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1997 Ubc

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1997 UBC Earthquake Design

Distribution of Seismic Forces to Primary LFRS

Now that we have the base shear force, what type of

induced forces act through the height of the building?
How to model the inertial force that acts opposite to
yank of paper on the cereal box?
Recall for wind loads
First, calculate loads/pressures over the height of
Then developed base values.
These values are at the allowable stress level.
In contrast, with seismic First, determine base force.
Then determine and distribute forces over the height
of the building, called story forces, Fx.
There are two different sets of story forces distributed
to the primary LFRS:
For vertical elements, use Fx.
For horizontal elements, use Fpx.
Recall that the primary LFRS for a box building
= horizontal diaphragms and vertical shear
Then adjust these strength level forces by a
redundancy/reliability factor, r, and an allowable
stress factor of 1.4 discussed further in item d, below.
a. Story forces for vertical elements.
Used in design of shear walls and shear wall anchorage
at the foundation.
Determined before Fpx's.
Applied simultaneously at all levels.
Results in a triangular distribution of forces over a
multi-story building that has approximately equal floor


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Ft = roof level force accounting for whiplash


.07TV .25V or
0 if T .7 sec.

wx, wi = tributary weights at levels x and i.

hx, hi = height above base to levels x and i.

further detail can be found in '97 UBC 1630.5.

b. Story forces for horizontal elements.
At roof level, Fpx = Fx.
At other levels, Fpx > Fx.
Accounting for the possibility that larger instantaneous
forces can occur on individual diaphragms.
Applied individually to each level for the design of
that diaphragm.

where wpx = weight of diaphragm and elements

tributary to it at level x.
For masonry buildings (and concrete) supported by
flexible diaphragms, the R factor used to determine V
must be reduced to 4.0 from 4.5 ('97 UBC 1633.2.9.3).
For more information see '97 UBC 1630.6.
c. The single story building is a special case.
In most cases, T .7 and Ft then is taken as zero.

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From equation 30-15:

From equation 33-1:

Consequently, F1 = Fp1 = V for the case of wood

frame buildings.
For masonry buildings, Fp, is based upon a slightly
larger V due to R changing from 4.5 to 4.0 according
to '97 UBC 1633.2.9.3. In this case, then: F1 = V and
Fp1 = 1.125 V.
d. Redundancy/reliability factor and the 1.4 ASD adjustment:
In the load combination equations as discussed in the
last sub-module in the load module of this site, all
earthquake forces are generically called E.

Eh = load developed from V, (like Fx or Fpx) or
Fp, (the design force on a part of a structure).
Ev = 0 for ASD
r = redundancy/reliability factor, discussed
E is at strength level and must be divided by 1.4 for
use in allowable stress design.
The application of 1.4 and p are shown in
example one of this sub-module.
The redundancy/reliability factor penalizes structures
in seismic zones 3 and 4 that do not have a reasonable
number and distribution of lateral force resisting
elements, such as shear walls. These structures with a
limited number of shearwalls are referred to as
non-redundant structures where the failure of one wall
loads to the total collapse of the structure.

AB = the ground floor area of the structure in

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rmax = maximum element-story shear ratio, ri,
occurring at any story level in bottom 2/3 of the
structure. rmax identifies the least redundant
ri = Rwall/Rstory(10/lw)
Rwall = shear in most heavily loaded wall
Rstory = total story force, Fx
lw = length of most heavily loaded shear
r = 1 when in seismic zones 0, 1, or 2.
r = 1 when calculating drift.
Upon careful inspection of the r and ri equation
with application to a single story, regular
building, we see:
To maintain a r = 1.0, the minimum length
of the most heavily loaded shear wall is
fixed as:

If a flexible diaphragm, a common

controlling case will be when Rwall/Rstory
= .5.
In this case then
to keep r =
Although the Breyer, et al book uses the subscript "u"
to distinguish strength-level vs. allowable stress-level
loads, I have opted for a different convention that I
believe is simpler.
Upon modifying the various Eh values by r and
1.4, Eh becomes E'h. For our single story
building, the shear wall forces and diaphragm
forces at ASD level would look like:
F'1 = rF1 (1/1.4)
F'1 = rFp1 (1/1.4)

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1997 UBC Earthquake Design

Example 1

Develop the applicable seismic forces for a one-story, box-type industrial

building located in Southern California. Assume partially grouted CMU
walls weighing 61 lb/ft2, a roof dead load of 9 psf, and the building is not
located near (further than 9.3 miles) a seismic source. No geotechnical
investigation was completed.

1. Base shear coefficient, V.

The base shear equation(s) are quite cumbersome to use,
unless on knows beforehand which equation governs.

Recall that middle equation is for buildings medium to

long fundamental T's. The left-hand equations are lower
bound values. The right-hand equation is for short (stiff)
T buildings.
You can determine if its the right-hand equation quickly
by comparing the building's T to Ts:
TS is a limiting period of vibration that is used to
differentiate between stiff and flexible buildings.
The seismically-induced forces in stiff buildings
are related to the bedrock acceleration. The
forces in flexible buildings are related more to
bedrock velocity.

