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Solidification and Filling Related Defects Analysis Using Casting Simulation Technique With Experimental Validation

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications

2018; 6(6): 150-160

doi: 10.11648/j.ijmea.20180606.12
ISSN: 2330-023X (Print); ISSN: 2330-0248 (Online)

Solidification and Filling Related Defects Analysis Using

Casting Simulation Technique with Experimental Validation
Nazma Sultana, Md. Rafiquzzaman, Younosur Rahman, Apurba Das*
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Khulna, Bangladesh

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To cite this article:

Nazma Sultana, Md. Rafiquzzaman, Younosur Rahman, Apurba Das. Solidification and Filling Related Defects Analysis Using Casting
Simulation Technique with Experimental Validation. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications.
Vol. 6, No. 6, 2018, pp. 150-160. doi: 10.11648/j.ijmea.20180606.12

Received: September 13, 2018; Accepted: November 2, 2018; Published: January 28, 2019

Abstract: Solidification as well as filling has great influences on the quality of cast products. In modern competitive world
for increasing the quality of products these two steps draw higher attention to casting engineers. This case study is just one of
the followings of the above mentioned objective. The aim of the present work is to reduce the rejection rate of cast products in
a foundry shop due to casting defects in sand casting process using a computer aided simulation technique. In general
conventional techniques require a larger number of trials with higher costs for checking outputs when the number of process
parameters increase that can be reduced using simulation. For the simplification in this analysis grain size of sand, material
quality, casting process parameters are considered uniform for all cases. Only the positional and dimensional variances are
taken in considerations for defects analysis. It is found that defects such as shrinkage porosity, improper solidification, air
entrapment, mould erosion are directly related with gating and feeding system design and although other process parameters
are considered uniform but this defects will be changed with changing the design parameters. In this case Click2cast casting
simulation software is used for mould filling and solidification analysis and it is observed that proposed gating and feeding
system design improves casting yield approximately 15% more than conventional gating and feeding system. The validation of
simulation is proved through experimental trials in foundry shop.
Keywords: Shrinkage Porosity, Improper Solidification, Air Entrapment, Mould Erosion, Click2cast

value of casting process parameters to improve the quality of

1. Introduction and Literature Review cast products using various techniques over the past few years
Sand casting is one of the versatile methods of metal [1-24]. Up to now following methods are used for process
shaping because it is used most frequently for intricate shape design: Design of Experiments (DoE) techniques such as
casting practically both of ferrous or nonferrous material. Taguchi approach, Response Surface Methodology (RSM),
Further, the necessary tools required for sand casting are very integrated approach of Taguchi approach and Response
simple and inexpensive. For this reason it is an ideal method Surface Methodology (RSM), Finite Element Analysis (FEA),
for trial production or production of a small lot. It consists of casting simulation techniques such as Magma 5, Quick cast,
pouring molten metal into a sand mould cavity, allowing the Auto Cast X, Solid cast simulation software’s, Artificial
metal to solidify and then breaking away the mould for getting Neural Network (ANN), Gradient Search method [1-2].
the cast product. However the surface finish and dimensional The formation of various casting defects is not only related
accuracy achieved by normal sand casting process are not with sand casting process parameters but also highly related to
adequate for final output in many cases, therefore many nature of fluid flow during the mould filling stage and type of
improvements can be done through quite modifications of solidification. Any improper designing of gating and feeding
casting process. Green sand casting process parameters system results in mould erosion, air entrapment, no uniform
perform a vital role for enhancing the quality of cast products. solidification, shrinkage porosities, lower casting yield (%) etc.
Many researchers performed their research on optimizing the Therefore it is necessary to take special care in designing
151 Nazma Sultana et al.: Solidification and Filling Related Defects Analysis Using Casting
Simulation Technique with Experimental Validation

