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Traffic Manual

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Traffic Manual

M 51-02.07
December 2011

Engineering and Regional Operations

Traffic Operations

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information

Materials can be provided in alternative formats: large print, Braille, cassette tape, or on
computer disk for people with disabilities by calling the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO)
at 360-705-7097. Persons who are deaf or hard ofhearing may contact OEO through the
Washington Relay Service at 7-1-1.

Title VI Notice to Public

It is the Washington State Department of Transportations (WSDOT) policy to assure that no
person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex, as provided by Title VI of
the Civil Rights Act of 1964, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or
be otherwise discriminated against under any of its federally funded programs and activities.
Any person who believes his/her Title VI protection has been violated, may file a complaint
with WSDOTs Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO). For Title VI complaint forms and advice,
pleasecontact OEOs Title VI Coordinator at 360-705-7082 or 509-324-6018.

To get the latest information on WSDOT publications, sign up for individual email updates at:
Washington State Department of Transportation
Traffic Operations
PO Box 47344
Olympia, WA 98504-7344


The Traffic Manual is intended to provide instruction and guidance to department personnel
whoconduct traffic operations and design activities. This manual identifies state and federal
lawsand departmental directives, policies and publications that are used to aid in decision
makingfor traffic operations and design issues. It also provides standards to assure uniform
application of operational methods and traffic control devices statewide.
Updating the Traffic Manual is a continuing process and revisions are issued periodically.
Questions, observations and recommendations are invited. The next page is provided to
encourage comments.

/s/ Theodore J. Trepanier

Theodore J. Trepanier
State Traffic Engineer
Maintenance and Operations Programs

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

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WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Comment Form




Traffic Engineer
Transportation Building
PO Box 47344
Olympia, WA 98504-7344

Subject: Traffic Manual Comment

Comment (marked copies attached):

Preserve this original for future use Submit copies only

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page v

Comment Form

Page vi

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009




Comment Form

Chapter 1

General Information
1.1 Overview
1.2 Subject Matter
1.3 WSDOT Traffic Functions
1.4 Key Reference Material
1.5 Abbreviations

Chapter 2

2.1 General
2.2 Sign Design
2.3 Sign Location, Installation, and Storage
2.4 Sign Installation and Maintenance Jurisdiction
2.5 Traffic Sign Management System (TSMS)
2.6 State Traffic Laws and Regulations Requiring a Sign for Enforcement
2.7 Regulatory Signs
2.8 Warning Signs
2.9 School Areas
2.10 Guide Signs
2.11 Route Signs
2.13 Distance Signs
2.14 Supplemental Guide Signs
2.15 Destination Selection Requirements and Installation Details for
Specific Types of Traffic Generators
2.16 Unwarranted Traffic Generators/Destinations
2.17 Follow-Through Signing
2.18 General Motorist Service Signs (MSS)
2.19 Other Essential Guide Signs
2.20 Miscellaneous Signing
2.21 Variable Message Signs
2.22 Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) and Traveler Information
Station (TIS) Signing

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.05

April 2011


Page vii



Appendix 2-1 Speed Zone Signing

Appendix 2-2 Intersection U-Turn Signing
Appendix 2-3 Auxiliary Climbing Lane Signing
Appendix 2-4 Auxiliary Passing Lane Signing
Appendix 2-5 Wrong Way Signing for At-Grade Intersections
Appendix 2-6 Wrong Way Signing for Interchange Ramps
Appendix 2-7 Wrong Way Signing for Roundabouts
Appendix 2-8 Shoulder Driving Signing
Appendix 2-9 Slow Moving Vehicle Turn-Out Signing
Appendix 2-10 Low Clearance Signing
Appendix 2-11 Lateral Clearance Markers Objects Within

Outside Shoulder
Appendix 2-11A Lateral Clearance Markers Objects Within

Inside Shoulder
Appendix 2-12 Reduced School Speed Zone Signing
Appendix 2-13 Route Intersection Guide Signing
Appendix 2-14 Crossroad Interchange Approach Guide Signs
Appendix 2-15 Expressway Intersection Approach Guide Signs
Appendix 2-16 Expressway Interchange Approach Guide Signs
Appendix 2-17 Freeway Interchange Approach Signing
Appendix 2-18 Freeway Exit Ramp Guide Signs
Appendix 2-19 Freeway Post Interchange Signs
Appendix 2-20 Auxiliary Freeway Lane Less than 1/4 Mile Long
Appendix 2-21 Auxiliary Frewway Lane 1/4 Mile or More in Length 2-96
Appendix 2-22 Supplemental Guide Sign Criteria
Appendix 2-23 Signing to Amtrak
Appendix 2-24 Application for Historic/Cultural Sign
Appendix 2-25 Adopt-a-Highway Signs for Volunteer Groups
Appendix 2-26 Adopt-a-Highway Signs for Business

Spnsored Groups
Chapter 3

Page viii

3.1 General
3.2 Pavement Markings
3.3 Guideposts
3.4 Barrier Delineation
3.5 Chevron Alignment Signs
3.6 Raised Pavement Markers
3.7 Impact Attenuator Marking


WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.05

April 2011



Chapter 4

Signals and Illumination

4.2 Design Manual
4.3 Flashing Operation
4.4 Intersection Control Beacons
4.5 Audio-Tone Signal Application
4.6 Illumination

Chapter 5

Work Zone Traffic Control

5.1 General
5.2 Principles
5.3 Strategy Planning
5.4 Plan Preparation
5.5 Work Zone Operations
Appendix 5.A Work Zone Traffic Control
Appendix 5.B Speed Limit Reductions in Work Zones

Chapter 6

Traffic Regulations
6.1 General
6.2 Documentation
6.3 Regional Traffic Regulations
6.4 Headquarters Traffic Regulations
6.5 Other Traffic Restrictions
6.6 Rescinding Existing Traffic Regulations


Chapter 7

Specialized Highway Uses

7.1 Introduction
7.2 Bicycling, Running, Walking, Parade, and Festival Special Events
7.3 Commercial Filming on State Highways
7.4 Other Special Events
7.5 Traffic Control for Special Events
7.6 Special Event Signing Guidelines
7.7 Banners
7.8 Special Event Pavement Markings
7.9 Transit Vehicle Stop Zones
7.10 School Bus Stops on Limited Access Highways
7.11 Interpretive Signs/Markers
7.12 Memorial Highways and Bridges
7.13 Pedestrians Crossing Limited Access Highways
7.14 Shoulder Driving for Slow Vehicles
Appendix 7-1 Memorandum of Understanding
Appendix 7-2 Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines
Appendix 7-3 Interpretive Signs/Markers Agreement


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April 2011


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Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Page x

Highway Advertising Control

8.1 General
8.2 Highway Advertising Signs
8.3 Advertising at Rest Areas and on Washington StateFerries
Appendix 8-1 Unzoned Commercial/Industrial Area
Appendix 8-2 Sign Visibility Checklist on Unregulated Roadways
Appendix 8-3 Type 3(b) Business Complex On-Premise Sign
Appendix 8-4 Off Premise Sign Spacing Interstate
Appendix 8-5a Off Premise Sign Spacing NHS Non-Interstate

Controlled Access
Appendix 8-5b Off Premise Sign Spacing NHS Non-Interstate

Non-Controlled Access
Appendix 8-6 Sign Permit Application
Appendix 8-7 Permit Application Transmittal
Appendix 8-8a Interstate Sign Permit Review Checklist
Appendix 8-8b NHS Non-Interstate or Scenic System Sign

Permit Review Checklist
Appendix 8-9 Agricultural Sign Permit Application
Appendix 8-10a Sample Voluntary Compliance Letter

Property Owner
Appendix 8-10b Sample Voluntary Compliance Letter Sign Owner
Appendix 8-11 Request for AG Assistance to Remove Illegal Signs
Appendix 8-12 Highway Advertising Control Field Review
Appendix 8-13 Illegal Sign Inventory
Appendix 8-14 Letter to City for Illegal Sign Removal
Safety Management System
9.1 General
9.2 SMS Collaboration Responsibilities Within WSDOT
9.3 SMS Needs Identification Within WSDOT
9.4 SMS Solution and Resource Development WithinWSDOT
9.5 SMS Investment Prioritization/Implementation Within WSDOT
9.6 SMS Investment Tracking Within WSDOT
9.7 SMS Investment Evaluation Within WSDOT
9.8 WSDOT Programming for Safety Preservation and Improvements
9.9 References


WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.05

April 2011



Chapter 11 Traffic Engineering Records Management

11.1 Overview
11.2 WSDOTs Record Management Guidelines
11.3 Secretary of States Office, General Records Retention
11.4 Traffic Engineering Records Retention
11.5 Key Words and Phrases
11.6 Inventory Record of Site-Specific Traffic Control Device Installations
11.7 Executive Orders, Statutes, and Official Guidelines

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.06

June 2011


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Page xii

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.06

June 2011

Chapter 1

General Information

1.1 Overview
The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) publishes
the Traffic Manual to provide guidance on applicable policies, establish
uniform methods and procedures, and communicate vital information
about traffic operations on state highways. The intended audience is the
departments employees and others who develop traffic projects or conduct
traffic engineering studies on state highways. The information, guidelines,
andreferences herein are intended to support and complement sound
engineering judgment.
The Traffic Manual is available on the Internet and in print. It can be accessed
electronically at www.wsdot.wa.gov/publications/manuals/m51-02.htm.
The online version allows you to do a word search of the entire manual.

1.2 Subject Matter

The Traffic Manual is composed of eight additional chapters:
Chapter 2, Signs
Chapter 3, Delineation
Chapter 4, Signals and Illumination
Chapter 5, Work Zone Traffic Control
Chapter 6, Traffic Regulations
Chapter 7, Specialized Highway Uses
Chapter 8, Highway Advertising Control
Chapter 9, Safety Management System
Each chapter provides information, guidelines, and references relating to a
specialized area of traffic operations. Because traffic control device systems
and their application are dynamic, the Traffic Manual is updated periodically
to reflect state-of-the-art traffic engineering practices.
The Traffic Manual does not attempt to address all the possible traffic
operations situations or questions. Contact the Headquarters Traffic Office
fordiscussion and guidance on unique traffic operations matters.

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.04

April 2010

Page 1-1

General Information

Chapter 1

1.3 WSDOT Traffic Functions

Most traffic activities within WSDOT are administered by the Headquarters
Traffic Operations Division and the Regional Traffic Offices. The
Transportation Data Office (TDO), the Highways and Local Programs
Division, and the Urban Planning Office (UCO) provide specialized support.
The following subsections briefly describe how each of these work groups
contributes to the goals of the departments traffic program.
A. Headquarters Traffic Operations Division (Headquarters). Under
the Director of Traffic Operations, the Headquarters Traffic Operations
Division is responsible for traffic engineering and related safety functions
in three fundamental areas:
Statewide Traffic Expertise. Headquarters provides expertise to
the regions and other agencies, focusing on traffic design, traffic
operations, ITS operations, work zone traffic control, traffic
engineering training, and highway advertising control. The Traffic
Operations Division also coordinates statewide traffic activities
including consultation with Attorney Generals Office on matters
oftraffic law, offering advice or guidance when requested by the
regions or other WSDOT offices, and facilitating statewide meetings
with regional traffic personnel.
Statewide Policy Development. Headquarters develops policy and
responds to issues and questions on traffic engineering to ensure
statewide consistency and uniformity. These tasks often require efforts
to research, coordinate, and summarize issues for executive level
decision-making. Policies include traffic design, and traffic operations
standards and procedures.
Statewide Resource Development and Deployment. Headquarters
identifies the resources required to fund traffic operations for the
state highway system, and for statewide traffic and spot safety
investments. Decision packages are developed and submitted to the
legislature for approval each biennium and once approved, the funds
are allocated. Traffic operations activities are accomplished primarily
under Program Q.
B. Regional Traffic Offices. The six Regional Traffic Engineers report to
one of the regional senior managers, typically the regional Maintenance
and Operations Engineer. Regionally administered traffic engineering and
safety services include:
Traffic engineering investigations and studies.
Collision analyses.
Operational analyses.

Page 1-2

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.04

April 2010

Chapter 1

General Information

Compliance with Rules and regulations.

Regional traffic expertise.
Freeway and arterial management.
Traffic control device inventories.
Public and media relations.
Administering Program Q allocations.
C. Transportation Data Office. The Transportation Data Office (TDO)
ispart of Headquarters Strategic Planning and Programming. The TDO
collects, analyzes, reports, and stores much of the data the department
usesto identify and address operational deficiencies on our state
highways.Data includes information about the type of roadway surface,
width of the travel lanes and shoulders, number and types of vehicles
using the highway each day, and the location and severity of collisions.
The TDO also provides technical support for planning functions,
maintains video and digital imaging of state highways, and maintains
D. Highways and Local Programs Division. The Local Agency Traffic
Services program provides traffic engineering assistance to cities,
counties, tribal governments, transit and other agencies, as well as other
organizations. They assist with traffic safety, operations, and design
issues, help advance projects, and promote information sharing. Traffic
Services also operates as a contact point between local agencies, tribal
governments, WSDOT, Federal Highway Administration, and other
state agencies. Traffic Services answers general questions about state
highways, but directs questions about specific locations to the appropriate

Examples of the services offered are available at www.wsdot.wa.gov/


Traffic Services also chairs the Urban Traffic Engineers Council (UTEC),
a group of Washington State city and county traffic, transportation, and
public works engineers and technicians, public works directors, managers,
planners, and related professionals. UTEC provides a forum for local
agencies to share ideas and information about traffic issues affecting local
agencies, through e-mail, listserv, and regular meetings. Meeting dates and
topics are listed at www.wsdot.wa.gov/localprograms/traffic/utec.htm.

For more information about these services, contact the Traffic Services
Branch Manager at www.wsdot.wa.gov/localprograms/staff.htm#trafficservices-manager.

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.04

April 2010

Page 1-3

General Information

Chapter 1

E. Urban Planning Office. The Urban Planning Office provides leadership

and advocacy towards implementing an efficient regional transportation
network. They represent the state, as the owner and operator of major
portions of the Puget Sound regional transportation system.

The Urban Planning Office:

Plans transportation improvements for a variety of travel modes
including transit, carpools, freight, general-purpose highway use and
non-motorized travel.
Coordinates with local agencies, sub-area transportation management
forums, the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC), and other
transportation providers to determine cost-effective investments for the
state transportation system that meet the mobility needs of people and
goods while systematically working to meet greenhouse gas reduction
goals set in state law.
Improves the performance of the existing highway system by
implementing new technology, and developing congestion pricing and
tolling strategies.
Coordinates state transportation facility planning between WSDOTs
Olympic and Northwest Regions, Tolling Organization, Washington
State Ferries, and with local jurisdictions and the Puget Sound
Regional Council.

1.4 Key Reference Material

The following reference materials are essential to personnel involved with
traffic operations and traffic design duties.
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways
(MUTCD) and Washington State Modifications to the MUTCD
(M2401). RCW 47.36.030 directs WSDOT to adopt a uniform standard
for the application and location of traffic control devices installed along
public roadways in the state of Washington. The MUTCD, published
by FHWA, has been adopted into Chapter 468-95 of the Washington
Administrative Code (WAC). To comply with state law, modifications
tospecific MUTCD sections have also been adopted into WAC 468-95.
Amendments to the MUTCD are developed by the FHWA through the
Federal Register process. The amendments become effective in our state
after the department receives notification of the approved changes from
the FHWA and adopts them into WAC 468-95.

Page 1-4

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.04

April 2010

Chapter 1

General Information

WSDOT Design Manual (M 22-01). The Design Manual provides

guidance for developing traffic components included in design reports
and contract plans. Many of the components may also apply to traffic
operations. Where possible, the Traffic Manual avoids duplication of
Design Manual materials but provides appropriate cross-references.
WSDOT Sign Fabrication Manual (M 55 05). The Sign Fabrication
Manual provides sign fabricators and designers with detailed layout
information for official traffic signs used in Washington State.
WSDOT Standard Plans for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction
(M21-01). The Standard Plans provides plans for the following
Sign Bridges
Sign Installation
Cantilever Sign Structures
Roadway Striping (typical layouts)
Guide Posts
Pavement Markers
Concrete Barrier
WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal
Construction (M 41-10). The Standard Specifications provide detailed
requirements and techniques for construction and installation of the
following traffic-related items:
Guide Posts
Plastic Traffic Buttons
Lane Markers
Signing (materials and fabrication)
Signals (electrical)
Pavement Markings (temporary and permanent)
Work zone traffic control items (flagging, signs, delineation devices, etc.)

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.04

April 2010

Page 1-5

General Information

Chapter 1

Other Documents
The following reference documents may also be helpful in conducting traffic
related designs and analyses:
WSDOT Manuals www.wsdot.wa.gov/publications/manuals/
Plans Preparation Manual (M 22-31)
Construction Manual (M 41-01)
Maintenance Manual (M 51-01)
Highway Advertising Control Act (M 22-95)
FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) www.fhwa.dot.gov/
Traffic Control Systems Handbook
Traffic Monitoring Guide
AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials) www.transportation.org
A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets
Guidelines for Traffic Data Programs
TRB (Transportation Research Board) www.trb.org/main/public/home.aspx
Highway Capacity Manual
ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) www.ite.org/
Traffic Control Devices Handbook
Traffic Engineering Handbook
Manual of Transportation Engineering Studies
Traffic Detector Handbook
Other Reference Sources
The following internal reference sources may also be helpful in conducting
traffic engineering investigations and analyses:
SR View
Interchange Viewer
Washington State Highway Log
TRIPS WSDOT corporate mainframe database for transportation data
Internet Information www.wsdot.wa.gov

Page 1-6

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.04

April 2010

Chapter 1

General Information

1.5 Abbreviations
Common abbreviations used in the Traffic Manual and other traffic engineering
related publications are:

Annual Average Daily Traffic

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
Accumulated Route Mileage
Changeable Message Sign
Commercial Vehicle Information Systems Network
Distance Measuring Instrument/Linear Referencing System
Federal Highway Administration
Global Positioning System/Linear Referencing System
Highway Advisory Radio
High Accident Corridor
High Accident Location
High Occupancy Vehicle
Highway Performance Monitoring System
Highway Safety Information System
Institute of Traffic Engineers
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Metropolitan Planning Organization
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets
National Highway System
Pedestrian Accident Location
Puget Sound Regional Council
Permanent Traffic Recorder
Revised Code of Washington
Safety Management System
Strategic Planning and Programming
State Route Milepost
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century
Transportation Data Office
Transportation Research Center (University of Washington)
Washington Administrative Code
Washington State Department of Transportation
Washington State Patrol
Washington Traffic Safety Commission

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.04

April 2010

Page 1-7

General Information

Page 1-8

Chapter 1

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.04

April 2010

Chapter 2


2.1 General
Effective signing is the primary method to provide regulatory, warning, and
guidance information to transportation system users. Signing that is clear,
concise,and accurate supports safe, legal, and orderly travel on public roadways
and transportation facilities. Sign use must be limited and conservative since
signscan lose their effectiveness when used to excess. Signs are not typically
used to confirm Rules of the Road.
This chapter contains information about signing on the state roadway system
and is intended for persons involved in traffic operation or design. Specific
policies and guidelines are included that clarify the Manual of Uniform Traffic
Control Devices (MUTCD) information. Situations not addressed in this chapter
or the MUTCD may need to be determined on a case-by-case basis using
Where a change to the current sign installation is indicated by information in this
chapter, replace as the current signs service life is reached. MUTCD compliance
dates for some replacements are noted where applicable.
State law requires the department to adopt uniform standards for traffic control
devices, including signs, along public roadways. WAC 468-95 adopts the
MUTCD and Washington State Modifications to the MUTCD M 24-01 as
these standards. The MUTCD and WSDOT modifications provide guidance
on the intended use and placement of regulatory, warning, guide, and motorist
information signs, as well as specific information on sizes and installation.
Thischapter supplements the MUTCD and WSDOT modifications with specific
interpretations and unique applications for signs on the state highway system.
Guidelines for the use of traffic control signs are discussed in the following
MUTCD chapters:
MUTCD Location

Sign Type

Chapter 2B

Regulatory Signs, Barricades, and Gates

Chapter 2C

Warning Signs and Object Markers

Chapter 2D

Guide Signs Conventional Roads

Chapter 2E

Guide Signs Freeways and Expressways

Chapter 2F

Toll Road Signs

Chapter 2G

Preferential and Managed Lane Signs

Chapter 2H

General Information Signs

Chapter 2I

General Service Signs

Chapter 2J

Specific Service Signs

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.05

April 2011

Page 2-1


Chapter 2

Chapter 2L

Changeable Message Signs

Chapter 2M

Recreational and Cultural Interest Signs

Chapter 2N

Emergency Management Signs

Part 6

Work Zone Signs

Part 7

School Area Signs

Part 8

Railroad and Light Rail Signs

Part 9

Bicycle Facility Signs

2.2 Sign Design

The WSDOT Sign Fabrication Manual M 55-05 contains geometric layout
detailsfor most signs used by the department.
The sign number codes indicated in the Sign Fabrication Manual and other
departmental publications are exclusive to WSDOT and may not correspond to
MUTCD number codes for similar signs.
Any modification to a symbol regulatory or warning sign requires FHWA
experimentation approval.
(1) Designing a Sign Message
This section contains information about layout and fabrication of signs that are
not addressed in the Sign Fabrication Manual.
(a) Message Content A sign message must convey the necessary information
in a simple, direct manner using clear and concise wording. English language
is used on signs on the state transportation system. Historical names
(including non-English) may be used for place names such as for a town or
natural or cultural feature.
(b) Letter Sizing Letter sizes for primary and supplemental guide signs are
determined by roadway type and operating speed. A sign message must be
large enough to give the viewer adequate time to read and comprehend the
information, and to respond with a driving task or other action as required.
MUTCD Tables 2E-2 through 2E-5 show the appropriate standard letter
sizesto be used. Signs on non-roadway portions of the transportation
system(i.e., bicycle or pedestrian paths, transit stations) are sized to
reflectthe specific conditions of use.

Page 2-2

Studies indicate the average driver comprehends three words per

second, aftera message perception time of up to two seconds. Unique
messages require more perception time than messages that are commonly
used. Determine the needed letter height for a particular sign by using
the followingformula that combines the comprehension rate and the
perceptiontime with the operational speed of the roadway.

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.05

April 2011

Chapter 2


LETTER HEIGHT = (N/3 + 2) f

Where: N =

f =

Number of words in the message.

Legibility factor (see Table 2-1).
(Found by dividing vehicle speed in feet per second (fps)
by 30, the legibility distance per inch of letter height.)
































*Speed (legal speed limit or 85th percentile speed).

f Values by Speed
Table 2-1

The following example applies the formula and calculates desirable


Example message:



Roadway Speed = 65 mph

N = 7

f = 3.2

Height = (7/3 + 2) 3.2 = 14 inches
LETTER HEIGHT = Use 14-inch letters
(c) Message Layout and Spacing Sign message layout and spacing
requirements are specified in the Sign Fabrication Manual.
(d) Abbreviations Abbreviations must be immediately recognizable by
theviewer and are only used to avoid excessively long sign messages.
Donotuseabbreviations if the controlling (longest) message line is long
enough to allow use of the complete word. Do not abbreviate place names
except for those approved in the list below.

To maintain statewide uniformity, the Headquarters Traffic Office must

approve abbreviations other than those listed below. Periods are not used
in sign abbreviations, except for British Columbia (B.C.) and United States

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.05

April 2011

Page 2-3


Chapter 2

The following are the only pre-approved abbreviations:


Page 2-4

Air Force Base

British Columbia
Department of Natural Resources (campground, etc.)
Forest Service
Historic (as in Natl Hist District)
High Occupancy Vehicle
Highway and State Route
Miles Per Hour
Mount (Rainier)
North East
North West
Naval Air Station
WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.05
April 2011

Chapter 2

Rec Area
Sea-Tac Airport
State Patrol


Off Road Vehicle

Port or Point
Recreational Area
Recreational Vehicle
South East
South West
Seattle-Tacoma Airport
U.S. (Customs, etc.)
United States of America
U.S. Forest Service
Washington State Department of Transportation
Washington State Patrol

(2) Reflective Sign Sheeting Material Requirements

Traffic control signs are fabricated using various types of reflective sheeting
material. Each sheeting type has different retroreflective properties and
different practical applications. The sign type and its location determine the
specific sheeting to be used. The following sheeting types are designated in
ASTMSpecification D 4956:
Type I Medium-intensity retroreflective sheeting, referred to as
EngineerGrade. Warranty life of 7 years.
Type II Medium-high-intensity retroreflective sheeting referred to as
SuperEngineer Grade. Warranty life of 10 to 12 years.
Type III High-intensity retroreflective sheeting referred to as
HighIntensity. Warranty life of 10 years.
Type IV High-intensity prismatic retroreflective sheeting, referred to
asHigh Performance. Warranty life of 10 years.
Type VIII Super high-intensity prismatic retroreflective sheeting,
referredtoas Super High Performance. Warranty life of 10 years.

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.05

April 2011

Page 2-5


Chapter 2

Type IX Very high-intensity prismatic retroreflective sheeting, referred to

asVIP Diamond Grade or Omni-View. Warranty life of 12 years.
Type X Super-high-intensity prismatic retroreflective sheeting, referred to
asFluorescent Orange Prismatic. Warranty life of 3 years.
The following table shows the specific sheeting type to use, based on the sign
type, location, and lighting environment. When ordering a sign from theWSDOT
Yakima sign shop, specify the sheeting type.

Sheeting Type

Sheeting Type
(Legend, Symbols,

Ground Mounted








Ground Mounted











Sign Type


Guide Signs
Ground Mounted
Overhead Exit Only


Overhead Exit Only

Sign Light Required

Overhead Left Side Exits

III or




Sign Light Required



Other Overhead Guide




Overhead Street Name




Route Markers (M-Series Signs)




General Information
(I-Series Signs)




School (S-Series Signs)4

(S1-1, S4-3, School portion of S5-1,
and S5-101)




Milepost Markers




Blue and Brown Background Signs




Fluorescent Orange
(Work Zone Signs)




is Type III or IV, black is non-reflective.

Illumination. There is continuous roadway illumination between interchanges.
3For Yellow Background sheeting, use Type VIII or IX Fluorescent sheeting.
4Fluorescent Yellow Green (FYG) sheeting.

Table 2-2

Page 2-6

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.05

April 2011

Chapter 2


2.3 Sign Location, Installation, and Storage

(1) Sign Location
Signs shall be located and positioned according to standards outlined in the
MUTCD Section 2A.162A.21, Design Manual M 22-01 Chapter 1020, and
Standard Plan G-20.10-00. These standards address sign mounting height and
lateral and longitudinal placement.
Signs must be placed to provide a clear view for the roadway user and to not
obstruct other signs.
Signs must be sufficiently spaced to allow the roadway user time for making
required decisions and to safely execute any necessary maneuver.
Overloading roadway users with too much information may cause confusion.
Signs should be located as far from the traveled way as possible, while
remaining visually effective. They should be placed on the backslope
ofaditch, rather than the inslope or bottom.
(2) Sign Installation
Signs shall be installed according to standards contained in Design Manual
Chapter 1020, Standard Plans Section G, and MUTCD Section2A.162A.21.
Referto these documents for installation standards for:
Ground mounted signs on steel, wood, and box beam posts.
Overhead sign installations, including service walkways.
Height of sign (vertical clearance or v dimension).
Horizontal location of sign (w dimension).
Sign post break-away safety features.
Windload information is shown at www.wsdot.wa.gov/design/traffic/signing/.
(3) Temporary and Permanent Attention Devices
Attention getting devices, such as flags, may be used temporarily with newly
installed warning or regulatory signs. They can draw attention to a traffic revision
such as a speed limit change or the addition of a traffic signal. Temporary
attention devices are fluorescent yellow in color. They are generally displayed
for a minimum of two weeks and a maximum of one month. Devices may be
displayed up to two months when greater impact is needed.
Attention devices may be permanently placed only when a high impact continues
to be needed to improve compliance with a specific traffic regulation or other
traffic control. Permanent attention devices have been used on Interstate or other
major roadways where there is a speed limit reduction of 10 mph or greater.
Permanent attention devices shall be fluorescent yellow prismatic sheeting
and must be approved by the region traffic engineer following an engineering
investigation, which includes a review of crash and speed data. The unnecessary

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Chapter 2

use of attention devices erodes their effectiveness and must be avoided. Therefore,
permanent attention devices must be re-evaluated every six to 12months for
continued effectiveness and re-approved by the region traffic engineer.
(4) Controlling Vegetation Around Signs
The departments maintenance crews are responsible for maintaining visibility
tosigns by clearing vegetation that obscures the full view of a sign face.
Thoughtful sign placement can reduce the need for vegetation control.
The following guidance will generally provide sign visibility. Greater clearing
may be necessary in some situations to achieve full visibility tothe sign.
Area Description



Low Speed Urban

200 feet



500 feet


Freeways and All Guide Signs

800 feet


*Distance is measured in the direction that the sign faces, along the edge of the traveled way.
**Width varies. Clear vegetation from edge of pavement to 5 feet beyond the sign edge that
is farthest from the roadway, or to the edge of the right of way.

Table 2-3

(5) Sign Storage

Signs must be stored properly to prevent damage to the sign face. Sign sheeting
is damaged by exposure to dirt and water during storage, which can reduce its
retroreflectivity. Never store signs laying flat. Moisture accumulation between
signs will cause sheeting failure.
Store all packaged signs on edge and indoors. If packaged signs become wet,
unpack them immediately and separate the signs to dry (clothespins work well).
Provide ample space between signs to allow free air circulation and moisture
evaporation from each sign face.
If outdoor storage is required for short periods, remove all packing materials so
nothing is against the sign face. Store signs on edge, separated with clothespins,
and set above the ground in a clean area.

2.4 Sign Installation and Maintenance Jurisdiction

Jurisdictional responsibility for traffic control signs (and other traffic control
devices) on public highways is assigned through several state statutes.
The department is responsible for erecting and maintaining traffic control
signs upon every state highway (RCW 47.36.050). Local jurisdictions are
assigned the responsibility to erect and maintain traffic control signs on
roadways within their jurisdiction (RCW 47.36.060).

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These responsibilities are further defined:

On limited access roadways, including any interchange cross-streets,
the department is responsible for signing (RCW 47.52.020 and
RCW47.24.020(2)). This can be superseded by an agreement with a local
agency that designates other responsibility arrangements (RCW 47.52.090).
Responsibility for signing along city streets that are part of the state highway
system is assigned based on the population of the city (RCW 47.24.020(12)
and (13)) and is shown in Table2-4. Population is determined by the
Washington State Office of Fiscal Management and can be found at
It is important to work with each city to ensure that city signs are not installed
on department sign posts and that adequate sign spacing is maintained.
Theonly exception is for STREET NAME signs above a STOP sign.
Responsibility Based on City Population
Sign Type

Over 25,000

Under 25,000










Route Markers



Primary Guide Signs



Street Name






MIS Logo






DUI Victim Memorial



*The department may install these signs, if authorized through a specific agreement with a
city or town.

Sign Installation and Maintenance Responsibility

Non-Limited Access Highways
Table 2-4

2.5 Traffic Sign Management System (TSMS)

TSMS is a statewide sign inventory computer program that provides both a
complete inventory and a history of maintenance actions for each sign on the
statehighway system.
The Headquarters and region Traffic Offices use TSMS to provide accurate
records regarding:
Sign location.
Original installation and replacement dates.
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Sign message.
Sign size.
Letter height.
Direction of sign face.
Sheeting type and color.
Maintenance history.
The region Traffic Offices are responsible for keeping the TSMS up to
Entering new sign data.
Collecting the Sign Activity Reports (SAR) from region maintenance
personnel and inputting that data to keep the TSMS current and factual.
Conducting periodic field inventories.
Inventorying all signs installed by contract.
Updating inventory after construction projects are completed.
Night reflectivity review.
The region maintenance personnel are responsible for filling out a Sign Activity
Report (SAR) that details each activity performed. This provides important
history and identifies needed maintenance actions. The SAR is sent to the region
Traffic Office for input into the TSMS. In some regions, maintenance personnel
input SAR data in cooperation with the region Traffic Office
Regions also provide TSMS reports to Traffic, Maintenance, or other offices
The Headquarters Traffic Operations Office is responsible for maintaining
and updating the TSMS program to meet the departments business needs,
including data storage and selective retrieval of sign inventory and maintenance

2.6 State Traffic Laws and Regulations Requiring a Sign

for Enforcement
Some Rules of the Road (RCW 46.61) are not enforceable unless appropriate
signs are posted. The following signs must be installed to enforce a regulation
(RCW). Place these signs at the point of regulation or where the prohibition
begins and ends.

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Sign Message

Sign Number



R1-1 & R1-2











R3-10, 11, 12, 13




R5-1003 & R5-1004











R9-4 & R9-4A




WAC 468-58-030







I2-401 & I2-501



I2-601 & I2-701











Signs Needed for Enforcement

Table 2-5

2.7 Regulatory Signs

Regulatory signs alert transportation system users to applicable traffic laws or
regulations, and provide information and instructions required for compliance.
Regulatory signs, whose installation is required for enforcement of a law, are
listed in Section 2.6.
(1) Stop Signs
The department shall install and maintain all STOP (R1-1) signs at the
intersections of county roads with state highways (RCW 47.36.100). The
department shall install and maintain all STOP signs at the intersections of city
streets with state highways within the corporate limits of cities having populations
less than 25,000 (RCW 47.24.020(13)).
STOP signs shall be a minimum 36x 36 inches on all roadways. A 48 x 48 inch
sign may be used on divided highways with at-grade intersections or where
otherwise indicated by a traffic and engineering study. On low-volume roads
(under 400 ADT), a 30-inch STOP sign may be used.
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(2) Yield Signs

YIELD (R1-2) signs are installed to assign right of way to traffic on certain
approaches to an intersection. In addition to guidance in the MUTCD,
YIELDsigns are installed as follows:
They shall be installed to assign right of way at the entrance to a roundabout
intersection per the MUTCD.
They should be installed along freeway or expressway on-ramps where
acceleration ramp geometry and/or sight distance do not meet DesignManual
minimum standards. Install the Yield sign so that it is primarily visible only to
ramp traffic.
They may be installed at entrances to ramp and standard intersection right
Use the tables in Design Manual Chapter 1360 to determine the appropriate
minimum length for the acceleration lane portion of an on-ramp.
(3) Speed Limit Signs
SPEED LIMIT (R21) signs are installed to display the maximum allowable
vehicle speed as established by law or regulation. Install a TRUCKS XX (R2-2)
sign below the standard speed limit sign where a special speed limit is mandated
for trucks over 10,000 pounds gross weight, or vehicles in combination, or where
the maximum speed limit for cars and trucks is different.
Speed limit signs are prominently located for maximum awareness at
thefollowing locations:
At the point of change from one speed limit to another.
On the far side of major interchanges or intersections, including between
At entrances to Washington State and at boundaries of cities andtowns.
In rural areas, at 10- to 20-mile intervals.
On conventional roadways, locate a sign for each direction of travel, opposite
one another at the speed zone boundary. If existing features prohibit opposite
installation, the signs may be offset up to 150 feet in either direction from the
speed zone boundary and located a maximum of 300 feet apart. If the signs cannot
be installed within these parameters, the speed zone boundary may be changed by
theState Traffic Engineer to accommodate sign installation.
On multilane divided highways, install signs on both the right and left sides of
the roadway at speed zone boundaries. Confirmation speed limit signs may be
installed on the right side only.
On freeways, install signs a minimum of 1,500 feet beyond on-ramp acceleration
lanes (MUTCD Section 2E-38). Where interchange ramps are closely spaced,
conduct a traffic engineering analysis to determine the most effective intervals
forposting speed limit signs.
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Do not place a speed limit sign between a CURVE or TURN warning sign
and the roadway curve or turn itself. Adjust the speed limit boundary
location if necessary, to avoid this placement.
See Appendix 2-1 for typical Speed Limit sign layout. See Section 2.08(4) for use
of the SPEED REDUCTION (W3-5) warning sign.
See Chapter 6 for information on setting permanent speed limits and Chapter 5
forguidelines on temporary construction zone speed limits.
(4) U-Turns
U-Turns are allowed at some roadway intersections, both inside and outside of
cities and towns. Signing may be installed to designate where U-turns are allowed
and that the side street must yield to the U-turn movement. Appendix 2-2 shows
typical U-turn signing associated with left turn lanes at signalized intersections.
(5) U-Turn Prohibition
The MUTCD states that TURN PROHIBITION signs (R3-1 through R3-4,
R318) shall be installed where U-turns are prohibited. U-turns are allowed where
the maneuver can be made safely, without interfering with other traffic, and at
least 500 feet fromahorizontal or vertical curve (RCW 46.61.295).
On limited access roadways, with median sections, restricted U-turn locations are
installed for use by law enforcement, maintenance, and emergency vehicles only
(RCW 47.52.120). Sign these median locations with a NOU-TURN (R3-4) sign.
(6) Two-Way Left Turn Lane
TWO-WAY LEFT TURN ONLY signs may be installed where a lane in the center
of a highway is reserved for the use of left-turning vehicles (in either direction)
and is not used for passing or overtaking. The post-mounted (R3-9a or R3-9b) or
the overhead mounted (R3-9) sign may be used to supplement two-way left turn
lane pavement markings. A plaque indicating BEGIN or END may be mounted
above either sign to identify the limits of the two-way left turn area.
Additional WSDOT criteria apply to the use of two-way left turn lane signs:
Install the initial sign near the beginning of the two-way left turn lane and
repeat installation as necessary, based on an analysis of operating conditions.
BEGIN or END plaques are not installed where a two-way left turn lane
is interrupted by left turn channelization on either one or both intersection
(7) Auxiliary Climbing and Passing Lanes
For sections of state highway that include auxiliary climbing lanes:
Install a TRUCK LANE XXX FEET (R4-6) sign in advance of the

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Install a SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT (R4-3) sign near the beginning
ofthe climbing lane.
Install a RIGHT LANE ENDS (W9-1R) in advance of the climbing lane
terminus, where spacing allows.
Install a LANE ENDS (W4-2L) sign in advance of the climbing lane terminus.
A distance plaque may be installed as a supplement to thissign.
See Appendix 2-3 for signing layout.
For sections of state highway that include auxiliary passing lanes:
Install a PASSING LANE XXX MILES (R4-601) sign to mile in
advance of the passing lane. Show the approximate distance to thepassing
lane, measured to the nearest mile.
Install a KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS (R4-301) sign at the beginning
ofthe passing lane.
Install a RIGHT LANE ENDS (W9-1R) sign in advance of the passing lane
terminus, where spacing allows.
Install a LANE ENDS (W4-2L) sign in advance of the passing lane terminus.
A distance plaque may be installed as a supplement to thissign.
An optional NEXT PASSING LANE XXX MILES (R4-602) sign may
be installed up to 500 feet beyond the passing lane terminus to show the
approximate distance to the next passing lane.
See Appendix 2-4 for signing layout.
(8) Keep Right Except to Pass
The KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS sign (R4-301) may be used on multilane
roadways to remind motorists of state law RCW 46.61.100 which requires
vehicles to stay in the right lane of multilane roadways, except to pass. The sign
has also been installed at the request of law enforcement agencies to aid their
enforcement efforts at specific locations.
Use the following criteria when determining sign locations:
The preferred sign location is in the median.
Signs are not to be placed within mile in advance of an interchange.
Signs are not to be placed through an interchange area.
Signs are not to be placed within 5 miles of each other in the same direction
(9) Vehicles Over 10,000 lbs. Prohibited in Left Lane
shall be installed on multilane roadways with three or more lanes in one travel
direction to remind large vehicles that they are prohibited from travel in the left
lane per RCW 46.61.100(3) and WAC 468-510-020.
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(10) Do Not Enter and Wrong Way Signing

DO NOT ENTER (R5-1) signs shall be installed at every location where traffic
is prohibited from entering a restricted roadway. ONE WAY (R6-1) signs are to
be installed above DO NOT ENTER signs. Install WRONG WAY (R5-1a) signs
as a supplement to the DO NOT ENTER signs at each location. WRONG WAY
signsare placed further from the crossroad than the DO NOT ENTER sign.
Complete WRONG WAY signing for freeway at-grade intersections, interchange
ramps, and roundabouts shall be installed as shown in Appendices 2-5, 2-6
(11) Bicycle and Motorized Foot Scooters Prohibition
As part of vehicular traffic, bicycles are permitted on all state highways except
where restricted by regulation (RCW 46.61.160 and WAC 468-58-050).
Additionally, motorized foot scooters may have access to highways of the state
to the same extent as bicycles (RCW 46.61.710(5)); thus, they are also restricted
in the same areas as bicycles. Restrictions are located primarily on limited access
freeways, but may be determined for other locations basedon an engineering
investigation. They are noted at www.wsdot.wa.gov/bike/closed.htm.
Install advance signing to inform bicyclists and motorized foot scooter riders
ofthe upcoming restricted section, and to give alternate route directions.
On the mainline, install a BICYCLES AND MOTORIZED FOOT
SCOOTERS MUST EXIT 1/4 MILE (R5602) sign in advance of the
prohibited area.
(R5601 with arrow) sign at the closest off-ramp or intersection in advance
ofthe restricted segment.
(R5-1003) sign at a prohibition point such as an onramp to a prohibited
freeway segment.
FOOT SCOOTERS PROHIBITED (R5-1004) sign at onramp entrances to
prohibited areas.
(12) No Pedestrian Crossing
NO PEDESTRIAN CROSSING signing (R9-3 or R9-3A) may be installed at
a signalized intersection or other locations, based on engineering judgment,
where pedestrian crossing is prohibited. Locate the sign so that it is visible to
all pedestrians who may consider crossing, normally on the opposite side of the
roadway in line with the travel path of the pedestrian. The supplemental sign
USECROSSWALK (R9-3B R or L) may be installed below.

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Chapter 2

(13) Pedestrian Prohibition

Install a PEDESTRIANS PROHIBITED sign (R5-10 series) at access points
to limited access highways where pedestrians are prohibited by a department
regulation (WAC 468-58-050).
(14) Shoulder Driving
Shoulder driving is permitted on selected portions of two-lane highways
(RCW 46.61.428). Chapter 7, Section 7.14, of this manual defines the roadway
characteristics required to designate a shoulder driving area. Identify designated
shoulder driving areas by installing signs to inform vehicular traffic of the
permitted action.
Install a SLOW VEHICLES MAY USE SHOULDER (I8-501) sign at the
beginning of the shoulder driving zone.
Supplement with a NEXT XXX MILES (I7702) advisory distance plaque
anda DAYLIGHT HOURS ONLY (I8-701) sign.
Repeat this signing as appropriate at a maximum interval of 5 miles.
Install an END SHOULDER DRIVING (I8-601) sign at the end of the
designated shoulder driving zone.
See Appendix 2-8.
(15) Slow Vehicle Turnouts
Slow vehicle turnouts provide passing opportunities along state roadways and are
identified by specific signing toinform motorists of the turnout location:
sign where turn-outs occur at several consecutive locations. Placein advance
of the initial turnout.
Install the DELAY OF 5 VEHICLES ILLEGAL (I8-201) sign in advance of
each turnout.
Install the SLOW VEHICLE TURNOUT XXX FT/MILE (I8-401) sign in
advance of each turnout.
Install a SLOW VEHICLE TURNOUT arrow (I8-301) sign at the beginning
of each turnout.
NO PARKING (R8-3) or NO PARKING SYMBOL (R8-3A) signs may be
installed within the turnout area.
See Appendix 2-9.
(16) Range Area
A RANGE AREA sign (I2-401) shall be installed wherever a state highway
enters an open range area, as determined by the local county government
(RCW 16.24.060). Repeat signing at points designated by the governing county

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commissioners and install signs at county boundaries if the range areaspans

adjoining counties. Some county websites list the designated range areas within
their county.
Install the LEAVING RANGE AREA (I2-501) sign where a state highway leaves
an open range area.
(17) Unmuffled Compression Brakes
It is against the law to use unmuffled compression brakes (RCW 46.37.395). The
department installs signs (R4-605) at border crossings, just inside state boundaries
and along the ramps to or from weigh stations to inform drivers of this regulation.
Use these guidelines to determine spacing between this and other roadway signing:
On freeway installations, use a minimum spacing of 500 feet.
On multilane high speed roadways with at grade intersections, use a minimum
spacing of 400 feet.
On two-lane, high-speed roadways, use a minimum spacing of 300 feet.
On multilane and two-lane, low speed facilities within incorporated areas,
usea minimum spacing of 150 feet.
The department will not install these signs on non-access controlled highways
within incorporated areas. The local agency may install and maintain such signing.
(18) Compression Brake Prohibition
Signs prohibiting compression brake use may be installed only where a local
agency ordinance prohibiting their use has been adopted (RCW 70.107.060(3))
and where sign spacing is available. The local agency must agree to pay the
fabrication, installation, and subsequent maintenance costs.
Install signs (R4-604) before the restricted area as follows:
On limited access routes, install sign beyond major interchanges.
Locatebetween the route marker assembly and the speed limit signs.
Wheresign space is limited, install below the city entrance marker.
Along non-access controlled routes outside corporate limits, install signs
uponleaving corporate limits, and beyond the junction of major intersections,
not to exceed one sign every 5 miles.
Along non-access controlled city streets that are also state highways, thelocal
agency may work with the department to install signs about the prohibition.
Note: Compression brake regulations are noise regulations rather than traffic
regulations. The department does not regulate compression brakeuse.

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Chapter 2

2.8 Warning Signs

Warning signs are installed to alert roadway users to unexpected conditions on
or adjacent to the roadway that require special attention and that may require a
reduction in speed or other action to maintain safe vehicle operation.
Determine the appropriate placement of warning signs based on the MUTCD
Guidelines for Advanced Placement of Warning Signs, Table 2C-4, and on an
engineering and traffic investigation. The guidelines provide minimum advance
placement distances, based on vehicle speeds and location specific conditions.
Warning signs are installed on both sides of the road on multilane divided
roadways that have two or more lanes in one direction. Speed limit signs should
never be located between any warning sign and the condition warned for, when
the warning sign indicates a need to reduce speed.
Yellow is the standard background color for warning signs. Fluorescent yellow/
green (FYG) may be used for bicycle, pedestrian, or playground signs where there
are an unusual number of conflicts or where strong attention must be drawn to the
sign because of distracting surroundings.
Minimum Warning Sign Sizes
Roadway Type

Minimum Sign Size

Freeways and Expressways

48 x 48

Multilane and Conventional Roadways

36 x 36

(1) Turn and Curve (Horizontal Alignment) Signs and Advisory

Speed Plaques
TURN and CURVE signs are installed to alert motorists to horizontal curvature
in the roadway alignment. Advisory speed plaques supplement the signs as
determined by a traffic and engineering study (generally using a ball banking
instrument to provide readings as the study vehicle traverses each curve).
WSDOT has adopted the following application when determining curve and
advisory speed signing installations:
Advisory Speed (mph)

Maximum Ball
Bank Reading

20 mph or less


25 and 30 mph


35 mph and greater


The TURN (W1-1) sign is used where the engineering and traffic investigation
indicates the advisory speed for a horizontal turn to be 30mph or less.
The CURVE (W1-2) sign is used where the engineering and traffic investigation
indicates the advisory speed for a horizontal curve to be from35mph to 65 mph.

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Install the appropriate TURN or CURVE sign where the recommended curve
speed is 5 MPH or more below the posted speed limit.
Install a supplemental ADVISORY SPEED PLAQUE (W13-1) below the TURN
or CURVE sign if the advisory speed is 5 mph or more below the posted speed
limit, or if an engineering and traffic investigation indicates the need for the sign.
If a supplemental DISTANCE PLAQUE is used, such as beneath a WINDING
ROAD (W1-5L/R) sign, show the distance as a fraction of a mile rather than a
decimal ( mile rather than .5 mile). The fraction is more quickly read and easily
understood by the motorists.
(2) Hairpin Curve
Install a HAIRPIN CURVE sign (W1-901L/R) where the change in the roadway
horizontal alignment is 135 degrees or more, and:
A traffic engineering analysis of roadway, geometric, and operating conditions
shows the recommended curve speed to be 30 mph or less.
The recommended curve speed is equal to or less than the posted speedlimit.
Install a supplemental advisory speed plaque (W13-1) below the HAIRPIN
CURVE sign if an engineering and traffic investigation indicates the need for
thesign. A large arrow sign (W1-6) or chevron alignment signs (W1-8) should
beused in conjunction with the hairpin curve sign.
(3) Chevron Alignment
CHEVRON ALIGNMENT (W1-8) signs are used to provide emphasis and
guidance for a change in horizontal road alignment. When the curve advisory
speed is 15 mph or more below the speed limit, CHEVRONS shall be installed.
Refer to MUTCD Table 2C-5 for additional guidance.
Ifused, CHEVRONS shall be installed on the outside ofa turn or curve, in line
with and at approximately a right angle to approaching traffic. Install a minimum
of three signs in a series, with at least two signs visible to the motorist at all times
throughout the curve.
They should be installed on circular interchange ramps, or on other curving
alignments where run off the road crashes have demonstrated anoperational
(4) Speed Limit Reduction Ahead
The SPEED LIMIT REDUCTION AHEAD (W3-5) warning sign has replaced
the black on white SPEED LIMIT AHEAD XX regulatory sign. The SPEED
LIMIT REDUCTION AHEAD sign is installed at locations where the speed limit
reduces by 10mph or greater. On multilane divided roadways, install a SPEED
LIMIT REDUCTION AHEAD sign on both the left and right sides. Locate the
sign to allow sufficient distance to safely slow the vehicle to the reduced speed
asshown in Table 2-6.

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Table 2 - XX, Speed Reduction Signs

Advance Location


Chapter 2

Approach Speed Limit (mph)

Reduced Speed Limit (mph)

Speed Reduction Signs Advance Location

Table 2-6

(5) Truck Tipping

The TRUCK ROLLOVER (W1-13) sign may be installed in advance of a
horizontal curve where there is a history of truck tipping crashes, a Ball Bank
indication of 12 degrees or more, or a side friction factor of f=>0.21*. Display
the recommended speed on an ADVISORY SPEED PLAQUE (W13-1) below the
TRUCK ROLLOVER sign. Install the TRUCK ROLLOVER sign in addition to
standard CURVE, TURN, LARGE ARROW, and/or CHEVRON warningsigns.
*Use the following formula for a third method to determine the truck speed of

V2 = 15 R (e + f)


V = Speed in miles per hour

R = Radius curve in feet
e = Rate of super-elevation in feet per foot
f = > 0.21 (Safe coefficient of side friction)

(6) Low Clearance

LOW CLEARANCE (W12-301) warning signs shall be installed where there is
153 or less of vertical clearance between the roadway surface and an overhead
obstruction such as an overpass.

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The maximum legal vehicle height permitted on state highways is 14feet

(RCW46.44.020). At the direction of the MUTCD, and through operational
experience, a 15-inch buffer (which includes 3inches for frost heave) has
been added to the 14-foot maximum legal height, setting the minimum LOW
CLEARANCE signing threshold at 153. Appendix 2-10 shows signing details.
Install LOW CLEARANCE signing in the following situations:
(a) At locations where the clearance is 14 feet or greater but less than 153,
install the following:
w/ARROW (W12-302) at the low point on the structure.
The advance LOW CLEARANCE (W12-2) sign on the right shoulder.
Display the clearance height to the nearest inch, but not exceeding the
actual clearance.
(b) At locations where the clearance on any portion of the structure is less than
Install the LOW CLEARANCE (W12-301) or LOW CLEARANCE
w/ARROW (W12-302) sign at the low point on the structure. Where
theclearance varies, such as at arched structures or tunnels, additional
signs may be used to provide effective clearance information.
Install the LOW CLEARANCE (W12-2) sign in advance of the closest
intersecting road that provides a detour around the low clearance
obstruction. Supplement with an ADVISORY DISTANCE (W13-501)
plaque, showing the distance to the obstruction.
Install an additional advance LOW CLEARANCE (W12-2) sign before
the obstruction, in accordance with MUTCD Table 2C-4 (Advanced
Placement of Warning Signs).
Display the clearance height to the nearest inch, but not exceeding the
Roadway reconstruction or surface overlays can reduce the overhead clearance.
When a project is completed, region personnel must measure therevised
clearance and change the sign message accordingly.
Vertical clearance for all overhead signs shall be in accordance with Design
Manual Chapter 1020.
(7) Stop Ahead/Signal Ahead
Install a STOP AHEAD (W3-1A) sign if the stop sign is not visible for at least
the minimum distance indicated in MUTCD Table 2C-4 (Advanced Placement
of Warning Signs). Install a SIGNAL AHEAD (W3-3) sign if the traffic signal is
not visible for at least the minimum distance indicated in MUTCD Table4D-2
(Minimum Sight Distance for Signal Visibility). On county or city road
approaches to state highways, the county or city is responsible for installation
andmaintenance of these signs.
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Chapter 2

(8) Signal Ahead Sign With Flashing Beacons

warn motorists of the signal installation when:
The operating speed is 55 mph or above; and
The intersection is more than 2 miles away from the adjacent signalized
intersection; or
The visibility requirements to the signal in Table 4D-2 of the MUTCD cannot
The recommended SIW sign assembly consists of:
A modified 48 x 48 W3-3 sign on an optional black back plate for added
target value.
Two 8-inch LED yellow beacons.
A flasher circuit activated continuously by a separate circuit from theservice.
A lighting circuit.
Locate the sign per the MUTCD Table 2C-4.
also be considered. If used, region Traffic Offices shall follow the Prepare to Stop
When Flashing (PTSWF) Systems Pilot Project Interim Guidelines white paper
dated August 10, 2006. The white paper is available from Headquarters Traffic
Operations or at www.wsdot.wa.gov/design/traffic.
(9) Merge
Install the MERGE (W4-1) sign to warn mainline motorists of upcoming
merging movements, where sight distance to the merge point is less than
MUTCD Table 2C-4 (Advanced Placement of Warning Signs) Condition A.
Locate the sign on the major alignment in advance of the point where two roads
converge. An additional MERGE sign may be placed on the entering roadway,
particularly where acceleration ramp geometry and/or sight distance do not meet
DesignManual minimum standards. Do not use this sign where roads converge
with added lanes and nomerging movement is required.
(10) Added Lane
An ADDED LANE (W4-3) sign is used in advance of a point where two
roadways converge, but merging movements are not required. The sign should be
used at all added lane conditions to eliminate unnecessary mainline lane changes.
Install the sign so it is visible from both roadways, if possible. Otherwise, install
anADDED LANE sign on each roadway.

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Chapter 2


(11) Lane Ends

Install a LANE ENDS (W4-2) sign:
To warn of a reduction in the number of same direction traffic lanes on a
multilane highway.
To emphasize that a parallel on-connection is ending, as shown in Standard
Plan M-1.80-02.
In advance of the downstream end of an extra lane provided for slower vehicles.
The LANE ENDS sign shall not be used in drop-lane situations.
(12) Exit Advisory Speed
Install the EXIT ADVISORY SPEED (W13-2) sign at freeway/expressway
exit ramps to inform motorists of the recommended exit speed. Locate the sign
along the right shoulder of the deceleration lane prior to the exit gore, ata point
that allows time for the motorist to make a safe slowing and exiting maneuver.
Exitspeed is determined by an engineering and traffic study.
In some locations, a CURVE sign is warranted beyond the exit gore. Install
standard curve advisory signs in accordance with MUTCD Table 2C-4 as space
allows. Otherwise, consider the advisory speeds for the entire ramp when
determining the speed to put on theexitspeed sign.
(13) Ramp Advisory Speed
Install a RAMP ADVISORY SPEED (W13-3) sign to inform motorists of the
recommended speed for traversing a ramp alignment with curvature or other
unexpected conditions. Use this sign where needed on freeway/expressway
entrance ramps, and freeway/expressway to freeway/expressway connection
ramps. Locate signs in accordance with MUTCD Table 2C-4. Ramp speed is
determined by an engineering andtraffic study.
In addition, if an advisory speed condition is located well beyond the gore or
ramp entrance from surface streets, install a standard TURN or CURVE sign with
an advisory speed plaque (W13-1) in accordance with MUTCD Table2C-4 as
space allows. Otherwise, consider the advisory speeds for the entire ramp when
determiningthe speed to put on the ramp advisory sign.
(14) Intersection Warning
The INTERSECTION WARNING (W2 Series) sign indicates the presence of an
intersection and the possibility of turning or entering traffic. Consider installing
this sign where the side road approach is not continuously visible to mainline
traffic for a minimum distance as shown in MUTCD Table 2C-4 and where any
ofthe following conditions exist:
The intersection is not channelized.
Left-turning vehicles may queue in the traveled lane.
Approach to the intersection does not provide adequate stopping sightdistance.
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Chapter 2

Do not use INTERSECTION WARNING signs on approaches controlled by

STOP or YIELD signs, signals, or at channelized intersections.
INTERSECTION WARNING signs may be modified to show offset intersection
geometrics or approach curves. The relative importance of theroadways may be
shown by varying the line widths used.
As guidance to motorists, the INTERSECTION WARNING sign shall be
supplemented with the black on yellow ROAD NAME (D3-201) sign. The road
name should be upper/lower case letters. Refer to the MUTCD Section8B.06, for
installation criteria for railroad/intersection signs, W10-2, W10-3, and W10-4.
(15) Roundabout Ahead
ROUNDABOUT AHEAD (W2-6) signs shall be installed in advance of
anyroundabout established on a state highway and be supplemented with the
ROUNDABOUT plaque (W2-6P) and SPEED ADVISORY (W13-1) plaque.
(16) Tunnel Ahead
A TUNNEL AHEAD (W14-501) sign should be installed in advance of any tunnel
that has an obscured entrance, is not illuminated, or does not have full shoulder
width. A TUNNELS AHEAD sign may be used to address a series of tunnels.
(17) Vehicular Traffic Signs
Vehicular traffic signs may be used to alert roadway users to locations where
entering traffic would be unexpected or where sight distance to traffic ahead
(a) Bicycle A BICYCLE SYMBOL (W11-1) may be used to alert road users to
locations where there is restricted sight distance or where unexpected entries
into the roadway by bicyclists may occur, such as at bicycle path crossings. It
may also be considered where there are bicycle/car conflicts. Use Fluorescent
yellow green sheeting as the background color in areas where extra attention
must be drawn tothe crossing, such as urban areas with many distractions.
(b) Bikes on Road The BICYCLE SYMBOL sign (W11-1) may be used
with the BIKES ON ROAD plaque (W11-101) to alert motorists to narrow
shouldered roadway sections where bicyclists may be in the lanes. Use
a mileage plaque to inform motorists of the distance they can expect to
encounter bicyclists in the traveled lane. Do not install thesesigns on
highways that have designated bicycle lanes.

Consider using these signs on sections of state highway where the paved
shoulder width is less than 4 feet and one or more of the following conditions
are met:
Average Daily Traffic volume is greater than 1,700 vehicles, based on the
most current WSDOT Annual Traffic Report.

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Chapter 2


The state highway is part of a recreational or commuter bicycle route

that is officially recognized by the department, or a county or regional
transportation organization, such as an Regional Transportation Planning
Organization or Municipal Planning Organization.

Install the BICYCLE sign with BIKES ON ROAD plaque in advance of or

within the first 300feet of the narrow shoulder area. If the narrow shoulder
distance is between 3 and 8 miles, a reminder sign should be placed at midpoint. Ifthemileage distance exceeds eight miles, reminder signs should be
placedat 5-mile spacing.

These signs can be modified to say BIKES ON BRIDGE and installed

at bridge locations where there is inadequate shoulder (lessthan 4 feet)

(c) Share the Road WSDOT does not use the supplemental SHARE THE
ROAD (W16-1) plaque. Instead, use BIKES ON ROAD or a warning sign
that indicates the specific roadway condition, such as NO SHOULDERS
(d) Fire Station/Emergency Vehicle FIRE STATION/EMERGENCY
(W1112P) supplemental plaque shall be placed in advance of all emergency
vehicle traffic control signals. The signs may also be installed at locations
where there is limited sight distance to the fire station road approach or where
the approach is in an area where a motorist would not normally expect to see
a fire truck or emergency vehicle enter the roadway. Fire station/emergency
vehicle warning signs are not generally used at intersections, unless an
emergency vehicle traffic control signal ispresent.
(e) Snowmobile A snowmobile crossing which is located at least 100 feet
from any public roadway intersection (RCW 46.10.100) may be signed with
SNOWMOBILE (W11-6) signs. This sign is seasonal and should be removed,
folded,or covered when the condition does not exist.
(f) Farm Machinery FARM MACHINERY signs (W11-5, W11-5A) may be
installed at locations where farm machinery or equipment enters, crosses,
or travels along a roadway and where there is limited sight distance or an
operational concern. If the farm machinery will be on the roadway for more
than mile, a supplemental DISTANCE PLAQUE (W13-401) may be added.

Consider sign installation where:

There is limited sight distance to the farm machinery crossing or entrance
onto the roadway.
The road user would not normally expect to see a farm vehicle, such as
where a farm is operating in an area that has or is being developed for
residential or commercial use.
There is inadequate stopping sight distance to a slow moving vehicle
along the roadway.

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Chapter 2

There is a history of police, farmer, or public complaints, or operational


To reduce operational conflicts, work with the farmer to restrict highway

driving to daylight hours and non-peak periods, to drive on the shoulder
ifpossible, and to use alternate routes if available.

Farm equipment used on the roadway must be equipped with a reflective

hazard triangle sign and a flashing beacon (RCW 46.37.160).

(18) Nonvehicular Traffic Signs

NONVEHICULAR TRAFFIC signs may be used to alert road users to general
locations where unexpected entries into the roadway or shared use of the roadway
may occur.
(a) Pedestrian A PEDESTRIAN CROSSING sign (W11-2) may be installed
where attention needs to be drawn to the pedestrian presence, as evidenced
by a traffic engineering analysis. Fluorescent yellow green may be used as a
background sign color where extra attention needs to bedrawn to a crossing,
such as in urban areas with many distractions. When used at a specific
crossing, the sign shall be supplemented with a diagonal downward pointing
arrow plaque (W16-7P) showing the crossing location.
(b) Deer Crossing Install DEER CROSSING (W11-3) signs to alert motorists
when approaching an area where deer or elk may unexpectedly enter the

Gather information from the following sources when considering sign

Region Maintenance personnel.
WSDOT Headquarters Environmental Services Office, Fish and
Wildlife program. They compile a Wildlife Carcass Removal data base
whichnotes deer and other wildlife killed on state highways.
Records of crashes with wildlife, maintained by the WSDOT Travel and
Collision Data Office.
The Department of Fish and Wildlifes regional biologists have additional
information on concentrations and migratory routes ofdeer.

