Cosmic DNA1 and 2 Activation
Cosmic DNA1 and 2 Activation
Cosmic DNA1 and 2 Activation
This transcript has been published free of charge by IP owner Michelle Manders and
Palace of Peace in support of people seeking clarity, healing and peace. Therefore, we
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Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked
with the Channelling Being and a similar process facilitated with you, which is just as powerful. Do not
concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the live channelling. You
will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing & Purpose.
I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet you at this
time and bring to you the blessings of truth, adventure, introspection and simplicity;
greetings beloved ones.
And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon
this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.
As we gather with you in the presence of all that is embodied within the creative expression
of the Christ, we bring you an opportunity to experience the cosmic vibrations you have
magnetically attracted to yourself. Many levels of life, learning cycles you have completed,
and standing in the presence of the cosmic vibrations prepared you for another journey of
enlightenment, upliftment, expansion, discovery and realisation. The cosmic DNA strands
one and two unite the voice of the heart with the voice of the throat. Heart and throat
merge; held together by the two cosmic strands between the heart chakra and the throat
chakra, activating the thymus portal on yet another level. The thymus portal is your thymus
chakra located in the thymus gland area, and is the core portal or gateway, to the core of
your soul. Your thymus gland governs your soul immunity and how immune you are to the
lower ego's reactions to what your soul presents.
Today you unite with the energy of your Cosmic Counterpart and in so doing, you manifest
an awesome process of experiencing physical and emotional maturing. On a physical level, it
is related to your chosen reactions to the physical world; your lower ego experiences. On an
emotional level, it is the reactions to the behaviour of others within the physical realm you
call life. This is a time of accelerating the psychological development of Lightworkers so as to
ensure that the ratio of spiritual illumination is balanced with the ratio of emotional and
intellectual development. Physically the body changes as a result of that which is
experienced emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Every vibrational imprint of energy
changing emotionally, mentally or spiritually changes the cellular signature within your
physical body; which affects the molecules and atomic structure of your body, therefore the
energy within you and around you changes. Magnetically your world is altered forever.
Take a deep breath in through your nose, and exhale fully through your mouth. Repeat this
and feel your body relax, feel your muscles soften and your mind surrender to the peace and
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stillness of the inner source of love. For a moment, shift your attention to Mother Earth.
Visualise a magnificent ray of love extending from your heart chakra into the core of her
being. Acknowledge her as a source of life, source of love and energy stimulating, nurturing
and inspiring you. Open your heart to receive her response. Now shift your focus to the
heavens; to Father Sky. Open your heart and extend a powerful ray of love to the heart of
Father Sky, giving thanks and acknowledging the source of life you receive from him, the
nurturing, the love and the guidance. Keep your heart chakra open awaiting his response,
reciprocating the powerful love you expressed to him.
Focus your attention on your heart chakra; extend a spiral of love into your environment
moving in a clockwise direction, manifesting a feminine vibration. Now extend a spiral of
love into your environment moving in an anti-clockwise direction manifesting the vibrations
of the masculine energy, and as the god and goddess vibrations merge, so the creation of
your Cosmic Counterpart ignites within your heart chakra. This ignition is a very unique
signature; a recognition of a love so pure, so divine, and so complete, a love that unites you
with all of who you are. Expand your heart and consciousness to allow for this presence to
enfold you, activating the Cosmic Imprint of your Cosmic Counterpart within you and all
around you. Inhale this energy imagining its vibrations resuscitating all the dormant aspects
of yourself that lost faith, and hope, all the aspects that were suffocated by pain and sorrow,
by fear and belief in lack, loss, and limitation.
As this vibration emerges within you, Lord Sananda appears before you. The light of his
heart chakra burns like a bonfire. The warmth of the love he emits envelops you and as you
listen carefully, you hear the sound of his heart beating in unison with yours. The flame of
his heart extends beyond his form and touches your heart. Inhale the flame allowing it to
ignite the vibrations of your first and second cosmic strands of DNA. It activates the Cosmic
God and Cosmic Goddess Counterparts uniting heart and throat; your voice of truth, the
divine expression of the language of the heart.
