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IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633( 1995)

( Reaffirmed 2004 )



ICS 29.120.60



NEW DELHI 110002 June 1999 Price Group 10

High-1/oltage Switchgear and Controlgear Sectional Committee, ET 08

NATIONAL FOREWORD This Indian Standard which is identical with IEC 1633
( 1995 ) `High-voltage alternating current circuit-breakers -- Guide for short-
circuit and switching test procedures for metal-enclosed and dead tank circuit-
breakers' was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the
recommendations of the High Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear Sectional
Committee ( ET 08 ) and approval of the Electrotechnical Division Council. It
gives information on test circuits and procedures for type testing relevant to
short circuit making and breaking and switching perform-ante of metal-enclosed
and dead tank circuit breakers. The text of the IEC Standard has been approved
as suitable for publication as Indian Standard without deviations. In the adopted
standard, certain terminology and conventions are not identical to those used in
Indian Standards. Attention is specially drawn to the following: a) Wherever the
words `International Standard' appear referring to this standard, they should be
read as `Indian Standard'. b) Comma (,) has been used as a decimal marker
while in Indian Standards, the current practice is to use a point (.) as the decimal
marker. In this adopted standard, reference appears to certain International
Standards for which Indian Standards also exist. The corresponding Indian
Standards which are to be substituted in their place are listed below along with
their degree of equivalence for the editions indicated: International Standatd
Corresponding Indian Standard Degree of Equivalence Identical do

IEC 56:1987 High-voltage altemating current circuit breakers IEC 427:1989

Synthetic testing of high-voltagealternatingcurrent circuit breakers

1S13118:1991 High-voltagealternating current circuit breakers IS 13516:1993

Synthetictesting of high voltage alternating current circuit breakers

Only the English language text in the International Standard has been retained
while adopting it in this Indian Standard. For the purpose of deciding whether a
particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed
or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in
accordance with IS 2:1960 `Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised)'.
The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the
same as that of the specified value in this standard.
Indian Standard

IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633( 1995)


TANK CIRCUIT BREAKERS 1 Scope and object
This" technical repofi contains information and recommendations for test circuits
and procedures for type testing relevant to short-circuit making and breaking
and switching performance of metal-enclosed and dead tank circuit-breakers.
Other methods are not excluded, provided that they supply the correct stresses
to the circuit-breaker. Other tests, such as dielectric tests, routine tests,
commissioning tests and site tests are motwithin the scope of this report.

The various test cases are evaluated and special test circuits are given, or
special precautions required to use test circuits developed for open-air
equipment. The test$ described can be made in principle in both direct and
synthetic circuits.

Normative references

The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference

in this Wt. constitute provisions of this technical report. At the time of
publication, the ed~ions indicated were valid. All normative documents are
subject to revision, and pafiies to agreements based on this technical repwl are
encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying. the most recent editions of
the normative documents indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain
registers of currently valid International Standards.

IEC 56:1987, IEC 427:1989, 3 3.1 General



circuit-breakers alternating current circuit-breakers

Synthetic testing of high-voltage

Special features of metal-enclosed circuit-breakers making and breaking tests

and switching tests

with respect to short-circuit

Circuit-breakers in metal enclosures have to fulfil their duties under conditions

which are different from those prevailing in insulating enclosures.
IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633(1995) The main features with certain consequences on
making and breaking tests are:

1) The switching units are integrated parts of a given substation design. Thus,
the surrounding components of a substation have to be considered when
defining the test conditions. 2) Several breaking units of one pole, or even all
three poles, can be placed within a common enclosure. Various components of
switching units of the substation as well as other live and earthed parts, are in
close spatial neighborhood, due to the high dielectric strength of the insulating
medium. This may lead to strong interactions of different physical nature
between parts of switching units and their surroundings. It alsO results in a
relatively high capacitance and low inductance of tested and surrounding parts.

The implications of such interactions have to be considered in determining the

test requirements. 3) [n metal-enclosed equipment, the insulating surfaces are
exposed to a relatively high dielectric stress and this may make them sensitive
to deposits.


Reduced number of units for testing purposes

Suitable facilities might not be available in high-power test plants for the testing
of a complete circuit-breaker or a full pole, even in laboratories which make use
of synthetic test circuits. Hence the necessity exists to perform tests on parts of
a complete circuit-breaker. Depending on the alternatives, the interactions
between the tested object and the omitted parts should be analysed: between
circuit-breaker units and surrounding parts of the substation; between poles or
between poles and the enclosure; between different units or between units and
the enclosure.