Consider the following criteria before installing DEER CROSSING (W11-3)

Minimum of five documented deer/vehicle collisions per mile per year
forat least two of the past 10 years.
Minimum of 10 carcass counts per mile per year for at least three of the
past 10 years.
Concurrence from region maintenance personnel

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Existing DEER CROSSING sign locations should be reviewed every five years.
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April 2011

Chapter 2


(c) Cattle Crossing (Livestock) The CATTLE CROSSING (W11-4) or

HORSE CROSSING (W11-7) sign may be used where there are frequent
cattle, horse, or other livestock crossings at a specific site. Consider each
request based on roadway type, traffic volumes, and number of crossings.
Acrossing site used once a day would warrant a sign, whereas one used
oncea month would not.

Cattle signs are not used for the movement of livestock along a highway
such as a sheep or cattle drive. Requests for temporary traffic control to
accommodate livestock movement are handled by the region on a case by
case basis.

(19) Congested Area

CONGESTED AREA (W14-2202) signs may be installed at locations where
traffic congestion occasionally occurs. Examples include rural areas where
businesses or other community development periodically generate traffic
volumesgreater than normally would be expected at that location.
(20) Congestion Ahead
The CONGESTION AHEAD (W14-2203) sign is only used where sight distance
to the congested area is restricted.
(21) Grated Bridge Deck
The GRATED BRIDGE DECK sign (W82101) shall be installed in advance of
all bridges with grated decks on any portion of the roadway. Because deck grates
may affect the handling characteristics of some vehicles, particularly motorcycles
and bicycles, itis important to alert these road users to the road condition.
(22) Pavement Ruts
The PAVEMENT RUTS sign (W8-2201) may be installed on roadway sections
where there are longitudinal wheel track ruts. Such ruts may cause vehicle
vibration or other unexpected movements when a vehicle crosses them to change
lanes or exit the roadway. The region Traffic Office should determine appropriate
placement of these signs, based on an engineering and traffic investigation.
Onmultilane divided roadways, post signs on both sides of theroadway.
(23) Rocks
The ROCKS sign (W8-1701) may be installed to alert roadway users to roadway
sections that are known to have or are subject to frequent rockfall occurrences.
Maintenance crews or the Washington State Patrol often supply thisinformation.
The department Material Lab developed a numerical rating system for unstable
slopes at wwwi.wsdot.wa.gov/systems/slope/inventory/slope_search.cfm.
When a potential rockfall location has a numerical rating of 200 points or greater,
a ROCK sign should be installed. A separate sign is not required at each location
if adjacent locations can be combined using a FOR NEXT XX MILES sign.

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Chapter 2


3 Points

9 Points

27 Points

81 Points

Cut or Fill
Slope Erosion

or Piping

Slow Moving

Rapid Landslides
or Debris Flow

Problem Type: Rock

Minor Rockfall
Good Catchment

Moderate Rockfall
Fair Catchment

Major Rockfall
Limited Catchment

Major Rockfall
No Catchment

Average Daily Traffic

< 5,000

5,000 to 20,000

20,000 to 40,000

> 40,000

Decision Sight




Very Limited

Impact of Failure

< 50 Feet

50 to 200 Feet

200 to 500 Feet

> 500 Feet

Roadway Impedance

Shoulder Only

of Roadway

of Roadway

Full Roadway

Average Vehicle Risk

< 25% of the Time

25% to 50%
of the Time

50% to 75%
of the Time

> 75% of the Time

Pavement Damage

Minor Not

Moderate Driver
Must Slow

Severe Driver
Must Stop

Extreme Not

Failure Frequency

No Failures in
Last 5 Years

One Failure in
Last 5 Years

One Failure
Each Year

More Than One

Failure per Year

< $5,000
per Year

$5,000 to $10,000
per Year

$10,000 to $50,000
per Year

> $50,000
per Year

No Detours

Short Detours
< 3 Miles

Long Detours
> 3 Miles

Sole Access
No Detours

0 or 1

2 or 3

4 or 5


Problem Type: Soil

Annual Maintenance
Economic Factor
Accidents in
Last 10Years

Rating Criteria
Table 2-7

(24) Transit Stop Ahead

Install the TRANSIT STOP AHEAD (W14-1101) symbol sign in advance of a
region Traffic office approved transit stop in the travel lane of a state highway
The transit stop is located in an unincorporated area; and
There is less than 500 feet of sight distance to the transit stop.
Install the sign in accordance with MUTCD Table 2C-4 (Advance Placement of
WarningSigns). Refer to WAC 468-46 and Chapter 7, Section7.9, of this manual,
for further information about the transit stop approvalprocess.

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Chapter 2


(25) Left Turns Ahead

The LEFT TURNS AHEAD (W2-601) sign may be used in advance of
intersections to alert to possible left turning movement conflicts, as determined
by an engineering and traffic investigation. Consider installing this sign at
locationswhere any of the following conditions exist:
The intersection is not channelized.
Left-turning vehicles may queue in the traveled lane.
Approach to the intersection does not provide adequate stopping sight distance.

Lateral Clearance Markers (Object Markers)

The department installs Type 3 OBJECT/LATERAL CLEARANCE MARKERS

(W12-401 L/R) to identify objects or conditions within or adjacent to the roadway
such as:
narrow bridges with reduced width shoulders
small traffic islands
underpass piers
bridge abutments
culvert headwalls
IMPACT ATTENUATOR MARKERS (W12-501 and W12502) are used
to identify the nose section of an impact attenuator. Install a W12501 when
traffic approaching an attenuator passes only one side of the attenuator. Install
aW12502 when approaching traffic passes on both sides of the attenuator.
MUTCD Section 2C.64 and 2C.65 addresses appropriate use and installation
requirements of lateral clearance markers. See Appendix 2-11 and 2-11A.
(27) Water Over Roadway
The WATER OVER ROADWAY (W8501) sign may be installed where water
periodically and consistently accumulates. Hinge the sign to allow crews to open
and close it as needed.
(28) Severe Side Winds Ahead
The SEVERE SIDE WINDS AHEAD (W14801) sign may be installed where
geologic or geographic features or other unique situations create unexpected
andsevere windy conditions that can impact the handling of a vehicle.

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Chapter 2

(29) Watch for Ice

The department no longer routinely uses WATCH FOR ICE (W8-1601) signs.
They may be considered in unique conditions such as where a natural or manmade
feature causes consistent roadway wetness and where ice is likely to form during
cold temperatures. Examples may include, but are not limited to locations where:
A waterfall causes roadway moisture.
An industrial facility consistently causes spray on the roadway.
There is wetness from short or long-term drainage problems.
Pavement sensors connected to the WATCH FOR ICE sign discern the
outsidetemperature and flash an alert to motorists about the potential of ice
Moisture vapor forms on the highway.
Any decision to post a WATCH FOR ICE sign must be based on a traffic
engineering analysis and approved by the State Traffic Engineer, in consultation
with the appropriate region traffic engineer.
(30) Grooved Pavement
Install the GROOVED PAVEMENT sign (W8-2001) where the roadway surface
features closely spaced longitudinal grooves. Do not use this sign in areas of
rutted pavement. RCW 47.36.200 notes that where a GROOVED PAVEMENT
sign is used, a MOTORCYCLES USE EXTREME CAUTION (W21-1701) sign
must also be used.

2.9 School Areas

School related signing is installed to alert motorists to an upcoming school bus
stop or school crossing, and the possible presence of children standing near,
walking along, or crossing the roadway. Fluorescent yellow-green (FYG) is the
standard background color for school signs.
The department is responsible for school bus stop and crossing related signing.
Additional signs (such as an overhead School Crossing sign) are generally the
responsibility of the school district requesting them.
(1) School Bus Stops
Install a SCHOOL BUS STOP AHEAD (S3-1) sign where there is less than
500feet of sight distance to the bus stop, or when other operational factors
indicate the need for a warning sign. Where there is not at least a minimum
of 500 feet sight distance to the bus stop, it should be relocated if possible to
provideample visibility.
All school bus stops requiring an advance school bus stop sign must be reviewed
and approved by the region Traffic Operations staff. Because of the frequent
changes to bus stop locations, they should be periodically reviewed for possible
sign removal or relocation.
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Chapter 2


The region traffic engineer must approve any school bus stops onlimited access
facilities (WAC 468-58-030) and provide this information to the State Traffic
Engineer who maintains an inventory of the locations.
(2) School Bus Turnaround
The SCHOOL BUS TURNAROUND sign (S3-201) may be installed to alert
motorists to an upcoming school bus turnaround location, where minimum sight
distance to the turnaround is less than that shown in MUTCD Table 2C-4, or when
other operational factors indicate the need for a warning sign. Department policy
is to not use the SCHOOL BUS TURN AHEAD sign as shown in the MUTCD.
(3) Signing for Reduced School Zone Speed Limit
Reduced speed limits in school zones are established in compliance with
RCW46.61.440(1) which establishes a 20 mph speed zone at a marked school
or playground crosswalk when the crosswalk is posted with standard school
or playground speed limit signing. See Section 6.4 for additional information on
reduced school speed zones.
Standard reduced school zone speed limit signing at a marked school or
playground crosswalk is shown in Appendix 2-12 and includes:
The SCHOOL (S1-1) sign with AHEAD plaque (W16-9P).
The SCHOOL SPEED LIMIT (S5-101) sign assembly.
The SCHOOL (S1-1) sign with ARROW plaque (W16-7P).
The END SCHOOL ZONE (S5-2) sign with the subsequent SPEED LIMIT
(R2-1) sign below.
The SCHOOL SPEED LIMIT (S5-501) sign assembly consists of three sections:
1. SCHOOL legend (S4-3) with black letters on a fluorescent yellow green
2. 20 MPH SPEED LIMIT sign (R1-1).
The enforcement legend is determined by the school district and can be any of
WHEN FLASHING (S5-1) used in conjunction with a flashing beacon above
the sign, as described in MUTCD Section 4L.04.
WHEN CHILDREN ARE PRESENT (S5-101) used in conjunction with
definitions provided in WAC 392-151-035 and WAC 468-95-350.
WHEN FLAGGED (S5-102) used in conjunction with warning flags that
are installed on the sign during the window of enforcement. Theschool is
responsible for installation and removal of the flags.
X:00 A.M. TO X:00 A.M./P.M. (S4-5) used to display the specific hours of the
school speed limit.
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Chapter 2

(4) Flashing Beacons or Flags

The SCHOOL SPEED ZONE sign assembly may be supplemented with flashing
beacons or flags to draw attention and increase compliance with the reduced speed
zone. A Washington State Traffic Safety Commission study noted that WHEN
FLASHING school zone signs were more effective in slowing vehicles than either
notes that where the approach speed to a school speed zone is 35 mph or above,
schools with WHEN FLASHING signs had significantly fewer vehicles travelling
in excess of 35 mph (only 3 percent) than WHEN CHILDREN ARE PRESENT
signs (30 percent) and WHEN FLAGGED signs (23 percent).
On highways where the approach speed to a school speed zone is 35 mph or
more, or where a wide roadway increases childrens exposure, consider the use
of flashing beacons above the SCHOOL SPEED ZONE assembly. Beacons are
generally paid for by the school district requesting the speed zone.
(5) School Crossings
School crossings may be established either adjacent to the school or as part of a
school pedestrian route. Install the SCHOOL sign (S1-1) with a Diagonal Arrow
plaque (W16-PL) at or near the crossing, and a SCHOOL sign (S1-1) with an
AHEAD plaque (W16-9P) in accordance with MUTCD Table 2C-4.
The SCHOOL (S1-1) sign may be installed at a crossing controlled by a
Do not install a SCHOOL (S1-1) sign at an intersection crossing controlled
bya STOP or YIELD sign.
(6) Overhead School Crosswalk Sign
The OVERHEAD CROSSWALK (W11A-301) sign is used only at marked school
crosswalks where a traffic engineering analysis has determined that conventional
traffic control measures are not adequate. It is installed in addition to the standard
school crosswalk signing. The OVERHEAD CROSSWALK sign must include
pedestrian or school activated flashing lights. The MUTCD allows the option to
use the STOP FOR PEDESTRIANS overhead sign (R1-9a) instead. Consider
these factors when determining installation of this sign:
Approach speed of traffic.
Width of crossing.
Number of lanes.
Costs associated with installing and maintaining this traffic control device
generally are the responsibility of the requesting school district.

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Chapter 2


2.10 Guide Signs

Guide signs direct roadway users along roads and highways by providing
information about:
Route designation.
Directional and distance information.
Geographical, recreational, or cultural points of interest.
Motorists services.
The department receives frequent requests for guide signs. The quantity and
spacing of guide signs is controlled so that the roadway user has adequate time
toread, understand, and respond to the sign messages.
The Design Manual notes that guide sign plans are needed for Interstate highways
and require Headquarters Traffic approval. Where a highway passes through a
national forest or national park, there may be agreements in place that designate
which agency is responsible for each sign type, as well as design requirements for
signs. Sign design must consider these requirements.
Review sign requests by considering both the MUTCD sign purpose and the sign
spacing criteria. Work with local groups to review conflicting requests, and to
determine the most essential and effective signing. It may be necessary to remove
or relocate existing signs to accommodate the addition of a more important sign,
while avoiding sign proliferation.
Guide signs shall not include advertising.
(1) Types of Guide Signs
Guide signs are grouped by their purpose. Their use is determined according to
standards and guidance in the MUTCD.
Route Markers display the official highway number and direction of travel.
Primary Guide Signs include advance directional signs, exit directional
signs, diagrammatic signs and pull-through signs. They direct roadway users
to exit points for principal destinations served by intersections or interchanges,
and tocitieslocated on intersecting state routes.
Distance Signs display distances to destinations and junctions along
Supplemental Guide Signs provide direction to major traffic generators
or other points of interest, or to destinations preempted from the primary
Follow-Through Signs provide continued direction, beginning at the point
of exit from the state highway, and following through to the destination
displayed on the guide sign.

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Chapter 2

General Motorist Service Signs (MSS) provide information for the

unfamiliar traveler about services available at or accessed from upcoming
intersections and interchanges.
Motorist Information Signs (MIS) provide information about specific
businesses that meet certain service criteria. The MIS program is regulated
byRCW 47.36.310, RCW 47.36.320, and WAC 468-70.
Where sign space is available, guide signs on expressways or freeways
One or two advance directional signs where interchange spacing allows.
An exit directional sign.
One supplemental guide sign, installed approximately halfway between the
advance directional and exit directional sign. It is only installed if spacing
requirements can be met.
MUTCD minimum spacing requirements between directional guide signs are:
800 feet for freeway and expressways.
500 feet for two-lane, high-speed roadways.
300 feet for high speed multilane with at-grade intersections
200 feet for two-lane and multilane low speed highways within incorporated
(2) Guide Sign Color
Guide signs are generally white letters on a green background. However, some
types of signs use other background colors to distinguish the type of destination
towhich they are signing.
Following are standard guide sign background colors:
Brown Heritage Markers, State Parks, National parks, U.S. Forest Service
facilities, Department of Natural Resources campgrounds, Recreation Activity
signs with symbols, Watchable Wildlife, State Public fishing areas.
Blue Motorist Service signs (MSS), Motorist Information signs (MIS),
Washington State Patrol, fire district boundary, fish related signs.
Green All other guide signs.
(3) Guide Signs On Conventional Roads
Install guide signs in accordance with guidelines inMUTCD Chapter 2D.
Guidesign installation forroute intersections is shown in Appendix 2-13 for:
Junctions of state highways.
Junctions of county roads or city streets that lead to significant destinations.

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Chapter 2


(4) Guide Signs On Expressways and Freeways

Install guide signs in accordance with guidelines in MUTCD Chapter 2E. Guide
sign installation illustrations are shown in Appendices 2-14 through 2-21 for:
Crossroad Interchange Approach (Appendix 2-14)
Expressway Intersection Approach (Appendix 2-15)
Expressway Interchange Approach (Appendix 2-16)
Freeway Interchange Approach (Appendix 2-17)
Freeway Exit Ramp (Appendix 2-18)
Freeway Post Interchange (Appendix 2-19)
Auxiliary Freeway Lane Less than mile long (Appendix 2-20)
Auxiliary Freeway Lane More than mile long (Appendix 2-21)

2.11 Route Signs

A route sign assembly consists of a route sign and auxiliary signs that further
identify the route and indicate direction of travel. For conventional roadways,
MUTCD Section 2D.29 through 2D.32 provide guidance for the various types
ofroute sign assemblies.
For expressways and freeways, route sign assemblies are typically used for
route confirmation and trailblazing purposes. In addition to the guidance
provided in MUTCD Section 2E.25, install route confirmation sign assemblies
Entrances to Washington State.
Beyond interchanges.
On the far side of intersections with other numbered routes or major
Beyond city limits.
In urban and residential areas, install route confirmation sign assemblies at
intervals that will keep an unfamiliar motorist informed of the route. Note that
where interchanges and intersections are closely spaced and available sign
space is limited, speed limit signs are a higher priority than route confirmation

2.12 Primary Guide Signs

(1) General
Advance directional, exit directional, diagrammatic, and pull-through signs are
all considered primary guide signs that provide guidance to the motorist about
destinations served by upcoming exits or intersections. The MUTCD defines the
required and allowable numbers of guide signs for the various roadway types
and interchange classifications. Information is also provided about installation,
location, and letter/legend criteria for these signs.
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Chapter 2

On Conventional roads, a maximum of three lines of destinations may be

displayed on a primary guide sign (MUTCD Section 2D.07). On Freeways/
Expressways, a maximum of two destinations may be displayed on a primary
guide sign (MUTCD Section 2E.10). A sign support having two or more signs
may display a maximum of three destinations. Display the same message on all
advance and exit directional signs installed in a series. This provides consistent
and effective information to the roadway user, especially the unfamiliartraveler.
Department guidelines require that any freeway exit that is a left-hand rather than
right-hand exit must be signed with a yellow LEFT EXIT plaque onboth the
advance directional and the exit directional sign.
(2) Destination Selection
Display the primary destination(s) served by the upcoming exit or intersection
anda second destination using the prioritized list below.
The control city along the intersecting route.
A junction with another numbered highway.
The name of a city or town.
A tribal reservation.
A street or roadway name.
Other major destination such as mountain passes, National Parks, or
Apply the same destination selection criteria for signs on all conventional roads,
expressways, and freeways. As development occurs, it may be necessary to
replace existing destinations with ones that have become more essential.
Ventures operated by private entities for profit, and to other ventures not of
general interest to the traveling public are not signed on guide signs on state
highways. These entities may instead qualify for Motorist Service Signs (MIS),
Tourist Activity signs, or Recreation signing. Current ventures must be signed
under the new criteria when the current sign service life is over. Shopping malls
that qualify for signing under RCW 47.36.270 are an exception and may be
signedon primary or supplemental guide signs.
(3) Control City on Destination Signing
A control city is used on guide signs at junctions with other highways (MUTCD
Chapter 2D). The designated control city for selected state routes isshown

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US 2
EB from Everett


EB from Wenatchee


EB from Spokane


WB from Idaho State Line


WB from Spokane


WB from Davenport


WB from Wenatchee


NB from Vancouver, WA


NB from Seattle

Vancouver, B.C.

SB from Vancouver, B.C.


SB from Seattle


US 12
EB from Aberdeen


EB from Elma


EB from I-5


EB from Yakima


EB from Pasco

Walla Walla

EB from Walla Walla


WB from Idaho State Line

Walla Walla

WB from Walla Walla


WB from Richland


WB from Yakima

Interstate 5

WB from I-5


SR 14
EB from Vancouver


WB from I-82


SR 20
EB from Keystone


EB from Anacortes


EB from Burlington


EB from Okanogan


EB from Colville


WB from Idaho State Line


WB from Colville


WB from Okanogan


WB from Burlington


WB from Anacortes


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Chapter 2

EB from Ellensburg


EB from Yakima


EB from Richland


WB from Oregon State Line


WB from Kennewick


WB from Yakima


EB from Seattle


EB from Ellensburg


EB from Spokane

Coeur dAlene

WB from Idaho State Line


WB from Spokane


WB from Ellensburg


US 97
NB from Oregon State Line


NB from Ellensburg


NB from Wenatchee


NB from Okanogan

Penticton, B.C.

SB from Canadian Border


SB from Wenatchee


SB from Yakima


US 101
NB from Oregon State Line


NB from Aberdeen

Port Angeles

NB from Olympia

Port Angeles

SB from Port Angeles (East Leg)


SB from Port Angeles (West Leg)


SB from Aberdeen


EB from I-82


EB from Richland


WB from Pasco


WB from Richland


US 195

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NB from Idaho State Line


SB from Spokane


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NB from Oregon State Line


SB from Jct. I-5


US 395
NB from Oregon State Line


NB from Pasco


NB from Spokane


NB from Colville

Grand Forks, B.C.

SB from Canadian Border


SB from Ritzville


NB from Jct. I-5 (Southcenter)


NB from Renton


NB from Bellevue


SB from Jct. I-5 (Lynwood)


SB from Bellevue


2.13 Distance Signs

(1) General
A distance sign can display up to three destinations (MUTCD Chapter 2D).
Apply the same destination selection criteria for signs on all conventional roads,
expressways, and freeways.
On the first line, identify the next city with services available, or the next
intersected numbered route.
On the second line, if used, identify communities of general interest along
the route. Vary the named community on successive distance signs to provide
maximum information to the traveler.
On the third or bottom line, display the next control city along the route or
terminal destination.
Install distance signs at the following locations:
Beyond intersections and interchanges of numbered state highway routes.
Beyond city limits or urban boundaries.
In rural areas at 10- to 15-mile intervals.
At entrances to Washington State.
Where two or more of these locations occur within 10 miles, sign the most
effective location.

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Chapter 2

(2) Determining Mileage Displayed on Distance Signs

(a) Freeways and Expressways Display the distance (in miles) from the sign
to either the first interchange/intersection within the destination city limits, or
to the city center. Regions must work with city administration to determine
the preferred city center reference location.
(b) Conventional Highways Display the distance in miles from the sign to the
destination city limits. For destinations such as Mt. Rainier National Park,
display the distance to the park boundary.

2.14 Supplemental Guide Signs

(1) General
Supplemental guide signs direct unfamiliar motorists to additional destinations or
points of interest that are not displayed on the primary guide signs. The MUTCD
allows only one supplemental guide sign to be installed for each interchange
approach and it shall display a maximum of two destinations. Supplemental
guide signs shall be installed only when MUTCD minimum spacing
requirements can bemet.
Supplemental guide signs should not be installed for a traffic generator that would
require a motorist to travel on the interchanging road beyond a second state
highway (i.e., I-5 to SR 18 to SR 164).
In general, destinations that generate the greatest traffic volume or have the
widest scope of recognition are given highest priority. Nationally recognized
traffic generators receive priority over those that have state, regional, or local
recognition. Evaluate the given interchange and select the destinations that
provide the most benefit to the highway user.
As development occurs, it may be necessary to replace existing destinations with
ones that have become more essential.
(2) Destination Selection Factors for Supplemental Guide Signs
Apply the destination selection criteria equally, whether the signs are on
conventional roads, freeways, or expressways. Consider the following factors
when evaluating a supplemental sign request:
On an expressway or freeway, determine if the destination meets criteria
contained in the American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials (AASHTO) publication Guidelines for the Selection of Supplemental
Guide Signs for Traffic Generators Adjacentto Freeways, which has been
incorporated in the MUTCD (www.normas.com/aashto/pages/gsglc-4.html).
State law mandates destination signing for State Parks and regional shopping
centers when distance criteria are met.

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Consider how the proposed signing will affect local roadway traffic
operations. Work with the local agency to determine the route to a destination
and the sign locations. In general, sign to the supplemental destination from
the interchange or intersecting road that provides the most direct route to
Determine if follow-through signing is needed and work with the local agency
to determine sign locations. Local agencies assume responsibility for sign
installation and maintenance and must concur with any proposed signs.
Avoid signing to destinations that require complex navigation on multiple
highways, unless the activity is of national significance.
(3) Destination Selection Priorities
(a) Over-Flow Messages From Primary Guide Signs Occasionally, essential
messages cannot be included on primary guide signs due tospace limitations.
Instead, place these essential messages on supplemental guide signs, giving
them priority over any other supplemental sign messages.
(b) Destinations Mandated by Statute
1. State Parks State law (RCW 47.36.290) directs the department to
install guide signing on interstate highways to State Parks located
within 15 miles of the highway. These destinations have first priority on
supplemental guide signs on interstate highways. Additionally, WSDOT
policy is to install guide signs to a State Park within 15miles of any

The department installs and maintains these signs and provides follow
through signing on any state route that connects the state highway to the
park. All State Park signs shall have white letters, symbols, and border
ona brown background.

The State Parks and Recreation Commission is responsible for any State
Park signing not located on a state highway.
a. Freeway and Expressway Interchanges

Mainline Install signs displaying the name of the STATE PARK

and a directional message, such as NEXT EXIT, in advance of the
interchange, located to meet guide sign spacing requirements. If the
park has restricted hours or days of operation, add a supplemental
plaque displaying the operating schedule (i.e., CLOSED TUESDAYS)
below the STATE PARK sign. No other supplemental plaques are
used on the freeway mainline sign. Donot install mainline signing
until allfollow through signing isinplace.

Ramp Install signs displaying the message STATE PARK and a

directional message, with a maximum of four recreational symbol
plaques. Display the mileage to the park from the ramp terminal,
using mile increments if the distance is less than 1mile.

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Chapter 2

b. Conventional Roadway Intersections Install signs displaying

the name of the STATE PARK and a directional message (NEXT
RIGHT/NEXT LEFT) in advance of the intersection leading most
directly to the park. Install a maximum of four recreational symbol

Install a white on brown sign with the message STATE PARK

(D1101) and a directional arrow at the intersection of a state route
and roadway leading to a state park. Display the mileage to the park
from the intersection. Use -mile increments if the distance is less
than 1mile.

c. Recreational Symbol Plaques A maximum of four recreational

symbol plaques may be displayed under a state park directional sign,
on both conventional roads and on freeway off-ramps.
Plaques are 24 inch x 24 inch with white message on a brown
If the park does not have camping facilities, display the text
message NO CAMPING as one of the recreational plaques.
If a park has restricted hours or days of operation, display the
operating schedule (i.e., CLOSED TUESDAYS) as one of
The park manager for each individual park will determine the
additional supplemental symbols to be displayed.
If a BEACH message is to be shown, use a text message plaque
instead of a symbol.
Before replacing any state park sign, contact the park manager,
todetermine if any plaque changes are needed.
If the symbols are seasonal, a written agreement is developed
between the state park manager, the local maintenance
superintendent, and region Traffic Operations. The agreement
outlines who will be responsible for changing the symbols, at
whatspecific time periods, as well as any cost reimbursement
thatmay be involved.
Headquarters Traffic Office maintains an inventory of the
recreational symbols used at each state park. Inform Headquarters
Traffic when symbol plaques are changed, added, or removed.
d. Additional Signs CAMPGROUND FULL signs may be used at
off-ramps and on conventional highways in conjunction with a State
Park directional sign. It can be either a post mounted stand-alone
sign or a changeable message plaque under the ramp or conventional
highway sign. CAMPGROUND FULL signs may not be displayed
ona freeway mainline.

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A written agreement is developed between the state park manager,

the local maintenance superintendent, and region Traffic Operations.
The agreement outlines who will be responsible for changing the
CAMPGROUND FULL sign, and for the sign fabrication, installation,
maintenance, and removal. State Parks will be responsible for all
associated costs, administered through a J account.

During seasonal closures, STATE PARK CLOSED plaques are

installed on all state parks guide signs, including those on the freeway
mainline. This is done rather than removing or turning them. Mount
the plaque diagonally from lower left corner to upper right corner on
the sign face. Use a panel size that is large enough to effectively cover
the legend and a letter size at least as large as the upper case letters in
the STATE PARK message. SeeFigure 2-1.

State Park Closed
Figure 2-1

2. Regional Shopping Centers State law (RCW 47.36.270) and

WAC468-95-140 requires that regional shopping centers be signed
from state highways, if spacing requirements can be met and the
Has at least 500,000 square feet of leasable retail space.
Contains at least three major department stores owned by anational
orregional retail chain.
Is located within 1 highway mile of a state highway.
Generates a minimum of 9,000 daily one-way vehicle trips.

All costs associated with fabricating, installing, and maintaining signs

shallbe the responsibility of the shopping center.

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Chapter 2

If the shopping center is not clearly visible from the state highway point
of exit, follow-through signing must be in place on city or county roads
prior to mainline sign installation.

Signing on the state highway to a county road or city street that bears the
name of the regional shopping center fulfills the statutory requirements
for signing to those centers.

(c) Other Supplemental Guide Sign Destinations The following nonprioritized list includes examples of destinations (traffic generators) that
may warrant supplemental guide signing. It is intended to aid in determining
appropriate destinations.
Amtrak/Other Railroad
Business Routes
Event Venues, Fairgrounds
Historic District (may be signed as a Tourist Activity under MIS program
ifguide signs are full)
Industrial Parks
Military Installations
National Parks
Natural/Cultural/Historic Attractions
Park and Ride Lots
Ports/Port Districts
Recreational Areas
Scenic Byways
Stadiums (Sports Facilities)
Tribal Reservations
USFS (Headquarters Facilities/Campground)

2.15 Destination Selection Requirements and Installation

Details for Specific Types of Traffic Generators
Specific traffic generators (destinations) must meet the criteria listed below to
warrant a message on a supplemental guide sign. Appendix 2-22 contains the
criteria for freeway installations ina table format. Supplemental guide signing
shall be installed in accordance with the specific details shown below.
(1) Airports
Airports are eligible for signing if they are included in theNational Plan of
Integrated Airport Systems and meet these criteria:
Associated with an area population of 10,000 or more.
Located within 5 miles of interchange or intersection.
Airport runway shall be paved, lighted and 2,500 feet or more inlength.

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Municipally or privately owned, and used for commercial enterprise with

the following minimum number of regularly scheduled commercial flights
35 flights per day in major metropolitan area (greater than50,000).
20 flights per day in an urban area (5,000-49,999).
15 flights per day in rural areas.

Contact the WSDOT Aviation Division to determine if a specific airport

meets these criteria.

Airports that have scheduled flights can be signed with the airport name.
Allother airports are signed with the airport symbol or word message.

Airports at remote locations serving a smaller population may be signed

when their location is not obvious from the state highway, evenif there are
nocommercial flights.

Existing signs to airports that do not meet these criteria may remain in place
until a higher priority destination warrants a supplemental sign.

(2) Amtrak/Other Passenger Rail Stations

Install Amtrak logo signing to Amtrak stations as described below. For other
types of rail passenger stations such as those of a Public Transit Authority,
aspecific logo may be cooperatively developed with Public Transit Authority
anddepartment approval, and installed as described below.
(a) Conventional Roadways
Use Amtrak symbols or other approved logo signs in the trailblazer
format with the appropriate directional arrows.
(b) Multilane Highways
If there is enough space to install an individual sign, the Amtrak symbol
plaque or other approved logo may be placed on a green background
panel with either of these messages: NEXT RIGHT or EXIT XXX
(Appendix 2-23, part a).
If there is not enough space to install an individual sign, the Amtrak
symbol plaque or approved logo sign may be installed below the advance
exit or the exit directional sign, on the post closest to the traveled way
(Appendix 2-23, part b).
If the sign cannot be installed as above, the Amtrak symbol plaque or
approved logo sign may be installed below the supplemental guide sign,
on the post closest to the traveled way (Appendix 2-23, part c).
Install Amtrak trailblazer signs or other approved logo signs along
freeway ramps or at ramp terminals. All trailblazer signs must be in
placebefore any mainline signs are installed.

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Chapter 2

The Amtrak symbol plaque or other approved logo sign may be installed
as part of a multi-modal transportation logo board, along with approved
symbols for other modes of transportation.
(3) Business Route
BUSINESS ROUTE signs (M4-3) direct motorists to alternate routes passing
through the business portion of a city or through a district of continuous business
development. BUSINESS ROUTE signing is generally installed at the request
of a local agency. It is not permitted where MOTORIST INFORMATION (MIS)
signing is installed.
Any addition or deletion of an Interstate or US highway segment as a Business
Route must first be approved by AASHTO. Proposals to add or delete such routes
should be sent to the departments GeoMetrix Office.
Designated Business Routes may be signed as follows:
Install signing on a state highway business route only if it passes adequately
and logically through a business district.
BUSINESS LOOP (M1, 2, or 3) trailblazers along the route are installed and
maintained by the local agency which has jurisdiction over the business route.
A written agreement clarifies the jurisdiction.
(4) Colleges and Universities
Supplemental signing may be considered for a State College or University, their
satellite campuses, other regional public or private colleges and universities,
and technical schools if they meet the guidelines below and if sign spacing
requirements can be met.
Signing is installed from the state highway nearest the campus and is limited
to the nearest and most direct interchange or intersection. Signing may also be
installed from a freeway or expressway to a conventional state highway where the
conventional highway is used primarily by local traffic. Signing is not provided
from a freeway or expressway to another freeway or expressway.
Supplemental signing may be installed when:
The school is accredited in Washington State. Accredited schools are listed on
the Northwest Commission on Colleges andUniversities (NWCCU) agency
website at www.nwccu.org.
The main or satellite campus is located within 5 miles of a statehighway.
Enrollment criteria are met. Call the Higher Education Coordinating Board at
360-753-7800 for the current enrollment figures.

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Enrollment criteria (including part time and full time) based on any semester or
quarter within the last school year:
4,500 students in a major metropolitan area (50,000 or greater).
2,500 students in an urban area (5,000-49,999).
1,000 students in a rural area.
In metropolitan and urban areas where two or more colleges or universities share
a common campus, enrollments may be combined. The enrollment for the minor
school should be at least 1,000 students. Metropolitan and urban area boundaries
can be determined from the state urban boundary map.
If school enrollment falls below the minimum number for one year, the school will
be given written notice that the highway signing will be removed if the following
fall semester or quarter enrollment does not reach the minimum number.
Two schools may not share the same sign, if they do not share a common campus.
If two schools are located in the same area, but do not share a common campus,
determine which school is shown on the sign by the following order of priority:
State university.
State college.
Private university or college.
Technical college or school.
University Mascot Logos At a Universitys request, a University mascot logo
may be installed on guide signs under the following conditions:
It is a State University.
The university name is already displayed on the guide sign.
Mascot logos may be added only on signs for main campuses.
The university must supply the logos and pay all costs including engineering,
fabrication, installation, and traffic control.
Maximum logo size is 30 x 30.
If there is insufficient space to display a mascot logo on the sign face, the logo
will be installed directly above the upper left-hand corner of the guide sign. If the
university wants the logo incorporated onto the face of the guide sign, they have
the option of paying for a complete new guide sign to include the logo.
When the guide sign is due for replacement, it may be enlarged to incorporate the
mascot logo onto the sign face at no cost to theuniversity.

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Chapter 2

(5) Event Venues, Arenas, Auditoriums, Convention Halls,

Fairgrounds, Stadiums
Event venues may be considered for supplemental guide signs using the following
criteria, but only where MUTCD spacing guidelines are met.
In a major metropolitan area of 50,000 or greater population, the venue must
be within 2 miles of the state highway, and the annual attendance at the
facility must be at least 300,000.
In an urban area of 5,000-49,999 population, the venue must be within 2 miles
of the state highway, and the annual attendance at the facility must be at least
In rural areas, the venue must be within 5 miles of the state highway, and the
annual attendance at the facility must be at least 200,000.
Signs may be installed directing venue traffic from one state highway to
(6) Industrial Parks
Supplemental guide signing to an industrial park may be considered using the
following criteria, but only where MUTCD spacing guidelines are met.
The industrial park has at least 500,000 square feet of space available for lease
(may include a mix of manufacturing, service, and warehouse facilities).
The industrial park is within 5 miles of the state highway.
(7) Natural, Historic, and Cultural Attractions
(a) General Criteria Consider supplemental guide signing to natural, historic,
and cultural attractions if the attraction meets guidelines shown below, but
only where MUTCD sign spacing guidelines can be met. Signing is not
provided if the attraction is readily visible from andhas direct access tothe
state highway. Privately operated commercial attractions (i.e.,Wild Waves)
are signed as part of the Motorist Information Sign (MIS) program as a
Tourist Activity.

Periodic reviews by region personnel ensure that signing is displayed only for
attractions that meet eligibility criteria and that signs are removed or covered
when the attraction is closed for the season, no longer meets criteria, or is
no longer in operation. Reviews may also identify new attractions that meet

Natural, historic, and cultural attractions must meet the following

general criteria to be considered for supplemental signing:
The attraction must have regional or national significance and meet
destination or traffic generator guidelines. Do not sign attractions that
areprimarily of local interest.

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The attraction must be located within 10 miles of the interchange or

intersection being signed. Signing is installed only on the state highway
nearest to the attraction. Any necessary follow-through signing shall be
inplace prior to installing state highway signs.
The attraction must be open without appointment to the general public.
Attractions must be accessible by a two-lane, all-weather road as a
The attraction must be maintained in good repair and presented in a
professional manner.
If the attraction charges an entrance fee, the activity is responsible for
all costs for fabrication, installation, maintenance and replacement.
Aco-signed agreement with the business or organization establishes the
approximate costs and payment method. Examples are Fort Vancouver
Historic Site and Maryhill Museum.
If the activity is operated by a governmental agency or organization, the
department will install the signs at no cost tothat agency or organization.
The signs shall be white letters on a green background. This color change
increases the reflective service life of the signs. All existing white on
brown signs should be replaced with white on green as normal service life
expires. Signing for Heritage Markers, State Parks, National Parks,
or U.S. Forest Service facilities willremain white on brown.
For attractions located more than 1 mile from the interchange or
intersection, display mileage information on the ramp terminal or
direction signs.
For seasonal operations, signs must be removed or covered with a
CLOSED plaque during the off season. See Figure 2-1 for example
(b) Natural Attractions In addition to the general criteria above, consider
signing to natural attractions if they are unique or of a type not generally
accessible to the public. Examples of natural attractions are the Palisades
Rock Formation, the Ice Caves west of Trout Lake, Hurricane Ridge, and
theSnake River Canyon.
(c) Historic Attractions In addition to the general criteria above, historic
attractions may be considered for signing if:
They are included in the Washington Heritage Register as designated
and maintained by the Washington State Department of Archaeology
andHistoric Preservation.
They have been approved by the Washington State Historical Society.
The attraction includes one or more of the following features at the site:
1. An interpretive center and/or a guided tour.
2. Visible historic buildings, features, or ruins with interpretive markers.

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Chapter 2

Examples of historic attractions are the Whitman Mission, SteptoeBattlefield,

Jackson House, Fort Simcoe, and the Monticello Convention Site. The
application form (Appendix 2-24) may beused to document if the attraction
meets the eligibility criteria.

Determine if the attraction is included on the Washington Heritage Register


To determine if the Washington State Historical Society has approved the

attraction, contact:
Washington State Historical Society
Outreach Services Division
211 21st Avenue SW
Olympia, WA 98501

(d) Cultural Attractions In addition to the general criteria above, consider

signing to cultural attractions if they are similar to, or fall within, one of the
following categories:
Museums Endorsed by the Washington State Historical Society.
Religious Sites, shrines, etc., that are of a unique religious nature and
provide visitor facilities or tours.
Educational Centers other than public or private schools, vocational
schools, or colleges and universities that are of outstanding educational
value and provide visitor facilities ortours.
Scientific Locations used for research or scientific advancement that
provide visitor facilities or tours.

Examples of cultural attractions are the Maryhill Museum, St.Marys

Mission, the Forest Learning Center near Mount St.Helens, and the
Goldendale Observatory. The form in Appendix 2-24 may be used as an
application for cultural attractions.

(8) Heritage Markers

HERITAGE MARKER signs (I5-103/104) guide motorists to historical or
other interpretive markers located along state highways (see Section 7.11).
They are used where there is a marker but no building or other facility. Use
both the advance sign as well as the at point sign to give adequate guidance
and time for a motorist response. HERITAGE MARKER signs are white on a
brown background and replace existing HISTORIC MARKER and ROADSIDE
ATTRACTION signs. Examplesof HERITAGE MARKER sites include Willy
Keils Grave, the Bridge of the Gods, and Earthquake Point north of Entiat.
Do not use a HERITAGE MARKER sign todirect motorists to a historical site
on either the national or state registers. These sites are signed using Historical
attraction criteria and signing.

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(9) Ports/Port Districts

Supplemental guide signing to Ports or Port Districts may be considered if sign
space is available per the MUTCD, using the following criteria:
The facility is served by two or more modes of transportation and is
generating commercial traffic.
Goods move in and out of the facility.
(10) Recreational Activities and Areas
Supplemental guide signs to specific recreation activities open to the public
(such as Emerald Downs racetrack, Cheney Stadium, or Northwest Trek) may be
considered if MUTCD spacing guidelines are met, together with thefollowing
attendance criteria:
Major Metropolitan Area 300,000
Urban Area 250,000
Rural Area 100,000
Install RECREATION AREA (D7-7701) signing to guide motorists to public or
private recreational activities that meet the criteria below. Display a maximum
of four activity symbol plaques below the RECREATION AREA and direction
The activity is not readily visible from the highway, and has no direct access
to the highway.
The activity is within 10 miles of the interchange or intersection being signed,
and is served by at least a two lane, all-weather road.
The activity is open to the public, without appointment, at least eight hours a
day, five days a week including a Saturday and/or aSunday.
The destination facility must be maintained in good repair and presented in a
professional manner.
Location shall include free public restroom facilities with a sink and running
water for hand washing, a flush toilet, toilet tissue, and sanitary towels or
other hand-drying devices. Restroom facilities shall contain appropriate locks
for occupant security and must be ADA accessible.
If the activity charges an entrance fee, all costs for fabrication, installation,
maintenance, and replacement are paid by the activity or organization.
A co-signed agreement with the business or organization establishes the
approximate costs and method for payment.
Privately owned or operated recreational activities should be signed under the
Motorist Information Signing Program, whereapplicable.
Signing is installed only on the state highway nearest to the attraction. Followthrough signing shall be in place prior to installing state highway signs.

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Chapter 2

For activities more than 1 mile from a freeway interchange, display mileage
information on the ramp terminal sign. Onconventional roads, show the
mileage on the direction signs.Thehours of operation may also be shown.
Recreation signs without symbols shall be white letters on a green
background. Replaceexisting brown and white signs as service life expires.

Figure 2-2

For seasonal operations, signs must be removed or covered withaCLOSED

plaque during the off season.
Along non-access controlled city streets that are part of the state highway system,
within incorporated cities or towns with populations over 25,000, the local agency
has jurisdiction for this signing.
Supplemental guide signs to specific recreation areas may be considered when
the area is of regional significance such as QuinaultRecreation Area. Signs and
the symbol plaques shall bewhite onbrown. See Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3
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Public Recreation Areas Display the AREA NAME (e.g., CAPITAL FOREST).
Multiple Agency Recreation Areas Display the AREA NAME (e.g.,
Donot include recreational activity symbols on multi-agency signs. Requesting
agencies shall coordinate installation of follow-through signing with local
The following symbol plaques may be used:
Recreational Activity

Sign Fabrication Number

Picnic Area




Trailer Camping


Boat Launch








Snowmobile Area


Public Golf Course


Public Beach Area


*Note: Sign trails of regional or statewide significance such as

the Pacific Crest Trail, the John Wayne Trail, the Willapa Trail,
and the Pacific Northwest Trail. Trail signs shall be a white on
brown trail symbol with trail name below. Provide additional
arrows and/or distance information as necessary.

(11) Tribal Reservations

(a) Reservation Boundary Signing ENTERING/LEAVING and (NAME
OF) RESERVATION signs may be installed at reservation boundaries where
the state highway passes through a tribal reservation. The boundary limits
indicated are to be the original treaty boundary limits. If the reservation has
a patch work boundary layout, place the boundary signs to encompass
the entire patch work layout rather than installing individual sets of signs
for eachboundary crossing location. Signs shall be white letters on a green
(b) Directional/Distance Signing As sovereign nations, a tribal reservation
may be considered as a primary or supplemental destination along with
other local jurisdictions (a city or town). Tribal logos may be incorporated
on directional signs. Any wording that refers to or implies acommercial
enterprise is not allowed. Directional and distance signs shall be white
letterson a green background.

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Chapter 2

Signing may be from one state highway to another if sign space is

available. Ramp follow-through signing should show the mileage if the
reservation is more than 1 mile away. Additional signing for the Tribal
Center or Community Center may be considered at the nearest and most
direct interchange or intersection, if it meets heritage, cultural, historic,






(12) United States Forest Service (USFS) Facilities

Supplemental guide signing to a USFS facility (campground, Visitors Center, or
a Headquarters building) may be considered if distance criteria are met and sign
space in accordance with the MUTCD is available.
The facility must be located within 1 mile of an interchange or intersection in
a major metropolitan or urban area, and within 10 miles in a rural area. These
signs are white letters on a brown background per agreement with the USFS
(MOUNFS 00-MU-11060000-040). Contact the Headquarters Traffic Office
forfurther guidance.

2.16 Unwarranted Traffic Generators/Destinations

Guide signs to activities operated by private entities for profit, and to other
activities not of general interest to the traveling public are not permitted on
Traffic generators that do not warrant guide signing include:
TV/Radio Stations
Local or State
Military (exception: A National Cemetery or VA Granted Cemetery, asdesignated
by the U.S. Dept. of Veteran Affairs, that is located within 10miles of the nearest
intersection or interchange, may be signed.)
Civil Centers

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Research/Experimental Facilities
County Facilities
Vehicle Emissions Testing Facilities
Drivers and Vehicle License Centers
Transportation Buildings
Civil Defense Facilities
Maintenance Facilities
Power Plants
Mental Facilities
Research Facilities
Infirmaries or Treatment Centers
County, Fraternal, or Nursing Homes
Retirement Facilities
Humane Facilities
Military Sites or Detachments
Tree Nurseries/Arboretums
Scout, Church, 4-H, Youth, and YMCA/YWCA (because these are not open to

2.17 Follow-Through Signing

Follow-through signing provides motorists (after being directed off the state
highway) with confirmation to destinations. Signs are installed and maintained
by the agency responsible for the local roadway and must be in place before any
directional signs are installed on the state highway.
When considering a destination for a supplemental guide sign, determine whether
the local agency will install follow-through signing onthe local roadway and
coordinate the signing plan with them. Provide MUTCD guidelines for followthrough sign sizing to local agencies. Use 6-inch D series letters in high traffic
volume or high speed areas. Use 5-inch C series letters, as a minimum, on lower
volume or slower speed roadways. Include directional information or arrows as
part of the legend.

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Install follow-through signing in advance of decision points where route

changes are required. Additional trailblazer signs may be placed at mandatory
stop locations, but do not install these signs in combination with regulatory or

2.18 General Motorist Service Signs (MSS)

(1) General
The MUTCD directs States to establish signing guidelines for several types of
motorist services. Install GENERAL MOTORIST SERVICE (MSS) signs where
the services are not readily apparent to the motorist and where they meet the
criteria noted below. GENERAL MOTORIST SERVICE signs are not installed
along a designated businessroute.
INFORMATION (MIS LOGO) signs on the same back panel. If a specific MIS
back panel is in place do not also install GENERAL MOTORIST SERVICE signs
for that service. (e.g., if a FOOD back panel exists then a general MSS food sign
will not be installed). A specific business can join theMIS program instead.
Periodic reviews by region personnel ensure that signing is displayed only for
services and facilities that meet eligibility criteria and that signs are removed
or covered when the service or facility is closed for the season or no longer
The following motorist service signs may be installed:
Sign Symbol

Sign Fabrication











Emergency Medical Care Facility




Recreational Vehicle Park (text only)


RV Sanitary Station





Table 2-8

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Install one GENERAL MOTORIST SERVICE sign assembly at an interchange

or intersection, with a maximum of four plaques. Combine the MOTORIST
SERVICE message with a directional message such as NEXT RIGHT, SECOND
RIGHT, or the EXIT NUMBER (D9-101, D9-102, or D9-103).
The NEXT SERVICES ____ MILES (D9-1601) sign may be placed below the
MOTORIST SERVICE sign if the next services are more than 20 miles away.
A separate word message VISITOR INFORMATION sign may be installed under
When services are not readily visible from an interchange, install follow-through
signs at ramp terminals, using the same legends or symbols as on the mainline
signs. If the services are located more than 1 mile from the interchange or
intersection, display the distance to the services on the ramp terminal or direction
sign respectively.
Signs have white symbols or letters on a blue background.
GENERAL MOTORIST SERVICE plaques may be installed in conjunction with
other guide signs:
On ground mounted signs, install the plaque on either post below thesign.
If more than two MOTORIST SERVICE plaques are required, place them on
a bracket below the guide sign, in a manner that does not interfere with the
breakaway safety features of the sign structure.
On overhead signs, a MOTORIST SERVICE plaque is installed above the
guide sign.
The department uses the following criteria to determine if a motorist service
sign is warranted. The State Traffic Engineer can approve minor deviations
on a case-by-case basis.
(2) Gas, Diesel, and/or L-P Gas
Vehicle services must include fuel, oil, and water.
Location shall include free ADA accessible public restroom facilitieswith
a sink and running water for hand washing, a flush toilet, toilet tissue, and
sanitary towels or other hand-drying devices. Restroom facilities shall
containappropriate locks for occupant security.
A free potable water drinking fountain and free cups as necessary must be
supplied for public use.
The facility must operate for at least 16 uninterrupted hours per day,
sevendays per week.
A telephone must be available to the public.
The facility must be within 1 mile of an interstate highway interchange,
orwithin 5 miles, and not readily visible from a noninterstate highway.

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(3) Food
The facility must be licensed or approved by the appropriate county health
The facility must operate for at least 12 uninterrupted hours per day,
sevendays per week, and serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Location shall include free ADA accessible public restroom facilities with
a sink and running water for hand washing, a flush toilet, toilet tissue, and
sanitary towels or other hand-drying devices. Restroom facilities shall contain
appropriate locks for occupant security.
A telephone must be available to the public.
Seating capacity for a minimum of 20 patrons and parking for a minimum of
ten vehicles, or drive-in service facilities must beprovided.
The facility must be within 1 mile of an interstate highway interchange,
orwithin 5 miles, and not readily visible from a noninterstate highway.
(4) Lodging
The facility must be licensed by the Washington State Department of Health.
Check licensed facilities at https://fortress.wa.gov/doh/facilitysearch/.
Facilities signed from an interstate highway must have 12 units or more,
eachwith a private bath.
Facilities signed from non-interstate highways must have six units or more,
each with a private bath.
A telephone must be available to the public.
The facility must be within 1 mile of an interstate highway interchange,
orwithin 5 miles, and not readily visible from a noninterstate highway.
(5) Phone
Phone must be available 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
The phone must be located within 1 mile of an interstate highway interchange.
Phone signing is not required if another service near the interchange has met
the phone criteria as part of qualification.
(6) Hospital
Continuous emergency care service must be available, with a doctor onduty,
or on immediate call 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
Written certification of emergency care capability must be obtained from the
Washington State Department of Health and provided to the department prior
to sign installation.
The hospital must be located not more than 20 minutes driving time from the
interchange or intersection.

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For an area with two or more qualifying hospitals, provide signs to the closest
facility, by approach direction, located within 20 minutes driving time from
the interchange or intersection.
Follow-through trailblazer signs are required from the highway to the hospital.
They shall be installed and maintained by the local agency.
(7) Emergency Medical Services Facility
The facility must operate continuously 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
Written certification of emergency care capability must be obtained from the
Washington State Department of Health and provided to the department prior
to sign installation.
The facility must at all times have:
A Physician, a Registered Nurse, or a Paramedic on duty.
Or, an Emergency Medical Technician on duty, plus a Physician,
Registered Nurse, or Paramedic on immediate call.
Emergency transportation capabilities must be available.
The facility must be located within 20 minutes driving time of the highway.
For an area with two or more qualifying emergency care facilities, install signs
to the closest facility (by approach direction).
Do not use the Emergency Medical Services Facility sign if a hospital sign is
installed at that intersection or interchange.
(8) Camping
Must be licensed or approved.
Campground facilities must be within 5 miles of an interstate highway
interchange, or within 8 miles of, and not readily visible from a noninterstate
Facilities must have at least 20camping sites, 10 of which will accommodate
Facilities shall provide free ADA accessible public restrooms with asink and
running water for hand washing, a flush toilet, toilet tissue, and sanitary towels
or other hand-drying devices. Restroom facilities shall contain appropriate
locks for occupant security.
Facilities shall provide free potable drinking water and free cups, asnecessary,
for public use.
Camp area facilities must be available 24 hours per day with a fulltime
attendant on duty.
For seasonal operations, the department removes or covers the sign with a
CLOSED plaque during the off season.

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(9) Recreational Vehicle Park

Recreational vehicle parks must be licensed or approved by the appropriate
county office.
Adequate parking must be provided for at least 10 recreational vehicles
(camper truck, motor home, or recreational trailer).
Facilities shall provide free ADA accessible public restrooms with asink and
running water for hand washing, a flush toilet, toilet tissue, and sanitary towels
or other hand-drying devices. Restroom facilities shall contain appropriate
locks for occupant security.
Facilities shall provide free potable drinking water and free cups, asnecessary
for public use.
All facilities must be available 24 hours per day.
A telephone must be available to the public.
The RV Park must be within 5 miles of either an interstate highway
interchange or a non-interstate highway.
For seasonal operations, the department removes or covers the sign with a
CLOSED plaque during the off season.
(10) Police (Local or State)
The law enforcement agency must have an officer on the premises at all times,
or a dispatcher on duty with an officer within radio or local telephone contact.
The law enforcement agency must be located within a reasonable distance
from the state highway.
(11) Visitor Information Centers (VIC)
VISITOR INFORMATION CENTER (VIC) signs direct the unfamiliar traveler to
a facility whose sole function is to provide tourist information and that meets the
following criteria:
The Visitor Information Center must operate a minimum of eighthours per
day, seven days a week from Memorial Day to Labor Day, or during the
months that tourists customarily visit the area. The region traffic engineer
mayapprove different operating hours if the Visitor Center operators can
document that a variance is reasonable andjustified.
The VIC must be operated by a nonprofit organization; however, the center
may be sponsored by a commercial enterprise. For example, the VIC could
belocated within a commercial establishment such as amall or shopping
center provided the VIC is visibly separate from the commercial activity.
Literature and information on visitor attractions must be provided to the
publicfree of charge
The VIC must have either a full-time attendant on duty during the hours
of operation, whose primary duty is to provide visitor information, or a
functioning electronic means available to answer visitor questions.
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The VIC must be large enough to accommodate the anticipated number of

visitors and provide the necessary display space for material of local and
statewide interest.
Parking space, for both cars and recreational vehicles, must accommodate the
expected number of visitors.
A telephone must be available to the public during operating hours.
The VIC must be within 1 mile of an interstate highway interchange, or within
5 miles of a non-interstate highway, and not readily visible from it. Followthrough signing is required if the VIC is not visible from the interchange or
During hours of operation, the center shall provide free ADA accessible
public restroom facilities with a sink and running water forhand washing,
a flush toilet, toilet tissue, and sanitary towels or other hand-drying devices.
Restroomfacilities shall contain appropriate locks for occupant security.
Facilities shall provide free potable drinking water and free cups for public use.
Only one Visitor Information Center may be signed from an interchange or
intersection. Where more than one facility requests signs, work with each to
determine which best serves the public. Consider which VIC provides the most
complete information, the ease of travel from the highway to the Center, and the
amenities of each facility. Request that the signed VIC providemotorists with
information including directions to the other.
The VISITOR INFORMATION CENTER sign can be combined with a second
message for either a museum, historical, cultural, or recreational attraction, if that
attraction meets the appropriate guidelines. The VIC must provide information
about the attraction, through an on-premise outdoor kiosk or within the Center.
For seasonal operation, remove the sign or cover with a CLOSED plaque.
VICsupplemental signing must meet MUTCD sign spacing criteria. Where there
is not adequate sign space available, a VIC text message plaque may be installed
on an existing ground mounted sign.
The department generally provides VIC signing. However, if a Center changes
locations within a one or two year period, it may be asked to pay for all

2.19 Other Essential Guide Signs

(1) Street Name and Advance Street Name Signs
STREET NAME (D3 Series) signs are useful navigational tools for the roadway
user and are installed at roadway intersections. Street name signs are white letters
on agreen background. Upper and lower case letters are used.
Signs showing the historical street name may be used in conjunction with a
current street name sign. All costs associated with the historic street name shall
bethe responsibility of the local agency making the request.

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In urban areas, STREET NAME signs are installed at the intersection. For
significant cross streets, channelized intersections, and at signalized intersections,
ADVANCE STREET NAME signs should also be installed. Place them 200 feet
or more in advance of intersections to alert motorists to the upcoming roadway
and the possibility of turns or lane changes, etc. Adirectional chevron may be
used on the street name sign indicating the direction of the sidestreet.
In rural areas, where a county road intersects the state highway, a STREET
NAME sign identifying the state route is installed above the state installed STOP
sign. Thecounty is responsible for the original installation, and the department
maintains these signs.
Where ADVANCE INTERSECTION WARNING signs are used, (primarily in
rural or suburban areas) it is WSDOT policy to install the black on yellow ROAD
NAME (D3-201) sign above or below the INTERSECTION WARNING sign.
On city streets that are part of state highways, the local agency shall install and
maintain street signs within the corporate limits (RCW47.24.020).
Use this table to determine appropriate letter size for street name signs:
Roadway Type

Single or





Mast Arm

Posted Speed Limit (mph)












12/9 #

Advance Street Name

Letter Size







Fabrication Number







Street Name Letter Size

*Use only at urban signalized intersections and channelized intersections with exclusive turn lanes.
**Use at Advance Street Name sign installations only.
#For posted speed limits less than 40 mph, 8/6 letter heights may be used.
Table 2-9

(2) Canadian Customs

Several Canadian Customs border crossing stations have limited hours of
operation and are closed to motorists outside these hours. For these crossing
stations, install signing to inform motorists of the hours of operation and locate
the signs to provide them an opportunity to find an alternate route or to delay
theircrossing. Place the sign in advance of the closest exit before the border
where overnight accommodations areavailable.

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Canadian Customs at 24-hour border crossings do not need advance signing

showing hours of operation.
(3) City and County Entrance
The department is responsible for installing CITY and COUNTY ENTRANCE
signs (I2201/301) on state highways (RCW 47.36.120). The signs shall be white
ongreen. These signs are placed at city and county boundary limits and are
different than CITY ENTRANCE MARKERS discussed in Section 2.18(3).
Instead of the standard ENTRANCE (I2-201/I2-301) sign, the city or county may
supply and maintain a sign with a political jurisdiction logo, per the MUTCD.
(4) Unincorporated Community
COMMUNITY ENTRANCE signs (I2-301) may be installed on each non-limited
access state highway approach to an unincorporated community that includes:
A United States Postal Service office.
At least two motorist services, which may be any combination of gas, food,
Supplemental destination guide signing to the community may be considered
if it is within 10 miles from a rural state highway interchange or intersection.
Donot install destination signing to unincorporated communities from an urban
(5) City Center
Historically, the department has provided CITY CENTER signs at the request of
local governments, to direct motorists to local government buildings (i.e., city
hall, courthouse). Currently, requests for CITY CENTER signs often come from
local business communities to direct motorists to business areas within a city.
CITY CENTER signing requests should include the following information:
Description and location of all city center exits within the corporate limits.
The interchange or intersection name of the proposed sign location.
Verification of local agency agreement on the location of the city center.
When reviewing CITY CENTER signing requests, conduct a field review to
determine the effectiveness and feasibility of sign locations and confirm other
details of the request letter. Include the local government, business community,
and other interested groups to assure agreement on the location of the city center.
All costs for sign fabrication and installation are the responsibility of the city
making the signing request.

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Chapter 2

(6) Milepost Markers

MILEPOST MARKERS are numbered location markers installed along all state
highways and used primarily for reference purposes. The Statewide Travel and
Collision Data Office establishes each milepost location, which is signed with a
MILEPOST MARKER in accordance with the following criteria (adopted from
rescinded department Directive D32-20).
On two-lane roadways, install the double-faced MILEPOST MARKER
(D10101, D10-102, and D10-103) on the right side oftheroadway, inthe
direction of increasing milepost.
On multilane highways, install the single faced MILEPOST MARKER
(D101, D10-2, and D10-3) for each roadway direction, onthe right side
ofthe roadway.
MILEPOST MARKERS on spur routes display the letter S below the
mileage figure.
MILEPOST MARKERS must be installed within 50 feet of their designated
location. If that is not physically possible, do not install that MILEPOST
When a milepost marker is relocated it must be documented in the Traffic Sign
Maintenance System (TSMS). Headquarters Traffic supplies this information
to the Roadway Data Office annually so the milepost marker can be accurately
relocated in the State Highway Log. See Standard Plan G-10.10-00 and
G20.1000 for installation details.
(7) Highway and Freeway Entrance
Install the HIGHWAY ENTRANCE sign (E12-101) on two-lane two-way
undivided highways where interchanges are provided at intersecting crossroads.
Install signs on both sides of the on-ramp, facing approaching traffic, to clearly
identify the entrance to the on-ramp.
Install the FREEWAY ENTRANCE sign (E12-201) on both sides of each freeway
or expressway onramp, facing approaching traffic, toidentify the ramp entrance.
(8) Other Agencies
Consider installation of supplemental guide signs to facilities of other federal,
state and local agencies when space is available per the MUTCD. Sign colors are
determined by the type of sign destination (recreation, emergency, or direction).
Department of Natural Resources Campgrounds White letters on
State Patrol White letters on blue background.
State Public Fishing Areas White letters on brown background.
Government Fish Hatcheries Open to the Public White letters on
Department of Corrections Facilities White letters on green background.
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2.20 Miscellaneous Signing

(1) Adopt-a-Highway
ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY (AAH) signs are installed to recognize both volunteer
groups and businesses that sponsor litter pick up or other roadside enhancement
activities as part of the AAH program. The program is administered through
the Headquarters Maintenance Office, with regional coordinators assigning
locations to groups. Adopted roadside sections can include one or both sides
AAH signs are placed at or near the beginning of an adopted section. Lateral
placement of the AAH signs may be up to 50 feet from the edge of the travel
lane, if right of way is available and the signs are still visible from the traveled
lanes. All AAH signs mounted on the same post must be the samewidth.
Thename displayed on the AAH recognition sign shall be the official name
ofthe organization, individuals, or business sponsoring the section and must
bepreapproved by the department.
Volunteer adoption sections are signed as follows:
Sections adopted by volunteer groups are signed using I6-901, I6-901A,
I6902, I6-902A, I6-904, and I6-905A signs.
If the section includes both directions of travel, install signs for each.
On divided highways, AAH signs are installed on the right shoulder only.
Sponsored adoption sections are signed as follows:
Sections adopted by businesses are signed using an I6-906 sign.
On divided highways, AAH signs may be installed on either the median or
theright shoulder.
The sponsors logo/name plaque is provided totheregion for WSDOT
installation on the AAH sign. The plaque will be an 0.050 inch aluminum
Size requirements are a maximum of three lines, with 20 spaces per line.
Ifasponsors name will not fit within the sign width, the letter height will be
reduced until it can.
AAH recognition signs may also be installed for special enhancement projects
such as landscaping at interchanges, or other areas. In these cases, the smaller sign
shall be used and the region traffic engineer shall determine sign placement on a
case-by-case basis.
Spacing between AAH signs and other traffic control signs shall conform to
MUTCD Section 2H.08. AAH signs are shown in Appendices 2-25 and 2-26.

