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NLP Business Practitioner-Overview

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The document outlines a Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) certification course for business practitioners. The course aims to teach advanced communication and persuasion skills to enhance performance in hospitality and business.

The main learnings from the course include skills in managing emotions, collapsing automatic responses, using internal resources, using NLP interventions, reading people, and enhancing performance.

The course is suitable for executives, employees, and individuals interested in communication skills, psychology of persuasion, performance enhancement, emotional intelligence, and personal success.

NLP Business Practitioners Certification course

Course Outline
What is?
A Licenced Business Practitioners Course in Neuro Linguistic ProgrammingTM (NLP)
with emphasis on using NLP to enhance the bottom line in the hospitality/major hotel
business environment.
Is it accredited?
Yes it is - and by the highest recognised Neuro Linguistic Programming authority in the
Course delegates who demonstrate the requisite skill level will be licenced as NLP
Practitioners by The Society of Neuro-Linguistic ProgrammingTM and their certificates
will be personally signed by Dr. Richard Bandler, co-founder and creative driving force
of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Who will lead the course?
Your course leader will be Professor Alan Patching, well known consultant and educator
(and former clients representative on several hotel developments including the Hyatt
Hotels in Canberra and Adelaide) and who is:

A Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming personally certified by

Dr. Richard Bandler
A Dr. Richard Bandler trained and certified Trainer of Neuro Linguistic
Holder of 4 certifications in Hypnotherapy and Clinical Hypnotherapy, including
from the National Guild of Hypnotherapists of the USA.
An experienced and successful business leader who is probably best known
internationally for his roles as Project Director in charge of design and
construction of the Sydney Olympic Stadium the largest Olympic Stadium ever
built and CEO of the public entity which owned the stadium
A former Australian representative in professional public speaking

Is the co-author (with Dr. Gerry Flynn) of Imprints for Success - how to master
the mental skills to solve lifes success puzzle, and all delegates will receive a free
copy of this book
Is author of several books and audio programs including the recently released
The Soul Thing That Matters in Business.

Who should attend?

o Executives/employees interested in becoming expert in the most advanced
communication skills available today
o Executives.employees interested in learning the most advanced secrets of the
psychology of persuasion (negotiators, salespeople, contract administrators,
consultants, marketing personnel and HR personnel-coaches)
o Executives/employees interested in some of the fastest and most effective
interventions available for phobias, human performances limitations, and even
emotional and behavioural problems (HR personnel,coaches, team leaders)
o Personnel interested in personal performance enhancement and success
achievement (most people)
o Personnel interested in learning some of the most advanced skills of Emotional
Intelligence available today (most people)
What will be the main learnings I can expect to take away from this course?
The big seven are:
o Skills and ability to control your emotions in any situation in a manner you might
not have thought possible, and to help others to do likewise
o The ability to quickly and effectively collapse automatic responses to emotional
triggers and become free of significant life and performance limitations, and to
help others to do likewise
o Skills and ability to use internal resources at will to be able to live personal and
career aspects of life to the fullest with a positive frame of mind and feeling
fantastic and to be able to assist others to do likewise
o The ability to effectively use a range of NLP interventions to assist people to deal
with unresourceful and unhelpful problems and life strategies (e.g. fear of public
speaking and lack of confidence, to name just two)
o The skills and ability to read people and to communicate with them at a
subconscious level that will allow you to build trust and influence in a way you
might never previously have considered possible
o The skills to efficiently and effectively enhance your own performance or to assist
others to enhance theirs in any area of business or life
o The skills and ability to communicate in consultative, sales, or negotiation
situations in a manner wherein you remain in control of the process and the
outcome of the interchange

What is the detailed makeup of this course?