Continue to breathe in deeply and exhaling fully as Lord Sananda shifts the energy in your
heart chakra, ensuring the connection between heart and throat are in perfect divine
alignment. Imagine the flame of Lord Sanandas heart expanding and enveloping your body,
the heat and vibrations of the flame melting your walls of defence, all the aspects of you
frozen in time; the aspects feeling isolated from your truth, and as the water begins to flow
from the warmth of his heart flame, your emotional body is released and embraced by the
Cosmic Lords and Ladies of the Cosmic World and they begin facilitating the process of your
emotional maturing. They now extend a ray of love in a clockwise direction through your
environment, increasing the vibration of your first and second cosmic strands increasing the
vibrations of the energies emitted from your throat and heart chakras, and your magnetic
signature begins to change, which is done automatically by your higher self. This, in itself,
facilitates a profound shift in your emotional body resulting in a graceful release through
your physical body. This release will manifest through the water system of your body,
therefore, your kidneys and sweat glands will facilitate this release. Nurture your body with
lots of pure water, and if possible place a rose quartz, quartz and amethyst crystal in your
drinking water.
Inhale as the Cosmic Lords rotate a ray of love in a clockwise direction, activating your
Cosmic Heart Chakra giving birth to your Cosmic Signature. The vibration of your Cosmic
Signature draws the Signature of your Cosmic Counterpart into your energy field and seals it
within the universe of your heart chakra. Imagine a voice emerging from deep within your
heart; words spilling forth, sounds; each vibration of every sound caressing the cells,
molecules and atoms of your body, creating a new energy field around you.
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Beloved ones, you are manifesting a completely new Cosmic Energy Field which will replace
the aura of your old paradigm body and consciousness. This New Energy Field embodies the
Signature of your Cosmic Counterpart; the full expression of your God and Goddess self, and
the Holy Language of the Heart, the True Voice of Father/Mother God. Simply surrender to
the language Father/Mother God reveal to you; the original language before the Tower of
Babel; a language of the heart beloved ones, which is the key to the complete liberation of
your soul.
Take another deep breath in, exhaling fully as you allow this energy to settle within your
chakras; imagining it moving through your body from heaven to earth, blessing Mother Earth
with the same energy you are integrating. Imagine Lord Sananda stepping closer into your
energy field and handing you a magnificent crystal. Allow your imagination to create the
crystal, accept it from him and place it in the centre of your heart and feel what the crystal
has to say to you.
Now imagine an infinite source of love pouring into your heart chakra like an endless river,
filling you with everything you need. A divine infinite source of love is a free energy available
to all of you; one you must now learn how to utilise to its fullest, so as to experience your
Cosmic Power. Your Cosmic Power embodies the masculine and feminine energy of your
Cosmic Monad, your Monad being your Complete Self. Inhale this energy and relax. Feel
Lord Sanandas energy swirling around you, relaxing all the fibres of your muscles, and
opening a graceful flow of peace and harmony from your crown down your spine, down your
legs and your arms.
In your mind's eye imagine the energy of your Cosmic Counterpart appearing in its
magnificent vibration before you; some of you may see a face, others of you may just feel
familiar energy, it doesn't matter what you feel or see, open your heart to embrace this
energy; the familiarity, the being and the knowing that the love standing before you is of the
purest vibration available to you right now.
Open your throat chakra, open your third eye and crown chakras and extend this light to
connect with that of your Cosmic Counterpart. Open your solar plexus, your sacral chakra,
and your base chakra and see your light reach out and merge with the chakras of your
Cosmic Counterpart and the love that begins to fill you becomes not only an elixir of new
life, but also a healing balm, cleansing the wounds of your past and accelerating your
healing. The scars of old wounds begin to fade as your entire consciousness is brought into
the Cosmic Presence of your Cosmic Counterpart and the vibration of love and light
represented by your first two strands of Cosmic DNA. Your Cosmic Counterpart is your Core
Stabiliser through your inner child's ability to co-create within and through the Infinite
Source of Love, and so Cosmic Light and Cosmic Love become a motivating inspiring energy
propelling you into higher dimensions of self-expression.
Take another deep breath in and as you exhale, feel Cosmic Love moving in a clockwise and
counter clockwise direction creating the Cosmic Spirals of Cosmic Light and Cosmic Love, as
your first two strands of Cosmic DNA are anchored firmly within the masculine aspect of your
base chakra.
Breathe in and as you exhale, feel Lord Sananda increase the vibrations of your Cosmic
Signature light quotient penetrating your crown chakra, raising the vibration of all the minor
chakras extending from the seven major chakras of your physical body. This additional light
quotient accelerates the vibration of the chakras of your Emotional, Mental, and Spirit body,
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and your Cosmic Aura vibrates like a torch in a dark night. As your Cosmic Light floods the
planes of darkness, so all who have been trapped in fear are blessed with Cosmic Love, all of
them see they have a choice to turn into the light and choose a different experience. As a
result, beloved ones, you are presented with the same gift: the opportunity to choose
anything you believe will add substance to your life. Take a moment now to imagine this,
focus your intention and extend it from your heart chakra to your Cosmic Counterpart when
you are ready.
