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Low Power Very High Frequency Switch-Mode Power Supply With 50 V Input and 5 V Output

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12, DECEMBER 2014


Low Power Very High Frequency Switch-Mode

Power Supply With 50 V Input and 5 V Output
Mickey Madsen, Student Member, IEEE, Arnold Knott, Member, IEEE, and Michael A. E. Andersen, Member, IEEE

AbstractThis paper presents the design of a resonant converter

with a switching frequency in the very high frequency range (30
300 MHz), a large step down ratio (ten times), and low output
power (1 W). Several different inverters and rectifiers are analyzed and compared. The class E inverter and rectifier are selected based on complexity and efficiency estimates. Three different power stages are implemented; one with a large input inductor,
one with a switch with small capacitances, and one with a switch
with low on-resistance. The power stages are designed with the
same specifications and efficiencies from 60.782.9% are achieved.
Index TermsDC-DC power conversion, inverters, rectifiers,
resonant power conversion, switched mode power supplies, VHF

HEN designing power converters it is always a goal to
reduce the price and the physical size, i.e. increase the
power density. The development of switch mode power supplies
(SMPS) has made it possible to increase the power density
significantly, but it is limited by the size of the passive energy
storing components (inductors and capacitors). The value and
size of these are however dependent on the switching frequency.
By increasing the switching frequency it will hence be possible
to reduce the size of SMPSs further.
Traditional SMPS topologies like Buck and Boost are hard
switching, this means the MOSFET is switching while energy
is stored in the output capacitance. The result is that energy is
dissipated in the MOSFET every time it turns on. Although this
introduces losses in the converter, it is not critical for converters
switching at 50400 kHz. But when the frequency is increased
to the very high frequency (VHF) range (30300 MHz) the
dissipated power get almost 1000 times larger. This amount of
energy would ruin the efficiency and require extreme cooling
of the MOSFET. This leads to the development of resonant
In order to avoid switching losses and be able to increase
the frequency while keeping the efficiency high, new topologies
have to be used. For the last two decades (since 1988 [1]), research has been done in order to enable the use of resonant RF

Manuscript received August 1, 2013; revised December 29, 2013 and October 28, 2013; accepted January 31, 2014. Date of publication February 12,
2014; date of current version August 13, 2014. Recommended for publication
by Associate Editor J. A. Cobos.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark (e-mail:
mpma@elektro.dtu.dk; akn@elektro.dtu.dk; ma@elektro.dtu.dk).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2014.2305738

Fig. 1.

Block diagram of the converter.

amplifiers (inverters) combined with a rectifier for dc/dc converters, see Fig. 1. With these type of converters, it is possible
to achieve zero voltage switching (ZVS) and/or zero current
switching (ZCS). In this case, the MOSFET turns ON when the
voltage and/or current across/through it is zero. Theoretically,
this should eliminate switching losses if the switching is done
instantaneously and at exactly the right time. This is not practically achievable, but even with slight deviations from the ideal
case very high efficiencies can be achieved.
As already mentioned the value of the passive components
depends on the switching frequency. Hence, an increase in frequency will lead to a reduction in size, as long as the size of
the passive scales with the value. This assumption generally
holds, but magnetic materials and packaging introduce some
challenges. When the frequency is pushed far into the meghertz
range, magnetic core losses increase rapidly and become unacceptably high for most core materials [2]. At this point, air core
and PCB embedded inductors become a viable solutions, as the
inductances needed at these frequencies can be made in a small
physical size and the core losses avoided [3], [4].
Increasing the switching frequency also leads to capacitors
with lower values. Electrolytic capacitors which often limit the
overall lifetime [5], [6] can hence be avoided. The reduction
in component values also leads to a cost reduction as smaller
components are generally cheaper. If the frequency is increased
enough, some of the components can even be left out as they can
be constituted by the parasitic parts of other components (this
will be explained further in Sections II and III). An increase
in switching frequency will also make it easier to comply with
EMI requirements, as switching harmonics can easily be filtered
out by small and cheap filters.
With a switching frequency in the VHF range, it will also
be possible to achieve very fast transient responses [7] which
are highly demanded, e.g., for envelope tracking [8]. However,
in order to fully benefit from this, an efficient and fast control
loop has to be implemented. This is a big challenge and while
some ways of achieving continuous regulation have been found
[9], [10], the best results are still achieved using burst mode
(or cell modulation) as in [11][13]. Due to the high switching

0885-8993 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.




Fig. 2.

