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Usg Finding, Pelvic Pain PDF

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Ultrasound Evaluation of

Pelvic Pain
Smbat Amirbekian, MD*, Regina J. Hooley, MD
 Ultrasound  Pelvic  Pain  Acute  Chronic  Pregnant


Pelvic pain is a common symptom in women of all
ages and is often associated with morbidity and
even mortality. Pelvic pain may be either acute or
chronic and may be due to a wide spectrum of
causes. No matter what the underlying cause is,
a thorough history and physical examination are
critical. However, the absence of physical findings
does not negate the significance of a patients
pain, because a normal clinical examination does
not preclude the possibility of underlying pelvic
pathologic abnormality.1 Ultrasound (US) is the imaging modality of choice in women presenting with
pelvic pain. Transabdominal (TA) and transvaginal
(TV) US are ideal for diagnosis in both the emergency room and the outpatient setting given the
relatively high sensitivity, lack of ionizing radiation,
relatively low cost, and widespread availability.

A routine female pelvic US examination should
include both TA and TV sonography (TVS). The

TA technique is typically performed first, allowing

visualization of the uterus and ovaries usually using the fluid-filled bladder as an acoustic window.
The initial TA scan provides a wider field-of-view
for improved visualization of large masses or fluid
collections. Because free fluid will collect dependently, the right hepatorenal space (ie, Morrison
pouch) should also be evaluated at this time. After
completion of the TA scan, the patient should
void, and TVS is performed, unless contraindicated or not desired by the patient. Because of
the improved resolution of the higher-frequency
TV probe, TVS provides a more detailed evaluation
of structures not well seen by the TA study,
including the ovaries and endometrial canal. Moreover, the TV probe can be used in a manner similar
to a bimanual gynecologic examination, with the
examiner holding the probe in one hand and performing palpation of the pelvis transabdominally
with the other hand. This technique may separate
adjacent structures from a lesion to help identify
its origin as well as determine organ mobility,
determine site of maximal pelvic tenderness, and
compress the bowel, thereby eliminating artifact

Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 06520-8042, USA
* Corresponding author. Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Yale New Haven Hospital, 333 Cedar Street,
New Haven, CT 06515.
E-mail address: smbat.amirbekian@yale.edu
Radiol Clin N Am 52 (2014) 12151235
0033-8389/14/$ see front matter 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


 Pelvic pain is a very common complaint in women of all ages.

 Obtaining a thorough clinical history is important to help narrow the wide differential diagnosis for
acute and chronic pelvic pain.
 Determination of pregnancy status using a serum hCG level test is also of utmost importance in
women of reproductive age; nevertheless, clinical and laboratory results are often inconclusive.
 Pelvic ultrasound (US) is the initial imaging modality of choice and can often diagnose specific abnormalities without the need for additional imaging.
 Familiarity with the differential diagnosis of pelvic pain and knowledge of the associated US features is essential for both US technologists and radiologists to make an accurate diagnosis and
facilitate appropriate clinical management.

Amirbekian & Hooley


from overlying bowel gas.2 Therefore, the TA

and TV examinations are complementary: both
are required to perform a complete pelvic US


Acute pelvic pain (APP) is defined as noncyclic
lower abdominal or pelvic pain lasting less than
3 months and is often associated with nausea,
vomiting, and/or leukocytosis.3 Women with APP
pose a challenging clinical scenario because history and physical examination findings are often
nonspecific, and the differential diagnosis includes a broad range of gynecologic and nongynecologic causes (Box 1). The gynecologic
causes of APP differ significantly based on pregnancy status, and therefore, a serum b-human
chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) level should be obtained in all women of reproductive age presenting with APP.

Box 1
Differential diagnoses for acute gynecologic
and nongynecologic pelvic pain
Acute pelvic pain: US findings
1. Gynecologic pelvic pain
a. Nonobstetric
Large ovarian cystsa
Ruptured/hemorrhagic ovarian cysts
Ovarian torsiona
Pelvic inflammatory diseasea
Malpositioned IUD
Degenerating fibroids
b. Obstetricb
Ectopic pregnancy
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Threatened/spontaneous abortion
Retained products of conception
Ovarian vein thrombophlebitis
Uterine rupture
Degenerating fibroids
2. Nongynecologic pelvic pain
Ureteral calculi

May be seen in postmenopausal women.

Most causes of nonobstetric and nongynecologic
pelvic pain can also be seen during pregnancy.

Acute Gynecologic Pelvic Pain

Gynecologic causes of APP can be subcategorized
into nonobstetric and obstetric causes. Nonobstetric causes include large simple ovarian cysts,
hemorrhagic and ruptured ovarian cysts, ovarian/
adnexal torsion, pelvic inflammatory disease
(PID), a malpositioned intrauterine device (IUD),
and degenerating fibroids. Obstetric causes of pelvic pain include ectopic pregnancy (EP), pregnancy
of unknown location (PUL), spontaneous abortion
(SAB), subchorionic hemorrhage, pain associated
with ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS),
and degenerating fibroids. Postpartum patients
may also develop pelvic pain secondary to retained
products of conception (RPOC), endometritis, and
ovarian vein thrombophlebitis.
Simple ovarian cysts
Most ovarian follicles measure less than 1 cm in
diameter. At ovulation, the dominant follicle usually
measures 2.0 to 2.5 cm, but can measure up to
3.0 cm.46 Follicles that fail to release an oocyte
or do not regress can enlarge into follicular cysts,
which are greater than 3 cm in maximum diameter,
accounting for most simple ovarian cystic lesions.
Although small ovarian cysts are often asymptomatic, large ovarian cysts are a common source of
APP. Furthermore, cysts greater than 5 cm in
diameter increase the risk of ovarian torsion.3 Simple or follicular cysts appear on US as anechoic
intraovarian or exophytic ovarian masses with
an imperceptible wall and associated posterior
acoustic enhancement. However, if harmonic imaging or spatial compounding is used, posterior
enhancement will be less apparent. When large,
a cyst can compress adjacent ovarian parenchyma, which may be nearly imperceptible
(Fig. 1). In such cases, color and spectral Doppler
can identify typical low-velocity, low-resistance
peripheral ovarian blood flow. Most simple ovarian
cysts will spontaneously resolve over time and
US follow-up is not necessary for asymptomatic
simple cysts less than 5 cm in maximal diameter
in premenopausal women, although yearly US
follow-up is advised for simple cysts measuring 5
to 7 cm in diameter. In premenopausal women,
MRI is also recommended for asymptomatic simple cysts greater than 7 cm in diameter due to
the risk of missing malignant mural nodularity
because of potential US sampling error in large
Hemorrhagic and ruptured ovarian cysts
A ruptured or hemorrhagic ovarian cyst is the
most common cause of APP in an afebrile, premenopausal woman presenting to the emergency room.3 Although hemorrhagic cysts are