gating and feeding system to obtain defect free casting. The Thermal analysis during mould filling time using FORTRAN
main function of gating system is to carry clean molten metal has been done and the findings of this research is that the lastly
from ladle to the casting cavity ensuring complete filling. For a solidifying area is near the junction [19-20]. The application of
given casting geometry an optimized gating design satisfying computer aided method, and casting simulation in foundries
the entire requirement is obtained by experimentation through can reduce the bottleneck operations and excess non value
trial and error methods. But this technique takes a long time to added time in casting development, the number of required
get the desired dimensions of the gating channels and also trial casting are reduced for simulation on the shop floor [21].
increases cost to the company. This problem can be solved The authors applied AutoCAST-X1 simulation software for
easily by using simulation that represents the actual mould analysing this defects for wear plate mass production. They
filling and solidification process, so that we can predict the described that vertical gating and feeding system is not suitable
results in advance before producing actual casting. Research for thick cast metal. They proposed horizontal gating and
work published on optimization of gating system recommends feeding system in this case and in their experiments 30% defects
maximizing the casting yield, minimizing the in-gate velocity are reduced [22]. For reducing the shrinkage at the joint between
of molten metal, ensuring directional solidification, optimizing the axle head and the main body of the impellor of 200ZJA
the in-gate and riser location. slurry pump was reduced only reducing the distance from risers
In this research the contributions of various researchers on to axle head without changing the number or the design of
casting simulation techniques for various gating and feeding gating system using ProCAST software [23]. The authors
system design in reducing casting defects in variety of cast observed that solidification simulation using Vector Gradient
parts are also studied. Gating design has a great impact on Method (VGM) enables visualization of the progress of freezing
mould filling for light metal casting processes and the author inside a casting and identification of the last freezing regions or
provided validation of this statement through experimentation hot spots. Hence, an exothermic sleeve was attached to the
[3]. The suggestion of the authors is that optimization method feeder, which has completely shifted the hot spot in the feeder
assists in reducing casting related defects. The proper location, and there by eliminated shrinkage defect problem. This
size and design of gating and feeder system improved the facilitated the optimized placement and design of feeders with
shrinkage porosity and cracks in cast products [4]. improvement in yield by 20% while ensuring casting soundness
The authors described that proper dimension and positioning without expensive and time-consuming trial runs [24].
of riser and in-gates is very important in casting processes and From the above literature review it can be concluded that
they performed simulation for casting gear box of automobile simulation technique helps to reduce filling and solidification
components with the help of Auto-CAST software. They related casting defects. But the gating and feeding system
concluded that simulation of filling and gating system reduced design for multi-cavity mould are performed a very few
the casting defects of cast iron in foundries [5]. One of the using simulation techniques. In this research casting related
critical elements that has to be considered for producing a high defects are tried to reduce for multi-cavity mould using
quality sand casting product is the gating and risering system simulation. This study has been carried out in following
design [6-7]. Improper design of gating and risering system stages, viz. studying the way of designing various parts of
results in cold shut and shrinkage porosities. These defects feeder and gating system, comparative analysis of the
negatively affect mechanical properties. Therefore adequate conventional and newly designed gating systems based on
care is necessary in designing gating and risering systems for simulation results using Click2cast simulation software,
improved yield of defect free castings [8]. It has been shown finding out the casting yield (%) for both cases from
that good gating system design could reduce the turbulence of simulation results, experimental validation with simulation
melt flow, air entrapment, sand inclusion, oxide film and dross results through job shop trials for new design.
[9-14]. Melt flow influences solidification time, which is an
important parameter that could alter the microstructure and
mechanical properties of the cast part. This parameter is 2. Simulation Technique for Casting
influenced by design and dimension of gating components and Defects Analysis
also impart on the cooling rate of the casting. Metal head
height/pressure head/metal head is a vital gating component; it Simulation is the process of imitating a real phenomenon
is the vertical distance between the metal pouring height and using a set of mathematical equations implemented in a
the top surface of the casting or simply the height of the metal computer program. In casting simulation the mould filling
in the sprue [15]. Hot spot from casting can be removed and solidification analysis is done by using an algorithm or
through optimum positioning and designing of riser and author program based on finite volume method. The simulation
has designed riser with higher value of modulus for increasing programs are based on finite element analysis of 3D models
the solidification time compared to casting [16]. Computer- of castings and user interface. Computation and display. The
aided casting design and simulation is a faster tool for casting model (with feeders and gates) has to be created
optimizing the feeder design of castings [17]. ABAQUS is using a solid modelling system and imported into the
applied for detection of casting defects during solidification of simulation program [25]. The steps related to simulation
Aluminium alloy and author has concluded that most of the analysis is shown in figure 1.
defects are formed where the metal solidified last [18].
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications 2018; 6(6): 150-160 152

Figure 2. Specification of cast part (all dimensions are in mm).

