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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-5, Issue-4, Apr- 2018]

https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijaers.5.4.24 ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

Techno Economic Review on Casting Design

Steam Turbine Emergency Stop Valve (ESV)
Khamda Herbandono 1, Arifin 2, Harry Purnama 3, Agus Krisnowo 4
Specialist Engineer, Centre of Technology for Machinery Industry, TIRBR, BPPT, Jakarta, Indonesian
Engineer, Centre of Technology for Machinery Industry, TIRBR, BPPT, Jakarta, Indonesian
Principle Engineer, Centre of Technology for Machinery Industry, TIRBR, BPPT, Jakarta, Indonesian

Abstract—The development of computer aided design methods (trial & error) [1]. The current casting simulation
(CAE) technology, especially casting simulation software software has been widely accepted as an important tool in
(Magmasoft v5), can be utilized maximally as a tool to the design and development process of casting products
verify the design of castings that have been made to be that can improve casting yield and casting quality [2] [3].
able to meet the elements of QCD (quality, cost, delivery) Increased of casting yield can reduce cost of material, so
and compete in the market. This study aims to obtain an it will be savings cost that can make the product of the
optimal ESV housing casting design by reviewing and cast can compete in the market [4].
modifying the casting design in terms of both quality and Casting yield is the weight ratio of the cast product to the
economics. The process of design optimization with total weight of the casting (the weight of the cast product
casting simulation is an important step in the design and added with the total weight of the gating system).
development of casting products to improve casting yield Increase in casting value reflects the efficiency in the
and casting quality. The optimal design of castings is casting process which results in reduced material use and
obtained by improving the design through pouring system reduced production costs. The riser / feeder is the heaviest
using bottom pouring and optimizing the riser design. The component of the guttering channel (gating system)
results of this study obtained Design # 2 as a design which serves to supply additional metal liquid into the
choice of pouring system because it can improve the mold during shrinkage in the clotting process.
quality of casting products. Design # 2 optimized again Depreciation is affected by the effect of contraction that
into Design # 4 as the optimum design and able to occurs during freezing, either at [5]:
increase the yield casting by 5.11% from the previous 1. Liquid contraction (pouring temperature to
design (Design # 2). The result of techno economic liquids temperature)
analysis shows that by allocating 4% budget for design 2. Solidifying contraction (liquids to solids
cost can contribute to decrease of production cost of temperature)
foundry ESV housing up to 54,95%. 3. .Solid contraction (solids temperature to room
Keywords— Design optimization, Casting simulation, temperature)
Yield casting, Techno-economic. So in designing of gating system should consider the
existence of shrinkage factor (shrinkage allowance). In
I. INTRODUCTION Table 1 Shrinkage Allowance values can be shown as the
The development of computer aided design (CAE) amount of Shrinkage Allowance value on several main
technology, rapidly growing and becoming an integral material types.
part of industry development activities. One industry that
uses CAE applications is the casting industry. Table.1: Shrinkage Allowance [5]
Economically, the use of casting simulation is important Shrinkage Allowance
Material / Metal
because some advantages include: improve product ( % / [mm/mt] )
quality, because casting simulation can reduce the defect Cast iron 0.78 – 1.3 / [ 10 ]
of casting product, increase yield, so it can reduce feeder Aluminum alloys 1.3 / [ 15 ]
volume and gating channels per casting, modification to Bronze 1.0 – 1.6 / [ 16 ]
design can rapidly done, thereby reducing casting directly Steel 2.6 / [ 21 ]
by trial & error. This computational method of product
development is very advantageous than conventional

