A Reliability Perspective of The Smart Grid
A Reliability Perspective of The Smart Grid
A Reliability Perspective of The Smart Grid
1, JUNE 2010
DVANCES in communication and information technology have always been exploited by the utility industry
for improving efficiency, reliability, security and quality of
service. Increasing complexity in managing the bulk power
grid, growing concerns for environment, energy sustainability
and independence, demand growth, and quest for service
quality continue to accentuate the need for a quantum leap in
application of such technologies. This leap toward a smarter
grid is widely referred to as smart grid.
Smart grid is envisioned to take advantage of all available
modern technologies in transforming the current grid to one that
functions more intelligently to facilitate:
better situational awareness and operator assistance;
autonomous control actions to enhance reliability by increasing resiliency against component failures and natural
disasters, and by minimizing frequency and magnitude of
power outages subject to regulatory policies, operating requirements, equipment limitations, and customer preferences;
efficiency enhancement by maximizing asset utilization;
Manuscript received December 15, 2009; revised February 16, 2010. Date of
current version May 21, 2010. Paper no. TSG-00027-2009.
K. Moslehi is with ABB Network Management, Santa Clara, CA 95050 USA
(e-mail: Khosrow.Moslehi@us.abb.com).
R. Kumar resides in Cupertino, CA 95014-2843 USA.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSG.2010.2046346
typically 10% to 20%. For solar thermal plants with storage, this
may reach over 70% [14]. Large scale solar resources could be
far away from loads and consequently face various transmission
limitations. However, solar resources have a positive correlation
with air conditioning loads.
From the reliability perspective, renewable resources such as
geothermal and biofuels behave similar to conventional generation. In contrast, wind and solar generally have adverse impact
on grid reliability due to:
variability and low capacity factors making the net demand
profile steeper (as depicted in Fig. 2);
low correlation with load profiles especially for wind;
relatively larger forecast errors for longer horizons;
transmission congestion due to large installations;
distribution congestion due to dispersed resources;
operational performance issues such as voltage and regulation.
Conventionally, hydro, pumped storage, and gas turbines
have been used as a remedy to address the variability of the
net demand. As renewables grow over the long run, increased
penetration of demand response, storage ,devices and PEVs
will complement the conventional remedies.
B. Load Management/Demand Response
Load management involves reduction of load in response to
emergency and/or high-price conditions. Such conditions are
more prevalent during peak load or congested operation. Reduction initiated by the consumer is usually referred to as demand response. Nonemergency demand response in the range
of 5% to 15% of peak load can provide substantial benefits in reducing the need for additional resources and lowering real-time
prices [15]. Demand response does not substantially change the
total energy consumption since a large fraction of the energy
saved during load curtailment is consumed at a more opportune
timethus a flatter load profile.
Load rejection as an emergency resource to protect the grid is
well understood and is implemented to operate either by system
operator command or through underfrequency and/or undervoltage relays. In a smart grid, this can be enhanced to allow
more intelligence and wider customer participation. Price-based
demand response as a system resource to balance demand and
supply has not been widely adopted yet. Contract-based participation has been typically below 5% (with MISO below 8%) of
peak load [15]. In a smart grid, real-time prices enable wider
voluntary participation by consumers through either automatic
or manual response to price signals, or through a bidding process
based on direct communication between the consumer and the
market/system operator or through aggregators and/or local utilities (Fig. 3). In addition to capability to flatten the load profile, demand response can serve as an ancillary resource to help
C. Storage Devices
Most of the existing storage resources are hydro and pumped
storage. However, growth potential for these resources is much
smaller than the need for storage necessary to counter growing
net demand variability presented by new wind and solar resources. Various storage technologies are emerging to fill the
gap. Battery storage appears to be most promising due to improvements in technology as well as economies of scale. Storage
tends to make the net demand profile flatter and, as such, is expected to improve reliability. In addition, most battery storage
devices can respond in subsecond time scales. Hence they can
be valuable as enablers of fast controls in a smart grid. Storage
of various sizes can be distributed throughout the grid ranging
from end-use customer premises to major substations and central power stations. This can alleviate congestion in both transmission and distribution.
D. Electric Transportation
Electric vehicles (PEV, eCAR, etc.) continue to become
more popular as environmental concerns increase. They are a
significant means to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and emission
of greenhouse gases (GHG). They will be a major factor in load
growth with a potential to eventually consume 600 TWh/year.
This estimate assumes 30 kwh for a 100-mile trip [16], and
10 000 miles per year for 200 million vehicles in the United
States. From a purely reliability viewpoint, electric vehicles
have features similar to both demand response and storage resources. However, as a significant factor of load growth, PEVs
can aggravate demand variability and associated reliability
problems depending on the charging schemes and consumer
behavioral patterns. Long recharge times lead to unacceptable
vehicle unavailability and short recharge times have potential
to increase congestion at the distribution level.