Ultrasound Evaluation of Pelvic Pain

Fig. 1. Simple/follicular ovarian cyst. A 31-year-old woman presenting with APP. (A) TVS demonstrates
an anechoic 6.0-cm cyst with a thin wall and posterior acoustic enhancement (arrow). (B) Pulsed Doppler interrogation demonstrates no internal vascularity. Normal low-velocity, low-resistance waveforms are seen in
the compressed and thin rim of ovarian tissue (arrow). Due to its size, a 1-year follow-up US examination was

more common in nonpregnant women, they may

also occur during pregnancy. The associated
pain may be due to mass effect, stretching of
the capsule of the ovary or cyst, torquing of the
ovarian pedicle, or leakage of fluid/blood. If
the cyst is leaking fluid, rebound tenderness
may be present. If there is significant hemoperitoneum, patients may become hypotensive and
present with syncope. The cyst may have a
crenated or angular appearance with adjacent
free fluid. Hemoperitoneum is most often diagnosed by the presence of free intraperitoneal
fluid containing low-level echoes within the
cul-de-sac, Morrison pouch, or the left upper
quadrant. Echogenic subacute clot may be
distinguished from adjacent loops of bowel by
lack of vascularity and absence of peristalsis as
well as the presence of air within bowel or the
elongated tubular appearance of bowel. A critical
differential diagnosis for such a constellation of
findings is a ruptured EP. However, US features
of hemoperitoneum are nonspecific, because
echoes within free fluid may also be due to infection or debris.
Hemorrhagic cysts typically develop because
of hemorrhage within a corpus luteum. The US
appearance of a hemorrhagic cyst varies depending on time course, although hemorrhagic cysts
should always exhibit a thin wall (which may be
vascular), posterior acoustic enhancement, and
absence of internal vascularity. In the acute
state, hemorrhagic cysts often exhibit diffuse
low-level internal echoes.8 A fluid/fluid level due
to layering of the dependent red blood cells
(RBCs) and/or debris may be observed. As the

RBCs lyse, thin echogenic fibrin strands in a reticular or lacelike pattern will form. Clot will form,
which is initially echogenic. Subsequently, the
echogenic thrombus will retract and pull away
from the cyst wall, developing a straight, scalloped, or concave contour (Fig. 2).5 Retractile
clot with a concave margin has a 100% specificity
for a benign hemorrhagic cyst.9
Like simple ovarian cysts, most hemorrhagic
cysts resolve spontaneously. In women of reproductive age, US follow-up of classic hemorrhagic
cysts (ie, those with the reticular fibrin strand
pattern or retractile clot) is not necessary unless
they are greater than 5 cm in size. If greater than
5 cm in size, hemorrhagic cysts should be followed
in 6 to 12 weeks with repeat US to assure resolution.7 Hemorrhagic cysts in perimenopausal
women are less common and should be followed
with repeat sonography in 6 to 12 weeks no matter
what their size or pattern of internal echoes.
Because hemorrhagic cysts should not occur during late menopause, surgical evaluation should be
considered for any apparent hemorrhagic cyst in
this age group. A cystic structure that does not
conform to the above described classic pattern
should be further evaluated with short-interval
follow-up US or MRI depending on exact US
appearance, clinical presentation, and risk factors
for malignancy.
Ovarian torsion
Ovarian torsion is the fifth most common gynecologic emergency, accounting for approximately
3% of all causes of acute pelvic pain.10,11
Affected women often present with nonspecific



Amirbekian & Hooley

Fig. 2. Hemorrhagic ovarian cysts. Hemorrhagic cysts can have a varied appearance depending on their stage of
hemorrhage. (A) TVS demonstrates a hypoechoic cyst with a thin wall and a lacelike pattern of internal lowlevel echoes representing fibrin formation from lysis of RBCs and posterior acoustic enhancement (arrow).
(B, C) TVS demonstrating a later stage of hemorrhagic cysts, which contain retractile clot seen as heterogeneous
iso-echoic to hypo-echoic irregular-shaped mural-based foci with straight and angular margins (arrows) without
any evidence of flow on color Doppler interrogation.

clinical symptoms, including APP, nausea, vomiting, and adnexal tenderness. The degree of
pelvic pain may be severe, mild, or intermittent
and can occur over the course of a few hours,
days, or even weeks. Ovarian torsion is a surgical emergency requiring timely diagnosis and
intervention to preserve vascularity and prevent
ovarian necrosis. The chance of tissue salvage
is markedly diminished if symptoms persist longer
than 48 hours.
Ovarian torsion is due to partial or complete
twisting of the ovary or fallopian tube around
its vascular pedicle and occurs more commonly
on the right side.12 The twisting of the vascular
pedicle initially causes lymphatic and venous
obstruction and, if not relieved, progresses to
compromised arterial flow and necrosis. The
most common risk factor is an ipsilateral adnexal
mass greater than 5 cm in size, reported to be
present in 22% to 73% of cases occurring in premenopausal women.3 Ovarian dermoids are the
most commonly associated mass, present in

approximately 20%.12 Masses greater than

10 cm are less likely to undergo torsion, likely
because of decreased mobility with fixation by
compression from adjacent pelvic structures.3
Other associated risk factors include OHSS,
polycystic ovarian syndrome, prior tubal ligation
(likely due to adhesions), and hypermobility of
adnexal structures, which is more common in children.10,12,13 Ovarian torsion occurs in approximately 1 in 1800 pregnancies and approximately
25% of adnexal torsions occur in pregnant
The sonographic features of ovarian torsion
are variable, depending on the degree and tension of the torquing, the duration of torsion,
whether the fallopian tube is involved, and
whether the torsion is intermittent.3,15 The classic
gray-scale US features of ovarian torsion include
the presence of an enlarged midline ovary with
peripherally displaced small follicles and heterogeneous central stroma due to hemorrhage and
edema (Fig. 3).15 A long-standing infarcted ovary

