Fatigue Durability and Fracture Mechanics
Fatigue Durability and Fracture Mechanics
Fatigue Durability and Fracture Mechanics
India 2015
International Conference & Exhibition on
Design, Development
Engineers Challenge
be er
Compei on
Organised By
Op mize
Sponsored By
Endorsed By
Technical Secretariate
Fa gueDurability India 2015 Interna onal Conference
Ins tute of Structural Integrity and Failure Studies [ISIFS]
# 28 (Old No 619/1), 2nd Floor, 36th Cross, 2nd Block,
Rajajinagar, Next to Srinivasa Kalyana Mantapa
Bangalore560010 India
Ph/Fax: +91 80 23320171 / 49539628
Mobile : +91 9902900722/9900138009/9900137005
Email : info@fa guedurability.com
Web : www.2015.fa guedurability.com
www.2015.fa guedurability.com
Conference Themes
Advanced Techniques in Fa gue, Durability
and Fracture Studies
Life Predic on methodologies for Structural
Metals, Alloys, Polymer, Composites & Engineering
ThermoMechanical Fa gue
Creep and Creep Fa gue Interac on
Weld Fa gue Evalua on
Vibra onal Fa gue Evalua on
Predic on of Cycles for Crack ini a on & loca on
Reliability assessment
Fa gue of welds
Virtual prototyping and virtual tes ng
Fa gue damage accumula on in cyclic loading
situa on
Life assessment and extension strategies
Damage tolerance procedure
Eect of residual stresses on durability
Calcula on of stress intensity factors, cri cal
crack size
Eect of mul site damage
Mean me before failure (MTBF)
3D nonplanar crack propaga on
Registra on Fee
Industry and R&D Ins tu ons : INR 4,000.00
Educa onal Ins tu ons
: INR 3,000.00
Students, Research Scholars : INR 2,000.00
Service Tax [12.36%] is applicable extra
Registra on fee can be paid in cash/DD/cheque in
favour of Fa gueDurability India 2015 payable
at Bangalore and send the same along with
Registra on Form to
Technical Secretariate
Fa gueDurability India 2015
Ins tute of Structural Integrity and Failure Studies
# 28 (Old No 619/1), 2nd Floor, 36th Cross,
2nd Block, Rajajinagar, Next to Srinivasa
Kalyana Mantapa, Bangalore560010 India
Ph/Fax: +91 80 23320171 / 49539628
Mobile : +91 9900138009/9900137005
Email : info@fa guedurability.com
Web : www.2015.fa guedurability.com
Download Registra on Form
www.2015.fa guedurability.com
J N Tata Auditorium
Indian Institute of Science
National Science Symposium Complex,
Sir CV Raman Avenue,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560012
www.2015.fa guedurability.com
Dr.Alexandr Shalumov
President & CEO
"ASONIKA" Scientic-Research Institute, Russia
Dr. G. S. Grewal
Dr. M. Ramji
Associate Professor,
Department of Mechanical &
Aerospace Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderbad
Associate Professor,
Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Dr. R Jayaraman
Dr.S. Seetharamu
Material Technology Division,
Central Power Research Institute [CPRI]
Shri M. R. SARAF
Dr. R Sundar*
Bangalore Integrated Systems Solution [BISS]
Dr. P. Parameswaran
Dr A Venugopal Rao
Scientist "F"
Head, Modelling & Simulation Group
Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory
www.2015.fa guedurability.com
Exhibitors Prole
Fa gueDurability India 2015, creates a pla orm for companies showcase breakthrough technologies and products in
Fa gue, Fracture Tes ng Machineries
Fa gue, Durability Instrumenta on & Associated Technologies
Computa onal So ware & Technologies
Material Tes ng Equipments, Machineries & Accessories
Data Acquisi on and Processing Technologies
Fa gue, Durability, Fracture Research Centers
Fa gue, Durability, Fracture Training Centers
Design, Engineering Equipments and Associated Technologies
Material, Metallurgy, Life Predic on Technologies
Reliability So ware and Associated Technologies
Fracture Predic on Equipments, Tes ng Instruments and Associated Technologies
Academic Research and Training Center
Engineering Services and Research Companies
Cer ca on Agencies
Consul ng Firms
to list few, but not limited to.
