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Review on Casting Defects and its Reduction

Student Name*, Guide Name**

* Research scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College Name, City Name.
**Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College Name, City Name.
Abstract: In today’s environment of competition, foundry industries are required to minimize rejections caused due
to casting defects. From long time casting method was considered an art practiced with trial and error method. The
defects caused during casting process are being studied by various scholars are presented in this paper along with
optimization methods proposed for reducing casting defects. The reduction in casting defects would enable foundry
industry to increase profit and reduce losses.

Key Words: Casting defects, Quality Improvement


During this modern era, casting process has become

more of science where more control is exerted over
the whole of casting production beginning from raw
materials to finished product. Traditionally, the
foundryman was on his own. He determined the type
of casting method to be used after receiving
information on the product to be manufactured. From
here, the foundryman would carry out his own mold
material preparation, molding, pouring and sometime
to the extend of melting his own metal and fettling
Figure 1: Sand Casting
the casting. In certain foundries the operator was
virtually a sub-contractor selling his product to the
company. Hence, the only technical control was done 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
by the craftsman. This form of practice has changed
K. Siekanski etal [1] have utilized various quality
in modern foundry industry. In more recent times,
control tool for the analysis of casting defects to
casting processes to be used were determined by the
improve the quality of casting product. Ishikawa
foundry shop floor supervisor. Further advancement
diagram and Pareto chart are used for data analysis.
of the foundry industry, and the mass production of a
Analysis of various defects and their causes for
variety of castings has brought about greater
accordance can be satisfied one with the help of
specialization. Now, operators have limited tasks and
Ishikawa diagram. Ishikawa diagram help us for
their supervisors may even be removed from the
analysing failure analysis up to five different reasons.
direct responsibilities of casting production. Casting
Pareto diagram shows separation of main
production is now left to a technical staff whose role
nonconformance’s casting defect like displacement,
is to establish and record methods and casting
miss run, shaggy in homogeny, shrinkage depression,
techniques for a particular product. This is supported
hot crack etc. On the base of this diagram it was
by metallurgical control using modern laboratory
concluded that the quantity of non-conformances in
facilities to determine such things as metal
production process is influenced mainly by behaviour
composition, metallographic structure and properties.
of employees connected with negligence, and
noncompliance of technological process
recommendations of procedures.
Uaday dabara etal. [2] have used two techniques are and mould interface, sleeve, and breaker core, to
used for the analysis of the casting defects. In this connect flow off in the gating design., to lack of
study they have used a Design of Experiment locators and improper setting of cores and due to
(Taguchi method) for analysis of sand and mould mould lift and mould bulging. The remedial
related defects like as sand drop, bad mould, blow measures were identified to overcome the above
holes, cuts and washes, etc. and another method is defects and which are like proper cleaning of the
computer aided casting simulation technique stem, mould before closing, ensure that sand do not enter
which is used for meth ding, filling and solidification into the sleeve, replace no-bake core with shell core,
related defects such as shrinkage porosity, hot tears, provide pads at bottom face, and modified the loose
etc. The Authors have concluded that the optimized piece design to avoid core crushing. To be directly
levels of selected process parameters obtained by connected on top surface of long member, provided
Taguchi method are: moisture content (A): 4.7 %, six locators for proper setting of cores - three are of
green compression strength (B): 1400 gm/cm2, metallic and three are self-locators, clamp the moulds
permeability number (C): 140 and mould hardness properly to withstand the pouring pressure – clamp
number (D):85. With Taguchi optimization method centre channel with C - Clamps during metal pouring.
the percentage rejection of castings due to sand The authors have identified various causes of casting
related defects is reduced from 10 % to 3.59 %. defects.

L.A. Dobrzański etal. [3] used the methodology of Achamyeleh A. Kassie, Samuel B. Assfaw,[5] have
the automatic supervision for control of the used statistical analysis method for optimizing
technological process of manufacturing the elements process parameters of casting process. There were 9
from aluminium alloys. The methodology of the experiments conducted using Taguchi’s DOE by
automatic quality assessment of these elements changing the selected variables and different results
basing on analysis of images obtained with the X-ray were derived, from very bad to good, were shown up.
defect detection, employing the artificial intelligence Four process parameters were studied like sand –
tools. The methodology is making it possible to binder ratio, mould permeability, pouring
determine the types and classes of defects developed temperature and de-oxidant amount in three levels.
during casting the elements from aluminium alloys, Factorial experiment was carried out. Finally it was
making use photos obtained with the flaw detection concluded that the sand-binder ratio = 100:1, mould
method with the X-ray radiation and also prepare the permeability = 250-300, pouring temperature =
neural network data in the appropriate way, including 14601490, and de-oxidant amount = 0.2 parameters
their standardization, carrying out the proper image are giving better and accurate castings.
analysis and correct selection and calculation of the
geometrical coefficients of flaws in the X-ray images. Tapan Roy [6] studied the occurrence of different
The correctly specified number of products enables types of casting defects and its scientific analysis by
such technological process control that the number of computerised simulation techniques supported by
castings defects can be reduced by means of the industrial case studies. The main two categories of
proper correction of the process. Controlling the defects viz. solidification related defects like hot tear,
technological process on the basis of the computer shrinkage and porosity defects etc. and flow-related
generated information focused on the product quality, defects like sand burn in and rough surface/ metal
can enable the optimisation of this process and so the penetration, air entrapment, cold shut etc. were
reduction of defective castings and in the result the discussed along with simulation results and practical
reduction of expenses and environmental pollution. case studies. The author has concluded that the defect
analysis done by simulation helps to practical
Dr. D.N. Shivappa, and Mr Rohit, [4] found the four foundry men to take decision and corrective actions
prominent defects in casting rejections. They are can be taken to eliminate these defects with lesser
Sand drop, Blow hole, Mismatch, and Oversize in efforts.
TSB Castings. The causes of the defects were due to
improper cleaning of mould in the areas around chills
Charnnarong Saikaew, Sermsak Wiengwiset [7] have chemical composition of aluminium alloy and casting
studied to optimize the proportion of betonies and quality. They have used ANN (Artificial Neural
water added to a recycle sand mould for reducing Network), to achieve better casting quality. Based on
iron casting waste using techniques like response use of ANN inputs analysis one can determine which
surface methodology and mixture experimental chemical elements are significant and contribute for
design. The proposing of various components better casting quality. The network does not disregard
significantly influences the properties of moulding the main alloying element or modifiers which make
sand and quality surface of iron casting. The authors changes in the crystallization process introduced in
have concluded that the optimal proportion of the small quantity into the metal bath, improving the
components was obtained at 93.3 mass % of one-time structure and property of the alloy.
recycled moulding sand, 5 mass % of bentonite, and
1.7 mass % of water. This mixture yielded the
optimal green compression strength of 53,090 N/m2,
Many researchers have conducted experiments to
the optimal permeability of 30 A.F.S. permeability
find the sand process parameters to get better quality
numbers and the overall desirability of 72%. The aim
castings. They have successfully reduced the casting
of optimization was to obtain a good set of moulding
defects considerably up to 6% by proper selecting
sand mixtures that maximized the desirability
sand parameters. Now looking to their recommended
process parameters, they vary in each case. So, we
Xiaoli Li and SK Tso [8] used x-ray inspection can conclude that the sand process parameters should
processed by traditional method and wavelet be decided experimentally depending on quality of
technique to facilitate automatic detection of internal sand. We should not select these parameters directly
defects. Using x-ray inspection system the 2nd order from other manufacturers.
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adaptive thresholding and 2-D wavelet
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