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Uma VC

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R.G. Bhandarkar Professor of Sanskrit
Head, Department of Sanskrit,
Ex. In charge Head, GTCCL,
University of Mumbai.

Personal Details
Date of Birth

19th September 1952

Present Address 1, Om Shri Siddhivinayaka CHS., Hanuman Cross Road No.2,

Vile Parle, East, Mumbai, 4000057.
Contact Details 1.Tel.No. R. 26174181 / M.9820107397
2. E-mail- umacvaidya@yahoo.co.in
Educational Qualifications

Doctor of Philosophy -------In Sanskrit Grammar, University of Mumbai, 1979.

Master of Arts ---------------Sanskrit Grammar, Pali, University of Pune, 1974.
First Rank.
Bachelor of Arts ------------Sanskrit, Pali, Philosophy., University of Pune, 1972.
First Rank.
Experience ------------------Teaching ----- 25 years. Research -----35 years.
Presently working as ----

R. G. Bhandarkar Professor of Sanskrit,

Head, Department of Sanskrit, University of Mumbai.

Ex. In-charge Head, GTCCL, University of Mumbai.
Gurudev Tagore Chair of Comparative Literature is a very prestigious Dept. of the University
and it is very creditable to hold the charge of two Dept. simultaneously.

1. Language-Proficiency
Proficiency in Sanskrit-Marathi-Hindi and English Speech -----.
Gold and Silver Medals and certificates
Expertise in Pali-language
Essay-writing in Sanskrit, Marathi, Hindi and English.
Appointed as Judge for Sanskrit drama competitions by State Govt.
Various Prizes- in Sanskrit -debating- competitions by Central Ministry, Delhi 72-74.
and at various state level institutions
Sanskrit-Compositions in Prose and Poetry
Radio and T.V. Programme --- Direction, Script-writing
Organizer for Sanskrit speaking-workshops

Academic Contribution

Personal Research
1] Ph.D. Project -- Under U.G.C. Fellowship(University of Mumbai, 1979.) Published
Aphorisms ,indicative of option in the Paninian Astadhyayi

2] Post-Doctoral Project I --Under U.G.C Research Associate Award.

Impact of the Yogavasistha on religious cults in India in
general and
in Maharashtra in particular (University of Mumbai, 1983.)

3] Post-Doctoral Project II-- Under-U.G.C. Minor Research Project Grant

Commentry literature in ancient India, with special reference to
Sayana, Samkaracarya and Patanjali.(Wilson College, Mumbai.)
4] Post-Doctoral Project III ----- Under Asiatic Research Fellowship
Sanskrit, Pali and Ardhamagadhi sentence- construction, a comparative study {completed}
5] Post-Doctoral Project IV----- UGC- Major Research Project---

Environmental thought in Sanskrit Literature{completed}

Research work supervised

Ph.D. students (10) working on --------

The Concept of Brahmanda, A mytho-religious study in the light of modern scientific


The Kalpasutra-s, A multidimensional foundation of Ancient Indian Sciences.

Degree awarded

The concept of Creativity as seen in the four Vedic Samhita-s. Degree awarded

The Reflections of Indian philosophical concepts as seen in Western philosophical treatise.

The concept of Atidesha, Investigation and Application.


Prarabdha in the Mahabharata and the Mahapurana-s. Degree awarded

Brihattrayi-A Critical Analysis.Thesis submitted

The governing bodies in Ancient Indian Statecraft in the Light of Indian Constitution

Plant-mutagenesis in Ancient India--- Synopsis will be submitted soon

2. Books Published, Edited and Research Papers / Articles

Books published 4
1] Optionals in Sanskrit Language and Panini, Sri Dwarakadhish charities, Mumbai,
2]Vasudevavagvenu, Sri Dwarakadhish charities, Mumbai, 2001.
3] Abhijaata Sanskrit Sahityacha Itihaasa -- Joint Authorship, Rtaayana, Mumbai,
-2004 Award-winning Book

4] Mystics in World Religions--- Jointly edited, published by Somaiya Publications Pvt. Ltd.
Mumbai, New Delhi, 2009.

Research Papers / Articles - Total60

Published and Accepted for publication 50 Unpublished10.
The Research scholar has written articles and presented papers at Seminars, in various branches
of Sanskrit and Pali studies. Ayurveda, Chemistry, Economics, Grammar, Philosophy and
Literature and Human Rights.