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(2) DUI Victim Memorial

The Headquarters Traffic Office administers the DUI Victim Memorial signing
program and approves all locations for signing. Refer citizen requests for
VictimMemorial signs to the Headquarters Traffic Office.
Install the PLEASE DONT DRINK AND DRIVE (I20-201) sign with the
INMEMORY OF (I20-203) or SPONSORED BY (I20-204) plaque at approved
Specific sign locations are determined on an individual basis during the review
ofthe sign request. In general, along non-interstate highways, one sign is installed
for each direction of travel. Install the sign near the physical crash location, while
considering sign spacing, sight distance, and other factors that may preclude using
the exact crash site.
For the Interstate system, one sign is installed along the on-ramp nearest to
thecollision scene, in the direction of travel that the collision occurred.
Information on the Victim Memorial program is available at
(3) City/Community Entrance Markers
WSDOT may allow cities or communities, either by permit or agreement,
toconstruct and maintain city/community entrance beautification areas on state
highway right of way. The agreement may include a CITY or COMMUNITY
On a state highway, one ENTRANCE MARKER may be installed for each
direction of travel near where it enters a city or community. Any landscaping
associated with the marker shall be in compliance with the WSDOT Roadside
Classification Plan M 25-31, and approved by the region Landscape Architect.
An ENTRANCE MARKER for a neighborhood community that lies within the
corporate limits of a city or town may be allowed if the city or town approves the
neighborhoods marker. This marker will count as oneof the twoallowed per city
or town.
An ENTRANCE MARKER visible to any state highway must meet these
Be simple, dignified, and devoid of advertising.
Be positioned so it is not a roadside safety hazard, is not likely to be struckby
an errant vehicle, and is not an obstruction to sight distance.
Shall not interfere with, nor distract from any existing or future traffic control
or safety device.
Any lighting associated with the marker shall comply with RCW47.36.180.
Be sponsored by the city or a community group in which it is located.

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The city or community group is responsible for maintaining the marker and any
associated landscaping. Inadequate maintenance of either, as determined by the
department, may result in marker removal.
If a highway project (such as roadway widening) will displace an ENTRANCE
MARKER, the city or community group is responsible for relocating and/or
removing it. Markers not relocated shall be removed by WSDOT, with removal
and disposal costs billed to the city or community group.
(a) Entrance Markers on Limited Access Highways The total marker area
shall not exceed 100 square feet, and the message area shall not exceed
approximately 60 square feet. At highway interchanges, the marker must be
oriented so it can be read by the motorist leaving the rampand not by the
motorist on the highway mainline.

Non-Profit Service Club Plaques (i.e., Kiwanis, Lions, Rotary) may not
be installed on ENTRANCE MARKERS within limited access highways.
Thesesigns are considered to be Type (1)(c) signs and are regulated under
theScenic Vistas Act (RCW 47.42 and WAC 468-66).
1. Interstate ENTRANCE MARKERS installed on Interstate right of way
require FHWA approval. The State Traffic Engineer reviews the design
and placement of city ENTRANCE MARKER requests on interstate
roadways before recommending approval to the FHWA. Ifapproved, the
marker is placed between the interchange ramp and the right of way line,
in the area of the ramp terminal with the connecting city street, and not
visible to mainline traffic.
2. Non-Interstate The region traffic engineer approves the design
and placement of the marker on non-interstate routes. If there are any
deviations from the guidelines above, the design must be submitted to the
State Traffic Engineer for approval. For undivided highways, the marker
is placed just inside corporate limits, or at the far side of an intersection
located inside corporate limits.

(b) Entrance Markers on Non-Limited Access Highways The total marker

size shall not exceed 150 square feet, including the border and trim, and
service club plaques. The service club plaque area of the sign shall not be
disproportional to the marker message. The maximum size foreach service
club plaque is 24 x 24.

Non-Profit Service Club Plaques (i.e., Kiwanis, Lions, Rotary) may be

installed on a city ENTRANCE MARKER along a state highway if the
marker is located within corporate limits and is not within a limited access
area. These signs are considered to be Type (1)(b) signs and are regulated
bythe Scenic Vistas Act (RCW 47.42 and WAC 468-66).

The region traffic engineer shall approve the design and placement of the
marker. If there are any deviations from the guidelines, the design and
placement must be submitted to the State Traffic Engineer for approval.

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Install the city ENTRANCE MARKER inside the city limits, beyond the
curb line or outside edge of the roadway. ENTRANCE MARKERS for
unincorporated communities may be considered for placement on state
highway right of way. The marker must be located beyond the clear zone
ifitdoes not meet break-away standards.

(4) Carpool Information

CARPOOL INFORMATION signs (D12-201, D12-202) may be installed along
conventional two-lane roads, on-ramps to multilane highways, and in park and
ride lots. They should not be placed on the mainline of multilane facilities.
Transit logos may be included in the sign design in accordance with MUTCD
Section2D48. These signs are considered incidental and can be removed if
signspace is needed for a higher priority sign.
The requesting agency is responsible for sign fabrication and initial installation
costs. WSDOT is responsible for the sign maintenance.
Sign spacing:
Use a 300-foot spacing between signs on conventional two-lane, high-speed
Use 150-foot spacing for freeway on-ramps, and for both multilane and
twolane, low-speed roadways in incorporated areas.
(5) Commercial Dump Prohibition
Some rest areas along state highways provide Recreation Vehicle dump stations
for use by noncommercial vehicles. Install the COMMERCIAL VEHICLE USE
PROHIBITED (I8-704) sign in the rest area at these RV dump sites. This is the
only valid application forthis sign on state highways.
(6) Fire District Boundary
(I8804) may be installed at Fire District boundaries along state highways using
these guidelines:
Upon region approval, signs shall be installed and maintained by the
jurisdiction requesting the sign(s). A General Permit issued by the area
maintenance office is required.
Signs should be installed at the district boundary, if possible, or no further
than 1,000 feet from the boundary.
Signs may be placed away from the roadway near the edge of the right of way.
They shall not obstruct a drivers view or constitute a hazard by theirlocation.
Mounting posts shall be of wood, no larger than 4 inches x 4 inches, or they
may be perforated square steel. Mounting height shall be 7 feet to the bottom
of the sign.
The sign color shall be white letters on blue background.
A jurisdictional logo may be included on the sign.
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(7) Fire Danger Information

FIRE DANGER INFORMATION signs (with arrow indicator) are requested or
sponsored by either the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) or the local fire
district authority who submits awritten request to the region TrafficOffice.
DNR or the fire district shall be responsible for the sign fabrication, installation,
and maintenance costs, as well as for the daily message changes. WSDOT can
fabricate and/or install the sign via a J Agreement, or the fire district can fabricate
and install the sign if the department approves. A General Permit issued through
the area maintenance office is required.
The fire district must agree to properly maintain the sign and to cover it during
the winter when there is no fire danger, or to replace the sign when the message
orcolors begin to fade or fail.
Signs are not allowed on Interstate right of way. Install the FIRE DANGER sign
at or near the right of way line. If the sign is within the clear zone, itmust have
appropriate safety breakaway features. Mounting posts shall be of wood, no larger
than 4 inches x 4 inches, or they may be perforated square steel. Mounting height
shall be 7 feet to the bottom of the sign.
(8) Fire Hydrant Marker
FIRE HYDRANT MARKER (I7401) signs may be installed on limited access
highways to help fire department personnel locate fire hydrants that are outside
of the right of way. The sign shall be placed parallel to, and facing the roadway.
Thesign shall be visible from the shoulder, mounted either on the right of way
fence or on a post, and shall display the distance from the edge of traveled way
to the fire hydrant. If requested by the fire department, a 24-inch plaque may be
added below the sign to indicate the nearest street or intersection.
The region traffic engineer shall contact local fire departments to determine
signing needs for fire hydrants located near limited access highways.
Thedepartment is responsible for installing and maintaining these signs.
(9) Apple Maggot
Many people carry homegrown fruit throughout the state without realizing that
they may also be transporting harmful pests, such as the apple maggot, thereby
increasing the insects range. Washington State Department of Agriculture
(WSDA) established specific geographical boundaries where the transport of
homegrown fruit is prohibited. At their request, signs were installed at several
locations throughout the state in an effort to stop the transport of homegrown
fruit. Sign fabrication, installation, and maintenance costs are paid for by WSDA
through an Interagency Agreement. Contact Headquarters Traffic before replacing
any apple maggot signs. Signs locations and messages are:
State Borders and Quarantine Entering/Leaving apple maggot quarantine area
Area Borders
Within Quarantine Areas
WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.05
April 2011

Do not transport homegrown fruit

Page 2-69


Chapter 2

(10) Landscape and Vegetation Acknowledgement

Community, local groups, or businesses sometimes install and/or maintain
landscaping or vegetation plantings within state highway right of way, generally
as part of beautification of a community entrance. A General Permit issued by the
department is required.
One sign acknowledging the group may be allowed as described below:
The sign design, including size, message layout, color, and sign fabrication
material is submitted to the region Traffic Office for review and approval.
Sign size is limited to 3 feet x 3 feet; letter size is limited to 2 inches. This is
not considered a highway sign and is not intended to be read by motorists.
The sign shall not contain any advertising or service club information, or
resemble a city/community entrance sign.
The sign is installed at or near the right of way line. On limited access
facilities, the sign is placed between the ramp and right of way line, and not
visible to mainlinetraffic.
The sign sponsor shall be notified and instructed to replace the sign when
needed. The sign shall be removed if it is not replaced in a timely manner.
When the General Permit expires without renewal, or the landscaping/
vegetation is no longer maintained, the sign shall be removed.
(11) Limited Access
For state highways that operate with intermittent access control, install
ACCESS AREA (I2-701) signs in accordance with RCW 47.52.110. Fully
controlled limited access highways do not needsigns.
(12) Litter Control
Install LITTER AND IT WILL HURT signs (I6-102) in areas where littering is
a common problem and where a minimum sign spacing of 300 feet is available.
Usethe appropriate logo below the sign:
(16301) sign in areas where fire hazards are known to be high.
Install the DEPOSIT LITTER ____ MILE (I6-101) sign in advance of the
deposit site.
The LITTER (I6-201) symbol sign should be located at the litter barrel site,
facing approaching traffic.
Install the AUTOMOBILE LITTER ONLY (I6-801) sign adjacent to the
litter barrel. This sign is intended to discourage the deposit of litter that is
notnormally accumulated by a motorist.
Note: The litter symbol is a registered trademark. All signs utilizing the symbol
shall have a small located near the lower right corner of the symbol.
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April 2011

Chapter 2


(13) Post Offices

Post offices may be signed from state highways in unincorporated areas if the
post office is not visible from the state highway and there is a demonstrated
need for the sign (D1-101). Cities or towns may sign for post offices inside
(14) Private Roads
WSDOT does not supply, fabricate, install, or maintain STOP signs or STREET
NAME signs for private roadways that intersect with state highways. Citizens
may install their own signs at such intersections, in accordance with the MUTCD,
and working with the area Maintenance Superintendent. A general permit is
required when a STOP sign or private ROAD NAME sign is installed on WSDOT
right of way at a private road approach. The citizen requesting the sign must
secure the permit and coordinate installation details with the area Maintenance
Superintendent. Maintenance for private road signsis the responsibility of the
citizen installing the signs.
Private road name signs (D3-104) shall be fabricated in accordance with the
Sign Fabrication Manual and must indicate the road is private either by a sign
header or by words (Private or PVT) on the sign. White letters on a green
background is the preferred color but a local jurisdiction may determine that
whiteon blue or black on white are acceptable.
(15) Refuse Station
REFUSE STATION signing may be installed under the following conditions:
The site must be county or city owned and open to the general public.
Privaterefuse stations will not besigned.
The site must be a major refuse station, not just a drop-off location.
Signs are not installed on any freeway facility.
The refuse station must be located within mile of the state highway.
Use the word Refuse instead of the word Transfer to avoid possible
confusion with transportation hub centers that may also be called Transfer
stations. The word Garbage is not used.
The REFUSE STATION sign shall be a 24 inch x 24 inch white on
Install the plaque below any ground mounted guide or information sign at
the intersection. If there are no signs, the plaque may be placed on its own
A city or county may install a REFUSE STATION sign on its right of way
at an intersection, instead of a highway sign. The sign would be considered
aType 1 sign under the Scenic Vistas Act (WAC 468-66-050).

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April 2011

Page 2-71


Chapter 2

(16) Salmon and Other Fish

WSDOT receives requests from fish related user groups to sign a stream or body
of water with a specific fish related message. Signs related to preserving the
fish habitat may be installed along a state highway; however, only one type of
fish related sign will be allowed for a location. Where several user groups (i.e.,
salmon, steelhead, or trout) request signing in a location, suggest that they work
together to develop a single fish related sign message and to seek support from the
local jurisdiction. An overall signing plan with support documentation should be
submitted to the region Traffic Office, preferably by the local jurisdiction or by an
official organization or agency.
The stream crossing or body of water must be year round.
Multiple signs, supported, endorsed, or maintained by different user groups
(i.e., salmon, steelhead, and trout) will not be allowed.
The requesting user group is responsible for the sign fabrication, installation
costs, and all maintenance and replacement costs. A J account can be set up
to administer the funds. Sign installation and removal will be by WSDOT
Sign size will be 18 x 24, 24 x 24, or 24 x 36, dependant on the fish logo
and line message approved by WSDOT.
Sign colors are white letters on a blue background.
(17) Water Crossing
A STREAM NAME or WATER CROSSING (I3-101) sign may be installed
on a state roadway to identify a body of water that traverses or parallels a state
highway, using these guidelines:
The body of water must be identified by name on a USGS map.
If the body of water traverses the highway, the water way must be bridged by
a highway structure. A single culvert crossing or a seasonal stream does not
qualify for a sign.
Sign color shall be white on green.
Maximum sign height is 24; the sign width is variable.
On conventional roadways, letter height is 6 upper case and 4 lower
On expressways or freeways, letter height is 8 upper case and 6 lower
(18) Water Related Signs NOT to Be Installed
The following water related signs shall not be installed on any state highway:
Conservation District Boundary Area
Drainage Basin

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Chapter 2


Drinking and Ground Water Management Area

Groundwater Protection Region or Area
Groundwater Conservation Region or Area
Surface Water Management Area
Watershed Signs (this includes entering/leaving signs)
Wellhead Protection Area
These signs do not assist motorists in their driving, but can be treated as Type1
signs (WAC 468-66-050) and installed off the state right of way. Type1 signs
must be supported by an official agency or organization.
(19) Watchable Wildlife
The WILDLIFE VIEWING (D5-907) signs may be installed for locations that are
open to the public and within 10 miles of the state highway. Install the sign on the
highway exit or intersection nearest the viewing area. Use the BINOCULARS
symbol sign fora trailblazer and for site identification ifno other signing is
posted. Signs are white on a brown background.
(20) Evacuation Route
Install EVACUATION ROUTE (I25-101, I25-201) symbol signs to indicate
the route that people should follow to leave an area when a tsunami, volcanic
eruption, fire, or other hazard isthreatening. Region Traffic Offices are to
coordinate the location of Evacuation Route signs with City, County, or Tribal
Emergency Management personnel.

2.21 Variable Message Signs

Variable Message Signs (VMS) are traffic controldevices designed to display
diverse messages to alert roadway users about specific conditions or situations.
VMS are part of WSDOTs Traffic Management System and are operated by
eachregion Traffic Management Center (TMC).
VMS are located on many highways throughout the state. Some are used
exclusively to provide information about variable speed limits, lane use
restrictions, active traffic management, or traction requirements. Others may
provide information about:
Traffic incident information.
Traffic restrictions or emergency conditions.
Special event related traffic impact information.
Upcoming road closures or other impacts.
Operation of the Variable Message Signs is coordinated by the regions TMC
andis governed by the Variable Message Sign Use Procedures at

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April 2011

Page 2-73


Chapter 2

2.22 Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) and Traveler

Information Station (TIS) Signing
HAR and TIS systems are low power AM radio stations installed to provide the
traveling public with traffic alerts or traveler information. They are sometimes
used in conjunction with a Variable Message Sign (VMS). Both HAR and TIS
installations must comply with Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
requirements and must be approved by and coordinated through the WSDOT ITS
and Communications office. HAR and TIS system messages are governed by the
HAR/TIS procedures which can be found at wwwi.wsdot.wa.gov/maintops/traffic/
HAR and TIS signs are secondary to official traffic control signs (i.e., regulatory
and warning signs, guide signs) and are installed only when MUTCD and
WSDOT sign spacing requirements can be met.
(1) Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) System Signs
(I35101) at each HAR location.
Install flashing beacons above the sign to be activated by the TMC when
somemessage types are being broadcast.
HAR signs, Traffic Alert/Traffic Advisory signs, and Mountain Pass
Information/Road Conditions signs shall be a non-reflective black legend
onareflective yellow background.
(2) Traveler Information Signs (TIS)
TIS systems give tourist and recreational information.
The sign shall be a reflective white legend on a reflective blue background,
with the exceptions of TIS signs for recreation in National Parks, National
Forests, and National Historic Reserves. These are the ONLY TIS signs that
may be a white reflective legend on a brown reflective background. As well,
these agencies may incorporate their official agency logo on the TIS sign.
When the preemptive message EMERGENCY INFO WHEN FLASHING
is included in the TIS sign, it shall be a non-reflective black message on
a reflective yellow background. Flashing beacons shall be installed to be
activated by the TMC when emergency messages are being broadcast.
All TIS sign fabrication, installation, and maintenance costs are the
responsibility of the requesting agency. Signs will be fabricated to WSDOT
standards and may only be installed by WSDOT crews.

Page 2-74

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April 2011

Appendix 2-1

Speed Zone Signing

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April 2011

Page 2-75

Appendix 2-2

Intersection U-Turn Signing

Page 2-76

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April 2011

Appendix 2-3

Auxiliary Climbing Lane Signing

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April 2011

Page 2-77

Appendix 2-4

Auxiliary Passing Lane Signing

Page 2-78

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April 2011

Appendix 2-5

Wrong Way Signing

for At-Grade Intersections
















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December 2011





Page 2-79

Appendix 2-6

Wrong Way Signing

for Interchange Ramps









Page 2-80

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April 2011

Appendix 2-7

Wrong Way Signing for Roundabouts

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Page 2-81

Appendix 2-8

Shoulder Driving Signing

Page 2-82

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April 2011

Appendix 2-9

Slow Moving Vehicle Turn-Out Signing

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Page 2-83

Appendix 2-10

Low Clearance Signing

Page 2-84

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April 2011

Appendix 2-11

Lateral Clearance Markers

Objects Within Outside Shoulder

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Page 2-85

Lateral Clearance Markers
Objects Within Inside Shoulder

Page 2-86

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April 2011

Appendix 2-12

Reduced School Speed Zone Signing

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Page 2-87

Appendix 2-13

Route Intersection Guide Signing

Page 2-88

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April 2011

Appendix 2-14

Crossroad Interchange
Approach Guide Signs

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April 2011

Page 2-89

Appendix 2-15

Expressway Intersection
Approach Guide Signs

Page 2-90

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April 2011

Appendix 2-16

Expressway Interchange
Approach Guide Signs

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April 2011

Page 2-91

Appendix 2-17

Freeway Interchange Approach Signing

Page 2-92

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April 2011

Appendix 2-18

Freeway Exit Ramp Guide Signs

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Page 2-93

Appendix 2-19

Freeway Post Interchange Signs

Page 2-94

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April 2011

Appendix 2-20

Auxiliary Freeway Lane

Less than 1/4 Mile Long

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April 2011

Page 2-95

Appendix 2-21

Auxiliary Frewway Lane

1/4 Mile or More in Length

Page 2-96

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April 2011

Appendix 2-22

Supplemental Guide Sign Criteria

Criteria for Selecting Traffic Generators

as Destinations on Supplemental Guide Sign



Regularly scheduled commercial flights perday.




Distance from Interchange (miles).

Paved and lighted runway > 2,500 ft long3.




Three major department stores; 500,000 sq ft of

leasable space; minimum 9,000 daily one way

Distance from Interchange (miles).

500,000 sq ft of leasable space5.

Distance from Interchange.




Distance from Interchange (miles).

Major Recreation

Annual attendance (open to public).




National Parks

Sign from major junctions; case by case.

State Parks6

Distance from Interchange (miles).




USFS Facilities
(Campgrounds, HQs)

Distance from Interchange (miles).


Type of Generator
(destination name
only, not symbol)

Specific Criteria

Colleges, Universities, Must be accredited. Total enrollment, full- and

and Branch
part-time students.
Distance from Interchange (miles).
Regional Shopping

Industrial Parks

Ports/Port Districts

Served by two or more transportation modes

(water, highway, rail, air).
Distance from Interchange.

Event Venues

Annual attendance.


greater than 50,000.

3See Section 2.15(1) for additional criteria.
4See WAC 468-95-140 for additional criteria.
5Leasable space can be a mix of manufacturing, service, and warehouse facilities.
6Per RCW 47.36.290.

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April 2011

Page 2-97

Appendix 2-23

Signing to Amtrak

Page 2-98

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April 2011

Appendix 2-24

Application for Historic/Cultural Sign

Name of Organization _________________________________________________________________

Organization Address

Mailing Address (if different)


Name of Authorizing Official (include title, i.e., Director, Trustee)

Address of Authorizing Official

Telephone Number
E-mail Address

Has your organization been granted nonprofit status (IRS 501(c)(3))? Y N

Please provide the following information about your organization:
What are your visitation hours and when are you open to the general public
(note any seasonal variations to schedule of operation)?
Is the facility easily accessible to all visitors, including ADA features? Y N
Is the facility readily visible from the highway? Y N
If not, how far is your facility from the state highway on which the sign is being requested?
Is the road serving your facility a two-lane, all-weather road? Y N
Please indicate the name or number of the road, street, or highway serving your facility.
Please describe where you would like the sign to be located. Be specific, include the state highway
number and milepost or distance to the nearest important intersection or junction.
Please answer the following questions for a historic site:
Is your site included in the Washington Heritage Register? Y N
Is there an interpretive center or guided tour? Y N
Has your facility been approved by the Heritage Resource Center of the
Washington State Historical Society? Y N
Sign approved Sign disapproved Reason for disapproval ________________________
Chair, Review Committee

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Page 2-99

Appendix 2-25

Adopt-a-Highway Signs
for Volunteer Groups

Page 2-100

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April 2011

Appendix 2-26

Adopt-a-Highway Signs
for Business Spnsored Groups

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April 2011

Page 2-101

Page 2-102

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April 2011

Chapter 3


3.1 General
Delineation is the pavement markings, guideposts, and raised pavement
markers used on and adjacent to the roadway to define vehicular travel paths.
The MUTCD, Design Manual, and Standard Plans provide delineation
placement guidelines.
The Roadway Delineation Practices Handbook, published by FHWA,
discusses specialized materials and delineation treatments for unique
applications and situations. This handbook does not establish policies or
standards but is only a reference document.

3.2 Pavement Markings

Pavement markings are classified as either longitudinal or transverse.
Materials typically used for each are paint for longitudinal markings and
thermoplastics for transverse markings. Approved sources for thermoplastic
materials arelisted in the General Special Provisions. A purchase contract is
available for the purchase ofpaint. Other durable materials are continually
being evaluated.
A. Intersection Channelization. The MUTCD has a provision that allows
pavement markings to be extended through an intersection where design
or visibility conditions make it desirable to provide control through the
intersection. These markings are only installed asthe result of a traffic
engineering analysis that considers horizontal curvature and other
visibility conditions. For statewide uniformity, the dotted line used for this
extension is applied as a 2-foot stripe with a 4-foot gap between stripes.

Multilane approaches may provide exclusive or shared lanes for turning

and through vehicles. At most intersections through traffic must share
alane with one direction of turning traffic. To minimize delay, through
traffic should normally be combined with right-turning traffic unless
opposite approach geometrics are unfavorable. An offset centerline and
minor widening may help accomplish the proper lane assignments.

Stopbars are to be included at all signalized intersections with or without

crosswalks. At nonsignalized intersections stopbars are necessary on the
stop sign control approaches when crosswalks are not included. Including
the stopbar at stop sign control locations having marked crosswalks

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October 2009

Page 3-1


Chapter 3

B. Interchange Off Ramps. At either a parallel or a tapered deceleration

lane,the MUTCD allows the application of an optional dotted extension
ofthe main line right edge line through the ramp opening. The dotted line
is a 2-foot stripe with a 4-foot gap.

For statewide uniformity, these optional dotted extensions should only be

installed where the exit ramp is located on a horizontal curve, except for
locations with continuous illumination, and at locations with prevalent
foggy periods. They are generally not needed at ramps exiting from
tangent sections. These markings are only to be installed as a result of
atraffic engineering analysis.

C. Crosswalks. Marked crosswalks serve to guide pedestrians in the proper

paths. Crosswalks should only be marked at locations that are signalized
(and have significant pedestrian volumes), where crossing guards are
provided, or where pedestrian volumes meet the criteria for signal
Warrant3 in Section4C-5 of the MUTCD.

Crosswalk markings should not be used at remote locations or where the

speed limit e xceeds 35 miles per hour unless protection is provided by
a traffic signal or stop sign. Studies show that marked crosswalks have
higher accident rates than unmarked crossings, thus crosswalks should
notbe considered safetydevices.

Illumination of marked crosswalks is normally provided when pedestrian

volumes meet the criteria in MUTCD Section4C-5. When markings are
requested by others and volumes do not meet those requirements, funding
and power for crosswalk lighting is normally provided by the requestor.

D. No Passing Zone Marking. No passing zones are to be established and

marked on horizontal and vertical curves in accordance with the MUTCD.

State law, in the Rules of the Road RCW 46.61.100 RCW 46.61.165,
identifies several situations with a statutory no passing zone distance
such as ...when approaching within 100 feet of or transversing any
intersection or railroad crossing... or ...the view is obstructed upon
approaching within 100 feet of any bridge, viaduct, or tunnel....
However, state law does not imply a need to mark no passing zones for
such situations.

3.3 Guideposts
Guideposts, discussed in the MUTCD as delineators, are light retroreflecting
devices mounted at the side of the roadway to indicate roadway alignment.
They are effective aids for night, wet, or other reduced visibility driving
conditions and are intended to guide rather than warn motorists.

Page 3-2

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Chapter 3


Guidepost installation and spacing requirements are included in the Standard

Plans and the Design Manual. The field spacing for guideposts shall be
determined from Figure 3-1. Approved sources for guideposts as well as
reflective materials are listed in the General Special Provisions.

3.4 Barrier Delineation

Barrier delineation is the extension of guideposts through an area of guardrail
or concrete barrier. Spacing is the same as for guideposts.
Guardrail is delineated by mounting guideposts on guardrail posts as shown
inthe Standard Plans.
Concrete barrier is delineated by placing r eflective devices on the face of the
barrier about 6inches down from the top. When concretebarrier is placed
immediately adjacent to the traveled lane, such as in construction zones,
delineator spacing should be a maximum of 40feet on tangents and 20feet
through curves.

3.5 Chevron Alignment Signs

Although the Chevron Alignment Sign is intended to provide additional
emphasis and guidance for drivers through horizontal curves in the roadway,
this sign is not a delineator. See the MUTCD and the warning sign section
ofthis manual for use.

3.6 Raised Pavement Markers

As described in the Design Manual, raised pavement markers are extensively
used in western Washington to simulate lane lines and tosupplement painted
pavement markings.
Maintenance of raised pavement markers is discussed in the Maintenance
A. Right Edge Lines. The general use of raised reflective pavement markers
to supplement, or in lieu of, right edge lines is strongly discouraged.
Atnight, such markers can be easily mistaken for lane lines.

The State Traffic Engineer has approved the use of reflective markers to
supplement right edge lines in these locations:
On the taper in lane reduction sections, such as from four lane to
Through sections with reduced lane width, such as narrow structures.
At the gore of exit ramps.

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October 2009

Page 3-3


Chapter 3

B. Recessed Markers. Recessed reflective markers and recessed lane lines

appear to be an effective way to provide additional centerline and lane
linedelineation in areas requiring extensive snow plowing.

The details for installation of the recessed marker are contained in the
Standard Plans.

Recessed markers and recessed lane lines are expensive and data is still
being collected to determine effectiveness and expected life. As a result,
the criteria for application and installation are still subject to change and
the State Traffic Engineers office should be contacted when recessed
markers or recessed lane lines are being considered.

With prior approval of the State Traffic Engineer, recessed markers

may also be installed on bridges. Currently several alternative methods
are being considered for this application to minimize the impact on

3.7 Impact Attenuator Marking

The end of impact attenuators adjacent to the roadway and facing traffic are
to be marked witha modified type 3 object marker. The design and use of
the marker shall be the same asthe MUTCD type 3 marker except that the
attenuator marker shall be square. Attenuators ingore areas or where traffic
may pass on either side shall have the stripes in a chevron pattern sloping
down from the center of the marker. These designs are provided in the
SignFabrication Manual.

Page 3-4

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October 2009

Chapter 3



Figure 3-1

Figure 3-1
Page 3-4

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October 2009

Traffic Manual
July 1993

Page 3-5


Page 3-6

Chapter 3

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October 2009

Chapter 4

Signals and Illumination

The MUTCD, SectionIV, discusses the types ofsignals and their application,
and provides warrants and other guidelines used to justify signal installations.

4.2 Design Manual

Design Manual Section 335 provides the guidelines for signal installations
with regard to state laws, department policies, permit approval procedures,
design report requirements, preliminary signal plans, phase analysis (level
of service/optimum cycle calculations), detection systems, pedestrian
considerations, signal supports, and contract plan preparation.
Special attention should be given to signal permit applications submitted by
local agencies or developers. The permit application should be submitted to
the State Traffic Engineer at least two months prior to the time the approved
permit is desired. The request can then be processed for approval in a
See Chapter6, Traffic Regulations, for the information required as support
data which mustaccompany permit applications.

4.3 Flashing Operation

Occasionally traffic signals have been, or are, installed primarily to reduce
intersection delay during the morning, noon, and evening peak hours. These
signals may not be warranted during off-peak hours. At locations having fixed
time signals, flashing operations may be considered for nonpeak hours where
there is significantly larger traffic volumes on the major approaches than the
minor approaches (i.e., intersections meeting primarily warrant No.2).
If off-peak flashing operations are implemented, follow-up accident studies
should be conducted.

4.4 Intersection Control Beacons

The MUTCD states that intersection control beacons are intended for use at
intersections where traffic or physical conditions do not justify conventional
traffic signals but where accident rates above the statewide average for like
locations indicate a special hazard.
The most common application for these beacons is at intersections with minor
approach stop control where some approaching vehicles on the controlled legs
have failed to stop.

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page 4-1

Signals and Illumination

Chapter 4

An intersection control beacon should be considered for a problem location

only after other remedial measures have been tried and determined to be
ineffective based on traffic engineering studies.
Twelve-inch lenses on the intersection control beacon may be desirable to
enhance visibility at some locations.

4.5 Audio-Tone Signal Application

Pedestrian crosswalk signals with audio-tone application for the visually
handicapped are available, although fairly new on the market. The audio-tone,
if installed, should be activated from a push button control mounted on the
signal post. This will provide audio-tone only when needed.

4.6 Illumination
A. General. Transportation facility illumination enhances visual perception
of conditions or features that require additional driver or pedestrian
alertness. This is accomplished through the use of materials and
techniques that result in optimum energy efficient illumination designs.
B. References

Roadway Lighting Handbook, USDOT, Washington, D.C., December 1978.

AASHTO Pamphlet, An Informational Guide for Roadway Lighting.

WSDOT Directive D 22-21 Truck Weigh Stations and Vehicle Inspection

Facilities on State Highways.

National Electrical Code.

RCW 47.24.020.

Washington Administrative Code 468-18-040.

C. Definitions Area Designations

Page 4-2

Commercial Area. A district of continuous adjacent retail businesses at

least 1,000 feet in length, with lighted store fronts, parking lots, etc.

Intermediate Area. A partially built-up area consisting of approximately

50 percent adjacent land use for retail businesses at least 600feet in
length, with lighted store fronts, parking lots, etc.

Residential Area. An area of continuous residences with occasional

businesses where the local street grid has a continuous illumination

Rural Area. Areas not defined as commercial, intermediate, or residential.

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Chapter 4

Signals and Illumination

Ballast. An electrical device which provides the necessary voltage,

current, and wave form to start and operate an electrical discharge lamp.

Basic Illumination. The minimal amount ofillumination to be provided

atcertain transportation facilities.

Basic Interchange Illumination. The minimum amount of illumination

at interchanges which consists of two luminaires on each single or
double-lane on ramp, two luminaires on each single-lane off ramp, three
luminaires on each double-lane off ramp, and one luminaire at each rampcrossroad intersection.

Candela. A unit of luminous intensity equal to onelumen per steridian.

Candlepower. Luminous intensity expressed incandelas.

Contrast Ratio (CR):

Brightness. The ratio between the photometric brightness, measured in
foot lamberts, of any two relatively large areas inthe field of view.
Light. The ratio between the maximum and minimum light levels of
the design zone.

Coefficient of Utilization (CU). The percentage of the total light output

that actually falls on the area to be illuminated.

Dirt Factor (DF). A factor used in illumination calculations to relate the

initial illumination provided by a clean, new luminaire to the reduced
illumination caused by dirt accumulation on the luminaire components.
Adirt factor of 85percent is normally used.

Footcandle (fc). The unit of illumination used whenthe foot is the unit
oflength; the illumination of a surface one square foot in area on which is
uniformly distributed a flux of one lumen. A footcandle equals one lumen
per square foot.
Design footcandles (Dfc). The average light level on the roadway at
the end of rated life.
Initial footcandles (Ifc). The average light level on the roadway after
the first 200 hours ofoperation.

Foot Lambert. A unit of luminance equal to 1/3.14 candela per square

footor to the uniform luminance of a perfectly diffusing surface emitting
or reflecting light at the rate of one lumen per square foot.

Glare. The effect of brightness or brightness differences within the

visual field sufficiently high to cause annoyance, discomfort, or loss of

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Signals and Illumination

Page 4-4

Chapter 4

Hours of Darkness. The time from sunset tosunrise, inclusive of summer

and winter conditions.

IES Distribution. Light patterns for luminaires consistent with the

Illumination Engineering Society standards for various patterns and

Isolux Diagram. A graphical representation of points of equal

illumination connected by a continuous line. These diagrams usually show
footcandle values on a horizontal plane from a single unit having a definite

Lamp Lumens (LL). The total light output from alamp for the
position in which the lamp is maintained. LL for a standard luminaire is

Lamp Lumen Depreciation Factor (LF). The factor used in illumination

calculations to relate initial rated output to the anticipated output at
replacement time. This factor is 0.73 for high pressure sodium sources.
Consult manufacturers data for other sources.

Light. Radiant energy capable of producing a visualsensation.

Light Standard. A support provided with necessary attachments for

wiring and luminaire mounting. See Standard Plan J-1.

Lumen. A unit of luminous flux; equal to the flux emitted through a

unit solid angle (one steridian) from a uniform point light source of one

Luminance. In roadway lighting luminance is the reflected light from

thepavement surface that is visible to the motorists eye.

Luminaire. The complete lighting unit inclusive of the lamp or light

source; the optical system for the control of the light distribution; and the
ballast for electrical regulation. The standard luminaire is a cobra head
fixture with a Type III medium cutoff distribution, a 310 watt lamp and
a flat glass refractor. Decorative cutoff fixtures may be considered for
parking area applications.

Maintenance Factor (MF). The percentage of light degeneration through

the life of the lamp equal to the product of the lamp lumen depreciation
factor (LF) times the dirt factor (DF). The LF for high pressure sodium
lamps is 62 percent.

Major Parking Lot. Major parking lots for park and ride, carpool,
and ferry terminal facilities are those with nighttime usage exceeding
50vehicles during the nighttime peak hour.

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October 2009

Chapter 4

Signals and Illumination

Mounting Height (MH). The vertical distance between the surface to be

illuminated and the center of the light source of the luminaire. Standard
mounting height is 40 feet. When nonstandard luminaires are approved,
the mounting heights noted in Figure4-5 are recommended.

Mounting Height Factor (MHF). A factor used in illumination

uniformity calculations to correct light values when a different mounting
height than the one on the isolux curve is used.

Nighttime. The period of time from one-half hour after sunset to one-half
hour before sunrise and any other time when persons or objects may not
be clearly discernible at a distance of 500feet (RCW 46.04.200 Hours

Photometrics. The isolux diagram and coefficient of utilization plot for

aparticular luminaire and light source.

Spacing (S). The distance in feet measured on centerline between adjacent

luminaires. Spacing (S) is equal to the lamp lumens (LL) times the
coefficient of utilization (CU) times the maintenance factor (MF) divided
by the width (W) and the design footcandle value (Dfc).

Security Lighting. The techniques of providing low level lighting for

public safety or theft reduction. Security lighting is not subject to any
lighting uniformity requirements.

Uniformity Ratio (UR). The ratio of the average light level on a section
to the weak point light level of the same section for those applications
when uniformity rates applies. The minimum uniformity rates are 4:1
approaching 1:1. Uniformity ratio requirements do not apply to security
orsingle source applications.

Walkway. The connection between two areas over which the user is
required to travel in order to utilize available services. Typical examples
are as follows:
Walkways between parking areas and rest room buildings at rest areas.
Walkways between drop-off or pick-up points and bus loading areas
atflyer stops.
Walkways between parking areas and bus loading areas.

For the purpose of this section bicycle trails, walking trails, pet trails, etc.,
are not considered walkways.

Weak Point Light (WPL). The lowest light level within the area being
illuminated. The minimum WPL is 0.2 footcandles for applications where
uniformity criteria applies.

Width of the Area to Be Illuminated. This measurement is from edge of

traveled way to edge of traveled way for highway lighting applications.

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Signals and Illumination

Chapter 4

D. Approval Requirements
1. General. WSDOT is responsible for illumination on state highways
with access control regardless of location and for illumination of
highways without access control located outside of the corporate
limits of any city. Cities are responsible for illumination of state
highways without access control located within their corporate
limits. In cities with a population under 22,500 where the state is
responsible for signalization, the state may assume responsibility
forillumination installed on signal standards in the interest of

When the State Traffic Engineers approval is required, it will

beobtained through the design deviation approval process. See
DesignManual Chapter 330.

2. Basic Illumination. Basic illumination is required at the following

Freeway ramp gore areas.
Ramp terminals.
Channelized intersections.
Signalized intersections.
Railroad crossings with gates or signals provided there is nighttime
train traffic.
Loading areas at flyer stops.
Major parking lots.
Rest areas.
Scale platforms at weigh stations.

Any proposal that provides less than or more than basic illumination
at these facilities requires approval of the State Traffic Engineer.
Basicillumination applications are shown on Figures41, 4-2, and 4-3.

3. Illumination Beyond Basic Levels. Illumination at the locations listed

below is divided into two categories depending on whetherapproval
by the State Traffic Engineer is required.

Approval by the State Traffic Engineer is required for illuminating the

following facilities:
All highways with or without access control.
Unsignalized or unchannelized intersections.
Tunnels, underpasses, and lids.

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Chapter 4

Signals and Illumination

Illumination of the following facilities will not require the State Traffic
Engineers approval.
Construction zones.
Railroad crossings without gates or signals.
Bicycle trails.
Minor parking lots.
Pavement transitions, including drop lanes.

4. Nonstandard Features. Approval by the State Traffic Engineer is

required for any proposal that incorporates lighting equipment or
features other than those identified as standard in the TrafficManual.
E. Warrants
1. General. Proposals to install additional lighting at basic illumination
locations and to illuminate other locations requires satisfying
thewarranting conditions listed below. When volumes are used to
determine the level of service, the counts should be taken during the
nighttime peak hour.

Peaking characteristics in urban areas are related to clock time.

Traffic counts taken during daylight hours after 4:30 p.m. and before
7:30a.m. may be used to satisfy nighttime volume warrants providing
seasonal adjustment factors have been applied to demonstrate warrant
satisfaction for the applicable portions of the months of November,
December, and January.

When accidents are used to warrant illumination, the ratio of

nighttime to daytime accidents shouldbe at least 1.5 times higher
than the average for similar locations, and a study should indicate
that illumination will result in a reduction in nighttime accidents.
When comparing similar locations, volumes, speed, land use, and
accesscontrol should be similar.

2. Highways With Access Control. All roadways within the limits of

access control are covered in this category and include mainline,
ramps, and crossroads.
a. Mainline. Illumination is warranted whenthe nighttime peak
hour level of service is D or below and any two of the following
conditions occur:
Three or more successive interchanges are located within an
average spacing of 1miles orless.

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Signals and Illumination

Chapter 4

The segment is in an urban area.

The nighttime accident warrant is satisfied.
b. Ramps. Illumination is warranted when any of the following
conditions occur:
Nighttime peak hour level of service is D or worse.
Complex ramp alignment and grade.
There are routine queues of five or more vehicles per
lane during darkness due to traffic control features at the
The exit advisory speed is more than 20mph below the posted
mainline speed.
The nighttime accident warrant is satisfied.
c. Crossroads. Illumination is warranted if any of the following
conditions occur:
Nighttime peak hour level of service is D or below.
The nighttime accident warrant is satisfied.
3. Highways Without Access Control. Illumination is warranted if the
segment is classified as commercial and the nighttime level of service
is D or the nighttime accident warrant is satisfied.
4. Intersections. Illumination of unsignalized andunchannelized
intersections is warranted if channelization warrants are satisfied or
thenighttime accident warrant is satisfied.
5. Tunnels, Underpasses, and Lids. Daytime illumination is warranted
if portal conditions result in a condition where brightness reduction is
greater than 15 times and the length to vertical clearance ratio is ten to
one or greater.
6. Construction Zones. Illumination may be warranted if construction
activities take place on theroadway at night.
7. Detours. Illumination is warranted if detour alignment and grade are
unusual or result in unexpected maneuvers.
8. Minor Parking Lots. Security lighting is warranted if vandalism or
security problems have developed or are anticipated.
9. Bridges. Warrants for illuminating bridges are the same as those for
highways with or without access control, whichever is applicable.

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Signals and Illumination

10. Railroad Crossing Without Gates or Signals. Illumination of these

facilities is warranted if there are potential nighttime accidents. The
extent of nighttime train activity should be taken into consideration.
Also, if there is the probability that railroad cars may be stopped on
thecrossing during the nighttime, lighting should be considered.
11. Walkways and Trails. Security lighting is warranted if security
problems have developed or are anticipated.
F. Design Report. The design report shall note the following:
The facilities where basic illumination is proposed.
Justification for any proposal to install less than or more than the
lighting required for basic illumination.
Justification for any proposal to install illumination at other highway
The status of existing illumination before, during, and after
G. Design Criteria
1. Roadway Light Levels. Design light levels are indicated in
Figure4-4. These levels are the minimum average levels to be
provided on the roadway at end of rated lamp life for applications
requiring a spacing calculation. Light level requirements do not apply
to single source or security level installations.

When illumination is proposed for a roadway with a radius of 450 feet

or less, it may be necessary to reduce spacing, thereby increasing the
average light level in order to achieve uniformity ratio requirements.

Light levels at railroad crossing shall be consistent with the area

classification and highway functional classification.

2. Nonhighway Light Levels. Average, maintained end-of-rated-life

light levels for various types of nonhighway facilities are indicated
inFigure 4-4.

Security light levels are defined as follows:

Park and Ride Lots, Ferry Terminal Parking Lots.Approximately
one-fourth of the luminaires required for full illumination are lefton.
Rest Area Parking Areas. Typically two luminaires per parking area.
Walkways. Luminaires provided at angle points and shadow areas.
Bus Loading Zone. One luminaire in the immediate vicinity of the
loading zone.
Weight Stations. One luminaire at the public telephone, if any.

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Signals and Illumination

Chapter 4

3. Light Levels for Special Applications

a. Short tunnels and underpasses with length to vertical clearance
ratios of 10:1 or less will normally not require daytime
illumination. Short tunnels with length to vertical clearance ratios
greater than 10:1 will be treated the same as an entrance zone on a
long tunnel to establish daytime light levels. Nighttime light levels
in short tunnels on continuously illuminated roadways should be
approximately two times, but not exceeding three times, the light
level required on the roadway outside the tunnel. Nighttime light
levels in short tunnels on noncontinuously illuminated roadways
should be consistent with Figure 4-4.
b. Long tunnels have a portal to portal length greater than the wet
pavement stopping sight distance. Long tunnels are divided into
zones for the determination of daytime light levels. Each zone
is equal in length to the wet pavement stopping sight distance.
The entrance zone beginning point is usually taken to be a point
outside the portal where the motorists view is confined to the
predominance of the darkened tunnel structure.

The entrance zone light level is dependent upon the brightness

of the features within the motorists view on the portal approach.
The brightness level is defined as the average brightness measured
over a 20 degree cone at apoint 500 feet in advance of the portal.
The entrance zone light level produced within the tunnel must be
sufficient to provide a brightness level of approximately 1/15 of the
measured portal brightness, after adjustment for the reflectivity of
the roadway, walls, and ceiling.

Successive zones should have a daytime light level of 1/15 of the

previous zone light level until a minimum value of 5 foot candles

Requirements for nighttime light levels for long tunnels are the
same as those noted for short tunnels.

4. Control Requirements. The control requirements for various types

ofillumination systems will vary with the application as follows:
a. Continuous Nighttime Operation. Controls for continuous
nighttime operation will normally consist of a photocell for sunset
turn-on and sunrise turn-off. The following types of applications
will have controls for continuous nighttime operations.
All basic interchange illumination on access controlled
All illumination in excess of basic levels that was installed by
special condition warrant on access controlled highways.

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Chapter 4

Signals and Illumination

Illumination at intersections.
Illumination at railroad crossings.
Security lighting at bus loading zones at park and ride lots, and
at flyerstops.
Security lighting in parking areas at park and ride lots, ferry
terminals, and pool-it lots.
Illumination for walkways at park and ride lots, flyer stops,
ferry terminals, and rest areas.
Illumination for parking areas and conflict points at rest areas.
Detour illumination.
Construction illumination.
Illumination installed on nonaccess controlled highways by
accident warrant.
The single luminaire in the vicinity of the public telephone at
truck weigh stations.
b. Continuous Nighttime Operation With Reduction Capability.
Controls for these applications will normally consist of a photocell
control for sunset turn-on and sunrise turn-off along with another
mechanism capable of providing independent nighttime turn-off
and turn-on. This mechanism will override photocell control only
during periods of energy crisis. The following applications will
require this type of control:
Illumination in excess of basic levels on access controlled
Illumination in excess of basic levels installed on ramp
segments because of nighttime backups that routinely occur
due to ramp terminal intersection control.
c. Noncontinuous Nighttime Operations. Controls for these
applications will normally consist of a photocell control for
sunset turn-on and sunrise turn-off along with another mechanism
capable of providing independent nighttime turn-on and turnoff. This mechanism will override photocell control on a regular
basis, during periods of low use. If requested by the WSP,
manual switching may be provided inside scale houses at truck
weigh stations. The following applications will require this type
Illumination in excess of security levels in parking areas at
park and ride lots, ferry terminals, and pool-it lots.

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Signals and Illumination

Chapter 4

Illumination in excess of security levels atbus loading areas at

park and ride lots and flyer stops.
Illumination in excess of security levels at truck weigh stations.
d. Special Applications. Some special applications, such as tunnels
with daytime lighting, will require special controls. Circuits
for fixtures providing nighttime light levels will be energized
continuously throughout the day. Minimum daytime lightlevels,
entrance zone light levels, and any subsequent zone light levels
will be accomplished with fixtures in addition to continuously
burning nighttime light level fixtures. In most cases, fixtures
providing light levels in addition to minimum daytime light levels
will be provided with controls so that reduced light levels can be
achieved during periods when the portal brightness is less than the
design value.
5. Wiring Design
a. Line Loss. Line loss is the voltage drop between the electrical
service and the electrical load. Line loss usually controls wire
size determination rather than the allowable ampacities listed in
Chapter 3 of the National Electric Code. For design purposes,
allowable line loss is assumed to be a function of the stage of plan
development and the ballast characteristics of the luminaire being
utilized. See Figure4-6 for allowable line loss and lamp load

Loads shall be determined by dividing the lamp wattage by the

voltage and then multiplying by the appropriate lamp load factor.

Construction illumination circuits and other temporary circuits

that are both installed and removed on the same contract may be
designed for 10 percent line loss.

b. Voltages. Illumination systems should operate on 240 or 480 volts,

single phase.
c. Wire Size. The minimum wire used by any illumination circuit is
No. 8, except for the No.10 pole and bracket cable included within
the light standard. The ampacity of thewire, exclusive of pole and
bracket cable which is protected by fusing, shall equal or exceed
the branch breaker rating.
d. Wire Type. With the exception of temporary aerial installations
where aluminum conductors are allowed, all wiring from the
service on shall be copper.

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Chapter 4

Signals and Illumination

6. Conduit. Conduits carrying illumination circuits are to be sized

to provide 26 percent fill, maximum, with 1-inch minimum size
underall roadways and 1-inch minimum size at otherlocations.
7. Luminaire Support Locations. Luminaire supports will normally
be located 16 feet from the edge of the traveled lane pavement on the
right of the roadway with respect to the driving direction.
8. Base Types. Luminaire supports are installed with either fixed base or
slip base. The pole schedule in the plans should indicate the required
base type. Fixed bases are installed at locations where it is either
unwarranted or undesirable to install a slip base. Locations where
fixedbases are normally installed are:
Parking areas.
Where the support location is outside the clearzone.
Median lighting applications where the luminaire support is
mounted on cast-in-place median barrier.
Behind traffic barrier provided the traffic barrier is warranted for
reasons other than the luminaire support installation.

Fixed based may be considered for roadways with speeds under

30mph with considerable adjacent pedestrian activity.

9. Overcurrent Devices. Branch breakers are to be sized to carry

140percent minimum of the computed illumination load. Loads
should be computed in accordance with the lamp load factors noted
inFigure 4-6.

Main breakers are to be sized to carry 140percent minimum of the

computed illumination load in addition to 125 percent minimum of all
other loads on the service. The minimum size main breaker shall be

Lighting contactors are used to switch the lighting circuits. Lighting

contactors shall be rated to equal or exceed the branch breaker rating
for the circuit it switches. Lighting contactors are available in 30, 60,
and 100 AMP ratings.

H. Example Applications
1. Spacing and Uniformity Ratio Calculation. Determine the spacing
and uniformity ratio for the intersection in Figure 47. Channelization
is painted, highway class is other, and area classification is
intermediate. Utilize standard luminaires, standard mounting height
and standard base location.

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Signals and Illumination

Chapter 4

Design values are:

Approach Design Footcandles (Dfc) = 0.8 fc, Figures 4-3 and 4-4.
Intersection Design Footcandles (Dfc) = 1.5 x0.8 fc = 1.2 fc,
Figure 4-4.
Uniformity Ratio (UR) = 4:1.
Weak Point Light (WPL) = 0.2 fc.
Mounting Height (MH) = 40 feet.
Luminaire = 310 watt high pressure sodium.
Dirt Factor (DF) = 0.85.
Lamp Lumen Depreciation Factor (LF) = 0.73.
Maintenance Factor (MF) = DC x LF = 0.85 x 0.73 = 0.62.
Roadway Width (W) = 39 feet, Figure 4-7.
Initial Lamp Lumens (LL) = 37,000 lumen.

The formula for spacing is:

S =


Dfc W

Initial Lamp Lumens
Coefficient of Utilization
Maintenance Factor
Design Footcandles
Roadway Width

The CU is determined from the utilization curve on Figure 4-8.

Theratio of transverse width (TW)to mounting height (MH) is 39/40
or 0.97. From Figure4-8 the CU is 0.26.

Spacing for the intersection can now be calculated.

37,000 0.26 0.62
S =
= 127 feet
1.2 39

Round odd spacing down to the nearest 10 foot increment, therefore,
S= 120 feet. Reducing spacing increases Dfc. The adjusted Dfc is:

Dfc = 1.2
= 1.27 fc

Check uniformity at mid spacing in center of the roadway.

Page 4-14

UR =

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Chapter 4

Signals and Illumination

The weak point light is determined by entering the isocandle curves


The ratio of transverse distance to mounting height at midpoint is

39/(2x40) = 0.48. The ratio of longitudinal distance to mounting height
is 120/(2x40) = 1.5. From Figure 4-8 a value of 0.035 is determined.
This value must be doubled since two luminaires are contributing light
on the point. The value must also be adjusted for the lumen output
of the lamp, the lamp maintenance (MF) and for mounting height
correction (MHF).
37,000 MF MHF
WPL = chart value 2

The mounting height correction factor (MHF) is 0.56 from Figure4-8.

WPL = 0.035 2 37 0.62 0.56 = 0.9 fc

UR =
= 1.4:1 0K
WPL 0.9 fc

Light standard A can now be located as indicated onFigure 4-7.

Check to see if 0.2 fc is provided at the left turn lane full width point.

135 ft/40 ft = 3.37 MH

Entering Figure 4-8 a chart value of 0.008fc is determined.

WPL = 0.008 x 37 x 0.62 x 0.56 = 0.10fc

Since 0.10 fc is less than 0.20 fc, additional light standards will be
required to illuminate the approach. A new calculation is required
sincethe design light level on the approach is 0.8 fc versus 1.2 fc
forthe intersection.
37,000 0.26 0.62
X =
= 191 feet
39 0.8

Round to 190 feet and adjust Dfc

Dfc = 0.8
= 0.80 fc

Check WPL at half spacing in the center of theroadway.

Entering Figure 4-8 at 190 (2 x 40) or 2.37 longitudinal and

39 / (2 x 40) or 0.48 transverse yields a chart value of 0.017.
WPL = 0.017 x 2 x 37 x 0.62 x 0.56 or 0.44 fc.
UR =
= 1.8:1

Locate luminaires C & D at 190 feet spacing.

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Signals and Illumination

Chapter 4

2. Line Loss Calculation. Determine the wiring requirements for

thecircuit in Figure 4-9. The wiring is installed in conduit and
conductors are copper. Ultimate loads are known. Service voltage
is 240. Luminaires are 310 watt high-pressure sodium vapor. From
Figure4-6 the lamp load factor is 1.2 and the maximum allowable
lineloss is 8percent.

The load at each luminaire is:

310 watts
1.2 = 1.55 amps
240 volts

The maximum voltage drop is:

240 volts x 0.08 = 19.2 volts

Line loss is computed in ampere-feet and is the current in the circuit

times the distance to the load. Typically the circuit segments with the
greatest length and load will control. On this basis the line loss table in
Figure 4-11 can be computed. The circuit segment from Luminaire 1 to
the service has the highest line loss.

First check No. 8 wiring. From Figure 4-12, the lineloss is:




= 15.0 volts



= 6.0 volts



= 1.2 volts



= 22.2 volts

> 19.2 volts. Not good.

Try changing the wiring from the service to Luminaire 5 to No. 6 wire
with the remainder No.8wire.
Service to 5 (10,850 amp-ft) No. 6
10,000 amp-ft = 9.7 volts
900 amp-ft = 0.9 volts
10,900 amp-ft = 10.6 volts
5 to 1 (14,800 - 10,900
= 3,900 amp-ft) No. 8
3,000 amp-ft = 4.5 volts
900 amp-ft = 1.4 volts
3,900 amp-ft = 5.9 volts

The line loss to Luminaire 1 is:

Page 4-16

10.6 + 5.9 = 16.5 volts which is less than 19.2volts maximum


Final wire sizes are shown in Figure 4-10.

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

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Chapter 4

Signals and Illumination

Figure 4-1

Figure 4-1

Traffic Manual
July 1993

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October 2009

Page 4-11

Page 4-17

Signals and Illumination

Signals and Illumination

Chapter 4

Figure 4-2

Figure 4-2

Page 4-12

Page 4-18

Traffic Manual
July 1993
WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03
October 2009

Chapter 4

Signals and Illumination

Signals and Illumination

Figure 4-3

Traffic Manual
July 1993

Page 4-13

Figure 4-3

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October 2009

Page 4-19

Signals and Illumination

Chapter 4

Average Maintained Horizontal Illumination Levels (Foot Candles)

Highway Applications
Area Classification
Highway Class
Commercial Intermediate Residential
Full Access Cont. Divided
Construction Lanes and Detours
Non-Highway Applications
Park & Ride Lots
Flyer Stops
Ferry Terminals
Rest Areas
2 Luminaires
Pool-It Lots
Weigh Stations
2 Luminaires
*Increase light level by 50 percent at intersections where more than one light standard is installed.

Figure 4-4

High Pressue Sodium

Mounting Height (Ft)
Recommended Mounting Heights
Figure 4-5

High Pressure Sodium
Metal Halide
Mercury Vapor

Lamp Load Factor


Maximum Line Loss

Ultimate Loads
Ultimate Loads

Line Loss and Lamp Load Factor Requirements

Figure 4-6

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October 2009

Chapter 4
Signals and Illumination

Signals and Illumination

Figure 4-7

Figure 4-7

Page 4-16

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October 2009

Traffic Manual
July 1993

Page 4-21

Signals and Illumination

Chapter 4

Figure 4-8

Figure 4-8
Traffic Manual
July 1993

Page 4-22

Page 4-17

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Chapter 4

Signals and Illumination

Figure 4-9

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Signals and Illumination

Chapter 4

Figure 4-10

Page 4-24

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Chapter 4

Load No.

Signals and Illumination

Load (A)

Loads (A)

Distance (D)

A x D (AMP-FT)





Say 14, 800
Say 12,800

Line Loss Table

Figure 4-11

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Signals and Illumination



Chapter 4





Volts Drop























































































































































































































































































































Voltage Drop for Aluminum Conductors

(Aerial Installation Only, Underground Installation Prohibited)
Power Factor 100 Percent Single Phase 2 Wire
Figure 4-12

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Chapter 4


Signals and Illumination









Volts Drop




98.5 123.0 153.0 194.0 306.0 483.0





98.4 122.0 155.0 244.0 386.0






91.8 116.0 184.0 290.0 450.0







77.6 122.0 193.0 300.0 480.0









96.6 150.0 240.0 384.0









87.0 135.0 216.0 345.0









77.3 120.0 192.0 307.0 487.0









67.6 105.0 168.0 269.0 426.0










90.0 144.0 230.0 365.0










74.9 120.0 192.0 304.4











96.0 154.0 234.0











72.0 115.0 182.0












76.8 122.0














































































































































































































































Voltage Drop for Copper Conductors

(In Conduit or Aerial Installtion)
Power Factor 100 Percent Single Phase 2 Wire
Figure 4-13

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Signals and Illumination

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Chapter 4

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October 2009

Chapter 5

Work Zone Traffic Control

5.1 General
Work zone traffic control is a major aspect of any roadway project. It must
be designed from the motorists point of view to provide the motorists with
the necessary information to proceed in a safe and orderly manner through a
construction or maintenance work zone which may have unexpected roadway
conditions, changes in alignment, and temporary roadside obstacles relating
to the work activity. The sudden transition to tighter geometrics and the
closer proximity of traffic control must be incorporated into the work area
inamanner that will minimize driver uncertainty. Effective work zone traffic
control is the result of strategy planning, plan development and preparation,
and field applications. The goal of any work zone traffic control plan is to
allow no reduction in the level of service for traffic.
TCP (Traffic Control Plans) must be included in the PS&E to provide for the
orderly movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic through construction
andmaintenance areas.
No single standard sequence of signs or other traffic control devices can
be used as an inflexible arrangement for all situations due to the variety
ofroadway and traffic conditions that may be present in a roadway project.
ATCP that adequately address the variables motorists will encounter on each
specific project are generally preferred

5.2 Principles
Guidelines for TCPs are found in Section VI of the Manual on Uniform
Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Section VI details the fundamental
principles of temporary traffic control, including the design and erection of
signing, traffic control layout, pavement markings, delineation, lighting, and
flagging standards. This chapter sets forth specific principles for designing
A. Traffic Control Features
1. Lane Geometry. The approach lane width should be equaled or
exceeded throughout the connection. The minimum allowable lane
width is 10feet. Design the lane and the lane width reductions prior
toany lane shifts within the transition area.

Every effort should be made to maintain an approach speed that

matches the design speed of the facility. Where this is not possible,
a10mph reduced speed advisory, posted with a warning sign which
tells the driver of the hazard, is considered maximum per speed

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Work Zone Traffic Control

Chapter 5

change. Design for the highest design speed allowed with respect
to curve radii. Curve radii and lane width should not be reduced

The objective is to use lane geometrics that will be clear to the driver
and keep the vehicle in the intended lane. Lane lines and construction
joints must be treated to provide a smooth flow through the transition
area. It may also be necessary to modify or remove other existing
traffic control devices.

2. Physical Barriers. There are three types of barrier protection used

in construction workzones: water-filled barriers, moveable barrier,
and concrete barriers. Several items as summarized below must be
considered when determining their use.

Water-filled Barriers
Short-term projects (zero to three days) for a minimum 100-foot
Do not use in lane transitions until further testing has been done
or unless the situation meets with manufacturers specifications.
Inthe case of an open construction work area, use in conjunction
with TMAs.
Evaluate risk and site conditions and if used, follow manufacturers
guidelines and specifications. Provide chart for Washington State
Department of Transportation (WSDOT) designers to use which
shows deflection based on speed of vehicle.

Moveable Barriers
High volume traffic conditions with very short-term lane closures.
Continuous operation over extended period of time, where there is
a need to get the lane back in operation at some point in the day.
(Could be used in lieu of reduced lane widths or lane reduction,
i.e., HOV lane additions; wall next to roadway.)