In this analysis, it is necessary to differentiate between: single pole in one

enclosure; three poles in one enclosure.

It is also necessary to distinguish between two different stresses, which usually

can be treated separately: stress of the interrupting gap; stress of insulation
between phases, or between phases and the enclosure.

General description

of special features and possible interactions

Interactions, which might influence the test results and cannot be taken into
account by unit testing or single-pole testing, will require full-pole or three-pole
testing, respectively.

IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633( 1995) 3.3.1 /nf/uence of the surrounding parts of a

Integrated parts, for example bus-bar sections, feeding cables, bushings, voltage
transformers, and surge arresters, may influence the prospective stresses of the
test circuit.

The influence of these integrated parts of the system depends on the test
sequence. On the one hand, the large capacitance of surrounding elements
reduces the stress on the circuit-breaker in the case of SLF and terminal fault
ITRV, while, on the other hand, switching of capacitor banks may be more severe
when low impedance connections are used. 3.S.2 Interaction between poles,
interrupting units and enclosures

Various types of interactions of a different physical nature can arise between the
elements of the circuit-breaker considered. The most important are: mechanical;
electrostatic; electro-magn~tic; gas dynamical.

The intensity of these interactions will, in most cases, depend on the individual
design of the object under test. If a special interaction is eliminated in a given
design, -it is no longer necessary to adjust the tests to cover this interaction. In
that case, it is necessary to demonstrate that the interaction under consideration
has negligible influence on the test results, whitih could be made by model
cakulation, or experimental demonstration, using special measuring techniques.
The same demonstration could be applied for the judgement of the degree of
interaction which has to be represented in tests. [n addition,, consideration must
be given to the case of a switching device where the configuration is not
symmetrical in respect to the terminals. Mechanical interaction

Subclauses 6.102.2 and 6.102.3 of IEC 56 apply. Electrostatic interaction

Subclause 6.102 .3.2.-2 of IEC 56 applies. The voltage distribution between units
of. multi-break circuit-breakers, as well as the electric field in the contact-gap, is
influenced by the high capacitances and especially by the presence of the
earthed enclosure and of other live parts. It may be different in various test
sequences and for different earlhi.ng conditions.

The voltage distribution between units can be determined as a function of the

capacitance across the units and to the enclosure. The maximum gradients on
the contact surfaces depend also on the number of intermpters and, for -the
same circuit-breaker; on the position of the interrupting unit in the circuit-
breaker, even when an ideal voltage distribution is assumed.
IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633(1995) The electrical field in the contact gap is
influenced by the following factors: short distances between live parts and `the
enclosure; presence of adjacent live parts.

Here the determination of a representative stress depends on the individual

design of the circuit-breaker and on the location of the most critical stress area. Electromagnetic interaction

Both single- and three-pole circuit-breakers can experience electromagnetic

interaction, which may cause additional forces op the arcs and on moving parts.
In `the case of three poles in one enclosure, the interaction between phases is

Induced currents and return currents in the enclosure may cause additional
effects, for instance a voftage drop between earthed parts affecting auxiliary or
protective equipment.

Gas dynamical interaction

Hot, ionized and/or contaminated exhaust gases may influence the dielectric
strength between poles in a common enclosure, and between the pole(s) and the
enclosure. Similar effects may occur between the units of a pole with more than
one interrupting unit.

4 4.1

Tests for single pole In one enclosure Short-circuit making and breaking tests

The test circuits shall comply with figures 19a, 20a, 21a and 22a of [EC 56. Test
circuits 19b, 20b, 21 b and 22b of lEC 56 do not stress metal-enclosed and dead
tank circuitbreakers in earthed fault conditions correctly.

The conditions of 6.102 of IEC 56 shall be fulfilled. The -syn-thetic test circuits
shall comply with 4.2.1, 4.2.2 and clause 5 of IEC 427.
For single-phase testing purposes two situations have to be considered: a) single-
pole testing of three-pole circuit-breakers (see 4.1.1): b} unit testing (see 4.1.2).
4.1.1 Single-pole testing of a three-pole circuit-breaker

When test circuits 21a and 22a of IEC 56 are used, the full voltage has to be
applied to one terminal of the circuit-breaker, the other terminal and the
enclosure being earthed. The recovery voltage should preferably be a.c. The
conventional director synthetic circuits shall be used.

IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633(1995) 4.1.2 Unit testing

Particular precautionary measures regarding interaction must be taken (see 2.3

and 6.102 .3.2.1 C of IEC 56). The -required voltage stresses during -the unit
testing are: the full-pole transient recovery voltage and recovery voltage
between the relevant live parts and the enclosures. The recovery voltage should
preferably be a.c.; the podion of these voltages, depending on the number of
tested units and on the voltage distribution, across the unit(s) submitted to tests.
All units must break the shoti-circuit current, which guarantees the correct
interaction between units and the correct influence on the insulation between
live parts and the enclosure. This test procedure can only be used if the circuit-
breaker is supplied with a third bushing. This bushing, connected between the
unit(s) under test and the voltage circuit, allows the use of the other unit(s) as
auxiliary circuit-breakers. This bushing should not produce any mechanical,
electrostatic, or magnetic interaction with the unit(s) under test.

The synthetic circuit is shown in figure 1, both for current and for voltage
injection. It "consistsof: - a conventional synthetic test circuit that gives the
required portion of the total TRV between the terminals of the unit(s) under test
(UBOffi9ur82); - an additional test circuit (synthetic, d.c., or a.c. source) that
energizes enclosure, insulated from earth, with a suitable voltage (UE of figure
2). the

[n figure 2, an example relevant to a haff-pole testing, shows the required

voltage (JB, u~ and the resulting voltage UA between the terminal of the
auxiliary unit(s) connected to the current circuit and the enclosure. The fu'fl-pole
voltage stresses are applied between the earthed terminal of the unit(s) under
test and the enclosure.

If it is not possible to apply the voltage stresses u~ and UE at the same time, a
multipart testing procedure can be used (see of IEC 56). In the first
part, only the performance of the unit(s) under test is checked (the enclosure of
the circuit-breaker is earthed). In the second part, the insulation between the live
parts of the pole and the enclosure is checked. This can be done, for instance,
with all units breaking the short-circuit current, but at a reduced voltage
(dependent on the available current source) and applying voltage `between the
insulated enclosure and the earth. At the moment when the TRV peak is
produced, the instantaneous value of the applied voltage to the enclosure shall
be equal to the differences between the "reduced voltqge" and the total TRV
peak to be applied between the stressed terminal and the enclosure.

IS 14658:1999 EC 1633( 1995) Test circuits without the use of a third bushing
exist. The required voltage across the unit under test is produced by shunting the
other units with large capacitors. The application of such circuits is not valid for
the interaction interval, and may only be used subject to circuits can be used for
basic a~reement between manufacturer and user. These short-circuit test
sequences, if the thermal behaviour of the circuit-breaker during interaction
intetval is verified separately (for example either by two-part testing, or by
performing short-line fault tests). Pay attention that during the basic short-circuit
test sequences, the arcing times are not considerably at variance with those
obtained during the thermal verification test.

1 In the past, some unit testing has been carried out in a test circuit in which not
all unite break the short-circuit current. Such a test circuit may only be used for
cases with negligible interaction, due to gas circulation. This is, however, mostly
not the case and is also very difficult to prove.
In this circuit, a portion of the circuit-breaker has been short-circuited. ft is
assumed that this does not produce any mechanical, electrostatic, w
electromagnetic interaction, and special attention should be paid to the
interaction due to gas circulation. A synthetic test circuit is shown in figure 3,
both for current and voltage injection. The working principle of this circuit is the
same as that of the circuit in figure"1. The value and polarity of the voltage UE,
to be applied to the enclosure are such that the resulting voltage between the
energized terminal of the circuit-breaker and the enclosure is equal to the
required value of the full-pole test voltag~. In figure 4 an example relevant to a
half-pole testing shows the required voltages. 2 Insulation between live parts and
enclosures during making and breaking short-circuit currents for most circuit-
breakers can be proved by short-ciccuit test sequences nos. 4 and 5. Short-circuit
test sequences nos. 1,2 and 3 may be performed by conventional unit test
procedures. 3 To uncouple the control circuit of the circuit-breaker from the
energized enofosure, the fibre-optics transmission technique -can be applied
suooessfulfy; the power required to operate the closing and trip coils can be
provided by a turbine generator group driven by compressed air.



fault tests

Subclause 6.109 of IEC 56 and 4.2.1, 4.2.2, and 6.109 of IEC 427, when the
synthetic testing method is used, apply. Provided that the basic short-circuit test
duties have been carried out, no further attention need be paid to the insulation
between the live parts and the enclosure during short-line fault tests. 4.3
Switching of capacitive currents

The testing procedure shall be in agreement with 6.111 of IEC 56. For single-
phase laboratory tests,, according to 6.111.7 of iEC 56, only the dielectric stress
between terminals of the circuit-breaker is correctly reproduced. When the
dielectric stress between the terminals and the enclosure cannot be reproduced
correctly, additional tests shall be carried out.

