Beltcon Conveyor
Beltcon Conveyor
Beltcon Conveyor
Belt conveyors are used to enable high flows of bulk materials. The use of steel cord
conveyor belts is appropriate where goods have to be transported over long sections
or there are great differences in altitude. However, due to handling and transport
restrictions, only limited segment lengths of these belts are produced. The individual
segments are then spliced on site in a time consuming operation. The splicing
process includes preparation and implementation of hot vulcanisation using special
vulcanising devices. Hot plates positioned above and underneath the conveyor belt
splice apply heat and pressure simultaneously to the splice. The combined heating
method for hot vulcanisation of steel cord conveyor belts described below uses the
steel cords, which are embedded in the conveyor belt to act as tension members, as
an additional source of heat. In this way, the duration of the vulcanisation process
can be substantially reduced, while delivering the same splice strength.
As well as personnel, tools, materials and supplies, suitable vulcanising devices are
vital for a hot vulcanised conveyor belt splice. Together with the type of
construction, these devices are classified according to their temperature and
pressure application. In addition to modular vulcanising devices that can be taken
apart and are based on cross beams, a fully integrated compact design is also used.
In most cases, heating coils or ceramic Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC)
heating elements are built into the pressure plate of the vulcanising presses to apply
the required heat. To exert the necessary pressure, air-filled or water-filled pressure
pads are frequently used. As shown in Figure 1, the pressure pad is integrated in a
sandwich-type structure between the pressure equalising plate and the heating plate
(Westphal, 1964. Ziller, 2010).
equalizing plate
Tension bolt
Cross beam
Another option is the use of hydraulic cylinders to generate pressure. They are
inserted into the cross beams of the vulcanising device at equal distances and
hydraulic fluid is supplied to them via a parallel circuit.
Irrespective of the type of construction and temperature and pressure application,
the conveyor belt vulcanisation process and their splices is shown in Figure 2 (Ziller,
Vulcanisation temperature
Phase I:
Phase II:
Cooling limit temperature
Phase III:
Vulcanisation time
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the vulcanisation process of conveyor belts and their splices
(after Ziller, 2010)
Belt thickness in mm
In the area in contact with the vulcanising device heating plates, the cover plate
material has already been heated by the start of phase I and hence also already
vulcanised, while the core of the conveyor belt splice is still at the starting
temperature. The inhomogeneous heating of the conveyor belt splice in phase I
results in an unevenly distributed state of cure in phase II. This effect is not new, it is
seen in the production of new belts and occurs even under optimal conditions.
According to Engst (1993), the state of cure curve over the conveyor belt crosssection shown in Figure 3 adjusts in a conveyor belt (type ST 4500) with a cover plate
ratio of 16/8 after 31.5 minutes in phase II.
Conveyor belt
75 100
State of cure in %
Steel cord
Figure 3. Local curve of the state of cure in the conveyor belt after 31.5 minutes in phase II
(After Engst, 1993)
The cover plate in direct contact with the heating plates of the vulcanising device
reaches a state of cure of 100% after 31.5 minutes, while the state of cure of the
core material around the steel cords is about 55%. Different vulcanising presses are
used to splice conveyor belts and the splices are subject to this effect which is based
on physical principles. Location related influences also affect the splice by increasing
the inhomogeneitys shown. (Ziller, 2010).
Length L
Width W
Height H
Tension member diameter
100 mm
70 mm
40 mm
10 mm
20 mm
Figure 4. Three-cord belt sample examined in theory and in experiments
(After Keller, 2001)
Core layer
temperature zone
Figure 5. Qualitative temperature distribution in the cross-section of the three-cord belt
sample in phase I for different heating methods
In the conventional heating method, the critical temperature zone lies within the
core layer, but it is outside for the combined heating method. Thus the influence of
the critical temperature zone on the core layer is reduced. Moreover, the necessary
adhesion between steel cord and elastomer can build up immediately at the start of
phase I and does not depend on the heat application by the conventional heating
system. The design of the inductive heating unit ensures that only the cords inside
the splice are heated directly, thus there is no effect on cords outside of the splicing
area. There are, obviously, some thermal effects on the belt outside the splicing area
in both methods.
The advantages of a combined heating method are reflected in the time curve of the
difference between minimum and maximum temperature in the three-cord belt
sample (Figure 6). Assuming an ideal heat source characteristic, which is the
rectangular function of temperature increase, the differential temperature curve of
the combined heating method shows significantly more homogeneous heating
compared to the conventional method. After only ten minutes at a heat source
temperature of 145C, the differential temperature drops to below 20C, while the
temperature difference for the conventional method remains at 90C.