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Calculate T and Ts:

Zone = 4 (figure 16-2)

Z = .4 (Table 16-I)
Soil profile type = SD
NV = 1.0 (Table 16-T)
CV = .64 (Table 16-R)
Na = 1.0 (Table 16-S)
Ca = .44 (Table 16-Q)
TS = .64/(2.5(.44)) = .582 sec
Therefore, use short T base shear equation.
Calculate V:

Zone = 4 (Figure 16-2)

Z = .4 (Table 16-I)
Na = 1.0 (Table 16-S)
Ca = .44 (Table 16-Q)
I = 1.0(Table 16-K)
R = 4.5 (Table 16-N)

2. Story force for vertical elements, F1

Recall that for a one story structurewhere T .7, the vertical
story force and the base shear are equal.
F1 = V = .244W
3. Story force for horizontal elements, Fp1
In a one story masonry building with flexible diaphragms,
recall that:
Fp1 = 1.125V
Fp1 = 1.125(.244)W = .275W

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4. Calculate the diaphragm design forces in the transverse loading

direction due to seismic.
To do this, need to first determine W, the weight of the
structure that is supported by the diaphragm.
Consider this weight (and resulting force) on a per foot

A 1' strip of dead load = the mass that causes the inertial
forces on a per foot basis in the diaphragm.

Similarly in the longitudinal direction:

It is customary to ignore wall openings in these

diaphragm force calculations, as the added accuracy is
generally not warranted.
This uniform diaphragm force is at the strength level, and has
not yet been adjusted by rand 1.4.
In other words, Fp in the transverse direction could be
generically labeled Eh from the equation:
E = r Eh + 0

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Recall that r = 1.0 for this type of building when

On the right-hand side of our building, a window occurs;

lessening the length of wall to resist shear to 2 - 17.5 ft

Adjusting to ASD:
Fp = 476/1.4 = 340 lb/ft
Fp = 600/1.4 = 429 lb/ft
Comparing wind vs. seismic forces, it is apparent that seismic
will govern the lateral design of the diaphragm in both
Transverse: 340 plf > 93 plf.
Longitudinal: 429 plf > 93 plf.

5. Calculate the unit shear forces in the flexible diaphragm.

Flexible diaphragms are like deep, thin, uniformly-loaded
beams that are simply supported by the shear walls.
Consider the transverse direction:

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Longitudinal force direction:

The transverse direction is often the more critical

direction for rectangular buildings due to the longer
diaphragm span and the shorter shear walls.
In summary: the diaphragm spans between the supporting
shear walls, transferring the inertial affect of the
perpendicular walls and itself to those walls located parallel to
force direction.

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1997 UBC Earthquake Design

Wall Forces

1. Shear walls (in-plane lateral forces):

The shear walls support the diaphragm by receiving the diaphragm
reaction, R, through proper connections at the diaphragm boundary.
See lateral load path for a review of the basic building's behavior.
If you have a masonry or concrete building supported by a flexible
diaphragm, the shear wall load (e.g. the diaphragm reaction) could
be recalculated to reflect the lower design requirement.
This comes from the R = 4.5 for vertical LFRS elements vs. R
= 4.0 for the horizontal LFRS.
In addition, the wall itself develops inertial forces that also act parallel to
the wall and must be accounted for.
This additional seismic force is assumed to be generated from the
weight of the top half of the wall
The shear wall is then usually evaluated for shear stress capacity at

According to '97 UBC 2107.1.7 if in seismic zones 3 or 4, the shear

wall must be designed to resist 1.5 times v.
2. Out-of-plane bending of walls (lateral forces perpendicular to wall):
Refer to '97 UBC 1632 - Lateral forces on elements of structures.
Applied forces on elements, (vs. the LFRS), may be larger in
magnitude because these elements respond dynamically to the
motion of the structure instead of the ground.
The strength-level design equation for elements and components has
changed considerably from earlier (pre-1997) versions of the code. It now

the subscript "p" refers to elements or components (e.g. parts) of the

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ap = in-structure component amplification factor found in '97 UBC

Table 16-O
ap 2.5
Ca = seismic response spectrum value found in '97 UBC Table 16-Q.
Rp = component response modification factor form '97 UBC Table
hx = the location (elevation) of the attachment point of the part
taken with respect to grade
hr = the structure's roof elevation with respect to grade
wp = the weight of the element or component under consideration
Fp is at strength-level and must be adjusted by 1.4 to reduce it to
ASD level.
r = 1.0 for elements and components.
A common calculation that makes use of this element's provision is to
determine the seismic force normal to a wall as shown in the following
figure. A sample calcualtion is given in Example 2.
Please note that there appears to be a height mistake and a code
interpretation problem in Breyer's Example 2.17