3.1. Conventional Design of Gating and Feeding System for

Manufacturing Flywheel in Our Foundry Shop
Figure 1. Sequential procedures of Click2Cast simulation technique for
casting defects analysis Studying the conventional design of gating and feeding
system of multi-cavity mould is one of the prerequisite steps of
proposing a new design of gating system for minimizing
3. Solidification and Filling Related casting defects. For fulfilling this requirement the existing
Defects Analysis Using Casting gating design for aluminium flywheel manufacturing in
Simulation Technique foundry shop of Khulna University of Engineering &
Technology was selected. The first observation was that, in the
In this section multi cavity sand mould is used. As per the conventional process no theoretical calculations are applied.
foundry requirement, Aluminium (AlSi7Mg) is used as a The horizontal top gate and riser are used for filling of molten
casting material and green sand is selected as mould material. metal into the cavity with no runner extension. Riser is placed
The specifications of the cast parts are 165 mm diameter, 32 on the top centre of the plate as well as the height and diameter
mm height with a centre hole of 13 mm diameter, and four of riser is 76.2mm and 13mm sequentially. The other
holes surrounding the centre is shown in figure 2. Wooden dimensions of sprue, runner, and in-gate are shown in table 1.
pattern is used for getting good quality of mould cavity and In table the symbols that are used contains the following
casting and it is easily available at a cheap rate. meanings: D=Diameter, W=Width, H=Height.
Table 1. Dimensions of conventional gating and feeding system.

Sprue (mm) Sprue base well (mm) Runner(mm) Riser(mm) In-gates(mm)

D(base) D(top) H D H W L H D H W L H
Conventional gating
12.7 25.4 76.2 25.4 16 25.4 50.8 8 13 76.2 - - -
and feeding system

3.2. Designing and Positioning of Elements of Proposed main function of pouring basin is to reduce the momentum of
Gating and Feeding System the liquid flowing into the mould. For preventing turbulent
flow of metal through sprue, the entrance into the sprue
In this step a new design of gating system is proposed. For contains a smooth radius [26]. It is also desirable for
attaining the goal of our research, proper dimensioning and Aluminium casting because of preventing formation of oxide
positioning of sprue, runner, riser and in-gates are determined skins. Figure 3 shows the 3D view of conventional and
based on various established mathematical calculations. Any proposed pouring basin with dimensions for this analysis.
Casting design mainly consists of three basic designs: pattern
design, gating system design and finally the feeder/riser
design. Pattern allowances are provided in casting processes
for compensating dimensional and structural inaccuracies.
The molten metal flows from the sprue to cavity through
runner and in-gates. So the proper dimensions and
positioning of sprue, runner and in-gates have a great
influence on casting defects. Gating ratio for Aluminium,
sprue (1): runner (2): in-gates (1) [26].
Element 1: Proposed pouring basin
It is not a wise decision to pour molten metal directly into
the mould cavity because it may cause mould erosion. The
153 Nazma Sultana et al.: Solidification and Filling Related Defects Analysis Using Casting
Simulation Technique with Experimental Validation

A mm2Sprue area 2 choke area (2)

Here the significant meaning of symbols are given:

At Area of sprue(top)
Ac Area of choke
ht Height of sprue(top)
hc Height of choke
t Pouring time
d Mass density molten metal
g Acceleration due to gravity
H Effective sprue height
C Efficiency factor, 0.90
w Mass of metal poured into the mould
Figure 3. 3D view of (a) conventional and (b) proposed pouring basin (all Element 3: Proposed Runner with its extension
dimensions are given in mm unit)
It is generally located in the horizontal plane (parting
Element 2: Proposed Sprue and sprue base well plane) which connects the sprue to its in-gates. The main
The passage which connects the pouring basin to the considerations of runner design is its dimension because if
runner or in-gate is called sprue. It is generally designed the size of in-gates is larger than runner then uniform flow
taper shaped in downward to avoid aspiration of air in sand will be disturbed and runner extension is provided in this
casting because straight cylindrical shape creates a low design because it helps to trap the slag of molten metal. The
pressure area around the metal of the sprue. The exact area of runner is determined using equation 3 [26].
tapering dimension and choke area are measured using Area of runner 2 sprue area (3)
equation 1 and 2 [26]. Sprue base well is a reservoir for metal
at the bottom of the sprue which reduces the mould erosion Element 4: Proposed In-gates
through reducing the momentum of flow metal. Generally the The connection between runner and mould cavity is
well diameter for one runner system is twice the width of a maintained through this small passage. The cross section of
runner. In this research efficiency factor C=0.9 is assumed in-gates may be square, rectangular and trapezoidal. The in-
because of single runner tapered sprue [25]. 3D view of sprue gates are generally made wider compared to depth. In this
with sprue base well is represented in Figure 4. study two partial in-gates with same dimensions are
provided. Pressurized gating system with gating ratio
1(sprue):2(runner):1(in-gate) is used in this analysis [26].
Element 5: Proposed Riser and its positioning
Shrinkage is a very normal nature of molten metal during
solidification. The function of a riser is to feed the casting
during solidification so that no shrinkage cavities are formed.
For that reason it is also named feeder. In this analysis the
optimum riser size is determined using Modulus method.
Two centre risers are used for this casting which provides
directional solidification and the dimensions are calculated
using following formula 4 [26].
Diameter of Riser, Dr= 6Mc
Mc = Modulus of casting
D= Diameter of casting
H= Height of casting
Figure 4. 3D view of (a) conventional and (b) proposed sprue with sprue
base well.
Modulus of casting,
M (4)
For tapered dimensions, $#% &

Using the above mathematical equations, dimensions for

gating and feeding components are derived which are shown
in table 2.
Choke Area,
Table 2. Dimensions of proposed gating and feeding system (D=Diameter, H=Height, L=Length, W=Width).

Sprue (mm) Sprue base well (mm) Runner(mm) Riser(mm) In-gates(mm)

D(base) D(top) H D H W L H D H W L H
Optimized gating and feeding system 10.28 16 90 23 32 18 200 16 40 100 10 40 8
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications 2018; 6(6): 150-160 154

Casting Yield: solidification of molten metal.

The casting yield is the proportion of the actual casting Step 1: PART Module creation
mass to the mass of metal poured into the mould expressed as The prerequisite of this software is to create the part model
a percentage in equation 5 [25]. in CAD software and save it as a standard STL format for
importing in Click2cast. The simulation is carried out for
Casting yield 100% (5) AlSi7Mg Green sand casting process. Process parameters
such as the melting point of aluminium 713°C, green sand
Here, W= actual casting mass, w= mass of metal poured temperature 20°C, and gravity flow of molten metal are
into the mould selected for simulation. Figure 5 represents drawing model of
3.3. Comparative Analysis of Conventional and Proposed conventional and optimized gating and feeding system. The
casting is automatically meshed into cubic elements for
Gating and Feeding System with Simulation and
Experimental Results internal computations such as thickness, solidification and
mould filling. The mesh size is defined as 2 mm.
This section highlights the application of Click2cast
software for analysing casting defects during filling and

Figure 5. CAD models of (a) conventional and (c) proposed gating and feeding design.

Step 2: Filling process analysis results this study air entrapment is shown using blue coloured dots.
Filling process is simulated to view the flow of molten In conventional gating system air is entrapped into the
metal through the gating system and to predict the filling product which is completely replaced from the cast body to
related defects such as air entrapment, mould erosion etc. gating and feeding location in modified deign that is shown
This helps in verifying the optimal gating system. Air in figure 6.
entrapment into cast element helps to produce blow holes. In
155 Nazma Sultana et al.: Solidification and Filling Related Defects Analysis Using Casting
Simulation Technique with Experimental Validation

Figure 6. Air entrapment result of (a) conventional and (b) proposed gating and feeding design.

