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Power plant basic concepts:

Power plant is equipment, which gives uninterrupted DC power supply to the
telecommunication systems. Because telecommunication systems require
electrical energy for
(a) Conversion of speech signals to electrical signals
(b) For operating switching, transmission equipments
Need of D.C. Power supply

Harmonics of A.C may affect the speech signals.

Relays used in telecom systems are more sensitive to D.C than A.C
Transistors and I.C.s etc. being unidirectional devices, the use of D.C
has become necessary.
Arranging standby source to A.C is difficult compare to D.C for which
secondary cells can be used as S/B source.
Not hazardous to human life.

Sources of power:
Telecommunication systems need uninterrupted power supply round the
clock and throughout the year. For any uninterrupted power supply system,
two sources are required.
1. Normal or Main source-Main Source is D.C derived from
commercial source.
2. Secondary or standby source- Secondary cells
By name we can define Normal source is one which supplies power to the
load round the clock and secondary source is one which supplies power to
the load only during the absence of power from normal source.
Hence it is a must to convert AC from commercial mains to D.C.
A.C to D.C conversions:
Previously M.G (Motor-Generator) sets were used for A.C to D.C conversion.
In this A.C motor rotates on commercial A.C. supply. To the shaft of this AC
motor, D.C. Generator will be coupled which generates D.C. Now a days
static rectifiers using static electronic components like metal or diode
rectifiers are used.

Advantages of static rectifiers compared to M.G. sets.

a. Complete absence of rotary parts. Hence no wear and tear,
Maintenance is easy, Long life.
b. Regulation is easy without involving any moving mechanism.
c. Conversion efficiency is high.
d. Space occupied is less.
e. Rectifiers can be paralleled automatically to meet the exchange load
during peak hours.
Float working
Parallel Battery Float Scheme.

In this scheme two sets of Batteries (24 cells each set) are connected in
parallel to the output of the rectifier. The output of the rectifier is 51.5 V.
Hence floating voltage of each cell is 51.5 divided by 24 = 2.15V/ cell. Hence
always 90% of battery capacity will be available for emergency usage
For the operation of the scheme POWER PLANT is designed by TRC
(Telecom Research Centre)
Operating voltage:
Now a days almost all of our telecom equipment works on -48 volts D.C.
supply i.e. positive lead is earthed.
Earthing of one pole of D.C:

Reasons for earthing of one pole of D.C are as follows:

a. Switching can be single pole.
b. Cross talk and other disturbances can be avoided.
c. To make the alarm and supervisory system easy.
d. Earth return signaling can be used.
Reasons for earthing positive pole of D.C
a. In electrolysis positive electrode will be normally corroded. If we keep
our lines and equipment at negative potential, we can minimise
troubles from the corrosive effects.
b. Partial Earth faults can be definitely identified if the conductor is
negative. Otherwise fault is liable to seal up owing to oxidation.
Power plant consists of
a. Float rectifier
b. Battery Charger
c. Switching Cubicle.

The function of the Float Rectifier is to receive three phase 440 V AC and to
give a constant 51.5 Volts D.C without AC ripples.
The steps involved to achieve the function are
a. Step-down
b. Rectification
c. Filtering
d. Regulation.
Step down
Transformer steps down the 3 phase A.C voltage from 440 volts to around 80
Any unidirectional device rectifies the AC to DC.
Here Diodes & SCRs are used for rectification.
Here multi-stage L.C. Filters are used for filtering the A.C. Ripples.

What is Regulation?
As far as Float Rectifier is concerned, Regulation is the mechanism by which
the output of a float rectifier is kept constant at 51.5 0.5V irrespective of
input voltage variations of 12%. Output load variations of 5% to 105% and
input frequency variations of 4% or 48-52 Hz.

Why Regulation is required?

Float rectifier should not only supply power to the load but also takes care of
its battery sets, which are floated across its output. If the float rectifier
output voltage is 51.5v, the cells are floated at 2.15v/cell and hence they are
continuously trickle charged and this compensates losses due to selfdischarge or local action. If FR output is 49.2V, the battery set is not trickle
charged, hence trickle charging is to be given once in a fortnight.
If FR output is <49.0V, the battery starts discharging.
If FR output is >51.5V, the floating voltage of each cell will be > 2.15V and
the battery will be over charged.
Hence regulation is required.
Various regulation methods:
1. By Transductor or saturable reactor or magnetic amplifier method.
2. By SCR method.
3. SMPS method.
The three methods, Controls the portion of the input A.C cycle to feed to
rectifier so that output voltage gets regulated.
By Transductor or saturable reactor or magnetic amplifier method.