Temporary Concrete Barriers

High speed roadways and areas where there is a high potential
forinjury to workers (i.e., internal lane work).
Work zones in no escape areas such as tunnels, bridges, lane
expansion work, etc.
Long-term, stationary jobs (work that occupies a location more
than three days).

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Chapter 5

Work Zone Traffic Control

Worker and traveling public exposure considerations such as

high speed and volume of traffic, when workers are not protected
by vehicle, and in proximity to traffic (concrete slab repair

Temporary concrete barriers are normally installed for:

a. The operation of opposing traffic where two-way traffic must be
maintained on one roadway of a normally divided highway for
anextended period of time.
b. The separation of opposing traffic where a four-lane divided
highway transitions to a two-lane, two-way roadway that is being
upgraded to become a divided four-lane roadway.
c. Projects where existing safety features such as bridge rail or
guardrail are removed.

A 2-foot minimum shy distance is normally provided between the lane

edge and the near edge of the separation barrier.

It may be necessary to utilize a portion of the roadway shoulder to

provide the roadway width needed for the barrier use.

In areas where temporary concrete barriers cannot be installed, drums,

cones, barricades, or vertical panels can be used as an acceptable
alternate. However, temporary concrete barriers must be used in the
transition areas between multilane and twolane, two-way roadways,
and as described in (c) above.

Exposed ends of concrete barriers must be located outside the clear

zone and adequately flared, or have a crashworthy end treatment.

Where drums, cones, etc., are used, consistent patterns of the devices
are important to help alleviate driver confusion. Random mixing of
these devices at any given location is undesirable.

Where positive barriers are not used throughout a two-way connection,

warning lights may be used tomark opposing traffic separation devices.

3. Illumination. Full lighting is normally provided through traffic

control areas where power is available. Illumination will be placed
inaccordance with Chapter 840 of the Design Manual M 22-01.
4. Delineation. Removable temporary or painted lane lines and edge
lines are normally used to delineate the roadway. These pavement
markings are preferred for shifts in travelway alignment. Type2 raised
pavement markers and guideposts may be used to accentuate the lane
and edge lines in illuminated areas.

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Work Zone Traffic Control

Chapter 5

In areas where power for illumination is not available, reflective

devices must be used to delineate the traveled way for nighttime
driving. Guideposts provide eye-level delineation, while Type2 raised
pavement markers provide lane line delineation. Reflective devices are
also installed on temporary concrete barriers used in transition areas
and/or to separate opposing traffic.

When concrete barrier is used, lateral clearance markers may be

installed at the barriers angle points and at other locations along the
barrier whereadditional delineation may be needed.

Pavement marking arrows are placed in lanes to indicate direction


Delineation guidelines are shown in Chapter 830 of the Design Manual.

5. Speed Limit or Speed Advisory Signing. As part of the design

process for construction and projects for maintenance, speed
reductions are an option requiring a thorough traffic analysis
conducted prior to making a change. For emergency and other
necessary speed reductions, guidelines are outlined in RCW 47.38.020,
WSDOT Construction Manual M 41-01, and Directive D55-20
Reduced Speed in Maintenance and Construction Zones.

When a change of speed is necessary, a request for change of speed

limit must be submitted to the regional Traffic Control Engineer.
When regulatory speed limit reduction or advisory speed signing is
necessary, use the letters XX to represent the speed limit on the TCP.
The actual posted speed indicated on the signs is determined prior to
opening the temporary connection.

Some items to consider when reducing speeds inwork zones because

of worker safety include:
Post speed limit signs in the work zone. When speed limit is
lowered and enforced (monitored by WSP/local law enforcement),
ensure work zone is adequately signed.
Post regulatory speed limit signs for work hours only (identify
hours when the limit is in effect if condition for speed limit
reduction is not present when work is not being conducted).
Remove signs when reduced speed limit is not inaffect.
Use variable message signs more frequently (as a supplement to
standard signs) to display either advisory speeds or regulatory
speed limits and explain the activity requiring the reduction.

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Chapter 5

Work Zone Traffic Control

6. Variable Message Signs. Per the MUTCD, the primary purpose of

VMS in temporary traffic control zones is to advise the driver of
unexpected traffic and routing situations. Some typical situations can
include the following:
Where speed of traffic is expected to drop substantially.
Where significant queuing and delays are expected.
Where adverse environmental conditions are present.
Where there are changes in alignment or surface conditions.
To provide advance notice of ramp, lane, or roadway closures.
For accident or incident management.

Operators must always be aware of what the arrow board is

displaying.Keep displays appropriate and when not needed, turn
themoff. Forinstance, when the vehicle or arrow board is placed on
the right shoulder, never display the right arrow because it would
move people off the shoulder/road and be potentially hazardous to
drivers/workers. This also applies to left arrow usage in the left
lane/shoulder placement.

Make messages clear and brief. Keep messages to a maximum of

two panels. If special messages are necessary, be consistent with
conventional signs and standards normally used. Whenever possible,
use the pre-programmed canned messages that the VMS is

7. Truck Mounted Attenuators (TMAs). Items to consider for

determining TMA use:
Speed of Traffic: Higher operating speeds leave less time for
response, and impacts at higher speeds generally result in more
severe injuries and damage. Therefore, activities on facilities with
high speed limits are likely to entail more frequent and more severe
incidents than are activities on facilities with low speedlimits.
Type of activity: moving, intermittent, or stationary.
Duration of project.
Roadway environment: access controlled vs. non-access
controlled, urban vs. rural; and geometrics of roadway. Access
controlled facilities frequently give drivers a false sense of
securityresulting in a lower expectation of interruptions to free
traffic flow. Therefore, activities on freeways may be more likely
to become involved in incidents than are activities on non-access
controlled facilities where most drivers are operating at a higher
state ofalertness.

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Work Zone Traffic Control

Chapter 5

Traffic volumes which relate directly to worker exposure.

Exposure to special hazards: Operations involving personnel on
foot or located in exposed positions on or within work vehicles (for
example, on the platform of a cone pickup truck or in a lift-bucket
performing overhead operations) are particularly susceptible to
high severityincidents.
Location of work area: Locations of primary concern are those
within the traveled lanes and those within all-weather frequently
used shoulders. Activities taking place within the traveled lanes
are more likely to become involved in an incident than are

Some suggested priorities for the application of truck-mounted

attenuators are contained in Figure 5-2.

8. Use of Flaggers. Flaggers should be employed only when all other

methods of traffic control are inadequate to warn and direct traffic.
They should be used prudently when signing and other methods cannot
work. The use of more innovative, restrictive, traffic control methods
such as signs, signals, channelization, etc., should be considered.

Flaggers must be part of an approved Traffic Control Plan and included

in the initial design.

On high speed locations, post speed advisory plaques with appropriate

warning signs and other innovative traffic control methods, preceding
flaggers, to slow the traffic down and to let drivers know there are
people ahead.

Flaggers should not be used when there is no intention to control traffic.

Use of flaggers should be consistent between regions/offices/locations

for like jobs. For instance, use flaggers for the following conditions:
Slow Traffic. Do not rely solely on flaggers to slow the traffic;
supplement with traffic control set up (i.e., simplify traffic flow,
restrict traffic flow).
Direct Traffic. The flagger is sometimes necessary to keep
trafficfrom following work vehicles into the work zone.
Theyareresponsible for redirecting vehicles back into the
Stop Traffic.

9. Use of Enhanced Enforcement. For use of enforcement, the initial

determination should be based on engineering judgment (between
maintenance/construction office and district traffic office) considering
the type of construction activity, complexity of the traffic control

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Chapter 5

Work Zone Traffic Control

plan, possible speed reduction needs, traffic volumes, nighttime work

activity, geometric conditions, associated cost for use of enforcement
(cost benefit analysis), and actual traffic problems observed as the
work progresses.

Enhanced enforcement in the work zone is recommended to:

Provide single stationary patrol car for work zones where the
work area is less than 1,000 feet in length. (This is the length of
the actual work area and excludes the advance warning, taper,
andbuffer spaces before and after the actual work zone.)
Provide two or more stationary patrol vehicles for work zones with
a work area greater than 1,000 feet in length. (This is the length
of the actual work area excluding the advance warning, taper, and
buffer spaces before and after the actual work zone). The WSP
stated that use of two troopers (one set up at the start of the project
who would radio to the trooper at the end of the project) works
best for enforcement. One trooper would be available to transport
individuals as needed and one trooper would remain to cover the
work zone.

B. Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety. Special consideration must be given to

the safe accommodation of pedestrians when the work zone encroaches
upon a sidewalk, crosswalk, or other areas used by the pedestrian.

Where walkways are closed by construction or maintenance, provide

an alternate walkway when feasible. Where it is necessary to divert
pedestrians into the parking lane of a street, provide barricades and
delineation to separate the pedestrian walkway from the adjacent traffic
lane. Pedestrians should not be diverted into a portion of the street used
forvehicular traffic. At locations where adjacent alternate walkways
cannot be provided, post appropriate signs at the limits of construction
andin advance of the closure at the nearest crosswalk or intersection to
divert pedestrians across the street.

When overhead work could endanger pedestrians, it may be necessary to

install a fixed pedestrian walkway of the fence or canopy type to protect
and control pedestrians. In such cases, wood and chain link fencing can
be used with warning lights and illumination to warn and guide both
pedestrians and motorists.

Fences around a construction area are often necessary. They are

constructed in conjunction with a special pedestrian walkway around deep
excavations, or when pedestrian access to the job site is not desirable.
Installation of such fencing must consider relocation of existing control
devices and facilities such as traffic signals, pedestrian signals, traffic
signs, and parking meters. Open mesh or other suitable fencing may be
needed at intersections to ensure adequate sight distance.

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Work Zone Traffic Control

Chapter 5

When the work zone encroaches upon a bicycle path, an alternate route
should be considered and provided for cyclists where feasible. Bicycles
should not normally be directed into the same path used by pedestrians.
See Part IX of the MUTCD for details on bicycle traffic control.

Appropriate considerations should be made for traffic control operations

that are conducted during the hours of darkness.

C. Types of Work Zones. Anticipated work zones are categorized as:

(1)Short-Term Stationary, (2) Continuous Moving, and (3) Long-Term
Stationary. Different criteria will apply to the design and planning of
the necessary traffic control measures for each of these categories.
Thefollowing is a generalized description of the characteristics for
thesethreetypes of work zones.
1. Short-Term Stationary. In this type of work zone, situations exist
where the work activity is of a very short time, such as, picking up
obstacles or inspecting a culvert for debris. For these very short-time
work periods, a flashing/rotating beacon in addition to the vehicles
four-way flashers may give drivers, approaching on sections of
highway that have no restrictions to sight distance, adequate warning.
When the drivers sight distance is obscured by roadside obstacles
or the roadway geometry, appropriate advance warning signs, and/or
other traffic control devices, are required.

Advance warning signs should be used if the shortterm activity is

repetitive after moving only a short distance. The signs selected should
be appropriate for the operation and the signs should be moved ahead
as required in order to maintain an appropriate spacing between the
warning signs and the activity. The maximum advisable distance
between the advance warning signs and the work activity is one mile.

2. Continuous Moving. Continuous moving work areas are activities

where work is being done while the equipment is moving either
beside or on the traveled lanes of the highway. Included in this
category would be striping, roadside spraying, sweeping, and other

Page 5-8

The advance warning signs used for moving operations can be mounted
on the shoulder or on a shadow vehicle, or both. Shadow vehicles
should carry a sign which describes the work ahead and warning
lights. If the shadow vehicle must encroach on the traveled lane, a
flashing arrow board should be used. Whether the advance warning
signs are ground mounted on the roadside shoulder or mounted on
shadow vehicles, the signs should be moved ahead as required in
order to maintain an appropriate distance between the signs and the
work activity. The maximum advisable distance between the advance
warning signs and the continually moving work activity is 1mile.

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October 2009

Chapter 5

Work Zone Traffic Control

On Multi-Lane Highways. The requirements for traffic control during

moving operations on multi-lane highways are similar to those for
stationary operations. If work vehicles must encroach on the traveled
way, a flashing arrow board should be used while working on multilane highways.

An advance warning sign which describes the operation should be

mounted on a separate or shadow vehicle. The distance between the
shadow vehicle and the work vehicle can vary but it should not be so
great that traffic has the tendency to pull back into the lane behind the
work vehicle where the work is being done.

On Two-Lane Highways. Moving operations on two-lane highways

can basically be handled in the same manner as on multi-lane
highways with the exception that a flashing arrow board should never
be used in the arrow or directional mode. Advance warning signs
should be placed onthe roadway shoulder or on a shadow vehicle.

3. Long-Term Stationary. Traffic control plans developed for long-term

stationary operations address each anticipated work situation that
encroaches into the traveled lanes or shoulders. Theconsiderations for
those traffic control plans should include all traffic entering the work
zone from driveways, intersections, ramps, and the main roadway.
Theplans should also consider how traffic will leave the work
area andre-enter the main traffic stream or leave by the way of an
intersection orofframp.

Detour routes should be given special consideration when directing

traffic through urban areas. Local jurisdictions are to be consulted
when detoured traffic must use local streets and roads. Also, advise
local emergency services, transit and major traffic generators, such
asairports and port facilities, about any detour routes.

If ramps, structures or intersections are to be temporarily closed, signs

giving advance notice ofthe closure dates and times are necessary
so commuting motorists have the option of selecting alternate routes.
Theadvance notice should be placed a minimum of seven days in
advance of theclosure.

5.3 Strategy Planning

On construction projects, the design report establishes the parameters for
the projects specific needs. At that time such items as lane restrictions and
closures, working hours, ramp closures, detour options, and other possibilities
should be considered. On low volume rural highways, traffic control
procedures may be simple to develop; whereas, traffic control procedures on
limited access, multi-lane, high volume routes can be complex and require
extensive planning.

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Work Zone Traffic Control

Chapter 5

From this strategy the Work Zone Traffic Control Plan is developed to identify
the type and location of devices (signs, pavement markings, delineation, and
flaggers) required to adequately inform the motorists of the situation.
The keys to strategy planning for traffic control on any public roadway,
whether rural roads, urban streets, or freeways are the traffic, with
considerations for both volume and types of vehicles, and the roadway
characteristics. Careful consideration should be given to the effect the traffic
control will have on the traffic flow in the work area and on the adjacent
roadways. Traffic volumes, along with the speed and classification of vehicles,
express the character of the traffic to be encountered. Hourly volumes show
the periods of heavy traffic which should be avoided or that will require
special treatment. Any restrictions, such as lane closures, and the hours for
those restrictions can then be established by the District Traffic Engineer.
Special attention should be directed to bicycles and over-sized vehicles
and the detouring of those vehicles which may be necessary. Figure 5-1 is
a generalized checklist intended to assist in strategic planning and does not
necessarily contain all the elements for consideration.

5.4 Plan Preparation

To aid in the preparation of traffic control plans, the Traffic Control Zone is
divided into traffic control areas or elements. These individual traffic control
areas or elements are used to develop the complete traffic control plan.
A. The Traffic Control Zone. The traffic control zone is the section of street
or highway having traffic control devices warning motorists of upcoming
conditions or to guide motorists through a construction or maintenance
operation. Complex projects may have more than one traffic control zone,
one for each operation which may be going on at any one time. The traffic
control zone extends from the first advance warning sign to the last sign
which indicates the end of the traffic control zone.

The traffic control zone typically consists of five areas (illustrated in

Figure 5-2):
1. Advance Warning Area. The area of initial warning and
communication with the driver.
2. Transition Area. The area where lane closure tapers and detours
transition traffic to thepaths required for travel through or around
thework area.
3. Buffer Area. The area in advance of the work area which provides
amargin of safety for both traffic and the workers.
4. Work Area. The area where the operation or activity is taking place.
5. Termination Area. The area which provides a short distance for traffic
to clear the work area and to return to normal traffic lanes.

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Chapter 5

Work Zone Traffic Control

B. Plan Development. The work zone traffic control strategies are to be

identified early in the design of a project in accordance with Section8.10
of the Design Manual. Plan development begins with a review of the
strategy contained in the design report. The supporting data should be
checked and any changes in roadway or traffic characteristics should
be taken into consideration while preparing the traffic control plan. Site
specific traffic control is to be prepared for each work operation on the
project unless the roadway and the work operation is repetitive and each
location is similar in character.

There are a number of typical traffic control situations stored in a

CADDfile. These figures are not intended to be standard control plans
for any given operation. They are shown only as examples for the
situations depicted and are to be used as aids in the development of

The traffic control devices shown in each area or element of the

traffic control zone are available in aCEL library for CADD or PC
Microstation and can be placed directly on the plan sheets drawn in either
one of these systems.

Roadway plan sheets for the project should be used in preparing the traffic
control plan. This provides the scale drawing of the roadway section
needed toestablish proper placement for the signs and devices. Signs and
devices can then be placed on the plan sheet in their proper locations by
using the CADD. An on-site review of the area is recommended, since
many characteristics cannot be determined from a drawing. Give special
attention to existing signs which are to be maintained during the work
activity that could conflict with or obstruct the view of the traffic control
signs. All features and characteristics which will have an effect on the
movement of traffic within and adjacent to the traffic control zone should
be included in the plan.

The drawings of sample situations included in the CADD file can be

used as guidelines for the selection and placement of traffic control
devices. The unique characteristics of the specific work area should be
individually addressed. Those features may include side roads, driveways,
ramps, commercial approaches, bus stops, bridges or areas which have no
shoulders (which make temporary sign placement difficult), substandard
roadway width, vertical or horizontal alignment which will affect the sight
distance of approaching traffic, add-lanes, drop-lanes, railroad crossings,
regulatory traffic controls, or any other characteristics which differ from
the examples shown in the sample drawings or the standard plans.

The traffic control devices shown on traffic control plans should clearly
and concisely give the motorists information needed to adjust their speed
and travel direction through the work area. The prepared plans should

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Work Zone Traffic Control

Chapter 5

include any special signs for situations in which standard signs do not give
accurate information and should be supplied as an item in thecontract.
The use of special signs should be kept to a minimum and used only where
necessary. The Headquarters Traffic Office should be consulted regarding
the use of special signs. Signing should be as specific as possible and
always relate to the immediate situation to be encountered.
1. Work Area. Although the work area is not the first area of a traffic
control zone encountered by a motorist, it is the area that must be
considered first when developing traffic control plans. Traffic control
requirements for all the other traffic control zone areas are determined
by the location of the work area and typeof activity taking place
within that area. The other areas of traffic control will then be designed
to complement the activities and channelization requirements within
the work area.

Identifying the work requirements in the work area, such as which

lanes need to be closed, exposure to drop-offs, obstacles created, and
equipment considerations will indicate what kind of traffic control or
warning devices will be required in advance. With an understanding
ofthe kind of work to be done, the designer then works back to the
next element of traffic control which is the buffer area.

2. Buffer Area. The buffer area is a safety areabut it can have other
uses. Vehicles hauling material can be parked in the buffer area for
short periods of time during the work day. This area should never
be used as a material or equipment storage area unless the traffic is
protected by a temporary barrier. The buffer area allows the driver to
become accustomed to the channelization and to recognize the path
ofchannelization they will follow through the workarea.

After the desirable length of the buffer area is determined, by

considering the number of vehicles which might be parked there and
the channelization which the driver must follow, the next upstream
element to be designed is the Transition Area.

3. Transition Area. This is the area where normal traffic flow is

transitioned or shifted to the path it must follow around or through
the work area. No parking of vehicles or storage should be permitted
in the transition area. Lane closure and traffic shift taper lengths are
established to recommended minimums depending on the speed
limit of the highway and width of the traveled lane. Formulas for
determining a taper length are found in Part VI of the MUTCD and
achart for determining taper lengths is available in the CADD file.

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Work Zone Traffic Control

4. Advance Warning Area. Upstream from the transition area is the

advance warning area that gives the oncoming driver information
about the situation ahead. Messages used on the advance warning
signswill depend on the type of transition ahead. Sign messages which
give the driver clear and concise information are the most effective.
5. Termination Area. The final area of traffic control to be designed
is the termination area. This is the area which gives the driver
notification that the temporary traffic control situation is ended.
Terminal notification is generally accomplished with a sign such as
END CONSTRUCTION or may be indicated with channelizing
devices which indicate the conclusion of the road work situation and
atransition back to normal alignment.
6. Other Considerations. Planning temporary traffic control area by
area has distinct advantages, especially for complex situations. For
instance, if a flagger is needed in advance of the work area, the buffer
space should be lengthened to provide space for a secondary warning
area where warning signs for the flagging situation would be placed.
Roadway features can affect the traffic control in many ways. For
example, an on-ramp or side road which enters the highway within
the proposed transition area will require special treatment. In such
situations advance warning signs should be installed on the ramp or
side road and the transition area might have to be relocated to provide
a well channelized path for allvehicles.

After locations for the work site traffic control have been established,
project signing such as Road Construction Ahead, Road
Construction Next XX Miles (if required by the length of the project),
and End Construction may be added to the plan.

The time of day when most drivers will encounter the traffic control
should be considered while preparing the plans. If traffic control will
be in effect during nighttime hours, the signs and devices might need
to be supplemented with lights to increase perception and credibility.
During a nighttime field review, give consideration to the areas
background lighting from adjacent facilities and advertising signs
which are competing for the drivers recognition.

Warning signs and channelization devices should be positioned in

a sequence which can be recognized and respected by the driver.
Inorder to assure proper application, conduct a visualization review
of the signs and devices on the plans from a reasonable drivers point
of view. Make sure that the messages and devices are appropriate for
each situation the reasonable driver will face.

Temporary concrete barriers and barrier end protection are to be shown

on the traffic control plans.

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Chapter 5

5.5 Work Zone Operations

After traffic control plans based on strategy from the design report are
reviewed by the District Traffic Engineer, traffic control can be put into
operation on the project.
A drive through inspection of the project to compare actual field conditions,
prior to installing the traffic control, can identify characteristics which might
require adjustments on the traffic control plan. Aspects of the plan that are not
appropriate for thefield conditions should be revised. Any modifications to
the traffic control plan should be documented. Section 1 of the Construction
Manual gives additional guidelines for effective traffic control.
Immediately after the traffic control is laid out on the roadway, a drivethrough inspection should beconducted by the individual designated as the
responsible person for the projects traffic control to check the installation
and position of the signs and other devices; and, to determine if the overall
configuration of the traffic control relays clear, concise information to the
reasonable motorist. Special attention should be given to the traffic control
for overlapping and potentially conflicting traffic control zones. If the traffic
control plan is going to remain in effect during the hours of darkness, a drivethrough inspection is to be made after sunset to ensure that all devices meet
the requirements for reflectorization, proper position, and that the messages
are clearly legible. The night review should also ensure work area flood lights
and flashing arrow boards do not blind approaching motorists.
Periodic reviews (twice daily is recommended for long-term traffic control) of
the traffic control devices should be made to verify the adequacy ofthe traffic
control and to identify any needed revisions. Additional night reviews may
be necessary to confirm that the devices are clean and that the reflectorized
qualities of the signs and devices are being maintained. These reviews
should be documented. Particular attention should be given to motorists
reaction through or around the work area and if there appears to be confusion,
additional reviews should be initiated.
The documentation refers to both the location, appropriateness and condition
of the signs or devices. Devices are to be replaced as necessary when their
appearance and condition dictate. A form to document the traffic control
reviews is useful and most districts or project offices have developed their
own forms for this purpose. A photo or video inventory of the work zone
traffic control may be used to supplement documentation. If photos or video
are used, supplemental inventory information should be referenced in the
project documentation.
Should an accident occur on the project or within the work area, a review
of the traffic control plan and the devices should be made and documented
assoon as possible. This review should be done not only to see if the devices

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Chapter 5

Work Zone Traffic Control

are in place as shown on the plan, but also to determine if the devices are
adequate or if the plan should be revised in light ofexperience. Each field
office should have a procedure for analyzing accidents which take place with
the limits of the project. Formal communications with the Washington State
Patrol must be established at the pre-construction stage and arrangements
made to receive copies of accident reports in a timely manner. Occasional
contact with WSP for their perception of the traffic flow through the
construction area can be beneficial.
If any assistance is desired at any stage of traffic control plan development,
consult the District Traffic Engineers office. Each district traffic engineers
office should have a traffic control specialist to review and provide guidance
in the preparation of the traffic control plans for the PS&E, to review traffic
control in the field, and to have the authority to approve revisions to the traffic
control plans.
The following is a list of things to consider when designing construction
traffic control and writing traffic control specifications.
Effective traffic control is integrated into the project early in the design and
planning process. Traffic control will often determine the staging of a project
and will always effect the project cost.
Step 1 To Close Or Not To Close
Closing the roadway or ramp is the most desirable option. This usually lowers
construction costs, decreases contract time and increases worker safety.
Roadway closure can be considered if an alternate route is available. The
alternate route must carry the additional traffic volumes and any weight or
height restrictions must be considered.
For the traveling public, closing the road for a short time may be less
inconvenient than having the road under construction for a long time.
Consider the following while determining if a road should be closed.
1. Is there an available detour route?
2. Can the proposed detour carry the additional traffic?
3. Will businesses or residences be isolated if the road is closed? If so, is
there an alternate access point.
If a complete closure is possible, do the following:
Get the approval of the governing agency to use the proposed detour route.
Meet with the community and businesses to discuss the roadway closure.
Find resolutions to the communitys concerns. This may mean leaving the
roadway open during construction.

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Chapter 5

Determine the maximum number of allowable days of closure and

incorporate thisinto the special provisions.
Determine if liquidated damages or incentives for early completion should
be included in the special provisions.
Step 2 Strategy Or How Can This Thing Be Built?
If the roadway must remain open during construction, determine how to build
the project with the least possible impact on traffic.
1. Read any District policy about lane closures orrestrictions.
2. Determine the volumes of traffic on the facility and the hours of
3. Determine if long duration lane closures are needed. Some construction
activities that require long closures are:

Concrete panel replacement

Bridge overlays
Major excavations in the roadway
Large continuous concrete pours

4. Determine the hours of restriction the hours that lanes and shoulders
must be open and clear fortraffic.

For a quick analysis, assume the following volumes of vehicles per hour in
urban construction areas:

1400 Veh/hr/lane on controlled access highways

600 Veh/hr/lane on undivided rural and suburban highways
(any signals will lower the capacity)

When determining the hours of restriction, check the local noise

ordinances and determine what construction work can be done at night.
Loud construction work, such as pile driving, is prohibited at night
in many areas. For work that is prohibited from being done at night,
provisions must be made for daytime work. Avoid engine powered
generators for VMS or arrow panels in residential areas during night-work,
if possible.

Be sure to consider holiday weekends, special events, and regular

weekend traffic when determining the hours of restriction.

Also, consider the impact on private or commercial driveways or


5. Determine if there should be liquidated damages in excess of the standard

specification amount. Determine if there should be contract incentives for
early completion of the project. Determine the amounts of each of these.

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Chapter 5

Work Zone Traffic Control

6. Study the project and determine how it could bebuilt. Is it possible to

build the project within the restrictions stated? Is staging necessary?

Staging a project can be as simple as deciding one lane must be paved at a

time. Staging is a suggested way of building the project, not the only way
to build a project. By staging the project we determine:
If our traffic control special provisions are realistic.
The approximate duration of lane closures.
If temporary structures and detours are needed.
If existing utility systems can remain operational during construction,
or will they have to be relocated/replaced. (Examples: signals,
electrical, drainage)
If the work areas are adequate. (Examples: storage space for
equipment and materials, space to load/unload trucks.)

7. Incorporate into the project design ways of lessening the traffic impact.
Some examples are:
a. Use precast concrete or steel girders instead of cast-in-place concrete
for structures over main traffic lanes.
b. Specify materials that have faster cure times than conventional
c. Building detours and improving alternate routes in order to carry the
increased traffic volumes.
8. Study the project and determine if traffic control or lane closures are
needed on adjoining roads. Adjoining roads include frontage roads,
intersections, overcrossings, and undercrossings. Some examples are:
Low clearance because of bridge falsework.
Long-term lane closures for bridge falsework and substructure
Short- and long-term lane closures on frontage roads because of
retaining wall construction.
Placement of Road Construction Ahead signs and other warning signs.
Short-term access closures for paving intersections.

If traffic control is needed on facilities that are not state highways, get
permission to use the facility from the governing agency.

9. Determine if there are any areas that construction vehicles cannot safely
leave or enter the highway because of limited sight distance. Labelthese
areas on the traffic control plans.

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Chapter 5

10. Work zone sites exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics
should be reviewed for possible enhanced enforcement needs:
Sites where excessive speeding is observed or could be
anticipated within the construction zone. Based on a study
conducted by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans),
speeding and speed-related measures were identified as the primary
factor affecting work zone safety. While sufficient warning of desirable
travel speeds through the work zone may be placed in compliance
with the MUTCD, driver acceptance and compliance with the advisory
speeds is, in many cases, poor. The use of increased enforcement
to command adherence to the speed limit has been shown to be
effective in maintaining these speeds, as evidenced by the findings in
the literature review and interviews with the Caltrans and California
Highway Patrol (CHP) personnel.
Sites where a reduced speed limit is recommended. The purpose of
a reduced regulatory speed limit within a construction zone is based on
a perceived need, such as reducing travel speeds prior to diverting or
detouring traffic, reducing speeds adjacent to unprotected construction
workers. For a complete discussion, refer to D55-20. Based on the
findings from the study sources, adherence to reduced speed limits is,
in many cases, poor. To ensure adherence to the speed limit, enhanced
enforcement may be necessary.
Sites having a complex traffic plan or multiple phases to the plan.
Sites with traffic control plans having a number of traffic diversions,
lane closures, or traffic restrictions requiring a number of decisions
by motorists, particularly in a short distance, are highly susceptible
to increased accident activity. Much of this activity may be attributed
to motorists indecision through the area, to differentials in travel
speeds through the site, and to the lack of adherence to speed controls
in the area. Past efforts have shown that enhanced enforcement,
through manual control/flagging or a visible presence, have resulted
insmoother, more efficient traffic flow through the work zone.
Typically, a lower level of accident activity hasresulted.
In addition, construction projects requiring multiple traffic control
phases are shown to exhibit greater accident activity than those
containing a single phase. Much of this may be attributed to the driver
indecision associated with learning a new traffic pattern each time a
new traffic control phase occurs. As the requirements for the motorists
decision-making increases between subsequent phases, accident
activity is also likely to increase. The use of enhanced enforcement
to supplement the existing traffic controls has an alerting effect,
helping motorists recognize field changes and the need for increased
safety through the area.Use of enhanced enforcement for a specific
time period following traffic control phase changes has been found to
be effective.
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Work Zone Traffic Control

Sites currently exhibiting a high accident rate. Based on research,

accident rates during the construction activity typically increase over
the pre-construction accident rate. As such, sites exhibiting a high
accident rate prior to construction (under normal field conditions)
may require supplemental traffic control in the form of enhanced
enforcement in order to minimize accidents during construction.
Oftentimes, site characteristics (horizontal and vertical curvature,
geometrics, access) prior to construction are a major factor in the level
of pre-construction accident activity. The presence of construction
activity may worsen the impact of these characteristics.
Sites having high volume conditions and/or limited roadway
capacity. Construction activity resulting in significant reductions in
the available roadway capacity can have a dramatic impact on travel
speeds and congestion in an area. To aid in maintaining an acceptable
level of traffic operations, selective enforcement through the work
zone may be desirable. The enforcement may take the form of traffic
control/flagging or the visible presence of police officersand vehicles.
Sites planned for nighttime construction. Research has identified
safety problems associated with nighttime work in construction areas.
Increased distraction to motorists, unique construction lighting needs,
reduced perception levels by motorists, sub-optimal traffic controls,
as well as excessive travel speeds for the conditions through the work
zone contribute to the increased accident activity. The use of enhanced
enforcement to alert motorists to the need for increased caution and
to enforce excessive speeding in the area can be extremely valuable
inmaintaining safety during nighttime construction activities.
The safety impact associated with nighttime travel through work zones
with no construction activity presents a similar problem. Faced with
similar field situations as identified above (e.g., reduced perception
levels by motorist, sub-optimal traffic controls, excessive speeding),
accident activity through the work zone during nighttime conditions
has exhibited major increases over nighttime conditions prior to
construction, particularly where traffic movement through the area
drastically differs from the normal condition. Enhanced enforcement
measures have been shown to aid safety in these situations.
Sites involving short-term activities. Past studies have shown
that the most critical safety period for work zones is the initial
implementation period. Motorists accustomed to driving through
an area with no restrictions are forced to adhere to restrictions and
unfamiliar situations that did not exist previously. Driver indecision
is at its peak and driver compliance to regulations varies sharply. As a
result, increased accident activity typically results. As drivers become
more familiar with the field conditions, the level of accident activity
typically is reduced. For short-term project activities (less than one

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Work Zone Traffic Control

Chapter 5

day), little or no adjustment period exists. The accident activity can be

quite high, particularly for field situations requiring traffic diversions,
detours or lane reductions. Enhanced enforcement for these conditions
may be warranted.
Sites with restricted geometrics. Where steep grades, sharp curves,
narrow lanes, or otherabnormal field conditions exist, enhanced
enforcement to supplement the traffic controls per the MUTCD may
be necessary. Sites with restricted geometrics can exhibit accident rates
higher than normal. The use of enhanced enforcement can reduce the
anticipated accidentlevels.
Sites in areas during periods of poor weather conditions. In areas
where weather conditions such as snow, fog, ice, and heavy rain are
anticipated to occur during periods of construction activity, enhanced
enforcement services during these conditions would be beneficial.
The visible presence of enforcement personnel would serve to alert
motorists to the potential hazards and need for driver caution through
the area. Most construction projects shut down during adverse
Sites extending for long distances (> mile). Past studies show
thatinlong construction zones, a location within the zone exists
in where motorists become comfortable with field conditions
and arelikely to become lax in maintaining safe driving practices.
Examples of suchpractices can include speeding or unsafe lane
changes. Atthis location, there is a need to reinforce safe driving
techniques and motorists caution within the work zone. Proper
placement of enhancedenforcement personnel are included in a
laterportion of thissection.
Sites requiring incident management. Where immediate response
to freeway incidents (accidents, breakdowns) is desirable in order
to reduce traffic delays and additional traffic accidents, the use
of enhanced enforcement techniques is beneficial. Numerous
studies havedocumented the benefits associated with improved
response times to freeway incidents. These benefits have often led
to the implementation of freeway surveillance techniques. On-site
availability of enhanced enforcement personnel at areas where quick
response is critical (high volume corridors, peak period conditions,
limited off-road space) isdesirable.
Sites where workers are not protected by barrier. Situations falling
under this heading generally include only those work areas where
personnel must work within 10 feet of the traveled way. Having an
officer on the site can, as stated before, keep the drivers more alert
and attentive, increasing the safety margin for both the workers and

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Chapter 5

Work Zone Traffic Control

11. Determine traffic control concerns that shouldbe addressed in the special
provisions. Examples are:
Abrupt lane edges
Installation of sign bridges
Rolling slow-down operations for short time complete closures of

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Work Zone Traffic Control

Chapter 5

WSP Field Check List

Todays Date:

To be Completed by WSDOT Inspector

Contract No.


Begin WSP Shift

End WSP Shift






Project Engineer

WSP Task Order No.

WSDOT Onsite Contact

Field Phone (include area code)

Traffic Control Strategy Meeting Location


Attended By

Traffic Control Strategy (review with WSP officer)

To be Completed by WSP Officer Percent of Time

Return Completed Form to WSDOT Inspector

Assistance in traffic control setup and takedown (blue lights)
Passive presence (yellow lights)
Proactive patrol in work zone (blue lights)
Ramp closures (yellow lights)
Lane closure (yellow lights)
Road closure (yellow lights)
Detours (yellow lights)
Other duties as outlined in Strategy Session (above)

Is a second officer needed for similar work in the future?



Suggestions For Traffic Control Improvements (mandatory):

Total Violators Contacted

No. of Accidents Within Work Zone

WSP Officer Name


Form 421-045 EF
Revised 2/97

WSP Badge No.

Distribution: White - Project Engineer; Canary - Regional Traffic; Pink - WSP

Traffic Control Planning and Strategy Check List

Figure 5-1

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Chapter 5

Work Zone Traffic Control

Closure/Exposure Condition

Non-Freeway with Speed Limit




Shadow Vehicle for Operation Involving


Shadow Vehicle for Operation Not Involving

Exposed Personnel

Shadow Vehicle for Operations Involving


Shadow Vehicle for Operations Not Involving

Exposed Personnel

Barrier Vehicle for Operation Involving


Barrier Vehicle for Condition Involving


Barrier Vehicle for Operation Involving


Barrier Vehicle for Condition Involving


No Formal Lane Closure

No Formal Shoulder Closure

Formal Lane Closure

Formal Shoulder Closure

The numerical rank indicates the level of priority assigned to the use of a TMA on an assigned shadow/barrier
vehicle. The use of a TMA under the defined conditions is:
1. Very highly recommended.
2. Highly recommended.
3. Recommended
4. Desirable.
5. May be justified on the basis or special conditions encountered on an individual project.

Suggested Priorities for the Application of Truck-Mounted Attenuators

Figure 5-2

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Chapter 5

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Appendix 5.A

Work Zone Traffic Control

Washington State Patrol Work Zone Enforcement

The use of Washington State Patrol (WSP) enforcement and assistance in
work zones can increase driver compliance and improve worker safety and
traffic movement. The need for WSP assistance in a work zone is considered
and determined during project development or when planning a maintenance
operation. Region Designers, with input from the Region Work Zone Safety
Specialist, assess all work zone impacts and develop a work zone strategy
in accordance with Design Manual Chapter 1010. If used, the appropriate
level of WSP enforcement and assistance is spelled out in the Transportation
Management Plan (TMP). In addition, local law enforcement agencies may
beconsidered for work zone enforcement or assistance; their use is also
managed following the procedures provided in thisappendix.
This appendix:
Discusses factors to consider when determining appropriate use of WSP
for work zone enforcement and assistance.
Provides guidance on work zone strategies, equipment, and procedures
related to WSP assistance and enforcement.
Establishes the procedures to make specific work zone assignments.
WSP assistance is considered as part of an overall work zone strategy:
In areas of high worker exposure.
Where a high level of traffic violations are expected.
Where there are other unique safety concerns.
WSP assistance is not a replacement for effective work zone strategies and
traffic control devices. However it can be a cost effective enhancement that
provides enforcement emphasis or other specific assistance duties when other
measures are not practical or effective. Active enforcement of traffic laws
in operating work zones is the most effective strategy for achieving driver
attention and compliance. Routine enforcement by WSP in our work zones
isalways welcome.

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Work Zone Traffic Control

Appendix 5.A

Determining the Need for WSP Enforcement or

The need for WSP assistance or enforcement is determined during the
ProjectDevelopment phase and is based on specific project conditions.
Consider the followingfactors:
Work Zone Location. Consider WSP use if the work zone includes any
High Accident Location (HAL) or corridor.
High traffic volume or high speed roadway segment.
Unprotected work zone areas.
Speed enforcement emphasis area.
DUI enforcement area.
Type of Work. Consider the use of WSP assistance in work zones
Mobile Work Operations. Both construction and maintenance use
mobile operations for the installation and removal of traffic control
and other operations. WSP may be used as a shadow vehicle on the
shoulder in advance of the first traffic control device, to alert motorists
Short-Term Work Operations. Because these operations are of short
duration, it is not practical to install positive protection devices such as
barriers; thus, workers can be subjected to greater levels of traffic hazards.
WSP presence can alert drivers to the work zone and the workers. Short
term closures or rolling slowdowns may alsorequire WSP assistance.
Night Work. Because of reduced visibility and potentially higher numbers
ofimpaired drivers, consider WSP assistance for night work.

Enforcement Strategies and Techniques

Enforcement is used to enhance the work zone traffic control measures. It is
not a stand alone substitute for appropriate traffic control design, signs and
devices. Any decision to use WSP assistance or enforcement must focus on
the worker safety benefits and the possible reduction of work zone crashes.
The local WSP detachments are familiar with operational and enforcement
issues along state highways; it is important to request their early input during
work zone strategydevelopment.

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Appendix 5.A

Work Zone Traffic Control

Random/Roving Enforcement. High profile enforcement in work zones

results in increased levels of driver compliance and leads to a residual
compliance effect even when WSP is not present. The appropriate number
of troopers and the frequency of use are determined with input from WSP.
Aminimum enforcement effort would employ one or two troopers for a shift.
Typically, enforcement can be implemented once or twice a week, depending
on the location, to provide adequate compliance and may be used Regionwide in multiple work zones. Implement enforcement during active work
operations, stage change-overs, major traffic control shifts, etc. Troopers
should be located prior to or just beyond the work area since it can be difficult
and potentially hazardous to pull over vehicles within the work area limits.
Coordinate with the Region Public Information Office (PIO) as part of this
strategy. A Task Assignment form is needed for specific enforcement requests.
Speed Limit Reductions in Work Zones. The rules and guidance for setting
regulatory work zone speed limits are covered in Executive Order E 1060.00
and Traffic Manual, Chapter 5, Appendix 5.B.
Public Information Campaign. A Public Information Campaign to increase
driver awareness of work zone safety issues increases the effectiveness
ofusing WSP enforcement or assistance. A campaign should include notice
of the double fines law for a work zone citation. The Region PIO can help
develop information strategies to fit the situation.
Routine Patrols. The occasional presence of WSP in work zones will
maintain driver awareness and compliance with traffic laws. Local
detachments will often increase their presence when notified by WSDOT
ofthe work zone. There is no cost to WSDOT and noTask Assignment
formis needed.
Short Term Road or Ramp Closures. Use of a traffic barrier for short term
roadway or ramp closures may not be practical. WSP can provide effective
enforcement of the closure where violations are likely to occur, such as on a
high volume roadway or wherethere is no convenient detour route. A Task
Assignment form is needed to implement thisstrategy.
WSP Vehicles. The WSP uses patrol cars or motorcycles in their enforcement
or assistance efforts. A WSP vehicle shall not be used as a buffer vehicle.
In some cases, motorcycles may be more effective due to their ability to
navigate narrow work zones, but they are generally used only during daytime
operations. Contact WSP to determine which vehicle type is most appropriate
for a specific work zone condition.
Passive vs. Active. Active enforcement of traffic laws is a more effective
use of the WSP, rather than the passive use of a WSP vehicle stationed in the
vicinity of a work zone.

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Work Zone Traffic Control

Appendix 5.A

Flagging at Intersections. WSP flagging at either signalized or unsignalized

intersections provides a cost effective operation with high driver compliance.
Acomplex intersection may require more than one trooper. When flagging at
a signalized intersection, the signal shall be turned off or set to all-red flash
mode. Coordinate with WSP to determine who accesses the signal controller.
Use of WSP for a flagging operation requires a Traffic Control Plan (TCP)
andTask Assignment form.
Rolling Slowdowns. WSP typically conducts any rolling slowdown,
particularly on freeways. The WSP troopers are skilled in the techniques
usedto implement the operation and their presence adds a high level of
compliance. Use of WSP for rolling slowdowns requires an approved TCP
andTask Assignment form. The WSP should be notified of any rolling
slowdown or stop operation, even if they are not conducting it.
Short term Traffic Stops. This operation is a variation of the rolling
slowdown and theuse of WSP is advised. An approved TCP and Task
Assignment form is needed.
Toolbox (Exhibit 1). This list provides guidance on the appropriate use of
WSP or other law enforcement in work zones.

Sign and Radio Equipment

Specialized signing and radio equipment is often used in a work zone to
provide current and pertinent information to drivers. Driver compliance to
these messages is increased by the use of WSP enforcement. Consider use of
special signs when WSP speed enforcement is part of the work zone strategy.
The Region Traffic office or work zone specialist can assist with use of special
equipment and appropriate messages.
Portable Changeable Message Sign (PCMS). PCMSs display work
zone information to drivers and send safety, enforcement and compliance
messages. PCMSs are available with optional radar speed detection and
Following are example PCMS messages to display when using WSP
assistance or enforcement. A minimal level of enforcement will be needed to
validate the message.
** These messages are for use with a PCMS sign with incorporated radar.

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Appendix 5.A

Work Zone Traffic Control

Speed Display Signs. The units are available separately or as an option

for a PCMS. Radar speed detection equipment measures an approaching
vehicles speed and displays it on the signs message panel. The speed can
be accompanied by a message of YOUR SPEED IS XX. Studies show
that most drivers will check and adjust their speed when provided this
Use these devices when active enforcement is in place; effectiveness is
reduced when drivers see no consequence associated with their speed.
Portable Highway Advisory Radio (PHAR). These portable radio stations
are used to broadcast messages to drivers regarding roadway restrictions,
detours, or other work zone impacts. Enforcement and safety messages
strengthen WSP efforts to enforce traffic laws in the work zone.
Double Fines in Work Zones Signs. The WSP encourages the use of
these signs in our work zones. Although the signs are not required to enforce
the double fines law, they can be an effective reminder to drivers and
provide the WSP with a no excuse back-up when issuing a work zone
citation. Install double fines signs at strategic locations, usually in advance
ofthework zone, or where side traffic enters the work zone.

Procedures for Incorporating Use of WSP Assistance

Project Scoping. Use of WSP enforcement and assistance must be determined
and coordinated at the Project Development phase as part of the TMP. Early
planning secures adequate funding and ensures WSP resource availability.
Apreliminary cost estimate isdeveloped using $75/hour (which includes the
trooper and vehicle).
Project Design. The work zone design strategy identifies specific uses of
WSP assistance or enforcement. A more complete cost estimate is prepared
to identify the dollar amount attached to the project. Average cost rates are
shown in Agreement GC5080 (Exhibit 2) and are applied to the number of
estimated hours. A Task Assignment (Exhibit 3, WSDOT Form 130020EF)
showing costs and assigned WSP activities must be completed and processed
prior to advertisement of the project, to establish the reimbursement
Local WSP representatives should always be invited to the work zone design
strategy meeting even if specific WSP assistance is not anticipated.
Enforcement activities are managed by WSDOT, but are not part of the
contract work items.
Project PS&E. Traffic control plans are required for specific WSP traffic
control assistance. Typical operations requiring TCPs are rolling slowdowns,
traffic stops, intersection flagging or similar assignments. The Work Zone

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Work Zone Traffic Control

Appendix 5.A

Traffic Control Guidelines M 54-44 are used as a reference during plan

development. Do not develop TCPs for routine enforcement operations.
Project Construction. The local WSP representative is included in the
preconstruction meeting. Their input is valuable and it is important that they
are aware of the project and how it might impact traffic operations, safety and
mobility. Projects with WSP assistance or enforcement need to have a TMP
strategy meeting to discuss specific project assignments, schedules, report
forms, communication contacts and expectations.
Maintenance. Regional maintenance divisions may establish a standing Task
Assignment agreement (considered a best practice). This allows for a quick
response by the WSP if needed, with the paperwork already in place.
Emergency Response and Incidents Within a Work Zone. WSP responds
toemergencies and incidents in work zones, just as in regular roadway
sections. If incidents or emergencies occur in the work zone contact WSP
if they are present; otherwise call 911. Do not resume the same work zone
activity until it is determined if the traffic control needs to be revised or
protective measures added. If WSP activities are not directly related to work
zone features or project traffic control, costs incurred will be covered by
Ensure that flaggers and others working at isolated areas in the work zone
have a means of communication with theWSP.

Agreement GC 5080 (Exhibit 2)

This agreement between WSDOT and WSP is the legal document that allows
WSDOT to reimburse WSP for costs associated with assigned work zone
enforcement or assistance.

Task Assignment Form 130-020EF (Exhibit 3)

The Task Assignment form is completed to assign specific work zone
activities to the WSP. It also connects WSDOT reimbursement to a specific
work order. The Task Assignment form must be approved and signed by the
Agreement manger, Region approving authority, and WSP prior to requesting
WSP presence on the roadway.
The following steps provide a walk through on completing the

Page 5.A-6

Each Region assigns a person the duties of Task Agreement Manager;

typically this is the Work Zone Specialist in the Traffic office. The
Task Agreement Manager requests the agreement number for the Task
Assignment from the Headquarters Traffic Office fiscal manager. Do this
via email to provide a written record of the request. Include the project
name and route number, Contract or Work Order number, if known, and
estimated dollaramount.
WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03
October 2009

Appendix 5.A

Work Zone Traffic Control

Once the task number is assigned, the Task Assignment form can be filled
out by the Region Task Agreement Manager and signed by both WSP
and WSDOT. The WSDOT signature is typically a Region Construction
Engineer and the WSP signature is from their Budget and Fiscal manager
(Mailstop 42602). Two originals arerequired, one for WSP and one

A signed original Task Assignment must be submitted to WSDOT

Headquarters Budget Office. Copies are to be sent to Region Program
Management, the Project Engineers Office administering the project,
theRegion Accounting Office, and the Region TrafficOffice.

The Region accounting office reimburses WSP per the Task


For use of local agency law enforcement personnel, the Region Local
Programs office develops a project specific agreement between WSDOT
and the agency to establish procedures for use and reimbursement.

WSP Field Checklist Form 421-045 EF (Exhibit 4)

The WSP field checklist is filled out by the project inspector. Use of the form
establishes the on the job expectations for the work to be performed by the
WSP trooper. To ensure effective enforcement or assistance work, discuss
the specific details with the trooper, including any suggestions the trooper

Schedule. On each project, identify the person who will coordinate

with the WSP to schedule troopers. In some Regions scheduling
is done by the individual project office administering the contract.
Inother Regions the traffic office is the primary scheduling contact.
This communication should be established prior to the project to avoid
confusion and overlapping of duties. The WSP contacts can be identified
at the preconstruction meeting or from the WSP Contact List in this
document(Exhibit 5).

To ensure troopers will be available, secure scheduling as soon as possible.

Cancel only when necessary; this may include incidents of inclement
weather, work stoppage, etc. A 2-hour minimum call out is required when
assigning troopers for aproject.

Field Monitor and Adjust the Work Zone. The field engineer or project
inspector should meet with the assigned WSP trooper(s) at the beginning
of each shift to determine communication methods and to discuss WSP
tasks for the work operation. The goal is to have steady, balanced traffic
flow through the work area.

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Work Zone Traffic Control

Appendix 5.A

The project inspector monitors the traffic control operation and WSP
enforcement or assistance activities. If there is excessive braking, queuing
oftraffic, etc., due to WSP presence, then adjustments may be necessary.

Additional Resources
Secretarys Executive Order E 1060.00
Traffic Manual, Chapter 5, Appendix 5.B
Standard Specifications, Section 1-10
General Special Provisions, Division 1-10
WSDOT/WSP Joint Operating Procedures (JOPs)

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WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Exhibit 1

WSP Work Zone Enforcement

and Assistance Toolbox

The Work Zone Safety Task Force has developed this toolbox to provide
guidance on theappropriate use of WSP troopers in work zones. The toolbox
is intended to be used asa quick reference to common procedures and the
appropriate category for use. Use of the WSP checklist (Form421045EF)
isrequired on individual contracts, but is not needed when WSP use
ispartofa region-wide enforcement emphasis. The Task Assignment
(Form130-020 EF) must be approved and funded prior to WSP use.
The following specific assignments for WSP are allowed as listed below.

Enforcement Emphasis The most effective overall strategy is active
enforcement in the work zone.
Signalized intersection control in lieu of flaggers, signal off or on
Rolling slowdowns or temporary stopping of traffic.
Full closures of roadways that are high-volume or at high risk for
During installation and removal of traffic control devices. (WSP trooper
on the shoulder in advance of the first traffic control device, not as a
To control access points where motorists could follow construction
vehicles into the work zone.

Not Recommended
The following tasks are not recommended as efficient use of WSP assistance
and are generally not allowed. Short term use may be considered, but not an
ongoing strategy.
General or routine use, especially with no significant traffic
Passive use (vehicle parked near or inside work zones with blue or yellow
lights flashing). WSP presence is not a substitute for proper traffic control.
Shoulder or HOV closures.
Single-lane closure on a multi-lane highway unless significant traffic
impacts are likely.
Single-lane closure on a two-lane highway.
A ramp closure without other traffic control devices.
WSP vehicles are not buffer vehicles and shall not be the first vehicle
inthe lane when setting up or removing traffic control.
WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03
October 2009

Page 5.A-9

Exhibit 2

Page 5.A-10

Agreement GC 5080

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Appendix 5.A

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October 2009

Work Zone Traffic Control

Page 5.A-11

Work Zone Traffic Control

Page 5.A-12

Appendix 5.A

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October 2009

Appendix 5.A

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Work Zone Traffic Control

Page 5.A-13

Work Zone Traffic Control

Page 5.A-14

Appendix 5.A

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Exhibit 3

Task Assignment Form

Task Assignment
NOTE: This form cannot be used for "Y" Agreements

Agreement No.

All terms and conditions of this agreement are in full

force and effect for this Task Assignment document.

(To be filled in by Agreement Manager)

Task No.

On-Call Agreement Manager Information

Agreement Manager







Mailing Address

Project Manager Information

Project Manager
Mailing Address

Project Information
Project Title

State Route No(s).

Task Schedule
Task Start Date

Task End Date

No payment will be made for work done PRIOR to Task

Start Date or for work done AFTER Task End Date

Task Cost
Work Order No.

This section required if there is Fed. Aid Part.

Org. Code


Fed. Aid Part.?


Fed. Aid Project No. Fed. Aid Part. %


Total Task Amount


Prime Consultant



Federal I.D. No.

Are there any Subconsultants working on this project?

If Yes, complete the Subconsultant Worksheet and return with signed Task Assignment.

Approval Signatures

****Note: Two original signed Documents are required.****


Washington State Department of Transportation

Agreement Manager
DOT Form 130-020 EF

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page 5.A-15

Work Zone Traffic Control

Appendix 5.A

Agreement No.
Task No.

Scope of Task Assignment

Report Due Date

Provide description of work and reference attachments for prime consultant and all
subconsultants (to include detailed description of work schedule and estimate).

Distribution: Originals:



Task Manager

Consultant Services

DOT Form 130-020 EF


Page 5.A-16

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Exhibit 4

WSP Field Check List Form

WSP Field Check List

Todays Date:

To be Completed by WSDOT Inspector

Contract No.


Begin WSP Shift


End WSP Shift




Project Engineer

WSP Task Order No.

WSDOT Onsite Contact

Field Phone (include area code)

Traffic Control Strategy Meeting Location


Attended By

Traffic Control Strategy (review with WSP officer)

To be Completed by WSP Officer Percent of Time

Return Completed Form to WSDOT Inspector

Assistance in traffic control setup and takedown (blue lights)
Passive presence (yellow lights)
Proactive patrol in work zone (blue lights)
Ramp closures (yellow lights)
Lane closure (yellow lights)
Road closure (yellow lights)
Detours (yellow lights)
Other duties as outlined in Strategy Session (above)

Is a second officer needed for similar work in the future?



Suggestions For Traffic Control Improvements (mandatory):

Total Violators Contacted

No. of Accidents Within Work Zone

WSP Officer Name


Form 421-045 EF
Revised 2/97

WSP Badge No.

Distribution: White - Project Engineer; Canary - Regional Traffic; Pink - WSP

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page 5.A-17

Exhibit 5

WSP Task Assignment Contact List (7/08)

WSP Statewide and District Contacts
The website for the WSP is www.wsp.wa.gov
Overtime Coordinator Each district has an overtime coordinator to establish
thecall out list for troopers available for projects.
WSP Administrative Headquarters
General Administration Building
PO Box 42600
Olympia, WA 98504-2600
(360) 753-6540 (Budget & Fiscal Manager, signs Task Assignment)
(360) 753-0692 (WSP Contracts Coordinator, administers
District 1 Headquarters and Communications Tacoma
State of Washington Combined Transportation Center
2502 112th Street East
Tacoma, WA 98445-5104
(253) 536-6210

Olympia/Thurston County
222 Tumwater Blvd., Building 16
PO Box 42640
Tumwater, WA 98504-2640
(360) 586-4443

District 2 Headquarters and Communications Bellevue

2803 156th Avenue SE
Bellevue, WA 98007-6523
(425) 649-4370

Page 5.A-18

333 Griffin Avenue
Enumclaw, WA 98022
(360) 825-6154

North Bend
134 Sydney Avenue
PO Box 1127
North Bend, WA 98045
(425) 888-1116

Seattle North
811 E Roanoke
Seattle, WA 98102
(206) 720-3040
Seattle South
15666 International Blvd.
Seattle, WA 98188-6523
(206) 439-3830

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Appendix 5.A

Work Zone Traffic Control

District 3 Headquarters Union Gap

2715 Rudkin Road
Union Gap, WA 98903
(509) 575-2320

143302 East Law Lane|
Kennewick, WA 99337-2011
(509) 734-7029

173905 West Interstate 82
Grandview, WA 98930
(509) 882-9945

Walla Walla
406 Wellington
Walla Walla, WA 99362
(509) 527-4413

District 4 Headquarters and Communications Spokane

6403 West Rowand Road
Spokane, WA 99224-5300
(509) 227-6566

840 West Fairview Street
Colfax, WA 99111-9515
(509) 397-3600

1563 East Gun Club Road
Ritzville, WA 99169-9713
(509) 659-1210

751 South Main
Colville, WA 99114-2704
(509) 684-7431

Spokane Port of Entry

RR1 Westbound I-90, Milepost 299
Liberty Lake, WA 99019-9801
(509) 226-3366

District 5 Headquarters and Communications Vancouver

11018 NE 51st Circle
Vancouver, WA 98682-6686
(360) 260-6333

850 NW Louisiana Avenue
Chehalis, WA 98532
(360) 748-2194

1823 Baker Way
Kelso, WA 98626
(360) 578-4147

PO Box 105
Goldendale, WA 98620
(509) 773-3775

342 Morton Road
Morton, WA 98356
(360) 496-3323

District 6 Headquarters and Communications Wenatchee

2822 Euclid Avenue
Wenatchee, WA 98801-5916
(509) 663-9721

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October 2009

Page 5.A-19

Work Zone Traffic Control

Cle Elum Scale (CVD)
PO Box 550
Cle Elum, WA 98922
(509) 674-9704
291 Thorp Highway S
Ellensburg, WA 98926
(509) 925-2698

Appendix 5.A

Moses Lake
101 Laguna
Moses Lake, WA 98837-0151
(509) 765-6175
PO Box 486
Okanogan, WA 98840-0486
(509) 826-7400

District 7 Headquarters and Communications Marysville

2700 116th Street NE
Marysville, WA 98271-9425
(360) 658-2588

3860 Airport Way
Bellingham, WA 98226-8040
(360) 676-2007

Oak Harbor
840 SE 8th Avenue #101
Oak Harbor, WA 98227-2996
(360) 675-0710

10945 Chuckanut Drive
Burlington, WA 98233
(360) 757-7553

Interstate 5
Silverlake, WA 98204
(425) 514-5444

909 West Main Street, Suite 1A
Monroe, WA 98272-2031
(360) 805-1153

District 8 Headquarters and Communications Bremerton

4811 Werner Road
Bremerton, WA 98312-3333
(360) 478-4646

Page 5.A-20

3111 Pacific Avenue
Hoquiam, WA 98550-4222
(360) 533-9332

Port Angeles
62 Old Olympic Highway
Port Angeles, WA 98362-9121
(360) 417-1738

797 State Route 4
Naselle, WA 98638
(360) 484-3130

22065 Viking Way NW
Poulsbo, WA 98370-9451
(360) 478-4646

629 West Dayton Airport Road
Shelton, WA 98584-8945
(360) 427-2180

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Appendix 5.B

Speed Limit Reductions in Work Zones

I. Introduction
It is the departments policy to design and operate work zones which minimize
the need for and the use of regulatory speed limit reductions (Executive Order
A Traffic Management Plan (TMP) is developed for each work zone during
the design process. This plan considers strategies and techniques to address
specific work zone conditions and traffic control requirements. Design
applications that reduce work duration, decrease the number of work stages,
and that maintain traffic in long-term work zone configurations can eliminate
the need for a regulatory speed limit reduction. Where work zone design
applications cannot mitigate the condition, a speed advisory or a variable or
continuous speed limit reduction may be considered.
It is important to be consistent in implementing speed limit reductions to
maintain credibility with roadway users throughout the state. This appendix
includes the work zone speed limit policy and provides guidance to determine
the need for a work zone speed limit reduction. Sample speed reduction
worksheet, request, and approval documents are included.
A. Work Zone Speed Limit Reductions. Following are the speed reduction
types and examples of appropriate use:
Advisory Speed Reduction Where drivers encounter work zone
conditions (such as rough road, bump, temporary alignment) that
require aspecific safe speed message, a sign warning of the actual
condition with an appropriate advisory speed is installed.
Variable Regulatory Speed Limit Reduction Effective where a
temporary work zone condition (such as workers on foot close to live
traffic or a short- term lane shift) requires a lower operational speed
and in place only for the duration of the warranting conditionoften
asingle work shift.
Continuous Regulatory Speed Limit Reduction A speed reduction
effective 24 hours a day for the number of days that work zone
conditions warrant, used only where construction elements cannot be
mitigated by design elements.

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October 2009

Page 5.B-1

Speed Limit Reductions in Work Zones

Appendix 5.B

B. WSDOT Policy Statement on Reduced Speed Limits in Work Zones.

Excerpted from Secretarys Executive Order E 1060.00, September 2009:

WSDOT employees are directed to design and operate work zones

so that the existing posted speed limit is not reduced. Work zones
that have unique design and safety issues that can only be addressed
through a speed limit reduction, will be considered for approval and
implementation in accordance with this Secretarys Executive Order.

C. Rules. Secretarys Executive Order E 1060.00 (September 2009)

SectionIII, notes the following regarding work zone speed limit
1. The Regional Administrator approves or denies all variable speed
limit reductions and any continuous regulatory speed limit
reduction of 10 mph or less on any route. This authority may
bedelegated to the Region Traffic Engineer.
2. The State Traffic Engineer approves continuous regulatory speed
limit reductions as follows:
Greater than 10 mph on any route.
Any reduction to less than 60 mph on freeways.
Any reduction in a work zone that is unique or not covered by the
Secretarys Executive Order.
3. The Region Traffic Engineer approves advisory speed reductions.
4. A Traffic Control Plan (TCP) approved by the Region Traffic Engineer,
is required for a regulatory speed reduction, and must show locations
of existing and proposed speed limit signs, advance warning and speed
resumption signs, and any covering or removal of existing speed
5. A Speed Limit Reduction Worksheet (Figure 5.B-1) approved by the
Region Traffic Engineer, is required for any continuous regulatory
speed limit reduction.
6. Notification of all Reduced Regulatory Speed Limits shall be
published as required by RCW 47.48.020 (Figure 5.B-2).
7. All project specific regulatory and advisory reduced speed limit
signing shall be displayed only during the work zone operation that
warrants the reduction. All such signs shall be removed or covered
when the need for the reduction has ended.

