (Tree Transmission Protocol)
for the reduction of the report interval.

[1] H. Schulzrinne, S. Casner, R. Frederick, V. Jacobson,

RTP: A Transport Protocol For Real-Time
Application, Internet Draft, rfc1889, March 2, 2003.
[2] H. Schulzrinne, S. Casner, R. Frederick, V. Jacobson,
RTP: A Transport Protocol For Real-Time
Application, Internet Draft, rfc 3550 January, 1996.
[3] Information Sciences Institute, The Network
Simulator ns-2, June 2004,
[4] K. Fall, K. Varadhan, The ns Manual, October 3,
2007, <http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/nsdocumentation.html>
[5] B.Fenner, M. Handley, H. Hoolbrook, I.Kouvelas,
Protocol Independent Multicast Sparse Mode
(PIM-SM ), draft-ietf-pim-sm-v2-new-09.txt,
February 2004.
[6] A. Adams, J. Nicholas, W. Siadak, Protocol
Independent Multicast Dense Mode (PIM-DM),
rfc3973, January 2006.
[7] T. Camilo, J. Silva, F. Boavida, Enabling NS-2 with
SSM Enviroments, 2004, <

IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.7 No.11, November 2007

Milan Simek received the M.S.

degree in Electrical Engineering
University of Technology in 2006.
He is engaged in the research
focused on the analysis and the
simulation of the multicast
operations mainly in Ns2 and
SDL environment.

Dan Komosny is engaged in

research focused on transmission
of voice over IP network (VoIP).
He also focuses on development of
elearning tools using formal and
visual languages the SDL object
oriented design language and the
MSC trace language

Radim Burget was graduated

Information Technology. He is
engaged in research focused on
IPTV. He has experience with
development of J2EE applications


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