As depicted in Fig. 4, under ideal conditions, demand response, storage, and electric vehicles will be closely coordinated
with all other resources such that the net load profile would
be nearly flat. This implies that the grid would be operated
closer to near-peak load conditions most of the time. Initially,
the flattened profile tends to improve reliability by decreasing
the peak. However, over time, as the flattened load grows,
forces of optimal asset utilization will push the system closer
to the edge more often and thus make it more susceptible to
failure; hence, the need for a smart grid solution from a reliability perspective.
cybersecurity deployed, configured, and maintained consistent with NERC CIP requirements [17] and other
evolving requirements [18], [19] in a built-in rather than
bolted-on implementation.
A. Architecture
A systematic operations driven approach as opposed to an
ad hoc methods driven approach has been adopted for developing the architectural framework proposed above. This approach is based on consideration of all key operating concerns in
categories such as performance enhancement, equipment limits,
operating limits, system protection, and rapid recovery [20],
[21]. The resulting architecture calls for distribution and coordination of the necessary functional tasks in a virtual hierarchy
in three dimensions (Fig. 5):
organizational/control (grid, region, control area,
zone/vicinity, transmission substation, distribution substation, feeder, customer (load, generation, storage), etc.,
representing operational responsibilities;
geographical area (region 1 j, substation 1 n, etc.);
functions (forecasting, alarming, voltage control, etc.).
Autonomous intelligent agents are deployed, as needed,
throughout a gridwide computing infrastructure to provide
services necessary for the functional tasks in the areas of:
data acquisition and model management;
system monitoring (e.g., state estimation, security
analyses, look-ahead/forecasting);
performance enhancement (e.g., efficiency enhancement,
corrective/preventive actions, security constrained dispatch);
C. Power Quality
In addition to reliability and efficiency issues, power quality
issues will assume importance at the distribution level. Accordingly, the criticality of functional tasks and control actions in
each execution cycle can be different based on the characteristics of the loads and dispersed resources connected to the relevant feeders. For example, a feeder in a residential area with
a significant level of incandescent lights and heating loads may
not require faster cycles, while another feeder in an industrial
area with a significant level of motor loads may critically depend
on faster cycles to maintain feeder level stability and voltage
quality during motor startups, etc. Similarly, a feeder supplying
a life-support system may need to maintain a higher level of
power quality than others.
D. Cybersecurity in a Gridwide Infrastructure
A distributed cybersecurity system monitors security
throughout the architecture to maintain data integrity, confidentiality, and authentication, and to facilitate nonrepudiation.
Data critical for grid reliability and efficiency is delivered only
to authorized agents, preventing unauthorized modifications,
and guaranteeing that delivered information is authentic while
it traverses through the infrastructure. Security in depth is
provided through such mechanisms as:
segmentation using firewalls, gateways, etc., for quick isolation of security-breached components and/or classes of
applications and services;
role-based management of identity/authentication, access,
and command level filtering;
evolving security life cycle [25] in response to evolving
threats and infrastructure components through sufficiently
frequent secure remote updates;
efficient and scalable policy and key encryption mechanisms, resilient in the presence of active adversaries
systemwide time synchronization for event correlation.
E. Technical Feasibility
The technical feasibility of the proposed architecture relies
on recent advances in the areas of sensors, telecommunications,
computing, Internet technology, power equipment, and power
system analysis. The flexibility and scalability of the design
has been established through a quantitative analysis of a large
example power grid [22][24]. This analysis includes requirements for monitoring, analysis and control. According to this
analysis, the data exchange volumes at various levels of the infrastructure are entirely feasible with contemporary technologies. The latency for an exchange ranges from a few milliseconds at the substation to several seconds at the grid level. However, it is possible to provide a small selected subset of the information at the grid level with a 1-s delay. In spite of the large
range in the latency, using the PMU timestamps, it is possible to
limit the time skew of the data at any level to 1 ms or even less
if so desired.
To establish the financial feasibility of the proposed IT infrastructure, a scalable methodology is developed [23] for assessing the costs and benefits using published statistics. In addition to the cost of necessary IT hardware, the cost models
Wide-area monitoring and control has been gaining worldwide interest. This involves gathering data from and controlling a large region of the grid through the use of time synchronized phasor measurement units (PMUs). Currently efforts are
underway for the design and development of a robust and secure data highway for the synchronized phasor data in the North
America [29]. Some key applications dependent on such data include [30]:
phase angle monitoring;
slow extended oscillation monitoring;
voltage stability/transfer capability enhancement;
adaptive line thermal monitoring /dynamic rating;
PMU augmented state estimation;
geomagnetic disturbance recognition.
Special protection/remedial action schemes (SPS/RAS) are
proliferating. They can be seen as precursors of intelligent
agents. The current customized schemes are too expensive
to build and maintain. Additionally, arming and disarming
of these schemes is not adaptive. The proposed architecture
will improve their effectiveness by frequent parameter updates from a higher level and greater use of local intelligence;
hence intelligent SPS/RAS or iSPS/iRAS. This together with
plug-and-play components allows real time coordination of
numerous schemes/control actions at lower costs. Such coordination is already pursued in an ad hoc manner [31], [32].