Page 5.B-2

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Appendix 5.B

Speed Limit Reductions in Work Zones

8. When a Region approves a continuous regulatory speed limit

reduction of 10 mph or less, the Headquarters Traffic Office must
benotified. Acopy of the approval memo is sufficient. Include copies
of the Speed Limit Reduction Worksheet and the TCP.

Notification to HQ is not required for variable regulatory speed limit

reductions, advisory speed reductions, or speed limit reductions
allowed by the operational exceptions described below.

9. Notify the applicable District Office of the Washington State Patrol

(WSP) by memorandum of any speed limit reduction. The memo
should explain the intended type of reduction with approximate dates,
and any plans to coordinate speed enforcement activities. Follow up
with specific dates when established.
10. Operational Exceptions are noted in Section III D, which designate
speed limit requirements for several unique work zone situations.
Bituminous Surface Treatment (BST/Chip Seal) work zone
speed limits are 35 mph until the roadway is in suitable condition
to return to the original speed limit.
Speed limits for temporary roadway alignments must be
consistent with the geometrics of the alignment, as determined
bythe Regional Traffic Engineer.
The design of work zones where temporary traffic signals are
combined with minimum roadway geometrics and temporary
intersections and road approaches, may require a speed limit
reduction, which is to be shown on the Traffic Control Plan.
Emergencies such as natural disasters and long-term incidents
within the work zone may require an emergency continuous
regulatory speed limit reduction.
When work zone conditions leave workers unprotected by
temporary barrier or truck mounted attenuators, a variable
regulatory speed limit may be used as part of a worker safety

II. Guidance
A. Work Zone Assessment. A Transportation Management Plan (TMP)
is developed for each project. It integrates all work zone factors,
including traffic speed and volumes, project design, worker exposure,
constructability, and traffic operations. Before considering a work zone
speed reduction, a work zone impact assessment is conducted which
considers, and implements where possible, design strategies that address
the specific work zone conditions. Any decision to implement a reduced
speed limit must be assessed and justified as part of the TMP.

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page 5.B-3

Speed Limit Reductions in Work Zones

Appendix 5.B

Reduced speed limit boundaries should be set to match the limits of

the work zone to which they apply, or for that portion of the work zone
where conditions warrant the speed reduction. In general, do not extend
the reduced regulatory speed limit beyond the actual work zone limits.
However, to avoid abrupt short or inconsistent speed zones, consider
extending an adjacent existing lower speed limit boundary to encompass
a work zone where the speed limit will be reduced. This can reduce driver
confusion about short and different speed zones and improves credibility
and compliance with the lowered speed limit.

Worker exposure and driver confusion are common work zone conditions
that may be mitigated through effective safety solutions that do not include
a speed limit reduction. As part of work zone assessment, consider these
and other strategies:
1. Worker Exposure to Traffic Hazards. When workers are exposed
to live traffic, do not assume that a lower speed limit will improve
worker safety. Reduce worker exposure and traffic speeds using these
effective safety strategies:
Use a pilot car for two lane paving operations to effectively control
traffic speed past workers.
Provide positive protection such as barriers and Truck Mounted
Provide a lateral buffer space between workers and live traffic,
defined by channelization devices, to allow space for minor traffic
intrusions or occasional encroachment by workers. A half to full
lane width is an acceptable lateral buffer for high speed conditions.
Use closely spaced drums or tall channelizing devices to improve
work area separation and motorist guidance.
Additional warning devices such as temporary rumble strips,
portable changeable message signs, or an automated flagger
assistance device may improve flagger protection.
2. Enhanced Traffic Control. Driver confusion can be avoided or
reduced through the use of enhanced guidance and information. Driver
performance is improved by providing concise and accurate messages
and visual cues that show the work zone conditions and travel path.
Electronic driver feedback signs and occasional enforcement may be
used to reinforce the existing speed limit and minimize any traffic
speed differential. Before proposing a reduced speed limit, consider
the following measures:
Remove existing pavement markings that conflict with temporary
Add enhanced pavement markings and traffic control devices.

Page 5.B-4

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Appendix 5.B

Speed Limit Reductions in Work Zones

Minimize decision point conflicts or confusion.

Add overhead or other enhanced signing.
Design effective merge areas.
Add temporary illumination.
B. Work Zone Speed Reduction Assessment Factors. Consider these
factors together to determine if a work zone speed limit reduction is
needed. If a speed reduction is proposed, note the justifying factors on
theWork Zone Speed Reduction Worksheet.
1. Roadway Factors
Roadway surface is rough, uneven, gravel, has abrupt edges, etc.
Temporary Concrete Barrier (TCB) is 2 feet or closer to high speed
traffic (45 mph or more).
Traffic lanes are less than 11 feet wide.
Shoulders are less than 4 feet wide.
Work zone is in a roadway section with more than two (2) lanes in
each direction.
Work zone elements such as temporary road approaches,
intersections, or intersection control (such as a temporary signal)
have changed the roadway or roadside environment.
Work zone has unusual or reduced roadway geometrics such as
lane shifts, ramps, and acceleration/deceleration tapers.
2. Operational Factors
Work zone is on a high speed roadway (existing speed limit above
60 mph).
Work zone has active operations during hours of darkness.
Sight distance is restricted due to traffic barriers, temporary
alignment, or intersection locations.
Unprotected work activities or workers are closer than 10 feet to
high speed traffic.
Work zone has detours or alignment changes designed for speeds
below the existing limit.
3. Human Factors

When considering a speed limit reduction be aware that drivers

generally do not slow down until there is a perceived reason to do so.
If motorists do not see the reason for a reduced speed limit, it is often
ignored. In addition, note these factors when assessing the need for a
speed limit reduction:

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October 2009

Page 5.B-5

Speed Limit Reductions in Work Zones

Appendix 5.B

A Reduced Speed Limit sign is not automatically noticed or

effective in slowing traffic. Most drivers determine their speed
by observing visual cues from their surroundings, including the
visible work activity, specific warning signs, pavement markings,
and other traffic control devices.
Studies show that drivers slow down more in work zones with
PCMSs, electronic driver feedback signs (Your Speed Is XX)
and flashing warning lights.
Most drivers do not voluntarily reduce their speed more than
10mph unless law enforcement is active.
Work zone speed limit reductions of more than 10 mph show
an increase in crashes due to a wider speed differential between
C. Speed Limit Reduction Assessment Examples. The following are
examples of common work zone situations where a speed limit reduction
may be appropriate:
Situation: 70 mph Freeway Long-Term Construction Project
During work zone operations these projects often have:
Narrowed or restricted lanes or there are no shoulders.
Lane shifts and closures.
Temporary Concrete Barrier 2 feet or less from the lane edge.
Work operations which create driver distractions.
Consider a Continuous Regulatory Speed Limit Reduction of 10 mph
for the above conditions.
Situation: 60 mph Two Lane Highway Paving Project
During work zone operations these projects often have:
High worker exposure.
Limited opportunities to use positive protection such as Temporary
Concrete Barrier to protect workers and separate the work
operation from traffic.
Flaggers exposed to high speed traffic.
Consider a variable regulatory speed limit reduction to 40 mph (below
the high speed 45 mph threshold) for the duration of the work zone
operationoften a single shift. Note that use of a pilot car operation
will effectively control traffic speeds through the work zone so a
variable speed limit reduction may be unnecessary.

Page 5.B-6

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Appendix 5.B

Speed Limit Reductions in Work Zones

III. Speed Limit Reduction Approval Process

A. Decision Making Identifying Benefits. A Continuous or Variable
Regulatory Speed Limit Reduction may be justified when the project
presents specific safety issues that cannot be addressed through other
work zone design or operational options. When safety benefits can be
achieved by applying work zone design standards or other safety
enhancements, they are not justification for approval of a speed

Consider the roadway and operational factors for each project, and
understand the human factor that a speed limit reduction may not
automatically reduce actual traffic speeds. If factors cannot be mitigated
through application of work zone standards, design strategies and features,
or other enhancements such as Temporary Concrete Barrier, identify how
a speed reduction will provide safety benefits in the following areas and
identify the expected safety benefits on the Work Zone Speed Reduction
Traffic Safety What safety benefit would be provided beyond that
realized through standard or enhanced work zone safety and traffic
control methods?
Worker Safety What safety benefit would be provided beyond
worker protective equipment or other designed features?
ADA, Pedestrian, and Bike Safety What safety benefits would be
provided for these roadway user groups that cannot be provided in
thework zone design and operation?

B. Request for Approval Process. The following are the steps to request a
speed limit reduction.
1. The project manager submits a Speed Reduction Request to
the Regional Administrator, through the Region Traffic Engineer
(Figure5.B-3). The request includes:
A completed Work Zone Speed Reduction Worksheet. Specific
safety benefits must be identified to warrant approval.
The Traffic Control Plan(s) showing all speed limit reduction
related details. Example TCPs are shown in Figures 5.B-4a,
5.B4b, and 5.B-4c.
Other supporting documents including the TMP and law
enforcement assistance agreements.
2. The Region Traffic Engineer (RTE) reviews the speed limit reduction
request to determine if it is warranted.
The RTE has the authority to approve advisory speed reductions
without further approval by the Regional Administrator.

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page 5.B-7

Speed Limit Reductions in Work Zones

Appendix 5.B

For a Variable or Continuous Speed Limit Reduction, the RTE

makes a recommendation for approval or denial to the Region
3. The Regional Administrator approves or denies the Speed Limit
Reduction. Notification of a continuous regulatory speed reduction is
sent to the State Traffic Engineer and WSP. Notification to the public is
also required per RCW 47.48.020, which states speed reductions must
be published in a local newspaper at least three days in advance of
the regulation change. The regulation does not take effect without this
public notice.
4. The following speed limit reduction requests are sent to the State
Traffic Engineer for approval:
Speed Limit reductions of over 10 mph.
Speed Limit reductions to less than 60 mph on freeways.
Unique requests that are not consistent with WSDOT policy, rules,
and guidance.

IV. Summary
WSDOT policy, set by Executive Order 1060.00, is to design work zones that
can safely maintain the existing speed limit wherever possible. Work zone
conditions that can be mitigated through design or other work zone strategies
do not warrant a speed limit reduction.
The need for a speed limit reduction is determined through a work zone
assessment, which considers the project roadway and operational factors
together with motorist behavior (human factors). Specific safety benefits
must be identified to warrant approval of a speed reduction. A work zone
assessment may determine that no speed limit reduction is needed, and that
implementing design and operational strategies that address the actual work
zone conditions is the most effective safety plan.
Speed limit reductions are approved and implemented through a defined
process after a work zone assessment determines that a reduction is warranted.
Approval authority is based on the type of speed reduction, as noted in the
Secretarys Executive Order 1060.00.

Page 5.B-8

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Appendix 5.B

Speed Limit Reductions in Work Zones

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02
Revised Code of Washington RCW 47.48
WSDOT Work Zone Traffic Control Guidelines M 54-44.01
WSDOT Design Manual M 22-01
WSDOT Maintenance Manual M 51-01
WSDOT Construction Manual M 41-01
Federal Regulations 23 CFR Part 630 Subpart J
Part VI of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
Region Traffic Office
Region Work Zone Specialist
HQ Traffic Office, Work Zone Team

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page 5.B-9

Speed Limit Reductions in Work Zones

Appendix 5.B


(Refer to Traffic Manual Chapter 5, Appendix 5B for guidance)



Work Order/Contract Number:

Project Name:
Existing Conditions
Posted Speed Limit:


Number of lanes:

Lane Width:

Shoulder Width:

Type of Speed Limit Reduction Proposed:

Continuous Variable


Proposed Speed Limit:

Duration for Speed Reduction:

Work Operation for proposed reduction:

Mile Post Limits for reduction:
Work Zone Conditions Specific to Speed Reduction Request:
Traffic Safety Conditions:
Worker Safety Conditions:
Bicycles, Pedestrians, Others:
Work Zone Actions Considered?
Speed Study

WSP Enforcement

Vicinity map and Traffic Control Plan attached

Justification statement for speed reduction:

Project Engineer Concurrence:

Traffic Engineer Concurrence:


Figure 5.B-1.doc
If additional space is necessary for responses, attach a supplemental sheet

Speed Limit Reduction Worksheet

Figure 5.B-1

Page 5.B-10

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Appendix 5.B

Speed Limit Reductions in Work Zones

Example Notice of Speed Limit Reduction

Figure 5.B-2

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page 5.B-11

Speed Limit Reductions in Work Zones

Appendix 5.B

Example Notice of Speed Limit Reduction

Figure 5.B-2 (continued)

Page 5.B-12

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Appendix 5.B

Speed Limit Reductions in Work Zones


Regional Administrator


Regional Traffic Engineer


Title/Project manager


SR XX Work Zone Speed Limit Reduction

Per Secretarys Executive Order E 1060.00, we are requesting that the posted regulatory speed
limit within the above referenced location be reduced to XX MPH.
This temporary work zone speed limit change is being requested for the following reasons: (list
applicable conditions and justification from the Work Zone Speed Limit Reduction Worksheet)

This posted speed reduction will be in effect from Date to Date, between Milepost XX to Milepost
XX. The posted speed reductions will be in effect (During Actual Work Hours or Continuously).
The dates and the locations may vary based on where the work activities that involve the safety
issues listed above are present. (#ask Frank if this sentence is correct?)

Regional Administrator


State Traffic Engineer

Area Maintenance Superintendent
WSP District Captain
Traffic file
Contract file


Supporting Documents

G:\Engineering Manuals\Traffic Manual\Figure 5.B-3.doc

Speed Reduction Request

Figure 5.B-3

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page 5.B-13

Speed Limit Reductions in Work Zones

Appendix 5.B

Traffic Control Plan

Figure 5.B-4a

Page 5.B-14

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Appendix 5.B

Speed Limit Reductions in Work Zones

Traffic Control Plan

Figure 5.B-4b

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page 5.B-15

Speed Limit Reductions in Work Zones

Appendix 5.B

Traffic Control Plan

Figure 5.B-4c

Page 5.B-16

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Chapter 6

Traffic Regulations

6.1 General
Traffic regulations enhance safety and operating efficiency on state highways,
county roads, or city streets by placing enforceable operating restrictions
on the use of the public roadway. A traffic regulation is either established in
state law (RCW 46.61, Rules of the Road) or is warranted based on data from
an engineering and traffic investigation of traffic conditions at the proposed
location. The guidelines in this chapter explain specific regulations and
identify the information needed to establish or modify a traffic regulation.
The Rules of the Road (RCW 46.61) regulate basic traffic movements on
public roads including:
maximum speeds
lane use
vehicle restrictions
stop control
turning movement restrictions
assignment of right of way
A traffic regulation other than the Rules of the Road may be implemented
only after an official action by the appropriate jurisdictional authority.
For state highways, a proposed traffic regulation (or modification) is
submitted for action to either the Regional Administrator or the State Traffic
Engineer, depending on the delegation of authority, and is reviewed as a
Calendar Agenda item on the Regional Administrator or State Traffic
Where city streets are part of managed access state highways, a city or
town ordinance establishes speed limits, parking restrictions, stop control,
and turn prohibitions. The department must approve any regulation that is
not identical to state law before it becomes effective (RCW 46.61.415 and
A. Regional Traffic Regulations Approved by Regional Administrator
Traffic signal installation permits on state highway system.
Reduced speed limits in construction or maintenance zones.
Regulatory speeds in rest areas, weigh stations, and ferry terminals.
Stop control on state highways.

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Chapter 6

Turn prohibitions and restrictions.

Pedestrian prohibitions on partial or modified access control highways.
Roadside parking restrictions (except for angle parking).
Tow-away zones along freeways.
Prohibitions on fishing or jumping from bridges.
Emergency or construction closures and weight restrictions.
B. Headquarters Traffic Regulations Approved by State Traffic Engineer
Regulatory speeds (outside construction and maintenance work
zones) including 20 mph school speed zones established under
Bicycle prohibitions on limited access highways.
Truck restrictions (including trucks hauling hazardous material).
HOV lane designations.
Angle parking on state and federal-aid highways.
Parking restrictions for park and ride lots and other parking facilities.
Regulation of sales within state parking facilities.
Permanent weight restrictions.

6.2 Documentation
Permanent traffic regulation records are maintained in the office of the
designated approving authority.
Each traffic regulation or modification is submitted by the Regional Traffic
Engineer to either the Regional Administrator or the State Traffic Engineer
on a Calendar Agenda Form (Figures 6-1 and 6-2). The regulations approval
or denial is recorded on the form, which provides the necessary official
documentation of the regulatory action.
Additionally, as outlined in this chapter, retain a summary of the engineering
and traffic investigation and other data to support and document the
Informational copies of completed calendar agenda actions are exchanged
between the state and region Traffic Offices. Copies are also provided to the
Washington State Patrol (WSP) and appropriate local agency.
Inventories of traffic regulations are maintained in the office of the designated
approving authority.

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6.3 Regional Traffic Regulations

Some types of traffic regulations address specific local traffic and geometric
characteristics, without statewide implications. The Regional Administrators
are delegated the authority to approve those regulations, which include
A. Traffic Signal Installation Permits. Traffic control signals are addressed
in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) M24-01,
Part 4. Discussion includes advantages and disadvantages of signals,
possible alternatives to signals, and the warrants under which signals

Signal permits are required for the following signal types, prior to
conventional traffic signals
emergency vehicle signals
hazard identification beacons, when installed overhead at
intersection control beacons
lane control signals
movable bridge signals
ramp meter signals
pedestrian signals
temporary signals
school crossing signals

Permits are not required for:

hazard identification beacons that are not installed overhead
speed limit sign beacons
stop sign beacons
lane assignment signals at toll facilities
portable signals

Complete an engineering and traffic investigation of the proposed signal

location to determine if a traffic signal is warranted per the MUTCD. If a
signal is warranted, submit a Calendar Agenda Form (Figure 6-1) with the
documentation below to the Regional Administrator for approval. Include:
A vicinity map showing SR/MP location of the proposed signal, and
a detailed sketch showing traffic volumes, lane distribution, and other
data relative to the request.

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Photos of the location and surrounding area, if possible.

A complete warrant analysis per MUTCD, Section 4C based
onaccurate traffic volumes, collision experience, and other
A capacity analysis and other justification if volume warrants are not
met but a signal appears necessary to resolve operational problems.
Collision data summary for the last three years and whether the
proposed signal location is at a High Accident Location (HAL),
HighAccident Corridor (HAC), or Pedestrian Accident Location
(PAL) or is scheduled for improvement in the latest priority array.
A statement detailing local agency funding and maintenance
responsibilities, if applicable.
All city, county, fire district, and citizen requests, along with copies
ofother pertinent documents and correspondence.
The history of previously tried corrective countermeasures.
Other supporting data such as proximity to schools, shopping centers,
pedestrian traffic, etc.
A Signal Application Checklist (Figure 6-3).

Once a signal is approved, a Statewide Signal Permit Inventory number

is obtained from Headquarters and noted in part F on the permit form
(Form 242-014). Send a copy of the completed permit to Headquarters
forfinal documentation.

Where signal removal is being considered, refer to Section 6.6, Rescinding

Existing Traffic Regulations.

B. Reduced Regulatory Speed Construction/Maintenance Zones.

The Regional Administrator may reduce speed limits in construction
or maintenance zones, following the complete guidelines given in
Secretarys Executive Order E 1060.00 and Traffic Manual, Chapter 5,
Appendix5B. Some speed limit reductions must be approved by the
C. Regulatory Speeds in Rest Areas, Weigh Stations, and Ferry
Terminals. The department is authorized (RCW 46.61.405) to set speed
limits on any part of the highway system and at ferry terminals. Rest
areas and weigh stations are included in the definition of a state highway

Identify appropriate speed limits at these locations through anengineering

and traffic investigation that considers:
existing speed characteristics
foot traffic patterns

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geometric elements
operational conflicts

Field observation during periods of heavy use is necessary to determine

these characteristics.

The Rules of the Road (RCW 46.61.415) state that speed limits on local
roadways cannot be posted at lower than 20 mph. Additionally, school
zones are posted at 20 mph, recognizing the high volume of juvenile
pedestrian traffic and inherent congestion and conflicts. This suggests that
20 mph is a good starting point when considering an appropriate speed
limit. Lower or higher speeds may be determined basedon the engineering
and traffic investigation.

Submit regulatory speed limit requests for these locations as a calendar

agenda item to the Regional Administrator. Include data collected from
theengineering and traffic investigation to support the request.

D. Stop Control on State Highways. All state highways are considered

arterials and entering traffic must stop when signs are posted
(RCW46.61.195). Most intersections of a state highway and a county
roador city street are controlled by a stop sign posted on the local
roadway. However, stop control can be installed on the state highway
approaches if it will improve the intersection operation and if the traffic
volume on the local roadway is equal to or higher than the state highway
volume. The specific provisions regarding stop control are:
The department is responsible for STOP or YIELD signs on county
road approaches to state highways and on city street approaches in
cities and towns under 25,000 population.
The department can designate a county road or city street as an
arterialhaving preference over the state highway if it will improve
traffic conditions.
An incorporated city or town may pass an ordinance designating
a citystreet as an arterial having preference over a state highway,
if approved in writing by the department. The city or town is then
responsible for the STOP or YIELD signs. (RCW 46.61.195 does
notspecify a population threshold; therefore any city or town
mayexercise thisauthority.)
Vehicles entering arterials from all other public or private
roadwaysmust stop before entering, when STOP signs are posted

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Respond to requests for state highway stop control by conducting an

engineering and traffic investigation to determine if it is warranted at
the subject location. Consider a multi-way STOP if approach volumes
are approximately equal or if a collision analysis shows collisions which
are correctable by multi-way stops (i.e., angle collisions). See MUTCD,
Section 2B.07.

Document the investigation and submit the proposed regulation to the

Regional Administrator as a calendar agenda item. Include:
A vicinity map and detailed strip map showing SR/MP location of
the intersection, together with the total traffic volumes and approach
A description of the operational problems (such as limited sight
distances) which identify the need for stop control, including any
history of previously tried corrective measures.
A study of the last three years collision history, including whether the
location is a High Accident Location (HAL), High Accident Corridor
(HAC), or Pedestrian Accident Location (PAL) or is scheduled for
improvement in the latest priority array.
A city or town ordinance, as required for city streets which are part
ofstate highways.
Copies of city, county, and/or citizen requests along with other
pertinent documents and correspondence.
Copies of WSP and/or local police agency concurrences.

E. Turn Prohibitions and Restrictions. Specific turning movements

may beprohibited or restricted by traffic regulation to reduce potential
conflictsor improve the operational characteristics of an intersection or
business access.

Turn prohibitions or restrictions which are established in the Rules of the

Road or clearly defined by design elements (MUTCD, Section 2B.19,
Option) do not need a traffic regulation. All other turn prohibitions or
restrictions require a traffic regulation.

Conduct an engineering and traffic investigation of the subject location;

document the investigation and submit the proposed regulation to the
Regional Administrator as a calendar agenda item. Include:
A vicinity map and intersection sketch showing the SR/MP location
together with the total traffic volumes, approach lane distributions
andturning volumes.
Descriptions of operational problems which identify the need for the
regulation, such as pedestrian movements, large truck turning radii,
orlack of adequate gaps.

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The alternate routing intended to accommodate the turn-restricted

traffic. Convenient and strategic alternate routing is necessary to
minimize the likelihood that a driver will ignore the prohibition.
A study of the last three years collision history, including whether the
location is a High Accident Location (HAL), High Accident Corridor
(HAC), or Pedestrian Accident Location (PAL) or is scheduled for
improvement in the latest priority array.
Copies of city, county, and/or citizen requests along with other
pertinent documents and correspondence.
A city or town ordinance as required for city streets which are part
ofstate highways.
Copies of WSP and/or local police agency concurrences.
Photos or video, if available.
F. Pedestrian Prohibitions on Partial or Modified Access Control
Highways. The department is authorized to prohibit non-motorized traffic
(e.g., pedestrians) on any limited access highway (RCW 46.61.160 and
47.52.025). Pedestrians are prohibited only on highways with full access
control (WAC 468-58-050). Therefore, on highways with partial or
modified access control, a specific traffic regulation is required to prohibit
pedestrian traffic. A prohibition is only considered when an engineering
and traffic investigation determines that pedestrians have an alternate and
safer route. It is not WSDOT policy to close pedestrian access when no
feasible alternate route exists.

Prohibitions are appropriate along partial and modified access controlled

highways in areas having the appearance of full access control, in areas
where parallel pedestrian routes are available, locations on a Pedestrian
Accident Location (PAL) list, and other areas where pedestrians on the
shoulder create a potential hazard to themselves or vehicular traffic.

Document the investigation and submit the proposed regulation to the

Regional Administrator as a calendar agenda item. Include:
A vicinity map of the area showing proposed prohibition limits and
alternate pedestrian routes.
Traffic volumes.
Collision history for the past three years including any pedestrian
Summary statement detailing need for prohibition.
Photos or video, if available.

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G. Roadside Parking Restrictions. The Rules of the Road, (RCW 46.61.560

through 46.61.590) provide specific parking restrictions that are effective
at all times along public roadways. When the region considers additional
parking restrictions, conduct an engineering and traffic investigation to
determine the need.

Document the investigation and submit the proposed regulation to the

Regional Administrator as a calendar agenda item. Include:
A detailed strip map of the area showing SR/MP, intersecting streets
and driveways, and other on-street or off-street parking alternatives.
Photos or video if available.
The type of restriction requested (i.e., time of day, mid-block to corner).
An analysis of operational problems, such as narrow shoulders or
limited sight distances, that identify the need for the regulation.
Copies of a city or town ordinance, as required for city streets which
are part of state highways.
Correspondence or comments regarding adjacent property and
business owners parking requirements and their concurrence with
Copies of WSP and/or local police agency concurrences.

H. No Parking/Tow-Away Zones Along Freeways. A no parking/

tow-away zone along a freeway may be established where there is an
operational problem or collision history associated with vehicles parked
on the shoulder. The Washington State Patrol (WSP) typically identifies
suggested locations.

Officers may promptly remove an unattended vehicle from a roadway

shoulder if it constitutes an obstruction or jeopardizes public safety
(RCW46.55.113(2)(b)). The no parking/tow-away zone traffic
regulation and related signing provide additional information for the
motorist and an effective enforcement tool for the WSP.

Submit the proposed regulation to the Regional Administrator as a

calendar agenda item. Documentation should include:
A detailed strip map of the area showing SR/MP and interchanges.
An analysis of operational problems, including collisions associated
with vehicles parked on the shoulder, narrow shoulders, or limited
sight distances.
Copies of WSP and/or local police agency request and concurrence.

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For freeway shoulders without any parking/tow-away zone,

RCW47.52.120(1) notes that vehicles experiencing equipment failure
or other emergency may park within the right of way of limited

I. Prohibitions of Fishing or Jumping from Bridges. Prohibitions of

fishing or jumping from bridges are intended to alleviate potentially
hazardous situations. An engineering and traffic investigation is conducted
to determine the need for the prohibition.

Document the investigation and submit the proposed regulation to the

Regional Administrator as a calendar agenda item. Include:
A vicinity map showing the SR/MP of the bridge and the bridge
number from the Bridge List M23-09.
A discussion of the potentially hazardous condition requiring
Copies of public or local agency correspondence.
Copies of WSP and/or local police agency concurrences.

There are a number of fishing from bridges prohibitions that were

adopted by the former Highway Commission, prior to traffic regulation
authority being transferred to the department. The prohibitions remain
effective unless rescinded by the Regional Administrator (see Section6.6).

J. Highway Restrictions or Closures Emergency, Temporary,

Construction, or Weight Related. The Regional Administrator approves
emergency, temporary, construction, or weight related restrictions or
closures. These place specific limitations on the use of a state highway.
Examples are:
1. Emergency Closures or Restrictions. Emergency closures or
restrictions may be implemented immediately, without prior notice
or posting, in accordance with the procedures in the Maintenance
Manual, M51-01. The Maintenance Manual provides signing
guidelines for emergency and non-emergency closures and restrictions.
2. Temporary or Construction Restrictions or Closures.
RCW47.48.010 gives the department the authority to close highways
or segments of highways to all vehicles or any class of vehicles where
such continued use will damage the roadway or be dangerous to traffic.

Investigate and document:

The need for the restriction or regulation.
Copies of public or local agency correspondence.
Copies of WSP and local police agency concurrences.

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Chapter 6

Submit the proposed regulation to the Regional Administrator as a

calendar agenda item. Include:
A vicinity map of area including SR/MP.
A discussion of roadway condition or situation that requires the
restriction or closure
Copies of WSP and local police agency concurrence

Prior to restricting or closing a roadway segment, notice of the action

must be given (per RCW 47.48.020) by:
Publishing a notice describing the restriction or closure in at least
one newspaper issue of general circulation in the county, city, or
town where the highway is located.
Posting a notice describing the restriction or closure in a
conspicuous place at the ends of the highway or highway section.

The highway or highway section may be closed no sooner than three

days after the newspaper notice and highway posting first appear.

If the closure will be in effect for less than 12 hours (such as

for manySpecial Events) it is not necessary to post a notice in a
newspaper. Advance closure notices must still be posted on the
highway. The Special Event Letter of Agreement is sufficient
documentation of an event related restriction or closure.

3. Weight Restrictions. In accordance with WAC 468-38-080, temporary

weight restrictions may be immediately imposed on highways in
response to emergency road conditions, such as potential damage from
freeze/thaw action.

The State Traffic Engineer approves permanent weight restrictions

such as a restriction on a road segment not built to WSDOT standards
but acquired as a state highway.

4. Oversize Load Restrictions. Notices of any roadway restriction

or closure must be distributed to the regional Permit Office and
signs must be installed which identify the milepost limits and the
duration of the restriction. The regional Commercial Vehicle Services
Administrator issues the oversize load permits, and needs to know of
any restrictions or closures along a proposed route. Because they may
require pilot cars to accompany these loads (WAC 468-38), signs are
installed at locations that provide pilot car operators safe on/off access
to the highway without conflicting with other traffic.

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6.4 Headquarters Traffic Regulations

Some types of traffic regulations address conditions that have statewide
implications. To assure uniformity, these are approved by the State Traffic
Engineer, and include the following:
A. Regulatory Speed Limits Outside Construction and
MaintenanceZones. Maximum speed limits for state highways,
countyroads, and city streets are mandated in the Rules of the Road
(RCW46.61.400). The department may raise or lower state highway
speedlimits based on an engineering and traffic investigation (RCW
46.61.405 and 46.61.410). The MUTCD, Section 2B.13 also addresses
establishing speedlimits.

Regions may initiate speed limit revision requests for many reasons
including roadway realignment, urban growth, strip development, or
otherchanges in roadway environment. Requests to change a speed
limitmay also come from a city, a tribal government, law enforcement,
orcitizens group.

Conduct an engineering and traffic investigation to determine the

appropriate speed limit. If a change is warranted, submit to the State
Traffic Engineer as a calendar agenda item (Figure 6-2) and include
thefollowing supporting information:
A memo outlining the reasons for the proposal, and any previously
tried corrective measures and results.
A description of the roadway characteristics including geometrics,
laneand shoulder width and condition, grade and sight distance, etc.
A map showing SR/MP, speed study locations and results, including
85th percentile speeds. Show pedestrian walkways, schools, accesses,
significant traffic generators, newly developed areas, etc. Show
locations of existing and proposed speed limit signs and curve or
turn warning signs and applicable speed advisories. The map may
beCADD generated, hand drawn, or ortho-photo based.
Collision history for the past three years together with the critical
collision rate. Note if the highway section is a High Accident Location
(HAL), High Accident Corridor (HAC), or Pedestrian Accident
Location (PAL).
Description of changes in geometrics, sight distances, lane widths,
andshoulders, if the proposal is based primarily on realignment.
A copy of any local agency ordinance required for a managed access
highway segment within an incorporated city or town.
Copies of any citizen petitions or other letters regarding the proposed
speed zone.

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Narrative on how any tribal considerations are addressed (see

Section2 below).
Copies of WSP and/or local police agency concurrences.
Speed Limit Request Checklist (Figure 6-4).
An environmental review of the State Environmental Policy Act
(SEPA) if the proposed speed limit is being raised to above 55 mph
(see Section 6 below).
A copy of the project results, if the US Limits speed zoning software
is used.

When the engineering and traffic investigation does not support a speed
limit revision, implement other potential corrective measures such
as traffic calming revisions, warning signs, and public information
campaigns. Observe and document the results of these measures before
submitting a speed zone proposal. In most cases, the State Traffic
Engineer will consider speed limit revisions that are within 5 mph of the
85thpercentile speed, and that comply with MUTCD, Section 2B.13.

The State Traffic Regulations Specialist maintains a statewide speed

1. Speed Limits for Schools and Playgrounds. State law includes
two parts to address reduced 20 mph speed zones for schools or
RCW 46.61.440(1) establishes a 20 mph speed zone at a marked
school or playground crosswalk when the crosswalk is posted
with standard school or playground speed limit signing.
RCW 46.61.440(2) allows a county or incorporated city or town
toestablish a 20 mph speed zone on a roadway bordering a
marked school or playground.

Page 6-12

Part 1 establishes a 20 mph speed zone at a marked school or

playground crosswalk, when the crosswalk is posted with standard
school or playground signs. School or playground crosswalk
speed zones are addressed in WAC 468-95-330 and 468-95-340
and discussed in Chapter 2, Part 2.09(3). Signing is shown in
Appendix2-12. Uses of supplemental flashing beacons or flags
toincrease compliance with the speed zone are also discussed.

The 20 mph speed zone shall extend a full 300 feet in either direction
from the marked school or playground crosswalk, unless there is less
than 300 feet to the terminus of the roadway. School or playground
speed zones established under this law do not require a traffic

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Chapter 6

The 20 mph speed zone may extend more than 300 feet from the
crosswalk; however, the distance beyond 300 feet requires a traffic
regulation based on an engineering and traffic investigation. Where
school crosswalks serve an elementary school, the engineering and
traffic investigation should consider the schools Walk Route Plan.
The Superintendent of Public Instruction limits the number of school
crossings and allows only one entrance-exit from each block to and
from the school.

Part 2 allows a county or incorporated city or town to establish a

20mph speed zone adjacent to and extending up to 300 feet beyond
the border of a school or playground property. The zone may only
include the area consistent with active school or playground use
(WAC468-95-330). A marked crosswalk is not necessary to establish a
20mph speed zone under RCW 46.61.440(2). For city streets that are
also state highways, the department must approve the city ordinance
that creates the school or playground speed limit (RCW 47.24.020(11)
and RCW 46.61.415(5)).

The regions may also receive requests for reduced speed limits at
intersections without a marked crosswalk. Conduct an engineering
and traffic investigation for the speed zone request. If study results
warrant establishing the speed zone, submit a request to the State
Traffic Engineer as required for regulatory speed limit changes. If the
engineering and traffic investigation results do not support the request,
consider other solutions such as adult crossing guards, focused law
enforcement, playground fencing, and warning signs. Establishment
ofa crosswalk may also be considered.

Traffic Regulations

2. Speed Limits on State Highways Within Tribal Reservation

Boundaries. Beginning in 2009, state law (RCW 46.61.480) affirms
that tribal authorities may determine the speed limit on the portions
of nonlimited access state highways that pass within tribal reservation
boundaries. The speed limit must be based on an engineering and
traffic investigation and is not effective until approved by WSDOT,
and appropriate signing is posted.
3. Speed Limits on Ocean Beaches. Ocean beaches are under the
jurisdiction of the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission
(RCW 79A.05.610). The Commission has set the maximum speed
limit on beaches at 25 mph (WAC 352-37-130).
4. Minimum Speed Limit. Although RCW 46.61.425(2) authorizes the
department to post a minimum speed limit on a highway segment, the
Rules of the Road do not mandate a statutory minimum speed limit
for state highways. RCW 46.61.415 states in part that minimum speed
limits on local roadways may not be set lower than 20 mph. Further,
RCW 46.61.440 sets 20 mph as the speed limit at marked school

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Chapter 6

or playground crosswalks. For consistency with these statutes, it is

suggested that 20 mph be the lowest speed limit that the department
will consider. Lower speed limits may be considered in unique
situations such as weigh stations, ferry terminals or rest areas (see
Section 6.3, C). Consult with the State Traffic Engineers Office
5. Vehicle Specific Speed Limits, Trucks. The maximum speed limit
for trucks is 60 mph (RCW 46.61.410). The department may set lower
maximum limits by vehicle class if determined necessary for safety
reasons (RCW 46.61.405).Trucks are defined as vehicles over 10,000
pounds gross weight and all vehicles in combination (except auto
stages). RCW 46.04.130 defines a combination of vehicles as every
combination of motor vehicle and motor vehicle, motor vehicle and
trailer, or motor vehicle and semi trailer.
6. Environmental Review Process. SEPA requires an environmental
review of any proposal to raise the speed limit on a highway to above
55 mph. Contact the Regional Environmental Managers Office for
information on the environmental review process and to determine
if the proposed speed limit change area falls within an air quality
maintenance area (nonattainment area) for carbon monoxide or
ozone. A completed review must accompany the traffic regulation
request package. For further information, consult the Environmental
Procedures Manual M31-11.

Either of two review procedures will be required:

If none of the proposed change area is located within an air
quality maintenance area, the reviewer completes the Nonproject Environmental Checklist and the Determination of
Non-Significance. Include a copy of each in the traffic regulation
package, and provide copies to the Headquarters Environmental
Services Office. It is not necessary to provide a copy to any other
jurisdiction, nor does SEPA require a comment period.
If any part of the proposed change area is located within an
air quality maintenance area, the local Metropolitan Planning
Organization (MPO) must model impacts from the proposed speed
limit increase. If the modeling shows that the carbon monoxide and
ozone allowances are not exceeded, follow the same procedures
outlined for areas outside air quality maintenance areas. If the
modeling shows that the carbon monoxide and ozone allowances
will be exceeded, the impacts must be mitigated before the speed
limit may be increased.

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B. Bicycle Restrictions. Bicycles are defined as vehicles under state law

(RCW 46.04.670) and treated and addressed as part of highway traffic.
Bicycle restrictions may be implemented at specific locations due to speed
differentials between bicyclists and other traffic, extremely high traffic
volumes, roadway geometrics, or other safety considerations. Where
bicycle restrictions are necessary, alternate routing suitable for bicycles
must be available.

When considering an area for bicycle restriction or prohibition, conduct

an engineering and traffic investigation and involve the regional bicycle
coordinator, the bicycling community, and local agencies. Their input
assures that bicycling interests are considered and that bicycle commute
corridors remain intact.

Document the investigation and submit the proposed regulation to the

State Traffic Engineer as a calendar agenda item. Include:
A vicinity map and strip map showing SR/MP of the area.
Location and descriptions of available alternate routes.
Copies of documents, correspondence, and citizen requests.
Narrative on how bicycle interests are addressed.
Collision data involving bicycles.
Copies of WSP and/or local police agency concurrences.
Description of operational complexities (e.g., restricted shoulder
width, interchange configurations) which identify the need for the
regulation, as they relate to the following guidelines approved by
theBicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC):
1. Routes over 100,000 motor vehicles per day (ADT), or
2. One or more of these criteria:
20,000 to 100,000 ADT

Condition and/or Consideration

Shoulder Width

Less than 4 feet when ADT between

20,000 and 60,000 or 8 feet when ADT
exceeds 60,000 ADT.

Double On/Off

Consider forced exit and return.


Less than 2 miles with ramp volume

greater than 10,000 ADT, use forced exit
and return.


Consider restriction when alternate routes


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The State Traffic Engineer will coordinate with the departments

Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager to arrange for review of the
restriction with the BPAC. Comments from the BPAC will be included
in the regulation review.

C. Truck Restrictions. Truck restrictions may be imposed by statutory

mandate (RCW or WAC), or by approval by the State Traffic Engineer
through a calendar agenda item. Truck restrictions are either as lane
restrictions or route restrictions and designations.
1. Left-Lane Restrictions. As mandated by RCW 46.61.100(3) and
WAC 468-510-020, no vehicle towing a trailer or no vehicle or vehicle
combination over 10,000 lbs. may use the left lane of limited access
highways having three or more general purpose lanes in one direction.

Lane restrictions for trucks may also be imposed on other highway

sections through a State Traffic Engineer Calendar Action. Although
rare, these restrictions may be necessary to improve traffic flow on
facilities having two general purpose lanes in one direction.

Truck route restrictions and designations are normally implemented

together to establish a preferred truck route through a corridor. Route
restrictions and designations may be initiated by a local agency for
citystreets that are also state highways.

An engineering and traffic investigation is conducted to determine

theneed for the restriction and route designation.

Document the investigation and submit the proposed regulation to the

State Traffic Engineer as a calendar agenda item. Include:
A vicinity map and strip map showing SR/MP of the area.
Description of operational characteristics which identify the need
for the restriction.
Copies of speed studies, volume studies including vehicle
classification, and a three year collision history.
Copies of documents or correspondence from citizen groups.
A copy of the local agency ordinance if the restriction is for a city
street that is also a state highway.
Copies of WSP and/or Washington Trucking Association

Page 6-16

Refer questions concerning WAC 468-510-020 to the State Traffic

Regulations Specialist.

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Traffic Regulations

2. Hazardous Material Route Restriction. Some highways, due to

operational characteristics, may be restricted for certain classes of
vehicles, such as those carrying hazardous or flammable materials.

Conduct an engineering and traffic investigation and document the

condition warranting a restriction. Submit as a calendar agenda item to
the State Traffic Engineer with the following supporting information:
A vicinity map showing the SR/MP of the restriction.
Summary document detailing operational characteristics (tunnels,
high traffic volumes) of the highway warranting the restriction.
Copies of WSP and/or local agency concurrences.

D. HOV Lane Designation. High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes are

exclusive traffic lanes limited to carrying public transportation vehicles,
private motor vehicles with the number of occupants specified on posted
signs, motorcycles, and emergency vehicles (WAC 468-510-010). HOV
lanes are typically a characteristic of urban freeways, but may also be
designated on expressways, urban arterials, and highways serving major
transportation hubs such as airports. The HOV lane objectives are:
Increase the people-carrying capacity of highway corridors.
Reduce total travel time.
Improve the efficiency and economy of public transit operations.
Reduce fuel consumption.
Improve air quality.

Designated HOV lanes are established through a regulation approved

by the State Traffic Engineer. Conduct an engineering and traffic
investigation, document the condition, and submit the following
information as a calendar agenda item:
A vicinity map and strip map identifying the SR/MP limits, and
showing the locations of ramps within the proposed section.
The proposed minimum number of occupants per vehicle, and
engineering documentation to support that minimum.
Projected lane occupancy rates for both the HOV lane and the
adjacentgeneral purpose lanes.
Proposed hours of HOV operation.
Copies of design data.
For proposed shoulder HOV lanes, include Design Office concurrence
that the shoulder has adequate structural strength to support the

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Traffic Regulations

Chapter 6

On highways where bicycles are allowed on the shoulder, a narrative

on how bicycle traffic will be accommodated if a shoulder HOV lane
is approved.
E. Angle Parking on State Highways
1. Statutory Requirements. Angle parking may be requested
by a city ortown for a city street that is also a state highway
(RCW46.61.575(3)). Local authorities, by ordinance or resolution,
maypermit angle parking on such a street, if the department has
determined that the roadway is of sufficient width to permit angle
parking without interfering with the free movement of traffic.

Conduct an engineering and traffic investigation of the location.

Ifangle parking is determined appropriate, submit as a calendar
agenda item to the State Traffic Engineer with the following
supporting information:
Vicinity and strip map showing the SR/MP of the proposed
Narrative describing the need for angle parking, including speed
limit and traffic volumes.
Collision data for the past three years.
Copy of the city or town ordinance establishing angle parking.
Parking plan layouts.
A demonstration (using a passenger vehicle for design purposes)
that the parking maneuver can be accomplished without interfering
with the free movement of traffic. Use video or pictures.

2. Pre-existing Angle Parking. Angle parking was installed along some

state highways prior to approval through the traffic regulation process,
or before it was designated as a state highway. Further, these locations
may not allow for the angle parking maneuver to be performed without
interfering with the free movement of traffic, as required by law.

Page 6-18

To address unapproved angle parking, the region may establish an

inventory of the locations and then undertake a housecleaning
project. The project can be region wide, or can encompass a specific
area such as a state route or a county. The purpose is to bring
unapproved locations into compliance with the law through a traffic
regulation, orwork toward removing those that cannot comply.

Where it is necessary to initiate removing angle parking, it is important

to partner with local agencies (for city streets that are also state
highways) and/or the business community to establish a mutually
acceptable time frame. In many locations, angle parking may be

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April 2011

Chapter 6

Traffic Regulations

the only parking available to business patrons. In these cases, a

comprehensive approach to providing other parking must be part of
any effort to remove angle parking.
F. Parking Restrictions for Park and Ride Lots and Other Parking
Facilities. Within the departments park and ride facilities, parking is
limited to a maximum of 48 hours, when posted with signs (R8-1201).
The State Traffic Engineer established this restriction through an official
calendar agenda action on January 8, 1982. Local agency police can
enforce parking regulations in WSDOT park and ride lots if the city
or town has adopted an ordinance similar to the departments 48 hour

For other parking restriction requests, such as at ferry terminals or

chainup areas, conduct an engineering and traffic investigation of the
location and document the condition. Submit the proposed restriction as
acalendar agenda item to the State Traffic Engineer, together with copies
of all correspondence associated with the request.

G. Regulation of Sales within State Parking Facilities. The use of state

parking facilities for sales of vehicles or other merchandise is not allowed.

The supporting enforcement statutes are as follows:

RCW 46.55.070 specifies the posting requirements for public parking
RCW 46.55.010(14) defines an unauthorized vehicle and the required
period of time prior to impoundment for posted public parking
RCW 46.55.080 authorizes that police officers may direct the
impoundment of unauthorized vehicles.
RCW 47.32.120 makes it unlawful to merchandise in a manner that
requires the use of any portion of state highway right of way.
RCW 46.55.240(1)(a) provides a city, town, or county the authority
toadopt the provisions of RCW 46.55 by ordinance or resolution.
WAC 308-330-436 of the Model Traffic Ordinance (MTO) may be
used by local agencies who have adopted the MTO, for park and ride
lots located within their jurisdiction.

H. Permanent Weight Restrictions. Permanent weight restrictions may

be imposed where the pavement and base structure of a given section
ofroadway or a bridge structure will not support the maximum legal load.
An example is a weight restriction on a road segment not built to WSDOT
standards but acquired as a state highway. The State Bridge Condition
Office will normally initiate bridge weight restrictions.

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Traffic Regulations

Chapter 6

Investigate and document the need for the restriction and submit it to
theState Traffic Engineer. Include:
A narrative describing the road or bridge condition leading to
The appropriate maximum weight limit for a restricted section of
roadway, as determined by the departments Materials Laboratory.
A determination of the appropriate bridge weight limit, as set by
thedepartments Bridge Condition office.
Citizen or local agency correspondence.
A copy of WSP concurrence.

Weight restrictions are signed with the appropriate R12 series signs
illustrated in the Sign Fabrication Manual M55-05.

6.5 Other Traffic Restrictions

Compression Brake Prohibition. The department does not regulate
compression brake use; compression brake regulations are enacted by
localagencies and may be signed on state highways as described in the
TrafficManual, Chapter 2.

6.6 Rescinding Existing Traffic Regulations

Occasionally changes to the highway or roadside environment create the need
to rescind a traffic regulation. The Regional Administrator or State Traffic
Engineer accomplishes this through a calendar action. Removing the signs
orposted notices of the regulation does not rescind the regulation.
A. Regional Traffic Regulations. Use the following guidance when
rescinding regional traffic regulations:
1. When removing a traffic signal, complete Section E, Report of
Change, on the regional copy of the Traffic Signal Permit. Part of
Section E provides documentation for the date of removal, together
with the engineers name, title, and reporting date. A copy of that
permit is then sent to the Headquarters Traffic Regulations Specialist
for retention in the signal permit file.
2. Reduced regulatory speeds in construction or maintenance areas
may be implemented under certain conditions specified within
Secretarys Executive Order E 1060.00 and Traffic Manual, Chapter5,
Appendix5.B. The guidance states that when the warranting
conditions no longer exist, the reduced regulatory speed limit is no
longer justified. Generally, this is at the end of the project and is noted
in the Work Zone Speed Reduction Request. The permanent speed
limit signs are then reinstalled, uncovered, or turned toward traffic,

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Chapter 6

Traffic Regulations

3. The Regional Administrator, using the regional calendar agenda

process, rescinds all of the following regulations if they are no
Stop control on state highways.
Turn prohibitions.
Pedestrian prohibitions on partial or modified access controlled
Roadside parking restrictions (except for angle parking, and
restrictions for park and ride lots and other parking facilities).
Tow-away zones.
Prohibitions of fishing or jumping from bridges.
Weight or closure restrictions.

Conduct an engineering and traffic investigation and document the

condition requiring the rescinding of the regulation. Removing the
regulatory signs does not rescind the traffic regulation, but renders
itunenforceable under RCW 46.61.050(2).

B. Headquarters Traffic Regulations. The State Traffic Engineer, using the

calendar agenda process, rescinds the following regulations if they are no
longer needed:
Bicycle prohibitions.
Truck restrictions.
HOV lane designations.
Angle parking on state highways.
Parking or sales restrictions for park and ride lots and other parking

Permanent regulatory speed limits may only be amended.

Provide documentation to support rescinding the traffic regulation to the

State Traffic Engineers office. As with the regional traffic regulations
noted above, removing signs does not rescind the traffic regulation, but
renders it unenforceable under RCW 46.61.050(2).

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Traffic Regulations

Chapter 6

Transportation Building
310 Maple Park Avenue S.E.
P.O. Box 47300
Olympia, WA 98504-7300

Paula J. Hammond, P.E.

Secretary of Transportation

TTY: 1-800-833-6388


Regional Administrator (or Designee)


Approval of Traffic Regulations

Attached is (are) the above-reference item(s) for inclusion on your calendar for approval
and/or execution at calendar meeting to be held (place calendar agenda date here).
A. Traffic Signal Permits:

SR 404
Milepost 16.50
Permit Number 3,013

Submitted by the Regional Traffic Engineer, based on Warrant 1, Eight-Hour

Vehicular Volume, and Warrant 6, Coordinated Signal System. The State Patrol
and the Articulating Transit Authority concur with the proposal.

B. Turn Prohibitions:
C. Pedestrian Prohibitions:

Region Calendar Agenda

Figure 6-1

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October 2009

Chapter 6

Traffic Regulations

Transportation Building
310 Maple Park Avenue S.E.
P.O. Box 47300
Olympia, WA 98504-7300

Paula J. Hammond, P.E.

Secretary of Transportation

TTY: 1-800-833-6388


State Traffic Engineer


Approval of Traffic Regulations

Attached is (are) the above-reference item(s) for inclusion on your calendar for approval
and/or execution at calendar meeting to be held (place calendar agenda date here).
A. Speed Limits:

SR 404
Milepost 16.50 to Milepost 27.00
Posted 45 mph
Proposed 35 mph

35 mph for all vehicles in both directions from MP 16.50 to MP 27.00, for a total
distance of 10.50 miles.

Submitted by the East-West region based on an engineering study. The State

Patrol concurs with the proposal.

B. Angle Parking:
C. Bicycle Prohibitions:

State Traffic Engineer Calendar Agenda

Figure 6-2

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Traffic Regulations

Chapter 6

Date: ________________________________
Submitted By: ________________________
Permit No.: ___________________________
Location: SR No. _____________ MP _____________ Minor Rd. _____________
Vicinity Map: Include a general vicinity map of area showing intersecting roads, and any other
features such as nearby signals and interconnected systems that may be of importance for
analysis ofapplication.
ADTS: Include all ADTS for all approaches entering the intersection.
ADT: Mainline _______ N___ S___ E___ W___ Mainline _______ N___ S___ E___ W___
ADT: Minor St. _______ N___ S___ E___ W___ Minor St. _______ N___ S___ E___ W___
No. of Lanes: Mainline Thru __________

Minor St. Thru __________

Number of Turn Lanes: Mainline __________

Minor St. __________

Signed Speed Limits:

SSL on Mainline ____________

85th % _______________

SSL on Side Street __________

Priority Array __________

Estimated Start Date: ___________________

Estimated Cost: ___________________

Estimated Completion Date: _________________________________________________

Signal Application Checklist

Figure 6-3 (page 1 of 2)

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Chapter 6

Traffic Regulations

Maintenance Responsibility: Co. ___________ City ___________ State ___________

Funding Responsibility: Co. ___________ City ___________ State ___________
Volume Counts: Be sure to remove all free right turn movements in your volume counts
toensurethat an accurate analysis of the intersection can be done.
Warrants Met: Warrant No. 1 ___________ Hrs. Warrant No. 2 ___________ Hrs.
Warrant No. 7 ___________ Crash Exper. Other ___________
Brief Summary: Include previously tried corrective measures, proximity to schools, shopping
centers, etc. Also include citizen input and whether or not this is part of a program project.

Signal Application Checklist

Figure 6-3 (page 2 of 2)

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Traffic Regulations

Chapter 6

Date: ________________________________
Location: SR No. _______________ MP _______________ to MP _______________
Submitted By: ________________________________
Vicinity Map: Include a general vicinity map of area showing intersecting roads, and any other
featuresof importance for analysis of the speed zone request.
Strip Map: Include a strip map showing 85th percentile speeds within the proposed area to
beconsidered, noting the appropriate mileposts, curve warning signs with advisory speeds,
Speed Limits:


_____ MPH, MP _____ to MP _____

_____ MPH, MP _____ to MP _____

_____ MPH, MP _____ to MP _____

_____ MPH, MP _____ to MP _____

_____ MPH, MP _____ to MP _____

_____ MPH, MP _____ to MP _____

Lane Width: ________________________________

Shoulder Width: ________________________________
Collision Data: Include the latest three years collision data together with yearly collision rate,
yearly critical rate, and yearly statewide average for the area to be considered.
Correspondence: Include all appropriate correspondence including citizen petitions and
Washington State Patrol _____________ County _____________ City _____________

Speed Limit Request

Figure 6-4

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October 2009

Chapter 7

Specialized Highway Uses

7.1 Introduction
State highways function as multi-modal travel routes for commuters,
commercial vehicles, and recreational traffic. In addition, there may be both
short-term and long-term specialized uses of the roadways. Short-term special
uses of the highways include parades, running or bicycle events, filming,
and festivals. Long-term special uses such as designated shoulder-driving
segments for slower vehicles, or school bus stops or pedestrian crossings on
limited access highways, can also be authorized on specific roadway sections.
Requests are also received for permanent specialized highway uses such as
transit vehicle stops and placement of interpretive signing.
This chapter provides guidelines to assist in responding to special highway
use requests.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU #C010355GSC) between the
department and Washington State Patrol (WSP) governs the operation of
special events (parades, running or bicycle events, filming, and festivals) on
statehighways. The MOU establishes guidelines and defines responsibilities
for event operations. It also includes examples of event administration
documents (Appendix 7-1).
Special events on the state highway system are administered through the
regional Traffic Office for events taking place in a single region, or through
the State Traffic Engineers office for multi-region events. A Letter of
Agreement or a Letter of Acknowledgement between WSDOT and the
specialevent organizer defines the operation. There is no fee to event
organizers for special event administration and coordination.
Continuing or long-term specialized uses are also addressed in the Traffic
office, and may include coordination with other department offices or
agencies. The State Traffic Engineers office is available as a resource for
questions about events or other specialized highway uses not specifically
addressed in this chapter.

7.2 Bicycling, Running, Walking, Parade, and Festival

Special Events
WSDOT receives numerous requests for short-term use of state highways
or right of way for recreational or other public events. The Regional or State
Traffic Engineers office will respond to event organizers within 10 working
days of receiving a request to begin the review and coordination process.
Special events are generally not held on fully controlled limited access

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October 2009

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Specialized Highway Uses

Chapter 7

highways. Occasional exceptions may be considered where no alternate route

is available and roadway conditions allow for participant and other roadway
users safety.
In reviewing an event request, WSDOT will:
Establish on-going communication with event sponsors to address route
determination, traffic control, logistical issues, and other concerns.
Conduct a traffic engineering analysis to determine the impact of the
proposed event, as needed.
Consult with regional Construction and Maintenance offices to identify
any operational conflicts along the proposed route.
Contact WSP to coordinate the event per the WSDOT/WSP Memorandum
of Understanding, Special Events on State Highways.
Review special event traffic control plans.
Identify alternative routes, if needed.
Additionally, WSDOT may:
Provide use of Changeable Message Signing and Highway Advisory
Radio(HAR) systems where available and appropriate.
Suggest event specific signing to provide information for all
A. Administration Guidelines. Use of state highways or highway right
ofway for bicycle, running, walking, parades, festivals, or other special
events is administered through either a Letter of Agreement or Letter of
Acknowledgement between WSDOT and the event sponsor. Events that
will not impact highway operations, where all participants will follow
all Rules of the Road at all times, and where no traffic control is needed
are not required to contact WSDOT. However, because those events
may also benefit from WSDOT services, contact with the event sponsor
is encouraged to ensure coordination with WSDOT projects, WSP, and
otherspecial events occurring in the immediate vicinity.

Page 7-2

When the department receives a request for a special event, conduct a

traffic analysis and begin coordination with the event organizer. Based on
the specific event situation as described below, issue a Letter of Agreement
or a Letter of Acknowledgement, or if circumstances warrant, a Letter
of Denial. These documents are signed by the regional or headquarters
signing authority. The Letter of Agreement is counter-signed by the event
coordinator. If an event is denied, WSDOT will work with the organizers
to seek solutions to the issues causing the denial. Event organizers may
appeal a denial through the process outlined in this chapter.

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October 2009

Chapter 7

Specialized Highway Uses

1. Letter of Acknowledgement. A Letter of Acknowledgement is

issued when event participants will follow the Rules of the Road at
all times and when no special traffic control is needed. The Letter of
Acknowledgement (Appendix 7-1) addresses specific event conditions
Operational restrictions on specific highway sections due to
conflicts with construction or maintenance operations.
Use of Changeable Message signs or a Highway Advisory
The use of small crashworthy signs for guiding event participants.
Other highway conditions or restrictions.

Examples of when a Letter of Acknowledgement is appropriate:

a. A group of 100 people will participate in a running event using
portions of a state highway. The runners will conform to the Rules
of the Road at all times.
b. A bicycle ride of 500 people uses a filtered start over several hours
so cyclists are spread out along the roadways. Riders will cross the
highway intersections in a legal manner and follow all other Rules
of the Road.
c. A vehicle convoy of 10 to 15 vehicles accompanying Santa
Claus to a local charity event uses portions of the state highway,
following the Rules of the Road at all times.

2. Letter of Agreement. A Letter of Agreement (Appendix 7-1 ) is issued

when the departments review and analysis determines that the event
participants are not able to follow the Rules of the Road, that there
will be an impact on traffic operations, or that special traffic control
is required. Additional information and terms may be attached as
Exhibits to the Agreement.

A Letter of Agreement is developed when the event will:

Require special traffic control (flaggers, escort vehicles, and/or law
enforcement) to support the safe passage of event participants and
the traveling public.
Occur outside the roadway but within the right of way, and involve
the use of highway facilities for non-transportation purpose.
Close a portion of the highway to the public.
Use services or personnel provided by the department, WSP, or
other law enforcement.

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Specialized Highway Uses

Chapter 7

Place directional signing for the traveling public on department

right of way.

Examples of when a Letter of Agreement is appropriate:

a. A running or bicycle event uses local police control at a state
highway intersection to allow participants to cross the highway
while on-coming traffic stops.
b. A large running event requests the use of portions of a limited
access highway.
c. A parade closes the highway to traffic and a detour is required.
d. Temporary directional signs to a community festival are placed
onthe state highway right of way.

The following guidelines are considered and addressed when

developing a Letter of Agreement:
a. Event sponsors should be encouraged to use county roads or city
streets where possible.
b. Where a state highway will be closed for an event, a suitable
detour route must be available and the Region or State Traffic
Engineer or their designee must approve a detour traffic control
plan. Road closures require a minimum three-day advance notice
to the public (RCW 47.48.020). Longer notice is desirable for
largeimpact events.
c. Events requiring a Letter of Agreement must have a general
liability insurance policy that names the department as an
additional insured. Minimum policy requirements for an event
are for $1 million per incident with a $2 million aggregate.
Ifvehicles are used as part of the event operation, a minimum
$1million automobile liability insurance must be added to the
policy. Proof of insurance and indemnification of WSDOT is
required prior to issuing the Letter of Agreement.
d. The organizers or sponsors will pay all extraordinary costs for
labor and materials provided by WSDOT, WSP, or local agency
e. The department may determine that pre-event notices of the event
are needed in specific locations or situations. This is a courtesy to
local communities and can reduce traffic congestion on event day.
If used, the event sponsor will post the notices seven to ten days
before theevent.

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Chapter 7

Specialized Highway Uses

f. Requests for state highway use within an incorporated city or town

should have the city or towns concurrence.
g. At least 48 hours (preferably seven days) in advance of the event,
the organizer shall notify all local fire, ambulance, transit, law
enforcement departments, and other service-oriented activities
thatmay be impacted by the event.
h. Department regulations and state law limit bicycling events and
prohibit running or walking events on fully controlled limited
access highways. Occasional exceptions are considered at
locations where no alternative route exists. Where a special event
is approved on a limited access highway, sufficient lane(s) must
be left open in each direction to allow traffic to operate without
significant congestion.
3. Post Event Review. WSDOT staff may conduct a follow-up
evaluation to assess event operation. Discussion with the event
organizer, law enforcement, WSDOT Area Maintenance and other
affected groups can help identify any operational or public safety
concerns and identify needed improvements. Document these issues
sothey can be addressed the next time the event occurs.
4. Appeal Process. WSDOT has an appeal process for cases when a
request for a special event on a state highway is denied. Appeals must
be made to the State Traffic Engineer within 30 days of the event
denial, and a minimum of 14 days before the event. The State Traffic
Engineer has seven days to review the appeal and will notify the event
coordinator by certified mail within seven days of the decision. For
bicycle event appeals, the Traffic Engineer will consult with the State
Bicycle Program Coordinator.
B. WSDOT and Event Organizer Coordination. The departments review
identifies the proposed events impact on traffic operations and focuses
on traffic control or operational solutions to mitigate those impacts.
Communication between the department, event organizers, and WSP is
essential to develop effective event operations and to schedule agreed
upon services.