Relation between

V I2N f S

and for the converters in Table I.


frequency the converter will reach steady state after just a few
microseconds, this makes it possible to use an array of small
converters and switch them on and off as needed. In this way,
each converter is designed to operate with a defined load/output.
This makes the design much easier as resonant inverters are
generally very load dependent.
The fact that resonant inverters are load dependent, makes it
very hard to achieve good performance at varying loads. Furthermore, resonant inverters need a large load impedance to
operate in the ideal situation (having both ZVS and ZCS). This
makes them well suited for boost-type converters, but making a
buck type is a bit more challenging. The most commonly used
way to overcome this challenge is to add an autotransformer at
the output, in that way the load impedance seen by the inverter
is increased [11], [14], [15]. Another way to achieve low output
voltage is to use an array of converters with the input in series
and the output in parallel in [16].
The most commonly used inverter is the class E, however
several other topologies exist. Some of the research results are
summed up in Table I. From the table it is seen that very high
efficiencies are achievable for the inverters up to 97%. However, the efficiency drops around 10% for the complete dc/dc
converters, i.e., when a rectifier is added.
From Table I, it is also seen that the converters have limited
gains, with a step down of 6.6 times and a step up of 2 being the
largest. As already stated the large reductions are not produced
solely by the converter, but with different ways to make the load
impedance appear larger. By further inspection, the connection
given by (1) can be seen, this relation is shown in Fig. 2


Equation (1) shows that it is problematic to have a high input voltage and switching frequency while having a low output
power and still keeping the efficiency high. The input voltage
sets (together with COSS ) the energy stored in the output capacitance of the MOSFET each switching period and fS sets

how many times this has to be done each second. Combined

these values are hence proportional to the circulating energy,
that needs to run in the converter in order to ensure ZVS. The
relation given in (1) hence states that it is difficult to achieve
high efficiency, if the circulating energy that is needed for ZVS
is high compared to the output power. The reason for this and the
fS /POUT will be described further in Section III.
factor VIN
This paper will cover the design of a VHF power converter
with a low voltage and power output. This will require a large
reduction in voltage and a combination of output power, input
voltage, and switching frequency unlike any of the previous results. This will put the converter in the area marked in Fig. 2.
As it is seen this is very far from the results achieved by previous researchers (the specifications for the converter is given in
Table II).
As the load is given, the first step should be to design the
rectifier and then design the inverter for the given input and
load. It is also possible to design the inverter to a given load
and then use different resistance compression networks to make
the impedance of the rectifier match [26][28]. Though this is
a solution often used, it will increase the complexity of the
converter unnecessarily and possibly reduce the achievable efficiency, size, and price.
Section II covers the selection and design of a resonant rectifier for the given load and output power level. Then, a resonant
inverter is designed for the input voltage and load impedance
in Section III. Experimental results from three different power
stages are shown in Section IV. Finally Section V summarizes
and concludes the paper.
The purpose of the rectifier is to convert the ac current from
the inverter to a dc output. Just as the MOSFET has an output
capacitance, the diode has a junction capacitance. In order not
to dissipate this energy in the diode, it is important that the
transition is made smoothly, so the capacitance is discharged
before the diode turns on.


As stated in Section I, it is difficult to achieve high efficiency

if the input voltage and switching frequency are high and the
output power low. The switching frequency is therefore set to
30 MHz for the initial design. If good results are achieved with
this frequency, it might be increased further in order to minimize
the size of the converter.
Though there are several ways to do this, only two will be
considered here. The most commonly used class E rectifier and
the equivalent to the class DE inverter, the class DE rectifier.

Fig. 3.

Schematic of the class E rectifier.

Fig. 4.

Class E rectifier waveforms simulated with PLECS.


A. Class E
The class E rectifier is a rather simple circuit, consisting of a
diode, two capacitors, and an inductor as shown in Fig. 3. Together these components constitutes a resonant rectifier capable
of rectifying the ac input current to a dc output.
For now, it will be assumed that the output capacitance is
infinite, so the output voltage is constant, and the diode is assumed to be ideal, i.e., no forward voltage drop, no junction
capacitance, and no reverse current.
In this case, the rectifier will appear resistive at the switching
frequency, if the resonance frequency of LR and CR are set to
this frequency. This will simplify the design of the inverter as
most design formulas are for a resistive load.
The scaling of the two components will determine the duty
cycle of the diode, DD . As the forward voltage drop of a diode
increases with the current running through it, it is desirable to
keep DD as high as possible. However, as the diode is connected
to the output through an inductor, the average voltage across it
has to be VOUT . Hence, a high DD will lead to a high peak
voltage across the diode.
In order to select DD , and thereby the scaling of the resonant
components, the values of real components have to be considered. All the considered inverters have a capacitor at the output
ensuring a pure ac path, without this there would be a direct dc
path from input to output and it would be impossible to reduce
the voltage. The average current through the diode will therefore
be the same as the output current.
With the forward voltage drop of a standard Schottky diode
being around 0.5 V (10% of the output voltage), it is crucial to use a diode with low forward voltage drop. Fairchilds
MBR0520L has one of the lowest forward voltages available,
max 385 mV, and can handle a reverse voltage of 20 V. With
this diode, the diode loss will be up to 77 mW or 7.7% of the
output power. This clearly limits the maximum achievable efficiency and fits very well with the 10% efficiency drop, seen in
Section I when going from an inverter to a complete converter.
If DD = 50% is chosen, the peak diode voltage will be 3.6
VOUT = 17.8 V leaving a little margin up to the maximum [29].
With this DD the value of CR should be [29]
= 67.5 pF.
CR =
2 2 fS RL