In this a transductor is placed in series with the rectifier and uses the
principle that the impedance of an iron cored coil can be varied by varying
the degree of saturation of the core.
By varying the series impedance to rectifier, we can vary the portion of
input cycle that is fed to Rectifier.

SCR Method.
In this the SCR is used as rectifying element.
Let us recapitulate the working of SCR.

In the normal 'off' state the device restricts current flow to the leakage current.
When the gate to source current exceeds a certain point, the device turns
'on' and conducts current. The device will remain in the 'on' state even after
gate current is removed so long as current through the device remains above
the holding current. Once current falls below the holding current the device will
switch off. If the applied voltage increases rapidly, it may induce enough
leakage current to trigger the device into the on state, but this is harmful to
the device. The reverse blocking voltage is limited in any device.

SCR can be switched on by applying the positive pulse to the gate. Once if
SCR is switched on, it will be in ON condition as long as the current flowing
through SCR is above a threshold value called Holding current.
In a Float rectifier, across each half cycle one SCR is connected. Hence for 3
phases i.e. R, Y, B totally 6 SCRs connected.
Let an SCR is connected across the positive half cycle of a phase. The total
time period of an half cycle is 10 ms. Within this half cycle triggering pulses

can be given at any time. Assume that triggering pulse is given to SCR at
Point A after 4 ms of starting of the half cycle, the SCR will be on. Even
though the triggering pulse is removed, the SCR will remains on. But the
current flowing through SCR depends on the amplitude applied across its
terminals. At 9 ms i.e. @ point B, let the current flowing through the SCR is
just below the holding current. The SCR will be switched off. That means
switching on of SCR is in our hands, but switching off of SCR is not in our
hands, it is automatic. In this case the portion of half cycle between the
points A and B is rectified.
The output voltage of the FR depends on both the input AC voltage and
DC load and position of triggering pulse advanced or delayed

-Look at the above table. Whenever the input voltage increases or output
load decreases the output DC voltage increases and vice versa. Hence if we
output voltage, it is sufficient to regulate it.
-If the output voltage is increased, then the triggering pulse to the SCR will
be delayed or retarded, point A moves towards B, hence the portion of AC
cycle rectified will be reduced, hence output voltage will be automatically
reduced and
brought to the specified value.

-If the output voltage is decreased, then the triggering pulse to the SCR will
be advanced, hence output voltage will be automatically increased and
brought to the
specified value. -This is how regulation is achieved by using SCR.


(Suitable for VRLA Batteries with 100A SMPS Rectifier Modules)
The power system is intended primarily to provide uninterrupted DC power to
Telecom equipments and current for charging the batteries in the presence of
AC Mains.
The system works from commercial AC mains which is rectified and regulated
to 50V
DC and is fed to the equipment (exchange). The system has provision to
connect three sets of VRLA batteries and facility to charge them
simultaneously to ensure that uninterrupted DC power supply is always
available to the exchange.

The power system 50V, 2000A has the following features:

a. Multi-rack configuration.
b. Facility to parallel a maximum of 21 nos. (or 22 nos.) of 100A
(5600W) rectifier modules operation from three phase, 400V,
50Hz AC input.
c. Termination for three sets of VRLA batteries and exchange load.
d. Input : Three phase, 4-wire, 50 Hz supply.
The power system as a single DC bus called auto float/charge bus.
Depending Up on the status of the batteries, the output DC voltage is
maintained at 54.0 + 0.5 V under auto float condition. During auto charge
the maximum DC voltage reached across the bus is 55.2 volts. The exchange
battery and rectifier modules are connected in parallel.
The system employs natural convection cooling and has AC input
distribution, DC
output distribution, protection and alarm circuitry for rectifiers, battery and
Technical Specification
For Module
1. Input Voltage :
a. 320V to 480V r m s three phase (Nominal Voltage 400V).
b. Frequency: 45 Hz. 65 Hz.

