Adr155c en
Adr155c en
Adr155c en
ADR 155C
Multiservice compact
STM 1/STM 4 SDH multiplexer
• Flexible configuration
Tributary signals
• Comprising a motherboard for the main functions and 4 general-purpose slots
for tribulary and multiplex processing, SAGEM ADR 155C is a model of • TDM: E1, E3/DS3 - STM-1 G.703 - G.957
flexibility, both in terms of its implementation and in terms of the traffic • LAN: Ethernet 10/100
transported: vital elements in an access network. Available bandwidth for LAN Traffic: up to
100 Mbit/s between each station.
• This means that it can be fitted not only with traditional boards (E1, E3/DS3,
Mechanical specifications
STM 1, STM 4) but also with LAN access boards (10 and 100 Ethernet, V.11)
• ETS 300 119-3 and 4
for transporting data streams (IP, ATM, etc.) via SDH infrastructures -- this being
a major innovation for next generation network. Power supply
• -48 VDC (-36 V to -72V), +220/110 VAC
• Covering all the bandwidths from 2 Mbps to 622 Mbps, the SAGEM
ADR 155C is perfectly suited to most contemporary applications with Dimensions
their ever-increasing bandwidth requirements. What’s more, it offers • 19” subrack: 2U x 300 mm (H x D)
exceptionally high quality optical data transport, thanks to its real-time traffic Consumption
protection mechanisms. Its compact size (30 x 45 x 9/D x W x H) makes it • 40 W
easy to install in the typically confined local loop environment.
• SAGEM ADR 155C can be managed using SNMP making it all the easier to • Temperature range:
integrate into existing networks, for which the management platforms are -5 to +45°C
invariably run using this protocol. It’s taken into account by SAGEM - IONOS
NMS manager. Auxiliary signals
• TMN interface
• SAGEM ADR 155C is a new generation SDH multiplexer with a central role in Ethernet RJ 45
the implementation of services accompanying the emergence of the Internet in • F interface
the world of telecommunication. Ethernet RJ 45
• Digital orderwire channels
• SAGEM ADR 155C can be upgraded from STM 1 to STM 4. There is no V.11
service discontinuity for the user applications.
Guaranteed attenuation
Recommendation G.957 of the ITU-T Type Wavelength Guaranteed attenuation (dB) Range km
applicable between Tx and Rx interfaces
for a BER =10-10
S-1.1 1300 mm 0 - 12 0 - 28
L-1.1 1300 mm 10 - 28 22 - 65
Optical signals
IC-1.2 1550 mm 0 - 28 0 - 100
S-4.1 1300 mm 0 - 12 0 - 28
L-4.1 1300 mm 10 - 24 22 - 58
SAGEM SA may, at any time and without notice, make changes or improvements to the products and services offered and/or cease producing or commercialising
them. The SAGEM logo and trademark are the property of SAGEM SA. 07/2003
Head office: Le Ponant de Paris - 27, rue Leblanc 75512 PARIS CEDEX 15 - FRANCE
SAGEM SA - Société anonyme à directoire et conseil de surveillance au capital de 33 300 000 € - 562 082 909 RCS PARIS