With this capacitance, the value of LR can be calculated

according to [29]
LR =

= 417 nH.
(2 fS )2 CR


The inductor has, as expected, a dc current of 0.2 A (the output

current with 1 W and 5 V) and on top of that an ac current with
an amplitude of 120 mA (see Fig. 4). The dc resistance of the
inductor is estimated to 25 m and the ac resistance to 330 m
(these values are based on an air core inductor with a diameter
of 6 mm and 8 turns of 0.4 mm wire). The loss caused by the
inductor can then be calculated to 1 mW due to dc losses and
2.4 mW due to ac losses.
This is 0.34% of the output power and these resistances are
based on a relatively large air core inductor. The equivalent
series resistance (ESR) of a ceramic capacitor in the sizes used
here will be less than 200 m [30] and the currents running
through them are smaller than the current in the inductor. The
loss caused by them will thus not be significant. Furthermore, the
parasitic capacitance of the diode can account for CR . Actually,
the parasitic capacitance of the chosen diode is, according to the
datasheet, 65 pF at 5 V reverse voltage fitting almost perfectly
with the calculated value.
B. Class DE
The class DE rectifier has an extra diode compared to the class
E, but it does not have any inductors and the physical size and
prize are expected to be more or less the same. As seen in the
schematic in Fig. 5, the output capacitance is split in two. For
now, they will both be assumed to be infinite making the output
voltage pure DC. As the diodes are connected directly to the
output, the total voltage across them will always be VOUT . The
diode duty cycle can therefore be chosen freely between 0 and




C. Selection of Rectifier
Fig. 5.

Based on the analysis of the two rectifiers, the class E rectifier

is found to be the best choice. The size and prize of the two
rectifiers will be similar, but the loss of the class DE will be
significantly higher than for the class E. Some of the pros and
cons are shown in Table III.
For a high voltage output the DE might be better though, as
the voltage across the diodes is lower and smaller diodes might
be used. But for the low output needed for this converter, a class
E rectifier is found to be the best choice.
The losses of the class E rectifier might even be unacceptable. A way to reduce the losses could be to use a synchronous
rectifier, this will eliminate the forward voltage loss. This will
however require an additional MOSFET, with the following
need for gate drive and control.

Schematic of the class DE rectifier.


Fig. 6.

Class DE rectifier waveforms simulated with PLECS.

0.5, a higher duty cycle would require both diodes to conduct at

the same time.
From [31], (4)(6) can be found. If IIN,p eak is isolated in (4)
and is isolated in (6), the results can be substituted into (5). CR
can then be isolated in order to find the capacitances needed to
get a desired diode duty cycle, (7). If a diode duty cycle of 25%
is chosen, the needed capacitance can be calculated to 667 pF

IIN,p eak RL

cos() = 1

IIN,p eak

(1 cos( 2 DD ))
CR =
RL (1 + cos( 2 DD ))

DD =


As mentioned the diodes are coupled directly to the output,

furthermore they provide the only dc path for the output current.
The average current through each of the diodes will therefore
be IOUT (see Fig. 6), resulting in twice the diode loss as for the
class E rectifier. This results in a total loss of more than 150 mW.
Though several diodes could be put in parallel in order to reduce
the forward voltage drop a bit, the diode losses will still be well
above 100 mW, i.e., 10% of the output power.