Ultrasound Evaluation of Pelvic Pain

Fig. 3. Ovarian torsion. (A) Gray-scale TVS image of a 30-year-old female patient with APP demonstrating an
enlarged right ovary measuring up to 5.2 cm, with peripheral follicles and heterogeneous central stroma (for
comparison, the patients left ovary measured up to 2.9 cm). (B) Color and (C) power with spectral Doppler images
from the same patient in (A) demonstrating lack of discernible arterial flow. (D) Gray-scale TVS image from a
different patient with ovarian torsion demonstrating the target sign of the twisted vascular pedicle (arrow).
(E) Color Doppler image from same patient in (D), demonstrating the whirlpool sign (arrow), representing
the color Doppler appearance of the twisted vascular pedicle. (From Scoutt LM, Baltarowich OH, Lev-Toaff AS.
Imaging of adnexal torsion. US Clin 2007;2:315; with permission.)

may have a more complex appearance with

cystic degeneration. Despite a variable US
appearance, in all cases the ovary should be
very tender. A thickened, twisted, edematous,
tubular vascular pedicle may also be seen between the ovary and uterus. In cross-section,
this may have the appearance of alternating
echogenic and hypoechoic rings, termed the
target sign.16
The twisted vessels within the vascular ovarian
pedicle may be identified with color Doppler,
described as the whirlpool sign (see Fig. 3).16
Spectral Doppler findings are variable, but the
absence of arterial flow is highly specific with a
positive predictive value of 94% in premenopausal
women.17 Unfortunately, this is a late finding, often
indicating nonviability of the ovary. However, it
may be difficult to detect ovarian flow in a perimenopausal or postmenopausal woman or in a
deep ovary. Hence, one should be cautious
about making the diagnosis of ovarian torsion
because of the inability to detect blood flow on
Doppler US unless the ovary is enlarged or painful.
Decreased or absent diastolic flow and absent

venous flow can be seen in early ovarian torsion.

Importantly, because the ovary has a dual blood
supply, a normal Doppler examination does not
exclude ovarian torsion. Moreover, the presence
of arterial flow in a torsed ovary may also be due
to an intermittent, partial, or loosely twisted torsion. Therefore, if the gray-scale appearance is
suggestive of ovarian torsion, or if the ovary is
markedly tender during the TV scan, the diagnosis
should be suspected despite a normal Doppler
PID is a spectrum of ascending sexually transmitted infection that begins with cervicitis and
progresses to endometritis, salpingitis, and tuboovarian abscess (TOA). The most commonly isolated pathogens are Neisseria gonorrhoeae and
Chlamydia trachomatis, but polymicrobial infection
is the most common.3,18,19 PID is commonly
encountered in premenopausal women, presenting with APP, cervical motion tenderness, vaginal
discharge, fever, and leukocytosis. Pain may be
variable in intensity, ranging from no symptoms to



Amirbekian & Hooley

severe bilateral lower quadrant pain, dyspareunia,
cramping, dysuria, and abnormal and/or postcoital
bleeding.19 Less commonly, patients may present
with right upper quadrant pain due to perihepatitis,
known as Fitz-HughCurtis syndrome.19
Patients presenting with mild signs and symptoms of PID may be managed clinically without
imaging. However, in uncertain cases or to evaluate disease extent, US can be useful. In isolated
early cervicitis, the pelvic US examination is usually normal, although the patient may experience
marked pain during endovaginal scanning. In
cases of endometritis, fluid and gas may be seen
distending the endometrial canal (Fig. 4). Heterogeneous thickening, increased vascularity, and
indistinctness of the endometrial stripe may be
noted. Pulsed Doppler waveforms may reveal
low-resistance vascularity within the endometrium.3 If PID involves the fallopian tube, wall thickening, distension with fluid, incomplete septa,
and increased vascularity may be seen. In cases
of pyosalpinx, US will demonstrate low-level
echoes or multiple fluid-fluid levels with echogenic
debris in the dilated tubes (Fig. 5). The cogwheel
sign may also be seen, which describes the
echogenic edematous walls and associated echogenic mucosal folds, representing the dilated and
acutely inflamed fallopian tube, as seen in crosssection.20
In a minority of cases, a hypoechoic rim surrounding the serosal surface of the uterus will be
noted because of uterine serositis. A tuboovarian complex (TOC) or a TOA will result if the
ascending infection progresses. TOC is the term

used if the ovary and tube are discernible as separate structures within the inflammatory mass. The
term TOA is used if the ovary and tube are
confluent and cannot be identified as separate
structures within the thick-walled, multilocular,
complex vascular adnexal collections.21 TOAs
are most commonly bilateral. There may be
increased echogenicity of the surrounding pelvic
fat, representing inflammatory changes, and purulent echogenic debris containing fluid within the
cul-de-sac (Fig. 6).3,22 In all cases, the patient
will experience marked pain and tenderness during TVS.
An untreated TOA may progress to form a pelvic abscess, which may also result from prior
surgery, trauma, instrumentation, or gastrointestinal abnormalities. On US, pelvic abscesses are
complex, multilocular fluid collections containing
low-level echoes. Occasionally, if the clinical findings are nonspecific, it may be difficult to differentiate pelvic abscesses from hematomas, and
needle aspiration may be required for definitive
IUDs are commonly used for contraception or
treatment of menorrhagia. These devices are
most often T shaped with the long stem oriented along the long axis of the endometrial canal and the 2 limbs located transversely within
the uterine fundus. A malpositioned IUD can
cause pelvic pain and bleeding: in a single study
cohort, 75% of patients with an abnormally
located IUD presented with bleeding or pain