2. Output Voltage :
Float mode :
Nominal voltage : -54.0 + 0.5V,
Adjustment range : -48.0 to 56.0 V
Charge mode Voltage : -55.2 + 0.5 V
3. Rated current : 100 Amps.
4. Psophometric noise :
Less than 4 mV without battery floated.
Less than 2 mV with battery floated.
5. Input power factor :
Greater than 0.95 lag with 25% to 100% load at nominal input.
6. Efficiency :
Greater than 90% at full Load and nominal input.
7. Protection :

Short circuit protection.

Input over/under voltage protection.
Output over voltage protection.
Constant current features settable from 80 Amps. to 110 Amps.
in auto float/charge mode.

8. Alarms and indicating lamps:


FR/BC on Auto Float/Charge

Rectifier module over voltage
DC output fail/Under voltage
FR/BC Over Load (Voltage Drop)
Mains Available

: Green LED
: Red LED
: Red LED
: Amber/Yellow LED
: Green LED

For System
1. Input Voltage:
a. 3 Phase, 4 Wire, 50 Hz (Range 320V to 480V RMS)
b. Frequency : 45 Hz . 65 Hz.
2. Output Voltage :
a. Float mode Voltage : -54.0 + 0.5V
b. Charge mode Voltage : -55.2 + 0.5V
3. Rated Current :
a. Equipment
: 1100 Amps.

b. Batteries

: 300 Amps. Each

4. Protection
a. Short circuit/Over load protection.
b. Input over/under voltage protection.
c. Battery/Equipment over voltage protection.

5. Alarms and indicating lamps :

a. Load Voltage High
b. Load Voltage Low
c. Fuse Fail
d. FR/BC Fail
(FR/BC No Output MCB Trip)
e. Mains available
f. Mains out of range
g. Mains Fail
h. System (Exchange) Overload
i. FR/BC Float/Charge Mode
j. Mains ON/Battery Discharge

Functional description of power system

- Red LED
- Red LED
- Red LED
- Red LED
- Green LED
- Red LED
- Red LED
- Red LED
- Green LED
- Red LED

This Power System is of multi rack type and consists of the following:

a. Eight racks One main, one auxiliary and six extension racks.
b. AC Distribution module in each rack.
c. Rectifier modules (A maximum of three modules in extension rack and
two each in main rack and auxiliary rack).
d. DC distribution module in each rack.
e. Metering in each rack.
f. Power system controller in main rack.

a. Rack:
The rack is made of mild steel profiles with hinged front door. The door
accommodates display and alarm enunciator. The rack is convection cooled
and has ventilatory slots in the front and sides. The rear panel is screw type
and can be dismantled. The cabinet accommodates 19 subsystems. Air
baffles are provided for better heat transfer. Depending upon the load

requirement (Equipment and Batteries), additional modules can be added.

The bottom and top also have ventilatory features. The DC power
termination and distribution is done at the top. The AC power termination
and distribution is done at the bottom.
AC Distribution Panel:
The AC input to the rack is terminated at the bottom of the rack on screw
type terminals. Individual AC circuit breakers are provided for each module.
The line neutral and earthing cabinet are terminated on moulded plug, which
is fixed to the respective sockets on the rectifier module. To monitor AC input
current, 3 nos. of single-phase AC current transformers are mounted on the
panel of main rack. A small signal transformer is mounted on the PSC panel
to provide AC input to power system controller card.
c. Rectifier module :
The SMPS rectifier module 50V, 5600 watts works on 400V AC input and
provides 50V DC for system. The input is through 9 pin AC socket and the
DC output is through terminals. The module has front panel to indicate status
and faults in the module. The control signal is taken through 8 pin telephone
jack and is terminated on to the power system controller card. The rectifier
modules are convection cooled and can be jacked in and out of the cabinet
easily. The DC output from each module is terminated on the respective DC
bus bar mounted on the DC distribution panel.
d. DC Distribution Panel :
This panel is mounted at the top of the cabinet. The panel incorporates the
following :
(1) Input from individual rectifier modules terminated on cabinet.
(2) DC shunts to monitor current in various paths.
(3) Termination of battery 1, 2 and 3.
(4) Termination of equipment positive and negative.
(5) Fuses for battery 1, 2 and 3.
e. Metering:
The front panel of main rack consists of two AC meters to monitor individual
to line voltage and current. The selector switch selects the relevant phases.
The DC meters monitor both voltage and current of batteries and exchange.
f. Power system controller :
The Power system controller card consists of an electronic circuit which
the state of each rectifier module and display their status. It also controls the
operation of 57 the module so as to make it work in auto float or auto charge
mode. The current signals are monitored continuously to ensure equal
sharing of current. In case of faults, the same is displayed and for faults like
input voltage beyond limits, DC output over voltage, over load etc. it shuts
off the module. The various alarms as per following details are displayed on
the front panel with audible alarm.