Department staff determines if construction, maintenance or other

operations will conflict with the event; or if there are atypical roadway
conditions such as a construction detour or another scheduled special
event. Conflicts can often be avoided through schedule or route
adjustments. Include information about significant activities and
conditions that may affect the event in the Letter of Acknowledgement
orLetter of Agreement. Contact the ferry system when an event includes
use of state ferries.

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Specialized Highway Uses

Chapter 7

Provide advance public notice about events that may impact traffic
operations as a courtesy to the affected communities. Advance notice can
influence regular highway users to choose other routes on event day, thus
reducing event impacts. Include any requirements for giving such notice
inthe Letter of Agreement. Notice can include:
Placement of pre-event signs along the affected route.
Press releases by the organizer and the department.
Other public information efforts commensurate with the event scale.

Work with the region or headquarters public information office (PIO) to

publicize large events and their associated congestion or delays.

Copies of completed Acknowledgement and Agreement letters are shared

between region and state Traffic Engineers offices and sent to the WSP.
Affected construction or maintenance offices are also notified. Sharing
information helps assure statewide uniformity in department special

C. Bicycle Racing. Timed event bicycle races are sometimes held on

state highways under purview of WAC 468-400 (Bicycle Racing) and
Washington Bicycle Racing Guidelines (www.wsdot.wa.gov/NR/rdonly

Refer to these guidelines for Bicycle Race event operation and

administration. The WAC and racing guidelines were developed through a
cooperative effort between the department, the bicycle racing community,
WSP, and the Washington Traffic Safety Commission. A Letter of
Agreement is developed between the department and the event organizer
and liability insurance indemnifying the department is required.

There are eight common types of bicycle races: Time Trial, Criterium,
Road Race, Stage Races, Cyclocross, Mountain Bike, Duathlon, Triathlon,
or Multi-sport Event, and Relay/Cross Country. Each type of bicycle race
has the potential to utilize a state highway, and each type has specific
traffic control needs. Details are covered in the Bicycle Racing Guidelines.

7.3 Commercial Filming on State Highways

Filming of commercials or movies on state highways is administered
using the Letter of Agreement in conjunction with the Exhibit for Filming
(Appendix7-1). The Letter of Agreement authorizes the filming and defines
the terms and conditions applicable to the particular operation. It should be
completed 10 days prior to filming.
When the department receives a request for filming, conduct a traffic
engineering investigation that considers traffic impacts and safety. The State
Traffic Engineers office participates in requests for multi-region filming

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October 2009

Chapter 7

Specialized Highway Uses

operations. Notice of a proposed filming operation is provided to WSP

(perthe WSDOT/WSP Memorandum of Understanding) for their review
andconcurrence prior to issuing the Letter of Agreement.
Filming may not be scheduled on highways with high traffic volumes or
during peak traffic flow periods. Generally, Interstate and other freeway
mainline closures are not permitted. Road or lane closures on other state
highways may be considered.
Traffic control and enforcement shall be provided by the WSP in cooperation
with local police agencies where appropriate. The filming company must prepay all costs for labor, equipment, and supplies incurred by the department
and the WSP.
The filming company must obtain a general liability insurance policy
that names the department as an additional insured. Minimum policy
requirements are $1 million per incident with $2 million dollars aggregate
coverage per filming event. Automobile insurance must be added if vehicles
are to be used in the filming. Proof of insurance and indemnification of the
department must be provided prior to filming.
The department and the WSP may develop additional guidelines and
operational procedures for individual filming operations on state highways.
These are included in the Letter of Agreement.

7.4 Other Special Events

The department receives requests for many types of special events on state
highways or right of way. Car or tractor caravans, wagon trains, transcontinental running events, and stagecoach tours have all been conducted on
state highways. Each of these is administered through a Letter of Agreement
or Letter of Acknowledgement, as determined by a traffic engineering
analysis and depending on the specific event conditions. Contact the State
Traffic Engineers office for discussion of any questions or concerns about

7.5 Traffic Control for Special Events

When a special event includes a highway closure, detour, flagging operation,
or other traffic control, a traffic control plan is developed and submitted by
the event organizer to the department. Consideration is given to the type of
highway, traffic speed, geometrics at the traffic control site, and duration and
type of event operation.
When event organizers need help in plan development, WSDOT may either
offer that assistance or advise the organizers of reference materials contained
in both the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) M2401
and WSDOTs Work Zone Traffic Control Guidelines M 54-44. WSDOT must
approve all event traffic control plans.

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Specialized Highway Uses

Chapter 7

Consider traffic control or other special operations with these event

circumstances or roadway conditions:
Where events with mass starts begin on state routes, or where, because of
course design, large numbers of participants enter the state route together.
When the number of participants may cause delay of five or more vehicles,
impacting traffic operations.
When narrow shoulders cause vehicles to move into the opposing traffic
lane to pass event participants.
Where there are significant sight distance restrictions such as numerous
nopassing zones.
Other safety or operational considerations.
Traffic control must meet MUTCD and WSDOT standards. Traffic control
operations shall be conducted by law enforcement officers, certified flaggers,
or certified department personnel. They shall comply with the departmentapproved traffic control plan. Typical traffic control plans in the MUTCD or
WSDOT Work Zone Traffic Control Guidelines M54-44 may be used where
applicable, or can be adapted to the special event situation.
Flagging operations may control traffic at intersections for running, bicycling,
or other events. MUTCD Typical plans TA-13 and TA-14 address the
intermittent stopping of highway traffic to allow event participants to safely
enter or cross a highway or intersection.
Use the following guidelines when developing a traffic control plan for
intersection flagging operations:
1. All flagging operations shall be conducted by a uniformed law
enforcement officer or certified flagger.
2. If flagging at a signalized intersection, the signal shall be off or set
toall-red flash. Traffic may not be flagged with an active signal.
During hours of darkness, flagging stations shall be illuminated.
3. For flagging operations on highways with a posted speed of 40 mph
or less, three advance signs on each approach are generally used. The
Road Work Ahead sign should be replaced by an event specific
message such as Running Event Ahead, Bikes on ROAD,
or Bicycle Crossing. The second and third signs should be
Prepare to Stop and the Flagger symbol respectively.
4. On high-speed highways, where the posted speed is 45 mph or more, a
four sign sequence is generally used. The additional sign may be either a
repeated Event Ahead or a specific sign noting the traffic condition.

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October 2009

Chapter 7

Specialized Highway Uses

5. In some limited situations, on low volume side streets, or at speeds

below 40 mph, a two sign array may be considered unless other factors,
such as restricted sight distance or congestion indicate a need for
6. Sign spacing will conform to WSDOT requirements, based on highway
type and speeds.

7.6 Special Event Signing Guidelines

Special event related signs may be allowed on the state right of way through
the Letter of Agreement or Letter of Acknowledgement. The purpose of
special event signs is to help manage event related traffic or to alert roadway
users of potential traffic impacts. Sign types include:
Directional signing to the event.
Route designation signing for participants.
Pre-event signing to give advance notice to roadway users.
Detour signing.
Announcement of the event on a banner may be allowed in some
circumstances (WAC 468-95-148) (see Section 7.7).
A. Directional Signing for Large-Scale Events. Temporary directional
signing may be installed for large-scale spectator activities such as
county fairs, conventions, and major sporting events that do not qualify
as destinations on permanent supplemental guide signs. This requires a
written agreement between the WSDOT region and the event sponsor.

The department may design, fabricate, install, maintain, and remove

temporary directional guide signs using the following criteria:
1. The region determines that the event will generate sufficient traffic to
create operational challenges along a state highway.
2. The sign is requested by the sponsoring agency with enough lead-time
for design, fabrication, and installation (a minimum of two months).
3. Signing is from the nearest state highway only.
4. By written agreement, all costs are paid by the sponsoring group.
5. Signs are sized for the specific highway conditions.
6. Signs shall be white letters on a green background and the design shall
provide a clear, simple message.
7. Installation and removal shall be by WSDOT or an approved
contractor and meet MUTCD and WSDOT requirements.

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8. Any needed follow-through signing on local roadways must be

installed prior to sign installation on the state highway.
9. When a request for temporary directional signs is denied, the region
provides an explanatory letter to the event coordinator with a copy
tothe State Traffic Engineer.
B. Day of Event Directional Signs. Directional signs may be installed on
the day(s) of the event to direct traffic from the nearest state highway to
the event or event parking. Signing will be located only at points where
traffic must turn from the state highway or make another route decision.
Follow-through signing on city and county roads must also be installed.
No commercial advertising is allowed.
1. Signs are allowed through a Letter of Agreement.
2. Signs must be of lightweight crashworthy materials such as corrugated
plastic or -inch plywood. Lightweight sandwich board signs no
larger than 4-feet 4-feet may be allowed.
3. Sign type, size, and location will be determined and noted in the
Letterof Agreement.
4. Signs may be in place only for the duration of the special event.
5. Signing shall not interfere with or obstruct the view of any traffic
control devices or the sight distance to or from an intersection or
6. Portable Changeable Message Signs and other portable signs shall
be placed off the shoulder if practicable, or on the far right of the
shoulder, to maintain bike and pedestrian traffic.
7. The regions may determine additional guidelines for day of event
directional signing to address traffic safety and operational concerns.
8. Signs installed on the right of way, which are not described in the
Letter of Agreement, may be immediately removed by WSDOT.
C. Route Designation Signing for Event Participants. Small signs may be
used to direct event participants along the event route or to event points
such as rest or food stops.
1. Signs are allowed through the Letter of Acknowledgement or
Agreement, which addresses sign size and type.
2. Signs must be of lightweight crashworthy materials such as corrugated
plastic or -inch plywood. Lightweight sandwich board signs no
larger than 4-feet x 4-feet may be allowed.

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3. Signs may be in place only for the duration of the special event.
4. Messages should consist of Name of Event or other simple message
and a directional arrow. No commercial advertising is allowed.
D. Pre-event Signing. Advance notice signing is sometimes installed to
advise regular highway users of an upcoming event that will affect normal
traffic operations. It is a courtesy to any communities or highway users
affected by a special event to alert them about potential traffic impacts
1. Pre-event signs, if required, are addressed in the Letter of Agreement.
2. Sign size, material, message, and locations are noted in the Letter of
Agreement. Sign color shall be black letters on an orange background.
3. Sign message is limited to name and date of event and a traffic
control message such as Use Alternate Route or Expect Delays or
more specific directional information as applicable. No commercial
advertising is allowed.
4. Signs and supports must be of crashworthy materials. Types include
roll-up signs on approved portable bases, signs mounted on approved
posts, and Portable Changeable Message Signs (PCMS). Allowance is
made for crashworthy sign materials such as corrugated plastic.
5. Post mounted signs shall be installed and removed per MUTCD
installation standards. Signs shall not be installed on existing
regulatory or warning sign posts. Signs may be installed on existing
guide or informational sign posts.
6. Pre-event signing shall be installed between seven and ten days before
the event and removed within three days after the event.
Additionally, when a roadway is to be closed for an event, pre-event Road
tobe Closed signs must be posted a minimum of three days in advance
(RCW47.48.020). The signs will give the date(s) and time(s) of closure.

7.7 Banners
The department receives requests from public agencies, civic organizations,
and event sponsors, to install banners for a variety of informational purposes
on state highway right of way.
Most installation requests are for horizontal suspension over the roadway,
using span wire, and are the focus of this section. The occasional requests
forvertically mounted banners, such as on luminaire poles, are processed
Some installations may require a wind load analysis prior to approval
(seeSection D).

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A. Statutory and Regulatory Overview. The term banners means

the signs, banners, and decorations described in state law (RCW
47.36.030) and the Washington Administrative Code (WAC 46895148).
WAC 468-95-148 establishes approval criteria (see Section C) that
allow the department to permit banners visible to state highways.
RCW47.42.020(10) exempts banners from the Highway Advertising
Control regulations, if the banners do not display commercial advertising.

On city streets that are also part of the state highway system under
RCW47.24, the cities are responsible for approving banner installations
that are more than 20 feet above the roadway surface. The department
only has the authority to prohibit banners up to a vertical height of 20feet
above the roadway surface (RCW47.24.020(3)).
Thus, requests for banners on city streets that are also part of the state
highway system are referred to the city for approval.
On state highways in unincorporated areas, the department has the
authority to regulate banners.
The department maintains authority on limited access roadways,
inboth incorporated and unincorporated areas.

B. Permit Administration in Unincorporated Areas. Banner permits are

administered through the region Traffic Office, using a Banner Placement
Permit (Figure 7-1) issued by the regional signing authority. This permit
may be modified to accommodate requests for vertically installed banners.

Page 7-12

The region Maintenance Office having jurisdiction over the proposed

banner location receives a copy of the completed permit, for their
information when processing over-height vehicle permits.

The region Traffic Office also coordinates any required wind load review
or analysis with the headquarters Bridge and Structures Office.

For a banner attached to utility company-owned poles, the sponsor

must provide the region with a copy of the utility companys permitting
correspondence. This practice assures the department that the utility
companys wind load and banner attachment considerations have

Temporary poles may be installed in department right of way outside the

clear zone, after the sponsor secures a department-issued General Permit.
This practice assures the department that the installation wont interfere
with department operations or underground utilities, and that traffic control
considerations are addressed. A Banner Placement Permit is also required.

As a matter of practice, the department does not allow horizontally

suspended banners to be attached to WSDOT-owned traffic signal
poles or luminaire poles. Adding banners to signal poles may interfere

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Specialized Highway Uses

with or obstruct the view of traffic control devices, in conflict with

RCW47.36.030 and WAC468-95-148. Regarding luminaire poles, its
likely that significant debris on the roadway would result from a knockdown. Banners should not be attached to crossing structures because a
disconnection could cause a banner to fall onto theroadway.

Some cities have installed permanent banner poles on city-owned property

outside the clear zone.

C. Approval Criteria. The department may approve banner installations

in unincorporated areas that promote a community sponsored event in
accordance with the following criteria:
1. Banner messages are limited to name, date, and event sponsor.
Commercial advertising is not allowed (RCW47.42.020 and
2. At least 20 feet of vertical clearance must be maintained from the
roadway surface to the bottom of the banner (RCW47.36.030 and
3. Banners are not permitted to be visible from Interstate highways, or
any other state highways having a posted speed limit of 50 mph or
greater (WAC 468-95-148).
4. Banners shall not interfere with or obstruct the view of any traffic
control device, or impair the operation of transportation management
systems or illumination (RCW 47.36.030 and WAC468-95-148).
5. For temporary events, banners may be installed not more than 30 days
before the event and shall be removed not more than three days after
the event (WAC 468-95-148). The duration of informational banners
isdetermined case by case.
6. The department will not permit a sign, banner, or decoration to be
mounted over any multi-lane (four or more lanes) highway. Vertical
mounting on luminaire or signal poles is permitted, provided such
installations meet wind load requirements (see Section D) specified
bythe department (WAC 468-95-148).
7. The department does not allow banners to be illuminated in any
manner (RCW 47.36.180).
D. Wind Load Analysis. Standard size banner installations do not require
a wind load analysis. Standard banner sizes range from two to four feet
vertically by 20to 24feet horizontally, with three feet by 20 feet about
average. Banner manufacturing incorporates wind slits or wind ports to
minimize windstress.

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Chapter 7

For larger banners consult with the Headquarters Traffic office to

determine if the proposed installation warrants a wind load analysis.
The Bridge and Structures Office will need 30-60 days for the wind load
review if an analysis is necessary and may charge the event sponsor.
Asan alternative, the event sponsor may submit wind load calculations,
performed and stamped by an engineer licensed in Washington State,
toverify the compatibility of theinstallation.

7.8 Special Event Pavement Markings

WSDOT allows placement of temporary directional pavement markings
(commonly called Dan Henrys in the bicycle community) to indicate the
special event route. These markings give direction to event participants and
are located at points where a route decision must be made.
1. All pavement markings must use non-permanent, chalk based or
fadeaway paint. Permanent marking paint is prohibited.
2. Markings should be placed only just before, at, and just after directional
decision-making points.
3. Route confirmation markings are permitted at major intersections.
4. For bicycle events, markings are placed to the right of the edge line
whereriders have a good rideable shoulder. Otherwise, they are located
inthe ordinary line of riding.
5. For running events, pavement markings are placed on the shoulder
6. The markings should be visible to event participants but placed so they
areunobtrusive to others. A guideline is to make these marks no larger
than 1218inches.
7. Markings must be placed away from traffic control pavement markings
and existing construction or survey pavement markings.

7.9 Transit Vehicle Stop Zones

Region Traffic offices receive and review requests from transit agencies
for approval of transit stops on state highways. The Transit Vehicle Stop
Zone Guidelines (Appendix 7-2) provides a standard process for managing
requests for transit stops outside incorporated areas. The department has a
commitment to making transit stop locations more viable and user friendly as
well as safe. The guidelines consider the operational needs of the department
and transit authorities as well as public safety. See the Design Manual
M2201 for information about incorporating transit vehicle stops into the
project designprocess.

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When the department receives a transit stop request, conduct an engineering

and traffic investigation to find a location where the transit vehicle may
stop entirely off the highway when loading or unloading passengers
(WAC468-46010). If there is no location off the highway, then the review
should establish a safe transit vehicle stopping area where suitable roadway
geometrics allow.
Additionally, the investigation considers pedestrian amenities such as
sidewalks, roadway crossing opportunities, security lighting, and shelters.
TheAmericans with Disabilities Act guarantees access to public facilities
(i.e.,transit) for all persons; therefore, the review process must consider the
needs of all transit users at each stage of transit use, including both before
andafter using the transit service.
Once the review has been completed, the stop location is either approved
or denied. Approval is by the Regional Administrator or designee and an
Agreement between the transit agency and WSDOT is written. If a location
isdenied, a letter stating the reasons is issued by the region.
The Rules of the Road provide general restrictions and privileges concerning
transit vehicle stops:
1. RCW 46.61.560 provides that, outside of incorporated cities or towns,
no one can stop, park, or leave a vehicle upon the roadway. An exception
is granted for public transit vehicles stopped to receive or discharge
passengers at a marked transit stop approved by the department or the
county on their respective facilities.

Beginning in 2009, it further allows public transit vehicle drivers to

momentarily stop to receive or discharge passengers at unmarked stop
zones under the following circumstances:
Stop in a safe and practicable position.
Activate four-way flashing lights.
Stop only where there is an unobstructed view, for an adequate
distance to not create a hazard for other drivers.

The statute anticipates transit stops on the roadway within incorporated

cities or towns where stops are frequent and operating speeds are typically
lower. (Note that RCW 46.04.500 excludes the shoulder from the
definition of roadway.)

2. RCW 46.61.570 specifies several locations where it is illegal to stand

or park a vehicle, except temporarily to load or unload property or
passengers, and authorizes other limitations or restrictions by city
ordinance, county resolution, or department order (traffic regulation).

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3. RCW 46.61.575 authorizes the department to place traffic control devices

that prohibit, limit, or restrict, stopping, standing, or parking. This
authority is granted for locations where the department has determined by
regulation that stopping, standing, or parking will endanger highway users
or interfere with the free movement of traffic.

7.10 School Bus Stops on Limited Access Highways

School bus stops must be located where there is a minimum of 500feet
sight distance to the bus stop, to provide adequate visibility. If feasible,
locate stops off the state highway. The state regulations noted below further
A. WAC 468-58, Limited Access Highways. WAC 468-58-030 and
RCW47.52 regulate school bus stops along limited access highways
andprescribe the departments related duties.
1. School bus stops are not allowed along fully controlled limited access
highways. Exceptions may be authorized at interchanges where the
department has provided a location and along the mainline where
thereis a separated facility.
2. The department must approve school bus stops located along partial
and modified control limited access highways in rural areas
3. Department approval is not required along modified control limited
access highways in urban areas.
4. All approved school bus stops shall be signed in accordance with
5. The State Traffic Engineer will maintain an inventory of

See Section 7.13 for information about pedestrians crossing limited


B. WAC 392-145, Additional Rules for School Bus Drivers. The

Superintendent of Public Instruction Office (OSPI) adopted WAC Rules
that regulate school bus stopping. Consider these rules when reviewing
school bus stops on limited access highways:
1. Buses are not allowed to stop on a curve or a hill where visibility is
less than 500 feet. Any existing bus stop locations that have less than
the minimum 500-foot visibility must be moved to a compliant site
to provide safety to the bus riders and roadway users. If no other stop
location is possible, it shall be signed with a School Bus Stop
Ahead sign (S3-1).
2. No school bus may pull over to the left hand side of the road to load
orunload children.
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3. School children are not allowed to cross any roadway having three
or more marked traffic lanes, or any highway divided into separate
roadways, as described in RCW 46.61.150.
C. Coordination With School Districts and Approval Process. The
department works cooperatively with the OSPI to implement a school bus
stop approval and inventory process based on the WAC rules. The region
works with the individual school districts to assure that school bus stops
on limited access facilities meet those requirements. Figure 7-2 provides
a sample Proposed School Bus Stop Worksheet that the regions and the
school districts may use cooperatively to assess and approve potential bus
stops on partial or modified access controlled routes. The worksheet also
provides the basic information the State Traffic Engineers office needs to
maintain the required bus stop inventory. Figure 7-3 illustrates the school
bus stop approval and inventory process.
D. School Bus Stop Inventory. WAC 468-58-030 instructs the department to
maintain an inventory of all school bus stops on limited access highways.
The regions update the Limited Access school bus stop inventory on a
regular basis, often after the start of each school year. The information is
provided to the State Traffic Engineer. Regions also update school bus stop
information when new stops are established and when existing stops are
relocated or removed.

7.11 Interpretive Signs/Markers

Agreement GM 869 (Appendix 7-3) between the department and the
Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission provides the procedures
and guidelines for developing and maintaining interpretive signs and markers
placed along the state highway. These markers depict the states natural and
manmade history and are often located at designated pullouts or rest areas.
The agreement documents the departments responsibilities in locating and
providing access to these markers. Use this process when new roadways,
viewpoints or rest areas are being constructed or where a construction project
includes an interpretive marker location. Contact the regional Accounting
Services Office for agreement information.

7.12 Memorial Highways and Bridges

The Transportation Commission may, by resolution, name a highway
or bridgeto commemorate a person significant to Washingtons history.
Typically, the Commission will only consider naming a facility after
receivinga resolution of the Washington State Legislature. This practice
assures the Commissionthat:
Local and state officials jointly agree the facility should be named.
There is agreement on which name should be used.
Residents near the road or bridge agree.

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Chapter 7

The Regional Administrator may also nominate a person to be honored

through the naming process. Supporting information is supplied to the Office
of the Secretary who reviews the request and forwards it to the Transportation
Commission. The subsequent Commission Resolution may either request or
require legislative support by Joint Resolution or Joint Memorial, and may
defer placing memorial plaques or signs until legislative support is secured.
Another type of memorial designation is the Blue Star Memorial
Highway. It was first initiated after World War II to memorialize veterans,
and now honors all members of the armed services. Blue Star Memorial
Highways are a project of the National Garden Clubs and requests often
originate from a local club. The Regional Administrator must present requests
for designation to the Transportation Commission. Markers are not installed
until the designation is received.
Marker plaques are 4145 inches. The sign mounting and base size,
style, and location are determined on an individual basis and approved by
Plaques or signs memorializing highways or bridges are typically installed in
rest areas, scenic overlooks, recreational areas, or other appropriate locations
with a parking area, and where the installations are not visible to mainline
traffic. Where there is no appropriate site off the main roadway, the MUTCD
provides that one memorial sign per direction may be installed along the
mainline, provided it does not affect safety or efficiency of traffic flow.
The Governor or the legislature approves requests to dedicate a facility
toacause, rather than a person.

7.13 Pedestrians Crossing Limited Access Highways

WAC 468-58-030 contains provisions concerning the approval of pedestrian
crossings of limited access highways. These provisions:
1. Prohibit at-grade pedestrian crossings of fully controlled limited
2. Permit crossing of multi-lane partially controlled or modified control
limited access highways only where grade crossings are provided.
3. Permit crossing of two lane, partially or modified control limited access
highways at mailbox locations.
4. Permit crossing of two lane, partially or modified control limited access
highways at points designated for school children to cross as follows:
On two lane highways, at the school bus, when the bus is stopped in
the traveled lane to load or unload students, and its sign and signal
lights are displayed as required by RCW 46.61.370.

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On two lane highways, at least 100feet from a school bus loading

zone which is adjacent to the traveled lane and was established
by school district and department personnel who determined that
stoppingin the traveled lane ishazardous.

7.14 Shoulder Driving for Slow Vehicles

Regional Administrators may designate sections of a two lane state highway
to be a shoulder-driving area to allow slow-moving vehicles to drive onto
improved shoulders so faster vehicles can pass (RCW 46.61.428).
Specific highway characteristics are required for designating shoulderdrivingareas:
1. A minimum length of 600feet of paved shoulder must be available.
2. The structural strength of the paved shoulder must be adequate to support
traffic. Contact the region Materials Lab for an evaluation of the structural
capacity of the shoulders.
3. The shoulder width must be 8 feet or more; except, shoulder widths of
6to8 feet may be utilized after review of the following considerations:
Horizontal and vertical alignment.
Shoulder slope from pavement edge.
Absence of passing opportunities.
Character of traffic (recreation, logging, or other slow-moving traffic).
Signing requirements for designated shoulder driving zones are shown in the
Traffic Manual, Chapter2.

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Transportation Building
310 Maple Park Avenue S.E.
P.O. Box 47300
Olympia, WA 98504-7300

Paula J. Hammond, P.E.

Secretary of Transportation

TTY: 1-800-833-6388

RE: Placement on SR _______.
Street Address
City, State, and Zip Code
This letter is in response to your request to place a banner across SR ____________, at or
near milepost ____.___ for your __________________________________________ event.
The Washington State Department of Transportation conditionally approves your request to
place a banner, only under the conditions following:

The banner message is limited to name, date, and event sponsor. Commercial
advertising is not allowed (RCW 47.42.020 and WAC 468-95-148). Non-commercial
informational messages not associated with an event are allowed.


A vertical clearance of at least 20 feet must be maintained between the roadway surface
and the bottom of the banner (RCW 47.36.030 and WAC 468-95-148).


The banner may not be installed more than 30 days before the event and shall be
removed not more than three days after the event (WAC 468-95-148). (Note: the
duration for informational banners is determined and stated here case by case.)


The banner may not interfere with or obstruct the view of any traffic control device,
or impair the operation of transportation management systems or illumination
(RCW47.36.030 and WAC 468-95-148).


The banner may not be directly illuminated in any manner (RCW 47.36.180).
Incidental illumination from existing street lights is allowed.


If the banner is to be attached to utility company-owned poles, include a copy of the

utility companys completed permitting correspondence when you sign and return this
permit to the department.


Write in the company names of the manufacturer and/or supplier for newly
manufactured banners and the installer. (You may omit the names of the manufacturer
and/or supplier if the banner has been used in previous years, and you note that on the

Manufacturer/Supplier: __________________________________________________

Installer: _____________________________________________________________

Sample Permit to Place Banner

Figure 7-1

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By signing below, (event sponsor) agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the State of
Washington and the Washington State Department of Transportation, its officers and
employees from any and all claims, actions, or damages of any type or nature which may
accrue to be or be suffered by any person, persons, or property, by reason of the action or
omissions of the event sponsor, its agents, employees, contractors, or any person whomever,
arising out of or in connection with any acts or activities authorized by the Permit for
injuries, bodily injury, death, or property damage, including all costs of defense and
attorneys fees. This obligation shall not include such claims, costs, damages, or expenses
which may be caused by the sole negligence of the State or its officers or employees.
If (event sponsor) agrees to these terms, please have the duly authorized representative of
(event sponsor) or (name of city or town) sign this permit and return it to the Washington
State Department of Transportation at (mailing address or fax number).
(Regional Signing Authority)
Signature and Title of Authorized Official
Phone Number and E-mail Address
By my signature, I affirm under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington
that I am authorized to bind the (event sponsor) to the terms and conditions of this Permit.
cc: File
Maintenance Area

Sample Permit to Place Banner

Figure 7-1 (continued)

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Chapter 7

WAC 468-58
School Bus Stop Inventory
Partial and Modified Limited Access Controlled Highways
Inventory Items School District Information
Date: ________________________________________
DOT Region: ________________________________________
School District: ________________________________________
School District Contact Person (Phone #, Mailing and E-mail Addresses)
State Route Number: ________________________________________
Milepost (and approximate distance and direction to nearest intersection)
Direction of Travel: ________________________________________
Stop on/off Roadway: ________________________________________
Bus Stop Times: a.m./p.m.: ________________________________________

Inventory Items WSDOT Information

Limited Access Type ________________________________________
Stopping Sight Distance ________________________________________
Signed School Bus Stop Ahead ________________________________________
Regional Approval ________________________________________ Date ______________________
By ________________________________________

Proposed School Bus Stop Worksheet

Figure 7-2

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WAC 468-58
School Bus Stop Inventory
Partial and Modified Limited Access Controlled Highways

OSPI Distributes
Maps & WSDOT Contact

School Districts Collect

Data & Forward to

School Ped
X-ing per WAC

Regional Traffic Receive

Data Enter into



Traffic Engineer

Process Flow Chart

Figure 7-3

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Chapter 7

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

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Appendix 7-1

Memorandum of Understanding

Joint Policy Guidelines

Letter of Acknowledgment
Exhibit A Filming
Exhibit B Bicycle/Pedestrain
Exhibit C Parades
Exhibit E RCW 47.48.020

Prepared by:
Field Operations Support Service Center
Traffic Operations
December 2000

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October 2009

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Chapter 7

Transportation Building
310 Maple Park Avenue S.E.
P.O. Box 47300
Olympia, WA 98504-7300

Paula J. Hammond, P.E.

Secretary of Transportation

TTY: 1-800-833-6388

It is the intent of the Secretary of the Washington State Department of Transportation
(WSDOT) and the Chief of the Washington State Patrol (WSP) to enter into a Memorandum
of Understanding to establish guidelines and define responsibilities for special events
operations on state highways. These guidelines provide reasonable and consistent criteria
for agreements that sanction the following events on state highway rights of way: filming,
bicycle and pedestrian events, parades, and any other event that may disrupt the normal flow
of traffic, or increase risk to the traveling public. These provisions apply to state highways
where both WSDOT and WSP have jurisdiction.
Certain events may impact normal traffic operations to the extent that special traffic control
efforts will be required, while other events may have a minimal impact. WSDOT and WSP
shall follow these general guidelines with regard to the event operations on state highways.

Event coordinators proposing use of a state highway for event operations shall notify
the appropriate WSDOT Regional Office and provide pertinent information about the
operational requirements of the event. Initial contact may be made by phone, with
a written letter of request required within 48 hours of initial contact. Additionally,
application may now be made via the Internet. The form is found on WSDOTs web
site. Notification information shall include: state highway number, state highway
milepost limits, or nearest intersections with state highway, dates and times of event,
number of participants expected, and a description of the purpose and scope of the
event, including any proposed closure of any portion of a state highway.


Based on the event description provided in the request for approval, WSDOT will
determine the potential for impact on normal traffic operations. WSDOT may consult
with the WSP to determine impacts on traffic law enforcement. Considerations include,
but are not limited to characteristics of the state highway, scope of the event, and any
scheduled construction or maintenance work that may conflict with event operations.
On an event basis, WSDOT and WSP may prohibit the use of particular roadways or
prohibit specific aspects of an event. Approval will not be granted for the use of state
highways at high volume locations or during days/times when events will adversely
affect vehicular traffic.

Memorandum of Understanding
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Events that can be lawfully conducted within the Rules of the Road, RCW46.61,
receive concurrence as to the acceptability of the event by way of a Letter of
Acknowledgment. This letter recognizes the location and time of the event and may
include information about operational restrictions on specific sections of a state
highway or route revisions that may be required due to conflicts with construction

WSDOT approval is required if it is determined that an event has potential impact

onnormal traffic operations, or includes special traffic control. The Event coordinator
shall submit traffic control plans that adequately accommodate anticipated traffic
conditions. Such plans must have written approval by WSDOT Regions traffic
engineer(s) and are coordinated by the State Traffic Engineer for inter-regional events.
All traffic control devices must conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
Devices (MUTCD). Personnel executing traffic control plan must be certified flaggers
or off duty police officers, to be provided exclusively by the eventcoordinator.

Approved traffic control plans, including any restrictions and/or prohibitions on

the event, and liability issues shall be documented by way of a written Agreement
between WSDOT and the event coordinator. If approved by WSDOT, the agreement
shall be signed by WSDOT and counter signed by the event coordinator prior to
commencement of the event. WSDOT may conduct a joint review with WSP prior
to signing the proposed agreement document. This practice allows expert review by
both agencies and ensures concurrence on all traffic control requirements necessary to
safely conduct event operations. WSDOT and WSP have no obligation to approve or
permit any event if the event Agreement has not been signed by WSDOT and the event
coordinator, or the event Agreement has been altered by the event coordinator without
express consent of WSDOT. WSDOT reserves the right to postpone or deny approval
of any event when an event coordinator requests approval without sufficient advance
notice, as determined by WSP orWSDOT.


Operational decisions and/or emergency situations may require road/lane closures to be

opened immediately. WSP is responsible for traffic enforcement, and has final authority
regarding the location and specific time of day that any road/lane closures, or any other
part of the traffic control plan may be implemented.


Any costs incurred by WSDOT and/or WSP during implementation or operation of

the event shall be the responsibility of the event coordinator. WSDOT and WSP shall
submit separate billings to the event coordinator to recover individual agency costs and
are to be paid within 30 days from the receipt of the billing.

Memorandum of Understanding
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October 2009

Page 7-27

Specialized Highway Uses


Chapter 7

WSDOT regulations and policies do not allow running or walking events on fully
controlled limited access highways.

The foregoing does not preclude the WSP and WSDOT from developing additional
guidelines and operational procedures to address specific issues of mutual concern related to
the use of state highway rights of way for event operations.
Chief, Washington State Patrol


Assistant Secretary for Field Operations Support
Washington State Department of Transportation






Memorandum of Understanding
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Page 7-28

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Chapter 7

Specialized Highway Uses

Transportation Building
310 Maple Park Avenue S.E.
P.O. Box 47300
Olympia, WA 98504-7300

Paula J. Hammond, P.E.

Secretary of Transportation

TTY: 1-800-833-6388

(Name and address of event coordinator)

Re: (event on SR__)

Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding your proposed (event type/name)
at (event location) scheduled for (event dates).
Because the (event type/name) appears to have only minimal potential for traffic impact on
state highways, we do not anticipate that special traffic control efforts are necessary.
(Note any special conditions here such as route or procedural restrictions).
(Give information specific to event type, as appropriate. Examples shown below)
(Pedestrians/runners are prohibited on the interstate system but may lawfully use other
roadway shoulders by facing traffic as prescribed in the Rules of the Road (RCW 46.61),
acopy of which are enclosed.) or (As a reminder, bike riders assume the risk for their own
safety when traveling on the states highways. Roadway conditions, traffic volumes, and
weather changes require review of the route for suitability. Each rider should have adequate
bicycling skills and know the Rules of the Road.)
I suggest that you provide a (event name) itinerary to all local authorities having jurisdiction
where the (event name) traverses county roads or city streets. For these areas, the local
authorities determine if special traffic control and permits will be required.
Best wishes for a successful (event name).
State or Region Traffic Engineer
(As applicable)

Letter of Acknowledgment for Event Operation on State Highway

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WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page 7-29

Specialized Highway Uses

Chapter 7

Transportation Building
310 Maple Park Avenue S.E.
P.O. Box 47300
Olympia, WA 98504-7300

Paula J. Hammond, P.E.

Secretary of Transportation

TTY: 1-800-833-6388

(Filming, Parade, Bicycle, Pedestrian, etc.) Agreement

Agreement # _________
(Name and Address of event coordinator)
Re: SR_____
(Filming, Parade,
Bicycle, Ped. etc.)
Event Agreement
This agreement, made and entered into on this _____day of ___________, 20___, by and
between the Washington State Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as
WSDOT, and the event coordinator ________________________ hereinafter referred to
as the EVENT COORDINATOR, representing _____________________, for the purpose
of staging a _________________event on state highway(s) rights of way.
Event Description
___________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the EVENT.
Whereas, WSDOT and the Washington State Patrol, hereinafter referred to as WSP have
determined that the EVENT may impact traffic operations on state highway(s) to the extent
that special traffic controls or other safety considerations are required.
Whereas, WSDOT with the advice of WSP conditionally approves EVENT operations on
SR___ at or near milepost ___.__, on the date or dates of _____ _____ _____, subject to the
terms and conditions in this Agreement and any attached Exhibits.

(Filming, Parade, Bicycle, Pedestrian, etc.) Agreement

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October 2009

Chapter 7

Specialized Highway Uses

Administration and Procedures

1. WSDOT enters into this written agreement with you for the purpose of defining
responsibilities and requirements for EVENT operations on state highways. This
Agreement is not effective unless or until signed by WSDOT and countersigned by
you prior to the commencement of the EVENT. WSDOT assumes no obligation for
any EVENT, pursuant to an agreement form that is unsigned, or altered by the EVENT
COORDINATOR without WSDOT concurrence. WSDOT reserves the right to
postpone or deny an EVENT operation when approval is requested without sufficient
advance notice, as determined by WSP or WSDOT.
2. You are encouraged to use county roads or city streets if at all possible. You
are responsible for securing approval from local agencies or communities in
unincorporated areas that may be impacted by the EVENT. If the EVENT takes place
on city streets without access control that are part of state highways, you shall furnish
WSDOT with courtesy copies of any traffic control, insurance, or liability agreements
made with local agencies.

You are responsible for any and all agreed costs incurred by WSDOT and WSP
enumerated here in Exhibit D. WSDOT and WSP shall submit separate billings to you
to recover individual agency costs and shall be paid by you within 30 days from receipt
of the billing. If the EVENT operations require substantial use of WSDOT and/or WSP
labor, equipment, or materials, then the EVENT organizers are required to enter into
a cost reimbursement agreement with WSDOT and/or WSP. The cost reimbursement
agreement guarantees reimbursement of all EVENT related costs to WSDOT and WSP
and shows costs associated with the event that must be paid by the EVENT organizers.
(See Exhibit D). WSDOT and WSP costs for labor, equipment, and/or materials will be
based on contracted amounts as determined by statute, and requirements for highway
operations. Typical WSDOT and WSP activities may include, but are not limited to;
labor costs, equipment related costs, indirect costs for service, such as; traffic control,
maintenance operations and work zone safety or other highway operation activities.

4. You are responsible for cleaning up immediately after EVENT operations and returning
any and all state highway facilities to the state or condition that existed prior to the
5. Any base of operations, or storage or staging area for the EVENT shall be located
outside the states right of way. Prior authorization from WSDOT shall be required for
any base of operations, storage or staging areas to be located within the right of way.

(Filming, Parade, Bicycle, Pedestrian, etc.) Agreement

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Specialized Highway Uses

Chapter 7

6. For events having participant registration forms, you are encouraged to include
WSDOT and WSP in a statement of waiver or release of damages against the state of
Washington, for signature by event participants or parents or guardians of participant
minors. A sample release for such forms is as follows:


I, (
name of participant
), do hereby release, discharge, and hold
harmless the Washington State Transportation Commission, the Washington State
Department of Transportation, the Washington State Patrol, and their officers,
agents, and employees from all claims, demands, and causes of actions of every
kind whatsoever for any damage, loss, or injuries which may result from my
participation in the ( name of event
), involving state highways, known or
unknown, foreseen or unforeseen.

Information in attached EXHIBITS may identify existing regulatory prohibitions of

specific types of traffic on limited access highways, such as the pedestrian prohibition
on full access controlled highways.

1. EVENT COORDINATOR, at solely his or her expense, shall obtain and keep in force
during the term of the EVENT, general liability insurance coverage in an amount no
less that $1 million per occurrence (combined single limit of liability) and $2 million in
the aggregate providing bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury coverage
for the state of Washington for any liabilities, including all costs of defense, arising
out of the use of state highways for the EVENT. Said general liability coverage shall
be written on an occurrence basis, not a claims made basis, and shall provide
coverage no less than the coverage provided by a Commercial General Liability
Coverage Form (CG 00 01 07 98 ISO or later). Said policy shall not be subject to any
self-insured retained limit of liability, or endorsements that would limit the coverage
provided by the original policy form, except to the extent that coverage is limited to
claims arising from the EVENT. EVENT COORDINATOR, at his or her expense,
shall obtain and keep in force during the term of the EVENT commercial automobile
liability coverage in an amount no less than $1 million per occurrence (combined
single limit of liability) providing bodily injury and property damage coverage for
the State of Washington as an additional insured under said policy. Said liability
coverage shall provide coverage no less than the coverage provided by a Commercial
Automobile Liability Form (CA 00 01 07 97 ISO or later). Said policy shall not be
subject to any self-insured retained limit of liability, or any endorsement that would
limit the coverage provided by the original policy form, except to the extent that
coverage is limited to claims arising from the EVENT. An affidavit verifying proof of
insurance reflecting the required coverage is required and must be in the possession of
WSDOT and WSP prior to commencement of the event. (See EXHIBIT C - Parades,
to determine if insurance will be required for parades on city streets that are also

(Filming, Parade, Bicycle, Pedestrian, etc.) Agreement

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October 2009

Chapter 7

Specialized Highway Uses

2. EVENT COORDINATOR shall indemnify and hold the state of Washington harmless
against any and all claims or actions of any type of nature by third parties for
injuries or property damage, including all costs of defense, caused by or arising out
1. In the event that any party deems it necessary to institute legal action or proceedings to
enforce any right or obligation under this Agreement, the parties hereto agree that any
such action or proceeding shall be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction situated
in Thurston County, Washington, and EVENT COORDINATOR herein submits
tojurisdiction thereunder.
Traffic Control
1. WSDOT has determined that a traffic control plan is necessary for this EVENT.
Operational details specific to the EVENT are contained in EXHIBIT __, attached
hereto. All components of the traffic control plan shall conform to the standards of the
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Such plans must be approved
by the WSDOT Regional traffic engineer(s) and are coordinated by the State Traffic
Engineer for inter-regional events. In addition, traffic control plans shall meet the
following requirements and restrictions:
EVENT COORDINATOR is responsible for acquiring all traffic control devices,
and shall have all traffic control devices installed per approved plan prior to
commencement of the EVENT.
Traffic control operations shall be performed by certified flaggers, or off duty law
enforcement officers.
Any rolling traffic break (intentional slowing of traffic through a moving
roadblock, provided by WSP) shall operate at a speed greater than 35mph on full
access control, freeway type highways. In no event shall any vehicle exceed the
regulatory speed limits.
Traffic control plans may include proposals to close shoulders, lanes, or entire
sections of state highways. Information about the proposed closures including
dimensions such as overall distance, lane or shoulder widths, times and dates, and
detour plans shall be included in the approved traffic control plans. Closures on
interstate and other access controlled, freeway type highways will not be allowed.
Road closures will be considered only where no other traffic control strategies
appear satisfactory, and where an adequate detour route is available. The EVENT
COORDINATOR is required to provide notification of the closure, at least
72 hours in advance, to all fire and law enforcement departments, ambulance
companies, and transit agencies that would be affected by the closure. The
EVENT COODINATOR is required to comply with RCW 47.48.020, a copy of
which is hereto attached. (The copy of RCW 47.48.020 has been provided as a
courtesy. It may or may not have current amendments. EVENT COORDINATOR
is responsible for reading and complying with any subsequent amendments to
the statute that are not attached). Notice of closure signs posted under purview
of this statute shall read, at a minimum, SR__TO BE CLOSED day, date, time
AT location. The signs shall have 6-inch minimum size capital black letters on a
white background with a black border and shall be fabricated so the sign will be
retroreflective and not be affected by weather conditions.

(Filming, Parade, Bicycle, Pedestrian, etc.) Agreement

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October 2009

Page 7-33

Specialized Highway Uses


Chapter 7

If an element of the traffic control plan such as road or lane closures, or rolling traffic
breaks impact traffic operations, a pre-event meeting, scheduled by the EVENT
attend this meeting, along with a representative of any local agency impacted by
the EVENT. The purpose of the meeting is to ensure that the traffic control plan and
related operational procedures are finalized and participants understand their roles and
responsibilities prior to commencement of the EVENT. Minor events (as determined
by WSDOT or WSP) may not require this operational meeting.

3. EVENT COORDINATOR and WSDOT do agree that operational decisions and/or

emergency situations may require road/lane closures to be opened immediately. WSP
is responsible for traffic enforcement, and has final authority regarding the location and
specific time of day that any road/lane closures, or any other part of the traffic control
plan may be implemented. Neither WSDOT nor WSP shall be liable for any damages,
or loss arising from the decision to reopen lanes during an event closure.
Please indicate your concurrence by countersigning and returning the enclosed copy of this
Agreement to the WSDOT address or fax number provided below. Failure to do so, or any
alteration of this document, will render this agreement invalid. If you have any questions or
concerns, please contact (WSDOT contact) of my staff at (telephone #).
Event Signature

WSDOT Signature










(Filming, Parade, Bicycle, Pedestrian, etc.) Agreement

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Page 7-34

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Chapter 7

Specialized Highway Uses

Transportation Building
310 Maple Park Avenue S.E.
P.O. Box 47300
Olympia, WA 98504-7300

Paula J. Hammond, P.E.

Secretary of Transportation

TTY: 1-800-833-6388

AGREEMENT #_____________
This Exhibit, in combination with the Letter of Agreement comprises a complete
understanding between the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), the
Washington State Patrol (WSP), and the filming event coordinator.
1. The film production company shall be in direct contact with the Washington State Film
Office (WSFO) regarding location filming on state highways. The WSFO may initially
direct a filming event coordinator to the appropriate WSDOT regions filming liaison.
A production company with previous experience filming on state highways under the
sanction of WSDOT and WSFO may contact the appropriate WSDOT regional office
directly. A courtesy copy of any correspondence and/or written agreement between
WSDOT, WSP and the film production company shall be provided to WSFO. Contact
WSFO at www.filmwashington.com.

The film production companys base of operations, including staging or storage areas,
shall be located outside the states operating right of way. Prior authorization shall be
required for any base of operations located within right of way. e.g., Your request to
locate (material, equipment, trailer, etc) within the state right of way, at (milepost,
offset left or right) has been approved for this filming event. Written approval is
attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.


Stunts, accidents, or pyrotechnics that may cause damage to state property or

disrupt traffic flow shall not be allowed. Use of pyrotechnics must meet all statutory
requirements. No liquid or solid materials may be placed on the highway except as
approved by WSDOT and identified in this exhibit. (Insert Specific Information)


An affidavit verifying that the film production company has obtained the liability
insurance policies covering the state of Washington in accordance with paragraph 1 of
the Liability section of this Agreement shall be in the possession of WSDOT and WSP
prior to event participants entering upon state right of way.


Special traffic control is required for this event. A traffic control plan has been
approved by WSDOT for this event, a copy of which is attached hereto and
incorporated herein by this reference. Traffic control shall operate as follows; insert
information including traffic control plan(s), location(s), duration of intermittent traffic
closures, rolling traffic break details, detour route, personnel requirements etc. At no
time shall the traffic be allowed to back up beyond temporary warning signs. All lanes
shall be allowed to clear traffic between intermittent traffic closures.

Exhibit A Filming Event Agreement

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Chapter 7


Operational decisions and/or emergency situations may require the roadway to be

opened immediately. Access for emergency vehicles shall be maintained at all times.


Prior to any filming operations requiring a road or lane closure or the use of a rolling
traffic break, an operational meeting may be required with WSDOT, WSP and
the film company. When appropriate, other local authorities and law enforcement
agencies may attend this meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to ensure that all
traffic control plans and related operational procedures are finalized and participants
are aware of their individual responsibilities prior to the commencement of filming.
Minor filming operations (as determined by WSDOT and WSP) may not require this


A rolling traffic break (the intentional slowing of vehicular traffic by way of a moving
road block provided by the WSP) shall be greater than 35MPH on full access
control highways and in no event shall any vehicle be permitted to exceed regulatory


Any filming involving the use of any aircraft shall be done in accordance with

10. Insert specific information regarding additional restrictions, prohibitions,

orrequirements imposed on approved filming operations.

Exhibit A Filming Event Agreement

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WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Chapter 7

Specialized Highway Uses

Transportation Building
310 Maple Park Avenue S.E.
P.O. Box 47300
Olympia, WA 98504-7300

Paula J. Hammond, P.E.

Secretary of Transportation

TTY: 1-800-833-6388

AGREEMENT #________________
This Exhibit, in combination with the Agreement comprises a complete understanding
between the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), the Washington
State Patrol (WSP), and the coordinator for the (name of event).
Unless specifically required to participate in the development or deployment of any traffic
control plan, WSDOT and WSP will have only incidental involvement with the event.

Special traffic control is required for this event. A traffic control plan has been
approved for this event, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by
this reference. Traffic control shall operate as follows; insert information including but
not limited to: traffic control plan, detour routes, proof of notification of closure.


Special conditions, such as relay starts, reflectorized participant clothing, legal bicycle
lighting, transport and aid vehicles may also be imposed as part of the event approval.
The Event Coordinator shall be responsible for scheduling any required meetings.


For competitive bicycle racing events, refer to Washington State Bicycle Racing
Guidelines. This publication provides detailed information about traffic control and
racing protocol for bicycle races, and contains a separate approval and permitting
process. The guidelines are available from WSDOTs website at: www.wsdot.wa.gov/


Insert specific information regarding additional restrictions, prohibitions, or

requirements imposed on approved event operations.

Exhibit B, Bicycling / Pedestrian Event Agreement

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WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page 7-37

Specialized Highway Uses

Chapter 7

Transportation Building
310 Maple Park Avenue S.E.
P.O. Box 47300
Olympia, WA 98504-7300

Paula J. Hammond, P.E.

Secretary of Transportation

TTY: 1-800-833-6388

AGREEMENT #______________
This Exhibit C, in combination with the Agreement comprises a complete understanding
between the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), the Washington
State Patrol (WSP), and the parade event coordinator.
Unless specifically required to participate in the development or deployment of any traffic
control plan, WSDOT and WSP will have only incidental involvement with the event.

For cities and towns having a population in excess of 25,000, only a traffic control plan
is required prior to conducting a parade on a city street that is also a state highway.
There are no other terms or conditions.


The parade sponsor agrees to hold the State of Washington harmless from any and
all claims for any type or nature arising from the EVENT that is the subject of


Parade events sponsored by cities or towns, and covered by existing insurance policies
do not need to comply with the liability insurance articles contained in paragraph 1 of
the Liability section of the Agreement.


Insert specific information regarding additional restrictions, prohibitions,

orrequirements imposed on approved event operations.

Exhibit C, Parades Event Agreement

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Page 7-38

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Chapter 7

Specialized Highway Uses

Transportation Building
310 Maple Park Avenue S.E.
P.O. Box 47300
Olympia, WA 98504-7300

Paula J. Hammond, P.E.

Secretary of Transportation

TTY: 1-800-833-6388

RCW 47.48.020
(This copy of RCW 47.48.020 has been provided as a courtesy. It may or may not have
current amendments. EVENT COORDINATOR is responsible for reading and complying
with any subsequent amendments to the statute that are not attached).
RCW 47.48.020
Notice of closure or restriction -- Emergency closure.
Before any state highway, county road, or city street is closed to, or the maximum speed
limit thereon reduced for, all vehicles or any class of vehicles, a notice thereof including the
effective date shall be published in one issue of a newspaper of general circulation in the
county or city or town in which such state highway, county road, or city street or any portion
thereof to be closed is located; and a like notice shall be posted on or prior to the date of
publication of such notice in a conspicuous place at each end of the state highway, county
road, or city street or portion thereof to be closed or restricted: PROVIDED, That no such
state highway, county road, or city street or portion thereof may be closed sooner than three
days after the publication and the posting of the notice herein provided for: PROVIDED,
HOWEVER, That in cases of emergency or conditions in which the maximum time the
closure will be in effect is twelve hours or less the proper officers may, without publication
or delay, close state highways, county roads, and city streets temporarily by posting notices
at each end of the closed portion thereof and at all intersecting state highways if the closing
be of a portion of a state highway, at all intersecting state highways and county roads if the
closing be a portion of a county road, and at all intersecting city streets if the closing be of a
city street. In all emergency cases or conditions in which the maximum time the closure will
be in effect is twelve hours or less, as herein provided, the orders of the proper authorities
shall be immediately effective.

Exhibit E

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October 2009

Page 7-39

Appendix 7-2

Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

Transit Vehicle Stop

Zone Guidelines


Page 7-40

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Chapter 7

Specialized Highway Uses

WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

Table of Contents


Request for approval (figure 1)
General Condition Criteria
Regional Traffic Office Review
Engineering and Traffic Considerations
Review checklist (figure 2)
Stopping sight distance
Operational speed
Measure sight distance
Determine stopping sight distance
Accident Review
Pedestrian Access Review
Pedestrian Sight Distance - Crosswalks
Site Considerations at Proposed Locations
Placement of stops at intersections
Transit Vehicle Stop Pullout Considerations
Transit Vehicle Stop In-lane Considerations
Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Delineation and Signing
Delineation (Figures 3, 4)
Signing (Figure 5)
Comment from other agencies and public agencies
Delegation of Authority to Approve
Determination of approval
Application for General Permit

6, 7, 8


17, 18, 19


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October 2009

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Specialized Highway Uses

Chapter 7

WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines



Transit stops within incorporated cities and towns
Promote transit ridership
Identify and develop funding sources
Maintenance and Operations Plan
Joint Performance Review
Transit Stop Inventory and Review
Submitting TRIPS data
Existing approved
Existing non-approved
Flag Stops



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October 2009

Chapter 7

Specialized Highway Uses

WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines


WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page 7-43

Specialized Highway Uses

Chapter 7

WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

I. Introduction
These guidelines provide a standard process for managing approval requests for Transit Vehicle Stop
Zones on State Highways outside incorporated areas. The guidelines also promote department wide
uniformity by facilitating regional compliance with the requirements of WAC Chapter 468-46, as it
applies to Transit Vehicle Stop Zones. In addition, the guidelines blend the operational needs of the
department and the public transit authorities with public safety and risk management. The guidelines
are a compilation of information from several sources and are intended for use by Regional Traffic
Operations personnel involved with non-project, low cost enhancement programs and development
review processes. See the WSDOT design manual for information on incorporating transit vehicle stop
zones into design projects.
As the department works in partnership with transit agencies to meet the challenges of operating a
multi-modal transportation system, providing continued safe and efficient mobility for existing
customers is a major priority. These guidelines offer provisions to sanction, by variance, existing stops
that do not meet minimum criteria, providing the location is operating safely, as determined by an
engineering and traffic investigation. This process allows opportunities to plan funding for upgrades
and improvements to these existing stops in normal budgetary programming cycles.
References include:
WSDOT Design Manual, Division 6, Division10
AASHTO A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, Chapter 3
Transportation Research Board TRANSIT COOPERATIVE RESEARCH PROGRAM Report 19 Guidelines for the Design and Construction of Bus Stops
Chapter 46846 WAC
Transit Vehicle Stop Zones
46846010 - The WAC directs the department, upon receipt of a request for approval of a transit stop
on a state highway, outside an incorporated area, to conduct an engineering and traffic investigation
in an attempt to find a suitable location at which transit vehicles may stop wholly off the roadway.
46846020 - The WAC allows the department to approve a temporary in-lane stop if a suitable
location, wholly off the roadway, cannot be found within a reasonable and practical distance
from the proposed location, and there is, based on engineering judgment, stopping sight distance as a
46846030 - The WAC requires a transit vehicle stop (bus stop) sign installation at all approved
locations. This sign is installed by the public transit authority.
46846040 - The WAC requires an advance transit vehicle stop sign installation, consistent with the
MUTCD specifications, at all locations where the transit vehicle stop is not visible for a distance of
500 in advance of the stop. This sign is installed by the department.
46846060 - The WAC requires that a continuous effort be made to eliminate temporary transit
vehicle stops upon the roadway. This effort is subject to the availability of funds.
Chapter 46.04.500 RCW
Roadway. The RCW defines roadway as that portion of the highway improved, designed, or
ordinarily used for vehicular travel, exclusive of the sidewalk or shoulder.
Chapter 46.61.560 RCW

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WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Chapter 7

Specialized Highway Uses

WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

Stopping, Standing and Parking Outside Business or Residence Districts. The RCW allows transit
vehicles on a state highway, outside an incorporated area, to temporarily stop upon the roadway for the
purpose of discharging and receiving passengers at a marked transit stop approved by the WSDOT.
46.61.220 RCW
Transit Vehicles. Drivers shall yield right of way to a transit vehicle that has signaled and is reentering
the traffic flow in the same direction.
This working document serves as a basic tool, allowing all WSDOT regions to use the same minimum
approval criteria, documentation of process, and inventory and review procedures.

II. Overview
A. General
General considerations for locating transit vehicle stops include:
promote safe pedestrian access
encourage safe pedestrian crossings
maximize transit efficiency
offer proximity to activity centers
minimize disruptions to traffic
satisfy general spacing requirements
provide convenient connections to other transportation modes
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires equal access for riders with disabilities. It is
critical that as many transit stops as possible be fully accessible. Historically, transit vehicle stop zone
studies consisted of a general field review to determine if the roadway geometrics would accommodate
a safe stopping area for the transit vehicle. Pedestrian amenities such as sidewalks, roadway crossing
opportunities, security lighting, and shelters were not considered in the review process. With the civil
guarantee of ADA functionality, and a commitment to making transit stop locations more viable and
user friendly, the review process should consider the needs of the pedestrian both before and after using
the transit service.
B. Components
When combined, the following components will create a foundation for an ongoing transit vehicle stop
zone program.

The process of receiving, reviewing, and approving/denying requests for transit vehicle
stop zones
Agreements, as funding, maintenance, and operational tools, and as opportunities to
partner with public transit authorities in an effort to realize the departments strategic plan
An ongoing transit vehicle stop zone inventory and review program to be integrated into
the departments corporate database
Commitment to public safety and risk management

C. Definitions
A transit vehicle stop zone is the portion of the roadway that is designated for use by transit vehicles as
a temporary stop when loading or unloading passengers. Also referred to as bus stop or transit
stop, two configurations are defined in these guidelines:

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October 2009

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Specialized Highway Uses

Chapter 7

WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

bus turnout, bus pullout - These terms interchangeably refer to an area that is specially constructed
or designated for the purpose of transit vehicle stopping. The area is separate from the traveled
lanes. This configuration allows through traffic to flow freely without the obstruction of stopped
transit vehicles. This coincides with the WAC 468-46-010 terminology wholly off the roadway
in-lane bus stop, in-line bus stop and in-lane transit stop - These terms interchangeably refer
to an area in the traveled lane designated for the temporary stopping of transit vehicles. This
configuration may impede traffic and may create additional safety concerns. This type of stop
coincides with the WAC 468-46-020 terminology temporarily stop upon the roadway and is
compliant with RCW 46.61.560 if the transit vehicle is temporarily stopping at a marked location
approved by WSDOT.
Other definitions:
public transit authority - This term refers to any city, county, county transportation authority, public
transportation benefit area, or regional transit authority authorized to operate public transportation
service in Washington State
transit vehicle - This term refers to a van, minibus, or bus operated by a public transit authority for
the purpose of public transportation

A. Request for Approval

Prior to installing a transit vehicle stop on a state highway outside an incorporated area, a public transit
authority shall submit a written request for approval to the department. The Regional Traffic Office is
responsible for designating a transit liaison specialist to receive requests and follow through with the
review process and necessary documentation.
Time required to process requests for approval
Process the requests for approval as quickly as possible. A joint review including regional traffic
personnel and transit authority representatives may eliminate any incomplete or inconsistent
information. This may also save time by allowing review of several locations, or all locations within a
corridor during one visit. A turn around time of 15 working days from the date of receipt of the request
is recommended as the goal of the regional traffic operations personnel. Resource limitations within the
regions may increase the time required to process requests. Add an additional 5 working days to the
turn around time if a special speed study or sight distance determination is required. This does not
include the time required for processing an application for general permit.
Include the following information on the request for approval:
Name of requesting agency
Date of request
Name, address, Tel #, and e-mail address of person submitting request
State Route, milepost
Distance/Direction to or from the nearest intersection
Direction of travel of proposed stop
Estimated number of transit stop users
ETAs of stops at location

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October 2009

Chapter 7

Specialized Highway Uses

WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

Bus route (note any weaving or multiple lane changes required in the course of the route
within one quarter mile of the proposed stop)
Major traffic generator ( school, business, health care facility)
Transit users requiring special pedestrian focus (children, elderly)
Type of stop, in-lane or pullout
Is a parking restriction required?
Vehicle type, length, gvw, turning radius
Photo or video of proposed location
Plan view vicinity drawing showing:
North arrow
State Highway #, existing lanes of travel, nearest intersections
In rural areas, show intersections or roadway features within one quarter mile
of the proposed stop
In urban or suburban areas show adjacent intersections
Location of proposed stop, width of pullout lane, length and rates of tapers
Passenger Amenities
ADA pad
Pedestrian Access
roadway crossing opportunities

Request Form
Use a standardized request form to promote a consistent response procedure within the Department.
See figure 1.

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Chapter 7

WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

Request to Approve Transit Vehicle Stop Zone
Agency submitting request __________________________________ Date _________
Contact Person ______________________________ Tel __________ Fax__________
Mailing address_________________________________________ e-mail____________________
Proposed Location Information
State Route _____________ Milepost ______________
Distance/Direction to/from nearest intersection _________________________________
Proposed Stop - Direction of travel ____ Estimated Transit Stop User Volume, Day__ Peak Hour__
List the etas of scheduled stops at the proposed site ______________________________________
Does the Bus Route require changing multiple lanes or weaving at or near the proposed stop? ______
Is the stop at a major pedestrian generator ( school, business, health care facility) ________________
Are there transit users requiring special pedestrian focus (children, elderly) _____________________
Type of stop: in-lane or pullout____________________
Type of pullout: near side _____ far side _____ mid block ____other _______________
Proposed vehicle type (give length, gvw, turn radius) L______ W______ radius ______
Submit a plan view of the proposed site
Include the following features if applicable:
North Arrow

Existing lanes of travel


Pedestrian Crossing


Proposed Stop

Signs and Striping

Other: __________________________________________________________________________

Figure 1.