Fig. 4. Endometritis and pyometria. This 78-year-old patient presented with cervical motion tenderness and thick
yellow vaginal discharge. (A) TVS demonstrates significant distention of the endometrial cavity, which is filled
with heterogeneous echogenic debris and pockets of fluid. Echogenic foci (arrows) are consistent with air.
(B) Color Doppler image demonstrates the lack of vascularity within the debris in the endometrial canal, helping
exclude an underlying soft tissue lesion. These findings resolved on follow-up US obtained 4 weeks after completion of antibiotic therapy.

Ultrasound Evaluation of Pelvic Pain

Fig. 5. Pyosalpinx. This 36-year-old female patient presented with lower abdominal tenderness, fever, and leukocytosis. Gray-scale (A) and color (B) images demonstrate a dilated, serpiginous tubular structure in the adnexa,
which demonstrates avascular, echogenic debris with fluid-fluid levels within. Given the patients history, these
findings are diagnostic for pyosalpinx.

compared with 35% of those with a normally

placed IUD.23
On TVS, the echogenic, shadowing long stem of
a well-positioned IUD should be visualized entirely
within the endometrial canal on the sagittal view
and the echogenic limbs visualized within the
fundus on the transverse or coronal view. Threedimensional (3D) US can visualize an entire IUD,
including the string within the endocervical canal,
on a single coronal image, and is now becoming

standard practice for routine US evaluation.24

Complications of IUD placement include expulsion, displacement, myometrial penetration, and
myometrial perforation (Fig. 7). In all cases, symptoms may range from no symptoms to severe pain
and bleeding.
Displacement and myometrial penetration are
often encountered in the presence of uterine structural abnormalities or large fibroids. Myometrial
penetration is also more common in women with

Fig. 6. Tubo-ovarian abscess. Gray-scale (A, B) and color Doppler (C) images of the right adnexa demonstrate
a tubular, heterogeneous fluid collection with echogenic debris and lack of internal vascularity and peripheral
hyperemia. The right ovary is not visualized and not clearly discerned within this collection.



Amirbekian & Hooley

Fig. 7. Malpositioned IUD. Sagittal and transverse gray-scale images (A, B) of a retroverted uterus demonstrates
parts of the echogenic stems of the IUD within the myometriun (short arrows) and external to the myometrium,
along the anterior serosal surface of the uterine body and fundus (long arrows). (C) 3D US image more clearly
demonstrates the echogenic linear stem of the IUD extending through the myometrium and the serosal surface
(arrow). These findings are consistent with myometrial penetration and perforation because this IUD was
partially located within the peritoneal cavity.

small endometrial cavities.25 Complete perforation

of the IUD can lead to serious complications
including adhesions and intestinal obstruction.
If the IUD is not visualized after a TV and TA
scan, an abdominal radiograph may be obtained
to differentiate IUD expulsion from myometrial
EP results when a fertilized ovum implants outside
the endometrial cavity and occurs in 0.65% to 2%
of all pregnancies.26 A tubal location accounts
for greater than 90% of EPs, with 70% of these
located in the ampulla.27 Less common locations
include the fimbrial, isthmic, and interstitial portions of the fallopian tube, as well as the ovary, cervix, C-section scars, or peritoneal cavity.3,27 Early
diagnosis made by the combination of TVS, clinical history, and serial hCG levels can significantly
reduce morbidity and mortality. A ruptured EP can
compromise a womans future fertility and accounts for 6% of all maternal deaths in the first

Risk factors for EP include a prior history of EP,

PID, infertility treatment, pelvic surgery, endometriosis, prior cesarean section, and IUD placement
(Fig. 8). However, 50% of women do not have
known risk factors.28 Therefore, EP should be
considered in all pregnant women with APP and/
or vaginal bleeding in the first trimester, although
in more than 70% of these symptomatic women,
a normal early intrauterine pregnancy (IUP) will
be identified on TVS,3 effectively excluding EP.
Rarely, a coexisting IUP and EP may occur; this
is called a heterotopic pregnancy and has an
estimated frequency of approximately 1/7000 to
1/30,000 of all pregnancies.30,31 However, patients undergoing assisted reproduction have a
higher incidence of heterotopic pregnancy, estimated at approximately 1 in 100 to 500 pregnancies.30 The serum hCG levels in women with
ectopic pregnancies are highly variable, but are
typically lower than expected for gestational age,
often less than 1000 mIU/mL.32
The most specific US finding of an EP is an
extra-uterine gestational sac containing a yolk

Ultrasound Evaluation of Pelvic Pain

Fig. 8. EP with malpositioned IUD. (A) TV sagittal US image demonstrating an IUD (arrow) malpositioned within
the lower uterine segment. (B) 3D US sagittal image demonstrating the IUD (arrow) asymmetrically positioned
within the lower uterine segment. (C) M-mode image of the right adnexa demonstrating a live EP. Having an
IUD is a known risk factor for EP.

sac or embryo. An EP may also present as a solid

or partially cystic extra-ovarian adnexal mass,
usually located between the ovary and uterus or
within the cul-de-sac. Enlargement of the fallopian tube may be noted because of hemorrhage
within the wall.33 The most common US appearance of an EP is an echogenic tubal ring, which
may exhibit a high-velocity, low-resistance spectral Doppler waveform (Fig. 9) However, this is
a nonspecific finding that may be mimicked by
a normal corpus luteum.33 In such cases, bimanual
scanning can help distinguish between an intraovarian or exophytic corpus luteum and an
extra-ovarian EP. Intra-ovarian lesions will move
synchronously with the ovary, whereas extraovarian lesions will move separately from the
ovary. Identification of a thin rim of ovarian tissue
surrounding the lesion, known as the claw sign,
is also typical of a corpus luteum.
If no IUP or EP is identified after TVS, the symptomatic pregnant woman is said to have a PUL.
Most of these cases will eventually progress to a
normal viable early pregnancy, although the differential diagnosis also includes an EP and nonviable