Course Module 1: The Basic Principles and the Building Blocks of NLP


Beginning the learning journey with basic NLP Pre-suppositions

Calibration the art of reading change in what people are feeling
Representational Systems- how we process information and how to use
this in communication, persuasion and therapeutic intervention
Association/Dissociation and how to use it to control emotions
Sensory Predicates
Rapport the essential ingredient of all communication and the
detailed NLP skills for building the strongest levels of rapport possible
Sub-modalities the detailed manner in which we process information
from our environment, and how we can use knowledge of submodalities in recalling past experiences to ensure amazing success in
future dealings and activities
Anchoring the good, and how to develop it, the bad, and how to deal
with it, and the ugly, and how to collapse it and remove it from your
life forever!
Collapsing anchors a simple yet incredibly effective NLP technique for
removing automatic and (negative) emotion charged
automatic/imprinted responses to particular triggers in our everyday

Business applications of the above skills include


Enhanced emotional competence

Stress control in the work environment
Better positive attitude maintenance during times of having to
deal with difficult people
Building stronger relationships through subliminal rapport
building skills
Using anchors to invoke positive emotional states in our
employees and ourselves
Using anchors to get better responses from any audience we
ever need to address
Using anchor collapse techniques to change negative attitudes
in the work environment

Course Module 2: Effective Information Gathering


Structural Elements of NLP

As If Frame-using clear imagery of desired future situations to gain
positive behaviour adjustment here and now
Eye Accessing how observe eye movements to determine the
representational system or modality in which people are processing


information. This provides a framework for the best possible

communication with that person
The TOTE Model of working with and improving subconscious life
Strategies-the basis of changing ineffective mental strategies, such as
poor decision making, to efficient and effective strategies
The Meta Model of mental processing what it is and how to work with
it as a key NLP concept
Swish Patterns - a quick and simple technique for adjusting mental
strategies and getting better outcomes in life and business endeavours
The principles of determining a Well Formed Outcome in NLP as in
life in general, if we do not have a precise idea of where we are
headed the chances of getting where we want to be are reduced
Strategy Elicitation & Installation determining the strategies people
are currently using and helping them replace those strategies with
better and more effective strategies those that are likely to result in
the well formed outcomes they have defined.
Information Gathering Questions how to ask the right questions in
the right way to achieve your NLP objectives

Business applications of the above skills include


Enhanced emotional competence

Stress control in the work environment
Better positive attitude maintenance during times of having to
deal with difficult people
Building stronger relationships through subliminal rapport
building skills
Advanced coaching technique using strategy elicitation and
Advanced coaching technique using the well formed outcome
approach to goals definition especially in adjustment of
unhelpful behaviour patterns
Enhanced leadership skills using NLP enhanced information
gathering techniques
Eradicating simple speaking phobias and confidence concerns
using simple Shish Patterns
Much improved sales and marketing using eye accessing cues
and aligned language application in any selling/marketing
Improved emotional competence and inter-personal
communication using eye accessing techniques and recipientaligned language structures

Course Module 3: Integration & Healing



Health Factors aspects of human health (stress management etc)

that can be enhanced with NLP, and the techniques you can use to
Parts Concepts & Integration an NLP technique that helps deal with
inner conflict (as indicated by people using language such as on the
one hand I really want to do more career related study but on the
other hand Im not sure its something I want to spend time on at this
stage of my life)
Core Transformation an advanced NLP pattern to assist people to
identify and align with their higher order values/intentions for life.
Core transformation can be a real life changing experience for some
people with significant impact in both personal and career aspects of
their lives
Congruence the importance to personal happiness and serenity of
congruence between inner thoughts and external actions between
our internal state and our external state or behaviour.
Reframing - a fundamental NLP technique useful in a number of
private and business situations

Business applications of the above skills include


Enhanced emotional competence

Stress control in the work environment
Better positive attitude maintenance during times of having to
deal with difficult people
Advanced coaching/motivation technique using core
transformation for identification of key values and alignment
with workplace values
Eradicating inner conflicts which might be limiting workplace
Coaching and leadership motivation skills using reframing
Unwanted behaviour adjustment using reframing techniques

Course Module 4: Healing In & Through Time


Model of Change an NLP approach for change on a major scale which

employs several NLP techniques to help people move from their
current model of the world and present problem state to a new model
of the world based on their desired state. It is a simple structure of
complex tools and it is amazingly effective in the hands of the expert
NLP Practitioner
Re-Imprinting this is a technique for changing unresourceful imprints
from childhood by updating them with information etc that is now
known by the mature person, and if known a the time of the imprinting



event, might have lead to a different and more resourceful outcome

from the childhood experience.
3 Place Dissociation a technique used to disassociate people from
clear and close attachment to memories of unpleasant experiences in
their past so that they can discuss them without emotional abreaction
and so give the NLP Practitioner the information needed (and
themselves the state of mind) to progress with healing intervention
work. This technique is also used in controlling our emotions in the
Clearing Negative Emotions
Phobia Cure sometimes called the Fast Phobia Cure or rapid Rewind
Technique this is an excellent NLP technique for ridding people of
phobic responses to certain triggers in their lives. It can work well
dealing with fear of closed spaces etc and also with business related
performance limiting phobias like fear of public speaking especially
(but not only) when the cause of the fear can be pinpointed to a
specific past life experience.
Logical Levels Robert Dilts model for dealing with the possible
levels in the mind at which a problem state might exist. These levels
include environmental, behavioural, capability, belief, identity and
spiritual. By understanding the level at which the problem state is
established, we are in a better position to assist a person deal with it.
(We explain but do not work with the spiritual level in the course
except if people ask for this on a one to one basis. Any work we do
with the spiritual level is generic and not base don any specific
religious tenets and so is not confrontational to any religious belief).
We also look at an approach for using the logical levels as a very
advanced communication model in selling and negotiating/dealing with
employees situations during the business day of the course.
Changing Personal History a technique for updating unresourceful
reactions etc recorded and/or imprinted in response to experiences in
our lives so that they not longer contribute to problem states in the
present time.
Putting Goals in the Future an NLP technique for helping people
achieve what they seek in life
Healing Grief as the words suggest, a technique for dealing with not
only the loss of a loved one, but also the loss of a job or of something
treasured, or of wealth etc.

Business applications of the above skills include


Enhanced emotional competence

Stress control in the work environment
Better positive attitude maintenance during times of having to
deal with difficult people
Advanced coaching by assisting people to deal with
unresourceful subconscious imprints from past experience
which might be limiting current performance


Advanced coaching and leadership using probably the most

advanced goal setting technique available today
HR Leadership and coaching skills assisting people deal with
loss of job grief
Advanced leadership communication/emotional competence
using logical levels in everyday people management and
especially in selling and marketing situations (dealing with
objections in particular) Also sung this technique to great
effect in dealing with disgruntled guests complaints
Using disassociation to deal with emotional reaction to any
business situation

Other hospitality related business skills you will learn on this course:


NLP skills in public speaking and business presentations

(rhythm establishment, stage anchoring techniques, nested
loop techniques for sub-conscious message delivery, using
covert hypnotic language in presentations
Using covert hypnotic language in a range of hospitality
business related situations
Writing effective marketing letters etc using advanced
NLP/hypnotic patterns
Using advanced NLP skills in persuasive and influencing
negotiating in any situation
Getting the most from staff interviews
Using pacing and leading techniques to deal with angry guests
Using NLP state elicitation techniques to build powerful
teamwork in the hotel environment

Many of the terms used in the descriptions of content of the course

modules rely on terminology that might be new to some readers.
For that reason we provide the following schedule of what you will
achieve from this course for those who prefer to read less technical
How to create transformational change in yourself and your clients

Understand limiting beliefs and learn how to adjust them so that you
take control over your mind and body and achieve the SMART goals
and objectives you set for yourself in business and everyday life

How to create and sustain strong rapport with clients, friends,

partners, employers/employees, customers/clients, and family

Use sensory acuity to remain aware of various indicators of established

The importance of matching breathing patterns
The art and science of matching and/or mirroring various aspects of
The technique of pacing and leading
How to use various representational systems or modalities for building
and sustaining rapport

How to understand internal representations


How we humans represent the world in our minds using the VAKOG
(visual, auditory, kinaesthetic olfactory and gustatory) model
How to be aware of language predicates and how we can use these to
build rapport or to take people to a new understanding of their life
How to use internal representations and sub-modalities to create
amazing internal states using already existing positive mental
How to change limiting belief patters
How to use various NLP techniques to change unwanted habits and
behaviour patterns

