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[Iqbal, 3(8): August, 2014]

ISSN: 2277-9655
Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.449
(ISRA), Impact Factor: 1.852

Simulation of Casting and Its Validation by Experiments
Mazhar Iqbal*, Sushil Patel, Ganesh Vidyarthee
Department of Foundry-Forge Technology, National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology, Hatia,
Ranchi, India
Now days in Industries it is very important to save time and money in manufacturing product, because there
is lots of competition in industrial world. Main objective of this project is re-designed of component using Pro-cast
software and increasing the product life of the components. Many researchers reported that about 90% of the defects
in castings are due to wrong design of gating & risering system and only 10% due to manufacturing problems. to
optimize gating/riser systems based on CAD and simulation technology with the goal of improving casting quality.
Therefore in the thesis, an optimization framework is presented based on CAD and simulation technology. Given a
CAD model of part design and after converted to a casting model. After analyzing simulation results, the gating/riser
system design is optimized to improve casting quality. In this thesis, one journal bearing is used to verify the
effectiveness of the optimization method. Compared with the initial design. Casting simulation process can able to
solve these problems. The simulated results also compared with the experimental works..
Keywords: Casting, Sand casting.
in this thesis is to optimize riser systems based on
CAD and simulation technology with the goal of
improving casting quality such as reducing incomplete
filling area, decreasing large porosity and increasing
yield. Therefore in the thesis, a CAD and simulation
technology based optimization framework is
presented. Given a CAD model of part design and after
its being converted to casting model, the first objective
is to evaluate castability of the casting design. Then
risers are presented parametrically. After analyzing
simulation results, the original riser system design will
be optimized to improve casting quality.

Casting is a manufacturing process for
making complex shapes of metal materials in mass
production. There are two main consecutive stages,
filling process and solidification process, in casting
production. In filling process gating system composed
of pouring cup, runner, sprue, sprue well and ingate, is
designed to guide liquid metal filling. Riser system is
used to compensate shrinkage caused by casting
solidification. How to improve the casting quality
becomes important. Casting quality is heavily
dependent on the success of riser system design, which
currently is conducted mainly relied on technicians
experience. Therefore there is a need for the
development of a computer-aided casting process
design tool with CAD, simulation, and optimization
functions to ensure the quality of casting. Casting
process simulation was initially developed at
universities starting from the early '70s, mainly in
Europe and in the U.S., and is regarded as the most
important innovation in casting technology over the
last 50 years. The objective of the research presented

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Sand casting processes

Sand casting consists of placing a pattern
(having the shape of the desired casting) in sand to
make an imprint, incorporating a gating system, filling
the resulting cavity with molten metal, allowing the
metal to cool until it solidifies[2]. Sand casting is still
the most popular form of casting. The steps to make
sand castings are illustrated in Fig

(C)International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


[Iqbal, 3(8): August, 2014]

ISSN: 2277-9655
Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.449
(ISRA), Impact Factor: 1.852

Fig Production steps in a typical sand casting processes.

Fig Schematic illustration of a sand mold

still end up with a poor quality casting by using poorly

designed gating and riser systems. So how to design a
satisfied gating/riser system is very important.
Riser System A key element in producing quality
steel castings is the proper design and sizing of the
riser systems. A foundry can produce the best quality
moulds, cores and molten steel and still end up with a
poor quality casting by using poorly designed riser
systems. A typical riser system is shown below.

Gating/riser system design and optimization .

After pouring metal, it will flow through the
gating system until the cavity is fully filled. Then the
metal begins to cool and solidify with the occurrence
of shrinkage. Riser system is designed to compensate
such shrinkage. Gating/riser system has great effects
on the final quality of casting. A foundry can produce
the best quality moulds, cores and molten steel and

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(C)International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


[Iqbal, 3(8): August, 2014]

ISSN: 2277-9655
Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.449
(ISRA), Impact Factor: 1.852

journal bearing

dimension of journal bearing

Design of riser
According to the dimensions and wt. of component the riser design was done. Along with riser design, using different
formulas other dimensions of elements like sprue, sprue well, runner, ingate also calculated.
Design of riser by Modulus method:
Volume of the casting = 5*106 mm3
Surface area of the casting = 2.78*105 mm3
Volume of the riser = *D3/4
Surface area of the riser = .D2 + *D2/4 = 1.25D2
Where D is the riser diameter.
Modulus of the casting = volume of the casting / surface area of the casting
= 5*106 / 2.78*105
= 17.98
According to the formula
Modulus of the riser = 1.2* Modulus of casting
= 1.2*8.953197097
= 21.58.......................................Eq. 1
Modulus of riser = (*D3/4) / (1.25D2)
Comparing eq.1 & 2
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(C)International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


