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BS5839-1 2013 Changes (Detector) PDF

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BS 5839: Part 1 2013


BS 5839: Part 1 2013. The Changes

This document has been created to summarise the main changes that have been made to the BS 5839
Part 1 2013. This data is correct at the time of publication and is designed to act as an aide-memoire and
there is no substitute for reading the full standard, copies of which can be obtained from:
British Standards Institute
389 Chiswick High Road
London W4 4AL.

BS 5839: Part 1 2013

The title has been modified to more accurately reflect the scope and content of this Part of BS 5839

Fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings Part 1: Code of practice for design,
installation, commissioning and maintenance of systems in non-domestic premises

The importance of providing accurate and unambiguous information to staff in residential care premises
about the location of a fire has been highlighted in Clause 4

4.2 C

Where occupants of a building are going to need assistance from staff to evacuate the
building (e.g. in residential care premises and hospitals), the fire detection and fire
alarm system should be addressable if the building has facilities for more than ten
people to sleep

A definition of zone plan has been added to the terms and definitions (Clause 3), with additional
guidance added to subclause 6.1 and Clause 23, and new recommendations added to subclauses 42.2,
46.2 and 47.2. This is reflected in the sample acceptance certificate in H.4
3.66 zone plan

diagrammatic representation of a building, showing specific topographic information and the

division of the building into detection zones

H.4 Acceptance Certificate

A suitable zone plan (or other suitable diagrammatic representation) of the premises is provided
on or adjacent to all control and indicating equipment. (Delete if not applicable.)

Item e) of 7.2 has been modified to emphasize the importance of identifying and recording agreed


BS 5839: Part 1 2013. The Changes

Major non-compliances (see 46.2) that are agreed variations should be clearly recorded in the
logbook so that they are readily available for future reference by maintenance companies and
any other interested parties

46.2 Recommendations for special inspection on appointment of a new servicing organization

The following recommendations apply:

Major areas of non-compliance with this standard should be documented and identified to the
premises management. The classification of a non-compliance as major is subjective, but the
following non-compliances should be regarded as major:

A definition of visual alarm device has been added to the terms and definitions (Clause 3), with a new
recommendation on such devices added to subclause 11.2

3.63 visual alarm device

fire alarm device incorporating a flashing light

11.2 Recommendations

Visual alarm devices should conform to BS EN 54-23

Table 4 of the 2002 edition, Limits of ceiling height (Category P systems and five minute fire and rescue
service attendance), has been deleted:


BS 5839: Part 1 2013. The Changes

Clause 15 has been updated with guidance and recommendations on the provision of automatic
transmission of fire alarm signals
The guidance and recommendations of Clause 19 and subclause 35.2.7 have been updated to address
the need to avoid delay in summoning the fire and rescue service when the fire alarm system of a
residential care home operates
d) Staff alarms should conform to 19.2.2.

NOTE 1 19.2.2 recommends that, in residential care premises, the fire and rescue service is
summoned immediately when the fire detection and fire alarm system operates

If the fire and rescue service is not summoned immediately at the start of any investigation
period associated with a staff alarm, it is essential that they are summoned immediately on
expiry of this period, unless it has been determined that the alarm signal is a false alarm.

NOTE 2 Reliability in compliance with this recommendation would be aided by a monitored

facility for automatic transmission of an alarm signal to an alarm receiving centre on expiry of
the investigation period

The dimension of the width covered by the optical beam detector given in Figure 13 has been corrected
to 18.75 m


BS 5839: Part 1 2013. The Changes

Subclause 45.1 now highlights that routine servicing of a fire detection and fire alarm system does not
constitute a fresh review of system design, so that non-compliance with this standard might not be
identified during such servicing

Routine servicing of a fire detection and fire alarm system does not constitute a fresh review of
system design; it is a verification of the functionality and serviceability of the existing system.
Accordingly, it will not necessarily be the case that non-compliances with Section 2 of this
Standard will be identified at the time of routine servicing; in any case, the maintenance
technician might not be aware as to whether an apparent non-compliance is, in fact, simply an
agreed variation, particularly if the design certificate is not available. However, at their own
prerogative, the maintenance organization may point out aspects of non-compliance with
Section 2. Nevertheless, any such advice provided to the user by the maintenance organization
cannot be regarded (by users, enforcing authorities or any other party) as an implication that the
maintenance technician has identified, or has endeavoured to identify, all such areas of
non-compliance, or that there has been any review of the original design

The wording of Annex C has been altered to further highlight the normative status of this annex

Annex C Control and transmission equipment for tactile alarm devices provided for people with
impaired hearing systems

A new Annex F has been added containing useful information on visual alarm device illumination
characteristics from LPCB CoP 0001 [1]. Copyright is claimed on Annex F. Copyright holders are
BRE Global Limited, Bucknalls Lane, Watford, Herefordshire, WD25 9XX, and the Fire Industry
Association, Tudor House, Kingsway Business Park, Oldfield Road, Hampton, Middlesex, TW12
2HD. LPCB CoP 0001 is periodically updated and the latest edition needs to be consulted

It is now recommended that major variations from the recommendations of this standard are recorded
in the system log book [see 7.2e)]

Major non-compliances (see 46.2) that are agreed variations should be clearly recorded in the
logbook so that they are readily available for future reference by maintenance companies and
any other interested parties

The term care home has been substituted throughout the document with residential care

The term fire service has been substituted throughout the document with fire and rescue

The term responsible person has been removed and replaced with references to premises
management to avoid confusion with the term defined in legislation


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