1. Mains out of range

2. Load voltage high (above 57V)
3. Load Voltage low (below 42V)
4. Mains fail
5. System overload
6. Mains available
7. System over load
8. Mains on battery discharge
9. FR/BC in Float-charge mode
FR/BC Fail

: Red
: Red
: Red
: Red
: Red
: Green
: Red
: Red
: Green
: Red

Functional Description of Rectifier

The SMPS 50V-5600W rectifier is a state-of-the-art switch-mode power
conversion equipment. The unit consists of two cascaded power converters
performing power factor correction and DC/DC conversion. The power stages
are synchronized and working with constant switching frequency of 100 kHz.
The rectified AC mains voltage is processed first in the power factor corrector
circuit, which is based on a boost topology. The boost converter has the
inherent advantage of continuous input current waveform, which relaxes the
input filter requirements. The performance of the basic boost cell is improved
by a proprietary snubber circuit, which reduces the switching losses of the
power semiconductors due to non-zero switching times. Furthermore, the
snubber circuit also decreases the electromagnetic interference (EMI)
generated primarily during the turn-off process of the boost diode. The
output of the boost converter is a stabilised 400V DC voltage.
Further conversion of the stabilised high voltage output of the power factor
corrector circuit is necessary to generate the isolated low voltage output and
to provide the required protection functions for telecommunication
application. These tasks are achieved in the DC/DC converter circuit which is
based on a full-bridge topology. The full-bridge circuit is operated by phaseshift pulse with modulation with current mode control. This control method
provides zero voltage switching condition for all primary side power
semiconductors effectively reducing switching losses and electromagnetic
interference. An advanced solution reduces the stresses of the output
rectifier diodes. Proper operation of the power converters is managed by
individual controller circuits and supervised by the housekeeping electronics.
Remote commanding and monitoring of the modules are possible through a
power system controller housed in the system.
Functional Description of Power System Controller
Power system controller is designed to control the modes of operation of
rectifiers, acknowledge and displays the status of rectifiers and system and
controls parameters of rectifiers. The controller accepts signal from individual
rectifiers through 8 pin telephone jack and controls the operation of each
individual rectifiers. The mode of operation of rectifier modules depends on

the coded signal M1 and M2 from the controller. Depending on the state of
batteries, the ATM circuit either gives a signal for float or charge. These
signals are encoded by an encoder to obtain suitable coded signals M1 and
M2. Depending upon the mode of operation of Rectifier modules, they
acknowledge coded signals S1 and S2. These signals are decoded to display
whether the modules are in auto float/charge or fail condition. The total
battery current can be suitably programmed to limit the current supplied
from the modules through current programming pin in modules.
SMPS 48V 5600W Introduction
The SMPS 48V-5600W is a three-phase, unity power factor power supply with
wide input voltage range of 3 X 185 Vac to 275 Vac (with neutral wire) and
with a useful output power of 5600W delivered to the load. This unit has
been developed for cost effective but highly intelligent modular
telecommunication power systems. It fulfills the specification of Primary
application of the rectifiers SMPS 48V-5600W are in the supply of Telecom
equipment. The convection cooled unit may be operated up to 60C ambient
air temperature.
The rectifier operates from a nominal 3 X 230 V ac rms (with neutral wire)
The mains frequency may vary from 45 Hz to 65 Hz. Total harmonic distortion
(THD) of the input current wave form is below 5%. The output of the rectifier
conforms to the generic requirements of telecommunication power supplies
in terms of noise, voltage programmability, as well as over voltage, overload
and short-circuit protection. The rectifier SMPS 48V-5600W can be set in the
3 modes auto float, auto charge and manual boost by the power system

General description of operation

The SMPS 48V-5600W rectifier is a state-of-the-art switch-mode power

It is composed of 3 identical single-phase sub-modules (R, S and T) as shown
in the block diagram :
The sub-modules are connected between neutral and one of the phases (R, S
or T)
on the input, and in parallel on the output. All - wires are protected by
circuit breakers, which are mechanically coupled.