IUP. Approximately 2% to 10% of women with

PUL will eventually be diagnosed with EP.34,35
Management of PUL includes close clinical
follow-up, serial hCG levels, and serial TVS.34 In
cases of a normal early IUP, the hCG level should
approximately double every 48 hours, whereas in
cases of an EP, the hCG level will plateau, increase, or decrease slightly in 48 hours. Typically,
hCG levels will drop more quickly in the setting of a
failed IUP.
Spontaneous and threatened abortion
SAB (also known as miscarriage) is defined as a
spontaneous loss of an IUP, the majority occurring
before 16 weeks of gestation.36,37 It is a very common complication of pregnancy, often associated
with fetal chromosomal abnormalities, inherited
blood disorders, and uterine structural abnormalities. Patients typically present with vaginal
bleeding associated with pelvic pain and cramping.
US plays an important role in establishing fetal
viability. In women with a complete SAB, the uterus
often appears normal or may contain a small amount
of blood or debris within the endometrial canal



Amirbekian & Hooley

Fig. 9. EP. (A) TVS of the right adnexa in a patient with a positive pregnancy test and pelvic pain demonstrates a
round structure with an echogenic rim (arrow) separate from the right ovary. (B) Magnified gray-scale image of
lesion in (A) reveals a gestational sac with a fetus with cardiac activity on M-mode imaging (C) confirming a live
EP. (D) TVS in another patient with a positive pregnancy test and pelvic pain demonstrates a tubal ring separate
from the ovary (not shown) in the left adnexa with high-velocity, low-resistance trophoblastic flow on spectral
Doppler interrogation (E) consistent with an EP.

without evidence of trophoblastic flow or RPOC.

However, in many cases, an incomplete SAB may
be discovered, with evidence of a nonviable fetus
or an abnormal, irregular, or empty gestational sac

(Fig. 10). In addition to these findings, the presence

of trophoblastic flow on Doppler imaging, characterized by increased systolic and diastolic flow,
suggests an incomplete abortion.38

Fig. 10. SAB. This 30-year-old female patient presented with a reported history of a 10-week pregnancy and
vaginal bleeding and pain. (A, B) Sagittal and transverse gray-scale US images demonstrate an irregularshaped intrauterine gestational sac with echogenic foci within, which are not readily identifiable. (C) Magnified
view of the abnormal gestational sac demonstrates irregular shape and margins without any identifiable normal
fetus or yolk sac. These findings are compatible with fetal demise and an incomplete abortion.

Ultrasound Evaluation of Pelvic Pain

In cases of threatened abortion, a subchorionic
hemorrhage surrounding the intrauterine gestational sac may be identified on TVS. Although
a small subchorionic hemorrhage may be asymptomatic, women with larger collections may
present with vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, and/
or cramping. These collections have a variable
appearance on US, depending on the age and
size of the hemorrhage. Acute hemorrhage appears echogenic and may be difficult to differentiate from the adjacent chorion, but is usually
hypoechoic when subacute or chronic.39 The
size of the hemorrhage can be measured according to the percentage of chorionic sac circumference elevated by the hemorrhage and is
considered large if greater than two-thirds of the
chorionic sac circumference.40 The potential for
fetal viability in the presence of a subchorionic
hemorrhage is multifactorial, likely related to size,
maternal and gestational age, as well as maternal
pelvic pain and vaginal bleeding.
RPOC is defined as the presence of persistent
placental or trophoblastic tissue within the endometrial cavity following delivery, SAB, or pregnancy termination. Patients typically present in

the postpartum or posttermination period with

excessive vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, and/or
A positive serum hCG and an elevated white
blood cell (WBC) count (especially in cases
complicated by endometritis) may be seen in patients with suspected RPOC, but these are
nonspecific markers because they can also be
seen in a normal postpartum state.41 However,
US with color Doppler also plays an important
diagnostic role. The endometrial stripe is typically
thickened and heterogeneous, with a masslike
appearance. An endometrial stripe greater than
10 mm in thickness has a reported sensitivity of
greater than 80%,41 although the specificity is
low because this finding is also characteristic of
both endometritis and normal postpartum debris
or hemorrhage. Color Doppler can help accurately
distinguish RPOC, because the presence of
vascularity extending from the myometrium into
the endometrium is reported to have a positive
predictive value of 96%.42 Vascularity may exhibit
high-velocity, low-resistance trophoblastic spectral Doppler waveforms, although any degree of
vascularity is suspicious (Fig. 11).41 The absence
of endometrial vascularity does not exclude the
diagnosis of RPOC and there is wide overlap of

Fig. 11. RPOC. This 20-year-old female patient presented with pelvic pain and vaginal bleeding 3 days after a
miscarriage. (A) TV sagittal gray-scale image of the uterus demonstrates a thickened heterogeneous endometrial
stripe (arrows). (B) Color gray-scale image of the endometrial stripe demonstrates significant vascularity within it
(arrow), differentiating this from bland blood products/clot. (C) Spectral Doppler interrogation of the thickened
endometrial stripe demonstrates trophoblastic flow typically seen within RPOC, classified by high diastolic flow
with low-resistance waveforms.



Amirbekian & Hooley

the Doppler findings with normal postpartum and
posttermination findings, making the confident
diagnosis or RPOC problematic.
Ovarian vein thrombophlebitis
Ovarian vein thrombosis or thrombophlebitis is a
rare cause of APP in the postpartum period,
occurring in less than 0.05% of vaginal deliveries
and 0.1% to 0.2% of cesarean sections.43
Patients most often present with nonspecific
symptoms, including fever, pelvic or back pain,
and right lower quadrant pain.44 It is more
common on the right and best imaged with
TA scanning. Sonographic findings include a
tubular or serpiginous avascular, hypoechoic,
or anechoic structure in the adnexa adjacent to
the ovarian artery and leading to the inferior
vena cava.
Other causes of post-partum and pregnancy
related APP
Large fibroids, uterine rupture, OHSS, and hematomas may also cause APP. Uterine rupture is life
threatening and often associated with a prior cesarean delivery. US may identify an intraperitoneal or extraperitoneal hematoma, fluid in the
uterus extending through the myometrium, or
even extra-uterine fetal parts.45 Finally, although
most fibroids do not change during pregnancy,
approximately 30% will grow and may cause
APP secondary to degeneration, torsion, or
infarction following delivery.46 Because fibroids
are a common cause of chronic pelvic pain
(CPP), they are discussed in detail in a later
OHSS is a rare and usually self-limiting disorder
due to an exaggerated response to ovulation induction therapy. The characteristic feature of
OHSS is an increase in capillary permeability
leading to third spacing of fluid. Symptoms are
variable, ranging from mild pelvic discomfort,
nausea, and vomiting to tense ascites, pleural
effusions, oliguria, and hemodynamic instability.47
APP can result from rapid enlargement of multiple
ovarian follicles with stretching of the ovarian
capsule or hemorrhage/rupture of a follicle. The
ovaries may exceed 10 cm in size. There is also
an increased risk of ovarian torsion.3 On pelvic
US, the ovaries typically are enlarged, containing
multiple cysts of varying sizes, some of which
may contain low-level echoes and fluid/fluid levels
due to hemorrhage.
Rectus sheath and bladder flap hematomas
are uncommon complications of cesarean deliveries. In these cases, patients will present with
dropping hematocrit, fever, and/or pelvic pain.
Bladder flap hematomas are typically located in

the lower uterine segment within the cesarean

section incision and are best seen with TA scans.42
Rectus sheath hematomas occur in the lower
pelvis adjacent to the rectus muscle. Because
of their superficial location, they are best visualized transabdominally using a high-resolution
linear transducer. On US, rectus sheath hematomas typically are hypoechoic and complex
masses with cystic and/or echogenic components
(Fig. 12).

Nongynecologic Causes of APP

Common nongynecologic causes of APP include
ureteral obstruction, appendicitis, and diverticulitis. These causes of APP can be seen in women,
independent of age and pregnancy status, and
can coexist with gynecologic disease.
Ureteral calculi
An obstructing distal ureteral stone is a frequently
overlooked cause of APP in women. TVS can
identify the stone and is particularly useful in
obese or pregnant patients. The dilated distal
ureter, containing an echogenic, shadowing calculus, should be identified anterior and slightly
lateral to the upper vagina at the ureterovesical
junction and is best visualized with a partially distended bladder (Fig. 13).48 In cases of complete
obstruction, the normal ureteral jet will be absent,
confirmed by placing color or power Doppler over
the bladder trigone. If a distal ureteral calculus is
found or suspected, the ipsilateral kidney should
be assessed for pelvicaliectasis, although this
finding may be absent in approximately 25% of
Appendicitis is a frequent cause of emergent
abdominal surgery. Patients usually present with
anorexia, fever, elevated WBCs, and periumbilical pain that migrates to the right lower
quadrant. Compression US of the right lower
quadrant, using a TA approach with a highresolution linear array transducer, can identify the
abnormal painful appendix, which will appear as
a noncompressible, blind-ending, nonperistalsing,
thick-walled tubular structure greater than 6
to 7 mm in diameter.49 The wall may be vascular.
The abnormal appendix may be associated with
adjacent free fluid, inflamed echogenic periappendiceal fat, or an echogenic appendicolith
with posterior acoustic shadowing. The appendix
can be located in unusual positions, including
retrocecal, retroilieal, or within the pelvis. A
patient with pelvic appendicitis may present with
suprapubic pain and may be referred for pelvic
US to evaluate for uterine or adnexal pathologic

Ultrasound Evaluation of Pelvic Pain

Fig. 12. Rectus sheath hematoma. (A, B) TA US images of the mid and right lower anterior abdominal wall in a
patient with right pelvic pain demonstrating a large, heterogeneous, predominantly hyperechoic lesion without
any significant evidence of internal vascularity on color Doppler imaging. (C) Clinically, a hematoma was suspected and this showed complete resolution on 2-month follow-up US examination, confirming the clinical diagnosis. (D) Gray-scale TA image of the anterior abdominal wall in a different patient demonstrates an ovoid,
predominantly hypoechoic fluid collection (calipers). This lesion was shown to be another rectus sheath hematoma on a follow-up abdominal CT scan, likely of longer duration than that seen in (AC).

Fig. 13. Ureteral calculus. (A) TV gray-scale image demonstrating a dilated distal left ureter with an echogenic focus
at the end of the dilated segment (arrow) with associated mild posterior shadowing. Adjacent proximal debris and
ureteral wall thickening are noted. (B) Color Doppler image correlated to image in (A) demonstrating twinkle artifact (arrow) posterior to the echogenic focus, suggesting that this finding is most consistent with a calculus. (C)
Sagittal image of the left kidney demonstrating mild hydronephrosis involving the lower pole (arrow). (D) Axial
CT image through the ureterovesical junction confirming an obstructing calculus at this level (arrow).



