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School of Mechanical, Chemical & Materials Engineering Department of Mechanical Design & Manufacturing Engineering

Kebebe Mr., Solomon Dr, Habtamu Beri (Lecturer)

Urgie (MSc Student) Dufera (Lecturer)

Review Paper on Simulation of Molten metal flow Using CAE

In today’s global competitive environment there is a need for the casting set ups and foundries to develop
the components in short lead time. Computer-based casting simulation as ‘virtual casting’, it facilitates us
to optimize the process parameters to beneficially find out the suitable working model of the casting
process. To obtain more precise and realistic solution, the profound understanding in the fundamental
concept of simulation software is necessary. Casting simulation technique widely used in foundries and
metal casting industries. Casting simulation simulates the real casting phenomenon and gives a virtual
casting process as molten metal flow in mould cavity with respect to time and direction. It shows the
virtual process of casting like mould filling, solidification and cooling and also predict the location of
internal defects. With the help of casting simulation, casting process method and designs optimization is
possible. Casting simulation is used in the production of reliable, economical and high accuracy cast
component. Although casting simulation becomes important tool, simulation cannot correct itself existing
casting process or design. So, for the application of casting simulation experienced and knowledge person
required. Reliability of casting component can be improved with the help of casting simulation software.
In this review paper, the casting simulation of molten metal flow, importance of casting, CAE, and case
study on feeder optimization is described.

Keyword’s: CAE, Mould, Casting Simulation, Importance, Defect analysis, Feeding Optimization


School of Mechanical, Chemical & Materials Engineering Department of Mechanical Design & Manufacturing Engineering


The casting of metals dates back to 3000-2500 BC. There is evidence to show that between the
Stone Age and the Bronze Age, early societies began to extract ores by methods such as melting
or hammering. Since the mid 1980's, software for the numerical simulation of flow and
solidification during casting processes has become more accessible to foundries as a result of
both software and hardware developments.(Jolly 2002)
Casting is a 6000 years old and widespread manufacturing processes used to produce complex
components with lower costs. Casting/Foundry industry experiences, low quality and productivity issues,
due to Involvement of number of casting process parameters and coupled physical effects. Even in
completely controlled process, defect in casting are observed and hence casting process is also known as
process of uncertainty. CAE simulations are increasingly used to provide physics-based solution and
methods for process control and for eliminating casting defects. (Hussain, Ramanathan, and Thiagarajan
(Mane, Sata, and Khire 2010)While researchers have developed a foundry, industry suffers from poor
quality and productivity due to the large number of process parameters, combined with lower penetration
of manufacturing automation and shortage of skilled workers compared to other industries. Also, Global
buyers demand defect-free castings and strict delivery schedule, which foundries are finding it very
difficult to meet.
(Mayer et al. 2020)CAE software providers have recently introduced commercial FE solutions with the
goal to simulate residual distortions and stresses before expensive production trials need to be made in
order to move away from experience-based AM design to a simulation-based design method. Thereby,
manufacturing information can be propagated backwards into the design phase to best shape an additively
manufactured component and to take best advantage of this advanced manufacturing technology.
(Mane, Sata, and Khire 2010)While researchers have developed a foundry, industry suffers from poor
quality and productivity due to the large number of process parameters, combined with lower penetration
of manufacturing automation and shortage of skilled workers compared to other industries. Also, Global
buyers demand defect-free castings and strict delivery schedule, which foundries are finding it very
difficult to meet.
(Sütoová and Grzinčič 2013).introduce that the Castings production is a complex process involving
several sub-processes such as mould and core making, melting, casting (pouring the metal into the
mould), fettling and finishing sub-processes which affect product quality. All of these processes can
generate various types of defects. defect is defined as non-fulfilment of a requirement related to an
intended or specified use (ISO 9000, 2006).
(Sultana, Rahman, and Das 2018)The authors described that proper dimension and positioning of riser
and in-gates is very important in casting processes and they performed simulation for casting gear box of
automobile components with the help of Auto-CAST software. They concluded that simulation of filling
and gating system reduced the casting defects of cast iron in foundries. Computer- aided casting design
and simulation is a faster tool for optimizing the feeder design of castings.