As mentioned in Section I, a resonant inverter is used in

order to eliminate switching losses. Either ZVS or ZCS can
be achieved and in some special cases both. Generally, ZVS
will eliminate losses due to parasitic capacitances and ZCS
will eliminate losses due to parasitic inductance. For MOSFETs
and diodes in power applications the capacitances causes the
dominating loss, ZVS will therefore be the main criteria.
However in some cases it is, as mentioned, possible to achieve
both ZVS and ZCS switchings (also called ZVS and zero derivative switching, ZDS). If this can be achieved the exact timing
of the switching is less important, as the voltage across the
MOSFET will be zero for a small amount of time.
If only ZVS can be achieved, the MOSFET needs to turn ON
at exactly the point where the voltage across it hits zero. If it
switches just a little too early, there will be energy stored in the
capacitor causing switching losses. If it switches a little too late,
the drain source voltage will go below zero and the body diode
will start to conduct which also gives losses.
A. Class E
The most commonly used resonant inverter is the class E,
a schematic of it is shown in Fig. 7. It consists of a single
MOSFET, two inductors, and two capacitors. In optimum operation LIN is an infinite choke providing a pure dc input current.
The resonant circuit (LR and CR ) is inductive at the switching
frequency and the inverter is designed to have both ZVS and
As already mentioned ZVS and ZDS switching can only be
achieved in very specific situations. According to [32], [33] this



VDS,p eak = VIN

Fig. 7.

2 (1 D)


The rms value of a half wave rectified sine wave is

VDS,rm s = VDS,p eak
and the rms value of the output voltage is

VOUT,rm s = POUT RL .

Schematic of the class E inverter.



According to [11], the reactance of the resonance circuit can

now be determined by

VDS,rm s
VOUT,rm s
By combining (11)(14), an expression for the needed reactance as function of input voltage, duty cycle, output power, and
load is obtained

2 2 D
2 (2 D 2)2 POUT RL

Fig. 8. Class E inverter waveforms with realistic C O S S simulated with


can only be achieved if

RL =
fS,m ax =


2 + 4 POUT


2 .


With 50 V input, 1 W output, and a switching frequency of

30 MHz, this would require a load impedance of 1.44 k and
an output capacitance of 2.1 pF. From (9), it is seen that there
is a special combination of fS , VIN , and POUT which makes it
possible to operate in the optimum situation. Similar equations
can be found for other topologies [32] and this is the reason for
the dependence seen in Fig. 2.
A MOSFET with an output capacitance of 2.1 pF for this
voltage level and switching frequency is not available, they have
minimum 10 times that. Furthermore, the impedance is very far
from the input impedance of the rectifier. It will therefore not be
possible to achieve both ZVS and ZDS switchings. However, it
is still possible to achieve ZVS and thereby high efficiency as
long as the transitions of the MOSFET are controlled well. In
this case, the components have to be selected carefully in order
to ensure ZVS and the inverter will be running in a subnominal
condition as described further in [34].
If the drain source voltage of the MOSFET is assumed to be
a half sine wave when it is off and zero when it is on, the peak
voltage across the MOSFET will be

2 (1 D)
VIN = VDS = VDS,p eak

It is desirable to keep the duty cycle low in order to reduce the peak voltage across the MOSFET. However, due to
turn on and off times and delays, it is decided to keep it close
to 50%. From (11), it is found that a duty cycle of 45% will
give a peak voltage of 142.8 V, leaving a little headroom if a
150 V MOSFET is used. Using this value along with the previous results, the needed reactance is found to be 326 . If a
capacitor of 680 pF is used, the value of the inductor can be
calculated according to
LR =

CR XRC S + 1
= 1.77 H.


The next step is to determine the values of LIN and CS . In

order to minimize losses, it is preferable to keep LIN large, thus
large ac currents running in and out of the converter and thereby
causing unnecessary losses are avoided. If the input choke is
assumed infinite, the next step is to calculate the value of CS .
In order to ensure ZVS, the voltage across CS needs to rise to
the peak and fall back down to zero within the period where
the switch is open. This requires CS and the resonance circuit
to resonate at a frequency with a period equal to two times the
period where the switch is open, i.e.,
TR = 2 (1 D) TS fR =

2 (1 D)


If the reactance of CS is the same as the reactance of the

resonant tank (with opposite operational sign) at fR the circuit
will resonate at this frequency. However, as the capacitor is only
used when the MOSFET is off, it has to be scaled by 1D
CS =

2 fR XRC


With the specifications for this converter it would require a

MOSFET with an output capacitance of maximum 10.9 pF. At
the moment the MOSFETs with lowest output capacitances,




COSS , which are able to handle 150 V, have an output capacitance of 20 pF at 50 V. It is therefore necessary to reduce
the input inductor, in order to increase CS while keeping the
resonance frequency at the switch node equal to fR . The output
capacitance of the MOSFET is only contributing to the resonance in the part of the period where the MOSFET is OFF,
hence it has to be scaled by 1D in order to find the effective
capacitance. The effective capacitance of the output capacitor
= 36.4 pF, hence the total inductance of the
is CS,e = 1D
resonance circuit and the input inductor should be
Ltotal =

= 936 nH.
R2 CS,e

Fig. 9.