Amirbekian & Hooley

abnormality. The unsuspected pelvic appendix
can be identified on either TA or TVS within the
right adnexa (separate from the ovary) or cul-desac (Fig. 14). TVS diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis are the same as for
the TA approach, although compression cannot
be evaluated with TVS.
Although diverticulitis and other sources of bowel
inflammation are usually clinically evident and
confirmed with CT, an atypical clinical presentation, particularly in premenopausal women, may
be discovered on pelvic US. The sensitivity of US
in the diagnosis of diverticulitis has been shown
to be 84%.50,51 In cases of diverticulitis, an inflamed, nonperistalsing segment of sigmoid colon
is usually found deep within the left lower quadrant, surrounded by prominent echogenic pericolonic fat or free fluid (Fig. 15). Right-sided
diverticulitis is rare. An inflamed diverticulum can
be seen as a bright echogenic focus of shadowing
gas, stool, or fecalith projecting beyond the
colonic margin.52

CPP is defined as noncyclic pelvic pain lasting
longer than 6 months and is of sufficient severity
to cause functional disability and lead to medical
care.1 In a survey of 18- to 50-year-old American
women, 15% reported CPP within the last
3 months, and 61% of these women reported
that the cause of their pelvic pain was unknown.53
However, US is useful in the diagnostic workup,
because a wide variety of underlying causes can
be readily identified (Box 2).

Endometriosis is defined as the presence of
ectopic endometrial tissue outside of the uterus,
most commonly implanted on the ovary, uterus,
fallopian tubes, and peritoneal surfaces. Endometriosis is found in approximately 10% of reproductive age women who most often present with
chronic pain and/or infertility.54 However, patients
may be asymptomatic. Hormonal stimulation of
these ectopic foci is associated with repetitive
cycles of hemorrhage, resorption, and fibrosis,

Fig. 14. Appendicitis. (A) TA image of the right lower quadrant in this patient with right lower quadrant pain
failed to demonstrate any obvious findings. (B) TV gray-scale image of the right lower quadrant/adnexa demonstrates a tubular structure with thick walls, which demonstrates echogenic foci within (arrow). Corresponding color Doppler image (C) demonstrates slight peripheral vascularity surrounding this tubular structure. Also, note the
increased echogenicity of the surrounding soft tissues in (B, C) consistent with inflamed peri-appendiceal fat.
Appendicitis was highly suspected on this US examination and a follow-up CT study (D) confirmed the finding
of a pelvic appendix with appendicoliths (arrows), extending from the right lower quadrant into the right

Ultrasound Evaluation of Pelvic Pain

Fig. 15. Diverticulitis. This 35-year-old female patient presented with diffuse lower abdominal and rectal pain. TA
(A) and TV (B) images of the left adnexa demonstrate a complex fluid collection (arrows) with echogenic material
and septations, better seen on the TV images. Also, note the increased echogenicity of the adjacent bowel loops
and pelvic fat, consistent with inflammatory changes in the region. (C) Power Doppler image of same lesion in (B)
demonstrates hyperemia of the adjacent bowel loops and soft tissues. Concurrent CT (D) shows an inflamed
segment of the sigmoid colon with a small focus of extracolonic air (arrow), pericolonic fat-stranding, and small
focal pockets of free fluid. These findings confirm the diagnosis of sigmoid diverticular abscess.

resulting in scarring, adhesions, and cystic ovarian

lesions called endometriomas.3
The gold standard for diagnosis and staging
of endometriosis is laparoscopy. Small implants
and adhesions are difficult to visualize on US (or
MRI) and the reported sensitivity of US for
detection of small implants is as low as 11%.55
However, TVS can be helpful in the diagnosis of
endometriomas, which classically appear as
complex cystic avascular masses with homogenous low-level echoes, the so-called ground-glass
appearance. Shading may be observed as the

Box 2
Differential diagnoses of CPP
CCP: US findings
Pelvic congestion syndrome
Peritoneal inclusion cysts
Periurethral cysts/diverticula

Premenopausal-/perimenopausal women only.

RBCs and products of hemorrhage settle dependently, although true layering is uncommon. They
are typically unilocular, although are often multiple,
exhibiting angular margins and small echogenic
mural foci. These echogenic mural foci are highly
specific and have a high positive likelihood ratio
for endometriomas (Fig. 16).56
Endometriomas may mimic the US appearance
of hemorrhagic cysts. However, endometriomas
rarely present with acute clinical symptoms and
do not resolve over time. Interestingly, even
though there is repeated hemorrhage within endometriomas, findings related to acute hemorrhage,
such as fibrinous strands and retractile clot, are
only seen in 8% of cases.56 A newly discovered
endometrioma should be rescanned in 6 to
12 weeks to document stability and, if not surgically excised, yearly US follow-up is recommended because there is a small risk of malignant

Adenomyosis is histologically defined as the
presence of ectopic endometrial glands located
in the myometrium, usually within the subendometrial tissue, and is associated with adjacent smooth muscle hyperplasia.3,57 The clinical



Amirbekian & Hooley

Fig. 16. Endometrioma. (A) Transverse image of the left ovary demonstrates a large cystic structure with diffuse
homogeneous low-level echoes throughout typical of an endometrioma. (B) Magnified image of lesion in (A)
again demonstrating this cystic structure with diffuse low-level echoes and a few echogenic foci within the
wall (arrows). Given this additional finding, this lesion has a very high likelihood of being an endometrioma.
On follow-up examination 6 months later (C), this lesion showed no significant change.

presentation includes dysfunctional uterine

bleeding, dysmenorrhea, infertility, and/or pelvic
pain. TVS has been reported to have sensitivities
ranging from 80% to 85% and specificities
ranging from 50% to 96% for the detection of
Adenomyosis may be focal or diffuse, although
focal adenomyosis is less common. Diffuse adenomyosis is associated with US findings of an
enlarged uterus, heterogeneity of the myometrium with poorly marginated heterogeneous

hypoechoic or echogenic areas, as well as asymmetric thickening of the subendometrial halo.3

In addition, there may be small subendometrial
myometrial cysts, echogenic nodules, or linear
striations extending from the endometrium into
the myometrium, with poor definition of the
endometrial-myometrial interface (Fig. 17).3
The subendometrial cysts and nodules, thought
to represent ectopic endometrial glands, have
been shown to be the most specific US

Fig. 17. Adenomyosis. (A) TV sagittal gray-scale image of the uterus demonstrates a small subendometrial myometrial cyst (arrow). Similar additional cysts (arrows in B) were seen in this patient in a parasagittal plane, again in
the region of the junctional zone.