Many of them are award-winning research-papers as is

evident from the following list.

List of Papers
1. The Concept of yoga in the Yogavasistha, Prachya Vidya Parishad, Mumbai,
Dec.1997 First prize
2. The role of state in the economic activity of ancient India. Dept. of Economics,
Wilson College, Mumbai, Sept.1994.
3. The MacroMicro-Cosmic-relationship in the science of grammar. Dr. G. B. Palsule
Felicitation Vol., Poona, Nov.1997.
4. The Expressions in the Modern Sanskrit Literature, National Seminar, Dept. of
Sanskrit, University of Mumbai, March. 1989.

5. The Concept of Vidya and graph of its evolution, Vishveshvarananda Indological

Journal,Hoshiarpur. 2002
6. The Construction chemicals in Ancient and Modern India, a comparative study,
Institute of Oriental Study, Mumbai, Dec. 1999. -----First Prize.
7. The Act and retribution in classical Sanskrit literature, Vishveshvarananda
Indological Journal, Hoshiarpur, 1995-96.
8. The Philosophical notions applied in Sanskrit grammar, Journal of Asiatic society of
Bombay, Mumbai, 1999.
9. The Dietary water-intake, Institute of Oriental Study, Mumbai, Dec. 2001
10. The Vidya and Kala, etymological purport and Mutual relation, Institute of Oriental
Study, Mumbai, Dec. 2002.
11. The Sun, in the Gayatri Mantra and in the Sanskrit Stotra- Literature, National
Seminar, Dept. of Sanskrit, University of Mumbai, March 2002.
12. Kautilya and Creativity, Seminar at Patni Computers, Mumbai, October 2002.
13. Some observations on Vedic commentaries, with special reference to Sayana, Vaidika
Samshodhana Mandala , Pune, March 2003.
14. The gender and political aspects of Ramayana
Paper presented at International Seminar at Illinois, U.S.A. Sept. 2001.
15.The Notion of Time and its application in Poetics, a few observations,
Dr. V. M. Kulakarni Felicitation Vol., Baroda , Aug. 2003.
16. Literary merits of Inscriptions, K.J.Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce, Mumbai
Sept. 2003.
17. Femininity and Feminism in the light of Sanskrit Classical Literature, Dept. of
Sanskrit, University of Mumbai. Jan. 2004.
18.Rajadharma as reflected in the Veda-s, Asiatic Society of Bombay, Mumbai, March
19. Practical prudence in the Kautiliya Arthashastra.|| A Paper written in Sanskrit||

Smaranika, Maharashtra Seva Samgha, Mumbai, Octo.2003.

20. Post-Independence Sanskrit studies in Maharashtra. Itihasa Mandal, Vile Parle,
April,1999. .|| A Paper written in Sanskrit||
. 21. Bhashasharanah Vaiyakaranah .|| A Paper in Marathi|| Brihanmaharashtra
Prachyavidya Parishad,Goa, Nov.2003.
22. Political system in the Ramayana, Rashtra Sevika Samiti, Mumbai, June, 2003.
23. Vidyasamkalpana --- Vikasacha Alekha. ||A Paper written in Marathi||
Prachyavidya Parishad, Sagamner, Nov. 1999.
24. The Yogavasistha ---Power-fountain for Shri Swami Samartha.|| A Paper in Marathi||
Vidarbha Samshodhana Mandal, Nagpur, Annual issue, 1997.
25. Nathanchiye dvari Vasisthachya khuna. || A paper in Marathi||
Vidarbha Samshodhana Mandal, Nagpur, Annual issue, 1998.
26. The Yogavasistha and Dattasampradaya. Swamin tava sharanama bi-monthly,
Mumbai, Jan-Feb.1998.
27. Impact of the Yogavasistha on different religious cults. || A serial in Marathi ||
Purushartha, Vai, Jan. 1984 to Feb.1985.
28. Yogadarshana, || A Paper in Marathi || Dharmabhaskara, Mumbai, May 2004.
29. Concord and Government in Panini, Wilson College, Mumbai, March 2004.
30. Creative Intelligence in the Vedas.
Paper presented at International Conference, University of Meryland, U.S.A. July,
31. Ethics in Samkhya Yoga Philosophy, Seminar in the University of Karnataka, March,

First Prize for Best Research Paper

32. Legal documentation system in Smrti-literature, UGC- sponsored National Seminar,
University of Karnatak , Sept. 2005.
33 .Text and Context as envisaged in the Sanskrit -Shastra, Dept. of Linguistics,
University of Mumbai, Nov.2005.

34. Influence of Sanskrit on Indian languages., Jiglur College of Women, Dharwad. Dec.
35. Thesis of Life as seen in the Samkyadashana Samshodhana. Sirasi, March 2005.
36. Role of Homonyms and Synonyms in Language-behaviour, Dept. of Linguistics,
University of Mumbai , Feb.2007
37., Abhidhamma and Cittavritti-nirodha in the Patanjala-yoga, K.J.Somaiya Centre for
BuddhistStudies, March 2005
38. Mahakavih Vijayatetaram{Emerging Trends in Contemporary Sanskrit Literature},
Dept. of Sanskrit, University of Mumbai, Oct. 2007.
39. Relevance of Sanskrit to the Modern World, Gogate College, Ratnagiri, Feb. 2007
40. Sources, Growth and Domains of Indian Poetics, Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi, Dec.
41. Mythology and Environment, Rashtriya Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Savali, Gujarat,
Feb 2008.
42. The relevance of Jain-philosophy to the Modern Times, Jain Vishvabharati- Samstha,
Ladun, Feb. 2008
43. The Kautiliya Arthashastra, Sagar, Gujarath, March 2008
44. Towards comparative Poetics and Paradigms in Indian and Western Critical traditions,
Ahamadabad, Feb. 2008
45. Rediscovering Dharma as a solution to the environmental problem, Monash University,
Ausralia, July 2008
46. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Literature; Nagoji Bhatta. March.2008
47. Ancient Indian Education System, MGI, Mauritius, Octo.2008
48. Contribution of Indian Philosophy to Human Rights, University of Mauritius, Nov.2008
49. The concept of Yoga in the Yogavasishtha, Yogasadhaka Samgh, Mauritius , Dec.2008.
50. Yogavasistha and Jnaneshvari, Sonopant Dandekar Mahavidyalaya, Palghar, July 2009
51. Influence of Sanskrit on Marathi Literature, Dept. of Philosophy, Uni. of Mumbai, for
Delhi Publication, August 2009. .

52. The NadabrahmanTheory and Practice, International Seminar, K.J.Somaiya Bharatiya

Sanskriti Peetham, Mumbai, Sept. 2009.
53. Panini

Nihshreyas, New Delhi, Nov. 2009.

54. Sanskrit grammar in last 20 years, Presidential address as sectional president of

Grammar, Brihanmaharashtra Prachyavidya Parishad, Ratnagiri, Dec. 2009.
55. Ancient Indian Landscape Architecture, its seasonal significance and Emotive element,
ISOLA Conference, Goa, Jan. 2010.
56. Sanskrit Grammar, Rashtriya Sanskrit Samsthan, K. J. Somaiya Centre, Jan.2010
57. On Manusmriti, Essar group of Industries, Mumbai, Jan. 2010
58. Sanskrit prose literature in 20th Century key-note-address at the conference at
Baroda. Feb.2010
59.. Paingi-Rahasya-Brahmana, Vaidika Samshodhan Mandal, Pune, Feb. 2010.
60. Ancient Indian Philosophy and Human Rights.----- CASS, Pune, March 2010.
61 Science-n-spirituality in a book by IFFGRPR-Kandai Prakashana, May, 2010 P. 232236
62.'yugaNt' Iravati Karve & V.D. Karndikar Mumbai Vidyapeeth & Snehvardhan Prakashan,
Pune, October, 2010, Page 31-45
63. Management in Dharmashastra and Arthashastra - Sanskrit Bharati University of
Kolkata March, 2011 9th Issue , Page 15-32
64 . The position of women as envisaged through Kautillya Arthashastra The Asiatic Society
of Mumbai, August, 2010
65.. Legal documentation system in the Kautillya Arthashastra Sanskrit Department,
Mumbai University and Observer Research Foundation (ORF), Mumbai, December 2123, 2010
66. Paper Presented on Shashriya Alankar (Marathi) Ruia college and Maharshi Vyasa
Pratishthan, January, 29, 2011
67. Status of women as seen through Kautillya Arthashastra, Kolkatta University, 29th and 30th
March, 2011
68. Shrutipathagami Kalidasah, Conference organized by Vikrama University Ujjain from 7th 12th November 2011 at Ujjain.

69. Two unexplored Manuscripts, Conference organized by CASS, Pune from 28th 30th
November 2011.
70. The message of Universal Brotherhood from the Indian Scriptures with special reference to
Gita and Jnaneshvari from 10th -14th December 2011

3. Awards
Pradnyavanta Puraskara, Brahmana Sabha, Mumbai, 2006-2007
Sesqui centennial Best performance Incentive Award of 2007-2008
University of Mumbai
Rashtriya Gaurava Award by India International Friends Society,
New Delhi, 2010.
The Best Citizens of India Award by The International Publishing
House, New Delhi, 2010.

4. Visit to Foreign Universities

The scholar was invited to the following universities to present the papers and to
deliver speeches and has proved her outstanding research.





Nagoya University

April 2001



Academic Visit


Maryland Washington

July 2004

to present a paper



May 2007

Hindu-Christian Dialogue,


Monash University

July 2008

to present a paper


Visiting Professor

15th Sept. 08
to15th Dec.08

Special Academic Contributions

Entries written for the Encyclopedia of Indian Poetics A Sahitya Akademi
Project approved by UNESCO as a project of International Value
Assisted for setting up the postgraduate Dept. of Sanskrit at Gogate College
Ratnagiri by visiting and training the teachers.
Syllabus for the course in Sanskrit, prepared for one of the Universities in China
Special lectures at Refresher Courses
1. University of Jadavpur, kolkata.
2. Dr. Babasaheba Ambedkar University , Aurangabad.
3. University of Mumbai, Mumbai.

5. Consultancy {Academic}
USA-resident, Indology -scholar, (basically Indian) was helped with 400Referances from
Puranas Mahabharata and Pali literature.

Resource-person and Chairperson at Refresher-courses and Seminars of different


Chair-person of the Board of Studies of Traditional Sanskrit MS University Badoda.

Member of the Board of Studies in Sanskrit, University of Amaravati

Member of the Board of Studies in Sanskrit, University of Aurangabad

Member of the Board of Studies in Sanskrit, SNDT Womens University. Mumbai
Member of the Management Council and Academic Council, K .J. Somaiya Centre of
Buddhist Studies.

Chairperson of Local Inquiry-committee-s at various Institutes affiliated to the University

of Mumbai

Member of the Selection Committee of the M. S. University, Baroda.

External referee for Ph.D. at Pune, Nagpur, Aurangabad and Meerut University and also
at Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeetha- Deemed University, Pune.

6. Projects earned
1) UGC Major Research Project Grant- Rs.4.81000 (Post-Doctoral Project
2) Asiatic Society - Rs.12000 (Post-Doctoral Project IV)

7. Extension services for the well-fare of the society

a) Member of the Editorial Board for the text book for 12th Standard (Sanskrit)
Maharashtra State Secondary Education Board, Pune.
b) Member of Aravinda Sanskrit Sabha in Vile Parle, Mumbai for last 20 years
c) Worked as resource person in the workshops for school teachers and
Junior college teachers
d) Popular Sanskrit lectures for the propagation of Sanskrit in the society
e) Lectures in Sanskrit-Rasaswadavarga at Vile Parle, Mumbai
and at Ruparel College Mumbai.
f) Advisor to the Prajna Vikasa Sanstha, Pune.
g)A special interview published in b/aHm`mans on the receipt of Rashtriya Gaurava Award,
June, 2010


8. Contribution to University-Administration

In addition to the regular teaching work, the following work is also carried out to help the
administration. Worked on 28 University Committees

1. Member of the Senate, University of Mumbai

2. Member of Academic Council, R. R. C and B.U.T.R.
3. Chairperson, Board of studies in Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrits.
4. Member of Faculty of Arts.
5. Member of the Committee for revision of Ordinances and Regulations.
6. Member of the Library Committee. University of Mumbai.
7. Member of the Ad- Hoc Committee for Linguistics. University of Mumbai.
8. Member of Memento Committee. University of Mumbai
9. Member of Ad- Hoc Committee, Committee for GTCCL. University of Mumbai.
10. Member of the Local Inquiry Committee for Various Colleges.
11. Convener of the Hospitality Committee for Vice-Chancellors conference in November
12. Convener of the Hospitality Committee for Vice-Chancellors conference in February
13. In charge Head Gurudev Tagore chair of comparative literature for eleven months
14. Head, Department of Sanskrit
15. Member of the Departmental advisory Committee
16. Member of the M. Phil. Course Committee


17. Member of the organizing committee for Avishkar 2007&2008, A Research Competition
floated by Governers office. Visited many centers to judge the quarterfinal & semi-final
18. Convener of the committee to select the Savitribai Phule Purskar of 2006 -2009
19. Vice President of Rtayana, the Sanskrit Lovers Association.
20. Member of syllabus-committee (for Sanskrit) University of Pune.
21. Member of the various selection committees for the different faculty posts.
22. Member of the budget scrutiny committee
23. Member of the Press committee for Chronicle for 150th year of University of
24. Member of the Press committee for Annual Issue of 2008-09
25. Member of Springer Research committee
26. Member of Stage committee for the visit of Hon. President of India on 29th Feb. 2008
27. Member Secretary, Campus Development Council
28.Convener, Screening Committee, UPE Scheme of UGC, University of Mumbai.
29. Member of the Committee for evaluation of University Research Projects.
30. Vice Chancellors Nominee on the Board of Examinations.

9. Seminars and lecture-Series Organized from January 2005

{Since the appointment in the University}
Principle H.R. Karnik Indological Lecture series- December 2005.
Wilson Philological Lecture Series - December 2005


Jnanapeetha awardees and their works - October 2006.

7th session of Brihan Maharashtra Prachyavidya Parishad- May 2007
Annual Departmental seminar on Emerging trends in contemporary Sanskrit

A seminar to commemorate the mutiny in 1857- in collaboration with


samshodhana mandal, Mumbai

International Seminar-- joint-organization with K.J Somaya Bharatiya Sanskriti Peetham
-on Interfaith-dialogue Mystics in world religion January 2008.

10. Lectures delivered -- ---

1. Three lecture-series on Kautiliya Arthasastra --------- B.S.P Mumbai March 97.

2. Modern Tax-system, Economic activity in Ancient India, Concept of state in Kautilya.
3. The Yogavasistha ------ A series of 10 lectures 1. L.S.S. Vile Parle, Sept. 85.
2. Padeshastri Trust, Badoda, Nov.2006
4. Bhashasharanah Vaiyakaranah Dept. of Sanskrit, University of Mumbai, Sept. 98.
5. The Uttara-Ramayana ------------------Devavani Mandiram,Mumbai, August.97.
6. Ancient Indian Educational Values. -------------------------- B.S.P. Mumbai. Nov. 98.
7. Kalidasacha sahityatila natyancha reshimagathi ------- D. B. S. Mumbai. July, 03.

Ramadasa , Jnaneshvara ani Yogavasistha. Gogate College, Ratnagiri.Dec.03.

9. Kalidasache Sahitya ------------------ ---------------------------- B.S. Mumbai. Jan, 04.

10. Sanskrit-Sahitya ani Mulyadhisthitata ---------------------L.S.S.VileParle, Feb.04.


11. Kautilya and modern political system-Aravinda Sanskrit Sabha, Vile Parle, 5th
12. Inaugural Address at Sanskrit Shikhaka Shibir, arranged by Sanskrit Bharati at
Gurukul, Badlapur on 5th May, 2010.Mumbai, May 2010.
13. Shankaracharya, the Great Guru, Shri Shankaramatham, Matunga, Mumbai.
May, 2010.
14. Parashurama and KautilyaChittapavana Brahmana Sangha, Nagpur, May 2010.
15. Two special lectures on Yogavasistha at Nagpur, on 25th and 26th January, 2011.
16. Delivered a lecture on Ramayanatil Yuddhakanda, Vidyamrutavarshini Pathashala,
Balsad on February 2011
17. Delievered a lecture on Kautiliya Arthashastra : Svarupa ani Upayojana, S. P. College, Pune,
February 2011
18. Delivered four lectures on Research Methodology, resource person arranged by
University of Saurashtra on 9th and 10th March, 2011.
19. Delivered a lecture on Geetarahasya, Tilak Mandir on 20th March, 2011
20. Delivered a lecture on Yogavasishtha and Samartha Sampradaya, August 2011
21. Delivered a lecture on Geetarahasya, Maharastra Seva Sangha, Mulund September,
22. Delivered a lecture on Kalidasachya Sahityatil Panchendriyancha Rasasvada, Tilak
Maharastra Vidyapeetha, Pune on 8th November 2011
23. Delivered a lecture on Kalidasachya Sahityatil Panchendriyancha Rasasvada,
Fergueson College 29th November 2011



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