School of Mechanical, Chemical & Materials Engineering Department of Mechanical Design & Manufacturing Engineering

(Papanikolaou, Pagone, and Jolly 2020)The most common problems encountered in sand casting
foundries are related to sand inclusions, air, and oxide films entrainment. These issues can be addressed to
a good extent or eliminated by designing proper running systems. The design of a good running system
should be based on John Campbell’s “10 casting rules”; it should hinder laminar and turbulent
entrainment of the surface film on the liquid, as well as bubble entrainment.
(Mane, Sata, and Khire 2010)While researchers have developed a foundry, industry suffers from poor
quality and productivity due to the large number of process parameters, combined with lower penetration
of manufacturing automation and shortage of skilled workers compared to other industries. Also, Global
buyers demand defect-free castings and strict delivery schedule, which foundries are finding it very
difficult to meet.
(Dabade and Bhedasgaonkar 2013)authors analyses defects of Foundry in industries to developing
countries suffer from poor quality and productivity due to involvement of number of process parameters
in casting process. Even in a completely controlled process, defects in casting are observed and hence
casting process is also known as process of uncertainty which challenges explanation about the cause of
casting defects.
(Chudasama 2013)(Panchal, Joshi, and Ghetiya 2015) The authors described that Casting is one of the
economical manufacturing processes used in industries, is a complicated process, which involves
considerable metallurgical and mechanical aspects. The rate of solidification governs the microstructure
largely, which in turn controls the mechanical properties like strength, hardness, machinability, etc. The
location, size and shape of riser in a casting depend on the geometry of the casting, mould design and
thermal properties of metal, old and other process parameters. Wrong designed riser results either
defective casting with shrinkage cavity or lower yield, as directional solidification has not achieved.
(Beg Mughal, Mandloi, and Joshi 2014)it refers, Casting simulation experiments, are however
computationally intensive. Savings in the number of simulations would translate in reduction in the length
of time spent in setting up and post-processing simulation results would allow the labor resources to be
used more efficiently Therefore, in order to keep the number of simulations to a minimum, experiments
were designed based on the design of experiments (DOE) method.
(Bhatt et al. 2014)Simulation involves construction of mathematical models for any physical process and
performing repetitive iterations on those models so as to predict the behavior or
growth of the process. In case of castings, the simulation software is already developed to provide
artificial environment of foundry for performing experiments virtually.
(Simulation, Engineering, and Magazine 2019)The participation at the Research Agorà, during the CAE
Conference 2019, provided the chance to discuss the work with people from both the academic and
industrial worlds, facilitating the development of new ideas to improve the technology and the
investigation of new fields of application.
(Murph 1992)The casting process is conveniently divided into three distinct phases:
1) mold filling, where the melt is poured or forced into the mold cavity, 2) solidification, where the melt
undergoes a phase change to the solid state, and
3) cool down, where the solidified part continues to cool to ambient conditions.


School of Mechanical, Chemical & Materials Engineering Department of Mechanical Design & Manufacturing Engineering

While these phases may appear to be separate and distinct, temporal overlaps do exist between phases
(e.g. local solidification occurring during mold filling) and some phenomenological events are affected by
others (e.g. residual stresses depend on solidification and cooling rates).
(Papanikolaou, Pagone, and Jolly 2020)Authors describe on issues can be addressed to a good extent or
eliminated by designing proper running systems. Casting is one of the oldest and most widely used
manufacturing processes. The process consists of two main stages, namely (a) pouring the liquid metal
into a mold with the desired shape and (b) solidification. Although this description seems simple, none of
the aforementioned sub-processes is trivial and defective cast products can be produced if the casting
method is poorly designed. The majority of the defects arise during the filling process due to poorly
designed filling systems with surface turbulence and metal front retreating being the most significant
entrainment mechanisms.
results shown that the geometry and size of the gate and the ratio of the gating system has a great
influence on the pattern of mold filling and suggested that the application of CAD method, and casting
simulation technique in foundries can minimize the bottlenecks and non-value-added time in casting
improvement with minimize its cost &upgrade the casting quality performance.
2, Casting Design Calculations
Casting design mainly consists of pattern design, gating system design and finally the feeder design.
Casting is carried out with the LM 6 material by sand casting process. To compensate for any dimensional
and structural inadequacies which will happen during the casting or patterning process, allowances are
usually provided to the pattern. Various allowances considered are shrinkage allowance, draft allowance,
machining allowance etc. The design of the gating system act as a passage ways for the flow of molten
metal from the ladle to various portions of the mould cavity, influencing the casting quality and economy.
Nearly 40 % of casting defects are attributed to faulty design of gating systems and poor pouring
practices. The solidification is essentially a phase transformation of metals from liquid to solid state in a
reshaped cavity. This phase transformation is accompanied by volumetric shrinkage in most of the cast
metals. In order to produce a sound casting it is necessary to provide means for compensating volumetric
shrinkage. Feeder or riser is the reservoirs of liquid metal provided in the mould to compensate for the
volumetric shrinkage of the casting over the total solidification period. The feeder should be thermally
and volumetrically adequate with sufficient feeding range. Based on design calculations wooden pattern
for component, gating system and feeder has been prepared as shown in Fig. 4.(Choudhari, Narkhede, and
Mahajan 2014) 1148 C.M. Choudhari et al. / Procedia Engineering 97 ( 2014 ) 1145 – 1154