The interface card IFC 52 provides :

1. all reference voltages and protections to the sub-modules.
2. Signalisation and manual interface (adjustment potentiometers and test
jacks) for the whole unit, and
3. Communication with power system controller ITI.
Each of the sub-modules consists of two cascaded power converters
over factor correction and dc/dc conversion. The power stages are
synchronised and working with constant switching frequency of ~100 kHz.
The rectified ac mains voltage is processed first in the power factor corrector
circuit which is based on a boost topology. The boost converter has the
inherent advantage of continuous input current waveform, which relaxes the
input filter requirements. The performance of the basic boost cell is improved
by a proprietary snubber circuit, which reduces the switching losses of the
power semiconductors due to non-zero switching times. Furthermore, the
snubber circuit also decreases the electromagnetic interference generated

primarily during the turn-off process of the boost diode. The output of boost
converter is a stabilised 400 Vdc voltage. Further conversion of the stabilised
high voltage output of the power factor corrector circuit is necessary to
generate the isolated low voltage output and to provide the required
protection functions for telecommunication application. These tasks are
achieved in the dc/dc converter circuit, which is based on a full-bridge
topology. The full bridge circuit is operated by phase-shift pulse-width
modulation with current-mode control. This control method provides zero
voltage switching conditions for all primary side power semiconductors
effectively reducing switching losses and electromagnetic interference. An
advanced solution reduces the stresses on the output rectifier diodes. Proper
operation of the power converters is managed by individual control circuits
and supervised by the housekeeping electronics. Remote commanding and
monitoring of the modules are possible through a power system controller.
Block diagram of a single sub-module R, S or T
This chapter gives more detailed information about the technical merit of
sub-module based on the functional blocks shown in the diagram below (R, S
and T).

Input Section
Block 1 of the drawing presented above is the input EMI filter of the
rectifier. The fixed frequency, synchronized operation of the different circuits
allowed to optimise the filters performance. It has only one differential and
one common mode filter stage.
Block 2 represents the Inrush Current Limiter circuit, which consists of
combination of surge rated power resistors and fuse. The circuit limits the
input current of the rectifier during the initial charging of the energy storage

capacitors connected to the output of the boost power factor corrector

circuit. In normal operation the current limiting components are by-passed
through relay, which is controlled by the housekeeping electronics.
A general purpose full-wave Bridge Rectifier circuit forms Block 3. It is
directly mounted on the heat sink.
Power factor corrector
The power stage of the Power Factor Corrector is a boost converter
represented by Block 4. The circuit operates with 100 kHz constant
frequencies in continuous inductor current mode. Because of the relatively
high switching frequency a loss-less snubber has been added to the basic
boost converter to reduce switching losses and semiconductor stresses.
When the boost transistor conducts the energy being stored in the boost
inductor increases. During the off state of the transistor energy is transferred
from the inductor to the output capacitor through the boost diode. The
inductor current is measured with a sense resistor and it is forced to follow
the input voltage wave form. The technical literature refers to this technique
as the resistor emulation mode which is the most preferred load by the
utility companies. The output Capacitor of the boost converter is marked by
number 5 in the block diagram. This capacitor is used for low-frequency
energy storage as well. Due to the nature of ac sources the energy absorbed
at the input of the unit varies according to the mains cycle. In order to
deliver constant power at the output energy must be stored inside the unit.
Therefore, high voltage 450V electrolytic capacitors are used at the output of
the boost converter to provide cost and volume effective energy storage.
Block 12 is the controller of the Power Factor Corrector. It uses the
UC3854B integrated circuit which had been developed to control boost
converters in power factor corrector applications. This integrated solution
takes care about all sensing, controlling and protection functions which are
necessary to achieve proper input current wave form and to stabilise the
output voltage of the power factor corrector circuit. The control principle
implemented in the UC3854B is average current mode control.
DC/DC Converter
The heart of the module is the dc/dc Converter shown in Blocks 6-9. Block
shows the primary arrangement of the full-bridge power converter employing
a safety isolated high-frequency transformer. Because of its important role in
providing safety isolation between the input and the output of the module,
the transformer coupling is emphasised in Block 7. The secondary side of
the dc/dc stage provides rectification (Block 8) and filtering (Block 9)
functions which are realised using current-doubler topology. Particularity of
the implemented solution is integration of two inductors on a common ferrite
core. The full-bridge converter takes energy from its input when two
diagonally located switches are turned on at the same time. This energy is

