1997 Ubc
1997 Ubc
1997 Ubc
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Ft = roof level force accounting for whiplash
.07TV .25V or
0 if T .7 sec.
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Eh = load developed from V, (like Fx or Fpx) or
Fp, (the design force on a part of a structure).
Ev = 0 for ASD
r = redundancy/reliability factor, discussed
E is at strength level and must be divided by 1.4 for
use in allowable stress design.
The application of 1.4 and p are shown in
example one of this sub-module.
The redundancy/reliability factor penalizes structures
in seismic zones 3 and 4 that do not have a reasonable
number and distribution of lateral force resisting
elements, such as shear walls. These structures with a
limited number of shearwalls are referred to as
non-redundant structures where the failure of one wall
loads to the total collapse of the structure.
AB = the ground floor area of the structure in
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rmax = maximum element-story shear ratio, ri,
occurring at any story level in bottom 2/3 of the
structure. rmax identifies the least redundant
ri = Rwall/Rstory(10/lw)
Rwall = shear in most heavily loaded wall
Rstory = total story force, Fx
lw = length of most heavily loaded shear
r = 1 when in seismic zones 0, 1, or 2.
r = 1 when calculating drift.
Upon careful inspection of the r and ri equation
with application to a single story, regular
building, we see:
To maintain a r = 1.0, the minimum length
of the most heavily loaded shear wall is
fixed as:
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A 1' strip of dead load = the mass that causes the inertial
forces on a per foot basis in the diaphragm.
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Adjusting to ASD:
Fp = 476/1.4 = 340 lb/ft
Fp = 600/1.4 = 429 lb/ft
Comparing wind vs. seismic forces, it is apparent that seismic
will govern the lateral design of the diaphragm in both
Transverse: 340 plf > 93 plf.
Longitudinal: 429 plf > 93 plf.
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the subscript "p" refers to elements or components (e.g. parts) of the
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3. Diaphragm anchorage:
Lateral forces acting perpendicular to the wall will tend to separate the
wall from the horizontal diaphragm.
Must provide a positive anchorage system connecting masonry walls
to diaphragms, shown above as the "specially designed anchor".
This anchorage must resist:
Wind forces on wall element.
Seismic force normal to the wall using UBC '97 Eqn 32-2.
According to '97 UBC 1633.2.81:
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increase v by 50 %:
v` = 414 (1.5) = 621 lb/ft
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9. Story drift, D:
According to '97 UBC 1630.10.2, the maximum in
elastic displacement DM, should not exceed .025h for
structures with T < .7 seconds.
A serviceability consideration.
DM is a strength level inelastic displacement due
to a design earthquake.
DM = .7RDS where R is from Tabe 16-N
and DS is static story drift due to
strength-level forces.
Consider the following calculation for the 50' shear wall:
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