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October 2009

Chapter 7

Specialized Highway Uses

WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

B. General Condition Criteria

These General Condition Tables offer guidance in determining the appropriate type of transit stop
(pullout or in-lane). In addition they give direction in planning the Regional Traffic Office Review by
calling out other important considerations. Chapter 468-46 WAC requires transit vehicle stops to be
wholly off the roadway, wherever reasonable or practical. RCW 46.61.560 allows in-lane stops at
locations that are approved by WSDOT.
The WSDOT Design Manual chapter 1060 and the TCRP Report 19 guidelines offer concurring
recommendations for pullouts at locations where one or more of the following factors are present:
Curb lane traffic volume exceeds 250 vehicles during the peak hour
Traffic speed is greater than 45 mph (WSDOT Design Manual), 40 mph (TCRP Report 19)
Passenger volume at the stop exceeds 20 boardings per hour
History of accidents at the proposed location

Criteria for approval in general conditions

Two Lane, Low Speed, Low Traffic Volume
Criteria for Approval of New Stops
Review request for approval
Pullout recommended if one or more of the following factors is present:
If 10 or more buses stop at this location during peak hour
If 10 or more transit users board the bus per hour
If accident history indicates risk
Review roadway geometrics and accident history
Transit vehicle stop sign required
ADA pad required if transit vehicle is equipped with accessibility function
ADA sign required if stop is ADA functional
Advance transit vehicle stop sign required if sight distance is less than 500

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Chapter 7

WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

Criteria for approval in general conditions
Two Lane, High Speed, Low Traffic Volume
Criteria for Approval of New Stops
Review request for approval
Pullout recommended if one or more of the following factors is present:
If 10 or more buses stop at this location during peak hour
If 10 or more transit users board the bus per hour
If operational speed is greater than 45 mph
If accident history indicates risk
Review roadway geometrics and accident history
Transit vehicle stop sign required
ADA pad required if transit vehicle is equipped with accessibility function
ADA sign required if stop is ADA functional
Advance transit vehicle stop sign required if sight distance is less than 500

Rural Suburban
Two Lane, High Speed, Moderate High Traffic Volume
Criteria for Approval of New Stops
Review request for approval
Pullout recommended if one or more of the following factors is present:
If curb lane peak hour volume is greater than 250 vehicles
If 10 or more buses stop at this location during peak hour
If 20 or more transit users board the bus per hour
If operational speed is greater than 45 mph
If accident history indicates risk
Review roadway geometrics and accident history
Transit vehicle stop sign required
ADA pad required if transit vehicle is equipped with accessibility function
ADA sign required if stop is ADA functional
Advance transit vehicle stop sign required if sight distance is less than 500

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Chapter 7

Specialized Highway Uses

WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

Criteria for approval in general conditions
Multilane, Moderate Speed, Moderate High Traffic Volume
Criteria for Approval of New Stops
Review request for approval
Pullout recommended if one or more of the following factors is present:
If curb lane peak hour volume is greater than 250 vehicles
If 10 or more buses stop at this location during peak hour
If 20 or more transit users board the bus per hour
If operational speed is greater than 45 mph
If accident history indicates risk
Review roadway geometrics and accident history
Transit vehicle stop sign required
ADA pad required if transit vehicle is equipped with accessibility function
ADA sign required if stop is ADA functional
Advance transit vehicle stop sign required if sight distance is less than 500
Security Lighting recommended
Passenger Shelter recommended

Urban Not incorporated
Multilane, Low Speed , Moderate High Traffic Volume
Criteria for Approval of New Stops
Review request for approval
Pullout recommended if one or more of the following factors is present:
If curb lane peak hour volume is greater than 250 vehicles
If 10 or more buses stop at this location during peak hour
If 20 or more transit users board the bus per hour
If accident history indicates risk
Review roadway geometrics and accident history
Transit vehicle stop sign required
ADA pad required if transit vehicle is equipped with accessibility function
ADA sign required if stop is ADA functional
Advance transit vehicle stop sign required if sight distance is less than 500
Security Lighting recommended
Passenger Shelter recommended

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Specialized Highway Uses

Chapter 7

WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

C. Regional Traffic Office Review

Conduct reviews using the geometric section (Sections 610-650) and the transit benefit facility section
(Section 1060) of the WSDOT Design Manual, the AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of
Highways and Streets, and the TCRP Report 19, Guidelines for the Location and Design of Bus Stops.
1. Engineering and Traffic considerations:
a) General
The horizontal and vertical alignment, design speed, and design stopping sight distance data for
existing state highways can be accessed on remote terminals through the TRIPS mainframe. Use
Roadway Reports menunb01. The SRVIEW software can help define area environments. The focus
of an onsite review may include, but not be limited to, a field test to determine stopping sight
distance, a speed study to determine 85th percentile speed, and a review of pedestrian access,
pedestrian crossing opportunities, and pedestrian sight distance. Consider the location of proposed
bus shelter and ensure clear sight distance at intersections and driveways. In addition, review
existing highway features for potential conflicts, including but not limited to:
Existing utilities, above and below ground
Existing drainage or sewer installations
Existing guardrail or barrier
Existing signs
Existing vegetation
b) Review Checklist
Use a standardized review checklist to promote a consistent procedure within the Department. See
figure 2.

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Chapter 7

Specialized Highway Uses

WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Review Checklist

Requested by: Agency______________ Contact Person ______________________ Tel#______________

Transit Stop Location SR_______ MP__________ Location (nearest cross road)__________________
Existing Transit Stop - Yes No
Previously Approved - Yes No
Pullout ____ In lane____
Placement at intersection: Far side (preferred) _____ Near side_____ Mid block_____
Curb lane traffic volume-peak hour____ Bus volume-peak hour ____ Passenger volume-peak hour _____
General Condition _________________________________________________________________________

Roadway Geometry

Number of roadway lanes ______________ (include turn lanes)

Direction of travel_____
Horizontal Alignment:
Horizontal Curve - Left
Right or
Vertical Alignment:
Vertical Curve Sag
Crest or
Grade %_________
Rolling Hills
Steep Hills
Existing Slope: Ditch_________ Cut___________ Fill______________

Existing Location Features

Existing Shoulder:
Width ______ft. Surface material / depth ______ / ____ Condition ___________
Review by regional materials lab _______________________________________
Existing Sidewalk:
Width ______ft. Material _____________ Condition ______________
ADA Landing Pad - Yes No
Size (5x8minimum size) _______ft. X ______ft.
Existing street lighting - Yes
No Condition of existing vegetation _________________________


Operational Speed _________mph Posted Speed _________mph Design Speed ____________mph

Stopping Sight Distance

Field Measurement: 1)_______________ft.

Is SSD criteria met at location - Yes

Pullout Considerations

2) _____________ft. Ave)____________ft.
Advance Transit Stop Sign required - Yes


Is pullout recommended in the General Condition Criteria - Yes

Is R/W available - Yes

Inlane Considerations

If a pullout is not recommended in the General Condition Criteria, is an in-lane stop appropriate at this
location? Yes

Pedestrian Considerations

Pedestrian sight distance on approach __________ft.

Pedestrian sight distance on departure _________ft.
Paved waiting area - Yes
Walkway access - Yes
Distance to intersection _________ft.
Traffic signal - Yes
Crosswalk - Yes
Refuge area - Yes
Number of lanes to cross _____ Crossing distance ______ft.

Accident History Review: ________________________________________________________________


Should Transit Stop Be Approved? - Yes


Reviewed by__________________________ Date________________

Figure 2.

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Chapter 7

WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

c) Stopping Sight Distance
The determination of stopping sight distance is a critical issue regarding the WAC requirements for
approval of in-lane stops and advance warning signs. Stopping sight distance on an existing
roadway provides a vehicle that is traveling at the 85th percentile speed sufficient length to stop
before reaching a stationary object in its path. Consider all factors that contribute to the geometric
configuration when determining a location specific stopping sight distance.
Horizontal alignment
Vertical alignment
Roadway Section
Sight Obstructions
(1) Determining the 85th percentile speed.
Use the following order of preference to determine the operating or 85th percentile speed:
Data developed from a site specific speed study using road tubes or radar
Data from an existing data base (e.g. corridor study)
If the 85th percentile speed is not available, and no accident patterns exist which indicate
vehicle speeds as a contributing factor, the posted speed limit may be used to determine
stopping sight distance
(2) Method for measuring sight distance at a proposed transit location.
This method requires an observer and may require an assistant. Required equipment includes a
passenger vehicle (not a van or pickup,) a distance measuring instrument, and a target object clearly
marked at 6 above the roadway surface. A measuring wheel with an accuracy of + 1% is an
acceptable device for determining distances. The AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of
Highways and Streets Chapter 3 discusses the criteria for measuring sight distance. Testing from a
passenger vehicle meets the criteria for the height of the drivers eye (3.5). The 6 target represents
the lowest object on a roadway that a driver may perceive as a hazard.
The 6 target is placed at the site of the proposed transit stop, near the anticipated location
of the rear of the stopped transit vehicle (see figure 1, Request to Approve, vehicle length).
If the target is temporarily placed in the traveled way or at a location that will disrupt the
normal flow of traffic, install appropriate temporary traffic control.
The observer drives toward the target in the direction of travel of the proposed transit stop,
beginning at a location where the target is not visible. When the target comes into the
observers field of view, activate the distance measuring device, or mark the point for
measurement with the wheel.
A measurement is then made from this point to the location of the target. An average of two
readings is recommended to ensure accuracy.


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Chapter 7

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WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

(3) Method for determining stopping sight distance from observed field measurements.
Refer to the stopping sight distance tables in Design Manual Chapter 650 to determine the
acceptability of the existing stopping sight distance at a proposed location. Consider the sight
distance measured in the field, the 85th percentile speed, and existing roadway geometrics when
making this determination. The data can also be analyzed using the Stopping Sight Distance (Wet
Pavement) table contained in chapter 3 of the AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways
and Streets.
d) Accident Review
A three year accident review is recommended at the proposed location. Accident reports dating
from 1993 ahead can be accessed on a remote terminal through the TRIPS mainframe
menunb01.5.1. Additional pedestrian accident reviews may be beneficial, and study of a five to ten
year history may identify pedestrian accident patterns. This historical data (pre 1993) is available on
the TRIPS mainframe menu55.1. When entering TRIPS report parameters it is possible to select
accidents by vehicle type. The two digit code for bus (non school) is 10. In addition to running a
report on all vehicle types at or near the location of the proposed stop, a bus specific report
throughout the corridor that contains the proposed location may indicate a traffic safety pattern for
the transit agency. Focus the study on factors contributing to accidents, including but not limited to
the locations environment, vehicle speeds, time of day, and type and severity of accidents. If an inlane stop is considered for approval, focus on rear end accidents at or near the site. If a history of
accidents exists at the proposed location, an engineering judgment should be made and documented
regarding the potential impact created by adding a transit vehicle stop.
e) Pedestrian Access Review
Review of a proposed transit vehicle stop includes an evaluation of the accessibility and viability of
the location for pedestrians. The transit stop may be little more than a sign along a highway, but
consider it as a significant pedestrian destination. As a minimum, provide the following basic
pedestrian amenities at a transit vehicle stop:
A barrier free approach to the stop, including ADA features, if appropriate
Appropriate opportunities for pedestrians to cross the roadway
Clear designation - Bus Stop sign or symbol. Wheelchair accessibility sign if appropriate
Waiting area that permits standing comfortably away from the traveled lanes. Increased
vehicle speed = greater buffer distance
Waiting area that is well drained and provides a clear, level, hard-surfaced
boarding/deboarding area
Secure environment The stop should be placed in a non-threatening location. Pedestrians
should feel safe and comfortable while approaching the stop and while waiting at the stop
Although additional amenities are not absolute requirements, they will attract pedestrians who
might not otherwise consider using transit service. The number of anticipated passengers and
frequency of fixed route stops at the location, in combination with the policy of the transit authority
will determine the ultimate configuration of the stop. These additional amenities may include:

At-grade walkways or sidewalks at stops, and approaches leading to stops

A bus shelter may be provided at an existing or proposed location. The transit authority
determines appropriate shelter locations based on passenger volume, type of service area,
and budgetary considerations. The proposed shelter location must provide a clear sight
triangle to minimize impacts on sight distance at intersections.

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Chapter 7

WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

WSDOT Design Manual recommends consideration of additional street lighting at transit

stops. Lighting is recommended wherever installation is feasible. While not mandatory, this
lighting allows the passengers using the facility to see and to be seen, not only at the stop,
but at adjacent pedestrian crossings. Lighting provides a perceivable feeling of safety for the
transit user. Placing stops near existing street lights may reduce installation costs. On
limited access facilities, the public transit agency will be responsible for the initial
installation cost of any security lighting. WSDOT will be responsible for any ongoing
maintenance costs.
Furniture A bench or seat may ease long waits
Route information This is an important service for infrequent riders
Modal connectivity This encourages combined transportation mode travel

Rural Applications - It is not practical to assume that a public transit authority would configure a rural
stop with few passengers to contain all of these elements. However if the passengers are exercising
their only mobility option, a need is demonstrated for all of the basic amenities listed above.
f) Pedestrian Sight Distance Crosswalks
Pedestrians must have a clear line of sight to all traffic that may impact pedestrian movements at
proposed transit stops. A field review should reveal any potential sight obstructions and allow the
reviewer to assume the perspective of the pedestrian. Consider the position of the stopped transit
vehicle at a proposed location, as it may be a potential sight obstruction to pedestrians crossing in
front of, or behind the vehicle.
Marked crosswalks are generally installed only at controlled intersections. Marked crosswalks may
be considered on multilane highways at uncontrolled intersections or mid-block locations if there is
sufficient pedestrian volume and median refuge areas have been provided. The department, or
appropriate city is responsible for installing and maintaining crosswalks.
2. Site Considerations at Proposed Locations
The proposed location should not block intersections or driveways - RCW 46.61.570
The area of passenger boarding and exiting should not conflict with pedestrian flow through the
The proposed location should not conflict with other user groups such as bike lanes, ferry holding
lanes, emergency vehicle approaches, rail crossings
The proposed location should be in a well drained area, and should not require installation of
drainage features
Spacing of transit stops can impact overall traffic performance. Spacing should be based on
prevailing land use and passenger volumes, with consideration given to maximizing traffic flow on
the roadway.
Typical Transit Stop Spacing
Typical Spacing
Central Core Area of CBD
Urban Areas
Suburban Areas
Rural Areas

600 feet
750 feet
1250 feet
locate @ activity nodes
or 2500 feet


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October 2009

Chapter 7

Specialized Highway Uses

WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

3. Placement of stop at intersection:
The approval of the placement and dimensions of the proposed stop at or near an intersection
requires careful analysis, considering many contributing factors, including signalization,
channelization, turning movements and pedestrian movements. There are three basic placements
for stops at intersections:
a) Farside - Transit vehicle stops immediately after passing through an intersection
b) Nearside - Transit vehicle stops immediately prior to in intersection
c) Midblock - Transit vehicle stops within the block
When a pullout is warranted at an intersection, a far-side placement is preferred, however, there
may be situations where a near-side or mid-block stop is appropriate.




Each placement has advantages and disadvantages


Minimizes conflicts between right turning

vehicles and buses
Provides additional right turn capacity by
making curb lane available for traffic
Minimizes sight distance problems on
approaches to intersections
Pedestrians cross behind the bus
Shorter deceleration distance because bus
uses intersection to decelerate
Signal behind bus creates gaps for entering
Boarding passengers assemble at less
crowded area of sidewalk
Minimizes interference when traffic is
heavy on the far side of the intersection
Allows passengers to access buses closest to
Allows passengers to board and alight while
the bus is stopped at a red light


Stops located at major passenger generating

Minimizes sight distance problems for
vehicles and pedestrians
May result in passenger waiting areas
experiencing less pedestrian congestion
Minimal conflicts with turning traffic

Traffic queued behind a in-lane bus stop

may block intersection
May obscure sight distance for crossing
May increase sight distance problems for
crossing pedestrians
Can cause double stops, for signal, then
immediately for far side stop. Double stops
are a factor contributing to rear end
May cause right turning conflicts with cross

Increases conflicts with right turning

May result in stopped buses obscuring
curbside traffic control devices and crossing
May obscure sight distance for cross traffic
vehicles stopped to the right of the bus
Increases sight distance problems for
crossing pedestrians
May be difficult for buses to re-enter traffic.
This may cause bus route schedule delays
Requires additional distance for no-parking
May encourage patrons to cross street at
Increases walking distance for patrons
crossing at intersections


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Chapter 7

WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

4. Transit vehicle stop pullout considerations:

Wherever possible, locate proposed transit vehicle stops in areas where the public right of way is of
sufficient width to allow for pullout and sidewalk construction. If the department and the transit
agency concur that additional right-of-way is needed to accommodate the pullout, landing pad,
sidewalk, relocated drainage ditch, cut slope, or other feature, the department should negotiate the
appropriate private property agreement, or obtain a slope easement.
The recommended minimum pullout lane width is 12 feet, not including curb or sidewalk. This
dimension allows a standard 10.5 wide bus to pull completely off the roadway.
The total length of a pullout should allow room for an entrance taper, a deceleration lane, a
stopping area, an acceleration lane, and an exit taper. Dimensions for these features vary with
operational speed. Refer to the Design Manual chapter 1060 for theses dimensions. Far side
pullouts can use the intersection as the deceleration lane. The length of the pullout stopping area is
determined by the type and number of transit vehicles using the stop.
To evaluate the suitability of existing pavement for use as a transit stop, determine surfacing depths
and materials at proposed locations. Concentrated loading coupled with the dynamic affect of
braking can place high demands on pavement at transit vehicle stops. Base the evaluation of
existing and proposed roadway sections on this anticipated axle loading. The Regional Materials
Lab may assist in providing parameters for site specific surfacing depths. The OSC Materials Lab
has developed the following informational table for minimum surfacing depths.
Minimum Surfacing Depths for Transit Vehicle Pullout
Number of buses
20 Year Design
40 Year Design
per day.
(Standard 40 bus)
AC Base PCC Base
AC Base PCC Base
(ft) (ft)
(ft) (ft)
0.35 1.05 0.60
0.40 1.15 0.60 0.50
0.35 0.65 0.60
0.40 0.60 0.60 0.50
0.35 0.65 0.60
0.40 0.60 0.60 0.50
0.40 1.15 0.60
0.45 1.30 0.65 0.50
0.40 0.60 0.60
0.45 0.65 0.65 0.50
0.40 0.60 0.60
0.45 0.55 0.65 0.50

A 5-foot (measured parallel to the face of curb) by 8-foot (measured normal to the face of curb) atgrade or raised landing pad is required to meet current ADA requirements at proposed or newly relocated transit locations. This is the minimum allowable size. The pad shall be constructed of a
stable, firm, slip-resistant surface. The pad shall be sloped to drain but not create an unstable
situation for a wheelchair. Consider the possibility of service by a transit vehicle equipped with
either a front or rear door wheelchair lift. Although not a requirement, a 10-foot by 10-foot pad
increases efficiency of operation.
When funding is available, provide an ADA accessible, 5ft wide at-grade walkway or raised
sidewalk for the length of the pullout, extending to the intersection radius return.


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Chapter 7

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WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

5. Transit vehicle stop inlane considerations:
In many urban and suburban low speed areas, in-lane transit stops are a common practice. If in-lane
transit stops are WSDOT approved locations, this practice complies with RCW 46.61.560. On state
highways, in moderate or high speed areas, in-lane bus stops are not recommended and will be
approved only under special conditions. WAC 468-46-020 gives basic criteria for such approval.
This approval can be based on the unavailability of a wholly off the roadway location within a
reasonable and practical distance of the proposed location, in conjunction with acceptable
stopping sight distance. In-lane bus stops decrease the operational capacity of any roadway, and on
moderate or high speed highways may result in an increase in rear-end related accidents .
WAC 468-46-060 directs the department to make an effort to eliminate conditions requiring
temporary stops by transit vehicles upon the roadway. This effort is subject to the availability of
funds. From a public safety and risk management perspective, the departments challenge is to
work with the transit agencies in an effort to secure funding for transit vehicle pullout
improvements on state highways.
D. Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Delineation and Signing
1. Delineation
The transit stop should be clearly delineated to ensure use of the stop area by transit vehicles only
and to give the transit operators direction on where to stop
Striping and pavement marking for pullouts in rural areas should be installed in accordance with
figure 3
Striping and pavement marking for pullouts in urban and suburban areas should be installed in
accordance with figure 4
Curb painting can be used to identify curb side stops in no parking areas. This curb painting is the
responsibility of the transit authority
2. Signing
Each approved stop zone shall have a bus stop symbol sign. This sign is installed by the public
transit authority. WAC 468-46-030
Each stop zone shall have an advance transit vehicle stop sign installation, consistent with the
MUTCD specifications, at all locations where the transit vehicle is not visible for a distance of 500
in advance of the stop. This sign is installed by the department. WAC 468-46-040
Each stop zone equipped with ADA pad, and serviced by transit vehicles equipped with special
features to facilitate disabled passengers, shall have the International Symbol for Access for the
Handicapped sign displayed. Some transit authorities integrate this symbol into the bus stop sign.
This sign is installed by the public transit agency.
Approved transit stops may also require an accompanying no parking traffic regulation to ensure
that motorists will not park in the transit stop area. WSDOT will be responsible for all costs and
maintenance of these signs.
On limited access facilities, the appropriate transit authority may be responsible for the costs
associated with the initial installation and maintenance of flyer stop signs located on the shelter,
and within the flyer stop area.
The department may consider installing signs which display a message of Yield to Entering
Transit Vehicles in an effort to encourage compliance with RCW 46.61.220. See figure 5.

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Figure 5
36 x 48
6 C Letters


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Chapter 7

WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

E. Comments from other Agencies and the Public
In reviewing a proposed transit vehicle stop location, WSDOT personnel may seek input from others.
Consideration shall be given to any comments, concerns, or commitments from:
the local WSDOT maintenance area
the applying public transit agency
local jurisdictions or agencies
WSP or local law enforcement agencies
the OSC or Regional Administration Staff
the general public
F. Approval
1. Delegation of Authority to Approve transit vehicle stop zones
The authority to approve resides with the Secretary of the Department of Transportation or any
assistant secretary, or Regional Administrator or designee of the Regional Administrator to whom
such authority has been delegated (D55-71). This delegation of approval authority (who signs)
should be clearly designated and documented by the regions.
2. Determination of Approval
A comprehensive determination is made regarding the effect a transit stop may have on vehicle and
pedestrian traffic, and the environment at a proposed location. This judgment, documented by the
results of the engineering and traffic review becomes the basis for the approval or denial of the
application for the proposed stop.
3. Variance Approval
The criteria contained in these guidelines should be closely followed to ensure Department wide
compliance with the intent of the WAC. A variance may be granted on a case by case basis. The
transit liaison specialist shall defer final decisions regarding a variance to the approving authority
within the region. An example of a variance could be to grandfather an existing site that does not
meet a guideline criterion. The variance must contain written documentation, including the reasons
that specific criteria cannot be met, and if necessary, a contingency plan to comply with minimum
criteria by upgrading the location within a specified time period.
4. Notification
The Regional Traffic Office shall provide a written letter of notification to the requesting public
transit authority regarding the Departments approval, approval with variance, or denial of the
application. Information that is the basis for denial or a recommended variance should be included
in this letter. Within 15 working days of receipt of an approval/denial notification, a transit agency
may bring concerns about the decision to the approving authority within the Region. Any disputed
information should be jointly reviewed for accuracy and completeness. The Regions approving
authority shall, after analyzing information presented by the transit agency, and information used to
document denial/approval, shall uphold or reverse the decision.
5. Application for General Permit
The notification documentation may include an Application for General Permit (DOT form 224898EF) for the transit authority to complete and submit. This permit covers general and special
provisions regarding any work performed within the limits of public right of way, to improve or
construct the transit stop. (RCW 47.32.160)

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Chapter 7

Specialized Highway Uses

WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines



A. General
With the foundation of any successful relationship being mutual understanding and cooperation, a
spirit of partnership should guide these agreements, as they cover operational, maintenance, and
funding issues pertaining to transit vehicle stop zones. Because the transit authorities serve customers
on the state highways, and the department sanctions the approval, installation and maintenance of the
transit features required to provide this service, these agreements present a distinct opportunity to
demonstrate a commitment to the operation and promotion of a safe and coordinated transportation
system, as prescribed in the WSDOT Strategic Plan Mission Statement.
B. Transit stops within incorporated cities and towns
Requests for approval of transit vehicle stops on state highways located within incorporated cities and
towns should be submitted to the appropriate local agency, with a courtesy copy to the Regional transit
liaison. The department may be requested to partner with the local agencies and transit authorities
regarding the approval process, and the maintenance and operations agreements. No state regulations
exist pertaining to WSDOT sanctioning of transit vehicle stop zones within incorporated areas. The
department is authorized by statute to issue permits for construction (RCW 47.32.160) and mandated to
maintain the roadway surface (RCW 47.24.020) within these areas.
C. Goals of the agreement
Components of and agreement may include, but are not limited to:
1. Promote transit ridership
The Department and the transit agency should combine efforts to develop and encourage transit
ridership in all general condition areas of the regions. The department should endeavor to create
and operate an easy to use system for processing requests for approval. The focus should be on the
development of user oriented, efficient transit stops that appeal to new and existing customers. To
create effective communication, a definitive list of contact persons for both the department and the
public transit agencies should be developed and shared between the partners.
2. Identify and develop funding sources
The Department and the transit agency should combine efforts to create avenues for funding
improvements of existing stops as well as the design and construction of new sites. Some potential
sources include:
TIB funding (Public Transportation Systems Account)
Funding available through the WSDOT Public Transportation Office
49 USC Section 5311- can be used for the purchase and installation of passenger
shelters and signing in rural areas
Rural Mobility Grant Program - can be used for construction of pullouts and
STP transfer funds
State Infrastructure Bank
49 USC Section5307 for urban areas
Low cost enhancement funds administrated by the regional Traffic Operations Office
Funding for improvements to state highways


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Specialized Highway Uses

Chapter 7

WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

3. Maintenance and Operations Plan
The Department and the transit agency may combine efforts to develop a maintenance and
operations plan, with clearly defined roles and responsibilities, which includes but is not limited to
the following areas:
ADA landing Pad
Signs, and delineation
Vegetation control
4. Joint Performance Review
The Department and the transit agency may combine efforts to develop a program that will
periodically review the condition and effectiveness of existing stops. This process could be
combined with the Inventory and Review process described in these guidelines with additional
input from the transit authorities. The review should include but not be limited to:
Evaluate the effect of the stop on vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Include accident review
Evaluate efficiency and safety for transit stop users
Monitor ridership, passenger volume may merit change, upgrade, removal or relocation
Evaluate the effectiveness of the maintenance and operations agreement

V.Transit Stop Inventory and Review

Development of a Regional Transit Vehicle Stop Inventory and Review program will increase
operational efficiency for the department. Application for approval of a transit vehicle stop zone,
copies of any permit issued by the department, and all documentation used to determine approval,
denial, or variance should be retained on file by the Regional Traffic Office and integrated into an
inventory data base.
A. Inventory
As time and staffing allows, the Regional Traffic Office should inventory all approved fixed route
transit stops on state highways outside incorporated areas.
Information from the inventory should be used to develop a Regional Transit Vehicle Stop data base.
The data should include the following information for each transit stop:
Public Transit Authority (owner)
Date of departmental approval
SR, mp, travel direction of stop
Speed, posted and operational (85th percentile) if available
Intersection configuration and pullout width, type and condition of surfacing
Sidewalk width, ADA pad dimensions
Signing, bus stop, wheelchair accessibility, advance transit stop
Amenities, shelter, lighting, furniture,
Pedestrian crossing information: marked, unmarked crosswalk, pedestrian signals, midblock crossing refuge area

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Chapter 7

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WSDOT Transit Vehicle Stop Zone Guidelines

B. Submitting TRIPS data
Data inventoried from approved transit stops on state highways shall be included in TRIPS, the
departments on-line highway system database. The Roadway Data Section of the Planning and
Programming Service Center is responsible for updating information in this data base. Forward
information to the Transportation Data Office at SCAN 234-6597 or public (360) 753-6597. The
required data includes SR, milepost limits, width of pullout and shoulder, type of surfacing.
C. Review
As time and staffing allows, the Regional Traffic Office should review all existing transit stops on state
highways outside incorporated areas. Upon review, each site should be placed into one of the following
categories and appropriate action should be taken to develop all viable sites to meet the approved,
meets guideline criteria status.
approved, meets guideline criteria
approved, does not meet guideline criteria
non-approved, meets guideline criteria
non-approved, does not meet guideline criteria
1. Existing approved transit stops
On state highways, transit stops may now exist that are approved, but do not meet the minimum
requirements of these guidelines. If the stop is determined to be operating safely, based on an
engineering and traffic investigation, the Regional Traffic Office should notify the appropriate
public transit authority by letter that the non-conforming transit stop is approved with a variance.
An agreement to upgrade existing approved transit stops may be required. This plan to upgrade
should be consistent with the budgetary programming and planning cycles used by the transit
authority and the department. This practice will allow the transit authority time to pursue funding
for improvements, as well as continue its day to day operations without the consequence of losing
viable stop locations. In addition, the schedule provides risk management for the department, and
allows the department time to pursue funding for transit vehicle stop zones as features of
construction projects as well as low cost improvements.
2. Existing nonapproved transit stops
Transit stops may now exist on state highways that do not have approval. The existence of these
locations jeopardizes the Departments position regarding WAC compliance and risk management.
The Regional Traffic Office should make every effort to identify transit stops on state highways
that are not approved. The public transit authority should be notified by letter of any existing nonapproved transit stop. The transit authority should be given 60 days to follow through with the steps
required to comply with the approval process contained in these guidelines. If after 60 days, the
transit authority has made no effort to seek approval for the site, the Region Traffic Engineer shall
order the transit stop closed and remove all appurtenances at the location.
3. Flag Stops
Some public transit agencies provide on demand service in rural settings where fixed route stops
are widely separated. The passenger signals a request to stop as the transit vehicle approaches.
These non-fixed route stops are referred to as flag stops. These are not approved transit stops. Some
transit agencies publicly advertise this service. RCW 46.61.560 allows transit vehicles to stop upon
the roadway at marked locations that are approved by WSDOT. WAC 468-46 requires approval of
transit stops on state highways. This on demand stop is not pursuant to the WAC or RCW controls
regarding transit vehicle stop zones on state highways. Whether stopping on the shoulder or in the
traveled lane, this practice is a potential risk to public safety and is not recommended. WSDOT
assumes no liability risks from flag stop operations on state highways.

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Appendix 7-3

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Interpretive Signs/Markers Agreement

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Specialized Highway Uses

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Specialized Highway Uses

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Chapter 7

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October 2009

Chapter 8

Highway Advertising Control

8.1 General
The department is directed by state law to regulate advertising signs
that arevisible to Interstate, Primary, and Scenic state highway systems.
Advertising messages may be displayed by one of several methods:
Billboards and other highway advertising signs may display business
logos and advertising print along selected areas of state highways, outside
state-owned right of ways. See Highway Advertising Control M22-95.
Advertising venues exist at a number of rest areas along Interstate
highways, and at several Ferry Division locations.
Motorist information signs display logos for specific types of motorist
services on regulated signs within the right of way. See M 55-94.

8.2 Highway Advertising Signs

Federal and state laws regulate signs located on private property or on public
right of ways other than state highway right of ways, which are visible to
certain state highways. Many of the laws and regulations are written to
express what may be done rather than what may not be done. Thus, signs
installed contrary to what the law allows are illegal.
This chapter supplements and clarifies the text of the laws and regulations
byproviding procedural guidelines and technical information. The department
uniformly applies the regulatory provisions to support traffic engineering
principles, for procedural efficiency, and to treat the business community
A. United States Code, Title 23, Section 131. Federal laws provide direction
to the states through the Federal Highway Administration and the Code of
Federal Regulations regarding highway advertising along Interstate and
National Highway System (NHS) non-Interstate highways, and at safety
rest areas. The states are required to comply with these federal laws and
regulations or become subject to a 10 percent reduction in federal aid
highway funds.
B. RCW 47.42. State law, which may be referred to as either the Highway
Advertising Control Act, or the Scenic Vistas Act of 1971 or the Act,
authorizes and directs the department to regulate highway advertising
signs visible to Interstate, non-Interstate NHS, and Scenic highways in
accordance with federal and state regulations. The purpose of the Act
is to enhance roadside scenic beauty while assuring that information of
specific interest to travelers is presented safely, reasonably, and effectively.
RCW47.42 does not regulate advertising sign installations adjacent
toother state highways, county roads, or city streets.
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Highway Advertising Control

Chapter 8

C. WAC 468-66 and M 22-95. The departments manual, Highway

Advertising Control M 22-95, contains the RCW and WAC rules,
regulations, and figures that can be used to help interpret specific laws
and regulations, maps to identify the various classes of the state highway
system, and graphic appendices that illustrate some of the more complex
1. Definitions. WAC 468-66-010 defines specific terms that are key
to the regulations. This section clarifies the intent of some of these
terms, helping the department uniformly administer highway
a. Unzoned Commercial or Industrial Areas. RCW 47.42.020(9)
and WAC 468-66-010(4) in part define an unzoned commercial or
industrial area. Unzoned means either no zoning or zoning for
general uses by county or municipal code. An unzoned commercial
or industrial area is comprised of three parts, including the core
area described as follows:
There are three or more commercial or industrial activities
located within a space of 500 feet along a regulated highway.
The maximum 500 foot core of the unzoned area is measured
parallel to edge of the roadways main traveled way, and may
include activities located on both sides of the roadway.
All measurements are made from the outer edges of regularly
used buildings, parking lots, or storage or processing areas,
rather than from the respective property lines. Measured
accordingly, the outer measurements define the unzoned area
core, up to500 feet.
The commercial or industrial activities being considered must
be located within 660 feet of the nearest edge of the right

Page 8-2

The second and third parts of the unzoned commercial or

industrial area are 500 foot longitudinal extensions, both upstream
and downstream of the unzoned core area, on both sides of
the roadway. Thus, an unzoned commercial or industrial area
encompasses a space extending a maximum of 1,500 feet along
aroadway as shown in Appendix 8-1.

Signs are permissible in unzoned commercial or industrial areas

in the same manner as zoned commercial or industrial areas, and
are subject to all other regulations for the particular highways
classification and local agency restrictions.

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Chapter 8

Highway Advertising Control

b. Highway System Definitions. For highway advertising control,

there are two sets of highway system definitions, one at the federal
level and one at the state level. The definitions below are those
used by WSDOT and incorporate state RCWs and WACs. Use
these in applying highway advertising control regulations.

Interstate System, as defined by WAC 468-66-010(12) refers to

any state highway that is or becomes part of the national system
of interstate and defense highways as described. These highways
are specially noted in the Design Manual M 22-01, Division 3,
Figures 325-2a and 325-2b (listing of National Highway System
routes). Highway advertising control regulations apply to all

Primary System, as defined by RCW 47.42.020(6) and WAC

468-66-010(19), refers to the Federal Aid Primary (FAP) federal
highway classification. It includes state highways noted as
Primary in the June 1, 1991 Intermodal Surface Transportation
Efficiency Act and any highway not on that system but included
on the National Highway System. Congress extended highway
advertising control to the primary system in 1965. Prior to 1965,
the federal highway advertising control regulations applied
only to Interstate routes. Washington State began regulating
signs on Primary highways in 1971 following passage of the
revised Highway Advertising Control Act, aka, Scenic Vistas Act;

National Highway System (NHS), as referenced in WAC

468-66010(19), refers to the route system created by the 1991
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) and the
1995 National Highway System Designation Act. ISTEA extended
highway advertising control to all the routes on the National
Highway System. The NHS includes Interstate routes and nonInterstate routes. Non-Interstate NHS routes include most of the
Federal Aid Primary system together with other routes added by
Congress. A list of NHS routes is shown in the Design Manual,
Division 3, Figure 325-2.
Nuance. While the National Highway System includes the
Interstate system, there are unique and specific highway
advertising control rules for the Interstate System in federal and
state law. Since there are more specific rules for the Interstate
system, for the purpose of highway advertising control, the
Interstate system is not considered to be part of the National
Highway System or the Primary System.

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Highway Advertising Control

Chapter 8

The Scenic System is defined as those selected state highways

designated by RCW 47.39.020 and RCW 47.42.140. For the
purpose of highway advertising control, RCW 47.42.020(7)
andWAC 468-66-010(21) further define the scenic system as:
Any state highway within any public park, federal forest area,
public beach, public recreation area, or national monument.
Any national scenic byway or state highway or portion thereof,
designated by the legislature as part of the Scenic System, that
lies outside the corporate limits of any city or town.

RCW 47.42.020(7) and WAC 468-66-010(21) also exclude certain

state highway segments from the Scenic System:
Highway sections specifically excluded by RCW 47.42.025.
On any highway designated by the legislature as Scenic, those
portions within the corporate limits of any city or town.
Any highway designated by the legislature as Scenic that is
outside the corporate limits of any city or town, and in areas
zoned by the governing county for predominantly commercial
and industrial uses and having development visible to the
highway, as determined by the department.
The complete list of designated Scenic highways is in
RCW47.39.020. (The RCW 47.42.140 listing of Scenic
highways has not been updated to reflect more recent additions
to the system.)
WAC 468-66-010(28) defines visible development as an area
within a space of 500 feet along a highway, determined by the
department to have development, both in type and location,
that would create an unzoned commercial or industrial area
prescribed by RCW 47.42.020(9). Development is deemed
non-visible if visually obstructed by vegetation or other natural
features on state highway right of way.

c. Application of Regulations. WAC 468-66-010(19) states that

primary system also refers to ...any highway which is not
on such (primary) system but which is on the national highway
system. Because the WAC incorporates non-Interstate NHS routes
into the definition of primary system for the purpose of highway
advertising control, non-Interstate NHS routes are regulated as
primary highways.

Page 8-4

The NHS system did not automatically include all FAP routes;
there are former FAP route segments that are not part of the NHS
system. When reviewing a non-Interstate highway segment that is
excluded from the Scenic System consider the following:

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Chapter 8

Highway Advertising Control

If the segment is part of the NHS system, it is regulated.

If the segment was part of the FAP system as of 6/1/1991,
butnot included in the NHS System, it is regulated.
If the segment is not part of NHS system, or, was not part
oftheFAP system as of 6/1/1991, it is not regulated.

Type 4 and Type 5 signs are prohibited within view ofScenic

System highways (RCW 47.42.040). There are two exemptions
tothis blanket prohibition provided in RCW 47.42.020(7):
Type 4 or Type 5 signs may be allowed along Scenic System
highways where the route is within the boundaries of an
incorporated area.
Type 4 or Type 5 signs may be allowed along Scenic System
highways where the route passes through an area zoned for
commercial or industrial use, and where there is Visible
Development as defined in WAC 468-66-010(28). Both
thecommercial zoning and the commercial activities must
bepresent to establish the exemption.

d. Sign Visibility and Signs on Unregulated Roadways.

RCW47.42.065 and WAC 468-66-010(27) define sign visibility.
Inaddition to theWAC definition, note that marginally visible
signs located along unregulated highways intersecting with
Interstate or other regulated state highways shall be considered
not visible ifthey meet at least three of the criteria following:
The sign faces are not substantially larger or at a substantially
higher elevation above the ground line than other signs along
the same unregulated intersecting roadway.
The angles of sign faces are oriented toward unregulated
intersecting roadways rather than Interstate or other regulated
state highways.
The length of time that the informative contents of signs can
be viewed is substantially greater for travelers on unregulated
intersecting roadways than for travelers on Interstate or other
regulated state highways.
The signs are visible to a motorist traveling at the posted
speed limit on an Interstate or other regulated state highway,
for aperiod of time that is less than what is required to read
theentire sign message.
The signs are only incidentally visible from Interstate or other
regulated state highways.
The signs advertise activities accessible from unregulated
intersecting roadways along which the signs are located.

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Highway Advertising Control

Chapter 8

The Visibility Checklist for Signs on Unregulated Roadways

(Appendix 8-2) is helpful when determining whether a sign on
anunregulated roadway must be regulated under the Act.

2. General Provisions. WAC 468-66-030 describes general sign

features and characteristics that are regulated on more than one
classification of highway advertising sign. Refer to Section 3 of this
chapter (Classification of Signs and Specific Provisions) for features
and characteristics regulated on only one classification of highway
advertising sign.
a. Moving Parts. Signs visible from the main-traveled way of
the Interstate, NHS non-Interstate, and the Scenic System that
move or have any animated or moving parts are prohibited.
Revolving signs giving public service information, as defined in
WAC46866010(20), tri-vision signs operating in compliance
with WAC 468-66-030(2), and Type 3 signs visible from primary
highways within city limits or commercial or industrial areas are
exempt from this regulation.
b. Sign Lighting. No signs are permitted which:
Contain, include, or are illuminated by any flashing,
intermittent, or moving lights. Signs providing public service
information, as defined in WAC 468-66-010(20), electronic
signs operating in compliance with WAC 468-66-050(3)(g),
and Type 3 on-premise signs along a primary system highway
within city limits or commercial or industrial areas are exempt
from this regulation.
Have lights that change intensity or color, lasers, strobe lights,
or other lights having stroboscopic effect.
Use any lighting in any way, unless the lights are shielded
to prevent beams or rays of light from being directed at any
portion of the traveled way of the highway, or are of such low
intensity or brilliance as not to cause glare or impair the vision
of the driver of any motor vehicle, or otherwise interfere with
any drivers operation of a motor vehicle.

The Traffic Control Devices statute (RCW 47.36.180, Forbidden

Devices - Penalty) describes additional illegal lighting of signs
and other devices and is another resource to assist with highway
advertising sign control.

c. Local Agency Regulations. In addition to meeting state laws

and regulations, highway advertising signs must comply with
all applicable county, city, or town ordinances and resolutions

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Chapter 8

Highway Advertising Control

before they may be installed (RCW 47.42.048). Section 8.2.(5)(b)

Permit Processing Procedures, discusses the relationship between
the departments highway advertising sign permits and local
3. Classification of Signs and Specific Provisions. WAC 468-66-050
describes the eight advertising sign classifications authorized by the
Highway Advertising Control Act, and places specific restrictions on
each sign type. The information in this section helps traffic operations
staffs address matters pertaining to these eight sign types.
a. Type 1 Directional or other official signs or notices divided into
three categories:
(1) Type 1a Directional Signs. Publicly or privately owned
places may contain directional information about publicly or
privately owned places that feature:
natural phenomena
historical, cultural, scientific, educational, or religious sites
areas of scenic beauty
outdoor recreation areas

Publicly owned places may contain directional information

about public places owned or operated by federal, state, or
local government, or their agencies.

Privately owned places may contain directional information

about non-profit privately owned places that feature scenic
attractions that are nationally or regionally known or of
outstanding interest totravelers.

See WAC 468-66-050(1) for other regulations about sign size,

location, and message content limits.

(2) Type 1b Official Signs. Official signs shall be erected and

maintained by public officers or public agencies, such as a
county, city, or county commissioners, for the purpose of
carrying out an official duty or responsibility.

Official signs shall be located within the governing jurisdiction

of the public officer or public agency.

Official signs shall be pursuant to and in accordance with

direction or authorization contained in federal, state, or

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Highway Advertising Control

Chapter 8

Authority to Install Official Signs:

The officer or agency authorizing the sign installation must
exercise some form of governmental authority over the area
upon which the sign is located governmental authority
means the authority to enact or administer the law.
The officer or agency authorizing the sign installation
must be directed by statute or local law and/or must have
the specific authority by statute or local law to erect and
maintain signs.

See WAC 468-66-050(1) for other regulations about sign size,

location, and message content limits.

Crime Stopper signs are considered Type 1 signs under RCW

47.42.040(1). Crime Stopper signs are most similar to Type 1b
signs, although Crime Stoppers International is a partnership
between the community, the media, and law enforcement,
rather than a public agency. The act limits the Crime Stopper
sign message to the Crime Stopper name, logo, and local
program phone number. While the signs are not regulated for
visibility to highways, zoning requirements, number of signs,
or spacing, they are limited to a maximum size of 20 feet in
length, width, or height, or a total of 150 square feet in area.

(3) Type 1c Service Activity Signs. These signs contain

only a group name, and the location and meeting schedule.
These organizations must be nonprofit, such as service clubs
or religious organizations. The WAC duplicates a federal
regulation that limits the maximum size of Type 1c signs to
eight square feet.
b. Type 2 For Sale or For Lease Signs. FOR SALE or FOR
LEASE signs shall only advertise the sale or lease of the parcel
or real property upon which the sign is located. The property
owner or owners agent name and phone number shall not be
displayed more conspicuously than the message FOR SALE
or FOR LEASE. WAC 468-66-050(2) allows only the name of
the property owner or owners agent, and their respective phone
number as well as the for sale or lease message. No other message
is allowed on the sign. Displaying an off-premise business name or
other off-premise activity, in lieu of the name of the owner or his
agent is not allowed.
Some current real estate signs may not include the words
FORSALE or FOR LEASE, especially on signs provided
toagencies and agents by national conglomerates. Accordingly,
real estate signs may require case-by-case evaluation to determine
if they are located onproperty for sale or lease.
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Chapter 8

Highway Advertising Control

c. Type 3 On-Premise Signs. These signs are divided into four

(1) Type 3a. This on-premise sign advertises the activity
conducted, or products available, on the property where the
sign is located.
(2) Type 3b. This is a business complex on-premise sign that
displays the name of a shopping center, mall, or business
(3) Type 3c. This future site on-premise sign is allowed on
properties where a planned business will be operating within
ayear. Signs will typically display the message future site of
or similar wording.
(4) Type 3d. This temporary political campaign sign expresses
aproperty owners endorsement of a political candidate or
ballot issue.

Each year in April, the Headquarters Traffic Office distributes

a campaign sign information packet to all the county auditors.
The packet contains copies of the regulations political
candidates must follow to assure lawful campaign sign
placement. When candidates file for candidacy with the county
auditor they receive a copy of the regulations, which are:
Temporary political campaign signs are limited to a
maximum size of 32 square feet.
Temporary political campaign signs must be removed
within ten days after the election, except that successful
candidates during a primary election may leave signs up
until 10 days after the following general election.
Temporary political campaign signs may not be located
onstate highway right of ways.

(5) Location of On-Premise Signs. Along the Interstate system,

Type 3a signs that exceed 20 feet in length, width, or height,
or150 square feet in area, may not be located morethan 50 feet
from the advertised activity.

The 50-foot distance is measured from the building, storage

area, or other structure or processing area, which is most
regularly used and essential to the conduct of the activity.

A Type 3(b) business complex on-premise sign advertising

ashopping center, mall, or other combined business activity,
may be located within 50 feet of the nearest portion of any

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Highway Advertising Control

Chapter 8

parking area that serves the business combination. The business

complex sign does not have a size limitation; however,
individual on-premise signs advertising specific businesses
within the complex, which are displayed in array with the
single on-premise sign, are limited to a maximum size of
150square feet (Appendix8.3).
(6) Location of On-Premise Signs Within Incorporated Areas
and Commercial/ Industrial Areas Along the NHS NonInterstate System. Type 3(a) and Type 3(b) on-premise signs
located within incorporated cities and towns and commercial
and industrial areas, and visible to NHS non-Interstate
highways, are not regulated by the Act. However, on-premise
signs located in these areas are subject to city or county
ordinance or resolution.
(7) Crop Identification Signs. Crop identification signs are
considered on-premise signs, and identify specific agricultural
crops grown on property adjacent to state highway right of
way. Normally, an agriculture-oriented supporting group
will present a region with a proposed crop identification

The regional HAC representative reviews the proposed sign

project for compliance with the Act. The sign message is
limited to the name of the crop, and the name of the sign
sponsor. The crop message letter size should be two or three
times larger than the sponsor message, to facilitate crop

(8) Electronic Signs. Electronic signs may be used only to

advertise activities conducted, or goods and services available,
on the property on which the signs are located (Type 3
signs); or, to present public service information as defined in

WAC 468-66-030(1)(g) in part prohibits signs that contain,

include, or are illuminated by any flashing, intermittent,
or moving light or lights. This provision does not apply
toelectronic on-premise signs along Interstate highways
andNHS non-Interstate highways, outside the corporate
limits ofcities and towns or outside commercial and
industrialareas,displaying messages in compliance with

d. Type 4 and Type 5 Signs. Off premise advertising signs,

differentiated by the location of the advertised activity:

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Highway Advertising Control

(1) Type 4. The business or activity advertised on a Type 4 sign

shall be within 12 air miles of the sign.
(2) Type 5. The off-premise advertising message displayed on
the sign must be of specific interest to the traveling public, as
described in WAC 468-66-050(5)(b). There is no geographic
proximity limitation, such as the 12 air mile limit imposed on
Type 4 signs.

The regulations for Type 4 and Type 5 off-premise advertising

signs visible to Interstate and non-Interstate NHS highways
are provided in WAC 468-66-050(5). Size limits are based on
roadway type and detailed in WAC 468-66-050(5)(c).

Type 4 and Type 5 sign locations are limited to commercial and

industrial areas, and must meet the WAC prescribed spacing
requirements shown in Appendices 8.4, 8.5a, and 8.5b.

WAC 468-66-050(5)(d)(i & v) specify that Type 4 and Type5

signs visible to Interstate traffic are not permitted within
1,000 feet beyond the furthest point of the intersection of the
mainline and the on-ramp. The 1,000-foot measurement begins
at the intersection of the right fog line on the on-ramp taper and
the right fog line of the mainline.

Additionally, Type 4 and Type 5 signs visible to Interstate

traffic are not permitted within 2 miles preceding an
interchange exit ramp. The measurement begins two miles
before the intersection of the right fog line of the exit roadway
and the right fog line of the main traveled way of the Interstate

WAC 468-66-050(5)(g) provides measurement applications for

sign spacing along horizontal curves where signs are located on
opposite sides of the highway.

e. Type 6 Landmark Signs. These are advertising signs of

historic or artistic significance that were lawfully in place prior to
October 22, 1965. Currently, there are no permitted Type 6 signs
visible to state highways.
f. Type 7 Public Service Signs Located On School Bus Shelters.
Currently, there are no permitted Type 7 signs visible to state
g. Type 8 Temporary, Seasonal Agricultural Signs. These signs
give directional information to specific agricultural activities, and
are regulated through a permit process administered by the region.
Specific requirements are found in WAC 468-66-050(8).

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4. Non-conforming Signs. WAC 468-66-200 discusses signs that were

lawfully erected and maintained, but later become illegal. These
are called non-conforming signs, and are allowed to remain and be
maintained (allowed to exist) as prescribed in the WAC. Based on
definitions in law, any of the eight sign types could be or could become
nonconforming signs. Currently, only Type 4 or Type 5 nonconforming
signs are accounted for because of permitting requirements.

A major focus of the 1965 federal HBA was to buy out nonconforming signs. The Act created a June 1, 1971 date for removing
existing signs that did not comply with the new laws (non-conforming
signs). A three-year extension was later established, creating a May 10,
1974 deadline.

To remove these signs, the law also required that just compensation
be paid to the sign owner, with federal funds contributing 75 percent
of the compensation. Federal funding was not adequate to buy out
all non-conforming signs on the states highway systems by May 10,
1974. Under RCW 47.42.105, no sign can be required to be removed
if the federal share of just compensation to be paid upon removal of
the sign is not available. Due to the lack of federal funds, existing
nonconforming signs that had not been compensated and removed by
May 10, 1974, were allowed to remain and be maintained. These signs
created the framework for todays non-conforming sign inventory.

Today, additional non-conforming signs are allowed to exist, as

Signs lawfully installed after June 1, 1971, and that later became
illegal because of changes in state law, state regulation, city or
county ordinances or resolutions, state route revisions, or cessation
of unzoned commercial or industrial areas, are allowed to remain
and be maintained as non-conforming signs. The signs may also be
removed through compensation.
Non-conforming off-premise advertising signs are issued permits
as Type 4 or 5 signs, as applicable. Non-conforming signs are
included in the highway advertising sign inventory, and counted
when evaluating available space for additional sign structures.
Non-conforming signs that are damaged by weather related
incidents, or other acts of nature, may be re-erected, provided
that the sign remains at least 50 percent intact. Signs more than
50percent damaged to the extent that the sign face has fallen to the
ground, as determined by the department, may not be re-erected
and are subject to permit revocation under WAC 468-66-220.

Page 8-12

See Section (5)(h) that follows for discussion about the nonconforming sign inventory.

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Highway Advertising Control

5. Highway Advertising Control Permit Procedures. Advertising sign

permit issuance, maintenance, and renewal procedures are described in
WAC 468-66-210.
a. Signs Subject to Authorizing Permits. State law and the WAC
exempt Type 1, 2, and 3 signs from the permit requirements;
therefore, permits are required for sign Types 4 through 8. The vast
majority of permits issued are for Type 4 and Type 5 signs. Only a
small number of Type 8 sign permits have been issued throughout
the state. To date the department has not issued any permits for
Type 6 and Type 7 signs; however, the WAC includes these as
signs that must be placed under permit.

A department issued permit does not preempt the permit holders

responsibility to comply with local agency rules, regulations,
and ordinances pertaining to signs and sign structures (RCW
47.42.048). Accordingly, a department issued permit only grants
apermit holder the right to erect a sign if its also authorized
underlocal law.

b. Permit Processing Procedures Type 4 and Type 5 Signs

The application (Appendix 8-6) and the non-refundable $300
permit fee for each Type 4 and Type 5 sign structure are
received at the Headquarters Traffic Office, or the region.
Applications received at the region are forwarded to the
Headquarters Traffic Office. The effective date is the date it
isreceived in Headquarters.
The Headquarters Traffic Office assigns the application a Log
number, and deposits the permit fees into the Motor Vehicle
Fund through the departments Accounting Office.
The Headquarters Traffic Office forwards the application
with a permit application transmittal (Appendix 8-7) to the
appropriate region and requests a site investigation. A checklist
(Appendices 8.8a and 8.8b) is used to assist with investigating
proposed sign sites. The region is requested to investigate the
proposed sign site within 30 days to determine compliance with
the zoning, size and spacing requirements of WAC 468-66-050.

Consider the following when reviewing the proposed sign

installation location:
Along NHS non-Interstate highways, focus special attention
on whether the department has purchased full, partial, or
modified access rights, through the procedures required by
RCW 47.52. Limited access and non-limited access highway
segments have specific sign spacing requirements prescribed
in RCW47.42.062(3) and WAC 468-66-050(4) and (5)(e).

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Anyhighway section without purchased access rights is

considered non-limited access for the purpose of sign spacing
calculations. Limited access information can be obtained from
the regional Real Estate Services work group that conducts
limited access purchases and documentation, the Master Plan
Limited Access Control Database, or the Headquarters Design
Access Office.
There are locations where permits have been issued, but signs
have not been erected. Locations having these permitted but
unbuilt signs are included in the count when determining
available sign space. Consult the current permit inventory
(rather than merely counting the existing permitted signs) to
assure the department does not issue a permit in error.
Consider the sign owners access to the sign for maintenance
or copy change. Various RCW chapters prohibit or limit access
to private property from highway right of way. There may be
highway segments where it would be extremely difficult, if not
impossible, to access a sign from properties other than state
highway right of way. For proposed locations appearing to
meet the requirements of law, but where access from private
property appears to be a challenge, its reasonable to require the
applicant to supply documentation that describes how the sign
will be accessed (for example, the name of a private property
owner for limited access highways or a WSDOT permit for
managed access highways). Include this documentation in the
package returned to Headquarters.
Contact the local agency having land-use jurisdiction over
the proposed sign site to determine if state law or local
regulation is more restrictive. If the local regulation is more
restrictive, and the location meets state law, encourage the
applicant to obtain the local permit before approving the state
application. (Also encourage the local agency to approve or
deny sign permits based on their own regulation, regardless of
status under state law). If a local agency denies the applicant
a sign/building permit, the department can deny the state
permitapplication citing RCW 47.42.048.
An applicant may refuse to obtain the local agency permit
first. If so, the law does not give the department authority
to withhold a permit for a location that meets the state
requirements. Thus, the region may approve a permit
application knowing that the local agency permit will

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If the location meets the permit requirements, assign

an inventory number to each sign face indicated on the
application. Inventory numbers are selected sequentially
from a block provided by the Headquarters Traffic Office
for a particular highway or highway section. For locations
not meeting the permit requirements, the region notes on the
checklist that it must be denied, and cites the RCW or WAC
provisions not met.
Return the application package to the Headquarters Traffic
Office. Headquarters will notify the applicant about the
permits approval or denial and send a copy to the appropriate
local agency. Headquarters approval and denial notification
letters include supporting discussion about local agency
regulation compliance, sign access, and other pertinent matters.
c. Procedure for Reviewing Sign Permit Applications near
Highway/Railroad At-Grade Intersections. Many railroads
market their right of way to billboard companies for the purpose
of erecting signs that are visible to nearby highways. Occasionally,
the department receives HAC applications for signs on railroad
properties adjacent to state highway/railroad at-grade intersections.
In unincorporated areas, billboards are prohibited within 100feet
of a state highway/ railroad at-grade intersection, and also at
locations that could obstruct sight distance to an on-coming train.
A billboard installation adjacent to a state highway/railroad grade
intersection may obstruct the motorists sight distance, interfere
with the train engineers sight distance, or otherwise compromise
safe and efficient traffic operations. Thus, special emphasis is given
to a site-specific safety review, in addition to the standard review
to determine compliance with RCW 47.42, RCW 47.32.140, and
WAC 468-66.
The following definitions and review procedures provide
information and guidance to department personnel who review
Highway Advertising Control permitapplications.
(1) Traffic Control System. The traffic control system is a
combination of devices installed at a specific highway/rail
grade intersection. Three types of traffic control systems are
discussed here:
Passive systems consist of warning signs, including the
crossbuck, and pavement markings. There are no lighted
signals associated with the passive system.

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Active systems consist of warning signs, including

the crossbuck, pavement markings, and post-mounted
or cantilevered flashing lights. Train sensors installed
upstream and downstream near the railroad tracks activate
and deactivate these signals.
Active-gated systems consist of warning signs, including
the crossbuck, pavement markings, post-mounted or
cantilevered flashing lights, and automatic gates that
prohibit crossing the intersection. Train sensors installed
upstream and downstream near the railroad tracks activate
and deactivate the gates and signals.
(2) Clearing Sight Distance. At all ungated crossings, a driver
stopped 15 feet before the nearest rail must be able to see
far enough down the track in both directions to determine if
sufficient time exists to move their vehicle safely across the
tracks to a point 15 feet past the far rail prior to the arrival of
a train. Required clearing sight distance along both directions
of the track, from the stopped position of the vehicle, is
dependent upon the maximum train speed and the acceleration
characteristics of the design vehicle.
(3) Stopping Sight Distance. Stopping sight distance is the sum
of two distances: the distance traversed by the vehicle from
the instant the driver sights an object necessitating a stop to
the instant the brakes are applied, plus the distance required to
stop the vehicle from the instant the brake application begins.
Thisdistance varies with vehicle speed.
(4) Desired Vehicle Stopping Point. The point on the highway
where a vehicle stops without encroaching into the intersection.
This point should be located 15 feet before the nearest rail and
is marked by a stop bar in accordance with MUTCD standards.
At the stopping point, the drivers eye location is considered to
be an additional 10 feet from the nearest rail.
(5) Statutes and Rules. The following statutes and rules apply
tobillboards at highway/railroad at-grade intersections:
RCW 47.32.140 prohibits billboard erection or maintenance
within a distance of 100 feet from the point of intersection
of a highway and railroad grade crossing. This applies
only in unincorporated areas, and allows 30 days for a
joint review by the department, the Washington Utilities
and Transportation Commission (WUTC), and the railroad
to determine if a billboard installation could potentially
obscure sight distance of a motorist, or train engineer
approaching an intersection.

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WAC 468-66-030(1)(f) and CFR Title23, Chapter 1,

part 750.154(2) prohibit signs that prevent the driver of
a vehicle from having a clear and unobstructed view of
approaching or merging traffic.
(6) Review Process. If a proposed sign location at or near a state
highway/railroad grade intersection meets zoning, spacing,
and size requirements, and would otherwise qualify for an
HAC permit, conduct an engineering study to determine
the effect the sign may have on sight distance and safety at

The engineering study should focus on vehicle and train

speeds, stopping sight distance, clearing sight distance,
highway and railroad geometry, and existing traffic control
devices including pavement markings. Give special
consideration to the traffic control system installed at the
intersection, and whether the traffic control devices meet
existing standards. Determine traffic volumes (and vehicle
classification, if possible), for the state highway.

The WUTC has information about railroad operations

including train speeds used in the tables below, railroad
alignment (curves approaching the intersection), and number
of crossings per day. Headquarters can provide WUTC

For unincorporated areas, determine whether the proposed

sign is located within the 100 foot restricted zone (RCW
47.32.140). If it is, work with the WUTC and railroad to
determine if the proposed sign may compromise safety
at the intersection. There may be statutes, WAC rules, or
policies that are specific to the WUTC or the railroad that will
influence their decisions or recommendations. Document these
partnership efforts and include all pertinent information in the
engineering studyrecords.

For incorporated areas, contact the city or town and

work with them to review proposed billboard locations. In
addition, ask the WUTC to perform a review of the location
and consider their recommendations. There may be local
agency rules or ordinances that influence a citys decisions
or recommendations. Document these partnership efforts
and include all pertinent information in the engineering

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Chapter 8

Consider the traffic control system at the intersection. Based

onthe type of system, use the following tables to determine
if aproposed sign location creates an obstruction in the clear
sight triangle, or the clearing sight triangle.

Review the proposed sign location under typical traffic

operating conditions at the intersection. Place a stake or other
object at the proposed sign location to assist with visualizing
the potential sight distance obstruction. Drive through the
intersection assuming the motorists perspective from a vehicle
approaching the intersection and from one located at the
stopping point. Consider the motorists perspective for driver
eye-heights ranging from 3 feet for a small car to 7 or 8 feet
for a cab-over tractor. School buses are required to stop even
ifsignals are not activated,

Passive Traffic Control System. A motorist approaching an

intersection with passive control must have adequate sight
distance to make decisions when a train is observed in the
distance (Figure 8-1). If the proposed sign location lies within
the approach clear sight triangle, it will obstruct the motorists
view and compromise clear visibility at the intersection.

Use Table 8-1 to determine the track and highways distances:

Track Distance. The top distance, (shown in normal type)
represents the distance upstream or downstream along the
railroad tracks that is required for a driver to determine
if they can safely cross the tracks or must stop. This
distance is measured from the edge of the traveled lane
Highway Distance. The bottom distance (shown in bold)
represents the clear visibility distance along the highway
that is required for a driver to determine if they can safely
cross the tracks or must stop. This distance will allow a
motorist approaching the intersection at the given speed to
safely cross the intersection or to stop the vehicle without
encroaching past the stopping point. This distance is
measured from the nearest rail.
When plotted on a plan, or laid out in the field, these two
distances create two line segments, each beginning at the
intersection. Connect the far ends of the segments to create
the clear sight triangle.