[Iqbal, 3(8): August, 2014]

ISSN: 2277-9655
Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.449
(ISRA), Impact Factor: 1.852

D = 107 mm
Pouring time- The time for complete filling of mould termed as pouring time.
Pouring time t = (2.4335 - 0.3953 log w)*w sec.........For steel casting [40]
W = mass of the casting, kg
t = (2.4335- 0.3953log34.073)*34.073
= 10.66 sec
Choke area = The main control area which meters the metal flow into mould cavity so that mould is completely filled
within the calculated pouring time. Normally choke area happens to be at the bottom of the sprue.
Choke area/ sprue bottom area A = W/dtc2gh
W = casting mass, kg
d = density of molten metal kg/mm3
H = effective height of metal head (sprue height) in mm
C = efficiency factor for gating system
t = pouring time (sec)
A = 34.073/ (7.85*10-6 *10.66*.9*2*9810*110)
= 308 mm2
d2/4 = 221
d = 19.8 mm
Sprue top area = 2*sprue bottom area
D2/4 = 2*308
D = 28mm
Ingate and runner dimension:
Gating ratios
It is expressed as the ratio of sprue area to the total runner area to the total ingate area.
Gating ratio = sprue area : runner area : ingate area
Gating ratio of material

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(C)International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


[Iqbal, 3(8): August, 2014]

ISSN: 2277-9655
Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.449
(ISRA), Impact Factor: 1.852

For steel we have taken gating ratio = 1 : 2 : 2

Runner area = 2 * sprue area
d2 /4 = 2* 308
d = 28 mm
Sprue well top area = 5 * area of sprue base
A2= 5*308
a = 39.24mm
a = side of square shape sprue well top
Sprue well depth = 2 * runner depth
= 2*28
= 56 mm

Simulation of CATIA model

The well design CATIA model of the journal bearing was simulated using casting simulation software
PROCAST. The sequence of stages for simulation using ProCast is below

Stages in Procast Simulation.

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(C)International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


[Iqbal, 3(8): August, 2014]

ISSN: 2277-9655
Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.449
(ISRA), Impact Factor: 1.852

Out of various simulations considering casting yield and sound component best design of riser was selected.
Result of simulation runs




Vol. Of
(mm3) in




Mass of
casting +



Result: The casting yield of the component (journal bearing) of simulation Run11 is optimum result and calculated
as under.
Casting Yield
By the formula
Casting yield = (Vol. of the actual casting)/(Vol. Of the casting+ vol. Of gating &risering system)
= .72
Casting Yield%
= 72
Experimental details: For the component journal bearing taking the following parameters same the nos. Of
simulations was carried out. The different simulation parameters are as given under
No. of Nodes
No. of Solids (TETRA/HEXA/WEDGE)
No. of Enclosure Elements
No. of Materials

= 116407
= 600808


Sand silica (mould)

Low carbon Steel (cast)
Sand silica temperature 250 C
Cast Steel
Pouring temp 15800C
Liquidus temp 15330C
Solidus temp

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(C)International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


[Iqbal, 3(8): August, 2014]

ISSN: 2277-9655
Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.449
(ISRA), Impact Factor: 1.852

Result and analysis

The different results of the optimum simulation (Run11) of component journal bearing are as under.

Fig. Shrinkage porosity

Fig. Fraction solid

Shrinkage porosity: The above fig. clearly shows

that the shrinkage porosity defect is on the riser and
the casting component journal bearing is free from
shrinkage porosity defect. Thus a sound component is
found by the simulation process using Pro-Cast,
casting simulation software. Fraction of solid: The

complete white coloured component shows that the

journal bearing is totally solidified that can be verified
from the side bar coloured graph, in which 1 represent
100% solidified component. The complete fraction of
solid shows that there will be no more shrinkage of
material which is going to be compensated by the riser.

Fig. Fill time

Fig. Solidification time

Fill time: Fill time represent time taken on which the

particular part of the component is filled by the liquid
metal. The fig. clearly depicts that the part that last to
be filled is the riser. This is again a positive result of
the casting simulation as riser lately fill can
compensate material for casting. Solidification Time:
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The above fig. shows that the outer surfaces of the

component which are direct contact with atmosphere
are solidified firstly as heat transfer take place fastly.
In order to solidify riser last, we can use insulating
material in the riser which prevents the transfer of heat
from the riser and restrict the solidification of metal in

(C)International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


[Iqbal, 3(8): August, 2014]

ISSN: 2277-9655
Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.449
(ISRA), Impact Factor: 1.852

the riser. Again by using exothermic material in the

riser in the form of sleeves keeps metal of the riser in
liquid form.