Ultrasound Evaluation of Pelvic Pain


Pelvic Congestion Syndrome

Uterine fibroids (leiomyomas) are the most common female genital tract tumor and are composed
of smooth muscle cells, fibrous connective tissue,
and collagen.62 Hormonally responsive, fibroids
may enlarge secondary to increased estrogen
levels (particularly during pregnancy) and often
regress during menopause or following delivery.2
They may be submucosal, myometrial, or subserosal in location. Small fibroids are usually well
characterized on TVS, although large fibroids are
usually better evaluated using the TA approach.
Symptoms related to fibroids depend on size
and location. Large subserosal fibroids can be
painful due to torsion, necrosis, or mass effect/
compression on adjacent structures. Degenerating fibroids may also be painful and are most
commonly seen during pregnancy or following delivery. Although fibroid-associated pain is usually
chronic, mild and due to mass effect on adjacent
structures, rapid enlargement, often seen during
pregnancy, may also result in acute pain due to
hemorrhagic infarction.62
Leiomyomas are often multiple, and echogenicity is variable. The most frequent US finding is a
homogeneously or heterogeneous solid, hypoechoic or isoechoic mass, although rarely leiomyomas will be echogenic.62 The uterine serosal
surface may appear lobulated. Large fibroids,
greater than 3 to 5 cm, often have focal areas
of degeneration or calcification. Edge refraction,
marked posterior acoustic shadowing, as well as
comblike striated posterior acoustic shadowing
are common findings. Subserosal pedunculated
leiomyomas can be found in the adnexa, and these
cases may be differentiated from other adnexal
masses by using color Doppler interrogation to
demonstrate a vascular pedicle originating from
the uterus.

Pelvic congestion syndrome (PCS) is an often

underdiagnosed cause of CCP due to dilated,
tortuous, and congested pelvic veins or varices
produced by retrograde flow through incompetent
valves in the ovarian veins.57 The pain may be unilateral or bilateral but is often asymmetric and usually seen in premenopausal, usually multiparous
TV US is useful in demonstrating pelvic varices.
Ovarian vein diameters measuring greater than
5 to 6 mm have a positive predictive value of
71% to 83% for the diagnosis.64 Direct connection
to the arcuate veins in the myometrium, lowvelocity flow, and increase in venous diameter
after the Valsalva maneuver are all US findings
associated with symptoms of PCS (Fig. 18). Treatment options include hormonal suppression and
Peritoneal inclusion cysts
Peritoneal inclusion cysts are a cause of CCP and
may be associated with a mass palpated on
bimanual pelvic examination, although 10% are
discovered incidentally on unrelated imaging or
surgery.65 Peritoneal inclusion cysts are found
in premenopausal women and occur secondary
to pelvic adhesions, which trap serous fluid produced by the ovaries likely at ovulation. Risk factors include a history of pelvic surgery, PID,
endometriosis, appendicitis, or trauma. Typical
US features include a large irregular cystic
mass with thin septations and no discrete outer
wall or margin that conforms to surrounding
structures. A normal-appearing ovary should be
seen within or at the periphery of the mass
(Fig. 19). These cysts are hormonally sensitive
and may resolve spontaneously during menopause. Symptomatic peritoneal inclusion cysts

Fig. 18. PCS. This 56-year-old woman presented with pelvic pain of several months. (A) TVS gray-scale images of
the left adnexa demonstrate pelvic veins that measure up to 7 mm and are even more prominent during Valsalva
maneuver (B). The connection to the uterine arcuate veins, which are easily seen here (arrow), is the most specific
findings for PCS.



Amirbekian & Hooley

Fig. 19. Peritoneal inclusion cyst in a 31-year-old woman with a history of C-section. (A, B) TVS demonstrates
the left ovary (arrow) at the periphery of an anechoic septated fluid collection. The margins of the cystic collection conform to the surrounding structures. Color Doppler image of the septations (C) shows no internal

may be treated with oral contraceptives, US or

CT-guided aspiration, and sclerotherapy. Surgical resection is associated with 30% to 50%
risk of recurrence.66
Perineal cysts, periurethral cysts, and urethral
Gartner cysts, Bartholin gland cysts, and urethral
diverticula are rare causes of CPP. Large cysts
are associated with obstruction, urinary urgency,
urinary frequency, and recurrent urinary tract
infection. Gartner cysts are remnants of the

mesonephric ducts and are located in the anterolateral wall of the proximal vagina.57,67 Bartholin
gland cysts are located in the vulva and can
become painful if infected. Symptomatic periurethral cysts and urethral diverticula may arise from
inflamed periurethral glands that drain into the urethra.57 Occasionally, an echogenic calculus can be
seen in a chronically inflamed urethral diverticulum. Although all of these cysts are best evaluated on MR, they can also be identified using
TVS or translabial US using a high-resolution linear
array transducer (Fig. 20).

Fig. 20. Periurethral cyst. A 23-year-old woman with dyspareunia and tender mass near the introitus on physical
examination. Translabial sagittal (A) and transverse (B) US demonstrates a cystic mass with internal echoes and
ring down artifact (arrows) and peripheral vascularity. This mass was located anterior and inferior to the urethra
and is likely a urethral diverticulum with a stone or inflamed Bartholin gland.

Ultrasound Evaluation of Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain is a common complaint in women
of all ages. Obtaining a thorough clinical history
is important to help narrow the wide differential
diagnosis for acute and chronic pelvic pain.
Determination of pregnancy status using serum
hCG levels testing is also of utmost importance
in women of reproductive age. Nevertheless,
clinical and laboratory results are often inconclusive. Pelvic US is the initial imaging modality
of choice and can often diagnose specific abnormalities without the need for additional imaging. Familiarity with the differential diagnosis of
pelvic pain and knowledge of the associated
US features is essential for both US technologists and radiologists to make an accurate
diagnosis and facilitate appropriate clinical

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