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-5, Issue-4, Apr- 2018]
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijaers.5.4.24 ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
Therefore, in designing of riser channel must be done prototype. Indication of failure is the existence from
optimally, because by adding the riser dimension will add defective castings (crack and porosity of casting
casting weight and then decrease casting yield. However, products). The failure of casting process is probably due
if the opposite or not appropriate, it can reduce the quality to errors in the design of the channel system and the raiser
of castings because of the inability to compensate for the system. By using casting simulation is expected to reduce
impact of depreciation. So it is important to consider in the amount of casting by trial error, also minimize the
designing of right riser either in size, shape, type, amount occurrence of casting defects.
or placement to get quality and efficient results [6]. By The design optimization process of ESV housing, which
casting simulation software, it can be used as a means to has been preceded by a casting simulation using
facilitate the design of computing and reduce the risk of Magmasoft v5 with required quality must meet the
trial and error in the real product. standards for JIS G5151 Grade SCPH2 and ASTM A 609
The casting simulation is also capable of providing an quality level 2. This research, will be focused on
overview of the casting process phenomenon which is a optimizing the design of the castings (improvement),
combination of freezing, heat transfer and fluid flow [7]. which used existing design with an orientation of
A quality and defect-free cast (soundness) can be increasing yield casting values and a review of the
achieved by setting the parameters [8]. So that the techno-economic analysis for the ESV housing casting
application of casting simulation can produce an effective process.
cast design and identify the location of defects in the
geometry of castings [9]. In general, the numerical
simulation combines three fundamental equations, the law
conservation of mass, momentum and energy [7]. In
addition to these three equations, the law of fluid flow
should also take into the laws of Bernoulli, Reynold
Number and Navier-Stokes. Since this casting simulation
is a complex phenomenon, the assumptions and
limitations used in the casting simulation must be
considered in order to obtain a representative result [9].
On the other hand, the casting simulation is just a
representation of the modeling, so it can not represent the
actual product of the castings, because the arrangement of
the casting simulation process parameters must be close
to the real condition and the result of the simulation needs
to be done in more depth analysis [10]. Fig.1: ESV Housing
In this research, a techno-economic study of casting
simulation will be done on the manufacture of emergency II. RESEARCH METHOD
stop valve (ESV), which is one of the component parts in The development of this research is focused in design of
the steam turbine as a throttle valve. ESV should be able ESV housing casting products that have been produced
to stop the vapor flow quickly and completely, either with the aim of increasing casting yield and for
automatically or manually when needed. ESV conducting a techno-economic review study with quality
components are enclosed by an ESV housing that to castings referring to the required standards of JIS G5151
maintain pressure from leakage and protection part from Grade SCPH2 and ASTM A 609 quality level 2 materials.
foreign objects. In the manufacturing process, ESV The optimization design of castings (improvement) is
housing is divided into 4 parts, the top, middle, bevel and already done by using the method of comparison both
lower casing. The middle ESV housing failed when technically and economically (techno-economic) between
casting process occurs frequently. The Geometry of ESV product in early castings to the results of design
can be seen in Figure 1. The ESV housing material is optimization using casting simulation software,
made of high-pressure, high-temperature JIS G5151 Magmasoft V5.
Grade SCPH2 steel. While the manufacturing process of Through the use of Magmasoft software v5 shrinkage
ESV Housing steam turbine is done by using the casting effects that occur can be predicted, so it can facilitate in
method (sand casting) and its completion with machining optimizing the design without using actual casting
process. The reason to study about techno-economic of products to get optimal design results. Reducing the riser
casting simulation in manufacturing process is several height in the riser area can increase the yield casting as
failures in casting ESV housing at the beginning of the illustrated in Figure 1.

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-5, Issue-4, Apr- 2018]
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijaers.5.4.24 ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
The research was conducted with an orientation on f. Mold :Green sand
increasing casting yield and quality by comparing the first g. Casting Temp :1.680oC
rejected design and two alternative design that already h. Casting Time :30 sec
improved and optimization from the best design
alternatives. Optimization through this decrease of riser III. RESULT AND ANALYSIS
height method is ~ 30%, based on previous simulation
,the result of analysis showing potential riser area to be
optimized, because the impact of shrinkage that occurs in
the riser area is still far from the castings, as can be
shown in Figure 2 Potential Area for Upper Yield Casting
(a) Design #1 (b) Design #2

(c) Design #3 (d) Design #4

Fig.3: 3D Gating System Design

Fig.2. Potential areas to increase Yield Casting In this study there are four designs to be analyzed, as
shown in Figure 3 3D Gating System Design. Design # 1
Step of this research is: was an initial design that had been cast without preceded
a. Design optimization, design and simulation casting using Magmasoft simulation analysis and failed. Then the
for: analysis and comparison between non-destructive test
 Design #1 :Result of first casting (rejected) results - Ultrasonic Test (NDT-UT) of castings product
 Design #2:alternative first improvement design with Magmasoft simulation results, as shown in Figure 4
 Design #3:alternative first improvement design Comparison of NDT-UT vs. Magmasoft.
 Design #4:optimization of repair design