Fig. Voids

Temperature Vs. time graph

Voids or depression in the casting caused mainly by

uncontrolled and haphazard solidification of the metal.
It is due to wrong location or an improperly sized
gating system, inadequate risers, or poor design of the
casting involving abrupt changes of sectional
thickness. The fig. clearly shows that void is in the

sprue not in the casting and thus our casing component

is void free. Hence a sound component is produced by
ProCast simulation software.
Temperature Vs.
Time Graph: The temperature Vs. time graph was
plotted for the low carbon steel after the completion of
the simulation

Experimental Work For Validation

preperation of journal bearing pattern

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making corebox with coreprint

(C)International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


[Iqbal, 3(8): August, 2014]

ISSN: 2277-9655
Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.449
(ISRA), Impact Factor: 1.852

Mould preparation

melting of low carbon steel

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preheat of ladle

Pouring of low carbon steel for journal bearing

(C)International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


[Iqbal, 3(8): August, 2014]

ISSN: 2277-9655
Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.449
(ISRA), Impact Factor: 1.852

After solidification

Results: Casting simulation and experimental work

were done .It was done without riser, one riser, two
riser, at a different location. It was found that casting
did have shrinkage porosity even with two riser .But
when put in specific location, No shrinkage porosity
of journal bearing. The result/output of the pro-Cast
was also experimentally validated. The casting yield
was the also calculated using 2 riser experimentally
Casting yield = (wt of casting/ wt of total amount
= (38.500/55)* 100= 70 % (with
Discussion: it was found that there are only two %
variations in the casting yield doing experimental in
workshop against the simulation result, simulation
yield is 72% and experiment yield is 70%. It was
obvious that the casting will have shrinkage porosity
in the sprue and one riser section being thinnest among
the only use of 2 riser and 2 ingate gating system at
specific location in that zone /section. Through use of
2 risers and 2 ingates gating system would reduce yield
of casting considerably but it have to be done to make
the casting free from shrinkage porosity. This is
acceptable to the customer.


To overcome the problems of current

gating/riser system, a method based on CAD
and simulation technology is implemented.

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sufficiently matured and has become an
troubleshooting and method optimization. It
enables quality assurance and high yield
without shop-floor trials, and considerably
reduces the lead-time for the first good
sample cast.
By analysing simulation results, the
optimized riser system is determined.
By comparing the simulation result of
optimized casting model with that of the
original model, it can be concluded that the
porosity volume decreased and the yield
In shrinkage porosity diagram, it clearly
shown that all shrinkage are at the riser and
sprue and the component is shrinkage free
which implies a sound casting.
By using pro-cast simulation software the
casting yield is found to be 72%. Which is
greater than original one
By moving the trial and error process into the
virtual world and determine the cost of
different design and process options. By
minimizing real world trial and error (and
surprises) making castings right the first time.
From the above study it can be concluded that
the defect analysis done by simulation help a

(C)International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


[Iqbal, 3(8): August, 2014]

ISSN: 2277-9655
Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.449
(ISRA), Impact Factor: 1.852
4. Bawa, H S (2004). Manufacturing Processes
I. Tata McGraw-Hill. pp. 112. ISBN 978-007-058372-6.
5. Ammen, C. W. (1999). Metalcasting. McGrawHill Professional. pp. 159176. ISBN 978-007-134246-9.
6. Degarmo, Black & Kohser 2003, p. 311.
7. http://wwwold.me.gatech.edu/jonathan.colton/me4210/c
8. Ravi B, Metal Casting: Computer-Aided
Design and Analysis, Prentice-Hall, New
Delhi, India, 2005.
9. ASM Metals Hand book Vol.-15, casting page
10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riser_(casting)
11. P L Jain Principles of Foundry Technology
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company
Limited New Delhi Fourth Edition p 207.
12. Campbell, J., 2003. Castings. Elsevier

practical foundry man to take decision and

corrective actions can be taken to eliminate
these defects with lesser efforts.
Computer simulation can be a useful tool for
rapid process development. Limitation of the
conventional sand casting and gating design
has been elaborated. Advantages of computer
simulation based design enumerated.

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casting
2. R. Gregg Bruce, M.M. Tomovic, J.E. Neely,
R.R. Kibbe, Modern Materials and
Manufacturing Processes, 2nd ed., PrenticeHall, 1998.
3. Serope Kalpakjian, Steven R. Schmid,
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology,
Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall, NJ, 2006

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(C)International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology


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