Interested can send mail to exhibi on@fa guedurability.com
Praveen B
Exhibi on Coordinator Fa gueDurability India 2015
praveen@fa guedurability.com +91 9900138009
www.2015.fa guedurability.com
www.fa guedurability.com
Ins tute of Structural Integrity and Failure Studies [ISIFS] is a Bangalore based Collabora ve Research &
Development Ins tute with consor um of experts having decades of experience in mechanical, material, metallurgy,
damage assessment, failure studies and FEA simula on.
Ins tute of Structural Integrity and Failure Studies engages with the industry, academia and interested community in
encouraging the knowledge sharing and new about advanced technology developments to make the engineering
community ac vely par cipate in resolving the problems faced by industries and publishing the results to achieve
compe ve exper se in the global scene.
Ins tute of Structural Integrity and Failure Studies aims to promote, educate and encourage the research focusing
Fa gue, Fracture and Durability Assessment Yield, Flow and Fracture Simula on
Residual Life Assessment and Extension
Advanced Finite Element Modeling /Computer Simula on
Weld Engineering, Life Assessment and Modeling
Structural Health Monitoring
Civil Structural Engineering
Electronics Reliability, Fa gue, Thermal, EMI/EMC, NVH Evalua on
Material Modeling and Simula on Complex Materials porous, concrete, graphite Materials
Damage Assessment NDT, Remote Sensing
Ins tute of Structural Integrity and Failure Studies understand the mely need to bringing dierent exper se
people together and create a pla orm for research and knowledge sharing.
Consul ng Wing of Ins tute of Structural Integrity brings a consor um of experts to address the requirements of
industry for design, material, FEA and failure studies. For more details Visit : www.fa guedurability.com or write to
info@fa guedurability.com
www.2015.fa guedurability.com
www.2015.fa guedurability.com
Remaining Life Assessment & Extension has gained importance in the recent past,
as there are several crores worth of assets are due for their life assessment & also
this is current time necessity. This includes assets from aerospace, power plants,
off-shore structures, marine structures, piping and pressure vessels, and so on.
An assessment of the remaining life of these aging assets, and determining
strategies for the extension of their service life is a technical challenge. This
includes NDT, materials testing, reverse engineering, nite element analysis,
prediction of fatigue hot spots by a combination of testing and computer
simulation, crack propagation studies (to determine the stress intensity factors
and crack growth k/N and da/dN curves) and so on.
One day workshop encourages participants to bring their projects / problems
faced in the form of a presentation / document for discussion with the experts.
There will be open forum to discuss the participant related issues.
Topics Covered
Failure criteria
Materials and metallurgy
Life consuming mechanisms
Failure mechanisms crack initiation and growth
Life assessment methods
FEM analysis and computer simulation of fatigue crack initiation, creep
and crack growth.
Testing and NDT
For more details contact
Mr. Manoj
Email : RLAWorkshop@fatiguedurability.com, Ph: +91 80 80 23320171
Book Post
Technical Secretariate
Fa gueDurability India 2015 Interna onal Conference
Ins tute of Structural Integrity and Failure Studies [ISIFS]
# 28 (Old No 619/1), 2nd Floor, 36th Cross, 2nd Block,
Rajajinagar, Next to Srinivasa Kalyana Mantapa
Bangalore560010 India
Ph/Fax: +91 80 23320171 / 49539628
Mobile : +91 9902900722/9900138009/9900137005
Email : info@fa guedurability.com
Web : www.2015.fa guedurability.com
Dr. R W Khare
Materials & Failure Study Expert &
Head Ins tute of Structural Integrity and Failure Studies [ISIFS]
rw@fa guedurability.com
Dr. Jagadish T
Head of the Department, Mechanical Engineering
Bangalore Ins tute of Technology Bangalore
jt@fa guedurability.com
www.2015.fa guedurability.com