Differential temperature in C
Time in minutes
Figure 6. Theoretical curve of the difference between minimum and maximum temperature
in a three-cord belt sample for different heating methods with ideal heat source
Temperature in C
Combined heating method
Time in minutes
Figure 7. Theoretical and experimental temperature in the core layer of a three-cord belt
sample for the combined heating method
As shown in Figure 7, the temperature curve in the core layer can be precisely
simulated using the calculation method developed at the ITA. Hence, the
applicability of the calculation method in practice is demonstrated.
In these experiments, the static and dynamic strength of three-cord belt samples
using both the conventional and the combined heating method was investigated.
The same vulcanisation temperature of 145C was applied in both heating methods,
the only difference being that it was reached using different heating characteristics.
Accordingly, the results only show the effects of a different heating phase (phase I).
Phases II and III were not changed.
In the conventional heating method, the three-cord belt samples are vulcanised by
means of the heating plates arranged above and underneath the samples. Additional
heat input does not take place.
Combined heating method
Various methods are feasible for the combined heating method and were thoroughly
explored in the research project. However, the subject matter of this paper is
exclusively the method described below in which the heating plates of the
vulcanising device are operated with the same heating characteristics as the
conventional heating method. In addition, the tension members in the core of the
three-cord belt sample are heated to the vulcanisation temperature of 145C within
a defined period of time. As a consequence, different temperature gradients are
dependent on the respective defined target heating time. A target heating time of
300 seconds was defined for the tests described here. This time corresponds to
about 10% of the duration of phase I when using the conventional heating method.
The static tests of the three-cord belt samples were conducted according to
DIN 7623. The aim of the tests was to determine the influence of the two different
heating methods on the static pull-out strength of a three-cord belt sample of the
design described in Section 3. Conforming to DIN 7623, the three-cord belt samples
were stressed until fracture by a movement speed of the clamping device of 100
10 mm/min (Figure 8, left). (DIN EN ISO 7623, 1997).
Figure 8. Schematic diagram of the force curve for the static pull-out strength of three-cord
belt samples (left). Example of fracture pattern of a three-cord belt sample (right)
Five test pieces per heating method were examined. In all test pieces, the fracture
was in the form of a purely structural interruption in the elastomer (Figure 8, right).
Table 1 shows the results including their relative deviations compared to the
conventional heating method.
Mean of static
strength in %
Largest positive
deviation of static
pull-out strength
from mean in %
Largest negative
deviation of static
pull-out strength
from mean in %
Table 1. Test results of the static pull-out strength of three-cord belt samples compared to
the conventional heating method
Table 1 shows the results of the two heating methods and the deviations from the
mean of the static pull-out strength of the conventional heating method. The results
do not show a significant influence of the combined heating method in phase I on
the pull-out strength of the three-cord belt samples compared to the conventional
heating method. The static strength is neither significantly increased nor decreased.
The dynamic tests of the three-cord belt samples were carried out following
DIN 22110-3 and AS 1333. The aim of the tests was to determine the influence of the
two different heating methods on the finite-life fatigue strength of a three-cord belt
sample of the design described in Section 3. Conforming to DIN 22110-3 and
AS 1333, the three-cord belt samples were subjected to cyclic loads which are
described by a highest load, a lowest load, a ramp rise or ramp fall time and a
holding time (Figure 9, left). The lowest load was 4.0 kN in all tests and kept constant
at each load cycle for a period of 1 second. The periods of force increase to highest
load or force decrease to lowest load were 2 seconds at each load cycle, so that the
resulting load cycle period was 5 seconds. The highest load could be chosen freely.
The duration of a test depended on the number of load cycles passed until fracture
of the three-cord belt sample. (DIN 22110-3, 2007. AS 1333, 1994).
Figure 9. Schematic diagram of the test load curve for the dynamic test of the three-cord
belt samples (left). Example of elongation behaviour of a three-cord belt sample
elongation of about 20% occurs when the sample fails under the highest load. The
elongation behavior shown is accurately determined by the properties of the
elastomer and the design of the three-cord belt sample examined. The elongation
behaviour allows further conclusions as to the formation of the sample's dynamic
pull-out strength.
Four three-cord belt samples were examined for each heating method. In all test
pieces, the fracture was in the form of a purely structural interruption in the
elastomer. By combining the test results, a finite-life fatigue strength curve was
recorded for the test pieces for both heating methods. From these curves, a relative
reference fatigue strength is calculated for a pre-determined number of load cycles
of 10 000. This strength value is purposely not shown as an absolute value but as a
relative value by relating it to the mean of the static pull-out strength of the threecord belt samples tested with the conventional heating method (Table 2).