IS 14658 :t999 IEC 1633(1995) Thus, laboratory tests for the verification of the
capacitive current switching shall be performed in accordance with the following
procedure. a) Performance of the switching test sequences in accordance with
6.111 of IEC 56. b) Performance of an additional dielectric test with the aim of
applying proper d.c. and/or power frequency dielectric stresses between the
terminals and the enclosure.

The need to apply power frequency voltage, or d.c. voltage, or both and their
values shall be determined. takino into account the conditions of the system and
the actual values of the source-side and-load-side voltages verified during the
switching tests given in a) above. Typical values of the source-side, load-side,
and recovery voltages during capacitive current switching are given in tables 1A
and B.

If the withstand to the power frequency voltage has to be checked, this voltage
shall be applied on the source-side terminal of the circuit-breaker, and shall be
maintained for 1 min. If the withstand to the d.c. voltage has to be checked, this
voltage shall be applied orkJhe load-side terminal of the circuit-breaker and
maintained for 0.3 s. When power frequency and d.c. voltage stresses have to be
verified, the voltages can be applied on the terminals in separate steps.


2==+ `"ad

IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633(1995) Table 1A - Three-phase capacitive current
switching in actual service conditions: typlml values of the source-side, Ioad-side,
and recovery voltages

Values of the voltages for earthed system Conditions Circuitbreaker terminals

Values of the voltages for unearthed system

Unearthed capacitor

Earthed capacitor banks and screened cables


In all cases

Poles A and B dear at the first current zeros after the cfearance of pole C Poles A
and B do not cfear at the

C/earth C'/earth

u @151,5 u @/@g*5

U fl/G
u 6/6 2

f,2 u.JF/JF 2,2 u p/fl

1,5 u WIG u @#/w 2*5 u @.. 2 u W6

u @JT

U@#/@ u GIG

u 6/6

u fl/6 1,4 UIFI'G

2,4 U@@

first current zeros

after the clearance of pole C CXY U =

C'le&rth Clc'

u ~/@ u @T

u 4Z-IG

u @/w

u F/+T

= fimt pole to clear rated voltage

C = source side

NOTE - The indicated values for unearthed system apply if the source-side zero
sequence capacitance is negligible compared to that of the load side.

Table 1 B - Correspondent capacitive current-switching tests in accordance with

6.111.7 of IEC 56 for single-phase laboratory tests. Values of the source-side,
load-side, and recovery voltages

Values of the voltages for earthed system Conditions Circuitbreaker terminals

Values of the voltages for unearthed system

Unearthed capacitor banks

Earthed capacitor banks and screened cables


In all cases

Possible different clearing sequences of the-three poles are not considered

C/earth C'/earth


u fl/G

u @/@ u 6/6


u d%6-
1,4 u WIG
2,8 U @_/@

1,4 u G/G 2,8

1,2u C]6
2,4 U @_/@

C/C' = first pole to clear U = rated voltage

u @/@


C = source side

C' = load side

In addition to the conditions of table 1, the following paragraphs give information

concerning 6.111.7, d, and eof IEC 56.

IS 14658:1999 -IEC 1633(1995)

With the neutral of the supply earthed and in presence of single- or two-phase
earth faults, the voltages in the healthy phases can reach up to 1,4 U=. The
precise value depends on the zero sequence impedances. In that case, the
values of the voltages on source-side and load-side terminals to earth which
should be considered are: C/earth = C'/earth = 1,4 U@fi C/C' = 2,8 U
@/'~(recove~ voltage)

With the neutral of the supply -not earthed and in presence of single- or two-
phase earth faults, the voltages in the healthy phases can reach up to
approximately 1,7 U~ In that case, the values of the voltages on source-side and
load-side terminals to eaflh which should be considered are: C/earth = C'/earth =
1,7 U~lfi C/C' = 3,4 UJZK(recovery 4.3.1 Single-pole voftage)

testing of three-pole circuit-breakers

Direct circuits or synthetic circuits shall be used. In some synthetic test circuits,
both voltages are combined at one terminal of the circuit-breaker, the other
terminal being earthed. This condition is more severe for the insulation to earth
and may effect the severity of the test across the circuit-breaker. To compensate
for this eff6ct, a bias voltage stress to the enclosure may be applied.

Possible solutions relevant to the current injection circuit and to the ciFcuit using
two power frequency sources are illustrated in figures 5 and 6. 4.3.2 Unit testing

II is necessary to take into account local field distortion within the gap between
neighboring elements, such as enclosures. In some cases, depending on the
number of the units of the pole, the test circuits do not reproduce the requested
d.c. and a.c. recovery voltages between the live parts of the unit(s) under test
and the enclosure.