School of Mechanical, Chemical & Materials Engineering Department of Mechanical Design & Manufacturing Engineering

Fig. 1 Wooden pattern for component, gating system, and feeder(Choudhari, Narkhede, and Mahajan

3, Mould
The mold cavity layout, feeders, and gating are automatically optimized within minutes based on quality
requirements and other constraints. For mold cavity layout, the primary criterion is the ratio of cast metal
to mold material. A high ratio such as 1:2 (cavities too close to each other) can reduce the heat transfer
rate and lead to shrinkage porosity defects. A low ratio such as 1:8 (cavities too far from each other)
implies poor utilization of mold material and reduced productivity. The program tries out various
combinations of mold sizes and number of cavities to find the combination that is closest to the desired
value of metal to mold ratio.(Ravi 2008)

Fig.2 Melt jet path and mold filling.(Ravi 2008)


School of Mechanical, Chemical & Materials Engineering Department of Mechanical Design & Manufacturing Engineering

The simulation was terminated automatically when the mold was completely filled.

Figure 3. Simulation setup.

3.1, Gating System

In general, the term used for describing the cross-sectional area of the gating components is known as
“Gating Ratio”, generally defined as the ratio of sprue area to the runner area to total gate area.(H and
Raikar 2015)
a mold cavity must be filled with the clean molten metal in a controlled manner for the casting to be free
of discontinuities, solid inclusions, voids, gas porosity, blow holes etc. the main objective of designing of
gating system is to lead clean molten metal poured from lead to the (Bhatt et al. 2014)casting, ensuring
smooth, uniform and complete filling.(Nimbulkar and Dalu 2015)

Fig. 4. Models of Various Elements of Gating System


School of Mechanical, Chemical & Materials Engineering Department of Mechanical Design & Manufacturing Engineering

3.2, Importance of Gating System

The design of gating system is as important as rise ring of a steel casting. It is well known that improper
gating practice can result in defects like, peroxides, inclusions, cold shuts, misruns, hot tears, local
shrinkages, and gas cavities in a steel casting. A gating system should be pre-designed and incorporated in
method drawing as is the case of rise ring and not left to the discretion of the molder.(V. Gulhane and
Shirbhate 2015)
3.2.1, Non-Pressurized gating system: Where the res triction in the flow of the fluid is near to the spruce
is known as Non-Pressurized gating system. Here the choke of this type of the system is near sprue or at
the end of the sprue or exactly below the sprue where the solid impurities are less and the metal tends to
solidify at faster rate uses this type of gating system.
3.2.2, Pressurized gating system:
A pressurized gating system is known to as which maintain the back pressure on the gating system by
restricting the fluid flow at the gates, this type of gating generally requires the total gate area not to be
greater than the area of the sprue
2.3, Feeding Technology
Riser is a reservoir to hold an extra metal which compensate the liquid metal in the mould for the
shrinkage solidification. It also helps in good quality casting which are free from the cavities both internal
and external shrinkage cavities. There are some five requirements of the riser and they are.

Fig. 5 Schematic representation of the feeding mechanisms in a solidifying casting.(H and Raikar 2015)
The Feed module enables designing and optimizing the feeders and feed aids to obtain the desired quality
with high yield. Casting solidification was simulated and the results are shown as cooling animation, feed
metal paths and shrinkage porosity distribution. The feeder design can be automatically optimized, driven
by user constraints. Here, progressive convergence of hotspot indicating the last solidifying region in the
casting has been identified and green colored dot indicates the location of the feeder as shown in Fig. 6.


School of Mechanical, Chemical & Materials Engineering Department of Mechanical Design & Manufacturing Engineering

Fig. 6 Progressive convergence of hotspot indicating the last solidifying region Feeders(Choudhari,
Narkhede, and Mahajan 2014)

Feeders have been located closest to major hotspots to allow feed metal transfer during volumetric
contraction that accompanies solidification shrinkage. The feeder according to the design dimensions has
been placed exactly on the top of the hotspot as shown in Fig. 8. In this case, various modulus obtained
are; modulus of feeder is 11.25 mm; modulus of neck is 9.75 mm whereas the casting modulus is 8.91
mm. After attaching the feeder to the casting, once again the hotspot has been inspected as shown in Fig.

Fig. 7 Feeder and neck design for stepped plate casting(Choudhari, Narkhede, and Mahajan 2014)


School of Mechanical, Chemical & Materials Engineering Department of Mechanical Design & Manufacturing Engineering

Fig. 8 Partial shifted position of hotspot in the feeder for stepped plate casting (Choudhari, Narkhede, and
Mahajan 2014)
The above simulations (Fig. 8) results show that the hotspot has not completely shifted to the feeder.
Hence a strategy has been decided to use the same size of the feeder with an exothermic sleeve. This
attempt will not affect the yield of the casting since the feeder dimensions remain unaltered. There are
four types of feed aids such as sleeves, chills, padding and fins available in this software. The desired
material can be selected (Insulation or Exothermic) by using the sleeves or covers tab in the Feed module.
A suitable sleeve or cover will be automatically designed and created to match the feeder shape, size and
location. Here exothermic sleeve of 10mm thickness has been used as shown in the Fig. 9 (Left). Sleeve
has maintained the feeder hot for longer duration. Once again hot spot has been checked. It was
completely shifted in side of the feeder as shown in the Fig. 9 (Right)

Fig.9 Effect of exothermic sleeve on the position of hotspot in stepped plate casting(Choudhari,
Narkhede, and Mahajan 2014)

Fig. 10 Feed metal paths (3D as well as in cross section)(Choudhari, Narkhede, and Mahajan 2014)


School of Mechanical, Chemical & Materials Engineering Department of Mechanical Design & Manufacturing Engineering

3.4, Design of Riser System

Riser is design to compensate the solidification shrinkages of a casting and make it free of shrinkage
porosity. The pressure control Risering system design sequence involved firstly determining casting
significant modulus (MS), then corresponding modulus of riser neck (MN) and modulus of riser (MR).
Riser neck dimensions are measured at the bottom of the radius between riser and casting. Additional
notching of the contact was introduced with notch depth not more than fifth contact thickness.(Nimbulkar
and Dalu 2015)
4, Casting simulation
There are number of casting simulation software are developed and are used in foundry worldwide. The
main inputs for the casting simulation process are:
1) Thermo-physical properties (density, specific heat, and thermal conductivity of the cast metal as well
as the mould material, as a function of temperature).
2) Boundary conditions (i.e. the metal mould heat transfer coefficient, for normal mould as well as feed
aids including chills, insulation and exothermic materials).
3) Process parameters (such as pouring rate, time and temperature).

Fig.11, Flow pattern of computer simulation(Chudasama 2013)(Panchal, Joshi, and Ghetiya 2015)
The Mold Flow software was used in the casting process to analyze the material flow and stages
progression. At this progression, the type analysis and material have been chosen from the database
software. The simulation process of involves as importing a model, meshing, setting up analysis and run
the analysis as shown in Figure 12.(Ahmad et al. 2019)


School of Mechanical, Chemical & Materials Engineering Department of Mechanical Design & Manufacturing Engineering

Fig. 12. Simulation process flow (Ahmad et al. 2019)

Casting simulation is carried out in this work, by use of SOLID-Cast software which is created by, Finite
Solution Inc. This program works based on finite difference method (FDM). In finite difference method
mesh is rectangular in shape and made by a series of cube- shaped blocks which are called as nodes.
SOLID-Cast software has built in flow simulation program that is FLOW-Cast. SOLID-Cast helps to
simulate solidification and FLOW-Cast helps in flow simulation of casting.(H and Raikar 2015)

Fig. 13.Flow process chart of function of simulation(Choudhari, Narkhede, and Mahajan 2014)


School of Mechanical, Chemical & Materials Engineering Department of Mechanical Design & Manufacturing Engineering

Auto-CAST is casting simulation software developed by IIT Bombay. This was used to simulate fluid
flow and solidification process for gating design, riser design. Casting simulation and result analysis was
done to predict the molten metal solidification behavior inside the mould.(Nimbulkar and Dalu 2015)
This includes mould filling, solidification, grain structure, stresses and distortion. It requires solid models
of product and tooling (parting, cores, mould layout, feeders, feed aids and gates), temperature-dependent
properties of part and mould materials, and process parameters (pouring temperature, rate, etc.). The
simulation results can be interpreted to predict casting defects such as shrinkage porosity, hard spots,
blowholes, cold shuts, cracks and distortion. The inputs however, require considerable expertise and may
not be easily available to product designers. One solution is to involve tooling and foundry engineers in
the product design stage, and evolve the product, tooling and process designs simultaneously, ensuring
their mutual compatibility with each other. This approach is referred to as concurrent engineering.(Vasava
and Joshi 2013)
Simulation is the process of imitating a real phenomenon using a set of mathematical equations
implemented in a computer program. In casting simulation, the mould filling and solidification analysis is
done by using an algorithm or program based on finite volume method, to identify the hot spots and hence
defects like shrinkage porosities, hot tears, cracks, etc. The simulation programs are based on finite
element analysis of 3D models of castings and involve sophisticated functions for user interface,
computation and display. The casting model (with feeders and gates) has to be created using a solid
modelling system and imported into the simulation program has suggested casting simulation and
optimization methodology as shown in Figure 14.(Dabade and Bhedasgaonkar 2013)

Fig. 14, Casting simulation-optimization methodology(Dabade and Bhedasgaonkar 2013)


School of Mechanical, Chemical & Materials Engineering Department of Mechanical Design & Manufacturing Engineering

4.1, Condition of simulation

If the size of the riser is large, it appropriately compen- sates shrinkage during the solidification of the
casting and ultimately reduces defects, but the recovery rate would be reduced. In order to increase the
recovery rate, the size of the riser should be diminished. However, a small riser would result in quick
solidification by heat transfer to the outer side and, consequently, the riser would not perform its role
properly. The size of the riser was reduced to raise the recovery rate, and heaters were installed around the
riser. Because the heaters heated up the riser while the casting was solidified, the riser could be solidified
later than the casting even if the size of the riser was small. Figure 1 presents the cut area of the heating
system for the riser. It includes a sleeve, top insulation, and heater near the riser, which maintain the
necessary temperature. Table 1 presents the computer-aided engineering (CAE) condition to determine
gating system. This investigation evaluated the effects of riser type, heater temperature, and sleeve
material–with and
without top insulation—to increase the recovery rate of the product. The types of riser are straight, taper,
and step. The sleeve materials are steel and sand. The temperatures of the heater are 400°C, 500°C, and
600°C. The analysis was carried out for a total of seven conditions. CAE conditions 1 and 2 are the
comparisons regarding sleeve materials, while conditions 3 and 4 are the comparisons for the
implementation of top insulation. Conditions 5, 6, and 7 refer to the comparisons for heater temperatures.

Figure 15, Construction of riser heating system for riser size minimizing.
(Seo, Jin, and Kang 2018)


School of Mechanical, Chemical & Materials Engineering Department of Mechanical Design & Manufacturing Engineering

volume method (FVM). The results were 907,350 meshes on the metal cell and 18,875,930 meshes on the
control volume, which is the material group. (Seo, Jin, and Kang 2018)
4.2, Simulation Technique for Casting Defects Analysis
Simulation is the process of imitating a real phenomenon using a set of mathematical equations
implemented in a computer program. In casting simulation, the mould filling and solidification analysis is
done by using an algorithm or program based on finite volume method. The simulation programs are
based on finite element analysis of 3D models of castings and user interface. Computation and display.
The casting model (with feeders and gates) has to be created using a solid modelling system and imported
into the simulation program(Sultana, Rahman, and Das 2018). The steps related to simulation analysis is
shown in figure 16


School of Mechanical, Chemical & Materials Engineering Department of Mechanical Design & Manufacturing Engineering

Figure 16. Sequential procedures of Click2Cast simulation technique for casting defects analysis
4.3, Results of simulation
Figure 17 illustrates the filling mode while the molten metal was charged into the cavity of the mold. The
transparent part displays the condition where the molten metal was not filled into the cavity, while the
yellow portion shows the molten metal filled into it. The percentage value refers to the volume of the
molten metal filled into the cavity, while the time shows the duration of filling of the molten metal. When
the molten metal was filled at 25%, it was injected from the sprue, passed through the gate, and flown into
the product; there would be turbulence to some extent. Because the molten metal inflow from the sprue
was freely dropped, the speed of inflow into the gate could be considerably high, resulting in a significant
turbulence. The turbulence was not substantial because the location of the gate was 30mm from the
bottom of the sprue. When the molten metal touched the bottom of the runner, the speed was reduced and
the molten metal could be flown into the gate. The filling speed of the molten metal at the gate, calculated
from the equation, was 1.44 m/s. When the molten metal was charged at 55% into the cavity, the turbulent
flow was converted into laminar flow, and then the flow would be stabilized. The time to fill the molten
metal at 100% was 5.186 s, which was faster than the calculated value (5.73 s) by 0.544 s. When the
molten metal having a temperature of 1400°C was completely filled into the cavity, there was a
temperature loss from the surface of the product at around 90°C. Because the theoretical temperature of
the liquid phase line of the Gray Casting Ductile (GCD) 600 material was 1169°C after the molten metal
was completely filled into the mold cavity, solidification was executed while the molten metal was static.
Therefore, the designed gating system could be suitable for the casting process of turbine housings.(Seo,
Jin, and Kang 2018)


School of Mechanical, Chemical & Materials Engineering Department of Mechanical Design & Manufacturing Engineering

Figure 17, Filling behavior of turbine housing for sand casting.

Figure 18. Solidification analysis for sleeve materials: (a) steel and (b) sand.


School of Mechanical, Chemical & Materials Engineering Department of Mechanical Design & Manufacturing Engineering

Figure 19. Relationship between solidification rate and time according to sleeve material (CAE condition
1: steel, CAE condition 2: sand).(Seo, Jin, and Kang 2018)
approximately 10%, the solidification of the riser was almost completed at a lower temperature than the
solid-phase temperature of 1166°C, as shown in Figure 18(a). However, with respect to condition 2,
which had sand as the heating material for the riser, the riser and product were not isolated till a
solidification rate of approximately 70%, as shown in Figure 18(b); thus, the sand sleeve in condition 2
could yield a better riser effect than the steel sleeve. Therefore, the sand sleeve exhibited a better
performance with a good recovery rate when compared with the steel sleeve. Figure 19 depicts the
solidification rate relative to solidification time for conditions 1 and 2. The increase in solidification time
when a sand sleeve was used exceeded that of the steel sleeve, although the solidification modes were
almost identical. When a sand sleeve was used, the solidification of the riser was delayed, and this
occurred after riser solidification with a steel sleeve. (Seo, Jin, and Kang 2018)
Casting simulation is used for the production of reliable, economical and high accuracy cast component.
Also, it is used to increase the casting yield and reduce the shop floor trial time. With casting simulation
technique, casting method and design optimization is possible. Casting simulation helps to predict the
defects and their locations. With casting simulation technique, the Feed ability of casting process can be
analysis and optimize. The programs are gradually become more powerful, by including method design
suggestions, automatic modeling of feeders and gating system, and user guided optimization for achieving
the desired quality at the highest yield. In near future, we will be able to get the castings right first time,
every time, in real time.


School of Mechanical, Chemical & Materials Engineering Department of Mechanical Design & Manufacturing Engineering

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