As soon as your intention merges with your Cosmic Counterpart, gently nudge it through
your Cosmic Counterpart to settle within the Flaming Heart of Lord Sananda who carries it
forth to the Cosmic Council, and from here it extends into the Infinite Source of love; the
Source embodying all the qualities of co-creation in all its abundant forms.
Take a deep breath in now and place your hands over your heart chakra. Give thanks for the
Cosmic Light and Love you have opened yourself to receive upon this day. Acknowledge the
Cosmic Strands of Light and Love extending between your heart and your throat chakras.
These strands become avenues of communication; an opportunity to express the new
language of the Sacred Heart, communicating words that change the world within you and
all around you, words motivated by the Infinite Source of Love giving life to that which is
depleted and deprived of life force.
Take three deep breaths in and out and on your third exhalation, your Cosmic Counterpart
steps forward and merges completely with your body. This mergence seals the energy
activated and anchored upon this day. The Cosmic Light and Love you now breathe through
you and into you, represents the New Cosmic Breath for your planet. Beloved ones, nurture
yourself with these vibrations, and know that as the higher quotients of light reveal more of
the truth to you, and more of the Sacred Language of the Heart expressed, more divinity
embraces you, and more of your purpose is revealed to you. You mature emotionally,
mentally, spiritually, and your physical body opens like a flower to receive all this infinite,
divinely motivated energy, and every cell in your body is fed with the nutrients of love.
Lay your hands on your lap with your palms turned up to the heavens, and imagine the flow
of energy moving in through your left palm up your arm, your shoulder, through your throat,
into your heart. Feel it moving up your heart to your throat, into your right shoulder, down
your arm, and out through the right palm chakra, extending into the universe and back to
you. Now imagine an energy penetrating your left chakra on the sole of your foot, moving
up your left leg into your base chakra, up your spine and into your heart chakra. Feel it
move down your spine, into your right leg, all the way down and out through the chakra in
the sole of your right foot and into Mother Earth and into her heart. And so the rotation of
energy continues between Heaven and Earth, merging in your heart, feeling the process of
anchoring the first two Cosmic Strands of DNA and seeding the Earth with Cosmic Lights and
Anchoring of this Cosmic Counterpart Energy and merging with your Cosmic Counterpart,
prepares the Earth energy to welcome in the Christed vibrations that shall be ignited within
the heart of humanity on the 21st of December 2012. This flame burns within you beloved
one, and every Cosmic Flame that shall come from this time, held by Lord Sananda within
the Cosmic DNA, will add fuel to your passion for life.
Give thanks to Lord Sananda. Give thanks to your Cosmic Counterpart, to the Cosmic Lords
and Ladies of the light, and give thanks to the Infinite Source of Love for always being
present. Give thanks to yourself for choosing this process today. Take a deep breath in and
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as you exhale, draw your consciousness back into your body maintaining the flow between
Heaven and Earth through your body. With each in breath and exhalation feel more of you
present in your physical body in your current timeline. Take one last deep breath, and as you
exhale, pull your energy down your spine, extending it out through your feet and rooting
yourself firmly back on Earth. Rotate your wrists and shoulders, rotate your neck and your
ankles and affirm you are fully grounded.
Beloved ones, the creation of your New Cosmic Aura extends in a radius, at this time as we
speak to you, of 500 km. This energy vibration extends as far as it does because it anchors
the Cosmic Light and Love you have been exposed to today. Because you have chosen to
serve as anchors of these energies, the next 72 hours are very important, for you
have the opportunity to feel the vibration of your Cosmic Aura and become
accustomed to the extra space you have within and around you, and also take the
time to choose the quality magnetic vibrations you are manifesting; in other words,
choosing the quality energy you magnetically emit, and that which you choose to attract to
yourself and be attracted to.
As most of you already know, this is the greatest time in the Earth's spiritual history, where
the lower ego is coming apart as it is, making way for the soul to stand fully in its power
within a conscious organism experiencing life. This experience and expression of life will
change the Cosmic Signature and Cosmic Plan laid out for planet Earth, and as Earth's
consciousness moves beyond the Earth Matrix created by the lower ego, and into the realms
of Light, motivated and managed by the Universal Beings of the Source of Love, so you will
experience the birth of the new world. You will witness the expansion of Golden Age
Consciousness beyond the realms the lower ego has imprisoned you within. It is a time of
rapid awakening. The spiritual illumination being experienced and still to come embodies
some of the greatest gifts humanity will witness. Initially it may appear shocking, however,
the gift emerging from that which is broken open to reveal the truth, will be so precious, no
one will regret that which has broken down.