Unit testing is only acceptable if the field strength to earth at one terminal is
equal to the field strength to earth at full-pole testing. This condition can be met

energizing the enclosure of the circuit-breaker, insulated from earth, with a

proper voltage. An example relevant to unit testing on half-a-pole of a circuit-
breaker is given in figure 7 for a synthetic current "injection; - performing half-
pole testing with both voltages (a.c. and d.c.) superimposed at one terminal and
the other terminal earthed.
IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633(1995)



Subclause 6.110 of IEC 56 applies. The following considerations -apply: during

these tests the mechanical, magnetic and gas dynamical interactions are low
and smaller than during short-circuit and short-line fault test conditions; the
voltage stress between the phases and the enclosure, as well as between
phases, might be equal to, or smaller than, those in shofl-circuit test conditions.
NOTE - To +airnulate the network conditions, it is recommended to eerth the
enclosure and to apply the voltage stresses to both sides of the circuit-breaker.
Earthing of the anclosu~e and oms terminal yields a more severs stress between
the phases and encfosure; consequently, this test configuration is subject to the
agreement of the manufacturer.

For testing purposes two situations have to be considered: a) single-pole testing

of three-pole circuit-breakers (see 4.4.1 ): b) unit testing (see 4.4.2).



testing of three-pole circuit-breakers

A direct or synthetic test method in, a symmetrical circuit as indicated in figure

29 of IEC 56, with voltages applied on both sides and the enclosure earthed, can
be used. The reoovery voltage preferably should be a.c.

The symmetrical synthetic circuit is formed by two voltage circuits having TRV of
opposite polarity and oscillating at equal or different frequencies (see figure 8).
The injection of the two circuits shall occur in a suitable sequence in order to
obtain the required voltage stresses both between the terminals and between, at
least, one of the terminals and the enclosure. The voltage circuits can be
according to the current injection or voltage injection method, or a combination
of the two. Afternatively, a conventional direct or synthetic circuit can be used
with one of the terminals of the circuit-breaker earthed and the enclosure
energized and insulated from earth. 4.4.2 Unit testing

To reproduce the correct voltage stress between the terminals and the enclosure,
the enclosure has to be insulated and energized using a voltage source as
described in 4.1.2.

IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633(1995) Unit testing with the enclosure and one terminal
of the circuit-breaker earthed is permissible, provided that the required voltage
stress between the terminals and the enclosure has already been checked during
the short-circuit tests. 5 5.1 5.1.1 Tests for three poles In one enclosure Terminal
fault tests Test procedure

When a direct circuit is available to test the three-phase circuit-breaker, direct

testing will cover all the stresses. When a synthetic method is used, to ensure
that the suitable stresses in the hterrupting element and those between poles
and to the enclosure are applied, the following general requirements shall be
fulfilled. a) Full three-phase test.

current shall be supplied to the three-pole circuit-breaker under

Short-circuit test sequences nos 1,2, and 3 may be performed in single-phase

test circuits.

b) Information about the required test circuits for test sequences 4 and 5 is given
in table 2. Table 2Information on test clrcults for test sequences 4 and 5 ,

Test duty 4

Test duty 5 Other poles First clearing pole Application of 4.2.1 or 4.2.2 of IEC 427
for at least two operations. The third operation can be tested with 4.2.3 Other
poles Application of 4.2.1 or 4.2.2 of IEC 427 at least to the operation with major
extendad foop and longest arcing time


Firstclearing pole
Application of synthetic circuits of 4.2.1 or 4.2.2 of IEC 427 at all operations


Application of synthetic circuits of 4.2.1, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3 of IEC 427 at all


Application of 4.2.1 or 4.2.2 of fEC 427 for at feast two operations. The third
operation can be tested with 4.2.3

Application ,of4.2.1 or 4.2.2 of IEC 427 at least to the second cfearing pole at the
operation with the longest arcing time

Application of 4.2.1 or 4.2.2 of IEC 427 for at least two operations. The third
operation can be tested with 4.2.3

Application of 4.2.1 or 4.2.2 of IEC 427 at least to the second clearing pole at the
operation with major extended foop and longest arcing time

\ F. P.C,F = first-pole-to-clear factor NOTE - Voftage injection is only permitted if

there are no ITRV requirements, or if these requirements are covered by SLF

IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633(1995) c) Between the different poles and between poles
and the enclosure, the maximum stresses for TRV and RV are given in tables 3
and 4 (see also figures 9 and 10). These stresses may be tested by using
synthetic circuits of 4.2.3 of IEC 427. For test duty 5, reference should be made
to IEC 427, 6.106.5. The recovery voltage shall be a.c. Table 3Test duties 1, 2,3
and 4- First-poie-to-ciear Voitage vaiues during 3-phase interruption
TRV peak/TRV peak first pole % RV peak At the rnstance At the instance of first-
pole af second-pole clearance clearance a b c a-b b-c c-a duldt

factor: 1,5.





S8 I
115 "58

1 1,732 1,732

70 70

100 100

Between phases



Uc= TRV peak first pole = 1,5 .1,4 U ~,~ lpu. ul@-

The first pole to clear is located on phase c.

Tabie 4-

Test duties 1,2,3 and 4- First-poie-to-ciear Voitage vaiues during 3-phase

TRV peak/TRV peak first pole % At the instance At tie ins~nce At tie in$~nce of
first-pole of second-pole of third-pole clearance clearance clearance

factor: 1,3.

RV peak pu



a b c a-b b-c c-a

100 o 100 100
0 98 / 98 89

77 I I 98 1

1 1 1 1,732 1,732

70 95 100

Between phases

Uc = TRV peak first pole = 1,3 .1,4 U ~/d~ lpu=u~l~ The first pole to clear is
located on phase c.

IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633( 1995) d) In accordance with the requirements of
6.105.1 of IEC 56, and with the aim to reduce to the minimum the time interval,
and also to avoid changing the connection of the high-voltage circuit to the
circuit-breaker between the tests of each test sequence, all the required arcing
times shall be applied on the same phase. e) All the above stresses preferably
should be applied in the same test. If this is impossible, a multi-part testing
procedure may be allowed.


Test circuits

Different circuits are now used with different features. In the following, some
circuits are described; for the validity of these circuits refer to 5.2.

a) Three-phase transformer injection circuit The circuit is shown in figure 11. It is

formed by a three-phase circuit and a transformer fed voltage injection circuit,
capable of giving the TRV and a.c. recovery voltages for the first and iast clearing
poles. b) Combined circuit The circuit is shown in figure 12. It is formed by a
three-phase current circuit. The TRV and a.c. recovery voltages for the first pole
to ciear are given by a current or voltage injection circuit, and by two dupiicate
circuits for the last clearing poles. c) Injection in all phases The circuit is formed
by a three-phase current circuit and two or three voltage circuits. The voltage
values shall be chosen so that both insulation to earth and between phases will
be adequately stressed at the iast clearing poles. in figures 13a and 13b
exampies using current or voltage injection circuits are shown. d) Three-phase
duplicate circuit The circuit shown in figure 14 is a three-phase version of the
single-phase dupiicate circuit. This circuit is only suitatde to test the circuit-
breaker dieiectrica[ly, therefore it can be used only if combined with other test
circuits when multi-pati testing procedure is adopted.



fault tests fault interruption, as for the singie-pole

The test is based on the single-phase-to-earth enciosure type (see 4.2).

Therefore, only one poie shall be stressed by the short-circuit current and full

Subclauses 6.102.2 and 6.102.3 of IEG 56 apply. NOTE - The spaoial situation of
three-phase short-fine fault with magnetic interaction batwaan phases `is under

IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633(1995) 5.3 Capacitive current switching tests

Three-phase testing is preferred. In the case of single-phase testing, some extra

dielectric tests are necessary (see 4.3). In the three-phase situation, both the
insulation to earth and between poles have to be considered. These dielectric
tests, as far as required, may be carried out separately.

Table 5-

Capacitive current switching In actual service conditions: maximum typical

voltage values
Earthed systems

Voltage between terminals

Unearthed capacitor banks pu

Earthed capacitor banks pu 1,0 1,0 2,0 S1.73 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,7t 2,0 A =
Source side


Unearthed systems

pu 1,0 1,2 2,2 S1,73 2,1 1,9 2,0 1,9 2,2 1,9 2,2 2,0 A'= Load side

pu 1,5 1,0 2,5 S1,73 2,37 S1,73 1,87 1,87 2,5 1,87 2,5 1,s7

A-earth A'earth A-A' -N-a' A'.& B'-c* A-B' A-C' B-A' B-C' C-A' C-B'

1,0 1,5 2,5 <1,73 2,37 <1,73 1,87 1,87 2,5 1.87 2,5 1,87

A-A' First pole to clear NOTES

1 The indioated values for unearthed systems apply if the source-side zero
sequence capacitanoa is negligible compared to that of the load side. 2 Ipu. u@6

Poles Band C clear at the first current zeros after the clearance of pole A. The
voltage value for A-B, A-C and B-C are in all cases equal to U ~. The voltages B-
earth, B-earth, B-B and C-earth, C'-earth and C-C' are not incorporated in the
table, beoause their values are lower than those for pole A.