Relative reference
fatigue strength in %
Table 2. Relative reference fatigue strength of the examined three-cord belt samples for
different heating methods
According to Table 2, the test results do not show that the heating method has a
significant influence on the relative reference fatigue strength. The results of the
tests are nearly identical for both heating methods. This means that the dynamic
strength is neither significantly increased nor decreased.
The aim of the following discussion is to determine the effects of the different
heating methods on the duration of the heating phase (phase I). To this end, the
temperatures inside the core layers of the three-cord belt samples were measured
and recorded during the entire vulcanisation process. Figure 10 shows examples of
temperature curves for both heating methods and displays the different heating
characteristics. In the conventional heating method, the temperature inside the core
layer rises slowly and approaches the pre-defined vulcanisation temperature of
145C asymptotically. The combined heating method is characterised by the fact that
the tension members are additionally heated to the vulcanisation temperature
within a fixed period. Figure 10 shows this characteristic at the start of phase I. The
core layer follows, with a delay, the temperature of the tension member given by the
heating method. Once the tension member has reached the required vulcanisation
temperature of 145C, the temperature is kept constant by the regulating algorithm
of the combined heating method. This explains the more gradual rise of the
temperature in the core layer that occurs after about five minutes, after which the
temperature approaches the specified vulcanisation temperature, also
Temperature in C
Time in minutes
Figure 10. Temperature inside the core layer of a three-cord belt sample during the
vulcanisation process for different heating methods
With regard to the duration of the heating process until the defined vulcanisation
temperature of 145C is reached, the heating methods examined show substantial
differences. Using the combined heating method can reduce the duration of phase I
by up to 45% compared to the conventional heating method. This percentage is
calculated and based on the conventional heat-up process described.
A combined heating method was developed to optimise the vulcanisation process of
steel cord conveyor belt splices. The method uses the tension members embedded
in the steel cord conveyor belt as an additional heat source. Both theoretical and
experimental investigations were carried out to assess the effectiveness of the new
method. In the context of the theoretical investigations, a calculation method was
developed to enable an analysis of the heat distribution in steel cord conveyor belt
splices during the vulcanisation process. A three-cord belt sample was used as
reference geometry. The applicability of the method was demonstrated by
comparing temperature curves obtained by theoretical investigations and
experiments. Hence, the effects of the combined heating method can be compared
by means of calculations to the conventional heating method. It was shown that the
temperature differences during the vulcanisation process inside a three-cord belt
sample can be substantially reduced by the combined heating method.
Subsequently, static and dynamic strength assessments were carried out on threecord belt samples. In the studies, test pieces produced with the conventional and the
combined heating method were compared to each other in terms of strength. Both
the static and the dynamic strength values of the three-cord belt samples showed
just marginal differences for the two heating methods. However, a substantial
difference was found in respect of the duration of the heating process (phase I). The
use of the combined heating method can reduce the heating process by up to 45%
compared to the conventional heating method.
Since the investigations for the modified heating process (phase I) already show a
considerable potential for time savings, it is intended to address the impact of a
modified vulcanisation phase (phase II) in future research. This will also focus on the
strength of the vulcanised three-cord belt samples and the duration of the
vulcanisation phase. Since the conductive heating method that made it possible to
perform the first period of investigations can be implemented only in a laboratory
environment, further tests are necessary using an inductive heating method.
Currently, no full scale splices have been done, but investigations on a small scale are
still being conducted. It thus becomes a prerequisite to develop and construct an
appropriate vulcanising device. It will then be possible to compare the conductive
and the inductive heating methods, and to verify the practical application of the new
combined (conventional and inductive) heating method for vulcanising devices for
the splicing of steel cord conveyor belts.
The results presented here have been obtained in the context of a research project
in cooperation with and with the support of NILOS GmbH & Co. KG, Hilden.
Ziller, T. and Hartlieb, P. (2010). Frdergurte in der Praxis. Essen. VGE Verlag.
Schulz, L. Overmeyer, L. and Ziller, T. (2011). Novel Splice Vulcanizing Presses with
Optimized Heating and Pressure Characteristics. Bulk Solids Handling, Mining
Special 31. No. 4. 216-221. Wrzburg. Vogel Business Media.
DIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e. V. (1997). DIN EN ISO 7623:1997 Steel cord
conveyor belts - Cord-to-coating bond test - Initial test and after thermal treatment.
Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH.
DIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e. V. (2007). DIN 22110-3:2007 Testing methods for
conveyor belt joints - Part 3: Determination of time strength for conveyor belt joints
(dynamical testing method). Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH.