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Optical Fibre Toolbox two-layer demo

Optical Fibre Toolbox two-layer demo

This script demonstrates the use of Optical Fibre Toolbox functions for calculation
of two-layer fibres modes.
(cc-by) K. Karapetyan et al., AG Meschede, Uni Bonn, 2008--2011
kotya.karapetyan@gmail.com, http://agmeschede.iap.uni-bonn.de
Specify the fibre parameters
Create the task for dispersion curves calculation
Find guided modes and calculate the dispersion curves
Field distribution
Mode dispersion in a nanofibre
close all
tStart = tic;
fprintf('%s\n', 'Calculating...');


Specify the fibre parameters

% Note: diameter is specified in micrometers, wavelength in nanometers
% Fibre materials (core, cladding)
materials = {'sm800core'; 'silica'};
% Fibre structure description
fibre = struct(...
'materials', {materials});

Create the task for dispersion curves calculation

% Argument for dispersion curves calculation
argument = struct(...
'type', 'wvl',... % calculate vs. wavelength
'harmonic', 1,... % required
'min', 600,... % calculate from
'max', 1000); % calculate to
% Specify which modes to search for
modeTask = struct(...
'nu', [0 1 2],... % first modal index
'type', {{'hybrid', 'te', 'tm'}},... % mode types
'maxmode', 3,... % how many modes of each type and NU to calculate
'diameter', 5.6);%,... % parameter, structure diameter, if argument is wavelength
%'region', 'cladding');

Find guided modes and calculate the dispersion curves

infomode = false;
modes = buildModes(argument, fibre, modeTask, infomode);
% Display calculated dispersion curves
showModes(modes, 'Modal dispersion in a fibre');

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Optical Fibre Toolbox two-layer demo

% Show which modes have been calculated

fprintf('Modes found:\n');
for i = 1:numel(modes)
fprintf('%s\n', modeDescription(modes(i), infomode));

This fibre has a very low refractive index step between (0.005) and is
therefore weakly guiding. In a weakly guided fibre, modes HE21, TE01 and
TM01 lie very close to each other as can be seen in the picture. In the
weakly guidance approximation, the mode HE11 is sometimes denoted as LP01
mode and the HE21, TM01, TE01 mode triplet as LP21 mode.

Modes found:
HE 1 1 (1 hrm.)
HE 2 1 (1 hrm.)
TE 0 1 (1 hrm.)
TM 0 1 (1 hrm.)

Field distribution
poiType = 'wvl';
poi = 900;
par = 5.6;
task = struct('modetype', 'HYBRID', 'modeindex', [1 1]);
infomode = false;
getWholeMode = false;
n = neff(poiType, poi, par, fibre, task, infomode, getWholeMode);
d = par;
window = 3 * d;
lambda = poi;
Nr = [500, 1000]; % inn, out
Nphi = [64, 64]; % inn, out
dr_inn = d/2 / Nr(1);
dr_out = (window/2 - d/2) / Nr(2);
dphi_inn = 2 * pi / Nphi(1);
dphi_out = 2 * pi / Nphi(2);

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Optical Fibre Toolbox two-layer demo

F = struct('dr', [dr_inn dr_out], 'dphi', [dphi_inn dphi_out], ...

'diam', [d window], 'E1', [], 'H1', [], 'E2', [], 'H2', []);
FG = fieldGrid(F);
[F.E1, F.H1] = modeField(lambda, d, n, fibre, task, FG.R1, FG.PHI1);
[F.E2, F.H2] = modeField(lambda, d, n, fibre, task, FG.R2, FG.PHI2);
F.FG = FG;
displayField2(F, d)

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Optical Fibre Toolbox two-layer demo

Mode dispersion in a nanofibre

Calculate mode dispersion diagram for a fixed wavelength and varying fibre
Specify the fibre parameters
materials = {'silica'; 'air'};
nanofibre = struct(...
'materials', {materials});
argument = struct(...
'type', 'dia',... % calculate vs. wavelength
'min', 0.1,... % calculate from
'max', 1); % calculate to
modeTask = struct(...
'nu', [0 1 2],... % first modal index
'type', {{'hybrid', 'te', 'tm'}},... % mode types
'maxmode', 3,... % how many modes of each type and NU to calculate
'lambda', 900);%,... % parameter, structure diameter, if argument is wavelength
%'region', 'cladding');
modes = buildModes(argument, nanofibre, modeTask, false);

Display calculated dispersion curves

showModes(modes, 'Modal dispersion in a nanofibre');

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Optical Fibre Toolbox two-layer demo

Show which modes have been calculated

fprintf('Modes found:\n');
for i = 1:numel(modes)
fprintf('%s\n', modeDescription(modes(i), false));

Modes found:
HE 1 1 (1 hrm.)
HE 2 1 (1 hrm.)
TE 0 1 (1 hrm.)
TM 0 1 (1 hrm.)

Unlike in the weakly guidance example above, this nanofibre has a high refractive
index step (about 0.5) and is therefore strongly guiding. All four modes HE11,
HE21, TE01 and TM01 are therefore clearly distinct. The LP approximation is not
valid in this case any more. The Optical Fibre Toolbox correctly simulates this
situation using the full vector solution of the Maxwell equations.

Elapsed time is 61.084931 seconds.

Published with MATLAB 7.13

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