NOTE - Capacitive current switching in combination with a single-phase earth

fault condition is under consideration.





Single-phase testing may be used: three-phase testing is considered not to be

necessary because of relatively small currents and relatively low voltage to the
enclosure, due to the sharing between both sides of the breaks.

IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633(1995)




1s - Typlcalinjectioncfrcuitwith voltagecircuit in parallelwith the unit(a) undertest






Sa ,



lb - Typical injection circuit with voltage circuit in parallel with the unit(s) ueed aa


s* St
G= u, i= ih Lh Zh Ch

= unit(s) of the circuit-breaker used as auxiliary circuit-breaker = unit(s) of the

circuit-breaker used as test circuit-breaker
source for supPly of

u~, applied to the enclosure

= voltage of the current circuit currant of the current circuit = injected current =
inductance of voltage circuit = equivalent surge impedance of voltage circuit =
capacitance of voltage circuit which, together with Lh, contrcls the major part of
the TRV

Figure 1- Test circuit for unit testing (circuit-breaker to gas circulation)

with interaction


IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633(1995)

Voltage A UC-E UC-A




Time -

voltage voltage

u~ /.

." UA

~ = instant of injection of the voltage UB





Typical voftage wave shapes in a current injection circuit, in accordance with

figures BB1 and BB2 of IEC 427, with the voftage circuit in parallel with the
unit(s) used as test circuit-breaker.

Typical voltage wave shapes in a vottage injectfort circuit,in accordance with

figures CC 1 and CC2 of IEC 427, with the voftage cfrctdt h paralfel with the
unit(s) used as auxiliary circuit-breaker.


voltage applied to the insulated enclosure


= voltage applied to the contact gap of the unit(s) under test (resuftfng voltage
between the terminaf not earthed of the unit under teat and the enclosure; a
tinear distribution of the voltage between the unite is assumed)

"1 UA

= voltage of the current circuit = resulting voltage between the terminal of the
auxifiary unit(s) connected to the current cfrcuit and
me encfosure

Figure 2-

Half-pole testing of a clrcult-breaker in test clrcult of figure 1. Example of the

required TRVS to be applled between the terminals of the unit(s) under test and
between the Ilve parts and the Insulated enclosure

1S 14658:1999 IEC 1633(1995)


3a - Typical injaction circuit with voltaga circuit in parallel with the unit(a) undar
teat L,



3b - Typical injection circuit with voltage circuit in parallel with the auxiliary
circuit-breaker Sa St G % i= `h = = = = = auxiliary circuit-breaker unit (s) of the
circuit-breaker under test source for supply of UE, applied to the enclosure
voltage of the current circuit current of the current circuit injected currant
inductance of voltage circuit equivalent surge impedance of voltage circuit
capacitance of voltage circuit which together with Lh controls the major part of
the TRV

Lh = Zh = Ch = Figure


Synthetic test circuit for unit testing (circuit-breaker interaction due to gas

with negligible

IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633(1995)

Voltage "c


Uc -B

`c -E












(IE . %3 = u= =

voltage applied tothe insulated enclosure voltage applied to the contact gap of
the unit(s) under test resulting voltage between the energized terminal of the
unit(s) under test and the enclosure Figure 4testing of a clrcult-breaker inthe test
of figure 3. Exarnpie of the required TRVS to be appiied between the terminais of
the unit(s) under test and between the iive parts and the insuiated enciosure

IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633(1995)
a) c LC sa iL St (~ ~ See detail iv





"1 = veitage of the current circuit

Detail c

-----r-+ t-=-%1+
U* Ail



charging voitage of the voitage oircuit



= test voitage

(IA = raeuiting voltage between the energized terminai of the circuit-breaker and
the enciosure Ue resuiting voitage between the earthad terminai of tha circuit-
breaker and the enciosure

ic `v i~

= current of the current circuit = injected current = test circuit

Sa = auxiiiary circuit-breakars




= circuit-breaker under test

Figure 5a - General lay-out of the test circuit

Breaking operation b)





Figure 5b - Qualitative

current and voite~e wave ehapes

Figure 5-

Capacitive synthetic current injection circuit with enciosure the circuit-breaker

energized 19

IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633(1995)

"1 % up

= voltage of the current circuit = voltage of the voltage circuit teat voltage .