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Traffic Control System

Figure 8-1


Posted or 85th Percentile Speed
























































Moving Vehicle Passive Traffic Control System

Table 8-1

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Chapter 8

Active Traffic Control System. At an un-gated active

controlled intersection, the motorist must determine whether
atrain is approaching the crossing, then further determine if
and when it is safe to cross and clear the tracks (Figure 8-2).

Table 8-2 provides clearing sight distances, based on train

speed and vehicle type. The clearing sight distance is measured
from the intersection along the tracks. Distances given in
columns two through seven represent the clearing sight
distance measured from the edge of traveled lane upstream
or downstream along the tracks. Having clear visibility for
this distance will allow a motorist to decide whether it is safe
to enter the intersection, and clear the intersection to a point
15feet beyond the far rail.

A car (column two) is typically used as the vehicle type.

However, if available vehicle classification data demonstrates
a high percentage of vehicle types, or if school busses or
transit use this crossing, consider using that vehicle type to
testvisibility at the intersection.

Un-gated Active Traffic Control System

Figure 8-2

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Pedestrian **







































































Stopped Vehicle Un-gated-Active System

Table 8-2

Active-gated Traffic Control System. At gated crossings,

traffic control devices give clear direction on when to cross the
intersection. In unincorporated areas, the 100 foot restricted
zone must be maintained (RCW 47.32.140).

(7) Summary. The department does not allow a billboard or other

signs within the clear sight triangle for passive traffic control
systems, or within the clearing sight triangle for ungated
active traffic control systems. Allowing placement of a
billboard or sign within these areas may obstruct the drivers
view of approaching trains, compromising crossing safety.

In the event that the WUTC or a railroad company recommends

that a sign not be allowed at the proposed location based
on statute, law, or policy, the HAC permit application may
be denied. If the recommendation to deny is based on the
physical location of the proposed sign, e.g., it is located within
the clearing sight triangle, or approach clear sight triangle,
the department may consider alternate locations on the same
parcel that are outside the triangles, under the same permit
application. In such cases, a HAC permit may be issued if the
WUTC concurs with approval of such alternate location.

Table 8-1 is based on the 2001 AASHTO Policy on Geometric

Design of Highways and Streets, Exhibit 9-104.

Table 8-2 is based on the USDOT publication, Guidance on

Traffic Control Devices at Highway-Rail Grade Crossing,
Table 2.

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Chapter 8

d. Permit Procedures Type 8 Signs. Type 8 sign permit

applications, along with the $50 permit fee per sign face, are
submitted to the appropriate regional traffic office. Type 8 sign
permits are valid for 5 years, and are renewable upon expiration
(Appendix 8-9). Headquarters supplies the metal Type 8 permit
tags to the regions.
e. Annual Permit Renewal Certification. Prior to December 1
of each year, the Headquarters Traffic Office will mail a permit
renewal notice to each sign permit holder. If the permit holder
intends to retain the permit in good standing for the upcoming
calendar year, they certify that intent by signing the notice and
returning it to the Headquarters Traffic Office by December 31
ofthat same year.

When a renewal notice is not returned to the Headquarters Traffic

Office by December 31, the permit expires. The Headquarters
Traffic Office may initiate legal proceedings to cause the
removal of any sign constructed under the permit, as an illegal

f. Change of Sign Ownership, Transfer of Sign Permit. WAC

46866-210(7) requires a permit holder to notify the department
when permits in good standing are assigned to another sign owner.
When the regions receive notification of a change in permit
ownership, forward that information to the Headquarters Traffic
Office for written permit reassignment and to facilitate inventory
updating. There is no fee to the permit owner(s) for permit transfer.
g. Sign Relocations. When an existing permitted sign is intended for
relocation, the sign owner must submit a new permit application
and permit fee and the region will review the new location for
approval (WAC 468-66-210(8)). The department will rescind the
permit for the existing sign intended for relocation upon approval
of the new permit, or upon the effective date of the existing lease
termination, whichever occurs first.
h. Inventories. The Headquarters Traffic Office maintains an
inventory of all Type 4, 5, and 8 sign permits. It is available to
theregions in electronic format. The inventory is revised when
the Headquarters Traffic Office receives notification from a permit
holder, or when a region discovers changes during field review.
The inventory must be updated when:
New permits are issued.
Existing permits are rescinded or revoked.

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Revisions are made to existing permitted signs, including

changes in sign size, milepost location, sign owner/permit
holder, compass direction of read, or sign removal.
A region notifies HQ of a newly created non-conforming sign.

Non-conforming permitted Type 4 and Type 5 signs (Section 4) are

included in the inventory, and noted in a searchable data field.
i. Inventory of Signs on Local Jurisdiction NHS Roadways. The
National Highway System Act of 1995 (NHS) extended highway
advertising control to all NHS routes. This means that signs on
private property and visible to NHS routes, including NHS routes
under local agency jurisdiction, are regulated under the Highway
Advertising Control Act.

The Headquarters Traffic Office maintains an inventory of offpremise highway advertising signs (Types 4 and 5) visible to
local NHS roadways. Although the control of such signs is the
responsibility of the local jurisdiction or agency, the department is
committed to providing technical assistance to a local agency when
requested. Periodically the region HAC personnel conduct a review
of local NHS routes to assure that the departments inventory is up
to date.

j. Integrating Sign Information after Changes to the Scenic

Highway System. The Legislature occasionally adds state
highways or highway segments to the Scenic System as defined in
RCW 47.42.020 and WAC 468-66-010. Headquarters will request
the regions to conduct a field review of any newly designated
route(s) to provide a record of the advertising signs that existed
at the time of enactment. The region compiles photos, location
information (milepost, side of the roadway, direction of read,
sign spacing), sign size, zoning designation, and other pertinent
information and sends it to Headquarters.

Headquarters will integrate the data into the HAC files, place
the signs under permit if the route was not regulated prior to the
Scenic designation, and update the permit database. Headquarters
correspondence with the sign and property owners will discuss
information pertinent to the individual sign including:
Highway Advertising Control Act requirements concerning
Permit renewals.
Legal sign status (located in an area exempt from Scenic

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Non-conforming sign status.

Other information pertinent to the individual sign
Possible sign removal if appropriate

The Legislature may also delete highways or highway segments

from the Scenic System. However, the route is still regulated as a
scenic route if federal Scenic funds paid for any improvements
on the route. Headquarters can help determine if Scenic federal
funds paid for improvements to former Scenic highway segments
that may otherwise appear eligible for signs. Such expenditures
would prohibit the department from issuing new permits for

k. Integrating Sign Information after Changes to the National

Highway System. Changes are sometimes made to the National
Highway System, and are generally initiated by the department,
themilitary, or through Congressional action. See the primary
system definition in WAC 468-66-010.

When NHS system additions are made, Headquarters will request

that the regions conduct a field review of any newly designated
route or segment(s) to provide a record of the advertising signs
that existed at the time of enactment. The region compiles photos,
location information (milepost, side of the roadway, direction
of read, sign spacing), sign size, zoning designation, and other
pertinent information and sends it to Headquarters. Headquarters
will integrate the data into the highway advertising control files,
place the signs under permit, and update the permit database.
Headquarters correspondence with the sign and property owners
will discuss information pertinent to the individual sign including:
Highway Advertising Control Act requirements concerning
Permit renewals.
Legal sign status.
Lon-conforming sign status.
Other information pertinent to the individual sign.
Possible sign removal if appropriate.

Page 8-24

Highways deleted from the National Highway System are

still regulated as NHS routes if federal funds paid for any
improvements on the route. Headquarters can help determine if
NHS federal funds paid for any part of the improvements to
former NHS highway segments that may otherwise appear eligible

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Highway Advertising Control

for signs. Such expenditures would require continued adherence

with the highway advertising sign requirements applicable to
6. Permit Revocation, Remaining Signs Illegal. WAC 468-66220
discusses sanctions and penalties that may be applied against
permit holders who maintain signs that do not comply with the
provisions of the Act or the WAC. After a hearing conducted under
the Administrative Procedures Act (RCW 34.05, WAC 10-08,
WAC46810) HQ may revoke a permit, without refund, for any of
thefollowing reasons:
Making false or misleading statements on either a permit
application or a permit renewal, when the statements remain
uncorrected for 30 days after the permittee receives a letter
notifying him/her about them.
Allowing a permitted sign to remain in disrepair for 30 days
afterthe permittee receives a letter notifying him/her about the
signs condition.
Maintaining a permitted sign, that violates any provision of the Act
or WAC 468-66, when the violation remains for 30 days after the
permittee receives a letter notifying him/her about the violation(s).
Allowing a nonconforming sign to remain, following written
notice after it has become abandoned or destroyed, as defined by
Allowing a discontinued sign, as defined by WAC 468-66-010, to
remain without advertising content for 90 days after the permittee
receives a letter notifying him/her about the absence of advertising.

The Headquarters Traffic Office will write the letters and, in

consultation with the Attorney Generals Office, coordinate scheduling
the administrative hearing. The regions role in this process is to
conduct timely field reviews and provide supporting documentation
and pictures as requested by the Headquarters Traffic Office. After a
permit is revoked, any sign constructed under the permit is declared
to be illegal. If a permit holder is convicted of violating the Highway
Advertising Control Act, RCW 47.42.090, provides that the department
may revoke other permits held by that person.

7. Illegal Sign Removal. RCW 47.42.080 states that any sign

constructed or maintained contrary to the Highway Advertising Control
Act or its companion regulation, WAC 468-66, is illegal and a public
nuisance. The statute also describes illegal sign abatement procedures.

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The department is directed by law to contact the permittee (or the

property owner if there is no permittee) about illegal sign removal.
In most cases the signs being investigated are not permitted, so the
department must contact the property owner. It may be effective to
also contact the business advertised on the sign, or the sign owner.
Initial contact may be made by way of a phone call or mail, at the
discretion of department staff doing the investigation. Use the certified
fifteen-day voluntary compliance letter as the mail contact or to follow
up a phone call. Send to the property owner, sign owner, and advertiser
on the sign, with a complimentary copy to the local agency having
land use jurisdiction (Appendices 8.10a and 8.10b).

In the 15-day voluntary compliance letter (and any initial phone

Illegal aspects of the sign.
Options available.
Actions that must be taken to bring the sign into compliance
withthe law.
That failure to comply will compel the department to seek
abatement assistance from the Attorney Generals Office.

The sign owner or property owner must comply with the provisions
of the abatement notice within 15 days after receiving the regions
certified letter. If compliance is not attained, the region Traffic
Engineer requests abatement assistance from the State Traffic
Engineer. Submit a completed Transmittal Checklist, Request for
AG Assistance to Remove Illegal Signs (Appendix 8-11) and an
abatement assistance request letter with the following information:
A copy of all correspondence between the department and the sign
owner and/or property owner including phone call logs and a brief
summary discussion of any other conversations.
Cite all applicable RCWs and WACs, and explain how they
Include color photos of the sign and any other features that display
the nature of the violation. Dated photos are most desirable.
Include photos that demonstrate that the sign was not removed by
the date certain established by the 15-day letter. Dated photos are
most desirable.
Include sketches, measurements, and other pertinent data that
provide confirming evidence of the violation.

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The State Traffic Engineer and the Assistant Attorney General (AAG)
assigned to highway advertising control work together to secure sign
removal. The AAG will prepare an ORDER TO REMOVE (OTR)
letter authorized under RCW 47.42.080(2), for signature by the State
Traffic Engineer. The order requires the property owner to remove the
illegal sign within 15 days, and states that any review of the order must
be filed in Thurston County Superior Court within 30 days after the
order is served.

The region HAC representative conducts a follow-up review

15calendar days after the property owner receives the OTR, to
determine if the property owner has complied by removing the
sign. The region reports findings back to the State Traffic Engineer,
including photographs, videotape, or other documentation confirming
the signs status. If the sign remains, the State Traffic Engineer may
request in writing that the AAG pursue a legal remedy.

When WSDOT Highway Advertising Control personnel are contacted

by any public or private person regarding matters that have been
referred to the Attorney Generals Office, advise the caller that the
department has engaged counsel and information is only available
from the Assistant Attorney General. Obtain the callers name and
phone number and explain that you will ask the AAG to contact them.

If a caller demands immediate attention, provide them the AAGs

name, phone number, and address. Then immediately advise the
Assistant Attorney General about the development. It is not appropriate
to refer a person to the AAG for any other highway advertising control
question or interpretation.
a. Surveillance. Regularly scheduled surveillance programs are
conducted by the regions (annually) to identify signs installed
contrary to the requirements of the Highway Advertising Control
Act. A more aggressive review schedule, perhaps quarterly, is
recommended for areas of prolific illegal sign activity.

Use the HAC Field Review form (Appendix 8-12) to document

any sign that may be non-compliant. Take two photos of each sign;
one photo as a close-up of the sign that provides legible reading
of the copy, and one that is far enough away from the sign to
include a landmark of some kind. The landmark could be a street
intersection, a group of trees, a building, utility pole, etc.; typically,
things that could be identified on historical photos or video.
Route surveillance preparation includes right of way research.
Having right of way information in the field is a necessary tool
for identifying encroachments. Contract channelization/paving
plans help identify highway centerline location where a highway
segment is not constructed symmetrically about the centerline.

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page 8-27

Highway Advertising Control

Chapter 8

During a review, if electronic changeable message sign (ECMS)

violations are observed, document the sign imagery violations
using digital video or VHS tape and store as evidence. Sign
operations that create safety concerns due to driver distraction,
signs encroaching on state highway right of way, and signs with
illegal off-premise advertising messages are the primary violations
that require the departments attention.
b. Illegal Sign Inventory. The regions maintain a current inventory
of all illegal sign action activities. The FileMaker program
(IllegalSignInv.FP5) is available to all region HAC personnel,
andis the standard method of tracking illegal sign activities

Using the Illegal Signs Inventory, Data Entry Panel

(Appendix8.13), create a record for each illegal sign immediately
after personal observation or after confirming an apparent violation
reported by others.

All information, such as the name of the sign owner and the
property owner, and a summary of all contact with the owner(s),
whether by phone or letter, must be included on the form.
Twodigital images can be stored for each record.

c. Illegal Sign Abatement on State Highway Right of Way. The

Highway Advertising Control Act declares that any unauthorized
sign placed on the right of way of a regulated state highway is a
public nuisance (RCW 47.42.080(5)). The department is authorized
to immediately remove these illegal signs without notice. Signs
removed from the right of way are stored for 30 days (7 days
after an election, for illegal political campaign signs) or until they
interfere with operations at the storage site. When contacted by a
sign owner about recovering a sign that has been removed, advise
the caller where the sign is stored, and that it may be recovered
if it has not already been destroyed. Dispose of usable materials
obtained from these signs in accordance with Disposal ofPersonal
Property M72-91.

In addition, WAC 468-30-100 states that no permits may be

issued for any signs on any state highway right of way. Only
traffic control signs consistent with the MUTCD (as well as state
historical markers) are allowed. Thus, on both regulated and
unregulated state route right of way, the department is authorized
to immediately remove illegal signs.

d. Illegal Sign Abatement on Highway Right of Way within

Incorporated Cities and Towns. RCW 47.42.080(5) declares
signs placed on state highway right of way, contrary to the

Page 8-28

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Chapter 8

Highway Advertising Control

Highway Advertising Control Act, to be public nuisances and

authorizes the department to remove the signs without notice. The
responsibility for removing illegal signs from state route right of
way in an incorporated city or town depends on the access control
designation for the highway segment being considered. The statute
is clear when considering limited access highways established
and purchased under the provisions of RCW 47.52. For routes
where full, partial, or modified limited access control has been
established and purchased, the department may remove illegal
signs in the same manner as any other state highway right of way.
RCW 47.24.020(2) states, within incorporated cities and towns
the title to a state limited access highway vests in the state, and,
the department shall exercise full jurisdiction, responsibility, and
control to and over such facility.

For managed access control routes, RCW 47.24.020(2) states,

The city or town shall exercise full responsibility for and control
over any such street beyond the curbs and if no curb is installed,
beyond that portion of the highway used for highway purposes.
Because the department is responsible under federal law for the
compliance of all signs visible to Interstate, Primary, or Scenic
highway systems, coordination with the cities is needed to assure
compliance along managed access routes within incorporated cities
and towns.

The region may provide an explanatory letter to the city asking it

to abate a sign that is under its control, but visible to a regulated
route (Appendix 8-14). As an alternative, the department may
enter into an inter-local agreement with the city (RCW 39.34) that
authorizes the department to remove illegal signs. In the latter
case, the agreement needs to specify that the city will pay all of
thedepartments costs.

e. Documentation of Illegal Sign Abatement Activities. Annually,

the Headquarters Traffic Office provides the Director of the
Maintenance and Operations Division with a summary of illegal
sign abatement activities conducted during the previous year.
Acopy is also sent to the Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA), Olympia Division, Right of Way Office.

The FHWA Division Right of Way Office is a valuable resource

when responding to questions or investigating apparent ambiguities
within the highway advertising control laws and regulations.
For matters of statewide significance or implication, allow the
Headquarters Traffic Office to provide liaison with the FHWA to
help assure that any information gathered is equally shared.

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page 8-29

Highway Advertising Control

Chapter 8

8. Other Guidelines
a. Billboards on Indian Trust Lands. The states have no regulatory
authority over billboards on Indian Trust land. A March 7, 1986
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) memorandum contained
information about advertising signs on Indian lands. It cited a
United States Supreme Court ruling that upheld a California
Supreme Court decision. The California court decision found
The California Department of Transportation could not use the
states highway advertising control act to regulate billboards
erected on reservation land held in trust by the United States
for the beneficial use of the Morongo Indian Band.
The Federal Highway Beautification Act (HBA) preempts the
states regulatory authority in the area of highway advertising
control on Indian reservations.
The Federal Department of the Interior (Bureau of Indian
Affairs) is the appropriate agency to enforce the HBA
provisions on Indian land.

These decisions set a precedent that remains today. The department

has not included signs on Indian land in its Type 4 and Type 5
sign inventory since 1986. However, off-premise advertising signs
located on Indian land, and visible to state highways controlled
under the Highway Advertising Control Act, should be included
when determining the applicable sign space available for proposed
sign sites.

b. Advertising on Transit Shelters and Bus Benches.

RCW47.36.141 authorizes commercial advertising displays on
transit authority bus shelters within state highway right of way,
subject to applicable federal regulations. The law also provides that
advertising panels may not exceed 24-square feet on each sideof
the shelter, and may not be placed on the shelters roof orthe side
facing oncoming traffic.

Page 8-30

Small advertising plaques are sometimes placed on bus benches

or other street furniture located within right of way in cities
and towns. Such signs are typically mounted on the back of the
furniture and oriented toward pedestrian traffic so they are visible
when the bench is in use. Because the primary purpose of the
bench is as street furniture and because of the small size and
directional orientation of street furniture signing, the department
does not regulate bus bench advertising under the Highway
Advertising Control Act; however, local agency regulations

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Chapter 8

Highway Advertising Control

c. Advertising on Commercial Trailers. Advertising on commercial

vehicles and trailers for normal business use is not regulated under
the Highway Advertising Control Act. This includes times when
these vehicles are intermittently parked at off-premise locations
visible to state highways.

When a commercial vehicle or trailer is parked at an off-premise

location visible to the state highway for an extended period, it must
be determined whether its intended purpose is for off-premise
advertising. Investigate and abate the commercial vehicles or
trailers in the same manner as illegal advertising signs. An expired
vehicle registration is a primary indicator that the vehicle is most
likely being used for off-premise advertising.

d. Digital or Lighted Signs Used for Advertising on Vehicles

(Signs in Motion). The Washington State Patrol WAC 204-65,
Vehicle Lighting and Equipment, prohibits displaying any digital
or lighted advertising sign from motor vehicles on state highway
right of way. This includes any sign device towed behind a motor
vehicle. The prohibition does not include messages displayed on
traffic control vehicles, taxicabs, or destination placards on public
transportation vehicles.
e. Accessing Signs from State Highway Right of Way.
WAC46866-210(3)(b) in part assumes that sign maintenance will
be accomplished from private property rather than state highway
right of way. The highway advertising sign permit application
contains the property owners signature on the statement that
he/she consents to the sign installation and maintenance.

On limited access facilities, highway advertising sign maintenance

activities conducted on or across the right of way are illegal and a
misdemeanor under RCW 47.52.120. When department personnel
observe illegal sign maintenance activities occurring, immediately
contact the Washington State Patrol and document the date, time,
place, license number, and any identifying name on the service
vehicle. Support the documentation with photos or videotape if
possible. Notify the regional HAC representative and provide a
copy of the documentation and visual records.

For non-limited access facilities, highway advertising sign

maintenance activities are also conducted from private property.
However, there may be locations where the maintenance could be
accomplished from state highway right of way without interfering
with traffic or damaging highway property. For these locations,
a department issued General Agreement may be used in addition
to the property owners statement and signature on the highway
advertising sign permit application.

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October 2009

Page 8-31

Highway Advertising Control

Chapter 8

f. Sign Area Measurement. The departments highway advertising

control agreement with the FHWA provides that sign area shall
be measured by the smallest square, rectangle, triangle, circle, or
combination thereof that encompasses the entire sign.
g. Sponsorship Logos on Motorist Call Boxes. Sponsorship logos
placed on emergency call boxes are authorized in Section 111 of
the United States Code. The National Highway System Designation
Act of 1995 included the provisions, which were incorporated into
the MUTCD appendix beginning with the 2003edition.

The United States Code provisions are:

The states may permit motorist call boxes to be placed on the
right of way of the National Highway System. The call box
installations may include identification and sponsorship logos.
Call box installations displaying sponsorship logos shall be
approved by the agency having jurisdiction over the highway
where the boxes are installed.
A sponsorship logo may be placed on the call box, in a
dimension not to exceed the size of the call box, or 12 inches
by 18 inches.
A sponsorship logo not to exceed 12 inches by 30 inches may
be displayed on a call box identification sign affixed to the call
box post. Sponsorship logos affixed to an identification sign on
a call box post are limited to not more than one every 5miles.
The identification signs shall have a blue background with a
white legend and border. The sponsorship logo can be either
the sponsors identification symbol/trademark or a word
message. Word messages should also be a white legend on
ablue background.

Incidental to highway advertising control, the 1995 NHS

Designation Act also placed four location or structural related
regulations to call box installations:
The call boxes and their location, posts, foundations, and
mountings shall be consistent with the MUTCD or other
federal requirements deemed necessary to assure that call
boxes do not become a safety hazard.
Supports for call boxes are required to meet the safety
breakaway requirements of the AASHTO Standard
Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs,
Luminaires, and Traffic Signals.

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October 2009

Chapter 8

Highway Advertising Control

Within a state, at least 20 percent of the call boxes displaying

sponsorship logos shall be located on highways outside of
urbanized areas with a population greater than 50,000.
AASHTO recommends one-half mile spacing for call boxes as
an optimum interval. On high volume roads with average daily
traffic flows of 100,000 or more vehicles, one-quarter mile
spacing may be considered. On certain rural roads, one mile
spacing may be appropriate.

8.3 Advertising at Rest Areas and on Washington

A. Advertising at State Highway Rest Areas. Businesses may purchase
advertising space on displays in 20 rest areas located along Interstate 5,
Interstate 90, Interstate 82, US 2, and US 395. The rest area advertising
program features lighted display kiosks. In rest areas, the only requirement
is that services advertised be of interest to travelers. For more information
about this program, contact:

Storeyco, Inc.
PO Box 357
East Olympia, WA 98540
360-412-0066 or 800-558-7867

B. Advertising on Washington State Ferries. Businesses may purchase

advertising space on several Washington State ferry runs and at
20terminals. The state ferry advertising program features lighted
displayboards. For more information about this program, contact
WSDOTs salescontractor:

Certified Folder Display, Inc.

2407 South 200th Street
SeaTac, WA 98198
(206) 870-2470

(800) 799-7373

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October 2009

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Highway Advertising Control

Page 8-34

Chapter 8

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Appendix 8-1

Unzoned Commercial/Industrial Area





660' MAX.

660' MAX.


WAC. REF. 468-66-010(4)
- Commercial or Industrial Activity
- Qualifying Commerical/Industrial Area
- Additional Buffer Area Where Applicable
(1) Billboards may be permitted within this 1500' max. area,
measured parallel to the highway
(2) Three or more separate and distinct commercial and/or
industrial activities are required within 500'. Activities
may be located on either or both sides of the highway
and must be within 660' of the right of way line to qualify.

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page 8-35

Appendix 8-2

Sign Visibility Checklist

on Unregulated Roadways


Visibility Checklist for Signs on Unregulated Roadways
In addition to the definition provided in WAC 468-66-010(27), consider the following information about signs
located on unregulated roadways. Signs, located along unregulated roadways that intersect with interstate or other
regulated state highways shall be considered not visible if they meet at least three of the following criteria.
Sign Location Visible from SR __________ MP __________ Located on ___________________________
Existing Permitted Sign Y N Permit # __________

The sign faces are not substantially larger or at a substantially higher elevation above the ground line than other
signs along the same unregulated intersecting roadways Y N
The angles of sign faces are generally oriented toward unregulated intersecting roadways rather than interstate
or other regulated state highways Y N
The length of time that the informative contents of signs can be viewed is substantially greater for the travelers
on unregulated intersecting roadways than from interstate or other regulated state highways Y N
The signs are visible to a motorist traveling at the posted speed on the interstate or other regulated state
highway, for a period of time that is less than that required to read the entire sign message Y N
The signs are only incidentally visible from interstate or other regulated state highways Y N
The signs advertise activities accessible from unregulated intersecting roadways along which the signs are
located Y N

Sign Visible Sign not Visible
Date _________________________________
Reviewer _____________________________

Page 8-36

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Appendix 8-3

Type 3(b) Business

Complex On-Premise Sign

Business Complex On-Premise Sign

WAC 468-66-050 (3)(b)

Business Complex On-Premise Sign may be placed

w i t h i n 5 0 f e e t o f c o m b i n e d pa r k i n g a r e a

50 (typical)


Figure 8-3.1
(Plan View)

Business Complex
On-Premise Sign
No Size Limit
Individual Business Sign
150 sq ft max
Individual Business Sign
150 sq ft max

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Figure 8-3.2

Page 8-37

Appendix 8-4

Off Premise Sign Spacing - Interstate

Off Premise Sign Spacing Interstate

Signs Not Permitted
Within Right of Way

Number and spacing

of signs
0 - 2 Miles
From Off-Ramp

0 - 2 Miles in Advance
ofOff-Ramp Taper

2 - 5 Miles



2 - 5 Miles

More than 5 Miles

More than
5 Miles

1000' Following
On-Ramp Taper

1000 ft
From On-Ramp

0 Signs
Number and spacing
0 Signs

Maximum of 6 signs
of 62signs
more than
signs within any
one mile
from any
Not more
2 signs within
any point
onemile distance from any point
1000 Minimum spacing between signs
1000' Minimum spacing between signs
Average - 1 sign per mile
- 1 sign
per mile
1000' Minimum

1000 Minimum
spacing between signs
0 Signs

0 Signs

Sign spacing includes all sign faces visible
to traffic approaching from any one direction.
(Type 4 & 5)
(TYPE 4, 5, or 6)

Page 8-38

Sign spacing includes all sign faces visible

to traffic approaching from any one direction

Figure 8-4

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Appendix 8-5a

Off Premise Sign Spacing

NHS Non-Interstate Controlled Access
Signs Not Permitted
Within Right of Way

1000 Minimum in adavance

of At-Grade Intersection

1000 1000




3000 Min. in advance of

interchanges, safety rest
areas, or Information Centers

Maximum total of 5 sign

structures shall be
permitted on both sides
of the highway per mile
Double faced signs
are prohibited

3000 Min. Following

Interchanges, Safety Rest Areas
or Information Centers
1000 Minimum Following
At-Grade Intersection

- Billboard Sign
(Type 4 & 5)
WAC 468-66-050(5)(e)(i)

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page 8-39

Appendix 8-5b

Off Premise Sign Spacing NHS

Non-Interstate Non-Controlled Access

500 MIN


Signs not permitted

within right of way




100 100





1. Within corporate limits, a maximum of 4 sign

structures shall be permitted within a space of 660,
or between platted intersections. This includes signs
on both sides of the highway
100 min. spacing between sign structures on both
sides of the highway
2. Outside corporate city limits the minimum spacing
is 500 between structures on each side of
the highway

NHS Non-interstate Noncontrolled Access 3. In areas where one side of a highway is within
corporate limits and the other side of the highway
(Type 4 & 5)
is outside corporate limits, the appropriate sign
WAC. REF. 468-66-050(5)(e) (ii) & (iii)
spacing shown above applies

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WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Appendix 8-6

Sign Permit Application

Application - Outdoor
Advertising Sign Permit
For WSDOT Use Only


Log Number


Date Received






Zip Code

Permit Number


Date Permit Issued

Location of Sign

Inventory Number

State Highway Number

SR Milepost

Side of Highway

Sign Facing


Distance and Direction from Center of Nearest Cross Road




Cross Road Name

Sign Description





Total Area

sq. ft.



Limited Access

Application Fee:
$300.00 Per Sign Structure
Make checks or remittance payable to:
Department of Transportation
Mail with proper fee to:
Washington State
Department of Transportation
Outdoor Advertising Control
PO Box 47344
Olympia, WA 98504-7344

I, the undersigned applicant, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the information provided herein,
concerning the location of sign, sign description, and property owner/lessee, is accurate and true. I also acknowledge that any discrepancy in such
information discovered hereafter is cause for the Department of Transportation to revoke this sign permit; and, further declare that, after permit
revocation, I shall remove without compensation any sign erected under such permit.

Print Applicant Name

Applicant Signature


Name of Property Owner




Zip Code

Property Tax I.D. No.

I, the undersigned, have consented to the erection and maintenance of the above described outdoor advertising sign on property which
(I own) (I Lease) in conformance with the Washington Outdoor Advertising Control Act of 1961 as amended by the Scenic Vistas Act of
1971 (RCW 47.42) and the Department of Transportation rules and regulations for outdoor advertising control along interstate, primary, and
scenic routes.

A Copy of a Completed Lease Accepted in

Lieu of Signature


Property Owner

This permit shall not be considered to allow a sign to be erected or maintained that is otherwise prohibited by Statute or by the Resolution or
Ordinance of any county, city or town of the State of Washington. By issuance of this permit the Department of Transportation does not
warrant that this sign is not prohibited by such Statute, Resolution, or ordinance.
Signature of Department of Transportation representative
validates this permit and acknowledges receipt of fee paid.
DOT Form 224-018 EF
Revised 3/04

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009


For Department of Transportation

Supersedes Previous Versions

Page 8-41

Appendix 8-7

Permit Application Transmittal

Paula J. Hammond, P.E.

Secretary of Transportation

Transportation Building
310 Maple Park Avenue S.E.
P.O. Box 47300
Olympia, WA 98504-7300
TTY: 1-800-833-6388

DATE: Date
FROM: HQ Traffic Office
PHONE: 360-705-7296


SUBJECT: Highway Advertising Control

Sign Permit Application

Regional HAC Representative LOG # ___________

We are enclosing ______________________________ sign permit applications from

____________________ that have been received by this office. Pleasereturn the completed
application to this office no later than mm/dd/yy.
Please investigate the legality of the signs with respect to size, spacing, property owner
consent and highway right of way limits and furnish your recommendations for approval at
your earliest opportunity, together with allnecessary information for issuance or reply to the
If there are any discrepancies that arise concerning the permit application, please have them
clarified by the sign owner.

Approved: Y N
Reason for disapproval:

Page 8-42

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Appendix 8-8a

Interstate Sign
Permit Review Checklist
Checklist for Outdoor Advertising Permits
New Sign on Interstate System



Direction of Travel

Sign Type


Proposed Location
Nature of Sign Site:
Scenic Area Y N
Sign Length (20 max)

Commercial/Industrial Area Y N
Sign Height (20 max)

Sign Area (150 max)

Distance Between

Number/Spacing of Signs

Does site comply?

0-2 miles

No Signs Allowed


2-5 miles

Max of 6 signs.
Max of 2 within any 1 mile
1000 min between signs


More than 5 miles

Average 1 sign per mile

1000 min between signs


Within 1000 of on-ramp terminal

No Signs Allowed


Within 2 miles of off-ramp taper

No Signs Allowed


Sign Owner/Operator:
Property Owner:

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page 8-43

Appendix 8-8b

NHS Non-Interstate or Scenic

System Sign Permit Review Checklist

Checklist for Outdoor Advertising Permits

New Sign on NHS Non-Interstate or Scenic System
HQ Log Number


Direction of Travel

Sign Type


Proposed Location
Nature of Sign Site:
Scenic Area Y N
Sign Length (50 max)

Commercial/Industrial Area Y N
Sign Height (25 max)

Sign Area (672 max)

A. Inside Corporate Boundaries of City or Town Not Controlled Access
Including this sign, and counting both sides of the roadway, how many sign structures are located
within any platted intersection; or any 660 ft.* section?
(4 max)
Is the proposed sign location at least 100 ft.* from any existing sign? Y N
B. Outside Corporate Boundaries Not Controlled Access
Is the proposed sign location at least 500 ft.* from an existing sign structure? Y N
C. Limited Access Highways
Is the proposed sign location at least 1000 ft.*from any existing sign, or any at grade
intersection? Y N
Is the proposed sign location at least 3000 ft.* from any interchange, safety rest area,
or information center? Y N
Is the sign double-faced? Y N (not allowed on limited access roadways)
Including this sign, and counting both sides of the roadway, how many signs are located within any
1mile* section?
(5 max)
Local Agency Approval Y N
*All distances measured parallel to edge of the highways main traveled way.
Sign Owner/Operator:
Property Owner:

Page 8-44



WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Appendix 8-9

Agricultural Sign Permit Application

Permit Application - Temporary
Agricultural Directional Sign
For WSDOT Use Only


Date Received





Permit Number

Zip Code

Date Permit Issued



Federal Tax I.D. Number

Expiration Date
CS Mile Post

Location of Sign

SR Mile Post

State Highway No.

Side of Highway

Sign Facing

Direction and Distance from Center of Nearest Cross Road or Street




Sign Description





Total Area

Application Fee:
$50.00 Per Sign Face
Make checks or remittance payable to:
Department of Transportation
See Instructions for correct
mailing address.

sq. ft.


Description of Sign Copy

Product(s) Being Advertised
Name and Address of Advertised Activity

The applicant agrees to remove the sign(s) at the expiration of this temporary permit or cover the sign(s) during the times when no sales occur, and
further agrees to provide and maintain follow-through signing if required by the Department of Transportation. In addition, if the sign(s) remain up in
non-compliance for longer than 10 days after notification to the applicant thereof, the applicant does hereby authorize the Washington State
Department of Transportation and its agents or employees to remove and dispose of such sign(s) and waives all claims for damages against the
Washington State Department of Transportation and its agents or employees for such removal and disposal of each sign(s).
This permission and waiver is granted in order to permit the removal of such sign(s) as required by the Washington Highway Advertising Control Act
of 1961 as amended by the Scenic Vistas Act of 1971 (Chapter 47.42 RCW).


Sign Owner

Land Owner Name


Property Tax I.D. No.




Zip Code

I, the undersigned, have consented to the erection and maintenance of the above described outdoor advertising sign on property which
(I own) (I Lease) in conformance with the Washington Outdoor Advertising Control Act of 1961 as amended by the Scenic Vistas Act of 1971
(RCW 47.42) and the Department of Transportation rules and regulations for outdoor advertising control along interstate, primary, and scenic

A Copy of Lease Accepted in Lieu of Signature


Property Owner

This permit shall not be considered to allow a sign to be erected or maintained that is otherwise prohibited by Statute or by the Resolution or
Ordinance of any county, city or town of the State of Washington. By issuance of this permit the Department of Transportation does not warrant that
this sign is not prohibited by such Statute, Resolution, or ordinance.
Signature of Department of Transportation representative
validates this permit and acknowledges receipt of fee paid.


For Department of Transportation

DOT Form 224-068 EF

Revised 7/07

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page 8-45

Highway Advertising Control

Chapter 8

Instructions: Complete and sign this form and mail with the processing fee to the Department of
Transportation, Send a picture, drawing, or sketch of the temporary sign(s) you desire along with this
application. The Department will have final approval on any design of a temporary sign. Mail this application
to the appropriate Region Administrator. The Region addresses are shown below.

Northwest Region
Region Administrator
15700 Dayton Avenue North
PO Box 330310
Seattle, WA 98133-9710

North Central Region

Region Administrator
1551 North Wenatchee Avenue
PO Box 98
Wenatchee, WA 98807-0098

Olympic Region
Region Administrator
5720 Capitol Blvd. (Tumwater)
PO Box 47440
Olympia, WA 98504-7440

Southwest Region
Region Administrator
11018 NE 51st Circle
PO Box 1709
Vancouver, WA 98682-6682

South Central Region

Region Administrator
2809 Rudkin Road (Union Gap)
PO Box 12560
Yakima, WA 98909-2560

Eastern Region
Region Administrator
2714 North Mayfair Street
Spokane, WA 99207-2090

DOT Form 224-068 EF

Revised 7/07

Page 8-46

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Appendix 8-10a

Paula J. Hammond, P.E.

Secretary of Transportation

Sample Voluntary Compliance

Letter Property Owner

Transportation Building
310 Maple Park Avenue S.E.
P.O. Box 47300
Olympia, WA 98504-7300
TTY: 1-800-833-6388

Inside Address
Dear Mr. and/or Mrs./Ms.
The Department of Transportation is directed by state law to regulate signs on private
property and visible to certain state highways. The statutes and regulations governing
allowable visible signs are provided in Chapter 47.42 of the Revised Code of Washington
(RCW), the Scenic Vistas Act, and Chapter 468-66 of the Washington Administrative Code
(WAC), respectively.
Accordingly, the department conducts periodic reviews of state highway corridors to fulfill
its statutory obligation. A recent review of SR WX in the vicinity of milepost Y.Z revealed
that an advertising sign, displaying the message type the message here, is maintained on
Please be advised that the sign is illegal because it cant meet the eligibility requirements for
permittable off-premise signs visible to note highway type, and is thus prohibited by RCW
47.42.030. Insert description of illegal aspects of the sign, e.g., spacing, sign type, sign
size, zoning, etc., and cite all applicable RCWs and WACs. Further, under RCW 47.42.080,
the sign is declared a public nuisance and must be removed within 15 days of the date you
received this letter.
The department desires to provide you with the opportunity to voluntarily remove the sign
without issuing a formal complaint or initiating enforcement action against you. Failure to
remove the sign will cause the department to begin formal abatement procedures through the
Attorney Generals Office.
Please call Mr./ Ms. name of Regional Highway Advertising Control Representative of my
staff, phone (123) 456-7890, should you have any questions or to notify the department that
the sign has been removed.
Regional Traffic Engineer
cc: Name of Sign Owner

Name of Assistant Attorney General

Name of Headquarters Highway Advertising Control Specialist

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page 8-47

Appendix 8-10b

Sample Voluntary Compliance

Letter Sign Owner

Paula J. Hammond, P.E.

Secretary of Transportation

Transportation Building
310 Maple Park Avenue S.E.
P.O. Box 47300
Olympia, WA 98504-7300
TTY: 1-800-833-6388

Illegal Signs, Certified Letter, Sign Owner

Inside Address
Dear Mr. and/or Mrs./Ms.
The Department of Transportation is directed by state law to regulate signs on private
property and visible to certain state highways. The statutes and regulations governing
allowable visible signs are provided in Chapter 47.42 of the Revised Code of Washington
(RCW), the Scenic Vistas Act, and Chapter 468-66 of the Washington Administrative Code
(WAC), respectively.
Accordingly, the department conducts periodic reviews of state highway corridors to fulfill
its statutory obligation. A recent review of SR WX in the vicinity of milepost Y.Z revealed
that you maintain an advertising sign, displaying the message type the message here, on
property owned by Mr./Ms. name of property owner.
Please be advised that the sign is illegal because it cant meet the eligibility requirements for
permittable off-premise signs visible to note highway type, and is thus prohibited by RCW
47.42.030. Insert description of illegal aspects of the sign, e.g., spacing, sign type, sign
size, zoning, etc., and cite all applicable RCWs and WACs. Further, under RCW 47.42.080,
the sign is declared a public nuisance and must be removed within 15 days of the date you
received this letter.
The department desires to provide you with the opportunity to voluntarily remove the sign
without issuing a formal complaint or initiating enforcement action against you. Failure to
remove the sign will cause the department to begin formal abatement procedures through the
Attorney Generals Office.
Please call Mr./ Ms. name of Regional Highway Advertising Control Representative of my
staff, phone (123) 456-7890, should you have any questions or to notify the department that
the sign has been removed.
Regional Traffic Engineer
cc: Name of Property Owner

Name of Assistant Attorney General

Name of Headquarters Highway Advertising Control Specialist

Page 8-48

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Appendix 8-11

Request for AG Assistance

to Remove Illegal Signs

Order to Remove Transmittal Checklist

Region to HQs: Request for AG Assistance to Remove Illegal Signs
Sign Description _____________________________________________________________________
Activity Advertised ____________________________________________________________________
State Route ______________ Milepost ______________ Lt ______________ Rt ______________
Sign Owner ______________________________ Phone/E-mail ______________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________________
Property Owner _____________________________ Phone/E-mail ____________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________________
Cite RCW/WAC Violation
Correspondence included:
15-day certified letter Y N
15-day window expired Y N

Date of signed receipt ________________________________

Date of follow up review _______________________________

Other correspondence/communication: ___________________________________________________

Narrative/Timeline included? Y N

Dated photos included? Y N

Map or Sketch of Vicinity showing:

North Arrow? Y N
Location of sign? Y N
Offset Distances? Y N

State Route and Milepost? Y N

Property Boundaries? Y N

Other Information ____________________________________________________________________


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October 2009

Page 8-49

Appendix 8-12

Highway Advertising
Control Field Review

Date ____________________ Region __________ Highway Type ____________________

State Route __________ Milepost __________
Size of Sign __________ Lighted __________
Which Side of Highway? Rt _____ Lt _____ Visible to: Inc. _____ Dec _____
Type of Structure V-Type _____ Back2Back _____ Single _____ Flanking _____
Permitted Sign? _____ Permit # _____ Permit Tag Visible Y N
Does sign location match physical description on permit? Y N
Comments: __________________________________________________________________________
Photo # __________
On/Off R/W _____ R/W Distance _____ Distance Measured to Sign _____

For Signs That Are Not Permitted

Advertised Activity ____________________________________________________________________
Phone # ____________________ Parcel # ____________________
E-mail ______________________________ Zoning ____________________
Property Owner ______________________________________________________________________
Comments __________________________________________________________________________

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October 2009

Appendix 8-13

Illegal Sign Inventory



Sign Message

Month/Year Reported

Reported By
Sign Company

DOT Employee
Other (List below)

Sign Owner Information

Property Owner Information



Date of Initial Contact


Response of Action
No Response
Refusal to Remove

Date of Order to Remove

Sign Removed
Other (Describe)

Response or Action
No Response
Refusal to Remove

Date AG Petitions Court


Sign Removed
Other (Describe)

Final Action
No Response
Refusal to Remove

Sign Removed
Other (Describe)

Sign Status

Date Closed


Referred to AG

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page 8-51

Appendix 8-14

Paula J. Hammond, P.E.

Secretary of Transportation

Letter to City for

Illegal Sign Removal

Transportation Building
310 Maple Park Avenue S.E.
P.O. Box 47300
Olympia, WA 98504-7300
TTY: 1-800-833-6388

City of
RE: Illegal sign located within the public right of way of SR X within incorporated name of

Dear Mr. or Ms.:
The Washington State Department of Transportation is directed by federal and state law to
regulate signs visible to the state highway system. The Highway Beautification Act, Title 23,
United States Code (USC), Section 131 and the Scenic Vistas Act, RCW 47.42, and WAC
46866 contain these laws. These statutes generally regulate signs placed on private property,
but the Scenic Vistas Act also limits which types of signs may be located within the public right
of way. Only directional or official signs required or sanctioned by law are authorized. Federal
law also specifies that the national standards contained in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control
Devices (MUTCD) apply to all traffic control devices (including signing) on any public street
or highway. Cities and towns are required to follow these standards. All advertising signs are
prohibited in the public right of way.
RCW 47.24, City Streets as Part of State Highways, assigns jurisdiction and control for
city streets that are part of the state highway system. As a highway type, signing along SR X
within city or towns corporate limits and located beyond the curb or main traveled way is the
responsibility of city or town. The department interprets 47.24.020(2) to mean that city or town
is responsible for abating any illegal signs in such locations and is requesting that city or town
remove this illegal sign at its earliest convenience. As an alternative, the department would
be pleased to discuss an inter-local agreement (per RCW 39.34) by which the department can
remove the sign provided that city or town pays the departments costs.
Washington State is subject to a 10 percent reduction in federal highway fund monies if the
department does not pursue the expeditious removal of illegal signs. The sign in question is
clearly in violation of the Highway Beautification Act, the Scenic Vistas Act and the MUTCD
because it is located on the public right of way and is not a type authorized by the MUTCD.
Iam enclosing pictures and maps that identify the sign and its location to assist in sign removal.
Please call WSDOT Contact of my staff at phone/e-mail should you have any questions, or to
notify the department that this sign has been removed.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Region Traffic Engineer

Page 8-52

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Chapter 9

Safety Management System

9.1 General
The Safety Management System (SMS) is a systematic process designed
to assist decision makers allocate limited transportation safety resources.
Through SMS, the state defines, prioritizes, and measures the effectiveness
ofsafety efforts.
SMS consists of two key processes. The Collaboration Process provides
statewide organizations with a reference network for sharing various available
safety resources. The Decision-making Process ensures that all needs and
opportunities are given due consideration in all phases of our plans and
programs, and compatibility with the other management systems (Pavement,
Bridge, Congestion, Public Transportation, and Intermodal) is maintained.
Thefive steps of the Decision-making Process are:
Needs Identification
Solution/Resource Development
Investment Prioritization and Implementation
Investment Tracking
Investment Evaluation
As resources allow, within their own existing processes, all jurisdictions
within the state are encouraged to (1)take part in the SMS Collaboration
Process, and (2)implement the SMS Decision-making Process. This occurs
through the appropriate existing partnership and assistance forums for each
jurisdiction. Examples: acity might work with WSDOT TransAid; a county
might work with the County Road Administration Board; or the Department
of Health might work with the Traffic Safety Commission.
There are three main goals of SMS:
1. Prevent and reduce the number and severity of roadway collisions;
2. Ensure that traffic safety will be considered at all phases of roadwayrelated programs;
3. Provide for partnership among citizens, statewide agencies, regional
organizations, and local jurisdictions on traffic safety efforts.
There are also two main coverage elements of the SMS:
1. All public roads within the state.
2. All roadway, traveler, and vehicle safety-related elements.

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Page 9-1

Safety Management System

Chapter 9

While the SMS covers all public roads, the extent of SMS requirements
(such as data collection, analyses, and standards) vary depending on roadway
functional classification. Also, because each jurisdiction within the state
implements SMS within their own individual processes and programs,
describing each of themwithin this manual is not feasible. As an example,
thefollowing subsections describe WSDOTs implementation ofSMS.

9.2 SMS Collaboration Responsibilities Within WSDOT

The region offices may contact the following Olympia Service Center offices
for information, resources, and assistance regarding safety-related decisions:
Office (Service Center) SMS Responsibilities
Transportation Planning (P&P) Develops/Maintains the Systems Plan:
Service Objectives and Performance Indicators, needs identification, solutions/
strategies, and financial responsibility.
Transportation Data (P&P) Maintains traffic and highway crash statistics
and technical assistance on safety data analysis.
Research (P&P) Provides for research projects and reporting on highway
safety issues.
Traffic (E&E) Leads Development/Maintenance of the statewide SMS,
leads standing committee for Workzone Safety, provides technical assistance/
training on safety investment and benefit/cost analysis, and coordinates safety
investment tracking and evaluation efforts.
Program Management (P&P) Directs/Coordinates program activities,
suchas targeting region allocations and providing programming instructions
to theregions.
Design (E&E) Develops/Maintains design approach to effective safety
design features/standards for transportation projects.
Maintenance (Operations) Develops/Maintains effective approach to safety
maintenance activities.
Construction (Operations) Provides for implementation of transportation
projects, and provides guidelines for workzone safety.
TransAid (TransAid) Provides support andcoordination with local
transportation jurisdictions on highway safety issues.
Staff Development (Personnel) Provides for training/staff development on
highway safety for all program areas.

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October 2009

Chapter 9

Safety Management System

Communication and Public Involvement Office Provides for public

information and media coverage on traffic safety (i.e., Give Em a Brake

9.3 SMS Needs Identification Within WSDOT

Needs identification is the first step to ensure that safety is considered in all
phases of traffic and roadway related efforts focused on the goal of preventing
and reducing the number and severity of collisions. This basically means
an identification of historically or potentially hazardous conditions, or
identification of any cause/effect issues that contribute to collisions.
Measurable service objectives are established for all WSDOT programs
and subprograms. These service objectives provide a baseline for needs
identification in our long-range (20-year) system plan. Some examples of
safety-related service objectives within WSDOT are:
Ensure safe, reliable roadway surfaces.
Maintain the visibility and operation of traffic control and safety devices.
Provide safe travel through work zones.
Repave highways at regular intervals to minimize long-term costs.
Restore existing safety features.
Improve highway sections that have a high accident history.
Improve roadways where geometrics, traffic volumes, and speed limits
indicate a high accident potential.
Improve geometrics of the Interstate system per the FHWA/WSDOT
Stewardship Agreement.

9.4 SMS Solution and Resource Development

As safety needs are identified through the State Systems Plan for each
biennium, solution and resource development is performed throughout the
WSDOT program structure. This is generally carried out as scoping work
by region project development staff (as determined by each region) for the
Preservation and Improvements programs, and region/area maintenance
stafffor the Maintenance program.

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October 2009

Page 9-3

Safety Management System

Chapter 9

Each region provides to Transportation Planning (P&P), resource estimates

for safety related activities that address the identified needs. Supported by
the other Olympia Service Centers, Transportation Planning then checks for
financial feasibility. If the solution costs do not match expected revenues,
the service objectives are reviewed and modified. Once the solution costs
are in balance with revenues, the Systems Plan is updated. This occurs every

9.5 SMS Investment Prioritization/Implementation

Within WSDOT
Prioritization is based on (1) the anticipated benefits of preventing and
reducing collisions (focusing of identified needs) and (2) the cost and
duration of implementing the solution. Many safety activities may overlap
with solutions developed for other program/subprogram needs. Therefore,
individual project prioritization should also be coordinated with those
Prioritization of safety projects, funded from the Improvement Program, is
based upon project benefit-cost ratios. First, the statewide System Plan needs
are ranked from greatest to least, using societal costs of collisions per year
as a common denominator. Then, starting at the top of the list, benefit-cost
methods are applied to the solutions which adequately address the identified
needs. To be considered for implementation, a safety solution must have a
projected benefit value equal to or greater than the solution cost.
This analysis is repeated until the available safety improvement resources for
a two year program have been allocated to the array of safety solutions which
maximize the projected benefits.
Implementation includes the specific funding, scheduling, and management
of the prioritized solution activities. Examples include: programming, design,
construction or manufacturing, maintenance, operations, enforcement, and
driver safety instruction.

9.6 SMS Investment Tracking Within WSDOT

As safety solutions are implemented under SMS they become safety
investments. Avariety of safety investment data will be tracked by location,
funding source, projected benefit/cost, type of investment, and roadway
safety feature to ensure that each investment can be easily identified for
the purpose of monitoring and evaluation. The regions will uniformly
The basic elements of tracking are:
1. Need Addressed. For example: crash reduction, risk of leaving

Page 9-4

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Chapter 9

Safety Management System

2. Description. A description of the identifiable safety related activity

(e.g. straighten curve, install illumination, slope flattening, public ads
on work zone traffic control, etc.), including location, region, roadway
classification, etc.
3. Date. The date(s) the safety related activity is effectively implemented.
4. Resources. Funding (staff, equipment, time, etc.) requirements dedicated
to each safety related activity.
5. Projected Benefits. Identification of expected benefits for identified
needsfrom each safety related activity.
6. Actual Benefits. The actual benefits derived from the activity
(e.g.,societal costs of collisions, public education benefits, etc.).
7. Investment Type. The investment category of the activity. (General
headings: System Management, Traffic control, Roadside, R
8. State Program Source. The program/subprogram (Maintenance,
Preservation, Improvements) from which the investment was made.
The guidelines for safety investment tracking are currently being developed.

9.7 SMS Investment Evaluation Within WSDOT

Safety investments should be monitored and evaluated to determine whether
appropriate and cost-effective investments were made. Monitoring and
evaluating provides new insight for future problem identification, solution
development, and solution prioritization and implementation. The districts
will monitor and evaluate all safety investments.
All evaluations will be documented in a standardized format provided by the
Olympia Service Center Traffic Office and should address each of the five
items listed below:
1. Need addressed.
2. Total resource investment for all safety-related activities.
3. Projected benefits for each activity, based on the prevention and reduction
in number and severity of collisions.
4. Actual benefits for each activity, based on the prevention and reduction in
number and severity of collisions.
5. Associated collision rates and societal costs applicable to the before/
after evaluation period.
As the evaluation data is compiled regionally and statewide, new trend data
becomes available for future decision-making.

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October 2009

Page 9-5

Safety Management System

Chapter 9

9.8 WSDOT Programming for Safety Preservation and

Programming safety dollars must be consistent with several plans, procedures
and systems: SMS, Statewide Systems Plan, State Prioritization and
Programming Law (RCW 47.05), and Federal Regulations for standards and
the FHWA/WSDOT Stewardship Plan.
The programming instructions for the Roadway Preservation subprogram
identifies typical safety restoration type items which are to be a ddressed on
our Preservation projects. This is funded with a 12percent program maximum
allocation. The longer safety improvements which address System Plans
safety needs in reduction or prevention of collisions are funded from the
Improvements program. The Safety Improvement Projects Workbook guides
the regions in the process of prioritizing safety improvements within the
Safety Improvements subprogram.

9.9 References
Section 1034 (Public Law 102-240) of the 1991 Intermodal Surface
Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) calls for each state to develop six
interrelated transportation management systems and a traffic monitoring
system. By October 1, 1994, the state shall develop a work plan for SMS
which will be fully operational by October1, 1996.
Washington State Law, C 406 L 93, directs that measurable, outcome based
objectives shall be used to track the performance of agencies with traffic
safety responsibilities.
RCW 47.05 requires WSDOT to develop a six year program and financial
plan for highway improvements specifying program objectives. The program
and plan shall be based upon the improvement needs for state highways as
determined by WSDOT.
Under RCW 47.01.250 the State Patrol, Washington Traffic Safety
Commission (WTSC), County Road Administration Board, and the
Department of Licensing shall consult with the Transportation Commission
and WSDOT to ensure that their transportation related responsibilities,
goals, and activities are fully coordinated. Results of this interaction shall be
reported to the Governor and the Legislature.
Among other duties listed in RCW 43.59, the WTSC shall plan and manage
at both the state and local level, safety activities and programs for the
prevention of accidents on roads, streets, and highways. WTSC shall confer
with and advise the political subdivisions and all agencies of Washington
State government whose programs and activities are within the scope of

Page 9-6

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.03

October 2009

Chapter 11

Traffic Engineering Records Management

11.1 Overview
This chapter describes the guidelines for managing traffic engineering records.
Arecords management system must comply with state and Washington State
Department of Transportation (WSDOT) record-keeping rules, and provide for
record storage in easily accessible locations. Both paper records and electronic
records are equally subject to public record laws and the retention rules
providedby these guidelines.

11.2 WSDOTs Record Management Guidelines

A. Originals and Copies The office that creates the original document
is responsible for the maintenance, retention, and destruction of the
When an original document is sent to another office/division/region
within WSDOT, the office receiving that original assumes the
responsibility for the maintenance, retention, and destruction of
When an original document is sent outside WSDOT, the copy made
for the WSDOT senders file becomes the original and must be
When the content of a copy is changed, the resultant copy becomes a new
original and must be maintained accordingly. However, a copy that has
not been changed is not subject to a retention schedule.
B. Two Types of Retention Schedules
1. The Washington Secretary of States general records retention schedule
covers records that represent the operations of all state agencies.
2. The WSDOT unique retention schedule covers records created
specifically for WSDOT. This schedule is managed by the departments
Records and Information Services Office.

Public records may not be destroyed until they have been retained for the
minimum time period identified in the retention schedule (seeSection11.4).

C. Paper Record Destruction Shred paper records having confidential and/or

sensitive information. The Records Destruction Log (WSDOT Form 720025)
must be completed and signed by the Records and Information Services
Office prior to destruction.

Paper records not having confidential and/or sensitive information may


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June 2011

Page 11-1

Traffic Engineering Records Management

Chapter 11

11.3 Secretary of States Office, General Records

The Secretary of States general records retention schedules identify 52 record
series titles and functions, arranged into seven categories. The seven categories
cover records relating to audit, contracts and purchasing, general office operations
(non-executive), executive level documents, legal files, legislative relations, and
administrative material.
Specific items within each category have an assigned retention period and may
have special instructions for the items after the retention period has elapsed.

11.4 Traffic Engineering Records Retention

Retention schedule examples based on WSDOT and Secretary of State
General Correspondence

30 days

Interagency Agreements (MOUs)

6 years

Invitations to Bid and RFPs

6 years

Legal Issues (does not include litigation)

6 years, followed by archival

Personal Services Contracts

6 years, essential records

Program Development or Event History Files

5 years, followed by archival

Project Files1

6 years, followed by archival

Public Complaints

3 years

Purchase Contract Support Materials

6 years, essential records

Q & Low-Cost Enhancement Project

6 years, followed by archival

Design Documentation2
Request Legislation and Bill Files

2 years, followed by archival

Staff Meeting Minutes

2 years

TRACTS Records


WAC Rules and Traffic Regulations

6 years, followed by archival

Working Files

2 years


Critical Accident Location (CAL), Critical Accident Corridor (CAC), and Intersection
Accident Location (IAL) analyses conducted by the Traffic Offices.

Design Manual recommends 75 year retention in a permanent retrievable file forDesign

Documentation Packages on construction projects.

After the retention period, the office may choose to consider the records essential
and maintain them in decentralized files rather than archiving.

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June 2011

Chapter 11

Traffic Engineering Records Management

11.5 Key Words and Phrases

Active Records Records that are referenced more than once per month per file
drawer are considered active. Active records should be maintained in the office.
Administrative Files Records documenting the operation, management, and
administration of an office; usually distinguished from program records that relate
to the offices primary functions.
Decentralized Files Files created, used, maintained, and controlled in or near
the office of record.
Design Documentation The documents that explain design decisions and the
design process followed.
Essential Records Public records, which are needed to protect assets,
obligations, and resources of state agencies, and are necessary to provide for
thecontinuity, preservation, and operation of state government.
File Plan A list of records sorted by category, located at a file station,
which may include retention periods, file codes, methods of filing, and
Inactive Records Records with a reference rate of less than one search per
file drawer per month. Such records may be transferred to an inactive records
Non-Essential Records Records including information-only copies of
documents used for reference or convenience, transmittal memos, copies
of memoranda, bulletins, personal e-mails, electronic newsletters, catalogs,
published reference materials, and any documents not related to agency business.
Office Files and Memoranda Records that have solely administrative value
and do not fall within the classification of official public record.
Official Public Record A public records classification established by
RCW40.14.010(1) for records having legal or fiscal value, such as vouchers,
receipts, and other documents, that prove the validity of every transaction
relating to the use of public property/income. Legislative records are also
Permanent Records Archival records that should be retained without weeding
or sampling because of their legal and/or historic value.
Primary Record Copy The original or official copy of a record.
Project (Case) Files Groups of documents that pertain to a particular action,
event, person, or place, such as a speed limit change or special event approval.

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June 2011

Page 11-3

Traffic Engineering Records Management

Chapter 11

Sampling The process of selecting records from a collection, to represent the

collection as a whole, and disposing of the remainder of the records.
Weeding The process of identifying and removing records with no, or limited,
administrative, legal, fiscal, or historical value.
Working File A file of rough notes, calculations, or preliminary drafts that
areassembled and used to prepare or analyze other documents. Working files are
usually retained in personal desk files or filed separately until project completion.

11.6 Inventory Record of Site-Specific Traffic Control

Device Installations
Some areas have site-specific traffic control device installations to address traffic
operational issues. These installations typically exceed the MUTCD, Design
Manual, or Standard Plans minimums, and are intended to be maintained, as
installed, until construction projects or other factors eliminate the need for
The regional Traffic Offices should maintain an inventory record of these
locations to assure that future maintenance activities retain the pattern of the
treatments applied. To help assure the desired maintenance level, store the
inventory in a server accessible by both regional traffic and maintenance staff
andalert maintenance staff when the site-specific treatments are installed.

11.7 Executive Orders, Statutes, and Official Guidelines

A. WSDOT Executive Order E 1037.00, Electronic Records and Document
Management This executive order directs any WSDOT employee who
produces, receives, distributes, or forwards an essential electronic record
ordocument to:
1. Create, manage, and store essential electronic records, documents, and
information in an easily located format.
2. Keep essential electronic records and documents according to state and
department retention guidelines.
3. Delete all non-essential records or place the non-essential records in an
electronic file managed by the employee. Employees will delete these
files when they become outdated, the purpose of the record is fulfilled,
orno longer useful to the employee.

Page 11-4

Store essential records on a shared server so that records are accessible by

all the regional Traffic Office staff. Non-essential records may be stored on
aserver provided for individuals.

WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.06

June 2011

Chapter 11

Traffic Engineering Records Management

B. Statutes and Policies

1. RCW 40.14, Preservation and destruction of public records.
2. RCW 42.56, Public records act.
C. Electronic Records WSDOT Executive Order E 1037.00, Electronic
Records and Document Management.
D. Paper Records Secretary of States General Records Retention Schedules.
E. Public Disclosure of Records
1. WSDOT Executive Order E 1041.00, E-Discovery and Preserving
2. Administrative Services Manual M 3012.
F. Other WSDOT Executive Order E 1010.00, Certification of Documents
byLicensed Professionals.

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Traffic Engineering Records Management

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Chapter 11

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June 2011

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