Mould erosion is also analysed in this step. The main and in this design the molten metal cannot enter the cavity
reason of occurring mould erosion is high velocity of flowing directly from runner so the entering velocity is much more
molten metal into the cavity. From simulation results it is lower than conventional design. Mould erosion is almost
found that in conventional gating system the maximum disappeared in proposed gating system but in conventional
velocity of liquid flow from sprue to runner is 403.74 m/s but gating design percentage of mould erosion is appeared in
in modified gating design provides only 152.58 m/s velocity larger regions of cast product which is viewed in figure 7.

Figure 7. Mould erosion of (a) conventional and (b) proposed gating and feeding design.
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications 2018; 6(6): 150-160 156

Step 3: Solidification analysis results are achieved: one is directional solidification (thin regions
Casting solidification in figure 8 helps to view the cooling solidify faster than thick regions) and another is progressive
process from exterior casting surface to interior, and to detect solidification meant casting surface to interior. Equal
the location of shrinkage porosity. This analysis helps to temperature distribution throughout the cast body is an
optimize and verify the design of risers, so that the casting indication of progressive solidification.
yield is improved with desired quality. Here, two main results

Figure 8. Casting solidification of (a) conventional and (b) proposed gating and feeding design.

From the figure 8, it is noticed that both progressive and cast body so directional solidification is not achieved and it is
directional solidification is achieved in modified gating and one of the main reasons of occurring shrinkage porosity in
feeding system design. From temperature scale it is clearly cast product. The obtained results of shrinkage porosity
shown that yellow colour represents low temperature and red (coloured dots represents shrinkage porosity) in figure 9 also
colour indicates high temperature. In conventional gating and declares that the modified gating and feeding design is better
feeding system riser is solidified before the solidification of than conventional design.
157 Nazma Sultana et al.: Solidification and Filling Related Defects Analysis Using Casting
Simulation Technique with Experimental Validation

Figure 9. Shrinkage porosity of (a) conventional and (b) proposed gating and feeding design.

Step 4: Experimental Trial casting in proposed gating pattern of flywheel, moulding box, sprue and sprue base well,
system runner, in-gates and riser as per the design dimensions for
The first step of experimental trial is to prepare a wooden flywheel casting. All these part are represented in figure 10.
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications 2018; 6(6): 150-160 158

Figure 10. Components of proposed gating and feeding system with multi-cavity mould.

Table 3. Casting yield for conventional and proposed gating system design.

Iteration No. Conventional gating system Proposed gating system

Casting yield (%) 39 45

Bentonite is used as a binding material that increases the cavity. After 1 hour passing the cast product is collected from
mould strength. The mould cavity consists of two parts, cope moulding box. Sand, dust are washed out using water and
(20×12×6) inch - the upper part and drag (20×12×3) inch - then excess metal, gates, runner and risers are cut off from
the lower part. After preparing mould box molten Aluminium cast product. At last the final product is found which is
is removed from furnace at 713°C and poured into mould represented in figure 11.

Figure 11. (a) Top view and (b) bottom view of multi-cavity mould aluminium flywheel with proposed gating elements (c) Cast flywheel after removing gating
elements and cleaning dust.

Finally casting yield is determined using equation 5 for gating design. Casting yield (%) calculations for new gating
both gating system cast product that are represented in table 3 design is illustrated below.
and casting yield is increased 15% more than conventional
Total volume of flywheel
3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14
5 ∗ 165 ∗ 165 ∗ 32< = 54 ∗ ∗ 27 ∗ 27 ∗ 13< = $ ∗ 119 ∗ 119 ∗ 19 @ 5 ∗ 37 ∗ 37 ∗ 26<
4 4 4 4
=$ ∗ 13 ∗ 13 ∗ 32& 466856 BB3

Mass of multi = cavity casting Mass of metal poured 5.6CD
2 ∗ 466856 ∗ 0.00000265 2.5 CD
After casting the mass of flywheel=2.5kg
For Aluminium alloy,
159 Nazma Sultana et al.: Solidification and Filling Related Defects Analysis Using Casting
Simulation Technique with Experimental Validation

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