State estimation provides reliable knowledge of the current
state of the power system for use by the operator and other analytical functions as needed. In current practice, since all analytical functions are centralized, a typical state estimator is also
centralized. To provide intelligence throughout the grid, timely
state estimation must be available at local levels for all required
execution cycles/time scales (including subseconds). As such, a
distributed state estimator with functional agents at every level
of the three dimensional hierarchy can enable local analysis. For
example, a transmission substation level agent retrieves necessary data from the local substation and other substations within
the electrical vicinity. It resolves topology errors, identifies
and rejects erroneous measurements, and when necessary, obtains substitute data from other functional agents (e.g., bus load
estimation or forecast) at the substation level or other levels.
Other higher level agents have to coordinate their estimation
with lower level solutions. Similarly, state estimation agents at
various distribution levels feed processed information to higher
distribution level agents and ultimately to the appropriate cycles of the transmission agents. This enables a well-coordinated
scalable methodology.
Demand and resource forecasting is usually done at a macroscopic level such as control area and load zone. However, as
need for more discrete and intelligent local control increases
with distributed resources, accurate forecasts at the local level
will be required. The proposed architecture provides for plugand-play forecasting agents throughout the grid to access required information to produce such load and generation models.
For example, at the substation level, the agents may forecast data
for a bus subject to operating constraints suggested by higher
level agents who in turn can have lower level data folded into
their own forecasts.
In parallel with the above implementation trends, major standards initiatives are also underway sponsored by NIST [23],
IEEE (IEEE 2030) [24], etc. We believe these efforts would converge sooner if a common vision for the smart grid architecture
is shared by all stakeholders.
Smart grid is envisioned as a quantum leap in harnessing communication and information technologies to enhance grid reliability and to enable integration of various smart grid resources
such as renewable resources, demand response, electric storage,
and electric transportation. Based on a critical review of the reliability impacts of these resources, it is concluded that an ideal
mix of the smart grid resources leads to a flatter net demand that
eventually accentuates reliability issues further. Thus, the centrality of meeting reliability challenges in the realization of the
smart grid is underscored.
Meeting these challenges requires a systematic approach to
develop a common vision for cohesive gridwide integration of
the necessary IT technologies. An architectural framework is
proposed to serve as a concrete representation of such common
vision to facilitate the design, development, and integration
of various components as well as the emergence of necessary
standards and protocols. This architecture supports a multitude of fail-proof geographically and temporally coordinated
hierarchical monitoring and control actions over time scales
ranging from milliseconds to operational planning horizon.
The architecture delivers high performance through a virtual
hierarchical operation of a multitude of software agents and
services in organizational, geographical and functional dimensions. This infrastructure can be thought of as a super EMS
consisting of a network of networks that allows for evolutionary
implementation of the infrastructure.
An architectural approach is essential for transforming the
power grid to a smarter grid as the iPhone architectural paradigm was for transforming the phone. It was not because of a
few specific applications that iPhone revolutionized the phone
but for its architecture that led to an explosion of functionality.
[1] Smart grid policy U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC), Docket PL09-4-000, 2009.
[2] Title XIIISmart Grid, Sec. 1301, Statement of Policy on Modernization of Electricity Grid, Energy Independence and Security Act of
2007 (EISA).
[3] Smart Grid Systems, California Senate Bill 1438 [Online].
[4] American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Pub. L. No. 111-5.
[5] Recovery ActSmart Grid Investment Grant Program, Electricity
Delivery and Energy Reliability, Research, Development and
Analysis, U.S. Department of Energy, Funding Opportunity No.
DE-FOA-0000058, CFDA#81.122.
[6] K. H. LaCommare and J. H. Eto, Cost of power interruptions to electricity consumers in the United States, LBNL-58164, 2006.
[7] Summary Statistics for the United States U.S. Energy Information Administration, 19962007 [Online]. Available: http://www.eia.doe.gov/
[8] 20% wind energy by 2030, U.S. Department of Energy, 2008
[Online]. Available: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/windandhydro/
Khosrow Moslehi (S76M82) received the Ph.D. degree from the University
of California, Berkeley.
He is the Director of Product Development at ABB Network Management in
Santa Clara, CA. He has over 25 years of experience in R&D in power system
analysis and optimization, system integration and architecture, electricity markets, and smart grid.
Ranjit Kumar (S73M78SM84) received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Missouri, Rolla (now known as Missouri University of Science and
He has over 30 years of experience in research and development of algorithms
and software for the design, operation, and real-time control of power systems,
markets, and smart grid. He has made several contributions related to power
system stability, fuel resource scheduling, and dynamic security analysis. He is
a Consultant to ABB Network Management, Santa Clara, CA.