transferred to the output through the transformer immediately. The energy

will be stored in the output filter inductor showed in Block 9 and transferred
to the output capacitor of the dc/dc converter during the passive interval
when energy is not absorbed from the source. This sequence can be
achieved by different ways depending on the implemented control strategy.
The dc/dc Controller, shown in Block 13, is using the phase-shift pulse
modulation technique which provides loss-less, zero voltage turn-on
condition for the primary side semiconductors. Further benefit is the greatly
reduced electromagnetic interference generated by the converter. The
control principle is peak current mode control. Like the power stage, the
controller circuit of the dc/dc converter is also divided between the primary
and the secondary side of the rectifier. Communication between the
separated parts are realised using optical isolators marked by number 14.
Major part of the dc/dc controller is referred to as Secondary Controller in
Block 15. The secondary side controller is responsible for output voltage and
current regulation functions.
Output Section
Block 10 forms the physical Output Section of the sub-module. It is a
shielded, common-mode, low-pass filter stage to reduce conducted
electromagnetic interferences to the required level.
The name Housekeeping refers to the auxiliary power supply and to all
primary side supervisory functions necessary for the operation of the unit.
Besides theauxiliary power converter (current-mode controlled fly-back
converter), Block 11 also includes the master clock, under- and over-voltage
lock-out, and start-up sequence generator.
Output Characteristics
The power system controller can set the rectifier into the 3 modes of
i.e. auto float, auto charge and manual boost.
The output characteristic is different for these 3 modes as shown below :
auto float mode

manual boost mode

auto charge mode




This Engineering instructions describes the testing procedure of High Frequency Switch
mode Power Supply (SMPS) power plants, which is mainly to evaluate technical parameters &
functional aspect of SMPS techniques used in Telecom Network.


With the advent of digitalisation in the arena of power supply system, conventional power
plants are being replaced by High Frequency Switch Mode Power Supply System called SMPS
power plants. These plants are of different capacities i.e. 12.5A stand alone module to 7000A Rack
Power System, arrived by using compact (SMR-Switch Mode Rectifier) package; rack power system
is used to supply uninterrupted (using suitable VRLA battery back up) and disturbance free DC power
for Telecom equipments.
Since these SMPS power plants used MOSFETs, FETs in SMRs (Switch Mode Rectifier),
microprocessor controls etc. it has a typical testing procedure as described below:

Testing instruments

The instruments required are 500 Volts Insulation tester, Standard A.C. Ammeters, Voltmeter,
DC mV volt calibrator, Voltmeter, Tong tester Digital Multimeter, Psophometer, Thermometers, Earth
tester & DC load.


LAR: Location alignment & rigidity of the unit is checked as per approved plan and ensured
that physical mountings of all SMRs plugged-in securely in magazines.
Earth testing: Check (as given below), that a good earth, of value 0.5 is connected with
power plant. Suitability and gauge of earthing lead should also be checked as per specification.
Method of measuring Earth Resistance (4 terminal)
Drive two ground rods (auxiliary electrode) 2 feet deep, in a
straight line. The 1st electrode (p1)20 meter away from earth, and 2nd
electrode (c1) 40 meter away from earth under test. connect the wires
taken from p1 & c1 to p1 and c1 terminals of the tester. Also connect the
earthing under test at p2, c2 shorted together terminals. Turn the handle
at rated speed or above. The value indicated as per selected scale is the
earthing resistance. It is advisable to moisten the ground around the
electrodes. It is also important to place all 3 electrodes (i.e. eth, p1, c1)
approximately in a line.

Insulation resistance Test



Short the AC I/P terminals


For single phase : phase and neutral.

For three phase : Three phases

Short the DC out put terminals i.e. ve & ve.

Test 1. Shorted I/P terminals to earth


Connect one end of insulation tester to AC input and the

end to earth terminal.
Press the AC contactor (if used ) manually and operate the
megger & record the readings.
Test 2. Shorted output terminal to earth.


Connect one end of insulation tester lead to DC output terminal

and the other end to earth terminal.
Operate the megger and record the reading.
Test 3. Shorted Input to shorted output terminals:


Connect insulation tester between shorted input and shorted output terminals.
Operate the megger and record the reading.