test voltage resulting voltage batween the enarg~ed terminal of the circuit-
breaker and the enclosure resulting voltage between the earthed terminal of the
circuit-breaker and the enclosure current of the current circuit current of the
voltage circuit test current


i= iv `L


Sa * auxiliaty circuit-breakers s, = circuit-breaker under test

Figuro68- General18y-outof the test circuit

Breaking operation







Figure t3b - Qualitative

current and voltage wave shapes

Figure 6-

Capacitive synthetic circuit using two power frequency with the enciosure of the
circuit-breaker energized

sources and

IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633(1995)




See detail

,"1L pf

UE I "1
Detail I c lv~ "A

voltage of the current circuit

"P * test voltage



d.c. voltage apptied to the insulated enclosure rasulting voltage between the
energized terminal of the unit(s) under test and the enclosure resulting voltage
between the earthed terminal of the unit(s) under test and the enclosure current
of the current source injected current test current



. `A . . .


`c `v

`L s,

= auxiliary circuit-breakers .
circuit-breaker under test


Figure 7a - General lay-out of the test-circuit

Sreaking operation b) ` i= `P =
2U~-N.K.m n~

iv U iL = rated voltage-of the cirouit-breaker

m = multiplying factor for the single phase capacitive current switching tests K N
n. = voltage distribution factor = number of units under tests (N=l ) total number
of units of a pole (n=2)

`P "A

o UE= UB o
NOTE - UE shall have the same polarity as the test voltage Up. Figure 7b -
Qualitative current and voltage wave shapes

Fiaure 7-

Capacitive synthetic current inlection circuit. Exampie of unit testin9 on. haif a
poie of a circuit-bre-aker with two units `per poie. Enciosure energized with a d.c.
voitage source

IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633(1995)

L, I

Sa 1 I

Voltage circuit A

"1 =
"A "e up 1= = = =

t' 6





vottage of the current circuit voltage applied to one terminal of the tircuit-
braaker under test voltage applied to the other terminal of the circuit-breaker
undar test test voltage current in the test circuit-breaker auxiliary circuit-breaker

Sa = s,


te$t Circuit-braakar
inductances of current circuit

Figure 8-

Symmetrical synthetic test circuit for out-of-phase of a complete pole of a circuit-


switching tests

Is 14656:1999 IEC 1633(1995)

Figure 9-

Example showing the wave shapes of symmetrical currents, phase-to-ground and

phase-to-phase voltages during three-phase InterruptIon, as for figure 19a of [EC



14658:1999 1633 (1995)

Figure 10-

Example showing the wave shapes of symmetrical currents, phase-to-ground and

phase-to-phase voltages during the three-phase interruption, as figure 20a of iEC

IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633(1995)




1A I 1 L -----





current circuit generator of voltage circuit triggered gap

step-up transformer of voltage circuit control elements TRV of current circuit

control elements TRV of voltage circuit test circuit-breaker auxiliary circuit-
breaker impedance in the neutral connection (when circuit 20a of IEC 56, first-
pole-to-clear factor 1,3 is used)

TRVI = TRV2 = St s, = =








IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633( 1995)

Voltage circuit of current or voltage injection circuit

I I L ZOH 1+ I I I I

Voltage circuit dupfhe ckcuit


s, #

/' =




Wi!!zzPi t
-----------------d I
factor 1,3 is


CU~nt Circuit auxifiary circuit-br~ker

s, St ?)=
a,b b,c

= t-t Circuit-breaker
impedance in the neutral connection (when circuit 20a of IEC 56, first-pole.to-
dear Used) = = voltage injection circuit currant injection circuit

Figure 12-

Combined clrcqi~
1S 14658:1999 IEC 1633(1995)







I 1. -------------------------


,"+ :


Figuro 1Ss
voltage circuit

I -----, I I I I I


I -----~ I I I I I I

c I I I I 4h (b

HC G;=

L ----s,
Voltage circuit

L ----s,


Figure 13b

HC St s, 4

= current circuit = test circuit-breaker = auxiliafy circuit-breaker = impedance in

the neutral connection (when circuit 20a of IEC 56, first-pole-to-clear factor 1,3 is

a, b = voltage injection circuit b,

c = current injection circuit

Figure 13-

Teat circuits with the Injection in all phases

IS 14658:1999 IEC 1633(1995)

Voltage oircuits

I I `->--~





t- -----







HC St s,


current circuit test oircuit-breaker

= `auxiliary circuit-breaker


= impedanoe in the neutral connection (when circuit 20a of IEC 56, first-pole-to-
clear `factor 1,3 is

Figure 14-


duplicate circuit

Bureau of Indian


BIS is a statutory institution established under the 13u~eau oflndian Standards

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