3. Diaphragm anchorage:
Lateral forces acting perpendicular to the wall will tend to separate the
wall from the horizontal diaphragm.
Must provide a positive anchorage system connecting masonry walls
to diaphragms, shown above as the "specially designed anchor".
This anchorage must resist:
Wind forces on wall element.
Seismic force normal to the wall using UBC '97 Eqn 32-2.
According to '97 UBC 1633.2.81:

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In seismic zones 3 and 4 with a flexible diaphragm, Rp = 3.0

and ap = 1.5. This ap factor essentially increases the design
forces at the wall to diaphragm by 50%.
In seismic zone 4, the Fp for wall anchorage 420 lb/ft.
Regardless of governing lateral force (wind vs. seismic) the code
specifies a minimum, strength-level, anchorage force of 280 lb/ft for
concrete and masonry walls ('97 UBC 1605.2.3 and 1611.4)
Requirements about anchorage detailing for concrete or masonry walls:
In seismic zones 3 and 4 ('97 UBC 1605.2.3)
Use embedded straps that attach or hook around reinforcing
steel or ensure effective transfer of forces to steel.
Limit anchor spacing to 4' unless wass are designed to resist
bending between anchors.
In seismic zones 2, 3, and 4('97 UBC 1633.2.9.5)
Anchorage shall not use nails in withdrawal or toe nails.
Ledgers or framing shall not be used in cross-grain
bending/tension, which is shown in the following figure.

To avoid these problems, use specially designed seismic ties

that are known as purlin anchors by Simpson Strong-Tie, a
manufacturer of prefabricated, light-gauge, steel connectors
for wood construction.

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1997 UBC Earthquake Design

Example 2

Continue with the previous example, Example 1, and examine

the following:
6. Shear wall design force.
7. Lateral forces normal to the wall.
8. Shear wall overturning.
9. Shear wall drift.
6. Shear wall forces
a. Consider seismic loading in the transverse direction.
From example 1, step 5, the diaphragm force (at
ASD level) supported by one of the 50' endwall
was determined to be 17000 lbs.
Recall, however, that this was developed from Fpx
based upon a R = 4.0, and not Fx with a R = 4.5.
Since the shear wall is a vertical element of the
LFRS, it is permissible to reduce this reaction
force by 89%; accounting for this difference
between 4.0 and 4.5.

Calculate the top half of the wall's inertia force

assuming no openings in the wall:

Total unit shear, applied at midheight:

v` = (15111 + 5582) / 50 = 414 lb/ft.
Since this building is located in seismic zone 4,

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increase v by 50 %:
v` = 414 (1.5) = 621 lb/ft

b. Similarly, for seismic movement in the longitudinal


c. The above unit shear shear wall forces were developed

for the 50' end wall that had no openings. What happens
when the wall has openings, like th 15' on on the other
end wall?
The lateral load must be carried by the effective
wall segments known as shear panels if wood
walls or piers if concrete or masonry walls.
Different procedures are used to distribute the
horizontal diaphragm reaction to the effective wall
segments, depending if wood or masonry walls.
In shear panels, the unit shear is the same in
every panel due to the assumption that the
panel force is inversely proportional to the
panel length.
In piers, the pier force in inversely
proportional to pier rigidity. The unit shear
in wider pier will be greater than the unit
shear in a narrow pier.
In this example, however, the endwall piers are
the same with the same rigidities. The unit shear in
each 17.5' pier will be:

7. Lateral forces normal to walls:

It is assumed that the walls perpendicular to the ground
motion span vertically between the roof diaphragm and

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a. Force on main wall using '97 UBC Eqn 32-2:

Also note: Fp = .587Wp is greater than .7(.44) (1.0)Wp =

.308Wp and less than 4.0(.44)(1.0)Wp = 1.76 Wp
according to '97 UBC 1632.2
b. Force on cantilvered parapet:

c. Anchorage design force at diaphragm:

Recall that if in seismic zones 3 or 4, ap for the
main wall is increased to 1.5. This increases the
main wall force by 50% for use in anchorage force

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This exceeds the code minimum requirement of

420/1.4 = 300 lb/ft (at ASD level).
Therefore, provide an anchorage system capable
of resisting 520.8 lb/ft.
8. Overturning check on shearwalls:
A lower factor of safety is permitted in seismic design
vs. that used in wind because of the transient and
reversing nature of the seismic forces.
The factor of safety is accounted for by reducing
the resisting moment to dead load by .9.
Consider overturning of the short walls due to seismic
forces acting in the transverse building direction.

9. Story drift, D:
According to '97 UBC 1630.10.2, the maximum in
elastic displacement DM, should not exceed .025h for
structures with T < .7 seconds.
A serviceability consideration.
DM is a strength level inelastic displacement due
to a design earthquake.
DM = .7RDS where R is from Tabe 16-N
and DS is static story drift due to
strength-level forces.
Consider the following calculation for the 50' shear wall:

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