Limit: Insulation resistance shall be better then 2 M-, 1 M , & 5 M for test 1,2, & 3
respectively .
4.4 Power Factor
Record the reading of power factor using power factor meter at nominal I/P, max. output,
load 25% to 100% .
Limit : PF shall be better then 0.95 lagging in above condition .

Psophometric Noise
Connect the psophometer probes to out put terminals ve and ve.
Check the calibration of psophometer .
Select the psophometer in weighted mode
Record the psophometric value at 100% load at nominal I/P 400 v/230.

Limit : Psophometric noise without battery be less then 4 mv. and 2 mv with rated capacity
battery floated across the output.


Meter Calibration


DC Voltmeter


Set the SMPS unit in Auto Float Mode.

Set the O/P voltage with the help of potentiometer -48V, -50V, -56V.
Record the same with standard meter reading.
Now set the SMPS unit to Manual Boost Mode.
Adjust the output voltage by potentiometer or preset to -60V, 65V.
Record the same with standard meter reading.
Limit: Max, difference shall be 1.5% of full scale reading


DC Ammeter


Instrument required:
Secondary standard DC mV calibrator.
Set panel meter voltage corresponding to millivolt drop at 15, 30, 45, 60, & 75 (units in


Record the secondary standard meter reading .

Limit: difference shall be within 1% of full scale reading.


AC Volt meter:


Set the panel meter at nominal A/C I/P voltage .

(ii) Record the secondary standard meter (tong tester) reading .

Limit: Difference shall be within 1.5% of full scale reading.
4.7 Efficiency:

Record the input power, out put voltage and current at nominal input and full rated load.

(ii) Calculate the % efficiency as below:

(DC O/P voltage X DC O/P current)

----------------------------------------------- X 100
I/P power
4.8 Load sharing
Balanced condition :

Connect all FR/BC in parallel in Auto float mode .

Switch ON the FR/BC at nominal I/P.
Set the output voltage to -52.8 V for conventional lead acid battery & - 54 V f
VRLA battery by adjusting the voltage adjustment pre-set.
Connect 50% load (of rated capacity of module) to the system.
Switch 'ON' 1st module, and observe sharing of load.
Switch 'ON' 2nd module observe load share equally.
Similarly switch 'ON' all other equipped modules one by one correspondingly load is
also increased to 100% capacity of the system.
Record the out put voltage and output current of all the FR/BCs. All the modules share
the load equally.

Limit: Load sharing deviation should be + 5A.


Calculate % unbalance by following formula:

Imbalance in load
% Unbalance -------------------------- X 100
rated capacity
4.9 Load Limiting (Voltage Droop)
In Auto Float/Charge mode
(A) Disable ATM (Auto trickle mode)
(B) Switch ON the unit in Auto Float Mode.
At output vol tage54 V

Adjust the output voltage at 54 V.

Set the load limiting at 80%.
Switch ON the unit at 50% load.
Gradually increase the load till voltage Droop takes place note down the load current ........
Amp. (shall be nearly 80% of load value.)


Now change the setting of load limiting to 110%.


Switch ON the unit at 90% load.


Gradually increase the load till voltage droop takes place Note down the reading of load
current Amp. (shall be nearly 110%).

Similarly voltage droop test is repeated for output voltage 56V by repeating the steps (a) to
4.10Voltage Settability

Auto Float Mode


Disable ATM


Switch ON the system at nominal I/P voltage adjust the output voltage by adjusting potentiometer/ preset to 52.8 V for
conventional battery and 54 V for VRLA battery.


With the help of voltage adjustment potentiometer adjust the output voltage to -48 V to -56 V.

(iv) Observation: output voltage settability gets adjusted/does not gets adjusted.


Auto Charge Mode


Disable the ATM as above


Connect all the required meters across proper terminals.


Switch ON the system at nominal input of 230V for single phase/400V for 3 phase. Adjust

the output voltage adjustment potentiometer/preset to 55.2V for both conventional lead acid and
VRLA battery.
(iv) Repeat the steps (A) (iii) & (iv) as above .

Manual boost Mode


Switch over the unit to Manual Boost Mode and adjust output voltage adjustment
potentiometer/preset to 65V. With the help of voltage adjustment potentiometer
adjust the Output voltage between -56 V to -65V.

Observation : Output voltage gets adjusted/not adjusted.


Load Regulation


At Auto Float Mode


Switch ON the equipment in Auto Float mode at 25% load, nominal I/P.


