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Sringara Rasa

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Sringara Rasa:

Sringara rasa i.e. erotic one arises from the sthayibhav of love, (Natyashastra VI-45) whatever in the
ordinary world is bright, pure (Madhya), shining or beautiful is associated with love. It has
(Alambana) –vibhav: young men and women who are noble character. It arises from (Uddipana)
vibhav such as a representation of the seasons, garlands, ointments, ornaments, people dears to one
object of the senses, fine homes, love making, going to gardens, listening music, watching game and
so forth. It should be acted out by such anubhav as skillful use of eyes. Frowning, side glances,
felicitous movements (lalita), gentle bodily movements (angahara), and soft speech. The
accompanying transitory emotions that do not belong to love are laziness, violence, and disgust. As
far love in separation, it should be acted out by anubhav such as world weariness, physical
weakness, anxiety, envy, fatigue, worry, longing, dreaming, awakening, sickness, insanity, apoplexy,
lifelessness and death. (Masson and Patwardhan, 49) Bharata defines Sringara rasa as “whatever is
sacred, pure, placid and worth-seeing can compose to Sringara. (Natyashastra, 9.45) While Rudrata
defines it as no other rasa is capable of producing that bliss of pleasure which the Sringara rasa does.
This sentiment permits all human beings, and more than even the flora and fauna. The poetry in its
absence is of an inferior order. Therefore it demands special efforts on the part of the poet. And in
the words of Anandvardhan, Sringara rasa alone is the sweetest and the most exhilarating of all rasa.
(Satya D Chaudhary, 96) Sringara rasa is also called rasa raja as it is the supreme rasa of all. Bhojraja
held that Sringara is the supreme rasa and it is the synonym of self and ego.

According Bhojraja Sringara creates an attachment of a person to himself. His personality is

expanded because of his self-love and self- attachment. It is not falls pride or arrogance but self-
respect, self –consciousness and self-confidence. When beautiful woman looks at person with love,
he feels gratified for his existence is justified. He regards himself fortunate. This kind of self-love is
rasa. Ahankar is the synonym of both rasa and Sringara. He believes that all emotions are ultimately
for self-gratification only. One experiences love, sorrow, anger, fear or wonder only to gratify his
own senses. Thus ahankara is the source of rati or love and the supreme aim of poetry is to awaken
the sense of I-ness. (Ami Upadhay)This idea is quite close to what modern psychologists argue.
Vishvanath has accredited that the Sringara rasa is universal as almost all sancharibhav like ferocity;
mortality and indolence are related to Sringara. Not only sthayibhav and sancharibhav but also
larger number of anubhav and Sattivikbhav exist in Sringara rasa. Sringara rasa is a sentiment that is
excited between man and women. According to Bharata and other later aestheticians, the
generation of Sringara requires gorgeous setting such as gardens, ponds, moonlight, flowers, cool
wind, music perfumes etc. anubhav are the effects of the atmosphere on the characters.
Sancharibhav like vyadhi (illness), stambha (paralysis), nidra (sleep) and nirveda (depression) are
employed in the development of this sentiment. This shows the presence of conflict in all such
states. (Upadhay, 49-50) The Sringara rasa is of two types i.e. sambhog rasa Sringara and vipralamba
Sringara rasa. The sambhog Sringara rasa means love in union and vipralamba Sringara rasa means
love in separation while Dasarupaka adds a third type of Sringara known as ayoga. The union in love
always brings joy and bliss in the life of lovers. Sambhog Sringara rasa shows lovers in union which
brings happiness in the life of lovers. They came together blissfully and no conflict found there. The
separation in love brings grief, sorrow and despair in the life of lovers. Vipralamba Sringara rasa is a
separation of the lovers who love each other intensely but they don’t able to come together in love
relation. The emotion of sorrow, despair and grief lead to deep experience of mental conflicts. Love
in separation is powerful emotion that becomes the theme of many works of art. In view of the
above discussion Sringara can be summarized as following:

1. The basic for such superlative epithet in its all comprehensive nature and its universal appeal.
2. The view of Bhoj that Sringara is the synonym of all rasa, and that other rasa are only the variety
of Sringara is the pre-eminent rasa of all the may not be taken as wholly acceptable.

3. Many thinkers may be inclined to regard the Sringara as the supreme rasa on the ground that all
the rasa originates from it, but this view would be very difficult to sustain in its entirely; all that can
be accepted is that although all other rasa are certainly related to it – some by virtue of compatibility
and others through incompatibility yet they do not originate from it.

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