How to master language and communication


Understand the impact of language at both conscious and subconscious levels of the mind
How to challenge people while maintaining deep rapport with them
Advanced questioning skills to ensure you really do know the other
persons perspectives and so provide a basis for achieving desired
outcomes of the communication process
How to deliver your own points with maximum effectiveness and in am
manner which draws minimum objection
How to discover when hidden agendas are involved and what they
Discover the power of metaphor in speech
How to have people hanging on your every word in every presentation
you ever give
The psychology of persuasion

The power of embedded suggestions

How to use the power of conditioned stimulus and response


The process of successful anchoring and how to stack or chain

anchors for use in transformational work
Using resourceful anchors to remove or collapse negative anchors to
remove bad feelings whenever you want
Use resourceful anchors to create the internal state you desire any
time you desire it
Use anchors in a wide range of NLP techniques

How to use a range of NLP Techniques in business, therapeutic and

everyday life situations

Anchor collapses to remove imprinted responses to certain stimuli

Parts integration to resolve internal conflict
Nested Loop techniques for better presentations
Calibration techniques for monitoring physiology changes in people as
their internal representations change during communication
The Fast Phobia (removal) Technique
Swish Patterns
Creating Future history
Changing strategies and habits
And many, many others

About your Certification

Delegates who complete successfully complete this course with 100%
attendance and punctuality, and who demonstrate the requisite standard in
the skills taught, will be certified and licenced as NLP Business Practitioners
by the Society of Neuro Linguistic Programming TM and their certificates will be
personally signed by Dr. Richard Bandler, co-founder and active developer of
the art and science of NLP.
Your licence will be valid for a period of two years. Renewal is not automatic
but it is easy and involves attending training to learn the latest techniques in
a body of knowledge that is continually being expanded.

Letter for delegates from the course leader

Congratulations! If you are reading this, you must already have some
internal strategy with a focus on self improvement in some aspect of your life.
It is exactly such a strategy which launched me on the NLP journey way back
in the early nineteen eighties.
I studied everything I could read and in particular everything Dr Richard
Bandler produced on this new and exciting science of human
communication and performance. Its no exaggeration to say that NLP has
been central to much of what Ive achieved in life. Ive used NLP in self
transformation and control of unwanted habits and emotions. I used NLP
extensively in my role as Project Director in charge of design and construction
of the Sydney Olympic Stadium. Ive used NLP in negotiating some of the
biggest property deals in my countrys history some over a billion dollars,
and many worth several hundred million. Ive used NLP in my work
developing several international five star hotels for my clients. And Ive sue it
in deals covering industries as broad as womens lingerie importation to the
purchase and sale of jet aircraft. I use NLP everyday in my Clinical
Hypnotherapy practice.
Why did I choose to use NLP. Simple - I used it because it works. And it works
elegantly and consistently.
I enjoy this technology so much, I decided to become formally certified in
both its use and in teaching it to others so that they might enjoy the same

benefits and success in their lives as NLP has brought, and continues to bring,
to my life. When I decided to embark on this learning, it became quickly
apparent there are a lot of people and organisations in the market purporting
to be experts in the field. There was no way I would waste money, time and
effort to get second rate education on something as important as this. It
struck me that something this important should be learned from the best
experts I could find.
To ensure I was being taught by a true expert, I decided to go to the source.
Dr Richards Bandler (co-founder with John Grinder of NLP) had a web site
which informed me who were the trainers he had personally educated and
licenced as expert trainers in his own science. I learned from them, and that
learning has paid off manifold in various aspects of my life and business.
I am now proud to say, I am one of the relatively few trainers who
demonstrate sufficient expertise to be certified and licenced by the founder
of NLP to teach you some of the most advanced transformational techniques
in the world today.
I am passionate about NLP. This passion, combined with my personal
experience and success using NLP and the fact that I bring you courses
accredited by the source of the science, is your guarantee of gaining a world
of successful difference from your investment in this course. Learn how to
create and realise the future you want and deserve for you and your family.
I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming course. Prepare to be
Warm regards,

Alan Patching

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