Schematic of the class 2 inverter.


Knowing the values of XRC , the input inductance can be

calculated according to
Ltotal =







= 2.91H.

From a simulation, the rms current through the inductors and
the MOSFET is found (see Fig. 8 and Table IV). The IRF5802
MOSFET has the lowest available output capacitance for a
150 V power MOSFET capable of switching in the VHF range.
It has 20 pF output capacitance at 50 V and an on-resistance of
1.2 , this will give a conduction loss in the MOSFET of up
to 33 mW. The ac resistance of the inductors is estimated to be
100 m, thus they will have a combined loss of 5.37 mW. As
for the rectifiers, the losses in the capacitors are assumed to be
negligible. Thus, the total loss in the class E inverter is estimated
to 38 mW.
B. Class 2
As written in Section I, the large voltage peak across the
MOSFET is a big problem when the input voltage is large.
The class 2 (or EF2 ) inverter, which is a hybrid between the
class E and F2 inverters, was developed in order to make the
voltage across the MOSFET closer to a square wave. The voltage across the MOSFET should thereby become significantly
smaller (ideally 2 VIN for D = 50%). This is done by inserting
a LC circuit in parallel with the MOSFET as shown in Fig. 9.
This circuit is designed to have a resonance frequency at the
second harmonic, which causes the voltage across the MOSFET to become a trapezoidal wave consisting of the first and
third harmonics. The same benefits can be achieved with the
flat-top class-E amplifier described in [35].
According to [14], the rms voltage across the MOSFET can
be estimated by VDS,rm s = VIN 42 ; thus, the needed reactance
of the resonant circuit is different (see (14)). The new values
can be calculated to LR = 1.2 H and CR = 522 pF. No exact
equations for the calculations of the added LC circuit or the input
inductance are given in the literature; however, the following

Fig. 10. Tuned class 2 inverter waveforms simulated with PLECS (the peak
drain source voltage is reduced to 132 V).

gives results which are close [19]:


= 625 nH
fS2 CS


LM R =

= 375 nH
15 2 fS2 CS


CM R =

CS = 18.8 pF.


A PLECS simulation was used to tune the component to get

exact ZVS (see Fig. 10), the final values are shown in Table VII.
As for the class E inverter, the rms current through the inductors
and the MOSFET was extracted, see Table V.
With the MOSFET used for the class E the conduction loss
will be up to 51.4 mW. The current through LR will be the
same as for the class E and though the inductance is a bit lower,
the ESR will still be estimated to 100 m giving a loss of 4.3
mW. The input inductor and LM R are noticeably smaller and
their ESR will therefore be estimated to 50 m and 25 m,
respectively. With these resistances and the listed rms currents,
their loss will be 4.8 and 2.3 mW, respectively. The total loss of
the class 2 inverter (again ignoring losses in the capacitors) is
estimated to be 62.8 mW.


Fig. 11.

With these equations, the demands for load impedance and

output capacitance become RL = 126.7 and CS = 6.67 pF.
Though this cannot be achieved either, these values are much
closer to the design values. Increasing POUT to 5 W would
actually make it possible to use this topology in the ideal situation. The design criteria is however 1 W and the converter will
thus be designed to have ZVS.
If the voltage across CS 1 and CS 2 are assumed to rise linear
when they are charged, the rms value of the voltage at the node
between the MOSFETs will be trapezoidal. If the duty cycle of
eachMOSFET is set to 25%, the rms value can be calculated as
. As with the two other inverters, this value can be used
VIN 12
to find the needed reactance of the resonant circuit. Using (14)
and choosing CR = 680 pF, the value of LR is calculated to
859 nH. As for the class E inverter, the value of each of CS 1 and
CS 2 can be found using the reactance of the resonance circuit
and scaling them according to the duty cycle. This gives

Schematic of the class DE inverter.

CS =

Fig. 12.

= 21.9 pF.
2 (1 D) 2 fS XR


As the total voltage across the two MOSFETs always will be

VIN , the average voltage across each of them is 25 V. The output
capacitance of the MOSFET, used for the E and 2 inverters,
almost fit the capacitance needed at this voltage and it will
thus be used for the efficiency estimates. However, as the peak
voltage across the MOSFETs is limited to the input voltage,
several other MOSFETs could be used (or the input voltage
could be increased).
Just as the case were for the two other inverters, it was necessary to adjust LR a bit to give the desired output power. Adjusting the LR to 550 nH and thus recalculating CS to 21.4 pF gave
the desired output power and the rms currents were extracted
(see Fig. 12 and Table VI).
With these currents, the losses in the MOSFETs and the inductor are estimated to be PL R = 2.2 mW (using an ESR of 50 m
due to the small inductance) and PFET1 = PFET2 = 5.5 mW.
If the losses in the capacitors are assumed negligible, the total
loss will be 13.2 mW.

Class DE inverter waveforms simulated with PLECS.


C. Class DE
The class DE inverter has the same ZVS properties as the class
E inverter and the low voltage stresses of the class D inverter. It is
the counterpart of the class DE rectifier considered in Section II
and, as seen in Fig. 11, the two circuits are very alike. As the DE
rectifier, the DE inverter has two switches connected directly to
the dc voltage, in this case MOSFETs connected to the input
voltage. Both MOSFETs have capacitors across them which can
be tuned to achieve ZVS. The only additional components are
a resonant circuit at the output, just as seen for the previous
As for the class E inverter, ZVS and ZDS switching can be
achieved in very specific situations. However, the values needed
are different [32]
RL =



fS,m ax =

2 .



D. Selection of Inverter
During the analysis of the inverters, the values for all the
passive components where found and they are summarized in
Table VII.
All the inverters had some pros and cons, thus the same inverter will not be best for all applications. Some of the pros and
cons are listed in Table VIII.
The class E inverter consists of only one MOSFET, two inductors, and a capacitor (if CS is composed by the output capacitance of the MOSFET). It has however the largest voltage peak
across the MOSFET which will limit the input voltage for a
given MOSFET. Furthermore, the two inductors are both larger
than any of the inductors used for the two other converters.
This might limit the minimum size of the inverter as inductors
are assumed to be the largest components. The total loss was
estimated to be 38 mW or 4% of the output power.






The class 2 inverter was a lot like the class E, the only difference being the added LC circuit put in to reduce the voltage
across the MOSFET. While this is a good way of keeping the
voltage down, the steep voltage curves require larger currents
making the loss larger than seen for the class E inverter. Although it has two extra components, compared to the class E
inverter, the physical size is expected to be more or less the
same as the values (and thereby the size) of the inductors are
smaller. The total loss was estimated to 62.8 mW which is a
65% increase compared to the class E inverter.
The class DE inverter was the only inverter with two switches.
However, as CS 1 and CS 2 are composed by the parasitic capacitance of the MOSFETs, the total component count of the class
DE inverter are the same as for the class E inverter. The peak
voltage across the MOSFETs were by far the lowest seen in
any of the inverters and the currents were also the lowest. These
things combined gave the smallest output inductor (which also
is the only inductor) and the lowest losses (13.2 mW).
From this analysis, the class DE inverter seems to be the best
solution and the class E inverter comes in second. However,
during this analysis the gate drive has not been considered. A
good high side gate drive which is capable of operating in the
VHF range has yet to be developed whereas a low side gate
drive can be made with few components [24]. The complexity,
price, and losses associated with the added high side gate drive
will, at least, reduce the benefits of the DE inverter.
With the above considerations in mind, the class E inverter
was chosen for the final design.


In Section III, the IRF5802 MOSFET was introduced and
used for calculations and loss estimates. Although commercial available MOSFETs are generally designed for either hard
switching at a few megahertz or less or for use in RF applications [36], several MOSFETs which can be used for this application exist. Two of the best suited are compared in Table IX.
In Section III, an output capacitance of 10.9 pF was found
ideal, but 18 pF was the closest achievable with commercially
available MOSFETs. As the voltage waveform across the MOSFET and CS is given by VIN , fS , and D, the currents (and
thereby losses) in LIN , CS , and the MOSFET scale with the
value of CS . It is therefore desirable to keep the value of CS as
close to this as possible in order to achieve high efficiency.
Comparing the two MOSFETs, the IRF5802 (M1 ) has much
higher on-resistance than the FDN86246 (M2 ). However, the
output capacitance is lower and will as mentioned decrease the
currents and thus reduce the drawback of the high on-resistance.
Assuming the waveform of the voltage across the MOSFET is
the same using the two MOSFETs, the current using M2 will
M 1
= 142% larger than using M1 . The on resistance
be C M C2 C
M 1
M 2
= 70.1%. Combining this gives a
will be reduced by R MR1 R
M 1
total loss reduction of 27.4%, using the estimated loss found in
Section III this correspond to 9 mW. Furthermore, the increased
current will also give losses in the input inductor, again using
the estimate from Section III the increased loss is found to
142% 5.37 mW = 7.63 mW. Hence, the total loss difference
using the two MOSFETs is estimated to be less than 2 mW.
The increased capacitance will however also make the timing
of the switching more important, as a larger amount of energy
will be stored in the capacitor and dissipated in the MOSFET if
the switching is just a little wrong.
Based on the analysis above, the MOSFET from IRF are
found most suited. But as they are very close, prototypes using
both will be made to compare them further.
The next sections will cover the results obtained with three
different power stages. The first power stage is the one which has
been designed in the previous sections, the second power stage
is with the MOSFET with lower RDS(ON) and the last power
stage is with a large input inductor and higher output power, this
should, as described in Section III, give a higher efficiency.
A signal generator has been used to drive the MOSFETs and
hence the design and efficiency of this is not included. The
gate signal is however a sinewave which several researchers
have shown how to generate efficiently using various types of
resonant gate drives, e.g. [37][39]. The duty cycle is controlled
by adjusting the dc offset of the sinewave, hence a dc offset
equal to the threshold of the MOSFET will lead to a duty cycle
of 50% and a lower offset lead to a lower duty cycle.