Record the power factor, output voltage, output current.


Load the equipment to 50% of its rated capacity & repeat record of parameter as at


Load the equipment to 100% of its rated capacity and repeat the record of parameters as at



Manual Boost Mode


Repeat all the test (I) to (iv) for Manual Boost Mode at 25%, 50%, & 100%

Check power factor, output voltage should not vary.

Test for Mode Change Over


Start Mode Test


Battery path Current below 1% of Trickle Charge Current

Set Battery path voltage 44V using Battery or otherwise.


Switch on the unit at nominal input voltage & observe for Mode in which it starts .
Repeat (b) for the battery path Voltage 52.8V, 54V & 55.2V.
Observation :In all these cases the unit shall start in Float mode and remain in Float mode

(ii) Battery Path current above Trickle Charge Current

Repeat (a) as above .

Increase the battery path current more than trickle charge value.
Switch ON the unit & observe for Mode in which it starts.


Heat Run Test


Place the thermometers in close contact with surface of all the possible heat
generating equipment.

Limit: Maximum temperature limit of transformer and chockes is 70C and for
transistors/diode/FET etc 60C.

If it is not possible to place the thermometer in close contact with heat generating
equipment hang thermometer inside the module at a suitable place and observe
module inside temperature.

Limit: Module inside ambient temperature is equal to not more than 10C above room
ambient temperature.

Put the unit (under test) on 100% load at float voltage i.e. - 54V.
Record the temperatures for first five hours hourly last three hours with a duration of 30
Limit: No abnormality shall be observed. Temperature rise in all the case shall be within

4.14 Protection devices and fuse rating

Check the protection devices provided and rating of all fuses being used in the equipment.



FR/BC fail


Create a fault condition in any of FR/BC.

Check for tripping of unit at I/P and audio and visual alarm and fault indication
lamp ON corresponding to FR/BC at the switching/control unit.



DC Over Voltage (i.e. rectifier O/P over voltage)

In Auto Float Charge Mode
Switch ON the unit at 25% load of rated capacity .
Set the load limit to 110%.


Increase the output voltage to 56.15 V .

Increase the load gradually to 105% .


Observation : No alarm shall take place.

Increase the O/P voltage further slowly and note down the voltage at which the unit
shut down and load transferred to battery . This shall be 56.5 0.25 V for 10 ms &
creating audio/ visual alarm.


In Manual Boost Mode

Procedure is same except the cut-off & load values ( use these values as given in spec.)


On FR/BC Module
Same as above for (I) & (ii)


DC Under voltage


In Auto Float Mode

Switch on unit at 25% of rated load
Set the out put voltage to 43.45 V for VRLA batteries or 44.65 V for conventional lead acid
Decrease the output voltage slowly & note the voltage at which the battery is


isolated (shall be 43.2 0.25 V for VRLA and 44.4 0.25V conventional lead acid
battery, creating audio/visual alarm.
Increase the output voltage slowly till the battery reconnects (voltage shall be 44.4 0.25 V


for VRLA & 45.6 0.25 V for conventional lead acid battery.

Check the extension of audio/visual alarm and tripping of float charger.


In Manual Boost Mode

Procedure is same except the cut-off and load values (as per specn)


Mains fail


Fail the mains I/P power & observe.

Audio & visual alarm created.


Mains ON battery Discharge


Switch ON unit at nominal A/C I/P.


Set the output voltage to 52.8 V.

Set battery path voltage 52.8 V
Start decreasing battery path voltage & observe
Mains ON battery discharge Audio/visual alarm created.
Start increasing the battery path voltage & observe.


Alarm shall stop now.


System FR/BC over load (voltage drop)

Perform the test as described for voltage droop.


In the event of voltage droop observe Audio/visual alarm generated.

Fan fails
Remove the rectifier (SMR) unit & isolate the DC supply of cooling fan.

Replace the rectifier unit.
(iii) Switch ON the unit & observe.
(iv) Audio/visual alarm generated.

Function of SMPS Power Plant on E/A.

Switch 'OOF' the AC mains supply. Shift the change over switch to E/A supply so
that when E/A starts its output is connected to SMPS Power plant. Start the E/A set put
'ON' the MCB's of all three phases. Connect the full load gradually for some time. Observe
all parameters of SMPS power plant. After satisfactory operation, disconnect the E/A
supply and normal all the switches.


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