So beloved ones embrace the Cosmic Source you have opened yourself to receive this day.
Align yourself with the Infinite Source of Love. Know it is free and with you always; it is
unlimited in every aspect. You will feel the vibrations of the increased light quotients moving
through your body, which may result at times, in the possibility of you feeling a little lightheaded, perhaps a little queasy, and at times, fatigued. All you need to do is sit quietly for a
few minutes; if you are able to have a 10 or 15-minute catnap, please do so. You might also
become very thirsty because the water system of your body will be releasing toxins of the
isolated aspects of self which have been frozen in time, therefore, remember to keep your
body well hydrated. Place the crystals I suggested in your water, which support the Cosmic
Vibrations you are receiving. And be gentle with yourself.
Lord Kuthumi, could you please tell us a bit more about the secret language of
the heart.
Certainly. This language was not limited to words such as the various languages of your
world today. The language of the heart was a vibration shared amongst individuals. It was
as if everybody's heart chakra was a constant beaming light. Close your eyes and visualise a
beautiful light inside your heart chakra. Have you ever seen a rose quartz lamp? And the
colour from the rose quartz lamp? It is exactly the light within the heart chakra that
extended itself out to everyone around. Imagine that light emitting vibrations and each
vibration was a language on its own which extended into every realm in existence and
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communication was conducted with such grace and such ease that no conflict existed, for
the truth was always communicated.
If you can hold that vision as often as is possible and imagine yourself speaking to one
another, not only from the mouth, but from the heart, you will reignite these powerful
vibrations, and that is what the Sacred Language of the Heart is all about, which you have
opened up to today. When you communicate with animals, children, and nature, speak from
your heart rather than trying to project from the third eye chakra. The language of the heart
is the most powerful language in existence because it is the Sacred Language of Love, the
only language in existence that bypasses any barrier existing .
Many Lightworkers are feeling as if they are in a no man's land right now. This is because
the transition out of the Earth Matrix into the Divine Source is in progress. The breakdown of
the construct created by the lower ego is leaving many Lightworkers feeling detached, some
even lost: not knowing if there is any purpose left on Earth, because if the ego no longer
exists, no longer wants or desires or needs anything, what is left? Beloved ones, it is ones
such as yourselves moving through this transition, honouring the voice of the heart, who will
discover the truth beyond the Earths Illusion Matrix. It is akin to what many souls
experience at a time of guide changes, which is also happening, because you are moving
into higher realms of consciousness. Many of you have chosen to be managed and inspired
purely by soul and source, resulting in the falling away of the old paradigm which has
sustained the illusion to date.
As you move out of those dimensional experiences, the Cosmic Vibrations bring new
experiences into your field; your New cosmic Aura created today. As one makes this
transition, it feels alone, separate, and even scary. Trust that where you are moving to is a
world of greater light. This period of shifting is very similar to what the soul experiences
when they leave the earth plane and make their way into another place before choosing
another cycle of experience. Those of you experiencing the deep inner shifts, breaking
through the illusions, you are being groomed to assist those who will eventually go through
similar processes as the Ascension Waves of 2012 comes closer. During this time try not
focus too much on what you should be doing, rather, remain within the stillness; pray,
meditate, be creative, and keep yourself aligned with the Infinite Source of Love, affirming
that guidance come to you leading you in the direction of truth, whatever that might be, and
with complete trust that where you will find yourself in the next moment is, and will always
be, a moment of truth.
As you ease yourself into what you have been presented with, you will find the dynamic
shifts and what overwhelmed you in the past becomes the graceful flow of interaction and
expression. Be careful of your need to be perfect. The truth is you cannot be more perfect
than you already are, therefore just be.
Children are also being deeply affected by this new energy vibration. And, if you are a
parent, or grand-parent, your genetic vibration will communicate and activate the New
Cosmic Code of their Cosmic DNA as a result of what you have experienced today. This will
create a vibration resulting in children needing authenticity now more than ever. Children
need to know the gift of being authentic, rather than being groomed to be perfect robots.
You are teachers of authenticity for all your children. These children know when you are not
being authentic and will push your buttons until you until you let your truth be expressed, for
they are teachers as much as you are theirs. They know what truth is, and most times will
not settle for anything less.
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And so it is then, beloved ones, that we embrace you in the energy that anchors everything
you require to be authentic, and to express yourself through the Sacred Language of the
Heart. Trust in the many invisible arms that hold you, carry and comfort you, and know that
not ever are you alone. May the Light of Father/Mother God shine brightly upon the
pathway you have chosen to walk and may all, always be well in your world.
I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom, and I greet him bless you
and love. Adonai.
Michelle Manders
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