A power stage with the components selected in Sections II
and III was implemented. Ceramic C0G capacitors were used for
the resonating capacitors in order to ensure stable capacitance
with varying voltages and ceramic X7R capacitors were used


Fig. 13.

Measurements on the prototype with low C O S S .


the output capacitance of the MOSFET is 20 pF, measuring with

a probe with 10 pF capacitance changes the circuit a lot. This
ruins the tuning and ZVS is thus not achieved, some waveforms
have been measured and they are shown in Fig. 13. As it is
seen the drain voltage has a small break when the MOSFET
is switched ON, this is due to the 10 pF added by the probe.
The fact that the converter is not ZVS also introduces the miller
plateau in the gate charge and causes the gate signal to deviate
from a sinewave when the voltage reaches the miller voltage.
So for the final fine tuning a thermal camera was used to
measure the temperature of the MOSFET, it was then assumed
that the MOSFET was ZVS when the temperature rise was
lowest. Even though this is not a solid proof of ZVS, a low
temperature rise comes from low power loss and thus the best
tuned circuit.
Fig. 14 shows thermal pictures of the converter in a steady
state. From the pictures, it is seen that the diodes get almost as
hot as the MOSFET. As the size of the components is almost
equal this indicates that the total diode loss is almost five times
the total MOSFET loss (there are five diodes in parallel). The
efficiency was measured to be 71.5% (see Table X).

Fig. 14. Temperature measurements of the MOSFET and the diodes in the prototype with low C O S S (W b o a rd = 40 mm). (a) Placement of the components.
(b) The MOSFET is 55.3 C. (c) The diodes are 52.2 C.

When the MOSFET was selected, the FDN86246 was found

to be equally good to the IRF5802. The biggest difference between the two was on-resistances and parasitic capacitances. A
prototype was implemented using the FDN86246 in a circuit almost identical to the one used for the previous converter. A few
turns were removed from the input inductor in order to make
the converter ZVS with the increased output capacitance in the
The MOSFET gets almost 10 C warmer (see Fig. 15) clearly
indicating a higher loss. Due to the higher output capacitance,
more energy is stored and if the switch is switched at a few volts
instead of zero, much more energy will be dissipated in the onresistance. Furthermore, the ac current in the input inductor is
larger which also increases the losses. The total efficiency of the
converter was measured to 60.7%.
C. With Large Input Inductor

as input and output capacitors. Custom made air core solenoids

were used in order to enable exact tuning of the inductances and
thereby achieve ZVS.
Just as the case were when going from calculated values
to simulations, slight adjustments had to be made. The tuning
procedure was first to tune the inductor in the output filter to
make it resistive at the switching frequency. Once that was done,
the inverter was added to the design and a low voltage was
applied. It was seen that the converter was not ZVS switching
as the output capacitance of the MOSFET was not discharged
when switched ON.
In order to get it to discharge faster, the values of the input
and resonant inductors had to be lowered. First, the resonant
inductor was lowered to give the desired output power and then
the input inductor was adjusted to make the converter ZVS. As

As explained in Section III, the highest efficiency should be

achieved with a large input inductor (dc input current). To test
this, a prototype was made with the IRF5802, but this time with
a 6.5 H input inductor. Then, the resonance circuit and the load
were adjusted in order to get ZVS and 5 V output.
The increased output power makes the current through the
MOSFET closer to that seen for the ideal class E inverter.
Thereby, the loss due to slight deviations in the timing of the
switching becomes smaller.
The waveforms shown in Fig. 16 clearly show that the converter is not ZVS when probes are placed at the gate and drain.
Furthermore, the voltage drops below 4 V, however removing
the probes makes the output voltage increase to 5.0 V.
When tuned, the output power of the circuit became 1.53 W
and the efficiency was measured to 82.9%. This efficiency is
without gate drive, but it is still among the best results achieved



Fig. 18.