b. Study of Techno Economic

This study is based on cost of material usage that
calculated from this equation [11].
C metal = Cunit metal x W cast x fm x fp x ff x fr (1)
C metal :Metal or material Cost ( Rp )
Cunit metal :Unit price of material (Rp /Kg)
W cast :weight of casting (Kg)
fm :Materials loss during melting factor
(1,01 – 1,12)
fp :Materials loss during pouring factor
(1,01 – 1,07)
ff :Materials loss during finishing factor
(1,01 – 1,07)
fr :Rejection factor (Steel: 1,00 – 1,12) Fig.4: Comparison between NDT-UT vs Magmasoft
Parameter and boundary condition are described :
a. CAD Software :CATIA V5 R19 From the comparative analysis can be seen that the
b. CAE Software :Magmasoft v5 suitability location of porosity between NDT-UT and
c. Solver :Solidification Magmasoft simulation, in the third area of radial flange
d. Method :Gravity casting direction and area of center of body valve. Porosity is a
e. Materials :ASTM A216 type of defect that commonly encountered in the presence
JIS G5151 Grade SCPH2 of cavities in casting products that can be caused by:
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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-5, Issue-4, Apr- 2018]
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijaers.5.4.24 ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
 The gas content in the melting process allowance for product quality repair efforts. When
 Air and gas trapped during charging compared, Design # 4 is more efficient with product
 The metal shrinkage when freezing weight 181.3 kg, weight gating system 72.37 kg and
 And combinations-combinations casting yield value of 71.47%. The results of a survey
The initial analysis results about pattern need to be conducted in the American casting industry that the value
changed with consideration of flow improvement to of casting yield for steel castings with a mass of about
minimize turbulence during liquid metal filling by 55% weight and the value can be increased for smelting
changing side pouring to bottom pouring and cast-ability the lighter steel [12]. So the yield casting value for this
design improvement by providing additional machining ESV housing is still relevant for the casting process..
allowance in flange area. In addition, different wall
thickness variations lead to varying cooling rates, to
compensate shrinkage and to seek directional
solidification need an adequate riser system.
The concept of design change is added into Design # 2
(using 2 in-gate) and Design # 3 (using 3 in-gate). In
general, the results of Design # 2 and Design # 3 are
almost the same in quality but Design # 2 has higher yield
casting, so Design # 2 is chosen to be optimized to
increase casting yield to be Design # 4.

3.1 Design Analysis And Simulation Fig.6: Comparison of Yield Casting

Based on the simulation results with solidification criteria
- porosity as shown in Figure 5, the four designs of ESV The Magmasoft software makes it easy to design in trying
housing have defect potential trend in same area that is in various gating system designs to get the most optimum
the flange and middle body valve connection area design in terms of quality and efficiency. The result of
design and simulation analysis, Design # 4 is the most
optimum design. In addition, the ability of the simulated
casting software Magmasoft to predict areas of potential
defect can be used as input at the time of the casting
process, for example by the use of chill and chromium
sand on the walls of the casing which is critical to help
freezing process.
(a) Design #1 (b) Design #2
3.2 Analysis of Techno-Economic
The details of casting process cost consist of several
elements ranging from material purchase, design,
production, testing to profit, which depends on the
process being applied [13]. This can be illustrated as
shown in Figure 7 below.
(c) Design #3 (d) Design #4

Fig.5: Result of design simulation and porosity

In the quality of the simulation results, the maximum

potential defects are shown in Design # 1 and at least in
Design # 4. In Design # 4 has a better quality of casting
results based on the color gradation in the range of 80-
90%. The results of the research optimized the design of
ESV housing castings, as compared to the increase in
yield casting from each design experiment can be shown
in Figure 6. Design # 1 is the highest efficiency (yield
casting) but the lowest quality. Therefore, other design
alternatives are sought, Design # 2, # 3 and # 4 have a
larger product weight due to the addition of machining Fig.7: Detail of casting cost[13]

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-5, Issue-4, Apr- 2018]
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijaers.5.4.24 ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
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Acknowledgments to Director of Center for Technology
for Machinery Industry and PT. Nusantara Turbine
Propultion with PT. Copal Utama Indomelting who have
provided facilities for this research.

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