The achieved

V I N f S

-factor and next to previous results.

by previous researchers. Furthermore, the PION U TS -factor explained in Section I is much smaller than for any of the converters
shown in Table I.
Fig. 15. Temperature measurements of the MOSFET and the diodes in the
prototype with low R D S (O N ) (W b o a rd = 32 mm). (a) Placement of the components. (b) The MOSFET is 65.1 C. The diodes are 53.2 C.

Fig. 16.

D. Summary of Experimental Results

The efficiency achieved for the three power stages is shown
in Table X. From the three prototypes, it is seen that good
efficiencies can be achieved just by having ZVS. However, the
larger the current through the MOSFET is at the switching
instant, the more important becomes the timing of the switching
and losses increase.
V 2 f
It has been shown that VHF converters with a very low PION U TS factor can be made with high efficiency, the best even had an
efficiency of 82.9% which puts it among the best VHF converters. For comparison, the results achieved for the power stages
are shown in Fig. 18. The efficiency is not as high as wanted
and the factor is a little higher than desired for one of the prototypes due to the higher output power. However, seen next to
previously achieved results they are very close.

Measurements on the 1.53W prototype with IRF5802.


Fig. 17. Temperature measurements of the MOSFET and the diodes in the
prototype with large input inductor. (a) Placement of the components. (b) The
MOSFET is 46.2 C. (c) The diodes are 50.5 C.

The theoretical design of the resonant converter was considered in Sections II and III. Several different topologies were
considered and based on complexity and efficiency estimates a
class E inverter and rectifier were chosen.
The class E inverter was chosen based on complexity, efficiency, and the fact that it did not require a high side switch.
With a simple and efficient high side gate drive the DE inverter
is theoretically better, especially for converters with even higher
input voltages. Such a gate drive was however yet to be invented
and this topology was therefore not used for the practical implementation.
For the rectifier part it was again the class E topology that
were chosen, this time due to the forward voltage drop of the
diodes. With a low-voltage output, the forward voltage drop of
the diode becomes a significant percentage of the output voltage
and a single diode rectifier was found to be the best choice. For
higher output voltages, the DE rectifier might be better as the loss
due to forward voltage drop in the diodes becomes insignificant
and the voltages stress of the devices the major concern.
Three different power stages were made; one with a MOSFET with the lowest available output capacitance, one with a


MOSFET with low on-resistance, and one with increased output power allowing a large input inductor. All the converters
had 50 V input and 5 V output and the achieved efficiencies
were between 60.7% and 82.9%. This shows that it is possible
to make low power very high frequency converters with high
step down ratio running at subnominal condition as long as the
components are chosen carefully.

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Mickey Madsen (S12) received the B.Sc.E.E. and

M.Sc.E.E. degrees from the Technical University
of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, in 2009
and 2012, respectively. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in power electronics under
the title Very High Frequency Switch Mode Power
His research interests include switch-mode power
supplies, resonant inverters/converters, wide band
gab semiconductors, solid state (LED) lighting, and
radio frequency electronics.



Arnold Knott (M10) received the Diplom-Ingenieur

(FH) degree from the University of Applied Sciences,
Deggendorf, Germany, in 2004. He received the Ph.D.
degree from the Technical University of Denmark,
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, in 2010, working on a
research project under the title Improvement of outof-band Behavior in Switch-Mode Amplifiers and
Power Supplies by their Modulation Topology.
From 2004 to 2009, he worked with Harman/Becker Automotive Systems GmbH in Germany
and USA, designing switch-mode audio power amplifiers and power supplies for automotive applications. From 2010 to 2013, he
was a Assistant Professor and since 2013 an Associate Professor at the Technical University of Denmark. His interests include switch-mode audio power
amplifiers, power supplies, active and passive components, integrated circuit
design, acoustics, radio frequency electronics, electromagnetic compatibility,
and communication systems.

Michael A. E. Andersen (M88) received the

M.Sc.E.E. and Ph.D. degrees in power electronics
from the Technical University of Denmark, Kongens
Lyngby, Denmark, in 1987 and 1990, respectively.
He is currently a Professor of power electronics
at the Technical University of Denmark. Since 2009,
he has been the Deputy Director at the Department of
Electrical Engineering. He is the author or coauthor
of more than 200 publications. His research interests
include switch-mode power supplies, piezoelectric
transformers, power factor correction, and switchmode audio power amplifiers.

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